Fifth Sunday of Easter April 28, 2013 St. Michael the Archangel


Fifth Sunday of Easter April 28, 2013 St. Michael the Archangel
St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
Established in1892
Fifth Sunday of Easter
April 28, 2013
Mailing Address: 411 Paula Road, McKinney, Texas 75069
Email: [email protected]
Parish Office: 972-542-4667 Fax: 972-542-4641
Faith Forma on Office: 972-542-4685
St. Vincent de Paul Society Helpline: 214-314-5698
St. Vincent de Paul Email: [email protected]
Daily Mass
Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 8:00 am
Tuesday and Thursday: 5:30 pm
Thursday 6:00 pm — 7:00pm
Saturday 3:00 pm— 4:00pm
Fr. Salvador Guzmán, Pastor
Fr. Arthur Unachukwu, Parochial Vicar
Deacon George Polcer
Deacon Federico Márquez
Deacon John Rapier
Office Hours:
Monday—Friday: 9:00 am—5:00pm
Office is closed on Saturday & Sunday
Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday: An cipated 5:00 pm
Sunday: 8:00 am & 11:30 am
Spanish: 9:30 am & 1:30 pm
Adora on of the Blessed Sacrament
Thursday 6:00pm
Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm
I will praise your name for ever, my king and my God. —Psalm 145
Daily Resurrection [2000-04-23]
Gilbert K. Chesterton once wrote a poem he entitled, Second Childhood.
It speaks of the resurrection:
What the resurrection of Jesus promises is that things When all my days are ending
can always be new again. It's never too late to start over. And I have no song to sing,
I think that I shall not be too old
Nothing is irrevocable. No betrayal is final. No sin is
To stare at everything;
unforgivable. Every form of death can be overcome. There As I stared once at a nursery door
isn't any loss that can't be redeemed. Every day is virgin. Or a tall tree and a swing. ...
There is really no such thing as old age.
Men grow too old for love; my love,
In the resurrection we are assured that there are no
doors that are eternally closed, every time we close a door Men grow too old for lies;
But I shall not grow too old to see
or one is closed on us, God opens another for us. The
Enormous night arise,
resurrection assures us that God never gives up on us,
A cloud that is larger than the world
even if we give up on ourselves, that God writes straight
with the crooked lines of our lives, that we can forever
And a monster made of eyes. …
re-virginize, regain lost innocence, become postsophisticated, and move beyond bitterness. In a scheme Men grow too old to woo, my love,
of things where Jesus breathes out forgiveness on those Men grow too old to wed;
But I shall not grow too old to see
who betray him and God raises dead bodies from the
Hung crazily overhead
dead, we can begin to believe that in the end all will be
Incredible rafters when I wake
well and every manner of being will be well and
And I find that I am not dead. ...
everything, including our own lives, will eventually end
Strange crawling carpets of the grass,
sunny side up.
windows of the sky;
However, the challenge of living this out is not just that Wide
So in this perilous grace of God
of believing that Jesus rose physically from the grave, but With all my sins go I;
also, and perhaps even more importantly, to believe
And things grow new though I grow old,
that - no matter our age, mistakes, betrayals, wounds, and Though I grow old and die.
deaths - we can begin each day afresh, virgin, innocent
again, a child, a moral infant, stunned at the newness of it all. No matter what we've done, our future
is forever pregnant with wonderful new possibility.
Resurrection is not just a question of one day, after death, rising from the dead, but it is also about
daily rising from the many mini-graves within which we so often find ourselves.
How does belief in the resurrection help us rise from these mini-graves? By keeping us open to
surprise, newness, and freshness in our lives. Not an easy thing to do. We are human and we
cannot avoid falling - into depression, bitterness, sin, betrayal, cynicism, and the tiredness that
comes with age. Like Jesus, we too will have our crucifixions. More than one grave awaits us. Yet
our faith in the resurrection invites us precisely to live beyond these. As John Shea once so aptly put
What the resurrection teaches us is not how to live
- but how to live again, and again, and again!
G.K. Chesterton, whom we quoted earlier, was also fond of saying: "Learn to look at things
familiar until they look unfamiliar again. Familiarity is the greatest of all illusions." In essence, that
captures one of the real challenges of believing in the resurrection. If the resurrection is to have
power in our lives, we must give up the illusion of familiarity, particularly as this pertains to all that's
nearest to us because the most common cancer that eats away at our marriages, families,
communities, friendships, and simply at the joy we might have in living, is precisely the cancer of
familiarity. We think we know, we think we understand, we think we have things figured-out, and we
end up psyching-out life and each other, leaving them no room for newness, for surprise, for the
unfamiliar, for the resurrection.
