Marzo 2015


Marzo 2015
Martxoa/ Marzo 2015
Buletin honek EURES (EURopean Employment Services) web gunean aurkitu ahal diren lanpostu batzuk aurkezten ditu, unibertsitateko tituludunengana zuzenduta. Lan eskaintzak
lanpostuak kokatzen diren Herriek banatuta daude. Lanpostu baterako eskaera egiteko, mesedez jo eskaintzan bertan aipatzen den kontaktuarengana. Informazio gehiagorako
jo ezazu EURES eta Lanbide web guneetara: eta
El presente BOLETÍN es una selección del total de ofertas que se difunden a través de EURES (European Employment Services) orientadas a GRADUADOS/A
UNIVERSITARIOS. Las ofertas de empleo están distribuidas por los países donde se encuentran los puestos. Para optar a estas ofertas, contacten directamente con el punto de
contacto indicado en la misma oferta de empleo. Más información en los sitios web de EURES
y Lanbide: y en
Euskadiko EURES Aholkulariak/ Consejeras EURES País Vasco:
Araba-Alava: Nieves Saiz-Calderón
Hitzordua eskatzeko/ Cita previa: [email protected]
Gipuzkoa: Violeta Morcillo Hitzordua eskatzeko/ Cita previa: [email protected]
Bizkaia: Lola Goitiandia
Hitzordua eskatzeko/ Cita previa: [email protected]
Ingeniero informático, telecomunicaciones o electrónico
Incorporación en el Departamento/s de: Ingeniería de Desarrollo y Testeo
Funciones: Ofertamos un programa de Trainee de 6 meses para Ingenieros/as en
colaboración con uno de los proveedores más importantes en el sector del
automóvil de la actualidad. En dicho programa el candidato/a tomará contacto con
los procesos de testeo y desarrollo característicos del sector. Las tareas se
definirán en relación al perfil del candidato/a, dichas tareas estarán por tanto
orientadas bien hacia el desarrollo/testeo HW o al desarrollo/testeo SW. Más info:
IT Developer
Empresa media especializada en soluciones informáticas industriales busca: Informáticos/programmadores con buenas experiencias prácticas en C# y,
también HTML y Jaca Script, -en Base de datos ORACLE y MS-SQL Server; y con
Visual Studio 2013. -Una precondición importante es la capacidad de manejar bien
el inglés, y después la voluntad de aprender el alemán. -Como la central de
nuestra empresa esta en Alemania, el traslado en Alemania es imprescindible. -Lo
más importante para noso-
tros son conocimientos prácticos y profesionales en los métodos y herramientas
informáticas ya mencionadas -Una educación universitaria, es decir un B.Sc. o un
M.Sc. en informática on en ingeniería, esta considerada como una ventaja. - El
salario bruto anual estará colocado entre 36.000.- y 48.000.-€ anuales Incorporación inmediata.
Proyecto de inserción laboral gestionadlo por la Fundación Universitaria de Las
Palmas FULP, de integración sostenible y cultura laboral de bienvenida en BadenWürttemberg (Alemania) destinado a Ingenieros técnicos industriales (especialidad
electricidad), Ingenieros electrónicos industriales, Ingenieros Electrónica e
Ingenieros informáticos.
Imprescindible: Conocimientos de Alemán (B1) y
Experiencia laboral (min. 6-12 meses). Prácticas son consideradas como
Titulaciones solicitadas
Ingeniero Técnico Industrial
Ingeniero Técnico Industrial, especialidad en Electricidad
Ingeniero Técnico Industrial, especialidad en Electrónica Industrial
Ingeniero Técnico Industrial, especialidad en Mecánica
Grado en Ingeniería en Tecnologías industriales
Ingeniero en Informática
Ingeniero en Informática
Ingeniero en Automática y Electrónica Industrial
Grado en Ingeniería Informática
Ingeniero Industrial
Ingeniero en Electrónica
Ingeniero Técnico en Informática
Ingeniero Técnico en Informática de Sistemas
Ingeniero Técnico en Informática de Gestión
¿Interesado/a? Más información en:
Your duties: Your profile: The successful candidate will test and analyze their
products and services to ensure that they meet standards and specifications.
