Importance of Imprinting


Importance of Imprinting
ICF Ladies Newsletter
March/April 2012
Encouraging and Empowering Women
Encouraging and Empowering Today’s Women
Importance of Imprinting
Submitted by Vicki Gonzalez
Imprinting means 1. to produce a mark or pattern
on a surface by pressure, 2. A distinguishing
influence or effect, 3. A learning mechanism in
which a particular stimulus immediately establishes
an irreversible behavior pattern.
While this subject may not specifically deal with
spiritual things, I would like to bring a spiritual
application on the subject.
Ladies Calendar:
March 5 – Ladies Prayer 7:30pm ICF
March 14 – Wed. night Ladies Session:
Treasures of the Heart
April 11 – “Treasures of the Heart”
April 15 – Ladies Retreat EarlyRegistration fee due: $35
April 28 – Ladies PMS Night 6:30pm
Every 3 months or so, as a child, my family would go
out to “the family farm” in Carlinville, IL. My dad’s
family lived there and we would visit the various
relative’s homes. Each of them lived on a farm. I
have some wonderful memories of playing in the
barns and with the animals.
My Uncle Russell had an awesome farm. My
favorite pastime was feeding and riding his horses.
Continued next page
This “Imprinting” would
establish a lifetime authority
and control…
I learned-Henry
to ride at a
young age and was
always amazed at the gentleness of his
I would watch my uncle and cousins care
for the horses. I learned how to put on a
saddle (which for a 6 yr. old is very heavy
by the way!), give the horses feed and
brush them. With the foals (baby horses), I
would watch my uncle pick them up in his
arms, turn them around and slowly put
them down. They would tremble
uncontrollably and he would calm them
down with his soothing voice and patting.
I never understood why he had to do that,
but he said that doing this would help
them to be gentle and docile.
Monty Roberts, who is called The Horse
Whisperer, wrote that very early in the life
of a newborn colt a person could take the
colt, put their arms around it and gently
pick it up off the ground, then turn around
with it before putting it down. Doing this
would permanently “imprint” the colt. This
“imprinting” would establish a lifetime
authority and control over it so when a
human of any size walks up to it, the horse
continues to think “this is a human and
they can pick me up and turn me
Master and in control.
I have heard that breeders who raise deer
say that when a fawn is born they have a
seventy-two hour maximum to “imprint” it.
This will take away the “Fear Factor”. How
amazing that this one event can reverse the
nature of a wild animal. Paul speaks of us as
being “wild by nature”. (Romans 11:24) But
“contrary to nature” God has made us one
of His own, “imprinting” us with His “Divine
Nature”. (2 Pet. 1:4)
Remember that there will be many times on
our Christian journey when all of a sudden
life takes a turn and we are knocked off our
feet. That helpless feeling comes and the
big question looms: God what are you
May I tell you that every time He seemed to
pick me up and turn me around, He always
soothed my trembling soul and body,
reminding me of His love and that He is
“imprinting” my life to manifest His Glory to
this world! There’s no need to fear my sister,
God just is reminder you about just how BIG
God really is. He’s got it all in control, so trust
Him to do the “good work in you”.
I remember the “imprint” that took place
in my life as a 9-year-old child on Feb. 27,
1975. God picked me up, loved me and
filled me with His Spirit; establishing an
unforgettable behavior pattern in my life.
In the almost 37 years that I have served
Him, I’ve had Him pick me up and do
things in my life, if for no other reason
perhaps than to show me that He is my
Romans 11: 24 After all, if you were cut out of an olive tree that is wild by nature, and contrary to nature were grafted into a cultivated olive tree, how much more readily will these, the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree! 2
“Imprimir " por Vicki Gonzalez Imprimir significa 1. producir una marca o la pauta en una superficie por la
presión, 2. Una influencia que se distingue o realiza, 3. Un mecanismo de
aprendizaje en el que un estímulo particular establece inmediatamente un
modelo de comportamiento irrevocable.
Mientras este sujeto no puede tratar específicamente con cosas espirituales, yo
querría traer una aplicación espiritual en el sujeto.
Cada 3 meses por ahí, como un niño, mi familia saldría a "la granja familiar" en
Carlinville, IL. La familia de mi padre vivió allí y visitaríamos los hogares de varios
parientes. Cada uno de ellos vivió en una granja. Tengo algunas memorias
maravillosas de jugar en los graneros y con los animales.
Mi Tío Russell tenia una granja impresionante. Mi pasatiempo predilecto era
alimentar y montar a caballo. Aprendí a cabalgar en una joven edad y
siempre fue asombrado en la gentileza de sus caballos.
