Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Sylvester Catholic Church Mass Schedule: Mon., Wed., & Fri. 8:30am Tue., & Thu. 6:00pm Sat. 4:00pm Sun. 9:00am, 11:00am Father John F. Kelly, Pastor Father Alvaro Pio González, Parochial Vicar Charles Sukup, Deacon YEAR B Welcome. . . . . Sacraments and Services Religious Education Classes New Parishioners: Please register at the Welcome Table in the vestibule after Mass or stop by the office. Active Membership is determined by: Registration in the parish Faithful attendance at Sunday Mass and on Holy Days Support of the parish through time, talent and treasure Anointing of the Sick Call the parish office Baptism Must have Baptism Preparation Class English classes on Second Sunday of each mo. English Baptisms are on 3rd Sun. of each mo. Text or call Erica Meyer, 850-978-2624 Email – [email protected] Spanish classes 1st and 2nd Thu. of each mo. Call Mayra Lucero, 850-797-0256 Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction First Fridays - 7:00pm Marriage Arrangements Six months in advance; please call the office Reconciliation English - Saturday 3:00 - 3:30pm Spanish & English - Sunday 4:30 - 5:00pm by appointment Nursery Available during 9:00 am & 11:00 am Masses ROCK (1st-5th) Will resume in the Fall EDGE (6th-8th) Will resume in the Fall LIFETEEN (9th-12th) Will resume in the Fall ADULT FAITH FORMATION (AFF) Various dates and times check bulletin RCIC (Children) & BC (Basic Catholicism) Will resume in the Fall RCIA (Adult) & RCIT (Teen) Will resume in the Fall Children’s Liturgy of the Word(4-6 yrs. only) Sundays during the 9:00 or 11:00am Mass. No registration is required. The teacher will call the children to the front of the sanctuary before Mass begins, and they will return during the offertory. St. Sylvester Parish Office Phone: 850-939-3020 FAX: 850-936-5366 Website: Email: [email protected] Bulletin Items: [email protected] Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00am to 2:00pm WEEK AT A GLANCE 8am Sun. July 19 9 & 11am 2pm 3pm 4:30pm 5pm Mon. 8:30am July 20 9am 7:30pm Pancake Breakfast Sunday Masses LSH Rehearsals Hispanic Couples Ministry Reunion Reconciliation Spanish & English Spanish Mass Daily Mass Paradise Productions Drama Camp Grupo Oracion 9am Tue. July 21 Paradise Productions Drama Camp Grupo de 3rd Edad Pro Life Group Daily Mass Men’s Rosary and Fellowship 8:30am Wed. July 22 9am Daily Mass Paradise Productions Drama Camp Beloved Couples Class Choir Practice 3pm 5pm 6pm 6:30pm 6pm 7pm Thu. 9am July 23 Paradise Productions Drama Camp Daily Mass Choir Rehearsal Knights of Columbus Assembly 2835 8:30am Fri. July 24 9am Daily Mass Paradise Productions Drama Camp 8am Sat. July 25 Hispanic Conflict Resolution Workshop Christmas in July Reconcilation (English) Vigil Mass Jewels of Ireland Preview 6pm 7pm 7pm 10am 3pm 4pm 5pm Sunday Masses 9 & 11am Sun. July 26 10am& 12pm Jewels of Ireland Preview 4:30pm 5pm Reconciliation (Spanish & English) Spanish Mass Mass Intentions Sunday, July 19 9:00am † Roger Traynor by Vinniy & Shirley Mosher 11:00am † Ben Trevino by Loving Wife, Kids & Grandkids 5:00pm For the Parish Monday, July 20 8:30am † Kitty Schitting by The Pigoski Family Tuesday, July 21 6:00pm † Charles Dana Harrah I by The Harrah Family Wednesday, July 22 8:30am † Max Pigoski by The Pigoski Family Thursday, July 23 6:00pm † Gilma Zeledon by Vilma Grimm Friday, July 24 8:30am † Frances Mundy by Louis & Nora Diaz Saturday, July 25 4:00pm † Lucille Williams by Peggy & Sam Bonno Sunday, July 26 9:00am † Roger Traynor by Richard & Bernadette Otto 11:00am † Roger Traynor by Ellie & Kurt Eliasson 5:00pm For the Parish REFLECTION…………... Year B 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Come Away and Rest For World Peace, For LIFE, Christians in Iraq and the Sick, Fred & Kathy Albertson, Zoe Allen, Amanda & Josh, Roberta Anderson, Selena Barthe’, Kathy Benson, Velma Berteau, Beverly Blackwell, Ted Bogert, Lee & Carolyn Bounds, Dennis Boyce, Frank Brehm, Lanie Brewster, Vernon Butler, Lisa Caballero, Jan Colangelo, Leonard Contarino, Bill Combs, Connor, Mike Cox, George & Lorraine Crepeau, The Cummings Family, Orlando Louis D’Amico, Nancy Daniel, Bob Dasho, Carmen Devries, Mario Diaz, Thomas Doherty, Barbara Donahue, Anne Drohan, Joseph Fedorcvak, Elsa Garcia, Geinzer family, Dot Guerrera, Paul Hanson, Everette Harrah, Sam Hartman, Maureen Holmes, Jerry Hutchinson, Jimmy & Sara, Fay Johnson, Zeff & Bennye Kingsley, Gloria Larreamendy, Bill Little, Nancy Ludwick, Karen Machula, Debbie Martin, Fr. Phi Nguyen, Sharon O’Neil, Raymond Owens, Pam McGregor Prescott and family, Dan Ramsey, Muriel Reed, Paulette Rollant, Wayne Rollins, John Senaldi, Andy Simonson, Cathy Spoffard, Brayden Starr, Deacon Charles Sukup, Tracy Townsend, The Traynor Family, Donald Varner, Dan Wade, Diane Watkins, Eric Watts and WWW Whitaker Please notify the Parish Office if someone is in need of prayer. Names will remain on the list for four weeks unless Readings for the week Mon. July 20 Readings: Tue. July 21 Jeremiah 23: 1 - 6 (Messianic reign) Ephesians 2: 13 - 18 (all united in Christ) Gospel: Mark 6: 30 - 34 (return of the disciples) Wed. July 22 Thu. July 23 Key Passage: The apostles gathered around Jesus and told Him all that they had done and taught. He said to them, “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.” (Mark 6: 30 - 31a) QUESTIONS? Adult - What do you do to rest so that you can return to work refreshed? Child - When will you take time to stop and pray this week? Fri. July 24 Sat. July 25 Ex 14:5-18; Ex 15:1bc-6; Ex 14:21 -- 15:1; Ex 15:8-10, 12, 17; Ex 16:1-5, 9-15 Ex 19:1-2, 9-11, 1620b; Ex 20:1-17 2 Cor 4:7-15 Mt 12:38-42 Mt 12:46-50 Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 Mt 13:10-17 Mt 13:18-23 Mt 20:20-28 Sunday, July 26 2 Kgs 4: 42-44 Eph 4: 1 - 6 Jn 6: 1-15 This Week the Sanctuary Lamp above the Tabernacle burns in Memory of Andy Blechacz The Society of St. Vincent de Paul welcomes "all who wish to live their faith by loving and serving their neighbor”. Forming a Society of St. Vincent de Paul Conference at Saint Sylvester Parish requires prayer, discernment, and formation. Reflect on your strengths and talents. Help identify some needs in our community. Grow spiritually with other men and women. We are in need of committed individuals who are interested in conference leadership positions. Contact Patty Burns at 850-434-6615 or email her at [email protected] Visit the St. Vincent DePaul website for more information. USHERS NEEDED Please consider volunteering to Usher for any of the weekend Masses. We’ll train Men, Women and Teens. For those of you who have limited time to partake in the many ministries within our parish, this is a great opportunity to serve while you are here for Mass. Call the Parish Office at 939-3020 to Sign up! Each week we highlight one of our bulletin sponsors. Because of these ads we are able to get our bulletins FREE. Please support these businesses. Our “sponsor of the week” is: COME and JOIN our NEW PRO-LIFE group!! We meet on Tuesday evenings at 5:00pm. Room 201 in the Activity Center (upstairs). Join in, see what you can do to help