Hence, » You identify testable conditions and create a wide range of test plans, test
matrices and test cases based upon the specific requirements » You perform
manual and automatic tests and maintain close relationship with project managers
and related departments like R&D » You identify defects, report them in the bug
track-ing system and manage them in close collabora-tion with internal and
external developers » You participate in the continuous improvement of test
processes, tools, test environments and doc-umentation » Technical College (HTL)
or University degree in computer science or related disciplines » Proficient in
English, German is a plus » Hands-on knowledge of testing in one or more of the
following areas: wired/wireless networks, security, REST services, Android/iOS
apps, load/performance tests » Ideally experience in programming and test
automation » The ability and willingness to learn and utilise new technologies » A
flexible and adaptable approach » Good problem solving skills and the ability to
work well in a team » Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
Embedded Linux developer (m/f)
Más ofertas EURES en Alemania, e información sobre condiciones de
vida, trabajo, CV’s, etc en:
Más ofertas de empleo en Alemania en:
Más Información sobre Alemania: http://www.make-it-in-
Software Tester Network and Mobile Services
Your tasks: Your profile: » You will support the existing development team in the
development of complete embedded systems, from the concept stage through to
series production, as well as assisting with the maintenance and further
development of firmware for our current product range. » Development and
maintenance of board support packages and device drivers » Setup and
maintenance of development environments » Development of user space
applications » Programming of microcontrollers in C » You have a technical
education (university, polytechnic, technical college) in electronics. You have a
good knowledge of both the C programming language, and the Linux operating
system. » Desirable personal attributes include creativity, initiative, flexibility, and
motivation, and you should also enjoy working as part of a team. » We value a
systematic and structured way of working, as well as some negotiating skills for
dealing with external partners . More info:
Tranport manager
Your duties: customer supprt and acquisition of mew customers. Organizatuon and
supervision of international road transport. Establishing and expanding our
business network. Full responsability for your designates geographicval area after
your training. Calculation and negotiation of freight rates. More info:
Más ofertas EURES en Austria, e información sobre condiciones de
vida, trabajo, CV’s, etc en:
Ofertas de empleo en Austria en el e-jobroom del AMS (Servicio de Empleo
Austriaco) en alemán e inglés:
We are looking for a new enthusiastic commercial person to reinforce our
international sales team. You’re in for a challenge, you like to travel; you have good
knowledge of the international livestock production market and understand the
current problems of livestock producers. Through your empathic qualities, you are
able to persuade these producers of the added value of our services and solutions.
Más ofertas EURES en Bélgica, e información sobre condiciones de
vida, trabajo, CV’s, etc en:
Ofertas de empleo internacional en el área de Bruselas, consulta la web de
BIJOB, WWW.BIJOB.BE el servicio de empleo internacional de la Agencia de
Empleo de Bruselas:
You will be part of a dynamic multidisciplinary unit, responsible for the full range of
services towards our customers. This includes prospection & presales,
implementation projects, customer & core software enhancements, post go live
support, account management etc. As Java developer you will mainly be involved
in the software development work stream: this starts with requirements analysis,
design & development in Java using all the latest methods and techniques, testing,
peer-reviews and documentation of the developed functionalities. You will be
working closely with talented Analysts, Architects, Quality Control Specialists and
Consultants in an open work environment. Together with your team members you
realize a solution with focus on the end users. You may have regular customer
contacts and act as a technical consultant in implementation projects.
Más ofertas EURES en Dinamarca, e información sobre condiciones
de vida, trabajo, CV’s, etc en:
Más ofertas de empleo en Dinamarca en…
Enfermero/a geriatría
es tareas de enfermería se encuentran: - Higiene
personal de pacientes - Curas de úlceras o heridas - Extracciones de sangre Preparación y reparto de medicación - Control de constantes. - Sondas vesicales. formación gratuita de la lengua
buen carácter, así como la disponibilidad para viajar y que le gusten las personas
International sales mananger (Spanish speaking)
Jobs in the Danish Healthcare Services:
Docente de Negociación y Comercio Internacional
Empresa con 31 años de experiencia dedicada a la formación en las siguientes
áreas: Certificados de Profesionalidad,, Formación on-line, Formación presencial,
Agencia de Colocación privada, Centro Gestor y examinador de idiomas,
Formación ocupacional y continua DATOS DEL PUESTO Ocupación: Docente de
Negociación y Comercio Internacional Nº puestos: 1 Descripción completa del
puesto: Impartición como docente del módulo Negociación y Compraventa
Internacional del curso Marketing y Comercio Internacional.
