Saint Joseph Catholic Church San Jose Saint Joseph Catholic


Saint Joseph Catholic Church San Jose Saint Joseph Catholic
Saint Joseph Catholic Church San Jose Iglesia Catolica
Welcome to Visitors & New
You are welcome to worship with us at any time. If you
are new to Randolph County area, may we invite you to
register as a member of the parish? Registration forms
are available in Parking Lot Vestibule or call the office
512 West Wainman Avenue
Asheboro, NC 27203
Ph: 336-629-0221
E-mail: [email protected]
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Para Confesarse
Saturday at 5:00pm / Wednesday at 5:30 pm or by appointment
Pueden confesarse los sábados a los 5:00pm y Miercoles a
los 5.30 pm de la tarde o puede llamar al Párrocco, para
una cita especial
Eucharistic Adoration / Adoracion Eucaristica First Fridat/
Primer Viernes 9:00 am—
am—Saturday 6:00
Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas
Saturday/Sábado 4:00pm English ,
6:00pm Español
Sunday/Domingo 9:00 am, 4:00 pm in English
12:00 pm en Español
Daily Masses:
Monday and Friday: 8:15am,
Wednesday: 6:00pm,
Thursday: 12:15 Holy Days: 7 pm Vigil 8:15, 12:15 & 7 pm Espanol
Holy Days: 7:00pm Vigil / 8:15am, 12:15pm,
Parish Staff
Fr. Philip Kollithanath: Pastor, Email:
[email protected]
Jean Hyatt: Parish Secretary;
Maricruz Palma: Office Assistant
Colette Estes Music Coordinator
Jason Kroeger Faith Formation Coordinator (English)
Manuela Torres: Hispanic Faith Formation Coordinator
Rosemary Chriscoe: Parish Council;
Scott Harris: Finance Council
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the
November 20, 2016
I rejoiced because they said to me, "We will
go up to the house of the LORD."-Psalm 122:1
St. Joseph Catholic Church
From the Desk of Fr. Philip
We always take time to remember the innumerable gifts of God in our lives. First thing in the morning we pray, “ open my heart O,
Lord, to Your law and teach me to walk in the way of Your commandments.” Let me understand Your will. Let me remember Your
blessings with great reverence and care so that I may give thanks for all the time. We become humble and admit that , we are unable to
give due thanks even for the least of His gifts. We are unworthy of the benefits He has given us. Whatever we possess interiorly or exteriorly, are gifts from God and they proclaim His goodness and mercy from which we have received all good things.
There will be individual differences in gifts received from God. Those who are gifted more should not have any superiority feelings
against those who received less. The more one receives the more one should be humble before God and fellow beings. The humble
one considers himself the least worthy and is more fit to receive greater blessings.
Those who have received fewer gifts should not be sad or envious. God gives without regard to persons, bountifully, freely, and willingly. All things come from God and He has to be praised in all things. God knows what is good for each one of us. It is not ideal for us to
become judgmental on God’s dealings with others.
God choses the humble, the poor and the despised in this world to be His friends and servants. He chose His Apostles from the simple
ones who were free from malice and deceit of the world who willingly suffered all set backs on account of their loyalty to Him. Humble
servants will always look for such unknown and forgotten situations not wanting to be exposed to any sort of publicity and public honor. Such a person will focus on discerning God’s will and love of His honor above all else. His delight is in doing God’s will and bringing glory to Him at any cost.
Then it is easy to consider the will of others than one’s own, to accept less rather than more and to seek the last place than vying for
the first.. such person always wish and pray that the will of God be fully carried out in you. God’s peace and rest will embrace such
That is the spirit of true discipleship journey.
