Hol\ Cross Catholic Church - Holy Cross Catholic Church


Hol\ Cross Catholic Church - Holy Cross Catholic Church
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General Information / Información General
Parish Office / Oficina Parroquial: 770-939-3501, 9am-4pm
Regular Mass Times/Horario de Misas
Mon, Tue, Wed & Thur/Lun, Mar, Mier, Jueves: 9:15am and 7:00pm
7:00pm Spanish/español
9:15am and 5:00pm Vigil
6:30pm Spanish/español Vigil
7:30am, 9:00am, 11:30am,
1:15pm Spanish/español &
5:30pm Lifeteen
Burmese Mass (3rd Sunday)
3:00pm Burmese
Confessions / Confesiones
Wednesday / Miércoles
Saturday / Sábado
After 9:15am Mass or by appt.
Después de la Misa de las
9:15am o con cita.
Parish Office Hours/Horas de la Oficina Parroquial
Monday - Friday
9:00am - 4:00pm
Baptism Under 8 Year s of Ag e
Parents are required to be members of the parish for at l eas t si x months and are required
to c ompl ete a prepar ation program. Call the parish offic e to r eser ve a spac e in the
Baptis m clas s, hel d quarterl y.
Marriage: T his s acrament requires compl eti on of a marriage preparati on pr ogram
(generall y five to six months in length), as well as other notifications. You must also be a
registered member of the c hurch for thr ee months before s ec uring a c alendar date for
your wedding. Pleas e c ontact the paris h offic e for more informati on.
Anointing of the Sick: Parishi oners mus t notify the parish offic e to rec ei ve a communion
visitation or anoi nting by a priest i n the home or hos pital.
Bautismos para niños menores de 8 años: Las charlas para los
bautismos son el primero y segundo miércoles del mes. Los bautismos se
celebran en grupo el tercer sábado de cada mes a las 10am. Requisitos:
Los padres deben estar registrados en la Parroquia, acta de nacimiento del
niño/a, acta de matrimonio católico de los padrinos, si los padrinos son
solteros-- deberán ser mayores de 16 años y haber recibido los
Sacramentos. Presentar el acta de Confirmación, tomar las charlas de
preparación para el bautismo o traer carta de la parroquia donde asisten en
la que conste que son católicos prácticos. Todos los documentos, junto con
el registro para el bautismo se debe de presentar en la primera charla. Para
más información recoja los formularios para el bautismo en la mesa de
Presentaciones: Niños y niñas de 40 días ó de tres años, inscribirse antes
de la misa con los ujieres. Los niños de tres años deben estar bautizados.
Matrimonios: Como requisito deben completar una preparación matrimonial
y ser miembros de la parroquia por no menos de 6 meses. Para mas
información, comuníquese con Padre Fausto Marquez, 770-939-3501, Ext.
Unción de los Enfermos: Si tiene un familiar enfermo o conocido y que
pertenece a la parroquia, puede llamar para que el Sacerdote lo visite o
algún Ministro Extraordinario de la Comunión. Llame a la oficina , 770-9393501, Ext. 225 y lo visitaremos y oraremos por el.
Rev. Richard Tibbetts
Parochial Vicar
Rev. Fausto Marquez
In Residence
Rev. Edward Danneker
Rev. Daniel Agbeko Gbadji
Associate Clergy
Rev. Dr. Dayle Geroski
Rev. Mr. Cecil Reimer
Rev. Mr. Tom Silvestri
Rev. Dr. James Weiss
Business Manager
Beth Butler, Ext. 226
[email protected]
Director of Religious Education
Barb Garvin, Ext. 233
[email protected]
Music Minister
Gail Goodman, Ext. 228
[email protected]
Coordinator of Elementary Education
Aida Buzeta, Ext. 235
[email protected]
Youth Minister, Life Teen & Edge
Mary Busbee, Ext. 232
[email protected]
Edge Program Coordinator
Emily Holmes, Ext. 232
Administrative Assistant
Penny Lampe, Ext. 252
[email protected]
Parish Secretary
Monique Marlette, Ext. 223
[email protected]
Assistant to the Business Manager
Gregg Watson, Ext. 242
Custodial Maintenance
Zlatko Halimic, Ext. 239
Friends of St. Martin de Porres, Ext 231
Homebound? Do you know a parishioner who
is homebound due to illness, or is elderly and would
like to receive Communion? Please contact
Eileen Anandappa at 770-908-0062 or
e-mail her at [email protected].
