December 14, 2014 - St. Barbara Parish


December 14, 2014 - St. Barbara Parish
Community of St. Barbara of Brookfield
Third Sunday of Advent
December 14, 2014
Parish Directory
Rectory: 4008 Prairie Ave
Brookfield, IL 60513
Fax: 708-387-0103
E-mail: [email protected]
Parish Council:
Missionary Spirit: [email protected]
Parish Center: 4015 Prairie Ave.
Rev. Robert Casey, Pastor
[email protected]
Rev. Bolivar Molina, Associate Pastor
[email protected]
Rev. Michael Ahlstrom, Resident
[email protected]
Rev. Larry Janowski, O.F.M., Weekend Celebrant
Deacon John Debnar
St. Barbara Food Pantry: 9300 W. 47th St.
Maria Espinosa
[email protected]
Religious Education
Religious Education Office: 8900 Windemere Ave.
[email protected]
Peter Bromann, Music Director
[email protected]
Angela Lawler, Business Manager
[email protected]
Sister Mary Lou Pleitner, C.S.J.
Administrative Assistant; Bulletin Editor
[email protected]
Weekday Masses: 8:00 a.m. Monday through Saturday
Rosary after 8:00 a.m. Mass -Mon. through Sat.
Saturday Masses: 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9:15 and 11:00 a.m.,
Spanish Mass: 12:30 p.m.
Reconciliation: Saturday 8:45 to 9:30 a.m.
Baptisms: 1st and 3rd Sundays at 2:30 p.m.
Spanish Baptisms: 2nd and 4th Sundays at 12:30 p.m.
Arrange beforehand, call the Rectory at 485-2900
Marriage Preparation:
Call the Rectory for information
Eucharistic Adoration:
2:00– 9:00 p.m. every Monday
New Parishioners: Register at the Rectory
Parish Office Hours:
Monday — Thursday 9:00 a.m. — 8:00 p.m.
Friday 9:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m.
Closed on Saturday and Sunday
Everyone is invited to a
Recep on of Gra tude for
Deacon Dave and Jane Brencic
Today, December 14th
In the Parish Center
12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
St. Barbara Parish, Brookfield
Parish Life at St. Barbara
Advent Book Discussion
Take time during the busy holiday season to focus
on the spiritual friendships in your life. Our book for
Advent is Walking Together: Discovering the Catholic
Tradition of Spiritual Friendships. Addressing a
growing modern hunger for deep soul friendships,
popular Catholic New York columnist and Our
Sunday Visitor blogger Mary DeTurris Poust looks
honestly but hopefully at today's culture, where
people feel increasingly isolated despite the advent
of myriad gadgets designed to keep them
“connected.” In ten practical chapters, Poust
explores issues such as commitment and
acceptance, the virtues that make for a lasting
friendship, the importance of listening, open
communication, and praying together. Readers will
find here the guidance and encouragement to take
the next step in developing spiritual friendships in
their lives, one of the basic necessities of spiritual
Pick up your copy this weekend or next weekend
in the Resource Center. The cost is only $5.00.
Small group discussion will take place after the
holidays—dates to be announced.
Advent/Christmas Seton Meeting
Tuesday, Dec. 16th from 1:30 pm. to 3:30 p.m.
The St. Barbara Setons cordially invite you to
come to a very enjoyable afternoon. The program
will consist of Advent prayer, Christmas Carols led by
parishioner Ruth Hroncich The meeting will end with
conversation and refreshments. All are welcome.
Women’s Faith Sharing
The parish Advent Reconciliation Service will be
held on December 16th, when we’re planning to
meet for our Christmas program. So that everyone
can attend the Reconciliation Service, we will not
hold our gathering that night. Our next meeting will
be held on January 20th at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish
Center. If you need further information on our
group, please contact Ruth [email protected]
or 708-704-8525. Wishing you all blessings this
Page Two
Re rement Fund for Religious
Dear Parishioners,
One of the reasons I chose November 18th for my
installa on was to highlight in this Year of
Consecrated Life the great contribu on of religious
women as the Church celebrated the feast of St.
