Boletín Forum UNESCO - Universidad y Patrimonio


Boletín Forum UNESCO - Universidad y Patrimonio
ABRIL 2012
El marco de la UNESCO de 2009 para
las estadísticas culturales: Entrevista
con Lydia Deloumeaux
Universidad Politécnica de
Valencia (UPV) España
Isabel Tort Ausina
Irene Fornes
Jose Joaquín Lorente
Lupe Navarro
Luz Campos
Marielle Richon
Miguel Ángel Simeón
Montse Martínez
Jose Luis Montalvá
Manuel Jesús Ramírez
Concha de Soto
I.S.S.N. 1887 - 1372
Universidad Politécnica de
Camino de Vera s/n. 46022
Valencia. España
Tlf. 96 387 77 80
Fax. 96 387 77 89
E-mail: f o r u m @ f u u h.u pv.e s
La Sra. Lydia Deloumeaux de la unidad de cultura del
Instituto de estadística de la UNESCO es uno de los
coautores del marco de la UNESCO de 2009 para las
estadísticas culturales. Entre 2006 y 2009, conoció a
muchos miembros de los ministerios de Cultura procedente de muchos países con meta de crear un marco
más global para las estadísticas culturales que incluyera todos los países del mundo. Aceptó amablemente
compartir su pasión con nosotros y responder a nuestras preguntas sobre las implicaciones del marco de
2009 y el impacto que tiene.
¿Concretamente, de qué manera el marco de la UNESCO de 2009 para las estadísticas
culturales nos brindó mayor comprensión del ámbito cultural?
El marco revisado de 2009 es el resultado de una consulta mundial de cuatro años a la cual
contribuyeron muchos especialistas, estadísticos, y expertos en el ámbito. Esto incluye a representantes de numerosos ministerios de cultura, oficinas nacionales de estadística y de los
organismos asociados. Este marco sustituye al marco de 1986 basado principalmente en un
modelo europeo. El nuevo marco es más amplio, permitiendo así una mejor representación de
todas las culturas que existen en el mundo.
El objetivo del marco de 2009 es sobre todo conceptual: nos permite establecer algunos deslindes en el ámbito de la cultura con fines estadísticos. También sirve como guía para los países
que quieren entender el ámbito cultural a fin de desarrollar las herramientas adaptadas a sus
necesidades. Sobre todo, crea una conciencia de la importancia de las estadísticas culturales.
Asimismo da una visión completa y actualizada del sector cultural por medio de sus prácticas
culturales diversificadas, basándose en logros del pasado como el patrimonio cultural inmaterial siempre en evolución, así que tomando en cuenta prácticas culturales del mundo digital,
tales como la descarga de música. Por otra parte, permite documentar los debates actuales
sobre temas clave como el de la diversidad cultural.
¿De qué manera el marco de UNESCO de 2009 para las estadísticas culturales nos ayuda
a entender mejor el impacto de la cultura sobre las comunidades? Por ejemplo ¿existen
casos en que la formulación de las políticas ha sido afectada por el conjunto más amplio
de datos?
El marco es innovador en el sentido de que es el primer modelo internacional que integre el
patrimonio cultural inmaterial como una disciplina distinta, ya que estas prácticas son a menudo al corazón de las sociedades. Por lo tanto, refleja las prácticas culturales comunitarias
que deben ser consideradas en el establecimiento de políticas culturales, de tal forma que la
implementación de políticas basada en hechos es más eficiente. Ciertas minorías y grupos
socialmente marginados pueden beneficiarse así de políticas más enfocadas.
Cabe saber también que desde 2009, hemos organizado talleres regionales en muchos países para dar a conocer el nuevo
marco y para ofrecer una formación in situ. Mostramos a agentes culturales y a estadísticos que el marco puede servir de
referencia y que puede adaptarse a las necesidades nacionales. Hasta la fecha, los resultados de los talleres regionales son
muy alentadores: algunos países como Sudáfrica, Qatar, Seychelles, Fiyi, las Islas Cook, y aquellos en UEOMA (Unión
monetaria y económica africana del oeste), se interesan en desarrollar su propio marco nacional, a lo cual damos nuestro
apoyo. Además, desde la publicación del marco, ya hemos podido ver su impacto con el desarrollo de marcos sobre las
estadísticas culturales nacionales o regionales como los de Canadá o de Europa.
Según usted ¿cuáles son los principales retos en la recolecta de datos? ¿Está el Instituto de estadísticas de la
UNESCO trabajando actualmente al desarrollo y mejoramiento de su sistema de recolección de datos?
Los desafíos mayores en la recolecta de datos en el sector cultural son de poder captar el ámbito de la cultura en su totalidad y de desarrollar una cultura de las estadísticas que no se encuentra a menudo en este ámbito. Por ejemplo, muy pocos
países en el mundo tienen un sistema centralizado de recolecta sobre las estadísticas culturales ya que estas estadísticas
están frecuentemente desparramadas en varios ministerios, institutos de estadística, y asociaciones.
Otro desafío es el de asegurar la calidad y la armonización de los datos. Ya que la cultura es diversa en principio, es muy
difícil obtener datos comparables internacionalmente.
Además, la desmaterialización de los objetos culturales induce que muchas prácticas culturales se realizan en el mundo
virtual; las herramientas de recopilación actuales todavía quedan atrás de los nuevos modos de consumo.
La carencia de recursos humanos y financieros atribuida a las estadísticas culturales constituye otro desafío. El Instituto
dedica una parte de sus actividades a formar estadísticos a fin de fortalecer sus capacidades en las estadísticas culturales.
Los talleres regionales que mencioné anteriormente se organizan para crear una cooperación entre los representantes de
los ministerios de cultura y los institutos nacionales de estadística. También tenemos un enfoque regional e implicamos
entidades regionales claves como CARICOM, la Unión Africana o la UEMOA en nuestras actividades.
El Instituto siempre busca como desarrollar y mejorar la calidad de su sistema de recopilación de datos. Por el momento,
en lo que se trata des estadísticas culturales, nuestra encuesta semestral cubre las estadísticas sobre películas de largo
metraje. Tenemos la intención de elaborar un estudio sobre el empleo cultural.
Según usted ¿cual debe ser el papel de la sociedad civil en la recopilación de datos culturales? ¿Qué pueden hacer
las varias coaliciones nacionales para la diversidad cultural para ayudar a proporcionar datos al Instituto estadístico de la UNESCO? ¿Cuál es la utilidad de los datos para las coaliciones?
La sociedad civil y las coaliciones pueden desempeñar varios papeles en la recopilación de datos cultuales. En primer
lugar, pueden actuar como intermediarios para sus miembros y la sociedad civil a fin de transmitir esta cultura de recolecta de datos. Pueden desempeñar un papel en el seguimiento de los últimos avances en métodos estadísticos o informes
existentes. Por ejemplo, pueden publicar las mejores prácticas de ciertos países e incitar a otros a seguir su ejemplo. Las
coaliciones nacionales también son fuentes potenciales de datos, ya que son las representantes de los sectores culturales
en sus países respectivos.
Las estadísticas proporcionan a las coaliciones una mejor comprensión sobre ciertas políticas y las ayudan a evaluar sus
esfuerzos en la realización o el establecimiento de prioridades.
¿Vio Ud., desde la publicación del marco de 2009, más colaboración entre los países en la recolecta de datos?
Sí, ciertamente, hemos visto una mejor colaboración entre los países. Por ejemplo, vemos que en las entidades regionales, tales como MERCOSUR, CARICOM et la Union africana, los países están tratando de desarrollar la colaboración
regional. Además, los países que han recibido la formación en nuestros talleres regionales pueden presentar ahora sus
estadísticas culturales a otros países y ayudarles a desarrollar mejor sus propias estadísticas.
¿Cómo posiciona su investigación dado que muchos países han ratificado la Convención de la UNESCO de 2005
debido a las cuestiones comerciales? Por ejemplo, muchos países quieren promover su propia cultura ante la
dominación cultural extranjera. ¿Contribuyen sus estudios a los debates comerciales o prefiere el Instituto posicionarse a fuera de ellos?
Nuestro trabajo consiste en proporcionar datos para fines analíticos. Nuestros datos están disponibles para los Estados,
los investigadores, y los analistas para fines diversos y pueden servir tanto de base para el desarrollo de políticas que en
la defensa de intereses específicos. Si bien el Instituto está al servicio de los Estados miembros, permanece fuera de los
debates políticos.
Boletín FUUP -
Patrimonio arqueológico
Patrimonio arqueológico
Arqueólogos chinos hallan cerca de 3.000 estatuas de Buda
Arqueólogos chinos hallaron cerca de tres mil estatuas del Buda en la provincia de Hebei, este de China.
Según la fuente, durante las excavaciones 2.895 estatuas y fragmentos de las mismas fueron hallados en
la citada provincia china, antigüedades que pertenecen al periodo de las dinastías Wei Oriental y Qi del
Norte (años 534-550; y 550-577).
Los expertos del Instituto de Arqueología, de la Academia china de Ciencias Sociales y del Instituto de
Patrimonio Cultural de la
provincia de Hebei, aseguraron que las reliquias fueron hechas de mármol y piedra azul. Las estatuas
tienen de 20 centímetros hasta la altura de una persona. Próximamente, las estatuas serán limpiadas y restauradas para
luego ser estudiadas. Hasta el momento no se dispone del valor de las reliquias.
+ info:
Vídeo: La búsqueda del Aqua Traiana - Roma – Italia
El vídeo nos enseña al equipo recorriendo el norte de la campiña romana, descubriendo una de las casas de primavera del
acueducto, identificando los materiales de construcción y las técnicas únicas de los antiguos constructores romanos, la
exploración de uno de los canales del acueducto, y la identificación de uno de los lugares donde se utilizaron los restos del
Aqua Traiana para la construcción de otro acueducto durante el Renacimiento.
+ info:
Greek architectural sculpture displays
Laura Snook (a PhD Candidate at the University of Birmingham’s Institute of Archaeology & Antiquity) is looking for
participants for a survey as part of my research into displays of Greek architectural sculpture. No subject knowledge is
required, just a recent visit to one of the following galleries: • New Acropolis Museum, Athens; • Ashmolean Museum Cast
Gallery, Oxford; • Archaeological Museum of Olympia, Olympia; • British Museum, London; • Delphi Archaeological
Museum, Delphi; • Glyptothek, Munich; • Royal Cast Collection, Copenhagen; • Museum of Classical Archaeology,
Cambridge; • Louvre, Paris; • Skulpturhalle, Basel.
If you have recently visited the Greek sculpture exhibitions in any of the galleries listed above, please take a few minutes
to complete the online survey below.
French version:
Danish version:
For Italian, Modern Greek and German versions of the questionnaire, or further details about this project, please contact
Laura Snook at [email protected]
+ info:
Presentation of the Management Plan of Choirokitia, Cyprus
In the framework of the celebrations of the 40th anniversary, the management plan for the
conservation and development of the Neolithic settlement of Choirokitia, Cyprus, will be presented.
The preparation of this Plan was funded by the UNESCO Participation Programme (2010-2011) and
will be presented to the public in situ by the Cyprus Department of Antiquities, the Cyprus Institute
and the French Archaeological mission which undertakes excavations in Choirokitia. The event will be
organized in cooperation with the Community Council of Choirokitia and the Youth Centre of the
community. During the presentation an exhibition will also be organized and a short film will be (1 de 7) [02/05/2012 13:38:36]
Patrimonio arqueológico
+ info:
La unidad de arqueología de la Universidad de Cambridge ha encontrado a un
adolescente del s. VII enterrado en su cama.
Arqueólogos excavando cerca de Cambridge han tropezado con un misterioso y raro
hallazgo: el esqueleto de un adolescente del S. VII enterrado en una cama ornamental con
una cruz de oro y granate, un cuchillo de hierro y una bolsa llena de perlas de cristal. Los
expertos dicen que la tumba es un ejemplo de una práctica funeraria anglosajona poco
común de la que se sabe muy poco. Solo una docena de estas “camas funerarias” han sido
encontradas en Gran Bretaña, y esta es una de las dos únicas encontradas con una cruz en
el pecho (diseñadas para usarse en el pecho).
+ info:
Morocco's Roman ruins Volubilis, Lixus and Sala Colonia: Stunning, with few
Visitors to Morocco usually head straight for the beaches or plunge into the winding alleys of
exotic medieval markets, but this rich North African country also has a wealth of ruins from
its days as a Roman colony. Few visit Morocco's handful of 2,000-year-old sites, but they are
well worth the side trip, not least because the ancient city planners had a knack for picking
the most stunning locations for their towns.
+ info:
Laboratory of Archaeology (LOA) - University of British Columbia (UBC) Department of Anthropology Vancouver - British Columbia - Canada
The Laboratory of Archaeology (LOA), a partner in the "Partnership of Peoples" project, is an autonomous research and
teaching unit within the UBC Department of Anthropology. Created in 1949 by the late Dr. Charles Borden (often referred
to as the father of B.C. archaeology), LOA is actively engaged in undergraduate, graduate, and public education, as well as
the research and exhibition of existing archaeological collections.
+ info:
L'archéologie à Versailles - Un vaste terrain de fouilles
Le château, musée et domaine national de Versailles constituant un site classé au titre des monuments historiques, tous
les projets d’aménagement touchant le sous-sol sont précédés d’une recherche historique et archéologique. Cette dernière
prend la forme de sondages ponctuels, destinés à détecter la présence d’éventuels vestiges, sondages qui sont, le cas
échéant, suivis d’une fouille plus approfondie.
+ info:
PRIZES - Prix spécial du jury Clio 2012 : Dominique Parayre - Tell al-Nasriyah et ses
morts (République arabe Syrienne)
Le contexte difficile que connaît aujourd'hui la Syrie ne doit pas nous faire oublier la place
éminente qu'a occupée ce pays dans l'histoire du ¨Proche Orient ancien et le rôle majeur qu'y
jouent, en liaison avec leurs homologues locaux, les archéologues français dans la résurrection
d'un passé multimillénaire. Outre les sites fameux de Mari, d'Ebla ou d'Ugarit, les fouilles
réalisées en Syrie ont révélé, au fil des recherches les plus récentes, des pans entiers d'une
Antiquité longtemps méconnue, contemporaine de la transition qui a vu le passage du
Néolithique aux Ages du Bronze et du Fer.
Professeur à l'université de Lille III et responsable de la Mission archéologique syro-française de l'Oronte, Dominique
Parayre - dont le jury du prix Clio vient de couronner les travaux en lui attribuant son Prix Spécial - s'est intéressée à la
zone correspondant à la rive droite de la moyenne vallée de l'Oronte, limitée à l'ouest par le fleuve et à l'est par un désert
steppique peu propice aux installations humaines. Cette région, située au nord-ouest de Hama, est connue pour avoir vu
se développer au Bronze moyen une forme originale d'urbanisation, caractérisée par un plan quadrangulaire identifié
initialement à Qatna, la moderne Mishrifeh. La mission syro-française a mis au jour deux nouveaux sites de plan
quadrangulaire, Tell al Nasriyah et Tell Massin.