Mass Intentions & Readings/Intenciones & Lecturas de la Misa
Through incessant prayer, we open ourselv es more fully to understanding God’s will. Through f aith in the power of prayer, we
experience God’s love and assistance. Our Christian lif e is nourished by the scriptures we read and by our received tradition.
Podemos entender mas prof undamente la voluntad de Dios cuando estamos en continua oración. A través de nuestra f e en el poder
de la oración, podemos sentir el amor y la ayuda de Dios. Nuestra vida Cristiana es alimentada por las escrituras que leemos y por la
tradición recibida.
Sunday/Domingo 7/21—Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gn 18:1-10a Ps 15:2-5 Col 1:24-28 Lk 10:38-42
5:00pm Vigil
Kathleen Wernecke (D) by Tom & Jane Melv in
Luke Francis (L) by Father Richard
Willy Perez (D) by Connie Perez
John Rode (D) by Frank & Pat Coughlin
For the people of Holy Cross/Por la gente de Holy Cross
Ludiv ina Reyes Rodriguez (D) by Rey es Rodriguez Family
Emilie McGrath (D) by Penny & Les Lampe
Monday/Lunes 7/22— Saint Mary Magdalene
Ex 14:5-18 (Ps) Ex 15:1-6 Jn 20:1-2,11-18
The flowers on the altar this
weekend are in memory of
Lucie Lav ine (D) by Bonnie & Gregg Watson
Tony Durham (D) by Cindy Durham
Tuesday/Martes 7/23— Saint Bridget, religious
Ex 14:21-15:1 (Ps)Ex 15:8-10,12,17 Mt 12:46-50
Tony and Anita
Ef rain & Gloria Espinosa (L) by Stella Ceron
Philip Ev erett Stephens (D) by Mary Jane Stephens
given by Eleanor Camarata.
Wednesday/Miércoles 724— Saint Sharbel Makhaluf, priest
Ex 16:1-5,9-15 Ps 78:18-19,23-28 Mt 13:1-9
The Altar Flowers may be given in
me mory or honor of loved ones for a
donation of $75. To schedule your altar
Flower intentions please call
Martha Murphy at
Doris Albertson (D) by Penny & Les Lampe
The intentions of the Priest/Las intenciones del Sacerdote
Thursday/Jueves 7/25— Saint James, Apostle
2Cor 4:7-15 Ps 1126:1-6 Mt 20:20-28
Bill Hightower (D) by Lou Hightower
Elisa Ay ala (D) by Mariela Ay ala
Friday/Viernes 7/26— Saints Joachim and Anne, parents of the Blessed
Virgin Mary
Ex 20:1-17 Ps 19:8-11 Mt 13:18-23
Douglas Corera (D) by the Anandappa Family
Saturday/Sábado 7/27— Blessed Virgin Mary
Ex 24:3-8 Ps 50:1-2,5-6,1415 Mt 13:24-30
Sr. Mary Anita (L) the Sisters
Jim Brassfield (D) by Vera Brassf ield
Sister Marily n (L) by Father Richard
Sunday/Domingo 7/28—Sev enteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gn 18:20-32 Ps 138:1-3,6-8 Col 2:12-14 Lk 11:1-13
Las flores del altar pueden ser
dedicadas a una intención especial tal
como cumpleaños, aniversario de
muerte o de matrimonio etc. Si desea
hacer su donación de $75, por favor
llame a la oficina de la iglesia entre las
9:00am—1:00pm de lunes a viernes y
procure por Monique.
