Pastor - Resurrection Catholic Church


Pastor - Resurrection Catholic Church
Resurrection Catholic Church
Your Church and the Church of the family
Mass Schedule
Sat Vigil 4:30pm
Sun 8 & 10:30am
Misa en Español 12:30pm
Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 8am Thu 7pm
1st Friday Adora on 6:00 pm
and Mass 7:00 pm (except in Lent)
Confessions Saturday 3pm
Sta ons –Fridays of Lent 7pm
Pastor Fr Eugeniusz Gancar z
6819 Krycul Ave Riverview 33578
(813) 677-2175
FAX: 671-7844 [email protected]
10:00 am Sábado Santo
Passion Play
Good Friday 8:00 PM
Will you stand with
Come join in the
Passion Play
Dress rehearsal *
*service hours available
Bendición de los alimentos de
En la edad Media, el ayuno y
abstinencia de cuaresma incluía
huevos, carnes y productos lácteos.
Cuando se terminaba el ayuno en la
Fiesta de Pascua, la gente
demostraba gran alegría y gratitud trayendo comida a la Iglesia para una
bendición. El agradecimiento a Dios por todos los dones, representado al
tener la comida en nuestra mesa, es presentado para una bendición en una
canasta de mimbre con un moño o cinta atado a su manija y con una vela
que será encendida en el momento de la bendición. En la mañana de
Pascua la cabeza del hogar comparte el huevo que ha sido bendecido,
como símbolo de vida, con su familia e intercambia deseos y luego se
continúa disfrutando una saludable comida.
El simbolizmo de la comida es rico:
Mayo 7 el Grupo de Parejas MDS sorteará 1 TV
Vizio 50" con la Lotería Cash 3 para recaudar fondos
para el grupo y para la Iglesia Resurrección. Los
boletos se venderán a $5 (3 chances de ganar)
después de las misas del domingo.
May 7th MDS will hold a fundraising raffle with the
Cash 3 Lottery to benefit MDS and Resurrection
Church. Grand prize is 1 Smart TV Vizio 50". Tickets $5
(3 chances to win) sold after Sunday masses
Parish Staff
Pastor Fr Eugeniusz Gancar z
Deacon Pedr o Leon
Monica Fernandez-Stearns
Heather Paskert, Tina Ver Pault, Al Larson
Music Director Helen McLear y
Resurrection Early Childhood Center
672-0077 [email protected]
Ivonne Roldan-Cortes, Director
Gloria Figueroa, Magda Valencia
Saturnina Serra Medina
Chorizo (Kielbasa)-bien condimentado con especias, ajo y carne de
cerdo es el indicativo del favor de Dios y generosidad..
Tocino (Slonina)-una pieza de tocino no cocida curada con especias, es
símbolo de la sobreabundancia en la misericordia de Dios sobre
Huevos (Jajka)-huevos duros decorados brillantemente con símbolos y
marcas hechas con cera, indicando una nueva vida y resurrección.
Jamón (Szynka)—la carne es popular como el plato principal por su
riqueza y símbolo de gran alegría y abundancia de la Pascua.
Sal (Sól)—un condimento necesario para el sabor recordando el deber
cristiano de deber hacia otros, “Ustedes son la sal de la tierra”
Queso (Ser)—en forma de bola es el símbolo de moderación Cristiana
que debe estar siempre presente
Manteca (maslo)—con la forma de la figura de una oveja o una cruz
pequeña por la grandeza de Cristo que debemos tener siempre presente
en todas las cosas.
Pan de Pascua (Paska or Babka)—un pan de levadura dulce, rico en
huevos, manteca, etc, símbolo de Cristo que es nuestro Verdadero Pan
y usualmente está decorado.
Esta costumbre, Swięconka en Polaco trae esperanza de la grandeza de
Dios y misericordia. Por lo tanto traer su canasta para la bendición de
la Primera Comida de Pascua el Sábado Santo a las 10am y reciba
una bendición en inglés, español y polaco.