Rose Philippine Duchesne, RSCJ. And so, I am
pleased that my first le er to you is a request asking
for your help in promo ng the annual appeal for the
Re rement Fund for Religious. Each of us has our
own story of how our faith lives have been enriched
by religious through their ministry in our dioceses,
parishes, schools, hospitals and in countless other
ways. Their efforts and service have allowed the
Church to put its best foot forward and the world is
be er for it.
As I ask your support of this appeal, I invite you to
think of it not only in terms of a ma er of jus ce to
care for their needs, but as an act of solidarity with
them, le ng them know that our apprecia on for
their witness is so strong that it prompts a desire to
join them in their unique contribu on to the life of
the Church and society.
Sincerely in Christ,
Most Reverend Blase J. Cupich
Archbishop of Chicago
Council of Catholic Women
The Pumpkins ‘n Holly Cra Show & Bake Sale
was a huge success thanks to the co-chairs: Jane
Brencic and Sylvia Gauthier. We are especially
grateful to our amazing bakers for the delicious
variety of items (which naturally sold out!) and to
those who sent in dona ons. The day ran smoothly
because of the workers on the setup/cleanup and
kitchen crews. Above all – a very big thank you to all
who supported our parish by coming out and
spending part of your day with us. The Cra Show
brought in $1,660.39 and the Bake Sale $1,418.75,
for a combined total of $3,079.14. The Spring Fling
Cra Show & Bake Sale is scheduled for March 21,
2015. So, save the date.
Third Sunday of Advent
December 14, 2014
From the Pastor’s Desk...
Page Three
Desde el escritorio del Párroco…
On the evening of Sunday, December 7th,
Pope Francis switched on a giant Christmas
tree designed in lights on a hillside above the
town of Gubbio in Italy. As he switched on the
lights of the Na vity scene, the Pope said,
“We wish for the light of Christ to be in us.
A Christmas without light is not Christmas.
Let there be light in the soul, in the heart;
let there be forgiveness to others;
let there be no hos li es, which are dark.
Let there be the beau ful light of Jesus.
This is my wish for all of you, when you turn on
the light of the crib… If you have something dark
in your soul, ask the Lord for forgiveness.
Christmas is a great opportunity to cleanse the soul,
eh! Do not fear, the priest is merciful, forgiving all
in the name of God, because God forgives everything. Let light be in your hearts, in your families,
in your ci es.”
El domingo 7 de diciembre, el Papa Francisco
par cipó en el encendido del famoso árbol de
Navidad de Gubbio, en Italia. Al prender las luces
del pesebre, el Papa dijo,
“Queremos que la luz de Cristo esté en nosotros.
Una Navidad sin luz no es una Navidad.
Que la luz esté en el alma, en el corazón;
que esté en el perdón a los otros,
que no hayan enemistades, éstas son nieblas…
Que sea la luz de Jesús, tan bella…
Esto lo deseo a todos ustedes, en el momento de
encender la luz del pesebre…
Si ustedes enen alguna cosa oscura en el alma,
pidan perdón al Señor. ¡Es una bella oportunidad
esta Navidad para hacer una limpieza en el alma!
No tengan miedo, el sacerdote es misericordioso,
perdona a todos en nombre de Dios, porque Dios
perdona todo. Que la luz esté en sus corazones,
en sus familias, en sus ciudades.”
As we light the third candle on the Advent wreath
this week, we give thanks for the Light of Christ
that shines in our souls and our hearts. And,
if we find ourselves struggling with any darkness,
let us make an effort to turn on the Light of Christ
in the same way that we turn on the Christmas
lights of our homes, our Christmas trees, and our
Na vity scenes.
Mientras encendemos la tercera vela de la corona
de Adviento esta semana, damos gracias por la luz
de Cristo que brilla en nuestras almas y corazones.
Y, si nos encontramos luchando con cualquier
oscuridad, hagamos un esfuerzo para encender la
luz de Cristo de la misma manera que prendemos las
luces de Navidad en nuestro hogar, en el árbol de
Navidad, o en el nacimiento.