Delegado comercial
RUBEX Pharma es una sociedad francesa especializada en el equipamiento de
oficinas de farmacias, con 40 años de presencia en el mercado. Su actividad
consiste en la concepción y fabricación de mobiliario, señalización y material
específico para las oficinas de farmacias. RUBEX Pharma busca un DELEGADO/A
COMERCIAL o COLABORADOR/A con el objetivo de contribuir a su implantación
en ESPAÑA. Deberá tener conocimientos de configuración de espacios de venta,
particularmente en farmacias. Debe contar con una red de montadores.
Description: Los candidatos/as se encargarán de traducir y transmitir toda la
información necesaria entre usuarios y personal del hospital, de un modo preciso y
confiable, brindando la máxima calidad en la atención y garantizando el mejor
servicio hacia los pacientes.Funciones y Responsabilidades: Prestar el servicio de
interpretación bidireccionalmente de pacientes y acompañantes a personal del
hospital. Hacer acto de presencia en las consultas externas para actuar como nexo
entre paciente y médico (traducir diagnósticos, coordinar la entrega de resultados,
informar sobre citas posteriores, etc.). Colaborar en solventar las necesidades
tanto del paciente como familiares, durante su estancia en el Hospital. Ejecutar los
protocolos administrativos del hospital. Competencias requeridas: Orientación al
Cliente. Trabajo en Equipo. Gestión de emociones. Negociar. Idiomas:
Escandinavo (Sueco, Noruego, Danés) Nivel Alto. 2. Inglés. Nivel Alto.
Five Event Coordinators
that must have all the skills and experience described below: THE PROFILE:
At least 5 years’ experience in the field of event management and various
aspects of logistics, e.g. search for offers and best prices, booking meeting facilities
and equipment, catering, interpretation and technical support to the logistic
accompaniment of events, contracting and financing;
Budget, contracting and
cost-management experience; Experience in the management of sub-contractors
and supervision of lower level staff engaged in coordination of logistics activities.
Fluent in English and Spanish (Level C2), knowledge of other languages is an
advantage, particularly French;
Good experience in dealing with all issues related to protocol and participation of
personalities to the type of events; Capacity to multi-task and prioritise workload
Cultural sensitivity, business ethics and diplomacy. Work place: Alicante.
Más ofertas EURES en España, e información sobre condiciones de
vida, trabajo, CV’s, etc en:
Más ofertas de empleo en España en:
Postdoctoral Researcher (Sound Categorization)
The position will be placed in the Department of Signal Processing. The
Postdoctoral Researcher will do research in ERC-funded project EVERYSOUND
(Computational Analysis of Everyday Soundscapes) to develop a taxonomy for a
large number of everyday sound events, and machine learning tools to operate with
the taxonomy. The project does frontier research related to interpretation of sounds
in everyday environments such as street, home, and office. The project will deal
with a large variety of different types of sounds with different sources and sound
production mechanisms. The successful candidate must hold a doctoral degree
from a discipline related to the job, for example Computer Science, Information
Science or Artificial Intelligence. We expect experience in two or more of the
following fields: natural language processing, ontologies, semantic networks,
pattern recognition. Experience in related software tools such as Wordnet is
appreciated. Fluent written and spoken English and solid programming skills
(Python/Matlab/C/C++/Perl/Java) are appreciated. For more information on the
position and how to apply, please refer to - Postdoctoral
Researcher (Sound Categorization). Closing date for applications is 10 March 2015
Frontend Web Developer
Frontend Web Developer Full Time Permanent Position, Helsinki Finland
Description EzyInsights is seeking a passionate and fun-loving Frontend Developer
to play a critical role in re-architecting our core product to the next level. We need a
talented individual to tackle the mine field of responsive web application
development in a rapidly changing technology landscape. EzyInsights is a Helsinki
based startup company that provides an online application to help media
companies and brands maximise their investment from social media. Recently
accepted into the Tekes YIC program we're entering a period of accelerated growth
into the Nordic markets and beyond.
Información sobre Mercado de trabjao, cvs, etc de Finlandia en
Más información sobre empleos en sector sanitario en Finlandia en:
médecins généralistes pour pallier au déclin de l’offre de soins des zones
rurales et des campagnes françaises. Nous cherchons des candidats
ouverts d’esprit, ayant de très bonnes facultés d’empathie et sachant
parler le français à un bon niveau: le contact avec les élus locaux et les
patients est primordial. Nous cherchons des candidats désirant s’installer à long
terme dans les régions d’AQUITAINE et MIDI-PYRÉNNÉES, pour y vivre et faire
carrière. Nous les orientons et les accompagnons dans ce choix.