save and respect the gift of Life. Christmas in July Christmas Party on July 25th, 2015 from 10:00am - 3:00pm In the Parish Center There will be at least 25 venders with booths for you to shop with your entire family. There will be Games & Prizes! Win raffle baskets! Pizza! Cotton Candy! Bounce House! A Community Stage Show featuring local talent! Farmers Market! Christmas Tree Decorating Contest! A Visit from Santa! Join us for a fun filled day to help raise funds for our middle school youth. Funds will help our youth attend camp in 2016. If you are interested in utilizing a vendor booth, contact Eileen at 732-882-2399. Merry Christmas!! NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING (NFP) AWARENESS WEEK - July 19-25 NFP is a natural method of family planning that is healthy and effective and is in full accord with Catholic Teaching. It is not rhythm. Incorporating aspects of Theology of the Body, NFP is good for the body and great for the soul. Information about celebrating the week can be found at Information and instructions are available in several areas of the diocese and online. For more information call the Family Life office at 850 435-3553. Loving God, raise him to eternal life and hold him in the palm of your hand. Alfio LaRocca Husband of Juliana LaRocca Monthly Finance Report Month of June 2015 Offertory: $72,183.46 CSA Rebate: $0.00 Other Income: $23,857.39 Total Income: $96,040.85 Operating Expenses: $117,717.50 Net Income/Loss: $-21,676.65 Year to Date (July 2014-June 2015) Offertory: $1,007,269.33 CSA Rebate: $51,574.49 Sharing Vision Rebate: $9,229.05 Other Income: $218,478.00 Total Income: $1,286,550.87 Operating Expenses: $1,317,387.80 Net Income/Loss: $-30,836.93 Congratulations! #184 Kelly Lehmann July 12th Drawing - $50 Winner YOU CAN BE A WINNER TOO!! Knights of Columbus 2015 Calendars are available for a $25.00 donation. This makes you eligible for a $50.00 drawing every other Sunday, $50.00 drawing on 12 Holidays, $100.00 drawing on the first and third Sundays of each month and two $500.00 drawings, one July 4th, the other December 13th 2015. The total to be given away and you will be eligible to win is $5,400.00. All these chances to win equal 66! Still only 400 calendars sold. These make GREAT gifts! NEEDED Interfaith Ministries HELP!! SHOES FOR KIDS Shoes for Kids collects shoes for kids in need in the Santa Rosa Schools. Miranda Young from Troop 907 will be collecting shoes through the end of July. Requirements: NEW or GENTLY used SIZES that will fit kids grades K – 8. Drop off the shoes in the vestibule or the church office. MANY SHOES STILL NEEDED TO REACH GOAL OF 100 PAIRS !! The Interfaith Ministries Pantry is short this month. Every item is greatly needed and appreciated but some of the items in most need are as follows: Canned Vegetables Instant Dry Milk (individual packets) Pasta (no sauce) Dried beans Paper Towels Items can be dropped off in the vestibule of the parish center. Interfaith Ministries is also in need of volunteers to pick up large items for the Thrift Store. Contact the church office if interested. Thank You for your time & contributions!! Save the Date: Interfaith Ministries and Good Samaritan Clinic’s Annual Fundraiser, “A Night at the Oscars”, will take place in the Parish Center on Saturday September 12th. Tickets are $25.00 and can be purchased at our Parish Office. K I D S P A G E Save the Dates Saint Sylvester Knights of Columbus Charity Golf WHEN: Friday, October 9, 2015 TIME: 10:30am Registration, SHOTGUN START AT 12:00 WHERE: THE CLUB AT HIDDEN CREEK; NAVARRE FORMAT: FOUR