Check Yourself! - Amazon Web Services


Check Yourself! - Amazon Web Services
actor /'DYWL/ actor, actriz
airport /'CLUGW/ aeroporto
art gallery /'EW ZDoLpi/ galería de arte
astronaut /'DgWpLmGW/ astronauta
bakery /'VMYLpi/ panadaría
bath /VEe/ bañeira
beans /VAmh/ feixóns, feixós, xudías
belt /VCoW/ cinto
biscuit /'VBgYBW/ galleta
bread /VpCX/ pan
broccoli /'VpFYLoi/ brócoli
bus station /'VJg gWMim/ estación de autobuses
butcher’s /'VHaLh/ carnizaría
butter /'VJWL/ manteiga
chair /aS/ cadeira
chef /iCc/ chef, cociñeiro/a
cinema /'gBmLlL/ cine, cinema
cliff /YoBc/ cantil; barronca, precipicio
cupboard /'YJVLX/ armario
curtains /'YKWBmh/ cortinas
dentist /'XCmWBgW/ dentista
department store /XB'UEWlLmW gWG/ grandes
desert /'XChLW/ deserto
dishwasher /'XBirFiL/ lavalouza
doctor /'XFYWL/ doutor/a, médico/a
earrings /'BLpBnh/ pendentes
egg /CZ/ ovo
electric kettle /BoCYWpBY 'YCWo/ fervedor eléctrico (de
engineer /CmbB'mBL/ enxeñeiro/a
factory /'cæYWpi/ fábrica
field /cAoX/ campo, eido
fish /cBi/ pescado, peixe
forest /'cFpBgW/ bosque
fridge /cpBb/ frigorífico, neveira
fruit /cpIW/ froita
glass /ZoEg/ vaso
hair dryer /'kCL XpOL/ secador (de pelo)
hairdresser /'kCLXpCgL/ perruqueiro/a
jungle /'bJnZo/ xungla, selva
lake /oMY/ lago
lamp /oDlU/ lámpada
library /'oOVpLpi/ biblioteca
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museum /lqI'hALl/ museo
music shop /'lqIhBY iFU/ tenda de música
ocean /'Nim/ océano
office /'FcBg/ oficina
optician /FU'WBim/ óptica/a
oven /'Jdm/ forno
plate /UoMW/ prato
post office /'UNgW FcBg/ oficina de correos
reporter /pB'UGWL/ xornalista, reporteiro/a
river /'pBdL/ río
sailor /'gMoL/ mariñeiro/a
sausage /'gFgBb/ salchicha
scarf /gYEc/ bufanda; pano
sink /gBnY/ lavabo
sofa /'gLHcL/ sofá
stadium /'gWCBXiLl/ estadio
sweater /'grCWL/ xersei
swimsuit /'grBlgIW/ traxe de baño
tablecloth /'WMVoYoFe/ mantel
theatre /'eBLWL/ teatro
tiger /'WOZL/ tigre
vacuum cleaner /'dDYqHLl YoAmL/ aspiradora
valley /'dDoi/ val
watch (n) /rFa/ reloxo
yoghurt /'qFZLW/ iogur
Unit 1
amusement park /L'lqIhlLmW UEY/ parque de
backpack /'VDYUDY/ mochila
beach /VAWi/ praia
boarding card /'VGXBn YEX/ tarxeta de embarque
cable car /'YMVo YE/ teleférico
camera /'YælLpL/ cámara
campsite /'YælUgOW/ área de acampada
castle /'YEgo/ castelo
church /WiKa/ igrexa
climber /'YoOlL/ escalador/a
credit card /'YpCXBW YEX/ t arxeta de crédito
diary /'XOLpi/ axenda; diario
dump /XJlU/ vertedoiro
essay /'CgM/ ensaio, redacción
headquarters /kCX'YrGWLh/ oficina central, sede
human rights /kqIlLm 'pOWg/ dereitos humanos
increase /Bm'YpAg/ aumentar, acrecentar
items /'OWLlh/ obxectos, artigos
litter /'oBWL/ lixo
market /'lEYBW/ mercado
mobile phone /lNVOo 'cNm/ teléfono móbil
money belt /'lJmi VCoW/ bolsa de cintura
monument /'lFmqHlLmW/ monumento
murderer /'lKXLpL/ asasino/a
national park /mDimLo 'UEY/ parque nacional
necklace /'mCYoLg/ colar
pack (v) /UDY/ facer a equipaxe, pór, poñer /
meter (na maleta)
passport /'UEgUGW/ pasaporte
port /UGW/ porto
pub /UJV/ bar, pub
resort /pB'hGW/ complexo turístico
square /gYrS/ praza
stormy /'gWGli/ turbulento/a
suitcase /'gIWYMg/ maleta
survey /'gKdM/ enquisa, estudo
tonne /WJm/ tonelada
top /WFU/ cumio, cume
visitors’ centre /'dBhBWLh gCmWL/ centro de visitantes
volunteer /dFoLm'WBL/ voluntario/a
youth hostel /'qIe kFgWo/ albergue xuvenil
Unit 2
alarm /L'oEl/ alarma
arrest /L'pCgW/ arrestar
be worth /VA 'rKe/ valer
catch /YDa/ coller, atrapar
clue /YoI/ pista, indicio
complain /YLl'UoMm/ queixarse
criminal /'YpBlBmo/ delincuente, criminal
drawer /XpG/ caixón
elderly/'CoXLoi/ maior, de idade avanzada
evidence /'CdBXLmg/ proba(s)
examine /BZ'hDlBm/ inspeccionar, esculcar,
fingerprint /'cBnZLUpBmW/ pegada dixital
footprint /'cHWUpBmW/ pegada, pisada
guard /ZEX/ vixiar, custodiar
investigate /Bm'dCgWBZCBW/ investigar
large /oEb/ grande, importante
lobby /'oFVi/ vestíbulo
mess /lCg/ desfeita, desorde
nature reserve /'mMaL pBhKd/ reserva natural
piece of art /UAg Fd 'EW/ obra de arte
punishment /'UJmBilLmW/ castigo
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reception desk /pB'gCUim XCgY/ recepción
reward /pB'rGX/ recompensa
robber /'pFVL/ ladrón/oa
robbery /'pFVLpi/ roubo
roll /pNo/ correr; caer
run away /pJm L'rCB/ escapar, fuxir
safe (adj) /gMc/ a salvo
safe (n) /gMc/ caixa forte
screen /gYpAm/ pantalla
search /gKa/ procurar, rexistrar, buscar
security guard /gB'YqHLpLWi ZEX/ garda xurado / de
seguridade, seguranza
shoot /iIW/ disparar
solve /gFod/ resolver
steal /gWAo/ roubar
suspect /'gJgUCYW/ sospeitoso/a
suspicious /gL'gUBiLg/ sospeitoso/a
victim /'dBYWBl/ vítima
waterhole /'rGWLkNo/ pía, charqueira
weapon /'rCULm/ arma
witness /'rBWmLg/ testemuña
Unit 3
advertisement /LX'dKWBglLmW/ anuncio
amazingly /L'lMhBnoi/ incribelmente, de xeito
amusing /L'lqIhBn/ divertido/a, gracioso/a
article /'EWBYo/ artigo
atmosphere /'DWlLgcR/ ambiente, atmosfera
best-seller list/VCgW'gCoL oBgW/ listaxe dos máis
blog /VoFZ/ blog
book/film review /'VHY/'cBol pBdqI/ crítica /
recensión de libro/película
career /YL'pBL/ carreira profesional
cinnamon /'gBmLlLm/ canela
comic /'YFlBY/ cómic, banda deseñada
complicated /'YFlUoBYMWBX/ complicado/a,
creative /YpA'MWBd/ creativo/a
critical /'YpBWBYo/ crítico/a
depressing /XB'UpCgBn/ deprimente
disability /XBgL'VBoLWi/ discapacidade
educational /CXjH'YMiLmo/ educativo/a, instrutivo/a
encourage /Bm'YJpBb/ animar / alentar a
encouraging /Bm'YJpBbBn/ alentador/a
encyclopedia entry /BmgOYoL'UAXiL CmWpi/ entrada
da enciclopedia
entertaining /CmWL'WCBmBn/ entretido/a, ameno/a
fail /cMo/ fracasar
flour /'coPL/ fariña
genre /'jEmpL/ xénero
imaginative /B'lDbBmLWBd/ imaxinativo/a
instruction manual /Bm'gWpJYim lDmqHLo/ manual
de instrucións
label /'oCBVo/ etiqueta
laundry /'oGmXpi/ lavandaría
letter /'oCWL/ carta
management /'lDmBblLmW/ control
midnight /'lBXmOW/ medianoite
noon /mIm/ mediodía
novel /'mFdo/ novela
nutrition fact /mqI'WpBim cæYW/ valor nutricional
play (n) /UoM/ obra (de teatro)
poem /'UNBl/ poema, poesía
recipe /'pCgLUi/ receita (de cociña)
report (n) /pB'UGW/ informe
rescue /'pCgYqI/ rescatar
scholar /'gYFoL/ estudoso/a
science fiction /gOLmg 'cBYim/ ficción científica
serious /'gBLpiLg/ serio/a
single /'gBno/ solteiro/a
skill /gYBo/ habelencia, habilidade, maña
succeed /gLY'gAX/ conseguir, acadar, triunfar
text message /'WCsW lCgBb/ mensaxe de texto
travel guide /'Wpædo ZOX/ guía turística / de viaxe
trend /WpCmX/ moda, tendencia
unusual /Jm'qIjHLo/ pouco común / corrente
website /'rCVgOW/ sitio web
youngster /'qJngWL/ mozo/a
Unit 4
anesthetic /DmLg'eCWBY/ anestesia, anestésico
bandage /'VDmXBb/ vendaxe
beat (n) /VAW/ latexo
bone /VLHm/ óso
brass /VpEg/ latón
breathe out /VpAf 'PW/ exhalar, expirar
carbon dioxide /YEVNm XO'FYgOX/ dióxido de
clay /YoCB/ arxila, barro
cotton /'YFWm/ algodón
crack /YpDY/ agretarse
definitely /'XCcBmLWoi/ definitivamente, sen dúbida
development /XB'dCoLUlLmW/ avance
discovery /XB'gYJdLpi/ descubrimento, descuberta
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disease /XB'hAh/ enfermidade, doenza
drop /XpFU/ botar, verter
fist /cBgW/ puño
fizzy /'cBhi/ con gas
germs /bKlh/ xermes, microbios
get rid of /ZCW 'pBX Fd/ desfacerse / liberarse de
glass /ZoEg/ cristal, vidro
gold /ZLHoX/ ouro
heart /kEW/ corazón
heat /kAW/ quentar
injury /'BmbLpi/ ferida, mancadura
leather /'oCfL/ coiro, pel
lift /oBcW/ erguer
lung /oJn/ pulmón
melt /lCoW/ derreter(se), fundir(se)
mould /lNoX/ mofo, balor
muscle /'lJgo/ músculo
painful /'UCBmco/ doloroso/a
paper /'UMUL/ papel
patient /'UMimW/ paciente
perform /UL'cGl/ realizar, levar a cabo
plastic /'UoDgWBY/ plástico
porcelain /'UGgLoBm/ porcelana
pot /UFW/ cazarola, cazola
procedure /UpL'gAbL/ intervención;
role /pLHo/ papel, rol
rub out /pJV 'PW/ borrar
rubber /'pJVL/ goma, caucho
sanitation /gDmB'WMim/ hixiene, desinfección
silk /gBoY/ seda
silver /'gBodL/ prata