Más ofertas EURES en Francia, e información sobre condiciones de
vida, trabajo, CV’s, etc en:
FISIOTERAPEUTAS (Diferentes puestos y ubicaciones) :
Balnearios :
Enfermeras/os para pediatría, cuidados paliativos, discapacidad intelectual,
quirófano y epilepsia; también posibilidad de trabajo comunitario Nº puestos: 10
Descripción completa del puesto: Enfermeras/os para grupo en Irlanda. Empleo a
tiempo completo; se ofrece formación aunque es deseable tener experiencia previa
en pediatría. REQUISITOS Competencias: Enfermeros para pediatría, cuidados
paliativos, discapacidad intelectual, quirófano y epilepsia. También posibilidad de
trabajo comunitario Experiencia: Mínimo 2 años de experiencia para los puestos de
quirófano Formación: Diplomatura o grado en enfermería Idiomas: Nivel B2 de
inglés aproximadamente. Más info:
45 Médicos Especistas vía MIR (Diferentes Especialidades).
Hospitales públicos :
Clínicas privadas :
Cabinets :
Enfemero/a de psxiquiatría :
Odontólogo :
BPL is recruiting for a large number of Doctors to work in Public Hospitals located
in Dublin and Cork (Ireland). The hospitals offer high quality care for patients in
many different areas, such as Dermatology, Haematology, Cardiology, Neurology,
Geriatrics, A&E, Emergency care, Orthopaedics, Anaesthesia, Radiology,
Gastroenterology, Nephrology, Psychiatry, Oncology, Ophthalmology, etc. The
positions are for a full time bases. Salary set by the IMC scale, depending on
previous experience and expertise field. Further information about the position will
be given during the first interview, which will be held by Skype. Se requiere
flexibilidad horaria para el trabajo a turnos rotativos. Habrá un periodo de
formación en el propio hospital. Se ofrecerá ayuda en las tareas registro en el IMC,
para la preparación de las entrevistas de selección, para el desplazamiento y para
búsqueda de alojamiento. Se proporcionará seguimiento personal. Se requiere
poseer permiso de conducción. Trabajo a turnos rotativos. 4 semanas de permiso
anuales para formación. 6 semanas anuales de vacaciones. Formación continua.
Alojamiento bonificado durante el primer mes. Reembolso del viaje desde el país
de origen hasta 500 € máximo. Reembolso de los gastos de registro en el IMC. En
determinados casos se sufragará el desplazamiento y la estancia para las
Interpreter (Spanish Language - Wexford)
Interpreter (Spanish Language) is required for ongoing assignments involving legal
matters in Wexford area. The position requires consecutive interpreting duties.
Your ability to speak Spanish and English to a high standard is of crucial
importance. Previous experience would be an advantage. Must be eligible to work
in Ireland and the EEA. Applications will be accepted in writing via email, letter post
or Fax, with an accompanying Cover Letter & Cv :, 16 Upper Ormond
Quay, Dublin 7,. E-Mail: [email protected]
Marketing & Research Analyst - Spanish Speaking
Our client is the competent authority in Ireland for admitting companies to listing
and trading and is recognised world-wide as a leading centre for the listing of debt
securities and investment funds. They have three markets for debt securities the
Main Securities Market, the Global Exchange Market and the Enterprise Securities
Market. An excellent opportunity has arisen for a bilingual Marketing & Research
Analyst to join their team on a two year fixed-term contract. If you re a Spanish
speaking marketing or sales professional from an international financial services
background, this is a great opportunity to undertake a highly rewarding contract
and build on your existing experience. Fostering a people-oriented culture and
ethos, our client provides the chance to develop your career prospects in an
exciting role that offers the potential to travel to stunning international locations.
