Saint John the Evangelist-Saint Rocco Roman Catholic Parish


Saint John the Evangelist-Saint Rocco Roman Catholic Parish
Saint John the Evangelist-Saint Rocco
Roman Catholic Parish
250 - 21st Street
Brooklyn, NY 11215
216 - 27th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Parish Office at 250—21st Street
Phone: 718-768-3751
Fax: 718-768-4689
Mon. 9:30am-12pm & 1pm-6:30pm
Tues. - Thurs. 9:30am-12pm & 1pm-7:30pm
Friday 9:00am-3:00pm
Sat. 9am-12pm
Rev. Kenneth J. Grande, Pastor
Saturday Vigil Mass:
5:30 p.m.
St. John the Evangelist
Sunday Masses:
8:45 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
11:45 a.m.
St. John the Evangelist
St. John the Evangelist
St. Rocco
Mon.-Fri. Masses:
8:30 a.m.
St. John the Evangelist
Friday Mass:
7:30 p.m.
St. John the Evangelist
No matter who you are,
or where you are on
life’s journey,
you are welcome here.
No importa quién eres,
o donde está usted en
el viaje de la vida,
usted es bienvenido aquí.
Mass Intentions
July 9
Rosemarie & Artie Milo
Requested by Diane, Mike, Emily & Michael
July 10
All Members of Our Parish Family
Todos Los Miembros de la Parroquia
July 11
All Members of Our Parish Family
July 12
Filomena, Frank & Anthony Perrotta
Requested by Nettie & Sue
Victor Espinoza
Requested by Italo Espinoza
Wednesday July 13
The Sick of Our Parish Family
July 14
Increase in Religious Vocations
July 15
Increase in Vocations to the Priesthood
Todos Los Miembros de la Parroquia
July 16
All Members of Our Parish Family
Please pray for the homebound, the elderly, those
who are alone, the sick and especially for the sick
of our parish: Liza & Lisette Ferreiro, Amanda Lara,
Teresa Zapata, Ramon Gonzalez, Victoria Dubitsky,
Alfredo Rivas, Dana Rutyna & Milagros Alarcon
The 2016 Mass Book is Opened: We ask that
you come to the rectory to reserve Masses for
the year 2016 on Tuesday through Thursday
only from 1:30 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. This will give
us a better opportunity to serve your needs.
Libro De Misa Del 2016: Ya está abierto el libro
de las Misas para el año 2016. Los que quieren
mandar celebrar una misa en el año 2016
pueden venir a la rectoria en las horas de oficina
para reservar fecha y pagarla.
Mass in Honor of St. Anne
Saturday, July 23rd at 10:30am in
St. John the Evangelist Church. All are welcome.
Saturdays 4:30pm - 5:00pm
Sábado a las 4:30pm - 5:00pm
Please call the parish office
for more information.
Por favor, llame la oficina de la Parroquia
por más información
Weddings: Scheduling of the ceremony is to be
done at least 6 months in advance (and prior to
all other arrangements being made). Please call
the parish office to arrange an appointment.
Please log on to for complete
information about marriage preparation in the Diocese.
Bodas: Favor fijar la fecha de la ceremonia en la
Iglesia por lo menos 6 meses antes de la boda ( y
antes de los otros arreglos). Llame a la rectoria
para una cita. Favor de usar el Internet en para información completa para
la preparación de matrimonio en la diócesis.
Religious Education Classes Registration:
Registration for our parish Religious Education
Faith Formation Classes is now taking place in
the parish office. Registration fee is $40.00 for
the first child and $30.00 for each additional child
of the same family. Please bring a copy of the
child’s Baptismal Certificate and a copy of the
Birth Certificate.
Registración para las clases de Educación
Religiosa: La inscripción para nuestras clases
de Educación Religiosa, para la Formación de
Fe, es4 teniendo lugar ahora en la oficina de
nuestra parroquia. El costo de inscripción para
un niño es de $ 40.00, y $30.00 por cada niño
adicional de la misma familia. Por favor traiga
una copia del Certificado de Bautismo del niño y
una copia del acta de nacimiento.
Take Care Of Yourself
Dr. Vincent Adamo, a member of our parish family, would like to help us live and remain healthy.
He is a very caring and friendly holistic doctor and
puts his faith into action by helping anyone who is
suffering or in pain. He is helping many people in
our diocese to live a better life. His office is located at 446 Bay Ridge Parkway in Brooklyn and
is phone number is 718-921-5483. You can find
more info at
or Call him today
to schedule your appointment.
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
"He replied to him, 'You have answered correctly; do this and you will live.'" In today's Gospel a scholar questions Jesus about
how to gain eternal life. In case anyone ever wonders whether heaven is within reach, one only needs to refer to this Gospel. Jesus provides a clear answer that gives us a clear plan of action: We are to love God with all that we are, and also to love our
neighbors. Really, it's that simple. The scholar, however, complicated things to make himself look better. Instead of accepting
the simplicity of Jesus' instruction, he wanted to split hairs, asking, "And who is my neighbor?" Jesus replied with the story of the
Good Samaritan-and the lesson that our neighbors are not just those we know or love. Rather, our neighbor is the person that
needs our help, the person whom we would rather ignore, the person whom God puts in our path. In short, everyone is our
neighbor and we are called to treat everyone with mercy. This is part of how we gain eternal life But this flows from the first
element of Jesus' answer. First and foremost, Jesus instructs us to love God "with all your heart, with all your being, with all your
strength, and with all your mind." When we love God in this way, truly as the Lord of our life, then loving our neighbors becomes the easy part. When our hearts and minds are full of the love of God-who loves all people-then it will necessarily follow
that we too will desire to share that love with others and not count the cost. The Good Samaritan is an excellent example of this
kind of love. Without hope of repayment, he gave of his time and his money to help the poor victim. But in return, the Samaritan
will surely "gain eternal life."
