Dear Parents and 5th Year Students, In order to introduce the Year 6


Dear Parents and 5th Year Students, In order to introduce the Year 6
Dear Parents and 5th Year Students,
In order to introduce the Year 6 UK Trip 2015, we would like to invite you and your
son(s)/daughter(s) to a meeting regarding this event. This will take place in the Junior School
Hall on Tuesday 2nd December, at 1900.
At this meeting we will be looking at a proposed itinerary, possible costs and, of course,
answering any questions that you might have.
The exigencies of airlines means that, at this very early stage, we have to respond to the airline
in order to ensure our reservation. Having consulted with three agencies- and received various
proposals – the recommendation is to accept a proposal made by the agency Guamatur with a
approximate cost (contemplating flights with TAM and ground transport and accommodation in
the UK) of US4500. As a matter of urgency we now request that you inform the Senior
School ([email protected]) if your son(s)/daughter(s) will definitely not be
participating in this trip.
Very soon after December 2nd meeting we will ask for confirmation that your son(s)/daughter(s)
will participate in this activity, and for the concomitant payment of a deposit to secure the travel
and accommodation arrangements
We very much look forward to your presence on Tuesday 2nd.
Kind regards,
Alan Ripley
Iara Lindemann
Head of Senior
David Rennie
Director of Int’l Programme
Estimados Padres y Alumnos de 5o año de Liceo:
A efectos de presentarles el viaje de los alumnos de 6° año de Liceo al Reino Unido en 2015,
deseamos invitarlos a una reunión junto con su hijo/a. La misma tendrá lugar en el Junior School
Hall, el martes 2 de diciembre, a las 1900.
En esta reunión conversaremos acerca del itinerario propuesto, costos aproximados y, por
supuesto, responderemos cualquier duda o consulta que puedan tener.
Las exigencias de las aerolíneas implican que en esta etapa inicial, tengamos que responderles
de manera de asegurarnos las reservas. Hemos consultado a tres agencias – y recibido varias
propuestas – y la recomendación es aceptar la de Guamatur, con un costo aproximado de U$S
4500. Con urgencia, les solicitamos que informen a Senior School ([email protected])
si ya está decidido que su hijo/a no participe en este viaje.
Esperamos verlos en esta ocasión.
Les saludan cordialmente,
Alan Ripley
Director General
Iara Lindemann
Directora de Senior
David Rennie
Director del Programa Internacional
Examinations of the University of Cambridge and International Baccalaureate Organisation, Member of Council of International Schools
[email protected]
Tel: (598) 2600 3421 Ext. 123
Fax: (598) 2601 6338
Máximo Tajes 6421
11500 Montevideo, Uruguay

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