+ info:
Descubrimientos arqueológicos - Tenochtitlan - México
En recinto sagrado de Tenochtitlan, arqueólogos del INAH-Conaculta hallaron 23 lápidas de
más de 550 años de antigüedad, con representaciones grabadas de serpientes, cautivos,
ornamentos y guerreros que, en su conjunto, parecen constituir un relato que alude al
nacimiento de Huitzilopochtli y al origen de la Guerra Sagrada entre los mexicas. Las lápidas
se encuentran ubicadas frente a los vestigios del Templo Mayor de Tenochtitlan, en el
Centro Histórico de la Ciudad de México, junto a la plataforma circular decorada con cabezas
de serpientes descubierta en septiembre de 2011. Las lápidas se disponen deliberadamente
a lo largo de una vía constituida por lajas de andesita rosa y de basalto (de 16.7 m de largo y 3.3 de ancho) y su nivel
corresponde a la IVa etapa constructiva del Templo Mayor, que se edificó entre 1440 y 1469, durante el gobierno del
tlatoani Moctezuma I. La disposición y el emplazamiento parecen corresponder a referencias encontradas en la Historia
general de las cosas de la Nueva España, de Bernardino de Sahagún, en la Historia de las Indias de Nueva España e Islas
de Tierra Firme, escrito por Diego Durán, así como en los códices Boturini y Chimalpopoca…
+ info: (2 de 7) [02/05/2012 13:38:36]
Patrimonio arqueológico
AJA (American Journal of Archaeology) e-Update
The April 2012 issue of the AJA is now available for viewing on the link below. If you have electronic access, it is now
available on JSTOR. If you don't already subscribe, please visit our website to view subscription options.
+ info:
The government of Turkey has asked the J. Paul Getty Museum to return artifacts
that it believes were looted
The government of Turkey has asked the J. Paul Getty Museum and several other American
museums to return artifacts that it believes were looted. The Turkish government has
contacted the Getty, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, the Cleveland
Museum of Art and Harvard University's Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection to
present evidence that objects in their collections may have been illegally excavated from the
country's archaeological sites, the Los Angeles Times reported Saturday.
+ info:
Heilbrunn Timeline of History - Metropolitan Museum of Art - Athletics in Ancient Greece - New York City. New
York State (USA)
According to tradition, the most important athletic competitions were inaugurated in 776 B.C. at Olympia in the
Peloponnesos. By the sixth century B.C., other Panhellenic (pan=all, hellenikos=Greek) games involving Greek-speaking
city-states were being held at Delphi, Nemea, and Isthmia. Many local games, such as the Panathenaic games at Athens,
were modeled on these four periodoi, or circuit games. The Pythian games at Delphi honored Apollo and included singing
and drama contests; at Nemea, games were held in honor of Zeus; at Isthmia, they were celebrated for Poseidon; and at
Olympia, they were dedicated to Zeus, although separate games in which young, unmarried women competed were
celebrated for Hera. The victors at all these games brought honor to themselves, their families, and their hometowns.
Public honors were bestowed on them, statues were dedicated to them, and victory poems were written to commemorate
their feats. Numerous vases are decorated with scenes of competitions and the odes of Pindar celebrate a number of
athletic victories.
+ info:
AIA - Archaeological Institute of America - Newsletter 1 April 2012
In This Issue...
* AIA Speaks Out on Unethical Digging of Archaeological Sites
* 2012 AIA Gala and the Site Preservation Program
* AIA Society Events
* AIA Site Preservation Grant Awarded to Civil War Sites
* CPAC Calls for Letters of Support
+ info:
Sicily aims to make more of the Morgantine Venus - Local authorities and tourism
industry seek Euro funds to promote statue returned by US museum (Italy)
In an effort to capitalise on the return of Morgantina Venus to Italian authorities by the Getty
Museum, Los Angeles, local business associations and town councils near Enna in Sicily have
formed a non-profit, public-private organisation called the “Distretto turistico Dea di
Morgantina” (tourist district of the goddess of Morgantina), to coordinate local culture and
tourism initiatives.
They presented their formal request for recognition to the regional authorities in December
2011, and are expecting approval at the end of March, which will pave the way to obtain an EU grant.
+ info:
AWARDS - AIA (American Institute of Archaeology) Awards Site Preservation Grant
to Civil War Park in Virginia (USA)
The Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) awarded its most recent Site Preservation Grant
to the Stafford Civil War Sites in Stafford County, Virginia. The archaeological sites, overseen
by the Friends of Stafford Civil War Sites, are part of a public historic park that is being
developed to promote, for the first time, the 1862-1863 winter encampments of over 130,000
Union soldiers.
In recent years, Stafford County, like many areas in Virginia, has seen increased development
that is beginning to encroach on local heritage sites. This was especially true near the site of several Union Army winter
encampments, which lie within the boundaries of property owned by and now set aside for a park by Stafford County and
City of Fredericksburg’s Rappahannock Regional Landfill. In 2006, the Friends of the Stafford Civil War Sites began working
with local officials to preserve these sites through the creation of a public park. Archaeological studies to determine the
extent of the historic sites were conducted and in July 2011 construction of the park began with the help of a federally
approved “Innovative Readiness Training Exercise” proposed by the FSCWS to the Virginia Army National Guard’s 276th
Engineer Battalion.
+ info:
Un paso adelante en Brasil, se desentierra una historia dolorosa, los arqueólogos
están excavando los fragmentos.
En una parte deteriorada del distrito del puerto de Río de Janeiro, los arqueólogos están
excavando para obtener fragmentos de una historia que muchos brasileños prefieren
ignorar. Cerca de 1 millón de hombres y mujeres forzados a la esclavitud en África surgieron (3 de 7) [02/05/2012 13:38:36]
Patrimonio arqueológico
del interior de los barcos que atracaban en el muelle de Valongo, el mercado de esclavos
más activo del mundo. A día de hoy, Brasil va hacia delante en el escenario mundial, y los
investigadores esperan que el hallazgo de perlas, brazaletes y estatuas haga que los
brasileños vean con mayor interés su herencia de la época de la esclavitud.
+ info:
Tribus indias preocupadas por el oleoducto que podría perturbar a sus tumbas –
Cushing – Oklahoma – EEUU
Mientras el presidente Barack Obama presiona para agilizar el oleoducto del sur de
Oklahoma hasta la Costa del Golfo, una tribu de indios americanos está preocupada por que
la ruta podría perturbar lugares sagrados donde hay fosas comunes de sus antepasados. El
jefe de la nación Sac y Fox, George Thurman, planea expresar su consternación esta
semana en Washington. Thurman dice que teme que los trabajadores que colocan la tubería
Keystone XL a lo largo de 485 millas, desde Cushing hasta las refinerías de la Costa del
Golfo de Texas, perturben la tierra santa sin el consentimiento de su tribu. El y los demás miembros de la tribu aseguran
que la ruta del oleoducto atraviesa zonas donde es probable que haya enterradas tumbas anónimas.
+ info:
Dr. Brian Billman, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (USA): Saving the Past by Investing in the Future:
Archaeological Preservation on the North Coast of Peru Through Community Action
Peru is one of the richest archaeological regions in the world. Despite the importance of these ancient sites and the wealth
generated through tourism, the archaeological heritage of Peru is being destroyed at an unprecedented rate. Dr. Billman
will discuss how MOCHE, Inc., a nonprofit organization, is working to protect the 10 most endangered archaeological sites
on the north coast of Peru within the next five years…
+ info:
Respect Our History: End Production of the TV series entitled 'American Digger' and 'Diggers' - Lawyers'
Committee for Cultural Heritage Preservation (USA)
The undersigned institutions join the growing tide of concern about the National Geographic Channel’s new series “Diggers”
and Spike TV’s forthcoming series “American Digger,” both of which are designed to amuse and entertain audiences while
glorifying the indiscriminate destruction of American history by artifact hunters. The teaser advertisement for “American
Digger” gives a good indication of how little the producers of these shows value the historical record; the show aims to
“scour target-rich areas such as battlefields and historic sites, in hopes of striking it rich by unearthing and selling rare
pieces of American history.”…
+ info:
FELLOWSHIPS - American Institute of Archaeology launches its Site Preservation programme of
grants for innovative archaeological projects
The AIA takes a holistic approach to site preservation, using the organization's strengths to fulfill the AIA's
mission and make the greatest overall impact. The program focuses on:
▪ Education
▪ Outreach
▪ Facilitating the Spread of Best Practices
▪ Direct Preservation
The AIA is uniquely qualified to carry out a Site Preservation Program because of our close connection to our network of
professional members in the field; 130 year history of archaeological public outreach; widespread programming; and
access to millions of people interested in archaeology.
Our program focuses on grant giving, recognition and dissemination of best practices, advocacy, and public outreach.
+ info:
Abstract - Murder in the Agora: Violent Death and Illicit Burial in Ancient Athens
by Maria Liston
Violent crime and homicides are not a problem limited to the modern world alone, and the ancient city of Athens
experienced similar events throughout antiquity. A recent study of all the human skeletons found in wells excavated by the
American Excavations in the Athenian Agora has found that many of these individuals died violently. Some of the dead,
including women and children, appear to be associated with the sack of Athens by the Herulians, a Gothic tribe who
invaded Greece in AD 267. Other skeletons, found in wells ranging in date from the Neolithic to late antiquity, appear to be
victims of individual attacks. These skeletons exhibit multiple indications of trauma, and appear to be murder victims
hidden in the depths of wells, presumably conveniently located near the scene of the crime. This lecture examines the
evidence for these ancient “cold case” crimes in Ancient Athens.
+ info:
Journal of Field Archaeology
The journal serves the interests of archaeologists, anthropologists, historians, scientists, and others
concerned with the recovery and interpretation of archaeological data. With a worldwide scope covering all
time periods, this peer-reviewed journal publishes field reports, technical and methodological studies,
review articles, occasional essays, and brief preliminary reports. It is considered a leading resource for
practitioners and scholars alike.
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Patrimonio arqueológico
Federal prosecutors seek to confiscate ancient statue pulled from auction at
Sotheby's - New York City - New York State - USA
Federal prosecutors sought Wednesday to confiscate an ancient statue from Cambodia that
was pulled from auction at Sotheby's in New York, arguing that the 1,000-year-old relic was
stolen from a temple in the South Asian country and illegally imported into the U.S. The U.S.
attorney's office in Manhattan filed court papers seeking to compel Sotheby's to forfeit the
sandstone statue so that it could be returned to Cambodia.
+ info:
Judge rules that 3,200-year-old mummy mask can stay at the Saint Louis Art
Museum - Saint Louis - Missouri - USA
A St. Louis museum can keep hold of a 3,200-year-old mummy's mask, a federal judge has
ruled, saying the U.S. government failed to prove that the Egyptian relic was ever stolen.
Prosecutors said the funeral mask of Lady Ka-Nefer-Nefer went missing from the Egyptian
Museum in Cairo about 40 years ago and that it should be returned to its country of origin.
+ info:
Hadrian's Wall - The museum at Housesteads Roman Fort has been transformed - Hexham - United Kingdom
The museum at Housesteads Roman Fort has been transformed. Visit the new exhibition which explores life on the edge of
the Roman Empire. See what it was really like to live on this hilltop fortress of Vercovicium, the Roman name for
Housesteads which means 'place of the effective fighters'.
+ info:
VIDEO - Cardiff University Conservation Tour - Cardiff (United Kingdom)
The course aims to provide research skills, transferable skills and specialist knowledge.
The course is modular and has a common study structure with the MSc in Care of
Collections and MA in Archaeology - all students unertake a taught element followed by
a dissertation.
The Course offers knowledge and expertise for a career in professional conservation
practice, conservation science or research.
+ info:
Yenikapı Transfer Point and Archaeo-park Area / Mecanoo - Istanbul - Turkey
Mecanoo architecten, in cooperation with local partner Cafer Bozkurt Architecture,
shared with us their proposal, one of the competition’s three winning proposals, in an
international design competition for Yenikapı Transfer Point and Archaeo-Park Area in
Istanbul, Turkey. Yenikapı, ‘New Gate’, consists in a railroad and maritime transfer
centre that connects Europe with Asia, as well as the inner city with the surrounding
megapolis and the rest of the country.
+ info:
Paestumanità, un’azione per il patrimonio dell’Umanità di Valentina Del Pizzo
- Paestum - Italy
Paestumanità è un’operazione di azionariato popolare finalizzata ad acquisire i terreni
privati (80% circa su un totale di 120 ha) compresi entro le mura del sito archeologico
di Poseidonia/ Paestum, patrimonio dell’Umanità. Ed è proprio alla Umanità tutta che il
progetto, promosso da Legambiente, rivolge il proprio appello: intendiamo comprare
per salvaguardare un pezzo della nostraa storia per favorire così la ricerca e la
valorizzazione dei suoi risultati. Il punto fondamentale è pertanto il contributo di
ciascuno attraverso le c.d. Buone Azioni, del valore di 50 € cadauna.
+ info:
Documents discovered by museum curator reveal Catalina Island`s earliest history
- California - USA
He was a colorful character whose research into many of North America’s earliest human
settlements was both groundbreaking and highly controversial. Which made all the more
remarkable the announcement this past week that a large cache of original papers and
photographs had been discovered documenting the earliest excavations of Catalina Island by
the amateur archaeologist Ralph Glidden. Details of the discovery were first reported in a
front-page article published in the Los Angeles Times.
+ info:
Agenda (5 de 7) [02/05/2012 13:38:36]
Patrimonio arqueológico
Colloque - Archéologie de l'esclavage
09 mayo - 11 mayo 2012 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Musée du Quai Branly, le Comité pour l’histoire et la mémoire de l’esclavage, le ministère de la Culture et
de la Communication et l’Inrap
Contacto: Martine Scoupe : [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition - Fit Bodies: Athletes and Power - Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology - University College
London (UCL)
01 junio - 15 septiembre 2012 Londres. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology and University College London (UCL)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
16 junio - 17 junio 2012 Prato. Italia
Organizadores: L’associazione culturale “Archeologia Sperimentale”
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
National Archaeology Day - USA
20 octubre 2012 Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Archaeological Institute of America (AIA)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Surviving Sudden Environmental Change - Answers from Archaeology
By Jago Cooper and Payson Sheets
ISBN: 978-1-60732-167-5
Published: Feb. 2012
Archaeologists have long encountered evidence of natural disasters through excavation and stratigraphy.
In Surviving Sudden Environmental Change, case studies examine how eight different past human
communities-ranging from Arctic to equatorial regions, from tropical rainforests to desert interiors, and
from deep prehistory to living memory-faced and coped with such dangers.