Miraría a mi tío y a mis primos como cuidaba de los caballos. Aprendí cómo
poner una silla (que para una nina de 6 años. viejo era muy pesada en gran
manera!), darle la comida de caballos y los cepillaba. Con los potros (caballos
de bebé), miraría a mi tío que los agarraba en sus brazos y los giraba
alrededor de la granja y entonces los ponía lentamente a tierra. Temblarían
incontrolable y el los calmaría con su voz y con sus toques que eran
calmantes. Yo nunca comprendí por qué él tuvo que hacer eso, pero dijeron
que haciendo esto, los haría ser mas apacible y dócil.
Monty Roberts, que es llamado "El Caballo Whisperer", escribió que muy
temprano en la vida de un potro recién nacido una persona podría tomar el
potro, poner sus brazos alrededor de ellos y suavemente recogerlo del suelo,
entonces se voltea consigo antes de dejarlo. Hacer esto permanentemente
"imprimiría" el potro. Este "imprimir" establecería una autoridad y el control para
toda la vida sobre ello tan cuando un humano de cualquier tamaño sube a
ello, el caballo continúa pensar "esto es un humano y ellos mí puedo recoger y
girarme alrededor".
Recuerdo la "impresión" que sucedió en mi vida como un niño de 9 años de
edad el 27 de febrero de 1975. Dios que me recogío, me adoró y me llenó con
Su Espíritu que establecio un modelo de comportamiento inolvidable en mi
vida. En los 37 años que Le he servido, El me ha recojido y ha hecho cosas en
mi vida, si para ninguna otra razón quizás que mostrarme que es mi Maestro y
El esta en control.
Los criadores que levantan venado dicen que cuando un cervato nace tienen
un setenta y dos máximo de horas de "imprimir" lo. Esto se llevará el "Factor de
Temor". Cuán asombroso que éste acontecimiento puede invertir la naturaleza de un
animal salvaje. Pablo habla de nosotros como siendo "salvaje por la naturaleza" (Romanos
11:24). Pero "al contrario de la naturaleza" Dios nos ha hecho uno suyo, nos "imprimiéndonos
" con “ Su Divina Naturaleza" (2Pedro. 1:4)
Recuerde que habrá muchas veces en nuestro jornada cristiana cuando toda una vida
repentina toma una vuelta y nosotros somos golpeados de los pies. Ese sentimiento
impotente viene y nos hacemos la mas grande pregunta: ¿Dios qué estas haciendo?
¡Le digo que cada vez El me pareció recoger y girarme alrededor, El siempre apaciguó mi
alma y mi cuerpo tembloroso, recordándome de Su amor y que El "imprime" mi vida para
manifestar Su Gloria a este mundo! No hay necesidad de temer mi hermana, Dios esta
solamente recordandonos acerca de cuán GRANDE Dios es realmente. El lo tiene todo en
control, así que confía de El hara "la obra buena en ti ".
Traducción por Luz Quiles
Romanos 11:24 Pues si tú fuiste cortado del olivo silvestre y contra la
naturaleza fuiste injertado en el buen olivo, ¡cuánto más éstos, que son las
ramas naturales, serán injertados en su propio olivo!
Tú eres mi cántico
Tú eres mi cántico
Divino creador
A ti elevo mi voz,
la alabanza y el honor.
Cántico que trae
Paz en la aflicción
Concierto donde rae
Todo mal del corazón
Apasionas hoy mi alma
Tú mi canto ¡Mi Señor!
Canción que trae calma
A tu fiel adorador.
Patricia J. Olivera Costilla
PreRegistración $35 (Abril 15)
Registración $45 (May 27th)
Un solo dia $25
Hotel - $95 mas
Salmos 100
Salmo de alabanza.
1 ¡Canten alegres al Señor, habitantes de toda la tierra! 2 ¡Sirvan al Señor con alegría!
¡Vengan a su presencia con regocijo! 3 Reconozcan que el Señor es Dios; él nos hizo,
y de él somos.[a] Somos su pueblo. ¡Somos las ovejas de su prado!
4 Entremos por sus puertas y por sus atrios con alabanzas y con acción de gracias;
¡Alabémosle, bendigamos su nombre! 5 ¡El Señor es bueno! ¡Su misericordia es
eterna! ¡Su verdad permanece para siempre!