[email protected] Please Click on "Application Form Link" or Apply Here:
Kelly Ann
Más ofertas EURES en Irlanda, e información sobre condiciones de
vida, trabajo, CV’s, etc en:
Ofertas de empleo en Irlanda en INTREO (Servicio público de empleo
de Irlanda)
Social Media specialist – Tirocinio ricerca per la sede di Bari un giovane neo-laureato/a appassionato
di social media che affianchi il team che si occupa di social media marketing nelle
attività di aggiornamento dei contenuti presenti sui canali social, di ideazione e
implementazione dei contenuti stessi, nonché nelle attività di gestione del
community management e del monitoraggio delle campagne di social media
advertising e di comunicazione. Requisiti: - laurea, preferibilmente in Scienze della
Comunicazione (orient. MKTG e comunicazione) o simili; - conoscenza dei
principali canali social (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Instagram, Tumblr,
YouTube); - ottima conoscenza lingua inglese; - spirito d'iniziativa, creatività e
ottime doti relazionali. Sarà valutata positivamente una conoscenza o passione per
l'architettura o il design d'interni; Per candidarsi inviare il Curriculum Vitae con foto
ed una lettera di motivazione dettagliata a [email protected] ,
indicando nell’oggetto il riferimento "Social media specialist - tirocinio 2015 /EP"
información sobre condiciones de vida, trabajo, CV’s, etc en Italia en:
4 Senior Developers - C++ / Core technologies, 3D/VR/AR – SDK
Experto en seguridad informática. Inglés. Coordinator of EU
Research in Computer Security Project
The two Norwegian institutions Simula Research Laboratory and University of
Bergen are seeking to increase their participation in European Research towards
Horizon 2020.We are therefore seeking a Coordinator of EU Research.
Responsibilities The task of the coordinator will be to build consortia, write project
applications and lead EU-projects in the area of computer security and cryptology
based on the research expertise at Simula Research Laboratory and University of
Bergen. Your profile A successful candidate will have a PhD in Computer Science,
preferably in Computer Security. He/she will have the ability to build and maintain a
network of contacts in Europe, both in research communities and in the industrial
sector. Strong writing skills and organizational skills are required.
Especialistas médicos para Noruega (inglés): 4 plazas.
Medicina Interna, Cardiología, Hematología, Endocrinología. Sørlandet Hospital,
Flekkefjord, Noruega Plazo: 13/3/2015 Description of Company
Sørlandet sykehus hospital trust is one of the region's largest employers with over
5000 employees in various locations in both Agder counties, located at the
southern tip of Norway. We provide specialist health care to a population of
290000. Our main tasks are patient care, education of health professionals,
research and education of patients and their families. Our vision is security when
you need it most. Our core values are respect, accessibility, academic excellence
and commitment. We want our workforce to be characterized by diversity and
equality in terms of gender, age, ethnicity, disability. Mora info:
5 Ingenieros especialistas en fibra óptica. Fiber Optic engineers.
Job description Fibersplicing, ruting and instalations to end user, Skills: Installation
of cable into business end users which may be blowing or manually routed and
connection through to the exchange over the external telecoms network in the Oslo
region. Experience of splicing a must and basic experience of blowing and use of
an OTDR would be an advantage. Documentation of the work will be explained and
must be handed to the project leader each evening. You must be able to speak at
least one of the following languages English, Swedish or Norwegian and a driver’s
license is required. Accommodation transport and tools will be provided.
myVR software is a cutting edge software development company specializing in
providing multi platform enabling technologies for 2D,3D, GIS and visualization for
mobile, web and desktop. myVR Software is a part of myVR
are seeking 4 senior develeopers. Qualifications: - 10-15 years relevant experience
- C++ programming skills; - Experience from 3D/gaming and OpenGL/DirectX Fluent communication skills in English, additional languages is beneficial. Accuracy, detail orientation and eagerness to learn new things myVR offers: - a
technically highly skilled environment. - an excellent professional and social
environment. - competitive salary conditions. - a significant international aspect. For
more information, please contact Compass Human Resources: Stein-Sverre Wold,
+47 906 88 270 / Anne M.H. Nærby, +47 924 49 114. Please submit your
application at , or send it to [email protected] .
Employer: Engineering Supply ASAddress: Narviga 14 - 4633 Kristiansand,
NorwayE-mail: [email protected] Website:
Work Place: NorwayAbout the company: Engineering Supply delivers engineering
manpower to the Norwegian offshore industry. We are located in Kristiansand, in
south of Norway. Electro: ; Mech. design: ; Fabrication, package eng: ; Naval eng: ; Hydraulic, piping eng: ; Structural
analysis eng:; Instrumental, control system eng: ; Structural design:
nurses to somatic wards at the hospital.
We are also looking for nurses who have experience in intensive care or in theatre
(operation) nursing. Requirements: • Compulsory Norwegian Authorisation as a
nurse, from the Norwegian Registration Authority for Health Personel (SAK) • Good IT skills • Good skills in the Norwegian language equal to level
B2 – independent user. Or have a strong interest in learning the language.