Many disasters originate from a force of nature, such as an earthquake, cyclone, tsunami, volcanic eruption, drought, or
flood. But that is only half of the story; decisions of people and their particular cultural lifeways are the rest. Sociocultural
factors are essential in understanding risk, impact, resilience, reactions, and recoveries from massive sudden
environmental changes. By using deep-time perspectives provided by interdisciplinary approaches, this book provides a
rich temporal background to the human experience of environmental hazards and disasters. In addition, each chapter is
followed by an abstract summarizing the important implications for today's management practices and providing
recommendations for policy makers.
+ info:
A Didactic Case Study of Jarash Archaeological Site, Jordan: Stakeholders and Heritage
Values in Site Management
Authors: Stacie Nicole Smith, David Myers, May Shaer, Getty Conservation Institute, Jordan. Dāʼirat alĀthār al-ʻĀmmah
This case study, a collaborative project of the Getty Conservation Institute and the Jordanian
Department of Antiquities, presents management of the archaeological site of Jarash, Jordan at a
particular moment—between January and August 2007.
The publication has been designed as a didactic tool for use in academic programs, short courses, and
workshops in heritage conservation, management, and planning. It is also relevant to educational and training programs in
urban and regional planning, development studies, and dispute resolution.
+ info:
Intervención num. 3 (Enero - Junio 2011) Escuela Nacional de Conservación, Restauración y
Museografía de México
Editor: Instituto Nacional de Arqueología e Historia
Año: 2011
El consejo editorial de ‘Intervención’ cuenta hoy con nuevos miembros y una política de trabajo
plenamente integrada a la estructura de publicaciones del INAH. Agradecemos a todos los que colaboran
en este empeño, en espera de que los resultados manifiesten la optimización a la que estamos
cabalmente comprometidos. Creemos que este sentido de renovación seguirá haciendo que la revista sea
transcendente y necesaria en la actualidad. Si bien la aproximación al patrimonio cultural ha cambiado mucho desde
aquella narración de ‘Nabonidus’, en el siglo V, esa profundidad histórica en continua reformulación yace aún en la lógica
de trabajo colectivo que busca, en el presente, la permanencia. Ésa es la esencia y razón de ser de esta publicación.
+ info: (6 de 7) [02/05/2012 13:38:36]
Patrimonio arqueológico
3D Laser Scanning for Heritage (second edition) 2011
Advice and guidance to users on laser scanning in archaeology and architecture
This document has been generated as part of the Heritage3D project. Heritage3D is sponsored by English
Heritage’s National Heritage Protection Commissions programme (projects 3789 MAIN and 5496 MAIN)
and undertaken by the School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences at Newcastle University.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (7 de 7) [02/05/2012 13:38:36]
Premios, reconocimientos, becas, concursos y puestos de trabajo
Premios, reconocimientos, becas, concursos y puestos de trabajo
JOB OFFERS - Tulane University Internship in the Kingdom of Cambodia
The Khmer Empire was once the most powerful force in Southeast Asia. More than 500 years after its collapse, its splendor
survives in the art and archaeology of Cambodia. This heritage is among the kingdom’s most important resources, but
having survived centuries of war and abandonment, may be destroyed by its own popularity. Looters are decimating
ancient Khmer sites --- desecrating tombs, beheading statues, and ransacking temples --- in search of valuable antiquities
to sell on the international market…
+ info:
FELLOWSHIPS - The Fyssen Foundation - Deadline: 29 March (post-doctoral) and 31 October (research) 2012
Research and post-doctoral research grants are available for various subjects including anthropology, ethnology, and
+ info:
AIA (Instituto Americano de Arquitectos) y Arquitectos por la Humanidad lanzan el
Programa de becas Plan para Desastres
Con la constatación de que los desastres son una realidad inevitable, Arquitectos por la
Humanidad y el Instituto Americano de Arquitectos (AIA) han lanzado en
un esfuerzo por eliminar “el primer período, torpe y descoordinado, donde la gente con ganas
de aportar su talento a la respuesta y la recuperación no puede encontrar los medios”. El
objetivo del Programa de becas Plan para Desastres es apoyar el desarrollo y la
implementación de un Plan para Desastres dirigido por un arquitecto en las ciudades a lo largo
de EEUU.
+ info:
PRIZES - Kenyan and Nepalese environmental organizations win UNESCO-IPDC Prize for Rural Communication
Two organizations that help rural communities improve their lives and take part in public debate - one in East Africa, the
other in Nepal - will be awarded the Prize for Rural Communication of the International Programme for the Development of
Communication (IPDC) at UNESCO Headquarters on 24 March (5 p.m.).
The Nairobi-based Arid Lands Information Network (ALIN) brings practical information and civic education to communities
living in the arid parts of East Africa through 12 community-based Maarifa (i.e. knowledge) centres in Kenya, Tanzania and
+ info:
PRIZES - Prix spécial du jury Clio 2012 : Dominique Parayre - Tell al-Nasriyah et ses
morts (République arabe Syrienne)
Le contexte difficile que connaît aujourd'hui la Syrie ne doit pas nous faire oublier la place
éminente qu'a occupée ce pays dans l'histoire du ¨Proche Orient ancien et le rôle majeur qu'y
jouent, en liaison avec leurs homologues locaux, les archéologues français dans la résurrection
d'un passé multimillénaire. Outre les sites fameux de Mari, d'Ebla ou d'Ugarit, les fouilles
réalisées en Syrie ont révélé, au fil des recherches les plus récentes, des pans entiers d'une
Antiquité longtemps méconnue, contemporaine de la transition qui a vu le passage du
Néolithique aux Ages du Bronze et du Fer.
Professeur à l'université de Lille III et responsable de la Mission archéologique syro-française de l'Oronte, Dominique
Parayre - dont le jury du prix Clio vient de couronner les travaux en lui attribuant son Prix Spécial - s'est intéressée à la
zone correspondant à la rive droite de la moyenne vallée de l'Oronte, limitée à l'ouest par le fleuve et à l'est par un désert (1 de 5) [02/05/2012 13:38:39]
Premios, reconocimientos, becas, concursos y puestos de trabajo
steppique peu propice aux installations humaines. Cette région, située au nord-ouest de Hama, est connue pour avoir vu
se développer au Bronze moyen une forme originale d'urbanisation, caractérisée par un plan quadrangulaire identifié
initialement à Qatna, la moderne Mishrifeh. La mission syro-française a mis au jour deux nouveaux sites de plan
quadrangulaire, Tell al Nasriyah et Tell Massin.
+ info:
COMPETITIONS - Recherche en environnement : appels à projets internationaux inédits - 15 avril - 30 août
Enfin un mécanisme d'appel à projets réellement international ! En évoquant la publication prochaine d'appels communs
sous la bannière du "Belmont Forum", les experts de la commission consultative sur la recherche et l'enseignement en
environnement de la NSF (National Science Foundation) ne boudaient pas leur plaisir lors de la réunion du 15 mars. Ce
forum, fruit de discussions entre les agences de recherche de 13 pays (dont la France, l'Allemagne, le Royaume-Uni, la
Chine, l'Inde et les Etats-Unis), l'Union Européenne et deux organisations scientifiques internationales (ICSU et ISSC), se
conçoit comme un lieu d'échange et d'émergence de travaux collaboratifs…
+ info:
PUESTO DE TRABAJO - Anuncio de la PNUMA/CMS (Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente/
Convención sobre la Conservación de las Especies Migratorias)- Secretario Ejecutivo. Fecha límite: 23 abril
El Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA) es la entidad designada en el sistema de las
Naciones Unidas para abordar las cuestiones ambientales a nivel mundial y regional. Su mandato consiste en coordinar el
desarrollo de un consenso en la política ambiental, manteniendo el medio ambiente mundial bajo evaluación y poniendo
nuevas cuestiones bajo la atención de los gobiernos y la comunidad internacional para la toma de medidas.
La Convención sobre la Conservación de las Especies Migratorias de Animales Silvestres (CMS) es un tratado
intergubernamental de alcance mundial destinado a la conservación coordinada y concertada y a la gestión de las especies
migratorias y de los ecosistemas de los que dependen. La Convención se inscribe en el sistema de tratados internacionales
relativos a la conservación y uso sostenible de la diversidad biológica. Este puesto está destinado en la oficina UNEP/CMS
en Bonn. El Secretario Ejecutivo de la CMS informa al Director Ejecutivo del PNUMA a través del Director Ejecutivo Adjunto.
+ info:
AWARDS - Award for Urban Wetland Planning in France
Many wetlands in urban and peri-urban environments are or are becoming degraded due to
surrounding populations, pollution and poorly managed waste, among other factors. As a
consequence, the ecosystem services that urban wetlands can provide have diminished and
it is therefore essential for both decision-makers and urban communities to recognize their
value and importance…
+ info:
CONCURSOS - Concurso de videos para participar en la Cumbre de Río + 20 - CITA CON LA HISTORIA - S I
El concurso "Cita con la Historia" es una oportunidad para la juventud alrededor del mundo para inspirar a sus líderes para
actuar con valentía y urgencia sobre asuntos clave que afectan el futuro de nuestro planeta. Los participantes pueden subir
un discurso en video y los mejores vídeos serán compartidos en la Cumbre de la Tierra de Río en Junio.
¡Un ganador viajará a Río de Janeiro para participar en la cumbre y compartir su visión!
+ info:
BOURSES - Répertoire des bourses d'études - Université de Montréal. Montréal, Québec (Canada)
+ info:
CONCURSOS - Fondo Internacional para la Diversidad Cultural: Tercera
convocatoria para solicitudes de financiamiento. Fecha límite: 30 junio 2012
El 14 de marzo de 2012 el FIDC lanzó su tercera convocatoria de solicitudes de
financiamiento para programas/proyectos y solicitudes de asistencia preparatoria que
tienen por objeto propiciar la creación de un sector cultural dinámico a nivel nacional y/o
local, principalmente a través de actividades que faciliten la introducción de nuevas
políticas e industrias culturales, o que refuercen aquellas ya existentes.
+ info:
AWARDS - 2012 International Young Conservationist Award - International Union for the Conservation of
Nature & World Commission on Protected Areas. Deadline: 23 April 2012
The International Young Conservationist Award is a joint initiative of the International Ranger Federation (IRF) and the
International Union for the Conservation of Nature World Commission on Protected Areas (IUCN/WCPA). It was established
in 2003 and has been presented four times. For information on the award and previous recipients see the WCPA Awards
page of the IUCN website.
The International Young Conservationist Award aims to recognise and raise awareness of the outstanding contributions
made by young people to the conservation of protected areas; it honours their efforts and their passion, dedication and
commitment. It also seeks to encourage young professionals and, by presenting the award at a global conservation event, (2 de 5) [02/05/2012 13:38:39]
Premios, reconocimientos, becas, concursos y puestos de trabajo
provides them with an opportunity to develop networks to enable them to further enhance their efforts. Recipients of the
award are invited to join the IUCN/WCPA Young Professionals Group and are invited to be on the IRF’s mailing list…
+ info:
FELLOWSHIPS - De nombreuses bourses de la Fondation Américano-Balte pour étudiants et chercheurs lettons
- Lettonie
La BAFF - Baltic American Freedom Foundation - est une fondation à but non-lucratif centrée sur les domaines de la
recherche et des affaires. A l'initiative du gouvernement américain, cette fondation cherche à renforcer les liens avec les
Pays Baltes et à les enrichir grâce à des programmes centrés sur l'éducation et la croissance économique. La fondation
délivre des bourses aux ressortissants de Pays Baltes pour mener des études supérieures aux Etats-Unis, des stages dans
des entreprises américaines pour les jeunes diplômés et des projets de recherche indépendants ou en coopération.
+ info:
CONCOURS - EuropeAid: soutien à des projets de coopération en Egypte. Data limite : 6 mai 2012
EuropeAid et les délégations de l'UE en Egypte et au Liban ont lancé des appels annuels d'aide à des projets de coopération
entre l'UE et leurs pays respectifs. Le but de l'appel est de promouvoir la coopération culturelle internationale et le
développement d'un secteur culturel dynamique et créatif, en particulier en favorisant la créativité, l'innovation et l'esprit
d'entrepreneuriat. Dans le cas de l'Egypte, la date limite de réception des demandes est le 6 mai. L'appel du Liban est
quant à lui ouvert jusqu'au 31 mai.
+ info:
CONCURSOS - EuropeAid: soutien à des projets de coopération au Liban. Deadline : 31 mai 2012
EuropeAid et les délégations de l'UE en Egypte et au Liban ont lancé des appels annuels d'aide à des projets de coopération
entre l'UE et leurs pays respectifs. Le but de l'appel est de promouvoir la coopération culturelle internationale et le
développement d'un secteur culturel dynamique et créatif, en particulier en favorisant la créativité, l'innovation et l'esprit
d'entrepreneuriat. Dans le cas de l'Egypte, la date limite de réception des demandes est le 6 mai. L'appel du Liban est
quant à lui ouvert jusqu'au 31 mai.
+ info:
FELLOWSHIPS - Call for applications - Grants for historic furnishings and artworks in churches, The Church of
England (United Kingdom) Deadlines: 23 March, 27 April, 24 May, 8 June and 31 August 2012
Grants are available to PCCs and Friends groups for the repair and conservation of objects of artistic/historical significance
in Anglican churches in England and in need of urgent repair.
All applications need to be supported by a detailed conservation report, which must be prepared following our guidance on
the preparation of conservation reports. We are also able to provide grants for reports and if you would like to be
considered for an initial grant for this work, please email us a copy of an estimate for the report and photographs of the
object(s) - [email protected]
Once you have obtained this report you can apply for an additional grant to support your conservation project.
We cannot support full costs and parishes are expected to contribute financially towards projects (please see the Major
Grant Givers and Grants for Object Conservation for information on other sources of funding).
+ info:
FELLOWSHIPS - Call for applications - Grants for the conservation of historic contents and artworks, The
Church of England (United Kingdom) Deadline for Applications: 21 September 2012
The programme is open to all Anglican cathedrals in England and supports the conservation of the following categories of
* Sculpture and furnishings (including monuments, timberwork, metalwork, church plate and textiles)
* Glass
* Paintings and wall paintings
* Historic bells and bell frames
* Historic organs and their decorated cases
* Mechanical clocks
* Books and manuscripts
All applications need to be supported by a detailed conservation report, which must be prepared following our Guidelines
for Conservation Reports. We recommend that any works are carried out by an accredited conservator. Only projects which
fall within the remit of the Care of Cathedrals Measure and are subject to approval from either an FAC or the CFCE will be
considered (approval should be sought separately, either before or concurrently with the grant application, and no decision
will be taken on a grant until the relevant approval is in place)
+ info:
AWARDS - AIA (American Institute of Archaeology) Awards Site Preservation Grant
to Civil War Park in Virginia (USA)
The Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) awarded its most recent Site Preservation Grant
to the Stafford Civil War Sites in Stafford County, Virginia. The archaeological sites, overseen
by the Friends of Stafford Civil War Sites, are part of a public historic park that is being
developed to promote, for the first time, the 1862-1863 winter encampments of over 130,000
Union soldiers.