Beauty and Skin Care Tips
Try one of the following suggestions to get the beautiful results you desire:
Bible Scramble:
Unscramble the
letters in each word
to discover the
Proverbs 14:21-22
• Wrinkle-free Soft Skin: Smooth castor oil on the face to keep it soft and
wrinkle free.
• Clear Skin and Pores: Clean the skin and pores with unpasteurized milk on
cotton wool.
• Natural Moisturizer: Make your own moisturizer for normal skin. Mix eight
ounces of yogurt with a tablespoon of both lemon juice and orange juice
to use on the face as a masque. Remove with damp cloth in about fifteen
• Skin Conditioner: To condition the skin, make a paste of two tablespoonfuls
of cream stirred with one of honey. Leave mixture on skin for five minutes
and remove with a wet facial cloth.
• Skin Tone and Pigmentation: A raw potato rubbed on the skin helps lighten
pigmentation problems and improves skin tone.
• Natural Masque and Mixtures: It is possible to make a powerful masque by
mixing turmeric powder, milk, and sandalwood powder. Leave this
mixture on the face for several minutes and remove with water to give the
skin vibrancy.
• Smooth Complexion: Apply orange juice to the face for a smoother
• Facial Hair: Remove facial hair with an application of sesame oil, turmeric
powder, and wheat flour in equal proportions.
Blemish Control and Radiant Skin – Simple
Rose water may also be used to make a blemish control product. Mix it with
equal parts of cucumber juice and lime juice. Apply each night to prevent breakouts and keep the complexion glowing.
The application of mashed carrots to the face also results in a new radiance
when left on the skin for an hour.
Brandy’s Page
Leaving Your Legacy to
Your Child
I sat for moments at a
blank screen and blinking
cursor as I went to begin
this month’s newsletter. I
even went as far as
calling my sister for ideas
on a beginning sentence.
She was only able to help
me with the title (thank
you) and then said, “I
don’t know you’re the
smart one!” (Thank you
again) So the irony of this
story is that here I am
going to tell you the great
importance of leaving a
legacy to your child or
children by journaling your
thoughts and I myself sat
at a blank screen. I think
this is partly why so many
of us do not journal
because “what does it
say about me if I can’t put
a few scribbles on this
blank piece of paper”
kind of judgment or
whether or not we think
we’re good writers. Kill the
editor in your head
because that’s not what
it’s about. It’s more so
about cataloging those
special moments or even
those plain ordinary days
and then being able to
pass them onto your
children or loved ones
one day.
As my great-grandmother
nears 100 this year and
somewhat not able to
communicate as well as
she used to, I kind of
regret not having those
stories she would tell me
over and over again
when I was a teen and
then roll my eyes. I mean
100 years ago she was
born… no microwaves,
vacuums or even
hairspray! We are talking
horse and buggy days!
Anyhow, how cool would
it be if I had her thoughts,
ideas, fears and just those
everyday moments at my
finger-tips? Would I sit and
judge her penmanship
and grammar? Definitely
not! I would gobble up
the pages of her first kiss
experience, favorite
teachers and get a
glimpse at her relationship
with her parents that I
wouldn’t know otherwise.
Sadly, I do not even know
those answers about my
own mother let alone my
great-grandma. That’s
what I’m talking about
when I say leaving your
legacy to your child or
There are so many ways to
go about journaling. You
can do the everyday
thing. (not ideal for me
but blogs say this is the
best way) or even write
the highlights of your
week every Sunday
evening. There are also
journaling books out there
that ask an array of
questions and leave a blank
space for you to fill in your
answers. (This is more my
speed and a great way to
get started I think.) They pose
questions about your
childhood, best friends
growing up, most memorable
moment on your wedding
day, travel experiences and
family traditions. I might not
want my kids to know ALL that
stuff right now when they’re
so young but how cool would
it be if I gave that to them as
a gift when they’ve reached
adulthood, get married &
start a family of their own or if
I do not have as many
tomorrows as I’d wish? There
would seriously be no greater
gift I could leave them. Hope
you consider these thoughts
and begin your journal. Don’t
worry if you miss a day, week
or month because isn’t
something better than
nothing? So take the pressure
off yourself and just begin to
15 Ideas for MFamily Fitnes
A Sunday school teacher asked her
class, "What was Jesus' mother's
name? One child answered, "Mary."
The teacher then asked, "Who
knows what Jesus' father's name
A little kid said, "Verge."
Confused, the teacher asked,
"Where did you get that?"
The kid said, "Well, you know,
they're always talking about Verge
A Spirit Resolute
By Laura MacDonald
A place of purpose,
A place that is full,
A life that is pleasing,
Where self-will does
not rule.
