technical notes


technical notes
technical notes
The Trimble® survey manager™ software is a powerful Field and office software for the collection, processing,
and visualization of data collected during precise real-time kinematic surveys. The integration of survey
data from various sources has never been so easy. you can use the Trimble survey manager Field, Tablet,
configurator, or Trimble survey office software to process survey data from a variety of instruments—in an
easy to use, flexible surveying system that helps you to increase efficiency and productivity.
a suRvEy soluTion FoR FiEld and oFFicE
The Trimble Survey Manager Field, Tablet, Configurator,
and Office software were specifically developed as field
and office software programs for collecting, processing
and visualizing precise real-time kinematic (RTK) data.
Due to their versatility, the Trimble Survey Manager Field,
Tablet, Configurator, and Office software have become a
standard in cadastral surveying, engineering and GIS data
A universal interface driver enables you to connect
to a variety of instruments—from Trimble Integrated
Surveying (GNSS and optical instruments) to Spatial
Imaging equipment.
Trimble Survey Manager Office software is a standalone program for postprocessing GNSS and optical data
collected in the field. Use it to easily solve complex tasks
and to present them in a clear format.
The Trimble Survey Manager Field and Trimble
Survey Manager Tablet software provide the same ease
of use as the Trimble Survey Manager Office software
and are optimized for in-field use. The user interface for
GNSS and optical instruments is reliable and easy to use.
The Trimble Survey Manager Field and Trimble Survey
Manager Tablet software are available for two different
operating systems. The Trimble Survey Manager Field
software is designed for efficient data collection and runs
on rugged Trimble controllers with Microsoft® Windows
Mobile® and Windows CE .NET operating systems. The
Trimble Survey Manager Tablet software runs on Tablet
PCs with Microsoft Windows®. Using its processing
power and the enhanced graphic capabilities, it can
also be used for survey Quality Assurance and Control
analysis and GIS data collection. The Trimble Survey
Manager Field and Trimble Survey Manager Tablet
software allow you to use the platform that is best suited
for your applications.
Trimble Survey Manager Configurator software is
a dedicated version of the Trimble Survey Manager
Tablet software for the configuration of GNSS equipment.
Users can configure the NMEA and PPS outputs for
GNSS equipment to enable the automatic external
processing of GNSS data. In addition, The Trimble
Survey Manager Configurator software allows dial-up
connections to RTK reference station networks, such as
the Trimble VRS Now™ service.
THE seamless compatibility and the intuitive INTERFACE OF the TRIMBLE SURVEY MANAGER FIELD,
A software solution for cadastral
and engineering surveys
Controls GNSS, optical
total stations and
Integrated Surveying
A software solution for
GIS data collection and
Spatial Imaging
A software solution for
field and office
Areas of application of Trimble Survey Manager Field, Tablet, Configurator and Office.
You can use Trimble Survey Manager Field and Trimble
Survey Manager Tablet software with Trimble Spatial
Imaging solutions, such as the Trimble VX™ Spatial Station,
to identify and capture relevant data by simply clicking on
the controller’s real-time video screen. The corresponding
image and position data make them an ideal complement
for GIS data collection.
technical notes
TRimblE inTEGRaTEd suRvEyinG – sEamlEss inTERacTion oF Gnss and opTical daTa
The Trimble Survey Manager Field and Trimble Survey Manager Tablet software guarantee a seamless interaction
of GNSS and optical data. You can simultaneously use and control GNSS equipment and optical total stations,
which means that you do not have to change controllers or work with several interfaces. The control point routine
is optimized and allows for easy and efficient control point registration. Users can switch between the collection of
GNSS and optical data at any time. Data can also be seamlessly transferred directly to the Trimble Survey Manager
Office software or to other Trimble Office software for processing.
The Trimble Survey Manager Field and Tablet software are an important part of Trimble Integrated Surveying™ technology. You can use
the Trimble Survey Manager software on the platform that best suits your surveying needs. This includes Tablet PCs, Notebooks, as well as
the Trimble controllers, for example the Trimble CU controller and the popular Trimble TSC2® controller.
TRimblE suRvEy manaGER oFFicE soFTwaRE
The Trimble Survey Manager Office software processes
data using industry standards and user-defined formats.
Projects that were saved in the Trimble Survey Manager
Field or Tablet software can be seamlessly transferred to
the Trimble Survey Manager Office software.
Users can select the required processing method and
create custom reports. Default report templates that
meet a variety of official and governmental standards
are also available.
