Benchmarking Guide


Benchmarking Guide
Benchmarking Guide for
Software Development and
Maintenance Projects
Version control
November 2016 See below
Modifications / Additions
Version 1.0
Version 1.0 authors and reviewers 2016 (alphabetical order)
Mauricio Aguiar
TI Metricas,
Diana Baklizky
TI Metricas,
Tom Cagley
DCG Software Value,
Dácil Castelo
Leda MC,
Rafael de la Fuente
Leda MC,
Raúl Fernández
Leda MC,
Mike Harris
DCG Software Value,
Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 4
Objective ............................................................................................................................... 5
Intended Audience ........................................................................................................ 5
Scope ............................................................................................................................. 5
Practical Applications ............................................................................................................ 5
Procedure .............................................................................................................................. 6
Establishing the Purpose and the Scope ....................................................................... 6
Environmental Analysis ................................................................................................. 7
Defining the Software Development Process ....................................................... 7
Analysis of Your Development and Maintenance Projects Repository ................. 8
Resolving the Project’s Selection Criteria ............................................................. 8
Planning the Measurement Process ..................................................................... 9
Measurement Process................................................................................................... 9
Gathering the Project’s Data ............................................................................... 10
Session Planning .................................................................................................. 11
Contacting Managers .......................................................................................... 11
Measurement ...................................................................................................... 11
Data Analysis ............................................................................................................... 11
Measurement Classification, Segmentation, and Organization.......................... 11
Normalizing the Information and Obtaining Results .......................................... 11
Benchmarking Data ............................................................................................. 12
Producing the Statistical Analysis and Results .................................................... 13
Presentation of Results ............................................................................................... 13
Data Storage ................................................................................................................ 14
Critical Success Factors........................................................................................................ 14
Conclusions ......................................................................................................................... 14
Related Publications. ........................................................................................................... 15
1 Introduction
It is very difficult to quantify and track the performance of any IT department in terms of
productivity and quality. To that end, it is even more difficult to compare our data with our
company’s competitors in the market because the metrics used by each company may vary
widely. Even if we successfully implement a program to track productivity and quality on a
routine basis, it can still be difficult to answer questions like: Are our software factories / teams
more productive now than before? Are we within the market average? Are we paying more
than what we should?
The answers to these questions are neither reliable nor objective because the only available
information is expressed in total costs, distribution costs, and cost rates.
Due to the lack of this information, IT management becomes a blind process, where decisions
are often made without full awareness of their real consequences. For example, reducing the
IT supplier’s development price, without being aware of its impact on productivity, may
increase company costs due to:
Reduction in quality
Reduction in productivity
Increase in errors
The solution to this problem relies on two variables:
Software production services must be measured (a standardized software
development measurement methodology is recommended but not necessary).
Information must be available for comparison.
The first point allows us to get normalized information in order to compare the results of our
company both to the market and to ourselves (externally and internally). Concepts such as
productivity, cost per production unit, and errors per production unit are impossible to
obtain without software quantification. For this purpose, we can use standardized and nonstandardized metrics. If we use standard metrics, information will be more reliable and we will
be able to share information among different companies. In this sense, the ISO/IEC 14143
definition about functional size quantification is a big step to standardization and expansion of
the functional size metrics. On the other hand, non-standard metrics can be less consistent
and depend on the company’s idiosyncrasies.
The second point enables us to better understand our position in terms of the market. Without
this information, we could only produce internal comparisons and analyze our own evolution
during different periods of time. Without an objective analysis of the real world, we can’t
compare whether our results are better than, equal to, or worse than the market’s average
level, and we don’t even know if our services are really efficient. Of course, “averages” can be
dangerous so it is important to understand the nature of the population over which the
average has been taken. For this purpose, private companies and other organizations such as
ISBSG provides data about the average and other related services based on information about
the desired population for comparison.
2 Objective
The objective of this document is to explain the benchmarking process, its applications, the
main guidelines for its execution, and the necessary processes that must be established in
order to guarantee successful results. This is only intended for use in the software
development field.
The present guide is not an exhaustive compilation of all the activities and required tasks but a
general guide about what you have to take into account and consider from a practical business
2.1 Intended Audience
This document is primarily intended for those involved in IT management with a
specific interest in optimizing value for money from their software development.
