circulation: texts, languages, ideas, images


circulation: texts, languages, ideas, images
19th Annual Graduate Students Conference
Ph.D. Program in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Languages
Friday, April 4, and Saturday, April 5th
365 Fifth Avenue (at 34 Street)
New York, NY 10016
Friday, April 4, 2014
9:00 – 9:30 AM
Registration (Coffee and pastries will be served) (Room 5414)
9:45 – 11:15 AM
Panel 1. Linguistic Attitudes and Ideological Representations. (Room 5409)
Moderator: Inés Vaño García (The Graduate Center, CUNY)
- Carolina Chaves-O’Flynn. The Graduate Center, CUNY. “El mejor español del mundo
como recurso económico en la agenda política del presidente Juan Manuel Santos.”
- Jose L. Magro. The Graduate Center, CUNY. “Traduciendo el cómo enseñar a los niños a
discriminar: la iconización lingüística en el doblaje del cine infantil animado.”
- Ana Isabel González Támara. The Graduate Center, CUNY. “Tratamiento de la variación
del español en textos para estudiantes bilingües en Estados Unidos.”
Panel 2. Out with the Mannequins, or New Patterns in the Construction of Collective
Identities. (Room 9204)
Moderator: Walfrido Dorta (The Graduate Center, CUNY)
- João Nemi Neto. The Graduate Center, CUNY. “Between the left and the right: The
“space in-between” of the effeminate men in Latin America.”
- Luis Henao. The Graduate Center, CUNY. “El regreso de los zombies a la Española: Raza,
frontera y ciencia ficción en la literatura caribeña contemporánea.”
- Pablo García Gámez. The Graduate Center, CUNY. “You are confused: desplazamiento,
hibridez y teatro hispano.”
11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Panel 3. Intermedialities or Flows of Meaning Between Texts and Images. (Room 5409)
Moderator: Rebecca Salois (The Graduate Center, CUNY)
- Daniela A. Cortez: Texas A&M University. “De la imaginación al arte y viceversa: Repaso
de la iconografía de Dulcinea.”
- Adriana Bezerra da Silva. Universidade de São Paulo. “Una hoz de doble cara: la muerte
como motivación de la escritura y de la fotografía de Juan Rulfo.”
- José Chueca. Stony Brook University. “Recorridos que curan. Circulación del canto
quechua en La teta asustada.”
Panel 4. Creating and Mapping New Realities in Literary Texts. (Room 9204)
Moderator: Gustavo Jiménez (The Graduate Center, CUNY)
- Harriet Hulme. University College London. “Creating a new, again:deserted islands and
textual circulations in Bernardo Atxaga’s Obabakoak (1989).”
- Marilén Loyola. University of Wisconsin-Madison. "Maps, Memory, and the Holocaust in
Juan Mayorga’s El cartógrafo. Varsovia, 1:400.000 (2010)."
1:15 – 2:15 PM – Lunch in Room 5414
2:30 – 4:00 PM
Panel 5. Pushing the Borders in Latin American Texts. (Room 5409)
Moderator: Charlotte Gartenberg (The Graduate Center, CUNY)
- Mariana Paola Goycoechea. The Graduate Center, CUNY. “Loas, amarres, los Gágá y el
vodun dominicano: Haitians and the practice of Vodun in the Dominican Republic in
Mayra Montero’s The Red of His Shadow.”
- Natalia Chamorro. Stony Brook University. “Cuestionando la amenaza del Otro:
Desplazamientos reflexivos en la narrativa viajera de América Latina.”
Panel 6. Colonial Trans-Atlantic Dialogues. (Room 9204)
Moderator: Alexis Iparaguirre (The Graduate Center, CUNY)
- Andrea Fernández. The Graduate Center, CUNY. "Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca:
Naufragios y la revolución cartográfica del XVI."
- María Paz Domínguez. Stony Brook University. “Visión corográfica incaica del Inca
Garcilaso de la Vega.”
- Astrid Roldán. The Graduate Center, CUNY. “Noticias historiales como el sumo
exemplum de la Nueva Granada.”
4:15 – 5:45 PM
Panel 7. Contact and Language Evolution. (Room 5409)
Moderator: Ana Isabel González Tamara (The Graduate Center, CUNY)
- Lorena García Barroso. The Graduate Center, CUNY. “Cruce entre pronombres y formas
verbales en Andalucía Occidental.”
- Jordan Lavender. University at Albany, SUNY. “Variation in the realization of word- final
/d/ in a Catalan-dominant community.”
- Alan Febraio Parma. Florida State University. “From dominator to dominated: a history
of the Portuguese language imaginary in Brazil.”