This Tuesday, you are all invited to church for an
Advent Reconcilia on Service at 7pm.
Come and be illuminated in the grace and the joy
of the Sacrament of Reconcilia on.
May Christ’s light burn bright among us.
Este martes, todos están invitados al templo para un
Servicio de Reconciliación para Adviento a las 7pm.
Ven para que sean iluminados en la gracia y el gozo
del Sacramento de Reconciliación.
Que la luz de Cristo queme brillante entre nosotros.
Thanks to all who helped to make our celebra on of
Our Lady of Guadalupe so special. Thanks to those
who led the rosary each night of the novena, those
who provided hospitality, those who made generous
dona ons to our parish, and all those who a ended
the various services. As we make our way to
Christmas, we give thanks to the Blessed Virgin
Mary who gave us the greatest Christmas present
ever... the gi of her son Jesus.
Gracias a todos los que nos ayudaron con las
celebraciones para Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe.
Gracias a los que nos guiaron en el Rosario para la
Novena, a los que ayudaron con hospitalidad,
a los que hicieron donaciones generosas a nuestra
parroquia, y a los que asis eron a las Misas.
Mientras caminamos hacia la Navidad, demos
gracias a la San sima Virgen María, que nos dio el
mejor regalo de Navidad... el don de su hijo Jesús.
St. Barbara Parish, Brookfield
Page Four
Mass Schedule
SUNDAY, December 14
5:00-(Sat.)+Mr. & Mrs. John Barton (Family)
+Donna Zayner (Family)
+Margarita Peralta (Familia Nuñez)
7:30-+Irene Benda (Family)
+Paul Vana (Family)
9:15–+Emely Phillips (John and Dorothy Stevenson)
11:00– Parishioners of St. Barbara
12:30 -Spanish Mass
MONDAY, December 15
8:00-+Maria Graca (Taller de José)
TUESDAY, December 16
8:00-+Stanley Poplawski (Taller de José)
WEDNESDAY, December 17
8:00-+Lorre Godlewski (Family)
THURSDAY, December 18
8:00-+Eugene Pauls (Family)
FRIDAY, December 19
8:00-+Russell Grandchamp (Srs. Joellyn & Lucy, SSND)
SATURDAY, December 20
8:00– Parishioners of St. Barbara
5:00-+Sandra Steffen (Family)
SUNDAY, December 21
7:30-+Frank and Irene Benda (Family)
9:15–+Emily Phillips (Ann Pauls)
11:00-+Pietro Sancricca (Family)
12:30 -Spanish Mass
Pray for Our Sick and Deceased
Recemos por los enfermos y los que han fallecido
May the healing hand of the Lord be with the sick:
Linda Andrys, Pat and Mike Baldwin, Dick Burns,
Stefania Campo, William DiVito, Mason Donegan,
Sharon Ermilio, Betty Frantz, John Hernandez, June Jamros,
J.C. Jones, Bob and Pat Jones, Mason Kehoe,
Rev. Maurice Kissane, Mary Ellen Kratochvil, Kari Koburn,
John Patrick Kramer, Barbara Laz, Nayola Laz, Jack Lyncy,
Phyllis Lyons, Stacia Marciniak, Anthony Mase, Josh May,
Robert Mendea, Bob Mendel, Raymond Makowsk, Hugh
Noble, Lisa Noble, Judith Ortiz, Dean Pederson, Pat Petrik,
Louis Pizza, Rick Plunkett, Jill Poehlman, Jim Powell, Ruth and
Sam Pruitt, Benjamin Rangel, Bill Rerucha, Michael Rovner,
Edvige Sancricca, John Schuster, Dan Spacek,
Jeff Soppenbach, Paul Straka, Robin Stuker, Naomi Sweet,
Bernice Sysko, John Truheart, Eymard Wisnewski,
Mary Lou VanLoo, Nina Wood