God bless you all
Sacrament of Baptism—Baptism is a highly sacred event and deserves careful and complete readiness. Please contact the church office (336-629-0221 to register for the Baptism Preparation Class,
which is done on a regular basis. Parents must be registered and participating members of our parish
Sacrament of Marriage - Couples should contact the Pastor (336-629-0221) at least 6 months prior
to the wedding date for necessary preparation. Ministry of the Sick— Please call the church office (336629-0221) to inform us of an illness or hospitalization of a family member. Federal Privacy Law prohibits
the hospital from giving room numbers, so we must have prior knowledge of a patient’s room number
before we visit the hospital. The Sacrament of Anointing is done upon request prior to surgery or a illness.
Prayers for our Military—please call the office (336-629-0221) to notify us of their Military Status
St. Joseph Catholic Church
Report for week end of 11/13/2016
Offertory _______________$
Year to Date __________$ 102,492.00
Over/Under ___________$ (34,008.00 )
New Church Construction
cost expectations
Total cash on hand
Funds needed for the project 775,000.00
Liturgical Ministers
Sat. 11/26
November 22,2016
Sunday 11/27
Richard Pincus, David Appel
Eucharistic : Carol Rich, Rosemary Chriscoe, Dr.Pincus, Dan
Higgins ,Tom Murphy
Joan Sloyan, Ruth Scanlan
Hospitality: Pat Whitehead , Ron Stark, Wayne Dawson,
9:00 am Jackie,Jessica, Matthew & Jack req. Monica
Fruchtnicht ,Baptism of Danasia Harris after 9:00 am
Spanish Mass
4:00 pm Youth Mass
Mon. Albert Hodges in Honor of St. Joseph
Tues. No Mass Bible Study 10:00 am—
Rosary at 1:00 pm
Wed. Jesus Ortiz req. Esperanza Medina—Blessing of
the Bread at 6:00 Mass
Happy Thanksgiving Mass is at 12:15
Fri.11:30 am Quinceaners Erika Perez - 1:00 pm
Quinceanera—Diane Aviles
tic, Kim Price, Cheryl Benfiord, Marty
Michael Leach, Larry Kastner
Hospitality: Larry Kastner
Giovanna Benitez,Abigail Jaimes,
Glen Smith
Jatziri Aguilar
Lucero Gallegos, Benito Ruiz, Maria Luisa Torres
Yareli Gallegos, Banasia Harris, Jessica Post
Michael Alejo, Karla Alejo, Savannah Glasgow, Jose
11/27 Andres Arano, Armando Ruiz, Juan Salinas, Brisvany
Uscanga, Eleanor Wieczorek
11/28 Andrea Bolaños, Scott Rogers, Ruth Scanlan
Francisco Solis, Theresa Thorburg
Have a Blessed Birthday!!!!!
Eucaristia :
Javier Solis, Juanita Flores, Carmon Corona,
Gustavo Ruiz, Valentin Corona
Lectores :
Orlando Perez, Carmen Jaramillo
Maria Plata
Hospitalitad: Brayan Martinez, Rosy Sanchez, Enselmo Perez,
Uriel Flores
11/27 Spanish
Eucaristia: Jose & Alta Grunon, Maria Xinaxtle, Blanca Castro,
Marie de Jesus Uribe
Lectores: Rosalinda Aguilar, Domingo Garcia
Preticiones: Isidro Fuentes
Hospitalitad: Hilario Dominguez, Delia Marury, Agustin
Dominguez, Filemon, Maria
Annual Christmas Card Sale will be available
this week end. Please help out the Squires to
raise some money for our Church and to help
others who need it.
Your help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you
God Bless All of You.
St. Joseph Catholic Church
St. Joseph’s Knights of
Columbus Christmas Tree
Sales Event
Recycling program is off to a slow but steady start.
Pick up every Sunday. We are collecting aluminum
Will be held beginning the first weekend of Novem- cans, i.e. all drinks, pet food, etc. We are collecting steel
ber (5th and 6Th) There will be inserts in the
cans i.e. vegetable, drink, soup, pet food, etc.