Más ofertas EURES en Noruega e información sobre condiciones de
vida, trabajo, CV’s, etc en:
Ofertas de empleo en Noruega (en inglés):
Bedrijfsprofiel en cultuur Our client is a multinational and currently they are looking
for a Credit Controller who masters the Italian & Spanish language. It is also
important that you master the English language to a reasonable degree, but your
English doesn't need to be perfect. Are you perhaps the Credit Controller we are
looking for?! Functieprofiel The Credit Controllers tasks and Responsibilities:
Performing all the tasks that belong to what is called 'classic credit management'
(quality over quantity) Keeping up a good relationship with all of your clients.
Más ofertas EURES en Holanda e información sobre condiciones de
vida, trabajo, CV’s, etc en:
Trabajar en Holanda: información en español:
2 Doctor in Emergency Department, and 2 patologists
care service in Emergency Department of Pärnu Hospital. • Higher education in
medicine and professional specialization years working experiences as doctor
Knowledge of Russian or English •Readiness to learn Estonian• Teamwork skills •
Desire to learn and develop. Where to send documents required by employer:
[email protected] ;
Más ofertas EURES en Estonia e información sobre condiciones de
vida, trabajo, CV’s, etc en:
Company An internationally oriented company located in the area of Rotterdam.
Job Summary The Account Manager is responsible for the ongoing procurement of
high quality raw materials (recovered paper) in West and Southern Europe to be
exported to our clients in the Far East. To this extent, he/she maintains and grows
the commercial relationship with existing suppliers and develops new procurement
opportunities in the European market. Being able to work independently gathering
and sharing market knowledge appropriately is essential for the role of the Account
Manager. The role is part of the Marketing team and reports directly to the
Marketing Manager.
Credit Controller (Italian/ Spanish/ English) Rotterdam asap
CAREPERS es una empresa de (hospitales repartidos por la geografía suiza de la
zona germano parlante)
Enfermeras y enfermeros Unidades de trabajo:
Cardiología; Cuidados intensivos interna; Agudos; Ictus agudos y neurología
• Diplomatura Universitaria o Grado en Enfermería
• Algunos puestos requieren de especialización, máster o experiencia.
• Imprescindible nivel de alemán B2 Goethe-institut, TELC o
Toda la información por puestos en:
Ofertas de empleo en Suiza: Servicio Público de Empleo
Suizo (web en inglés, ofertas en diferentes idiomas)
IT Specialists for the Oresund Region
The Oresund region is one of the most important IT clusters in
Europe, and needs permanently IT and telecom professionals.
Region Västra Götaland is offering permanent positions to specialists Region
Västra Götaland is is one of Sweden’s biggest employers. It is tasked with offering
good healthcare and dental care and providing the prerequisites for good public
health, a rich cultural life, a good environment, jobs, research, education and good
communications. All together, these provide a foundation for sustainable growth in
Västra Götaland.
Are you looking for a professional career where you have the opportunity to
develop your clinical skills as well as spending time with your family in the beautiful
outdoors? In Västra Götaland health, family and the nature are very important.
Values that also reflects in our vision “A good life”.
We offer permanent positions in the following areas · Cardiology · Internal
specialist · Pathology · Gastroenterology · Gynecology · Psychiatry · Gynecol
ogist · Family medicine · Anesthesiologist specializing in pain
How to apply : Please download the application form Fill in the form and send it
together with your CV and a personal letter written in ENGLISH to:
[email protected] , with copy (CC) to [email protected] s ,
indicating MEDICOS SUECIA. Consultas, más información, etc: Hemos preparado
esta informacion sobre anteriores proyectos.
[email protected]
[email protected] Last application date: 22nd of march of 2015
Important Notice: Applications and Recommendation letters which are not in
English will be rejected!! We are looking forward to receiving your application as
soon as possible. On Friday and Saturday 24-25 of April we will come to
Madrid for interviews. Invitations to interviews will be sent to the selected
candidates two weeks before. Cómo preprar un CV ”Swedish style”: , y
We are looking for:
►3+ years proven record of accomplishments within the IT sector
and preferrably …
►Master Degree (or degree) within IT
►Fluent English
►English written linkedin profile
Software/Hardware & Web development with some of the
following skills:
geological services to support SRK projects and clients. This will involve working as
part of multi-disciplinary SRK teams providing geological input and representing
SRK professionally to clients.
