August 14, 2106 - St. Joseph Catholic Church


August 14, 2106 - St. Joseph Catholic Church
The Catholic Community
of St. Joseph
877 N. Campus Avenue Upland, CA 91786
Office (909) 981-8110
Fax (909) 982-8991
E-Mail: [email protected]
5:00 pm Vigil, 7:00 pm (Español) Vigila
7:00 am, 9:00 am, 11:00am , 1:00 pm (Español), 5:30 pm
Daily Masses
Monday thru Thursday 7:30 am, Friday 8:30 am,
First Friday Mass at 5:30 pm
Misa en Español
Cada Miércoles 7:00 pm
Holy Days of Obligation As Announced
Saturday: 3:30 pm (English & Spanish) or by appointment
TwentiethSunday in Ordinary Time
August 14, 2016
August 14, 2016
Twentieth Sunday in
Ordinary Time
First Reading — They took Jeremiah and
threw him into the cistern
(Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10).
Psalm — Lord, come to my aid! (Psalm 40).
Second Reading — Let us keep our eyes
fixed on Jesus, the leader and perfecter of
faith (Hebrews 12:1-4).
Gospel — I have come to set the earth on fire,
and how I wish it were already blazing
(Luke 12:49-53).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969,
1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All
rights reserved.
Today’s responsorial psalm, Psalm 40, is more familiar to us
with the refrain “Here am I, Lord.” This “Here am I” is Jeremiah’s
great prophetic response to God’s call. But today’s story of
Jeremiah and the refrain “Lord, come to my aid!” remind us that
there are always two sides to following the call of God. The author
of the Letter to the Hebrews knew this, too. He reminded his
readers that even weighted down with burdens and sins, we can still
persevere by keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, who himself knew
the shame and pain of the cross, but saw beyond it to the joy of
sitting at the right of the throne of God.
Jesus himself gave the disciples a “sneak preview” of a baptism
that would not be as wondrous as the one in the Jordan that
inaugurated his ministry, but would be one of fire and anguish.
Today’s words from scripture may not be terribly soothing, but in
their honesty and strength we can acknowledge the difficulties of
daily discipleship, and take comfort in the assurance of our own
salvation in Christ.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Decimonoveno Domingo
del Tiempo Ordinario
Primera lectura — El pr ofeta del Señor sufre peligros y deshonra para proclamar el no
grato mensaje de Dios para la ciudad
(Jeremías 38:4-6, 8-10).
Salmo — Señor, date prisa en socorrerme!
(Salmo 40 [39])
Segunda lectura — No te desanimes.
Persevera en la lucha igual que Cristo soportó
la cruz (Hebreos 12:1-4).
Evangelio — J esús vino a pur ificar la tier r a
con su santo fuego y a sembrar división y no
paz (Lucas 12:49-53).
Salmo responsorial: Leccionario II © 1976, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica
de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos
El Salmo responsorial de hoy, Salmo 40 (39), nos es muy
familiar por el refrán “Señor, date prisa en socorrerme”. La historia
de Jeremías hoy y el refrán “¡Señor, date prisa en socorrerme!” nos
recuerda que siempre hay dos caminos para seguir el llamado de
Dios. El autor de la Carta a los Hebreos también lo sabía. Él
recordaba a sus lectores que aunque nos agobien desgracias y
pecados, podemos todavía perseverar si mantenemos nuestros ojos
fijos en Jesús, quien también conoció la vergüenza y el dolor de la
cruz, pero vio más allá del sufrimiento, el gozo de sentarse a la
derecha del trono de Dios.
Jesús mismo dio a sus discípulos una “idea” de un bautismo que
no sería tan maravilloso como el del Jordán que inauguró su
ministerio, sino de fuego y angustia. Las palabras de la Sagrada
Escritura hoy pueden no ser terriblemente apaciguadoras, pero en su
honestidad y fortaleza podemos reconocer las dificultades que el
discípulo enfrenta a diario, y consolarnos por la seguridad de nuestra
salvación en Cristo.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Please remember in your prayers
the repose of the souls of
Josephine Rodriguez
Julio S. Ramirez
Theresa Garcia
Diana Lamb
Deacon Frank Simoni
Pedro Moreno
May they and all the faithful departed rest in peace.