Bulletin, please fill out the form and attach a check or If it is a metal can of any shape, we are collecting it. We ask that all cans
cash for at least 50% of the amount
be empty, and particularly if food, they have to be rinsed. We are seeing
of the
orants and other critters. Please help prevent problems by cleaning all
der. Please return it in by Novemcans. We appreciate cans that are already bagged, but please note, all
ber 12th through the next weekend
bags are inspected before turn in. The recycling center gives us top dolending on November 20th, which is
lar for prepared recyclables. Recently a bag of crushed cans had two
the last day to put in a order. Blank
full bottles of water. It is believed to be accidental, but that is why all
forms will be available at the outside booth as well.
recyclables are checked before going to the recycling center.
We want a good reputation of prepared turn-ins. If you drop off with a
COLUMBIETTES: Monthly meetcontainer, please pick it up when it is emptied to reuse. ( PLEASE NO
CARDBOARD) Any questions, call the office.
ing will be November 16th at 6:30
pm. Kathy our District Deputy
will be there to join us for this monthly
meeting. Please try to attend we have a
few important things to discuss. Meeting
will be downstairs in the conference room
behind the altar. We need to have an election for President.
Please bring in your BOX TOPS for the Sisters who
run the Academy for Pre-Schoolers. You can put
them in the mail slot of the office door. Thank you
for your help.
Will be collecting items to help CUOC . The Squires
will bag them and donate to CUOC. Items requested
are: Sugar free candy, Hand Soap, Body Wash, Shampoo, One gallon bags ( they need to beclear), toothbushes, tooth paste, deodorant, crayons, coloring
books, etc.
needy families. If you know of a needy family please let the
office know. The Tree will be put up
by next week. You can pick your
names off the tree, We will announce
the deadline to bring in the gifts.
Marriage Encounter
This week end we have 7 Men who are receiving
their 4th Degree in the Knights of Columbus.
Congratulations to them. There will be a small get
together after the 12 noon mass for these new 4th
Degrees. God Bless them in all they do.
On Thanksgiving Day we acknowledge
our dependence.
—William Jennings Bryan
“For in him all the fullness was pleased to dwell,” As we celebrate Christ the King, let us remember
the fullness of love reflected in our marriages. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends are: Feb 3-5, 2017 in Myrtle
Beach, SC and Mar 24-26, 2017 in Atlantic Beach, NC. Early sign up is recommended. For more information visit our website at: or contact us at [email protected] or 704-315-2144.
St. Joseph Catholic Church
First Reading — David is anointed king of Israel
(Samuel 5:1-3).
Psalm — Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord
(Psalm 122).
Second Reading — The Father delivered us to the
kingdom of his beloved Son
(Colossians 1:12- 20).
Gospel — The repentant criminal receives
Jesus’ promise of Paradise (Luke 23:3543).
Among the Catholics seeking religious freedom in America were the Carrolls of
Maryland, who arrived in 1649 from Ireland via England. Charles Carroll, born
in Annapolis in 1737, was the only Catholic signer of the Declaration of Independence, and was the longest-surviving signer. As was the custom for English Catholics, he attended English schools in Belgium and later university in
France. By the time he signed the Declaration, he was the richest man in
America, and his decision to sign would hardly go unnoticed by the king.
Because Carroll was so wealthy and because he was a Catholic, he had
more to lose than the others. Those who signed became traitors to the Crown
and risked losing everything. It is said that someone grumbled that there were
many men in the world named Charles Carroll, and he could dodge responsibility
if he had to. For that reason, he added a flair to his signature, “of Carrollton,”
making it clear that he put everything at risk.
His cousin John, also an ardent supporter of the American Revolution,
was ordained a Jesuit priest and returned to Maryland at the outbreak of hostilities. Upheavals in Europe forced the Jesuit order to dissolve, leaving Carroll a
secular priest. Ultimately, it was John Carroll who was asked to organize the
Catholic Church in the new nation. No one was better positioned for this task, a
cultured man from an esteemed family, a cherished friend of Benjamin Franklin
and George Washington, and a man so thoroughly attuned to an undercurrent
of anti-Catholicism in the colonies that he could charm powerful people to a
new point of view. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
The book of Samuel recounts for us today the anointing
of David as king of Israel. It was the elders of Israel who
declared David king that day, but it was God who called
David to shepherd Israel. Thus mandated by the citizens of
his kingdom and by his God, David took his place in a long
line of kings.
