St. Mary of the Isle Roman Catholic Church


St. Mary of the Isle Roman Catholic Church
St. Mary of the Isle Roman Catholic Church
Sixth Sunday of Easter
May 1, 2016
Saturday, April 30
Acts 16: 1-10/ Ps 100: 1-2, 3, 5/ JN 15: 18-21
5:00 PM
John Guglielmi
Thomas Farrell
Joseph Kellen
Sunday, May 1
Acts 15: 1-2, 22-29/ Ps 67: 2-3, 5-6, 8/ Rv 21: 10-14, 22-23/
Jn 14: 23-29
8:00 AM
Anne Maroney
9:30 AM
Inés Fuentes
Lupe & Berly Rivera
11:00 AM
Linda D’Aray
6:30 PM
Eileen T. Mahan
Monday, May 2
Acts 16: 11-15/ Ps 149: 1-6, 9/ Jn 15: 26-16: 4
9:00 AM
Oliver Darcy
Tuesday, May 3
1 Cor 15: 1-8/ Ps 19: 2-5/ Jn 14: 6-14
9:00 AM
Lena Prochilo
Wednesday, May 4
Acts 17: 15, 22 - 18: 1/ Ps 148: 1-2, 11-14/ Jn 16: 12-15
9:00 AM
Vera Holland
7:00 PM
Vigil Mass The Ascension of the Lord
8:00 PM
Vigilia de la Ascensión del Señor
Thursday, May 5 The Ascension of the Lord
Acts 1: 1-11/ Ps 47: 2-3, 6-9/ Eph 1: 17-23/ Lk 24: 26-53
9:00 AM
Elizabeth Campion
7:30 PM
The Ascension of the Lord
Friday, May 6
Acts 18: 9-18/ Ps 47: 2-7/ Jn 16: 20-23
9:00 AM
Linda Darcy
Saturday, May 7
Acts 18: 23-28/ Ps 47: 2-3, 8-10/ Jn 16: 23-28
5:00 PM
Doris Speidel
Jhon Welch
Camille Sterrer
Ana Bauman
Arleen Ercole
Baby Alexandra
Bill Healy
Dorothy Boe
Eugene Harrison
Gloria Ostendorf
Joan Yavorcik
John Downey
John Enright
John Schwarz
Kevin Doherty
Joseph Ingraffia
Josephine Anne O’Keeffe
Laura Lilley Yavorcik
Lauren Dittrich Bilyeu
Marge Haggerty
Mary Curnyn
Mary L. Phelan
Mary Meyer
Mick Ennis
Nena Ayala
Patricia Connelly
Ralph Gagliano
Richard Webster
Robert E. Lee
Robert Lilley
Tito Squeo
Sunday, May 8
Acts 7: 55-60/ Ps 97: 1-2, 6-7, 9/ Rv 22: 12-14, 16-17, 20/ Jn 17:20-26
8:00 AM
9:30 AM
11:00 AM
6:30 PM
Dorothy Astone
Aurora Arroyo Astocondor
Elena Ochoa
Mother’s Day
JoAnn Jermann
Banns of Marriage
Edmond Wong
Charina Ramos
St. Mary of the Isle Roman Catholic Church
Incl. Online
this week:
May 5 The Ascension of the Lord
May 7 First Communion, 10 am & 12 pm
May 14 The Needlework Ministry, 10 am
May 16 Confirmation, 4 pm
May 19 Holy Hour, 7:30 pm
Men & Women Holy Hour
May 19
@ 7:30 pm
Presided by
Fr. James Hansen
St. Mary of the Isle Roman Catholic Church
Sixth Sunday of Easter
May 1, 2016
Don’t Forget Your Baby Bottle!
The Ascension of
the Lord Solemnity
On Mother’s Day weekend, May 7th & 8th, St. Mary of the
Isle parish will be hosting a Baby Bottle Fundraiser to
benefit The Life Center of Long Island.