In recent years, Stafford County, like many areas in Virginia, has seen increased development
that is beginning to encroach on local heritage sites. This was especially true near the site of several Union Army winter
encampments, which lie within the boundaries of property owned by and now set aside for a park by Stafford County and
City of Fredericksburg’s Rappahannock Regional Landfill. In 2006, the Friends of the Stafford Civil War Sites began working (3 de 5) [02/05/2012 13:38:39]
Premios, reconocimientos, becas, concursos y puestos de trabajo
with local officials to preserve these sites through the creation of a public park. Archaeological studies to determine the
extent of the historic sites were conducted and in July 2011 construction of the park began with the help of a federally
approved “Innovative Readiness Training Exercise” proposed by the FSCWS to the Virginia Army National Guard’s 276th
Engineer Battalion.
+ info:
FELLOWSHIPS - American Institute of Archaeology launches its Site Preservation programme of
grants for innovative archaeological projects
The AIA takes a holistic approach to site preservation, using the organization's strengths to fulfill the AIA's
mission and make the greatest overall impact. The program focuses on:
▪ Education
▪ Outreach
▪ Facilitating the Spread of Best Practices
▪ Direct Preservation
The AIA is uniquely qualified to carry out a Site Preservation Program because of our close connection to our network of
professional members in the field; 130 year history of archaeological public outreach; widespread programming; and
access to millions of people interested in archaeology.
Our program focuses on grant giving, recognition and dissemination of best practices, advocacy, and public outreach.
+ info:
FELLOWSHIPS - Community Heritage Grants - National Library of Australia (Australia) Deadline: 4 May 2012
The Community Heritage Grants (CHG) program provides grants of up to $15,000 to community organisations such as
libraries, archives, museums, genealogical and historical societies, multicultural and Indigenous groups. The grants are
provided to assist with the preservation of locally owned, but nationally significant collections of materials that are publicly
accessible including artifacts, letters, diaries, maps, photographs, and audio visual material.
Since 1994 over $4 million has been awarded to community organisations throughout Australia.
The types of projects supported include Significance Assessments of collections; Preservation Needs Assessments of
collections; conservation activities and collection management; and training workshops.
+ info:
PREMIOS - Premio Tenerife al Fomento y la Investigación de la Artesanía en España y América - Fecha límite:
30 de Junio de 2012
Les informamos de la celebración del Premio Tenerife al Fomento y la Investigación de la Artesanía en España y América,
convocado por el Cabildo de Tenerife (España), para la presentación de trabajos, que no hayan sido premiados, que traten
sobre las artesanías y las artes populares de Iberoamérica, contemplando cualquiera de sus múltiples vertientes:
investigación, recuperación de artesanías desaparecidas o en vías de extinción, promoción, comercialización u otros
aspectos que incidan en el sector.
El premio está dotado de 5.000 euros y podrá ser dividido o declarado desierto.
El plazo de presentación de trabajos cierra el próximo 30 de junio de 2012.
Aquellas personas interesadas en obtener más información, deberán dirigirse a:
Centro de Documentación e Investigación de la Artesanía en España y América - [email protected]
+ info:
COMPETITIONS - Volvo Adventure Competition - Young People bringing
Environment to Life - Opening 1 July 2012. Deadline 31 January 2013
The Volvo Adventure - in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme is an educational programme that rewards environmental activities and the decisionmakers of the future. To enter, you form a team of 2 to 5 members aged 13 to 16 (at
competition opening - July 1st 2012). Perform an environmental project in your local
community & submit the project via our online submission tool before the competition
deadline, January 31st 2013.
Projects are judged and the best projects are selected for an all expenses paid trip to Göteborg, Sweden where they can
win: 1st place = 10,000 USD, 2nd = 6,000 USD and 3rd = 4,000 USD.
+ info:
PRIZES - Equator Prize winners announced, awards will be presented during Rio+20 (20-22 June 2012, Rio de
Janeiro -Brazil)- United Nations Development Programme
UNDP supports the Equator Initiative, a partnership that brings together the UN, governments, civil society, businesses and
grassroots organizations to advance local sustainable development solutions for people, nature and resilient communities.
The Equator Initiative announced yesterday the names of twenty-five local community groups to receive the Equator Prize
2012 in recognition of their outstanding contributions to sustainable development. The winners were selected from 812
nominations submitted by communities in 113 countries across the developing world.
The winners will be celebrated at a high level event during the Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development. They
will receive a monetary award and participate in a ‘community summit’ that will run in parallel to the larger conference.
Press Release:
+ info:
Awards - English Heritage Angel Awards 2012 - England - United Kingdom - (4 de 5) [02/05/2012 13:38:39]
Premios, reconocimientos, becas, concursos y puestos de trabajo
Deadline for applications: 15 June 2012
The search has begun to find winners for the 2012 English Heritage Angel Awards. Have
you been involved in bringing a historic house back from the brink of ruin or restoring a
church or chapel to its former glory? Have you perhaps reclaimed a historic garden buried
beneath a wilderness or brought new life and a constant flow of visitors to a redundant industrial site? If so, English
Heritage would like to hear from you!
+ info:
CONCURSOS - ¿Cómo presentar una solicitud al Fondo Internacional para la Diversidad Cultural? - Fecha límite
30 junio 2012 a medianoche CET
Los formularios de solicitud deben transmitirse a las Comisiones Nacionales para la UNESCO o a cualquier otra vía
designada por las Partes. Las organizaciones internacionales no gubernamentales (OING) deben presentar sus solicitudes
de financiación directamente a la Secretaría, siempre que sus propuestas de programa/proyecto sean apoyadas por escrito
por las Partes beneficiarias.
+ info:
Fellowships - Lancement du site Science Sans Frontières - Ciência sem Fronteiras - Brésil - France
L'agence Campus France en charge de la gestion, du placement et du suivi des boursiers du programme Science sans
Frontière a mis en place un outil informatique de gestion et d'information. Le site Ciência sem Fronteiras a été lancé en
Mars 2012.
Les deux organismes brésiliens : la CAPES (Coordination pour le Perfectionnement de Personnel de niveau Supérieur) et le
CNPq (Conseil National de Développement Scientifique et Technologique), proposent 10.000 bourses d'études vers la
France de 2012 à 2015. Ces bourses couvriront surtout les études de premier cycle scientifique et technique général ou
professionnel, de cycle ingénieur, les études doctorales et post-doctorales.
+ info:
FELLOWSHIPS - AUF (Agence universitaire de la Francophonie) : Allocations d'études à distance - Formations
ouvertes et à distance - Année universitaire 2012 / 2013 - Dates limites: 17 juin et 16 septembre 2012
L'Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) propose pour la neuvième année consécutive un ensemble de formations
ouvertes et à distance et une offre d'allocations d'études à distance aux meilleurs candidats sélectionnés par les
universités, selon des critères élaborés par son Conseil scientifique.
Une priorité est notamment accordée, à qualité scientifique égale, aux candidatures féminines. Grâce aux allocations, une
importante partie des frais pédagogiques et d'inscription est ainsi prise en charge.
+ info:
JOB OFFERS - PhD position in Conservation - University of Gothenburg. Gothenburg (Sweden) Deadline: 27
April 2012
The University of Gothenburg is one of the major universities in Europe, with about 39 000 students and a staff of 5 700.
The academic work is organized into faculties, a majority of which are based in the central parts of Gothenburg. Education
and research are wide ranging and of high quality - as indicated by both by high numbers of applicants and Nobel prizes
+ info:
Job Offers - United Nations Internship
The United Nations provides opportunities for students enrolled in a graduate programme to undertake an internship at its
Headquarters in New York, Geneva, Vienna, Nairobi, Addis Ababa, Bangkok, Beirut and Santiago.
This Internship Programme is for the United Nations Secretariat in New York only.
Eligible candidates interested in participating in an internship at the United Nations Headquarters in New York can apply by
visiting the United Nations Career Portal, at Please continue to read through our website for more
information and guidelines.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (5 de 5) [02/05/2012 13:38:39]
Indian Star Tortoises sent home
19 Indian Star Tortoises seized in Indonesia’s largest airport, Jakarta’s Soekarno Hatta,
have been returned to India, their country of origin.
It is the first occasion tortoises seized in Indonesia have been returned to India.
The animals were part of a seizure made by Customs in Jakarta on 7th November 2011
after an Indonesian woman was stopped returning to Indonesia from Bangkok, Thailand,
with the tortoises and various snakes, but without the necessary permits.
Although her cargo included 47 Indian Star Tortoises, 27 of them were already dead or died
shortly after she was stopped. A further tortoise died in the quarantine station awaiting repatriation.
+ info:
Saving the Silky Sifaka - Madagascar
Clustered in the mountains of northeastern Madagascar, they are known locally
as “ghosts of the forest,” because they seem to flash through the trees. To
scientists, silky sifakas are known as one of the world’s rarest mammals. There
are fewer than 1,000 still alive, perhaps only 100, says Erik Patel, a PhD
candidate at Cornell University who has spent years observing the an-imals in the
island nation’s Marojejy National Park.
A type of lemur, a silky sifaka weighs between 11 and 14 pounds and measures
up to three-and-a-half-feet long. Silkies “fly like angels,” local people say, leaping as far as ten yards from tree to tree.
“You could be following them and suddenly you look up and they’re a quarter-mile away,” says Kevin Schafer, a Seattlebased wildlife photographer who spent two weeks with Patel documenting the elusive primate.
+ info:
Projet d'arrêté de liste, périodes et modalités de destruction des animaux d'espèces susceptibles d'être
classées nuisibles - France
Le ministre de l’écologie, du développement durable, des transports et du logement, Vu le code de l’environnement et
notamment les articles L. 425-2, R. 427-6, R. 427-8, R. 427-13 à R.427-18 et R.427-25 ; Vu l’avis du Conseil national de
la chasse et de la faune sauvage en date du 29 avril 2011,
+ info:
Continent-wide risk assessment for the establishment of nonindigenous species in Antarctica - Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS)
By Steven L. Chown, Ad H. L. Huiskes, Niek J. M. Gremmen, Jennifer E. Lee, Aleks Terauds, Kim Crosbie, Yves Frenot,
Kevin A. Hughes, Satoshi Imura, Kate Kiefer, Marc Lebouvier, Ben Raymond, Megumu Tsujimoto, Chris Ware, Bart Van de
Vijver and Dana Michelle Bergstrom
Invasive alien species are among the primary causes of biodiversity change globally, with the risks thereof broadly
understood for most regions of the world. They are similarly thought to be among the most significant conservation threats
to Antarctica, especially as climate change proceeds in the region. However, no comprehensive, continent-wide evaluation
of the risks to Antarctica posed by such species has been undertaken. Here we do so by sampling, identifying, and
mapping the vascular plant propagules carried by all categories of visitors to Antarctica during the International Polar
Year's first season (2007–2008) and assessing propagule establishment likelihood based on their identity and origins and (1 de 10) [02/05/2012 13:38:51]
on spatial variation in Antarctica's climate. For an evaluation of the situation in 2100, we use modeled climates based on
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Special Report on Emissions Scenarios Scenario A1B…
+ info:
Projet d'Arrêté modifiant l'arrêté du 23 avril 2007 fixant la liste des mammifères terrestres - France
La ministre de l’écologie, du développement durable, des transports et du logement, et le ministre de l’agriculture, de
l’alimentation, de la pêche, de la ruralité, et de l’aménagement du territoire, Vu le décret n° 78-959 du 30 août 1978
modifié portant publication de la convention sur le commerce international des espèces de faune et de flore sauvages
menacées d’extinction;
Vu la directive 92/43/CEE du Conseil du 21 mai 1992 concernant la conservation des habitats naturels ainsi que de la
faune et de la flore sauvages; Vu le règlement (CE) n° 338/97 du Conseil du 9 décembre 1996 relatif à la protection des
espèces de faune et de flore sauvages par le contrôle de leur commerce; Vu le code de l’environnement, et notamment ses
articles L. 411-1 à L. 412-1 et R. 411-1 à R. 412-7;
Vu l’avis du Conseil national de la protection de la nature du 3 février 2012,
+ info:
UICN France: Liste rouge des espèces menacées: Papillons de jour de France métropolitaine
Seize espèces de papillons de jour sont menacées de disparition en France métropolitaine et dix-huit
autres quasi menacées. C’est ce que révèle le nouveau chapitre de la Liste rouge des espèces menacées
en France, consacrée pour la première fois en métropole à un groupe d’insectes. Le risque de disparition
des 253 espèces de papillons de jour a été étudié par le Comité français de l’UICN et le Muséum national
d’Histoire naturelle, en collaboration avec l’Office pour les insectes et leur environnement et la Société
entomologique de France.
+ info:
Grauer's gorilla or Eastern Lowland Gorilla in the DRC (Democratic Republic of
Congo) - Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International - Newsletter - March 2012
Gorillas in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are dying, the victims of animal
trafficking and habitat loss. Scientists suspect that the numbers of gorillas have decreased
dramatically in the last 15 years and have shown their concern by designating them as
The Grauer's gorilla, sometimes called the eastern lowland gorilla, is often forgotten. None
are found in zoos and since the area they live in has been unsafe for decades, we don't
know every time one is killed. Only support from those who truly care has made it possible for the Fossey Fund to begin
combating habitat loss and animal trafficking in the DRC…
+ info:
Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area - The largest natural reserve
in Africa - Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe
The Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA TFCA) was officially
launched yesterday, 15th March 2012 in the Namibian town of Katima Mulilo. During the
event, attended by various stakeholders, the KAZA TFCA partner states reaffirmed their
commitment to regional economic integration through sustainable management of
transboundary natural resources and tourism development.
+ info:
Pangolin seizure highlights Malaysia-Thailand smuggling route
Wildlife authorities arrested two men and seized 18 pangolins from a vehicle near a
protected area in the northern state of Perak in Peninsular Malaysia on Saturday.
The seizure and arrests were made along the East-West highway that divides the Belum
Royal State Park from the Temengor Forest Reserve and is the second to take place in this
area in the last six months.