Polly McCarthy (D) by Jerry McCarthy
Bill Starrs (D) by Bonnie & Gregg Watson
Stella Pasternak (D) by Betty & Jim Sweeney
Gilberto Garcia (L) by the Garcia Family
For the people of Holy Cross/Por la gente de Holy Cross
*en español
Lecturas para la sem ana
Domingo: Gn 18, 1-10/Col 1, 24-28/Lc 10, 38-42
Lunes: Ex 14, 5-18/Jn 20, 1-2. 11-18
Martes: Ex 14, 21--15, 1/Mt 12, 46-50
Miércoles: Ex 16, 1-5. 9-15/Mt 13, 1-9
Juev es: 2 Cor 4, 7-15/Mt 20, 20-28
Viernes: Ex 20, 1-17/Mt 13, 18-23
Sábado: Ex 24, 3-8/Mt 13, 24-30
Domingo siguiente: Gn 18, 20-32/Col 2, 12-14/Lc
11, 1-13
Offertory for Jul y 13 & 14—$23,986.40
8/4/13 Mission Cooperative Program
8/11/13 St. Vincent de Paul
8/18/13 Friends of St. Martin
Thank you for your continued generosity!
Gracias por tu generosidad.
Families In Faith
Please remember in your prayers/
Por favor recuerde en sus oraciones:
Breathing In, Breathing Out
Katie Linquest, Sue Coyle, Stephanie Keller, Gloria
Szabo, Ellie Fleet, Bettie Lu Rodgers, Albert
Franklin, Jane Chapman, Brandon Williams Lenfest,
Hope Sorrells, David Crawford, Ahn Mai, Peggy Early,
Kate Sokolowski, Lourdes Plazaola, Ann Gimbruno,
Alice Taylor, Allene Kelly, Carl Acker, Betty Clancy,
Natasha Novak, Mike Schaff, Eddie Smith, Kathleen
Collins, Maria Vidal, Maria Coronado, Antonio Lopez,
Jean Smith, Colby Smith, Carmen Graciaa, Marty
Martin, Marlene Greaver, Frank Minyon, Beau
Mondragon, Marlene Lewis, Khoung Mai, Brenda
Dixon, Rose Erbs, Jim Bergmann,
Hemona Samuel, Sister Marilyn,
Billie Ballard, Theresa Pinson,
Maria Vargas, Jean Clos, Leslie
Long, Carina Jimenez, Zach
Zambroske, Dot Brooks, Charlene
and Randy Timmons, Rachel
Blackwell, and Gloria Butler.
Before you read this take a deep breath and exhale slowly.
Inhale and exhale, breathing in and out multiple times each
minute is an automatic activity essential to life. How
ridiculous it would be for someone to ask us, "which is
more important: inhaling or exhaling?" We would
immediately recognize that without both activities we
cease to exist.
Inhale too frequently and we hyperventilate, eventually
passing out. Hold our breath refusing to exhale the same
completely is the optimal response for our bodies. We are
created for this balanced, rhythmic activity. Such a basic
movement enables our existence and enhances all we do.
Elite athletes often travel to high altitude training
centers to use this basic breathing in and out to work out
and improve their athletic abilities. The high altitude
training enhances the capacity to perform through the basic
act of inhaling and exhaling. As the athlete trains, the body
trains as well, modifying itself to later carry more oxygen
through the blood to all parts of the body.
Prayer and service are the inhaling and exhaling of the
spiritual life. Neither has a priority and each aids the other
in strengthening our service to the Lord.
Contemplation is the high altitude training of the spiritual
life. Through meditation, our prayer enables us to receive
God's grace throughout every aspect of our life.