Familiarity breeds contempt. Nothing robs us of joy more than that and nothing destroys our
marriages, families, communities, and friendships more than a contemptuousness that is born of
familiarity. The resurrection tells us that familiarity is an illusion, the greatest of all illusions. It
invites us to look at things familiar until they look unfamiliar again because, in the end, a
startling, delightful surprise is hidden in all that is familiar.
Ron Rolheiser, OMI, Speaker, Columnist & Author;
April 28, 2013
Fifth Sunday of Easter
April 20, 2013
Vertha #6903
Evelyne #5414
Reynalda #8220 6th
Joyce #3369
Margarito #7650 10th
Isabel #4855
Allan #3690
Secundina #9574 16th
Leighton #9881 18th
Emily #4927
Christopher #4830
Michael #3122
Rosa #4541
Jerry #7851
Kim #0131
Pedro #3667
Rita #1697
Bob #8815
Leslie #6443
John #5635
All prize winners have been notified of their good fortune.
The event could not have been a success
without your support. We would like to thank all of
our volunteers and especially all those that came
out, enjoyed the music, food and
Fi h Sunday of Easter
The Son of Man is glorified. "I am with you only a liƩle
longer; love one another." Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35
Jesus makes charity the new commandment. By
loving his own "to the end,” he makes manifest
the Father's love which he receives. By loving
one another, the disciples imitate the love of
Jesus which they themselves receive. Whence
Jesus says: "As the Father has loved me, so have
I loved you; abide in my love." and again: "This
is my commandment, that you love one another
as I have loved you." [CCC1823]
Year of Faith
Dr. Dan Luby
School of Ministry
University of Dallas
May 15, 2013
Lumen Gentium
Sanctuary Candle is Dedicated
In Thanksgiving for Stephen
Pray for the repose of the Soul of:
Socorro & Isabel Moreno Chris ne Rogers
Mass Readings for April 28 - May 5
Sunday, April 28th - Fifth Sunday of Easter
Acts 14:21-27; Ps 145; Rv 21:1-5; Jn 13:31-33, 34-35
Monday, April 29th - Mem. of St. Catherine of Siena
Acts 14:5-18; Psalm 115; John 14:21-26
Tuesday, April 30th - St. Pius V
Acts 14:19-28; cf. Psalm 145; John 14:27-31
Wednesday, May 1st - St. Joseph the Worker
Acts 15:1-6; cf. Psalm 122; John 15:1-8
Thursday, May 2nd - Mem. of St. Athanasius
Acts 15:7-21; Psalm 96; John 15:9-11
Friday, May 3rd - Feast of Saints Philip and James
1 Corinthians 15:1-8; Psalm 19; John 14:6-14
Saturday, May 4th
Acts 16:1-10; Psalm 100; John 15:18-21
Sunday, May 5th - Sixth Sunday of Easter
Acts 15:1-2, 22-29; Ps 67; Rv 21:10-14, 22-23; Jn 14:23-29
Adoration of Blessed Sacrament
Every Friday in the Chapel
8:30am - 5:00pm
Set your faith on fire
"The Paschal mystery of Christ's cross and Resurrection
stands at the center of the Good News that the apostles,
and the Church following them, are to proclaim to the
world." (CCC, 571)
At the heart of any religious vocation is the Cross of
Christ. In my life, am I open to Christ's call to follow? Am I
willing to die with him so I might rise with him? Do I see
my life as a life of service? Am I willing to lay down my life
in whatever way Christ asks it of me? The Paschal mystery asks all of these questions and is, therefore, a key to
- Taken from the
any vocational discernment.
