4 - Red Bank Register Archive
I irls-i till BBEGISTER The Weather Sunny, breezy, un nably warm loday. Increasing cloudiness and mild tomorrow, wiih chance of shower* I Iv er FINAL EDITION 26 PACKS M o n m o u l h i ounlv** OufKlanding Home \«»\%*pnp«»r VOL.% NO. ITS NWIIIIIIII RKl)H\NK-MII)I)l.i;iO>\jV\.J.M(»M)\V.M\H(|| IIIIIIHIHIIIIIKMIIHIIIIIII •Ml IIUIIIIMIHIIIIHIIHIHIIIIII Ill IHIIIMIIMIIIIIIIIII Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllll IIIHIIIIIIIIIIHinillHIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1,1971 ; TEN CENTS IIHIHIIUMWIHHHIIIIIIIIIII nm iiiimimmiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiHiiiimi IMIIIIIIIIUIIHIIIHUIIIIIIIII Signal School Employes Concerned About Jobs ploye into an ECOM job is any job at a comparable another thing again, as grade level," he said. Cut In Pay MONMOUTH - The repairable" or renting Helmut Kern is di sMr. Kern is classified as civilian employes of the some off-post commercial coverinj Army Signal School are re- space, will be moved Into Mr Kern, a supervisory (iS 12, a grade level with a signed to it — the school is the school's 872,324 square training instructor and a salary range of $17,497 to moving to Ft. Cordon, Ga. feet of spate school employe since 1956, $22,744 The only ECOM But they dispute the rosy BOOM is headquartered has chosen to remain here job he's been offered would official picture of their job here. The Signal School is rather than uproot a family mean a $4,500 cut in pay, chances, whether they de- a tenant agency. which includes three chil- he said. : cide to stay here or follow Under the government's Brig. Gen. Henry W. Hill, dren and a Sl4 per ceal the school south. ECOM deputy commander, mortgage on a Jackson pay saving plan, Mr. Kern would keep his present salMeanwhile, the Depart- told a press conference re- Township home ment of the Army (DOA), cently that ECOM has jobs He has applied for nine ary for two years if the which canceled plans to enough for those icnool job openings in ECOM at only job open for him is a move the Defense Lan- employes who opt against his grade level and has lower-paying one. At the guage Institute into the 11 the trek to Georgia. been told he isn't qualified end of two years, his salary buildings the school will vafor any of them. And so, would be that established 1,700 Workers cate, acknowledged from ECOM has 1,700 job va- Mr. Kem said, he doesn't for whatever job he then Washington that it doesn't cancies in all categories, know where he'll be em- holds. intend to bring anything according to a spokesman. ployed when his group Anthony J. Keller, a into Monmoulh to replace The Army expects 4KB ci- leaves for Ft. Gordon in school training instructor it. for eight years, wants to vilians to refuse transfer early May. A DOA spokesman said with the school; 137 to "The civilian personnel stay here, too. HALL AND F A R E W E L L - M y e r Hall, above, bring anything new to the AAonmouth post, but But for Mr. Keller, fais the headquarters of the 11-building complex will use the school buildings for units now oc- that units of the Army make the move, and i:t:t to office has been bending over backward to help, but ther of a 10-year-old and the Army Signal School is vacating at Ft. Mon- cupying some leased commercial space in the Electronics Command retire. See Signal, page 8 (ECOM) now occupying mouth. The Army has confirmed that it won't county. But fitting a school em- there doesn't seem to be ly DORIS Kll.MAN Ft. Monmoulh buildings "no longer economically Toll 346 in History's Worst Plane Disaster PARIS ( A P ) - A French official speculated today that an explosion just after takeoff may have caused history's worst air disaster, the crash of a Turkish DC10 that killed all 346 persons reported aboard. The American-built airliner crashed in the Erme- Lam 1 nnnville forest, 23 miles north of Paris, five minutes after it took off from <>rty Airport yesterday on a flight from Istanbul to London. Turkish Airlines said the plane was loaded to capacity with 334 passengers and 12 crew members. There was no indication when the casually list t s f "^—~i would be made public. But were found in a village the airline's European more than 10 kilometers (6 manager said the names of miles) from the accident 200 to 250 of the passengers tends to prove that an exindicated they were British plosion occurred in flight," or American, and about 40 said Aymar Achille-Fould, a top official of the French Japanese were aboard. The weather was sunny, Transport Ministry. Persons in the area of and no hint of trouble came from the plane. But "the the crash said they heard fact that debris and bodies an explosion, but they B HKk^iaKi^B Ivi LSI jLMJB •HalH HI•1 af A HBMH K WELCOME TO BROOKDALE - Dr. Donald H. Smith, third from left, new president of Brookdale Community College, gets a welcoming handshake from Monmouth County Freeholder Director Joseph C. Irwin, left, at a reception 1 1 could not agree whether it occurred before or after the plane hit the ground. Turkey's communications minister, Ferda Guley, said "considering the world situation," he did not rule out sabotage. Part of the plane's flight recorder was found before dark yesterday, and searchers were looking for tJle rest in hopes that it wyuld HIJACKED JET IN FLAMES — A British let hijacked en route from give some clue to what Beirut to London burns last night in Amsterdam, where It landed afhappened in the minutes ter permission to set down in Athens was refused. The pilot said the between takeoff and crash. two hijackers, «ivho some passengers said were members of a PalestiIt was the first crash of nian group, used the jet's whiskey supply to set It afire after allowing one of the wide-bodied, 102 passengers and crew members to disembark. The hijackers were McDonell-Douglas trijets taken into custody. since the plane went into general service four years ago. A total of 216 persons had boarded the plane in Paris for the hop to London, most of them because a wildcat strike by ground engineers at London's Heathrow Airport forced British Airways to cancel WASHINGTON (AP) U.S. District Judge John Watergate grand juries all itsNiuropean flights. A federal judge is studying J. Sirica could decide were moving toward coma sealed grand jury report today what action to take p l e t i o n of t h e i r i n The huge jet slammed on the Watergate cover-up on the 50-page report said vestigations. into a wooded slope near a and preparing to decide to detail the grand jury's Sources said indictments highway and close to three whether to give it to the findings on possible presi- in the White House plumbvillages, but the area In House impeachment in- dential involvement in the ers case could be returned which it hit was uninha- quiry and also to make it cover-up. as early as midweek. bited. public. Kgil Krogh .Jr., former Meanwhile, two other for the Smith family in the Lincrott Inn yesterday. Looking on are Mai. Gen. W. Preston Corderman (USA-ret.), chairman of the Brookdale Board of Trustees, Mrs. Smith, and the Smiths' 13-year-old son.^Kevin. Regnltr 5loH Photo Smith Takes Brookdale Reins Judge Studies Sealed Watergate Jury Report Councilman in Little Silver Goes lo Bat lor Little Girls LITTLE SILVER Councilman II..A. Steiner 3rd is going to bat tonight for the bfleball rights of Little Silver girls Councilman Steiner said he will introduce a resolution which, in effect, would deny Little Silver Baseball any more borough funds or the use of borough playing fields If it refuses to let girls play He said Councilman William Tieufert will second the resolution. Little Silver Baseball en i ills boys aged 9 lo I:'. Hehind the resolution art1 Little Silver Baseball fusal In roglstei Iwo who attempted i" lign up HI last No vembei I ruling bj the N J, •I mi i I M I Rignt d e r i n g . National Little seem concerned over the strong challenges facing College District, Kansas him. " I think 1 will be able to City, Mo. handle them," he said ye•,Press Talk Set tenlay A IHMV ler schedule, inYesterday turned out lo cluding his first be a pleasant day for Dr. ference, la scheduled for Smith. He was guest of tomorrow liniiiir at an afternoon reImmediately facing Dr ceptlon at the Llncroft Inn. II IIIMIIIIimllHMIMIIIII Illlllllll I MIIIIMIIIM Smith is the threat of a sluBrookdale trustees, admindenl boycott over the dl i istnitors and faculty memil (if five faculty memMonmouth County bers w h ow o u l d have freeholders and othet i HUM d tenure with con ly offi Rangers, Knlrks win, but Nets lose I'age 16 ii.ui renewal mil i ommunlty lead State basketball tournament preview 17 I In- county college's new ers were here to greet Iho IHstrlrt wrestling kings crowned Page IH iii have in new president, his wife, 1'rechrtld Hiircway entries, selections Page IH i ontend with ,i fai ull i oralne and Iheli 11 Bridge Advice II DAII.V Kl-.f.lVI I H 'i by tin' 16 niiiniii', old .on. ki i amc Classified M-25 I'MONK M MBKHS of often btttei i , i l k . uml !"• away Impressed with the Comics 19 Main OMei 741 N i l I'ball I'H in Icl \ini h p r n ' i t ' l l low Hey .iml 'in Contemporary l.lfr 19. I I 4 lasslflrd Ads Ml U N Ihri'f mtli < rnssword Puzzle 19 Obligation Not I Adv 741 N i l I 11 lo do I; tutorials I IMsplav Adv 741 N i l pn M.HII I I '• | I ' u l ,1 I i •.< l i n t Entertainment U Circulation llepl 741 D M potatoes t" hand dent, and -I ttic I nth rlnanrlal II Sports Drpt 741 NI7 ni Little llf l l l l ' . l c r , III Horoscope I'l < tnlrmporary I.Kr 741 N i l idinm iilriid i. different than V11 Darin Movies 14 Arrounlv Ptyablr 741 N i l I ,i mem don i 4 AreounU KerelvaMr 741 N i l Obituaries ' l.lllle HIM the job in t in , Mlddlrlown Hiirrau IK IX 171 H M SmrtS lled In Iline Kreehold Rurrau 411 1111 Television 11 nth Mike A UnitII IntiK Rranrn Rurrau til Nil (See Smith, page 2) LINfROFT - Amid an atmosphere of tension and trouble, Dr. Donald II Smith takes over today Bfl Brookdale Community College's second president. Dr. Smith isn't pl.inning any formal meetings as tie assumes his new duties today. " I will just be walking around the campus, meet ing people and saying 'hello,' " said the 17 yeai odd administrator, who came here from Cuyahoga Cum munlty College In I land, Ohio, to replace i>r K m n I. Harlachei Dr Harlacher leii here to become chancellor of the Metropolitan Junior The Inside Story IHIIItllllllllMlltllll, Dinner I I . HIIIMtllllMIIIM klh In n K inillrs i Hut Now OI 'M1 Wei .iiii. Nevli pointed out ih it in the Little League case said the organization «as violating the state antidiscrimination law while getting public financial support and using playing fields supported by public funds Little Silver Baseball he contends, is doing the same thing "There are two issues." Mr. Steiner said last night, "One is a question of equity \nd the oilier is a question of practicality I don't think the la Little silver shoura oe expected to subsidize a losing legal battle to fight tu be .i i nil I the i nltcd itltuflon \ti Stelnci .ml Little Silver Baseball got II New Ji borough fund • last ,i|i|n opriated Ihi ough the borough I ' n i - . and i ; lion i oftbnll Irtiguc, ho ip II prn troduce " w i l l be a statement of p o l i c y by t h e Borough Council that we will abide by the law It will instruct the Parks and Recreation Commission that there will be no dll crimination on the basts of sex " Mrs Best acknowledged that two girls "came up to register for baseball and W< Inlll Ihein lo K'WfctPlf next Thursday for soflnaH/ "They were willing," she See Little Silver page 2 director of the special investigations unit dubbed the plumbers, already has pleaded guilty to conspiring to violate the civil rights of Dr. Lewis Fielding, the Beverly Hills psychiatrist whose office was burglarized in 1971 in an effort to obtain information about Daniel Kllsberg. Krogh is serving a six-month prison sentence and is cooperating with the prosecutors. Former presidential aide John D. hhrlichman, who was Krngh's boss, rejected an offer to plead guilty to the same charge Blld cooperate l.liilichnian was one of seven men i n d i c t e d on Friday on charge-, stemming from their alleged role in the cover-up. Elders and Colleges, Weddings, Jeff Ewin Kllnor Multer »ays the < o .i bas(oi embattled youth, i mild possibly iihiid a fool irning World which is i the md of ih' I • Irri ih MINI t nmmlsslon Meinbrrs Both Mi M i • m i n i row -• I. if i A in llolmdi i > I nun ii ritual in mil Rich n Mon .1 1*" U*4 W# « « * • * . Retiring President Kiely Honored by City Chamber H. SmithYTakes Over Today As Brookdulc's President xitinued) official "H whole show, and when he ieli there * u rship vacuum at the tup There \» among several aides that t Indent should delegate re sponsibility early and often to many of his key aaapla "En Harlacher Ma* a wne-man gang, ' said (un- The college was led from when Dr Harl.i ' itit 11 today bv T h o m a s Auch, w h o Litllc Silver Girls Wanl lo Play Ball said, "They accepted the day." Mr Mailuie said, fad ^ft 'She said no one pressed She said thi^ffie borough , her (to register girls) If I contribution is only a J get pressed un It, I suppose small part" of the Little j there's nothing I can do Silver Baseball's budget - I Ihe law is the law We Mrs. Best estimated tlu»t have two more weeks of borough contributes about j registration and we II talk one-quarter of the budget, | about it " ,Mr. Madure said borough \ "One reason I would funds are "about one-half" J rather not enroll girls." the budget. Mr Madure said, "is iliat Using Own Field | as the\ get up In yean, Mrs Best said Little Sil- I they can't put it into pracver Baseball has been us- \ tue There's no baseball . ing borough and Fire De- • for them after the age of partment fields "but now ' 13 Softball, they can go up we'll be using our own ; into the p r o f e s s i o n a l field." r leagues U s a very good She said the Little Silver ' and Recreation Commis- j sion property that was cleared for baseball use by money donated to the commission for that purpose in memory of John 11. Challenger. One Little Silver father said his daughter hadn't attempted to register for , baseball because he had inquired in advance "and I was told they wouldn't register a girl unless they • were under a court order to register her." "Mrs. Best is our secretary and she said there . wasn't any trouble Satur- Stelner Adamant "There should be baseball and soflball leagues and the best children ought to be able to play in either of them, r e g a r d l e s s of sex," Mr. Steiner said On the sidelines in the dispute is the Monmouth County Chapter of the National Organization for Women (NOW), which is gathering information on Little League registrations and expenditure of public funds for athletics. It was the Essex County NOW which brought the case against the National Little League. Fog Blankets Area A heavy fog blanketed the New York metropolitan area early today, causing at least 15 airplanes to be rerouted to airports in B a l t i m o r e and Philadelphia. One Eastern Airlines plane carrying about 250 passengers on a flight from San Juan, Puerto Rico, to Newark, landed at the Bal• timore-Washington International Airport after circling Asbury Park for about one hour. The passengers were told they would complete their journey on an Amtrak tain. Meanwhile, the New Jer: sey Turnpike was closed from New Brunswick to Seek Man In Shop Holdup LONG BRANCH - City police today continue a probe of the armed holdup at the Kalman Bakery, ft Long B r a n c h Ave., at about 12:50 p.m yesterday. Police said a lone bandit entered the store, brandished a pistol and walked behind the counter to the cash register He ordered Miss Shelli Englehardt, 20, a clerk who was alone in the store, to look au ay from him, apparently in order U) prevent Future recognition, according lo police The bandit scooped about $75 from the drawer, police said, and then fled on foot No injuries were reported during the encounter the roadway's northern terminus in Ridgefield Park. Speed reductions were in effect from Hightstown to New Brunswick. A spokesman at Newark International Airport said at least six flights were rerouted to Baltimore and Philadelphia. The spokesman said "several" departures were cancelled. The Baltimore airport reported that 12 flights scheduled to terminate in New York landed there. Some later resumed their flights when the fog lifted, a spokesman said About three planes were diverted to LaGuardia Airport, and "about three or four" diverted flights landed at Philadelphia Airport, a spokesman said Late yesterday, when the weather situation at Newark was better lhan elsewhere in the metropolitan area, about 25 flights were diverted to the New Jersey facility, a spokesman said' Robert Dubill, an A I" newsman on the flight from San Juan to Newark, said many p a s s e n g e r s missed connecting flights to other northern points, like Boston According to Dubill, many of those on the plane. including six employes of the Coil n er N e v\ s o f Kndgewater, were still wearing summer clothes while waiting for the Am trak train The San Juan flight had been delayed 2^ hours in departing due lo an tncal malfunction, Dubill ..nd Weather: Warm Wtnle \esieid. \ n read y Runn) breezy, and unseasonably warm mg of HO in (|m HKO upped today, ln«h H lo K V.ui Hie previous record ffll Hie and mild tonight, low iboul day by II degrees, M mile 50 Increasing cloudme , . per hours winds toppled downed pnwei Inn , .mil continued rnlld lomoi row with i chance »f .i few and were blamed for one gftemoon showers or Hum <le;tin when i kayak turned on Lake Michigan derstormn, high in lhc M 1 oldei an i i " 1 i d inio outlook (»i Wedne lhc northern Plain I'Mitiv i-loudly and cofilin drop IWd mild ping lempi lo ihe In Long Hi ,nii li [gn temperature North Dakota ind Mlti WH.N i i and lhc green it W H I i t ni 1 p m TIIH s Sandy Honk .mil n, hi lernpcm ,i to liiiipi'i .i i ur • • i ll Hi. in ' i tin in Ihe fOOAV H p ui and low n Hi n rn MORROW served as interim president Mr Auch. who had come under occasional attack from some faculty and students for his handling of faculty problems, smiled yesterday when asked how he felt about yielding his duties lo I)r Smith "We tried lo do the best we could." he .said "Tom just had too much to do." said one administrator "1 don't think i l l fair to place Hrookdale's problems at his doorstep They had been brewing a long time — even when Dr. Harlacher was u< Mr Auch is rice president in charge of college operations, and treasurer. (>itCO Jail IVnil FREEHOLD - Edward Lockwood, ZS, of 74 Kli/.abeth It., Kevport, convicted of contributing to the delinquency of a 17year-old girl by giving her mcscaline July 13 in Keyport, was senienced to an indeterminate reformatory,, term by County, Court Judge John P. Arn'one. R»ti»itf Stan Phot* CHAMBER AWARD —John F. Kiely Jr., right, outgoing president of the Greater Long Branch Chamber of Commerce, is congratulated by S. Henry Shaheen, new chamber president, on receiving the unit's annual Louis G. Libufti Memorial Award. The presentation was made by Howard H. Woollev Jr., a director of the organization, at its 41st annual installation dinner last night in the West End Manor, Ocean Ave., Long §ranch. LONG BRANCH F. Kieiy Jr stepped down as the president of the G r e a t e r Long B r a n c h Chamber of Commerce lasf night and then received the unit's hi| award, the Louis (i Libutti Memorial Awafd for agressive leadership and dedi cation to the chamber The event took place at the 41st annual chamber installation dinner in the West Knd Manor, where i Henry Shaheen took the reins of the businessmen's group as its 1974 president Mr Kiely praised the unit's leadership under fhe gavel of the late Mr Libutti. a former chamber president who died during his second term of office. He termed the late presft. dent "a dynamic director and a progressive leader." To continue his effort, he said, the chamber can remain "a viable force . . ." Mr Shaheen, in turn, told the nearly 200 persons attending the event that Mr. Kiely's two years' of lead.ership helped to continue a live and vital force to help guide 4he economics of the city's business community. y Mr Moran was again 'installed in his longtime post Also seated to elective posts were Charles Ilvento, president. John M. Bonforte, second vio isent, Anthony (iaetano, general secretary . Louis A Mion, treasurer, and Milton A Stein attorney He termed Ihe cha(flip "a union A'hK'h is not a common thing-in many communities. The new unit president also lauded Ihe effort* of .lames M Moran, i tive director of the panel. and Mrs. Myrtle W Woods, its office manager, for effi- HOW TO EAT & LOSE WEIGHT! Call collect for classes in your area LEARN ABOUT: • Behavior modification techniques • The Living Diet • Diet Maintenance • Programs tor men women & teens • Low cholesterol diet when medically required ^ 5M0J7 UTIE CLASSES THROUGHOUT NEW JERSEY STATEN ISLAND, BROOKLYN & MANHATTAN JOIN LEAH UNE... IT'S DIFFERENT! IT'S OREATt IT WORKSt TO THE VOTERS OF KEANSBURG Tomorrow MARCH 5th t We arehaving a Special Election on a change of government issue. YOU HAVE ALREADY HEARD ALL THE PHONEY ISSUES and HALF TRUTHS. Please Examine all theissues and VOTE TODAY FOR GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE - BYTHE PEOPLE but most importantly - FOR ALL THE PEOPLE Not Just a Few! VOTE NO This ad It in support of an administration which I feel has made every effort to support government for all the people. Thank you Paid for by Michael Carlo 5 Carlo Drive Kcanaburg Tt* IWORLD MarlboroI*HA Seeking Mediator for Pay Talks By Ike Ass?xUU-< Preu Mrs. Meir Delay* f JERUSALEM - Premier Golda Meir delayed submission of her resignation today as a stream of political col|eagues called at her home to urge her to remain at the head of the Israeli government Mrs Meir telephoned President Ephraim Katzir early today and told him she would call on him this morning to return her mandate to form a new Israeli government because of criticism of the new minority cabinet she had lined up. But a night's sleep and the pleading of her associates in the Labor Alignment apparently cooled Mrs. Meir's anger, A spokesman said she put off the visit to Katzir until late afternoon, and other aides said she was waiting to see if 'tier associates could swing dissident member*of the party behind her cabinet list. Mrs Meir announced her resignation at a meeting of Labor party executives last night after some of her party's members in parliament criticized the new minority government she planned to present tomorrow. Rtlitttr Staff Photo FIRE AFTERMATH — Firemen douse a smoldering choir and rug Friday night taken from the apartment of Mrs. Elizabeth Mount of the Green Tree Apartments on Spring St., Red Bank. Mrs. Mount was rescued from her apartment bv a neighbor, Joseph Piggott, and Fireman Robert Moore of Relief Engine Co. The men found Mrs. Mount unconscious in bed. Mrs. Mount and Mr. Piggort were treated for smoke inhalation at Riverview Hospital. The fire was confined to the chair and rug. « Heath Seen Forced Oul MARLBORO - P< According to PBA, late will discuss the suggestion men's Benevolent Associ- last year PERC .supervised after another meeting is ation Local 1% exact an election which resulted held with PBA representarequest a state mediator in the break-up of the fore e tives Mr Grossman said vertoday to help .settle CM into three bargaining units tract talks between the patrolmen, officers, and bal a g r e e m e n t w a s reached on a c o n t r a c t Township Council and non- chief and deputy chief officers that have continA contract was reached twice last year with PBA ued for 15-months last year with officers bargaining representatives, and that the police repreThe PBA will file a peti- which reflected a 26 5 per sentatives changed their tion requesting a mediator cent salary hike retro- minds both times with the state Public Em- active to Jan 1. 1973. the Both agreements reflectployees Relations Commis- release stated sion ( P E R C ) The an- The release indicated ed a 7 per cent salary hike, nouncement was contained that not only are patrolmen Mr. Grossman said in a news release signed by upset that they will not re- The council president Patrolman .Thomas Hardy, ceive a 1973 salary in- said he thinks the area of chairman of the local's crease, but that Mayor disagreement involves negotiating committee and Morton Salkind said early overtime pay and not salastate PBA delegate, and this year the governing ries. He said the patrolmen Patrolman Joseph Petrick, body authorized him to of local president. fer the group a 6 per cent want to be paia for overtime and working holidays salary hike in 1974. A mediator is usually asinstead of receiving comsigned when an impas.se is Mayor Salkind said last pensatory time off declared. No impasse has night he was acting as a Mr. Grossman said the been declared, and Council mediator and was not rep- patrolmen want promotions President Lawrence S. resenting council in the based on length of service Grossman says since coun- talks. He has since with- instead of merit. There are cil is willing to meet with drawn his participation in four grades for a patrolPBA representatives, none the matter, he said. man: probationary, first, exists. Patrolman Hardy said second and third grades. Regardless, the findings the 6 per cent offer was The council president of a mediator are non-bind- "discriminatory" since said that the officers' ining. most township employees c r e a s e l a s t y e a r w a s The negotiations began received a 7 per cent sala- c a u s e d by t h o s e m e n 15 months ago and involved ry increase last year and agreeing on a "base salathe 1973 contract, which officers receive a 26.5 per ry." Mr. Grossman says is a cent hike. He said officers will reclosed issue. No agreement Mayor Salkind said he ceive no overtime or howas reached on the con- has recommended that liday pay or dental insurtract last year, a,nd current council give the patrolmen ance. In effect, the officers talks should deal with 1974 a 8.8per cent hike in 1974. are on call "24 hours a contract, he said. Mr. Grossman said council day," Mr. Grossman said. LONDON — Prime Minister Edward Heath is going to have to abandon his attempt to stay in office and will have to recommend that Labor party leader Harold Wilson be given a chance to form a government, says a senior member of Heath's Conservative party The source said Heath's failure to form a new cabinet became inevitable after Liberal party leader Jeremy Thorpe rejected the Conservative party chief's overture for a coalition that would have given him some chance of putting together a majority in the new House of Commons. Heath met with Thorpe on Saturday and then informed his cabinet last night of his failure. After the cabinet meeting, he met again with Thorpe for 30 minutes. A Conservative spokesman said the meeting had been held by mutual consent "to clarify points made in MIDDLETOWN - Mac by the courts and police de- cal government with the the previous discussion." Darra F. Lyden of 440 Bay- partments of existing laws. county-taking a more active view Ave., Belford, has an- He said he would also like role as liaison to the state nounced that he will seek to see federal and state capitol for all municipalReds Handing Over POW Bodies the Democratic nomination money released for com- ities in Monmouth County. Mr. Lyden Ls an instructor SAIGON, South Vietnam - North Vietnam an-* to run for freeholder, and munity development pronounced today that it will hand over the remains of 12 plans to appear before the grams, and advocates state at Newark College of Engicounty screening com- coastal protection ex- neering. He teaches organiAmerican prisoners of war who died in captivity. mittee. cluding t h e off-shore za' onal science and social The U.S. Embassy in Saigon said two U.S. Air Force Integrity in government d e e p w a t e r oil port. In studies. He is a former Clio transports will fly to Hanoi Wednesday to get the and responsible representa- addition, Mr. Lyden said he teacher at Brookdale Comremains and take them to U Taphao Air Base in Thaition will be the keynotes of advocates a more intense munity College, Lincroft, land for identification. his campaign, Mr. Lyden, a investigation of oil com- where he taught career An embassy spokesman said the Defense Departmember of the Planning panies regarding gasoline counseling and motivationment would make the names public in Washington after shortages. al behavior. the remains are positively identified and next of kin are Board here, said. notified. State-administered, legalAlso advocated by Mr. He is employed at FedNorth Vietnam last year gave the»United States the ized gambling Ls one of the Lyden are: rehabilitation der's Corporation corpoUNION BEACH - hook-up within the pre- the Union Hose Fire House names of 23 Americans who died in captivity and a B52 programs Mr. Lyden advo- programs with greater, far- rate offices in KdiSon, Borough Council, at an ad- scribed 30-day period. on Florence Ave. crewman whose body was recovered after his plane was cates. He sees this as a reaching effects; a more where he is personnel man- journed meeting Friday afCouncilman Peter G. The ordinance levies a shot down. The new north Vietnamese statement did not boost to tax revenue and conservative economic-fi- ager with experience in la- ternoon, introduced two or- $25 fine on all building own- Walker said "Once these say when the remains of the other 12 would be returned. the weakening of organized nancial spending of tax- bor relations and equal em- dinances, making passible ers who fail to comply with ordinances a r e finally crime. payers' dollars, and action ployment opportunity. adopted, hook-up notices sewer hook-ups by the end the thirty-day rule. Mr. Lyden also advo- programs for ' improved The Lydon family has re- of the month. Violators also will pay a will begin to go out to propMilehell Mislrial Plea Hiding Due cates tougher drug laws mass transit programs. sided in Middletown for the The first ordinance es- $10-a-day fine for each day erty owners. NKW YORK - A federal judge is expected to rule and stronger enforcement He advocates strong lo- past 11 years. He then speculated, "The tablishes the basic annual their property remains, untoday on whether the criminal conspiracy case against sewer rental fee at $128 per hooked to the borough's Contract A area — along format Attorney General John N. Mitchell and ex-Comsystem beyond the thirty- Florence Ave. and 10th St. unit. merce Secretary Maurice H. Stans will be declared a near the waterfront — will "This $128 charge," ex- day limit. mistrial. A public hearing on both probably be the first neighplains Borough Attorney The trial was abruptly recessed Friday after U.S. Patrick D. Healy, " i s ordinances will be held on borhood in the borough to District Court Judge Lee P. Gagliardi said he wanted to based on a basic measur- March 14 at 8:15 p.m. at hook into the new system." spend the weekend studying a disputed paragraph in the ing unit of 100,000 gallons of prosecutor's opening statement. effluent produced yearly." The prosecutor. Assistant U.S. Attorney James W. Most homes fall in the Rayhill told the jurors at the end of his statement: "As FREEHOLD - Angelo 100,000-gallonsor-less cateLINCROFT - A trip to fascinating world of mass you listen to the witnesses testifying before you, put Gregos, 40, of J e r o m e gory. the New York garment dis- production. yourselves in the place of the grand jurors who inAve., Deal, convicted of T'he ordinance also sets trict and an advertising vestigated the case, citizens like yourselves." bribing a state police de- the basic sewer connection agency on March 27 is the Those making the trip The defense objected, contending the statement imtective for a favorable fee at $250 per unit and al- first of six " T o u r a n d will learn how products are plied the jurors should infer guilt from the indictment. reading of a polygraph lest lows potential sewer users Talk" events planned by designed, priced and proGagliardi had instructed the jurors beforehand that so his harness race horse thirty days from official Brookdale Community Col- moted; learn about styleindictments are only accusations and not findings of driver could race again, notice of hook-up avail- l e g e in t h e n e x t f o u r setting, quality control, and worker protection, as they guilt. was given a suspended ability to tie into the sys- months, affect price and quality state prison sentence and tern, Lecturer Sylvia Smith, during a visit to a women's fined $1,000. The second ordinance es- Brookdale assistant profesHearsts Plead lor Contact Superior Court Judge tablishes penalties for sor, will accompany the wear factory. In addition, the group HILLSBOROUGH, Calif. - "1 know that pretty soon Patrick .1. McGann J r . building owners who fail to group as it explores the will learn about market reGod will touch their hearts and they'll send you home gave (iregos a two-tosearch, images, and cost again," Mrs. Randolph A. Hearst said in a quavering three-year state prison senduring visits to either Kcvoice. tence," one year probation 1 nyon & Eckhardt or J. WalShe addressed her comment to her kidnaped daughand fined him $1,000. ter Thompson advertising ter yesterday during a plea to the girl's abductors to Gregos indicated he will agencies. break their 11-day silence. appeal the conviction to Mr. and Mrs. Hearst, appearing haggard from their the Appellate Division of AIHIIIIHHI Film month-long vigil, asked the kidnapers of their 20-year-old Superior Court. LINCROFT - Two sem- Wednesday is designed to daughter Patricia to allow her to communicate with inars are scheduled at a c q u a i n t n e w s c h o o l them. A jury before Judge Brookdale Community Col- board members with the Program Sel. ( Mrs. Hearst, her voice breaking and on the verge of WALL TOWNSHIP McGann convicted Gregos , fl workings of their boards. A tears, addressed her daughter through news reporters: Feb. 6 of a bribery charge RBoard J?. r of Education mem- single session seminar at 8 The Monmouth County "Patty, honey, your father is doing everything in his for giving $1,000 to Detec- bers. p.m. Thursday, March 28, Audubon Society will power, and I want you to know that millions of people tive Sgt. Harry Patterson A four-session program will acquaint school board present the fourth of Its all over the world are praying for you. to allegedly make a false from 8 to 10 p.m. starting members, new and ex- current series of Audubon "I know it's a long time, sweetheart, and you keep polygraph report, so his perienced, with the sys- Wildlife Films programs up your courage. We'll keep praying," said the blackdriver, Gerald Baldachino, tems approach to eval- tomorrow at 8:15 p.m. in 37, of Millstone, could pace clad mother. uating school adminis- the auditorium of Wall Inagain at Freehold RaceHears*, editor and president (if the San Francisco termediate School, Baileys trators. way where he had been Examiner, said: "We might add to the people who are The seminars are co- Corner Road and Allaire barred. The alleged offense holding you that you could be allowed to send us a letter sponsored by Brookdale, Road (Rt 524). occurred between July 23 or get in touch with us by tape." Naturalist Kben Mcthe Monmouth County and and Aug 27. 1971. New Jersey School Boards Millan will narrate his film on "Outback AustraCampus Streaking Spreads While Gregos admitted RUMSQN - The Demo- Associations. Wednesday's session will lia." depicting outdoor adThe streaking rage swept Carolina colleges over the on the witness stand that cratic Organization has Xffllltr Staff pn.lo feature Samuel Brown, ventures in a vast and mysweekend, with nuked coeds eager and active particihe paid the $1,000. he mainelected a new vice chairPOST OFFICE N E X T - G r o u n d was broken president of the Monmouth terious portion of the contipants in what appeared to be a vigorous rivalry over Saturday for Holmdel's new $390,400 post office. tained that he was en- man and is planning a County School Board Asso- nent down-under. which college could outdo the other Postmaster Harold R. Braun, left, Is assisted trapped into doing so by cocktail party to honor ciation. About HO coeds weir imong the 258 streakers who Hep. James .1 Howard, Dbv Mayor George Boggio, right, in digging up the detective. The March 13 meeting performed in the huff lasl night before an estimated The trial lasl month was Monmouth. first shovelful of dirt. Also on hand for ceremo1,000 onlookers ,il the I niveisitv of North Carolina at ' I D I H I time Gregoa Mrs. Faith Goldstein is will deal with the boards nies was John Dickinson, at rear, postmaster Greensboro, N <' was tried for this offense. the organization's vice- internal relationships and of Red Bank Sectional Center. its financial obligation. Cliff Mitchell, who deiClibed himself as a "streaker After a six d a y trial In chairman, she replai • coach," said the htje-sklnneri NIU>W featured i m a l l and June, HI72, ii Jury acquitted r e m y J u d g e , w h o h a s " T h e B o a r d I'nn troversy and Dispute," will female riding naked on a motorcycle, and five nude Gregos and Baldachino of moved to Massachuse WHILE coeds cruising the campus in | polls t ,u chauffercd by conspiring to bribe two Henry Michael, who ran be the topic of the March - ttnoi YOU a nude male corns state police detei 111 tor council last November 20 session. WAIT Dr. Joiiph Clayton, .i i tie baring of wvcral coedi a) the University of the panel could noi reach a with Mrs Goldstein and Brookdale trustee and for South Carolina m Columbia, B.c . triggered wore i n d d verdict fln i hat ge • of solic* n Boyle, is rcpl Ing of clothea lasi night among not to lie outdone mfM i Ulna mi-i onduct In office Henry Handler BS < om mri deputy state contml8| sinner nf the ttatt Depart Male .mil female nudes walked, trotted, ran. rode bim i l l r r m . i n Im District 3 7,300 square feel that will HOLMDEL I'o.i i .i both Grogo cycles and even ,i lint •.<• I ml the .Iwlenl centOI ,ni(l Ice pott iii i Harold it Braun Baldachino ami an addl Mr Hefidlei ba moved menl of Education, will re local board • several women's ilormilorms announced lhal Main Pow fire llonal charge of briber) from the III'IIIN I ' 0 M0NM0UTM SI external relalli id Electric W ihr cocktail party honor HlltlllllltlHIIIIHIHIIMIHIII >•••< IIIHHtMIHMimmmniHtMMMflN 741-9300 Ihe Man Ii Una facility on Ins Rtp Howard will be Corp Ol New YorV The i Ral' Mam si . which Ihe po Friday from I to I p iwardcd .( 1390 100 TH1PM1Y : Fl iherman • Whari i contract for construction ol dee hai occupied foi i ! il.n hum M PI e ill il after Ihe i , only 2,1600 .i new [Mist office here SERVICE IS OUR Lyden AnnouncesBid For Freeholder Nod Sewer Fee Ordinances Moved in Union Beach Court Fines Horse Owner ,000 in Bribery Case Brookdale Events Set School Board Seminars Start Wednesday Night Democrats In K unison Pick Officer Holmdel Port Office S (>i'oim<l IS Broken BEGISTER square (Ml MJMMMPI CMIITNUT M « t l i » » N « M l IMII MAN I f l • I II M l 1)1/11 Kill i/i •«n«oiii»v i x i •"«• l l l « H M ifl Itll I * JtlMI M CM* «M M«nr, I | t | GRANT PRINTERS iupei i lhal ii Ground • did nol have 'lie new (,i< ilih .ii Hie ilte H I i h r n<• vs (own 'in,ill HI m i 1111 PW4 pi " " ' ' 13 inl Dun i cii ilructlon ond mod the publli III! I III III in IMI Iii Die • Wll porl will II him H e l d . I'IIIIII IM mrdlalfl) i Braun wild iind I «<« (kin. III' meeting will be March 13 H |i m in the hoi u i f nl rvl •I BIGGEST ASSET ! SO HI.irk Idi.id l>\\< I ShaOolubrook | I . II.'IMI CAN WE HELP YOU ? CENTRAL JERSEY BANK >vr>JTD T R U M T lii COMVMNY m 4 fiw Haiulolph Heard&Iey Killnl in Car Crash Obituaries n •• i • Henry H<I|M(I Start Aid Squad WI led in the K n . k u l i Mill.r. |{« lircil Miuittrr I \ l o \ BKA< H - Mi Beai ital of an autoi Fndaj Patrolman William Fow- ist Point of t h e ill- Road ation, did not issue a pending comKKVI'OKT - HMH I \ e h l t I t - 111 pletion of the investigation c a i r n ( h•. I nion Kgan. bs. of Mi Osborn si nt its Mr Beardsley v, BeacH, died Fnda) in Riydied yesterday in Ba; Vntnony .1 Durstewitz, 74 .trust officer with Fidelity jiit.il R e d ' < ( I 111 1 1 1 U I i l1 1 . 1 1 . SI . Rum- Union Trust, N'ewari Aei Miller was burn in (if 7K 'Holnidcl fore retiring nine sun Jersey i it\ but lived here Mr Kgan was bora la Mr Durstewitz police ,igo He was graduated most of her life Shi Freehold and moved here fioiii Princeton University the wicltiu nl \ n i h o n y MjJI- said, was traveling south ninr years on L o c u s t l ' o i n i R o a d and Fordham Law School, el" ' ""N wan shortly before 4 p m when and was associated with S h e hrfd I j y s d w i t h h e r He *a« a member at si. the real estate firm of Itision took piai daughter. Mrs George H Joseph s Catholic • hurch, lice said the car operated Dowstra and Beardsley. Aumack ol Matawan. until and an. exempt fil b) Mr. B e a r d s l e y w a s Red Bank with thi* Washington En- entering the King .lames northbound Mr Durstewitz He was former president gine Company, nf which he Nursing Home, Middle- iold police the Beardsley of the Knghsh Speaking town was a past recording vehicle suddenly swerved Besides her daughter, in frorti of his car before I limn of the United States, tary. Mr. Kgan was one of Monmouth County, was a sinis iurvived by ivw> the founden of the Malathe impact m e m b e r ol t he Cap & granddaughters and two wan First Aid Squ.nl The Beardsley vehicle, down at Princeton and the Surviving are i- w i d o w s great-granddaughters police said, traveled 49 leel Root Beer and Checker Kgan; two T h e Be d i e F u n e r a l Mrs. Gladys II. before it finally came to Club. Red Bank brothers. Paul Bgan ol H o m e , K e y p o t I. i s in rest among hedges on Mr. Beardsley was a forcharge of arrangements. Matawan 'and Clarence property owned by John B. mer member of the PlanEgan of Barnegat, and •> Runyon of 39 Lucust Point ning Board here and a foraster, Mrs M. Harold Kel.|<>M'|»ll R o a d . F i f t e e n f e e t of t h e mer chairman of the Monly of Lincroft, FREEHOLD TOWN- hedges were damaged, po- mouth County Chapter of The Day Funeral Home, SHIP - Joseph Lefanto, lice said. the American Red Cross. here. is. in charge (if ar- H2. of 180 Farm Road, SilPolice said evidence at He had lived in this area rangements vermead, died Thursday at the scene indicated that since 1949. Mr. B e a r d s l e y s e a r Freehold Area Hospital. Surviving arc Ins widow. I'm.I Btlk'l He was born in Italy and crossed a double yellow the former Elizabeth Ellis, BELFOIU) - l'aul Bi- had b e c o m e a United line before the impact. two sons, John R. Beardbcl, 87. of 215 Park Ave., States citizen. He retired in Both men were taken to s l e y of T e h e r a n , and died Friday in Ivy House 1963 as a truck driver for Riverview Hospital, Red James F. Beardsley of Red Nursing Rome, Middle- the Baltimore Transfer Co. Bank, by the Leonardo Creek. NY.; three daughtown. He was a communicant of First Aid" Squad. Mr. Dur- ters, Mrs. Elizabeth llaHe was born in Austria St. Robert Bellarmine Cathvard of Philadelphia, Mrs. and came to the United olic Church, Freehold. He Karl L Sickler Anthony Fahnestock, of States in 1905. For the past lived in Freehold before ASBURY PARK - Earl New .York, and Miss Do19 years Mr Bibel made coming here five years L. Sickler, 71. of 212 Third rothy E. Beardsley of Boshis' home here, moving ago. Ave., died Thursday in Jer- ton, and t h r e e grandfrom Newark. Surviving are his widow, sey Shore Medical Center. children. For 36 years he was em- Mrs. Faye DeMayo I,e- Neptune. The Adams Memorial p l o y e d as a in a 11 r e s s fanto; a daughter, Mrs. ArMr. Sickler lived here HI Home, Red Bank, is in maker for Shifman Broth- lene Theiss of Isclin; two years and was formerly of charge of arrangements. ers, Newark. IIe*retired 19 brothers. Anthony Lefanto Fair Haven and Neptune. years ago. He was a mem- of Jersey City and Alexan- He was the owner of Sickber of St. John the Baptist der Lefanto of North Ber- ler Aluminum Co., Ocean Ukrainian Catholic Church g e n , and t w o g r a n d - Township, until retiring 15 of Newark and a member children years ago. of St. John's Ukrainian SoThe C.H.T. Clayton and Surviving are his widow, ciety No. 76. Son F u n e r a l H o m e , Mary E. Sickler; two sons, Surviving are his widow. . Adelphia, Howell Town- Earl L. Sickler Jr. of BelMrs. Martha P. Bibel; two ship, was in charge of ar- mar, and Leroy Sickler of MIDDLETOWN - The sons, Nicholas Bibel of rangements. Toms River; a daughter. first of three public meetSouth Plainfield, and Paul Mrs. Gladys Beekman of Bibel of.Garden Grove, CaOcean Grove; three sis- ings, scheduled by the William I).Policy Board of Education to dislif.; two daughters, Mrs. FREEHOLD - William ters, Mrs. Gladys Dove of cuss the revision of eleJulia Stojka of Irvington, Pittsburgh, Mrs. Margaret and Mrs. Anne Nickau, D. Coffey. Jr., 25, of 177 Cole of Fair Haven, and mentary and senior high with whom he lived; nine South St. died yesterday in Mrs^ Josephine Cartwright school boundary lines as it grandchildren, ;>nd two the Freehold Area Hospi- of Wareton; six grand- relates to new construction tal, Freehold Township. great-grandchildren. children and four great- is set for 8 p.m. tomorrow He was born in Westerly. grandchildren. in Thompson Junior High The John F. Pfleger FuSchool. neral Home, New Mon- Staten Island, and had The Farry Memorial The second meeting is mouth, is in charge of ar- lived here two years. Home, here, is in charge of He was employed as a s c h e d u l e d for 8 p . m . rangements arrangements. \_ deck hand with the MerWednesday in Thornc Junior High School. William W. Walling chant Marine, and was a member of Teamsters LoThursday's 8 p.m. meeting Mrs. C. Goldcrmun IATAWAN - William cal 333, United Marine DiLONG BRANCH - Mrs. will take place in Bayshore / Walling, 77, of 93 Broad vision, New York City. Junior High School. St., died Friday in his He was a communicant Catherine Gelderman, 92, The meetings are dehome. of 869 Norwood Ave., died ,of St. Rose of Lima Cathosigned to present the reHe was born in Keyport lic Church. in her home Friday. and had lived here for the A retired saleswoman, vised elementary and high Surviving arc his widow, past 15 years. she was the widow of Fred- school boundary lines which Mrs. Donna A. Coffey; a . • Mr. Walling, a clerk at daughter, Melissa Lee Cof- erick tk-lderman. She was will be recommended for the Keyport Post Office for fey, at home, his parents, a communicant of St. Mi- a three year period. The many years, operated a Mr. and Mrs. William D. chael's Catholic Church, community will have an opportunity to respond to gasoline station on Broad Coffey of Howell Township, here. St. in Keyport after his re- and three sisters, Mrs. DoSurviving is a nephew, the proposed lines during tirement from the postal rothy A. Butth of Fords, John W. Whearty, with these meetings. A revision of Ihc lines is service. Mrs. Helen C. Mallow of whom she lived. He was a World War I Toms River and Miss (ierT h e F l o c k F un e ra I expected to he approved by Army veteran and a mem- aldine (1. Coffey of Howell Home, here, is in charge of the Board of Education March 11. ber of Molly Pitcher Bar- Township. arrangements. Also slated for discussion racks 1907, Keansburg; Freeman Funeral Home each evening will be adR a r i t a n Post 21$ of Un- is in charge of arrang fnasj. l\ilc\ ministrative proposals for American Legion in Key- menls. F.ANPORT' - high school operation dur-. port, and an exempt KeyJ. Patey. 