The apostle Paul speaks to us of kingship as well, but
on a much higher plane: the kingship of Jesus our Lord. As
great as David was, he and all earthly monarchs who came
before and after him in their kingdoms around the world are
minor kings by comparison to the true King. And lastly, we
hear the story of that true King in perhaps his weakest moment: near death, hanging on a cross, taunted by a com-
November 20,2016
Please take a moment to pray for our parishioners
who have requested prayers either for illness, personal problems and our young men service our country :
Christopher Gardner, Grace Gizze, Lillian Hazelwood & Roamona Shepard, , Colleen Greene, Flora
Smith, Gary & Marilyn Hutchins , Ralph Evans, , Jose
Espiallet Amy Hills, Angie Monroe Patterson, Monica
Smith, Patrick Guarion, Raphael Guriel , Josephina
Arellano, Laurie Wills, Ralph Evans, Maria de Jesus
Montes (Carmen Martinez Sister), Jim White, Mary’s
Son. Jose and Kevin Seminarians from our church.
Military: Adolfo Angel Vasquez , Matthew Bryant
Sunday: Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Monday: The Presentation of the Blessed
Virgin Mary; Thirty-fourth or Last Week in Ordinary
Tuesday: St. Cecilia
Wednesday:St. Clement I; St. Columban;
Blessed Miguel Agustín Pro
Thursday: St. Andrew Dũng-Lạc and
Companions; Thanksgiving Day Friday: St.
Catherine of Alexandria
Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary
Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5; Ps 24:1bc-4ab, 5-6
Lk 21:1-4
Tuesday: Rv 14:14-19; Ps 96:10-13; Lk 21:511
Wednesday:Rv 15:1-4; Ps 98:1-3ab, 7-9; Lk
Thursday: Rv 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a; Ps
100:1b-5; Lk 21:20-28
Thanksgiving Day (suggested): Sir
50:22-24; Ps 145:2-11; 1 Cor 1:3-9;
Lk 17:11-19
Rv 20:1-4, 11 — 21:2; Ps 84:3-6a,
8a; Lk 21:29-33
Saturday: Rv 22:1-7; Ps 95:1-7ab; Lk 21:3436
Is 2:1-5; Ps 122:1-9; Rom 13:11-14;
Mt 24:37-44
San Jose Iglesia Catolica
November 20, 2016
Del escritorio del padre Felipe
Siempre nos tomamos el tiempo para recordar los innumerables dones de Dios en nuestras vidas. A primera hora de la
mañana oramos: "abre mi corazón, Señor, a tu ley y enséñame a andar en el camino de tus mandamientos." Déjame
entender tu voluntad. Déjame recordar tus bendiciones con gran reverencia y cuidado para que pueda dar gracias por
todo el tiempo. Nos volvemos humildes y admitimos que somos incapaces de dar las gracias, incluso por el menor de
sus dones. Somos indignos de los beneficios que Él nos ha dado. Todo lo que poseemos interior o exteriormente, son
dones de Dios y proclaman Su bondad y misericordia de la cual hemos recibido todas las cosas buenas.
Habrá diferencias individuales en los regalos recibidos de Dios. Aquellos que son más dotados no deben tener ningún
sentimiento de superioridad contra aquellos que recibieron menos. Cuanto más se recibe, más uno debe ser humilde
ante Dios y sus semejantes. El humilde se considera el menos digno y es más apto para recibir mayores bendiciones.
Aquellos que han recibido menos regalos no deben ser tristes o envidiosos. Dios da sin consideración a las personas,
abundantemente, libremente y voluntariamente. Todas las cosas vienen de Dios y Él tiene que ser alabado en todas
las cosas. Dios sabe lo que es bueno para cada uno de nosotros. No es ideal para nosotros hacer juicios sobre las relaciones de Dios con los demás.
Dios escoge a los humildes, a los pobres ya los despreciados en este mundo para que sean Sus amigos y siervos. Él
escogió a sus apóstoles de los sencillos que estaban libres de malicia y engaño del mundo que voluntariamente sufrió
todos los retrasos debido a su lealtad a él. Los siervos humildes siempre buscarán situaciones desconocidas y olvidadas que no quieren estar expuestos a ningún tipo de publicidad y honor público. Tal persona se centrará en discernir la
voluntad de Dios y el amor de Su honor por encima de todo lo demás. Su deleite es hacer la voluntad de Dios y traerle
gloria a cualquier precio.
Entonces es fácil considerar la voluntad de los demás que la propia, aceptar menos en lugar de buscar más y buscar el
último lugar que compitiendo por el primero. Esa persona siempre desea y reza para que la voluntad
de Dios se lleve a cabo plenamente en ti . La paz y el reposo de Dios abrazarán a tal persona.
Ese es el espíritu del verdadero camino del discipulado.
Dios los bendiga a todos
El programa de reciclaje arranca lento pero seguro. Lo recogemos todos los Domingos. Estamos recolectando latas de
aluminio, por ejemplo latas de sodas, latas de comida, etc. Tambien estamos recolectando latas de acero por ejemplo latas de los vegetales o sopas, etc. Si es alguna lata de comida la aceptamos por favor
enjuáguela antes de depositarla en el bote de reciclaje. Le
agradecemos a los que traen las latas en bolsa pero todo reciclaje antes de entregarse es inspeccionado por el departamento de
reciclaje la última vez en una de las bolsas de latas aplastadas iban 2 botellas de agua
sabemos que fue un accidente pero
ayúdenos a mantener una buena reputación con los del centro de reciclaje.
Formacion!! "Queridos hermanos hoy en día nuestra Iglesia está pasando por una deserción de feligreses, y
viendo la necesidad de una formación de nuestra fe y las enseñanzas de nuestra Santa Madre Iglesia, se estarán impartiendo charlas. Estmos invitados todos y cada uno de nosotros el próximo 19 de Noviembre. De 8:00 AM hasta las
3:00 PM. No habrá cuidado de niños. Se proporcionará el almuerzo.Esperamos contar con su presencia.
DANDO ÁRBOL: ESTAREMOS COLOCANDO EL ÁRBOL para ayudar a las familias necesitadas. Si
usted sabe de una familia necesitada por favor deje la oficina saber. El árbol se pondrá en marcha la próxima semana. Usted puede
escoger sus nombres del árbol, anunciaremos el plazo para traer los regalos..Evento de ventas de árboles de Navidad de los Caballeros de
Colón de San José
Se llevará a cabo a partir del primer fin de semana de noviembre (5 y 6). Habrá inserciones en el Boletín, rellene el formulario y adjunte un cheque o
efectivo por al menos el 50% del importe de la orden. Por favor devuélvalo antes del 12 de noviembre hasta el próximo fin de semana que termina el 20
de noviembre, que es el último día en poner un pedido. Los formularios en blanco estarán disponibles en la cabina exterior también.
November 20, 2016
San Jose Iglesia Catolica
El libro de Samuel nos relata la unción de David como rey de
Israel. Fueron los ancianos de Israel quienes declararon a David
como rey ese día, pero fue Dios quien llamó a David para que pasSegunda lectura — El Padre nos trasladó al Reino de toreara a Israel. Mandado así por los ciudadanos de su reino y por
su Hijo amado (Colosenses 1:12- el Señor, David ocupó su lugar en un largo linaje de reyes.