Mass Intentions For This Week
Sunday, April 28th
8:00 am For the People
9:30 am Alicia Torres
11:30 am Fr. Bruce Bradley
1:30 pm Catalina Contreras
Monday, April 29th
Tuesday, April 30th
Wednesday, May 1st
Thursday, May 2nd
Friday, May 3rd
Saturday, May 4th
8:00 am Rebeca Camargo
8:00 am Paul Villinski
8:00 am William Penkrot
5:30 pm James Comer
5:30 pm William Flesher
5:00 pm Burblis Family
In celebration of Fr. Bruce Bradley’s 35th
anniversary to the priesthood, he will celebrate a
Mass of Thanksgiving on Monday, April 29 at 8:30
a.m. at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Plano. There
will be a reception in the Parish Hall following the
On Sunday, May 5th Fr. Bradley will celebrate the
Mass at 1:15 p.m. at St. Elizabeth and all are invited
to an ice cream social in the Parish Hall immediately
following the Mass.
We Pray for our loved ones
serving in the Armed Forces
Pedro Antonio Macias, Joseph Drew Macias,
Kenneth Munyer, Anthony Nelson, Michael
Nelson, Alejandro Figueroa, Gerardo Serriteño,
Edgar Carrasco, Edwin Carrasco, Mark Mayor,
Matthew Mayor, Dale O. Wilkerson, Jr.,
Peter Michelena, Cameron Goswick, Kara Earle, Aaron Lestage,
Billy Huntley, Dawson Nethery, Roger Bartz, Lucas Bartz,
Andrew Bibanco, Rachael Smith, Preston Mainz, Taylor
Bowsher, David LaSala, Randall Dustin Almendarez, Jamie
Crowell, James A. Bagert, Ramiro Martínez, Eric Seyl,
Roy Sombrano, Jr., Dallion Richards, Kamaan Richards
We pray for those in need of healing.
That the Holy Spirit May Light Their Way.
Walker Phillips, John Lewis, Charlie
Cochran, Johnny Paul Stephens, Conner
Frazier, Delia Armijo, Celia Rendon, Al
Frettoloso, Sharon Warden, Daniel Cooper
Anderson, Melissa Engleman, Jackie
Traylar, Lorenzo Vazquez, Margarita
Rodriguez , Rosy Piña, Sylvia Sanchez, Leonel Sanchez,
Rosario Vasquez, Aquileo Hernandez, Ventura Muñoz,
Lauren Kent, Charlotte Peters, Catherine Capello,
Steve Regnier, Dolly Scott, Kathleen De Leo
Pro-Life Minute:
"Without the Way, there is no going; without
the Truth, there is no knowing; without the
Life there is no living." -Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
Weekly Calendar
Sunday, April 28
8:00—3:00pm 5th Grade Lemonade Fundraiser,
on Church Grounds
8:00—3:00pm St Vincent de Paul Bag Distribu on, Narthex
9:00-10:00am Adult Faith Forma on “Catholicism” CL3
9:30-11:00am Choir (11:30 Eng) Rehearsal, Holy Family Hall
10:00– 1:15pm Faith Forma on K-5th Class, All Rooms
12:30– 1:30pm Choir (1:30 Sp) Rehearsal, Church
3:00—5:00pm Music (Youth) Rehearsal, Church
6:30—8:30pm Youth Ministry 9-12th Class, All Rooms & Ch
7:00—9:00pm Legion of Mary (Sp), Drake N
Monday, April 29
Prayers & Squares (Quil ng), Holy Family Hall
Bap sm Class (Sp), Church
Jóvenes Para Cristo , SR, HF & CL5
Legion of Mary (Sp), Drake N
Tuesday, April 30
2:00—4:00pm St Vincent de Paul Food Pantry, HF Hall, SR
6:30—7:30pm Cub Scouts, Drake N & S
7:00—9:00pm Jóvenes Para Cristo, St Rose Hall
St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry:
Location: Holy Family Hall
Tuesday - Thursday 2:00pm - 4:00pm
2nd Saturday (Monthly) 8:30am—10:30am
Food Collection
May 4 & 5
Helpline: 214-314-5698
all Masses
Email: [email protected]
We now offer clothing vouchers thru the
Client Advocacy & Food Pantry for those in need of gently used
clothing. We are accepting clothing donations now, as well.
Sunday, April 21st
Our collection totals will be reported
on next week’s bulletin.
“What shall I return to the Lord?
(Psalm 116:12)
God gives each one of us
gifts that are meant to be
developed, shared and
returned to the Lord as we help
to build the Kingdom. We are called to be
stewards of all God’s gifts.
Our parish goal this year for the Bishop’s Annual
Appeal is the same as last year: $80,000.00. Total
pledges as of March 31st are $92,871.56. To date,
$48,050.06 of these pledges has been collected.