Cuestionario Católico
1.¿Cuál es el único día del año que no hay consagración? A) Jueves Santo B) Viernes Santo C) Sábado Santo
2.¿Cuándo finaliza Pascua? A) Ascensión B) Pentecostés C) 90 días después de Navidad D) 45 días después de
3.En que serie de los Misterios del Rosario recordamos a Cristo llevando la cruz? A) Gozosos B) Dolorosos C)
Gloriosos D) Luminosos
Holy Week
Holy Monday, March 21 8am Mass
Holy Tuesday, March 22 8am Mass
11:30 am Chrism Mass (Cathedral)
Holy Wednesday, March 23 8am Mass
Holy Thursday, March 24
7pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Nightwatch ll 12am
Vigilia hasta la medianoche
Good Friday, Viernes Santo March 25
Day of Fas ng and Abs nence- Ayuno y AbsƟnencia
3:00pm -Divine Mercy novena & Sta ons of the Cross
4:30 pm-English-Passion of the Lord
6:00pm-Español -Pasión del Señor
8:00 pm- Passion Play
Holy Saturday, Sábado Santo March 26
9am Rehearsal for Vigil: altar servers
10am Order of the Blessing of Food
Bendición de la Canasta para la Comida de Pascua
11am Easter Egg Hunt- Caza de Huevos
11am prac ce for Vigil-RCIA PrácƟca para la Vigilia RICA
Holy Saturday Sábado Santo March 26
8:00 pm Easter Vigil (Bilingual)
Easter Sunday Pascua March 27
6:30 am Mass at Sunrise Misa del amanecer
8:00 am Mass of Resurrec on of the Lord
10:30 am Mass of Resurrec on of the Lord
12:30 pm Misa de la Resurrección del Señor
10:00 am
Holy Saturday
Easter Blessing of First
In the Middle Ages, the
Lenten fast and abstinence
also included eggs, meats
and milk products. When the feast of Easter ended the fast, the
people showed that great joy and gratitude by bringing the food to
church for a blessing. Being grateful to God for all His gifts is
represented by having the food of our table presented for a
blessing in a wicker basket with a ribbon or bow tied to the
handle and a candle that will be lit at the time of the blessing. On
Easter morn the head of the house shares the blessed egg, symbol
of life, with his family and exchanges wishes then continues to
enjoy a healthy meal. The symbolism of the food is rich:
Sausage (Kielbasa)-a spicy, garlicy, pork sausage indicative of
God’s favor and generosity.
Bacon (Slonina)-a piece of uncooked bacon cured with spices,
symbolic of the overabundance of God’s mercy to us.
Eggs (J ajka)-hard boiled brightly decorated with symbols and
markings made with wax, indicative of new life and resurrection.
Ham (Szynka)—the flesh meat popular with Slavs as the main
dish because of its richness and symbolic of the great joy and
abundance of Easter.
Salt (Sól)—a condiment necessary for flavor reminding the
Christian of his duty to others, “You are the salt of the earth.”
Cheese (Ser )—shaped into a ball is the symbol of the moderation
Christians should have at all times.
Butter (maslo)—shaped into a figure of a lab or small cross
reminds us of the goodness of Christ that we should have toward
all things.
Easter Bread (Paska or Babka)—a sweet yeast bread rich in
eggs, butter, etc. symbolic of Christ, who is our True Bread,
usually a decorated loaf.
This custom, Swięconka in Polish, brings hope of God’s
goodness and mercy. Bring Food for your First Meal of Easter
for the Easter Blessing on Holy Saturday 10am and receive
the blessing in English, Spanish and Polish!
Catholic IQ
1.What day of the year is there no consecra on? A) Holy Thursday B) Good Friday C) Holy Saturday
2.When does Easter ends? A) Ascension B) Pentecost C) 90 days a er Christmas D) 45 days a er Easter.
3.In which set of Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary do we remember Christ’s carrying of the cross? A) Joyful
B) Sorrowful C) Glorious D) Luminous
Your Tithe and Offerings
Thank you to everyone who has already responded to the request to participate in the 2016 Annual Pastoral Appeal for our parish. Your gift
is received with great humility, thanks and gratitude. APA is an opportunity for our parish leadership to
educate many of you who may not be aware of the ministries, programs and services available throughout
our diocese. If you have any questions about the APA, or how it benefits our parish, please call our parish
office or visit our diocesan website at and discover the abundant discipleship of the
faithful members of our Church. If you have not yet responded, please Open the Door to Mercy, we
want and need your participation! No gift is too small.
Sunday, March 6 Collec ons Envelopes A endance MARCH 13TH COLLECTION NOT AVAILABLE AT TIME
4:30 pm
$ 1,889.11
APA 2016 (March 8)
8:00 am
$ 1,714.32
$ 69,852.00
TuÜtÇ Ät câxÜàt
10:30 am $ 2,258.65
Pledged$ 42,259.00
12:30 pm $ 1,990.03
T Ät `|áxÜ|vÉÜw|t
Total $ 7,852.11
$ 21,202.10
APA family pledges 157
Abortion Aftercare – Project Rachel
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Seek wholeness through the healing love and mercy of God.