In November last year, authorities found 12 pangolins in the boot of a car belonging to two
local villagers travelling along the same highway, headed towards the Malaysia- Thailand
+ info:
A new species of scincid lizard in the genus Caledoniscincus (Reptilia: Scincidae) from northwest New
A new species of skink in the genus Caledoniscincus is described from the northwest region of New Caledonia. It is known
from two locations, one on the coast at Pointe de Vavouto north of Koné, the other on the slopes of the Massif
d’Ouazangou, an isolated mountain 30 km to the north. Typical of all members of the genus, adult males and females of
the new species are sexually dichromatic. The new species, Caledoniscincus constellatus sp. nov., has a bold, white
midlateral stripe, a feature which distinguishes it from most other species of Caledoniscincus except the regionally
sympatric C. haplorhinus (Günther) and C. austrocaledonicus (Bavay), from which it can be distinguished by a unique
pattern of contact between the pale midlateral stripe and the ear. DNA sequence data for the ND2 mitochondrial gene
identifies a high level of genetic differentiation between the new species and all other Caledoniscincus, further supporting
its distinctiveness as an independent evolutionary lineage. The species is of high conservation concern given its restricted
distribution in a region that has been, and will continue to be, heavily impacted by human occupation, and would be (2 de 10) [02/05/2012 13:38:51]
ranked as Critically Endangered under IUCN criteria.
+ info:
Décret relatif aux espèces d'animaux classés nuisibles - France (23 mars 2012)
Publics concernés : particuliers, chasseurs et piégeurs et leurs fédérations, professionnels de l'agriculture, associations de
protection de l'environnement.
Objet : procédure de classement des espèces d'animaux classées nuisibles ou susceptibles d'être classées comme telles ;
moyens de destruction des animaux des espèces classées nuisibles.
Entrée en vigueur : le décret entre en vigueur le lendemain de sa publication.
+ info:
Arrests made as Cameroon elephant poaching crisis spreads
Twelve suspected poachers have been arrested and 14 elephant tusks confiscated outside protected areas
in southeast Cameroon this week. Forest rangers carried out the arrests and seizures near Boumba-Bek
and Nki National Parks after receiving intelligence information from village monitoring groups formed by
The anti-poaching operation comes just weeks after the Cameroon military entered a national park in the
North Region of the country where poachers have slaughtered hundreds of elephants since January. Up to
12,000 elephants are killed each year for their ivory, most in Central Africa.
+ info:
El Reino Unido designa su 169º Sitio Ramsar
El Gobierno del Reino Unido ha designado a Upper Nene Valley Gravel Pits (Graveras de la
parte superior del valle del río Nene) (1.358 hectáreas, 52°20'04''N 000°34'56''W), un sitio de
especial interés científico y una zona especialmente protegida Natura 2000 en
Northamptonshire (Inglaterra), como su 169º Humedal de Importancia Internacional. Según la
descripción de Kati Wenzel de Ramsar basada en la información de la FIR, el sitio comprende
una cadena de canteras de arena y grava en activo y abandonadas así como aguas de
superficie, pantanos de carrizo, marismas, prados y pastizales. La gama de hábitats y la
variada topografía de las lagunas ofrecen regularmente valiosas condiciones de descanso y alimentación para más de
20.000 aves acuáticas que pasan el invierno en el sitio, especialmente patos y aves zancudas. El sitio es importante para el
control de las crecidas, y entre las actividades humanas que se realizan se incluye la recreación (observación de las aves,
excursiones a pie, pesca, vela, piragüismo, esquí acuático, ciclismo), la investigación y la educación ambiental. Entre las
amenazas potenciales que afronta el sitio cabe destacar el desarrollo urbano, la sucesión de la vegetación y las plantas
invasoras como la yana Elodea nuttallii. Hay un centro de visitantes y facilidades en los lagos de Stanwick.
+ info:
Los Estados Unidos designan el complejo de turberas del Lago Superior
La Secretaría se complace en anunciar que los Estados Unidos han designado como su 31º
Sitio Ramsar las Ciénagas de Kakagon y Bad (4.355 hectáreas, 46°39’N 090°41’W), situadas
a orillas del Lago Superior en el estado de Wisconsin. Se trata de un complejo de humedales
en gran medida virgen compuesto de ciénagas, turberas y lagunas costeras donde se
encuentra el mayor arrozal silvestre de los Grandes Lagos. La zona está sujeta a
administración tribal, goza de protección como Zona de Conservación por un Plan de Manejo Integrado de los Recursos y
está bajo la jurisdicción de la Tribu Chippewa de la Banda Bad River del Lago Superior.
+ info:
Australia consolidates and expands Kakadu Ramsar Site
In 1980, the government of Australia first designated a significant part of the famous Kakadu
National Park and World Heritage natural and cultural site in the Northern Territory, and it
added another large part in 1989. Now the two Kakadu Ramsar Sites have been consolidated
into one and extended by an additional 600,000 hectares to conform fully to the boundaries of
the National Park, now covering 1,979,766 hectares. A summary description of the site can be
found on the Annotated Ramsar List.
+ info:
Sitio Ramsar Koviljsko-Petrovaradinski Rit de Serbia
La Secretaría se complace sobremanera en anunciar que el Departamento para la Protección
de la Naturaleza y la Biodiversidad del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación Territorial
de Serbia, con la ayuda del Instituto para la Conservación de la Naturaleza de Serbia, ha
designado Koviljsko-Petrovaradinski Rit (8.292 hectáreas, 45°10'40"N 020°04'10" E), una
Reserva Natural Especial y zona importante para las aves según los criterios de BirdLife,
situado en la provincia de Voivodina, como décimo Humedal de Importancia Internacional del
país. Tal como ha descrito la Asesora Adjunta de Ramsar para Europa, Kati Wenzel, el sitio es
un mosaico bien conservado de brazos de río, cordilleras, meandros, canales, estanques, carrizales, prados húmedos,
pantanos, pastos y bosques a lo largo de ambos lados del Danubio. Esta zona aluvial está conformada por inundaciones
periódicas y por la sucesión de la vegetación, así como por actividades humanas, y alberga un gran número de especies
vegetales amenazadas, tales como la violeta de agua (Hottonia palustris) y el trébol de cuatro hojas (Marsilea quadrifolia).
+ info: (3 de 10) [02/05/2012 13:38:51]
Dos Sitios Ramsar para el Día Mundial de los Humedales en la región francesa de Aquitania
El Día Mundial de los Humedales se conmemoró en la región francesa de Aquitania, una de las más activas en la
celebración de este día, con el impresionante número de 81 eventos distintos (entre exposiciones, seminarios, visitas sobre
el terreno, excursiones de descubrimiento, conferencias, proyecciones de vídeo, etc., véase
jmzh2012aquitaine.html), durante la semana del 28 de enero al 5 de febrero de 2012. Se trata de un logro significativo
para una región que hasta hace poco no tenía designado ningún humedal en la Lista de Ramsar. Pero el DMH de 2012
brindó a esta región la oportunidad de resarcirse con la designación de dos nuevos Sitios Ramsar: Marais d'Orx en el País
Vasco francés y la zona del delta del río Leyre en Bassin d'Arcachon, una bahía con intensa actividad de mareas situada en
la costa atlántica cerca de Burdeos.
+ info:
Viet Nam designa importante sitio del delta del Mekong
La Dirección de Medio Ambiente del Ministerio de Recursos Naturales y Medio Ambiente de
Viet Nam ha designado el cuarto Humedal de Importancia Internacional del país con efecto a
contar del Día Mundial de los Humedales de 2012, lo que eleva el número total de Sitios
Ramsar en todo el mundo a 2.000. Según el resumen de Saber Masoomi de Ramsar basado
en los datos complementarios de la FIR, Tram Chim National Park (7.313 hectáreas, 10°
42'49"N 105°30'12"E) es uno de los últimos vestigios del ecosistema de humedales de la
llanura de carrizo, que en épocas pasadas llegó a tener una superficie de unas 700.000 ha
del delta del Mekong en el suroeste de Viet Nam. El sitio es uno de los pocos lugares de la región donde perviven
comunidades de arroz rojo (Oryza rufipogon).
+ info:
2.000 Sitios Ramsar en todo el mundo
Las 160 Partes Contratantes en la Convención han identificado 2.000 humedales
excepcionales y los han inscrito en la Lista de Humedales de Importancia Internacional.
Actualmente, esos 2.000 Sitios Ramsar, que abarcan casi 200.000.000 hectáreas,
constituyen la mayor red de zonas protegidas del mundo.
+ info:
Día Mundial del Agua, 22 de marzo de 2012 – Mensaje del Secretario General Anada Tiéga
Imagínense el choque que sería para aquellos de nosotros que viven en el mundo desarrollado descubrir al levantarse una
mañana que no sale agua de los grifos. Pues bien, la realidad es que el acceso a fuentes mejoradas de agua potable ya es
un problema cotidiano para miles de millones de personas en todo el mundo; hoy día, la escasez de agua afecta a más del
40% de los habitantes de nuestro planeta.
+ info:
Acuario de Olms (peces humanos) en la Cueva de Postojna / Studio Stratum - 2010
- Postojna - Eslovenia
El propósito de este proyecto fue diseñar un nuevo acuario con las condiciones adecuadas
para mantener a los peces humanos (Proteus anguinus) disponibles para mostrar al público.
Cuando se desarrolló el diseño fue necesario tener en consideración su construcción manual
y ajustar en consecuencia el tamaño de las piezas individuales para poder ser transportadas
a la cueva con el tren que hay en ella. El proyecto fue un precedente para otras
intervenciones similares dentro de cuevas.
+ info:
Focus sur l'Afrique : 50 ans, un cap aussi important pour les éléphantes
matriarches que pour les humains
Lors de la terrible sécheresse de 2009, qui a précipité l'étude menée en collaboration avec le
Fonds international pour la protection des animaux (IFAW) sur les perturbations de la vie
sociale des pachydermes, le Projet de recherche sur les éléphants d'Amboseli faisait état de
la mort de la moitié des matriarches bien connues du parc d'Amboseli.
Fait encore plus tragique, 85 % des éléphantes âgées de 50 ans et plus sont décédées. Ces
animaux étaient suivis par les membres du Projet de recherche sur les éléphants d'Amboseli
depuis près de quarante ans.
+ info:
Science Magazine - Plant Hunters
For British plant hunter John Wood, few endeavors are quite as satisfying as retracing the steps of an 18th century
explorer. In the late 1970s, Wood retraced Peter Forsskål's journeys in Yemen; Forsskål discovered many new plant
species before succumbing to malaria more than 200 years before Wood's adventures. “Many of these plants were never
refound in Yemen until I went back,” Wood says.
Today, medicines, vehicles, and GPS have made the work of plant collectors safer and a bit easier, but the basic
techniques and challenges remain the same as they were in Forsskål’s time. It takes a particular set of skills and personal
attributes to do the job. “These individuals are self motivated, have the ability to withstand hardship, probably have a (4 de 10) [02/05/2012 13:38:51]
great eye and photographic memory,” writes Robert Scotland, a reader in systematic botany at the University of Oxford in
the United Kingdom, in an e-mail.
Such individuals must also have a thirst for adventure and be willing to sacrifice some comfort and job security. Most plant
hunters either live on short-term contracts or take permanent positions with other responsibilities. But for passionate plant
collectors, the thrill of the hunt is difficult to match.
+ info:
Cameroon elephant poaching crisis spreads - TRAFFIC
Just weeks after a military offensive against elephant poachers in Bouba N’Djida National Park
in the north of Cameroon, 12 suspected poachers have been arrested and 14 elephant tusks
confiscated close to protected areas in the southeast of the country.
In February, close to 450 elephants were slaughtered in Bouba N’Djida National Park by
poachers believed to originate from Sudan who entered Cameroon through neighbouring Chad.
Prior to the latest attacks, there were believed to be fewer than 600 elephants living in the
+ info:
Loris trade not so slow - TRAFFIC
Despite global efforts to halt the growing demand for slow lorises as exotic pets, the primates
continue to be offered for sale, with 50 individuals found in Jakarta’s animal markets over the
past fortnight.
Although totally protected under Indonesian law, slow lorises were also observed for sale in
shopping malls and at a flora and fauna exhibition, designed to raise awareness of
Indonesia’s rich biodiversity.
Only a week ago, 30 were seen on sale during a single visit to Jati Negara market, where
slow lorises are openly sold on a daily basis.
+ info:
Summary about a seminar - Protected areas as part of green infrastructure - EUROPARC Nordic-Baltic Section
- Lääne County - Estonia (6-8 March 2012)
Welcoming words of the seminar were made by the Nordic-Baltic section president Kaja Lotman, who thanked the previous
section president Thomas Hansson with an Estonian honeypot. Leelo Kukk, deputy director general of Keskkonnaamet /
Estonian Environmental Board confirmed that the presidency status is very important for Estonia and assured that we will
do our best to achieve the objectives of the section…
+ info:
KWS (Kenya Wildlife Service) statement on Rhino translocation and elephant
Over the last couple of weeks, misleading statements have been made on the various
aspects of wildlife conservation, especially the recent translocation of a white rhino to
Kisumu Impala Sanctuary as well as the extent of poaching. Contrary to these unfounded
statements, Kenya has had a steady recovery of key endangered species, especially
elephants, rhinos and the big cats.
+ info:
Mermaids face extinction - Haenyeo - Jeju Island - The Republic of Korea
By Célia Zwahlen.
People recognize them by the long whistling sound they make when they surface from the sea to
breathe. They are exclusively female. On firm ground, they become like the rest of us, blending in
while they work the land. But every 15 days the sea calls them back.
Where they are from, they are known as haenyeo. A breed of women who, for centuries, have
gone free-diving year round to provide for their families. Their origin? Jeju Island in South Korea,
home of the next IUCN World Conservation Congress…
+ info:
Des mammouths laineux en passe d'être "ramenés à la vie" par un laboratoire coréen ?
Un laboratoire de recherche coréen, dirigé par le très controversé pionnier du clonage Hwang Woo-suk, a affirmé vouloir
tenter d'implanter de l'ADN de mammouth, espèce éteinte depuis plusieurs milliers d'années, dans un ovule d'éléphant afin
de créer un nouvel embryon. Sooam Biotech Research Foundation espère ainsi donner naissance à un bébé mammouth,
pour la première fois depuis la disparition de ces géants préhistoriques.
+ info:
Don't cut trees, keep bees! - Georgia
In Georgia, where IUCN is helping rural people find alternative livelihoods to illegal logging, it’s
finding that there is great enthusiasm for bee keeping and honey production as a new business
The villagers of Tadzrisi and Sakire in Borjomi district were heavily dependent on forest
resources and suffered from a government crackdown on illegal logging. The area was logged
heavily in the 1990s and the signs of deforestation are clearly visible.
Last year, five farmers from the two villages were each given a bee colony and a hive to help
start their own honey production business. They were the top candidates in a special training workshop that was given. (5 de 10) [02/05/2012 13:38:51]
+ info:
Business Leaders Join World Bank in Talks to Protect Asia's Wild Tigers
With only 3,200 wild tigers left in all of Asia, the meeting of CEOs and regional heads of finance, infrastructure, and
transport companies and education groups marks the first in a series to be held throughout the region to bolster support
for endangered wild tigers and promote the need to preserve their habitats - with the health of tigers seen as a reflection
of the health of surrounding plants and animals.