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Holy Day of Obligation
On this day, the risen Christ,
in the sight of His apostles,
ascended bodily into Heaven.
Wednesday, May 4
7:00 p.m. Vigil Mass (English)
8:00 pm Mass (Spanish)
The Life Center is a crisis pregnancy center that counsels women and men who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. Did you know that they provide:
 free pregnancy tests
 maternity housing with
eligibility requirements
 medical care
 referrals
 cribs
 car seats
 diapers
 …and all other baby items that may be needed
We are asking that you pick up a baby bottle and fill it
with your change. Most importantly, we are asking you
to recite the prayer on the bottle.
Thursday, May 5
9:00 am Mass (English)
7:30 p.m. Mass - (English)
Please return the bottles on
May 28th & 29th
Living Memorial
We have planted eight trees
in our parking lot.
If anyone is interested in
memorializing a tree to honor
a loved one, please call the
Rectory Office.
Donation $1,000 per tree
Memorial plaques at each tree
St. Mary of the Isle Roman Catholic Church
Sunday—May 15th - 6:30 Mass & Rehearsal Immediately Following Mass
*All Confirmandi and Sponsors must attend *
**Please make sure your student has submitted all their paperwork**
Any questions please call the office 516-432-1320
or email [email protected]
First Eucharist May 7th at 10am & 12pm (for 2nd & 3rd Grades):
Rehearsal for 10am mass— Tuesday—May 3rd @ 4:30pm
Rehearsal for 12pm mass—Wednesday—May 4th @ 4:30pm
First Eucharist May 15th @ 11:00am Mass (for upper grade children)
Rehearsal—Monday—May 2nd @ 4:30pm
Any questions please call the office 516-432-1320
or email [email protected]
Friday 5/6 7 to 10 pm
Middle Schoolers
“Remain in my love”
- John 15:9
For more info, contact
[email protected]
CONFIRMATION REHEARSAL for St. Mary of the Isle Students
St. Mary of the Isle Roman Catholic Church
Sexto Domingo de Pascua
1 de mayo de 2016
Solemnidad de la Ascensión del Señor
Jueves 5 de mayo, 2016
Día de Obligación
En este día, el Cristo resucitado,
ante los ojos de Sus apóstoles,
ascendió corporalmente al Cielo.
Miércoles 4 de mayo - Vigilia
7:00 p.m. Misa en inglés
8:00 pm Misa en español
Jueves 5 de mayo
9:00 am Misa en inglés
7:30 p.m. Misa en inglés
St. Mary of the Isle
Grupo de Oración Santa Mónica
Segundo y cuarto viernes de cada mes,
7:30 pm
Salón de arriba del escenario
en el Salón Parroquial de Sta. María
¡Todos nuestros hijos pertenecen a Dios
Y necesitan nuestras oraciones!!!
Únase a nosotros para rezar por la conversión de todos
los hijos de Dios, mediante la ayuda de La Virgen María
y la intercesión de Santa Mónica.
Rezaremos el Santo Rosario, La Coronilla de La
Misericordia, el Rosario de la Liberación y otras
oraciones y cantos. Las oraciones serán bilingües, en
inglés y en español.
¡Todos son Bienvenidos!
Para información, favor contactar a Cathie at 516-313-3297,
Suzanne 516-547-8084 o Elsa 516-606-5732 (español)
Al celebrar el día de las
madres este mes, una
vez mas tendremos la
Novena de Misas de la
Parroquia celebrada por
nueve días consecutivos a partir del lunes
9. Es muy apropiado recordar a nuestras
madres en oración durante esta novena.
Para esta novena, hay sobres disponibles
a la entrada de la iglesia. Si usted desea
participar, sólo tiene que anotar el nombre
de su madre, viva o fallecida, en uno de
estos sobres, incluya su donación y
deposítelo en la canasta de la donación o
envíelo a la oficina de la parroquia.