Reading Comprehension Pg 156 Dar crédito a los oídos


Reading Comprehension Pg 156 Dar crédito a los oídos
Reading Comprehension
Pg 156
Dar crédito a los oídos- to believe my ears
Quedarse paralizada/o -to remain still/ stunned/ paralyzed
Acabar de recibir- to have just received
Estar con la boca abierta- to have the mouth wide open
Ella pidió al decano tres veces que repitiera- She asked the dean three times to repeat ( imperfect
subjunctive structure)
Estar soñando- to be dreaming (gerund)
Por correo- by mail
Parecer-to seem
Balbucir- to stutter/ to stammer (gerund- balbuciendo)
Colgar el teléfono- to hang up the telephone
Entrar corriendo- to enter running
Compartir- to share
Las buenas noticias- the good news
Creer- to believe
Estar loca de alegría- to be overcome with joy/ happiness
Felicitar- to congratulate
Abrazándola tan fuerte- hugging her so tightly
Estar tan orgulloso/a- to be so proud
Realizar su sueño de niñez- to realize her childhood dream
Celebrar la ocasión- to celebrate the occasion
Con una gran fiesta- with a big party
Su regocijo- their rejoicing
Una fuente de inspiración- a source of inspiration
Tener tanto éxito- to be so successful/ to have so much success
Encontrarse solo/a - to find onseself alone/ to be alone
Buscar- to look for
Estar bastante nervioso/a- to be fairly nervous
Pg 157
Haberse enfermado/a- to have been sick
La salida- the departure
No tuvo más remedio que hacer el viaje- she did not have a choice but to make the trip
Necesitar- to need
Tomar el tren subterráneo- to take the subway
Un mapa- a map
No tener ninguna idea- to have no idea
Preocuparse- to worry
Estar totalmente perdido/o- to be totally lost
Los rascacielos- the skyscrapers
El bullicio- the hustle and bustle
Reanimarse-to cheer onself up
Buscar ayuda- to look for help
Le pidió a un policía simpático que la ayudara- she asked a kind policeman to help her
Trazar- to trace/ outline
Por lo visto- apparently
Estar a dos cuadras - to be two blocks away
Dar un suspiro de alivio- to give a sigh of relief
Haber pasado- to have passed
Hasta la madrugada- until dawn
Fechas topes- deadlines
Sobrevivir- to survive
Conseguir grados-to get grades
Asegurar la continuación de su beca- to ensure the continuation of her scholarship
Sentado/a- seated
La sala de esperar- the waiting room
Rumbo a Trinidad- bound for Trinidad
Rumiar sobre - to pounder over (error in passage/ not ruminaba, it should be rumiaba- she was
Acostumbrarse- to get accustomed to
Pg 158
Haber trabado amistades- to have formed friendships
Haber expuesto - to have exposed (exponer-to expose)
Modos de vida- ways of life
Su vista del mundo- her view of the world
Tan estrecha- so narrow
Convertir- to change / to convert
Encontrarse de escala- to find oneself on a stopover
Una espera de seis horas- a six hour wait
No le importaba- it did not matter to her
Trabajos escolares- school work
Hacer planes para divertirse- to make plans to have fun
Echar de menos- to miss
A partir de - from
Ansiar- to long
Tener diversión- to have fun
Desear mucho ir a la playa- to want so much to go to the beach
Acabar de sufrir un invierno- to have just experienced a winter
Las discotecas- night clubs
Haciendo nada más que charlar- doing nothing more than chatting
Estar llena de anticipación- to be full of anticipation
5. Pg 159
Por fin- at last
Aterrizar- to land
Debido a- because of
Marearse- to be air sick/ sea sick
Enfocarse en divertirse- to focus on having fun
Bajar del avión- to get off the plane
Preguntarse- to ask herself
Recogerla- to pick her up
Quedarse de pie- to remain standing
Hallar- to find/ to locate
Su equipaje- her luggage
Hacer su queja- to make her complaint/ to complain
Al día siguiente- the following day
Unos artículos de prenda- some articles of clothing
Su bolsa de mano- her hand luggage
Sin ropa - without clothes
Como recompensa- as compensation
Estar deprimido/a- to be depressed
Estar de mal humor- to be in a bad mood
Cambiar- to change
6. Pg 160
Las vacaciones de verano- summer vacation