69, of 38 ing the next school year. port fireman. • Anthony Oatruwttki ' C ofmas m a n e h e D r i v e died Surviving arc several FREEHOLD - Anthony Friday in Monmputh Me- Man Receives nieces and nephews. The B e d i e F u n e r a l O s t r o w s k i , 82, of 2ti dical Center. Long Branch. A former Jersey City Suspended Term Home, K e y p o r t , is in M c D e r m o 1 1 S t . , d i e d Friday at the home of his resident, he had lived here i, charge of arrangements. FREEHOLD - A 52daughter, Mrs. Bertha 14 years. He was a retired year-old Asbury Park man Dauglia, 4 Helen Ave. electrician for the N.W. who had admitted possessMrs. Bruno J. \ tthlrooi Mr. OMrowski lived here KellogCo., Jersey City. ing a revolver without a HAZLET Mrs 10 years He was a retired Mr. Patey was a commu- permit July 7 In, Keyporl Blanche H. Vahlroos, self-employed carpenter nicant of Precious Blood was given a suspended six ii chestnut Drive, died Satand was a member of St. Catholic Church. MUM month county jail sentence, urday in her home R o s e of L i m a C a t h o l i c mouth Beach; one year probation and She was born in Exeter tual 1- Hearings Scl On School Boundaries Pa., and lived in New York b e f o r e m o v i n g h e r e IV year: Mrs V a h I r o n s v, member of SI Benedict's catholic Church Surviving are her husband, Bruno .1 Vahll •on, Raymond it Vahlroos, at home, a daughtei Mr.. Dorothy McArthur ol Gel mam Mi Leona Adams of Exeter and two grandchildren The John w Mehlenbeck Funeral Home, I eh,nvr "i Mrs. Jeiimlle h u l i i m \ K W SIIHKu church, here Surviving besides his (laughter are three sons, George Ostrowski ol Marlboro, Frank J, Ostrowski, here, and Edward (Xs- Arrangements are under I In- d i r e c t i n n o f t h e Mary Bradley, all here 11 dchildren and one mill lulil The Higgins Memorial Home i•• in charge ol ai rang Nalhiin I . Mamiiil \ s m i i Y PARK Manual i« »l IO«l Matawan for Id l, Unit SKA BRIGHT Ml Nettie B Fary, 77, ol in Beach St., died yesterda) in Monmouth Medical Cen< tci Long Branch \ii . r.n ."iti in Brooklyn and lived h e r e \i), she wa o mem b e i ni i h e if e f a i ( him h "i Shrew ibui New the church guild the 0 p ni ihc i iinlei ui the i of Ri I I hr \muranth (iroup ol Ihtil inlzatton with whom World who had admitted conv nulling an HtrociOU sault and battei y upon Evelyn P a l m e r , Grand Ave., Long Branch, May 7. late llnl I i intitil Dusk' by Barefoot Originals, feminine hi-heel in bone with tortoise inset, platform, heel. $34 entenced Hiiiiflhclli Dinner Sliilcd in llnlimli I HOLMDI flu »l llolmdcl II Igh ond innuiil piinhctll dlnnci Weilii |||, I innrrt, limn p ill I II W , I M < I ithpi it ihc Mini Calumet' by Life Stride, mid-high heel reverse classic in brown, navy, black patent with white. $21 days In the count) i»ni and given credit fa served and wad fined ml U Ilium Camille' by Air Step, traditional grained white calf with navy or brown trim toe, heel. $24 P, Arnone Imposed the sen t'l bund, Raymond w Frisco' by Tempo in beige with luggage heel, toe, platform and sling back strap in leather. $23 was fined $150. Juan Alvarez of 70(1 Thud Ave had pleaded guilty to the charge Nov. 30. County Court Judge John I row.ski of South I l i v e r y Woolley Funeral Home, tenee three other daughters, Mrs Long Branch Capit Fletcher ol i :> 11 Helen ( Kemp Mr. Marv Dawson and Mis Muse Mrs. Ruymonil Kan Sr. Monroe Ave , Neptune, Wf ' I n ! iettc Huh' m the Iv; Hi"' o( 107 Newman Spi Ins Home Mlddletown Road In Hie Mi M a n u a l l l v p d In Ham Surviving are Ins widow, Mrs. Alice Lee Patey, and a daughter. Miss Margaret I'atev at home. Roma' by Air Step, a tailored lower heel with white piping, inset. Navy, brown, black patent. $25 Baltimore' by Fanfare, mid-high stacked heel, extended double sole In navy or brown with white $16 I.OTTl H\ M Mm I Tl Murrh I • 9 Wf Wmtf Given Election Hoard iy nannc I\>NI •oard has two Dermi' and two < year County Den* Uriel iw, party leaden i« each cowIy make the nominations to li'c ^incrnm ha< h munu appointed to the county Board of Kl' Brendan T. B\n (iov. Byrne also rrap- lmm. Mrs Mrs „v Your furnace can also keep you cool next summer. rannavo replaces Ann A n d r e a c h , NOW IN GOOD SUPPLY! Rtllittr Stall Photo WINDOW SHOT OUT —Kent J J . Fleming, assistant general manager at International Flavors and Fragrances (IFF) in Hazlet, inspects damages to company vehicle resulting from a Friday night shooting spree on company's Rt. 36 premises. Seventy rounds of 22-caliber bullets hit four company vehicles. No injuries were reported in incident. IFF Building, 4 Vehicles Targets of Nighl Sniper By HILDV McCORMICK HAZLET - An International Flavors and Fragrances ( I F F ) , building, Rt. 36, and four company vehicles were damaged Friday ni^ht by shots from a ?2-calibor nlie, police re ported! Damage to the building was reported to police shortly before 11 p.m. when John Coffev of 8 l.ocust Qrove Trailer Park, an IFF security guard, reported that three shots bad Been fired through a window in an area of the building he was natroling. It was not until Saturday morning that damage to IFF vehicles, three v;ins and a car, was discovered. Patrolman Edward J. I'odslawski said 7(1 rounds of 22 caliber rifle shots were fired at the vehicles. No estimate of damage was available last night. A survey of the building Friday night after the first three shots were reported resulted in discovery of additional damage, police said. Patrolman Podstawski, along with Detectives Sgi. John J. Fetherston and Robert Mulligan, found that additional shots had been fired at a two-story glass window. Bullets were also discovered embedded in cement wrtrk of the building and around a metal door frame. Mr. Coffey, not injured in Ihe incident, told police he heard the three shots while he was checking an office door. He said three bullets hit a window approximately 20 feet from where he was standing. ..Kcyport's Zoners Will Bring Action Against Contractor By hit KANARKOWSKI KEYPORT - The Zoning Board of Adjustment, meeting in special session Friday night, directed its attorney to prosecute Manic Touch Construction O> of South Amboy (or what one board member ternted "a flagrant violation of a local housing ordinance ' At its October meeting, the zoning board ordered the company's president. Edward Burlew. to remove the second floor kitchen from a three-stor) house at 70 Second St. The company owns the structure. Because the house is i " a residential /one, the board. . at that meeting,' denieft Magic Touch Construction .s variance request lo convert the one-family dwelling into a two family home. Board chairman Jack Jcandron said Ihe special • meeting Kfidav lias been called to discuss "important developments" in volvlng Ma^ic Touch Construction Co. application Mr Jeandrorj presented to the board a copy of a real estate l i s t i n g d a t e d Manalapun Budget Cut By 8131,500 M A N A I . A I ' A N - The Manalap.ni Englishtown Regional Board of Educa 11on w i l l n o t a p p e a l a $1:11,500 ciii In Its defeated budget made by thi «ov emlng bodies of both mu mi-ipalities Saturday Commltteeman Paul Pic done announced the cut In the estimated W i million budget i! "i|(> "' the redui lion l« In funds fur heating oil and (juwillnc foi H'hool intu Ipatlon of ,i iio« ! In fuel Ipproxtnwtfly 120.000 ol the i HI was the pUmlnatlor of two new Ir not filled 11 The shots were fired on only one side of the building, not the portion facing Rt. 36, Patrolman Podstawski said. They were apparently fired at random at the cast side of the building, police said. The glass was safety proof and shattered rather than falling to the floor, police said. No suspects have been apprehended. police"said, but they believe it could have been someone upset over odors emanating from the building or someone displeased with the hiring of a new security agency by the firm. Patrolman Podstawski said area residents concerned with the environment have recently protested the fact that fragrances used in processing some of the firm's products sometimes pollute the air. The most recent odor complained about, he said, wasjhc smell of cloves, allegedly emanating from IFF. Patrolman Podstawski said it is s t i l l unclear whether the shots might have been f i r e d at t h r security guard. Keb 14. The n o t i c e , said Mr .leandron, "confirms that the construction company has put the house at 70 Second St. on the market as a two-family dwelling." He then read the following statement which appears on the listing, "owners applying for variance for two-family. May now be used as mother-daughter ' "We've already denied the variance application," charged board member John, Regan. "The move to offer the house as a twofamily — or as a prospective two-family — dwelling is illegal," he added. Mr. Jrandron went on to call two witnesses before the board Both witnesses told the board that on Friday morning, they inspected the company's property at 70 Second St. in the presence of a local-realty agent Mrs. Angela .leandron testified. "Then' certainly are two kitchens in that house." Added Mrs John Mm phy, "One kitchen is on the first floor The other one is M the second floor." The realtor's (or sale listing also confirmed the dimensions of the kitchens. The d o w n s t a i r s o n e , according to the broker's calculations, is n bv 12 feet. The second floor kitchen is 9 by II (Ml Mr Jeanoron pointed but, "the l o c a l r e a l t o r who I will not identify at this tuns .imply showed the house it mu request " we c o u l d V t r l f y t h a i it wasn't a mi slake in a vspaper Until MIr 1 .leandron laid he M pected board attorney Kenneth I Joel to take Initial . i i i ion i ega rdln board's ordci Sometime •, | | St. Patrick*! Fete Scheduled MM rhe Holy h ha • p m in | V i tun i U hull id ihp i Hi in ihi linn I evi Sliaus & Co . San F uncisco. California Now you can add air conditioning to your oil heating system! CORDUROY STRAIGHT LEGS „ IN 5 GREAT COLORS AND IN THE RIGHT SIZES That's right! Air-conditioning can be added to your oil-powered warm air furnace and do both: your cooling in summer as well as your heating in winter! . Just one compact, attractive, whisper-quiet remote condensing unit outside, connected to an evaporator cooling coil attached to your furnace, and you'll enjoy central air conditioning all summer long. Call us today. We'll tell you how inexpensively we can make your home warm inside when it's cold outside, and cool inside when it's hot FOR MALE OR FEMALE ALSO BRUSHED DENIM STRAIGHTS T A N OR FADED BLUE CHAMBRAY STRAIGHTS FADED BLUE THEY'RE HOT. —« Mobil aytnnS heating oil Your comfort is our business OIL DELIVERY Inc. 3 HERBERT ST. RED BANK MEN'S and BOYS' OUTFITTERS SINCE 1846 OPLN WLD. & hRI. LVES TIL 9 P M. RED BANK 19 BROAD STREET Phone 741-0610 Keep if brief and keep it shapely with FLEXNIT'S brief forevery figure type Beautiful —little nothing briefs that feel as if you're wearing air, or the little girl panties you used to wear. But yet they trim here, control there, make you feel ever so much nicer and look perceptibly better. Ot nylon Lycra' Spandex. Left to right: 8406 —control brief, tour power panels to give greater control, back, front and hip panels, white only M-L-XL-XXLXXXL, 4.50; 8102 turryjiy tamer, hi waist, no-roll band, Double power panels for tummy, hips J^taite. M-XXL, 5.50; 8402 —light shaping for the girl who needs little. White\eige, black, S-M-L-XL, 3.50; 8104 — "Hidden Assets," extra control, hidden tummy panel, derriere panel, split crotch, no roll waistband White only I xtra sizes (even only) 30-40, 7.00. Mail or phone /teinbodft phone/shop the store in youi dialing ^rea, 24 hours daily tuAiM tmanalapan 446-4M/ 892-474/' • - . . . ! ti.ink 946-4/4/ •at to 5 30. sun nn< • msnalapsn 10-9 30 dally Byck's Plan Might Have Worked IHINGTON - If President and Editor Thomas J. Bly, Executive Editor Wilbam F Sandford, Associate Editor M.ndiv, March 4, II7« 'How About a Summit Meeting?1 toug' In a By JACK ANDERSON Tlw Rtd B*nk U(tfUr WASHINGTON SCENE Va . Mur- phy a. I Byck, who ; landing by a United foiled in his attempt to dive Airlines jt by a an airliner into me White passenger armed with an . House, had Ined his home airport of Philadelphia in- delphia was precisely the undetected knife " B a s e d on pas stead of the more secure place to pulroff the escaBaltimore, he might have pade. States the FAA periences, we can anticipate more suchiacHs.'-'-hr carried off his fantastic bluntly ANDF.lt SON wrote To head off "an exs< -he me. •The history of Ih the lead of the Arab oil em orbitant manmadc a i r This is the chilling find- tempt to ob'ain security ing of Rep John Murphy. and compliance with Fed- .craft disaster." said Mur- bargo. American steel proD-N Y , based on con- eral Aviation regulations at phy, $7 5 million should be duction could be stalled fidential Federal Aviation Philadelphia is one of con- allocated immediately to within three to IK months The study, prepared for Administration document s •tinuous and intentional beef up major airport secuSen Lee Metcalf, D-Mont., (in Philadelphia and Insdelay and failure to com- rity equipment own clandestine visit to the ply ." Murphy also wants to chairman of the Senate Minerals' subcommittee, Philadelphia airport The FAA documents, train a federal airport proWe have also had access substantiated by Murphy's tection force to replace the also concludes "There are to a confidential, nation- undercover visit with an "untrained 'rent-a-eops' " indications that some of our mineral suppliers are wide FAA security survey FAA inspector, reveal un- Cnow employed for security At Philadelphia Inter- getting together with an which shows W) per cent of known persons drift bat k the nation's airport weapon and forth through unlocked national A i r p o r t , Oper- eye toward price fixing." The study warns that detectors don't work and security gates, and ve- ations Manager Charles half of these cannot identi- hicles enter "secure" jet Kogers candidly admitted overseas suppliers may that "an immense rebuild- withhold strategic minerals fy pistols concealed on a areas without challenge ing program" had left the "until we come around to passenger TWA Has Complained Byck used just such a 22 "Trans World Airlines airport less secure than he their way of thinking" on caliber "Saturday Nigh! has officially complained of wanted and thai the FAA prices, import volume and Special" to kill a security their inability to maintain had cited the facility for the like The Metcalf study conguard, a co-pilot and him- the security of their 'sterile violations Kogers said a fiself on Feb. 22. Had the de- concourse' because of thenancial squeeze prevented centrates on manganese ranged P h i l a d e l p h i a n failure of tfce airrv>rt to sehim from putting guards at which is used in steel-makpassed quietly through a cure their doors," says the every opening, particularly i n g . E v e n t h o u g h t h e defective "magnetometer ' FAA report "Aircraft are w i t h s o m e d o o r s a n d United States has a defense in Philadelphia instead of accessible (to) unautho- fences now torn off because stockpile of 11 million tons, of the new construction the study shows, it must staging a Wild West shoot- rized pertpltl' out in Baltimore, said Mur'The nationwide FAA sur- Rogers is asking FAA for depend on exports for 95 per cent of current sup phy, " i r o n i c a l l y vey also found poor secu- more time to comply. Mineral Embargo? plies. Most of this comes enough . . . , he might have rity at Albany and Buffalo, succeeded." NY.; Fairbanks, Alaska; A confidential Senate from Brazil, Gabon, South Africa and Zaire. For the thick sheaf of Lynchburg, V a . ; and San study shows that if mineral Without manganese to producing countries follow documents show that Phila- Francisco. • IUM1IIIIPIMI« »1IWHWII T»—w st ruction beams and otfcer , ould end Metcalf investigator put it with wry humor: "We wouldni even have cars to drive to the filling station lines." Metcalf has also uncovered political dangers to American imports of tin, with 77 per cent imported mostly from Malaysia. Thailand and Bolivia He is worried, too, about chro mium, all of which comes from abroad, mainly Russia, Africa and Turkey The Metcalf study's ingenious solution is to open up the deep-sea bed to Ameri can mining. Britain already has offered several million dollars to private mining companies to explore the ocean bottom. On. the ocean floor, Metclaf reports, there are countless metallic nodules, looking like burned polaloes. rich with manganese, iron, copper and cobalt Metcalf plans to hold two days of hearings and to press witnesses from the bepartmentsnf State, Interior, Treasury, Defense and Commerce to get an American deep-water mining effort under way before manganese, tin and chromium embargoes are organized Love — 'Til Murder Did Them Part By JIM BISHOP iiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiimiiiiiiiiii like buying a lottery ticket every week True LOW. Sometimes T w o - G u n fell in l o v e . HI; it's the mating of a fake Truly He thought so much with a fool. . . of Helen that he went out Helen Walsh comes to and stole $500 to buy her an mind. She was lfi, a Brookengagement ring. "You," Illll 1 II (Ill I Illillllll IMO lyn girl with long slender he said softly, "belong to •legs and a mouth to match Helen felt those cold shi- me." Helen felt those shiwhich ran at right angles vers. She couldn't seem lo vers again. M o m m a W a l s h had a draw a deep breath. No Crowley had a reputation 1 IIMtlllllllitlllK I MIII1II1 > • • boardinghouse on Jay St, boy had ever done thai lo of being sexually abrupt Someday, sometime, a her by s t a r i n g and not with girls. But Helen was gentle guy with a steady saying hello. different He parked his job might 'take a room and ' 'Plaster' car in the Canarsie mar11 — who knows A f t e r a w e e k , s h e shes and held her, hand un- his fingers into two 38s. But Helen didn't care for brought him home. Helen der a hazy moon. Some- P a t r o l m a n F r e d e r i c k tween motorists and service station operNeighborhood introduced him as ".Mr. times he kissed Helen on Hirsch smiled with underators. That dealt with the provision that it boarders. boys who took her to the standing. "What are you would be unlawful "for any retail dealer movies and grew six extra Crowley, my friend." The the forehead. Walshes looked him over. One eVening he caught" Two d o i n g p a r k e d o u t of motor fuels to refuse to sell motor fuels hands in the darkness Daddy Walsh asked the boy her smiling at another boy here?" he said in a nice to members of the general public during bored her stiff. She wanted what"he did for a living. Two-Gun almost tore her way. In an equally nice times when such dealer is open for the a superman. A tough guy. "I'm a plasterer," Crowley left hand off getting his way, Crowley fired 11 shots The only Intelligence said. ring back He threw it in a into Hirsch's face. sale of motor fuels." Helen Walsh displayed was He wasn't stretching the dtich and took her home. Helen saw nothing but As finally interpreted by Mr. De in not entering the Miss truth by much. His hobby In the morning, he was on blue smoke. The t i r e s Korte's office, that rule permits a service Brooklyn Contest. She was plastering policemen hands and knees in thesquealed on the turns. He begged her to stop screamstation owner to sell an unlimited supply wore the expression of one all over parking lots and ditch. He found the ring who lives in funeral paro- lovers' lanes. A gangster ing. The girl was sure poIt was back on Helen's of gasoline to selected (regular* custom- lors. Deep down — net too can't make much of a liv- hand the next night. "Don't lice would be waiting at ers just as long as they sell at least five deep — under that flat ing_out of killing cops, but ever let me catch you—" her house. So she stuck chest beat the heart of a he can m a k e a l o v e l y he s a i d M i s s W a l s h with Two-Gun She became gallons of gasoline to all other customers. death learned She never let him his saintly moll. Some citizens have complained that gun moll. She searched. Hunted. Momma Walsh heard catch her smiling again. Policemen were volunmunicipal police were not performing Attended parties every their duties because they wouldn't issue where. Then she met him him say he earned $5(1 a They were in a woodland leeriM fur extra duty to week. She told Daddy he in Cong Island, silting in f i n d C r o w l e y . H e l e n summonses against service station oper- He was a mannerly kid would make a fine son-in- the car, going through the learned whal if is like to ators for alleged offenses. The police, of with long chestnut hair, a law. Considering that Hel- repetitive catechism of live for weeks inside a bare course, were justified for such inaction. thick sullen mouth, and en was only IB, Mom was youbelongto-me when a flat, afraid to go out for bread and milk. " I ' l l stick They and the county prosecutors didn't eyes like laser beams He rushing the season, but get- twig crackled was introduced as Two- ting a husband for a girl Crowley reached under with you f o r e v e r , " she have enough information about the law to Gun Crowley. with a face like Helen is the front seat and hooked swore. know what constituted an alleged offense. i REPORTER M> ••!> Ill Mil Ill IIIIIIIM1IIII1IIIIMIIIII Gas Plan Enforcement Gov. Brendan T. Byrne is standing firm in his determination to have violators of the state's gasoline sales controls prosecuted. He made that announcement after a group of Ocean County service station owners threatened to defy state and federal distribution regulations. Those dealers tried to justify their threat, saying "They are dissatisfied because they do not receive enough gasoline to serve panic-stricken motorists as well as their own regular customers. The governor, of course, is just as dissatisfied as everyone else about the amount of gasoline available for New Jerseyans. His attorney general and the U.S. attorney for New Jersey are, as a matter of fact, trying to establish whether or not the oil companies are shortchanging the state. We believe the governor, and the Legislature which speedily enacted a law setting up those regulations, acted wisely in ordering the odd-even day plan for gas sales. Restricting sales to'motorists whose gasoline tanks were less than half full also kept away the "hoarders" who had helped make the lines of waiting autos so long at just about every gasoline station. Richard W. De Korte, administrator of the state's Energy Office, has, we believe, performed adequately. Inasmuch as his office was established in an emergency, <he confusion surrounding some of its directives was understandable lie and his staff, however, have been working mighty long days in a genuine attempt to bring an amount of order to conditions which change from day to day One clarification of the law, announced last week, should curb some of the arguments that have developed be- Mr. De Korte has met with the prosecutors and other law enforcers and there now is a general understanding of what the law is all about. We are glad that Monmouth County service station operators and most members of the N.J. Gasoline Retailers Association would not participate in the plan to defy the state law, which, rather than dramatize the plight of the panic-stricken motorists, was a "public be damned" demonstration, of which we have had enough. Rather than adding to skirmishes between motorists and service station operators, common sense dictates that both parties support the governor and his aides as they try to get New Jersey the amount of gasoline it is entitled, under federal regulations, to receive. Federal Campaign Financing By James J. Kllpairick "" ""tun m MMMMMMM Maryland politician and CONSERVATIVE MKW Last week's disclosures in the Kalmbaeh-Symington affair doubtless will provide one more log to feed the fires of Federal iniiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiii niiiiiiiiiniiiiiii campaign financing. Before these flames of enthusiasm Kalmbach, the President's get out of hand, some cool onetime personal lawyer reflection is in order. and fund-raiser, made an What we are led to un- outright deal in 1970 with J. derstand is that Herbert Fife Symington, a wealthy Oil Port Coalition The Coalition Opposed to an Oil Port well as the inland area which could be Authority has, it's pleasant to report, at- used for pipelines and rehm-i Those potential dangers will exist tained a degree of permanency via the start of a treasury, funds from which will whether the port is buill by a slate authorbe used to supply information to the pub- ity or by the oil industry Hill lic about Wh.il Sin.lie bill S 20(1 Is | | |poiMOred by Senate President Frank J , Dodd, I) Essex, and Stale Sen BugCM about. Bedell, D Monmoutli la, al Ihe William Diilton of Mnnmnuth Bttl chairman of the coalition; Robert W premalurr Inasmw h coiniiil', ,lun h.is mil set iii.nlc | h (Ini Stewart of Shrcwsbmv l l Ml Ire I and Stephen Levy or Ocean Township is known Wr believe Ihe coalition Kntary Organization! .in<i citizens wishing to ftiwti mmii'v in reque il luch thai it in.iv be iUe la i onvuv s I N iture thai I ItouM Ml bet ome speakers can write the coalition .it p,0 la.w When that contemplated irk, -. .i 81 mlm ihc group iled in achieved, howe ucd need fur Ihe coalition in Fighting Ihe mil public hen mi ind termination la n ihe bill, bui ii i , concentratli \|nii in m Monmouth Colli Mm •in of opposition in ,1,1,.,! Manhattan headquarters received a tip that Crowley was holed up in a flat on West 90th St Three hundred cops armed with riot guns and tear gas occupied even roof *incl alley. A hundred others rousted neighbors from t h e i r homes Then the action began It didn't last long Crowley never considered it a fair shake to face policemen who had guns i n t h e i r hands So after he got nicked a few times he gave himself up — a surly Irish kid and a dopey girl. A police inspector knew that Crowley would die in the electric chair. " I ' l l get you a steak," he said. "Two-Gun was outraged. "What ' he roared. "On Friday'.'" So they took him downtown. At his trial, the. girl who loved him was the state's star witness. Before he died in Sing Sing, Helen begged to see him one last time. "Let me tell him that I love him." she begged The authorities declined So Helen wrote a note and called Crowley "a yellow bum." He wept with race before they took him to the chair. True love Sometimes it's the mating of a fake with a fool. . . airline executive Symington wanted to be named ambassador lo Spain or Portugal; he had excellent credentials for such a post; Kalmbach, so we are told, offered him such an appointment in exchange for a $100,000 campaign contribution Kalmhach has pleaded guilty to the charge, a mis- demeanor under federal law Symington at this writing has made no comment. He never got Ihe nomination The stm y is no' pretty, but it ought nol to ' blown frem time immemorial, no matter which party I i In power, my |or diplomatic appointments hnve been closely (led 10 campaign contributions. N o t h i n g n e ww i l l b e learned by laundering duly linen Had 5j mington ac- tually been nominated ihe shakier ground when it un ; dertakei to deal with candidates for president We do not vote for such candidates: We vole for electors in each state, and the electors are subject to state regulation. (are Needed Once we get into federal financing, we embark irreKII.PATRKK versibly on the way toward national primaries and diA bill to subsidize presiden- rect popular election of our tial and congressional cam presidents The people may paigns in 1970 The idea is want this — opinion polls to fix a limit of $24 million say they do — but so drasin public and pn\ale funds tic a change in our basic (or each of the major party federalism ought lo he apcandidates for president, proached with great care $90,000 for each such candiThe Senate b i l l also date for the House, and raises large questions of $175,000 for each candidate First Amendment (rerfur the Senate The pur dnms Is a limit nf $3,000 pose is lo put an end to re- on any individual's contriliance u|Kin the fai cats bution'an abridgment of his The bill also would estab- freedom of expression? It lish I ceiling of |3,000 on would seem io Would the the Kift nf any single, donor bill undermine ihe two par Other provisions deal with ly system? Many scholars minority party candidates, in si que itlon • asked al his ami wiin Die financing " i confirmation heaiIng would lentlal primarte id I I hill Is loiii:, complex, not would ,iil have i ome oul In n/erl BUI Ihe v. hu\ Ing if the b e . m l - i l l M i l . l u f c . i i- WOUld i in ii and ' on firmed him anyhow A HIM iinslricrliu: nunllr, nf rnlated dl •UlllV, the reavl u unr limp, in ptrpori lo accommodate ( ith public 111 >i provide Ihi naclitd int11 law. a i urn> m .nl ( | f m i l l .i m •• n I ,i I • in the whole \ i I D - I I nlltical proi Thr vai urn pi |HIWI : > ••<• 1 n i l . i - t i n i . l IL M ' would the icheme give to Incui ecklng reelection? Then in believe it would give ilii-m ,i powerful unknown challen riw Kalmbach ih i. distasteful The 1189,001 by the AKl. HO in Dei ihe House ludli lary Com mlttei ii'fui The i bought ftil re debate than th< intrtbutlon of Ihi produ I nilcr Us ramp ipful | llllllr. innei ii' ihr II r l l l l l ll) p| ii i mi i n r l i l . mil reMl1 iMilli-.llv .mil IIHI. i d , inn leva ii like ii DC (eai it would what advan- 'I M'|i fhni i' Hum Ihr bill Ft til II mori iieiii'i to In lid br I I on Plea Is Made to Keep Shrewsbury Borough Library Alive 222 Beechwood Dnve W.5U0 added to the proposed poratji JKHIS that Monmouth ( whatt hemShrewsbury, N J. 07701 budget to allow it to reaway mucn To the Editor main open until (he end of fe to and i WP. Life or death for the1974, to note to deliver proper all<*t But Mi SUK- majoi ' pay- the people, would decide Shrewsbury Borough Pub- any, ot merits to service sUti gest a solution thai would who is also the maj •lems with how much we need, and lic Library will be decided b/ary, and then to allow its when it comes to voting competing foreign capital- how best to produce it. for Is it because the su prevent a repeat of tin Tuetday evening, March 5, continuation after 1974 to tion came from a 1 nopohstic, capitalist class The worker is also pi ihen again, in th* our benefit, and not for the by the Borough Council 1 be a public question on the crat thai the Republicans domination Vif our lives the working class, again in words of Washington, we private desires and power hope all interested persons upcoming November bal- happy older homosexuals I would not go along'.' Isn't ii along with the complicity {he majority If we, the must change drastically of the owning capitalist will attend this meeting lot happen to know several about time the Republican of political representatives majoMly. I tic « HI king our ways of organizing in- class, which this pi> One can rightfully wonAgain, I urge all inter- older homosexuals who are freeholders slopped iheir who know when to shout (lass do not like the waydustry and government be- form o( government propartisanship and started out injustices we already private owners of Kxxon, fore we ate usurped by pri- tects and for which it der why Shrewsbury should ested persons to attend the at least as happy as most working for the people of know, and who know when Shell, Mobil. British Petro- vate groups whose only works have three libraries; the March 5th meeting and let older heterosexuals. (he county for a chat to keep their mouths shut leum, etc . are dishing out motive is private profit and The program of the SoE a s t e r n Branch of the your voice be heard Fortunately, there are uimental power to cialist Labor Party whatMonmouth County System, Mrs Susan Wic'kham when it means setting up our fuel needs, mt can, in Sincerely, more knowledgable. more new revolutionary pro- the words of Gearae Wash- sustain themselves onnotations the word a Grammar School Library Jerry Poling open, people in society grams that would prevent ington, " alter then ((in- by an amendment in the 1 socialist" brings to your (thankfully created by the than Dr. Polk who are willAnswer to (j'i<sjs stitution of government " If way the Constitution desig- mind, is worth a study The injustices from repeating. r e c e n t p a s s a g e of t h e ing to lift some of the op9 \ Park \ \ c tunes call for it The needs Political representatives we, the majority, feel that nates pression of society and not srhypl budget) and our own R u m s o n . N . J . 17760 The amendment clause of the working class, the are not to blame for the the balance ut power Iws Borough Library FurtherPost Offic e Box m brand the homosexually : To the Editor: energy crisis Neither is swung from the people to legalizes fundamental majority, demand it The more, Borough Library sia Princeton Junction. N.J oriented person as "sick ' James Rice of Ha/let has the President The system private groups such as the change It allows us to threat of our society's coltistics indicaU' a circula08550 In conclusion, I suggest that Dr Polk read: "So- p o i n t e d out the con is to blame "Capitalism is oil capitalists, the luto cap- change the economy from lapse makes it imperative tion drop to about the To the Editor italists, the food capitalists, 10,000 books per year level I am writing in response ciety and the Healthy Ho- tradictions of capitalism [I- the system we use. It de- the agri-capitalists and the private contrcjl, such as W Petrovich Exxon and Standard Oil, mands that owners of corsince the Eastern Branch to I)r Folk's article en- m o s e x u a l " by George 17-74) with several lllustra ' was opened. v. UUed "Medical Practitioner Weinberg •*9T But there is rtiorr in- Dislikes Psychiatrists' B. J. Thomas volved than book circula- Change." It is obvious tion. Numbers, so readily from the article that Dr. available, so mechanically Polk has not had much asmeasured and therefore so sociation with people who 364 Westwood Ave. Apt 80 easily used to, "prove" are homosexually oriented Long Branch, N.J. 07740 something should not pro-or if he has they have only To the Editor: vide the final argument to been those who are psychoBecause some misunderclose the library Other logically disturbed standing may have arisen, factors, impossible to mea- 1 am' a psychologist wno I wish to make it clear that sure, must be considered. is homosexually oriented the Red Bank YMCA was Consider first our chil- and it is my opinion based in no way connected with dren Deprived of t h e on my professional studies the sponsorship of the pubBorough Library, public and my p e r s o n a l ex- lic meeting that took place and non-public school stu- periences that there haI there Wednesday, Feb. 13. dents will be forced to bike been l i t t l e s u c c e s s in or trek to the County Li- changing homosexuals-to The only connection the brary along dangerous heterosexuals. Those pro- "Y" had with the event Highway 35 after school, on fessional practitioners was that Jersey Shore War Saturdays, during school who do claim a change Resisters League, which holidays and throughout rate of approximately 25 was in fact the sponsoring the summer. Or Mom will per cent have no evidence organization, rented a have to drive them. to document a long-term room there in which to Consider next our Older change. 1 personally doubt meet. American residents. The that there is much success central location and friend- in a long-term change. The Red Bank YMCA ly familiarity of the library Dr. Polk mentions that has performed and continattracts those who might most psychiatrists have ues to perform valuable no longer drive, who might said that must people who community services, and. not be willing to tackle a are homosexually oriented we hope that this misunnew system of book check want to change. This is derstanding will not cause out procedures, or whose probably true in his opinion any difficulty. health does not permit since he only sees those Vours in peace, them to climb Ihe steep persons who ai? psychologil-any Kriekson, steps leading to the fiction cally disturbed and is made Spokesperson floor of t h e E a s j j r n to feel sick by the psyJersey Shore War Branch chiatrist. Obviously, these Resisters League Consider our harried professionals have not met During this remarkable Spring Bonus Sale, you can save $3.00 a housewives, now able to any healthy, homosexuals park along Broad Street who have successfully adsquare yard on this beautiful carpet from Laureicrest. Before this sale, (itunl)s' Motion and pick up that latest best j u s t e d to a happy life this luscious broadloom sold for $15.95 a sq. yard. Now you can buy seller, and in a minute or despite society's "sickI5 Rose Ter. it for only $12.95. Here are some typical room savings: two. West Keansburg, N J. 07734 ness" label And consider the least Dr. Polk m a k e s t h e To the Editor; measurable of unmeasu- statement that "one of the Once again the RepubliWAS NOW rables, that intangible of in- important life functions is can majority-on the Mon9'x12' (12sq.yards) $191.40. $151.40 tangibles; community that of reproducing." Does mouth County Board of 12'x15' (20 sq. yards) $319.00. $259.00 pride. this function in itself make Freeholders has shown its It would truly be a tragic a happy well-adjusted indi- insensitivity to the needs of 12'x18' (24 sq. yards) $382.80. .$310.80 AFIHDCREST COMPANY day if for the reluctance of vidual? He says there are our citizens. 12'x21' :.(28sq. yards) $446.60. $362.60 It is impossible to underBorough Council to provide lonely, aging homosexuals 12'x24'; (32 sq. yards) $510.40. .$414.40 $4,500 that the Library who are unhappy. There stand why the rest of the which has served so many are also lonely, aging het- board would not go along so well for so long would erosexuals who a r e un- with the motion by the lone be closed. For it would happy. There again, he ob- Democrat — Freeholder Famous LAUREL HILL take but an additional viously has not known any Philip dumbs — who urged FROM O I K READERS •s Save T a sq. yet. Buy a Beautiful Laureicrest Carpet At This Special Sale Price ...and Get A Bonus Gift Too! hmhMtQu (Si now* Regular $15.95 Sq. Yd. Includat tackiest method installation over B F Goodrich rubber pad flj Have Your Sights Set on a New Home? •95 Get an Jfv* .VM [\\ JsWr mi #1$v«v "P BONUS 1: The exciting Bowmar Electronic Calculator, the marvel that makes home bookkeeping a snap, a boon to students, when you buy a "houseful" of carpet (100 sq. yards or more). BONUS 2: A 25-volume set of Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia when you buy 3 rooms of carpet (60 sq. yards or more). BONUS3 : Visit your local Realtor, then sail into our office nearest you fora Mortgage Loan! MARINE VIEW SAVINGS » I I « « I » iiN.niAt.in M4IIHI NUMM IlKHtAI . UMfl I MM A collector's leather bound 2-volume edition of "Presidents of the United States" when you buy TWO rooms of carpet (25 sq. yards or more). BONUS 4: A five-book Recipe Library from Belter Homes k Gardens magazine when you buy ONE room of carpet (10 sq. yards or more). If you're going to buy carpet, why not enjoy this beautiful Laurel Hill Carpet at $3.00 sq. yd. savings, or other Laurelcrett carpets at substantial savings and get a great bonus gift FREE besides? Phe i irsi Family of Carpets • Itl (, ( I I \ M \ ( , • >\| | >M \>'l NJi Route 35 (Brood St \ SHREWSBURY 741-6272 ROUTl 35 HA G I T I MM. W t i .» town*** IW lank 449^ 5900 "4lw*rl''""" *'" " '"'""* I t Dm *•#» 0 I « * , «U4 few*- N. i Signal School Employes Dispute Rosy Job Picture Philadelphia empi cm ner of a B n o k Tow house taught four months be ( a r c I h t- A r m y a n nounced the s t i Charles W M< H<ii!,ind a Signal School division chief that means •two-grade de- and member of the Holmmotion del Board of Health, is unMr K e l l e r , a GS I I . decided about moving lo (ieorgia which haV a salary There isn't any position or (14.671 to | l been told he qualifies for equivalent to mine at Ft. only one KCOM job. thai of ( l o r d o n . " s a i d Mr a GS 9 technical manual McFarland. father of five editor, with a pay ran^c of And he isn't hopeful of finding any jn KCOM Mr J12.1«7to J15.S2O ' Many of the KCOM job McFarland is a GAS I ) , \acannes. the command which has a pay range of says, are because employ- $20,677 to %2H,m. es a i i t s P h i l a d e l p h i a Uncertainty about the branch, which has been job situation they will face transferred here, aren't at ¥[ Gordon, fed by Arniy making the mine. action and disquieting re Lower Paying Jobs ports from some co-workAn KCOM spokesman ers who transferred there. said definite statistics reinforces the reluctance won't be available "until to move south. the dust s e t t l e s , " but Most instructors in the apparently most of Ihe Signal School here are (iS 11 the employes say while Some F t . Monmouth back to Philadelphia to that job is ciassrfied (iS 9' school civilians who trans- spend" at Ft Gordon ferred to the Augusta, Ga Some 1H9 Philadelphia post refused to talk to The KCOM empluyi'5 who Lark »l Information Employes asked to de- Daily Register about their unsylvania or southcide on transfer in the first job 'situations there "It's ern New Jersey have phase of Ihe .schools two- dangerous" to talk 4 a coiporation and phase move weren t given said curtly, and slammed chartered four bus* ii information about down the phone Others transport them h e what their job status would said they saved their sala- work daily. They exped to be at Ft Gordon, the em- ries only by switching jobs, increase membership and some apparently had enough to charter ei^lit ploye^ ' One of the reasons 1 de- fought hard to win that All buses and are seeking dined was because I was praised the 70 degree Feb- transportation subsidies from New Jersey. which lo/t in the dark about what ruary weather in Augusta has approved it. and PennI'd (ace at Ft Gordon," iind refused use of then sylvania, whjch hasn'l Mr Keller said " I wasn't names okayed subsidization vet given adequate information 'Pawns In Power Play' to make an objective deciMany Ft Monmouth Family Housing sion about selling my house pschool civilians view them An KCOM ipokesman and moving my family " selves as pawns in a power said that Army-owned famAnd, one employe said: play between northern and ily housing is expected to "Even if vou transfer at southern politicians and are be filled by military irthe same grade level, they bitter about what they con- maining here, but wasn't able to predict the efled can pull the rug out from sideran apathetic county under you after you've unaware of the economic Ihe school exodus will have on private housing now been at F t . G o r d o n a loss facing it. year" The A r m y s a i d t h e rented by the Army or indi- school shift will cost Ft. vidual service families Monmouth 1,528 "military The Army now leases IJ8 spaces," but, an employe two and three-bedroom declared "2,500 students apartments in nearby also will be lost, and you towns, and many Army can't tell me local busi- families yet a housing alnessmen won't feel that." lowance to lease apart"You especially can't tell ments while awaiting asme local businessmen signment to post quarters won't feel that because the "There always is a long Philadelphia KCOM work- waiting list for quarters on ers aren't moving to Mon- post," the spokesman said. mouth and spending their "One lieutenant waited for money here," he added. a year. He rented an apart"They're commuting, and ment in Eatontown during taking their salaries right that time." dllii- Rented Quarters KCOM now is renting 21.200 square feel ol space. at a yearly cost of (88,073, in the Electronics Associates Inc building in *'e« i Long Biam li. -.'