subclase Trachylina


subclase Trachylina
subclase Trachylina
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Diagnosis 1,2
Medusa bell hemispherical to higher than broad, margin not lobed, with ring of thickened tissue
studded with nematocysts, mostly with 8 radial canals, 4, 6 or more than 8 also possible, gonads on
radial canals or at junction of radial canals and manubrium, statocysts of endo-ectodermal origin. Polyp
stage absent, development direct. Cnidome can include stenoteles. Predominantly forms of the open
sea and deeper waters.
Statistics of barcoding coverage 3
Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD) Stats
Specimen Records:62
Specimens with Sequences:35
Specimens with Barcodes:34
Species With Barcodes:7
Public Records:27
Public Species:7
Public BINs:9
1. Schuchert, P.
2. © WoRMS for SMEBD, some rights reserved
3. © Barcode of Life Data Systems, some rights reserved