Kelly Mack
David Leon
Candelario Herrera
Martina Mejia
Edward Nick Nichols
Josie Rivera
Jacob Beltran
Joanne Messerick
Tony Bravo
Dat Do
Arnoldo Pedrego
Beverly Brennan
Sam Leon
Miguel Quirarte
Terri Ruiz
Lilian Sandom
Dolores Contreras
Helen Fillhart
Michael Vaez
Oanh Quang
Lupe Howell
Veronica Castro
Maritza Miranda
Roger Arriola
Matthew Ryan
Rodrigo Garcia
Karen Thanh
Jason Cortes
Carl Thune
Adrian & Ariana
Willy Lopez
Bob Bates
Michelle Perez
Tegan Castillo
Conrado Ramos
Armando Espinoza
Becky Jimenez Vargas Pat Maiorana
Lamar Fidler
Kay Jordon
Liliana Duarte
Manuela Martinez
Mercy Garcia
Armando Garcia
Matthew Mardesiche Don Gilbert Jr.
Manuel Coloso Jr
Sara Wheeler
Gloria Romero
Joselyn Gonzalez
Teresa Coe
Bernarda Tiangco
David Salazar
Annette Weise
Jose Bender Jocson
Daniel Calderon
Adrian Cabrera
Sain Ramirez
Terri Pando
Lola Anaya
Ricardo Martinez
Consuelo Dominguez
Charles Eddy
Helen Sarry
Jose and Angela Vaez Nina Curly
Father Rafael Bui
Isela Erwin
Manuela Flores
Armando Aguayo Muñoz
Lidia Salas
Carlos Garcia
Martha Escobar
Jacquelyn Mata
Teresa Fructuoso
Brigette Hurley
Marina Garcia
Conrado Ramos
Ericka Gutierrez
Chris Mendoza
Bill Bishop
Phyllis Majcen
Antonio Gutiérrez Sr. Carol Warren Rivera
Carrie Rubidoux
Bob Gonzalez
Maria Socorro
Mejia Rebeles
For The Week
Monday, August 15, 2016
7:30 am  Walter Family
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
7:30 am Francesco Bordignon
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
7:30 am
Ernesto Cantu
7:00 pm
Ints of Joshua Medina
Thursday, August 18, 2016
7:30 am Ints of Jindi Perez
Friday, August 19, 2016
8:30 am  Mesias & Florencia Gongora
Saturday, August 20, 2016
5:00 pm
Ints of Bob & Betty Stout
7:00 pm
Ints of Esmeralda Gomez
Sunday, August 21, 2016
7:00 am Ints of Christine Leyva
9:00 am  Pascuala Jimenez
11:00 am  Hector Ramirez
1:00 pm
Ints of Tiffany Marin
5:30 pm In Thanksgiving
= Deceased
For The Homebound
9:00 am on KDOC Channel 56
(also on Cable-TV)
Share the word.
Tell a shut-in relative,
friend or neighbor.
If you need to contact a priest for the Anointing of the Sick, please call the parish office (909-981-8110) during our office hours. If
your request is urgent and you are calling after the parish office is closed, please follow the phone instructions on the parish voice
mail for reaching a priest in an emergency.
If a family member is sick or homebound and would like to receive Holy Communion, please call Sr. Sheila at 909-377-8611 or
call the parish office.
Si necesita ponerse en contacto con un sacerdote para la Unción de los Enfermos, por favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial al
(909-981-8110) durante nuestras horas de oficina. Si un familiar está enfermó o incapacitado y le gustaría recibir la Santa
Comunión, por favor de llamar al 909-949-9924 y preguntar por Sr. Sheila o llamar a nuestra oficina parroquial.
This Week
At St. Joseph Parish
7:00 pm
MONDAY, August 15
5:30 pm
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
TUESDAY, August 16
Marys Lamb Prayer
Sacred Heart
Ovejas de Cristo
6:15 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
WEDNESDAY, August 17
Spanish Rosary
Spanish Mass
Jovenes Para Cristo
Encuentro Matrimonio St. Joseph
Knights of Columbus
THURSDAY, August 18
11:00 am Bible Study
St. Ambrose
FRIDAY, August 19
3:30 pm
SATURDAY, August 13
Knights of Columbus Hall
SUNDAY, August 20
11:00 am Sunday School
11:00 am RCIA for children
Sacred Heart
6:00 pm ICF
Go to for more
event information!