(IIKIII square feel .ii an annual cost of "OUR 48TH YEAR' HAS MORE IN STORE FOR 74 rouw's 'OUR BEST BUY ALUMINUM COMBINATION WINDOW • FULLY WEATHERSTRIPPED • TRIPLE TRACK • CLEANS FROM INSIDE a STABILIZER BAR FOR ADDED STRENGTH '99 I each INSTALLATION OPTIONAL 741-7500 R E D BANK Open Daily 9 a.m.- 5:30p.m.&Fri.,9-9 H 3 CREDIT PLANS A M here's Grauman's Chinese Theatre: world-famous names on a worldfamous sidewalk. a i: '-•£2 ——: / line-up t , , » • . n. at « Including your round-trip air fare and hotels through- \ Most of them offer you rales. For complete in r formation on these or the many other vacation! we olfcr, just call youi Including your round-trip air fare and your hotel for 7 days and 6 nights PTunyoui choice of a sightseeing lour or a rule on the Palm Los Angeles, Las Vegas, San Francisco, $354.60 room.) 1TAHA( f. hotels fur 2 night*In each ciiy. Plus ,i low nl San I rani Is oji Hacienda l l o i e l in I as Vegas, and tickets for admitsion and eleven ridesorattractinnsat DUneyland, When and many extras. They don't include meals, laxei oi the nominal airport security fee ih.i! .ill airline* must charge. Of course, In make lul easier In take, Including your round trip air fare ami you can charge the entire p wiih the American B x p r m < lard, free golf and tennis, admission lo Ynu can cvcn'fcxtend paymcnls I h e w o r l d ' s l a r g e i i « o o , ,<•• i l I MIIT.II Regulittiont pprmil prpmHlurt uiihduw.iK nn ihe .ilmw I inn Dvpnt* » > I IIISHT American Lxpreij at the dog races in nearby I ljuana, and use of ihe hotcl'l rec realion ' Sign & T r a v e l " * plan, iii' hiding four iwimmini pn ahkytlebiiili Inr two. When youi ill 5% They include your round-trip Coach air,fare, six nights in selected hotels, San Diego Fun Sprtt. $322.9S your hotel for 7 days and 6 night* Plui 1 Q / The prices listed for all vacations t n per person, double occupancy. youi vacation a il. ask for p,i. k«|l IIPANSId. p extra charge, I \ t some selected hotels, llicrc's an additional fee night show at the in .iniountv HI sum in mi PIC Inters ' I v 11' t Iminil.n ill dr|iii,il lo ddte Ol permitted You can choose your own itinerary,* anil you can drop oil the car in any of$3$4pcr i hinatown, a mid- GROWTH PASSBOOK SAVINGS to pay for the mileage. this one, ask for package 111'S I I \ m + 2. trip air fare and your < ,ill\ Renewable You have to pay for the gas, but you don't have Springs Aerial Tramway. When you calUhout Including your round- 6.00% - 6.27% savirrg Plymoulh Duster or similar car for lhc«cck California city at no Palm Springs Siintoiir. $310.00 San Diego's Sea World friendly penguins and a rwo ion Killer American Fxperience Fly/Drive, $347.50 out C'ahlornia for 7 days and ft nights. Plus a fuel- Travel Agent or American Airlines. • I the mlcrf-t r.ilr mi tin- uni.wnt u itlult.iun i•. n-ilm cil to Kr^ul.ir The three areas in which advocates are involved are pediatrics, internal medicine and obstrtnes'gynecology Once the program is staffed, there will be three health advocates working with the out"By providing continuity patient head nurse. Each of care, we keep patients advocate should be able to from feeling that they are serve approximately 2.000 an 'assembly line product,' patients and thus ,br insomething which can eas- volved in n e a r l y fi.OflO ily happen when many dif- patient-advocate contacts ferent doctors treat a large per year. we've featured here, ^ | L rental cars at bargain _ u I I ik S , i \ i i i ^ s r.itc ,n i< 11111 >'<' m o n t h . i " l i n - l i 11 i i i f i l i 11 II you don't have an American I xpress C a r d , please II lid- (S0O)S21-l WE AISOOIIIK REGULAR PASSBOOK SAVIN(,S £ _ 11 i l l ' i I- .1 | >.1lll 11. IS i l l i l r | t i .'.i I I n i l.r, i i i m 1 I I mil p.nil i|iiiirti'i l\ il» ijonn ill $«'i 1% kept (M I i " lei I American 20 ('.(JNVlNII NT COMMUNITY OF * l( patient population," Dr. Lemp said. \ •• *" I I 2 Year Maturity Automatic dll\ RenewiMr 5.50% American Medical Society for training future family practitioners. " I n the medical field " says Dr. l,emp, "a health advocate is anyone — doctor, nurse or other health COTB professional - who works for the best possible m e d i c a l c a r e f o r I Inpatient," ilwfuui'nealicni or r from do/ens more. . ,-o i r u m uo/cns more. » . . . . . . . ; , „ . . . , , •t \ ', . ' . ' V . of INTEREST First MerchantsTime Deposits 6.50% 6.81% OnrYr.ir M.itunU \uli The announcement of Ihe introduction of the program at Monmouth Medical was made by Dr. Holf I.emp, director of family practice — another new and closely related program, approved by the Youcanchoosc from / $500 MINIMUM LONG BRANCH - MOM mouth ' % i l u ; i | Center has become one of the In I hospitals in Ihe state to initiate a family health advocate program designed to "help humanise and improve the continuity ol comprehensive h e a l t h care." For people who want more from a vacation than just a patch of sand in the sun, American Airlines now offers low-cost vacation packages to Southern California. There, you'll find miles and miles of sunny beaches. But you'll also find mountains and deserts, Death Valley, Palm Springs, Hollywood's movie lots, and lots more. And you can charge everything with your American Express Card. S3 each For First and second lloor 32 BROAD STREET Monmouth Medical to Get 'Family Health Advocates' Southern California vs. Where¥)u Usually Go. 99 HUSKY II- HEAVY DUTY I slated lo move into • i the Mid quart' Monmnuth Industrial Park The DOA spokesman and said fhe move, of the has a number of units in substandard World War II i year buildings '>f 53!).000 aquan scattered around the main in the so-called (. an said 11 building on T i n t o n A v e . New Shrewsbury A Department of be "We'll still have need for fense unit, TRI-TAC rents a 37 500-square-fool build- that," he said The DOA's lease on that ing al $165,000 a year on Apple St and llance Road. building provides for four New Shrewsbury II isn't five-year extensions to covclear whether or not thai is er another two decan $43.00(1 a year in In confirming Army doesn't plan to anything into Ft Minim o u t h in Ike school, the DOA sp man said that FXOM units now here will fill both Ltue academic and housin Knoll's Berry F j r m : Ihe told rush is over but the (host town is there. *****4, mi <*r t Proper Mental Altitude Just as Important as Good Health Sixth of Ten Articles ByJACKGOURLAY Old age is a state of mind. It is la gely determined by how you fee. about yourself at any point in t.iie. Many of our problems are aused by ourselves. We may refuse to acknowledge that the years are adding up until, suddenly, we are brought up short—reality hits home. We may become" frightened, perhaps even panicky. Add to that -uch worries as t substantial loss of income, a possible loss of a loved one, the growing away of the children, and declining health. All these happen sooner or later to each of us. The person with a good mental attitude is County Transit Unit Urges Freight Yard Rehabilitation location of )3 million in federal funds for rehabilitation of the North Jersey freight terminal of the Central Railroad of New Jersey, the line which provides freight service to numerous county industries. In its resolution, the committee stressed the fact that "most freight traffic originating and terminating in Monmouth County must pass through said terminal area," and observed that "this service had markedly deteriorated because of inadequate track maintenance." The resolution also noted that CNJ "is in the process of reorganization and does not have sufficient funds to FREEHOLD - The Monmouth County Transportation Coordinating Committee is urging the al- LOSE FAT STARTING TODAY O D R I N E X contains the most affective reducing aid available without presctiplion! One liny O D R I N E X tablet before meals and you want to eat less • down go your calories - down goes your weight ! Thousands ol womrn from coast toroast report O D R I N E X has helped them lose 5. Iff. 20 pounds in a short lime i so can you. Get rid ol ugly lat and live longer ! O D R I N E X must satisfy or your money will be refunded. No questions asked. Sold with this guarantee by THRIFT DRUG STORES "A GEORGE E. SIEGERT ANTIQUES SHOW" THE JERSEY COAST ANTIQUES SHOW SALE MARCH 3-4-5 30 EXHIBITORS able to shake them off. He soon recovers, confident in the knowledge that we are all a mixture of good and bad, and knowing that one's well-being depends largely on how one enlarges the good within and control! the bad. Ideally, emotional depression can be garded against by attuning oneself to the realities of life after 65 long before one reaches that age. It means coining to grips with the life process. Unless you are' willing to do that, you will not enjoy life after 65 to its fullest. A proper mental attitude is just as important as good physical health. They go together, each dependent on the other. Begin today, if you haven't already, to face your problems and deal with them maturely and constructively. You'll be pleasantly surprised to find how enjoyable life can be—at any age—if you dear away the dark clouds of vague misconceptions and keep up with and ahead of the levels of maintenance, presently necessary." Peter J. Koelsch, rail subcommittee chairman, said, "Improvement in the Elizabethport freight facility is of major importance, not only to the Central Railroad of New Jersey but to Monmouth and Ocean counties. "The maintenance expense could be drastically reduced for the Elizabethport yards, and eventually used at other points of the CNJ where federal funds may not be applicable for this purpose. "Finally, efficient and profitablMreight service has a salutory effect on passenger service. The Northeast railroads, so long as their freight scvices were profitable, tolerated passenger service losses. "Once freight services became marginal or operated at a loss, passenger service became the railroad's favorite whipping boy, and the prime target for abandonment." CONGREGATION B'NAI ISRAEL OF GREATER RED BANK KANCE AND RIDGE ROADS R U M S O N , N.J. SUN.4 to tO P.M. MON. 11 A.M. to 10 P.M. TUES. 11 A.M. to 6 P.M. DINING ROOM - FAK PARKING - AIR CONDITIONED S A D M I S S I O N 1.25 WITH THIS AD 1.00 SCHOOL CONTINUES SHREWSBURY - Sunday school at the Presbyterian Church will continue at 9:15 a.m. Bocauso of the fire which destroyed Blair Hall, students will meet in the church sanctuary. WADB problems, and whether or not opt those caused by u> to blan.' LIFE AFTER 65 fears. Misfortune, disappointments or disillusionment may occur at any age. Fortunately, as we mature, we develop inner resource! which help us tope with them. Kmotions and tensions—as long as they are under control—are positive They p.ive life meaning. Biey supply the fuel for our Iwpt'S and desires and, under control, they will not undermine otherwise good he. 'th. Unfoi tunately, too many of L>S scoff at the idea of trying to control the emotions of a person who has lived with them out in the open for 40, 60 or 60 yegKor those who think this, way, there are always tranquilizers, but dependence on such medicated pacifiers is not the real solution. We try to control and manage our physical health, why not our emotional health? We all face problems. We all feel dissatisfaction with the way things go from tune to time. The key lies in how we tackle the IIMIIHIIIIMUI II Illllllllllllllllllllllllll Illllllllllllllll Illllllllllllllllllllliui County Births IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIHIIIIIIIIIIIHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII RIVERVIEW Red Bank Illlllllll IIIIHIMIIIII HUH Matawan, son, Feb. 27. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith (nee Jayne Lyons) 138 Schooner Ave., Rarnaget, daughter, Feb. '.'7. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith (nee Mary Ann Kennedy), 32 Birch Court, PAUL KIMBALL Keansburg, son, Feb. 26. HOSPITAL Mr. ana Mrs. Michael R. Lakewood Leone (nee Patricia VierlMr. and Mrs. Robert ing), 53 Bay Ave., Atlantic Bloss (nee Darlene RobinHighlands, son, Feb. 26. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mo- son), 364 Heritage Drive, cik (nee Kathleen A. Byr- Brick Township, son, Feb. nes), 104 Center Ave., 25. Mrs. Bloss is formerly Leonardo, daughter, Feb. of Port Monmouth. 26. JERSEY SHORE Mr. and Mrs. P e t e r MEDICAL Clarke (nee Catherine KecNeptune — Ian), 10 Crescent Rd., Mr. and Mrs. William Holmdel, daughter, Feb. Becker (nee Laura Wall26. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ing), Bennett Road, FreeHiggins (nee Eileen De- hold, daughter, Feb. 25. vine), 20 A Cottonwood Lane, Old Bridge, daughter, Feb. 27. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rohloff (nee Nancy Slocum), 99 Green Grove Ave., Keyport, son, Feb. 27. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bodino ( n e e M i c h e l e Keyes), 3 Miriam Drive, more important as we grow older. These arc brought about by changes which can be a source of worry, insecurity, a fear that life w ill ne\ cr be the. same again. There are changes m our physical being. Changes in our adult roles. Mans work makes turn feel usefiu. He has the respect of colleagues for a job well-done. A woman feels useful in raising her family and maintaining her home. But eventually the man retn Hit? mother's children grow up and leave home. Man and woman feel unwanted, useless. There are changes in living arrangements. Many may find it necessary to give up their home altogether. This often means giving up independence and privacy and giving up familiar things and surroundings. This is one of the more difficult aspects of growing old. Each of these changes is a difficult one to face. Yet, most older people are able to cope with them because they've developed the inner resources •head of time. Guidelines for developing a positive mental attitude on retirement: 1. Face reality. Accept the facts of life, make the best of proper attitude in any other period of your life. At first, you •ry to may experience feelings of tielplessness. uselessness. and iinlain an inter. doubts about your future. But ' w ithdraw from these feelings will soon give life. way to a better frame of mind if ! and \ancd >ou are prepared 10 see things . with I are and reshape your . life in ways that will ensure a i•() up with the world healthy, useful and satisfying around \uu retirement. sent and look NEXT A Fountain Of Youth: to the future, not to Ute past. TV Intellect. iiilaingood health Don t For a large. Illustrated ilwcll on your aches and pains. booklet containing this 8. Stay neat in >our ap- series In expanded form, parance and keep your home send $1.25 per copy to "Life After ti," Red Bank in good order I, Relax and don t take life too Register, P O. Box G 4, Traneck, N.J., »7«M. Be seriously. 10. Adapt to change in your sure to give your name and ideas and ways when the complete address, Including zip code number, situation requires it. (hecks should be made Achieving a positive mental payable to The Associated outlook in retirement is much Press. the same as achieving the 21 MEN LOST 81 LBS. IN ONE WEEK THRU OUR UNIQUE PROGRAM OF EXERCISE. MOTIVATION AND MOTIVATIONAL GUIDANCE WANT SIMILIAR RESULTS? bod/A^tHeal shoppe^? Spa 'Tfirvsf-Bocfc Collar' TOILET TANK BALL Amwrita'i lotgttt Ulltt The tfficitnt Wotcr MoHtr intiantly itopi th« flow of waftr ofitr «o<h flushing, 75f AT HARDWARE STORES HWY.35 Vb OFF 1 FAMOUS "KRO EHLER" 3-PC. SUITE SALE PRICED! WADB Does it With Beautiful Music... Timely News Community Service And Not Too Much Talk. GET YOUR SHARE OF OUR SHARE OF LISTENERS... JUST CALL 531-OOSO Glamorous deep-piled Velvet sola with contrasting wells and decorator skirt plus two high-back chairs. Save over tsnnkirvjui Ask Bill Stark To Show You How To Join The Most Successful Advertisers In Monmouth and Ocean Counties * \ | | H T I I Mi H i M , i n ll H U M .in I Mm I I T K \* M i l l l l n l (.(nil,I,,. ..,,,•> I'nl.l,.In i l l U I . li { i l i u m Hi. Mill lMiiiiiilriil.il REGULAR MEMBERSHIP WITH THIS AD. EXP. 3-10-74 95.9 FM STEREO WADB HAS THE LARGEST SHARE OF AUDIENCE IN ITS LISTENING AREA... MORE THAN ANY OTHER RADIO STATION AM OR FM* WADB 671-2288 MIDDLETOWN 95.9 FM STEREO Nur><». Oi i M I $ I . 1 I U , , | M t . l i r " I l»;iWHM. l u l l MiHIIMUtllll < V I M I M M . . . Snl.j. . I I.. SOFA PLUS 2 CHAIRS WAREHOUSE WAY! Engagements Weddings Rivers-McAlary Acconzo-Emmons KKANSBLRfi - Miss The maid of honor was Nora Lee Kmmons. 45 Miss Jacqueline Noone and Birchwood A\e . d^u^hicr flower girl was Patricia of <Mr and Mi Amy Hughes Attending the Emmon.s. KiagsoprI bridegroom were best man Tenn , was married I Louis Kaplan, and usher he re in si Catherine's Charles Km motCatholic Church to Patrick The couple were graduAccon/.o, son of Mr. and ated from Keansburg High Mrs. Patsy J Accon School Mrs Acconzo is Beaconhglit Ave employed at People's NaThe Rev Gregory Vaug- tional Bank of Monmouth han officiated The recep County, 'Ke\port. Her huslion was here in the Veter- band is employed at the ans of Foreign Wars Hall I S Post Office, here BED BANK - Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McAlary, 59 Peters Place, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Kathleen Ann McAlary. to Michael Christopher Rivers, son of Mr and Mrs Edward G Rivers, Roanoke, VY Miss McAlary is a graduate of Red Bank Catholic Miss Connor High School and is attendMiss McAlary Miss Stout ing Marymount College of Mrs. Patrick Acconzo Virginia, Arlington. *ler (The former Kale-Connor fiance is a graduate of Nora Emmons) • An- Miss Wendy Lynn Connor Lord B a t e t o w i t e High School and is serving in the n o u n c e m e n t has been by her parents, Mr and BAST KEANSBURG - and the Misses Gina Guer- USAF. made of the engagement of Mrs. George Lynn Connor. Miss Luanne Mane Guer- neri and Grace Den-ole. 50 Tatum Drive, and Laval neri, 322 Main St., Belford, Best man was Michael .1 lette to Douglas William Vaughan-Stout Mrs Ronald Etzkorn was daughter of Mr. Louis S. Guerrieri. Ushers were LAURENCK HARBOR Kale, son of Mr and Mrs. — St. Lawrence Catholic m a t r o n of h o n o r a n d Guernen, Belford, and Donald Donovan. .lames I, Miss Stout, a graduate of Herbert W Kale, 133 CarLITTLE SILVER Mr. Church was the setting bridesmaid was Miss Patri- Mrs. William Brown. Par- Guerrieri, Fred Burd J r . and Mrs. Robert P Stout, Red Bank High School, at- ter Road, Princeton. lin, was married yesterday and Dennis Murphy. here Saturday for the mar- cia Ringwood 162 Pinckney Road, an- t e n d e d C o l l e g e MisMill Connor, a third riage of Miss Macgaret D. Kenneth Bove was best here in the Bayshore ComMrs. Donovan, a graduericordia, Dallas, Pa , and San Nicolas, daughter of man and Ronald San Ni- munity Church" to Thomas- ate of the East Brunswick nounce the engagement of is a student at Kean Col- grade teacher in the Atlantic Highlands Elementary Joseph Donovan, son of Vocational and Technical their daughter, Miss Robin lege of New Jersey Mr. and Mrs Ignacio N. colas was usher Stout to Brian Vaughan, School, is a graduate of San Nicolas, 25 Woodshore Mrs. Bove is employed Mrs Myrtle Donovan, 117 High SchooJ is" employed son of Mrs. Jane W. VaugHer fiance is a graduate York Community High East, Cliffwood Beach, to at Lanvin, Charles of the Church St. and the late Mr at t h e Maison De Beu han, 4 East Ave., Atlantic of Henry Hudson Regional School, Elmhurst. 111. and David M. Bove, 38 Pacific Ritz. Holmdcl, and wasJoseph Donovan. Beaute, 112 Avenue of Two Highlands, and Mr. William High School, Highlands, Rider College, Trenton Ave., East Keansburg, son graduated from Cedar The Rev. Richard Swartz Rivers, Rumson. R. Vaughan, Center Ave , and attended Brookdale She is a member of the of Mr. and Mrs. Edward 0. Ridge High School, Mata- officiated at the ceremony. The bridegroom is em- Atlantic Highlands. ' Community College. Zcta Tau Alpha Sorority Bove, Venice, Flu. wan. A reception followed in In- ployed by the Middletown and was presented as a The Rev. Melvin Stan"Mr. Bove is a graduate dependence Hall Fire Co Township Road Depart1968 debutante at the Starment and attended Middlejewsky celebrated the Nup- of the Middletown Town- firehouse, Belford. Hodgetts-Verner light Ball at the Drake Mrs. Walter Kllyk tial Mass. A wedding re- ship High School and is emMrs. terrance Ryan was town T o w n s h i p High Oakbrook, Chicago, III. ception followed at Dia- ployed by Amcrace-Esna, matron of honor. Also at- School. (The former RUMSON - Mr. and Verner, was graduated Her fiance is a graduate mpnd Jim's, Matawan. Union. tending the bride were The couple will reside in Mrs. A. Vincent Lawrence, from Rumson-Fair Haven Karen Wcnkowski) Mrs. Michael J, Guerrieri Belford. 9 Broadmoor Drive, an- Regional High School and of t h e P e d d i e s c h o o l , nounce the engagement of will be graduated in MayHightstown and of Rutgers her daughter, Miss Valerie from the University of Col- University, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sue Verner, to Robert orado. HOLMDEL - Miss Ka- reception took place in Mrs. William C. Rue was Douglas Hodgetts, son of Mr. Hodgetts was gradu- Science, where he earned a RED BANK - The marren J a n e Wenkowski, Diamond Jim's, Cheeseriage of Mrs. Elizabeth her cousin's only attendant. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. ated from Sterling School, BS degree. He is a mem\ daughter of Mr. and Mrs.quake. GRAHAMSVILLK, NY. Hodgetts, Browns Dock ber of the Phi Sigma Delta " Edward Wenkowski, 114 Attending the bride wert — B a r b a r a R o b i n s o n Snyder Halfacre, daughter ,Mr. Haviland was best Road, Navesink. A J^ine Craftsbury Common, VI. fraternity and is vice presiof "Mr. and Mrs. Garret Ash St., Union Beach, was Miss Linda Cain, maid of and attended SUsquehanna married Feb. 16 here in St. honor, and Mrs. Christine Smith, daughter of Mr. and Park Snyder of York, Pa., man for his son. Ushers wedding is planned. University, Selingsgrove, dent of Kale's Nursery and Benedict's Catholic Church Lee, Mrs. Dorothy Moze- Mrs. Morris W. Robinson, to Neal Barrett Haviland, were the bridegroom's Pa., and Brookdale Com- Landscape Service, Inc., Miss Verner, daughter brother Stanley Augustus here, was married in the .Princeton to Walter John Kilyk, sun 1 e s k y, Miss C a t h y United Methodist Church, son of M r . a n d M r s . Haviland Jr., and Jeffrey also of the late William S. munity College, Lincroft. Stanley Augustus Haviland, The wedding is planned of Mr. and Mrs. John Ki- McGrath, Miss Linda BusFeb. 16, to Peter Jay Van for June. lyk, Carteret. cham and Miss Debbie Pa- Scoy, of Napanoch, son of 20 Alston Court, Red Bank, R o b e r t H a l f a c r e , t h e took place Feb. 15 here in bride's son. Peres-Johnson The Rev. Anthony Ca- lumbo. Mrs. Ethel D. Van Scoy of rotenuto officiated at the The best man was Daniel Rome, NY., and the late the First Presbyterian Mrs. Haviland is a graduHorn-Palasky Church Chapel at Tower ate of Cedar Crest College. HAZLET - Mr. a n d enlisted in the U.S. Marine Nuptial Mass. A wedding Wota. Ushers were Jeffrey 'Howard Van Scoy. LEONARDO - Mr. and Hill. Corps'. He is employed by Mrs. Robert J. Johnson. 30 Mr. Haviland, an alumnus Lee, Ken Kisty, John ZieThe bride is the grandSPAGHETTI DINNER The Rev. Blanchard D. of Bucknell University, is Lynn Blvd., announce the Triangle Copper. New Mrs. Anthony Palasky, 31 miak, John Mozelesky and daughter of the late Mr. Romaine officiated a t the an engineer with New Jer- engagement of their daugh- Brunswick. Leonardville Road, anA T L A N T I C HIGH- Daniel Burke. and Mrs. Charles R. Mor- ceremony, which was fol- sey Bell Telephone Com- ter, Miss Pamela Lynn nounce the engagement of LANDS - M o n m o u t h The bride is a graduate their daughter, Miss Janet lowed by a reception here pany, M o n t c l a i r . T h e Johnson, to R bert L. Chapter 251, Order of the of Keyport. High School. rell of Red Bank, N.J. Palasky, to Gerald C. Eastern Star, will serve a Her fiance is a graduate of The candlelight ceremo- in the home of the bride- couple will reside in Fair Peres Jr., son of Mrs. Eth- • Horn, son of Mr. and Mrs. el Peres, 32 Hemtock St., Haven. full-course spaghetti dinner Middlesex'County College ny was performed by the groom's parents. Arnold P. Horn, 141 New here, and Mr. Peres of Saturday, March 9. from 5 and is employed by U.S. Rev. Newton B. Ford. A COLTS NECK - Fur- Monmouth Road, New to 7 p.m. in the Masonic Metals and Refining, Car- r e c e p t i o n w a s held in Edison. Temple, 14 E. Garfield teret. King's, Livingston Manor. Miss Johnson and her ther arrangements for a Monmouth. Both Miss Palasky and Ave. They reside in Carteret. Matron of honor was fiance are graduates of garage sale to take place RED BANK - The marThe bride is employed by Raritan High School. She is in the spring will be dis- her fiance are employed by Mrs. Steven Grossman, and Dennis Bliden was best riage of Miss Roselynn K. the Red Bank law firm of a junior at Kean College of cussed March 12 at the the New Jersey Natural Norton, daughter of Mr. Parsons, Canzonaj Blair & New Jersey, Union, and is meeting of the Court Ma- Gas Co. She was graduated man. and Mrs. Charles O. Nor- Warren. Mr. Ceppaluni is employed at Pathmark, rian, Catholic Daughters of from Middletown Township f.arl A. Qu Mrs. Van Scoy Ts~a grad- ton, 65 Rumson P l a c e , America,"in St. Mary's High School He was gradR.P. uate of Ft. Freeley High Little Silver, to Alfred E. the o w n e r of Big A l ' s Hazlet. ** Catholic Church at 8 p.m. uated from Red Bank CathRoundup, Long Branch. Mr. P e r e s a t t e n d e d School and Sullivan County Ceppaluni Jr., was solemOn March 31 at 3 p.m. in o1 i c High School a n d They will make their Brookdale Community ColCommunity College. She is nized here Feb. 17 in St. served in the USN for four lege, Lincroft, before he the Knights of Columbus years. a Civil Service employe, Anthony's Catholic Church. home in Elberon. WOULD YOU BELIEVE Hall, Freehold, a reception working as a secretary to Msgr. Salvatore DiLorenzo for new members will take The couple plan to marry [10,000 PRESCRIPTION DRU( the supervising principal of officiated. place. in September Some of these medicines are" identical, Tri-Valley School District, Mrs. John Macron has Mr. Ceppaluni, S. Lincoln some differ slightly in chemical structure and here. Her husband, a grad- Ave.. Elberon, is the son of many are combinations of drugs. But, one MIDDLETOWN - Mr. tie Vema Williams, to Fred- been appointed chairman BRIDAL SHOWER uate of Syracuse Univer- the late Mrs. Rose Ceppa- and Mrs. Warren W. Wil-erick William Spiegel, son for the annual June comthing is for sure, that your physician and UNION BEACH - Miss sity, also is a Civil Service luni, and of Mr. Ceppaluni liams, 49 Melrose Ter., an- of Dr. and Mrs. Leonard E. munion breakfast. pharmacist have to keep up with a tremendous number of products that are available to help employe, and is a correc- of California. Court Marian completed Joan Turso, daughter of nounce the marriage of Spiegel, 56 Golf St., West fiiht illness. tion officer in the Eastern a book which will assist the Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Turso their daughter. Miss Chris- Long Branch. Correctional F a c i l i t y , And, each drug product has an identity partially sighted and is of 202 Florence Ave., was honored at a bridal shower 1I1C wwedding took place mil its own. The place it is stored, the conNapanoch. He served as a The preparing ano another p...,,, ™u»'K <"»* i"""' preparing herone one un- in the Town and Country tainer that it is kept In, how lone it remains captain in the U S Air b r O U p Jan. 19 in the Old First der the chairmanship of potent, its relation to other medicines, hQ,w Inn, Keyport. She plans to Force. ;*~ United Methodist Church, Mrs. Mrs Frank Knhrk For the convenience of Kubek. It must be handled, regulations guiding its use be married March 30 to JoWest Long Branch, with The couple will reside in bndes and bndes-elpct. wedand many other factors. Bring your family seph McCarthy, son of Mr. Kerhonkson pharmacist is a full-time job. ding and engagement forms LINCROFT - The Mon- the Rev. John DuBois offiand Mrs. James McCarthy ciating. are available on request to mouth County Chapter of of Morningside Ave. YOU OR YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US MONTHLY MEETING The Daily Register's Contem- the Rosemont College Attending the couple when you need a delivery. We will deliver porary Life Department, Ked Alumnae Association is were Miss Patricia Lunn RUMSON - The Rum.promptly without extra charge A great many Bank, N.J. 07701 There is no sponsoring an evening for and James Hartman son Women's Club will RUMSON - The duplipeople rely on us for their health needs. We WHY BE FAT? lee charged for any material p r o s p e c t i v e s t u d e n t s meet today in Bingham cate bridge group sponwelcome requests for delivery service and charge used. Wedding details are preMr. and Mrs. Spiegel are Hall, to view a program by accounts. « Thursday, at 7:30 p.m. in sored by the Rumson RecO D R I N E X contains thi most, Monmouth Day Care Cen- ferred in advance Pictures the home here of Mrs. seniors at Drew Univer- reation Commission meets eflective r o u t i n g aid availabll Slir«'\\ sliurv Pharmacy ter. Plans will be com- received two weeks after the Ronald Noble, chapter sity, Madison. The bride is tomorrow at 8 p.m. in the without prescription ! Oni liny, r i l H M i l l KM M i l 11% S H O P S O D R I N E X tablet befora meili and a graduate of Middletown pleted for a garage sale event, runthe risk of not president. firehouse. BROAD ST. 741-4174 S I I I U . H S H I HY you want to eat less - down go your Township High School. Her March 30 from 9 a.m. to 4 being used After appearing in Wednesday there will be cilonej down goes your weight ! PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS KRKE DELIVERY High school juniors and husband is a graduate of ' p.m. at Bingham Hall. Mrs. The Daily Register, the pica bus trip for skiing at 1 seniors have been invited Thousands ol women Irom cotit S h o r e R e g i o n a l High Great Gorge. Pete Pauels, locoasl report O D R I N C X hashelped Donald F. Reulbach is tures may be picked up at the office at 44 Apple St., New to hear a college represen- School, West Long Branch. them 5, 10,20 pounds in a short chairman. \ Bingham Ave., may be lime lose Shrewsbury. Or, they may be tative discuss the opportuso cm you. Get rid ol ugly (at contacted for reservations. nities of the women's four and live longer i submitted with a self-adBen Peterson, recreation O D R I N C X must satisfy or your year college located outdressed, stamped envelope. money will be lelunded. No questions commission chairman, side of Philadelphia. •shed Sold with this guarantet by would welcome suggestions on new dr existing proSHOP YOUR grams, which are open to NEAREST all Rumson residents. RITE AID Mrs. David Bove (The former Margaret San Nicolas) Mrs. Thomas Donovan (The former Luanne Guernen) Donovan-Guerrieri Bove-San Nicolas Kilyk-Wenkowski Van ScoyRobinson Haviland-Halfacre Court Marian Plans Sale Ceppaluni-Norton Spiegel-Williams Bridal Note Sets Meeting Recreation Programs Set Baking Winners Named OPENING HAZLET COME ONE, COME ALL BRING A FRIEND GUHE SALON CELEBRATES ANOTHER HAZLET - Mrs. William McLane, chairman of the American Home Department of the Women's Club of Hazlet, has announced the winners of the club's annual Bake-Off Cakes - Mrs. John Strick, first and third place; Mrs. James Keating and Mrs Joseph Blanchard, second place; Mr • LOCK-STOCK CO* NMRREL RIVER BO 4 FAIR HAVE N RD FAIR HAVEN 741-1121 GRAND OPENING THURSDAY, MARCH 7 William McLane, t h i r d plan-, and Mrs Frank Vel- lu/zi. honorable mention. ClMfM Cake - Mrs K<l -+MZLET WILL WELCOME YOU WITH LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND REFRESHMENTS EVERYTHING IS FREE THURSDAY, MAHQI / MAKE USE OF OUR ENTIRE FACILITIES FREE ENJOY THE FINEST IN PROFESSIONAL EXERCISE EQUIPMENT SAUNAS AND WHIRLPOOL ward Leeden, first place and tx'sl in show Variation on Mixes — Mi i George Kur •mi place Ida .mil Itiills — M r s SIGN UP N O W ; j ( ) J £ ^ C9 EZ EXClUSIVf IV nitl WOMf M SUPERVISED KIDDIE NURSERY FIGURE SALONS K Mart Plaza Rt.35 739-2111 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS Leeden, second place and McLane, third place I one, ftrcl place, and Mi i ond ind third placet md honorable men CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LECTURE Subiect 'THE SCIENCE OF THE NEWMAN'^ by CATH! Mini H ANWAI Time MONDAY. MARCH 4. at M '.ol'M Place MONMOUTH COLLEGE Pollak Auditorium W' NJ nun NOW! 7 nights a week! PRIME RIBS $O95 O lowph Blanchiird *cond plat e .i.i Malrrn • i[ the home cconom p.l t T | lit-111 Imenl ,ll I wprr MM- Auspices of First Church of Christ. Scientist united Jewish Appeal Women Leaders Named The !>«ty • tflttir SUB CAMPAIGN K I C K O F F - Preparing for the 1974 Women's Division of t h e Greater Red Bank Area United Jewish Appeal Campaign a r e M r s . Sidney Schultz, left, Lincroft, a n d Mrs. Jerome Flnkelstein, Colts Neck. MAKE YOor HOMl Or OfflCE POSITIVELY EUEftYTH|MCr 741-725^ »•«»•»••<••••»«»»•««»»«»«« Make A Date j Dickies Are Duckie B) HOXANK How to Make A Die ky Since there is nothing more fashionable today than the layered look—sweaters or combination of sweaters worn over a shirt, 1 thought it might be a good idea to talk about the Dicky and cuff. 'Many women find that the homes today are just too warm to support so many layers of fabric. A good way to overcome this is to wear a dicky instead of a shirt. Actually a dicky is a very abbreviated shirt. Not only can it be worn with sweaters, but it can also add a new look to any dress you might have in your wardrobe. The dicky is very versatile. It can be worn with both high and low necks, or. with a cardigan or shrink. The cuffs can be worn on the outside for a very new look. It does not have to be basted or snapped into a garment—and can be removed very easily by just opening the buttonholes. I doubt whether you will be able to find such a pattern in any of the patt'rn books. The closest pattern would be a shirt pattern which could serve the purpose as you would only need to use the neck area and part of the front and back. Two b r u n c h e s aye planned for donors of $725 or more. One will be at Ahe home of Mrs. Allan Siller, 10 Bellevue Ave., Rumson, March 12, at 10:30 a.m. Mrs. Max Houss, Colts Neck and Mrs. Joel Margol, Middletown are chairmen. The second brunch will be f o r donors of $36 o r more at the home of Mrs. Sanford Bey, 6 Woods End Drive, Rumson, March 26 at 10:30 a.m. Chairmen are Mrs. Joel Green, Middletown and Mrs. Lawrence Parks. Middletown. Twelve per cent of the National UJA Campaign is contributed by the National Women's Division. UJA provides for Jews in 30 countries throughout the world through the efforts of the American Joint Distribution Committee. Today — For children. DialaStory with a Tfiblical ( moral. Sponsored by King of Kings Lutheran Church of ' Middletown. Dial 171-3319 if 5 A> < ollar to nnht side and Take any outfit Add a dash of style Kith a dicky Delicately s«#son to taste with a choice of fabric and color. Sprinkle with various rollars, bow or tie. Mix well with wardrobe and let stand on its own to make several helpings. For best result*, serve generous portions with matching cuffs. Area chairmen are Mrs Marc Cooper. Mrs. Donald Rothrmm and Mrs. Jacob Silverstein, Lincroft; Mrs. Samuel Koren, Mrs. Lawrence Parks, Mrs. David Blumberger, Mrs. George Spiro, and Mrs. Daniel Millrnan, Middletown; Mrs. S. Thomas Westerman, Mrs. Eugene W. Landy and Mrs. Alan Silver, Rumson; Mrs. Reuben Spetlor and Mrs. Gabriel Spector, New Shrewsbury; Mrs Lewis Korb, Colts Neck; M r s . Joel Engel, Mrs. Edward Straus, Mrs. Robert Goli and! Mrs. "Daniel Levin; Little Silver, and Mrs. Sii ney llodas, Red Bank. A paid directory of coming events for nonprofit organizations. Rates: $2.00 for .1 lines for One day, SUIO each addi ' tional line; $3 (Hi for two days. $1 2h each additional line; '( 15.00 for three to five dayt, $150 each additional line. , tS.OO for 10 days, $2 00 each additional line, JUioo for 20 , days, $2 50 each additional line Deadline noon day before < publication. Call The Daily Register, 741 0010, ask for the ( Date Secretary. , itCh if >OLJ ttl.sll to within ' . l i m n neck edtfe. • Hier pin and k edne <>i dicky, starting at center back In marking at cenler front Stitch Kit;. 6. Collar will be en'.riwct'ii fnint and facing. Preii sewn open in front, up in Uii k Finish the bark by turning up the stain allowance of upper collar and slip stitching to neck cdK*" Kit;. 6A The cuffs are worked like the < ollar, interface baste and stitch, leave open enough area on cut edge to turn the cuf Prtti. Slip stitch open Srea. As for the cuff, make your ovyn pattern using the hand of any shirt sleeve and adding a cuff. If you are unsuccessful in finding the proper dicky and cuff pattern write to me care of your local newspaper and enclose a check for $1.95 I will send you the complete pattern. The dicky can be made in any fabric. Preferably one that is washable. It is beautiful made in table linen but that requires ironing. I made one in a heavy drip dry crepe that is superb. It can also be made in polyester or synthetic jersey. This should be well interfaced to tailor well as the fabric is soft, I would recommend the washable fusion type of interfacing as this will wear well and not lose its enspness. I t is also easy to apply as it is pressed on and there is no need to sew it—Fig. 3 If your fabric is light or medium weight, cut the fronts of double material. This will enable you to encase the collar and give you a clean finish when you wear the dicky open with a low neck Fig. 1. The front can also be cut with a facing. Fig. 1A. The back should be cut of a single fabric. The collar and the fold line and facing should have some interfacing. Fig. 2 . The cut edge should be finished with a very narrow piping of light weight seam binding or organza. Join the shoulder seams and press seam forward so that when you turn back the front facing you can clean finish the shoulder over the shoulder seam. Fig. 4. Interface the undercollar. Right sides together baste and stitch over collar and undercollar leaving open neck edge to be attached to dicky. Fig. 5. Collar can be cut in one piece Gun Is Final Blow FEBRUARY 22,23, March 1,2,8,« "Monmouth Players" — In stage thriller "Night i Must Kail" at the Library Playhouse, Monmouth Ave., Navcsink. 8:40 p.m. Tickets $2.75 at door or call 747-2853. ft i **•«*>. Mm* 4, »W« II •Sew Like A Pro- KKD BANK - Ofl for the Women's Division of the Greater Red Bank United Jewish Appeal for 1974 are chairmen. Mrs. Sidney Schultz. l.incrott, and Mrs. Jerome Finkelstein, Colts Neck; publicity chairmen, Mrs. Eugene W. Landy, Rumson. and Mrs. Carl Matorin and Mrs Sid-1 nev Schnall, Middletown. • tu&ut, Fig. V. Buttonholes on cuffs and dirky can be French machine made after dicky and cuffs are finished. Attach back to front of dicky with elastic or soft belting. Fig. 8. * This is a tried and true recipe for successful fashion plates. Yes...dickies are duckie for dressing up or down. Now you can whip up delicious, refreshing, tempting toppings guaranteed to add flavor to any wardrobe. Hemember...Fashion is what you make it. And Roxane will help you make it like a pro. Send your sewing questions to Hoxane. Roimf. Mind wmmng liituon tftu|n«r mt homi i M n | tipart tails iH hn liicfci ol ihi liadt HI hit Illy, how to do it giidl to homt M W K ) SEW I IK * no It • imUbli ihioufh ihn »•«!«•»•' I n only Sf 10 Far youi coty und SI V) Ichfcb oi noiMy ordu ntdl poylllo •in '7ho Aisocilttd Ptlll I to (till ntwaplptr in M l ol SEW (.IKE » PRO. Boi GJ2 Tiwiek. H J 01666 [««»"•« TRADE-IN THAT OLD BODY FOR ANEW YOU! MARCH 4 Free letlure on Christian Science will be Riven at B:3Q p.m In the Pollak Auditorium at Monmouth College, West Long Branch. Mrs. Catherine I I . Anwundter will speak on the subject "The Science of the New Man " Children's room is available MARCH 9 "Second Annual Spring Fiesta" — Benefit Fisk Chapel's Women's Day. Willowbrook Inn, 740 River Rd., Fair Haven. Music. Big Banks Organ Trio. Dinner at 7 p.m. Donation $15.00. "Monster Bash" — Bv Frank Mack, for children ages 5 thru 11, sponsored by Campership Committee of Family and Children's Services, al Hunisim Country Day School, Rumson Two performances, 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Tickets at door. MARCH 1(1 "Pancake Breakfast" — 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., by Ladies' Auxiliary, Ha/.let Firsl Aid, at First Aid Bldg, Maple Drive. Adults 13.00, children $1.00. MARCH 14 "Chinese Auction" — Given by Sea Bright Home and Schools Assn at the Recreation Center, 8:00 p m. Door prizes, refreshments, mystery raffle. $1.00 donation. MARCH 23 "Vacation Auction" — (12th annual). 90 fun-filled vacations to be sold to the highest bidders by B. (.;. Coats for the Middletown Jaycees at Buck Smith's. Palmer Ave., 1:00 p.m. For vacation list write Jaycees, Box 184, Middletown 07748. Tickets $1 00. MAY 4 - MAY 11 St. Agnea' Church of Allanlic Highlands will sponsor a cruise to Bermuda and Nassau on the SS Rotterdam. For information, c.ill 241-0870 '«»•>•»> Let's work it off together at Elaine Powers. and no one who knew her in-law bragged about fak- "'he wanted them." suspected she was in such ing a back injury after a The boy has long hair, a.state of depression. She rear-end collision. I saw in like most kids today, and bought a gun, drove to a my husband's medical he looks just like a girl. I wooded area and killed journal a cartoon showing say this is not healthy. My herself. "the perfect neurological sister says I'm nuts. Who's Now, the final blow. My cure" for such a malady. It right? — Indiana ' husband became involved depicted a patient sighing Dear In: You are. with a teen-age girl. He with relief, smiling happily, thought he had eased out of when a large bundle of ten- SPRING CONFERENCE it, but last week she came dollar bills was applied to MORRISTOWN - The to our home, pulled out a the "painful" area. The Spring Conference of the gun, and said she was go- caption of the cartoon was Evening Membership DeHWY. 35 671-2288 MIDDLETOWN ing to kill him and then "The Magic Green Poul- partment of the New Jerherself. He recovered the tice." sey Federation of Women's REGULAR MEMBERSHIP WITH gun by lying, saying he What a g r e a t many Clubs will be March 9 in THIS AO.EXP. 3 -10-74 really did love her and he'd people don't know is that the Governor Morris Inn, find a way to marry her. those fakers are respon- Morristown., The gun is now locked in- sible for the skyrocketing the glove compartment of insurance rates, another our car until we can decide example of how honest what to do with it. people get penalized for The people who are fight- the dirty work of the liars TALENT AUDITION ing gun laws don't realize and cheats.—M.D.'s Wife RKD BANK — Inter- that most bullet murders and Daily Reader national Pageant System a r e p e r f o r m e d by Dear Daily: Right you will select six girls to rep- "friends" and relatives. If are, and unfortunately it resent Monmouth County they d i d n ' t have guns will be ever thus. But you'll in the state International they'd use their fists or a be pleased to know that the Pageant finals in Decem- ball bat. Kven a knife is a insurance companies are a ber ;il an audition set for lot less dangerous than a lot smarter than they used M..S.C.(.|\|<: \ l DHOKUM tomorrow at (> p.m, al the gun. to be. It's becoming inII) \.M.Iu\OO\ Red Bank Community CenPlease, Ann, don't fcive creasingly difficult to fake s *jmn*on>if bv thf ter, 144 W Bergen Place. up your fight. — N.N. an injury. And when they Competition is divided into MOMIOU II SIIOITIM.CKMKU Dear N. N.: Don't worry, catch a phony they fix three age groups, ,V8, 9-12 I won't. The problem is, him so he has a very hard ami prvxrntr<i hy and 13-17. what are we going to do time getting re-insured—by <;I;\TU\I.IM>WI;HKI,U;IIT<;O. about the estimated 90 mil- anybody. \ Miii". nl hl||hh t'Hlrrliiiiiiit)! nnil nlnriil.ilm- pri.