For our deceased, whom we remember and love:
Margaret Zacharski, Anthony Cimino
Readings for the Week
Nm 24:2-7, 15-17a; Ps 25:4-5ab, 6, 7bc-9;
Mt 21:23-27
Tuesday: Zep 3:1-2, 9-13; Ps 34:2-3, 6-7, 17-18, 19, 23;
Mt 21:28-32
Wednesday: Gn 49:2, 8-10; Ps 72:1-4ab, 7-8, 17; Mt 1:1-17
Thursday: Jer 23:5-8; Ps 72:1-2, 12-13, 18-19; Mt 1:18-25
Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a; Ps 71:3-4a, 5-6ab, 16-17;
Lk 1:5-25
Saturday: Is 7:10-14; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 1:26-38
2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29;
Rom 16:25-27; Lk 1:26-38
Liturgical Appointments for December 20—21
5:00 pm
Fr. Bob
Eucharis c Ministers
Jim Vanecek
Bread: Elaine Bartucci, Anne e Clemens, Tom Carlson
Veronica Hiltscher Cup: Pam Carlson, Mary Barne e, Stephanie Pozzie, Rich Slehofer
Altar Servers
Angie Garcia
Fr. Bob
Carol Fran lla
Dorothy Ball
Bread: Diane Styx, Sylvia Gauthier, Mike Czemske
Cup: Gladys Wheeler, Angela Lawler, Jerry Gauthier, Carol Mrazek
David Sullivan
Fr. Bolivar
Ian Moran
Kerry Lemont
Bread: Marcia Schroeder, Roseanne Carlson, Cate Hansen
Cup: Deacon John Debnar, Gary Scelonge, Tracy Schroeder, Elvira Vodicka
Adella Miller
Hanna Mahay
Fr. Larry
Sharon Schmidt
Ray Perek
12:30 pm Fr. Bolivar
Bread: Laura Mazman, Sue Kucera, Geri Hletko
Teresa Lemont
Cup: Frank Schmidt, Maria Espinosa, Rich Kucera, Dolores Maciejewski Jamie Moran
Ministros de Comunion: Francisco, Rosaura Arellano y Ruben Guerrero
Altar Servers: Jessica Garcia, Ulises Romo
Third Sunday of Advent
December 14, 2014
St. Barbara
Advent Reconcilia on Service
Page Five
con la
Parroquia de
Santa Bárbara
Sacramento de Reconciliación
Tuesday, December 16th
Martes, 16 de diciembre
7:00pm Communal Prayer Service
Servicio de Oración Comunal a las 7:00pm
Christmas Eve
Wednesday, December 24th
Miércoles, 24 de diciembre
4:00pm Christmas Pageant Family Mass
9:30pm Carols with the Choir
10:00pm Candlelight Christmas Mass
Misa de las Familias - 4:00pm
Villancicos con el coro - 9:30pm
Misa Luminaria de Navidad - 10pm
Christmas Day
Día de la Navidad
Thursday, December 25th
Jueves, 25 de diciembre
Mass at 8:00am, 10:00am
and 12:00pm (Spanish)
Misa en inglés a las 8:00am y 10:00am
y misa en español 12:00am
New Year’s Eve
Víspera del Año Nuevo
Wednesday, December 31st
Miércoles, 31 de diciembre
5:00pm Mass
Prayer Service for Peace at 11:30pm
Misa a las 5:00pm
Servicio de Oración por la Paz a las 11:30pm
Solemnity of Mary
Solemnidad de María
Thursday, January 1st
Jueves, 1 de enero
Mass at 10:00am
Misa a las 10:00am
Second Collec on this Weekend
Our second collec on this weekend is the annual collec on for the Re rement Fund for Religious, an
opportunity to honor and thank re red Catholic sisters, brothers and religious order priests for their
generous service to our Church and our world.
Segunda Colecta este Fin de Semana
La segunda colecta hoy es la colecta anual para el cuidado de Nuestras Hermanas y Hermanos Religiosos
Jubilados. Es una manera que podemos honrar y agradecer a cada uno de ellos por el servicio generoso a nuestra
Iglesia y a nuestro mundo.