15º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
"Maestro, ¿qué debo hacer para conseguir la vida eterna? Observemos que en el Evangelio de hoy hay un diálogo
de preguntas y respuestas. Una parábola muy conocida en medio de este dialogo es contada por Jesús. La parábola
del buen samaritano. Muchos oyentes como en el tiempo de Jesús pueden hacerse los sordos y quedarse siempre
con el mismo comentario de siempre y exclamar. ¡Esos que se pasan de largo! ¡Qué malas personas son! Es fácil
dejar a otros con la carga de los demás, quedando tan tranquilos porque otros hacen lo que a mí me toca hacer.
¡Eso no se vale! Tenemos que fijarnos hoy en la frase final del Evangelio. "Entonces Jesús le dijo: 'Anda y haz tu
lo mismo'". De la segunda pregunta básica es que Jesús cuenta la parábola. "¿Y quién es mi prójimo?" La parábola
termina con una pregunta, para que el mismo que tiene duda responda. "¿Cuál de estos tres te parece que se portó
como prójimo del hombre que fue asaltado por los ladrones?" La respuesta fue, "El que tuvo compasión de él". Si
hiciéramos esta pregunta al Papa Francisco, de seguro él nos contestaría. ¡Misericordia, el que mostro misericordia! Porque, en verdad, éste ha sido su pedido, llamado e invitación a lo largo de esta Año Santo de Misericordia. Vayan al mundo, salgan de los escondites del egoísmo y muestren el amor de Jesús que es rico en compasión y amor. ¡No pasemos de largo en las necesidades de los demás! En otras palabras, dejar el pecado de
omisión para entrar en la acción del Evangelio.
Generations of Faith Campaign
Thank you so much for your financial commitment to the Generations of Faith Campaign. Your financial promise
over the next 5 years is truly appreciated. Help us continue the work we need to do for Christ and His people by
donating each month toward fulfilling your commitment. Donating each month will be a tremendous help to
what we must accomplish in our parish and our Diocese, especially for educating our young people about the faith
and our retired and sick priests. Thank you for your support, Rev. Kenneth J. Grande
Campaña de Generaciones de Fe
Un enorme gracias por su compromiso financiero con la Campaña de Generaciones de Fe. Su promesa financiera
por los próximos 5 años son realmente apreciados. Nos ayude a continuar el trabajo necesitado hacer por Cristo
y Su pueblo mediante la donación mensualmente hacia el cumplimiento de su compromiso. Donar mensualmente será de inmensa ayuda a lo que tenemos que lograr en nuestra parroquia y nuestra Diócesis, especialmente
para educar a los jóvenes acerca de la fe y de nuestros sacerdotes jubilados y enfermos. Gracias por su apoyo,
Rev. Kenneth J. Grande
Change In Summer Mass Schedule
From Sunday, July 3rd to Sunday, September 4th, there will be no 11:45am at our parish
church, Saint Rocco. The 11:45am Mass will start again on Sunday, September 11th.
During the Summer, the Mass schedule will be Saturday evening, at 5:30pm, and Sunday
at 8:45am and 10:00am in Spanish at our parish church, Saint John the Evangelist.
Sharing the Gospel
The Good Samaritan found a beaten man along the road. He spent a lot of time and money to take
care of him. In today's time, he would have called 911 and paid the ambulance and hospital. Many
people are afraid to stop to help others. If you see someone who needs help, call 911 and explain
who needs help and where. Trained police and paramedics will come to help. You can pray for the
person. Jesus wants you to love your neighbors. He wants you to help your neighbors. You could
help the people who live next door, or the people that go to your church. But Jesus wants you to
think bigger than that. Jesus wants you to help people all around the world - no matter where
they live, and no matter what they believe.
Dear Jesus, show me how to help others.
Something to Draw
Draw a tow truck pulling a car to be fixed.
Mission for the Week
If I see someone hurt, I will stop playing to get help.
No 11:45am Mass from Sunday, July3rd to September 4th
Our Parish “End of Summer Festival – Get Together”
Sunday, September 18, 2016, at 12noon
Parish Yard on 27th Street near Saint Rocco Church
Hot Food, Refreshments, Entertainment for Children and Adults
Plan to spend a relaxing afternoon with us on at our parish “Get-Together”.
It is open to everyone in our parish and your family and friends.
Please plan to be with us.
So that all of us can spend an enjoyable afternoon together,
we will only have one parish Mass on Sunday, September 18th at 10:30am
in our parish church, Saint John the Evangelist.
There will be no 8:45am, 10:00am or 11:45am Mass
on Sunday, September 18th.
Parish Raffle - Cash Prizes
1st - $1,500.00
2nd - $1,000.00
3rd - $ 500.00
Donation: $20.00 for 1 ticket
$50.00 for 3 tickets
Drawing: Sunday
September 18, 2016
in the parish yard on 27th St.
Winner need not be present.
Welcome - Bienvenido
Would you like to become a member of our parish? Fill out the form below and drop it in the
collection basket.
Visit us online at
¿Le gustaría ser un miembro de nuestra parroquia? Llene el siguiente formulario y colóquelo
en la canasta de la colecta. Visítenos en
2016 Annual Catholic Appeal Share The Joy Of The Gospel
Whatever the amount of your gift, it will be
accepted with gratitude and deeply appreciated. Thank you
La Campaña Católica Anual del 2016 Compartir la Alegría del Evangelio
Cualquiera que sea la cantidad de su donación, será
aceptada con gratitud y profundamente apreciado.
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Phone Number/Teléfono

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