Mary and Martha are the supporting characters in this
week's gospel reading as we continue with another "on the
road story" with Jesus heading towards Jerusalem. The
women in this story are too often portrayed as squabbling
siblings. T heirs is not a story about a bossy, demanding
hostess and her lazy sister. Rather they are living examples
of the necessary pairing of prayer and service. Disciples of
Jesus are not excused from service nor are we called to a
life of private contemplation. The gospel story does not
ask us to pick a winner, either Martha or Mary. It asks us
to listen to the breathing of Jesus -- inhaling, exhaling-calling us to prayer and to service, balanced in our life,
enriching our days, and keeping us on the road with Jesus,
journeying towards the Father, living in the Kingdom of
Summer offers us the opportunity to examine our
breathing. Is there a measured, steady balance in our faith
life? Have we been running too hard for too long, gasping
for air? Have we been sedentary, needing some deep
breathing exercises? The choice is not Martha or Mary,
prayer or service, but rather setting our breath in harmony
with God's, sending life and love to the world. Breathe in
deeply the love of God. Let that breath be exhaled in love
and service to others.
If you woul d like the name of a l oved one added to our published
prayer list, pleas e call the c hurc h office at
770-939-3501, or email your request to
office@ hol ycrossatlanta.org. Individuals will be kept on our
prayer list for six weeks.
Por fav or, llame a la oficina parroqui al a 770-939-3501 si des ea
poner a un familiar en la lista de oraciones , o c uando la s alud de
alguien mejore o si ellos necesitan ser removidos de la
lista. Tambi én nos puede mandar un mensaj e por correo
electrónic o a offic e@holycrossatl anta.org.
Religious Education Building Key
Code has changed effective
July 1, 2013
If you have not receiv ed a new key code y ou need to contact
Barb Garv in in the Religious Education office as we do not have
a good email f or y our group ([email protected] or
770 939-3501 ext. 233) All groups must fill out contact
inf ormation and sign a sheet on the rules f or use of a classroom.
A partir del 1 ro de Julio del 2013 el código de la llave
de los salones en la Escuela de Religión a cambiado
Si usted no ha recibido un código nuevo de la llave, necesita
comunicarse con Barb Garv in en la Of icina de Educación
Religiosa pues no tenemos un email suy o para enviarle esta
inf ormación, ([email protected] or 770 939-3501
ext 233) Todos los grupos deben de firmar una hoja con las
reglas para utilizar un salón de clases.
Bulletin Submission Information: Bulletin content must be
receiv ed in the parish office no later than Thursday at 4:00pm
of the week prior to publication. Please email y our
submissions to [email protected].
Love Once More
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Children's Liturgy of the Word will be taking a little summer
time off in order to take family trips and vacations for the
next few weeks. We WILL be back along with the Folk
Group Choir the weekend of August 4th. Have a blessed
wonderful summer.
Have you recently married again after one or both of you
lost a spouse through death or divorce? Or are you
preparing to enter a remarriage? Are you forming a
stepfamily together? Remarried family life is more complex
and often more challenging than for first-married families,
even if only one of you was married before. Couples who
learn about what makes remarriage unique, and develop
the skills to meet these challenges together, are much
better equipped to build strong marriages.
Are you interested in becoming
Then be sure to attend our RCIA Inquiry Session on
Sunday, July 14 at 10:30 A.M. in the Assembly Room
(classroom located next to the Parish Hall.) For more
information contact Cindy Durham: (770) 938-6511 or
[email protected], www.holycrossatlanta.org/
Love Once More is a one-day workshop for couples
preparing for remarriage or in the first four years of
remarriage. Grace and Growth Counseling Center will
present Love Once More on Saturday, August 24, 2013
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Holy Spirit Catholic Church. Cost
is $150 per couple and includes lunch and books. No one
will be turned away due to lack of funds. Registration is
Knights of Columbus—July 28
required. Please contact Sweeney at 678-235-3912 or
The Holy Cross Knights of Columbus families, are invited
[email protected] to register or for more
to attend Mass together on Sunday, July 28 at 9:00am.The information.
first four rows on the right side of the church will be
Couples considering this workshop for Catholic marriage
reserved for the Knights and their families.
preparation should first consult the clergy preparing them
for marriage.
God’s Gladiator
Should you be interested in
miracles, visions and angels read “
God’s Gladiator” by Richard Hardy.