smallpox /'glGoUFYg/ varíola
stove /gWNd/ estufa
sulphur /'gJocL/ xofre
surgery /'gKbLpi/ cirurxía
surgical /'gKbBYo/ cirúrxico/a
syrup /'gBpLU/ xarope
tonic /'WFmBY/ tónico, reconstituínte
treatment /'WpAWlLmW/ tratamento
tyre /'WOL/ pneumático
vaccine /'dDYgAm/ vacina
wax /rDYg/ cera
wood /rHX/ madeira
wool /rHo/ la
Unit 5
Unit 6
alarming /L'oElBn/ alarmante
carousel /YDpL'gCo/ cabaliños, carrusel
child-friendly /'WiOoXcpCmXoi/ adaptado/a /
axeitado para nenos/as
childhood /'WiOoXkHX/ infancia
coffee grounds /'YFci ZpPmXh/ pousos / borra do
deforestation /XAcFpB'gWMim/ deforestación
drought /XpPW/ seca
endangered animals /BmXMmbLX 'DmBlLoh/
animais en perigo de extinción
equation /B'YrMjm/ ecuación
fabulous /'cDVqLoLg/ fabuloso/a, estupendo/a
flood /coJX/ inundación, asolagamento
global warming /ZoNVo 'rGlBn/ quecemento
go round /ZLH 'pPmX/ xirar
headmaster /kCX'lEgWL/ director (de colexio)
heatwave /'kAWrMd/ vaga de calor
hunger /'kJnZL/ fame
hurricane /'kJpBYLm/ furacán
impossible /Bl'UFgLVo/ imposíbel
impressive /Bl'UpCgBd/ impresionante
inappropriate /BmL'UpNUpiLW/ inadecuado/a, pouco
inconvenient /BmYLm'dAmiLmW/ inconveniente,
litter /'oBWL/ lixo
melting /'lCoWBn/ que se derrete
nightmare /'mOWlS/ pesadelo
plant /UoEmW/ planta
pollution /UL'oIim/ contaminación
predict /UpB'XBYW/ predicir, prognosticar
provide /UpL'dOX/ subministrar, fornecer
pump (n) /UJlU/ bomba
pump (v) /UJlU/ bombear
recycling /pA'gOYoBn/ reciclaxe
renewable energy /pB'mqILVo CmLbi/ enerxía(s)
sensitive /'gCmgLWBd/ sensíbel
tank /WDnY/ depósito, tanque
terrible /'WCpLVo/ terríbel, arrepiante
tuna /'WqImL/ atún
unforgettable /JmcL'ZCWLVo/ inesquecíbel
unfortunately /Jm'cGaLmLWoi/ lamentabelmente,
urgent /'KbLmW/ urxente
wildfire /'rOoXcOL/ lume devastador
wildlife /'rOoXoOc/ fauna e flora
amazing /L'lMhBn/ asombroso/a; incríbel
announce /L'mPmg/ anunciar
apologise /L'UFoLbOh/ desculparse
be in shape /VA Bm 'iMU/ estar en forma
break a record /VpMY L 'pCYGX/ superar unha marca
challenge /'WiDoLmb/ desafío, reto
champion /'aDlUiLm/ campión/oa
citizen /'gBWBhm/ cidadán/á
coach /YNWi/ adestrador/a
complain /YLl'UoMm/ queixarse
county /'YPmWi/ condado
decide /XB'gOX/ decidir
dye /XO/ tinguir, tinxir
embarrassed /Bl'VDpLgW/ avergoñado/a,
explain /BY'gUoMm/ explicar
finish line /'cBmBi oOm/ liña de meta
ground floor /'ZpPmX coG/ planta baixa, andar
head /kCX/ director/a
hope /kNU/ agardar, esperar
inform /Bm'cGl/ informar
jail /bMo/ cárcere, cadea, prisión
latest /'oMWBgW/ último/a
match /læWi/ partido
participant /UE'WBgBULmW/ participante
race /pMg/ carreira
raise /pMh/ recadar; erguer
realise /'pALoOh/ decatarse
referee /pCcL'pA/ árbitro/a
refuse /pB'cqIh/ negarse, rexeitar
report (v) /pB'UGW/ informar de
score a goal /gYG L 'ZNo/ meter un gol
smoke signals /'glNY gBZmLoh/ sinais de fume
spread /gUpCX/ difundir, espallar
surf the Internet /gKc fL 'BmWLmCW/ navegar por
talent /'WDoLmW/ talento
tax /WæYg/ imposto
team /WAl/ equipo
town crier /WPm 'YpOL/ pregoeiro/a
warn /rGm/ avisar, advertir
winner /'rBmL/ gañador/a
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© B Burlington Books
Unit 7
Unit 8
amphibian /Dl'cBViLm/ anfibio/a
ant /DmW/ formiga
bat /VDW/ morcego
bear /VCL/ oso/a
bend /VCmX/ dobrar
chimpanzee /aBlUDm'hA/ chimpancé
clearly /'YoBLoi/ claramente, con claridade
compete /YLl'UAW/ competir
condition /YLm'XBim/ afección, enfermidade
conduct /'YFmXJYW/ levar a cabo, realizar
crab /YpDV/ caranguexo
crocodile /'YpFYLXOo/ crocodilo
crow /YpN/ corvo
donkey /'XFnYi/ burro/a
fast /cEgW/ axiña, rapidamente
gently /'bCmWoi/ con coidado, con delicadeza
goat /ZNW/ cabra
goose /ZIg/ oca, ganso
gradually /'ZpDbHLoi/ pouco a pouco
hen /kCm/ galiña
hook /kHY/ gancho, garfo
household items /'kPgkLHoX OWLlh/ artigos para
o fogar
loud /oPX/ forte, alto/a
make sense /lMY 'gCmg/ ter sentido
mammal /'lDlo/ mamífero/a
ambition /Dl'VBim/ ambición
be certain /VA 'gKWm/ estar certo/a, ter a certeza
be the first /VA fL 'cKgW/ ser o primeiro/a
beak /VAY/ bico, peteiro
beat (v) /VAW/ bater / gañar a
beg /VCZ/ rogar, suplicar
brave /VpMd/ valente
defeat (n) /XB'cAW/ derrota, fracaso
determined (adj) /XB'WKlBmX/ decidido/a, resolto/a
disappointed /XBgL'UQmWBX/ decepcionado/a,
dishonour /XBg'FmL/ deshonra
east /AgW/ leste
equipment /B'YrBUlLmW/ equipo, material
explore /BY'gUoG/ explorar
explorer /BY'gUoGpL/ explorador/a
face problems /cMg 'UpFVoLlh/ enfrontarse a /
arrostrar problemas
finch /cBma/ pimpín (ave)
normally /'mGlLoi/ normalmente, con normalidade
patiently /'UMimWoi/ pacientemente, con paciencia
peacock /'UAYFY/ pavo/a real, pavón
politely /UL'oOWoi/ con educación, con
properly /'UpFULoi/ axeitadamente,
sheep /iAU/ ovella(s)
short-term memory /'iGWWKl lClLpi/ memoria a
curto prazo
sperm whale /'gUKl rMo/ cachalote
spider /'gUOXL/ araña
squirrel /'gYrBpLo/ esquío
straight /gWpMW/ recto/a
strangely /'gWpMmboi/ de maneira estraña
suddenly /'gJXLmoi/ de súpeto, de socato
tracing paper /'WpCBgBn UMUL/ papel de calco
upside down /JUgOX 'XPm/ ao revés
wire /'rOL/ aramio, arame
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frozen /'cpNhm/ conxelado/a
geographical features /bAL'ZpDcBYLo cAaLh/
accidentes xeográficos
get nervous /ZCW 'mKdLg/ poñerse / pórse
give up /ZBd 'JU/ abandonar, renderse (~ hope:
perder a esperanza)
go on /ZLH 'Fm/ continuar, seguir
influential /BmcoH'Cmio/ influente, prestixioso/a
journey /'bKmi/ viaxe
medical school /'lCXBYo gYIo/ facultade de
mile /lOo/ milla
name /mMl/ chamar, bautizar
north /mGe/ norte
Norwegian /mG'rAbm/ noruegués, esa
on your own /Fm qG 'Nm/ (ti) só/soa
prize /UpOh/ premio
proud /UpPX/ orgulloso/a
reach your destination /pAa qG XCgWB'mMim/ chegar
ao teu destino
route /pIW/ ruta, camiño
run out of /pJm 'PW Fd/ quedar sen (algunha
set out /gCW 'PW/ saír, partir
sleeping bag /'goAUBn VDZ/ saco de durmir
south /gPe/ sur
South Pole /gPe 'UNo/ Polo Sur
stick /gWBY/ pau, vara
succeed /gLY'gAX/ conseguir, acadar, triunfar
survive /gL'dOd/ sobrevivir
theory /'eBLpi/ teoría
throw out /epN 'PW/ expulsar
travel by land / air / sea/Wpædo VO 'oDmX/'CL/'gA/
viaxar por terra /ar / mar
variety /dL'pOLWi/ variedade, diversidade
voyage /'dQBb/ viaxe / travesía (en barco)
west /rCgW/ oeste
wonder /'rJmXL/ preguntarse
lonely /'oNmoi/ só/soa, senlleiro/a, solitario/a
mark /lEY/ cualificación (escolar)
miserable /'lBhpLVo/ malpocado/a, desgraciado/a
require /pB'YrOL/ requirir, necesitar
schoolwork /'gYIorKY/ rendemento académico
share /iS/ compartir
shocked /iFYW/ sorprendido/a, perplexo/a,
sweat /grCW/ suar
upset /JU'gCW/ alterado/a, inquedo/a, anoxado/a
(get ~: molestarse, anoxarse)
Unit 9
amused /L'lqIhX/ divertido/a, entretido/a
(he was not ~: non lle fixo graza)
annoyed /L'mQX/ enfadado/a, molesto/a
(get ~: enfadarse, molestarse)
antisocial /DmWi'gNio/ antisocial
appointment /L'UQmWlLmW/ cita (make an ~: pedir
hora / cita)
behaviour /VB'kMdqL/ comportamento, conduta
bill /VBo/ factura
bridge /VpBXj/ ponte, vínculo, vencello
chat /aDW/ parolar; chatear
confused /YLm'cqIhX/ confundido/a,
desconcertado/a (get ~: enguedellarse,
connect /YL'mCYW/ conectar, poñer / pór en
delighted /XB'oOWBX/ encantado/a
energetic /CmL'bCWBY/ enérxico/a, cheo/a de
enthusiastic /BmeqIhi'DgWBY/ entusiasta,
exhausted /BZ'hGgWBX/ canso/a, esgotado/a
give a rest /ZBd L 'pCgW/ dar un descanso
greet /ZpAW/ saudar
hang out /kæn 'PW/ pasar o tempo
hardly /'kEXoi/ apenas
headache /'kCXMY/ dor de cabeza
ignore /BZ'mG/ ignorar
interact /BmWLp'DYW/ interaccionar, relacionarse
irritable /'BpBWLVo/ irritábel
isolate /'OgLoMW/ illar
keep in touch /YAU Bm 'WJWi/ manter(se) en contacto
laptop computer /'oDUWFU YLlUqIWL/ ordenador
lift /oBcW/ erguer, alzar
line /oOm/ liña (telefónica)
log on /oFZ 'Fm/ conectarse (a internet)
Build Up 4 Galician
© B Burlington Books
Classroom language
I forgot my pen. /O cLZFW lO 'UCm/ Esquecín o meu bolígrafo.