-i.tiii- il|i|H'lllllUJ In lion guns that are loose hear Ann Landers: My M l . m u m ii. l.iki- .1 "lin-.ll>". i nun- In llti-^i- l.tMiii.tliii^ I H I I ItiMir |iiii. now? I suggest the govern- sister was divorced two JJ1-1 li--i^lK il .mil |il,lllllrll ll» i \ | i , l ment pay a $10 bonus for years ago. She has a little every handgun turned in. girl, seven, and a boy, five. Kxpensive? Of course, but The girl has been begWOMEN'S DAY SCHEDULE well worth it. Think of the g i n g t o h a v e h e r c a r s IOW;H\i; VMU'UIM KM.' agony and grief that could pierced (like her mommy), I* iiliiriiifg be spared if we could gel so for her venlh birthday I < I'M.. Ill M O \ N | i fifty or sixty million guns my sister .id () K Lax) H.KWOK VIEW.G. I O| \ | | | I t |Kit out of circulation. night I was surprised In -K \\\ |s| Dear Ann Landers He I N iii»" boy wiring rings cently ynu printed a letter in pierced ears, too. When li iii|iliiHl unil l,i.| ( IUIMIIIII II - M s M I U I I . I . MMIMHV from a man whose bi'ui)n-i i awed, "Why?" §h< Dear Ann Landers: I've wanted to write this letter for months, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Now I must try. It's about your efforts to get some decent gun laws passed in this country. My father bought a handgun when Mom filed for divorce. I was helping her pack to leave when my father walked in and shot her in the face. She died instantly. He then turned the gun on himself and blew his head off. Two years ;igo, a dear friend of mine became depressed because she was afraid she might lose her job. She was a darling girl body shoppe Health Spa ft OFF . - • • • • • • * *** * TUESDAY, MARCH 5,12,19 14th ANNUAL WOMEN'S DAY PROGRAM tnt »ln 'h'liiim I In I M\I«;II (Irt more like play...bm it works.) UNDERCOVER CONTROL U.hJST II I S|> - • I W I I U I M M MVKI II \1 under*in1 luidy lirirfrr. lnHrldr:.TMBHl.1M-l«:i7.iMI' IHIIIMMH.IMI II VM)\\ M\IU II I') In l i ||M - i l l •l|imil I liiglu' u Mi lii I hi T O i POUMIOf I M in.Y HAVING uti vs • W . P - I I I - . I M m m . mil i • mi t; \i>Mhsin\»\<» m M I N \ M I > M M \ : • v u i vim-. IMMMII'IU/I.V 'I'll' Maine Power* FiKureSiloni. f» P\ ni. IS * 544-1773 Ihrtwtfeury 20 MONMOUTH ST. PIED BANK Open 9:30 to 410 Dully monmouth shopping center RTJSEATONTOWW I 12 *««* . - Cote iVwfc COLTS NK< K - A 1974 municipal budget which will keep the township's local purposes tax rate at zero and permit only a $2,000 i n c r e a s e in exp e n d i t u r e s has b e e n adopted by the Township Committee. However, the township's overall tax rate will be $2.91, up 13 cents The local purposes budget^ provides general appropriations of $779,741, up $1,692 over last year. It will be financed entirely with revenue sources other than local taxes. Colts Neck is the only one of Monmouth's County's S3 municipalities and one of the few in New Jersey with a zero municipal tax rate. The committee also approved a new salary ordinance and awarded a contract for construction of three tennis courts at the Conover Road School. The budget was passed unanimously after a public hearing at which committee members answered a number of questions. In response to one, township auditor Joseph X. Seaman 7VIJC Kate said the overall tax rale would be $2.91 this year, up 13 cents from $2 78 Mr Seaman explained the 1974 tax rate includes $1 40 for the local school tax, 3 cents for the amount restored to the 1973-74 school budget, 70 cents for the regional high school district, 75 cents for the county and 3 cents for the veterans and senior citizens exemptions These figures compared to $1.35 last year for local school taxes, 72 cents for the regional high school. ty< cents Tor the county and 3 cents for the veterans and senior citizens exemptions Mrs. Josephine Bucco, tax committee chairman of the Colts Neck Community Association, urged the committee to consider nving some of the surplus municipal funds to the local schools in order to keep the overall tax rate from going up. The committee respond- fto at $2.9L a Rise of 13Cents ed that it just didn't have "that kind of a surplus Mr. Seaman added that it would be very unwise to take any funds from the surplus account for such a purpose and said this would only mean there likely would have to be a municipal tax next year to pick up the slack. In response to questions about specific budget items, the committee explained: - T h e $38,000 budgeted for salaries for the v and roads department, up from $26,800 last year will provide for the hiring of an additional man, raising the number of streets employes to four Of the $11,200 increase, $9,000 is earmarked for the additional man while,the balance is for pay raises for the other three. —There is no capital outlay for improvements to recreational facilities, but the committee plans to bond for some recreational mittee passed a resolution urging neighboring New facilities in the near future -The $40,000 in capital Shrewsbury to join Colls outlay budgeted for the Neck in banning all trucks purchase of new road in excess of four tons from equipment will, when Hockhockson Road The resolution said the added to $25,000 from another fund, be used to buy township, because of coma brush chipper (on which plaints from residents, the committee accepted would like to ban trucks in bids last night), a road excess of four tons from sweeper, a dump truck both Hockhockson and with plow and a sanding Obre Roads, but that the truck, for a t o t a l ex- state Department of Transportation directed the penditure of $65,000 In other action, the com- township to request similar action b\ sburv on Hockhockson R<><, cause it crosst's into that borough. Obre Koad is within the township Both are t o w n s h i p streets The township must clear regulations limiting streets to light traffic with state transportation officials The township ha reived many complaints about the use of the roads by heavy trucks involved in the construction of Rt. IK US* c Delicious Orchards Parkway Food Price Hikes OK'd WOODBR1DGE - Since Friday, hamburgers and cheeseburgers sold at the Garden State Parkway's service centers have been a little smaller and a little more expensive. The members of the N.J. Highway Authority Thursday approved some food portion cutbacks and five-to 10-cent increases in the price of 10 high-volume items sold at the three Howard Johnson and five Holiday House restaurants along the highway. Philip J. Felice, parkway operations manager, explained that (he measures were necessary to avoid revenue losses at the restaurants. He reported that business has been slacking off because of decreasing traffic on the highway due to the gasoline shortage, and that the rising cost of food had been cutting into restaurant profits. Holiday House estimated that it would lose $175,000 to $200,000 in revenues for 1974 if prices and food portions remained as they were, according to Mr. Felice. c goes backto fundamentals! Eliiits&sVegetables directfrom grower toyou, new, expanded sales policy by Delicious Orchards that will help you fight inflation andthe gasoline shortage. Car pool with your friends and split cases of fruits and vegetables. You'll buy direct from the grower and save the middleman's costs. We can sell you our home grown apples and all other fruits and vegetables of our usual top quality in bulk - save the costs of expensive handling and repackaging - and pass the savings on to you. Come, see, compare the quality of the many varieties of fresh fruits and produce in our storeroom, all in cases and ready for your selection. He claimed, however, that the price of food sold along the parkway would be cheaper than that sold along the N.J. Turnpike despite the increases. Stock your freezer and save! February Was Cold And Snowy SPECIALS EACH WEEK: This week - Biscuits and Rolls, mix or match, buy s?x" Q LONG BRANCH - For the first time since last May, the monthly temperature average dipped below n o r m a l in F e b r u a r y , weather observer Wilbur Lafaye, here, reports. And February's snowfall of 19.2 inches was almost three times the month's normal average of 6.1 inches, he said. The average temperature for the month was 32.3 degrees. Normal is 33.1. Total precipitation was 3.37 inches, melted, less than the 3.52 February average despite the above-normal snow measurement. Heaviest snowfall was the eight inches measured Feb. 25. Another 6.8 Inchei was recorded Feb. R. , Total snow for this sea son to date was 23 4 inches as of Feb. 28 midnight Average is 19.4 inches. Nor manor the entire snowfall season — through April Is 24.8 inches Normal for March is 5 I inches Daily 9 to 6 - Friday night till 9 Sunday 9 AM to 6 PM r«b to IMMJ SCOUT MDDUCTOWN - New ly promoted i David v James, who up peared In a pi> I¥ to I, -*c*- Delicious Orchards taut month's hi«h lein peraturc reading w on the 22nd, B M the low was 7 degree!) Regl [DEUCIOUSOICHARDS <«* SAVE TRIPS, GAS & MONEY! ROUTE 34, COLTS NECK, NFW JERSEY, JUST SOUTH OF ROUTE 537 LIGHT •-••DELICIOUSf S~± CALIFORNIA NAVEL ^ \ TEXAS RUBY RED / • • . °Apples Otangps Grapefruit OTHER CASE SPECIALS: Hm»)« Hurt nwl Win" i k.i»i« Q r i n n i i»tmii« Navni Pmoupe* Oifi'igon Urn)"" ttnasfi i| Riul Rnbrrl cat* i i«vnh "ig« i i nap* Gumbs Criticizes Daily Register Editorial Red Baak-MMdktowB, IM.J. Monday, Marrh 4, H7< 13 STATE • y The AuMclated Press 2nd (,irl Munlcml in Poms Rivor TOMS RIVER — A homicide victim found here yesterday has been identified as Cindy Leslie, 18, of Beach• wood Dover Township police said a woman walking her dog found the body of the young woman in a vacant lot near Messenger Street. Miss Leslie had been reported missing Tuesday and was last seen walking on Water Street near the Toms River Post Office th»t afternoon, police said. Police confirmed that the young woman had been murdered, but did not speculate (in how long she had been dead, how she had died, or whether she had been sexually assaulted, siaie Medical Examiner Dr. Kdwin Albano was scheduled to perform an autopsy, police said. This was the second murder of a young woman in the area in little over a month. On Jan. 30, the partly clad body of Susanne Garden, 14, was found about 4 blocks from her Toms Kiver home. An autopsy revealed that Miss Garden had been stabbed, beaten and sexually assaujfced. Police have no clues in her murder, and did not make any connection between the two slayings. Nixon's Popularity Slill Low PRINCETON - For the fourth time this year publicapproval of 1'resident fv'ixon's performance in office remained within one point of his all-time low of 26 per cent, according to the latest Gallup Poll. ' Twenty-seven per cent of those adults polled in two surveys conducted Keb. 8 to 11 and Feb. 15 to 18, approved of the President's performance while 63 per cent disapproved and 10 per cent were undecided. In a previous poll taken Feb. 1 to 4, the approval rating was 28 per cent, two points above President Nixon's low point of 26 per cent recorded in mid-January. A combination of the last four surveys showed that the President continues to win his highest approval from Republicans, Southerners and Protestants. RKD BA^K Fuel (iroup Head to Seek Hike • NEWARK - The president of the Fuel Merchants Association of New Jersey said here today that he has been called to Washington to talk with federal energy officials about the two-cents-per gallon price increase his association members want. Maurice J. Neill Jr. said Duke Ligon, head of the federal office for oil and cas, called him Saturday on behalf of Federal Energy Administrator William E. Simon to request a meeting "within two or three days." Neill's association has demanded the same two-cent increase federal energy officials granted service station operators at the end of February. Neill said the association represents 750 independent dealers that supply 80 per cent of the oil-heated homes and K5 per cent of the oil-heated hospitals and schools in .the state. ! Neill said Ligon told him on the telephone that Simon is opposed to a fuel oil price increase at the present time, but invited the association president to represent New Jersey at an emergency national meeting of oil heat dealers. National Guard Jet Pilot Killed McGUIRE AFB - The pilot of a New Jersey Air National Guard F-105B jet fighter died yesterday after his aircraft crashed into Chesapeake Bay, 27 miles off Patuxcnt, Md. A spokesman for McC.uire, home station for the fighter, identified the pilot as Lt. Robert H. Drosendahl of Westfield. He was married and had no children. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Drosendahl, and a younger brother, Dennis, live in Scotch Plains, the spokesman said. He said the single-seat fighter was one of four I "Thunderchiefs" from the 108 Tactical Fighter Group on a training mission. No details of the crash were avail1 able. Unidentified Pilot killed in Crash WEST AMWELL TOWNSHIP - One man was killed yesterday when the single-engine airplane he was piloting crashed near Rock Road in this llunterdon County township, state police reported The victim, who was the only occupant of the aircraft, was not identified pending notification of relatives, and no further details were available, police said. Individualist Won't Pay Bridge Toll GLOUCESTER CITY - Emory Zold went into city court here today challenging what he terms the unconStitutionality of various toll rates on the Ben Franklin and Walt Whitman bridges "The significance is so important, ' says Zold, 38, of Blenheim, who runs a surplus business material firm in Philadelphia He was arrested Jan :t for refusing to pay more than 25 cents on one of the Delaware River Port Authority bridges. He questions the validity of regulations devised during the energy crisis under which motorists tvilh cars full of commuters are charged less than Single-occupant vehicles "I've got a Whole lot of people behind me We're going to fight it as far as we can," said /old, whose hearing will IK- Ix'fore Judge Louis Finegold Warning lo Squatters Criticized SCRANTON, Pa. - A federal prosecutor here has criticized a state Justice Depart merit assistant who warned the TIM ks Island squatters they weic ibOUl to •><• evicted S John Cottone, the II S attorney for the middle dr. tuci ol Pennsylvania, was highly critical of actions of KEANSBURG - Ronald Hayes, president of the "Five Man Council," said last night the last flier circulated by opponents of tomorrow's referendum is based on false information, violates the law, and he will turn it over to the New J e r s e y Fair Campaign Practice Committee. Voters are being asked to decide on a change in the form of government from the present system whereby three councilmen are elected simultaneously every four years, to a plan enlarging the council to a five-man agency. They would be elected every two years on a staggered basis. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. in six locations. The districts and their locations for voting are: District One, Manning Place F i r e House, Manning Place; District Two, Kennedy Center, Carr Ave.; District Three, Blue Jeans Hall, Church St.; District Four, Corrigan Hall, Main St.; District Five, Keansburg High School, Port Monmouth Road, and District Six, New Point Comfort Fire House, Carr Ave. The flier outlines what opponents to the five-man council feel a change in the form of government would bring. The flier states a change would require that all existing ordinances be rewritten and indexed, revised ordinances would have to published and advertised, all municipal departments would require new stationery, the number of councilmen's expense accounts would be increased, council salaries would be increased and mote clerical help would be necessary. The flier also states that new election expenses would be incurred, there would bp "additional patronage (jobs for the machine)" and the cost of holding an election every two years would be approximately $130,000 the first year. The flier also predicts, should a change in government lake pi,ice, Ilial taxes and rents would ln< for all residents here Mr Hayes called the kel kniin laid he idvancc Infoi ma tlon about jiien impending eviction to avoid Ihc biiitv of .i confrontation like thai il Kent state In IfM Utorncy James Walk«'i i alli-d kulm . ne and |uvrnlle W turns |mt the i] 8 Marshall who carried oul Ihi eviction in |iMipunly It Will lie Up tO Pack«l, I" Whom .1 lellel n i l the warning w a i lent, to dei i<ie if Kohn ihould i>< 'led Child Talk Scheduled i Main HI al to allow citizens lo decide whether they want a study of the form of Monmouth County government was a virtual carbon copy of the response of Freeholder Director Joseph Irwin: full of distortions and inaccuracies. In your case, it was doubly disappointing because of The Daily Register's history of supporting progressive reforms that would strengthen the fundamental principles of efficiency, representation and home rule I can only conclude that your hasty rejection of my proposal was caused more by a misunderstanding of my purpose than an allegiance to our present form of government "First of all, notwithstanding the allegations of Mr. Irwin and your editorial, my resolution did not call for a change of government. It merely requested that the board direct the county clerk to place a referendum on the November ballot to determine whether the voters did, or did not, want a charter study c o m m i t ™ to look into the different governmental options available. (I-noted with surprise that there was an absence in your editorial of any mention of the aspects of the Optional Charter Law; you attack a Philip N. Gumbs concept without mentioning it!) It is conceivable, as I pointed out publicly, that this commission might conclude, to paraphrase "Candide's" Dr. Pangloss, that we live under the best of all possible county governments. However, unlike Mr. Irwin and you, 1 place faith in the intelligence of the voters of Monmouth County. 'Political Ploy' "Second, I resent the implication that every action I take in disagreement with my Republican colleagues on the board<js po- Keansburg Group Says Election Flier Is Illegal Barry Koim, an aiwiitanl lo Attorney General I MATAWAN - Fn der Philip N. G limbs has taken issue with an editorial which appeared in the Feb. 21st Daily Regi Mr. Gumbs has said he would circulate petitions to require a question on the November ballot It would ask voters to decide if a charter study commission should be elected to study the present county governmental structure, to consider making findings concerning the form of county government and to make recommendations. The Register editorial suggested that the study request could be an attempt by Mr. Gumbs and the Democratic Party to create a campaign issue. He is the sole Democrat on ' the Board of Freeholders. Part of the editorial read: "Experience has shown that some municipal charter studies have caused prolonged havoc, with no visible improvements in government. As presently constituted, Monmouth's Board of Freeholders is not bound by the bur e a u c r a c y which is so much of a part of counties in which really big cities are located." Mr. Gumbs' reply: Carbon Copy' "Your'Feb.' 21 editorial commenting on my propos- flier "a desperate attempt to win votes." Refuting the contention Ihli taxes iind rents would Increase, Mi H "It has been cli h in il by Ki.mk Halm D C U t l V P ( I n n • t i n i i [ II i , thai .i change In the form ernmetil will no) in our i "RecodJflcatlon ol ofdl Mi ontlnued • rhertfore, II will not cos) the first five-man council. I seem good sense for . . . would recommend a reduc- Keansburg to go modern tion from $900 per year to by adopting a five-man $500 per year for each council. . .Let's get efcouncilman. This will de- ficient and down to busicrease taxes." ness with representation He said additional elec- for all of the people," he tion costs "are minimal urged. compared 10 the fact that this type of government re stores the power to the people. " O u r opponents a r e trying to place fear into the people," said Mr. Hayes. Many fear change, but change is the only solution to bring about progress." The Rev. Newton D. Greiner, former pastor of the First United Methodist Church of Keansburg, has scotched a rumor that he will run for Borough Council if the electorate votes for a governmental change tomorrow. "Regardless of rumors, I have not been asked to run for council, nor have I considered (he possibility. I'm a taxpayer interested in a broader representative form of government, and I remain such," Mr. Greiner, who resides at 55 Willis Ave., said in a news release. Throwing his support behind the proposed change to a five-man council-manager Faulkner Act Plan B form of local government, Mr. Greiner stated: "I'm a citizen of the United States, a resident of Monmouth County and a taxpayer in the Borough of Keansburg. That gives me the right to expect government by the people, of the people and for tne people. When a plan of government is hampered in doing a complete job for its community, then I believe it's time to change that government plan." Mr. Greiner objects to the c u r r e n t three-man Borough Council because "it is so easy to monopolize minority public opinion with two against one. He added that important legislation can easily be blocked indefinitely with a three-man council, and staled that a five-man governing body with staggered terms "stands much less chance of a party block THERE'S BOUND TO BE tying up legislation, or a majority group thai repre Everyone wants a new phone installed s e n t s only part of t h e people as soon as possible. And we do our Mr. Qrelner expn best. But when we gft a request at approval of the propMed 11 a.m. for installation that, same day change because the . . . ordinarily we have lo say no. borough manager who would Our o p v'no o f B o r o u g h < M i n n ii M i i t i tonally* For fxamplt, it wouldn't oul tenure, would be hired !i and retained solely on the make mm iffl h -.ii'ii number ii mjDIM I ould professional nbll illinjidim 'With fewer Hum III mil.hlii". in Id havin in ,i five HIM council it would CHINESE M CTION lit" Will ill mi'nl id 111 HI Port Mon lulii the |ll ,i t h e l l h in HI b o u n d v o l u m e s <>t i h e five years'behind the ac- current form' How best can we truly achieve retions of other county sponsive and active govlib around ent action on trans- ernment that will serve the portation is but I he latest people's needs in the most example. For months dur- effective manner, at the ing my candidacy I (and lowest cost, and stiU mainfor years other Democratic tain home rule'' The board candidates) urged that a and you are apparently untransportation program be willing to deal with these set up in the county and questions One needn't listed the specifics of such have served on the board a program I never re- to know the questions exist ceived a line of editorial It is a disservice to the votsupport from The Daily ers for public officials to Register on my proposals, refuse to face them. but when Mr I r w i n "Fifth, while it may be adopted the same program true that this Board of after I had won, he was ap- Freeholders is available at plauded in your'paper all times, there is no such And, of course, there are statutory requirement The actions yet to be taken; an job of freeholder under our inadequate recreation sys- form of government is tem in urban areas, voca- part-time No one is imJoseph C. Irwin tional schools, over-slaff- mortal. Future freeholders may not be wealthy and/or utically motivated or parti- ing. retired and thus able to be san When Mr. Irwin apFreehold Residents? pears in your pages day af"Fourth, I urge you and so accessible. Even if the ter day, usually dealing all the voters of Monmouth form of government were with the banal, it is our to consider the form of to remain as it is, would it fine freeholder director at their county government. not be wise to consider the w o r k . When I m a k e a How many people really retention of a full-time prothoughtful proposal in the know about this body that fessional administrator to proper forum (that fails to takes so much of their tax oversee the day-to-day opeven get a second!) it is dollar? (Why did so many erations of the county? characterized as a political people come up to me dur"Finally, it has always ploy,- The charter study ing my campaign and ex- been my understanding and was an issue in my cam- claim that they couldn't hope that we live in a counpaign. Mv victory was a vote for me for freeholder try of laws—not of men. It mandate for change. because they didn't live in is ill-considered to base "Third, I disagree with Freehold?) What authority governmental concepts on your contention that the does county government the people who happen to present members of the have? What should it have? be in office at a given board, with their invisible How quickly can it re- time. My resolution was government and 'Papa s p o n d to g r o w t h and not aimed at any individual or party, lt was instead a Knows Best' ideology, are c h a n g e ? always responsive to their How efficiently can a result of my heartfelt beconstituents' needs. You 'ommittee of adminis- lief that we must look inlist a variety of problems trators operate, especially ward and examine our that a burgeoning county if that committee is a ways. I am sorry that the has had to face and suggest backroom monopoly? How board—and you—would not that they (the board) have accessible is the govern- give me and the voters that faced them. However, I ment, not to newspaper courtesy. One thing is cerurge you to take a minute editors, but to the people? tain: I will not allow this and consider the fact that Are its service delivery issue to die. almost every positive and systems the finest posthe future, it might progressive action taken by sible? Why is the power be"In for you to control the board in the last 10 slowly flowing from munic- yourwise predisposition to conyears has been either as ipalities to the state? If it clude that Joe Irwin can the result of prodding from must flow, why not to the never be wrong. Even the Democratic candidates county? Could the county Washington and Lincoln for freeholder or three to handle such a flow in its made mistakes." mouth Mini ter will ill ii i< in iht' i will I AN OCCASIONALWNO'! in with the way we like to get things done. Ordinarily our attitude is think yes, say yes, act yes. After all, our job . first and foremost. * So if you have a question on your lull, or want lOtM information on ex. or whatever . . . please call IM And if we do have lo say no, we promise you this. You'll know the reason why. we have to say no Atld New Jersey I'.HI ("triple. donI riR no, it ju.1 d o w n ! IV We want you to get the moat out of your phone tier* New Jersey Bell U tf • , . * 4, , t 7 « r to* 'Sextet' Confuses Audience, Critic Television Today Mtm York < J.ani»rl*-2.4,S.7,9,11.13 (11) *00 M | | M | ( U ) N.J. PUILIC MOAOCASTINS All p»fr»nmui« oe> Iheaa • H Channel 51 iinliaa othan DAYTIMf MOVIES Harvey Perr on a book of appalling chaos Jered Bartoo Let No Man W r i t * M , Epitaph" NEW YORK ( A P ) - clay directs with jumpy ec"Simon and Laura" I .-00 "Lagafiel of tha Loat" "Sextet" is a musical about (entncity Scene Designer "Lava From A Stra oms under three mixed-up couples 1.-00 "The Mummy't that is even more confused the impression that purple, The Far Cour.tr 4:00 bilious orange and shmk Leoend o» the l o t ! " than they are 4.10 "A Man Could Co 6>»t KillaaT First, some good things b!-e are a pretty comI "The R«bo" (Part I) about the 80-minute tangle bination Costumer Zoe IVINING which opened last night at Brown is apparently intent too • • s a a Broadway's little Bijou on making her sex look a I LOVE LUCY Theater. The music by unattractive p Sra f Deep The plot is something Lawrence iiurwit, lyrics by B THE WILD. WILD WEST Wof tht lifht Colonele Lee Goldsmith combine about a dinner party at• TheI Ni DREAM OF JEANNIE Omr Genie. Whoa Got Uw Oenle"1 mostly for s c h m a l t z y tended by a Jewish widow 0 TODAY IN 0ELAWARE charm. The players led by who wants a wedding ring 0 HOOSEPODCE LODGE Mary Small, from t h e in exchange for the apartB SESAME STREET (52) ZOOM grand old days of radio, ment key she's given a 4 30 0 N I C NIGHTLY NEWS c e r t a i n l y e a r n m u c h o boyfriend; her sun wfiose 0 BEWITCHED Brownie points for good-na- bed chum is another lad; Money Happy Retumi * O ABC EVENING NEWS and a heterosexual couple tured effort I D BEAT THE CLOCK Now for the bad things. whose marriage is on the 0 UNDER BILLY PENN'S HAT 0 ZOOM Goldsmith has teamed with skids. By WILLIAM GLOVKR • •»)••»»••»»•••• DINE IN ITALY TONIGHT 1521 YOUR RITURE IS NOW TOO B 09 CIS EVENING NEWS F« WHAT'S MY LINE? O NBC NIGHTLY NEWS ffl MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE "The Syitem" ITALIAN OPUU EWWWHI.7TT111 PJi. BROADWAY MUSIC EVERY MONDAY Renlaurant and Cofklail O TO TELL THE TRUTH n ABC NEWS 0 THE LUCY SHOW "Mooneye Other Wife" 0 THE MOD SQUAD Tit life of • popular Klavialan clown ia Urealtnee) IB TAKE 12 I D WHO IS MAN? 0 CAREER 360 'Overcoming* Handtcafa" (521 BOOK BEAT Kafle Eye" by HorlenM Callahir. 7:10 O STAND UP AND CHEER Gucat: Trim tyli tr.. 0 O O O LET'S MAKE A DEAL THE HOLLYWOOD SOUAHES WILD, WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS WORLD OF SURVIVAL ••Rel»-een Two Oceani" FULL COURSE DINNER TOMATO JUICe, SOUP t SALAO MON. '/i Broiled Spring Chicksn, Tariagon 3,95 TUES. Baked Slutted Pork Chop. Esoanole w / Red Cabbage & Mashed Potatoes 3.95 WED. Steak Pizziola 4.95 THURS. AND SUN. English cut Prime Rib 4.95 Vegetable, Pojato, ice Ctea'm, Cotiee KITCHEN OPEN UNTIL 1:30 AM I Luncheons and D l n n t r t Dally MTrWELLUOfanM.iSAT IT'S TIME FOR SPRING TUNE-UP O BOWLING FOR DOLLARS 00 EYE O N ' Ruiinf or Neighborhood Srhoold?" I D ROOM FOR A WAY OF LIFE •Th»rl*ili»n. Fouth Oirolltit" ( D CORONATION STREET © TV GARDEN CLUB 1:00 (52) NEW JERSEY NEWS REPORT 0 ( B GUNSMOKE the man of Bloodahfd" A farm youth timck* 4ow» A Trail I THE hoMA6ICIAN killed hla father. •The nhialon of lha Paul Arrow " After * man la alain by two cold-blooded archera, a peychic 12:00 Beauty tella Tony more death! will follow. 0 DEALER'S CHOICE 11:30 O O THE ROOKIES 12:50 "Timelock." Terry and three women hoatagaa. one 1:00 of whom la pregnant, are held priaoner matde a bank vault by a man with a weird plan to exterminate them and eecape with the money. 0 MILLION DOLLAR MOVIE "Man In the Shadow" Il»57l.alarr1nr Oraon Wellea. 1:20 Jeff Chandler. A sheriff la arovlled when a wealthy ranch owner ordera a young Mexican laborer beaten 1:22 to death for paylnff attention to hia daughter. 1:30 CD TO TELL THE TRUTH IB I B SPECIAL OF THE WEEK "Rarhtl. La Cubana." With muaie rnmrniaxifined for televlaion by WNET Opera Theater, thlt »itrivaCanza, ia aet In Havana an the eve of C*atrn'i revolution. BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR! O O WIDE WORLD OF ENTERTAINMENT "Home for the Holiday!" atarring Eleanor Parker, Rally Field. An aging father aummnna hla four eatranged daughtera to hla bedaide when he becomea convinced hia letond wife ia trying to alowly poiaon him. (Ri P THE LATE SHOW From Hfre to Eternity" (1950 atarring Burt cuter, Montgomery Clift. This powerful drama concerna the paaalona and violence of a group of aoldirra atatloned at Pearl Harbor Juat before World m*THE TWILIGHT ZONE Q NIGHT FINAL (O INSIGHT O O TOMORROW O PERSPECTIVE O THE ONE O'CLOCK MOVIE •Thr Projected Man11 (19671 itarrlng Mary Peach, Bryant Haliday ( 0 NEWSROOM LATE NEWS 0 DAKTARI 0 THE LATE SHOW "Little Boy Loal" (19531 atarring Bing Croaby. Ntrnle Maurey. "Deliverance" and "Straw Dogs" CAME LOT Hilda Crane" (1>5C) atarring Jean Slmmona, Ouy MS Madiaon. ffi 1974 INTERCOLLEGIATE WRESTLING THE JOE FRANKLIN SHOW 2.-00 0 (52) THAT'S IT IN SPORTS 8 NEWS 0 3D THE MERV GRIFFIN SHOW • 30 0 THE GREAT GREAT SHOW ID DRAGNET "Strombnli" (19501 atarring Ingnd Bergman, M Friday and Gannon follow the f«w duel *vaJ!aMt 2:32 Vitale. In a mlMinj pcrion report uid tract thtm to a 2:45 O EYEWITNESS NEWS murder. 3:25 O NEWS AND WEATHER |52, NOVA Q THE LATE LATE SHOW i i l i l i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i n i i i i i l u i i i i i i l M i i i i i i l i i i i i l i i i i i i i n i i i i i i i i i i i M i i M i i i n i i i"Bamboo i n i i i i i i i i i iSaucer" iiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Health Spa 671-2288 MIDDLETOWN n r r REGULAR MEMBERSHIP WITH THIS AD. EXP. 3 10-74 riitiMTvision PRESENTS OVER 100 EVENTS R O M MADISON SQUARE EARDEN Featuring: The N.Y. Knicks i Tha N.Y. Rangers THIS WEEK: Mon.. Mar. 4. Wrestling 8:30 Tues.. Mar. 5. Knicks vs. Supersonics 7:30 Wed.. Mar. 6. Rangers vs. Canadians 7:30 Thurs.. Mar. 7,Basketball Doubleheader 7:00 St. Peters vs. Seton Hall Fordham vs. Manhattan Sat., Mar. 9. Knicks vs. Bucks 8:00 Sun.. Mar. 10 Roller Derby 1:30 Rangers vs. Islanders 7:00 ONLY ON FUTUREVISIOM CHANNEL 12 542-7744 laVVOV*ngle Bobv 7:30, 1 0 0 RID IINK MOVIES III— Blllv Jack ' 0 0 . 10 30: W h e r t ' t Poppa 9 00 SHMWSIURY CINEMA I - Lrmc- Popillon 7:00; • <5 M A D L I V IIACH PALACEMoklno It; Blueberry Lone, uous from 7:00 Dm NEPTUNE Serolco M S ; 4 . « ; 7 M; « <J CINEMA II— Sleeper 10 00 1 00; 4 00. 6 00. I 00; "SOYLENT GREEN" IT. 36, MJDDU R0. 2M-4434 CINEMA 3 4 - P M f HOLD MALL I Choriolt ot the Godl 7 00. 9 00 MALL 1 Wolklno. Toil 7 IS. 9 H CHARIOTS OF THE • RICKTOWN •RICK PLAZAAmerlcon Grotflti 7 70; 9.70 MALL C I N I M A I— Sleeper 7 30. 9 30 MALL CINIMA 1 Chonott of lha Gods 7 00. 9 00 I M c Ksaton WALKING Sleeper GODS? Seven Upl 7 30; 9 10 Audiences are standing Tha alary of lh» poke* a«to, "TTta lawaai Upa." 2mi loulh I d Rig 35 J. 36 264 2200 Tlw ovtyliicaa aajuwl thai •v«n th» regular co«a ara afraid oi! BIZARRE PRACTICE I WHchcraf 7HI. SI-VIEW UPS applauding... nrVALKINCC • TAII , THE MOVIES I U n show FRI & SA1 STMTHMOM CINEMA I— Dellveronee 7 00. Slrow Qoa I . I S CINEMA 1 C.omelol 1:00 CINCMA9 CINEMA 34 COUNTRY FREEHOLO MAIL « 1 MALI «2 PLAZA SAYMVILII MMAW»N HA2LET LAKEW000 IMtHOlD BRICKtOtVN TONIGHTS Dine & Dance DINNER SPECIAL - PACINO At The'MOLLY" OSETRINA PO RUSSKI Molly" J IHALIIUT STEAK UKRANIAN 8 T Y L I ) with Boiled PotaloM and Broil«d Tomaloes Coffee Dancing Friday, at 9 P.M. Saturday, at V.-.1O Jetry Kay Trio" How Are You Doing SOCIALLY? THai^c Audtences are standing up VISIT u n i u ' ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS ATLANTIC C I N E M A W t i t w o r l d 7 00, 10 00. Savltnl Crttn 1:10 MIDDLETOWN TOWN E A S T Sieeprr 7 SO. 9 so TOWN WEST Wolkma Tall 7 OS, 9 70 » KIYPORT STRANOEwcutlve 1 00. I SS; 7 M . 10 IS; B n a t i Delight .100. S SS; I SO; Mutrle Man Hotel ):}4j ».S0, t.ti MAXLIT *T. I I D N I V I I N SDlrltt ot ihf Dead ; 01. i n . Witchcraft I JS CINEMA I— Popillon 7 00, 9 10 CINEMA 1 Amtricon Graffiti ; SO. 10 00 PLAIAChorioti of the Godi / 00. t 00 MATAWAN CINEMA ]< Char loll of the C M ) 7 00; t 00 ™ • £ A PLAZA - HAIin EATONTOWN COMMUNITY — American Orotliti I 00. 7:70; » JO LONG IHANCM ( W i l l fn«> MOVIES I Wolklng Toll 7:00; 9 IS MOVIES I I - fr A LOVE STORY AIOUT TWO PEOPLE WHO HATE EACH OTHER 200 V I A M IN THE FUTURE PLUS CHARLTON HE8TON CD THE LATE SHOW I MI0DLIIR0OK (Ookhuritl These schedules ore pro- CINEMA I— vided by the theater and Seven UDs I I I , 9 10 )the times a r e for today CINIMA Oov (Of Night M 0 . 1 10 only. AStUDV PARK body shoppe u 0 ONE STEP BEYOND 'Tht Explorer" O WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE "Epitaph" • O PERRY MASON "Tht? c u i of tht MiMing Melody" 0 GILIERT AND SULLIVAN "The Mikado." A colorful operetta about tht Japftnea« Mikado who declared flirting a enma puntahablt by death ( R) 11 JO O © THE CIS LATE SHOW "A Death of Innorence" (1971) atarring Shelley Winters, Arthur Kennady. A ftntlt, pea.r«ful woman from a small town fights her way through the bewildering pact of tht rity to aland by her daughter, who It aroused of committing a murder. O O THE TONIGHT SHOW Hoal: Shecky Oreene. Queat: Mario Thomaa. 0 THE 11:30 MOVIE "CMm" (193.1) atarring Janwa Carney. 1 Joyd Nolan. A young mail, railed and educated by an unit nnwn gang leader, Joina tha G-Men to track down Miss Flack, whose cacident I thank God he's alive reer peaked last year's LOS ANGELES (AP) - to accept these awards," winning song, "The First T h e m e l o d y of t h esaid his mother. Loulah Time Ever I Saw Your Face," said she was overGrammy Awards lingers Haradway of Detroit Wonder accepted one of whelmed at winning again. today for the winners — Roberta Flack, Stevie Won- his trophies in memory of " I want to t h a n k t h e aid der, Bette Midler and a singer Jim Grace, who was killed in a plane crash more Members of the National last year In addition to album of Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences cele- the year, Wonder's awards itfeJMB • brated the year gone by were best male pop vocal, with a gala show Saturday "You Are the Sunshine of night. They chose "Killing My Life," best rhythm and COMMUNITY Me Softly With His Song," blues v o c a I. " S u p e r EATONTOWNS stition; " and best coma musical tribute to music, CIRCLE. OCEAN TWP as record of the year, and poser of rhythm and blues its artist, Roberta Flack, for "Superstition" "InMON. THRU FRI as top pop female vocalist. n e r v i s i o n s " also w a s SHOPPERS It was the second con- named best engineered alSPECIAL secutive year Miss Flack bum. won the record of the year The flamboyant, redMATINEE award. haired Miss Midler, whose ALL SEATS $1.00 The prestigious "album singing style is reminiscent • of the 1940s, accepted her of the year" citation went to Wonder, the blind com- Grammy as best new artist poser-singer-musician for of the year with the ex"Innervisions." He claimed clamation, "Isn't this a the most Grammys of the hoot!" show — four in all NOMINATED FOR In the ceremony's most emotional moments, Won5 ACADEMY AWARDS ATLANTIC :W der, wearing dark glasses, INCLUDING was led to the stage first CINEMA 291-0148 by his mother, then by a ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS brother and sister. He paid tribute to his family, insisting that his mother take one of the awards, and recalled how he almost died last summer in an auto acBy LINDA DELTSt H At the Movies TUNE-UP THOSE UNWANTED INCHES A T . . . HWY.35 HERE'S LUCr tfaufhlrr Kim antera a Lucille Ball lookalike conteat and gela thr ruoaround, Lucy Carter dr<id«a to leJtr mattera in her own hamta by intervening with Lucille Ball heraelf, • B NBC MONDAY NIGHT MOVIE t V>0b the Line" 119701 atamnf Gregory Pack. T.,fsoW Weld Thr career of a rural aheriff is threatened with deetructton becauae of hia obaea•ion for a young ninuntajr, irir] IRI O S AtC MONDAY NIGHT MOVIE "(haloa Land' 1)0721 ataxnnf Charlea Broruon. Jack Paleme An Aparhr h.lf br-rd in the Old Weal artoota a racial aherilf in aflf defenaa and fleee a victoua poeae 0 ) IONANZA A rarlwrlfht rancher la aicuard of murdering the wife of i U S marahai ' 3 0 0 • THE NEW DICK VAN DYKt SHOW A "fake" Matiaee hea the Prealona running In raKafa and the art dealer who pronounced it a forgery auddenly *antg to buy it and la willing to pay them more than they think it a worm O MEET THE MAYORS S> Q BOOK SEAT Hide by Each ' by Willit Snow Ethndge. |S2| FIRING LINE Tax Reform" 10:00 O O MEDICAL CENTER "Thr KnrniifB " A HrlaJlla tnea to gam control of Ihf adopted ion of an inij overiahoo widow, whila l»r Oa/inon tries to H V I th* w idow'i lift with a risky offratioii. 0 ID NEWS O NEW YORK REPORT (B WASHINGTON STRAIGHT TALK 0 Slit STATE 10:10 0 NEWS IB HANDFUL OF ASHES -To T thr Hungry Soul. Every Rll'.cr Thing U Sweet" 10 WASHINGTON STRAIGHT TALK (52) NEW JERSEY NEWS REPORT 11:00 O O O O O Q 9 (52) NEWS Flack. Wonder, Midler Are Grammy Winners • MGREAUSI • AOVBTTIK V ESCAPf! romplrt* dinner, tlart at Molly Vi CnntaMotol, | • • ACADEMY AWARD NOMINEE I PUPILLOII TWO M N WITH NO I BUI A w i n m n v f AND A PLACE TO DIE LIMITED TIME ONL\ i nil or U r\tf I mitt v ACADEMY AWARD NOMINEE PARTY TIME CLUB NOW 1st AREA SHOWING 741-5158 Mon. thru Fit 1 P.M. to 10 ».M. rVUITir TIMI ClUB ( 1 tfawai t l , Raa) i M f e , * I O ' f O I ANGIE BABY IN COLOR (t S ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS in. M i n t • 1ST PICTURE K r Shappln| Cunttr ROUTI HAZLtT • Save on Taxes «y SYLVIA PORTER If you paid a fee to a jobcounseling organization for helping you to find a job. a 1873 Tax Court decision will permit you to deduct the expenses — even though you failed to get the job. While the Treasury still insists on disallowing the cost of seeking employment that doesn't actually result in producing a job, with this strong Tax Court support, you may want lo claim the deduction anyway and fight if the Treasury checks your return. YOl H MONKY'S ^ OR III e proof Income, Growth Utilities evidence, that an employe couldn't use the $36 per-diem for board and lodging as a reason for not reporting reimbursements and expenses if the end of the day. these he also used the IRS apA final note if \ou havp first and last tnps are non- proved optional mileage deductible commuting ex- deduction of 12 cents and 9 to drive to a union hall to penses. Only your travels cents a t r a v e l mile to get your day's assignment between your first and last claim a deduction for his and then drive to your job, the Tax Court agreed with customers are deductible. own auto expenses. the IRS that none of the Also, if you must report in Most likely to use the car expenses may be <!<• to your employers office IRS optional mileage deat the start and end of your duction are employes who ductible as business exday's work, your first trip get the per-diem allowance penses Tomorrow: Sick pay. from home to the office but no travel or a small and last trip from the of- travel mileage allowance If you are an employe fice to vour home are non- from their employers. That and you drive your car to deductible commuting ex- 1973 ruling says you can't work with bulky or heavy penses. use the optional 12-9c miletools or equipment, the Su- Last year, the Tax Court age allowance unless you preme Court gave you bad had the case of a salesman attach a statement to your news in 1&73. Although the who maintained an office- return which shows the PARAMUS - The Rouse cost of driving to and from at-home in a suburb near various expenses for board Company, Columbia, Md .work is a nondeductible his employer's office in the and lodging that were cov- based real estate develcommuting expense,»some city. He drove directly ered by your per-diem al- opment and m o r t g a g e of the lower appellate from home to his first cus- lowance. banking firm, has appointcourts had allowed the em- tomer and directly home ed Philip T. Duffy, former An Alternative ploye to deduct that portion from his last customer. If you want to use the 12- Rumson resident, as vice of his driving expenses al- The question was the de- 9c mileage deduction, you president-general manager locable to carrying the duction of his first and last must give up the nonreport- of Paramus Park, the reequipment or tools. The Su- trips on the basis that they ing benefit of your $36 per- gional enclosed shopping preme Court put an end to were trips to and from his diem allowance. So in filing complex under develthis by ruling that nonde- place of work (office-at- your return, if your em- opment here on Rt 17 ductible auto expenses of home). The Tax Court said ployer's fixed mileage al- North. commuting to work don't that having an office at lowance is less than the Mr. Duffy will be respo* become deductible even in home didn't make that first IRS 12-9c optional mileage sible for the day-to-day oppart just because you, the and last trip deductible un- deduction (or he paid you eration of the mall, which employe, carry along the less the office-at-home was no mileage allowance at is scheduled to open at 9:30 tools or equipment for your really his principal office. all), consider not taking a.m. Thursday, March 14. job. If you incur additional For instance, if you had the 12-9c mileage deduction The 760,000 square foot expenses because of trans- your office at home be- and thereby avoid having porting your job-required cause your employer has to report the details of the mall will feature Abraham tools and e q u i p m e n t , no regular office in the expenses covered by your & Straus; Sears, Roebuck & Company, and 120 other though, some allocable por- area, the cost of your first per diem allowances. stores and specialty shops. tion of your driving ex- and last trips might be depenses may be deductible. ductible. But this wasn't so in this case. If you are an employe If you are a traveling performing your job at various locations during employe and you arc paid the day — a salesman, so- a per-diem allowancejjf up licitor, etc. — you can de- to $36 a day for board and duct your transportation lodging, and a fixed mileexpenses in going between age allowance of up to 15 your various locations. But cents per travel mile, you you can't deduct your com- don't generally have to report either the reimbursemuting expenses ment or the expenses on Rule Explained According to IRS rules, your tax return. Thus, this means that when a when you file your return, don't show on it the salesman or similar em- you various travel expense deploye travels directly from ductions that often lead to home to his first customer an audit which may reand travels directly home quire you to furnish IRS from his last customer at B>ROhKKE SPEAR Q — Would you be kind enough to name lour or fivp utility stocks . have high yields and a fair chance for appreciation'* — RT A — An important consideration in selecting utility stocks at this time is Hie type of fuel used by the company for generating power Dependence on oil would obviously bo a nega live factor Three Big Board-listed companies in si <;< i;ssi 1 1 INVESTING a favorable position, with only minor (tax oU are: Alleghem Power Systems. 