Panel 8. The Circulation of the Exiled: People Carrying Texts. (Room 9204)
Moderator: Jennifer Prince (The Graduate Center, CUNY)
- Walfrido Dorta. The Graduate Center, CUNY. "Negociaciones en el devocionario: Juan
Ramón Jiménez y los origenistas."
- María Belén Castañón Moreschi. Texas A&M University. “María Zambrano: el exilio de la
- Eva Nieto McAvoy. University of London. “Exile, movement and the construction of a
transnational intellectual: the case of Arturo Barea.”
6:00 – 7:30 PM
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Sebastiaan Faber (Oberlin College): "Exile, Memory, and Justice: The
transnational legacy of the Spanish Republicans". (Skylight Room).
7:30 – 9:00 PM
Dinner Reception (Room 5409)
Saturday, April 5, 2014
8:00 – 8:30 AM
Registration (Coffee and pastries will be served). (Room 5409)
8:30 – 10:00 AM
Panel 9: The Exotic as a Category in the Literary and Cultural Analysis. (Room 5409)
Moderator: Pablo García Martínez (The Graduate Center, CUNY)
- Edward Curran. Cornell University. “Constructing Myth and Picturesque Heterotopia: Spanish
Tourism Posters and the Photography of Jose Ortiz Echagüe.”
- Jennifer Prince. The Graduate Center, CUNY. “Pornography of Violence: The Outsider
Within in Gamel Woolsey’s Death’s Other Kingdom.”
- Hilary Levinson. University of Michigan. “Novela de Alarcón; la circulación—adaptación—de
obras de arte de un contexto sociopolítico a otro.”
Panel 10: Circulation of (Inter)Texts. (Room 5414)
Moderator: Luis Henao Uribe (The Graduate Center, CUNY)
- Diana Méndez. The City College of New York. “Who is Sibylle Carpenter and what is she doing
in La Habana? Intertext, Bananafish and Heartbreak in Ena Lucia Portela.”
- Antonio Jiménez Morato. Tulane University. “Las per-versiones homéricas. Borges traductor:
una fértil traición.”
- Guido Herzovich. Columbia University. “La bibliofilia se despide de la ciudad letrada.”
10:15 – 11:45
Panel 11: Bilingual Contexts. (Room 5409)
Moderator: Michael Rolland (The Graduate Center, CUNY)
- Jamile Forcelini. Florida State University. “How Does It Feel to Speak Portunhol. The Effects
of Portuguese on Spanish Lexical Processing.”
- Raquel Prieta. Florida State University. “Parsing Strategies of Languages in Contact. The case
of Spanish-Basque Bilinguals.”
- Joanna Birnbaum. The Graduate Center, CUNY. “The Spanish a: a case of linguistic routines.”
Panel 12: Performative Readings to Re-Categorize Old Concepts. (Room 5414)
Moderator: Alberto Valdivia Baselli (The Graduate Center, CUNY)
- Alejandro Sánchez Lopera. University of Pittsburgh. “José Revueltas. Imágenes
cinematográficas del mundo.”
- Félix Treviño. UC Berkeley. "La novela de la apropiación circular: una forma emergente"
- Javier Suarez. Harvard University. “Beyond ethnography?: A comparative analysis of the
"ayla" in the Manuscrito de Huarochiri.”
11:45 – 12:45 PM
Lunch (Room 5409)
1:00 – 2:30 PM
Panel 13: Circulation of Literary Topics. (Room 5409)
Moderator: Andrea Fernández (The Graduate Center, CUNY)
- Jin-Aeng Choi. Stony Brook University. “Reemergence of Don Juan: Love and Desire in
- Bryce Maxey. Yale University. “Experiencias de contemplación.”
- Elizabeth A. Moe. Rutgers University. “Chasing the wounded stag into exile: Intertexual
abjection in Concha Méndez’s “Me levanto hasta el sueño.”
Panel 14: The Ideological Dimension of Discourse and Its Implications. (Room 5414)
Moderator: Lydia Manatou
- Carolina Mendes Bento Ferreira. Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), Brazil.
“Reinterpretation of brazilian urbanity in the periphery of São Paulo through the lyrics of
- Amy Ramirez. The New School for Social Research. "Plain Songs".
- Marcus Vinicius Avelar. University of Colorado at Boulder. “‘Poor speech’ on the media: on
register, social mobility and the Brazilian TV.”
2:45 – 4:15 PM
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Ana Maria Ochoa (Columbia University): "Voice, Nature and Culture in
Ninteenth Century Colombia". (Room 5414)
4:15 – 5:30 PM
Reception (Room 5409)

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