The Trimble Survey Manager Field, Tablet, Configurator, and
Office software are ideal for a wide range of survey tasks:
• Observationofpoint,linesandareasfor:
– Cadastral surveys
– Real estate surveys
– Topographic surveys
– Utility surveys
– GIS data collection
• Analysisofduplicatepointsandmultiplepointobservations
• Documentationoffieldsurveys
• Writtendocumentationofcoordinatecalculationsfor
official use (cadastral field sheets)
• Conciseas-builtsurveys
• Deviceconfiguration
• Recordingandviewingoftidegaugeobservations
suppoRTEd impoRT and EXpoRT FoRmaTs
Creating Reports with Trimble Survey Manager Office
TRimblE suRvEy manaGER FiEld and TablET soFTwaRE
The Trimble Survey Manager Field software runs on
rugged Trimble controllers, for example the Trimble CU
or the TSC2 controller.
The Trimble Survey Manager Tablet software runs on
or XP. The Trimble Survey Manager Tablet software has
extended GIS data collection and GIS data modeling
The following file formats are supported:
• ASI-Format(Thuringia,Germany)
• BGRUND-Fortführung(Baden-Wurttemberg,Germany)
• DAVIDKSRformat(GBAFlurb,Germany)
• EDBSformat(pointsonly)
• Geografformat(*.pkt,*.out,Germany)
• Kartenart00(LowerSaxony,Germany)
• Kafkaformat
• Calculationresultlists(Berechnungsheft)
• Totalstationobservationlogs(North-RhineWestphalia,
• GNSSobservationlogs
(North-RhineWestphalia,LowerSaxony,BadenWurttemberg and other German federal states)
• GNSSandSAPOSobservationprotocols
• CSVfilesforuseinspreadsheets
• ESRISHAPEfiles(geometry)
• DXFfiles(geometry)
• Customimportandexportformats
Users can create and load GIS data models and import or
export different models or GIS data from GE Smallworld
addition, you can easily collect GIS data in the field using
GNSS and optical total stations and import them into
your Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
powERFul and uniQuE cadasTRal
suRvEyinG FEaTuREs
The Trimble Survey Manager Field and Trimble Survey
Manager Tablet software enable you to use an optimized
workflow for cadastral surveys with GNSS and optical
GNSS vectors and station setups can easily be
transformed into customized or official standard
coordinates. A minimum of one backsight is required
to perform a transformation. The transformation
parameters can be defined, calculated or copied from
previous measurements. All calculations and results are
output according to cadastral requirements.
technical notes
Height Adjustments–HeightadjustmentsforGNSS
observations are either performed locally, using a geoid
model, or both. The Trimble Survey Manager Field,
Tablet, Configurator and Office software support both
bilinear grid interpolation and Digital Finite Element
points observed with GNSS systems or total stations can
also be adjusted vertically, horizontally, or both.
Storing Multiple Point Observations – When
performing multiple observations to the same point, the
software displays the deltas from the average or design
values for individual observations. Averages can be
calculated for individual station setups or for a complete
set of observations. In addition, individual repetition
shots can be enabled or disabled to optimize results.
Repetition shots with corresponding
variations and averages
GPS Calibration with the Trimble Survey Manager Tablet
Observations that exceed the defined tolerance are
marked, allowing you to identify, verify or discard the
corresponding observations while still in the field.
TRimblE suRvEy manaGER FiEld, TablET, and
oFFicE sTandaRd FEaTuREs
TRimblE suRvEy manaGER FiEld soFTwaRE FoR
Gnss suRvEys
The Trimble Survey Manager Field and Trimble Survey
Manager Tablet software are excellent software solutions
for GNSS surveys, using for example with Trimble R8
GNSS receivers. Users can conveniently configure the
GNSS data collection via the field software. When using
the new RTCM online transformation service, which
is available via the Trimble VRS Now service, GNSS
data can automatically be transformed into official
coordinate systems. Individual data or entire projects
can be transferred to Trimble office software solutions,
such as the Trimble Survey Manager Office or Trimble
• Support for GNSS receivers*, optical total stations and the
Trimble VX Spatial Station
• Support for real-time network corrections, such as Trimble VRS
Now, SAPOS and others*
• Support RTCM versions 2.0 up to version 3.1*
• Support for RTCM Online Transformations for global coordinate
transformations in real-time*
• Networked transfer of RTCM data via Internet Protocol (Ntrip)*
• NMEA and PPS output control*
• Stack processing
• Project-related data management
• Import and processing of Trimble DC files and Trimble Survey
Manager files that were generated in the field
• Global coordinate adaptation via Trimble Survey Manager or
Xtra© (LGN)*
• Use of custom or default global transformation parameters*
• Height adaptation—local or via geoid model*
• Implementation of DFLBF und DFHBF*
• Raw data logging (with Trimble GNSS receivers)*
• Use of custom or default coordinate systems*
• Support for local coordinate systems
• Unlimited number of station setups for each project
• Flexible surveying order
• Reference coordinates for official coordinate systems
(Transverse Mercator projection)
• Backsight and object point management
• Averaging of duplicate points
• Repetition and rounds measurement
• Support for dual prism offset measurements
• Clear status messages
• Automatic creation of Gauß-Krüger numbering districts for
UTM projects
• Creation of point codes and attributes, GIS Object Editor
(Trimble Survey Manager Office and Tablet only)
• Monitoring of point observations over time
• Recording and digitization of points, lines and areas
• Graphic display of background maps
–Pixel-based maps: TIF, BMP, GIF, JPG, PGN
–Vector maps: DXF, DWG, ESRI SHAPE
• Cogo calculations
• Connecting distances and point-line distances
• Comprehensive online help
* Also applies to Trimble Survey Manager Configurator.