PERSON SCRAMBLE (HANDICAPPED) COST: $75 PER PLAYER; $65 Hidden Creek Members & Active Duty Military (registration includes golf, goodie bag, dinner, beverages, prizes, hole-in-one contest) Optional: 50/50 Drawing, Putting Contest, Mulligans, Raffle/Auction (membership drawing) PRIZE CATEGORIES: Top 5 Teams, Long Drive (M/W), Closest to Pin (M/W), Door Prizes Note: This is a St Sylvester Catholic Church Knights of Columbus project. Proceeds go toward Habitat for Presents: Tickets are on sale now for the Paradise Productions summer show – “Little Shop of Horrors”. This play is based on a 1960’s “B” horror movie featuring a blood-thirsty plant. Come enjoy the 60’s “Doo Wop” music, the amazing set, talented cast, and especially the bigger than life plant – the “Audrey Two”. st Performance dates: Fri., July 31 & Sat., Aug. 1st at 7:30 & Sun., Aug. 2nd at 2:00 Tickets: $10.00 – purchase after Mass or in the church office or through the website: (Note: this show might be a bit intense for kids under 12) Bethlehem Catholic Mission Fr. Jacoub Nasser and his Catholic Mission group from Bethlehem will be visiting our church the weekend of August 8-9th. They will speak to us about the Christian people in the Holy Land and will also be selling some beautiful olive wood carvings, which are all handmade by the Catholic community in Bethlehem. This is a Church mission to maintain the existence of the Catholic people in the Holy Land, which has dropped to less than 1.5% of the population. Help support our Brothers and Sisters in Christ who reside in the Holy Land! Attention Acolytes, Lectors, and EMHC (Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion). The MANDORTY Diocesan Continuing Education/Training class took place early in the month. If you DID NOT attend one of the three different times the class was offered, your name has been removed from the schedule until you complete this very important class. The next class will be held on Sunday, August 2nd, after the 9:00 Mass. If you’d like to continue your service to the Lord in one of the ministries above, it is at the request of the Bishop’s office that this session be attended by everyone. Once you’ve completed the session your name will go back on the schedule. Thank you for your understanding and service to the Lord and our parish. NOTE: If you attended one of the classes you do not need to attend this one on 8/2/2015. Jewels of Ireland There will be a preview of the next parish group tour after all Masses on the weekend of July 25th. There will be a brief presentation to inform you of the Jewels of Ireland tour, which is scheduled for May 12 - 26, 2016. The presentations will be in Conference Room 1 in the Activities Bldg. NOTICIAS PARROQUIALES PASTORAL DE PAREJAS: Escápate a vivir momentos salpicados de diversión, emoción, y risas. Sumérgete en las burbujas del amor y permite que el Señor te revele la gracia sanadora que tu cuerpo, tu mente y tu espíritu necesitan para fortalecer tu relación de pareja. Es una oportunidad única que no te la debes perder. Taller sobre Conciliación y Manejo de Conflictos: Este taller está diseñado para TODOS los que deseen buscar alternativas para mejorar su forma de afrontar y resolver conflictos en diversos contextos con su familia, con su pareja, con sus hijos, en su trabajo, con la sociedad, tanto consigo mismo como con los demás. Le brinda a usted un espacio de reflexión, la posibilidad de mejorar su estilo de comunicación y liderazgo y las herramientas para desarrollar su potencial. Parroquia de St Sylvester 6464 Gulf Breeze, Parkway FL 32563 Ultimo