2.2 Scope
Only software development and maintenance projects are under the scope of this document,
regardless of their development methodology (waterfall, Agile, etc.).
Therefore, any project not involving a software development process is excluded, for example,
consulting projects, operating system upgrades, etc.
3 Practical Applications
There are multiple applications for the information obtained from benchmarking in terms of
productivity, quality, effort, rates or costs, including, but not limited to:
Comparisons between our company and other companies:
o My company versus the global market or some companies of the same type of
o Some specific technologies or business areas versus the market ones.
Comparisons within my organization, between different departments, suppliers,
technologies, periods, etc.
Establishing reference values:
o Reference values to make more objective project estimations.
o Reference values to establish Service Level Agreements (SLA) for third parties.
o Reference values to establish internal or third-party improvement objectives.
o Reference values to produce control, continuous follow-up, and improvement
of this same reference values.
Decision making:
o Evaluate the impact of any adopted decision: supplier modification, price
variations, changes on the development process, changes on the implemented
technology, etc.
4 Procedure
Benchmarking requires a series of activities summarized in this chapter. The objective of this
section is to provide a general description of the activities involved in executing the
benchmarking process.
Each of these activities is a step in a sequential process that must be followed to ensure the
optimal quality of the results for the system’s object of study.
Benchmarking Process Diagram
Note: As of June 2016, the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and the IEC
(International Electrotechnical Commission) are developing the standard ISO 29155 Systems
and software engineering - Information technology project performance benchmarking
framework, which is a framework for benchmarking software development projects within the
IT field. This new ISO, which is still in process of development, could be in a future useful in
order to standardize the software benchmarking process and ensure good practices.
4.1 Establishing the Purpose and the Scope
The benchmarking purpose will determine the objective of the study. According to the
comparison options indicated in chapter 3, this could be:
Comparison within our own company
Comparison of our company with other organizations (competitors)
Depending upon the target of the study, the purpose may change:
Productivity study, for instance, in order to know the effort per unit of production of
my java developments
Functional quality development study, for instance, in order to know the number of
defects per unit of production of the sw delivered by my suppliers as detected by a
Quality Assurance team
Technical quality development study, for instance, in order to get the number of code
violations per unit of production delivered by my suppliers
it is also necessary to determine the scope of the study. In this activity, the number of projects
for the sample should be specified, as their size, characteristics (technology, sw lifecycle or any
relevant characteristic for the study), involved areas or departments, etc., so there could be
some restrictions regarding the scope:
A study of specific technologies or development platforms
A study of selected development suppliers
A study to define the stages of lifecycle development
Some examples of the purpose and scope of the benchmarking exercise could be:
Knowing the development productivity of java and cobol languages compared to the
market for Banking Industry
Knowing the development productivity of the implemented projects under the
traditional waterfall model (or an Agile model) during the last year
Making a comparison between the functional quality of the software developments
delivered for my main suppliers during the last year.
4.2 Environmental Analysis
In order to execute a quality comparison of the data, the first step is to gather and study our
company’s information. The software development process is different for each customer;
however, this process is the same among the different suppliers or domains within the same
For this reason, we need to know the business environment where the development is
4.2.1 Defining the Software Development Process
The development process could involve several technologies or domains depending on how IT
in the company is structured. We have to focus solely on the activities and / or technologies
defined within the scope.
At this point, the primary items to be analyzed are:
Development methodology/methodologies used
Activities or lifecycle stages (requirement analysis, functional design, technical design,
implementation and unit tests, integration tests, etc.), main development technology
or architecture. This is a critical factor for success.
Business domain (banking, insurance, processing, logistics, human resources, etc.).
The roles and persons participating in any of these stages, and which of these are
(partially) outsourced, etc.
The source of the model (internal, outsourced, etc.)
For instance, if our study tries to focus on aspects of third parties (suppliers), we need to know
which tasks are executed in order to compare them individually and not confuse them with
internally developed tasks.
4.2.2 Analysis of Your Development and Maintenance Projects Repository
Not all projects defined in the domain or within the organization can be used in the study.