THANK YOU for having responded with such
generosity and faith. Fr. Arthur and I are extremely
grateful and acknowledge that we are truly
blessed to have such parishioners with such
generous hearts. May the Love of Christ continue
to be what drives each and every one of us in our
-Fr. Salvador
responsibility to be good stewards.
Wednesday, May 1
Women’s Bible Study (Eng), CL3
St Vincent de Paul Food Pantry, HF Hall, SR
Bap sm Registra ons, St Michael Hall
Children Choir Rehearsal, Holy Family Hall
May Crowning, Church
Faith Forma on Confirma on Class, All Rms
Thursday, May 2
2:00—4:00pm St Vincent de Paul Food Pantry, HF Hall, SR
6:00—9:00pm Talleres de Oración y Vida, Drake N
6:30—8:30pm ESL Classes, SM, CL3 & CL5
Friday, May 3
Adora on of the Blessed Sacrament, Chapel
Confirma on Retreat (make up), SM Hall
Choir (9:30 Sp) Rehearsal, Holy Family Hall
Ushers (Sp), Drake N
11:00 –4:45pm
Group Quince Mass, Church
Faith Forma on K-5th Classes, All Rooms
Bap sms (Sp), Church
St Vincent de Paul Food Collec on, Narthex
Choir (Sp) Rehearsal, Drake N
Faith Forma on RCIC Class, SR, HF & CL3
Saturday, May 4
We are God’s beloved children
For many, “El Norte” or the north was a symbol of the promised land, of new beginnings. Although in reality, for many this dream
has not been translated into a rosy one, the people continue to keep their sense of pilgrimage and of hope for a better world.
One of the most famous phrases in Les Miserables is: “To love another person is to see the face of God.” This is what today’s
Gospel tells us. To contemplate the face of God is heaven, because it is eternal glory and the highest thing a human being can aspire.
To contemplate the face of God is perfect bliss. And the best thing is that you don’t have to wait to die to experience this, because
we have a preview here on earth: loving others.
The protagonist of Les Miserables endures slavery, false accusations, abuse, violence, persecution, countless injuries, and ends of
the earth,” cannot be stopped at a border. It has no passport and knows no barriers. There is nothing that can turn it off. Light can
conquer darkness, but darkness can never overcome light, because it is impossible to confine light to just one
space, it reaches all nations and no one can detain it.
As children
This thought is repeated in the second reading, in Revelation, where there is a great multitude, impossible to
of God we
count, of every race, language, and nation. They are all those who are saved, all who have heard the voice of
God and have accepted his redemption, and who are now part of God’s flock. They are the people who
must love
recognize Christ as the one who deserves the honor of being served day and night. It is Christ who will be the
all others
shepherd that will protect them from all evil. No, they are not Irish or Mexican, but they are Irish and Mexican.
And they all wear the same clothing, which is the salvation that Christ has attained for them.
as the Lord
From now on, they will be the ones who hear the voice of the Good Shepherd, knowing that they will never
loves us.
die and never be taken away. They are all together, without any exclusions.
If such a vision were always present in our minds and in our hearts, would it be possible for us to exclude someone simply for not
being “like us”? Is racism possible inside the church? The answer seems obvious. Not everyone will like it. Even within the church,
there are those who would prefer that everyone was the same or at least that certain groups held their activities at other times and in
other places, and not a bother...There are those who proclaiming themselves as “tolerant,” accepts the presence of different people,
just as long as they adapt to the customs of the dominant group. But this is not the point. What’s more, this position, in addition to
being sinful, is impossible. Because, if everyone is dressed in the same clothing of salvation, if we are all sheep from the same flock,
if we all receive the same light, how would you know who’s who in order to exclude someone? Who is going to expel a sheep that
has heard the voice of the shepherd? No one can steal it, Jesus says. And he says it with the authority of being one with the Father.
What does this mean for our life in the community and in the parish? It is not just about celebrating multi-ethnic feasts (although
they help and are fun), but about having a roundtable where everyone has a voice and access to the decision-making process. It will
mean solidarity of a few groups with others since they have been recognized as brothers and sisters. It will mean that one or the
other will have to sacrifice some of their positions or comforts to make room for everyone.
For reflection
How do I listen to the voice of the Shepherd, Jesus? What inner noises, family, job or society sometimes prevent me from hearing?