viernes de cada mes Julio 25, 2015 de 8:30am –3:00 pm Costo $15 por persona $30 por pareja 7:30 pm-9:00 pm Salón Conferencias 2 Alex y Maritza Arancibia 703-635-6615 Inscripciones GRUPO DE Mayra Lucero 850-797-0256 ORACION: Lunes a las 7:00 pm salón 204 Kenia Redondo 850-357-5087 Ven a meditar la palabra de Dios y a orar en comunidad: No habrá guarderia “NO OLVIDEN HERMANOS QUE ANTE EL SEÑOR UN (2 Carta de Pedro 3, 8) Rosalina Juárez 850-687-3867 Alma Chávez 850-686-9811 ¡UN LLAMADO DE AYUDA PARA AYUDAR A POBRES Y HAMBRIENTOS DE NUESTRO CONDADO! La despensa de la organización Interfaith necesita los siguientes artículos para este verano: snacks para niños, jugos, galletas, mac & cheese. También salsa de tomate, mayonesa, mostaza. Cereales, jugos pollo y fruta enlatada, toallas de papel. Si deseas que recojan donaciones para el Thrift Store o para ayudar como voluntario llamar a Lynn al 934-1688. Clases de Educación Religiosa ¡Marca TU la diferencia y ayúdanos como voluntario! ROCK (1-5 grado) SE REANUDARÁ EN EL OTOÑO EDGE (6-8 grado) SE REANUDARÁ EN EL OTOÑO LIFETEEN (9-12 grado) SE REANUDARÁ EN EL OTOÑO RCIC y BC (Catolicismo Básico) & RCIA (Adultos), RCIT (Teen) SE REANUDARÁ EN EL OTOÑO Contactar la Oficina Educación Religiosa Grupo de 3ra Edad : 3er martes de cada mes 3:00 pm Pastoral de parejas: ultimo viernes de cada mes 7:30 pm Grupo de Oración: Lunes 7:00 pm ********************************************** Presentador Dr. William Richmond Padilla, Psicólogo: Director de iTransform y Co-director de KairosTransform International. Coordina y desarrolla el programa de coaching ontológico. Asesor internacional en procesos de reestructuración y revitalización con Comunidades Religiosas. 25 años de experiencia con vida religiosa y desarrollo eclesial. Brinda servicios de consultoría clínica y organizacional a nivel nacional e internacional. Asesor en Recursos Humanos. Estudió su licenciatura en psicología en la Universidad de Costa Rica. Máster en Administración de Proyectos graduado de la Universidad para la Cooperación Internacional. Certificado como Conciliador y Mediador de Conflictos. Sacramentos y Servicios DIA ES COMO MIL AÑOS Y MIL AÑOS SON COMO UN DIA” Unción de los enfermos: Llamar a las oficinas de la parroquia 850-939-3020. Bautismo: Clases para la Preparación del Bautismo: primer y segundo jueves de cada mes a las 7:00 pm. Lucero Registrarse primero con Mayra 850-797-0256 de lunes a jueves 9:00 am a 2:00 pm. Matrimonio: Con seis meses de anticipación. Favor llamar a las oficinas de la parroquia para una cita Reconciliación o Confesión: Domingos de 4:30 pm a 5:00pm Knights of Columbus - Installation of Officers Congratulations to the New Officers: Grand Knight - Tom Kurtz Deputy Grand Knight - Jon Brandon Chancellor - Felix Paulino Recorder - Tony Giangoilio Treasurer - Mark Barrett Advocate - Mike Albaugh Warden - John McCafferty Inside Guard— Dr. Gerry Cluskey Jr. Outside Guard - Jerry Klosinski One Year Trustee - Michael Raymond Two Year Trustee - Al Johnson Three Year Trustee - Clay Olschner Chaplain - Fr. John Kelly Lecturer - Tom Lehmann Faithful Navigator - Gary Blatz Faithful Comptroller - Chet Watts Faithful Friar - Fr. John Kelly Faithful Captain - John McCafferty Faithful Admmiral - Phil Price Faithful Purser - Felix Paulino Faithful Pilot - John Roberts Faithful Scribe - James Stephan Inner Sentinel - Dion Gerena Outer Sentinel - Pete Servais One Year Trustee - Mike Albaugh Two Year Trustee - Jim Brown Three Year Trustee - Norm LaRose Color Corp Commander - David Rabon
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