Give it up for
Mercy Challenge
The Goal is to raise $5,000.00
For what you ask?
Our Good Samaritan Fund
What is the Good Samaritan Fund you ask?
The fund allows us to help those in need of Emergency
shelter for one or two nights.
Emergency utility assistance, allowing them to keep the lights,
gas or water on.
Gas cards and food cards
Individuals and families come to us in need all of the time.
Please Help us Help Them
So please join the challenge.
How can you participate?
Give up one item per day and place the money you would
have spent on that item into your
Give it up for Mercy container. Pick one up at the Give it up
for Mercy table .
For example I will give up my first morning cup of coffee
that’s $2.00 a day X 31= $62.00
Now if everyone gave just that $2.00 a day ,all we would need
to meet our goal is for only 80 of us to participate.
Now the challenge . My daughter told me she is going to
give up $5.00 per day = $155
(Not Being Competitive at all). I will now be giving up 3 cups
of coffee a day= $186
(how much coffee do I drink a day? (You don’t want to know)
So challenge each other is to what your commitment is and let
us know when you pick up your container…
Any questions please call Carolyn Hite
August 14, 2016
Fr. Timothy Do, Pastor
[email protected]
August 7, 2016
$ 3,388.50
$ 9,031.00
$ 1,331.00
$ 13,750.50
WE THANK YOU for all your prayers
and generous support.
Diocesan Development Fund
Campaign Progress
Gifts Received As of Today
$81, 800.00
I am very grateful for the generous gifts of prayer, talents and
financial support that you share with our parish family
throughout the year. We are fortunate that many of our
parishioners respond with such generosity to the needs of our
faith community.
At present we have received $87,948 (258 donors) in pledges
toward our target of $81,800! Your gift will assist us in
reaching this request.
The DDF serves many people in ways that we, as an
individual parish, could not do. Social service ministries and
religious education for both youth and adults provide
continuity in our lifelong pursuit of a closer relationship
with God.
Please consider making a pledge in support of this effort.
Your gift is very important. May God continue to bless each
one of us and our faith community family.
Rev. Timothy Do
Rev. Carlos Martinez
Fr. Carlos Martinez, Parochial Vicar
[email protected]
Deacon Octavio Echeverria
[email protected]
Ext. 11
Deacon Mark Lopez
[email protected]
Ext. 33
Christina Berry, Office Administrator
[email protected]
Ext. 18
Jesus Maldonado, Director of Liturgy & Ministry
[email protected]
Ext. 19
Carlo Argoti, Director of Music
[email protected]
Ext. 21
Mark Tumambing, Youth Choir Director
[email protected]
(626) 217-8497
Joanne Garay, Bookkeeper
[email protected]
Ext. 14
Belinda Valencia, Receptionist
[email protected]
Ext. 10
Debbie Aud, Director of Religious Education
[email protected]
Ext. 29
Jose Valencia,
Youth & Young Adult Minister
Confirmation Coordinator
[email protected]
Ext. 26
Carolyn Hite,
Director of His Hands & Parish Life
[email protected]
Ext. 16
Sr. Sheila Reen, Ministry to the Sick
[email protected]
(909) 377-8611
Vern Garcia, Maintenance
[email protected]
Ext. 13
Maria Hermosillo, Religious Education Asst.
[email protected]
Please see the Parish website
for additional Staff & Ministry contacts.
August 14, 2016
We invite parishioners to consider a gift to the
parish of flowers for the Altar in thanksgiving,
in memory, or in celebration of a loved one or
special event. Cost for one altar arrangements is
$50, up to two arrangements per week will be
available to parishioners.
Please visit the Parish Office so you can
designate the weekend and occasion.
These intentions will be recognized in the
If you have any questions please contact the
parish office at (909) 981-8110
Italian Catholic Federation – Grand Opening Celebration!
The Official Opening of Branch Name Branch 446 of the Italian
Catholic Federation at St. Joseph will take place on Sunday, August 21st.