Certain projects, because of their nature or critical circumstances of their development, are so
uncommon that they would create “noise” (could be considered as statistical outliers). For this
reason, some development projects are excluded from the study because they are considered
“uncommon”; for example: projects not completing the fully defined software lifecycle,
exceptionally large projects or very small ones (related to the average domain or
organization’s size).
At this point it’s very important to take into account the purpose and scope of the benchmark
study, because the organization could include only “normal” projects and this could be wrong
if, for instance, the purpose was to know the real productivity of the whole project portfolio.
We need to perform an evaluation of your projects repository. By doing this, we can
distinguish which projects can be used in the study and which ones must be excluded because
of their specific circumstances. In this evaluation, every project selected for the study should
have the necessary information for the analysis (effort, technology, defects, documentation,
For each project, we need to verify the following information:
The availability of all the required information to perform the study;
That any specific or unique situation affecting the results of the study have been
That each project is not an exception within the “normal” project’s domain or the
4.2.3 Resolving the Project’s Selection Criteria
The projects meeting the selection criteria will be used as a sample for the benchmarking
study. Depending on the purpose and scope, you could select a homogeneous sample or a
heterogeneous one, but this decision has to be explained in detail for future reference.
Also, it is necessary to make a selection of a representative number of projects for any analysis
segmentation. The number of projects selected is very important for the reliability results of
the study.
For instance, to execute a benchmarking study between three different technologies, select a
similar number of projects for each of them. Likewise, the selection criteria for these projects,
regardless of the segment, should be as equivalent as possible.
Some of the criteria that should be used for obtaining the sample are:
Classification of Development. If there are projects with both functional and nonfunctional requirements, and projects only describing functional requirements, one
could prioritize those with only functional requirements based on the objective of the
Dedicated hours. Sometimes it could be necessary to select projects with the same
dedicated effort (or those within a specified range), but not if, for instance, it is
required to compare productivity between large and small projects. Always look at the
purpose and scope of the study.
Date of Development. If you want your results to reflect the current state of your
organization, consider only recently developed projects and ignore the older ones. On
the other hand, if you want to compare the current productivity to the productivity
from a past period, select projects from both periods.
Because of the nuances of the information you are collecting, it is imperative that the selection
criteria is defined in the best possible way for repeated use.
4.2.4 Planning the Measurement Process
Once we have selected the projects for the study, we can begin the process of measuring each
project’s size. When scheduling this exercise it is important to consider the following
When will the project documentation and information be available?
When and by whom will the measurements be performed?
When will the revision sessions start (if necessary)?
This schedule should be provided to those involved in the projects’ development, in order to
perform the measurement process and meet expected deadlines.
4.3 Measurement Process
During this step, we will measure the size of the selected projects according to the determined
measurement method.
As stated in the introduction to this document, it is necessary to have a software quantification
technique. For this reason, it is expressly recommended (but not necessary) to use functional
metrics compliant with the standard ISO/IEC 14143-1:2007 Information technology – Software
measurement – Functional size measurement – Definition of concepts. These metrics are (only
a few are significantly used in the market, for example: IFPUG and COSMIC):
The metrics for functional size are based on the software quantification in terms of what is
(requested to be) delivered. It is exactly for that reason that they constitute the ideal tool for
analyzing productivity or economic efficiency. It also allows us to get a normalized metric for
other variables of software management (effort, costs, defects, duration, etc.).
It is important to remember that the functional size results obtained by applying these
methodologies are not exactly the same. Hence, you must use the same technique when sizing
projects in order to compare results to those of other companies.
Organizations that provide benchmarking data indicate the metrics that were used in their
submitted data. Note: NESMA and IFPUG apply similar principles and are equivalent within a
limited variance.
Using a non-standard metric when measuring the size of a project will create a useful data
comparison within our company, but we can’t compare the obtained results to the market. We
also have to be very careful when using internally developed or proprietary sizing methods
created by organizations that promote those methods as being similar to the market’s
standard methodologies.
The use of non-standard metrics, without independent empiric evidence, might create other
problems, such as measurement subjectivity or even its invalidity in meeting the objective
financial efficiency and/or productivity (e.g., using Lines of Code to compute economic
productivity is not recommended).
4.3.1 Gathering the Project’s Data
The projects will be measured during personal meetings or by analyzing the functional
documentation. Any required information and documents should be provided for supporting
the projects’ functional size measurement activity.