• .Net / ASP.Net (C#, VB,
J#, ADO, VS)
• Agile
• Ajax
• Applications
• IOS / Android
• C / C++ / C#
• CMS (Sitecore, Drupal,
• Frontend (CSS, HTML,
XHTML, Javascript)
• Java (J2EE, J2SE, JEE5,
• JQuery
• Microsoft Dynamics AX /
• Perl
Back end & front end developers
( ) is looking for a : Â Talented and
ambitious back-end developer We primarily seek talented
and ambitious back-end developers. Extensive knowledge in
PHP, node.js and javascript as well as experience with
MySQL is required. Â Front-end developer: We seek frontend developers with extensive knowledge in HTML, CSS and
javascript. Contact Frode at [email protected] (con copia a
[email protected] ) and attach your resume and
something that explains why we need you. If we believe that
you will be a good candidate, we will give you a minor
programming exercise to test your skills. We look forward to
your application!
• SharePoint
• Software architecture
• Visual Studio
• Web
• Embedded systems
• Telecommunication
• Broadband
Más ofertas EURES en Suecia e información sobre condiciones de
vida, trabajo, CV’s, etc en:
Todas en:
Publicerad: 2015-01-29, Annons-ID:
2629316 SRK Sweden currently has a requirement for a Consultant Resource
Geologist to join our team based in Skellefteå. The post will involve travelling to
mine sites, exploration properties and client offices, with approximately 85% of time
in the office and 15% travelling. SRK´s personnel in Sweden and Finland are
focused primarily in the Nordic Region, but also provide technical support to
projects around the world and international travel will likely form a part of the role.
Post Responsibilities: The primary role is to provide competent consulting
Nurses for Cambridge:
Nurses near London:
Nurses for Scotland:
Nurses for all UK:
Nurses for Leeds:
Nurses for Bedford:
teaching and is strongly encouraged to achieve his or her full potential. All students
benefit from the use of state-of-the-art facilities across the science and technology
disciplines, major investment in new facilities and resources, the best trained and
qualified staff, and a culture of mutual respect. The school offers a broad and
stimulating range of extra-curricular activities to support wider learning, and they
promote strong links with the local community. They are now looking to appoint an
outstanding Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages across KS3-5 in French and
Spanish. Ideally they want someone who is a proven motivator, can make a
significant contribution to this small and friendly department, will continue to raise
the standards in French and Spanish and has high aspirations of their students,
and has a vision to promote effective learning and achieve positive outcomes! Pay
varies between £105 and £135 per day depending on experience. AWR applies
after a 12 week period. As an agency we pay £50 for every teacher referral so if
you know a teacher who is looking for teaching supply please let us know. Whilst
working for justteachers you will have access to a supportive team on call 24 hours
a day, a dedicated consultant who will ensure the registration process is as straight
forward as possible and you will receive a fair daily rate. justteachers is committed
to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and
expects all staff to share this commitment. The successful candidate will be
required to undertake an Enhanced Disclosure for a Regulated Activity via the
Disclosure and Barring Service. To register to find out more about this position or to
find out more about other opportunities with justteachers in Greater Manchester
please apply below or email us at [email protected]
The therapy and assessment will take place in clients’ own homes and working with
patients, you'll identify and improve their movement and function. You'll promote
their health and well-being, and assist the rehabilitation process by developing and
restoring body systems. Write patient case notes and reports and collect statistics;
educate patients and their carers about how to prevent and/or improve conditions;
keep up to date with new techniques and technologies available for treating
patients; be caring, compassionate and professional at all times
Farmacéutico Jefe Hospitalario
French and Spanish Teacher in Manchester needed
An exciting opportunity has arisen for an outstanding French & Spanish Teacher to
come and join one of Manchester’s best improved secondary schools, interested?
This school is a good school in every aspect. They currently provide a structured,
disciplined working environment in which every student receives high-quality
Descripción completa del puesto: QUEEN ELIZABETH NHS HOSPITAL, KINGS
LYNN, a 45km de Cambridge y cerca del aeropuerto de Stansted, necesita
contratar 1 FARMACÉUTICO JEFE HOSPITALARIO (Medicina de Urgencias,
enseñanza en el ámbito clínico y Supervisión de Prácticas).