Realizar una visita- to carry out a visit
Hacer reservaciones por internet- to make reservations online
En un hotel lujoso- a luxury hotel
Todo incluido- all inclusive
Elegir- to choose
Debido al hecho de que - owing to the fact
Tener actividades- to have activities
Atraer- to attract
Un tobogán de agua gigantesco- a giant water slide
Actividades acuarias- water activities
Vuelos directos- direct flights
Seguir el siguiente trayecto- the following route
Durar- to last
Una espera de dos horas- a two hour wait
La torre de control- the control tower
Cansados, hambrientos y malhumorados- tired, hungry and in a bad mood
Estar desilusionado/ decepcionado- to be disappointed
Llevarnos- to take us/ to carry us
Por lo visto- apparently
Comenzar muy mal- to begin very bad
Alquilar- to rent/ hire
Para ir al hotel- in order to go to the hotel
Estar frustrado/a- to be frustrated
Un mal presagio- a bad omen/ sign
Instalarse en- to settle in
Dar a una piscina bonita- to overlook a beautiful pool
Ser bien amueblado/a- to be well furnished
Las facilidades- the facilities
7.Pg. 161
Pasarlo bomba- to have a great time
Tanto que ver y hacer- so much to see and do
Buscar aventura- to look for adventure
Unas veces- sometimes
Ir de kayak- to go kayaking
En el lago cercano- in the nearby lake
Por las noches- at nights
Tener la oportunidad- to have the chance
La comida variada y sabrosa - varied and tasty food
Nunca tuvimos que aguantar el mismo menú- we had never had to put up with the same menu.
Una zona libre- tax free zone
Una plaza comercial- a shopping square
Una venta preciosa- a great sale
Recorrerla- to cover it
A mi parecer- in my opinion
Una vacación inolvidable- an unforgettable vacation
Dios mediante- God willing
De antemano- beforehand
A causa del tráfico previsto- because of foreseen traffic
Perder el avión- to miss the plane
Estar ansioso/a- to be anxious
A lo máximo- to the maximum
Volver a casa- to return home
Ocurrir- to occur
Funcionar- to work
Ni salir ni llegar- neither leave nor arrive
Los hoteles cercanos estaban llenos. Nearby hotels were full.
8. Pg 162
Una pesadilla- a nightmare
Quejarse- to complain
Hacer ruido- to make noise
Estar a bordo del avión- to be aboard the plane
Rindarse- to give in
Despertar- to wake
Echar una mirada - to glance
Qué diablos- what the hell...
Temeroso- frightened
Apresurarse- to rush
Esperando malas noticias- expecting bad news
Sufrir un accidente- to experience an accident/ to have an accident
Ser en vano- to be in vain
Presentarse al hospital- to present herself at the hospital
Estar vestido/a - to be dressed
Camino del hospital- on the way to the hospital
Imaginar- to imagine
Las lágrimas empezaron a caer- the tears began to fall
Las mejillas- the cheeks
Estar en Canadá de negocios- to be in Canada on business
Estar mal herido- to be gravely injured
Su cabeza estaba vendada- her head was bandaged
Unas leves contusiones- slight contusions
Un conductor borracho- a drunk driver
Parar- to stop
Chocar con - to collide
Sufrir una pierna rota- to have a broken leg
Nada más- nothing more
Abrazar a - to hug
Dar las gracias a Dios -to thank God
Proteger- to protect
10. Pg 163
Acercarse- to approach
Sentirse muy triste- to feel very sad
Contribuir- to contribute
Debido a la mala situación financiera- owing to the bad financial situation
Ser depedido/a- to be fired
Ganarse la vida- to earn a living
En vano- in vain
Una cajera- a cashier
Las facturas domésticas- household bills
Ayudar a sus padres- to help her parents
Cuidar a - to take care of
Tal vez- maybe
Estar seguro/a- to be sure
Encontrar trabajo- to find work
Sin éxito- without success
Solicitar trabajo- to apply for work
La Navidad se aproximaba con gran rapidez- Christmas was approaching quickly
Otra búsqueda- another search
Al entrar por la puerta- on entering the door
Estar de pie- to stand
Por lo visto- apparently
Conseguir un buen empleo- to obtain a good job
Con buen salario- with a good salary
Después de todo- after all

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