Can you repeat that, please? /YLm qI pB'UAW fDW UoAh/ Podes repetir iso, por favor?
How do you spell (jealous)? /kP XL qI gUCo ('XjCoLg)/ Como se soletrea (jealous)?
Should we read pages (22 and 23)? /iLX ri pAX UCBbBh (WrCmWi 'WI LmX WrCmWi 'epA)/ Debemos / Deberiamos ler
as páxinas (22 e 23)?
Unit 1
Getting around
How do I get to the (port)? /kP XI O 'ZCW WI fL (UGW)/ Como vou / chego ao (porto)?
How far is it? /kP 'cE Bh BW/ A que distancia está?
Turn left. /WKm 'oCcW/ Xira á esquerda.
Go straight. /ZLH 'gWpMW/ Sigue recto.
How many would you like? /kP 'lCmi rHX qI oOY/ Cantos/as querías?
I’d like (six) tickets. /OX oOY ('gBYg) WBYBWg/ Quería (seis) billetes / entradas.
I’d like a double room. /OX oOY L 'XJVo pIl/ Quería un cuarto dobre.
It’s (£60) a night. /BWg ('gBYgWi UPmXh) L mOW/ Son (60 libras) a noite.
Making plans
Why don’t we (visit a museum)? /rO 'XNmW ri (dBhBW L lqIhALl)/ Por que non (imos a un museo)?
How about (Madame Tussauds)? /'kP LVPW (lDXLl WHgGXh)/ Que tal / che parece (Madame Tussauds)?
Let’s (go to the theatre), too. /oCWg (ZCH WL fL 'eBLWL) WI/ (Imos / Vaiamos ao teatro) tamén.
Unit 2
Talking about past events
What were you doing (yesterday evening)? /rFW rL qI XIBn (qCgWLXM 'AdmBn)/ Que estabas a facer (onte pola
Who was with you? /kI rLh 'rBf qI/ Quen estaba contigo?
What were you wearing? /rFW rL qI 'rCLpBn/ Que levabas posto?
What happened? /rFW 'kDULmX/ Que ocorreu / sucedeu / pasou?
What were you doing when (the suspect took out a gun)? /rFW rL qI 'XIBn rCm (fL gJgUCYW WHY PW L ZJm)/
Que estabas a facer cando (o sospeitoso/a sacou unha pistola)?
What did the (robbers steal)? /rFW XBX fL (pFVLh 'gWAo)/ Que (roubaron os ladróns/ladras)?
Can you describe the (robbers)? /YLm qI XB'gYpOV fL (pFVLh)/ Podes describir os (ladróns/ladras)?
What were they wearing? /rFW rL fM 'rCLpBn/ Que levaban posto?
Unit 3
Agreeing and disagreeing
What?! I can’t believe it! /rFW O YEmW VB'oAd BW/ Que?! Non podo crelo!
Well, that’s true. /rCo 'eDWg WpI/ Pois é verdade.
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How can you say that? /kP YLm qI 'gM eDW/ Como podes dicir iso?
Sorry, but I just don’t feel that way. /gFpi VLW O bJgW XNmW 'cAo fDW rM/ Perdoa, pero non penso que sexa así.
Making recommendations
Have you read (Twilight)? /kLd qI pCX ('WrOoOW)/ Liches (Crepúsculo)?
It’s about (a girl and a boy). /BWg L'VPW (L ZKo LmX L VQ)/ Trata sobre (unha rapaza e un rapaz).
The characters are (students). / fL 'YæpLYWLh E (gWqIXmWg)/ Os personaxes son (estudantes).
The plot is (exciting). / fL 'UoFW Bh (BYgOWBn)/ O argumento é (emocionante).
It’s very (entertaining). /BWg 'dCpi (CmWLWCBmBn)/ É moi (entretido/a).
Unit 4
Discussing an object
Excuse me, what’s this? /BY'gYqIg lA rFWg fBg/ Desculpe, que é isto?
Here, have a look. /kBL kLd L 'oHY/ Mira, bótalle unha ollada.
It was made in (Italy). /BW rLh lMX Bm ('BWLoi)/ Estaba feito/a / Fíxose en (Italia).
What is it made of? /rFW Bh BW 'lMX Fd/ De que está feito/a?
It’s (beautiful), but it’s very (expensive). /BWg ('VqIWBco) VLW BWg dCpi (BY'gUCmgBd)/ É (precioso/a), mais é moi (caro/a).
Talking about a process
Is (Spanish) spoken in (Argentina)? /Bh ('gUDmBi) gULHYLm Bm (EXjm'WAmL)/ Fálase / Falan (español) en
Were (vaccines) invented by (Jenner)? /rL ('dDYgAmh) /BmdCmWBX VO ('bCmL)/ Foron (as vacinas) inventadas por
Unit 5
Making predictions
I think I’ll (go to Paris) this year. /O eBnY Oo (ZCH WL 'UDpBg) fBg qR/ Creo que (irei a París) este ano.
I’m sure (Sue) will (help us). /Ol 'iHL (gI) rBo (kCoU Jg)/ Estou certo/a de que (Sue) (nos axudará).
I predict (drought) will (end) one day. /O UpB'XBYW (XpPW) rBo (CmX) rJm XM/ Prognostico que (a seca) (rematará)
algún día.
I imagine (pollution) will (increase). /O B'læbBm (ULoIim) rBo (BmYpAg)/ Imaxino que (a contaminación)
Discussing imaginary situations
If I (were you), I would (use renewable energy). /Bc 'O (rL qI) O rHX (qIh pBmqILVo CmLbi)/ Se (fose ti), eu
(empregaría enerxías renovábeis).
Unit 6
Expressing an opinion
Personally, (I would love to try it). /'UKgLmLoi (O rHX oJd WI WpO BW)/ Persoalmente, (encantaríame intentalo).
In my opinion, (it was amazing). /Bm lO L'UBmqLm (BW rLh LlMhBn)/ Na miña opinión (foi incríbel).
If you ask me, (it’s a dangerous idea). /Bc qI 'EgY lA (BWg L XMmbLpLg OXR)/ Se queres a miña opinión, (é unha
idea perigosa).
Reporting a news item
I heard / read about (a robbery). /O kKX/pCX LVPW (L 'pFVLpi)/ Oín / Lin acerca de (un roubo).
The reporter / article said that (he gave unusual punishments). /fL pB'UGWL/'EWBYo gCX fDW (kA ZMd JmqIjHLo
UJmBilLmWg)/ O xornalista / artigo dicía que (impoñía castigos pouco correntes).
The writer explained that (he gave fines for playing loud music). /fL 'pOWL BYgUoMmX fDW (kA ZMd cOmh cG
UoMn oPX lqIhBY)/ O escritor/a explicou que (puña multas por poñer a música alta).
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Unit 7
Expressing possibility and certainty
Definitely. /'XCcBmLWoi/ Sen dúbida / Por suposto / Xaora.
Probably. /'UpFVLVoi/ Probablemente / Seica.
That’s one possibility. /eDWg 'rJm UFgLVBoLWi/ Esa é unha posibilidade.
I doubt it. /O 'XPW BW/ Dubídoo.
No way! /mN 'rM/ Nin falar!, Non tal!
Describing people, places and things
It’s an (animal) that (lives in swamps). /BWg Dm ('DmBlo) fDW (oBdh Bm grFlUg)/ É un (animal) que (vive en pantanos).
Is it a (crocodile)? /Bh BW L ('YpFYLXOo)/ É un (crocodilo)?
Unit 8
Reacting to suggestions
That’s a nice idea! /eDWg L mOg O'XR/ Esa é unha boa idea!
Why didn’t I think of that? /rO XBXmW 'O eBnY Fd fDW/ Como non pensei niso?
I’d rather not. /OX 'pEfL mFW/ Preferiría que non.
You must be joking! /qI lJgW VA 'bNYBn/ Debes estar de chanza!
Making decisions
We have to / We don’t have to (take a computer). /ri 'kLd WI /ri 'XNmW kLd WI (WMY L YLlUqIWL)/ Temos / Non
temos que (levar ordenador).
We must remember / We mustn’t forget (sunscreen). / ri 'lJgW pBlLlVL/ri 'lJgmW cLZCW (gJmgYpAm)/ Cómpre
lembrarnos de / Non debemos esquecer (o protector solar).
Don’t you think we should (take a camera)? /'XNmW qI eBnY ri iLX (WMY L YælLpL)/ Non cres que deberiamos
(levar cámara)?
It might be a good idea to (take toothpaste). /BW 'lOW VA L ZHX OXR WL (WMY WIeUCBgW)/ Quizais sexa unha boa idea
(levar pasta de dentes).
I can’t live without (a mobile phone). /O 'YEmW oBd rBfPW (L lNVOo cNm)/ Non podo vivir sen (teléfono móbil).
Unit 9
Expressing preferences
I don’t really like (watching TV). /O 'XLHmW pBLoi oOY (rFaBn WA dA)/ En realidade non me gusta (ver a televisión).
Don’t you just love / hate (rock music)? /'XNmW qI bJgW oJd/kMW (pFY lqIhBY)/ Non che encanta / odias
(a música rock)?
Actually, I prefer (R & B). /'DYWiToi O UpBcK (E mX VA)/ En realidade, prefiro (o R & B).
I’d much rather (meet friends). /OX 'lJa pEfL (lAW cpCmXh)/ Prefiro moito máis (quedar cos amigos).
Making comparisons
(Mobile phones) are better than (other phones). /('lNVOo cNmh) E VCWL fLm ('JfL cNmh)/ (Os teléfonos móbiles)
son mellores que (os outros teléfonos).
(My laptop computer) is the best (computer in the world). /(lO 'oDUWFU YLlUqIWL) Bh fL VCgW (YLlUqIWL Bm fL rKoX)/ (O meu ordenador portátil) é o mellor (ordenador do mundo).
(Diane) is more (enthusiastic) than (Ben). /(XO'Dm) Bh lG (BmeqIhiDgWBY) fLm ('VCm)/ (Diane) é máis (entusiasta)
que (Ben).
(His brother) is the most (antisocial person I know). /(kBh 'VpJfL) Bh fL lNgW (DmWigNio UKgm O mN)/
(O seu irmán) é a (persoa) máis (antisocial que coñezo).
Yes, but it’s / they’re too (expensive)./'qCg VLW BWg/fS WI (BY'gUCmgBd)/ Si, pero é / son (caro/a, caros/as) de máis.
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Grammar Appendix
O Present Simple
O Present Simple emprégase para expresar hábitos e verdades xerais e para falar de gustos, opinións e horarios.
I often go swimming after school. (A miúdo vou nadar despois do colexio.)
My sister cleans her room every Sunday. (A miña irmá limpa o seu cuarto todos os domingos.)
They love dogs. (Encántanlles os cans.)
En afirmativa engádese -s á 3ª persoa do singular, mais aos seguintes verbos engádeselles -es:
• Os rematados en ss, sh, ch e x:
pass ➝ passes wash ➝ washes teach ➝ teaches mix ➝ mixes
• Os rematados en o:
do ➝ does go ➝ goes
• Os rematados en consoante + y. Neste caso, cámbiase o y por un i:
study ➝ studies carry ➝ carries pero play ➝ plays
A negativa fórmase poñendo don’t / doesn’t diante do verbo.