Required documents include:
Requirement analysis reports
Functional designs
Technical designs
User manuals
User guides, etc.
These documents will clarify the functionality delivered to the users by the implemented
systems. The most useful documentation for this purpose is the one explaining, in the clearest
way possible, the user functionality delivered by the software (functional analysis or
documents focused on the developed functionality).
In addition, it is necessary to compile the following project information:
When developing a productivity benchmark, the effort or cost broken down by
relevant variables such as lifecycle activity, internal/external parties, impacted
application, or development supplier. This is often a problematic task.
When performing a functional quality benchmarking, the associated defects (in preproduction or post-production).
When producing a study about the delivery speed, the milestones of the project
development process (start and end dates of the phases).
4.3.2 Session Planning
If the documentation requires any explanation by the project manager or any functional or
business analyst expert, schedule a meeting session for discussion and clarification.
4.3.3 Contacting Managers
Once the sessions are agreed upon and scheduled, the experts will be contacted for the
revision of any pending topics and / or related clarifications.
4.3.4 Measurement
With the documentation available and all questions answered, it will be time to size the
projects. This will be accomplished by applying the selected method.
It is mandatory that the measurements are performed by (certified) metrics specialists, to
increase certainty regarding the application of the method. In addition, the measurements
should be well documented, including any observations and considerations, people
interviewed, documentation used, etc., so that any other specialist will be able to review,
understand, and audit the measurements in the future.
4.4 Data Analysis
4.4.1 Measurement Classification, Segmentation, and Organization
To obtain the required data, the projects need to be grouped according to the objective of the
benchmarking process. So, when performing a study by technology, all projects of the same
technology are grouped together. If the study is performed by technology and supplier, the
projects are grouped together as a combination of technology-supplier.
It is important to recall that, as with any statistical study, the number of measurements in each
group must be large enough to ensure the validity of the final results.
4.4.2 Normalizing the Information and Obtaining Results
In order to properly compare the results of the different groups internally (within our
company) or with the market, it is necessary to make a comparison between the same
concepts (“apples” to “apples” and not “apples” to “oranges”), so the data is aligned with the
study objective. This task is the most sensitive activity in the process, and the way it is
performed determines the validity of the results.
The normalization process ensures that the effort, cost, and any other project information
considered in the study is of the same nature as the information gathered on the selected
projects in the comparison group. This is independent of whether the comparison is to
competitor projects, internal projects, or to a previously performed benchmarking. It is
necessary that the basis of comparison is clearly stated and meets the purpose of the study.
For instance, if itis required to compare the productivity of the software Design, Built & Unit
Test activities, it is necessary to take only into account this effort and discard the effort of the
other lifecycle activities.
Before performing the normalization process, the available data from both our organization
and the market samples must be carefully analyzed. This analysis will determine which projects
or groups need to go through the normalization process.
4.4.3 Benchmarking Data
As mentioned, the second basis for performing a good benchmarking is the existence of an
external database that includes useful information about a variety of development projects,
facilitating comparison. The access to this external data provides a general overview of the
world’s situation, the market’s behaviour and its upcoming trends. Private companies
Nowadays, the best option for benchmarking data analysis is to work with a private company.
These companies offer localized data for certain markets, and they allow a more specific and
precise comparison. They also offer benchmarking studies as a professional service with a wide
experience, so organizations can rely on them in order to get a complete benchmarking.
Some of these companies include: LEDA-mc (,
(, and DCG Software Value (
Métricas ISBSG
ISBSG was founded in 1997 by a group of associations of software metrics. Its objective is
promoting the use of IT industry data for software improvement.
It is a non-profit organization that keeps two main data repositories:
One for development and maintenance projects including more than 6,000 projects
developed in more than 30 different countries. This repository contains information on
the size, phases, effort, technology, defects, etc. of projects.
Another for maintenance and support applications including more than 1,000
applications (information about support activities, efforts, defects, hardware, etc.).
All ISBSG project data has been submitted by volunteers from several different organizations.
Naturally, additional variation will be introduced by this diversity.
Anyone can register and purchase the mentioned data repositories and other available
products and reports on the ISBSG website.