99 per cent coal; Pennsylvania Power k Light, 93 per cent coal. 4 per cent hydro; and Toledo Edison. 97 per cent coal Ex-Kumson Man Given Shopping Outer Position RKI) BANK - Kldnn K. Adams of Long Branch has been named general manager of The Boatman's Shop and Jersey Marine Company. Inc. succeeding Everett C. (iillam who has retired after 28 years with the firm. He is a former chief in the Long Branch Fire Department, as a member (if the Long Branch Lodtte no 78 F&AM and a member of the Long Branch Ice Bout fc Yacht Club. Pic-Nic will operate more than 20 restaurants and snack shops on the unper level of the malL--rfVe looking a waterfall, Completely skylitei the Sshaped complex \vill provide shopping aloW treelined avenues of paHs benches, flowers and sreubs, cobblestone streets, an antique clock and many other aesthetic architectural features. Philip T. Duffy Mr. Duffy was manager at Franklin Park Mall, an- Bank Catholic High School, other Rouse Company de- Voorhees Technical Invelopment in Toledo, Ohio, stitute in New York and and Woodbridgc Center, the New Jersey State Pothe 1.1 million square foot lice Academy. He resides mall located in Wood- in Park Ridge with his bridge. wife, Carol, and their four He is a graduate of Red children. -s HO per oal and 12 per (fnt with nuclear power Washington Water Power I N Y S E ), an < trie/natural gas utility, uses hydro-based plants to supply the bulk of its power capacity Future capacity »11I be supplied by a 15 per cent interest in a coal-fired plant \ second major concern is the regulators climate prevailing in the states served by the various uliliIfl The case of each of the above five companies, die various public utility commissions involved ha\e an open attitude and in the past 18 months have been fairly reasonable in allowing fuel adjustnient clauses and granting rate increase requests. However, the Pennsylvania Public Utilities Commission is probably the most liberal. The high level of capital ex-, per.ditures necessary to finance expanded generating capacity is also important in assessing the Utility's growth picture Although internally generated funds cover some of these expenses, much of the capital must be raised through equity offerings and new bond issues, often diluting earnings or reducing interest coverage. The five-selected utilities are currently trading at the low end of' their historic price-earnings multiples, levels at which most of the negatives have been fully discounted. Dividend policies have been liberal with payments increasing annually. In fact, four of the five companies have upped their rates within the last three q u a r t e r s . Yields range from 7 3 per cent oh Wisconsin Electric to 7.8 per cent on Allegheny P.S. AOVEXTISEMENt Chew! Long-holding FASTEETH Powder. A It takes the worry r ~ out of wearing dentures. INTEGRITY EXTINCT? Jersey Marine Posl lo Adams The firm, headquartered here, is one of the oldest and largest marine suppliers in the state. Mr. Adams joined the firm in 195H as Us whnlesale division manager and assistant purchasing director. He will now be responsible for the entire whole-. sale and retail operation. * * / « * 4, «I Tk* »*t •*&***, *** For 30 Years The Group In Power Whoever They Were, Opposed A Change Of Government in Keansburg. Eileen & Ray Are No Exceptions. On The Fifth Of March No One EMon K. Adams T o Form K o f C I n i l MIDDLETOWN - A formative meeting for a new Knights of Columbus council will take place Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. in Veterans of Foreign Wars Hall, Rt. 35. Interested persons are invited to attend Is Letting Anyone Go - Especially Mayor Lloyd & Councilman Reaney; Nor Are We Looking At Councilman Graham's Track Record. NorAre We Looking At The Present Save Record Of Council. KwithBYusMAIL Make dapoiits In checking and savings accounts at your nearest mailbox. Chit back receipts by mall, it's the easy-does-it way with handy Bank by Mail forms available at any Colonial First National office. We pay postage both ways. COLONIAL^ IIHSI NAIItlNAl RANK The all-service bank that looks out for you We Are Only Voting For A Change In The Form Of Government, A Modern Responsive Form. ... Whichever Individuals You May Support Vote YES On March 5th PAID FOR BY KEANSBURG TAXPAYERS FOR PROGRESSIVE GOVERNMENT, Q. OSTAOV, SECY. 365 CARR AVE., KEANSBURQ, N J . 14 IV *«» **#**** *** »«* ****+.*. e, i Knicks Survive Celts, 108-102 BUHON one who thinks is a noncontact spoil has never seen the New York Knicks and Bos) match muv They knock heads and consider it just getting ready for the playoffs " I t ' s all part of the ame, v e t e r a n Bill radley said after his usual aggressive tactics helped the Knicks to a 108102 National Basketball Association overtime victory over the Celtics yesterday before a packed crowd of 15,320 and a national television audience. In y e s t e r d a y ' s other NBA games it was Milwaukee 112, Houston 10H In o v e r t i m e ; C a p i t a l 98, Cleveland 93; Phoenix 113, KjHlsas City-Omaha 100, Petroit 99, Portland 95; and Los Angeles 108, Golden State 104. "The Celtics-Knicks riva l r y is a good o n e , " Bradley said. "It's much more fun to play the Critics, particularly in the playoffs, than any other team. Personally, I like all the Celtics, but we have hard and rough games at times." Between pawing, clutching and shoving Boston »P Wlrtoholo — but g e t t i n g of the ABA players called for only five personshot as New al fouls — Bradley scored goes up to 25 points. One basket put this play yes- New York in front 97-96 t DOUBLE IMAGE - M e l Daniels Indiana Pacers goes high for a York Nets Larry Kenon, right, block the shot. Daniels scored on terday at the Nassau Coliseum. Pacer Surge Puts Nets Out of First UNIONDALE. N.Y. ( A P ) — Acting Coach Freddie Lewis decided to stop acting yesterday and so did the rest of the Indiana Pacers. "I took myself out so I could lit down and see what was going on," said Lewis, who started the game against New York in Indiana's backcourt but didn't play at all in the second half. Lewis was coaching his second consecutive game in place of Bob Leonard, who has the flu. Saturday night, the Packers lost to Carolina 110-108 and it looked like more of the same when they trailed the Nets 60-40 at the intermission. Lewis, whose ambition is to coach when his playing days are over, found the right combination, though. The Pacers ripped off an incredible 80-39 second half and made off with a 120-99 American Basketball Association triumph that dropped the Nets out of first place in the East Division. Lewis has a 12-8 coaching record over the year while filling in for Leonard. Elsehwere in the ABA, San Antonio crushed Virginia 111-79 and Denver walloped San Diego 139-112. In the National Basketball Association it was New York 108, Boston 102 in overtime; Milwaukee 112, Houston loti m overtone; Capital 98, Cleveland J3; Los Angeles 108, Golden State 104; Detroit 09, Portland 95, Phoenix 113, Kansas City-Omaha KMi "In the first half, we were having trouble setting the ball inside," Lewis said. "They were lagging in the middle and putting Billy Paultz In the center, go we went to our weave Offense and Kevin was able to penetrate and hand off" In the MCOnd half, Lewis a team can outscore you 80-39," moaned New York Coach Kevin Loughery. "This is the time of year when we should be playing good ball, heading into the playoffs. The problem is that we're not playing together and there's a total lack of concentration. It's more on defense than on offense. "I don't think it's asking too much of guys to concentrate two hours a night. They're playing as bad a brand of ball now as they did early in the year when we lost nine in a row. We have to get ourselves together. Right now thej^s no leadership at all. INDIANA ( l ! 0 r McGinriis 12 5 8 29, Brown 7 4 5 18. Daniels 9 5 6 23, f reemon 6 3 5 IS. Lewis 2 J 2 6. Bus<> 4 0 0 9, Keller 2 0 0 4, Htllman 0 0 0 0. Nelolickv 3 22 8. Jovce 3 2 2 S. Tolols 41-23 30. NEW YORK (99); Ervino 8 00 17. Kenon 13 34 29. Puult; 7 4 5 18. Gale 1 0 0 2. Williamson 8 2 2 IB. Lodner 7 0 1 5 . Taylor 3 0 0 o, Melchlannl I 0 0 2. Solourntr I 0 0 2 Totals 44 99 Pndn j i 19 a 35120 New York 26 34 22 17 99 Heard's Wife: Sound Advice ORLANDO. Fla. (AP) - Hoard's. Jerry Heard, considered "The only thing Johnny one of pro golf's brightest did,". Heard said, "he young stars until he began found out what he was a futile, frustrating search doing quicker than I did for perfection, says he's He found out what was straightened out his act on right for him The game is some advice from his wife. a lot easier when you know "She's watching me hit what to do, Nicklaus is like those big hooks in the that. He knows what's right woods and she says, 'What for him." the hell are you doing? Why don't you" go back to the way you played before9' "Heard said. He did, and the result was a front-running, threestroke victory over Homero Blancas and Jim Jamieson y e s t e r d a y in t h e $150,000 Citrus Open. Heard, occasionally whistling softly to himself, fashioned a three-under-par H9 in the final round and won with a 273 total, 15 under par on the fi.929-yard Rio Pinar Country Club course and comfortably in front of Blancas and Jamieson, tied at 27H. Jamieson playing in only his second event Biter returning from an injury absence, had | f>7 in the bright, warm sunshine and Blancas took a 70 South African Bobby Cole, M, and Bob Murphy, started Don Busc and who once got to within a jovce in ihi- backcourl and single shot of the lead niul they combined for 15 points mind In the third period George lied al 27/ Muiphs li.ul ,i McGlnnift, though, not IK closing 71 by himself as the P Phe i'lini: I lulled "I was right on top of him.' Boston veteran Paul Silas said "It was a super .shot Don Chancy and 1 had him pinned in along the sideline. He took two or three dribbles, went up and hit." He couldn't make a living on those shuts, but he's .< v e t e r a n and c o m e s through on them," New York Coach Red Holzman said After Bradley's long jumper, the Celtics called time. Silas was fouled in a wild scramble for the pass- Thompson in under the net — and the In the overtime, Dave Celtics still were crying DeBusschere, who had 26 foul long after the game points, tapped in a rebound had eneded for New York, but Bi On the penalty situation, Don Nelson," who had 28. Silas was awarded two tied the count 99-99. shots, with the Celtics Then Walt Frazier, who claiming he should have had only six points in more three because he was in than 49 minutes, drove in the act of shooting. He for a layup, was fouled and made the first free throw, chased the free throw to missed the second, and the put the Knirks ahead to game Vent into overtime stay. "They blew it." Frazier "Silas was shooting the ball and should have had said "They had it won and three shots to make two,' we pulled it out." Then, Boston Coach T o m m y •noting the Celtics' 104-88 Heinsohn said. "1 don't be- victory in New York Saturlieve it. If nothing else, it day night, Frzier added: was a deliberate foul. It "We're even now. No one has the psychological adwas sickening." By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Brad Park scored two goals and Pete Stemkowski added a goal and two assists last night, sparking the New York Rangers to an 8-2 National Hockey League victory over the California Seals Bill Fairbairn got the Rangers started after just 44 seconds of play, driving a "20-foot slap shot past California goalie Marv Edwards, who was making his first start since Dec. 5. Steve Vickers and Park pushed the advantage to 3-0 in the closing minute of the period. Vickers scored from just outside the crease at 19:05 after Edwards had stopped Walt Tkaczuk's shot and Park converted passes from Pete Stemkowski and Butler 33 seconds later for his 21st goal of the season. Butler assisted on two other scores. Park and Vic Hadfield made it 5-0 with the only goals of the second period. Reggie Leach got the Seals on the Scoreboard at 4:09 of the third period but New York rookie Bert Wilson netted his first NHL goal just over two minutes later. Jean Ratelle and Stemkowski got the other New York goals while Stan Cilbertson scored for the Seals. Power play goals by Rick Martin and Gil Perreault' in the final period gave the Buffalo Sabres a come-frombehind 4-3 victory over the New York Islanders. Billy Harris scored all three goals for the Islanders. Martin's tying goal was his second of the game and ir 0of 40th ?" ! I the season. He took a pass from Larry Carriere, in on the left side, cut to the center, faked goalie Billy Smith and flipped the puck past him. That came three minutes after Harris put the Islanders ahead 3-2. Perreault got the winner two minutes after Martin tied the score, ramming in a rebound of a shot by Martin. Two goals by Harris gave the Islanders a 2-0 lead in the opening period but Martin got one back for the Sabres 21 seconds later. Buffalo's Craig Ramsay did the only scoring of the second period to make it 2-2. He batted in a rebound after Smith blocked a 25-foot shot by Don Luce. Philadelphia goaltendcr Bernie Parent took advantage of a bad game by Tony Esposito to move two steps closer to the Chicago Black Hawk netminder yesterday. First, he watched Esposito give up six goals against the Detroit Red Wings in the nationally televised game, cutting the Chicago lead over the Flyers to 10 goals in the Vezina Trophy race — one Parent dearly wants to win. Then Parent-blanked the Montreal Canadiens 6-0 for his llth shutout of the National Hockey League season — just four fewer than the record Esposito set during the 1969-70 season. Elsewhere in the NHL, the Black Hawks and Red Wings tied 6-6; the Toronto Maple Leafs defeated the Boston Bruins 6-4; the Buffalo Sabres trimmed the New York Islanders 4-3 and the Atlanta Flames dropped the Vancouver Canucks 5-3. HartnettLegs Villanova To ICAA Indoor Title Whitworth Captures ^Blossom' winner on the I,adie\ Pro fessionul (lolf Association tour. It was also hti Hi it victory of 1974 1 here had been three tournamentu prior to the Orange Bios strokes off the pace, wore li ve;u old JoAnn prentice and Hi V . I I old i igh wh Mil • niul i 'I lying to 'win her flral Inurnainent, had led the >\ hold afUr the fin t round with » 61, but ,i mie ovei par 73 ••'I I H I three strokes \lei lohnn HI iii' Mllli Ml ARD A BIRDIE at a of tin Win WERE SERVING MANY, DONT FORSET — THEY TRY US ONCE. AWD THEM THEYfeE SET lund ninth W.A.-Fluhr's professional service will help you knock out winter Call lor a check-up today FHJHRi FUEL OIL • BURNER SALES £ SIRVICC mar and Jerry Bowma Hartnett took the baton 18 vardi behind in* pa< ler, then zoomed into the lead with :. mam PERFORMANCE NOT UP TO PAR??2- Hawki j Tit (liampiomhift WK«TTTTN<; I'.H Monmouth College won the Metropolitan • onfer IHI in I lie I I 't, (iff th' Daniels uddud withstood a strong challenge from Jim Nathaniel, Manhattan's versatile freshman, and won by about five yards in the meet record time of 3:13.3, The clocking was onetenth of a second faster than the record time in which Seton Hall had won the race last year Villanova's other points came from Eamonn Coghlan's half-mile victory in 1:51 7, a third by Kevin McCary in the two-mile a fourth in the two-mile relay. Points were scored on a 6-4-3-2-1 basis. FLUHR'S FUEL KIDS" Ing on the elghi lap to the mile trai h and breezed . the finish lino In Tylnf for third, lour i oo ird ' KPITOI Gregan, a 21-year-old junior from nublin, Ireland, also came from behind in winning the mile in 4:00.4, cracking the meet record of 4:02.0, established by Denis Fikes of Penn last year. But the drama of the meet was packed into the final mile relay. Manhattan, with 24 points going into the race, needed a victory to overhaul Villanova which did not have a team in the final. The Jaspers battled Seton Hall for the lead all the way, but the P i r a t e s ' H o w a r d Brock, winner of the MO, .urn i v i Itodi plon ''i ind i hump I how WHO'S THE MASKED MAN? - Morris Mott (20) of the California Seals chases the puck yesterday after New York's masked goalie Ed Giacomin made a save at Madison Square Garden. PRINCETON (Al') Villanova, bolstered by John Hartnelt's record smashing two-mile victory and brilliant anchor le^ on the distance medley, and the best mile of Tom (Jregan's career, surprisingly won the 1974 ICAA Indoor Track and Field Championships yesterday at. Princeton's .ladwin Gym, The Wildcats, winning the title for a record lilth time since 1957 compiled 29 points, edging defending champion and favorites Manhattan and Seton Hall by one point Manhattan, hampered by an intestinal virus that slowed defending two-mile champion Mike Keogh, and Seton Hall, which beat the Jaspers in the final mile relay, tied for second with 2H points apiece. Hartnett, the durable Villanova senior, shattered the individual two-mile ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. record with a runaway vic(AP) - Kathy Whitworth tory in 8:33.2, erasing the captured her fifth Orange 8:42.1 mark by Pitt's Jerry Blossom Classic golf tour- Richey in 1971 nament title yesterday by Then, the soft-spoken shooting a one-under-par 71 blond fnun County Cork, on the Final round for a 209 Ireland, came hack and ,m total. chored Villanova's distance Miss Whitworth won by a medley relay team that single stroke over defend- bettered the meet record ing champion Sandra Hay- with a time of 9:45.6. The nie, who also had a final previous record of 8:47.8 round 71 on the H,4H4yard was set by Penn Stale in Scminole Lakes Country 1972. Club course Preceding »H artnetl on The victory was worth the record-smashing relay I tor Mlu Whitworth, the untune leading money were Phil Kane Greg Eck .1 VfC with 21 poinl. .mil times in the last four minvantage at the moment The Celtics played both utes The Bullets scored 11 games without their top man. John Havlicek. out consecutive points to pull for about a week with a ahead in the third period, but went without a field shin injury. Kareem Abdul Jabbar goal for the final 5:19 They scored 12 of his season-high still managed to hold off 44 points in the fourth quar- the Cavaliers. Elvin Hayes scored 25 ter to lead the Bucks back points and hauled in 22 from a 10-point deficit He added four in the rebounds for the Bullets. YORK 1101) Dtfcuivcherf 13 overtime period and Mil- DONtW 16. BioSlev II 1-4 IS Gionein > 0 I Fromr 7 4-7 «. Monrot 9 J J ?0. waukee pulled away for the 7Memlneer, \ 7 7 I. Jaihion 1 7 I *. victory Lucos i 71 \7. Blt*v 1 0 4 6 Tololj It 71 The Bucks had been in 46 BOSTON (1021 Nelion II 1 7 ?t. 1 SI 1 Cowtnt 9 3 4 II. white front by 12, but Rudy Tom- •.Hoi I? 3 4 71 Chanty I 7 7 10 KuMriki 0 ! J 2, Wtilphol ? I I t Tololl 41 n janovich scored 26 points and Calvin Murphy scored n 71 ?l 14 32 II 101 Ne» York IV JS n II S 102 BMIon 23 to help the Rockets Bh JJack Fouled oui DeBuiuhert. ion S'lOS '0101 foull New Y o u 27. The score was tied five Boston 24 A IS.120 Rangers Pull Rout of Seals i:ue/, nun r Cramnt Australia mil Leonard Willi laid, but i''i | O O d ilef' ' pin him mi Wil With III.i' gy, who m nds left in lime, and left Lee Elder, < in i in Rodrl Bu * al n did a |ob York'* John will I who Bcorod Ml point'. In tin- in .i lull "We wen with with t id w i l d I h John ' third with iw» Hun Assay led iw- Hawk Improve Your Performance At... body shoppe HWY. 35 ! /3 Health Spa 671-2288 OFF MI0OLET0WN KOUUMMEMKMHIPWITH The Daily Register, tie* tufc-MiUletewa, N.J. NMday, Marcfe 4,1*74 17 Suite Forecast: 7 Will Triumph By CHUCK TRIBLhHOHN public school championships are within reach of Monden Catholic in their anticipated second round meeting Register Sports Editor mouth entries. of the "A" bracket. The Colts can, but it wont be easy The 5tth renewal of the madness of March - otherHowever, chances are slim in Group IV where NepBishop Eustace, a perennial parochial power, is the wise known as the annual N.J. State Interscholastic Athtune has only an outside chance. Ewing of Trenton, the choice in "B", but look for Red Bank Catholic with upset letic Associations basketball tournament — begins to only conquerer of Lakewood during the Pi* era1 banner in mind. unfold tonight, and it won't be over until seven state campaign, is a threat, but Trenton Central is the pick. SJ Parochial "C" will go to Sacred Heart of Vine7 champions are crowned at Brookdale Community ColCJ Group III Npw there's one to put some teeth land lege in Lincroft the weekend of March 22-24. into, with a wealth of talented teams Hereabouts, Wall It's also traditional to forecast how the headlines Some 350 high school basketball teams start play in Township is the biggest threat, with Asbury Park a longwill read as a result of the championship play at Brookquest of the state titles only the select few will achieve. er shot. Wall could emerge on top for the second condale three weeks hence. The task of trying to select the "lucky" seven becomes secutive year, but the Crimson Knights may be unable Here goes something. increasingly more difficult with each passing season ^*o get by Perth Amboy this time around. A Perth AmGroup IV — Trenton Central tilts Linden boy-John F Kennedy, Iselin, a rematch of their MidWhat are the chances of one or more Monmouth Group III — Camden controls Memorial of West county quintets donning a crown right in their own dlesex County championship game of Saturday night, is New York. I the shaky forecast, with the Panthers winning out again. back yard? The odds aren't good, when you consider Group II — Englewood defeats Pleasantville that the last time a Shore public school won a state In Group II, it's anybody's guess, so . . . go with Vroup I — Orange over anybody. championship was 1970, when undefeated Long Branch South Brunswick, but don't ignore half of the field, which Parochial "A" — Essex Catholic thwarts CBA's emerged in Group III. includes Red Bank Regional and Metuchen, likely sec- fourth. Of course, Christian Brothers Academy has been the ond round opponents. Parochial "B" — Bishop Eustace surprises Queen of best of the Parochial "A" crop for three years running. Henry Hudson Regional to win Central Jerssy Group Peace. But even the Colts will be hard-pressed to make it four I That's the strongest prediction of the lot, but the AdParochial " C " — St. Anthony's, Jersey City, by in a row.' * mirals still must be at their best to do it. default. Before even thinking about a state crown, there are Turning to South Jersey where area parochial comThere you have i t . . but don't bet on it. seven sectional titles to be won, and four Central Jersey pete, it all boils down to whether CBA can get by CamThe road to Brookdale is long and upset-laden. KJJSIAA It's a Brand New Season By RICH MCOLETTI IIIIIIIIIIIIIHII Wipe the slate clean and start all over again. That's basically what it will be like when 25 Monmouth County schools pack themselves off to the state basketball wars beginning today. They can forget their Shore Conference records and what places they finished in the standings. Now is the time to really take one game at a time. Some of those teams will have their hands full right at the beginning. For instance, Raritan, which already has lost to Neptune twice • in the "A" Division this season, meets the Fliers tomorrow in a Central Jersey, Group IV bout at Neptune Rumson-Fair Haven Regional must face one of the stronger learns in the state in I'erth Amboy tomomiw in CJ, Group III. One of the better early-round battles in the state is loaded with local flavor. Ocean Township travels to Long Branch tomorrow. Something Missing Ron Truex, the Ocean coach, feels that he has tremendously-talented players on his team—but so far—they haven't jelled. "I've got some super kids, but they're just not playing as a unit," he lamented. Truex also bemoans the fact that one of his outstanding guards, Jim Cassidy, still has not fully recovered from a badly-sprained ankle. " H e ' s not moving as well as he should," said Truex of his 22-pnint per game IIIHIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIII The Nickelodeon HIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIimaMIMIIIHIHIIIMIIIIMIIIIimilllllllllllllllllllMIIMII star. Truex is one of the coaches who would like 10 clean the slate and start all over again from this point of the year. "It's been a disappointing year. The team lacks self-discipline. They're just not team conscious," he continued. But that could change beginning tomorrow night in Long Branch. Ocean, which won the Shore Conference championship last year, will be up against a defensive-minded Green Wave (15-6). Long Branch is a team without superstars, but second-year coach Jerry Matthews has five players who make mistakes, especially when the going gets toughest. "We have to try to control the tempo agafnst them," Truex offered. "We are explosive on offense, but they're well-drilled." Truex feels that he has the kind of team that can win it all. "They have the firepower. All they have to do is want to win." He reflects back to the two Lakewood games this season. "Both games were very close. That is my only indication as to howgood this team is." Hudson Ready Henry Hudson Regional reached the Cen- tral Jersey Group I finals last year only to lose to Freehold—the team the Admirals beat twice to win the "D" Division title earlier. "We're in the tougher half of the draw," Dziadosz said. Bound Brook, always a strong contender in Group I, could meet the Admirals in the semifinals—and both teams should get that far. In the upper half looms Freehold and a surprisingly strong Green Brook team. North Warren is first to meet Hudson. The Admirals (20-4) should have little difficulty disposing of a 5-17 club, but even though a basketball is round it sometimes takes funny bounces. Five county teams will vie for the CJ, Group II honors. Among them is Shore Regional, that up-and-down team which recently defeated Red Bank Catholic. Tom Hughes, the Blue Devils' mentor, feels that his team will be up against a tall, and defensive Ridge of Basking Ridge. "They're 17-5 and just about everybody on the club is over 6-0," Hughes said. We're a hot and colt team. It seems that one game we're doing everything right and the next we're ice cold." Ft appears that Hughes has the same problem as Truex. Earlier in the season I predicted that CBA would reach the Parochial "A" championship game. Go Ahead and laugh, I haven't changed my mind yet. State Tourney Schedule TODAY Central Jtrtty Group III South River at Motawan Regional, 8 p,nv Pnilliosburg at Manasouan, 7 p.m. Bridoewater-Rariton East at Asburv Pork, 8 p.m. North Plamfield at Marlboro, t p.m. Group II Lawrence ot Freehold Township, 8 p.m. Group I Holmdel oi Keyport, 8 p m North Warren Reo. ot Henry Hudson Reo . 8 p m South Jeney Group IV Brick Township at Cherry Hill East, I p.m. Group III Central Regional al Jackson Town ihlp, I p.m. Group I Wild wood of Point Pleasant Beach, I Dm. TOMORROW Central Jorstv Group IV Rorltan al Neptune, 8 p.m. Group III Ocean Township at Long Branch, 8 p.m. Rumson-Foir Haven Reg. at Perth Ambov. I p.m. Monmoulh Regional at Princeton, 4 p.m. Group II Hfghtstown at ManaioDon, I p.m. Ridge vs. Shore Regional I p.m. Grou* I Jomesburg at Keomburg, i p.m. Soum Jericy Group IV * Roncocos Valley ot Toms River South, 7 .10 pm John F. Kennedy. Willingboro. at Toms River North. 8 pm. Group Ml Sterling at Lakewood, 8 P.m. Grout II Poinl Pleasant Boro ot Poulsborp, 8 p.m. WEDNESDAY Central Jeriey Group III Motawan-South River South Plomfield. B p.m MonaSQuon Philtlpsburg Wall Township, 8 p.m. Group II winner ol winner ot Allenlown Hockemown winner Red Bank Regional, 8 pm, ot Freehold Township Lawrence winner at Delaware Valley, 8 p m Group I Hoffman ot Freehold, I p m . South Jeney Parochial "C" St Josephs. Hammonton. at 5t. Rose, 8 p.m. THURSDAY Central Jeney Group 111 Asbury Pork Brdlgewoter Eost winner vs. Franklin Towns hip-John F, Kennedy, Iselin, winner at Soyrevtlle, 8 p.m. Group I Henry Hudson North Warren vgnner vs. Montgomery -Highland Park winner, at East Brunswick, B p.m. South j i r t i v Porochlil " I " Red Bank Catholic v i St. Peter's, New Brunswick, at Keoruburg/I p.m. Parochial "C" w.iowood Catholic vs. St. Joseph's, Toms River, at Southern Regional, t D.m. FRIDAY Central Jerwy Group III Matowan South Piolntield South River winner v i Oceon Township Long Branch winner, ot East Brunswick, I p.m. Croun | | Shore Regional Ridge winner vi Freehold TownshipLawrence-Oelowore Valley winner at Bridgewater East, I p.m. Group I Holmdel-Keyport winner vs. Green Brook South Hunterdon winner at Woodondge, 8:30 D.m. Keansburg- James burgj winner vs. Hoftmon Freehold winner at Holmdel, 8 p.m. South j c r t w Parochial "A" Christian Brothers Academy vs. Pope Paul V I . Hoddoniifid, ot Lakewood, 8 p.m. Parochial " I " Si. John Viannev vs. St. Plus X. Piicatowov, ot Sayrevllle, 8 p.m. Mater Del vs. St. Mary's, South Amboy, ot Keansburg, 8 p m . Parochial "C" St. Rose-Si. Joseph's, Hammonton, winner vs. Socrtfd Hearty Vintland, t p.m. Hudson Drops to Third in Poll Neptune changed places with Henry Hudson Regional while the other eight teams held theif ground on The Daily Register's Top 10 after last week's action. The finals standings will be published after the con- clusion of the N.J. State Interscholastic Athletic Association's tournament. Wall Township, after defeating Neptune in the first round of the Shore Conference playoffs, stayed at the top of the pack. Neptune A turned around and beat gional, Manalapan and Hudson to claim the second Croydon Hall Academy are position on the list while ranked fourth through 10th. the Admirals wound up Shore Regional defeated third. Red Bank Catholic over A s b u r y P a r k , L o n g the weekend, but the Blue Branch, CBA. Red Bank Devils lost to Monmouth Catholic, Red Bank Re- Regional during-the week, negating their chance to enter the Top 10. NOW?? 1 Tinton Falls Triumphs RED BANK - Top-seed- day. J i m and Bill B l a c k ed and defending champion Tinton Falls had little scored 15 and 13 points retrouble defeating St Cle- spectively to lead Tinton ment's of Matiiwan, KI-26, Falls while Brian Fitzpatryesterday in first round ac- ick tallied 14 for SI. Cletion «>f trie Casey Invitation! ment's. Kevin F l a n a g a n ' s 11 Basketball Tournament' for points paced St. Joseph's grammar schools In Other first round ac- while Kevin Finn had the tion yesterday 8t. Jo- s a m e n u m b e r for St seph's" of Keyport upsel St. Asms, Cliff Williams was high Agnes of Atlantic Highlands, 41-37, st Mary's ol for New Monmouth with IS and Rick Guerci scored 15 New Monmouth ripped Si Dorothea of Kalonlown, W- for St Dorothea. Ken Woods tallied IB for 21 and SI Mary's (if Deal defeated Inion Beach, 40- St. Mary's of Deal while Mike Cereghino had 12 for 26. St. James of Red Hank, Union Beach. The tourney resumes St Catharine's of Spring Lake, St Benedict's of Sunday afternoon at Ked Hazlel and St Ann's of Bank Catholic starting at .1 Keanshurg wore winners in p.m. with St. Catharine's first round games Satur- playing St. Mary's of Deal Bulldog Lasses 2nd in NJSIAA OAKHUMT "• for two Mill In I l i e n v Hill K.l',1 in Ulilelir Association i'ham in Pownshlp High School Saturday around n Whlteljiw tixik bare »nd Ocean's llrl m ind fowl ivlli ixth on tin 1 m<t fifth in a l l - .,KI the uneven II BSUliki grabbed fiftli mi mud lIHIU linn ie Gals Win State BowlingTitle 13 185 (in .i 620 .cues iiei effort gave her tin* in iiie Airport ri.i/a coin top game i mercial League last week, of ihe tournamonl Her nth and Kveli" Dl IFF met were 138 md 171 245 I MTT Mason i 'I of Town and Coun try I n with Wood kei Drlandn r Now more than ever America's #1 Luxury Car" 1.U.S. Auto Club certified tests show that 20 Cadillac DeVilles averaged 15.5 mpg on Detroit to Chicago test run. i he iecond highenl from Patty Connor ' and added to Hie Huskies'lofty 1,908 total 2. Insurance Institute for Highway Safety Research t "big" cars are safer than small cars — "injury rate increases at a rate of about 2.5% for each decrease of 100 pounds of vehicle weight." rovtn dttlgn, qutl I A Cadiita* forpre-ownedCadiii •> 5. The best prices ever to move up to Cadi Wendy a n d Amy 111] Blntiifl ol .mil i Wool.", rnllnd COUPE deVILLE HILLtlDI - Matawan IlPRional's Karen PI readied back and came up with a 232 game which helped lead her team to Hie N.J. state Intencholastic 11 ion's bowlRalph caprto of Leon Athlcii Meats rirod games ol ing championship Saturilav • led the pins with i in Township finished fourth In the event TI wnieiaw was fourth In fifth in Mum An AllStar team and Most Valuable Player will also be selected Caprws 620 Tops Air/tort Rumaon Han Haven Regional, which v i m t h e '•' The Monmouth County teams will get a chance to up their ranking when they Tinton Falls plays St. compete in the state tourAnn's at 4 p.m. and St. nament. Benedict's clashes with St. Mary's of New. Monmouth THE DAILY REGISTER at 5. , TOP 10 1. Wall Twp. (20-3) The quarterfinals con- 2. fteptune (19-5) clude al 6 with St. James 3. Henry Hudson Reg. (21- playing St. Joseph's 4) Semi-finals are set for 4. Asbury Park (16-5) March 16th w h i l e t h e 5. Long Branch (15-6) championship and con- (. CBA (16-8) solation games are set for 7. R.B. Catholic (16-8) 8. Red Bank Reg. (14-8) the following day. 1 Manalapan (13-8) Trophies will be awarded 10. Croydon Hall Academy to the top four teams and (15-8) individual trophies will be presented to the players on the winning team. Medals will be presented to the players on the runnrrupv team. well ! II.ur. liil.il I HI. RUSSELL CADILLAC 100 Newtnan Springs Rd. 741-0910 ..,. Red Bank, N.J. Lions District Champs; ! 4 Falcons Earn Titles Favored Middletown Township won the team championship, but Monmouth Regional emerged with four individual champions in the District 23 wrestling tournament over the weekend at Brookdale Community College Meanwhile, in District 24 at Freehold High School. Wall Township, with five weight class kings, easily captured the team title Monmouth s surprising showing started when Mike Menzel defeated Middletown's Tom Kugelman, 9-4. to captured the crown at 129 pounds. Teammate Art Flecker, the defending champ at 135. followed suit when he turned back Red Bank Catholic's Ted Poulos, 12-9, in the finals Golden Falcons also came out on top in the last two bouts, but were unable to overcome Middletown's greater dept'i in the team standings. Fourth-seeded Mike Turpin pinned Red Bank Regional's Dave Jeter in their 188-pound finale, and Bob Mahon triumphed over Christian Brothers Academy's Joe Sahng for the unlimited honors. Middletown's defending champions Bill Albert (101) and Ken Hopfensper (HM scored again by registering final pin wins over Long Branch's Tony Acerra and Red Bank Catholic's Tom Delisa, respectively. «««liltr staff Pluto bv Jin DISTRICT 23 CHAMPS - Winners Champions in the District 23 wrestling championships Saturday at Brookdale Community College are, front row, lett to right, Bill Albert (101), Middletown Township; Tom Seitz (108), Red Bank Catholic; Ken Hopfenspurger (115), Middletown Township; Len Varasano (122), Long Branch; Mike Menzel (129), Monmouth Regional. Rear: Art Flecker (135), Monmouth Regional; Hal Zahl (141) and Jeff Ewin (148), both Holmdel; Joe Egan (158), Red Bank Catholic; Ray Barker (170), Shore Regional; Mike Turpin (188), Monmouth and Bob Mahon (heavyweight), both Monmouth Regional. Russians Humble U.S.* MOSCOW (AP) — The United States track team headed home yesterday after a humiliating defeat by Russia that showed glaring w e a k n e s s e s in the U.S. sports program and left one official wondering about the future of unsalaried athletics in the United States. Plagued by internal disension, feuding with the NCAA and desertion by athletes seeking gold in thipro ranks, the Amateur Athletic.Union brought a squad of castoffs to Moscow and the Russians won 158-124, taking 14 of the 26 events. The Soviet men triumphed- 89-72 and the muscular Russian women scored a 74-54 victory. The way U.S. m e n ' s coach Roy Chernock of Baruch College, New York, and women's coach Bert Lyle of Texas Women's U n i v e r s i t y s a w i t , it needn't have been that way. In a post-mortem after Saturday's rout, Chernock let out some of his bitterness against A m e r i c a ' s best track and field men who didn't think it w a s worth the bother to represent their country against the Soviets. "We should have gone home victorious," Chernock said. "We had four* wo rid record-holders stay home, and you can figure it out with a pencil apd paper that we could have beaten the Russians by 10-15 points had our best people made the trip," he said. The team was supposed to have been made up of winners of last month's AAU National Championships. Not only were there Wilson Takes First Place In AAU Swimming Meet 1HGHTSTOWN - Walt Wilson of Howell placed first|in the 200-yard breaststroke (15-17) in the AAU championship meet at Peddie School yesterday. Steve Fish of Little Silver was fifth in the event. S t e v e N a g e l of C o l t s Neck placed sixth in the 200-yard backstroke. Terri MiWer of New Shrewsbury was second in the 15-17 girls' 200-yard breaststroke. Kathi Miller was fourth. The 'Shore Aquatic Club relay team of Ann Wawczak. Shannon Galvin, Marian Lamb and Liz Hitchon placed second in the eight and under Invitational meet at Westfield YMCA. The team was first in the 100-yard freestyle relay and second in the medley relay. Ann Wawczak took first in the 25-yard breaststroke and the 100-yard individual medley. She was third in the 50-yard freestyle. Shannon Galvin placed fifth in the 25-yard butterfly and seventh in the 50-yard freestyle. Marian Lamb took eighth in the 25-yard breaststroke. defections by top athletes before the national meet, but mOst of the AAU winners begged off the USUSSR meet. " M a y b e I'm rationalizing," Coach Chernock said, "but in the future these young people who did c o m e along will have enough experience not to leave us in the lurch when we need them." Hilmer Lodge, a U.S. team official, had a wider concern to express. "I'm worried that the pull of pro track and field will kill afnateur athletics or limit 'them\ to teenagers," he said. T h e h a p p i e s t man in town w a s Ivan Stepanchonok, the Soviet head coach, who said., "The Americans brought a very young team and the result w a s w h a t w e h a d expected." The biggest uproar of the meet came in the women's medley relay, when 15year-old Mary Decker of Garden G r o v e , Calif, tossed her baton after Sarmite Shula of the Soviet Union elbowed her off the track. Both teams were disqualified. Mow lucky can I t dii'iii ncountered mechanical difficult!* let M d the in lap* Al i FRIGID MARINERS — Monmouth Boat Club Commodore Paul Sandy" Huntsman of Little Silver, left, won two of the five frostbite races sailed yesterday on the Naveslnk River In the opening of the Twin Rivers Frostbite Association's spring series. Twin Rivers Commodore Denis Farley of Middletown, center, defending frostbite chum won a single tvunt, while Dave Allen of Red Bank, also won a double victory. Fog closed the course after five race. rh« femi lure hovered just above freezing. |U I In IHIKI iiiiiiieifiud when down, app 'ill 'if fuel, on the 38th la| Rutherford repeated his • lulu i ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. ( A P ) - The New York Mfits won't see any game action until the exhibition season opens later this week, Manager Yogi Berra said yesterday because he feels intrasquad g a m e s serve no purpose and can cause unnecessary injuries. Berra also said that one of the players who will get special attention this spring is righthanded pitcher Bob Apodaca who could give the Mets* strong relief pitching to along with Tug McGraw, the left-handed ace of the New York bullpen. Apodaca posted a 6-3 record, 11 saves and a 1.80 earned run average last year with Tidewater in the International League. * Jones M\ I* in Star (fame I,INI in il nf Long Bi in ol tii'ii lank, wa> mil. md i uimlv ' nil I mil able I III!' 4nrh I Twin Rivers Frostbite Association is jointly spon sored by MBC and the Shrewsbury Sailing and Yacht Club of Oceanport Five Turnabouts were used in y e s t e r d a y ' s c o m petitions, with skippers rotating in both r a n < Lift Commodore F a i l ' resident nf Mwidietown won the first race, with Bob llowson. also of Mid dletown, tecond, and Lynn Fentlng of ocean Town ihkp, third Commodore Huni who lives in Little wo;i the mcond race Chru mi < i 111 ii i ii 11 >ni mi tin iiimiiiiiimmmi>iiiimiiiiMii""mMimiiMuuuuuiiiiiii Freehold Entries 111 - P A C i 1 M 1,700 Romon Holly I Romano] So F i w INo Orlvtr) Kellytucfc CfMd INo Drlvtr) Gvosv Hill Mite (Butler) Violet Dlomond (RathDortf). M m Double F (Olln) Knight Errant INo Driver) in Time A (Fertel) Grade Volo IBrtxkteriurtt) Meadow M m A (Green)..' )1 „ .7 7 ...4 1 *> ) .61 6 I ...61 ...6 1 10 I IS I mo - p « c f 1M, t.too Jorobes Borbre (No Driver). S3 Rope Trick isico) 77 flash Alice (Beochvl . 92 Irilh Perfection (No Driver) . H Cote Rovole IGotelv) II Buckeye Potll ( F o l t y l . ..II Skippiei Star (Jester) 10 1 Jimmy Jimmy Bvrd (lenlo) . .. ..121 Ira - PACE 1M M M Ring The Butler IGogllordil Good Trick iBottaglio) Stubby Adlos (Beach) Pinehaven Sheila (Pouim) Lincoln Heir (Jester) Luckv Eblls (Adomo) Beau Sabre (Romano) Verve (Unger) G C. Byrd (OUn) } 1 72 4 1 SI ...61 .41 .11 121 15 1 <th - P A C I I M l.OM Butler Waverlv (Flllon) , . S-J Soiling Jim llnokal) . 41 Mike Marvel IMorann) M i l t Haven (Faucetl) H Mlllioga (Mitchell) 4-1 Stocevs Count (No Driver) ...1-1 Air Patrol (Bretnahon) .101 Leon B. Sam (Moron) III SMl - P A C I I M l.tot Audra M (Gagliordl) Mountain Foot (Filion) Frits Silrook (No Driver) 51 I) 91 Oovrv Out (Thomos) Little Hodge ISperendl) Double Cross N IMcGovern) Walnut Jeonnie (Rothbone) BavftUe Looy IVeolc) Flos Lonov (Protlnol , SI 61 6I I I I? I JO I iltl — PACI IM M M Change Time (InorotSIO) Ellleent BovlAbbotltllo) Great Chuck (Cogliardll Key Treot I Tullnol Stanley hck IPelgelbeck) . Jeffs Prime Dole ITnomoil Winning Irish IGontl I I M II '.I 6I 61 I 1 »l» - PACI I M M M Luctv Posauale IFllionl Ricelartd Flome IRothbone) Hundred Grand INo Driver) Deleon Nan I Lonrnever) Overaoss (Consol) . Pcrkir B e i t laatiosiw) HobOS JOV IM<Cond!etsl Shoron Iriihman INo Driver I Cruise Creentree (Piano). S2 <l sl 61 II 6i 10 I 10 1 .101 lln - PACf IM U N Varsity Kino IFllionl Rumble Bee IFowcelt) Gregory Lee A (Breinahon) Southern Shadow (Lohmeyer)... Flor Art IConsoll... Scottish Design A (Lachance) Pefe Oregon (Jester) Jwslopioin Hornet IMIniello) . • • ; M i i il ...6 1 ...I I .13 I 13 I1 ttk - PACI I M I ' M Adnev (Flllon) S3 Roses Torrence ir-ngliardi) i I Noble Joe I L i.oncel ..SI Klllorney Sharpie (Tullno) 61 Grateful Add (Rothbonel ft I Double Cross N (McGovern) 61 Tru M l i Bill (Rodgers) I I Pardrwr R IMennlllol II Coneslogo Louis (Romano) 10 I lOtti - TROT IM 1,100 Worthy tall lAbbotleilo) 51 Ote Buddy Buddy IBrocklehurst) ...7 1 Hawkins Lobell IPoullnl si Newbovln Town (Mitchell) e-l HI Lo Man (Scorpa) ••! Snorp Harvest IKomml ... H Moody EMU (No Driver) 10 1 June Jtorm IPoorel ,..: IM III* - PACI IM Brother Brendan IFllionl J M Vincent (Lochonre) Ginger Rod (No Driver) Bobv Buddno IPotodli) Rocedki Floih I Tullnol Doddv Filly iGower) Gold Colours IFowcett) Otsomdeone (Plono) UM ,..„ S3 71 SI il II • i I I 13-1 Selections I -^U Flue. Kelly tuck Creed. Demon . 