+ info:
Ressources d'apprentissage sur la Biodiversité - Répertoire
Cursus vous présente des ressources d'apprentissage liées à la biodiversité, dans un seul répertoire.
Les Nations Unies ont décrété 2010 "Année internationale de la Diversité Biologique".
A cette occasion, retrouvez les ressources d'apprentissage liées à cette thématique. Tous les produits repris ici sont
accessibles gratuitement en ligne.
Vous trouverez des références, des simulateurs-jeux, et aussi des cours sur la biodiversité. Plein de découvertes en
perspective sur les plantes, les insectes, les animaux mais aussi les relations qui existent entre l'ensemble des formes de
vie sur terre ...
+ info:
Site Internet: Tela Botanica - Le réseau de la botanique francophone
Le réseau Tela Botanica développe des projets autour de la botanique en collaboration directe
avec des chercheurs, des professionnels et le grand public.
Il participe à la valorisation des savoirs et facilite la coopération des acteurs travaillant au
service du végétal. L'association met à la disposition des botanistes francophones, son savoir
faire en animation de projets collaboratifs et sa maîtrise des technologies de l'information et
de la communication. L'équipe informatique, forte de 10 années d’expérience en
développement d’outils participatifs, assure la fiabilité et la pérennité de ce travail collaboratif.
+ info:
Enforcement chiefs at INTERPOL-UNEP inaugural meeting design blueprint for
environmental security - Lyon (France)
National leaders of environmental, biodiversity and natural resources agencies, and
departments with law enforcement responsibility, have gathered for the first time to design
a global compliance and enforcement strategy to address environmental security.
Hosted by INTERPOL and co-organized with the United Nations Environment Programme
(UNEP), the three-day (27-29 March) International Chiefs of Environmental Compliance and
Enforcement summit focused on key environmental crime issues such as fisheries, forestry,
pollution and wildlife crime, as well as violence, money laundering and tax evasion, all of which exact untold costs on the
environment and citizens.
+ info:
World Bank GEF (Global Environment Facility) Grant to Help Brazil Protect an additional 13.5 Million Hectares
in the Amazon
The World Bank Board of Executive Directors approved today a US$ 15.9 million Global Environment Facility (GEF) grant
for the Second Phase of the Amazon Region Protected Area Program (ARPA), to be implemented by the Government of
Brazil and the World Bank. Thirteen and a half million hectares of additional new protected areas (an area larger than
Greece) will be created in the next four years. The grant will also help consolidate 32 million hectares of existing areas.
+ info:
Video - Darwin, el viaje de un naturalista alrededor del mundo - CNRS (Centro Nacional de
Investigación Científica)
Suba a bordo del Beagle y reviva el viaje de Charles Darwin. "Darwin, el viaje de un naturalista
alrededor del mundo" nuevo multimedia del CNRS. Descubre, a través de 14 pasos, el camino que
condujo al célebre naturalista a sentar las bases de su teoría de la evolución por selección natural.
Este sitio de animación forma parte del "año Darwin", la celebración del bicentenario del nacimiento
de Charles Darwin (1809-1882) y el 150 aniversario de la publicación de su obra fundamental "El
origen de las las especies mediante la selección natural".
+ info:
Monitoring of illegal trade in ivory
The Secretariat reminds Parties of the considerable time, money and effort that have been devoted to the Elephant Trade
Information System (ETIS) and encourages them to submit reports on all seizures of ivory and other elephant products.
An electronic version of the ETIS Ivory and elephant product seizure data collection form and Explanatory notes to report
seizures of ivory and other elephant products are attached.
Reports may be submitted for inclusion in ETIS in printed or electronic form to the CITES Secretariat, or directly to
TRAFFIC. To ensure that data from such reports can be included in the analysis of ETIS data for the 62nd meeting of the
CITES Standing Committee (23-27 July 2012) and the 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (3-15 March 2013),
Parties should ensure that their submissions reach TRAFFIC by 18 April 2012. (6 de 10) [02/05/2012 13:38:51]
+ info:
Beaty Biodiversity Center and Aquatic Ecosystems Research Laboratory /
Patkau Architects - 2002 - 2009 - University of British Columbia - Vancouver British Columbia - Canada
The Beaty Biodiversity Center comprises a natural history museum, a large natural
history collection, research laboratories and offices with related meeting and support
spaces. This 11,500 square meter facility is organized around three sides of the
courtyard space, with the Beaty Biodiversity Museum occupying the west side along
Main Mall.
+ info:
Radio-Canada a lancé jeudi matin sa nouvelle chaîne spécialisée sur l'environnement, la santé, la faune et les
plus récentes nouvelles scientifiques, Explora (Canada)
Plongez dans les mondes fascinants de la santé, l’environnement, la nature et la science. Avec ses images spectaculaires
en haute définition, ses séries captivantes et ses documentaires étonnants, Explora prouve que l’on n’est jamais trop
+ info:
A Special Gorilla Birth Observed by Trackers
The Fossey Fund’s Karisoke Research Center gorilla trackers are always pleasantly surprised
when a female gives birth, because gorillas show no outward signs of pregnancy – the
newborns are small and big bellies are the rule (gorillas have long intestines to digest the large
amounts of fibrous vegetation they eat). The trackers usually discover the newborns with the
mother when they arrive at the group in the morning. That’s one reason why Imvune’s birth in
mid-March was a unique event, because the trackers were able to witness it. The other reason
is that it was the first birth in Titus’s group since Titus’s son Rano took over as dominant
silverback following a dramatic challenge that ended in the elder male’s death.
+ info:
Workshop - Wildlife Trafficking and Dismantling Transnational Illicit Networks
03 abril - 05 abril 2012 Libreville. Gabón
Organizadores: USA Embassies in Gabon and the Central African Republic
+ info:
Ted Turner dona un millón de dólares para salvar a gorilas en peligro
Ted Turner donó un millón de dólares para ayudar a los gorilas en peligro de extinción al este del
Congo, anunció la Fundación Dian Fossey Gorilla.
“Podemos vivir al otro lado del planeta de África, pero lo que pasa ahí puede y afectará lo que pase
aquí y en todo nuestro frágil planeta”, dijo.
Y también animó a otros para que donaran dinero a la causa, declaró el Fossey Fund. “Se resume
en esto: cada gorila cuenta, cada una de las personas cuentan para proteger a los gorilas, y cada
dólar cuenta para apoyar a proteger a los gorilas”, dijo Turner.
+ info:
Identifying Cinderella species: uncovering mammals with conservation flagship appeal
By Robert J. Smith, Diogo Veríssimo, Nicholas J.B. Isaac, Kate E. Jones
International conservation NGOs rely on flagship species campaigns for fundraising but this approach has been criticized
for benefiting a limited number of species. However, this criticism assumes these campaigns do not fundraise for broader
issues and that alternative species with similar appeal to the target audience exist. We investigated this by: recording the
use of threatened mammal species in international NGO flagship campaigns, and; using these data to identify “Cinderella
species,” which we define as aesthetically appealing but currently overlooked species. We found these NGOs only used 80
flagship species and that 61% of their campaigns only raised funds for the species itself. We also found these existing
flagships are generally large and have forward-facing eyes and that there are 183 other threatened species with similar
traits. Thus, the current approach is overly limited but NGOs could overcome this by adopting some of these Cinderella
species as new flagships.
+ info:
Les dernières rivières sauvages de France vont bientôt obtenir un label pour la protection et la préservation de
leur biodiversité - France
Les dernières rivières sauvages de France, considérées comme "ultimes joyaux" naturels par les écologistes, vont bientôt
obtenir un label pour mieux les protéger et préserver leur biodiversité, ont annoncé mercredi le WWF-France et une
vingtaine de partenaires du projet.
Quatre rivières pilotes - La Valserine et le Chéran en Rhône-Alpes, la Vis en Languedoc-Roussillon et le Léguer en Bretagne
- ont été sélectionnées pour aider à fixer les critères de la "sauvagitude". Elles sont aussi candidates au label.
+ info:
Scientists Discover New Threat to Birds Posed by Invasive Pythons - Smithsonian (7 de 10) [02/05/2012 13:38:51]
Institution - Washington, D.C. (USA)
Smithsonian scientists and their colleagues have uncovered a new threat posed by invasive Burmese
pythons in Florida and the Everglades: The snakes are not only eating the area’s birds, but also the
birds’ eggs straight from the nest. The results of this research add a new challenge to the area’s
already heavily taxed native wildlife. The team’s findings are published in the online journal Reptiles &
Amphibians: Conservation and Natural History.
+ info:
Video: Aussie Icon under Threat - Australia
It's estimated that there are fewer than 100,000 koalas left in Australia, so why is it so hard to agree
on a national approach to save them? Australian Koala Foundation CEO Deborah Tabart OAM
discusses the issue and the Koala Army with Today Tonight.
+ info:
Ramsar Convention - Call for Paper Submissions in the international journal Wetlands - Deadline for
submission: 1 May 2012
Organizadores: The peer-reviewed international journal Wetlands
Contacto: Phil Turnipseed - [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition - Lizards and Snakes - Denver Museum of Nature & Science
03 febrero - 08 julio 2012 Denver, Colorado. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Denver Museum of Nature & Science
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition - The Academy at 200: The Nature of Discovery - The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel
24 marzo 2012 - 01 marzo 2013 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition - 39 Trails: Research in the Peruvian Amazon - Spencer Museum of Art & University of Kansas
Biodiversity Institute
24 marzo - 22 julio 2012 Lawrence, Kansas. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Spencer Museum of Art & University of Kansas Biodiversity Institute
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Undécima reunión de la Conferencia de las partes en el Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica (CBD)
08 octubre - 19 octubre 2012 Hyderabad. India
Organizadores: CBD
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
d'INTERET COMMUNAUTAIRE : Méthode d'évaluation à l'échelle du site Natura 2000 - France
Rapport d'étude. Version 1 – Février 2012. Rapport SPN 2012-21
Ce premier document résume la démarche scientifique qui a conduit à l'élaboration de la méthode pour
évaluer l'état de conservation des habitats agropastoraux, illustrés ici par les pelouses calcicoles et prairies
de fauche. Cette étude se base sur un ensemble de données récoltées sur le terrain. Grâce à des analyses
statistiques, le choix des indicateurs est éclairé à partir de l'étude de leur pertinence et de leur
redondance, Cette étude a abouti à une première version de la méthode, qui vise à être améliorée et à
évoluer grâce aux retours d'expérience des professionnels, à l'augmentation des données disponibles, mais également à
partir des avancées de la recherche en écologie de la conservation.
+ info:
Museum national d'histoire naturelle : Etat de conservation des habitats d'intérêt
communautaire des dunes non boisées du littoral atlantique - Méthode d'évaluation à l'échelle
du site Natural 2000 - France (8 de 10) [02/05/2012 13:38:51]
Une méthode d’évaluation de l’état de conservation des habitats d’intérêt communautaire des dunes non
boisées du littoral atlantique a été mise en place en partenariat avec le MNHN, l’ONF et le CBN de Brest.
L’étude a porté sur trois habitats d’intérêt communautaire, les dunes embryonnaires atlantiques (UE2110),
les dunes mobiles à Ammophila arenaria subsp. arenaria des côtes atlantiques (UE 2120) ou dunes
blanches et les dunes côtières fixées à végétation herbacée des côtes atlantiques (UE 2130) ou dunes
grises. Une sélection d’une liste de critères et d’indicateurs a été retenue suite à l'analyse bibliographique et aux
discussions lors du comité de suivi. Ce rapport présente une première méthode validée est téléchargeable sur le site de
l’INPN, mais il reste des ajustements et recalibrage de certains indicateurs pour finaliser la méthode.
+ info:
UICN Francia: Directrices para la elaboración y la aplicación de las estrategias regionales de
El Comité francés de la UICN (Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza) publicó en enero
de 2011 un estudio titulado “Estrategias regionales de biodiversidad para Francia metropolitana”1. Este
estudio recoge un balance de las principales modalidades de elaboración, aplicación, seguimiento y
evaluación de las estrategias regionales de biodiversidad actuales o emergentes en Francia metropolitana
(todas las estrategias identificadas fueron objeto de una minuciosa monografía en el estudio). Asimismo,
fundándose en ejemplos concretos, identifica los principales impulsos y frenos encontrados por los actores
del territorio durante la puesta en marcha de este dispositivo.
+ info:
The EU Wildlife Trade Yearbook 2009: now available online
Prepared by United Nations Environment Programme and World Conservation Monitoring Centre
The EU Wildlife Trade Yearbook 2009, the publicly-available version of the Analysis of the European Union
and candidate countries’ annual reports to CITES 2009, is now available online here. The document
summarises the EU’s trade in wildlife listed in the Annexes to the EU Wildlife Trade Regulations in 2009, as
reported to CITES.
+ info:
Birdlife Report - ‘State of the world’s birds’
In 2004, when BirdLife published the report ‘State of the world’s birds’, it constituted the first
summary overview of the status of the world’s birds, the threats they faced and the conservation
actions underway, drawing on the knowledge and experience of the BirdLife Partnership. Since then,
information on the ‘State of the world’s birds’ has grown considerably and broadened in scope.
Today, there is a dedicated ‘State of the world’s birds’ website with a range of resources that includes
national reports and tailored advocacy materials.
The most recent development is a new Country Profile section presenting BirdLife’s information at a
national level. Each profile presents a range of facts and figures on the country’s bird species. Information on Important
Bird Areas (IBAs) and Endemic Bird Areas (EBAs) is displayed alongside interactive maps which allow users to explore
areas of interest in detail. The profiles also include information on each country’s commitments under international
environmental conventions, as well as links to key publications and useful resources, such as ‘State of the world’s birds’
case studies and recent BirdLife Community posts.
+ info:
Papers from the special event "Impact of corruption on the environment and the United Nations Convention
against Corruption as a tool to address it" 4th Conference of States Parties - Marrakesh (Morocco) 26 October
This publication is destined for use not only by policy-makers, prosecution and law enforcement authorities and
practitioners, but also other stakeholders (civil society, non-governmental organizations, private sector and local
populations) that have an important role to play in the protection of the environment. It is hoped that readers will find
elements to deepen their interest in this area. It is intended that this publication will be followed by further research,
leading to concrete actions to be taken at the international, regional, national and local levels.
+ info:
Conservation Letters - Volume 5 - Issue 2 - April 2012
Edited By: Editor in Chief Richard M. Cowling, Editor in Chief Michael B. Mascia, Editor in Chief Hugh
Possingham, Editor in Chief William J. Sutherland, Senior Editor Phillip Levin, Senior Editor Ashwini
Online ISSN: 1755-263X
The Society for Conservation Biology (SCB) is an international professional organization dedicated to
promoting the scientific study of the phenomena that affect the maintenance, loss, and restoration of
biological diversity. The Society's membership comprises a wide range of people interested in the
conservation and study of biological diversity: resource managers, educators, government and private conservation
workers, and students.
