Department of Evangelization and Catechesis


Department of Evangelization and Catechesis
2110 Broadway
Sacramento, CA 95818-2541
(916) 733-0123
[email protected]
Stephanie Roth, Coordinator for Evangelization, New Media, and Marketing
Please add these announcements to your bulletins! (English and Spanish Translation)
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Included are new and current announcements from DEC. We would greatly appreciate if you could add these
announcements to your bulletins and cycle them until the event date. If you have any questions, please contact DEC at
Department of Evangelization and Catechesis
Title: Quotes on Collaboration
Date: 2015 - 2016
Ministry Days 2015 focused on the theme of collaboration. To help us continue to reflect on this theme
throughout the 2015-2016 year, we are offering you a quote on collaboration to place in your bulletin each
week. The quote is designed to help parishioners continue to reflect on the importance of collaboration and
working with others to accomplish a common goal.
Copy Quote Text Below
“Individual commitment to a group effort that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a
civilization work.” - Vince Lombardi
Catholic Scouting
Event Title: Ad Altare Dei & Mary, the First Disciple Retreat
Date: 5:00p Friday, Oct. 14th – 12:00 noon Sunday, Oct. 16th
Location: Trinity Pines Catholic Center (28000 Rollins Lake Road, Colfax, CA 95713)
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Ad Altare Dei & Mary, the First Disciple Retreat
During the weekend scouts can work towards these prestigious awards. Scouts must be 13 years or older. Space is
limited to 40 Boy Scouts and 40 Girl Scouts. Sign up now to reserve your spot. Cost is $55 includes lodging, food and
some supplies.
Questions: Jon Kantola, Event Chairman
[email protected]
Registration & Information at
Family and Respect Life
Event Title: Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat – Spanish (Retiro de Sanación después de un aborto)
Date: Del 30 de septiembre al 2 de octubre
Location: Mercy Center (Auburn, CA)
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Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat – Spanish (Retiro de Sanación después de un aborto)
¿Conoce usted a alguien que está sufriendo, y está llevando en secreto esa carga después de un aborto? ¿Que no ha
sido capaz de perdonarse a sí mismo, que siente vergüenza? ¿Esa persona es usted? ¿Un ser querido? En este Año de la
Misericordia, le invitamos a que participe en el Retiro del Viñedo de Raquel, del 30 de septiembre al 2 de octubre de
2016. Este retiro es patrocinado por la Diócesis de Sacramento y se ofrecerá en español. Venga a disfrutar de este
retiro de sanación en el cual encontrará compasión, sanación y la infinita misericordia de Dios. Abierto a todos los
hombres, mujeres, parejas y miembros de la familia tocados por un aborto. El costo es de $ 175 por persona. Ayuda
financiera disponible. Para obtener más información, visite nuestro sitio web: Para hablar con alguien de forma confidencial, por favor llame al (916) 733-0161 o por correo electrónico
[email protected]. Todas las consultas y la participación en el retiro son estrictamente confidenciales.
Event Title: DivorceCare: Find Help, Discover Hope, Experience Healing
Date: Thursdays 7-9p Sept. 8 – Dec. 15
Location: SS. Peter and Paul Church (Rocklin, CA)
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Suffering from a divorce, separation or end of a relationship?
DivorceCare is a program that can help you through this troubling time by offering you tools, coping skills and support
from people who understand and care. The 13-week series, held on Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00 pm in the
Library of Ss. Peter and Paul Parish, 4450 Granite Drive in Rocklin, begins on September 8th and runs through
December 15th. The $30 cost is for the workbook. To register or if you have questions contact Corinne Lalanne at 916765-1936 or [email protected]
Lay Ministry Formation
Event Title: Introduction Course for New Catechists (Spanish)
Dates: Saturday & Sunday, August 27-28th
Location: Pastoral Center (2110 Broadway, Sacramento, CA 95818)
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Si tú estas empezando tu ministerio como catequista, tienes poco tiempo que iniciaste, o quieres aprender mas cosas
practicas sobre este ministerio. Eres bienvenido a participar en este curso.
Será el próximo 27 y 28 de Agosto 2016 9:30 am – 4:30 pm en el Centro Pastoral 2110 Broadway, Sacramento, CA
95818. $15.00 por cada día y se les invita a traer su lonche para compartir.
Inscripciones y mas información con Martha Haig [email protected] (916) 733-0131
Event Title: Mystagogy of the Mass
Dates: Thursday, August 25th, 7:00-8:30p
Location: St. Lawrence Catholic Church (4325 Don Julio Blvd., North Highlands, CA)
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Do you ever wonder why we do what we do during Mass? Come find out!
James Cavanagh, Director of Worship for the Diocese of Sacramento will be the presenter.
Thursday, August 25, 2016 from 7:00 – 8:30 PM at St. Lawrence Catholic Church, 4325 Don Julio Blvd., North Highlands
This is especially for catechists and those who do sacramental preparation, but all are welcome to attend.
If you have questions or to RSVP, please contact Martha Haig @ 733-0131 or [email protected].
North State Catholic Revival
Event Title: Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship
Dates: August 27th 9:00am-12:00pm
Locations: St. Joseph, Redding, CA
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Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship
Our nation faces political challenges that demand urgent moral choices. This event will seek to help Catholics form their
consciences in accordance with the truth so we can make sound moral choices in addressing these challenges.
This event will be offered in Spanish and English with two speakers from the California Catholic Conference: Steve
Pehanich and Sandra Palacios. To register, please go to For
more information, please contact Ana Ibarra at (530) 605-3197 or [email protected]
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Formando la Conciencia para ser Ciudadanos Fieles
Nuestro país enfrenta desafíos políticos que requieren decisiones morales urgentes. Este evento ayudará a los católicos
a formar conciencia según la verdad, para así tomar decisiones morales frente a estos desafíos. El evento se ofrecerá
en Español y en Ingles con dos conferencistas de la Conferencia Católica de California: Steve Pehanich and Sandra
Palacios. Para inscribirse: Para más información, por favor
comuníquense con Ana Ibarra al (530) 605-3197 o [email protected]

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