Through Project Rachel you can begin your
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Rachel's Vineyard™ weekend retreats ar e:
June 24-26 (English) & Aug. 19-21 (Spanish)
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or register at
St Anthony Food Pantry
Thank you so much for your tremendous generosity–
especially to the Knights of Columbus who are once again
participating in the 40-40-40 Forty days, $40 and forty
cans of food.
Resurrec [email protected]
A Catholic Preschool
VPK Provider/School Readiness
3 - 4 year old
(813) 672-0077
Our Prayer Request
Diane Wilson Allen, Terry Johnson, Kimberly, Jorge Santana, Katrina Schubert, Billy Boyd, Carol Dismus, Maria Capastrani, Isabel Wernham,
Danilo Whittaker, Elizabeth McLeary, Dawn Atkinson, Chris Falconio, Candida Santiago, Brad Adolff, William Jones, Minerva Martinez,
Joaquin Fernandez-Stearns, Bonnie Murphy, Dolores & Bill Montgomery, Carmen Baco, Patricia Gordon, Bob Raitt, Karen Ritter, Daniel
Pagan, Sylvia Aquino, Oscar Johnson, Graciela Paredes, Viñas, Hannah Marie Lewis, Peyton Elizabeth Hughes, Debbie Rivera, David
Maysonet, Bob Nicholas, Marcelino Rosado, Felicita Mejia, Jose Daniel Rocha, Ernie & Nellie Primo, Ruth and Sandra Klein, Fr Lorden, Mary Shepard &
Tina Kilburne, Bridget Garczynski, Ashley Simon, Scott Schneider, Luis Morales, Margaret Midulla, Sean Sebastan, Nicole Woolsey, Debbie Kauffman,
Juanita & Michael San Juan, Jessica Beavers, Alicia Flores, Carol & Alex Bahl, Bobby & Christine Mancini, M/M Browne, Mindy Reeves, Elizabeth
Bañuelos, Toni Bonaly, Oscar & Dinorah, Peggy McCourtney, Carmen Felicia, Miguel Gomez, Bobby Wolf, Randy Fuqua, Elena Garriga, Paula Gonzalez,
Margo Santana, Victor Torres, Josefina Lizama, Lydia Maysonet, Pency Owen, Jaxon Morales, Kate Engman, Brianna McAnally, Richard Pitt, Bart
Temple, Nancy A, Dorothy Devito, Joe Briggs, Humberto Felisola, Luis Ibarra, Joan Keller, William Rudy, Brook Locke, Nick Dawson, Donna Anloague,
Aydeo D, Mason Barker, Barbara Schnurman, Marie Ilderton, Ana Lugo, Mr Hyzy, Paula e Ines Galache de Toro, Nellie Ingram, Jack Sanchez, LuAnn
Colman, Tom Tobin, Luis Safe, Ethan Hillenbrand, Steve Vergara, Maria Simon, Wendy Trombetti, Judith Halley, Olga Ramirez, Rafael Alexis De Gracia,
Gutierrez Family, Zeneda Lidarralde, Larry Sopcik, Joanie Ostrowski, Alba Colon, Mike Stanco, Charlotte Bowen, Ani Alvarez, Alvin Mulford, FelicianoHerrera Family, Isabel Mary Giddings, Valentina Bisono, Sheryl Geletka, Terry Garrett, Michael Nicholson, Suzanne Lowe, Phillis Shimberg, Stefan
Ramirez, Trevor Rodriguez, Stephanie & Kiara Carrico, Mary Meza, Rey Seijo, Elizabeth McGucken, Roxane Alverez, Mildred Hiott, Larry Daly, Jerry
Parker, Fran Teitelbaum, Faith O’Brien, Roger Groulx and Rick Litner, Mary Soleau, infirmed, hospitalized, homebound, imprisoned, those in assisted living
facilities, those with addictions, soldiers, first responders, helpless victims, those looking for employment and those who lost hope
Praise Report: Triny Diaz, Cheryl ‘Sherry’ Werhan (Kelly’s mother), Joan Schwartz’ mother, and Margaret Ann Sumner (Ilene O’Hara’s mother), Carmen
Rosario (Luz Rivera’s mother) and Fausto Torres were called home to be with the Lord. Please keep their families in prayers. May the souls of the faithful
departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen
Classes Time 7:00 pm
Baptism Time 10:30 am
Monday, April 11
Saturday, April 16
Monday, May 9
Saturday, May 14
Monday, June 13
Saturday, June 18
July No baptism in July
Monday, August 8
Saturday, August 20
September Monday, September 12
Saturday, September 17
Monday, October 17
Saturday, October 22
November Monday, November 14
Saturday, November 19
December Monday, December 12
Saturday, December 17
Clases 7:00 pm
Lunes, 11 de Abril
Lunes, 9 de Mayo
Lunes, 13 de Junio
Julio No hay bautismo en Julio
Lunes, 8 de Agosto
Septiembre Lunes, 12 de Septiembre
Lunes, 17 de Octubre
Noviembre Lunes, 14 de Noviembre
Diciembre Lunes, 12 de Diciembre
Bautismo Hora 11:30am
Sábado, 16 de Abril
Sábado, 14 de Mayo
Sábado, 18 de Junio
Sábado, 20 de Agosto
Sábado, 17 de Septiembre
Sábado, 22 de Octubre
Sábado, 19 de Noviembre
Sábado, 17 de Diciembre
Silent Auc on
April 23-24
Do you have any new items
you would like to donate?