The evening begins with Time 5:30 PM Mass at St. Joseph, followed by
the Inauguration Ceremony and then a wonderful Italian Dinner in the
Parish Auditorium. ICF Branch 446 Members are free, Guests are $15.
You can still become a Founding Charter Member of Branch 446
if you sign up prior to August 21st. We welcome men, women, and
children of all ages and all heritages to join us. Please call Lou
Mages at 805-218-6906 to RSVP for the event (deadline August 7th) or
to become a member. Join us in celebrating St. Joseph Branch 446!!
Bring Your Children (Ages 3 to 3rd grade
in School that are not currently in Religious Education Classes) Join us to learn
about Jesus and have lots of fun on their
journey. Please arrive a few minutes
before the 11:00 am and 1:00pm Masses
to sign them in the Parish Hall!! For more
info (909)981-8110 ext 29
Le pedimos que sus hijos (de 3 a 3er grado
en la escuela que no están actualmente en
Clases de Educación Religiosa) vengan con
nosotros para aprender acerca de Jesús y
tener mucha diversión. Por favor llegue
unos minutos antes de las 11:00 am y 1:00
pm Misas para registrar a sus hijos en el
Salón Parroquial !! Para mas informacion
909-981-8110 ext 29
How Can We Pray for You?
¿Comó Podemos Orar por Usted?
From 4:30 to 6 PM
Starting September 13, 2016
In the Church
St. Joseph Angels’ Choir
Learn vocal techniques
Make new friends
Sing at Mass
We have a concert
scheduled for
Friday May 19, 2017
Turn flyer over to
Carlo Argoti, Director of Music
PHONE: (909) 981-8110 Ext. 21
EMAIL: [email protected]
If you need raffle cket booklets, please ask one of the Ministers of Hospitality or stop by the Parish Office. For the dona on of only
$5.00, you have the chance to win THREE great prizes: Grand Prize – A 2016 Chevy Cruz, 2nd Prize - Cruise ($3,000.00 value), and 3rd
Prize $500.00!! (If you donate using church envelopes, the raffle ckets are being mailed to your home.) You can turn in your sold
ckets and money/checks in the collec on basket inside an envelope marked “Raffle” or turn them in at the Parish Office. We will
also be selling raffle ckets a er the masses each weekend.
It is that Ɵme again! Time to request your donaƟons to help ensure the success of our fesƟval's Kids' Korner. You have always
been so generous and supporƟve, so THANK YOU, in advance, for your help!
Items needed include the following:
Small, individually wrapped hard candy
Tootsie roll pops
New toys of any size
New or gently used CHILDREN'S books or DVD's (NO VHS please)
Confeƫ eggs or empty egg shells that we can fill
Brown or lunch sized bags
I will be happy to collect the items at the church or where you prefer. Please contact Maria McAfee (909) 908-2258 if you need to
make arrangements for pick up.
Our Silent AucƟon is back! Here is how you can help. Please consider donating any of the items listed below:
 Sporting event tickets
 Gift Baskets - for Kids, Women, Men, Household, etc.
 Gift cards and gift certificates to restaurants, local stores, etc.
 Gift certificates for services (cleaning, massage, car repair, etc.)
NEW Appliances
We can use the following items to help defray our fes val expenses: Paper plates (10” or 12”)
Paper Towels
Heavy Duty Foil
Large Hefty Bags (40 Gal or larger)
2-Liter Bottles of Soda -- Coke, Pepsi, 7-Up, Diet Coke, Root Beer, etc.
We thank you in advance for your generosity.
Please set aside Saturday, August 27th at 8:00 AM to come and help – we will be cleaning and checking out the kitchen
equipment and preparing the booths in the church parking lot. This is a big job that can be made easy if a lot of you come
to help. So plan to come and help us get ready for this year's festival. Refreshments and water will be supplied to all eager workers!
We are in need of many volunteers!!!!
You can s ll be a part of making this year’s fes val a success. Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator – Cathy Bamberger at 909560-7353 or Booth Captain Coordinator Paula Mendoza at 909-985-9305 if you want informa on or would like to sign up. We are
s ll looking for Game Booth captains, as well as help in the food booths, informa on booth and many other areas. Our next Fes val
mee ng will be Thursday, August 18th at 7 PM in the Parish Office if you would like to be a part of this year’s team!!
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