Richard has been attending Holy
Cross since 1992 and working with
the Archdiocese of Atlanta from
1995 to 2012. "God's Gladiator" is
his true life story how he endured
the Nazis, the Soviets and made
his way to the United States of
America and fought himself up the
business ladder in the US and
International business world,
encountering the KKK, the Nazi
Odessa organization, the PLO and other infamous
situations and persons. It’s about how God intervenes and
shields his disciple to become a key manager in the
Archdiocese of Atlanta. Meet Richard himself in the
gathering area after the 9am and 11:30am Masse s today
and July 28th.
August 17-18
Barb Garvin (P arish Office) (770) 939-3501
Enter a quiet and prayerful atmosphere focused on reconnecting with
the Lord.
B e still and kno w that I a m God—Psalm 46:11
Form deep and lasting relationships to provide an uplifting Christian
community and loving fa mily - a brotherhood and sisterhood in Christ.
F or wh ere t wo or t hre e ar e gath ered toget her i n my na me,
t here a m I i n th e midst of th e m—Matthew 18:20
Volunteer Drivers Needed
If you have time to spare and kindness to share be a
Volunteer Driver for I CARE! I CARE, Inc. provides senior
citizens in DeKalb County with free transportation to
doctors’ offices, hospitals, and other health-related
appointments. If you are interested in volunteering to help
others receive vitally needed health care, please call 404377-2273.
Whether you are deeply rooted in your faith or merely beginning your
walk with the Lord, Christ Renews His P arish is a journey of spiritual
Dra w near to God and H e will draw near to yo u—James 4:8
Cost for the entire weekend is only $25.
Please keep the Women participating in the Christ Renews
His Parish retreat this weekend in your prayers.
a variety of one-day workshops to help divorced and
separated Catholics. These workshops are designed to
help separated or divorced Catholics address the key
Thursdays, July 25-$XJSP&DWKHGUDORI&KULVWWKH issues they face. Cost is $49 per workshop and includes
King, 2699 Peachtree Road, NE, Atlanta, in Kenny Hall.
lunch. Scholarships are available. No one is turned away.
Come hear speakers who explore the teachings of the
Contact: www.divorcedcatholic.org/workshops to register.
Catholic faith concerning decisions related to long-term
illness, critical health care, cremation and how to plan for
funeral arrangements. Light refreshments will be served at
7 p.m. and the talk will begin at 7:15 p.m. Contact: Dottie
ENCOUNTER WEEKENDS: The next Worldwide
O'Connor at (404) 233-2145 or [email protected].
Marriage Encounter weekend will be Aug. 16-18 .
Worldwide Marriage Encounter is an experience for
couples with good marriages, who want to improve and
enliven their communication. It is a great way to put the
spark back in your marriage and to celebrate your love for
one another. Please visit the website at wwmeatlanta.org
for online registration. Contact: (678) 435-3791.
Briarcliff Road, NE, Atlanta. DivorcedCatholic.org is hosting
Rito de Iniciación
AUG. 11
El Rito de Iniciación, se destina a los adultos que, al oír el
anuncio del misterio de Cristo, y bajo la acción del Espíritu
Santo en sus corazon es consciente y libremente buscan al
Dios vivo y emprenden el camino de la fe y de la conversión.
Con la ayuda de Dios se les provee de la ayuda espiritual
para su prep aración y para la recepción de los sacramentos
en el momento oportuno.
The RCIA process is a journey of faith:
• Through the initial stages of asking and seeking.
• Through beginning involvement with faith ful Catholics.
• Through hearing the Gospel proclaimed and by faith ful
reflection and prayer on the Word of God.
• Through study and discussions about Catholic teaching
and way of li fe.
• Through doubts and hesitations.
• Through a growing desire to serve and love others.
• Through discernment of God’s call to each human life.
Through the steps of commitment.
¿Estás interesado en conocer más acerca de la Iglesia Católica, la liturgia, tradición, etc...?
Eres adulto y necesitas el Sacramento del Bautismo, Primera Comunión o la Confirmación.
¡Nunca es tarde para recibirlos!
Día de In formación es el 18 de agosto (10:30am-12:30pm)
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in
believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may
abound in hope.”
– Romans 15:13
estas buenas obras, y por ello den gloria al Padre de ustedes que está en los Cielos.”