How do I receive, welcome, and show solidarity with the people of other races and cultures?
Nuestra Parroquia, March 2013
Cupcakes and Crowning
Children's Choir invites you and your
children to a May Crowning at
4:45pm on Wednesday, May 1st,
starting in the chapel.
We will begin in the chapel and crown each statue of
Our Lady in the church.
Following prayers, songs and procession we will have
games outdoors and some refreshments.
We will finish promptly at 5:30pm.
Parents, please come and remain with your children as we
observe this ancient custom in our Catholic Church.
Please call the parish office if you would like to help!
Angels of Charity
12th Annual Mass & Spring Luncheon
Thursday, May 9th
Join us in celebration of another year of service from the
Angels of Charity in support of the programs of Catholic
Charities of Dallas…
Mass - 10:00 am, Cathedral Shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe
Lunch - 12:00 pm, Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center
$75 per ticket
“Faith in Action, Angels in Our Midst”
St. Michael’s
Women’s Guild
will be holding a bake
sale on
Saturday, May 11th after the 5pm Mass,
and Sun. May 12
We are asking for donations from the parish. You
have been so generous on our November bake sale,
please help us again. Your donations go for the altar
needs and decorations of our church.
We are asking for pies, cakes, cookies,
jams and other baked goods.
All donated items can be dropped off at the
parish office on Friday, May 10th 9am-5pm.
Thank you for your support!
Women interested in knowing about religious life are
invited to this retreat on May 4, 2013, from 8:00 a.m. to
6:00 p.m. It will be held at Jesus the Good Shepherd
Convent of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth
at 1814 Egyptian Way in Grand Prairie.
To register please contact Sr. Mary Paul by May 1st at
[email protected] or 972-642-5191.
Bendeciré tu nombre por siempre, Dios mío, mi rey. —Salmo 145
Quinto Domingo de Pascua
¿Qué daré al SEÑOR por todos sus
beneficios para conmigo?
(Salmo 116:12)
La meta de nuestra parroquia para la
Campaña del Obispo es la misma del año
pasado: $80,000.00. El total de promesas fue de
$92,871.56. Hasta la fecha, hemos recaudado
$48,050.06 de estas promesas. El Padre Arturo y
yo estamos realmente agradecidos.
- P. Salvador
El Hijo del Hombre es glorificado.
Estoy con ustedes sólo un poco más; ámense los
unos a los otros." Juan 13, 31-33a. 34-35
La Caridad
Jesús hace de la caridad el mandamiento nuevo
(cf Jn 13, 34). Amando a los suyos “hasta el fin” (Jn 13, 1),
manifiesta el amor del Padre que ha recibido. Amándose
unos a otros, los discípulos imitan el amor de Jesús que
reciben también en ellos. Por eso Jesús dice: “Como el
Padre me amó, yo también os he amado a vosotros;
permaneced en mi amor” (Jn 15, 9). Y también: “Este es
el mandamiento mío: que os améis unos a otros como yo
os he amado” (Jn 15, 12). [CCC1823]
Pascua de Resurrección - Una voz que nunca muere
Ron Rolheiser (Traduccion Carmelo Astíz, cmf) - Lunes 25 de Abril del 2011
Pascua se refiere a muchas cosas. Celebramos el poder de Dios para vencer a la
muerte, al pecado y a la injusticia, pero también celebramos las voces y heridas de los que
murieron en Viernes Santo.
Para ilustrar esto, me gustaría describir una de esas voces, la de una joven anónima que fue
brutalmente violada y asesinada por los militares de El Salvador en 1981, en un
lugar llamado con toda propiedad “La Cruz”. La historia fue reportada por el periodista Mark
Danner. Este periodista describe cómo, después de esta masacre especial, algunos
soldados relataron cómo una de sus víctimas les obsesionó y cómo les resultaba imposible
borrarla de sus mentes mucho tiempo después de su asesinato.
Habían saqueado un pueblecito y violado a muchas de las mujeres. Una de éstas era una
joven, cristiana evangélica, violada muchas veces en una sola tarde, y posteriormente
torturada. Sin embargo, a pesar de todo esto, esta joven, adhiriéndose a su fe en Cristo,
cantaba cantos religiosos durante su tortura. He aquí cómo lo describe uno de los soldados:
“Siguió también cantando incluso después de que le dispararan en el pecho. Yacía allí en La Cruz con la sangre
fluyendo de su pecho, pero seguía cantando – un poco más suave que antes, pero todavía cantando. Y los soldados,
estupefactos, la observaban y le apuntaban. Entonces, cansados ya de este juego inquietante, le dispararon de nuevo.