I don’t play volleyball. (Non xogo ao voleibol.)
Para preguntar ponse do ou does + o suxeito + o verbo. Lembra que as respostas curtas só levan o pronome
suxeito + do / does ou don’t / doesn’t, segundo cumpra.
Do you study French? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. (Estudas francés? Estudo. Si. / Non.)
O Present Continuous
Describe accións que están a ocorrer mentres falamos. Fórmase con to be en presente + o verbo principal
rematado en -ing, e en negativa engadímoslle not ou n’t ao verbo to be.
They are painting the wall. (Están a pintar a parede.)
I’m not cooking dinner. (Non estou a cociñar a cea.)
En interrogativa o suxeito vai detrás de to be, e nas respostas curtas só empregamos am, is ou are en afirmativa
ou negativa.
Are they doing their homework? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t. (Están a facer os deberes? Están. Si. / Non.)
Antes de lle engadir -ing a un verbo, repara nestas regras ortográficas:
• Se remata en e mudo, perde esa letra:
come ➝ coming
• Se é de 1 sílaba e remata en 1 vogal + 1 consoante, dóbrase a consoante:
fit ➝ fitting
• Se remata nun l, dóbrao:
travel ➝ travelling
• Se ten 2 sílabas e é palabra aguda, dobra a consoante final:
permit ➝ permitting
• Se remata en ie, cámbianse estas dúas letras por un y:
lie ➝ lying
As expresións temporais máis empregadas co Present Continuous son now, right now e at the moment.
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Contraste entre o Present Simple e o Present Continuo
O Present Simple fala de accións habituais, mentres que o Present Continuous sinala o que está a ocorrer no
presente e que rompe a rutina.
I often play basketball, but now I’m playing football.
(Polo xeral xogo ao baloncesto, pero agora estou a xogar ao fútbol.)
Repara en que as expresións temporais axudan a distinguir un tempo verbal do outro.
Os verbos “estáticos”
Empregamos os verbos estáticos para expresar sentimentos, gustos e desexos. Refírense a estados no canto
de accións, polo que non se adoitan empregar na forma continua.
Kevin likes watching crime films. (A Kevin gústalle ver películas policiais.)
Check Yourself!
1 Complete the sentences with the verbs
2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in
1. My baby sister always
(smile) at me.
1. The girls in my class
2. you
(buy) CDs at that music shop?
3. My parents
(not drink) coffee in the morning.
2. Mrs Graham
(not teach) us maths right now.
3. your parents
4. George and Dave
(listen) to jazz music.
(cook) dinner now?
5. Linda
4. Who
right now?
5. He
(repair) the
washing machine at the moment.
6. Bill
(know) your friends?
6. you
in the park now?
7. Tom
(carry) all his
books to school every day.
7. What
(do) right now?
8. your father
(drive) a red car?
8. They
(not study)
geography at the moment.
in brackets. Use the Present Simple.
(not win) swimming
brackets. Use the Present Continuous.
(plan) a party now.
(shout) (jog)
3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.
1. Adam
3. My friend
5. Bob and Jack
6. Rhoda
7. We
(play) the electric guitar right now.
the children usually
(ride) their bikes in the afternoon?
(not go) to sleep before 12 o’clock at the weekend.
(listen) to his favourite CD now?
(not smile) at the moment.
(watch) basketball games every Saturday.
(sail) on a big ship now.
(want) a new computer game?
Answers, see page 30
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unit 1
O Past Simple
O Past Simple emprégase para expresar accións pasadas e para contar historias. Por iso adoita haber na frase
algunha expresión temporal que sinale cando ocorreu a acción (in 2003, yesterday, last month, two weeks
ago, etc.).
Anne had lunch on the beach yesterday. (Anne comeu na praia onte.)
Lembra que aos verbos regulares engádeselles -ed seguindo estas regras ortográficas :
Se remata en e mudo, engádese só o d:
hate ➝ hated love ➝ loved
Se remata en consoante + y, cambia o y por un i:
cry ➝ cried try ➝ tried pero play ➝ played
Se é de 1 sílaba e remata en 1 vogal + 1 consoante que non sexa w ou x, dóbrase a derradeira consoante:
plan ➝ planned stop ➝ stopped pero fix ➝ fixed
Se ten 2 sílabas, remata en 1 vogal + 1 consoante e pronúnciase como palabra aguda, dóbrase a derradeira
prefer ➝ preferred regret ➝ regretted pero listen ➝ listened
• Se remata nun l, dóbrase:
travel ➝ travelled cancel ➝ cancelled
Os verbos irregulares son diferentes e cómpre saber de memoria as súas formas de pasado.
A negativa fórmase poñendo didn’t diante do verbo e é igual en todas as persoas do singular e do plural.
The man didn’t find his passport. (O home non atopou o seu pasaporte.)
Para preguntar ponse did diante do suxeito e o verbo. Lembra que nas respostas curtas só levan o pronome
suxeito e did ou didn’t, segundo corresponda.
Did you take your credit card? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. (Colliches a túa tarxeta de crédito? Collín. Si. / Non.)
As preguntas con partículas interrogativas fórmanse do mesmo xeito; só cómpre poñelas ao comezo.
What did she eat in the restaurant? (Que comeu no restaurante?)
1 Complete the sentences with the verbs
below. Use the Past Simple.
2 Write questions with the words below.
1. they / enjoy / the tennis match / yesterday
not do • not introduce • stay • buy
not take • go
1. We
2. his teacher / shout / at him
2. I
3. where / your sister / buy / those jeans
3. He
4. They
last Monday.
4. you / kiss / your mother / this morning
5. She
for her holiday.
a new suitcase
5. when / your brother / come / home
6. You
me to your
6. what / your father / cook / for dinner / last night
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at a beautiful
to the beach
any photographs.
their homework
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Check Yourself!
Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple.
1. We
(eat) chocolate cake yesterday.
2. My parents
(not watch) the film on TV last night.
Mrs Gordon
4. He
(explain) the problem?
(not repair) the dishwasher.
the aeroplane
6. Lisa
(land) on time?
(wear) her cycling shoes two days ago.
7. That man
(not stop) at the red light.
8. When
(arrive) in London?
Answers, see page 30
Used to
Used to, que só ten a forma de pasado e vai seguido doutro verbo na forma base, expresa feitos ou estados
que eran habituais noutro tempo e logo deixaron de selo. Tradúcese polo pretérito imperfecto do verbo
“adoitar” ou do verbo que o segue.
He used to write a diary. (El adoitaba escribir / escribía un diario.)
En afirmativa, como só ten forma de pasado, é o mesmo en todas as persoas do singular e do plural.
We used to live near a castle. (Adoitabamos vivir / Viviamos preto dun castelo.)
A negativa fórmase coma sempre, con didn’t, e daquela used perde o d final.
They didn’t use to go to church. (Non adoitaban ir / ían á igrexa.)
E en interrogativa poñemos did diante do suxeito e de use to.
Did you use to go to the beach on Sundays? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.
(Adoitabas ir? / Ías á praia os domingos? Si. / Non.)
Check Yourself!
Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the correct form of used to.
1. My parents
(live) in England.
2. I
(not eat) broccoli, but now I do.
4. My grandmother
your friends
(ski) when you were younger?
(buy) fruit in that market.
(listen) to the Backstreet Boys?
6. When my sister was younger, she
7. My brother
(not drink) coffee.
(study) French.
the students
(wear) uniforms at your school?
Answers, see page 30
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unit 2
O Past Continuous
Emprégase para dicir o que estaba a ocorrer nun momento concreto do pasado e para describir dúas ou máis
accións prolongadas e simultáneas no pasado, unidas por while ou as. Fórmase con was / were + o verbo
principal rematado en -ing.
The police officer was investigating a robbery yesterday morning. (O policía estaba a investigar un roubo onte
pola mañá.)
The robber was hiding while the police officer was looking for him.
(O ladrón estábase a agochar mentres o policía estaba a procuralo.)
En negativa engádese not (ou n’t) a was e were.
She wasn’t talking to the victim. (Non estaba a falar coa vítima.)
En interrogativa ponse was ou were + o suxeito + o verbo rematado en -ing. Nas respostas curtas emprégase
o pronome suxeito e was / were ou wasn’t / weren’t.
Were you looking for a clue? Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t. (Estabas a procurar unha pista? Estaba. Si. / Non.)
As preguntas con partículas interrogativas fórmanse do mesmo xeito; só cómpre poñelas ao comezo.
What was the suspect doing an hour ago? (Que estaba a facer o sospeitoso hai unha hora?)
Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Past Continuous.
jog • stand • try • examine • not hold • not talk
1. The police officer
2. The suspect
3. The robber
5. The witness
6. Where
the evidence for hours after the crime.
to hide when the police officer walked into the room.
a weapon at the time of the robbery.
the victim
in the park at 8 o’clock last night?
on his mobile phone at the time of the crime.
the security guard
at 4 o’clock yesterday?
Check Yourself!
Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Continuous.
1. Sam
(not clean) his room at half past eight.
2. Ellen
(write) a letter to her grandparents five minutes ago.
your brother
4. The girls
(not study) for their exam an hour ago.
Susie and Mark
6. We
7. What
8. I
(swim) in the pool yesterday afternoon?
(have) dinner at 7 o’clock yesterday evening?
(visit) the art museum at two o’clock in the afternoon.
(do) at 9 o’clock last night?
(hide) under the bed at the time of the robbery.
Answers, see page 30
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Contraste entre o Past Continuous e o Past Simple
O Past Simple emprégase para indicar que a acción ocorreu e rematou no tempo especificado na frase,
mentres que o Past Continuous se emprega para se referir a accións prolongadas que estaban a ocorrer no
Empréganse xuntos para sinalar que en medio dunha acción longa ocorreu algunha cousa. A acción máis curta
leva when e o verbo en Past Simple, e a acción longa leva as conxuncións while ou as e o verbo en Past
I was sleeping when I heard a strange noise. (Estaba a durmir cando escoitei un ruído estraño.)
While I was sleeping, I heard a strange noise. (Mentres estaba a durmir, escoitei un ruído estraño.)
2 Circle the correct answers.
1. The security guard searched / was searching my bag when the robber entered the bank.
2. The small child was pulling his mother’s arm while she held / was holding the baby.
3. While our teacher was explaining the maths problem, a boy was falling / fell from his chair.
4. We do the laundry / weren’t doing the laundry while my mother was cooking dinner.
5. I wasn’t sleeping when you called / were calling.
Check Yourself!
Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.
1. While my father
(clean) the house, my mother
(cook) dinner.
2. Tina
(chat) with her friends when her mother
(call) her.
(jump) on my bed while I
(have) a shower?
4. The children
(tell) horror stories when they
(hear) a loud noise.
5. Where
(see) the accident?
6. My brother
(not wash) the dishes while my sister
(do) the laundry.
(hold) his baby sister when she
(start) to cry?
8. Mr Evans
(go) when you
Mrs Evans
(not watch) the football game when
(come) home.
Answers, see page 30
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unit 3
O Present Perfect Simple
O Present Perfect Simple emprégase para falar de:
• accións pasadas cuxos efectos son visíbeis no presente.