– Mt 5:16
Contact Cindy Durham:
(770) 938-6511 or [email protected]
Comuníquese con Aida Buzeta:
(770) 939-3501 ext. 235 o abuzeta@holycross atlanta.org
Catechist and Catechist Assistants Needed for 2013-2014
School Year
Our Religious Education program now serves over 800 children and youth from
pre-k through 12th grade. Next school year we will be opening an additional
elementary session on Sunday afternoons (3:45 – 5:15pm) for families that have
children in more than one age group. (Elementary – M iddle School Edge – High
School-Life Teen) In order to do this we need your help. We are looking for
adults that are willing to share their Catholic faith with the young church. Our
goal is to have two Catechist in each room and to meet this goal we need you.
Please contact the Religious Education Office, 770-939-3501, ext. 233 or
[email protected] to learn more about this opportunity. Summer
training will be provided. If Sunday afternoon does not work in your schedule,
we will have openings on Sunday morning and Wednesday night as well as our
Edge and Life Teen Programs can all use additional help. PLEASE consider
Visita a Jesús Sacramentado
Come Let Us Adore Him
“Jesús está expuesto en la capilla de lunes a
sábado todo el día. Si deseas hacer tu visita
puedes venir a la hora que puedas. La iglesia y
nuestra parroquia necesita de tus oraciones. Si
te interesa tomar una hora estable de
adoración, te puedes comunicar con: Letic ia
Oñate, 770-360-9786.
Jesus asks, “Could you not stay...w ith
me for even an hour?” Mt. 26:40. He
invites all of us to spend one quiet
hour each w eek in the adoration
chapel. Please direct your inquiries to
Kay Warthman at 770-493-1345.
Tuesday Evening Bible Study – Gospel of Matthew: A new Tuesday Evening Bible Study from Jeff
Cavins’ Great Adventure series – this one focusing on the Gospel of Matthew – will begin Sept. 3 (7:30 –
9:15 p.m. in Rooms 9-10 of the Religious Education Building). Please register by Aug. 11 to ensure your
spot in the class, save on registration fees and guarantee that your book is here prior to the start of
classes. “Matthew: The King and His Kingdom” is a Catholic Bible study that presents the Gospel
account in a way that brings the history of Christ to life. Witness for yourself how Jesus ful fills the
promises and prophecies o f the Old Testament. Experience how Christ demonstrates His authority and Divinity through his
miraculous ministry. And recognize the power and importance o f The Church, the Mass and the Sacraments established by
Christ. Registration forms are available on our website, http://holycrossatlanta.org/ministries/education-ministries/. For more
inform ation or partial scholarship assistance, contact: Teresa Vigil, [email protected] or (404) 805-1656.
Thursday Morning Bible Study – The Bible Timeline: This year, a Thursday morning study is being added to our Bible study
classes. Titled “The Bible Timeline,” this study invites you to go deep into each period of salvation history and discover the
amazing story woven throughout all of Scripture. Learn the major people, places and events o f the Bible and see how they all
come together to reveal the remarkable story o f our faith. Explore salvation history – from its beginning in Genesis through the
coming of Christ and the establishment of the Catholic Church. This class begins Sept. 5 and will be held from 10:15 – 11: 45
a.m. in Rooms 9-10 of the Religious Education Building. Please register by Aug. 11 to ensure your spot in the class, save on
registration fees and guarantee that your book is here prior to the start of classes. Registration forms are available on our websi te,
http://holycrossatlanta.org/ministries/education -ministries/. For more information or partial scholarship assistance, contact:
Darlen e Kobus, [email protected] or (770) 662-8952.