technical notes
TRimblE suRvEy manaGER FiEld soFTwaRE FoR
TRimblE suRvEy manaGER pRoJEcT convERsion
convEnTional suRvEys
Since the Trimble Survey Manager Field and Trimble
Survey Manager Office or Tablet software support
different operating systems, a convenient project
conversion tool (TSM Projektkonverter) is available
to ensure a seamless data transfer between field and
office applications. This tool seamlessly transfers all
project settings and all data stored with the Trimble
Survey Manager Field software, such as project
and GPS/GNSS calibration data or multiple point
observations, into the Trimble Survey Manager Office
software, where the data are available for processing,
documentation and archiving.
Trimble Survey Manager Field and Trimble Survey
Manager Tablet software feature an intuitive, easy to use
interface for the control of optical total stations, such as
the Trimble S6 total station. Instrument controls include
basic settings and features, such as changing face,
tracking, Autolock® technology, laser pointer and search
features that are essential for an optimized surveying
work flow.
The software manages several user-defined prisms and
direct reflex targets, allowing users to quickly and easily
select a variety of targets during the current survey and
to switch between GNSS and total station surveys at
any time. Instrument points and setups are managed as
easily and conveniently as the entire survey work flow.
Trimble Survey Manager Project Conversion using the Trimble
Survey Manager Project Convertor software
Trimble Survey Manager Field Instrument Controls
technical notes
Trimble survey manager Field, Tablet, configurator, and Trimble survey manager office software are the optimized
and efficient surveying solutions for field and office. The software is intuitive and easy to use and offers surveyors
the flexibility and versatility required in the field. The Trimble survey manager software is optimized for cadastral
applications and supports a variety of input/output formats, and data can be saved according to official standards. The
Trimble survey manager software incorporates Trimble integrated surveying—the seamless interaction of Gnss and
optical data, as well as spatial imaging—3d scanning, real-time video and image capture.
The software also provides extended features for Gis data collection. The Trimble survey manager software easily adapts
to different project requirements and changing surveying needs, making it a secure investment.
sysTEm REQuiREmEnTs
suppoRTEd EQuipmEnT
Trimble Survey Manager Field software:
• TrimbleCUcontroller(MicrosoftWindowsCE.NET5.0)
• TSC2controller(MicrosoftWindowsMobile5.0)
GNSS Surveying Systems:
• TrimbleR8GNSS/R8/R6/5800
• TrimbleR7GNSS/R7/5700
• Trimble4800/4700/4600
Trimble Survey Manager Tablet, Configurator, and Office:
• Pentiumprocessor(orsimilarprocessor)
• MicrosoftWindows2000orXP
• 512MBRAMminimum
Optical Total Stations:
• TrimbleVXSpatialStation
• TrimbleS8
• TrimbleS6
• Trimble5600
• TrimbleM3
• Trimble3600/3300
© 2005–2008, Trimble Navigation Limited. All rights reserved. Trimble, the Globe &Triangle logo, Autolock, and TSC2 are trademarks of Trimble Navigation Limited, registered in the
United States and in other countries. Integrated Surveying, Survey Manager, VRS Now, and VX are trademarks of Trimble Navigation Limited. Microsoft and Windows are trademarks
of Microsoft Corporation, registered in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. PN 022543-090C (09/08)
Trimble Engineering and
Construction Group
5475 Kellenburger Road
Dayton, Ohio 45424-1099
800-538-7800 (Toll Free)
+1-937-245-5154 Phone
+1-937-233-9441 Fax
Trimble GmbH
Am Prime Parc 11
65479 Raunheim
+49-6142-2100-0 Phone
+49-6142-2100-550 Fax
Trimble Navigation
Singapore PTE Limited
80 Marine Parade Road
#22-06, Parkway Parade
Singapore 449269
+65-6348-2212 Phone
+65-6348-2232 Fax

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