1 - R O M Trick, Jorobes Barbet, Ir. Nil Perfection > — O * M Trick. Plneliovtn Sheila. Ring The Butter 4 - tutlert Woverley Mike M o . . e l . i lolling Jim 5 — Audro M, Mountain Foot, toys- ' Mo L»ov • — Moons t o y , Key Treot. Change JtM 7 - Lucky Pasguole, Hundred OrorH. I — Rumble too. Vorsity Klnt. Orotery Lee A » — Adnev, Rosei Torrence Keyston* Partner . l i — Ote t U d y Buddy, Worthy t o d , Mowklns Lobell II — Irothor Irendon, l o o y tgddhg. Singer Rod •est tet — Adnev, Ninth Race ibei nl Hu- Dasher does a powerful 0-50 in only 8.5 seconds. It holds Five comfortably. It has front-wheel drive and gives you control you've never felt in any conventional car It has the amazing Skldbreaker, which prevents most skidding under adverse conditions. It needs maintenance at only 10,000 mile intervals. And Its covered by the Volkswagen Owner* Security Blanket. ' Nobody else is even close. fommodoi ll |u unity Hunt ind < The new Volkswagen Dasher does everything you want a car to do, and does it on about 25 miles per gallon. That's why it s the ideal car for today. ilniie (if Mtddletown third Mi Alien won both tin mil id. mi ii in MI i Commodore Paul 'Sandy' Huntsman of t h e Monmouth Boat Club, won two of the five events held as Dave Allen of Red Bank, duplicated the feat and Commodore Denis Farley of Twin Rivers, defending champion, crossed the line first in one race ONTARIO, Calif, (AP) — A. J. Foyt and Johnny Rutherford, two cagey veterans from Texas, captured the California soo's twin 100-milc qualifying races yesterday. Foyt used his last ounces of fuel tu win and Rutherford cruised in after Mario A n d r e t t i and Al Unser were knocked out in the final lap " I just nursed it to the end," said Rutherford, the Fort Worth driver who averaged \Tl fi7:i miles an hour but felt In. car viliial ing near the end ..ml Rutherford, who was running lecond when \n ApodacaMay Help Tug In Bullpen iiMiiiiii RED BANK - Leaden skies and temperatures that hovered just above freezing failed yesterday to deter 10 hearty skippers from sailing the opening races of the Twin Rivers Frostbite A s s o c i a t i o n ' s spring series. The elements finally triumphed when fog rolled in and enshrouded the triangular course making continued competition foolhardy. Foyl Team Qualifies In Twin Run inii then i saw Maim drop bach ami i thought, i By CHARLES H. SCOTT Ron Borchers of Colts Neck placed third in the 1314 100-yard freestyle. just backed off the Hal Zahl and Jeff Ewin of Holmdel excelled in the middleweights. Zahl decisioned Long Branch's Guy LaCorte, 6-1, in their 141 pound wrapper, while Ewin whitewashed Keyport's Mike Baker, 7-0, for 148-pound laurels. Long Branch's unheralded Len Varsano, fifth-seeded •at 122, capped his championship surge by defeating Monmouth Regional's John Furman, while Shore Regional's Ray Barker pinned Middletown's Dom Piccini for top honors ^ t 170. Earlier Piccini had ousted CBA's Pete Smith, champ at 157 a year ago. Two 1973 chamipns, RBC's Jeff Clayton (148) and Fog Enshrouds Frostbiters' Opener Kelly Galvin of Rumson notched a third in the 200yard backstroke. Robin Hawekotte of Colts Neck was fourth in the event. i Red Bank Catholic which finished third in the standings, also had a pair of kings, both favored. Defending champ Tom Seitz scored a 7-3 final verdict over Middletown's Don Smith at 108, while Joe Egan outpointed Red Batik's Buster Bacon, 11-8, at 148. Brian McGlone (141), failed this time around, both competing at 148. The biggest verdict in District 2 was a 16-8 verdict by Wall Township's Tom Hoyt over Howell's unbeaten Terry Beins, 10-8, in their 141 finale. Hoyt, voted the tourney's outstanding wrestler, was the defending champ, while Beins won at 135 pounds a year ago , Wall, which outscored runnerup Howell, 85Vi-«5%, in the team standings, came up with four other champs. The favored Crimson Knights went against four Howell foes in the finals and copped in three of the weight classes. In addition to Hoyt, defending 148-pound champ Dave Humenik topped Howell's Mike Peterson and 158pound king John Farmer beat Freehold Township's Dan Kinney, both via the pin route. Teammates Bruce Panasuk blanked Neptune's Bart Cook, 7-0, for the 170-pound crown, and Doug Bower defeated Manalapan's Steve Pitak, 5-1, at 1K8. Ed Mallue won, 3-1, over Howell's Joe DeSantis at 129 Howell boasted three champions, Tom Doyle who edged Ocean Township's Mike Loizos, 3-1, at 101; Dave Kuk, who tripped Wall's Dave Middleton, 4-2, at 122, and Joe Kuto, who pinned Manalapan's Mark Halbcison at 135. Freehold Township's Vince Downey took the 108pound class when he decisioned Howell's Bernie Crudup, 7-2, and two Neptune grapplers filled out the dozenmember championship row. Lou Chapman shut out Ocean's Jeff Lomasson, a champ at 98 last year, 4-0, in the 115 pound finale. Scarlet Flier teammate Tom Rittenbach pinned Kevin Oberto, his Manasquan counterpart. Two Raritan grapplers — John DiMaialo (108) and Steve Mundorff (115) — emerged victorious in District 22 at East Brunswick. Rockets Gene Balestriere (101), and Ken Schweitzer (188) reached the finals before bowing. Matawan Regional failed to come away with a championship, but Huskies Bob Geran (115), Mark Goodrow (122), Vic Waitt (129) and Mike Fortin (148) were runnersup. Shrewsbury Shrewsbury Motori, Inc. Shrtwtbury Avtnut tayr«viil« Llppln Motor Car Co. Inc. Rout* 35 Puzzle C.VILU MV BROTHER BUBBA ISCOMIN'0V€R FER SUPPER; PAW--.I DQ HOPE W€ TRY TO BE CIVIL 6HUX--|'LL EVEN SET TH' TABLE GOOD OL' BUBBA \ ALL SOT, MAW WORE 6 0 0 1 ANGEL, HOWEV POT 49 f'nde o( OSS uont or Toronto- SI Neat arrange men! 5ft Maintenance man M br 59 Bate* oi King 60 Bun 63 Beardc 64 dry « Make amono. 66 Journey 67 Black and Red e g 68 Famous 69 Poet s orbt DOWN 1 Leather band I Big name m Abystima 3 Fragrance 4 Bnct'Wort b Disperses f Ward heeic 7 Onassis 8 Tangle 9 Most inter estmg person 10 Garment! II Chance to live it up si 12 Part .tin •"•I' hii si Suppo<< 17 Giy lung " 36 Wind •on 39 l a Kit i o i q Veif A/n t«p 19 Dim . 42 f ii •> 20 V*ry nearly 44 Raiioria! 22 Did io>d iob 46 Sojourn 74 W . Arc cheap 47 Leisurely and high Solution io Yetlerday • Puzzle THE WEEK-END WILL BE UWSE/SOWABLV WARM -- HEE-HEE--THIS WILL 6IVC ALLVDU HUSBANDS A CHINOS TO CATCH UP ON THAT OUTSIDE WORK YOU WOULDN'T ORPlNARILy BE ABLE To DO AT THIS TIME OF THE YEAR-- 1 1r • • 1' !p • • i i t MOID 1 HN|[ [|r to' •i ! ii * • kj h 4 0 T 0 Ml 1. ! 1 - • I » • s i; * 1 ii 1 j ft;: • A • : A vh ii i i/lill1! 1 • rga ac|jon •ion 26 Adds stir.kurr. 26 Fireproof ing 90 Irr.labl* 31 Dona > domain 32 Same Lat 33 Star I maja]iaji 36 Moset' mountjin 38 Washington here ' 40 Twice told 43 Climbers' hats 45 EU- 46 No48 Watchword SO Geh.ig 62 Museol poetry 63 Wife s gilt 64 Kovaks 55 Grates 56 Pokes 57 African lily 61 Bon 62 French numeral 1 12 S \ MlAI'I'LlWttlTA * F prv ( iiYif MNW rwitmW' 4 v J ' A^-s g ^ , s — IMBACK I moMMyjHoffiNt 1 iPRII WITH MRS NORTH.PtAN g Li^\ Hi ^ V J UIPUALDAPM EL 11,, W i IfuV r——^r~"l 1/ 1 f 1$%,, l l Si THt THINGS 1 U U U 1 PON'T ^ / H£XD TMl PUDNl ) I O O M 1 « » « - 8»! I'M SUMTOUKH D W R will 6 i y 5H14H5 • WHlNWKUVtllNliKlH WAMt ; UNI, VIMUV I M f M I A N l I. •I - • TWH', ^ T ~ 73| f. 77" 28 JI ? 32 3i jj n~ 23 - 39~ To tr* ua H II s p• vr Nr 5b I 59 I fHiV MY T4Xfc£ WITH IT R Your Horoscopie, Birthday M O N D A Y , March 4 - role the good will of others you may be talked i n t o — A daywhich should be long Born today, you are inclined plays in the success or failure becoming involved in en- on planning and short-on acIo be excessively single- of any individual, you are ex- deavors which you would tivity. Don't deny yourself the luxury of rest and relaxation minded, to be so concent- tmnclv tactful when you do rather avoid. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) during part of the afternoon. rated on one goal or on one refuse another's aid. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) You are ambitious for suc- -Don't hesitate to take on phase of a work that you fail to realize other opportunities cess where your career is more responsibility during —You may find yourself lorn which may present them- concerned - but not so much morning hours. Make certain, between upholding an old so thai you are willing to however, that you will have tradition and staking out selves al the same time. You have a gift for conceiv- sacrifice your social life in time for your own interests in your claim on a new method the afternoon and evening. of operation. Do what is best ing of highly original ideas order to gain it. To find what is in store for that are both feasible and CANCER (June 21-July 22) for you overall. you tomorrow, select your - Y o u r talents entitle you to SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22progressive. Such a gift makes it possi-, birthday and read the corre- an.extremely successful day Dec. 21) -There is much to hie for you to advance your sponding p a r a g r a p h today. Whether your deter- enliven this day if you will * * * cause, whatever it may be, mination and your energy but look for it. Turn your atTuesday. March S more rapidly than those dewill do the same is another tenl ion to the activities of the PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) story entirely. young if you would be enpendent upon the ideas of others are able to do. For this — Don't struggle loo hard L E O ( J u l y 23-Aug. 22) couraged. reason, it should be exercised against losing out to an old — Don't allow yourself to* CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan. friend today. There are gains become involved in too many 19) - T a k e cafe that becomoften and regularly. You are willing to listen to Io be had about which you things at once. You have a ing involved in another acHie suggestions of other peo- know nothing as yet. ' great deal of energy — but tivity doesn't amount to havARIES (March 21-April 19) not enough to squander in- ing too many irons in the fire. ple where your work and Conserve your energy and methods of operation are - If you are eager to progress discriminately. concerned — bul you have and don't fail in your ambiVIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) your time. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. nnt the slightest intention of tion, you should be able to — An excellent morning for giving up even the slightest meet the challenge of the day doing business with an old 18) —Don't be surprised degree of your independence with special success. friend. Take care, however, should a friend prove somewhen il comes to acting or TAURUS (April 20-May 20) should you be forced to deal what unkind. He or she may refusing to act on those sug- -Keep your ideals fresh in with one of your old enemies. only be trying to prod you gestions. But, aware of the your mind's eye. Otherwise LIBRA (Sept. 23 Oct. 22) into action that can be gainful for you eventually. Sheinwold's Bridge Advice By Alfred Shrinwoid Q. IT TO HE CLEANER M T DIDN'T J : HAD BLOMPiE, ' - - „ WHERES . f CLEANING ) MY BLUE A lady of my acquaintance dearly loves a bargain. She'll buy anything at all if she thinks the 5tW8 la losing money on it, and she always wins a trick as cheaply as possible. Like all bargains, however, a cheap trick may occasionally prove very -expensive. Weal opened the jack of hearts, and Kast won with the ace. Seeing m> great fu- ture in hearts, Kasl returned the deut'C nf clubs Soulh had the wit to play Ins low club, ami West u;is happy to win the trick with her jack Still s m i l i n g cheerfully. West cashed the ace nf clubs The rest nf the smiling was done by Smith, who won the rest ol the I neks No matter what West re- 0*100 IN A MOfT M MANNMf turned declarer could win, draw trumps and win the game and rubber. . . Total Surrender How did West hope to defeat the c o n t r a c t ' She could be sure of winning two clubs and the ace of hearts, but what otljer Inck could she hope to win'.' Clearly, West's play was a total surrender. There was a chance 10 defeat the contract if Kasl had the Ruin of clubs. WCst's best play is to win Ihe first club liick with the ace rather than ihC lack Not as cheap a trick, hut far more effective West then leads the jack of dubs to her partner's king Kasl leads a third round Ol clubs, and West wins the getting trick by r u f f i n i ; with the lack of spade. The correct play of Ihe clubs is easy when you can see your partner's hand, as declarer sees the dummy it takes Imagination tor a defender who cannot see her partner's hand DAILY QUESTION Partner opens the bidding with one club, and Ihe next player passes You hold: S-10 9 H rS .V2 I I " -I I) .1 9 3 Vti S. What do you say? Answer: Pass. You are tempted to mention your six'card major suit, bul it pays to resist temptation A hand with only a queen and a jack is simply not worth a response io an opening bid of one in a suit. \ Pocket i.uide tn Bridge' written by Alfred Khcinwold is available Get your copy by sending ">o cents to Red Rank Register. Box M18,Crand Central Station, New York N Y . 10017) North dealer Both Miles vulncriihlo NORTH • AKQ •0 K i.) 0 AKQ 4- 10 K 5 4 3 WEST EAST • J74 V J IO9fi3 0 M 2 0 10 7 6 5 4 AJ A K5 2 * SOt I I I K972 4 HIVX5 32 '? 7.1 OH.1 North 2 NT 4O t.ist I'.i •• .Smith i <> 4 a> Opening Ir.id ' «</ T It KOttQ COM/CM, ' KEEP In I'liuiiloin Pun All P . M J blossom into the Ratcliffe Success Story! DEALER PREP. & FREIGHT INCLUDED IN PRICE 1973 GRANDVILLE 4 Dr. Hardtop 1973CATALINA 4 Dr. Hardtop (Demo ) 7.061 miles. Air Cond . tint glass. Cordova top. power wind, decor group, 400 ? barrel V8, tilt wheel, prot gp, Stock *6?8 LIST 95732.90 NOW •4058 56555.05 '4550 1974 GRANDVILLE . 4 Dr. Hardtop 1974 GRANDVILLE 2 Dr. Hardtop (Demo) 5567 miles. Air Cond. 60'40 pwr aeat, tint glass, radial tuna tusp.. rally wheels, pwr winds, ad|. pedals, ace stripes. Cordova top. AM/Tape, tut wheel, rally gauges.deck-hd-release Stock » 4 i r < LIST J662405 Demo) 10.114 miles. Loaded! An Cond. lint lass. 60-40 seat, power wind, door locks, iM/FM Ster. elec-delr. prot. gp.. custom nm. tilt wheel, dlx wheel covers, rally auges, and more Stock * 5 1ST NOW " ° w '5200 1974CATALINA 2 Dr. Hardtop Demo) 6869 miles. Cordova top, Air Cond . adial tires. AM-FM Ster. rem mirror, body ide moldings, adj pedals, tilt wheel, pwr wind, elec door locks. 60-40 pwr seal, tint ilass, ace. stripes, dual-exh., rally gauges, lumper guards, cust. Inm. Slock «4106 LIST J60M.O5 w *5250 1974CATALINA 2 Dr. Hardtop (Serv Rental) 3200 miles. Air ConrJ. Cordova top. AM radio, radial tires, remote mirror, rally 2 wheels, tilt wheel, tint glass, ace. stripes, elec clock, bumper guards/strips, moldings, viny kit, Stock • 41 ?4 Serv. rental) 4197 miles, Air Cond . Cordova top. AM radio, radial tires, remote m» • or, rally 2 wheels, tilt wheel, tint glass, ace sinpes. elec clock, bumper guards- strips, moldings, vinyl int Stock »4177 LIST 55426.90 LIST $5429.90 NOW '4275 1974 GRANDVILLE 4 Dr. Hardtop (NEW) Air Cond . Cordova top. 60-40 power seat, AM-FM Stereo, radial tires, rem mirror, cust wheel covers, body side moldings tilt wheel, power wind . pwr door locks, tint g l a s s , rally g a u g e s , bumper guards, strips, ad| pedals, custom trim gp. Stock "4008 i LIST S66070S NOW '4385 1974 LUXURY LE MANS 2 Dr. Hardtop (NEW) Cordova top. Air Cond . AM-FM n dio. WW tires, console, remote mirror, rally 2 wheels, body side moldings, P'S, P/disc brakes, tint glass, bumper guards/strips Turbo-Hydr trans Slock ( 4 2 0 6 LIST 54934.60 NOW '4230 1974BONNEVILLE 2 Dr. Hardtop (NEW) Air Cond . Cordova lop. AM F.M Ster . radial tires, remote mirror, rally 2 wheels, body side moldings, ad| pedals, tir wheels, pwr windows, pwr. seat tint glass ace s l n p e s , rally g a u g e s , bumper guards, snips, vinylint Slock «41?l LIST S6154.05 NOW '5050 1974GRANDPRIX 2 Dr. Hardtop (NEW) Landau lop. Pwr seals, radial lires AMFM tape, body color mirrors, elec su root,rally 2 wheels body side moldings, t wheel, pwr wind . lint glass, accent stupes deck lid release, bumper guards/strips buckets, rally gauges'lnp odometer. A Cond. Stock 14103 LIST M93.9Q NOW '5625 NOW '4275 1974CATALINA 2 Dr. Hardtop 1974 GRAND PRIX (Demo) 6120 miles. Air Cond. AM-FM ster. pwr seal/wind, elec detr, radial tune susp Landau lop, cust wheel cover, elec door lock, tint glass, rally gauges, body side m o l d , c o u r t e s y lamps, b u m p e r guards 'strips. Slock « 4062 LIST $6633.90 NOW '5240 )emo) 4090 miles, Air Cond. Cordova top. M FM Ster, power wmd/ad| pedals, ace ripes, radial tune susp . vinyl ml till wheel nl g l a s s , rally g a u g e s , b u m p e r uards< strips, six wheel covers, body side loldmgs. Stock #4129 1ST NOW $5762.90 '4550 1974 BONNEVILLE 4 Dr. Hardtop 1974 GRANDVILLE 4 Dr. Hardtop (Demo) 2956 miles. Cordova top. Air cond , radial tires. AM-FM Sler, body color mirrors, rally 2 wheels, body side moldings, ad|. pedals, tilt wheel, pwr windows, elec door locks, tint glass, ace stripes, rally gauges, bumper guards/strips, vinyl int , Stock #4125 Demo) 4965 miles, Air Cond . Cordova top. )0-40 pwr seat, radial (ires. AMFM Sler, em mirror, cust wheel cov . lilt wheel, adjpedals. pwr wind, elec door locks, tint glass, cc s t r i p e s , rally g a u g e s , b u m p e r wards' strips moldmgscusi trim gp Stock LIST $6197.05 LIST $6692.05 '4895 <4099 1974CATALINA 2 Dr. Hardtop (NEW)Air Cond , Cordova top. AM-FM Sler . radial tires, rem mirror, dlx wheel covers, body side moldings, tilt wheel, pwr windows. ad| pedals, tint glass, ace stripes, bumper guards'strips, vinyl int Stock • 41 14 LIST 5566090 NOW '4660 NOW '5260 1974 CAT A LIN A 2 Dr. Hardtop NEW) Air Cond , AM radio, dlx wheel covIrs, WW tires, body side moldings, tint )lass. remote mirror, bumper guards'Strips, Stock * 4027 .1ST NOW $5011.90 < *4150 1974CATALINA 4 Dr. Sadan 1974CATALINA 4 Dr. Sadan 1974CATALINA 4 Dr. Sedan (NEW) Air Cond . tint glass. WW tires deluxe wheel covers, body side molding, vinyl int bumper guards/strips. Stock #4057 (NEW) Air Cond . AM radio. WW tires. de< luxe wheel covers, remole mirror, tilt wheat bumper guards/ strips. Stock a 4044 LIST $4887.90 LIST $4952.90 (NEW) Air Cond, AM radio, body aide mold ings, tint glass, deluxe wheel covers WW lues bumper guards sinpes adjust pedals. Stock «4013 NOW '4050 1974 GRAND PRIX I Dr. Hardtop (NEW) Cordova top. Radial tires. Air Cond . lint glass, body color minors. P windows, ace stripes, rally gauges-trip odometer, buckets,console. Slock *4167 LIST 55952.90 NOW '4895 1974CATALINA 4 Dr. Hardtop NOW '4085 '4240 1974GRANDPRIX 2 Dr. Hardtop ' NOW '4100 1974 SAFARI 2 Saai Station Wagon 1974 GRAND SAFARI 3 Seat Station Wagon (NEW) Air Cond . AM-FM radio, radial tires cust wheel covers, wood grain o p t . pw tailgate, pwr. wind , lugg carrier, tint glass rear wind delr . rally gauges, bumper guards/strips. ad| pedals, vinyl int, Stock «40t« (NEW) Air Cond . 60-40 power seat, radia lires. AM-FM Ster , remole mirror, cusi wheel covers, till wheel, woodgram option pwr tailgate, pwr windows, elec door locks, lugg carrier, rally gauges, bumper guards, strips, vinyl int Stock « 4063 LIST $6172.90 LIST 56946.90 NOW '5050 1974 GRANDVILLE 4 Or. Hardtop (NLW)Air Cond , Cordova top, 60-40 pow er seat. Stereo radio, radial tires, remote (NEW) Air Cond . Cordova top. dlx WW mirrors, cult wheel covers, body Sid tires, remote mirror, body side moldings, moldings, ad| pedals, till wheel, powe dlx wheel covers, lilt wheel, tint glass, elec. wind., pwr door locks, lint glass, rail clock, bumper guards/strips. Slock »4104 gauges, bumper guards/strips, custom mm LIST N O W Stock 14037 55,2690 LIST $4952.90 LIST 56602.05 NOW '5385 1974 GRAND PRIX 2 Dr. Hardtop NOW '5660 1974 LUXURY LE MANS 2 Dr. Hardtop 1974 GRAND AM 2 Dr. Hardtop' 1974 BONNEVILLE 2 Dr. Hardtop 3emo) 3800 mile's Air Cond . tint glass, 554barr AM-FM Ster/Tape, Landau lop, al'y 2 wheels, power wind seats, elec elr , saft-lrack. cruise cont pwr door ock|/tilt wheel, radial tune susp elee sun ool.Stock »4133 1ST NOW (Demo) 4849 miles Air Cond , radial tires. Cordova top. pow winds. A M F M Sie'eo. rally 2 wheels. 6 way pwr seal, ace stripes. til wheel, rally gauges, rem minor, bumper guards strips ad| pedals, moldings Stock • 4121 656 r. 50 LIST S6»54.05 '540O 1974 GRAND SAFARI 3 Saat Station Wagon Demo) 3854 miles. Air Cond Sler AM r M wood-gram opt., radial tires, cust wheel covers, till wheel, tint glass, pwr tailgate, pwr winds, door locks. 60-40 pwr seat, lugg earner, rally gauges, bumper guards stnps. mylint .Stock #4083 LIST $6935.90 NOW '5460 LIST 54920.90 NOW '3885 (Service Rentali 3950 miles. A.rCond Cordo.a top mdiai tires AM Rudio. tidy f '''or mmors rsiiy J wheels im *neei tir.t glass. ace stripes elec c'ock moldings bumper gjards strips vmytint Stock #4194 LIST 5544390 NOW '4285 NEW) Air Cond, Cordova top. radial bras f mole mirror, dlx wheel covers, body side moldings, tint glass bumper guards strips. d| pedals, vinyl m l , eiec clock Stock 4020 (NEW) Air Cond. Cordova top. radial Wes, rem minor rally 2 gauges body side moldings, tilt wheel pwr wind tint glass, acr. s t r i p e s , rally gauges bumper guards stnps. vmyiint Slock #4032 (NEW) Air Conri AM radio. rofflotaj mi'ror. WW l«es, at-.,.e »heei i-.o«ers. bod/ •iifln mold'ngs. bumper guards' strips. Stock • 40SO LIST 55247.90 LIST NOW '4350 $5483.90 '4515 1974LEMANS 2 Dr. Hardtop 1974CATALINA 4 Dr. Sadan |NEW) Air Cond . deluxe wheels. WW l<res. Body side moldings, tint glass, bumper guards/strips Slock *4011 LIST $4831.90 NOW NOW '4000 (NEW) Cordova top. Air Cond . radial t'res. rl'W ? #h«e's Dofly color minors P s P - disc brakev lilt wheel, tint glass, bumper guards stnps.V8Stock #406') LIST 54742 60 NOW '4060 1974 GRAND SAFARI 2 Saat Station Wagon 1974 SAFARI 2 Seat Station Wagon (NEW) Air Cond . radial tires, tin wheel body side moid, pwr tailgate, pwr windows lugg earner, tint glass. ad| pedals, vinyl trim, rally gauges, bumper guards/strips. Stock #4016 (NEW) Air Cond AM radio di> *heet covers, WW tires body side mold.'igs. lugg carrier, t nl glass, bumper stops • guards, vi nyl.nl Stock*4068 LIST 56790.90 NOW '5070 LIST 5553440 NOW '4550 1974 GRANDVILLE 4 Dr. Hardtop 1974CATALINA 4 Dr. Hardtop LIST $4709.60 LIST 56553.05 LIST $5209.90 NOW '4300 1974 LE MANS 2 Seat Station Wagon (NEW) Air Cond. HIM glass AM radio WW lues. dl> wheal covert P s P d ac brakes. Turbo-Hydro, wood gram opt lugg carrier, dr locks, bumper strips/vinyl i r l . rear-wind vents Slock * 4111 LIST $6231.90 LIST $6343.90 LIST 54907.60 LIST $4927.65 NOW '4200 1974CATALINA 2 Dr. Hardtop 1974CATALINA 4 Dr. Sedan (NEW) M Cond , Cordova top. 60 40 pow er seat radial tires, rally ? wheels ad] pedals, lilt wheel, power wind . tint glass, courtesy l a m p s , rally g a u g e s , bumper guards, strips.custom trim Slock #4035 1974 LE MANS 4 Dr. Hardtop '4850 1974CATALINA 2 Dr. Hardtop (NEW) Landau Cordova lop. Air Cond . AM (NEW) Air Cond. Cordova top, AM radio, radio. WW lires, rem mirror, P/S, Pwr disc WW tires, remole mirror, dlx wheel covers, brakes, tilt wheel, tint glass, buckets, eon body side moldings, tint glass, vinyl ml , sole, bumper guards, strips • V8 Stoc bumper guards/strips Stock #4026 (4047 NOW '4050 NOW 1974CATALINA 2 Dr. Hardtop (NEW) Air Cond . AM FM Ster rany wheels, radial tires, body aide moldings P S . P/disc brakes, tin wheel Turbo-Myd Irans , bumper guards/strips, V8. rail gauges Slock #4102 NOW '5200 LIST 55926.50 (Serv Rental) 4250 miles. Air Cond AM Radio del wheel covers. WW tires tint gless. vinyl int . body side m o l d , bumper strips guards, moldings Stock #4045 (NEW) Landau lop. radial tires. AM FM Sler Air Cond . body side moldings, rally wheels, tilt wheel, power wind . lint glass buckeil. console, bumper guards strip Stock #4030 • I (Demo) 468 miies, A,» Oo"d 'ml glass, pwr wind elec detr lal'y wheeii 455 4 barr SaM-Trak. tilt wheel dual e«h Stock #4079 1974CATALINA 4 Dr. Sadan (NEW) Cordova lop, radial tires A M F M Stereo. Air Cond . rally two wheels. Ml wheel, power * ind , lint glass, bumper guards strips, buckets, console. Stock • 4)04 NOW '5115 NOW '4850 1974 GRAND AM 2 Dr. Hardtop NOW '4225 NOW '4350 1974 GRANDVILLE 2 Dr. Hardtop LIST 54005.90 NOW '4050 1974 LUXURY LE MANS 2 Dr. Hardtop INEW) Air Cond landau Cordova top, radial tires, rem nvrrv i.onso* bod/side moldings P s P OVJ h'ake'. tiitwheoi tint giais. i ,"iper guards strips V8 T-j'bo M/d irans Stock • 41',/ LIST $4918.60 NOW '4215 1974 BONNEVILLE 4 Dr. Hardtop (NEW) Air Cond Cordova top AM FM si* r 'dd>ai tires, remole rnifof •* .,? wheels bod/side molding', ,KI ( p"i*;s I t wheel pwr windows, ewe. dOOf locks' tni gia<". ace stripes, n umper g iirdt rtnpevmylinl Sli - * LIST 56/9705 NOW '5060 1974CATALINA 4 Dr. Sadan . (NEW)ArrCond A M I I :irnoklmgs. deluxe wheel covers WW tires tint glass, vm/i int , bumper strips guards, Stock 14098 LIST 54920 90 NOW '4085 1974 GRANDVILLE 2 Or. Hardtop (NEW) Air Cond , Cordova top. 60 40 pow ar seat. AMFM star radial lues, rem mirrors, cust wheel covers, body side midgs , lilt wheel, power wind , elec dr* k>r>v tint glass, bumper guards strips, rally gauges, custom trim Slock a 4043 i CoftfOva lop W 40 power seat radial urei AM mn wheel', . imrei •• • i i LIST 5649«.0» LIST $6624.05 NOW '5300 • • • . i ' ,»4 NOW '4400 ALL ' D E M O S " STILL CARRY NEW CAR WARRANTY! WE CLOSE WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY EVENINGS AT 6 P.M. ROUTE 36 • EATONTOWN (Next to the Motor Vehicle Ta* Daily UpUta, I 2 3 4 5 6 tatf Baak-MaMtoMwa, N I Maaday, Marck 4, 174 II TOM RATCLIFFE Far I conaacuUva yaara, Tern hat attain** Pontiac "Maatara" aU •landing car aataa and cualomar tarvlca MtialacUon Ona el 144 " M M Ponttac daalart naik>nwld«l Only 31 hava quallHad a_H3vaari! 1 cilfla PonHac Io a 52% incraaaa In naw and uaad car aalat In 19731 JOE ANGEREO Naw Car Sta « "" • — • " • M M Car 8 . 1 - Manparlormanca rating of 11 noml- JACK KELLY Uaad Car Salat Managar! Jack Joint Joa at tha leading Managar but tor U»ed Cart! Again, "Batt parlormanca rating ol all 11 nominaaa"! ED HELFRICH Ed la tha wlnnar of the Motor, inturanca Corporation* award for tha Butinatt Managar ol tha Vaar. Ha halpad tha moat paopla with financing and Inturanca problarat! BOB FREIBAUM Bob'a tarvlca daparUnanl rankad # 1 out of I I salad daalara In Monmouth, Mlddlatai, Marcar, Huntardon, Warran • Morrla Countlat! Award la batad on ownar •atlttactlon and parcantaga ol Improvamant ovar 19721 DEL THORNE Awardad ParU Dapartmanl Managar ol tha Vaar ovar 11 companion In tha Matro Nawark Araa lor tha 2nd yaar In • row! Award batad on Improvamant of parU availability and talaal The "Best" offer you the "Very Best" in Sales & Service! STATE TAX & MOTOR VEH. FEES EXTRA NEW & USED CARS! 1 '66 PONTIAC CATALINA '63 CADILLAC SEDAN DeVILLE CONVERTIBLE Aulomalic. V I radio, power sleenna • 44741,82,7SOmi * 4-OOOR HARDTOP Fun power, radio, black, «1753, 94.298 IK. door, blue, automatic, V-8. power leering, radio #39571,103,781 nil. »97 '98 '99 '67 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX •67 PONTIAC GTO Red 'white top. automatic, air condt•toning, power steenng. power brakes. power windows, radio. • 1302. 4 1 7 7 6 cm 2-OOOR HARDTOP Gold. V 8. 4 speed, radio, # 4 1 ( 9 3 , 73,438 mi. '997 '597 "68 CHEVROLET IMPALA 70 FORD LTD WAGON '64 CHEVROLET '68 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE 4-DOOR HARDTOP Air conditioned, power windows, power steering, radio, N u e / b * lop. #311871, 53,398 ml. '994 '69 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX '68 PONTIAC CATALINA 2DOOR HARDTOP Blue, air conditioned, radio Very Good Condition' #41051.91 325ml. '65 FORD MUSTANG G m n . radio. 4.speed • 311 »04. 79,488 67 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX 4-OOON HARDTOP Black, automate, powar steering, radio, #311721.54,963mi Gold, automatic, a<r conditioned, power steering, radio, vinyl top. # 4 3 0 4 1 , 73,116mi Green, automatic, power stealing, air conditioning, radio <OOt rack. #1672. 71,683 mi '797 '899 '68 PONTIAC CATALINA 70OLDSMOBILE VISTA CRUISER J-OOOR HARDTOP Power steering.av conditioning, autom a t i c , radio Qold / Blk vinyl l o p , #37071.63.525 mi WAGON Green, air conditioning, power steering, radio. 9-passenger, root rack wood grain,#4O9t1.B1.765mi '997 '1293 72 CHEVROLET VEGA 7 1 CHRYSLER "300" '449 '797 '899 '68 PLYMOUTH WAGON '68 MERCURY MONTEREY '67 PLYMOUTH White automatic, power steering, radio, root rack #310791.106,381 mi Turq/biK top. power steering, power brakes, automatic, radio. # 4 2 7 8 1 . 50.276ml. '998 '798 '896 71 FORD MAVERICK 70 CHEVROLET MALIBU '68 PONTIAC FIREBIRD Gnfd automatic, power ateerlng, air conditioning 'adio, g o l d / b l k l o o • 311911,49 67Sm< U b<ue, automate, power steering, air conditioning, radio. 10-paaaenger root rack,wood gram #3161, 49,476ml. B*/biue. air conditioning, power steering, power windows, automatic, AM FM, vmyttop. «3979V59.719mi '1197 CONVERTIBLE Bik/yellow. V I . automatic, powar steenng, radio, whiteweii's • 1633. 85.245 mi. '1997 '1697 '1396 68BUICK RIVIERA '68 PONTIAC LeMANS Green, standard transmission, radio, vinyl lop. whitewaUs. • 165?. 38.826 mi. '1893 '67FOBD STATION WAGON '67BUICK WILDCAT Btack/Blk. 4-speed, radio, power steering, buckets. #42462,81.275 mi. 2 DOOR SEDAN Standard transmission, radio, whitewalis, blue / while vinyl lop. • 5241,31 .525 mi. 2 DOOR HARDTOP Gold. i» conditioning, power windows. power steering, power seat A M / F M . goW/blktop. #41221.65.438mi '1792 '1897 '1899 70 MERCURY MONTEGO 68BUICK SKYLARK 7 0 FORD T-BIRD U graan/bik top, small V-8, automatic, power Hearing, radio, * 1601, 33,637 mt. 1 1 70OLDSMOBILE "442" 71 CHRYSLER "300" 2-DOOR HARDTOP 2 DOOR H A R D T O P While, full p o w e r , vinyl t o p . • 4 , ) 4 S t . 63.526 mi P-DOOR HARDTOP Red nil- air conditonmg. power steer, ing. radio, vinyl lop. » 41 f « 1 . 53.624 mi. 2-DOOft Gold, automatic, power slaanng, radio, vinyl lop, #4-978-1 47.885 mi 4-DOOR SEDAN Black, small v-8. radio, powar steering, air conditioning, vinyl top, 9 1 2 0 1 , 48.876 mi '1794 '1392 '1597 '1297 '1497 7 0 PONTIAC LeMANS 70 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX CUTLASS '69 PONTIAC WAGON '69 OPEL KADETT Goid/bik top. automatic, air conditioned, power sienrmg. power windows. rad>o. vinyl top. f MBi,b7.539rm. Qold. automatic, air conditioning, power steenng, power windows, power teat. AM/FM, gold/blk top. #41691, 62.121 mi. '1793 '67 FORD T-BIRD ?OOORHARDTOP Automate, a" conditioning, power steering. Radm. Vmyi top Silver/black, #38691 40.?45mt Green ? door. Full power. Air condtbonng.Sterto #1362 93.060mi. Green 7 door Hardtop, Automatic. Power steering. Radio. V8 Green/black top #43331.57.280mi '1098 GokJ black top A>r conditioning Power c l e a r i n g . R a d i o . Power w i n d o w * , AM/FM #42691 39.1S4mi '1897 '1949 '1496 72MERCURY MONTEGO 7 2 PONTIAC CATALINA 73 PONTIAC LeMANS 7 0 MERCURY COUGAR 2 DOOR HARDTOP MX Brougham Automatic. Power steerIng, Air conditioning. A M / F M . Dark blue/while vinyl lop #39821 U . 2 0 5 2 DOOR HARDTOP Air conditioning. Power steering. Radio. Vinyl l o p . Vinyl interior. Light green,white #36661 29.t24ml '2697 '2198 72DAT8UN 510 71 FORD MAVERICK Radio, 4.speed transmission 42.371ml #1452 8-cytader. Automate Aw condition*^ Blue. Vinyl white top • 1611 41,50/mi. 4-speed. 6 cylinder Power steering. Automatic. Radio Green » 4 i r , m 9.425 mi '2798 72 PLYMOUTH BARRACUDA 2 OOdR HARDTOP Air conditioned Power steering Radio. Automatic. Green black top #43052 32.489 mi '2198 '2096 73 PONTIAC VENTURA 72 MERCURY COUGAR 2 DOOR HATCHBACK Power steering, eir conditioned. Automatic, Black vinyl Interior # 4 4 0 3 1 1.005 ml 72 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX CONVERTIBLE Air conditioned. Power steenng. Radio Black power top #1391 9.287 ml Automatic. Power steering. Air conditioned, AM F M, power braket, Dark Green #4?601 44 70/mi '2893 '2997 '3147 70 FORD MAVERICK '2498 2 DOOR HARDTOP Air conditioning. Power steering Power windows, AM FM. vs. Gold-black top. • 1021 44 677mi Gold Automatic. Air conditionvig. Power steering Power brakes. Radio. Rool rack.Woodgiam #42581.59.124mr Yellow 4-Spttd transmission Radio • 1562 79.059 m. '1698 '1093 72TOYOTA CORONA 4-door tedan. Automatic, Nadu. L<Qht b'ue #35591 52,361m. '2349 '2093 70 CADILLAC SEDAN DeVILLE r• jti Powtir. Stereo Leather top. Leather seiti #6341 80765mi 73 AMERICAN HORNET Aulomalic. Radio. Power Steenng Tan. • 43431 10.321 mi 2-DOORHAROTOP Red/white top. automatic, power iteering, radio, vinyl top, *43731.63.270 mi '1496 73 PONTIAC CATALINA ? DOORHARDTOP Air conditioning, Power steering. Radio. Automatic. Power windows, Green/white vinyl top #44261 21,243 S 72BUICK SKYLARK 2698 Yellow/ black vinyl lop Full power, 2 door Stereo #41481 40.965mi '1893 72 PONTIAC LeMANS 4-door sedan. Power Steering. Air conditioning, Radio. Automatic. Vmyi top. Silver/black #3428? 23.124mi '2594 7 0 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX 7 2 FORD TORINO Air conditioned. Power steering. Power windows. AM/FM. vinyl top. Blue WacK vinyl lop #40811 29.560 mi Power steenng, Radio, Air conditioning. Vmyi top Red/whiie #44221 29 500 '2497 '2049 '2598 71 PLYMOUTH SATELLITE 72 CHEVROLET IMPALA 73 PONTIAC GRANDVILLE SEBRINQPIUS Aulomalic. Air conditioned. Power steering. A M / F M B r o i i e ' b l a c k vinyl top • 41881 29.243m D l * Green* green top A>r conditioned. Automatic. Power steaimg, Power brakes. Radio. Vmyi top #1781 26.875 '2397 '2393 2-0OOR HARDTOP Air conditioning, Power tteenng, Radio, Vinyl lop Automate Green #37531. 54 261m. 4-OOOR HARDTOP Power sleenng. Automatic. Air conditioned. Power windows, power seal. Tan saddle vmyi top #44021 23.142 '2193 '2596 73 PONTIAC CATALINA 73 PONTIAC VENTURA 73 INTERNATIONAL WAGON 4 DOOR SEDAN Air conditioned, power steering, radio. Black, beige vinyl lop #1131 11,124 73 PONTIAC GRANDVILLE HATCHBACK COUPF. Air conditioned, automate. Powar item mg, Redo #1331 12,058mi Power steenng Power windows. Power seat. Air conditioned. AM FM. Dark brown/ beige lop 142621 15.740mi Automate Air conditioned. Power gtctr* mg Radio Vmyi top, Wood gram #1011 17 46? 2-DOOR HARDTOP Power steering Power windows Power seel Stereo. Air conditioned- Matoon black vinyl lop #6391 4.112mi. '2949 '3398 '3994 '4893 '2898 WE CLOSE WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY EVENINGS AT 6 P.M SAM MAGARINO Inspection Station) Phone 542-7800 5am is the No I Poottac Saiesm.r lh« Jersey shore area! Ht ranked m thu top 10 ol iicmon in 8?'i •r»hips in Ihi • warti urer viou*<ly, Rmditfi rnniiac'ri "Salesman I N V e a f lor delivering over new and used cam '3348 74 PONTIAC GRANDVILLE , 23 er> RASSAS Uf.AvN b » V S H O » t CHUVSlEK PLYMOUTH IS] First Av« . Atlcnlic d » 1 SMC FO«£ »W CHI .'ujilignen (750 < • tiro Monv SPORT Fun* llent condition 11(10 ntro iV/t> f H* ••« ' Bf»t oiler ovn tiOOO 741 6/74 » 10 s. r . » l o o a m tton o n u ??s>«2 s « 2 uo.s u n.n,» a " . root Shovooni {.ond I at U ivi Ul UK HI US 970 MUSTANG Aul' del 11400 i"r> 4 30. 142 7471 KB Ouaneon •• automat now tirfb D0WC 196S MO MIDGET Body Needs engine work 1750 111. Autos lor Salt i«6« O P t U WAGON 8>2 06»l o'ler 6 FIND IT HERE THE MS-SAVING MG MIDGETS MGB'S DUSTERS VALIANTS SCAMPS SPECIAL! 7 3 PLYMOUTH 73 MG MIDGET Fury III. 4-door sedan. 318 V8. automatic, power steering. air conditioning. 5 4 , 6 6 0 miles. Barracuda. 318 V-8, automatic transmission, power s t e e r i n g , console, 1 1 , 4 0 7 miles 4-cylinder, 4-speed. AM-f-M radio, 4,600 miles! 7 2 GREMLIN Coronet Custom, 4-door s e d a n , 31 8 V - 8 , power steering, automatic transmission, vinyl roof 20,725 miles Newport, ?-door hardtop, automatic, power steering, brakes Air conditioning 44,1/4 miles 110. Autos for Sale Shrewsbury WANTED Port* who needs 100% financing, »viff> no monev down, on a 1973 MAVERICK Two-door coupe, sift cylinder outomgtu J4.1IS mtles I739S Many other modeii to choose from For Quick credit O K . toll OASIS MOTORS at (20 H 771 7100 110. Autos for Sale 110. Autos for Sale Buhler Bitter Brougham 12-Month/12,OOOMile VALUE PROTECTION PLAN $ 6767 $ tock No LJ!13 ).T miles Medic S Anew t,'Monlh/l?.000 M vice agreement tor pre-owned Cadillacs. ' VP" covers the cost ot any repairs over S?5 00 lor most ot the maior mechanical systems on any approved Cadillac Delta 88 4-door hardtop. Stock f Jo C150.19.000 miles. Excellent condition $ 3395 7 2 SEDAN 7 2 ELDORADO / Coupe Stock No C7.0 I '.OOOmiles Excellent value DeVille r No PCI 63 i'fl.OOO miles Showroom ClOd $ 7 2 ELDORADO 73 CADILLAC ORADO Coupe Sedan DeVille Coupe block No. C?8b ,1 ck No 81 control. Stock NO I t / 000 mile', $ 5295 S 4395 5895 OLDSMOBILE CADILLAC CO. 741-0910 YAMAHA CYCLE SERVICE. INC i l l 171 W FronVsr Tied Bonk 147 0177 dRCYCLEU Reasonable Roles. GROSSINGER 4 HELLER AGENCV ,1 Wikott PI. 741 1100 Red Bonk 1 wo MOTORTROSS — vomotio lis MX and Hodoko 100 MX Alto bike trailer All excellent condition. Sell sep arole or together Coll 147 If30 alter 4 HONOA CL )M) 1970 Rebuilt engine. Needs some work Call otter * p m . 779 7169 More Classified on Next Poflt^ | Wall Lincoln Mercury And we choose to sell you lop quality previously owned cars at the lowest prices. 1973 IO passenger wagon Loaded Power steering. AM FM stereo, power brakes, power windows, power door locKs. wood sides, hmshed in yellow with saddle interior Much more BUICK APOLLO ? door hardlop. VS. automate, power steering, factory air. AM radio The red finish is accented with white side walls, deluxe wheel covers and body side moldings CAPRI V6 Automatic, Decor group, radial ttfes, AM radio Thisgassavaristmithad in yellow with a rich black interior MONTEGO WAGON Power steering, automatic, laclory air. AM FM slereo. rool rack Finished m hme green with wood sides lo give this beauty it s rich look All above cars are sold wtth I year power tram warranty.anf day lull 30 1972 FORD GRAN TORINO 4 (janr power steering, automatic, factory air. vmyl top & nttftor. tinted glass, while sidewatts and deluxe wneet covers Finished m med green with dark green interior and top FORD PINTO 2000cc 4 speed transmission, AM radio. WSW This gas saver is finished « be>ge with a saddle interior MERCURY MONTEREY 4-door hardtop Power steering, automatic, factory a» tinted glass AM radio, vinyl interior and top Finished in light green with dark green interior FORD COUNTRY SQUIRE Wagon Power steering, automatic, factory air power windows. AM tadto. white Side walls, deluxe interior This rich looking wagon is finished in coco brown with wood sides and saddle interior MERCURY MARQUIS 4-door. power steering, automate. AM FM slereo, lilt steering, power windows & seals Finished in co-co brown with a rich fabric interior and dark brown vmyl lop wilh 4 new WSW tires and deluxe whe«l covers • COLONY PARKWAGON ,nrii!.oiied, automatic power rddio .'.'.'. . buick-opel me .... , I J IL L A r n I L t ••-..,,.AM ".< . will NOT INDERSOLI i y / 1 u n r n l l i t liUUr t IYIALIDU i • '/I, etc. Iy /U I UWNulVInN :ii, la iU IVltnliUnT iy /u ruN IIAL 1969B0NNEVILLE 1969 M ALI BU " 8 8 " 1968 OLDS I968CAMAR0 I968CHEVE 1967 MERCURY ' •71 SUZUKI DUSTER MOTORCYTLE 1300 miles Asking S77S ill 791 9430 967 BSA 610 - Chopped, custom paint ond chrome Very cleon with strong en gine. Must sell tost Best alter over 1900 Coll 741 6760, ask tor Dovt. 110. Auloi For Salt 4395 '5495 I y I L U n r n l u C c o u p e A i r conditioned, vmyl top. power, radio. WWS. disc*. 1971 BUICK 1970 KINGSWOOD ESTATE 70. 4-spMd. En- Hi 1760 COLONY PARK Now at Russeif 3395 4695 73 OLDSMOBILE 100 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD., RED BANK la/1 971 HONOA — CT cellenl condition 1700 110. Autos for Salt Coupe I 3 I C D U I W i \ -1 Door FJeclr J Stereo. a<r conditioned, power everything, speed control, etc ' 1969 SUZUKI 500 Call otter 6 p m 14? 061? *7? DUNSTAll NORTON - 750 CC. Excellent condition Low mileage Coll otter 6 p m 741 3501 19/1 P l Y M O U T H SATELUTF Two door hardtop Air conditioning Askm 11100 142 0776 otter 6 u MI CADILLAC 1967 i onvertible Good . . Ing condition. Best offer. Phone a ter 6 p m . 142 SS17 72FLEETW00D I " I L u n r i l l l l t ' l r j . i u b c n y e r wagon An. power windows, locks, rout uck AM FM. ^f.VS. , ' i i-d 1957 TRIUMPH 610 •< 1900 miles, new engine. 1450 717 0915 Red Bank 747-0040 RUSSELL I y / 1 bUlulx i 1J0. Motorcycles l i o n Supreme twodoor. power steering, power brakes oir conditioning Maroon IIIOO o m 741 9710 Ask lor Joe I«J I O IVKJIM 1 1 U n H L U » ftondloned vmyl lop. lull power, steel beitedtres. etc l a / I IVIUNIhLAHLU 1964 SCOUT - Snow plow. I Co" after S p m !64««7 BED BANK VOLVO" Newmon Springs Rd Red Bonk (41 SJI6 DODGE~COLT - l?H~lour (ylindfr 2 to 30 mpg. Radio, heater stick. 44.061 miles Irnmatulole Suoerh condition ,1,775 764 156? 7 3 ELDORADO S Iy / L PlUVn : 1964 FORD VAN As IS. 1300 (oil 747 4071 USED CARS - LARGE SELECTION CUABANTEED RATCLIFFE PONTIAC Route J6 Cotontown S i ! 7800 AT '.',', 000 miles ,,: im Coupe Air r.ondit'Oiied power. 1.11 'O.» ttooo Coll O'ler i. 747-34W 197? MERCURY MONTFGO With oir conditioning Like new Asking 17,900 33? 7774 mornings Till wheel, stereo .VWS, d'bcs. r« It's Dealer's Choice HAZLET SERVICE: 264-9090 i.pngor.vjyji Au conditioned, rool iac« , " l » l FOP DATSUN WASHINGTON S AUTO SERVICE I Broad SI It' 137) Kevoc JEEP SALES & SERVICE Delta 88 I all} Lclllnliu Good condition I'll 6V44 BUTV WRECKER N model Mock I Oil 9JB 4447 THE F I N E S T S E L E C T I O N Ot n e * ond used c a r l in Monmou'rl County Over 100 air conditioned new cars in slotk f/cGLOIN BUICKOPtL INC. Snrewiourv A v e . New Shrewsbury 741 6?00 WONMOUTH CHSVSL.ER P L Y M O U T H Hwv it Eolontown HI 5100 - 131 E. Newman Springs Rd. ?-door hardtop. Stock No. C149.14,000 miles Excellent condition | j 1 0 I I Y I r A L A j0br1t,oupeAir j.nylrool. power. AM. FMiarJ'O. VV.Vo discs 6ON I9ri 1961 G' Long Bioncri JEEP SALES AND SERVICE Twin Boro Motors. Inc. E Newman Springs Rd Red Bonk HOW (470040 WAt.l LINCOLN MER( URV Shrewsbury Ave ot Sycamore Shrewsbury. N j TWIN BORO MOTORS 730LDSM0BILE USEDCAR ANNIVERSARY VALUES DURING OUR CELEBRATION. Eolonlown 0OC1 ?79 B'oortwoy very good condition mi FOBD LN 100 - ISO wheelbose, 16 yard body wlm U ' M twist and hall over cab shield Excellent condition Approximately 6000 miles Coll James Dryer at 931 S03I weekdays <rom t to 5 ond Saturdays from I lo 17 SHREWSBURY MOTORS Shrewsbury Ave Shrewsbury 7411500 We Buy Used Volkswagens "a small price tor Quality... at a Workingman 's price..." 7.673 miles Established 1925 capacity 1969 MERCURY MARQUIS Station wagon All power Average is mpg Trailer hitch. AM FM slereo radio, an conditioned. 11(00 lirm. t i l S732. txccpiional condition SPECIAL INC. IM Trucks and Troiltri f 4 H Molt1 Author net) Dealers Deoae and Dodge li Hwv 35 Eotontown. N J SEt A RUiSELL MAN For the OHI cor Ouvs RUSiELL OldirnOO'le Cadillac Co, 100 Newman Sonngs Rd Red Bank 741 0910 TWIN BORO MOTORS Slock No C39 3290 HWY 35 SALES: 264-0198 Shrewsbury Awe 7 2 DODGE 69 CHRYSLER 6 cylinder, aulomatic transmission, power steering, air conditioning w 1970 PLYMOUTH DUSTER - S'< cylin der Two-door sedan Black and gold Radio, heater Coll between 791 ?l}7 STHAUB BUICK OPEL NINE ACRES OF New and U » d Cart Hwy 35 164 4000 Kevpolt |*6-CYLINDER 4-WHEEL DRIVE (•ECONOMICAL DEPENDABLE ALL IN STOCK & READY TO MOVE! 7 0 PLYMOUTH AAA « Assume oovments on ony ol 100 COfS in stork Credit opolicotions uicru'fd Ail mokes and mod* able Guaranteed se'vue Bayshore Chrysler Plymouth '00 |'74JeepCJ-5.... COMES ON STRONG! HUGE SELECTION OF • • • • • 1969 FOK . -nrl'lioneo Gorogr kept low mileage showroom condition N c * t i r « K M 4VS0679 • olfi ond alp Motor Sole* Ocean Joouor deo'e's '9 E Newman Springs Rd . Red Bonk 747 059ft 1964 CHEVROLl IBLE — Needs work. Good tor ports vl 4644 MM Bon Bedie Rd 764 W76 excellent 1967 OtDSMOBUr - COnwerll aged An conditioning New tires mog »SSO 49S0679 ( M f VROLET IMPAl I tellent tronsoortohon Must tWO gi Ur-,1 o l l n Call «7I 6J4» or 671 «ta U INC Parlv who needs 100 no money down, on a 1963 P I N T O SQUIRE STATION WAGON I tioning 6300 miles WS9S Uoov other models to choose from For Q it O « . toll OASIS MOTORS tit 1301) 771 7100 - it. Down like new 1 i M WANTED COf/ I • ed. iV'O MOB C i ' t l l t f i t loMO'Hc.r. extras Red on u\ HIS or 74i nn 110. Auto* lor Salt no. yui»» Mr Sale J95 (ran iiyi 'ool I 177-0795 « * « ' 4 0 PONT I AC O n g GooO I" 1.100 :64 WM Power Maermg automatic. AM FM stereo, power windows, tinted glass and more finished m get black with wood sides and maroon interior WSW. deluxe wheel covers CHEVROLET MALIBU 4 door hardtop, power steering, automatic, laclory air tinted glass. AM radio Th.s t S.0OO mile dream is finished m goir] melalic with a beige interior with WSW and wheel covers All above 19/? cars sold with 6 mo fcOOO mi/o power tram warranty JO (lay lull 1971 COLONY PARK Wagon Power steering, automate, laclory air. AM radio, limed glass, WSW. deluxe wheel covers, power windows and mote Finished in med. blue with darfc blue interior accented by wood tides BUICK SKYLARK Pdoorhardlop Power steering, aulomatic AM radio mag wheels. WSW. till steering, bucket seats with console Finished in a bronie with off whit* interior & matching vinyl lop I Bring Us YOUR BEST Deal for OUR Best DealNOW! 5 YR./ 50,000 mi. WARRANTY in , x * Z Z ^ , ON ALL OUR NEW CARS UP TO 5 YRS. FINANCING IF QUALIFIED AND A FEW NEW 1973 CHEVROLET LEFTOVERS LEFT $1000 oil window sticker on moat cart. 200 CARS INSTOCK TO CHOOSE FROM... CINTURYr MOAL* LaSABRIfa-ILICTRAaRIVIIRAt- OMLS CIRCLE CHEVROLET ' 741-3130 641 Shrewsbury Ave..Shrewsbury buick-opel .810 hwy 35 FORD TORINO 500 4 door hardtop Power steering, automatic factory air AM radio all vinyl interior and top limshed m beige with black interior A lop WSW and cleiu«e wheel covers MARK III loaded only as a MARK couk) be Finished mrn.h black with white interior A one year l?000 miles serve* OOtMrM I OiM Be yours with the pui. chat* ot this car FORD LTD BROUGHAM i'-iw»r t l e e r m g aulrimalir. ill iinted giant, 1970 CHEVROLET MALIBU W'.W r««r wiii'lnw'lilliirjgiir 774-6500 Ki • tinted glast, Wall 0PtNUTEEVERYEVEI '. mite south of ••bury circle atbury parM A M ridir W'.w deluxe wheel covers and vinyl top Shrewsbury. N. J. Shmwibury »»• it SyciiMU 747-5400 **"^* P«Wf/I «#44 tW lH»f U#M, 1174 U* t w * - *i4M*i*»d ffflF i* « Mai* »r FemwH 110 Autos tor Sole EMPLOYMENT covered, snpfovci H4 1013 ony fir JUNK CARS WILL PAY S » AND PICK UP Twinbrook Auto Wrecking Eotontown 542 2235 GUARANTEED USED E«TE«I0R - iNT Ph Pltxrhnnalnj Free eitlmolM Coll W 3 & I 9 or *•} MSI 110. AulM tor Sal* assertions, brake »rM«m«n««iTlc» svs,t«m lot 30 days oi 1000 miles wh.ch •ver comes t.rsi DOREMUS 7 2 MG MIDGET 4 speed nans radio. 17.338 miles ENERGY '1895 CRISIS 7 2 FORD Tonno Gran Spoti Aulo. power (leering, brakes Vinyl lop A n a cond 27,03?* miles PLYMOUTH cyl . auio. power • sleenng. radio • 34 ?bO miles 2095 7 1 VOLKSWAGEN S e d a n , radio irealer. 6 7 . 1 3 9 miles '1995 small CARS Up to 48 mo. to pay if qualify. Also used VW s ippe/t If Tou Can Get It Her., We'll Trad* You ft Good Late Mod USED CAR •68 NOVA COUPE - Blue Stock#984 00 6cylinder, automatic, radio. 