Primera lectura — Se unge a David rey de Israel
(2 Samuel 5:1-3)
El apóstol Pablo también nos habla de realeza, pero en un
Salmo — Vayamos con alegría al encuentro del Señor plano muy superior: la realeza de Jesús nuestro Señor. Tan gran(Salmo 122 [121
de como fue David, él y todos los reyes terrenales anteriores y
posteriores, en sus reinos, son reyes menores en comparación
Evangelio — El malhechor arrepentido recibe la pro- con el verdadero Rey. Finalmente, escuchamos el relato del verdamesa del paraíso de boca de Jesús (Lucas 23:35-43). dero Rey en, tal vez, su momento más débil: cerca de la muerte,
colgando en una cruz, insultado por un criminal común y por el
mundo en su totalidad. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Domingo: Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Rey del
La Presentación de la Santísima Virgen
María; Vigésimo cuarto o Última Semana
del Tiempo Ordinario
Santa Cecilia
Miércoles: San Clemente I; san Columbano; Beato
Miguel Agustín Pro
Jueves: San Andrés Dũng-Lạc y compañeros; Día
de Acción de Gracias
Viernes: Santa Catalina de Alexandría
Sábado: Santa María Virgen
Ap 14:1-3, 4b-5; Sal 24 (23):1bc- 4ab, 5-6;
Lc 21:1-4
Ap 14:14-19; Sal 96 (95):10-13; Lc 21:5-11
Miércoles:Ap15:1-4; Sal 98 (97):1-3ab, 7-9; Lc 21:1219
Jueves: Ap 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a; Sal 100
(99):1b-5; Lc 21:20-28 Sir 50:22-24; Sal
145 (144):2-11; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Lc 17:11– 19
Día de Acción de Gracias (sugerencia):
Viernes: Ap 20:1-4, 11 — 21:2; Sal 84 (83):3-6a, 8a;
Lc 21:29-33
Sábado: Ap 22:1-7; Sal 95 (94):1-7ab; Lc 21:34-36
Domingo: Is 2:1-5; Sal 122 (121):1-9; Rom 13:11-14;
Mt 24:37-44
En la frontera entre México y El Paso en Texas en los Estados Unidos
hay una grandísima imagen de Cristo Rey con sus brazos extendidos
en bienvenida y sobre una cruz. En el continente Americano encontramos imágenes de Cristo en las montañas como Cristo Redentor en
Brasil, o Cristo de los Andes, entre Chile y Argentina, o el Cristo Rey
en Colombia; todos observando calladamente pesares y progresos de
sus pueblos y naciones. En toda Latinoamérica se grita esperanzadamente “Viva Cristo Rey”.
La Iglesia universal honra a Cristo con el título de Rey solo desde 1925, pero siempre tuvo la certeza que el pobre Jesús de Nazaret
es nuestro Maestro y Señor y, contra él no pueden las fuerzas del mal
ni la injusticia. Terminando el Año Litúrgico, es justo y necesario recordar y festejar que Jesús reina para siempre.
En Latinoamérica y en todas partes donde la injusticia parece
dominar, Cristo Rey es continuo recuerdo de la promesa divina; de la
esperanza de un mundo mejor no allá en el cielo sino aquí en la tierra
renovada. Por eso terminemos el año litúrgico gritando “Viva Cristo
Rey”.—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright, © J. S. Paluch Co.
ÁRBOL para ayudar a las familias necesitadas. Si usted sabe de
una familia necesitada por favor deje la oficina saber. El árbol se
pondrá en marcha la próxima semana. Usted puede escoger sus
nombres del árbol, anunciaremos el plazo para traer los regalos..Evento de ventas de árboles de Navidad de los Caballeros de Colón
de San José
Se llevará a cabo a partir del primer fin de semana de noviembre (5 y 6).
Habrá inserciones en el Boletín, rellene el formulario y adjunte un cheque
o efectivo por al menos el 50% del importe de la orden. Por favor
devuélvalo antes del 12 de noviembre hasta el próximo fin de semana
que termina el 20 de noviembre, que es el último día en poner un pedido.
Los formularios en blanco estarán disponibles en la cabina
exterior también.
St. Joseph Church #000033
512 W. Wainman Avenue
Asheboro, NC 27203
336 629-0221
Jean Hyatt
EMAIL: [email protected]
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