Thursday Evening Bible Study – Book of Genesis: A 29-week study of the Book of Genesis (from Catholic
Scripture Study International) will be held on Thursday evenings, beginning Sept. 5, in the Parish Hall. Classes
will run from 7:30 – 9:15 p.m. In the beginning … That’s what Genesis is, the beginning of the world and all
living things and God created it all. In this book, one will also discover the answer to those age-old questions:
Where did I come from? Why am I here? What is the purpose of my life? The answers to these questions and
many more are found in this in-depth study. Genesis also sets the stage for God’s plan of redemption and plants
the seeds of many important doctrines and Christian teachings that unfold in the rest of the Bible. Without Genesis, the Bble is
incomprehensible, which makes this a “must” study! Please register by Aug. 11 to ensure your spot in the class, save on
registration fees and guarantee that your book is here prior to the start of classes. Registration forms are available on our websi te,
http://holycrossatlanta.org/ministries/education -ministries/. For information about this class , contact: Cindy Durham, 770-9386511 or (404) 713-9117 (cell). Or, email: [email protected].
"Restless Heart: The
Confessions of Augustine"
At AMC Phipps Plaza 14 Buckhead, Thursday, July 25,
7:30pm. Back by popular demand!
Luxury Seating. Tix $10 in advance.
Contact Larry Schauer at
[email protected] or 678-770-6400. Get
your ticket NOW before they sell out - invite your single
and married friends, family, co-workers. Rated PG-13. NO
tickets will be sold at the door!
RESTLESS HEART uses a historic backdrop to tell the true
story of Augustine of Hippo – one of the Catholic Church’s
most beloved and well-known Saints. Its message is as
timely today as it was only a few generations after Jesus
walked on Earth. It is the story of one who pursues fame
and fo rtune without a moral compass – and the changes that
occur when ev ents lead him to see the light. It also
chronicles the collapse o f the Roman world and how
Augustine laid the intellectual found ations of what became
Europe. Filmed in Europe, this new epic film is the first full
-length feature movie about St. Augustine.
Join us August 3rd at 1pm in the Holy Cross Church
Sanctuary for a free Perimeter Flutes concert. Holy
Cross' own Nicole Chamberlain, flutist at the 11:30am
mass, will be performing with the quartet. The quartet
is giving the concert in preparation for their
performance at the National Flute Association
Convention in New Orleans, LA
the following week. The concert will feature works by
Atlanta composers Dr. Charles
Knox, Nicole Chamberlain,
Brian Chamberlain, and a
world premiere by Georgia
State University's composition
professor, Dr. Nickitas Demos.
For more information visit
16º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Al escuchar este Evangelio siempre tendemos a interpretarlo equivocadamente, sobretodo
cuando pensamos que María, la contemplativa, es la buena y Martha, la acti va, es la mala. La
conducta de Martha -que también es amiga de Jesús- ignora los grandes beneficios que se
alcanzan al poner a Jesús como centro de nuestra vida. Los quehaceres cotidianos la absorben y
difícilmente puede sentarse a escuchar al Maestro. Es como la semilla que cae en tierra estéril. La
gran diferencia es que María se sienta a los pies del Maestro a escuchar de la palabra de Dios. Ya
el trabajo se hará después. ¿Cuál es tu opinión de estas dos mujeres? ¿Qué actitudes de ambas
debemos de imitar?
Todo es cuestión de fe y de darnos cuenta de que Jesús ofrece a sus discípulos el saber
discernir y actuar tomando la mejor parte en cada momento de nuestras vidas. Los papeles de
Martha y de María son esenciales. No debemos de estar rezando cuando tenemos alguna
responsabilidad que cumplir, ni debemos de trabajar cuando es el tiempo de estar con el Maestro.
actividad que no tenemos tiempo de entrar a alguna iglesia para visitar al Santísimo. Ojalá que la
palabra de Dios no quede sofocada en nuestro activismo. No olvidemos que en Cristo nosotros
somos la revelación de Dios para otros. Nuestra meta debe saber tener balance en la vida. El
personaje de María es el modelo a seguir y ella le invita a Martha a hacer lo mismo.
Cristo Renueva Su Parroquia, Retiro de Mujeres en Holy
Cross el 3 y 4 de Agosto. Donación $50.00. Para mas
información contáctanos a: 678-399-1989, 678-847-1820,
404-632-4618, 404-805-7110.