71,?. 16 mi. Choice of M y Stjlii M»! Mikn i l Ik! YIW'I LOBBlt CriCBI... YES • • • We'll Make Tou An Offer Tou Can't Afford To Mist STOP I T TODAY M 0 LET US SET TOU STMTED OFF I I TIE NEW TEU III I NEW USED MR! 72 MONTE CARLO - Blue Stock#737. Air conditioned, vinyl top, power steering, power brakes. ?7,330 mi 7 1 FOHO MAVERICK - Stock # 970 4 door, green. 6 cylinder, aulomalic. power steering, radio. I vinyl top. 45.871 mi 71 KARMANN GHIA - Stock#988 00 Auto"nalic. air conditioned, ?E>.612 mi , orange. 7 1 MERCURY COUGAR XR-7 - Stock «4?4?-1. 8ronze. automatic, power steering. Landau lop, air conditioned, slereo. 50,313 mi 69 MUSTANG FASTBACK - Stock#988 00 V.8, automatic, power steering, radio, blue, 51,693 mi 69 MUSTANG COUPE - Green Stock#198 V 8, automatic, power steering, radio, 64,130 Remember...We Will Not Knowingly Bo Undersold '69 M ALIBU - ?-door hardtop Slock « 955 00. 6-cylmder, automatic, power sleenng radio, 54,594 mi Thtrt'i Truth In Tht Sajint... 71 NOVA COUPE - H l i i t v black Slockt951 Air conditioned power steering, automatic. ? 7,98? mi Manager BILL COLONIE Trades Wild! Listed are just a lew ol the many fine "like-new" cars in stock. DRAFT SMAN V, f A j untor eroOe * nowledoc of electro mechontcol svt lems ond procedures heipint w>n from ambitious. induslnouS person Apply Electro impulse Lob, H6 Chestnut st Red Bonk OLSTEN Personnel SHORT ORDER <"OOK — Ae*v"lfl per son. 7-t p.m.. Martinis Diner, Hwy 36. Keontburg NURSE - And decora WOIf i ' i ERr Port li Apply in person. Holmdel Hwv 35- Holmdel FLOOR WAXER WINDOW - Needed Enpenenced 542-1126 (across Irorn Rickel S/ 1974 MERCURY s Safely Comfort Luxury • Roominess /41-2314 FORK LIFT ECONOMY »•» (oreer slort HtoO ct^ So Wonmoulh county. UUER Motor g In BROKEN GLASS? TORN SCREENS? rIng In your aluminum or wood frames for rt-glailng. Also Inserts for rscreenlng and r eg la j Ing. PROWN'S. 3? Broad I t " Red Bank, 741 7500. WATIRESSES M/W CASHIER, DISHWASHER Martinis Diner, Hwv 36, Keansburg - Evenings. ELIVERY o BLittle anny's Pino «, Subs, 24 Avers Lone, Silver. Apply in person. PAINTING CHAUFFEUR. MESSENGERToTFicT PORTER Full references. 634 4000. 0 S. 1NCOMF: TAX "PREPARATION Evperlenced tax expert will prepare your return confidentially In your home or my office. S5 and up. For appointment call Ted Zebrowski Jr., Eoton lawn, N.J 547 7773 anytime. LET ME DO IT! REMODEL PAINT-REPAIR EXPERT WORK 100". GUARANTEED REASONABLE 741 4558 FRIENDLY DISAPPEAR ING ATTIC STAIRS Furnished and installed for only 149 95. ATTIC STAIRS CO. 3490163 Low cost O0*D~JOBS — Addltlons^oanellng. AM types of masonry. Driveways. Coll 495 0189. 717-1601. ACE CAREER IN RETAILING Management troinee wanted. Five-day, 41 hour week. Must be willing to relocate. 3 to 4 year training program leodlng di redly to management. Apply to Man oger, F.W. Weolworlh CO. S3 (rood St., Red Bonk. LIBRARIAN Ttmporary. Small school. Call l*±M* MATURE PER SON To hondle'dlver sttied ond varied office duties. Must be 20 Thomas Ave tV 34*4 Shrewsbury fiexibte, have Imoglnatton ond be able ( f i i I u» Won ore"o~~&ood~berTto work on own. Good typing skills. EB eflts and sterling solory SCO Industries. Shrewsbury Ave . Red Bonk. 741 4100 MAG CARD O P E R A T O R — |t> penenced Middletown Greot oftice. PROGRAM DIRECTOR interesting Good solory full t l m t position tor sports minder voung person Neat, work well with STENO CLERK - Good with ligures. oroupi. Good benefits, opportunity for Matowon area Top salary. advancement. For appointment toll 747 2711, Mr. Ltwls. between I ond 4 p.m. ACCOUNTING TRAINEE General SALES "MANAGER - Wt are o-weli experience. For Brick Town orea. Top rated, long established manufacturer of household products whose mam office TRAINEE Far ond foetory is locoted in Central Jtr- MANAGEMENT sty. W* re looking for on Individual ronsportalion lirm Otgrtt. Grtot start or thorp otoolt Top solory. with soles and management bock ound, willing to learn ond assume the -Sponslbiilty, authority, and leadership necessory for maintaining ond directing 1421101 good customer, relationships, our soles IW Brood St . Red Bonk forct, salts office, representatives and distributors. Your reply held In strictest NURSES. RN S confidence. Salary open. Reply Box HICU - 3 10 I I 30 732, The Daily Register, Red Bank. OR - 7: IS to 34S . Kpandmg hospital has career positrons MATURE PERSON — Work in shipping available for staff RN's with ICU or ond receiving deportment. Full time. OR experience. We offer excellent storiMedical ond retirement benefits. Apply ng salaries, oood benefits, bnd a Norwood Distributors, Inc., 474 Brood friendly professional working atmosway, Long Branch Sec Fronk. phere. Apply or coll Boyshore Community Hospital. Nursing Office. 721 N. M E C H A N ic A L LY~TN C L I N E D ' — Person Beers SI . Holmdel 261 7500. with mechanical ability to train lor re sponsibie position. Young company. oood future Must bt eapablt ol occtpt Ino rttpomlblllty. 1100 to start with ad BUY OR SELL AVON coll Mrs. voncement after three months Apply in TO Kleinhons, 741 4143. 4 « ]]77 or 774-1120. person. PRIOEMAOE PROOUCTS INC . Edwards Industrial Center. 740 Lloyd HEAL ESTATE S A L E S ~ - Llctnstd Rd., Motawan. prtftrred. Aggrtsslvt growing oftlct rtauires o lorgt slolf dut to txponslon PART TIMF MORNINGS - Stock" program Only I n t t r t s t t d In saltsclean shelves. Kotsln's Drug Store. 192 ptoplt, desirous of tarnlno over S20.000 Shrewsbury Ave., Red Bonk. Apply M ptr vtor. Offlct leads, elttnslvt adverWolke, mornings. tlslng national reftrrol strvlce. Member two MLS', training program. All reH C t O MECHANICS~~^~And of mtchonlc htlptrs. . Civil Strvlct Service testing e s n g plies held In strictest confidence. Stnd will M rtoulred . Coll 871 9«IJ lor Inter resume to Bon G 77, Tht Dolly Register. Red Bonk vltw • o.m. to 4I p.m. wtthdovs. S d/r Personnel AVON HAIRDi*ESSE R~~Fuif or aarMimtT East at Edtr 7 l t V KIDS - Ages 17 la IS Mon. Frl.. 4 1; Sal., v 3 Keyport. Union Beach. Hailtt Coll 2S44777 CARPENTER'S HELPER OPENINGS For experienced Tellers Note Teller Proof & Transit Operator Bookkeepers (bank experience) 741-23)2 CASHIER For adult thtattr Call J l i w t or ?64 O3S7 WELDERS — Second shift. Steel otote shop. Steady, benefits, some overtime. LYCO-ZF, Engllshtown. Call Frank Cross, 446-70SS MANAGEMENT" TRAINEE - Openings lor ambitious Individual interested In In- Good starting salaries. Full surance. Start In soles ond move Into otter Intensive training benefits. Coll 842-7700 for ap- management program. College or substantial busi pointment. ness experience preferred. 310. Help Wanted Male or Female An t x M I E R I E N C E O ASSISTANT BOOK K E E P E R — Apply In person, Surrav Luggoge. 125 Brood i l . Red Bank. N.J. EQUITY PERSONNEL INC. Stfl Hwy 0, Middlftown 671-6500 equal opportunity plover m/w RN AND/OR LPN Full or Dart-time 3 p.m. to U o m. shitt 11 o m to 7 o m shift Call Mrs Erlchson HOLMDEL CONVALESCENT CENTER Hwv 34 944 4700 Holmdel DRIVERS - For household goods mov Ing ond storage comoonv. Openings lor Dockers, local drivers ond lone distance drivers. Only experienced poefcers and movers need aooiy. Anderson Bros., inc., ST S3 Mechanic St., Red Bonk. N.J. 7410030. 310. Help Wanted Male or Female Red l a n k (lUNIR EMPLOYMENT UMPhlb 27J2 Act Employment Agency ~WATCHMAKER~ Interior, exterior, using Dutch Boy point for people who cart. F r e t estl molts. Rich Poulln, 7391459. /pts of house re p a i n and alterations. Carpentry, paint Ing, masonry, ttc. 741-0544 Wt NIIO USID CARS WE WILL PAY TOP PRICES T O M S FORD i Brood SI DRIVER Experienced, lull time w a k h maker wonted. Salary pold va cations ond other benefits. Coll for Interview appointment. Sovrewood Jewelers of Brlcktown, 477 5137. I JACK OF ALL TRADES — $moM homt R E G I S T E R E 6 NURSE - For nursing I repotrs, home improvement* Anvthlne homt. I ) p.m. to 7 a.m. shift Sat. one Discounts to elderly cltUeni, widows Sun. only. Excellent salary. For op polntment, call 791 0600, Mon. to F r l . | and widowers. 147307s. Atlantic Highlands Nursing Home. I Middletown Ave., Atlantic Highlands. PERMANENT PART-TIME C M PLOY MENT— For people who tnloy Inter estlng work. Should rtave ability to re Good, reosonoble servicing on all toln knowledge and be able to put It to mokes ond models work. Apply 147 Newman Springs Rd.. fall IV 40)3 Red Bank. ELECTROLUX"VACUUM CLEANERS Rugs shampooed TV TECHNICIAN - Full time employREASONABLE RATES 7477711 ment with benefits. Apply in person, Norwood Television Co.. 79S Broodwav. HOME REMODELING Alterations, Long Branch. additions. Ptan now. Screened porch, fences, patio or family room. Free csii FULL AND PART-TIME POSITIONS motes. 741 3680 or 142 5160. Avalloble. Apply in person or call, Ben's Car Wash. 414 Rt. 35, Middle town. 741 9109. 310. Help Wonttd Male or Female i UNIVERSITY GRAPHICS HIRING LPN — Full tlmt. 4 1? i vltw Nuslno Homt. 291 0440 all Boy- SNELLING AND SMELLING - World's largest employment strvlct. 54 Broad SI.. Rtd Bank. N.J. 747IIJI WOWiE~NT MEN~DISTRI8Ut~E CATALOGS, PICK UP ORDERS FOR THE HOUSE OF FULLER AVERAGE U AN HOUR. PHONE 2643244. REAL ESTATE SALES - Commercial, industrial, ond land onlv. Local established firm opening new oMIce for this purpose. Must hove license and some experience. Send resume to Box K IS, The Daily Register. Red Bank. SCHOOL~BUS~ORIV6RS ~No~t» perlence necessary. Starling salary i3 per hour. Aoplv In person to Mr. Michael Oormlev. Transportation Co-ordlnotar. Hailet Township Board ol Educotion. 1} Bethany R d . Horiet, N.J. RECEPTIONIST -"Needed" for "weekend RN — J:M P.m. to 11:30 O.nv~ih7it! Call Hilltop Nursing Home lor position In modern nursing facility appointment. 47I-0I77. Pleasant personality desirable. Call Mon. thru Fri belween 9 i p.m. EA- GOGO~OANCERS~— lAttroctlve). High TONTOWN CONVALESCENT C E N T E R , pav. adaptable hours, pleasant working 1474700. conditions. Will train 16J 4IIJ COLLISION E X P E R T Immediate opening for experienced ond dependable body repairer and pointer Lee's Go Garden Center. Enlovable work, parrage k n . , 8S3 Broadway, Wesl Long Branch. J?3 164J tially physical. DICTAPHONE "TYPISTS - Are you on BRIGHT ACRE occurale lypiit with some e«o*rienre? Red Bonh firm needs you immediately Office Come In now. EQUITY PERSONNEL INC. 590 Hwv 3S, Middletown 671 6SO0 SALESPERSON • Coll«»« or i n l « Dochoround, lo troin o* 4p#clol ogfnl Solor* lo J1S.000 o»r year. Phone Mr BMmonl. »7I Wt BOOKKEEPER For imoll manulor turlnfl concern E«Mriente required Solmon Paper Box Co. Malawon, S66 MM M0. Help Wonted Mall or Female OIL BURNER SERVICE REPAIRMAN •TV IMMEDIATE OPENINGS • MAKE-UP DEPARTMENT FredD.WikoffCo. A m , i niRchHiiifril m a k e - u p CoiiL-enlralion t o detail important D a y a n d night o p e n i n g s F u l l t i m e / 3 0 a m l o 4 1 5 p m , 4 3 0 I O I a in • IIM LOUl MECHANICS ALL YOU NEED IS ONE CALL The Best Place to Trade tl?l Occon StENOCLEHK nttitsting position Lifnt t t t n o r t 544'OH M Good Mntlits To K M . CLERK TYPI5T tASMtfR CLERICAL U f t i i y needed bv one ol New Jer -ront office Inluronce background. sev s foitesi growing auto dealerships Fee reimbursed To Sl«6 Must be openenced in general office DATA OPERATOR i p e n e n c e d on dtesei t r u c h t . M u s i work All big company fringe benefits Some experience on model IBM M M . have necessary tools 4341100 dng hobpitoii;otion potd vacoiiens Locol oreo iioo DENTAL" S e C R E T A R Y ~ i 6 C E p f l O N l S T ond holidays Start ot lop soiO'v Work BOOKKEEPER - Prefer someone mature ond per«on modern climate controlled office. Accounts payable ond receivable, pov obit, with enpenence in a dental offlre plus employee discount, on <ort Coll oil ond tones Small office 1 » »IJS Typing and neat handwriting a must Mrs Marco* of MONMOUTH CHRYS TYPIST CLERKS Hours Mon , TufS . ThufS . Frl . I 30 lo LER PLYMOUTH. R1 34, Eotontown Sever ol positions open in locol area S 30. Sat, I 3017 30 Red Bonk o ' f o 547 5500 Beginners considered To IIS Salary open Send resume to Box H PROOF MACHINE OPERATOR SFC Ut Ti*1 lit I h f ASSISTANT 779. The Dolly Register. Red Bonk To MO To president of small company near Will train Light typing BOOKKEEPER Red Bonk Required Effectent y, m Some experience necessary. Locol. illative, 45 + WPM typing, some book Parltlme S) hr Building material vord Minimum two keeping experience Offered Good sola ry and benefits, Send detailed resume For information on the above oosrtlons years experience. Coll 434 1100. coll Anne Bolmer to P.O. BOH 541, Red Bonk 07701 Carpentry. Basement reflnishlng. Kitch I en remodeling. Bathrooms. Wailpa perlng. Painting, inside/outside. Coll for I free estimates 6714366 KITSON CHEVROLET Hwy. 36, Eatontown LPN Port time I I p m . lo > o m shin Pleose call Shrewsbury Manor Nursing Hom«^74IJ05»_ _ _ _ _ ^ _ _ (NOTICE Middletown oreo We lake I owav the following items for the follow I Ing charges Broken refrigerators, DO nd up Washers, »6 D r v e r t . is I Ranges, SJ and HO Hot water heaters 117 Bo* springs, tS. Sofas, 110 Oa I rages, yards, oMics cleaned up. Junk I removal. Small furniture moving lobs. 1 Trees removed. We move refrigerators, 1 etc. Call Flash anytime. 741 5618. For Courteous Service ask tor... LEE TRACY, CHARLIE CASALE or LOU TREBINO MIC INSURANCE €Rk IrPiST F manual opt'tude »I2S Troinee or 54? 1100 n; m Eolontown BOOKKEEPER BILLING ( I ERK f i p e n e n t e d PAY PANTBY HElP NEEDED Ei Bonking oroctdurtt Sto Girt. ROIL CLERK enBtnenced Oood witr. perienced Pieose apply in person. Wed figures Eneilenl working (ondi'ioos thru Sun . Novesmk Country Club. SO Coll m " " Robert lewis inr Wev PROOF O P E » » T O » Luffburrow Lone, Middlelown Good opoortumW Locol long Brown 1M/WI Full time Ai FAC1ORY WORf Assembler* and KEYPUNCH m person. BOW KNOT RESTAURANT ISM Sysltml I i Local coble l o f t n A E D foro [Oi 60 Brood St. Red Ban* I N . Wanted Automotive GMACORBANK FINANCING •.(IRtTARr General Heovy responsibility good future Smoil firm •d To 1700 a week Call oMe- I JO p.rti and osk for Mr M a n n oPDOinimenl prepared bv oooon 4716470 ILLUMINATl MOVING CO moving, hauTing and delivery. Coll I7QW6I r S o. P'u4 experience county veo'S FULL CHARGE REPAIR — SERVICE Drive The Old Jalopy In! Locol. >ooi real estate Ocean county area NURSES AIDFS OO^ orf shifts Coll HIIHOP Nursing Home. 6/1 01/7, tof OPPOfntmfriT CARPENTRY - Masonry Tile workPainting and Paneling No 10b loo big or small P r t t w M m W l 777 3731 700 Shrewsbury Ave. (cor. Sycamore! Red Bank 741-6000 ROUTE 35, SAYREVILLE 727-1300^ i o o o l service mternf BOOKKEEPER NURSES" U S E S AIDE" ADE T oo m 10 0 / 00 f N F l l llll m i Coll Full C l l ft ftovview Nursing Home 791 0440 IACCOUN14NT Iniome lo> returns I prepor rd professionally ot vour home I Or office Coll now for opoomlment I Dirk Quis. l < ? f l l > . flRETlRFD CARPENTER — Seeks (molt medium sued labs Complete inter i remodeling service Paneling, K itch lien cabinets, cabinet remodeling, book leases Armstrong chandelier ceilings I Free advice ond e*iimo1e. Good * o m llmanihlp Call anytime 379 575*. DOREMUS FORD MOTOR CAR CO. •72 NOVA COUPE - Change B e i r j " Stock#976 00 Air conditioned. iun toot, vinyl top, radio. 18.43? mi Poperhonomg - Otr DENTAL ASSISTANT Coll 1U ttlT INTERIOR PAINTING I tine Free estimates. W Chamerov Ml Nv« dovs Rtierencet reauned 7tl4*0i OtNtAL ASSISTANT TIONIST fxeerlemed f . ttor. NO evenings Modern Office Send resume to Bos Chslrtlde. experienced In lour honded Doilv Register Red Bonk dentistry Modern, busy offue. Reo Bonk orett *' i days, no evenings, f ol M ! SIM HAVE YOUR INCOME T A X E S pre pored In your home or mine Eves, ond weekends coll S42SS7I, atk tor Mr McCrov R Block Onnouncet To* return, a e or vour home I men I. For informofion coll IN STOCK... READY TO GO! in stock. 72 NOVA COUPE - Cold Slock#973.0O 6 cylindet, automatic, power steering, radio, vinyl top, 31,7?'m CLEAN YOUR CELLARS. ATTICS, GA RACES Free eitlmole Coll Ml J u t after 1 p.m. I PAlSTlNG Interior.enterlor ~ Popef hanging toll 747 40S3 IH i PINTOs MUSTANG Us MAVERICKS See us today. 7 1 MIHCUHV COMET GT - Stock #853 Gold, 6 cylinder.&!<*. ??.!»31 mi t r t DOrcftu. »toir». irs. additions, F r « eshmoin insured Reasonableetc . g) ?76 | 7 « do tht lob my&eif CallM Jim IMCOME TAX SERVICE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY '72 CAMARO - Gold Stock #9RS 00 V. 8, automatic, power sleenng, radio, «S 0'55 ALTERATIONS Interior Eirlerior All models All colors 7 1 CHEVY VAN - Slock » 9 8 / Rod V 8 Slick, fa * 0 . 6 9 . 8 ' ? mi YARD SERVICE Reasonable roles PAINTING NEW 1974 VW 2295 TREE |IO. •juiintts Services H7iSH Industrial SEE OLSTEN FIRST FOR A TEMPORARY JOB 1 We pov very high solaries. J - W e pay you a Bonus while you work. 3—We pay you a vocotion. <-we pov you FREE hospllolliollon benefits. S-We poy you lo recommend 0 Irlena or relative. No other service company can give vOu ALL ot the above. We can ond con prove it YOU NEVER PAY US EVER W€ PAY YOU ANYTHING. SO REGISTER TOOAY NOT TO MORROW FOR A WELL PAYING TEMPORARY ASSIGNMENT ALL OFWELCOME0 DISPLAY TYPING CONDO SALESPERSON Good eye-hand coordination needed >vith High degree ol concentration lo numbers, words and instruction Night opening only Full lime4 3 0 p m lot a m . • KEYBOARD DEPARTMENT Typist, speed and accuracy essential Musi type 55 wpm Night hours 4.30 p.tji. to I a.m. (A lirniled number ol parltime posi.open, loo) • Call lor an appointment belween 830and 4 30 Y S * I L L S TEMPORARIES. • • , •• n N i Real Es:aie WE ALSO HAVE A PERMANENT OE PARTMENT NO FEES niMion *"d have good RESUMES P R O F E S S I O H A U V " PRtPAREO d/r Personnel IV Brood St , Red lank 110. Autlt for Soil 110. Auto* for Soli 110 Autot For Soli 1 trolor JERRY BARATTA S Quality BAYSHORE CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH YOU* CHOICI Test Drive The HIRE ARE JUST A fEW OF OUR MANY nl (7ICONOLINI A 70MAVIRIOR 1974 MERCURY OF YOUR CHOICE 7IV0LKI«A(MN ft P«p»ri#o'f * rt-iiiI"ir rtn too h'nelllt, i • VAs /0O0 •.MMANf r»»oi»h ngenry Shore orfn rais llh vnl'in tnf mnii tn« itly Regis IM Hilt BMef 7ICMNTIIIII 7IIC0N0UNI 'MCAMANO 'MfONtUC (ICHIVNOLIT FULL STOCK Of 74. 73 CHHYSLERS 4 PI YMQUTHS M i l Shrewsbury. N.J. I 747-5400 ihrewsbury Ave. At Sycamore D A V C U n D C CHRYSLER D M I J l f U I x C PLYMOUTH 291-9200 wllh l re [«n(ii« rtsriUKii P0>d ovrrtm r I " • I n CAMI 1J1 Mnin SI , Motowon •eeri Lead ot- lo lone rhorge ol print shoo. Non o'ntit GAS SAVERS H I )MI I'KI SSMAN M W ~nt\ M a i q u l i B r o u g h a m 4-dr H I , * « OLSTEN hr-ld strir.li -,t r.ont 747-5880 " H A Z L E T : 10 H a i l e l A v e . 7*4-3131 Dolly I H o m . closed Frl I block off XI. 35, opposite Fields Showing ten ter i ,i> i ' . .tiort' F A C T 0 151 FIRST AVE .ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Mora cioitifitd on Noit Pa«« 5 24 T t ****** *m* 4 tfti . *** *W9 ™%*i9w I ^»?v » V > In n«odlt 40 l Coll in LITTLE SILVER SL fid i are find imnioi Tudor in superb location Tr p oosemertt. two full baths and end i Et laroe rooms We <norr 4 500 mediate response Ottned ot A btoutHuiiv pionled ' •• a t r r with mor>v (all trees moke;, o lovely pnvoti lor this r eonv spot wut hoi''i bedrooms plus den. living roor* dining room and k ilehen Troi owner hos kept this home In no '00 condition Mony special feature* 157 M0 (44,900 Bo. HICKEY AGENCY Rnllor e*t Long 8<anc.h Comfortable three 3' i t o i h Rd Monmoulti teat" bedroom ranch otter s wall >o wall <a< PAST ' Coll 7!?40i; orvlimt mg room and dining room, a warm friendly fireplace, screened in PARI 1ABIE porch ond two cor goroge Spring pos Statdv oaks and hanrvsucklt vines sui mort tnloi motion and session Asking Ut 900 ound this lovely lour bedroom split lev el home with loree living room, dining A.f CHAIR' room, family sued kitchen ten, i i boths. portlol easement and onecor Bo new I rage 1 Oon'1 miss this great buy in Lin iOOls now w r n toi moturr MO Furnish**) Room* SlO. Merchandise for Sole 5U. Merchandise Wanted croft Asking M?.S00 typists Call us now' Sti FISH TANKS BfMO s AGENCY REALTORS BAVSHOPE AfifA Furnished rooms HOS A V O I D T H E HASSLE Ot gcr ogr >f aaua biS Prospect Ave Little Silver WALKER & WALKER EXCLUSIVELY YOURS with pnvole both 130 oer week ANTIQUES sales Coll after 3. ?*4 861S We buy oil $90 Hwv 35, MuMlelown v6SS dovi n . Realtor s Live in quiet elegance, iranquHity. and brk o brae Old or n e * items 741-4500 TO THE TRADE H»v ii tn 3311 Holmdel Oesianer furnijhed studio e'fi TOY TRANS WAN aencies ond T • room Executive Suites Port timt ( o m f r o Mi ROOMS WITH BOARD FOUR BEDROOM RANCH LONG BRANCH 175,900 Any model or condition Will po cash Toiol living In on Inviting contemporary t m h o i d oiro Con Mr k l t » )8<M<40 "A NEW IDEA" or trode HO Cod SSI UB* in Freeholds (tntst oreo. only ttve n>tn atmosphere Enjoy a short or long stay Three bedroom Cape, situated oft Both utes from new Rl '8 ond Rl 34 Move ' Pf R V A N f N j No leases Maid ond linen service ovoil in nice section of Long Bronch, in in condition Centrc'lv o'f conditioned GVArrol labor ond oouinnj bie i ear round living tor Golden Agers Nice Ave LIONEL TRAINS r»o viles vour inspection You will love thi beaultfui har dwood floors, lovely vorfl molds U HARBOUR POINT ooms- ocean view, three home cooked eot in kilchen, and the pleasont neigh chairj, onf ni and one Thanks 1o von' pcittonagr we have e» or A m e n t a " Flyer Too < ash 946^89.1 with many trull trees two cor goroge 1497 Oceon Ave Sea Bright, N J meals doily 24 hour tovc ond attention BOOKK.KPI k m o t ooen e«tf o long ( 01 i '69 at borhood this home Is in VA, no down ond large basement Only (54.900 ponded ou' showr oom Now you t o BUYING 74/ 3353 W1 1300 Vou'rt not "juit o name here In Asbury ings In several loi al lompomet Solo ter 6 P m , TI< i All dov Sat FHA, low down find what voute looking (or tn oken diamonds. coins Park n » SW01U0 10 ttail Cull COUNTRY HOUSE if weir v "Antiaut guns, ett Top prices RED BANK - I . rooms fully <ur &f SIr I N t W t let ll It rt dloltir 1 RED BANK ASSUMPTION mshed. air conditioned, including all ( OH rVit York. ?64 4601 REALTY maihint no i.'O nietol fclond Fineberg's EQUITY P t R S O N N l I IN( utilities, securitv ond referentes Coll cobt'iet usrd » Ham C A L L 775-5006 _ ? Deercrest Dr.. M»lm«el d nngs. Three bedroom Colonial requires 16000 590 Hwv 35. Middlrlo»n t ' l rSSOO mermill oaDer. D U A W 1 broken lewelfv. old watches into mon alter n o p m 747 ?U? Wholesale Antiques 946-2500 ELEGANT AND EXCLUSIVE - SIOOio down. You con then assume o VA 6 *% RED B A N * iThitt rooms Reliable Highest value ever S<ivpr. gold, L A R G I ( H f S T F B I t II U '44 A'lson Ave t ngliMitOA " efftclendes ond executive suites Ultro mortgage tor f i l l <o<ol per month Full platinum, diomonds, silver and aoU adults No pels Security, lease and ret Lonlempororti decor No leoie Harbour price »36.»0C nit (ondition $16,500 coin* Estate* W-ddiflowrt Jeweler i WtmtM /41 64?1. 201-446-9807 Point Oceon Ave. Sen irlghl. N J H l ItlMIl it sure does need work' But o sevrn 330 Domestic Help Hours Tues through F n . us], 741 i n o Hi&Hl AMDS Two lorge r « SHk.;WSBURY MOTHER t DAUGHTER room home with a price tog like this tf\4m BAI n v \ . N I 1 I I I R l l < " 10 50 O MI to 4 50 l) m nuhed Both All utilities Year round WOMAN NAN JOHNSON can be a great 1 investment Three* molly 1700 Selling Id' FURNISHED ROOM - For single ofluit (Oil 791 9466 Perfect home for o family that gets SALARY SI 00 P ( R K H K PLUS BUYS AND BUYS Call «S»096 1100 per month Includes moid service, along ond requires living auorters in large bedrooms, living room, dining FDEC ROOM A N D HOARD WILL HAMMOND ORGAN Ffom on entire household to 0 single KEAN5BURG room, kitchen ond 16 enclosed perch Garden Apartments linen, private bath ond air conditioning Upholstered rOC* the same house In addition to two tec Mot (gage can be assumed for appro* i BOARD HUSBAND f R F I MUST BC D t N FUHNiMIHI tern Antique furniture, teweiry. sliver of Asbtiry Pork One bedroom Heat ond hot water in Octuponry Ftb I ??7 3000 orote apartments, this home has o full OVER I I YEARS OF AGE CALL 531 ei I ond solo mmedlote co»h Top dollar 741 $331 itely ISMH) Buy it today STEPHEN duded S17S per month Coll 787 6191 HI JWJ THE SOUNDER Ktl AFTER S J O P H KFANSBUPG Room* WNfcly, %A tinished basement and is a m or lively J KROL, REALTOR. 671 4616 OLD F U R N I T U R E Antiques, chino, Mid Atlantic Managing Agents in Colonial charm A bargain al 1399 9b Ailo special tour day rotes, Mon. done UTILITY T K A U . t R *** * ' ' h <over My r o i O N I A I In Middle LIVE IN HOUSEKEEPER 14/.900 are. art objects and one 0 brae, Hear it today WEST E N D Long Branch Five room throuph F r i Color TV. In room coffee. towns finest section Presently being house ond seven veor old girl Parents 1967 SCO'S MS ate cosh for onythma ond every apartment, furnished or unfurnished Holly Hill Motel. 770 Hwv 36. Kea'ns A brand new organ with 7 4 / SOOB uicir*. 3S Eosl Front St 7411693 :a)i af worh In N Y No looking required bij.H m auto rhythm g 78/»i7?6 l?J0 per month plus utilities Phone 22! Weekend oft. Good salary and (tinge RCA COLOR (ONSOlE ter S. * / l 116J Ploy it 1 m mediate I v 4BS Bla. t> 534V IDEAL REALTY benefits Coll 8471*06 weekends or ol qnd white Admiral console. 1SS Zenith RED BANK - Single furmshfd bed with no lesions LEONARDO ATLANTIC H I G H L A N D S Sienii ter 7 weekdays oom, shore both Private home Suit Realtors 741 5JS3 Member MCMLS 18" black and whitr portable TV, 169 Two-bedroom house $ i l . H 0 Drive Cute three room opart ment. able for lodv 741479? after & p.m. 775-9300 Lotoveite phone stereo (am pone n( with REAL ESTATE Coll otter t 791 474V Adults preferred All utilities Included. Sat M 5 soeokers. S3S Apartment sue red to Open rtoiiy tu 9 FURNISHED ROOM No pets. 1175 per month One month eroior. |4S See ol Eoloniown TV, SO Mom St & Corner ot Matlison A v i RENTALS FOUR BEDROOMS! MIDDLE TOWN I veor old .on<h. Eolontown area •security required. Available immediot Rl. 3S, Eatontown. Ask (or Jim or Joe, In the heart of Rum son, iusl a short Three bedrooms, dining area, science 140. Situations Wanted ' Call between 6 and 8. 977 18U Call from 10 12 noon, 5 t p.m.. 240' •ly C or toll 54? 0400 kitchen, loundrv oreo. etfoched garoge walk lo schools, bus Ime and store. SHOW BEAMS 3377. Ftmale WEST E N D — Prtvo'e mansion, This well maintained roncher is ideal Air conditioned Large oversiied lot, FOUR CRAGER SS Two derp and Enioy trie w a r m t h ond c h a r a c t e r of a Ymr cent to •Vonmouih College. All for the family with teenagers Formal fenced In yard Quiet residential oreo. THREE ROOM APARTMENT btoutitui beamed teiimg [osy to >n\ioii HAVE TYPFWRITI R Will linvrl two regular dish. 8" w>de with Goo MS. Apartments dining room plus large eat in kitchen, near schools and N Y tronsportotion New York bus t l t S pw month Suit leges. 7794691. Secretory writer available 9 30 o m 2 dyeor tires Ifs* than 9000 miles L ncji Sate priced ot H I / 93; 10 , 19 90, 12 . 1 I l l U 14 . I I ] 16 tn stock JDIe tor gentleman (nil M I - I 5 J be ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Small hotel. living room with fireplace, bo se ment S3 /MM) For appointment coll / I ' if * MODERN APARTMENTS p m dally 111 nn included S?7S Call }}9 1/87 oMfr 6 p m gameroom Toll trees and a very p n tween 9 ond S Near transportation Rooms bv week or month. 7910066. If vote reor yard Asking 1S4.S00 See it 'TNT Housekrepma. TWO RELIGIOUS STATUES Coll 495 0 4 U o r 495 US* TRANSFERRED, OR* JUST OUT RED BANK DOWNTOWN HOUSE - no onswer coll 741-1144. Red Bonk W 5W0 1OOOV childiore (tutoring), rooking, drive, do in gloss domes on revolving wooden v won Street GROWING YOUR HOME? - Coll or Open Soturdoyt until i p m shopping, el( Doytime Experienced stands, approximately 14" high, doted WEST E N D - J'/i lurnlihed. tilt both, full Three bedrooms, living room, dining Rf AUTIFUL 'SLEbPING ROOM~^~"prT write for your complimentary cocv of with reterenres For interview coll HI in 1939 Philto Cathedral radio from the Itltchfn«tt«, oir conditioning, terrace, room, kitchen, ops f i r e p l a c e . Over- vale home Moid service Call 78/790S AppleBrook s monthly Homes for Living looking river 1700 per month plus utili after 5 p.m. 1930s Model 610 Make offer. 73V 9769 pool, but, beach, TO I23i an. 6 to 9 n m mogoiine Otters pictures, prices, de ties. Call 741-0804, Gornson Agerw v Sf nptions APPL E 8 R 0 0 K AGENCY. SEA B R I G H T - Studio apartment. COMFORTABLE"^OOM House privi YOU SAVE! - Bedroom surte. 1179, Realtors, vSO iH*v 3S, Middletown 671 530. Machinery for Sale Wall to wall car oellng Ocean view. All leges Refrigeratoi Refinrd home. Em kitchen set, new, 149 Congoleums — " L O N G BRANCH 730a ployed lodv. ovtr SO References. 7879x17, 11095. St?95 Utility (Obmets, ANVILS,' FORGE - A i r m i n n i r ^ m $ utilities. No pets. One month's rent, one REALTOR 350. Situations Wanted ONE MONTH FREE RENT 6771. new. 11995. - 174,95 Office desk, 139, t i p , 3 pho&e Devilbiss, I yard bucket month's security. II4S a month. 842-9107 11} River Rd. Fair Hoven, N J LITTLE SILVER ON A LOW'BUDGET Three rooms In 40 unit garden opart modern walnut chest. S »9, 1970 type and loading ot loth merit tor tractor. or M l 237S — But ifill wont something new m an Molt RED BANK — Large Vurmthed room chest, $79 50, bed to match, S19.S0, car Hercules diesels, 60 gal tanks, tlat, ON T H E H I L L — H I G H L A N D S e>ceiient area? Try this eight year new - ment. Air conditioned. AH utilities ex Ideal lor gentleman Parking space 741-7686 cept electric for liahtina Close to Fort I W U L MOVE - SmoH tiiinilurf. oODlV n a g e , (17.50, soft cover books, 15c unused, (or diesel or gas. HD10 AIIis Lovely Garden opart men ts One bedLittle Silver ronch located on a deod ovoiiablp Coll attrr 6 p m tor appoint' MULTIPLE LISTINGS orwes. iiink, trees < leon attics and each, National Geographic, '2b< each, Chalmers bulldozer it h e a p ) . Hand room. Total electric in quiet residential Monmouth, EAI and Interrtatn Mutt be ment, /4i s/u d street with loads of toll trees. LOOKS CAN BE basements Free estimates Coll me al 15x16 gold color rug, Siv. 15x12 gold sheaf ond punch on siond. "mergency area, near buses. Utility room and ex- seen to be appreciated. Call 779-5341 or Large living room, eol m kitchen, two ???8756 tor appointment 741 M i l anytime! color n j g , $49 More and more Rus light plants, truck, winches and poles. tra storage facilities. Call S77-1646. I T E D ~ B A N K « - - L a r g e , h g h f houselarge bedrooms, and den or third bed DECEIVING cd's, 2S E. Front S t . Red Bonk 741 Chain, casters, gas ond electric driven oom. This home is very easy on the SF.A BRIGHT - ANCHOR~AG~E~~APA~RT- keeping room4M13S monthly, IftVI Not only three bedrooms, two boths, Docketbook to maintain. Immediate pos welders, plate, angle, channel. I-beams, r 747 4071 MENTS SOUTH AND WEST. Private GREENGROVE~ living room with fireplace, dining room session. Owner asking only 134.900 onr) Si eel products. ocean beach, ntw one and two bedroom MOVING Selling ((intents of home pipe and valves ond family room, but there is also a ATLANTIC HOTEL Keontburg. Nice, Abroms, Neptune, 774 5900 apartments featuring wall to wall corlooking tor offers Call now for details. GARDENS Living, dining rooms, kitchen, bed 340. Situations Wonted petmg, color coordinated Q.E. appli- quiet, coiv double, single rooms. Loun guest house for entertaining ond hvlng THE KIRWAN ( O . Reoltors, 71/6*00 rooms, humidifier, treejer. r r l n g e r n t o r , 99 Greengrove A v e . Keyport, N J, Male/Female ances and air conditioning. Convenient dry on premises. Very reasonable. 717 bv your own secluded pool. AM this RED BANK - 46 5-rrmg St Three bed washer/dryer, etc 671 Mi3 within walking distance to shops. 1-Bedroom S160 to all transportation, One bedroom Irom 9117. "NURSING I HOME CARt schools and public t r a n s p o r t a t i o n rooms, living room, dining room, lorge Iff CU. FT AMANA S i d r b v s i d r <r S77S, two bedrooms from 171V Model HIGHLANDS - Bedroom S56.9OO eot m kitchen. All new kilchen oPP'i570. Pets and Livestock RNS, LPNs, home health Aides, and 'ngerotor Iree/er. white 60 day wnr 2-Bedroom S230 open doily. 15 p m 1187 Ocean A v e . ATLANTIC" for rent, reasonable "14 pr—highland and bathroom futures New wallCompanions. Port time temporary nr rantv, labor and ports. S3S0. Coll otter Sea Bright 847 1099 Ave.. Atlantic Highlands 791 0*99 FREE - Very gentle oduit cot. Very full time. Experienced, bonded. Reason 11 a m . 671 l |9S liJll car pet.ng throughout New Includes heal, hot water, nir rondilione good with elderlv persons ond children Oluminum siding with ttorm * inflows able rates Ml 5900 KFANSBURG T t t r t l hedroom all KEANSBUR& 1 Furnished rooms witfi YOU S A V E - See these P o r t a b l e Beautiful black and gray short haired end door. Only 137.900 Principals only. electric apartment Good neighborhood cooking privileges (IB i.o per weefc HOMEMAKERS/UPJOHN 2 blocks east Pt .16 and Middle Rd. mole. Loving home urgently needed stereo, 179, boudoir chair. 14 7S, mono 741-6631 or 74/0391 Available immediately 17S0 per month wtiite House Hotel. 71/ S0*fi 320 Rarllon Ave Highland Pgrk gany dresser. 139 50, hamper. 11.75. Has personality plus. Call otter 1? Dlus security 84? 74J4 or ???O577 Realtor 47 Years of Service Insurer Phone 264-1846 HILLTOP RANCH - €nioy the pnvotv noon, 583 3665. small four drawer red chest, 16 SO, cor 6) Wade Ave 717 3SO0 Ped Bank of on estate, vet * o U to NYC Iran* YOUNG COUPLE H I G H L A N D S ' All new ANCHORAGE ner table, W SO, platform rocker, SB.SO. Will do houset leaning Mgr.-Apt. 72 portallon. schools ond shopping Just APARTMENTS NORTH on Shore Onvf large 36 square stock shelving, slO SO COLLIE STUD SERVICE 671 447S "OAK H I L L " under TS acres ot beautifully l e d RED BANK LUXURY HI RISE Beautiful bayfront view with pnvale 6*0. Comrrtercial Renlols Speed Queen Iron, 179, utility table, Call 739 06)2 or 7B7 9488 scoped oroofrty Beamed ceilings, ttvet beoch. One ond two bedroom aoori 17.75, porcelain lop table, S? SO More RIVERVIEW TOWERS RIVERVI S New Listing RED BANK — One room office, all utili fireplaces. 7O«J0 master bedroom, lorge BAY R E T R I 1 Vf W 78 Riverside id Ave. A R ments lecturing won to woil carpeting and more. Rusal's. 75 E. Front St., CWESAPE~AKE^ Red fiantt ties supplied. Air conditioned 19$ per Mint condition - Home and garden set den. two full boths. country kitchen, PUPS — Born Jon. 3, AKC Champion color coordinated G E. appliances one Red Bank 741 1693 BEAT THE FUEL month 74 7 1706. ting Threeoedroom rancher Fireploce. 13*30 brick patio and barn Owner ask. air conditioning. One-bedroom fr om ship bloodlines. liOO and 1125. 531 1499. AND ENERGY SHORTAGE FINANCIAL HEATER — 7*0,000 Btu, confr actor's DOG I O V E R S " - Obedience trainTng^ot Only three blocks to R R and bus. 1700, two-bedrooms from 1750 Coll 843 Exterior maintenance free Cam. ing only SS7.SO0 THE KIRWAN C O , PROFESSIONAL OFFICE - Foyr rooms, eromom delightSalamander kerosene, MOV blower, like your home ot your convenience. Coll Overlooking the Novesink Priced to sell ot Reoltor. 1X1 6600 River. 1099. newly renovated, near Riverview Hospi new- 1200. 847 3233 after A n m, 154,900. Spacious 12 bedroom apartments. Cenbetween 4 6, 946 I t / 1 KEANSBURG - Two coHoges • ' " » HIGH! ANOS Four tol, 435 sq. ft Call 741-7000 tral air conditioning. 34 hour doorman, A T L A N T I C RE"STAURANT~ EQUIPMENT heat Lot 74* 100 High and dry 1.17.900. rooms. Heot. hot water supplied Secu large chafing dishes, extra troys, disr>>' ADORABLE PUPPIES - Need a aood indoor parking, swim pool, marina, TV rlty. No pets. Suitable for adults. 791 OFFICE SUITE FOR R E N T - ProTeT 764 7/86 home Mother looks like small Olde security- terraces. Mr Priem. (20)) s<onol building Choice location Appro*) 410. Business Oooortunities es, platter. 671 1153. ^OAI ottrr S r '" OPPORTUNITY KNOCKING - Three741-1732. English Sheepdog. 84? 5471 mafelylOOsq M Call 747-J7M. GOYA GUITAR Very good condition! bedroom Colonial with living room, dm KEANSBURG Three m o m - , find leather rose and capo H50 (17S0 when WE I M A R A N E R P U P — M o l e , 3 KEYPORT — Four bedroom apartment, hath Newly decorated 39 Grove Place, FAIR HAVEN -"Store or office CenlrOl PIZZA STORE Ing room, eot m kitchen two full bolhs. AGENCY REALTORS ly located months, housebraken. AKC registered, I ' i baths, modern kilchen, completely two cor oetached garoge. on tn e i For sole — E x i s t i n g operation — Good new I 741 1606. or coll 383 4568 after A p m Open 7 day*. 74 hour service COM 741 7699 or 741 7041 Show quality Beoutitul temperament. r edecor oted, second floor. Occ uoancv cellent condition, situated nn 4'« nrres. potential - Located in shopping center SYCAMORE GREENS ANTIQUES! 780 2 m March I. 1350 per month including heal KCANSBURG Beathview Gardens Hove vour own horse form or three 842-5098 on Rt. 35. M l d d l e l o w n ( o i l Sl\ lO'.V 1700' scj ft' — Antique Sheraton sjdrboard Antiaue and water One month security. No One ond two bedroom apartment* one NEW SHREWSBURY more home sites with one ocre jonmt available in discount deportment ttoFe 110 Ave of 7 Rivers 1 Rumson possible Asking only 14? SOO T H I KIRBEAUTY "TALON 'BUSINESS FOI Queen Anne lowboy. 69Vx9'6" oriental CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES — AKC reflis- pets. 764 3603. efficiencies available Over tool Ing hnv OlOlc* lOCOtlon Coll M7-300O 1 tale. Well established, goad clientele. rug /piece exceptionally tine quality tered. Cule. long hoired Cooking gas, heat, tint woter find park WAN CO . Realtor. 147 4350 CUSTOM BUILT oval table, two large opron leaves and Contact 7A4-39S0 LONG BRANCH t urnlshed etfi Coll otitr « p.m. 1910745. ing supplied. 787 34*7. ti no answer coll NEW SHREWSBURY - 3000 tq f. Four bedroom Colonial with separate Madison Township nods, solid cherry. Queen Anne style PUPPIES - clency. TV, utilities Included. S15S per 737 3466 Vore, glass front in shopping center. SERVICE BUSINESS — With S600 per hand made highboy. Portroil painting. AKC D A C H S H U N D three room in low oporlment O v e n i ' * * BRAND NEW CAPE COD H? 990 month. 73? 7400. 9 a.m. 5 D.m. Efficiencies 1 Whelped Feb. 3, block and ton. SI 25. Call 543 3000 week income Is available in this men More and more. Ruscil'v 16 Sycamore rooms, central air conditioning, three Three bedrooms, ont bath, living room, R E b l i A N K — 3 ) Vroom"apnrtm# i nl, one One bedroom !1BS>19{ Mole ond female. 764 4370. Minimum down payment required A Ave , L«ttie Silver 1711 NEW SHREWSRURY i3nn \Q It" lone heot. island kitchen counter ore a country kitchen, utility room Spe< totu cosh business with built in growth. 1715. GERMAN SHORT HAIR P O I N T E R " - bedroom. Sutton Pork Aoartments. Two bedroom tew of the many fine features Only 1' , lor view at Rorrtnn Bay V A I H A ae STATIONARY EXERCISE BICYCLE - Partially broke for hunting. )A5K Branch Ave . Red Bonk available in discount deoortment slote 646-3SM. SACRIHCF Red Bnnk \ room ItjM ttr linen deportment Also 1700 SQ fl veors old on 7' ? ocres ot gracious hv prflvOl All types of financing Cotl fof Sears, speedometer, excellent, 135. Gas RED BANK - Available n\ of Anr.l 1* ury Coll 787 186? mg Call today tor inspection of this appointment (701) SI) 4100 apartment on river Turnnhed, Bol available Coll SO 3000. KEANSBURG A M U S E M E N T STAND range, four burners, 36" separate oven, Four rooms plus bath, On main bus cony, goroae. 13S0 ?01 Vt> 134/. lovely home MARLBORO REALTY RENTAL - And Game tor sole. For broiler 741 5/8H CHESTNUT GELDING ~ 16 honrJv / line Central air conditioning No pets. OFFICESPAC f Worth 1 occunon(v. Broker Exoericnced riders only. Aik for 1160 per month plus utilities, one month CEONARDO - Four rooms, untur details, coll 739-0WT COUNTRY HOUSE BEDROOM SET - Flvt-pifCI, $?! U n vears. All utilities ond cleaning services in Pt U L Brood St Matawan N j Robin, Call 946 4R79 between 8-3 P m'. nlshed. Heat supplied. Rent reasonable jsteurttV. Coll 747-710?. FOR LEASE — ~ S o « i T b o r " " o T o r i v a l « end tables with matching cocktail table, REAl TY •HI 4100 One months security Near bus Imme eluded, Long term lease Also month to beach club. Sea Bright. Fully equipped. walnut, 135. High chair. 15. 787-3770. month From 14 per sn ft Minimum 1 TWO YEAR FH.LY YEARLING ' XT Opp Bell Lobs Hoimdei Open 7 daws RED BANK r h r r e unfurnished diate occupancy. 877O3O9 Season weekends. Mov 75 to June 16. AQUARIUM - 70 gal , long, all glass office Irom 160 pfr month. Brokers pro Excellent disposition rooms ond bath apartment in house. MATAWAN — 4' ; room apartment. HSO t-cted 772 3000 Dally. June 70 thru Sept. 7 842 0732. Call S47 063I Complete set up, si* months old ssfl 946-2500 JIBS per month includes utilities. Close a month. Apply 64 Lower Mam St., M o r t Classified ?91 3188 POODLES AKC (Olor hred ni I Ot to Riverview Hospital 74/ 5*>» MATAWAN - Large one room office Ifl Motowan. tovv Also block pupov and aduit fr ATTRACTIVE" - " N i c e l y furmshed~two on Ntxt Page modern air conditioned building. AM JUST REDUCED LIVING HOOM Sf T Three piece con BOARDWALK utilities Included temporary, new slipcovers. Good condi male, rfosonabie or will lease. 78/380? rooms. Bed living room, kitchen. SuitUnbelievable in Rumson I arge living or S66 ?,1S9 VANS AGENCY. Realtor Imn M2S 877079/. able gentleman. 741-9394 room, dining room, brand new kilthen. CONCESSIONS 705. Houses for Sale Strathmore Professional B'rta , master bedroom with both plus three 410. Houses for Rent BRF.AKFAST TARir While Formica FREE PUPPIES — To good" homes" ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Rle. 34, Motawon SA6 1881 more bedrooms and both Den plus go AVAILABLE top Four podded chairs. 135. Call 536- Port German shorthair pointer and Two-room apartment. J77S plus secumeroom Now asking 144,900 Labrador. Cnll oMrr S. M13534 NEWLY DECORATED - T h r e e bedroom 3808. rity. Phone 791-4737, Eleven attractive beachfront conranch, two baths, two-car garoge All op OFFICE SPACE — Air conditioned pro MALAMUTE HUSKY" cessions available tor bidding Varpllonces. central olr conditionmg Large feisionol building Wall to wall carpel U N I O N BEACH Five rooms on corner lot. Near all transportation, shop STUD SERVICE K I N D L I N G WOOD—" Ing, alt utilities. 600 so ft immediate ied types of operations available. Inbeochtront. Bus at door. Adults pre- ping ond religious Institutions, *49S per occupancy Snvder WesterHnd Building, 842-0145 eluding amusements, swimming pool AGENCY K REALTORS ferred. 2643786. , $1.25 a bag with bathhouses, kiddie nde locaS00 Hwy 36. Mlddlftown Coll R V W monthplui ulilllles. SW 3513 COLLIE SHEP htohls weeks. Two fe Open 7 dovs Coll ?4 hours o day For those chilly mornings. tion, refreshment stand and restau391 7 5M. FURNISHED APARTMENT males, one mole 110 each. RUMSON • Three hedroom ranch near Open Saturdays until S p.m. rant. 747-4100 Call after S D.m. H99769 schools and shopping OFFICE SPACE F or desk and »0< River Rd. Sealed bids will be received tw the Awaits the owners ol this 379492B Fair Haven toll 773 BS67 phone. Interior decorator. etc Red Board of Commissioners ol ttir PONY FOR SALE - Bov geldino, U K E A N S B U R G — v> room garden Bank area. 747 1494 • three-bedroom MiddleBorough of Bradley Beoch in 9 Wall Street Red Bonk 741 5500 hand\. eight years, good child's horse. opartment. 1180 month. P r i v a t e en BRAND-NEW LISTING Borough Hall. 701 Mom $t . Brodlfy TYPEWRITERS, ADDtNO mai hints Has been %hown successfully. Call after SHREWSBURY - Small OMlCt building town home Pool, many ranee. Near nil transportation 27 32 Beoch, N j , on Tues, March 17. KEANSBURG - Four rootm nnrt both Appronmotely 1000 i a tt On ea\t side Located in beautiful River Oafc t orea ot 6 p m , please «71 197?. _ _ j _ Hancock St. M r . Napp Apt 27 4v5 All mkes new or used. Gunronteed 1974, at 2 p m or as soon thereshrubs Walk to stores, Gns heot )1A'. prr mnnih to'l 49S 78^9 nf Shrpwshurv Ave . opposite Jerol Fair Haven Living f oom with ro/v low as 175 Serpicos, 101 Monmouth St G E R M A N S H E P H E R D P U d 1S1.1, 7 7 p m fireplace Formal dtntng room Three after as the matter can be reoihrd between |; Ne»1 to theater. 747 048', building. Days. 741 /00V tves,, 741 1883. tunny bedrooms Full basement ond ot schools and train ?4' AKC-reglstered. Black and ton. ChamSpecifications, reauiremenls tor bid TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT torned two cor garoge Beautiful land ANTIQUES ding, leases and or oposal tot ms pionship bloodline. H 7 V 6?i A O / I MIDDLETOWN Rfe IS Mil to Su Near Red Bank lamily room, wall-to-wall 1? dining tables, 77 dining choirs, 6 AKC BLACK LABRADOR may be obtained from George H. FARMHOUSE perstein's Paint. Ntw 1W94 store Coll scoping Mony trees Don t wait. Ihis Si* weehs Call between 6 and S, 927 1118. won't lost at 146,$00 china closets. 9 sideboards. 7 game tn old Excellent blood lines SlSO. Molten". Borough Clerk, at Boiough carpeting Asking 777 4384 bles, 13 teak tables. 17 desks. 5 ar WATERFRONT SEA BRiG~HT~-~Thre? PLUS 10 ACRES Hall. Call 741 0617 $48,990 Call us today. moires, SO occasional chairs, fl grand room furnished apartment. Utilities Choice Middletown location Three bed AAA tolher clocks, 75 chandeliers. 1 1 / oil PERSIAN KITTENS - lovable. M U M tree. Very nice NAUTILUS. 84? 