We are happy to receive your dona ons
a er Mass at the table or in the
Ofrezca las Flores de Pascua
en memoria de un ser
querido. Sobres en los
bancos y en el ves bulo
Sábado, 2 de Abril
11:00 am
Traer algo
compar r
y su silla
11:00 AM
We are
of pre-filled
Easter eggs
by March 24.
No nuts please
Special Weekly Memorials & Inten ons
Sanctuary candle $20/wk
Wine and hosts for $25/wk
Intenciones semanales
Patrocina en memoria de un ser querido o
una intención personal
Vela del santuario: $20 por semana Vino y
hosƟas $25 por semana
Traveling Voca on Chalice
Our parish prayers for voca ons include a week of family prayer. Included
in our kit is a DVD on priestly voca ons. If your family would like to receive
the Traveling Chalice, contact the office
20 Mar 10:30 am
Raymi & Lorena Paretas & family
27 Mar
3 Apr
10:30 am
Blanca & Roque Perez & family
10 & 17 Apr
24 Apr 10:30 am
Lourdes Rasgado & family
Cáliz viajero para Vocaciones
Oremos por las vocaciones sumándose a la misa de los días miércoles y una
invitación para rezar en familia. Las familias se registran para tener en su
hogar un cáliz por una semana y con una oración diaria. En el paquete hay
un DVD acerca de vocaciones. Si está interesado por favor llamar a la oficina
para fechas disponibles.
Palm Sunday Procession
10:15 am starts at the white house
Procesión del Domingo de Ramos
12:15pm Comenzando en la casita
Invita a todos los matrimonios o
parejas al próximo dialogo
matrimonial del 8 al 10 de
Abril. Comienza el
viernes a las 6:30 PM y
termina el domingo a las
5:00 PM. El costo es
$175.00 y esto incluye la
estadía de dos noches en el
hotel, comidas, refrigerios . Es un fin de
semana que brinda a las parejas la
oportunidad para compartir y reflexionar en
una atmósfera completamente privada y
fuera del alcance de las tensiones y
distracciones de la vida diaria. Para más
información llamar a Ramon o Ines (813)
234-2598. Los invitamos todos los miércoles
a las 7:30pm en el salón de conferencias.
MDS tendrá una venta de garage el día 2
de Abril a partir de las 7:00am en la casa
de Ramón e Inés para recaudar fondos. Si
tiene artículos que desea donar
comunicarse con ellos al (813) 326-6389 o
acercarlos a la reunión de MDS el día
miércoles a las 7:30pm.Desde ya muchas
gracias por su colaboración.
Serving as a Catholic volunteer role model to at-risk
youth may keep them out of jail or prison. Our
Diocesan Prison Ministry has volunteer openings at
the Pinellas Juvenile Deten on Center in
Clearwater. If you can spare 3-6 hrs a month, and
wish to make a difference, contact Prison Ministry
727-344-1611 x5414 or [email protected]
Catholic IQ Answers
Cuestionario Católico Respuestas
1: B
2: B
3: B
Saturday 4:30 pm For the special inten ons of Tim Pachla, Jr
Sunday 8:00 am For the Holy Family and all the Saints in loving memory of Fran DiSarno by Karen Oberst
10:30 am In memory of +Teresa Narvaez Bou by Norma Towers
12:30 pm Por el eterno descanso de Jennifer Moreyra por sus papas, Juan y Fabiola
Monday 8:00 am For the special inten ons of Evangeline Collier
Tuesday 8:00 am For the healing of Carol Dismus from the Resurrec on family
Wednesday 8:00 am For the eternal rest of +Triny Diaz from the Resurrec on family
Holy Thursday 7:00 pm For the Resurrec on Community
Good Friday 4:30 Celebra on of the Passion of the Lord (English) 6:00 Celebración de la Pasión del Señor(Español)
Holy Saturday 4:30 pm 8:00 pm EASTER VIGIL
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