My best friend has written me a letter. (O meu mellor amigo escribiume unha carta. [velaquí])
• accións ocorridas ao longo do tempo sen dicir cando.
I have read many entertaining novels. (Teño lido moitas novelas entretidas.)
• accións que comezaron no pasado e aínda continúan. Por iso ás veces tradúcese o verbo en presente.
People have used paper money since the 10th century. (A xente empregou / emprega billetes desde o século X.)
• accións que acaban de ocorrer. Engádese just entre o auxiliar e o participio.
I have just found the perfect travel guide. (Acabo de atopar a guía de viaxes perfecta.)
Fórmase co auxiliar have ou has + o participio do verbo principal (rematado en -ed se é regular). Cómpre
lembrar que a forma contraída de have é ’ve e a de has é ’s.
En negativa engádese not ou n‘t a have ou has.
I haven’t seen many good advertisements. (Non teño visto moitos anuncios bos.)
En interrogativa ponse have ou has + o suxeito + o participio, e nas respostas curtas só se pon o pronome
suxeito + have ou has en afirmativa ou negativa.
Have you ever flown in a helicopter? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
(Voaches algunha vez nun helicóptero? Voei. Si. / Non.)
As expresións temporais que se empregan co Present Perfect Simple son: already, always, never, ever, yet, just,
for y since, e todas agás yet, for e since van entre have e o participio.
They’ve never met each other. (Nunca se coñeceron.)
I haven’t seen Brad since 2008. (Non vin a Brad desde 2008.)
1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in
brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple.
1. I
two weeks.
(not eat) bread for
2. Our visitors
3. My mother
Japan several times.
4. Tony
since 2007.
5. Liz
homework yet.
Check Yourself!
Complete the sentences with the verbs in
brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple.
(not ride) a bike
(not do) her
2 Write questions with the words below. Use
1. B
for two years.
2. M
shower yet.
4. I
present yet.
5. The children
1. you / ever / be / to Italy
6. she
for London yet?
2. your teacher / ever / teach / Year 10
3. Bill / feed / the dog / since yesterday
4. you / see / the new horror film / yet
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(not have) a 3. you ever
(meet) Ronny?
the Present Perfect Simple.
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(sing) in a band (not buy) Judy a
7. M
y friend
(win) the race.
(go) to bed.
(leave) just
8. W
(not be) in England.
Answers, see page 30
Contraste entre o Present Perfect Simple e o Past Simple
O Present Perfect Simple garda relación co momento actual, mentres que as accións en Past Simple non
afectan ao presente.
As expresións temporais empregadas co Present Perfect Simple non sinalan cando ocorreu a acción, mentres
que as empregadas co Past Simple si especifican en que momento concreto ocorreu.
I have already cooked the chicken. (Xa cociñei o polo.)
I cooked the chicken yesterday. (Cociñei o polo onte.)
3 Write sentences with the words below. Use the Present Perfect Simple or the Past Simple.
1. Police Officer Thomas / protect / us / from the criminal / last week / .
2. Mrs Reed / plan / the annual dance party / several times / .
3. the bus / not pass / First Street / yet / .
4. your family / go / to the swimming pool / yesterday / ?
5. they / not touch / the glass items / in the shop / yesterday / .
6. your grandfather / ever / drive / a lorry / ?
4 Circle the correct time expression.
1. Last week, / Recently, a thief stole my mother’s favourite necklace.
2. Did you sleep at the campsite last summer / since the summer?
3. I haven’t finished my project yesterday / yet.
4. We have studied for the test two days ago / for two days.
5. The band didn’t play rock music yesterday / yet.
6. Has Nancy two minutes ago / just left?
Check Yourself!
Circle the correct answers.
1. I didn’t read / haven’t read the instruction manual yet.
2. My brother bought / has bought a new computer last week.
3. Did you enjoy / Have you enjoyed the concert last night?
4. Mr Campbell drew / has drawn some amusing pictures since last month.
5. Have you looked on the website yesterday / yet?
6. We didn’t take / haven’t taken our camera to the amusement park yesterday.
7. You have just / ten minutes ago given me a great idea.
8. The police arrested / have arrested the thief two hours ago.
Answers, see page 30
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unit 4
A voz pasiva en presente e en pasado
Coa voz pasiva saliéntase a acción do verbo e adoita omitirse o suxeito que a realiza, quer porque non é
importante, quer porque se sobreentende ou se descoñece quen é. En galego, moitas veces tradúcese o verbo
na voz activa ou na forma impersoal con “se”.
Fórmase con to be en presente ou pasado + o participio doutro verbo.
Rice is grown in Asia. (O arroz cultívase en Asia.)
Silver was used as money a long time ago. (A prata empregábase como cartos hai moito tempo.)
En negativa engádese not ou n’t ao verbo to be e en interrogativa ponse to be diante do suxeito.
Gold and silver aren’t found in the sea. (O ouro e a prata non se atopan no mar.)
Is English spoken in Hong Kong? (Falan / Fálase inglés en Hong Kong?)
Para dicir quen ou que realiza a acción, faise ao final da frase logo da preposición by.
The first vaccine was created by Edward Jenner. (A primeira vacina foi creada por Edward Jenner.)
1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple Passive, affirmative and
1. Before people can enter an aeroplane, their suitcases
2. Every year, our photographs
3. Silk
4. Before a suspect
5. Pancakes
6. Houses
(take) by Mr Stevens.
(not use) to make ties.
(arrest), the police examine the evidence.
(make) with flour and water.
(not build) with wood these days.
2 Write questions with the words below. Use the Present Simple Passive.
1. the floors / usually / sweep / in the evening
2. meat / sell / in this shop
3. when / your plants / water
4. your carpets / clean / with a vacuum cleaner
5. how often / your dog / feed
3 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Past Simple Passive.
give • wash • order • steal • design
1. These clothes
by a famous fashion designer.
2. All the dishes
before I left.
3. The patient
treatment for his disease.
4. Five pizzas
for the party last night.
5. No money
from her handbag.
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4 Change the words in bold to make negative sentences. Use the words in brackets.
1. His painting was shown in an art gallery. (a museum)
2. The curtains were washed in the sink. (the washing machine)
3. The Mona Lisa was painted by Da Vinci. (Renoir)
4. Vegetables were eaten by everyone. (beans)
5. His arm was broken in the basketball game. (foot)
6. The Hobbit was written by J.R.R. Tolkien. (J.K. Rowling)
His painting wasn’t shown in a museum.
5 Write questions with the words below. Use the Past Simple Passive.
1. Yesterday / sing / by the Beatles
2. when / these sandwiches / make
3. the criminals / give / fair punishments
4. the World Cup / watch / by many people
5. where / the salmon / cook
Check Yourself!
Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple Passive or the
Past Simple Passive.
1. Swimsuits
(not sell) in this department store in the winter.
2. Hundreds of cars
that TV programme
4. His tyres
(not make) yesterday.
this text message
7. New treatments for diseases
(watch) by many children every day?
(change) every year.
5. Their beds
(steal) last year.
these projects
(send) a week ago?
(discover) all the time.
(see) by your teacher last week?
Answers, see page 30
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unit 5
O futuro
ill emprégase para facer predicións sobre algo que ocorrerá con seguranza, para facer promesas e para
expresar decisións súbitas que se toman no momento de falar.
En afirmativa adoita contraer co suxeito (’ll) e en negativa coa partícula not (won’t). Nas preguntas vai diante
do suxeito e nas respostas curtas ponse o pronome suxeito + will ou won’t.
Many people will suffer from global warming in the future.
(Moitas persoas sufrirán o quecemento global no futuro.)
We won’t solve the problem of deforestation in a decade.
(Non resolveremos o problema da deforestación nunha década.)
Will you win the race? Yes, I will. / No, I won’t. (Gañarás a carreira? Gañarei. Si. / Non.)
• Be going to significa “ir” + infinitivo e emprégase para falar de plans e intencións.
I’m going to recycle these bottles. (Vou reciclar estas botellas.)
Present Continuous con valor de futuro anuncia o que ocorrerá con toda seguranza no futuro próximo, pois
xa se fixou de antemán.
I’m visiting the museum this afternoon. (Irei. / Vou ao museo esta tarde.)
É importante amentar cando ocorrerá a acción, sobre todo no Present Continuous con valor de futuro, pois,
aínda que semella un presente, na realidade anuncia algo futuro.
1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the tenses listed.
1. Bob
2. My mother
3. I
be going to
4. We
(not park) our car here.
5. He
(repair) my shoes tomorrow.
Present Continuous
6. We
7. Lenny
(win) the competition. He swims very fast.
(not buy) these shoes. They’re too expensive.
(catch) the ball. You can throw it to me.
(stay) in a youth hostel in Paris tomorrow.
(not take) a big suitcase on his trip next week.
Check Yourself!
Circle the correct answers.
1. Don’t worry. The police will catch / won’t catch the thief.
2. I am going to take / are going to take my camera. I want to take photographs.
3. He will forget / won’t forget his passport. He always remembers it.
4. My father’s lawyer will know / won’t know the answer. Let’s ask him.
5. We is leaving / are leaving at 8 am. Please be ready.
6. She isn’t going to sweep / aren’t going to sweep the floor. She’s got a vacuum cleaner.
7. We must stop polluting so we will destroy / won’t destroy our planet.
8. My parents will be / won’t be furious. I broke their favourite porcelain plate.
Answers, see page 30
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O primeiro e o segundo condicional
O primeiro condicional expresa o que ocorrerá se se cumpre a condición sinalada.
A afirmativa fórmase con if + Present Simple na condición e un verbo con will no resultado.
If I’m hungry, I’ll eat some fish. (Se teño fame, comerei algo de peixe.)
Para formar a negativa pódese negar o verbo que vai en presente, o que vai en futuro, ou ambos os dous.
If we don’t eat, we will be hungry. (Se non comemos, teremos fame.)
If we eat, we won’t be hungry. (Se comemos, non teremos fame.)
If you don’t study for the exam, you won’t pass. (Se non estudas para o exame, non aprobarás.)
O segundo condicional refírese a situacións hipotéticas no presente. Fórmase con if + Past Simple na condición e
would (ou a contracción ’d) + un verbo na forma base no resultado. Se o verbo da oración condicional é to be,
empregamos were en todas as persoas.
If I were a fashion designer, I’d use recycled materials.
(Se eu fose deseñador de moda, empregaría materiais reciclábeis.)
Formamos a negativa como o primeiro condicional.
If we didn’t use cars, there would be less pollution.
(Se non empregaramos coches, habería menos contaminación.)
Para dar consellos, emprégase sempre If I were you (“eu de ti”).
If I were you, I would be careful. (Eu de ti tería coidado.)
2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the First Conditional.
1. He
(have) an accident if he
2. If you
3. If we
4. Her mother
(drive) fast.
(not work) hard, you
(not get) good marks.
(recycle) plastic bottles, we
(have) less litter.
(make) us pancakes if we
(get dressed) quickly.
3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Second Conditional.
1. Ben
(play) basketball if he were taller.
2. If we didn’t have a drought, we
3. I would visit you if I
4. If your father
(not worry) about using water.
(have) the time.
(run) every day, his muscles wouldn’t hurt.
Check Yourself!
Circle the correct answers.