A mind that is clear,
A heart that is full,
A life to contribute,
A spirit resolute.
Earthquake Cake
submitted by Mandi Jones
1 stick of margarine
Small bag of Coconut
Chopped pecans or walnuts
1 Cake mix
2 eggs
2 cps of powder sugar
1 8 oz. Cream cheese
Preheat oven 350. In a 9 x 13 pan
melt the margarine and cover the
bottom of pan. Sprinkle coconut to
cover bottom of pan. Then sprinkle
the nuts all around. Mix up choc.
Cake mix and Ingredients, then
pour over the coconut and
nuts. Then mix powder sugar, eggs
and cream cheese. Scoop
spoonfuls throughout the choc.
Cake. Put in oven for about 60-90
min. Let cool and then serve.
March & April Birthdays:
3/4 - Erica Latigo
3/9 – Sis. G/Rosario Saenz
3/10 – Luz Quiles
3/15 – Charmaine Hall
3/16 – Veronica Vega
3/17 – LaNae Rosado
3/20 – Miriam Bragar
3/23 – Ana Mata
3/25 – Maria Ramirez
10 Ways to Pray for
Your Husband
1. I pray for my
with God.
2. I pray that God
would bless my
3. I pray for my
husband to be a
spiritual leader
for our family.
4. I pray for my
husband to
love me
5. I pray for my
husband to
have a heart for
his children.
6. I pray for my
husband to
make wise
7. I pray for my
mental, and
physical health.
8. I pray for my
husband to
prosper at
9. I pray for my
power to resist
10. I pray that I
will show my
respect, grace
and kindness.
When I say, "I am a Christian"
by Carol Wimmer
When I say I am a Christian, I'm not
shouting, I’ve been saved! - I'm
whispering, “I get lost”, that's why I chose
this way.
When I say I am a Christian, I don't speak
with human pride - I'm confessing that I
stumble needing God to be my guide.
When I say I am a Christian, I'm not trying
to be strong - I'm professing that I'm weak
and pray for strength to carry on.
When I say, I am a Christian, I'm not
bragging of success - I'm admitting that
I've failed and cannot ever pay the debt.
When I say I am a Christian I don't think I
know it all - I submit to my confusion
asking humbly to be taught.
When I say I am a Christian, I'm not
claiming to be perfect - my flaws are all
too visible but God believes I'm worth it.
When I say I am a Christian, I still feel the
sting of pain - I have my share of
heartache,, which is why I seek His
When I say I am a Christian, I do not wish
to judge - I have no authority I only know
I'm loved.
March & April Birthdays:
3/27 – Barb Hanzl
3/28 – Elizabeth Hefley
4/6 – Imelda Enriquez
4/23 – Nicole Braun
4/27 – Chelsey Nicole Smith
4/30 – Laura MacDonald
Your security is not found in Jesus "plus" something else.
This only dilutes the security of your Savior. Security must
be in God alone.
The church is the bride of Christ, but it is not your security.
Your spouse is your lifelong companion, but he or she is not
your security. Money is useful, but it is not your security.
Your children are a blessing, but they are not your security.
Your job is necessary, but it is not your security.
The Lord is your security guard. Tragedy could strike any
day. A car accident, a terminal illness, a rebellious child, a
lost job, or rejection from a friend can shake your confident
security in the Lord. So, when your faith is tested, will you
still rely on His stellar track record of security? Or, will you
panic and make matters worse by relaxing your principles or
even abandoning your faith in God?
Now is not the time to bail on God.
HOPE Ministry
(Healing Our Painful Experiences)
2nd Sat. of month 11am-1pm
March 10 – Managing Your
Finances – Budgets, couponing,
financial freedom
April 14 - Boundaries, SelfDefense
May 12 – Holistic Health
June 24 – Hope Fundraiser
Chicago Bike Hike $25ea.
(Hope gets 10% )
Your freedom is secured by His belt of truth. Your heart is
protected by His breastplate of righteousness. You can walk
securely with Him, because your feet are covered by His
peace. You can be confident that His shield of faith
extinguishes the fiery arrows of the enemy. Your mind is
secured in him by His helmet of salvation. Your offensive
security lies in the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of
Choose you each day whom you will serve. Choosing to be
suited up by the Lord will keep you secure. This is “up
close and personal” security.
Submitted by Shaun Cabahaug
You can order the lesson Sis. G taught on “Security” online.
Encouraging and Empowering Today’s Women
International Christian Fellowship . 9146 Lincoln Avenue . Brookfield, IL 60513

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