Y ella cantaba todavía. Pero el asombro de los soldados comenzó a convertirse en miedo – hasta que finalmente
desenvainaron sus machetes, la degollaron y… por fin acabó el canto” (La Masacre de El Mozote, N.Y. Vintage Books,
1994, pp.78-79)
Gil Bailie, que cuenta esta historia en su libro monumental sobre la cruz y la no violencia, se fija no sólo en la
extraordinaria semejanza entre la muerte de esta joven y la de Jesús, sino también en el hecho de que en los dos
casos resurrección significa que sus voces siguen vivas todavía, cuando todo con respecto a sus muertes indica que
sus voces tendrían que haber muerto.
Su violación y asesinato ocurrió en un lugar muy remoto y todos aquellos que quizás hubieran querido inmortalizar su
historia fueron también asesinados.
Sin embargo su voz sobrevive y sin duda seguirá creciendo en importancia, mucho tiempo después que los que la
violaron y asesinaron sean olvidados. Como lo demuestran tanto Jesucristo como esta joven valiente, la impotencia y el
anonimato, ligados a un corazón que es capaz de cantar las palabras: “¡Perdónalos, porque no saben lo que hacen!”
mientras es violada y humillada, al fin se convierten en lo opuesto: en poder y en inmortalidad.
Una muerte de este tipo no sólo marca moralmente la conciencia de los autores asesinos y de sus simpatizantes,
sino que también deja algo que nunca se puede olvidar, un eco permanente que nunca nadie silenciará. Dios
resucita y revitaliza también, después del Viernes Santo, la voz de quien murió.
Un crítico literario, que revisó el libro de Danner en el periódico New York Times, nos dice cómo, después de leer
esta historia, siguió “aguzando el oído” para oír el sonido de esa canción.
La tarea de la Pascua de Resurrección es reavivar el credo dentro de nosotros mismos. Los primeros cristianos,
inmediatamente después de experimentar la resurrección de Jesús, espontáneamente sellaron un credo en sólo tres
palabras: “¡Jesús es Señor!” Eso, de hecho, lo dice todo. Cuando afirmamos que Jesús ha resucitado de entre los
muertos y que es Señor de este mundo, estamos igualmente afirmando todas las demás verdades de nuestra fe.
Esencialmente, decimos:
• que Dios está siempre a cargo de este universo, a pesar de cualquier indicación en contra;
• que, a pesar de la brutalidad y de la violación, al fin, la violencia, la injusticia y el pecado serán silenciados y
• que la bondad y la amabilidad, como se manifiestan en Jesús, son lo que en el fondo subyace en la raíz de toda
• que esta joven cristiana, tan brutalmente violada, ha resucitado ahora y vive, gozosamente, en el corazón de Dios;
• y que su muerte, como la de Jesús, es redentora precisamente porque, como él, ella también, frente a la impotencia
ante la peor brutalidad que el mundo pudo perpetrar, todavía fue capaz de decir: “Perdónales, porque no saben lo
que hacen”.
Celebrar la Pascua de Resurrección es afirmar que todo esto es verdad. Pero eso exige también mucho de nosotros:
Exige, como tan acertadamente escribió el crítico literario del New York Times, que agucemos el oído para oír el
sonido de aquella canción de la joven moribunda, que nos esforcemos por guardarla a ella y a su canción vivas en
nuestro corazón. Ella vive todavía en el corazón de Dios, pero nosotros tenemos que guardarla también en el nuestro.
¿Por qué? No por razones sentimentales, ni simplemente porque su historia es excepcional. No. Tenemos que
guardarla viva en nuestros corazones porque su canto es la levadura de la resurrección y ésa, únicamente ésa,
puede resucitarnos también a nosotros para ser también excepcionales.