First Conditional
1. Mum will cook for you if you do / will do the shopping.
2. If you ask your teacher, she help / will help you.
3. If they move / will move to the USA, we won’t see them for a long time.
4. I sweep / will sweep the floor if you wash the dishes.
Second Conditional
5. My parents bought / would buy that car if it weren’t expensive.
6. If Paul entered the competition, he won / would win.
7. If I didn’t have / wouldn’t have a basketball game, I would clean my room.
8. They would work in the shopping centre if they didn’t live / wouldn’t live far away.
Answers, see page 30
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unit 6
O estilo indirecto en oracións enunciativas
O estilo indirecto emprégase para contar o que alguén dixo mais sen repetir exactamente as súas palabras.
Polo xeral, emprégase o verbo say en pasado seguido dunha oración de complemento directo introducida por
that, quítanse as comiñas propias do estilo directo e cámbiase o verbo e o pronome suxeito. Tamén podemos
comezar co pasado do verbo tell seguido do complemento indirecto.
“I’m finishing the match,” Sharon said. (estilo directo)
Sharon said that she was finishing the match. (Sharon dixo que estaba a rematar o partido.)
“The race is on Wednesday,” the coach said to me. (estilo directo)
The coach told me that the race was on Wednesday. (O adestrador díxome que a carreira era o mércores.)
Como o verbo que introduce o estilo indirecto vai en pasado, o da oración subordinada dá un salto atrás no
tempo, isto é, o Present Simple pasa a Past Simple, o Present Continuous a Past Continuous, will convértese
en would, etc. Tamén mudan os demostrativos, os posesivos, os modais e as expresións de tempo e lugar.
Repara nestes exemplos:
“I’m watching TV,” Kate said. ➝ Kate said that she was watching TV.
(Kate dixo que estaba a ver a televisión.)
“I must study for my exams today,” Pam said. ➝ Pam said that she had to study for her exams that day.
(Pam dixo que tiña que estudar para os seus exames ese día.)
“We’ll start the new unit tomorrow,” the teacher said. ➝ The teacher said that we would start the new
unit the following day. (A profesora dixo que comezariamos a nova unidade ao día seguinte.)
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.
1. Nina said, “I usually eat cornflakes in the morning.”
Nina said that she usually
2. My brothers said, “We are watching the football game.”
My brothers said that they
3. “You must brush your teeth twice a day,” said the dentist.
The dentist said that I
4. The woman on TV said, “By 2050, most countries will use renewable energy.”
The woman on TV said that by 2050, most countries
5. “My friends don’t like rap music,” said John.
John said that his friends
cornflakes in the morning.
the football game.
my teeth twice a day.
renewable energy.
rap music.
2 Change the direct speech sentences to reported speech.
1. “It’s a beautiful day,” said my mother.
2. Eric said, “My sister doesn’t run fast.”
3. The girls said, “We must walk quickly or we’ll be late.”
4. “I am doing my history homework,” said Tom.
5. Julia said, “I will probably come home at ten o’clock.”
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3 Complete the sentences with the correct time expressions.
1. Tina said, “Chris and Diane will be in good shape by next year.”
Tina said that Chris and Diane would be in good shape by
2. “It will rain next week,” said the reporter.
The reporter said that it would rain
3. I said, “You can’t take my camera today.”
I said that you couldn’t take my camera
4. “I am reading an interesting book now,” said Mia.
Mia said that she was reading an interesting book
5. My parents said, “We aren’t staying in a hotel tomorrow.”
My parents told us that we weren’t staying in a hotel
4 Change the direct speech sentences to reported speech.
1. Mother said, “Tommy is apologising to his sister now.”
2. Linda said, “I hope to break a record next week.”
3. “You must inform us of your plans tomorrow,” my parents said.
4. “The audience will enjoy the concert tonight,” said the musician.
5. Father said, “Dean is refusing to do his homework today.”
Check Yourself!
Circle the correct answers.
1. I said that I was cleaning my room now / then.
2. She told us that her family had / has lunch in the same restaurant every Saturday.
3. Mother explained that the children usually watch / watched TV after school.
4. The salesperson said that I can / could buy a new jacket for only €20.
5. We said that Laura would win the gymnastics competition next week / the following week.
6. The reporter said that the space shuttle was returning to Earth the next day / tomorrow.
7. We said that we were wearing / are wearing jeans for the party that night.
8. They told me that I must / had to take my passport with me.
Answers, see page 30
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unit 7
Os pronomes relativos
Os pronomes relativos introducen unha oración subordinada que dá información sobre un substantivo
chamado antecedente. Van detrás del e poden facer de suxeito ou de complemento (neste último caso é
común omitilos na conversa).
Who e that empréganse indistintamente cando o antecedente é unha persoa.
I like people who / that can solve problems. (Gústame a xente / Gusto da xente que sabe resolver problemas.)
He’s the person (who / that) I want to talk to. (El é a persoa coa que quero falar.)
Which e that empréganse para se referir a cousas ou animais.
The bat is an animal that / which lives in a cave. (O morcego é un animal que vive nunha cova.)
The horse is the animal (which / that) I like the most. (O cabalo é o animal que máis me gusta.)
Where emprégase cando o antecedente é un lugar.
This is the place where I buy fruit. (Este é o sitio onde merco froita.)
1 Complete the sentences with who, which or
2 Combine the sentences with who or which.
1. I met a man. He knows your mother.
2. We took photographs of a squirrel. It was
eating a nut.
4. The person
is standing next
to my mother is a famous astronaut.
3. Simon is a hairdresser. He cuts the hair of
many famous people.
5. The plate
I bought in
Belgium is made of porcelain.
4. I bought some gold earrings. They will look
nice with my necklace.
1. That is the necklace
grandmother gave her.
2. The boy
goal is my best friend.
3. We visited the place
parents met.
scored the winning
Check Yourself!
Circle the correct answers.
1. Lisa wore a dress which / who had pink flowers on it.
2. That is the building that / where I live.
3. She is the girl which / who likes Tony.
4. This is the city which / where I was born.
5. Jim is the tallest man that / which I know.
6. We are going to see the film who / which you saw last week.
7. He is the boy who / which helped me.
8. I know the people where / who live in the house next to yours.
Answers, see page 30
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Os compostos de some e any
Someone (alguén), somewhere (algures, algún sitio) e something (algunha cousa, algo) empréganse en
oracións afirmativas; anyone, anywhere e anything empréganse en oracións negativas e interrogativas.
Repara en como mudan de significado nestes exemplos:
There wasn’t anyone in the classroom. (Non había ninguén na clase.)
I can’t find my book about crocodiles anywhere. (Non podo atopar o meu libro sobre crocodilos en ningures.)
I haven’t got anything to do. (Non teño nada que facer.)
Does anyone want a sandwich? (Alguén quere un sándwich?)
Are you going anywhere this afternoon? (Vas a algures esta tarde?)
Do you want anything to drink? (Queres algo de beber?)
Lembra que, se fan de suxeito na frase, levan o verbo en singular.
3 Circle the correct answers.
4 Complete the sentences with some or any
1. Someone / Anyone is playing the violin
right now.
2. There isn’t something / anything to eat in
my house.
1. Did you tell
3. I know that I put my homework
somewhere / anywhere in my schoolbag.
2. Mother is cooking
for dinner.
4. Does someone / anyone know the answer?
3. I am looking for
5. I’ve got something / anything special for
4. Did you do
5. We want to stay
about my
to help
exciting last
near the
Check Yourself!
Circle the correct answers.
1. He didn’t bring … to eat.
a. something
b. anything
c. anywhere
2. There wasn’t … from my class at the party.
a. someone
b. somewhere
c. anyone
3. She did … different to her hair.
a. something
b. someone
c. somewhere
4. My friend went to an amusement park … in the USA.
a. anyone
b. someone
c. somewhere
5. I’ve never spoken to … in your class.
a. anyone
b. anything
c. anywhere
6. Is there … that I can get a good cup of coffee?
a. something
b. somewhere
c. anywhere
7. I met … from Japan yesterday.
a. someone
b. anyone
c. somewhere
8. Let’s have … to drink before we go out.
a. somewhere
b. something
c. anything
Answers, see page 30
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unit 8
Os modais
Son verbos especiais que non engaden -s na 3ª persoa do singular e sempre van seguidos dun verbo na forma
base. Non se conxugan, só engaden not ou a contracción n’t en negativa e póñense diante do suxeito en
an significa “saber, ser quen de” cando expresa habilidade ou capacidade para facer algo, e “poder” cando
expresa posibilidade ou permiso.
James can play the piano very well. (James sabe tocar o piano moi ben.)
You can rent a boat to go across Lake Victoria. (Podes alugar unha barca para cruzar o Lago Vitoria.)
ould é o pasado de can. Expresa habilidade e posibilidade no pasado.
Kate could swim when she was only two years old. (Kate sabía nadar cando tiña só dous anos.)
They couldn’t explore that route. (Non puideron explorar esa ruta.)
En interrogativa tamén serve para pedir algo, pero de xeito máis educado ca con can.
Could you lend me your sleeping bag for my journey?
(Poderías emprestarme o teu saco de durmir para a miña viaxe?)
hould úsase para dar consellos ou suxerir o que se debería facer.
You should buy a new map. (Deberías mercar un mapa novo.)
ust significa “deber” e expresa a necesidade, conveniencia ou obriga de facer algo.
We must take appropriate equipment. (Debemos levar un equipo axeitado.)
ustn’t expresa o que non se debe facer porque non está ben ou está prohibido.
We mustn’t swim in this river. (Non debemos nadar neste río.)
ave to significa “ter que” e expresa a obriga ou necesidade de facer algo porque non hai máis remedio.
Este verbo si se conxuga e por iso algúns considérano un semimodal. Repara en que a 3ª persoa do singular é
has to.
Paul has to get up early every day. (Paul ten que se erguer cedo cada día.)
It is a dangerous route. They have to come back. (É unha ruta perigosa. Teñen que regresar.)
A negativa é don’t / doesn’t have to + o verbo na súa forma base, e significa “non ter que” ou “non ter por
You don’t have to come back until five o’clock. (Non tes que volver até as cinco.)
Para preguntarmos, poñemos do ou does + o suxeito + have to + o verbo na súa forma base.
Do I have to take my passport? Yes, you do. / No, you don’t.
(Teño que levar o meu pasaporte? Teño. Si. / Non.)
ay (“poida que”, “talvez”, “se cadra”) e might (“puidese / podería ser que”) expresan posibilidade, aínda
que no segundo caso é máis remota. En interrogativa may emprégase para pedir permiso ou favores de
maneira moi educada.
We may reach our destination tomorrow. (Poida que cheguemos ao noso destino mañá.)
I might visit you next summer. (Puidese ser que te visite o vindeiro verán.)
May I use your camera? (Podo empregar a túa cámara?)
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1 Circle the correct answers.
1. My brother can / should play basketball for hours. He never gets tired.
2. Mrs Thomson mustn’t / can’t cook. Mr Thomson always prepares dinner.
3. My teacher was busy and can’t / couldn’t help me yesterday.
4. You should / mustn’t help your grandmother carry her bags.
5. I shouldn’t / must be home by 12 o’clock or my mother will be angry.
6. We couldn’t / mustn’t sleep late tomorrow. We’ll miss the class trip.
7. Can / Should you explain the homework to me?
8. We mustn’t / must finish our project by Friday. Our teacher won’t accept it next week.
9. Can / Could he read when he was five years old?
10. Should / Could we bring anything to the party tonight?
2 Complete the sentences with the affirmative or negative form of have to.
1. I
2. You
3. Someone
4. She
walk today because my parents can’t drive me.
buy new shoes. You’ve got enough shoes.
wash the dishes. All the plates are dirty.
get up early. There’s no school today.