050S. room farmhouse, modern kitchen and Spore (OtOtion. Hwy JS pointings broken. Nice gift (or mother. gr and- RED BANK Unfurnished Greentrre bath. Living room with raised hearth suitable for, otlor nev. doc tor, INTERNATIONAL GALl ERlf S parents, teenogers 364 7308 Apartments, 739 Spring St. One bed fireplace, four outbuildings Otv water Realtor 4/ Years ol Servke insurer 10 R i v f r v d e A v e , Red Bonk 741 74M G E R M A N S H E P H E R D P U P P I F S A C A D E M Y ( a l t , insurance office Ail utilities, room garden apartments available. Coll Lease a n d s e c u r i t y . ample oar king &ngortortn Pr nlewonal 67 Maple Ave /47.3SO0 Red Ban> AGENCV, 739JH2J. AKC, female. Two Grand Victors and 741 39S3 for appointment. MERCHANDISE Building. SbS Hwv 31. Middletown, N J PIANOS - ORGANS two Siegers in their championship N F W M O N M O U T H lovely three bed 741 MSh COLTS N t C K Lots ot Christmo* trade ins from 175 bloodlines Bolh parents con be seen. R E D R A N K - Thrre rooms room home with dining room, basemen! Warehouse tor Conn Kimhall Yamaha Will sell only to those with good situ Second floor, four Convenient location LITTLE SILVER with recreation room Lnroe lot Con Chickenng Unlimited rentals from 1 / SO otions tor dogs. Call / / 6 7374. 74) S0/3 ASSCOATES REALTM vemenl to bus and schools 178S vn rooms monthly. Over 150 units at warehouse I') plus acres Spacious four bedroom. 847 6*1* l O N f BRANCH — Tour rnnm TIM month plus utilities ond security. 78? prices ; bath, raised ranch 71 den with ROAN MARE - Eight years old. With mshed ODortmenl. Near beach ond 3487. 510. Merchandise for Sale M0 Hwy )5 MKWktown | PROFESSIONAl OR f O M M f R f t A L 7 fireplace Three /one heoting. Beouhlui [ nghsh saddle Excellent disposition. Freehold Music Center OFFICE FOR RENT 700 \r\ It Ideol property, with heoted pool nnd lorge shopping. All utilities 779 6S21 alter 6 FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES Vetted ond ready. Must sell. 1300. 6M-p m. lototion, ample parking Will oMef to 1? Throckmorlon St 467 47.10 FAIR HAVEN — Eicellent location At W F I FARF AND P f f i l ' l I VVITH trees, on cul de sat Principals only. 4711. raclive Colonial Three bertrooms. I'.i suit *?S0 per month Call 78M1OO. I to 169.S00 946 4177 DESKS, PILES, tables, chairs, nrirling CREDIT PROBLEMS. INSTANT CRED MdM i i v e a n IT. I M M E D I A T E O f L t V E R Y . CALL machines. typewriters, oftirr equipment. I R I S H Sf r i F B RED BANK'S FINEST" baths, formal living and rtming roorm, 4 10 WALK TO RIVER. BUS, SHOPPING etc at bargain oners New or used AKC registered Housebroken. very rea Available tor immediate or futurr occu- fireplace. Available March 1 14S0, per Ql ( II 1 SPACE A V A I I A R l E MR GRAND. 373 6611 In Custom built three bedroom, two bolh| AAC DESK OUTLET. 1709 Rt. 3S, Oak unable ^ 0V»i pancy, spacious 4 and S room two btd- month plus utilities, One year lease Middletown rancher Great kitchen ( ry*>tol Brook Professional rV> 1'li'nj hurst M l 3990 al tractive living ond|| CHESTNUT M A R ^ V4 1 hnnri",. i t v - room apartments Suitable tor adult". Eatontown Approaimateiv W>I so tt , breakfast area WOOD CHIPS l')O per month Cnll Ms Bosselmahn, dining room with tireplace, porch, I en years, sound, gentle Shown success- No pets. Call 741 S473 741 1919 ment Tworar goroge i^3.S00> IBM TYPEWRITERS '•47 773A fully '19 l?'? KEANSBUH'. t5rVt bedroom, livina ' TYPEWRITERS AND AD[)I MS room, kitchen, ideal for couple si70 HORSES BOARIW 6 Bought Sold Rented Repaired Rental $16.50 per mo. WALKER & WALKER 600 River Rd. Aires Farm, til Sycamore per month Includes heat and hoi water IH 4*99 Realtors Rent wltn option In liuv 11/7 0 1 ; ; Peaceful One month security. 787 6047. Avr. New Shrewsbury S47 17ii. Mwv IS 1*\ S3I? ShrewshiirvH 747-4532 CLEARANCE SAI F All (onwle Mer 670. Buildings/Garages TWO B E D R O O M A P A R T M F NT PAINT PONY AND SADDLE CHEER UP • MS. Large selection Mnst r educed to FOUR B E D R O O M SPI IT I I Kitchen, living room One tar aarngr WORKSHOP In Red Bonk Appro*. Reasonoble EXCLUSIVELY OURS our cost Anderson TV. 30 Brood SI . Bettor dovs nrr romlrtrj BnoMen tip 11 SO per month plus utilities Security mntely 1000 sq It i Merit tor mamle 1725 After 5 p.m., B4? 4/91 Call 671 ISB9 Twr>tlorv home on olmosl Ihree nrimel Red Bank III 08J'. the hnmf with n living plan! Wr hnvr iK4jb. 671-90SO after A p,m nance ond repoir, printing, elertmnl or woorlerl orres in beautiful Holmdel 0 large srlrdioit ol tpriiirninis. hnuse OPEN FOR INSPECTION MOVING Maple sotn 15 iiMiltrr'.\ pinnK. coitus ond hangina LEONARDO - Four room and both carpentry shop New 100 a m p t l t i t f t t o l COUNTRY HOUSE REALTYl and POX springs on legs, very uonrj Wholesale nnd irlml V 1 A 7 hedroom apartments house immediate occuoonry Colt (Of service Rent ti4S per month Coll 747 MMMO «7? condition. 175 Gold oval rub. * 10 MOUSES. 301 "ihore Blvrl . Kronshurg, appointment. S4I 49?ft after 1 D m 595. Merchandise Wanted Marie Manor Leather chair ond oltomon. 110 Cafe 717 VI11 LINCBOFT ' . a c r e Three hedroom 100 Shore Drive, Highlands 872 1900 1OCUST four bPrtrooms, two baths, ANTlQUF S URGENT. V Mf I ! -r D draperies, tour po'r^ hpigr onrl thrrp tout 1 orgr fnmily rot m Wnll to wall Hours 10 4 p m • SONY IAPE RECOROI U I ond dining room, laundry room Beautiful pairs white, i s ptr pan < mi otter i F tirmtiue. pamlinos. cul gln'-s. art. carpeting Many extras Clcne to school. | / i,ip.- used am t < mt i m , w<n v>< hrnrues. docks- porcelain, rugs. Jew- k( f> RANK Three rooms Heal t'»ct grounds 1375 a month M l //48 p.m., anytime weekends M? l?IS Elegant Shrewsbury R»nrh mas1 shopping, walh to N Y rlty bui E 699. Wanted lo Rent n i n e SI? , (rill ; • ; IMS tirlwten 9 1? woter supplied Near transportation MATAWAN A room, two bolh, J story tpllent condition Owner 147 /49i ler size bedrooms. ?O«I6, Mng 12' A l U M I N U M U HAIJI IVPE THAU am NAMF YOUR PRif ( First floor. Washington SI I n q u i r e 62 older m i At f Xf I UTIVl Wants tn r Large rooms Preler adults ER - Dual wheels » » INTERNAT1ONAI CAL^fc-RIF'. room with hreplace. luH dining tour bedroom home Mnrrh ) or April OWNER SI I I I N I . Harding Rd . Red Rmih '41 160/ Coll anytime after s, til Iflim ^ Five room ranch HORSE MANURE in Riverside Awe , Red Bnnk 741/4/4 RED BANK I 13S0 to l l / S range Referenrr*. ( ni Hall d u o l n T h r e r ' b t d roorti. beautiful kitchen, h i l l on 16* m Living ronm with rustic | 1 DRUMS - Complete oultlt S43 I / ' . A RUMSON — Remodeled t * o bedroom HI 2X1 ANTIQUE JEWELRY Too ravh paid rooms, I * balhs. Couple prrferrcri stone fireplace and paneled Pru basement Two car garage All Best ()ll"r only Good buy Coll for appointment, - HAM RADIO IX d DON PONS. 779 River Security reauired No pets. * : / ' . plus cottage New washer dryer Near shops, MJ I I I J utilities '41 8liS aller 6 p m this and more on 3.' 4 acre buses References. secunW i-">0. 791 791 0961 A*,h tnr Carl Rd , Fair Haven I47 67S7 or 74M337 847 7400 Phone 46? SMI/ CASH FOR OLD TOY TRAINS An\ UNION Bl Af H Three room apart 340. Situations Wanted REAL ESTATE MIDDLETOWN Three bedroom split,] KEANSBURO Adorahlp imnii house. S RARY GRAND PIANO In annd make or conditon or will trade HO. ment All utilities supplied. $54,900 baths, wall to wall carpeting New Male/Female Two bedrooms, kitchen, living room, en 764 4711 FOR SALE Condition 1700 or best nttrf Admiral 07/, O or wide onuqf /ti J'10. central oir ond lurncire. new custom | closed porch (Alt small) Polio m 1 pf r i y n 11tor Si1.1 ',' f i , IMIJ FT1Ull SPH U 0 years young Holmdel Colo > 'illv Brass, lead, aluminum. EATONTOWN Irnmpdiotr <> kitchen oonelrd family room with l i r . fenced vorrt Very clean Suttablc tor 1/7 IRRA m i l tarm house Three large bed tn-ittci if. cast iron and steel l< ' IS. adiotenl lo mam rnirnnce to couple 1700 ner month plus utilities place Principals only 14A 900. Coll 671 Homework got you downf 4/67 rHRi \ I'll M M - noNAi hffoftri nnd (n'l»ntnc. ustd inmhinery Fort Monmouth N^w lorge three room i AGENCY, / t / n m loom-, living room with tireplace. • Qtnenl Cleaning opartiTiertls I usurious wall to wall M I ' (ut velvet llotiai I 70$. Houses for Salt i Abromi I fOR SA| [ BY OWNER Little Silver • SIMm Extraction Carpet Cleaning dining room lull basement Two bedroom riition. l l / S Tnhlei gi I Baseball net included Air eondlUafttd Cold Me t AST KEANSBURG i H W ' OMM O M M BOOH '• ranch Truf* bedrooms, two balhs • Floor Waxing & Shipping dallion a l l el»*rtrn m>«M tn.rnt R r c l ranch, oil new thrniiartnul M m I lor large barn all Ihit and more On infrfs. oift mngflin/ev pnsluirds. books. from t l " per i l bk Large living room with fireplace ls|to CIRCA 1850 • Window Cleaning t or 8IA- small family or ntw)vwttfs Convrnltnl wuvenlri nrt. maps, etc * 7 i ??^n I 8 acres Can now d»>n pf .me location Priced lo \r\\ i troMspor intmn 1700 per • Carpet k Uphnimery Shampooing I (/AMU'. GUITAR noo MONMOUTH BEACH Prinrinnls only Call 741 l u l l for op month plus utilities, plus one month •. WANTFD IRANCH Pntlfci Point Aport security lit 47.1/ polntment 11 • »>(i f if ifntui Ruffi FARMHOUSE mCfltt 'rrirn »170 Ot\1 n-irl two her! $54,900 FREE Monmouih County BONtlin I I V I N G won'.' I P n Man room ' ree hent onri hoi watrr, I r M i harming old homf Complete privacy LIT H i S I I V H J WA I t ff( W I N I 1 wo hedroonis Atsn IrVl Hirer lal Beoulitiil Mvi r,*rirr>rpm f «ponded f nil '..fiinl/ 'i Holmdel 4 rinjrijom young '">nii! ISTIMATE 8423335 tr f r rffr igfrntnr P0( n acre lol (could he subdivided) r R l ! OMAN (-At t f Pi f '. mol Cape on large huikheoded lot Pai room on premises ; / 9 U i M 'i8l Pcillrn r nn HA J<»; nil trpos. o'd nlonllrtgs, horn with lofl Also features large living room, lose to h e m h , I I hool a n d tennis nrrimn view, rential mr, skylighted ifftn ond Rtddlf i imittd playroom An #*erullve honi' lull riming mom. ?8«l? rer.rea HI 01 « i " on very private lane F or details rail \t\ h fe rent ery interesting home. 149.S00 i balhs attached Furnished a"rl unUirriislier) Ii ' AMASSA AGENT Y, Renltor. 4 Park Fhrei Ave . Little Silver /41 6.116 i i MIIiu garage I > 1 ar;re includes babhl HICKEY AGENCY Mi | i d M i i RANI it I" 'IOW ( a n 7*1 7681 attti Realtor Three fttdrearns, living roam, d Sf) mth H*-m u oom, A H A N D Y G U I D E OF BUSINESS S L H V I C E S TO SUIT YOUR KC AHJBI Tin r >• kitchen, wall to wall r m 1017 -in,iime t $59,000 roams. I" I Bl wntrr ng. <t>nlmlly oir ronn MANY NEEDS UAW H • ruhi'leri Nn n^ls M'.it ptf month nlus oarage By owner 49*001* after 6 p m B SB WOO0WI arres III Hnlmiel K f ANSftU H(, f «n I This ltw«e htclroam PI ( I PIANtr plus »'*' • 70S. H o u m for Salt i«il vvhiii* thi b iy trees mfpfr' overinnhifig ihr N 1 Liiiury building. Air Adding Machine* Pearl ond 14? 4161 ARMSTRONG 3 Q RED BANK LUMBER COZENS WATERBURY AGENCY ADAAAS VAN"HORN • COUNTRY I LIVING... RED BANK LUMBER WATERBURY AGENCY STERLING THOMPSON CLOVER HILL ! BORUS 747-5600 THE CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY • TyptwrlUrt •• I ' l N r , i (V A M ( rpr«' tit's «I'.>«IION) AM:UV\ Oil !.»•> • • ( • M n t r . i | , u , » f >f#nrm,i* tvilrtff, C i l K l I m nf1«, t p m f ipfrfly -•• h"i ^1»'I nylon I tfl n ^t'nnrf »»'<"«• ' I • r«M) V MM Rank Llmouilnt Strvice Plumbinq and Hcatlnq ', >iu«mwi tttf '"ik^V Clocks and Watch Repair 410. Rcnlalt to Share •ililitics uitr Roo'mq, 4 Iniulalion Oiomond* •ought or ttttfyltd WALKER X. WALKER CLOSE TO EVERYTHING Anpi $69,500 hfirn# I Witt Hi 450 Nutting Homtt MO. Commercial M n l a l t riNi. nn F two iti • furrtlihed. if lt>*iifrt til HM -ilid Aftm iliortlfm Word ihop In 'I'IIJH l i m t h A d ATTRACTIVE i •*•* «i,r,r»* # P o i n t i n g A. i>r/ orating fcr Bead Rtstrlnging CLIFFSIDE HA/,1 I T OFFIC :K 264*7200 SIX ROOM SUITE link up ' ' • i t llf HEALTH CARE CENTER MAfAWA STERLING THOMPSON Otntral Confracfori Slip Covtrt < *•< * 566-8422 Call 7471100 8tok§r i 149 f^^^f ^^ 747-8600 HI Mil I Will V I'l A\N|N<. I HMI'WIH THE FAMILY OKCUS - Bull«"nt : AAID-FOR T I E S Char mini rhree-btdroom romh place, control air gameroom Monv n.rr.ediate u tuii-ocat Holmoe 10, ol'or -*± over i arveiooobir londTVoofled p four-bedroom. • ; both rai residential Flnon'mg avo SPECIAL NOTICE!) MONMOUTH BEACH BUILDING LOTS i o n * buitdino. presently being uted at 'i>df* Perfect setup lor persons inter eslod In starting their own oun : lob Owner ostlng only 111900 THE KIR WAN CO. I t M l l o i . ' I ? MOO tM. L.»t and Found U»T LOTto RtOfKh or to Ihort wMU 000 withi light brown marfclnsi RE WARD Njor the river T o lots 126 000 o _ , , N t » r the oceo 115,000 111.000 "•Oilers HICKEY G t N C m near Two heartbtoken Mobile Homes THE FOUNTAINS CONDOMINIUMS SiV Whore oil tht tun II! Swim In the pool or Oceoft! Dock your boot ot your doorstep' Private marlno And live luxuriously in one or two bedroom fully carpeted home Selt-cleoning double ovtn. centroi votu um a m b o o r r o m p n r l n r , freer•f/refrigerator combination, washer, dryer in yovr private (aundfyroom. Over low o( Mvina spOce At low os 13 100 down to qualified buyers Prices start ot a low, low 131,300 Hurry, only less than SOS of them left to choose from Visit our tales trailer ot 1340 Ocean Ave Sea •right Open doily from II to S 747-0535. in. FOUND - M a l i GoWen Retriever Shrewsbury oreo HI 5364 otter 5 LOST — Large orov male cat In Rum son area Mov be III. Answers to MOE Please call ?»S 4326 Real Estote Wanted SSLLINC YOUR HOVi FOUND - Small while •eltord area Coll TV l l l l H i l l TO HIRE - Far all occasions parties, meetings, showerv, ett Umoi leoch Reasonable, H o Fire Co Call m 7301 l-'^TjNGi Of MTTIfl HOMES - I KO AGETJCV M O U U l O» LAND •ought for cosh Far details, call •70. Special Notices „ THE KIRWAN CO. Exclusive Soles Agent OLD TOWNE R E A L T Y 2227444 'S Newman Springs Kit, - . RECREATIONAL HEW YOMK STATE - Llfctrty or*a I. J s c r t i . Betvtiful view, T « • lo-gt buiidinoi tettable It* apartment, or lodge Deep w * l l . Excellent tor hunting and flitting' Terms Call 7el-m>. ' I WILL NOT be esponsible lor any debts other thon incurred by m vself. Jomes V. Thomas, Sr . P o San Hoi let Red • o r * , t 842-4350 72». Income Proptrty • ttO. Instruction TUTORING ALL E L E M E N T A R Y GRADES — By experienced certified leather Call 741 4407 110. Bicyclej/Mini Bikes BOYS SCHWINN - GUITAR LESSONs" Reasonable rates ?9I 1105 Five-speei^PiooT SEA BRIGHT 14-U Center St 171,000 Coll 741 1144 alter LEGAL NOTICE 7 120. Boats and Accessories 7M Lot, and Acreage » U * » O N - I * , acre comer lot. *ld«e • d . ond lueno Vista 136.000 NEW WA ArflJ O V E D l A T E i e 7' thru 36' on diiploy MONMOUTH lAILINCfCtNTER _W«S|St. Monmoutti leach H I 34»J EVERYTHING FO» THE I 0 A T M A N 70S. Houses for Sol* BOATMAN'S SHOP • LOCATED* • INMATAWAN.. New Jersey L t Open dolly Is this l o u r - b e d f o o m . Ihree-baih Slrathmore Country Clubber. Quiet cul-de-sac privacy. Near schools, transportation, shopping and swim club. 18' den, central air conditioning, fireplace in co/y living room Many extras. Asking $58,900 IOSTON W H A L E * - Clostron. Sport, croft. Seocratt, Stinger. Johnson, OMC, Mercrulser, Volvo. Beat Iroiors FLAGSHIP Municipal MorTne (osln 7*1 2111 Atlantic Highlands t l ' - I U f CRUISERS INC. Tht J o homo." Flbtrglos, fully equlooed with trailer, eS ho Johmort outrtoord, electric sforf. Excellent condition 17200. Coll 717-4317. STERLING THOMPSON PYRAWA CANOES AND I N F L A T A I L E DINGHIES SCENIC SERVICE CENTER ... Hwy J4 Hlghlonds (71-02II AUOCUTEUULTM MOMwyJS M0. Recreational Vehicles 747-5600 710. Apartments/ Town Houses BUILDERS-INVESTORS Available: Multi-Dwelling Projects GARDEN APARTMENTS - TOWNHOUSE CONDOMINIUMS throughout Sun of Ntw Jetny fir Cnnlidcniul Information Write ROBERT L. COUTTS Exicutivi Vice President Sterling Thompson & Assaciit.es REALTOR 931 Diagonal cables in front create a more slimming look! Hell like II*- fit and fashion of this handsome, frontcabled pullover. Knit of synthetic worsted for sport. travel, all seasons. Pattern 931: Men's Sixes 3H-44 includeil Send 7"> ITfttH fm I HI h pttt Jcrn KM II I ntt* for I'.ii'h p.ittiTii fm i i t - i ii.iss iii.iiiiin: iimi rprrlnl Iwndllnfl Send In I.,nii.i Wliri'ln III I hi' Rod It.nik iin:i ,iri Nrrrtlrcrnfl Dtp) Box i<>i Old ' til Hi Inn Now V m k \ Y IIMI 11 I'nnl | ' \ | | I , | | \ M M HKii \\\)Y, \DDI /I c M.I. ••in * Slimming!f Printed Pattern LUCKY in lime for thai important mtatlng nr party you'vi been planning Note vertici l flow down (mill Printed Pattern U N Half lf% N i l ill.-, i . i d more knil 12^, I4J4, I I . ' , . i n ' . , ,l .17) II h I p.illi'i II ! Mall lln IneUnl Crothol look Htlrpin Oroehtt Book ln«t«nl Mtertmt laoM Inilnnl GU* •ank CotDpltli Afghan Bonk ii on FREEHOLD - A Manalapan man, convicted of breaking into a Manalapan Township home, was sentenced to two to t h r e e years in state prison by Superior Court Judge Patrick J. McGann Jr. Eddie J. McBride of Mt. Vernon Road was convicted by a jury of breaking into the home of Margaret Bosket, Iron Ore Road, between Nov. 22 and Dec. 9,1971. James J. Barber, 18, of 9 Overbrook Place, Neptune City, who had admitted breaking into the home of Chester Chartowich, 16 Mahoris Drive, Ocean Township, Nov. 8 and stealing articles valued at more than $400 and issuing a forged money order to Little Brown Jug Liquor Store, Neptune City, and altering that money order Nov. 20, NOTICI Sealed bldt for School Luncf Equipment will bt received ot the Ot flct ot tht Secretary, Central Schoo Broad Street, Keyport, N.J. at'7:00 O m on Tuesday, March 12, 1974, c LEGAL NOTICE which tlmt bldt will b t public I Notice Is hereby given that People* opened and rtori, for the following: Notional Bank of Monmoulh County, 1-1 C R S - M D hwoiher 701*0 3 whose head offict Is located at 6 Air7 - 1 HOkO Mootl C IS Booster 701 40 port Ploia, Route 36, in the Township 3 of Hailtt, Monmouth County, New Tht condition!, ttrms and speclttca Jersey, hoi filed an application with tlons covering the obovt ittmi can b MR. CHARLES M. VAN HORN, REobtained from the Secretory of th GIONAL ADMINISTRATOR OF NABoard between I 00 a.m. and 4 0 TIONAL BANKS, SECOND NATIONp m. Monday through Friday AL BANK R E G I O N , NEW Y O R K , All Interested ptrson* a r t invited t NEW YORK, for permission to relobe present Tht Board of Educatio cate Us Highlands Branch Office from reserve* tht right to reltct any an 34 Bov Avenue. In the Borough of oil bldt ond lo waive irnmotenoi in Highlands, Monmouth county, Ntw formalities. Jertey, to the northeast corner of Highway 36 and Orchard Avenue. In DONALD A. HILL tht Borough of Highlands, Monmouth Secretary-Business Adm.nutrnto County, Ntw Jersey. This application Kevport Boord of Educotio was accepted for filing on February Central School, Broad Strte tf, 1974, by tht Regional AdminisP. O. BOH 1 Kevport, N.J. 07735—trotor of Notional Bonki. Morch I, 4 5 121,14 March 4 JS9| LEGAL NOTICE 1707,000 1207,000 TOTALS Section 4. The following matters a r t hereby determined, declared, recited and stated: (a) The said purposes described In Section ) of this bond ordinance are not current exotnset ond each Is a property or improvement which the Borough may lawfully acaulre or mokt for which tht Borough is authorised by law lo moke an appropriation (Bl The overoae period ot usefulness of said purposes, within ihe ilmitoHorn of said Local Bond Law ond according, to the reasonable H'e thereof comouted from the dole of the said bonds aulhoriied bv this bond ordinance, and taking into consideration the respective amounts of the said obligations to be issued for the several purposes, is >o years {c> The supplemental debt statement reaulred bv sold low has been duly made ond filed in the office of the Borough Clerk ond a compltie executed duplicate thereof has been filed in Ihe office of Ihe Director of the Division of Local Government Services In the Department of Community Affairs of the Stale of New jersey, and such statement shows thot the gross debt of the Borough as defined In sold low is Increased by the authorization of the bonds and notes orovlded for In this bond ordinance by 170?,000 and Ihe issuance of said obligations authorised by I his bond ordinance is permuted by the #« teoiion provided in paragraph (dj of said Section 4OA.7./ of said law to the debt limitations prescribed by said law. Id) The aggreeafe amount of not exceeding 140,000 for items of expense permitted under Section 40A 7 ?0 of said law has been included as part of the fstimoied costs ol iht several Improvements or purpose* described In Section .1 of this bond ordinance I t ) Nothing will be contributed bv Ihe Borough lo oav the cost of tht ln> provements Of purposes described In Section J(a), and the estimated amount of sotcial assessments to be levied upon property specially benefited by sold improvements is lito.OQO, and the number of annual installments in which all such special assessment mav be oald Is 10 ID The Borough will undertake Ihe improvements or purposes described In Secltons Mb) and J(c) os general improvements. The Borough e*pecls 'o receive grants from the Mate of Ntw lersev and County of Monmouth in old of undertaking the improvement-, described in Sections l i b ) ami Amounts so received shall be applied only to finance improvements described therein bv application thereof either to rlire*t onvmtnt of tht i o . i t ol la provemtnts or to payment or reduction of ihe nuihoriiolion ot the obligations authorlted by this bond ordlnnr.ee S»( linn \ This bond ordinance authority ohlionliont nf tht Borough solely lor nurootM described In tforagrioh Id) of Station 40A > i «f said purposes a r t *n ihe ouhin U I I I J J I I nnd tire lor the health * # i ' I vtmence or btiterment of the inhabrmnts o' ihe Borough <imi ' • be e«pena>d for ».nri purposes pursuant to the bond ordinal* art not utveo 1 and the iituflrwe nf vnd flMigatifi Dal of and t '\ nntt \*t was given a suspended reformatory sentence, two years probation and was fined $100. Thomas A Such of 135 Lakewide Avo., Rumson, who admitted possessing heroin and scconal Feb. B, 1973, in Rumson, was given a suspended reformatory term, two years probation and was fined $250. Stephen Weidlich of Broadway, Freehold Township, convicted of aiding and abetting in the distribution of a controlled dangerous substance Feb. 6, 1973, in Freehold Township, was given a suspended reformatory term, two years probation and was fined $250. Michael D. Alston of 1 S e a v i e w M a n o r , Long Branch, who admitted possessing a dangerous knife May 1 in West L o n g Branch, was given a suspended six month county jail sentence, one year probation and was fined $50. Douglas Loder of 19 Fine Tree Lane, Fair Haven, who admitted possessing narcotic paraphernalia Nov. 11, 1972, in Shrewsbury Township, was given a suspended six month county jail sentence, and one year probation. LEGAL NOTICE FREEHOLD - Two men have been indicted by a Monmouth County grand jury for allegedly removing a manhofe c o v e r in S h r e w s b u r y and discharging the contents of their septic tank truck into the sewer system without permission. Bernard Thompson of Rt. 9f Old Bridge, and Harold Thompson of 2 Harmony Ave., East Keansburg, a r e charged in an indictment with tapping, interfering and damaging a sewer Oct. 6. They are accused of re- LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE AN O R D I N A N C E F I X I N G T H E S A L A R I E S A N D C O M P E N S A T I O N OF BOROUGH O F F I C E R S A N D E M P L O Y E E S IN THE BOROUGH OF NEW SHREWSBURY E F F E C T I V E JANUARY 1. 1974 BE IT O R D A I N E D bv the Mayor and Council of tht Borough of New Shrewsbury, Counlv of Monmouth, stole of New Jersey ihot the following ooiitlons of Officers, clerks ond employees of the Borough of New Shrewsbury are classified ond the salary or salary ranges ore as follows: SCHEDULE " A " Employees of the Rood and Sanitation Deportments and tht Sewer Utility Deportment. Salaries per annum. Title ond Position A 1 C D I 7763 9771 Laborer S?SI 1753 9135 Truck Driver 901S 1540 9630 10201 10120 1 <III 1 MS 9517 I00M 10693 Mechanic . Bldg. Maintenance Foreman (Roads ond Sanitation! IOI?S IISI6 13207 12939 13715 Superintendent (Roods ond Sanitation) l«0» 151)9 16248 1722} 11256 9367 Laborer (Sewers) 7J»J 1165 IJJ7 12469 Foreman (Sewers) 9141 10469 11097 Superintendent (Sewers) 11166 1209? I2III 1 351' 14402 Each Road ond Sanitation employee except the Superintendent shall be paid (or authoriied overtime at his regular rote ot oav Snow and let removal overtime shall bt paid ot tht ratt of one ond one half ( m l his regular rate of payNo overtime shall b* paid to tht Sewer Superintendent or Foreman. SCHEDULE " B " Classified positions, other employees Salaries per annum. A • Title end Position C t o 6110 6(00 6190 7741 Cltrk-TvPllf 7.103 6415 6I2S 7235 Senior Clerk-Tvpijl 1129 7667 Dispatcher 7057 7957 1434 7507 Secrelorv-Sttno 1940 Bookkeeper 1117 7165 Chief Dispatcher... 7393 1137 9367 Bookkeeper Computer Operator 9015 10201 Court Clerk 1540 9630 10120 9393 9993 11229 Deputy Borough Clerk. 10593 11903 12661 142M Tox Assessor ,. 11 » 0 l 13421 15011 17123 Borough Clerk 14409 15329 16241 11256 SCHEDULE "C" Unclassified positions. Salaries per annum. Tint and Position Mayor ,.,.... , f Councilman MM 66 Sewer Administrator 3390.00 Treasurer 3414.00 Police Chief ..., .5000.00 Assessor's Clerk (oart time) 4004.00 Collectors Clerk {port lime) 37&4.I0 Clerk, Planning Board ... ?S0? SO Clerk, Board ot Adjustment J5O7.JO Magistrate 624000 Court Clerk-Typist (part time) Crossing Guard, Class No. 1 Crossing Guard, Class No. ? Crossing Guard, Gas* No. 3 I* Secretary, Board of Hriith 634.00 Fire Marshall . . . 40000 Welfare Director JI42 00 Part-Time Employees 2.75 otr hour Tne foregoing salary guide is designed so increments a r t automatic onnuoity A I I present employees for 1974 will be assigned a position of classification on the guide bv recommendation of the Personnel Committee to tht Borough Council, All new employees begin at Sleo ned. unless otherwise designated bv Council, Section I (hi in addition to the abovt scale of salaries herein known as "bast salary" ail salaried full time employees of me Borough as wen os the Collector and Assessor, from and after January I. 1970 shall be given longevity increase* amounting to a percentage ot tt\t base solarv in accordance with the schedule hereinafter set forth. These longevity Increases shall be bosed upon the base salary as stated above and shall not include a percentage of anv extra compensation such as overtime or other such Payment for extra hours worked over and above a normal work wttk. Tht schedule for computing longevity increases Is based upon the completion of the continuous vtars of strvlct in tht employ of the Borough as follows After *> vr-ori and through 10 years — ) • • of bate salary. After 10 years and through IS years — sB* of base salary. After IS years and through 70 years — 7% of base salary After 70 vtars and through ta retirement — 9\ of base salary Section 2. The. lomprnsalion of the following officers ot the Borough of Ntw Shrewsbury bt and Iht same a r t hereby fixed or determined as follows. effective as Of January I, >v/4 Borough Attorney, per year I./TO 00 and such other compensation tor sotcial services as mav bt required by tht Borough, pavablt upon bills duly presented Buildina Inspector Such compensation as it pciuivaltnt to an amount based upon fht tees receiver! for each building ptrmit or Certificate of Occupancy Issued pursuant lo Ihe B«tift<ng moo for Hen, oifernllon. demoll Hon. ar relocation, said compensation to bt determined as follows When ihe fee collected amounrt 'a sis no or more, th* turn of sis 00. far each permit where the fee r011*1-tM is less than u s no, the entire amount reiierftd, for emh Dtrinit 1 immtrcldl building Iht ftixlrllng inArttrlfir thnM hf - *'il f t ! m upon the ttes f(cn 1 • "in t| issued 'or m i n m i n ml huil-iings *frere» N 1/ MI IV IT1OI • !''* I sessing marijuana and po»sessing it with intent to distribute Oct. 3 in Neptune Township William J NeUson, 20. tf 51 Ocean Ave., Highlands, denied committing an atrocious assault and battery upon Victona Stewart, 10 Fair Haven Road, Rumson, Oct. 13 in Atlantic Highlands Amelia M. Medina, 32. of 170 F i f t h A v e . , L o n g Branch, denied posseting a dangerous knife Oct. 24 in Ocean Township. Anthony Donato, trading as V.I.P. Realtors, Edison, denied embezzling $1,600 from Raymond Riddel), 1501 Rustic Drive, Ocean Township Donato is charged with accepting $500 as a deposit for sale of some Middletown property Oct. 16, 1972; accepting $1,100 March 22 and promising to return the money if a mortgage application was denied. The application was denied June 14 but he allegedly failed to return the money. Barbara L. Lykosh, 24, and Richard P. Lykosh, 27, both of Cliffwood Garden Apartments, Matawan, denied possessing marijuana Sept. 28 in Matawan. 'or moving a manhole cover Branch, Sept. 21 in that from Willow C o u r t , city. S h r e w s b u r y , and disJessie Lewis of Philacharging the contents of delphia is charged with retheir septic tank truck ceiving stolen property, a without having permission car, Oct. 29 in Long Branch of the Northeast Monmouth and possessing marijuana County Regional Sewerage that same day. The inAuthority. dictment did not identify This indictment and the owner of the car. these were among those Franciesco A. R. Camhanded up to Superior ache, 22, of Seventh Ave., Court Judge M. Raymond Long Branch, is charged McGowan, county assign- with carrying a dangerous ment judge. knife in a car Sept. 28 in Robert A. Hendrickson of Long Branch. 14 Sea Girt Ave., and John Joseph Suit, 23, of 1332 Dellera of 526 Shrewsbury Corlies Ave. and Horace Ave., both Oceanport, are W. Griffin, 22, of 1331 Emcharged with offering a bury Ave., both Neptune, bribe to Oceanport Patrol- are charged with robbing man Glenn Meyer and with Claude Jeter, 69 Grant conspiring to offer a bribe. Court, Long Branch, of The indictment alleges $117 at gunpoint Oct. 10 in they offered the patrolman Long Branch; possessing a $1,000 if he would alter the firearm in a vehicle and facts of a charge of atro- possessing a dangerous cious assault and battery to knife. prevent a possible inJames E. Hubbs, 25, of dictment and trial for that South Amboy is charged charge Oct. 4 in Oceanport. with stealing a car belongMajor Lee Taylor, 28, of ing to Evelyn Urbelis of 93 W i l l i a m S t . , New Marlboro and receiving Shrewsbury, is charged with stolen property, the same giving prohibited articles car, in Holmdel, Dec. 27. — valium which is a preEdward W. Miller, 24, of scription drug — to in- Newark is charged with obmates of Marlboro State taining $421 under false Hospital Aug. 9; contrib- pretenses from Shadow uting to the narcotic use of Lawn Savings and Loan, another inmate by alle- Ocean Township, Jan. 8. gedly giving that inmate James W. Pryor, 22, of heroin and Dilaudid tablets Aug. 11, and possessing the 225 Seaview Ave., Long same drugs with intent to Branch, is charged with possessing a dangerous distribute. knife Sept. 25 in Long Larry Gibson, 19. of 115 Branch. North Fifth Ave., Long Wilbert Harrison, 23, of Branch, is charged with 138 North Seventeenth committing an assault and Ave., Long Branch, is battery upon Long Branch charged with possessing Patrolman Clarence Castle mcthadone Oct. 26 in AsNov. 3 in Long Branch. bury Park. Sam Colbert, 42, of 103 Jack Cottrell of 472 NethJoline Ave., Long Branch, erwood Drive, Cliffwood, is is charged with threatening charged with impafrmg the to kill Willie Rice, 2 Grant morals of a six-year-old Court, Long Branch, Sept. girl Jan. 14 in Matawan 16 in th;it city. Township and with private Oriene Plaits, 19, of 3 lewdness. Grant Court, Long Branch, Francis Ochat, 23, of 40 is" charged with receiving Salem Place, Cliffwood, is stolen property, a watch charged with assaulting valued at $2,300 belonging with a starter pistol Robert to Sarvatore Nlcollnl,48 Otoen, 43 Little St., MataP a v i l i o n A v e . , L o n g wan. Oct. 20. Rumson Man Hupt In Freak Accident RUMSON - Frank Farter, H Black hunt Road, p. reported In fab condition at RjvtrvilW H'iNpitnl, Rid Miink, with InlU [ered In .< freaH accident on W Hive, lln;iil 'i I'll Marc* i.Wi 2 Indicted for Emptying Septic Waste Into Sewer e endnrivd rl.no |i y Mwtr \n out a permit Sept 12 in Middletown Fredo Schmidt. W, of 2 Tiench Ave , Leonardo, denied committing an assault and battery upon Middletown Patrolman Robert Perkins and resisting arrest Oct 5 in Middletown Frederick E Frank, 23, o/ S3 Shrewsbury Ave., Highlands, denied aiding and abetting a break-in of the home of Edward Rogers. 44 Bayside Drive, Atlantic Highlands and in stealing articles valued at $473 95 Dec. 3. Walter D. Woods, 23, of Boston Way, Asbury Park, denied receiving stolen property, a car belonging to Rocky Pandure, no address available, Sept 21 in Oceanport. Charles Barkley, 22, of 919 Bangs Ave , Asbury Park, denied raping an Asbury Park woman Sept. 13 in New Shrewsbury. Dallion C. Hoover, 32, of 1713 Bradford Ave., Neptune, and Herman L. Legette, 25, of 532 Prospect Ave., Asbury Park, denied possessing marijuana with intent to distribute and possessing marijuana Sept 30 in Ocean Township. Legette also denied pos- Sv*l«'» ruin men Pardl Ji 19 driv IMK wmi on w itiwi Kn.iii l| tnI iippcd H milliii ! M.it 11 it lIll.T N I W I lnil.nl Monty Booh — link" .tilil ii h [ M i i i i n for i l i • rnchfl M.7J Man Gels Jail Term For House Break-In FREEHOLD - Thomas Jennings Jr., 23. of 12 Howard Ave, New Shrewsbury, has pleaded tnnofenl lo a charge of robbing Donald Morns, 88 Pleasure Bay Apartments, Long Branch, of |200 O c t . 4 in New Shrewsbury Jennings was arraigned before Superior Court J u d g e M. R a y m o n d McGowan James E. Hubbs, 25. of South Amboy denied robbing an employe of Holiday Inn, Rt 35, Hazlet, of $80 at gunpoint and entering the inn without breaking with intent to commit the robbery Dec. 27. Stephen J. Leskowski, 21, of East Brunswidc has pleaded innocent by mail to a charge of receiving stolen property, an oscilloscope valued at $2,300 belonging to N.J. Bell Telephone Co., Linden, Sept. 8 in Manalapan. Joseph M. Lafayette, 51, of 96 Pinckney Road, Little Silver, has pleaded innocent by mail to a charge of possessing lottery paraphernalia April 9 in Middletown. Jay J. Shrager, 21, of Balacynwyd, Pa., denied possessing a revolver with- 0 null NKVKNTY H V I I NKW KiH 1071 i n i n i r i l YOU finding i dress as lltmming Bl thlfl JOi/5 NQTICt PLEASE TAKE NOTICt thot . Ftbruary 70, 1974, the Zoning loord of Adluttmeni of the Borough of At (ontic Htgniondt did grant a Variance to Mr. and Mrs. John Montaido to construct a swimming pool at their oddreit ot I03A Bov Avtnue. Atlantic Highlondi, N.J. Thu construction Ii to bt in accord with sketches and oopn cation presented to the Board ond In accord with Resolution passtd by the Boord rtQulrlno construction also ot a four fttt fence, a lock ing aote. ond fhol construction conform to the soffly reaulrementi of the Lows of tht Vote of Ntw Jersey, ROSE MARIE GREENE Secretory Board ot Adjustment "Thtr* arc tome words you can't U M in front of children, or mixed up company, right, Mommy?" NOTICE BONO ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING «3O7,OQ0 AND AUTHORIZING THE IS SUANCE OF 1207.000 BONDS OR NOTES OF THE BOROUGH AND DIRLCT ING THE ASSESSMENT OF PART OP THE COST THEREOF FOR VARIOUS IMPROVEMENTS OR PURPOSES AUTHORIZED TO BE UNDERTAKEN BY THE BOROUGH OF NEW SHREWSBURY, NEW JERSEY BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOROUGH COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH OF NEW SHREWSBURY, IN THE COUNTY OF MONMOUTH, NEW JERSEY (not Itsi thon two-thirds of oil the membtrft offirmofivtly concurring), AS FOLLOWS: Section r. The several improvement! described In Section 3 of this bond ordinance ore hereby respectively authorized to be mode or acauired by tht Borough of New Shrewsbury. New Jersty. For t h t soid several Improvements or purpose* noted in said Section 3, Inert a r t hereby appropriated tht rtsptctlvt sums of money therein stated as the appropriations made for sold Improvements or purposes amounting in the tggrtgote to 1307,000. Stction 7. For tht financing of said Improvtments or purposes and to meet tht said S207.0OO appropriations, negotiable bonds of the Borough ore hereby authorized to be Issued in the principal amount of $702,000 pursuant to the Local Bond Law of New Jersey as follows: 1106,000 Asstssmtnt Bonds for the financing of the improvements described In Stction 3(a) of (hit bond ordinanct ond 196.000 General Improvement Bonds tor the financing of the Improvements described in Section 3tb) and 3(c) of this bond ordinance. In anticipation of tht iisuanct ot sold bonds and to temporarily finonct told Improvements or purposes, negotiable notes of tht Borough In a principal amount not exceeding 1707,000 ore hereby authorized to bt Issued pursuant lo and within tht limitations prescribed by told Law. Section 3. The improvements hereby outhorlitd ond tht several purpose* for the financing ot which said obligations ore to be Usued (each of which shall be made or undertaken In accordance with the plans ana specifications theretor ond prepared by the Borough enginetr), ond tht appropriation mode for and estimated cosl ot each such purpose, ond tht estimated maximum amount of bonds or notes to bt issued for each such purpose, a r t respective ly OS follow! * Appropriation Estimated Moxim u m and Estimated orno'inl of Bonds or Notes IMPROVEMENT OR PURPOSE Cost O Construction ot concrete curbing In tht Honct Pork section of tht Borough of New Shrewsbury Including the construction of such curbing on both sides of Peach Street, Cherry Street, Pear Street, Clover Street, Blossom Street. Apple Street ond thot portion of Sprlngdalt Avenue located between Apple and Pear Strttts StOAOOO 110A.00O b Construction of concrete curbing on both sides of Hope Road from the Central Roiiroad ot Ntw Jtrsev railroad tracks northerly to Union Avenue, approiimotelv 3,400 feet including oil nectisary oppurlt143,000 143.000 . Construction of concrete curbing on both sides of Pine Brook Road from Hope Road westerly lo Ways ide Road approximately 5,700 feet including at) necessary appurttnancts ond work incidental thereto 1*3,000 113.000 P. 0. Box 246. Rt 9. Marginville. N. ) . 07751 Diagonal Drama! PUltIC NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, thot on TutidQV. Worth 19, 1974, Ot 1:00 P M t'clock prtvoiMna time, ot th« Borounh Hall. Atlantic Highland*, N.J., tht Harbor Commii»»n of tht lorouah ot Ationtlc Hlohlondi. N J. will occtot bioi for ont 40 Ton Optn End loot HoistCoolti of iptcificotioni may bt picked up at tht Harbor Office, Sim On Loht Drive, AHonlit Highlandi, N J The AMontlc Highlondi Horbor Commlttlon rettrvff tht right to r » l t d any and/Or all bldl. HENRY W MCAHAN Horbor mo»'er orcft 4 U94 March 4 1N7 SHASTA - 13 , sleeps lour. Stove, oven, heater, icebox, new tires. Awning. Goad condition MS0. 717 i l l ] 710. Aportmenti/Town Houses Children fOUNI S N Br.ght Gull Coil 747 9132 -OST - Rid kitten, lifer striped, with lea coiior Vicinity 9i Rumson R d . - ' I V Silver Please phone, HHttl or T »*VE l ' > wall lo won corpetinej. wosne orver. full, furnished. »/000 ( miens only 7V 20IJ TWO BEDROOM SS.IO On sit* IB adult pork d direct b s ines to iest alter over I3J00 71». Apartments/ Town HouMt *n hi New Shrewsbury Man Denies Robbery Count »<l« »»»J Ifron*. occupor" . MtfrUr, *U luk-MyUtti$w, H, H.l «' tquo> voiuc wttti or w W tow now " » OIK * y te in. MATAWAN TW> )00<«100 • oooecl nu i' l| niiefiy nil Red Mi-pi 'I' U Nrw Vmk \ V 10011 \\\1K VDDNKHS »ilh / I I ' NIMIIKH ti 1)0 • A\f , wi'iit In In . ,inl . m i l w< I l l l l l l ( i f1 1 1 . Ing to the alarm. Police it McOlrr'i vision • itru< tad by a puff of nmoke winch came from the car on firr. ited al Riverview Hospital were \i who itiffered laceration! and le I'omiii Lafayttti in thp \ i i i . Miffed Pain I* Inv Ill I'l in Boll %\ no * i ini' Hook II 11 Prild Afghani toak back Hie .mil I ,Mil! «fS» Ihe 1 II til Ihi I USDA CHOICE • • • i AnENTION! BROWNSTONE DINNERWARE COLLECTORS EXTRA SAVINGS! EXTRA VARIETY! Our Program Storh Agofci on Sunday, Mordi lOth \ Second Cycle pieces * i l l be available on the ft schedule shown. All compleler pieces are in our stores and available now. JttKHlO-DtHer.Disli MAKH17 - U.S.D.A. Gov't. Grade Choke Fresh Beef, U.S.D.A. Gov't. Grade- Choice Beef RIB STEAKS CHUCK STEAKS MARCH 31 - i w c k P l o t e ( « N I / S « U lowl A W I 7 MAICH24-Mi|Staur Diner Plate APRi 14 — Coffee Mu| Cut Short, Center Cui 1st C u t tmax^^ Blqulor Orip Fire & floctnc Perk CoHcr MAXWELL HOUSE BEEF RIB ROAST With Coupon USDA CHOICE USDA CHOICE Ragulor Orip Fins A Ikcfrk Mrk Corf** "k Y.« H O MtonSdikUooi" ton Son M m All Meat or All Beef U.S.D.A. Gov't Grade Choke Semi Boneless Beef $ 1 9 CHUCK ROAST . 1 C a i n »oo» ot any • lMlor.-oro4ulltomlr. Mar. 1 Ihm Mar. t onr,. y i . R B R 3/4 C U P THIS COUPON SCHICKHAUS FRANKS •Wtf FRESH CHUCK GROUND 9 9 C U S t r » . C o / ! . Crado Ckoic. U SJ> A Goy'l. Grado O w k l To* lomi ot Sirloin lip Thicm C«t • I $ | 6 9 | BEEF HIND SHANK SHOULDER STEAK U.itk. tort. Grade Ou'u lenoloii toil RBRJ/4 \_ SHOULDER LONDON BROIL CLIP THIS COUPON ,i; U S D * Go.'l Gmdt Otoke tool l o m l e i i * ' • Go»'l. Groat . V 1 NEOTBONES I fr.ililo.1 | ROUND GROUND I &m BONELESS RUMP ROAST USB* / $ 1 5 9 S U S B * 6>l*l. Grado O o k l U.S.D.A. Go.'!. Gradt dMki i r t f !'••: 7 0 * I TOP ROUND ROAST C U P THIS COUPON SHORT RIBS S loM-h U 5.0* IWlCndoOwiu I M I lo-tlm With Thit Coupon Coupon goad ot any f oodtown Suparmarka* Ittna ono par odutl family. Coupon ( o o d M o r l t h r V H o r O only Oupen V a*d at M y food town SufMrmor k*f Limit «ne par oduh family. Coup»n y*»d rVtor. J tfcrv *tor. • only i FRESH STEW BEEF $199 BONELESS LONDON BROIL SALADA BAGS 8 9 *1 BONELESS BEEF STEAKS ; SIRLOIN SHAK I 0 y. U.S.».». Gow-l Grado ttoito | PORnRHOUSE STEAK S fmoa U S D * &•» I 0*wb § I EYE ROUND ROAST ' FROZEN FOOD SAVINGS! Frozen Casserole MORTON MACARONI & CHEESE APPlTIURDtPT.SA r. 5*1 v w e s ; JfAfOOD DIPT. Si 99 FOODTOWN COLD CUTSS 89 C FRESH CHICKEN ROLL .69' $ 39 $]29 1 MUENSTER CHEESE s * 6 9 ° MIDGET PORK ROLL x FRESHCODFISH STEAKS "*•<»* RBR3/4 IAIOMN *a> it iton lirMtai Mtnti ApMttivOlfH } Liquid •'••»> CLIP THIS COUPON 20oi. pkg. f tn lk*\ II? ti w Assorted Varieties Foodtown PUREX BLEACH CUP-OF-SOUP FootlUxriFroitn Wktlr Uoiwooloood STRAWBERRIES AuorMd rtavort BIRDS EYE COOL WHIP envelopes JELLO GELATIN Heavy Duty Liquid C U P THIS COUPON GREEN GIANT VEGETABLES*} DYNAMO DETERGENT Save 26You Sav* Mor* Aiiocird Floyoti Foodlm* " PENNDUTCH NOODLES A 49 Sinllotd Form C A Qc GRAPE JELLY Mourn), of Powtrhoirtt (Ib pliij). Almond Joy, N« Jtlfy, or Carqvtl (I? « i ) W h h Thit Coupon CUP THIS cbupdf PETER PAUL CANDIES V 7 9 C TODDLER DIAPERS C 12.; 8 9 STRAWBERRY PRESERVES •PHOWIII taupan tmd al arr, ta«»a» FOODTOWN PRETZELS xf|^ IjIxUQUID MJHA LIV4UIU Foodlown (rtomy 1 OSi/nliy ;' 59 8 29 2 L U L L I 100o/o NATURAL $49° KNIT DRESS SHIRTS - . " 2 Main's Short Sleeve THIS ifLlitltCtnri COUPON M WORTH 4 10' (V CEREAL- 64 o t £m doxen Endoto Nohirol MUENSTER CHEESE J & 59 C COTTAGE CHEESE icRAFT CHEEZ WHIZ 3 551 8 " 75C PRODUCE SAVINGSn Double Edg* WILKINSON BLADES . 5x39* , VITAMINS! California Navel Lara* ORANGES 1 0 9 9 C •^Foodtow I WON WONTONIC T I With Coupon in this ad. HIAITH AND BIAUTY AIDS! fooonwM nmnikm DOWNY I ( ~ * « < k> Corkol (~*«< k> Foodtown VITAMIN C ^$119 f TOMATOES ^ 3 9 ° itMMi Detergent You Save More LUX LIQUID ZEST SOAP CLIP T U H rmrvnM \ •"•>! »•• 49' 59' 33' 69' Fabric Softener contain tr 8 0 * . Pely«*t«r, 2 0 * . Nylon MM, ( U l J king t i n I 11 01. ^ 39 C innvPHPC FRENCH DRESSING I a n * ona par .dull a j - * . Coupon ooad Mar J rh.u Mar. * o r j , 111 ICE CREAM PEANUT BUTTER MrlontOrrgrnol BRIGHT s 39-89' FISHCAKES C U P THIS COUPON WI> 'if4 ! Froiin FoodtowH Coupon food ot any f j i d l n n luaaniairwal llrnft ono oar orfuH ramaV Covaon *oo* Mar. 1 airu Mar. • a-ly ^i^F Foodlmn Frith Snail or Lor«t Curd BUITONI BAKED ZITI OVEN CLEANER C pk, EGGO WAFFLES -'• 69 69 C FOODTOWN BUTTER 1 7 9 C P t,, CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS ' ; ; ' 4 9 oaw « :.: 59" Frano W U i KOIMI « M.bl.l Corn or Muni VootloUot or Motitum Swt.l Pool on Ivllof Sovt, or Creamed Sptnodl Q I O-oi Coupon fOarf at any FoooWn Supormarliol limit ono par orfwH foully. Coupon aood Mar. ) thru Mor. « only MW>» Toolhaaiir* MEDIUM WHITE EGGS FronrlOaop Fr»i CRINKLE CUT POTATOES in pkg. R8RJ/4 Foodtown Grade A 20' ORANGE JUICE Save 13- ULTRA 39 '•adtonta FLOUNDER FILLET With Thit Coupon Coupon |>wi ot ony Foodtown f upormarMrl limn ana par adult l o m l , . Coupon aoad Mar. 3 tfir u Mar. • only. DAIRY SAVINGS! Iroil.Slkr. « 1 8 9 CENTER CUT ROAST _ . / I 8 9 OR CHUCK STEAKS , 8 9 C if CAIVESIIVER C You Sav* Mart U.Si)*. Go«-|. Gradt Ckoite CLUB STEAK % Save 18- ZEST SOAP CENTER CUT ICEBERG LETTUCE CHERRY TOMATOES -39* 39' Towarrl tft* aurchaoo of any I D l GOLD MEDAL FLOUR I'lW f 7)oi. tontointr With Coupon in thit ad. C U P THIS COUPON letwrotBf Marih t . No* r n o . n l l . l o f«r r>*a)*jn)*)ril.<p| «r*»« 3"= 69' With Coupon In thit ad. Currty Or DELICIOUS APPLES ANJOU PEARS PEACH JAM 3.$1 ..69'
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