St. Barbara Parish, Brookfield
Page Six
Week of December 14—21 at St. Barbara’s
St. Barbara Parish
December 7, 2014
Total Weekly Offering ………………………...
First Fruits …………………………………………..
St. Mar n Sharing …………………………….…
Masses ………………………………………………..
Thanksgiving ……………………………………….
Christmas Flowers ……………………………….
Christmas ……………………………………………
Re rement Fund for Religious …………….
Sunday, December 14
—9:00am 11:00am RCIA (Music Room)
—10:30am 12:00pm Religious Ed Classes (School)
$ 7,815.28
$ 1,045.66
$ 120.00
$ 125.00
$ 115.00
Second Collec on next weekend:
Christmas Flowers
Market Day
The next Market Day pick-up is Saturday, Dec
20th from 10:00--11:00 a.m. in the Parish Center.
Orders are due by Wednesday, Dec 17th. Order
online, drop off in Market Day mailbox outside
Rectory or call Marge at 485-4484. Order
forms can be found near the bulle ns in church or
online at
Extra pies will be available for sale that day for
your Holiday needs.
Remember you can also buy Market Day products
at Gordon Food Service (GFS) stores and St. Barbara
will s ll receive credit.
St. Barbara Men’s Club
Our corn beef dinner was very successful. Thanks
to all who helped: Andy Mikulski, Tom Morrill,
Patrick O’Brien, and many others. Our guest
speaker, Bill Wennington was very good. He
entertained us for at least three hours and did not
accept his speakers fee. He donated it to St. Barbara
Church. Thank you, Bill
—7:00pm 8:30pm Light Weigh (Prairie C)
Monday, December 15
—10:00am 11:00am AA Mee ng (Prairie A)
—2:00pm 9:00pm Eucharis c Adora on (Church)
Altar Server Mee ng (Prairie C)
—7:30pm 9:30pm Boy Scout Troop 59 (Prairie A & B)
Tuesday, December 16
—10:00am 11:00am AA Mee ng (Prairie A)
—9:00am 12:00pm ESL School on Wheels (Prairie C)
—1:30pm 3:30pm Seton Mee ng (Prairie C)
—3:00pm 8:00pm ESL School on Wheels (Prairie A & B)
—7:00on 9:00pm Advent Reconcilia on (Church)
Wednesday, December 17
—10:00am 11:00am AL-ANON Mee ng (Clubroom)
—5:00pm 6:30pm Girl Scout Mee ng (Prairie A)
—6:00pm 7:30pm Religious Ed Classes (School)
Thursday, December 18
—10:00am 11:00am AA Mee ng (Prairie A)
—7:30pm 9:00pm Choir Prac ce
—7:30pm 9:00pm Parish Council Mee ng (Prairie C)
—8:00pm 9:00pm AA Mee ng (Prairie B)
Friday, December 19
—8:30am 10:00am Friday Morning Regulars (Prairie C)
—4:30pm 6:30pm Girl Scout Troop 695 (Prairie C)
Saturday, December 20
—10:00am 11:00am Market Day (Gym)
Sunday, December 21
—9:00am 11:00am RCIA (Music Room)
—10:30am 12:00pm Religious Ed Classes (School)
—7:00pm 8:30pm Light Weigh (Prairie C)
Christmas Wafer - Oplatek
The Christmas Wafer will be available in the Rectory
Office during office hours Monday through Friday 9:00
a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and in the Resource Room on
weekends. The cost is $2.00 for an envelope
containing three wafers.
St. Barbara Food Pantry
We would like you to be aware that 145 visits to
the pantry were made during the month of
November. We are in need of spaghetti sauce,
spaghetti or pasta, peanut butter and jelly, any kind
of soup, dry milk, canned fruit and pudding & jello.
God Bless you all, Maria
Holiday Bulletin Article Due Dates
December 28
January 4
Articles Due
Monday, Dec. 15
Monday, Dec. 22 by 9:30 am
Thank you for adhering to this bulletin schedule.
Sr. Mary Lou
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