Una de las tareas de la Pascua de Resurrección es aguzar nuestros oídos para poder oír las voces del Viernes
Columna tomada del archivo. Publicada originalmente el 16/03/2006
Taller de Convalidación
Viviendo Su Matrimonio Como Sacramento
15 de Junio del 2013
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM en el Salón Sta. Rosa
El Taller de Convalidación es la preparación matrimonial
requerida por la Diócesis de Dallas para parejas que
desean validar su matrimonio en la Iglesia Católica. Este
taller le ayudará a las parejas a profundizar y fortalecer
su relación, a entender la diferencia entre un matrimonio
civil y un matrimonio sacramental, y a comprender su
llamado a la vocación matrimonial.
Para más información llame a Marie Zavala al
972-542-4667 (opción #5). Por favor pase a la oficina de
la parroquia para inscribirse. Costo: $125.00 por pareja
(Incluye alimentos y materiales). El cupo es limitado,
favor de inscribirse con an cipación.
El ministerio de Acomodadores de San Miguel tendrá su junta
mensual el viernes, 3 de mayo a las 7-9pm en el salón Drake
Si usted desea integrarse a este ministerio, por favor venga a
esta junta y hable directamente con Genoveva Quezada.
Coronación de Mayo
El Coro infantil los invita como familia a la coronación
el mes de mayo. La fecha será el miércoles 1° de
mayo, a las 4:45pm en la capilla.
Tendremos la coronación de cada estatua de la Virgen
en la iglesia. Después de algunos rezos, cantos y la
procesión, tendremos juegos para los niños al aire libre y algunos
refrescos hasta las 5:30pm.
Se les pide a los padres, que por favor se mantengan con sus hijos
durante la observación de esta costumbre antigua en nuestra Iglesia
Católica. Por favor llame a la oficina parroquial si le gustaría ayudar!
28 de abril 2013
Sagrada Lectura: 28 de abril al 5 de mayo
domingo, 28 de abril - Quinto Domingo de Pascua
Hechos 14:21-27; Sal 145; Ap 21:1-5; Jn 13:31-33, 34-35
lunes, 29 de abril - Mem. de santa Catalina de Siena
Hechos 14:5-18; Salmo 115; Juan 14:21-26
martes, 30 de abril - San Pío V
Hechos 14:19-28; cf. Salmo 145; Juan 14:27-31
miércoles, 1º de mayo - San José obrero
Hechos 15:1-6; cf. Salmo 122; Juan 15:1-8
jueves, 2 de mayo - Mem. de san Atanasio
Hechos 15:7-21; Salmo 96; Juan 15:9-11
viernes, 3 de mayo-Fiesta de santos Felipe y Santiago
1 Corintios 15:1-8; Salmo 19; Juan 14:6-14
sábado, 4 de mayo
Hechos 16:1-10; Salmo 100; Juan 15:18-21
domingo, 5 de mayo - Sexto Domingo de Pascua
Hechos 15:1-2, 22-29; Sal 67; Ap 21:10-14, 22-23; Jn 14:23-29
Holy Family (Quasi-Parish)
919 Spence Road  P.O. Box 482
Van Alstyne, Texas 75495  903.482.6322
Mass Times:
9:00am English
12 noon Spanish
9:00am English
Quinto Domingo de Pascua
Domingo 21 de abril
Los números de esta semana serán reportados en
el boletín de la próxima semana.
Descubra su talento musical
El grupo del Coro le invita a participar en
este ministerio donde usted tendrá la
oportunidad de descubrir, utilizar y brillar en
el arte musical. No se necesita experiencia,
únicamente las ganas de servir a Dios. Para más
informes, hable directamente con Sofía Godínez
después de la misa de 9:30am los domingos.
Horario de la notaría de San Miguel
lunes a viernes 9am - 5:00 pm
Cerrado: sábado y domingo
Horario de Misas (fin de semana)
sábado (Inglés):
Vigilia 5:00 pm
domingo (Inglés):
8:00 am y 11:30 am
(Español): 9:30 am y 1:30 pm
Horario de Misas (durante la semana)
lunes, miércoles y viernes: 8:00 am
martes y jueves: 5:30 pm
Confesiones jueves: 6-7pm y sábado: 3-4pm
Cada jueves: 6pm-7pm y cada viernes 8:30am-5:00pm
St. Michael Church #515383
411 Paula Road
McKinney, TX 75069
972 542-4667
Rosie Bibanco
MSPublisher 2007
Adobe Acrobat 9.0
Windows XP
Canon 5051
Tuesday 12:00 noon
April 28, 2013
[email protected]
1 Through 10 (Including this page)

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