Software Engineer
Advanced design and programming tasks using C#.NET, JavaScript, Java Script
Frameworks (e.g JQuery) and SQLServer as your primary toolsets Be involved in
the complete software development life cycle including; requirements analysis,
design, construction and testing. Allocation and delivery of team project tasks to
quality and on time. Encourage and promote teamwork and innovation. Build
collaborative customer relationships by providing valuable expertise to customers
beyond their expectations. Communicate information clearly and concisely, sharing
an appropriate level of detail and using the appropriate communication methods.
Provide regular project feedback to management. Deliver high quality solutions by
ensuring that appropriate processes are followed and peer reviews are carried out.
Providing coaching and mentoring to all colleagues. Continuously develop your
personal and professional skills and knowledge.
communication methods. Provide regular project feedback to management. Deliver
high quality solutions by ensuring that appropriate processes are followed and peer
reviews are carried out. Providing coaching and mentoring to all colleagues.
Continuously develop your personal and professional skills and knowledge.
PHP Developer (PHP/M y SQL/JS)
We are looking for two highly motivated and experienced PHP developers to work
in our Lurgan office. Creating and developing an advanced in-house internet
database system (website). Successful candidates should be able to work well in a
small team as well as be able to work on their own initiative with minimum
supervision. This is a great opportunity to be a part of a very interesting and
rewarding web project and a great chance to become a part of our family by
receiving the company shares.
Senior Systems Administrator (Storage)
Physiotherapist Numero de puestos: 15
Technical support and problem resolution for large SAN and NAS infrastructure
estate. The technologies supported include EMC SAN, Brocade Fabric & Netapp
NAS. Support and problem resolution for other technologies such as Hitachi
AMS/USPv/VSP, Avere & IBM storage solutions.. Monitor system performance and
capacity, and reports changes in usage.. Troubleshoot software and hardware
problems, takes appropriate corrective actions and/or interacts with IT staff or
vendors in performing testing, support, and troubleshooting functions.. Participates
in site set-up, user training, software/hardware installation, maintenance and
support, and documentation of hardware/software logs and operating procedures..
Perform basic user administration (adds, changes, deletes, disk space
management, backups and file restores). Document standards and operating
procedures. Consult on complex technical issues, identifies and escalates risks and
Descripción completa del puesto: We resource have a number of fantastic
opportunities across the UK for musculoskeletal physiotherapists, these roles will
working directly for our client in their prestigious network of clinics across the UK.
The clinics have a variety of clients including sports injuries, medico-legal, soft
tissue massage and postoperative patients. This includes access to a variety of
sports teams, clubs, societies and athletes. This position provides an excellent
opportunity for a physiotherapist wanting to have an active and diverse caseload to
practice a variety of musculoskeletal skills. As part of our client’s team you will
benefit from an excellent fully integrated CPD programme with a focus on evidence
based practice and access to external CPD funding.
Más ofertas EURES en UK e información sobre condiciones de vida,
trabajo, CV’s, etc en:
Senior Software Engineer (Ruby)
Job duties will be: Advanced design and programming tasks using Ruby as your
primary language and the Rails Framework with the Active Record ORM. Be
involved in the complete software development life cycle including; requirements
analysis, design, construction and testing. Allocation and delivery of team project
tasks to quality and on time. Encourage and promote teamwork and innovation.
Build collaborative customer relationships by providing valuable expertise to
customers beyond their expectations. Communicate information clearly and
concisely, sharing an appropriate level of detail and using the appropriate
Disponible gratuitamente en las tiendas de aplicaciones
Si quieres hablar con un consejero EURES y plantear las
dudas que tengas sobre el trabajo en los diferentes países
europeos, ven al
Webs de referencia para graduados:
Si tienes entre 18 y 30 años (ambos inclusive) y:
A) Eres invitado/a a participar en un proceso de selección
/entrevistas de trabajo en otro país de la Unión Europea,
b) Si una empresa de otro país de la Unión Europea ha
decidido contratarte para trabajar allí por un período igual o
superior a seis meses.,
y se trata de tu primer empleo en otro país europeo…
EPSO: Oficina Europea de Selección de personal : Selection Procedure for temporary Staff:
Online EU exams and EPSO style preparation tests
EURES puede ayudarte con los gastos de desplazamiento y de
integración en ese país.
Toda la información en:, The European graduate career live Find your scholarship and grants
to study in Europe
Portal europeo de las ingenierías Iniciativa Europea Juventud en
Movimiento La web
referencia para primer empleo y prácticas de graduados en UK.
Y Para hacer el CV EUROPASS: