My sheep hear my voice My sheep hear my voice


My sheep hear my voice My sheep hear my voice
April 17, 2016
17 de Abril 2016
St. Mary’s Parish
My sheep
hear my
Mass Schedule and Intentions
April 16 - 22
8:30 AM ~ Memory of Barbara Katherine
5:00 PM ~ Memory of Camille DeWilde
7:00 PM ~ Memory of Salome Hernandez Rojas
8:30 AM ~ Memory of Mark Dempsey
11:00 AM ~ Memory of Ed Luebbert
1:00 PM ~ Memory of Maricela Gonzalez
For the People of St. Mary’s
8:30 AM ~ Memory of Mark Dempsey
8:30 AM ~ Memory of Emil Benoit
Wednesday 8:30 AM ~ Memory of Sharon Dudek
Wednesday 5:30 PM ~ Memory of Betty Slava
8:30 AM ~ Memory of Camille DeWilde
8:30 AM ~ For the Souls in Purgatory
April 23 - 24
8:30 AM ~ Memory of Rita Lake
5:00 PM ~ Memory of Linnie Townlin
7:00 PM ~ For the People of St. Mary’s
8:30 AM ~ Memory of Alice Olson
11:00 AM ~ Memory of Annette Hobbs
1:00 PM ~ Memory of Esperanza De la Cruz
Mass Intentions & Memorial Candles
If you would like to have a Mass offered for a particular
Intention or for someone who has died, or if you would like to
dedicate a candle to an intention or a loved one, please call the
parish office. The stipend for the Mass is $10. The candles are
$30 for 1 month, $60 for 6 months, or $90 for one year. Our
office staff will help you find an open date and time for a Mass,
or available candles for dedications.
The Good Shepherd. This Sunday is Good Shepherd Sunday. In this celebration, we look
intently on the relationship between the sheep and the shepherd. Christ said, “I am the Good
Shepherd. My sheep follow me.” Take note that the point of focus in the relationship is voice
recognition. The sheep knows the shepherd. The sheep listens to the shepherd’s voice. By
recognizing the shepherd’s voice, the sheep follow for their good.
Many gadgets today are voice recognition capable. Technicians say they are the most secured
gadgets because no one can break into them except the owner. If I will be like any of these
new gadgets, I would like to be as effective as the voice recognition capable one because I am
secured. The only voice that I will be able to recognize is Jesus’. Through it, I know very well
I am safe and secure.
We have life when we listen to the voice of Jesus. Through Jesus, the Father bestows
blessings to the one who listens and obeys Jesus. Those who listen and obey Jesus are the
ones who survive the great distress. Thus they have life transformed by the Father.
On Vocation to Priesthood and Diaconate. This weekend is Prayer for Vocations especially vocation to the
Priesthood and Diaconate. It is a special time to pray for vocations as we celebrate Jesus, the Good Shepherd.
We know of the scarce number of priests around the world. With the growing number of Church members
around the world, the ratio of the baptized to priests is increasingly disproportionate, making it difficult to sustain
formation in all levels in parishes. In US for example, we see parishes being tied as twin parishes and some dwindling
parishes become mission parishes, which eventually die down for various reasons. While lay ministry is important in the
parish life, and while it is growing and vibrant, lay ministry in parishes remains an aide to clergy roles but not
substitutes. Lay ministry specifically help priests in parish management such as finances and property, pastoral care,
catechism and the like. Priests take care of them all but most especially sacraments and worship.
We need to pray for more shepherds. First we pray for parents to be willing to allow their sons to consider
priesthood. Also we pray that they may be able to inspire, encourage and guide their sons to love the church, serve as
altar servers or other ministry and be taught about the vocation to the priesthood.
We also pray for the the young to be generous to respond to the call to the vocation of priesthood. We also pray
that they may be easy towards active participation in the life of the Church and be nurtured to consider priestly life.
We also need permanent deacons. They help the priests preach the Word and do baptisms and weddings. I am
praying that we have somebody who speaks both languages (English and Spanish) who can be permanent deacon in our
On The Joy of Love (Amoris Laetitia). Pope Francis’ exhortation entitled Amoris Laetitia (Joy of Love) was
released April 8. This exhortation is the document produced from the concluded extraordinary and ordinary Synod of
Bishops that happened in the past year. The document primarily talks about the human family, the love that bonds every
family and the struggles that every human family faces. The document is expected by many to see new light on the
problems of divorce and remarriage, sexuality, poverty and immigration. In the next issues, I will be discussing
important points from the document. I encourage you all to grab a copy of the document and study it.
El buen Pastor. Este Domingo es Domingo del Buen Pastor. En esta celebración, nos fijamos con atención en la
relación entre las ovejas y el pastor. Cristo dijo: "Yo soy el buen pastor. Mis ovejas me siguen. "Tome en cuenta que el
punto de enfoque en la relación esta en el reconocimiento de la voz. La oveja reconoce a su pastor. La oveja escucha la
voz del pastor. Al reconocer la voz del pastor, las ovejas lo siguen para el bien ellos.
Muchos aparatos actualmente son capaces de reconocer nuestra voz. Los técnicos dicen que son los aparatos más
seguros porque nadie puede entrar en ellos, excepto el propietario. Si yo quisiera ser como alguno de estos nuevos
aparatos, me gustaría ser tan eficaz como el que reconoce la voz, porque estaría asegurado. La única voz que voy a ser
capaz de reconocer es la Jesús '. A través de ella, sé muy bien que estoy a salvo y seguro.
Tenemos la vida cuando escuchamos la voz de Jesús. A través de Jesús, el Padre otorga bendiciones para el que
escucha y obedece a Jesús. Los que escuchan y obedecen a Jesús son los que sobreviven a la gran angustia. Por lo tanto
tienen vida transformada por el Padre.
(continua en la pagina próxima)
En La vocación al sacerdocio y el diaconado. Este fin de semana es de oración por las vocaciones en especial la
vocación al sacerdocio y al diaconado. Es un tiempo especial para orar por las vocaciones al celebrar a Jesús, el Buen
Sabemos del escaso número de sacerdotes en todo el mundo. Con el creciente número de miembros de la Iglesia
en todo el mundo, la relación de los bautizados al sacerdocio es cada vez más desproporcionada, por lo que es difícil
mantener la formación en todos los niveles en las parroquias. En Estados Unidos por ejemplo, vemos parroquias atados
como parroquias individuales y algunas parroquias cada vez más escasos a ser parroquias de misión, que finalmente
mueren por varias razones. Mientras que el ministerio laico es importante en la vida de la parroquia, y si bien es creciente
y vibrante, el ministerio laico en las parroquias permanece y sigue siendo un ayuda en los roles del clero, pero no
sustitutos. El ministerio laico ayuda específicamente a los sacerdotes en la gestión de la parroquia tales como las finanzas
y la propiedad, la pastoral, la catequesis y cosas similares. Los sacerdotes se encargan de todos ellos, pero muy especialmente de los sacramentos y el culto.
Necesitamos orar para más pastores. Primero oremos que los padres estén dispuestos a permitir que sus hijos
tengan en cuenta el sacerdocio. También oremos para que sean capaces de inspirar, estimular y guiar a sus hijos a amar a
la Iglesia, servir como monaguillos u otro ministerio y enseñado acerca de la vocación al sacerdocio.
También oremos por los jóvenes para sean generosos para responder al llamado de la vocación al sacerdocio.
También oremos para que sea fácil para ellos participar activamente en la vida de la Iglesia y ser alimentados y a considerar la vida sacerdotal.
También necesitamos diáconos permanentes. Ellos ayudan a los sacerdotes predican la Palabra y ayudan con los
bautismos y bodas. Estoy orando para que tengamos a alguien que hable los dos idiomas (inglés y español) que pueda ser
diácono permanente en nuestra parroquia.
En la alegría del amor (Amoris Laetitia). exhortación del Papa Francisco 'titulado Amoris Laetitia ( la alegría del
amor) fue lanzado el 8 de abril Esta exhortación es el documento producido a partir de la conclusión del Sínodo extraordinario y ordinario que sucedió en la reunion de Obispos el año pasado. El documento principalmente habla de la familia
humana, el amor que une a todas las familias y las luchas que enfrenta cada familia humana. El documento es esperado
por muchos para ver una nueva luz sobre los problemas de divorcio y un nuevo matrimonio, la sexualidad, la pobreza y la
inmigración. En los próximos números, voy a discutir los puntos importantes del documento. Os animo a todos a tomar y
llevarse una copia del documento y estudiarlo.
Clases del Bautismo
El Primer Sábado de Cada Mes a las 4:00pm
Les pedimos que no traigan niños a la clase. Por
El Segundo Domingo de Cada Mes a las 10:00am
Para preguntas de las clases llamar a la oficina
Es muy importante que pase a la oficina para dar y
apuntar la fecha que quiere bautizar y ver si esta
disponible. También llevar el acta de nacimiento
original del niño/a. La oficina esta abierto de
Martes a Viernes de 9am a 12pm y de 1pm a 4pm.
El Viernes 22 de Abril a las 6:30pm sera la Reconciliación
o Confesiones para todos los niños que van a recibir la
Primera Comunión muy importante la asistencia.
Domingo 24 de Abril: Ultimo dia de clases para los niños
de la Primera Comunión.
Domingo 24 de Abril: Dia de la Confirmación los Jóvenes y
sus padrinos favor de llegar a las 3:00pm en el gimnasio de la
iglesia para la practica, la misa iniciara a las 5:00pm.
Viernes 29 de Abril: Dia de Practica y fotos para los niños
de la Primera Comunión a las 6:30pm asistencia requerida.
Religious Ed Reminders:
Friday, April 22: First Reconciliation Service for First Eucharist candidates. 6:30 pm.
Sunday, April 24: Last day of Religious Ed classes. English classes will attend 11:00 Mass
Friday, April 29: First Eucharist Practice and Pictures. 6:30 pm.
Sunday, May 1: First Eucharist. English at 11:00 am, Spanish at 1:00 pm.
Gracias a todos por ser parte de nuestra familia parroquial de Nuestra Señora
del Perpetuo Socorro (St.Maria)
Tenemos 3 eventos en las cuales requerimos de su apoyo y compresión,
El primero es la misa de la confirmación el 24 de Abril a las 5:00pm pero los jóvenes y padrinos deberán estar a las 3:00pm en el gimnacio de la Iglesia para la practica también, tendremos la visita de otras Iglesias y
el estacionamiento estara muy ocupado y a lo mejor tendremos que estacionarnos una o dos cuadras alrededor de la iglesia y dejar que las personas discapacitadas o de mayor edad se estacionen cerca de la Iglesia.
El 1 de Mayo dia de la Primera Comunión la misa sera a las 1:00pm los niños y padrinos deberán estar a
las 12:30pm en el gimnacio de la Iglesia.
El 5 de Junio sera una misa especial a las 11:00am celebrada por nuestro seminarista Tetzel para entonces
recién ordenado Padre en la cual tendremos la visita de familias de otras Parroquias.
Muchas Gracias y recuerden que esta es su casa su Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro
Catholic Home Missions Appeal
The Catholic Home Missions Appeal will take place next week. One way that this
appeal works to strengthen home mission dioceses in the United States is by
funding seminarian formation in poor dioceses. The blessing of seminarians
places a financial burden on these dioceses, where educating each seminarian
costs $35-40K per year. Your support is needed for these young men so that they
might go back and serve their parishes. Please strengthen the Church at home by
making a generous gift to next week’s appeal.
Fortalezca la
Iglesia en casa
La próxima semana realizaremos el Llamado para las Misiones Católicas. Una
manera en que este llamado funciona para fortalecer a las diócesis misioneras en
Estados Unidos es otorgando fondos para la formación de seminaristas en las
diócesis pobres. La bendición de los seminaristas pone una carga financiera en
estas diócesis en donde la educación de cada seminarista cuesta entre $35 a 40
mil dólares al año. Su apoyo es necesario para que estos jóvenes puedan regresar
y servir en sus parroquias. Por favor, fortalezca la Iglesia en casa dando una
generosa donación al llamado de la próxima semana.
Prayer Corner 
Please keep all those who are in the military, or are ill or suffering in your prayers.
For those who are ill or homebound: Bernie, Albert Miller, Paulita de Hernandez, Tom Barnes and those struggling
with cancer and other illnesses or upcoming surgeries
We pray for peace throughout our entire world. We remember our family members and friends who are serving the
military: Andy Borst, Michael Pennington, Thomas Hellman, Kennon Whyte, Mike Andre, Nathan Nofziger,
Trisa Engel
If you would like to add the name of someone who is serving in the military, please call the office.
For the repose of the souls of all the faithful departed:
Offertory Update Week Ending 4/10/16
General Collection: $14,483
Building & Maintenance: $843
Local Charities: $35
Family Crisis Fund: $50
Liturgy Fund: $172
Catholic Education: $210
Hispanic Ministry Collection: $1,127
Thank you for your support of St. Mary’s Parish through
your prayers, good wishes and gifts of time and money. If you
would like to use envelopes or EFT to make your donations,
please contact the parish office. Thanks!
For some, it may seem like their abortion is an event
totally left in the past, yet vast evidence shows that abortion
has long-lasting, life-altering affects in the lives of women
and men who have experienced it. To feel, deal, and heal
from abortion(s), attend a life-changing Rachel’s Vineyard
Retreat. Contact Project Aurora for information about the
April 8-10, 2016 retreat near Medford:
541-942-2861 or email [email protected]. Para
Espanol ilamada a Araceli 541-621-7047.
Prayer Shawl Ministry RETREAT
Saturday, May 7, 2016 9am-1pm
Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church/Parish Hall
650 A Avenue, Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Register – by email – [email protected] - by May 2.
Is your marriage bearing fruit? Don’t wait until it is too
late, take time to renew your marriage now. The next
available Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is
May 27th - 29th at Our Lady of Peace Retreat Center in
Beaverton, Oregon. For more information call 503-8532758 or apply on-line at
Additional dates and locations are listed on-line.
Eucharistic Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
"Christ is risen! In Him is my faith, my love; in Him I
live. He sang us a love song from the moment of His
birth to the moment of His death and into His resurrection. At the moment of His ascension - which comes
soon - He will leave us tokens of His love: first, Himself
in the celebration of the Eucharist and in the Blessed
Sacrament, and in His priests. For He is so in love with
us that though He went to the Father, He remained with
us. Only God can do that!" (Catherine Doherty)
Please join us for Eucharistic Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament. Adoration is available in the chapel
24 hours every day. For adoration outside of the 24hour regular Thursday schedule, call the office for
instructions and to enlist. Everyone is welcome. Spend
as much or as little time as you can. Thank you for
offering our Lord this special hour. Expect God's
blessing, and give Him thanks.
Snacks for Packs (S4P)
This is a food program administered by
Fish and approved by Greater Albany
Public Schools (GAPS). It provides
packs of nutritious, child-friendly “snacks” to students
attending a GAPS school, and who are identified as
experiencing food insecurity, to consume on the weekends
while away from the schools’ breakfast and lunch
Fish would love if the parishioners of St. Mary’s would
contribute granola bars and cereal bars. There will be a
Fish collection barrel near the back entrance off the
playground parking lot to put them in. This will run over
the next couple weekends, so if you can’t help out today,
please bring some in any time up thru May 8th. Thank you.
Holy Family on the Move
The next to receive the statue of the Holy Family will be
Randy, Lori, Megan, Kevin & Charlotte Lloyd.
Senior Potluck
Senior Potluck Luncheon, Thursday,
April 21, 2016
Welcome all seniors. Bring your
special dish to share.
Esperanza Para Las Madres
La depresión después del parto
Grupo de Apoyo en español
En el Boys and Girls Club de Albany
los Miércoles de 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Para mas información llamar al 541-812-4303
o al 541-768-5772 pregunta por Rocio
Catholic Sentinel
In the new Catholic Sentinel, increase your
understanding of Pope Francis’s new teaching on
the family, and see how Archbishop
Alexander Sample has welcomed it. Read about what
parishes and other Catholic organizations can do about the
pending earthquake and see how one concentration camp
survivor came to the decision to forgive her tormentors.
Meet Mount Angel Abbey’s new abbot in depth.
Looking to Hire: Facilities Supervisor
* 5 years experience in custodial, building, and grounds
* Considerable knowledge of plumbing and electrical
systems in a public facility as well as heating and boiler
* Proficient in use and care of custodial equipment and
* Familiar with OSHA safety requirements relating to
parish buildings and grounds to include the storage and use
of hazardous materials.
This will be a full time-position. Those who are interested
may contact Father Aniceto at the office for more details.
Pilgrimage to the Grotto
After a leisurely ride on a tour bus to the Grotto, we entered through the Holy Doors to attend
Mass. Father Cit concelebrated. Following Mass we sat on the benches, chatted and had lunch.
Next we took the elevator to the upper level and visited the shrines made of wood and marble.
We each made our way to and through the Luminous Mysteries and saw the monastery.
You can see the Grotto has an angel with a broken wing like we do.
Some of us viewed the mini movie on the history of the Grotto and visited the gift shop.
The day was wrapped up with a stress-free ride back to Albany.
God smiled on us and gave us a beautiful day for the pilgrimage. The sun was shining, a breeze
kept us cool, there was bird song, and flowers and trees gave off heady fragrances. Such a
wonderful peace about the place permitted easy contemplation of God and all His wondrous
Thank you to everyone who shared their photos and videos. Great pictures!
Larry Beary is retiring!
He has been working for Our Lady of Perpetual Help
for about 15 years. Join us in the Gathering Space
on May 15th at Noon
for a reception to thank him for all he has done
and to celebrate his new (hopefully relaxed) future.
If you are interested in helping with the event, please call the office and speak
with Marty. 541-926-1449
Father Leonard’s Bishop - This weekend!
Reverend Bishop Joseph R. Mlola is bishop of the Catholic diocese of Kigoma in Tanzania. Born in 1966, he was
ordained a priest of the Missionaries of the Congregation of the Apostolic Community of Priests on July 12, 1997. Rev.
Mlola worked a short time in parishes in Kenya, and Italy, then he joined the University of the Urbaniana in Rome for
his doctorate in Dogmatic Theology. He finished his doctorate in 2005. Going back to Tanzania, Bishop Mlola taught in
two major theological seminaries, one as a lecturer, the other as a rector. In late 2014 he was consecrated as the
bishop of the order.
This weekend, Rev. Bishop Joseph Mlola will be visiting us and telling us about his mission. Please give him a warm
Notice of Upcoming Big Events & Crowded Parking
Just to give everyone a heads-up about crowded seating and parking conditions for the following dates & events:
May 1st - First Eucharist Masses will be at 11 am & 1 pm with receptions after each
June 5th - Graduation Mass will be at the 8:30 am Mass with a reception following, then Tetzel will have his
Thanksgiving Mass as a new priest at 11 am, with a LARGE reception to follow.
On both of these days, participants can expect snug seating and packed parking. With the receptions between, there
won’t be the usual clearing of cars between Masses. We recommend those who have the option of attending Saturday
evening Mass instead of the ones mentioned above may not only be more comfortable, but would also lighten the load
for participants in the big events. Anyone who will be attending the big events - maybe you can work out carpooling?
Or - just expect to park a ways out. We hope to block off more parking for those who need to park closer for health
reasons. Please respect any cones or signs that are posted. Thank you for your understanding.
Graduation Mass & Reception
June 5, 2016 – 8:30 am
Calling all graduating high school seniors!
Please plan to join us for the Grad Mass and a special reception in your honor on Sunday, June 5th!
Everyone is welcome! Details coming soon!
Calling all Catholic Young Men, Ages 13-17!
Quo Vadis Days 2016
Archdiocese of Portland, June 20-23
Please join us for this fabulous summer camp to
learn more about the priesthood, to deepen your
faith, and to better discern God's will for your life
while experiencing faith, fellowship, prayer, sports,
hiking, inspiring talks, adoration, campfires and fun!
You won't want to miss it!
Information & permission forms coming soon!
Confirmacion (en Español)
11:30 am–12:45 am in the youth loft
Candlelight Retreat
Sunday, April 17
4:00-7:30 pm, enter from 9th Street
Confirmation Mass and Reception
Sunday, April 24, 5:00 pm
Bishop Steiner will celebrate the Mass.
Candidates & Sponsors meet at 3:00 pm in
the gym for practice. A special reception
will follow the Mass in the Gathering Space.
Final Candidate Sessions
Saturday, May 1 (en Español)
11:30-12:45 in the youth loft
Sunday, May 1 (Eng)
9:45-10:45 am in the Youth Loft
Youth Ministry Happenings ~ Eventos del Ministerio juvenil
Confirmacion (en Español), 11:30 am–12:45 am in the youth loft
Confirmation Candlelight Retreat, 4:00 –7:30 pm. Please enter from
the 9th St. entrance. Required for all HS Confirmation Candidates.
4/24 Confirmation Practice, 3:00 pm for candidates & sponsors.
Confirmation Mass, 5:00 pm. A reception will follow in the Gathering
Space. Everyone is welcome!
4/27 Teen Praise & Worship Team Practice (PWT), 6:00-6:30 pm, church
5/01 Confirmation (English), 9:45-10:45 am in the youth loft
Confirmacion (en Español), 11:30 am–12:45 am in the youth loft
High School Youth Group, 6:30-8:00 pm in the youth Loft
Middle School Youth Group, 6:30-8:00 pm in the St. John XXIII Room
5/04 Teen Praise & Worship Team Practice (PWT), 6:00-6:30 pm in the church
5/08 Happy Mother’s Day!
No Youth Group
5/15 High School Youth Group, 6:30-8:00 pm in the youth Loft
Middle School Youth Group, 6:30-8:00 pm in the St. John XXIII Room
Para mas informacion favor de contactar la oficina del ministerio de jovenes.
For information, please contact the Youth Ministry Office at 541-905-3491 or [email protected].
St. Mary’s
Appreciates our
Bulletin advertisers!
Catholic Daughters of the Americas
Regent: Geri Martin,
1st Monday each month @ 7 PM
To our anonymous parishioner
who is generously donating
flowers every month ...
For info about an ad in the
bulletin, contact Joni at the
parish office
Dave Pautsch
Bill Raschko
Juan Vasquez
St. Mary’s
Principal Broker
Listing Specialist
Buyer Broker
Listing Specialist
Buyer Broker
Listing Specialist
Buyer Broker
Se Habla
St. Mary’s Celebrating
131 Years!
1885– 2016
Holy Mary,
Mother of God,
pray for us.
Our Bulletin goes out in
print, via email and is
posted on the web &
Patty Mello
Independent Beauty
(541) 926-2631
Donate a Vehicle
Help a Neighbor
St. Vincent de Paul’s Car Program
Free towing
Albany Helping Hands Thrift Store
705 First Ave E
Changing Lives
Open 10 AM— 6 PM
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish
706 Ellsworth St. SW Albany, OR 97321-2366
April 17, 2016
4th Sunday of Easter
Father Aniceto Guiriba, Administrator, ext 338
Father Leonard Omolo, ALCP, Parochial Vicar, ext 338
Administrative Assistant to the Priests:
Teresa Middlemiss, ext 338
Parish Office: Marty Kloeck (AM), Rachel Farmer (PM)
Business Office: Joni Siewell, ext 305
Music Director: Nancy Higgins, ext 304
Elementary Religious Education Director:
Suzanne Duda, ext 344
Youth Coordinator: Cherrie Barnes, ext 315
Adult & Young Adult Religious Education Director and
Liturgy Coordinator: Ace Tupasi, ext 331
Office hours Tuesday- Friday ~ 9 to Noon & 1 to 4 PM
Parish Office: 541-926-1449
Emergency Phone: 541-220-0634
Fax: 541-926-2191
Email: [email protected]
web site:
WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday 5:00PM English, 7:00 PM Spanish; Sunday 8:30AM English, 11:00 AM English, 1:00PM Spanish
DAILY MASSES: Monday to Saturday 8:30AM, Wednesday 5:30PM, 1st Thursdays @ 9:45AM in Mennonite Home Chapel
CONFESSIONS: Wednesday 9:15AM - 5PM, Saturday 3:30 - 4:30PM, 6:15 - 7:00PM, Sunday 7:30 - 8:30AM, 10:00 - 11:00AM, 12:15 - 1PM
NOVENA to Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Communal Recitation 8:00-8:30AM and 5:00-5:30PM, personal recitation all day Wednesday
in the chapel (Novena booklets available in both languages.)
ADORATION: Thursday 9:00AM to Friday 8:15AM, Benediction Friday 8:15AM
In Times of Need
PRAYER CHAIN: Fran Pace, [email protected]
PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: if you would like a prayer shawl for someone who is ill or experiencing a loss, please contact
Carol Hawke at 541-926-2106 or [email protected].
RETROUVAILLE / REDISCOVERY OF OREGON: for couples whose marriages are experiencing pain or communication
breakdown. 1-800-470-2230 or
BEGINNING EXPERIENCE: weekly support meetings and weekend retreats to aid in healing and beginning again for the
widowed, divorced and separated or anyone experiencing the death or loss of a friend or relative. 503-393-2361.
Bienvenidos a su casa a su iglesia Santa Maria
Asistentes en el Pastoral del Ministerio Hispano
Marciano y Honorina Lopez 541- 619-1504
Los Sacramentos en español :
Bautismo: Marcos y Aracely Rodriguez; Anselmo Nunez
Primera Comunión: Suzanne Duda
Boda: Humberto y Susana Martínez 541-971-2698
Quinceañera: María Chavez
Confirmación: Marciano y Honorina Lopez
Catecismo para Adulto: Antonio Reyes - Domingo de 11:20 am a
12:40 pm
Representante del Consejo Pastoral: Marisol de la Torre
Para preguntas llamar o venir a la De Martes a Viernes de
1:00pm a 4:00pm 541-926-1449 o al 541-619-1504
Horario de las Confesiones son:
Miércoles : De 9:15am a 5:00pm
Sábados : De 3:30pm a 4:30pm y 6:15pm a 7:00pm
Domingo : De 7:30 a 8:30am, 10:00 a 11:00am, y 12:15pm a
Horario de las misas en español Sábado: 7:00pm
Domingo 1:00pm
Aquí en nuestra parroquia tenemos grupos de oración y evangelización. Los invitamos a formar parte de esta familia parroquial .
Lunes grupo de oración en la capilla a las 7:00pm
Martes grupo San Juan Diego para hombres a las 7:00pm en la
casa Guadalupe
Miércoles grupo San Juan Diego para mujeres a las 7:00pm en la
casa Guadalupe
Viernes grupo Apóstoles de la palabra a las 7:00pm en la casa

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