+ info: (9 de 10) [02/05/2012 13:38:51]
Ir a arriba (10 de 10) [02/05/2012 13:38:51]
Patrimonio construido
Patrimonio construido
Lettre d'information de la Fondation du Patrimoine n° 26 | Le 15/03/2012
La Fondation du Patrimoine a pour but essentiel de sauvegarder et de valoriser le patrimoine rural non protégé. Maisons,
églises, ponts, lavoirs, moulins, patrimoine industriel, mobilier, naturel… tous les types de patrimoine de proximité sont
éligibles à l'action de la Fondation. Aux côtés de l'Etat et des principaux acteurs du secteur, elle aide les propriétaires
publics et associatifs à financer leurs projets, permet aux propriétaires privés de défiscaliser tout ou partie de leurs
travaux, et mobilise le mécénat d’entreprise.
+ info:
Interpretaciones: Encuentros Promiscuos – Seminarios
sobre las prácticas críticas, de curaduría y conceptúales
en la arquitectura – Universidad de Columbia – Ciudad de
Nueva York – Estado de Nueva York – EEUU (23 de Marzo
de 2012)
Los Encuentros Promiscuos, gratuitos y abiertos a todos los
públicos, tienen dos propósitos principales: primero, examinar la
fascinante interacción, productiva y difusa, entre las
capacidades de la arquitectura crítica, de curaduría y conceptual, incluyendo como y donde se cruzan y se solapan; y
segundo, ampliar las definiciones del significado de estos términos, en relación tanto a la teoría como a la práctica,
reexaminando los lugares donde se muestran y de que modo funcionan.
+ info:
Exhibition - American City: St. Louis Architecture: Three Centuries of Classic
Design" - Willis Towers - Chicago - Illinois - USA - 20 March - 11 May 2012
From March 20 – May 11, the “American City: St. Louis Architecture: Three Centuries of
Classic Design” exhibition will be up at the Willis Tower (formerly the Sears Tower) in
downtown Chicago. The show consists of 83 large prints of over 40 historic buildings in St.
Louis, including acclaimed landmarks such as Louis Sullivan’s Wainwright Building, James
Eads’ Eads Bridge, Eero Saarinen’s Gateway Arch and Tadao Ando’s Pulitzer Foundation for
the Arts Building. The timeline stretches from 1839 to 2010.
+ info:
International Conference: Architecture in the Age of Austerity conference
30 abril 2012 London. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: The International Network for Traditional Building, Architecture & Urbanism (INTBAU) in partnership with
the Traditional Architecture Group (TAG) and the Notre Dame School of Architecture
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
La Meilleure Ecole du Monde, à l'Institut Finlandais de Paris - France
La Meilleure Ecole du Monde. Voilà qui fait autant rêver que rend jaloux. Les enseignants
français le savent bien, la Finlande est à l'éducation ce que Las Vegas est aux joueurs de
roulette. Cette école exemplaire s'est distinguée dans le monde en obtenant en 2003 de
remarquables résultats à l'enquête PISA de l'OCDE et fait désormais rêver les enseignants du (1 de 3) [02/05/2012 13:38:55]
Patrimonio construido
monde entier. Aujourd'hui, l'Institut Finlandais à Paris propose une exposition expliquant la
réussite finlandaise du point de vue de l'architecture des écoles. Depuis les années 2000, des
architectes finlandais dessinent une école en adéquation avec la philosophie éducative du pays. A savoir, un espace
modulable, ouvert sur l'extérieur, confortable, lumineux, sans stress et surtout adapté aux différentes tranches d'âges
regroupées en un lieu. L'école finlandaise peut accueillir les enfants de 7 à 19 ans !
+ info:
Around the world, architects and city planners answer to rising seas: floating
A floating mosque and golf course for the submerging Maldives islands. Amphibious homes
in the Netherlands lifted to safety as waters surge beneath them. A hospital perched on 400
stilts to protect patients from Thailand's devastating floods and the encroaching sea. Around
the world, architects and city planners are exploring ways mankind and water may be able
to coexist as oceans rise and other phenomenon induced by climate change, including
extreme, erratic floods, threaten land-rooted living.
+ info:
Exhibition - American City: St. Louis Architecture: Three Centuries of Classic Design" - Willis Towers
20 marzo - 11 mayo 2012 Chicago, Illinois. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Willis Tower (formerly the Sears Tower)
+ info:
Seminario - Consejo de Monumentos Nacionales en la Región del Bio-Bio (Chile)
08 mayo 2012 Concepción. Chile
Organizadores: Alexis Muñoz, coordinador regional del Consejo de Monumentos Nacionales de Chile
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
XI Congreso Internacional de Rehabilitación del Patrimonio Arquitectónico y Edificado
12 julio - 14 julio 2012 Cascais. Portugal
Organizadores: Fundación Internacional CICOP
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 5 may 2012
+ info:
1er Seminario Internacional: Investigación en Arquitectura y Patrimonio - Casos Italia y Cuba
08 agosto - 10 agosto 2012 Ibague. Colombia
Organizadores: Universidad de Ibague
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Programme of Denkmal 2012 - Denkmal European Trade Fair for Restoration and Old Building Renovation
22 noviembre - 24 noviembre 2012 Leipzig. Alemania
Organizadores: DENKMAL
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
66º Encuentro anual de la sociedad de historiadores de arquitectura
10 abril - 14 abril 2013 Buffalo, Nueva York. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Sociedad de Historiadores Arquitectónicos (SAH)
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 1 jun 2012
+ info:
ICCROM Course - Eighteenth International Course on Stone Conservation
10 abril - 28 junio 2013 Rome. Italia
Organizadores: ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property) and
Getty Conservation Institute (GCI), United States
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 24 ago 2012
+ info:
Publicaciones (2 de 3) [02/05/2012 13:38:55]
Patrimonio construido
Boundaries Review n°3 - Architecture of Peace
Boundaries. Rivista Internazionale di Architettura Contemporanea e l'Ordine degli Architetti P.P.C. di Roma e Provincia sono
lieti di invitarvi alla presentazione della rivista che si terrà presso la Casa dell'Architettura,piazza Manfredo Fanti 47, Roma.
mercoledì 21 marzo 2012, alle ore 17.30.
Sarà presentato in anteprima il terzo numero della rivista (gennaio-marzo 2012) dedicato al tema delle «Architetture di
«La pace è un po’ come una città, la si costruisce pezzo per pezzo», commenta Renzo Piano in un’intervista concessa in
esclusiva a Boundaries nel febbraio 2012 e pubblicata in questo numero. Il corso intricato della storia ci ricorda come la
pace sia un’invenzione dell’uomo, una paziente, continua costruzione. Ed è, appunto, il valore della costruzione come
momento di condivisione che i progetti presentati promuovono.
+ info:
Conclusiones del Coloquio Internacional sobre la preservación del patrimonio y el
nuevo marco legal en Túnez - Instituto Nacional del Patrimonio. Programa
Montada - Túnez (Tunicia) 26-27 enero 2012
Ya podéis consultar las conclusiones y recomendaciones del Coloquio Internacional sobre la
preservación del patrimonio y el nuevo marco legal en Túnez y ver el vídeo, que incluye
declaraciones de Mahdi Mabrouk, ministro de Cultura, Túnez; Nejiba Zaier, magistrada de
Túnez y Ridha Fraoua, experto jurista internacional.
+ info:
Writing About Architecture
By Alexandra Lange
Editor: Princeton Architectural Press - 2012
ISBN: 978-1616890537
We recently received a book we wished we had earlier, Writing About Architecture. Lange’s book pulls
from “lessons learned from her courses at New York University and the School of Visual Arts.” ”The
book offers works by some of the best architecture critics of the twentieth century including Ada
Louise Huxtable, Lewis Mumford, Herbert Muschamp, Michael Sorkin, Charles Moore, Frederick Law
Olmsted, and Jane Jacobs to explains some of the most successful methods with which to approach architectural criticism.”
The book “could serve as the primary text for a course on criticism for undergraduates or architecture and design majors.”
We here at ArchDaily are now using it as a resource.
+ info:
Journal of Architectural Conservation - the international journal for historic buildings,
monuments and places
Managing Editor: Jill Pearce
As the leading authority in its field, the international Journal of Architectural Conservation provides
invaluable guidance on policy, practice and technical developments. Encouraging debate on a broad variety
of conservation issues, this peer-reviewed Journal with its high academic and professional standards fulfils
its ambition to illuminate, question and inform.
+ info:
3D Laser Scanning for Heritage (second edition) 2011
Advice and guidance to users on laser scanning in archaeology and architecture
This document has been generated as part of the Heritage3D project. Heritage3D is sponsored by English
Heritage’s National Heritage Protection Commissions programme (projects 3789 MAIN and 5496 MAIN)
and undertaken by the School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences at Newcastle University.
+ info:
New work in historic places of worship 2012
2nd edition
English Heritage believes that this country’s historic places of worship should retain their role as living
buildings at the heart of their communities. We want to help congregations accommodate changes that are
needed to achieve this, in ways which will sustain and enhance the special qualities of their buildings. Our
formal role is to act as a consultee in the statutory processes for controlling works to listed places of
worship, but we can also offer pre-application advice to congregations to help them develop proposals,
based on our experience and expertise in working with the historic environment.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (3 de 3) [02/05/2012 13:38:55]
Impacto del cambio climático sobre el Patrimonio
Impacto del cambio climático sobre el Patrimonio
Planet under pressure: taking stock of scientific data
UNESCO will join with scientists, political leaders, academics, health specialists, representatives of other intergovernmental
and non-governmental organizations, the private sector and the media, at a conference in London from 26 to 29 March to
take stock of the health of the planet. Over the four days, they’ll examine the latest data on key indicators including
climate change, declining biodiversity, food security and governance.
+ info:
Une base de données internationale pour mieux évaluer le puits de carbone océanique
Constituée par une collaboration internationale coordonnée par l'université d'East Anglia (Royaume-Uni) et impliquant le
Laboratoire d'océanographie et du climat : expérimentations et approches numériques (LOCEAN/IPSL, UPMC / CNRS /
MNHN / IRD), la base de données SOCAT vient d’être mise ne ligne. Cette base rassemble quasiment toutes les
observations internationales réalisées entre 1968 et 2007 du dioxyde de carbone (CO2) dissous dans l’eau de surface de
l’océan mondial et de ses zones côtières. Accessible à tous et notamment aux scientifiques du monde entier, elle va
grandement faciliter les études sur l’évolution du puits de carbone océanique.
+ info:
Climat : de nouvelles simulations françaises pour le prochain rapport du GIEC (Groupe d'experts
Intergouvernemental sur l'évolution du climat)
A l'automne 2013, le GIEC qui, rappelons-le, est le Groupe d'experts Intergouvernemental sur l'évolution du climat,
publiera le premier volet de son nouveau rapport d'évaluation, le cinquième, les quatre premiers ayant été publiés
respectivement en 1990, 1995, 2001 et 2007. Trois groupes et une équipe spéciale composent le GIEC. Le premier traite
des éléments scientifiques de l'évolution du climat, à savoir son observation, sa compréhension et son estimation future.
Le second s'intéresse aux questions concernant la vulnérabilité des systèmes socio- économiques et naturels aux
changements climatiques, les conséquences de ces changements et les mesures d'adaptation. Enfin, le troisième et dernier
groupe s'occupe des mesures d'atténuation. Quant à l'équipe spéciale du GIEC, elle est en charge des inventaires
nationaux de gaz à effet de serre. Or pour établir leurs conclusions, les auteurs de ce 5ème rapport vont s'appuyer
notamment sur les résultats de l'exercice de simulations du climat passé et futur (CMIP-5), réalisé dans le cadre du
Programme mondial de recherche sur le climat (PMRC), dont la réalisation mobilise une large communauté scientifique
internationale dans laquelle sont impliqués de nombreux chercheurs français essentiellement du CNRS, du CEA, de MétéoFance, de l'UPMC (Université Pierre et Marie Curie) et l'UVSQ (Université Versailles Saint-Quentin- en-Yvelines).
+ info:
La alta demanda y el cambio climático amenazan los recursos hídricos a nivel
mundial, según el Informe Mundial de las Naciones Unidas
Un aumento sin precedentes en la demanda mundial de agua amenaza los principales objetivos
de desarrollo, advierte la última edición del Informe de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Desarrollo
de los Recursos Hídricos en el Mundo (WWDR4), titulado "La gestión del agua en un contexto
de incertidumbre y riesgo".
La mayor demanda de alimentos, la rápida urbanización y el cambio climático ejercen una
creciente presión sobre este recurso. Frente a esta situación, es necesario repensar por
completo su gestión, concluye el Informe, que presentarán el 12 de marzo en el Foro Mundial del Agua de Marsella el
presidente de ONU-Agua, Michel Jarraud, y la Directora General de la UNESCO, Irina Bokova. (1 de 4) [02/05/2012 13:39:01]
Impacto del cambio climático sobre el Patrimonio
+ info:
Misterre - Les sciences de la terre et de l'univers en questions
Il y a exactement 20 ans, la seule étoile connue accompagnée de planètes était… le soleil. Depuis, ce sont plus de 760
mondes tournant autour d’autres étoiles qui ont été détectés. Blottis à proximité de leur étoile, ils ne peuvent être vus
directement. Et pourtant, ils tournent…
+ info:
Il y a 14 600 ans, la mer est montée très rapidement lors d’une période de
Il y a 14 600 ans, le niveau marin a connu une hausse brutale de presque 14 mètres en
seulement 350 ans. Cette élévation impressionnante coïncide avec le début de la première
période chaude qui marqua la fin de la dernière glaciation. De plus, la contribution de la calotte
antarctique à cette élévation a été significative. Tels sont les résultats mis en évidence par une
équipe du Centre européen de recherche et d'enseignement en géosciences de l'environnement
(CEREGE, Aix-Marseille Université / CNRS / IRD / Collège de France), en collaboration avec des
collègues anglais et japonais. Publiés le 29 mars 2012 dans la revue Nature, ces travaux confirment l’existence d’une
accélération majeure de la remontée du niveau marin entre -14 650 et -14 300 : il s’agit d’un des événements climatiques
les plus marquants des derniers 20 000 ans.