3 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of can, could, should, must or have to.
my mother ride a bike when she was a girl?
2. Your father
4. He
5. You
park his car here. It’s illegal.
I wear my black shirt or my white one? Which looks better?
travel to the USA. He hasn’t got a passport.
walk quickly. We’ve got a lot of time.
4 Circle the correct answers.
1. It may / may not rain today. It’s cloudy.
2. The baby is crying. She might / might not be hungry.
3. I might / may not finish on time, but I’ll try.
4. May / Might I wear your jacket?
Check Yourself!
Circle the correct answers.
1. Can / Must I have something to eat? I’m hungry.
2. We couldn’t / might go to the beach today. It’s a beautiful day.
3. He should / can’t be an actor. He’s got talent.
4. She shouldn’t / should wear that hat. It doesn’t look nice.
5. You might not / don’t have to shout. I can hear you.
6. May / Must I use your phone? My phone is broken.
7. Our team could / has to practise a lot. We’re not very good.
8. My father can / could run quickly when he was young.
Answers, see page 30
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unit 9
O comparativo e o superlativo
Para formar o comparativo e mais o superlativo cómpre reparar en se o adxectivo é curto ou longo.
os adxectivos curtos engádeselles a terminación -er / -est. Ademais, co comparativo emprégase than e
co superlativo the.
Peter is stronger than Alex. (Peter é máis forte que Alex.)
You’re the cleverest person in your class. (Es a persoa máis intelixente da túa clase.)
Para engadir -er / -est cómpre seguir estas regras ortográficas:
- Se remata en e mudo, só se engade r ou st: wide ➝ wider
nice ➝ nicest
- Se remata en 1 vogal + 1 consoante, dóbrase a consoante: hot ➝ hotter
- Se remata en consoante + y, cámbiase o y por un i:
fat ➝ fattest
ugly ➝ uglier pretty ➝ prettiest pero shy ➝ shyer, shyest
• Os adxectivos longos quedan igual, mais levan diante more / the most.
Travelling is more exciting than staying at home. (Viaxar é máis emocionante ca quedar na casa.)
Kevin is the most creative student in the school. (Kevin é o estudante máis creativo do colexio.)
Os adxectivos irregulares non seguen regra ningunha ao formaren o comparativo e o superlativo.
good ➝ better ➝ the best (bo, mellor, o mellor); bad ➝ worse ➝ the worst (malo, peor, o peor)
Lembra que para comparar dúas cousas e dicir se son iguais ou non, emprégase a estrutura (not) as +
adxectivo + as. Tradúcese por “(non) tan ... como/a”.
Liz is as old as Tina. (Liz é tan maior coma Tina.)
The book is not as good as the film. (O libro non é tan bo coma a película.)
1 Write sentences with the words below. Use the comparative form of the adjectives.
1. Africa / is / big / Australia
2. Dan / is / a / good / student / Kyle
3. my brothers / are / annoying / your sisters
4. Liz’s sister / is / old / her brother
5. our dogs / are / happy / our cats
2 Complete the sentences with the adjectives in brackets. Use the superlative form.
1. My father has got
2. I think that Penélope Cruz is
3. This is
(bad) book I have ever read.
4. Tom is
(amusing) boy I know.
5. Laura is
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(ugly) clothes I’ve ever seen.
(beautiful) woman in the world.
(young) child in my family.
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3 Complete the questions with the adjectives in brackets. Use the comparative or superlative form.
1. Who is
(nice) person you know?
2. Which building is
3. What is
(funny) film you have ever seen?
4. Who is
(short) Dan?
5. Which school has got
(tall) the Sears Tower?
(good) football team?
4 Complete the sentences with the adjectives in brackets. Use as … as or not as … as.
1. My grandmother is
and my grandfather is 75.
2. My brother is
3. Lily is
few friends.
4. Youth hostels are
5. Our garden is
(old) my grandfather. My grandmother is 70 years old
(energetic) my sister. They never sit down.
(antisocial) Donna. Donna hasn’t got any friends and Lily has got a
(expensive) resorts.
(big) our neighbour’s garden. Both gardens are 250 square
too ... / (not) ... enough
Too diante dun adxectivo expresa que algo é excesivo e significa “demasiado, de máis”.
This maths exercise is too difficult for me. (Este exercicio de matemáticas é difícil de máis para min.)
Enough ponse logo do adxectivo e significa “o bastante” ou “suficientemente”, “abondo”.
Pam is old enough to travel alone. (Pam é o bastante maior para viaxar soa.)
Aínda así, not + adxectivo + enough sinala que algo non é abondo e significa “non o bastante”, “non
abondo” ou “non suficientemente”.
Pam is not old enough to travel alone. (Pam non é maior abondo para viaxar soa.)
5 Complete the sentences with the adjectives in brackets. Use too … or not … enough.
1. These potatoes are
(hot). I think I’ll put them back in the oven.
2. I’m
(tired) to go out tonight. Let’s go out tomorrow night.
3. It is
(warm) to go swimming today. Maybe we can go next week.
4. This film is
5. He is
(long). I am not going to watch the whole film.
(tall) to play basketball for the team. He’s only 1.6 metres tall.
Check Yourself!
Circle the correct answers.
1. That route looks too dangerous / not dangerous enough. Let’s go a different way.
2. The shirt is cheaper than / the cheapest the trousers. The shirt costs only €20.
3. Mr Smith is stranger than / the strangest teacher we have ever had.
4. Tony is as intelligent as / not as intelligent as his brother, but he isn’t stupid.
5. T
he science museum was more crowded than / the most crowded the history museum
because there was a special exhibition about the heart.
6. Laura’s room is as messy as / not as messy as Dean’s room. Their mother is very angry.
7. I can’t hear the music. It is too loud / not loud enough.
8. Lisa is more popular than / the most popular girl in the class.
Answers, see page 30
Build Up 4 Galician
© B Burlington Books
Introduction, page 11, O Present Simple, O Present
Continuous, Contraste entre o Present
Simple e o Present Continuous
Do … buy
don’t drink
doesn’t … win
Does … know
Does … drive
are planning
isn’t teaching
Are … cooking
is shouting
is repairing
Are … jogging
are … doing
aren’t studying
is playing
Do … ride
doesn’t go
Is … listening
aren’t smiling
are sailing
Do … want
Unit 1, page 13, O Past Simple
didn’t watch
Did … explain
didn’t repair
Did … land
didn’t stop
did … arrive
Did … use to listen
didn’t use to drink
used to study
Did … use to wear
Unit 1, page 13, Used to
used to live
didn’t use to eat
Did … use to ski
used to buy
Unit 2, page 14, O Past Continuous
wasn’t cleaning
was writing
Was … swimming
weren’t studying
Were … having
were visiting
were … doing
was hiding
Unit 2, page 15, Contraste entre o Past Continuous
e o Past Simple
was cleaning, was cooking
was chatting, called
Were … jumping, was having
were telling, heard
were … going, saw
wasn’t washing, was doing
Was … holding, started
wasn’t watching, came
Unit 3, page 16, O Present Perfect Simple
has sung
hasn’t had
Have … met
haven’t bought
have gone
Has … left
has …won
haven’t … been
Unit 3, page 17, Contraste entre o Present Perfect
Simple e o Past Simple
© B Burlington Books
didn’t take
Unit 4, page 19, A voz pasiva en presente e en pasado
aren’t sold
were stolen
Is … watched
are changed
weren’t made
Was … sent
are discovered
Were … seen
are leaving
isn’t going to sweep
won’t destroy
will be
Unit 5, page 20, O futuro
will catch
am going to take
won’t forget
will know
Unit 5, page 21, O primeiro e o segundo condicional
will help
will sweep
would buy
would win
didn’t have
didn’t live
Unit 6, page 23, O estilo indirecto en oracións
the following week
the next day
were wearing
had to
Unit 7, page 24, Os pronomes relativos
Unit 7, page 25, Os compostos de some e any
1. b
2. c
3. a
4. c
5. a
6. c
7. a
8. b
Unit 8, page 27, Os modais
don’t have to
6. May
7. has to
8. could
Unit 9, page 29, O comparativo e o superlativo,
too ... / (not) ... enough 1.
