Writing Lessons for Launching the Writing Workshop 2nd Grade


Writing Lessons for Launching the Writing Workshop 2nd Grade
Writing Lessons for
Launching the Writing Workshop
2nd Grade, Unit 1 Spanish
(2 Weeks of Lessons)
Resources Needed for this Unit:
“Arturo escribe un cuento” by Marc Brown (picking a topic)
“Clic, clac, moo: vacas escritoras” by Doreen Cronin(choosing an idea)
“Diario de Amelia” by Marissa Moss (writing journal)
“El mejor regalo del mundo” by Julia Alvarez (choosing the most
important information)
“El niño que no sabía escribir” by Ivar Da Coll
“What do authors do?” by Eileen Christelow
“Author: A True Story” by Helen Lester
“Crisantemo” by Kevin Henkes
“You Have to Write” by Janet Wong
“Writer’s Toolbox Series” by Nancy Lowen
Additional Resources:
“Launching the Writing Workshop” by Lucy Calkins and Leah
“The Conferring Handbook” by Lucy Calkins
(All first grade teachers at each campus were provided the Calkins kit:
“Units of Study for Primary Writing”)
“Texas Fuente de Escritura, The Writing Process,” pp. 1-37.
“Texas Fuente de Escritura, A Writer’s Resource,” pp. 426-451.
Unit Materials:
Mentor texts, chart paper, markers, colored pencils, crayons, all previously
made anchor charts, student writing booklets, publishing paper, writing
process chart, student writing journals, writing folders.
Teaching Notes:
During the first weeks of school, teacher should establish a routine for writing
workshop. Each day’s lesson should begin with a short mini-lesson, followed by
a time students are able to independently practice the skill. Finally, writing
workshop should end with reflection and sharing time. Teacher should use
students’ independent work time as an opportunity to assess and conference with
individual students.
Teachers may want to also read “Guillermo Jorge Manuel Jose” by Mem Fox and
discuss people’s memories. Writing stories down is a good way to share and save
our special memories.
NOTE: To stay on track with the CRM, it is suggested that many of these
mini-lessons be combined and taught in one day. If campuses use the Writing
Workshop format, students will be familiar with this format. Read these minilessons and pick the ones that are appropriate for your class for the next two
Day 1: Starting the Writing Workshop
Mini- Lesson:
1. Read aloud a mentor text that will inspire students for this workshop.
2. Explique a los niños que cada día ellos trabajarán en un taller de escritura y que el taller
siempre comenzará con una reunión. Diga a los niños que ellos se van a convertir en
3. Create Writer’s Workshop schedule with students.
Nuestro Horario de Taller de Escritura
Reunión de escritores (10 minutos)
Tiempo para escribir (20-25 minutos)
Tiempo para compartir (10 minutos)
4. Introduce students to their writing folders/spirals. This will be the special place where they
keep their writing.
Independent Writing:
5. Allow students to use this time to personalize their writing notebooks to promote a sense of
excitement and ownership.
6. Pre-Assessment: Have student write their first entry. If students cannot think of a topic on
their own, encourage them to write about their summer or first day of school.
Peer Sharing:
7. Gather whole group to allow students to share.
Day 2: Writing in the Writer’s Workshop
Mini- Lesson:
1. Read “Arturo escribe un cuento” by Marc Brown.
2. Show children how you go about choosing a topic/story you know and care about.
3. Show children that you begin by thinking about a story, and then you sketch it from the
image in your mind.
4. Next, show children that you tell the story orally before you’ll write it.
5. Model organizing your writing on the page with attention to spacing, skipping lines, adding a
name and date and begin to write your story on a chart or on the overhead while thinking
6. Establish where students will work in the classroom, establish that students will write the
whole time, practice your attention getting signal, and provide clear expectations of their
voice levels (Quiet Zone vs. Silent Zone).
7. Create a Looks Like/Sounds Like chart with students and revisit during the writing period to
point out things that are going well and things that need to be improved.
Chart – El Taller de Escritura se ve/suena como…
El Taller de Escritura
Se ve
Suena como
Escritores escribiendo
todo el tiempo
Escritores usando
voces bajas.
Escritores compartiendo
Escritores hablando
acerca de sus ideas
Escritores pensando
8. Explique a los estudiantes que lo que usted compartió con ellos es como seleccionar un tema
o una idea para escribir.
9. Pida a los estudiantes que con un compañero tomen turnos para compartir sus historias
Independent Writing:
10. Students begin to draw and/or write their stories. Remind them to skip lines and add the date.
Peer Sharing:
11. Gather whole group to allow students to share.
Day 3: Carrying on as Writers
Mini- Lesson:
1. Remind children that today and every day the writing workshop will begin with a minilesson. Remind them of what happens in a mini-lesson.
2. Recuerde a los niños que el taller de escritura comenzará cada día con una lección. Dígales
que hoy usted les enseñará lo que hacen los escritores cuando creen que han terminado.
3. Reenact the process of writing yesterday’s story, showing children that when you are done,
you decide to add on-to the writing, to the picture, or to a new story.
4. Repase con los estudiantes el proceso de escritura que utilizó para escribir la narración del
día anterior. Muestre a los estudiantes lo que pueden hacer cuando terminen su escrito. Los
estudiantes pueden incluir un dibujo, añadir palabras, o empezar un nuevo escrito.
Cuando he terminado…
o Agrego al dibujo
o Agrego palabras
o Empiezo un nuevo trabajo
Independent Writing:
5. Students write and try the new skill on their own.
Peer Sharing:
6. Gather whole group to share and celebrate.
Day 4: Establishing Expectations and Using Supplies Independently
Mini- Lesson:
1. Diga a los niños que los escritores no solo escriben acerca de temas que les interesa, sino que
también usan herramientas especiales de escritura.
2. Teach the students how the supply system will work.
3. Demonstrate how the tools should be used, and have the children practice.
4. Diga a los estudiantes que este será el sistema que se usará a diario para el taller de escritura:
El Taller de Escritura
Se ve
Suena como
Escritores escribiendo
todo el tiempo
Escritores usando
voces bajas.
Escritores compartiendo
Escritores hablando
acerca de sus ideas
Escritores pensando
Independent Writing:
5. As students write, stop to address a teaching point using the criteria chart.
Peer Sharing:
6. Gather whole group to go over the writing workshop routine with students.
Day 5: Thinking “What If…?”(Prewriting)
Mini- Lesson:
1. Read aloud a mentor text (choosing an idea).
2. Discuss the common obstacle that most writers face: “¡Yo no se que escribir!”
3. Explique que los buenos autores saben secretos de escritura; secretos que los ayudan a
convertirse en detectives que constantemente están buscando y encontrando nuevas ideas.
4. One trick is to think “¿Qué pasa si…?” Organization tip: Save the first few pages of your
Writing Journals for “¿De qué puedo escribir hoy?” list.)
5. Model and encourage students to share “¿Qué pasa si…?” Record on chart paper.
Independent Writing:
6. Bilingual partners will write their own “¿Qué pasa si…?” topic list.
Peer Sharing:
7. Students will share their “¿Qué pasa si…?” with their table and add to their own lists.
8. Teacher will choose a few students to share whole group.
Day 6: Everyone Is An Expert At Something (Prewriting)
Mini- Lesson:
1. Read “¡No, David!” by David Shannon. Where did he get his ideas for this story? From
things that happened to him when he was a little boy.
2. Diga a los estudiantes que ha estado pensando acerca de donde obtener ideas para sus
cuentos, y que se dió cuenta de que la mayoría de historias que usted escribe, están basadas
en cosas que le han pasado a usted. Dígales que usted es un “experto” en escribir historias
acerca de sus experiencias. Share your pre-made chart of “5 Temas buenos para historias”
from your life.
3. Pida a los estudiantes que piensen acerca de experiencias que ellos han tenido y que los han
hecho ser unos expertos para escribir cierta historia. Have them turn and talk to a partner.
4. Diga a los estudiantes que de ahora en adelante, cuando ellos estén a punto de decir, “No sé
qué escribir,” que piensen acerca en algo que hayan hecho o que les haya pasado. Dígales
que piensen en algo que los haga sentir diferente o en algo que no quieran olvidar. Dígales,
“Ustedes son expertos y una vez que escriban su historia nunca se les olvidará.”
Independent Writing:
5. Students will make a list of stories they are experts at telling. If they have time, they can
continue to add to their “¿Qué pasa si…?” list or choose a topic to write about.
Peer Sharing:
6. Choose a few students to share whole group.
Day 7: Where Else Do Ideas Come From? Exploring Story Inspirations
Mini- Lesson:
1. Before students come to the writer’s meeting, tell them to choose a book they like to read and
think about where the author got the idea for writing. Have an example of one of Helen
Lester’s books to use yourself, e.g. “El Pingüino Tacky.”
2. Allow students time to share their opinion about where the author might have gotten his or
her idea for writing.
3. Compile a list with students of the different story inspirations Read “Author: A True Story”
(or other mentor text in Spanish by Helen Lester. Discuss where Ms. Lester got her ideas.
Inspiraciones para escribir: Los autores cuentan una historia…
o Acerca de algo especial que conocen o que les ha sucedido
o para enseñar una lección
o Ha oído antes, en una nueva manera-volver a contar su cuento favorito
o Para ayudar a otros a entender sus sentimientos
o escribir de algo o alguien a quien aman
o Para ayudar a la gente piensa sobre la forma en que tratamos a los demás
Independent Writing:
4. Students continue prewriting or choosing a topic to write about.
Peer Sharing:
5. Choose a few students to share whole group.
Day 8: What Does It Mean To Write More/ Tell More
Mini- Lesson:
1. Remind students that they have already thought of some questions that writers ask
themselves when they think they are done.
2. Repase con los estudiantes algunas preguntas que escritores se hacen cuando creen que ya
terminaron su escrito. Cuando los escritores se hacen estas preguntas están “revisando” su
escrito para mejorarlo.
3. Using a piece of your own writing on chart paper, model going back to add more details,
model using an editing carat, drawing arrows, adding paper, or using post-its.
4. Create a chart with students Revising: “¿Que significa escribir más/decir más?”
Revisión: ¿Qué significa escribir más /
Más Información
Diga lo que es (dar ejemplos)
Describir (dar una idea al lector)
Diga cuándo
Diga por qué
Diga donde
Diga cómo (las direcciones)
Diga lo que sucede
Diga sus sentimientos
Diga más para mejorarlo (no sólo más largo)
Independent Writing:
5. Encourage writers to go back to something they started writing and find a way to add more to
Peer Sharing:
6. Choose a student to share who took the mini-lesson to heart by using the chart to add more to
their writing.
Day 9: Peer Conferences
Mini- Lesson:
1. Diga a los estudiantes que algunas veces los escritores comparten sus obras para que les
ayude a seguir adelante en su trabajo.
2. Create a chart explaining the peer conference expectations and procedure with students. See
“Texas Fuente de Escritura” Trabajar con un compañero, pp. 16-19 (Partner tips and Using a
response sheet).
3. Model a peer conference with another student, using the chart as a checklist guide.
Conferencias de Parejas Bilingües
1. Siéntese hombro a hombro con su pareja.
2. Decida quién va a leer primero.
3. El lector lee, mientras que su pareja escucha.
4. El oyente...
a. Le da un cumplido
b. Hace una pregunta
c. Hace una sugerencia
5. El lector hace al menos un cambio.
Cambien los papeles y repetir.
Independent Writing:
4. Hand out student copies of the peer conferencing checklist or Peer Response Sheet.
5. Assign children a partner and have them practice a peer conference.
Peer Sharing:
6. Choose two students who demonstrated a quality peer conference and have them reenact
their meeting for the class.
7. Refer to the chart to discuss why the conference was successful.
Day 10: Spelling the Best We Can…and Moving On
Mini- Lesson:
1. Read “Bunny Cakes” by Rosemary Wells (or other mentor text in Spanish). Discuss how
Max’s writing got better throughout the book. Remind students that they previously learned
to draw the best they can and keep going. Tell them this idea applies to spelling as well.
2. Demonstrate hesitating, trying to spell a hard word, writing it the best way you can, and then
continuing on to write more.
3. Point out what you want them to notice in your demonstration. Invite them to help you go
through the process again.
4. Create the chart “Cuando yo no sé cómo deletrear una palabra yo puedo …”
Cuando no sé cómo deletrear una palabra, yo puedo...
• Escribir los sonidos que escucho
• Veo la pared de palabras
• Consulto con un amigo
• Busco en un libro
• Leo alrededor del salón
• Trato de escribir de otra manera
• Encierro la palabra en un círculo y sigo adelante
Independent Writing:
5. Remind students that they can do this in their independent writing.
Peer Sharing:
6. Choose children who took the mini-lesson to heart, whether they implemented the advice
exactly or found a new strategy, and ask them to tell the class about their strategy.

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