ISBSG doesn’t offer benchmarking studies as a service. It only provides data and conclusions
from its analysis.
4.4.4 Producing the Statistical Analysis and Results
With all the available data gathered, it will be time to execute the required statistical
calculations to determine the values, the trends, and their accuracy. After this analysis, initial
conclusions can be made.
For a reliable analysis, review the anomalous data in the set. The objective of this revision is to
determine if these values are consistent with the real situation and the specific characteristics
of the development process within the organization. On the other hand, if any project is
considered as an exceptional one due to the nature of its development, it should be excluded
from the study.
This analysis is not an easy task for inexperienced consultants. It requires statistical skills in
order to explore and analyze all the data collected from different perspectives. Some of the
required analysis includes data investigation and analysis, correlation analysis, analysis of
variance, regression, and many more statistical methods. Of course, a statistical tool is
necessary to perform this analysis, that should be performed by a professional statistician, or
by someone with equivalent knowledge and experience.
The results must be statistically representative, and the experience of the consultant in this
kind of analysis is another critical success factor. Those affected by the benchmarking study
often try to refute these results (even more so if they are questionably created). As such, the
study has to be rigorously defended by an experienced and qualified professional.
4.5 Presentation of Results
Once the study is performed, present the results to relevant stakeholders. Be prepared to
defend the findings.
With the initial data obtained in the study, we can generate a preliminary version of the
report. This report shall introduce clear information about:
The objective of the study;
The scope (projects, technologies, etc.);
The sizing metrics (NESMA, IFPUG, COSMIC, etc.);
Information on the data (source, # of projects, size range, industries, age and other
descriptive information when available)
The details about how the results were calculated;
Information about the process, participants’ collaboration, the quality of the reviewed
documentation, etc.;
Recommendations, based on the results.
It is important to review this report carefully, including the results and its conclusions. After
this revision, draft a final report that you will present to the most relevant people involved in
the project.
A very short, executive summary, should also be produced.
During this phase, it is very important to have quality data interpretation and communication
skills. A highly experienced consultant is often imperative in order to most effectively report on
and defend the results.
4.6 Data Storage
Knowing our positioning in the market not only satisfies our personal curiosity, but also
provides very useful decision making information and reliable input data for potential changes
in our organization’s software development process.
In order to ensure that improvements have been made following any changes, perform a new
study. This study will prove that the chosen actions have been effective and the proposed
objectives have been accomplished, increasing the achievements of our company.
Consequently, it is important to select and store the data in such a way that allows us to
effectively collect comparable data in future studies.
5 Critical Success Factors
In order to get the expected results of a benchmarking study, we must consider these critical
success factors:
Trained specialists:
o In software measurement;
o In software processes;
o In software data analysis (activities, effort and cost, etc.);
o In statistics.
Global and local reference database access
Experience, knowledge and skills to properly interpret the results, understanding its
implications and transmitting them in an efficient manner.
6 Conclusions
Benchmarking is a necessary and powerful tool for quality IT management. It offers very useful
information for making decisions and for improving and tracking the development process. On
the whole, benchmarking serves as a navigational chart that allows us to take the helm and
chart the right course.
The more benchmarking is understood and accepted, and the more it is required by
companies, the more useful it will be and more reference information will be available.
Therefore, the existence and support of organizations either not-for-profit as the ISBSG, or forprofit private enterprises, offering an impartial analysis of this kind of information, is vital.
7 Related Publications.
ISO 29155 Systems and software engineering - Information technology project
performance benchmarking framework.
Nesma, Netherlands Software Measurement user Association. “Definitions and
counting guidelines for the application of function point analysis, a practical manual.” Version
2.1, 2004, (ISO/IEC 24570)
IFPUG, International Function Point User Group. Function Point Counting Practices
Manual. 4.2. 2004. (ISO/IEC 20926)
FiSMA, (ISO/IEC 29881)
“COSMIC, A Functional Size
Measurement Method version 2.1, International Organization for Standardization” ISO,
Geneva, 2003, 19761)
ISO standard for Functional Size Measurement Methods, ISO/IEC 14143,
Practical Software Project Estimation 3, Peter Hill, ISBSG,
ISBSG repository “New Developments and Enhancements”,