Build Up 4 Galician
haven’t read
Did you enjoy
has drawn
too dangerous
cheaper than
the strangest
not as intelligent as
more crowded than
as messy as
not loud enough
the most popular
be /VA/
beat /VAW/
become /VB'YJl/
begin /VB'ZBm/ bend /VCmX/
bet /VCW/
bite /VOW/
bleed /VoAX/
blow /VoLH/
break /VpMY/
bring /VpBn/
build /VBoX/
burn /VKm/
buy /VO/
catch /Yæa/
choose /aIh/
come /YJl/
cost /YFgW/
cut /YJW/
dig /XBZ/
do /XI/
draw /XpG/
dream /XpAl/
drink /XpBnY/
drive /XpOd/
eat /AW/
fall /cGo/
feed /cAX/
feel /cAo/
fight /cOW/
find /cOmX/
fly /coO/
forget /cL'ZCW/
forgive /cL'ZBd/
freeze /cpAh/
get /ZCW/
give /ZBd/
go /ZN/
grow /ZpN/
hang /kæn/
have /kæd/
hear /kBL/
hide /kOX/
hit /kBW/
hold /kNoX/
hurt /kKW/
keep /YAU/
know /mN/
lay /oCB/
lead /oAX/
was/were /rFh/rK/
beat /VAW/
became /VB'YMl/
began /VB'Zæm/
bent /VCmW/
bet /VCW/
bit /VBW/
bled /VoCX/
blew /VoI/
broke /VpLHY/
brought /VpGW/
built /VBoW/
burnt/burned /VKmW/VKmX/
bought /VGW/
caught /YGW/
chose /aLHh/
came /YMl/
cost /YFgW/
cut /YJW/
dug /XJZ/
did /XBX/
drew /XpI/
dreamt/dreamed /XpClW/XpAlX/
drank /XpænY/
drove /XpLHd/
ate /CBW/
fell /cCo/
fed /cCX/
felt /cCoW/
fought /cGW/
found /cPmX/
flew /coI/
forgot /cL'ZFW/
forgave /cL'ZMd/
froze /cpLHh/
got /ZFW/
gave /ZMd/
went /rCmW/
grew /ZpI/
hanged/hung /kænX/kJn/
had /kæX/
heard /kKX/
hid /kBX/
hit /kBW/
held /kCoX/
hurt /kKW/
kept /YCUW/
knew /mqI/
laid /oCBX/
led /oCX/
been /VAm/
ser, estar
beaten /'VAWm/
golpear, bater
become /VB'YJl/
chegar a ser
begun /VB'ZJm/
comezar, empezar
bent /VCmW/
bet /VCW/
bitten /'VBWm/
bled /VoCX/
blown /VoLHm/
broken /'VpLHYLm/
crebar, romper, rachar
brought /VpGW/
built /VBoW/
burnt/burned /VKmW/VKmX/
bought /VGW/
caught /YGW/
coller, agarrar
chosen /'aLHhm/
come /YJl/
cost /YFgW/
cut /YJW/
dug /XJZ/
cavar, sachar
done /XJm/
drawn /XpGm/
dreamt/dreamed /XpClW/XpAlX/
drunk /XpJnY/
driven /'XpBdm/
eaten /AWm/
fallen /'cGoLm/
fed /cCX/
felt /cCoW/
fought /cGW/
found /cPmX/
flown /coLHm/
forgotten /cL'ZFWm/
forgiven /cL'ZBdm/
frozen /'cpLHhm/
got /ZFW/conseguir; chegar
given /ZBdm/
gone /ZFm/
grown /ZpNm/
crecer, cultivar
hanged/hung /kænX/kJn/
had /kLX/
heard /kKX/
oír, ouvir
hidden /'kBXm/
hit /kBW/
golpear, bater, pegar
held /kCoX/
suxeitar, termar de
hurt /kKW/ferir, mancar
kept /YCUW/
gardar, manter
known /mNm/
saber, coñecer
laid /oCBX/
poñer, pór, estender
led /oCX/
guiar, conducir
Build Up 4 Galician
© B Burlington Books
learn /oKm/
learnt/learned /oKmW/oKmX/
learnt/learned /oKmW/oKmX/
leave /oAd/
left /oCcW/
left /oCcW/
lend /oCmX/
lent /oCmW/
lent /oCmW/
let /oCW/
let /oCW/
let /oCW/
lie /oO/ lay /oCB/
lain /oCBm/
lie /oO/ (regular verb)
lied /oOX/
lied /oOX/
light /oOW/
lit /oBW/
lit /oBW/
lose /oIh/
lost /oFgW/
lost /oFgW/
make /lCBY/
made /lCBX/
made /lCBX/
mean /lAm/
meant /lCmW/
meant /lCmW/
meet /lAW/
met /lCW/
met /lCW/
pay /UM/
paid /UMX/
paid /UMX/
put /UHW/
put /UHW/
put /UHW/
read /pAX/
read /pCX/
read /pCX/
ride /pOX/
rode /pLHX/
ridden /'pBXm/
ring /pBn/
rang /pæn/
rung /pJn/
rise /pOh/
rose /pLHh/
risen /'pBhm/
run /pJm/
ran /pæm/
run /pJm/
say /gM/
said /gCX/
said /gCX/
see /gA/
saw /gG/
seen /gAm/
sell /gCo/
sold /gLHoX/
sold /gLHoX/
send /gCmX/
sent /gCmW/
sent /gCmW/
set /gCW/
set /gCW/
set /gCW/
shake /iMY/ shook /iHY/ shaken /'iMYLm/
shine /iOm/
shone /iFm/
shone /iFm/
shoot /iIW/
shot /iFW/
shot /iFW/
show /iLH/
showed /iLHX/
shown /iLHm/
shut /iJW/
shut /iJW/
shut /iJW/
sing /gBn/
sang /gæn/
sung /gJn/
sink /gBnY/
sank /gænY/
sunk /gJnY/
sit /gBW/
sat /gæW/
sat /gæW/
sleep /goAU/
slept /goCUW/
slept /goCUW/
smell /glCo/
smelt/smelled /glCoW/glCoX/
smelt/smelled /glCoW/glCoX/
speak /gUAY/
spoke /gULHY/
spoken /gULHYLm/
spell /gUCo/
spelt/spelled /gUCoW/gUCoX/
spelt/spelled /gUCoW/gUCoX/
spend /gUCmX/
spent /gUCmW/
spent /gUCmW/
stand /gWæmX/
stood /gWHX/
stood /gWHX/
steal /gWAo/
stole /gWLHo/
stolen /'gWLHoLm/
stick /gWBY/
stuck /gWJY/
stuck /gWJY/
sweep /grAU/
swept /grCUW/
swept /grCUW/
swim /grBl/
swam /græl/
swum /grJl/
take /WMY/
took /WHY/
taken /'WMYLm/
teach /WAa/
taught /WGW/
taught /WGW/
tear /WCL/
tore /WG/
torn /WGm/
tell /WCo/
told /WLHoX/
told /WLHoX/
think /eBnY/
thought /eGW/
thought /eGW/
throw /epN/
threw /epI/
thrown /epNm/
understand /JmXC'gWæmX/ understood /JmXC'gWHX/
understood /JmXC'gWHX/
wake up /rMY 'JU/
woke up /rLHY 'JU/
woken up /rLHYLm 'JU/
wear /rCL/
wore /rG/
worn /rGm/
win /rBm/
won /rJm/
won /rJm/
write /pOW/
wrote /pLHW/
written /'pBWm/
Build Up 4 Galician
© B Burlington Books
deixar; marchar, saír
prestar, emprestar
permitir, deixar
tombarse, deitarse
acender, prender
facer, fabricar
significar, querer dicir
coñecer a; reunirse, xuntarse con
poñer, pór
chamar (por teléfono)
elevarse, erguerse
brillar, escintilar
ulir, cheirar
gastar; pasar (tempo)
estar a pé
coller, levar
aprender, ensinar
rachar, esgazar
dicir, contar
coidar, pensar
guindar, tirar
comprender, entender
levar posto, poñerse
(Organising your ideas)
(Purpose of writing)
Antes de comezar cómpre que teñas claro o que te propós escribir para elixir a linguaxe axeitada: informal se
é un correo electrónico a un amigo/a, e máis formal se vai ser un texto informativo.
1.Fai unha listaxe de ideas ou un mapa de preguntas relacionadas co tema (what?, who?, when?, where?, why?).
2. Leas e risca as que creas irrelevantes.
3. Ponas na orde en que queiras presentalas.
(Writing your first draft)
(Paragraph structure)
Un texto divídese en tres partes:
1. O limiar ou primeira oración (opening sentence), que presenta o tema.
2. O desenvolvemento ou corpo do texto (body), que amplía a idea principal con información importante.
3.A conclusión ou derradeira oración (closing sentence), que resume o tema e repite a idea principal con
outras palabras.
Opening sentence:
Body of paragraph:
Concluding sentence:
Tenerife, in the Canary Islands, is a fabulous place for a holiday. This amazing
island has got beautiful beaches with impressive resorts. People come from all
over the world to see the wildlife at the Teide National Park in Tenerife. Also,
you can visit the Institute of Technology and learn how to use renewable
energy. If you go to Tenerife, you will definitely have an unforgettable holiday.
repasA o escrito
(Checking your work)
(Capital letters)
Escríbense con maiúscula:
• a primeira palabra dunha oración.
We had a great holiday.
• os nomes e os títulos das persoas.
This is Mrs Lucy Smith.
• os nomes de vilas, cidades, países, nacionalidades e linguas.
Dover, Moscow, China, French
os días, os meses e os días festivos.
Wednesday, April, Christmas
as palabras importantes dos títulos de libros, películas e cancións.
A Safari Mystery
o pronome persoal I.
My friends and I love computer games.
Build Up 4 Galician
© B Burlington Books
writing guide
a puntuación
•O punto (.) vai ao final das oracións afirmativas e negativas.
My favourite sport is basketball.
I don’t eat tomatoes.
•O sinal de interrogación (?) ponse ao final das preguntas.
Have you got a pencil?
Did you do your homework?
•O signo de exclamación (!) ponse ao final da frase para expresar unha emoción ou un sentimento e para
facer fincapé en algo.
Wow! You look fabulous!
•A vírgula (,) úsase para separar palabras ou ideas. Polo xeral non se pon diante de and.
I can play football, basketball and volleyball.
(Word order: Subject – Verb)
O suxeito da oración ponse diante do verbo.
We left school at three o’clock.
s + v
Mais nas preguntas, o verbo vai diante do suxeito.
Is Tom tall?
v + s
(Word order: Adjectives)
Polo xeral van diante dos substantivos.
healthy sandwich terrible film
E tamén detrás do verbo to be.
The sandwich is healthy. The film was terrible.
(Word order: Adverbs)
• Os adverbios de modo van detrás dos verbos.
He speaks clearly.
(Adjective order)
• Se hai varios, polo xeral van nesta orde:
opinión, tamaño, idade, cor
I’ve got a beautiful, tiny, young white kitten.
Build Up 4 Galician
© B Burlington Books
writing guide
(Linking words)
and une dúas ideas semellantes.
He brought a suitcase and a backpack.
or dá dúas opcións diferentes.
Was it a goat or a sheep?
but une dúas ideas contraditorias entre si.
The film was good but depressing.
(Connectors of cause and effect)
A conxunción causal máis común é: because.
Tom was happy because he got a good mark.
A conxunción consecutiva máis común é: so.
Bob’s car was stolen so he called the police.
(Pronoun referencing)
Empréganse para non repetir os nomes:
We stayed in the youth hostel. It was very clean.
Susan and I are going shopping. Do you want to come with us?
My father is angry. I lost his credit card.
(Connectors of sequence)
Cando contamos unha serie de feitos empregamos estas palabras para amosar a orde en que ocorreron:
• first (primeiro, en primeiro lugar) • after that (despois)
• before (antes)
• later (despois, máis tarde)
• then (logo, entón)
• finally (finalmente, para rematar)
• next (a continuación, deseguido)
First sinala o primeiro que ocorreu e finally o último.
Yesterday, we went to the amusement park. First, we got a map from the visitors’ centre. Then, we went
on some rides. Next, we had lunch. After that, we saw a musical show. Finally, at 10 o’clock we drove
(Prepositions of time)
Úsanse diferentes preposicións segundo o que queiramos expresar:
at two o’clock
in the morning from 6.00 to 8.00
at Christmas
in 2010
from September to June
in May
at the weekend
at night
Build Up 4 Galician
© B Burlington Books
on Monday
on 12th January
Cadros resumo das equivalencias dos tempos verbais
entre o inglés e o galego
tempos verbais
present simple
eu xogo
ti xogas
el, ela xoga
nós xogamos
vós xogades
eles, elas xogan
I play
you play
he, she, it plays
we play
you play
they play
present continuous
eu estou a xogar / xogando
ti estás a xogar / xogando
el, ela está a xogar / xogando
nós estamos a xogar / xogando
vós estades a xogar / xogando
eles, elas están a xogar / xogando
I am playing
you are playing
he, she, it is playing
we are playing
you are playing
they are playing
I am going to play
you are going to play
he, she, it is going to play
we are going to play
you are going to play
they are going to play
outras equivalencias
eu vou xogar
ti vas xogar
el, ela vai xogar
nós imos xogar
vós ides xogar
eles, elas van xogar
Future: will
eu xogarei
ti xogarás
el, ela xogará
nós xogaremos
vós xogaredes
eles, elas xogarán
I will play
you will play
he, she, it will play
we will play
you will play
they will play
past continuous
I was playing
you were playing
he, she, it was playing
we were playing
you were playing
they were playing
eu estaba a xogar
ti estabas a xogar
el, ela estaba a xogar
nós estabamos a xogar
vós estabades a xogar
eles, elas estaban a xogar
eu xogaba
ti xogabas
el, ela xogaba
nós xogabamos
vós xogabades
eles, elas xogaban
eu xoguei
ti xogaches
el, ela xogou
nós xogamos
vós xogastes
eles, elas xogaron
Build Up 4 Galician
© B Burlington Books
past simple
I played
you played
he, she, it played
we played
you played
they played
present perfect
I have played
you have played
he, she, it has played
we have played
you have played
they have played
eu teño xogado
ti tes xogado
el, ela ten xogado
nós temos xogado
vós tedes xogado
eles, elas teñen xogado

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