AÑOS NO ES UN SACRAMENTO. Eso no significa que no
se le da el lugar que merece con sencillez, respeto, y
devoción. Así como se participa de la fiesta es
IMPORTANTE que se viva la fe como debe de ser con
sinceridad y amor.
Jesús nos llama a cada una de nosotros estemos en donde
estemos no porque seamos pecadores si no porque nos
quiere mas puros, mas santos. Si ese mujer y si eres
mayor de 18 años, entonces para ti es el llamado del día
de hoy. El esta en tu puerta tocando, le quieres abrir? Al
igual que a Mateo el Señor te dice hoy “SIGUEME”.
Porque? Tal vez no lo sepas pero el Señor ya tiene su plan
contigo, quieres descubrir ese plan?
Para muchas familias cristianas, católicas que vienen a las
iglesias para celebrar los QUINCEAÑOS de una joven, es
motivo de alegría y entusiasmo. Se preparan con las
mejores expectativas. Por eso, la atención no es solo lo
social y festivo que implica, sino también su significado
religioso que lleva a la cristiana que se debe manifestar.
Jóvenes que desean celebrar su Misa de Quinceañera en
Holy Cross debe de haber recibido los Sacramentos de
El Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial invita a las parejas
interesadas en mejorar su relación y vida familiar a
activas con el grupo de jóvenes, Life Teen tres (3) meses
participar en el Fin de Semana que se llevará a cabo el 7-8 antes de fijar la Misa de quince años en nuestro calendario
de Septiembre. No permita que la rutina y los problemas
parroquial. Una vez la joven a esta activa por (3) mese en
diarios arruinen su matrimonio. Dele vida a su relación,
el grupo de Life Teen, puede pedir constancia de registro
crezcan y profundicen su comunicación. Llame al (770)
en el programa. Los padres deben ser miembros
425-1328 y (770) 843-9213 para información y registro.
registrados de nuestra parroquia por lo menos (3) meses.
Varios espacios aún disponibles.
Al cumplir esto requisitos, los padres deben de venir
personalmente a la oficina parroquial con las secretarias
Monique Marlette, Miércoles o Viernes de 9:00am a
1:00pm. Los padres deben de entregar el depósito de $200
Las próximas platicas para Bautismos son el 7 y 14 de
dólares (no reembolsable), los certificados de Bautismo y
agosto a las 7pm en el Salón 9-10 en la Escuela de
Primera Comunión, y el comprobante de el Ministerio de
Religión. Los Bautismos se celebraran el 17 de agosto.
Life Teen al momento de reservar la fecha.
Respect Life will host a lunch for the Crossroad youths on
Sunday, July 28, at 2 :00 pm in room 7 & 8 in our Religious
Education Bldg. Everyone is encouraged to join in support of the
work these youth pro-life warriors are doing to save the unborn.
Crossroads was f ounded in 1995 by Steve Sanborn, a student at Franciscan Univ ersity of
Steubenv ille (Ohio) as a response to John Paul II’s call to the youth of the world to take an
activ e role in the pro-lif e movement in order to establish a Culture of Life. An integral part of
Crossroads is our y early pro-lif e pilgrimages across the United States. Each summer, young
adults walk on four simultaneous pro-lif e walks across America from Seattle, San Francisco, San Jose and Los Angeles to
Washington, D.C.. Walking ov er 12,000 miles and through 40 states, these y oung people hope to convert the hearts and minds of
others – at the grass-roots level – by witnessing to the dignity and sanctity of all human lif e, from the moment of conception to
natural death.
- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - Candles of Innocence
This ministry’s purpose is to provide leadership and education on Respect Life issues. The Candle of
Innocence burns for a w eek on the Blessed Mother’s Altar in the Chapel for personal intentions. Proceeds
from the Candle of Innocence and Respect Life Gift Shop go to Respect Life.
The Candle of Innocence will burn for the week of July 21st for:
Blue – for mothers who devote their lives to their handicapped children
Red – for all Mothers of our parish, living or dead.
To request a Candle of Innocence please contact Eugene Vigil at 470-244-3302 or [email protected]

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