+ info: océanographique - ICE-CTD (Iceland coral ecosystems - climate and thermocline depth ocean
circulation) - 11 juin - 6 juillet 2012
Reconstituer la dynamique de la circulation océanique en Atlantique Nord, une composante essentielle du système
climatique, reste un défi majeur pour les sciences du climat. Cependant, dans les zones de forts courants de l’Atlantique
Nord croissent depuis des milliers voir des millions d'années des récifs coralliens profonds qui sont d’excellents
enregistreurs de certains paramètres climatiques. Leur étude, à l’aide de traceurs géochimiques, devrait permettre de
reconstruire l’évolution passée de paramètres océaniques, telles la température, la ventilation et la provenance des eaux,
et ainsi de reconstituer les variations passées de la circulation océanique et des conditions environnementales dans cette
+ info:
Un forage révèle que la Mer Morte s'est presque complètement asséchée il y a 125.000 ans - Israel
La baisse rapide du niveau de la Mer Morte, très préoccupante actuellement, n'est pas un phénomène nouveau : elle a déjà
eu lieu dans un passé lointain, ce qui entraîna son assèchement complet. C'est du moins le résultat auquel a récemment
abouti un projet de forage international auquel ont participé, entre autres, des chercheurs de l'Institut des Sciences de la
Terre Fredy and Nadine Herrmann à l'Université Hébraïque de Jérusalem. Ces recherches ont ouvert une fenêtre sur
l'histoire climatique et sismique de la mer Morte, en remontant le temps sur plusieurs centaines de milliers d'années.
+ info:
Plus de 40 ans de mesures de CO2 à la surface des océans dans une base de données unique
Plus d'une centaine de scientifiques de partout dans le monde sont impliqués dans la coordination de la base de données la
plus complète au monde concernant les mesures de CO2 à la surface des océans. 6,3 millions de relevés effectués par des
navires de recherche, des navires d'observation bénévoles et autres, de 1968 à nos jours, sont dorénavant accessibles au
public dans une même base de données, nommée SOCAT (Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas) [1], qui devrait permettre des études
approfondies sur les changements climatiques dans l'océan.
+ info:
Le froid de l'Antarctique à l'Université de Sherbrooke - Québec (Canada)
Dans le cadre d'un projet de recherche conjoint avec le Laboratoire de glaciologie et
géophysique de l'environnement (LGGE) de Grenoble financé par l'institut Polaire Français
(IPEV: Institut Paul Émile Victor), professeur Alain Royer du CARTEL et Ghislain Picard ont
réalisé une campagne de mesures en Antarctique pendant 2 mois 1/2 durant l'été austral, soit
notre hiver à nous ici. Ghislain Picard est professeur associé au Département de Géomatique
Appliqué et chercheur associé au CARTEL…
+ info:
10th International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography - Changing southern
23 abril - 27 abril 2012 Nouméa, New Caledonia. Francia
Organizadores: American Meteorological Society (AMS), in collaboration with the Institut de recherche pour le
développement (IRD) and Météo-France.
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Around the world, architects and city planners answer to rising seas: floating
A floating mosque and golf course for the submerging Maldives islands. Amphibious homes (2 de 4) [02/05/2012 13:39:01]
Impacto del cambio climático sobre el Patrimonio
in the Netherlands lifted to safety as waters surge beneath them. A hospital perched on 400
stilts to protect patients from Thailand's devastating floods and the encroaching sea. Around
the world, architects and city planners are exploring ways mankind and water may be able
to coexist as oceans rise and other phenomenon induced by climate change, including
extreme, erratic floods, threaten land-rooted living.
+ info:
Stephen Cox: A Plea for Safeguarding the Antarctic
However much you have travelled the world, nothing can prepare you for the grandeur and
spectacle of the Antarctic with its diverse abundant wildlife, the often tragic history of its
exploration, the remnants of man’s abuse of the natural environment and something that one
takes for granted when looking from afar: the ice. The ice, particularly where it collides with the
sea, is simply “awesome”.
+ info:
Managing the risks of extreme events and disasters to advance climate change adaptation Intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC)
Extreme weather and climate events, interacting with exposed and vulnerable human and natural
systems, can lead to disasters. This Special Report explores the social as well as physical dimensions of
weather- and climate-related disasters, considering opportunities for managing risks at local to
international scales. SREX was approved and accepted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) on 18 November 2011 in Kampala, Uganda.
+ info:
Campagne océanographique - Pandora
21 junio - 01 agosto 2012 -Organizadores: PANDORA: CNRS-INSU, IRD, Universités (Toulouse, Grenoble, Brest, Marseille), Scripps institution of
oceanography (CA, USA), Pacific marine environmental laboratory (NOAA, WA, USA).
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Campagne océanographique côtière - MOOSE-ligne (Mediterranean ocean observing system on environmentligne)
18 julio - 05 agosto 2012 -Organizadores: MOOSE-ligne
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Campagne océanographique - STRASSE (Subtropical Atlantic surface salinity experiment)
15 agosto - 14 septiembre 2012 -Organizadores: STRASSE
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Surviving Sudden Environmental Change - Answers from Archaeology
By Jago Cooper and Payson Sheets
ISBN: 978-1-60732-167-5
Published: Feb. 2012
Archaeologists have long encountered evidence of natural disasters through excavation and stratigraphy.
In Surviving Sudden Environmental Change, case studies examine how eight different past human
communities-ranging from Arctic to equatorial regions, from tropical rainforests to desert interiors, and
from deep prehistory to living memory-faced and coped with such dangers.
Many disasters originate from a force of nature, such as an earthquake, cyclone, tsunami, volcanic eruption, drought, or
flood. But that is only half of the story; decisions of people and their particular cultural lifeways are the rest. Sociocultural
factors are essential in understanding risk, impact, resilience, reactions, and recoveries from massive sudden
environmental changes. By using deep-time perspectives provided by interdisciplinary approaches, this book provides a
rich temporal background to the human experience of environmental hazards and disasters. In addition, each chapter is
followed by an abstract summarizing the important implications for today's management practices and providing
recommendations for policy makers.
+ info:
Report on the Effect of climate change on cultural heritage: new results from Climate for Culture project
Funded by the EU from 2009 to 2014, Climate for Culture is investigating the potential impact of climate change on (3 de 4) [02/05/2012 13:39:01]
Impacto del cambio climático sobre el Patrimonio
Europe’s cultural heritage assets – particularly historic buildings and their interiors.
One projected result is a temperature increase of 1.5-2°C in the winter months for countries such as Germany, The
Netherlands, Belgium and most of the French inland. Together with potential changes in humidity, this could affect the
indoor environment of historic buildings.
The results underscore the need for considerable forward planning to ensure the preservation of collections.
+ info:
Report by the Stockholm Environment Institute: Valuing the Ocean
Author(s): Noone, K., R. Sumaila and R.J. Diaz (eds)
Year: 2012
This study, the work of an international, multi-disciplinary team of experts coordinated by SEI, will be
published as a peer-reviewed book later this year; this summary is being released to inform preparations
for the Rio+20 Earth Summit.
The ocean faces a multitude of interconnected threats that is unprecedented in modern history. This book
intends to help crystallise our understanding of the value of ocean services to humankind, allowing them to
be accounted for as we plan for a future fraught with risk and uncertainty.
+ info:
Proceedings of the 2011 Arctic Futures Symposium - Arctic Search and Rescue, Environmental Measures Key
to Region's Future (Brussels-Belgium, October 2011)
The report of the proceedings of the Arctic Futures 2011 Symposium contains summaries of the speeches, presentations,
discussions and conclusions from the conference.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (4 de 4) [02/05/2012 13:39:01]
Patrimonio Cultural
Patrimonio Cultural
Las antiguas luces de neón brillan otra vez en el histórico Parque Highland en Los
Ángeles – Los Ángeles – California - EEUU
Estas antiguas señales vuelven a estar de moda. Al menos e uno de los 10 bloques de la
Calle Figueroa (parte de la histórica Ruta 66), un barrio del histórico Parque Highlands en
Los Ángeles, donde dos grandes señales históricas (una de neón y otra de bombillas) han
sido restauradas y reencendidas el año pasado.
+ info:
Global Heritage Review 2012, Volume 1
GHF’s mission is to protect, preserve and sustain the most significant and endangered cultural heritage sites in the
developing world.
Since its founding, GHF - a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization - has focused its efforts in developing countries and regions
on preservation and responsible development of the most important and endangered global heritage sites. GHF projects
are selected using strict criteria developed by its Board of Trustees and Senior Advisory Board, and our work on each
project follows a methodology termed Preservation by Design ®.
+ info:
New Heritage Portal
El Heritage Portal está financiado por la European Commission’s Coordination action con el apoyo de la implementación de
un programa conjunto (JPI) sobre Patrimonio Cultural y Cambio Global (JHEP). Heritage Portal está mantenido por el
Heritage Council of Ireland.
Los objetivos de NET-HERITAGE son, entre otros, identificar las necesidades y lagunas de la investigación en la
conservación del patrimonio para coordinar las políticas y los programas de investigación a nivel europeo y fomentar la
investigación en estas áreas; favorecer la cooperación entre instituciones, investigadores y profesionales del campo de la
conservación del patrimonio; crear una plataforma para la difusión y el intercambio de conocimientos (el Observatorio NETHERITAGE ); y próximamente desarrollar una convocatoria europea de proyectos de investigación en conservación del
patrimonio cultural.
+ info:
Survey of Course Offerings in Cultural Heritage Law
The following list of course offerings in cultural heritage law is intended to provide a primary resource for law students,
those who are thinking of attending law school, and others who are interested in determining the extent and nature of the
teaching of cultural heritage law in law schools today. The list is based on a survey conducted by Ryan Rowberry during the
summer of 2006, “Law School Update: LCCHP Law School Survey Report,” published in the Yearbook of Cultural Property
Law 2007 (Sherry Hutt, ed. and David Tarler, assist. ed.). The methodology and questions used in the survey are
explained in more detail in this article.
+ info:
Colloque 'Le patrimoine oui, mais quel patrimoine ? '- Siège de l'UNESCO - Paris - France - 3 - 4 avril 2012
Organisé par la Commission nationale française pour l´UNESCO avec la collaboration du Centre français du patrimoine
culturel immatériel - Maison des Cultures du Monde.
L’objectif de ce colloque est de faire le point sur les implications de cette nouvelle donne. Quelques uns des thèmes qui (1 de 5) [02/05/2012 13:39:05]
Patrimonio Cultural
seraient abordés (la liste est non limitative) pourraient être : Jusqu’où étendre le champ du patrimoine ? Quel patrimoine
faut-il protéger, sauvegarder ? Peut-on, doit-on, tout protéger, tout sauvegarder ? Nous avons délibérément choisi pour ce
colloque d’y inviter des personnalités de la société civile qui ont, dans leurs écrits, déjà abordé ces thèmes de réflexion
sous des angles différents. La diversité de leurs approches mériterait d’être réunie en un ouvrage qui serait ainsi le
témoignage de l’état de cette réflexion en France aujourd’hui.
+ info:
EUROMED HERITAGE 4 Programme Project: eLAICH Educational Toolkit in cultural heritage
It is a pleasure to share with you the results of three years of creative and devoted work of this Euromed Heritage 4
Programme project: eLAICH Educational Toolkit for educators and heritage authorities to introduce the values of cultural
heritage and principles and challenges of its preservation to youth. eLAICH Educational Toolkit is accessible without charge
or registration.
+ info:
Preservation Magazine - Spring 2012
Preservation is the award-winning magazine of the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
Subscribe to Preservation and explore the mystery and meaning of our most beloved places through indepth features, elegant personal essays, and vibrant photography. By doing so, you will receive all the
benefits members of the National Trust for Historic Preservation enjoy.
+ info:
Boundaries International Architecture Magazine - Issue number 104 on 'Architectures of
In this issue the focus is on the role of architecture in relation to peace, understanding the latter as a
condition that is constantly negotiated, an ongoing process.
“Peace” is not compared to its opposite, nor is it referred to as the celebration of memories or events. It
is not about considering philosophical or religious meaning, or authoritarianism and its modes of
expression, nor to outline possibilities in the future. It is about favouring literature that allows the
importance of the concreteness of work to emerge, of solidarity and tolerance, as well as of doubt and of
prudence in judgement. Practices, those, that speak about dialogue, which grow out of “being together” and become, at
the same time, the most effective expression of the art of being together; they take shape in the public space, and
architecture has a lot to do with it.
+ info:
Tribus indias preocupadas por el oleoducto que podría perturbar a sus tumbas –
Cushing – Oklahoma – EEUU
Mientras el presidente Barack Obama presiona para agilizar el oleoducto del sur de
Oklahoma hasta la Costa del Golfo, una tribu de indios americanos está preocupada por que
la ruta podría perturbar lugares sagrados donde hay fosas comunes de sus antepasados. El
jefe de la nación Sac y Fox, George Thurman, planea expresar su consternación esta
semana en Washington. Thurman dice que teme que los trabajadores que colocan la tubería
Keystone XL a lo largo de 485 millas, desde Cushing hasta las refinerías de la Costa del
Golfo de Texas, perturben la tierra santa sin el consentimiento de su tribu. El y los demás miembros de la tribu aseguran
que la ruta del oleoducto atraviesa zonas donde es probable que haya enterradas tumbas anónimas.
+ info:
Memorial de las víctimas del comunismo en Estonia /
Armin Valter + Joel Kopli
Armin Valter y Joel Kopli comparten con nosotros su propuesta
para ganar en concurso sobre el Memorial de las víctimas del
comunismo en Estonia. Situado al norte de un acantilado de
piedra caliza, cerca de la ciudad de Paldiski, en una base militar
de submarinos nucleares cerrada en la época soviética, su
diseño intenta revitalizar el lugar y concienciar a las personas
de la región. Esta arquitectura de la memoria contiene rasgos simbólicos para ser descubiertos por los visitantes. Con 20m
de profundidad y 20m de diámetro, el hoyo está cortado dentro del acantilado de piedra caliza. Una vez dentro, el visitante
se sumerge en la época del Telón de Acero soviético.
+ info:
Célébration du 40e anniversaire de la Convention du patrimoine mondial - Conférence, exposition, marche,
concert sur le voyage et l'hospitalité- Pons - Charente-Maritime - 2012
La Ville de Pons (Charente-Maritime), halte sur l’itinéraire de Tours vers Saint Jacques de Compostelle (GR®655) célèbre
le quarantième anniversaire du patrimoine mondial.
le thème « Voyage et hospitalité » est le fil conducteur de sa programmation : un événement par mois depuis janvier
jusqu’en juin où se tiendra la cérémonie de dévoilement de la plaque commémorative d’inscription sur la Liste du
patrimoine mondial.
+ info: (2 de 5) [02/05/2012 13:39:05]
Patrimonio Cultural
E-news n°77: Appointment of ICOMOS Director General - Nouvelles
électroniques n°77 : Nomination du Directeur général de l'ICOMOS
The International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) is happy to announce
that it has appointed Mr Philippe Allard to the position of Director-General of the
ICOMOS International Secretariat, based in Paris.
Philippe Allard comes to ICOMOS well qualified for the post. He brings the experience of
15 years of managerial work in France in three different sectors of activities, followed
by appointments as General Manager for the Italian Volvo Truck Centres with
headquarters in Bergamo, and prior to that, for Midas in Italy and Austria. Mr Allard is confident about the challenge of
transferring his extensive dominion of management and team work in the for-profit sector to the non-profit work of
ICOMOS, and applying them to advance its work for cultural heritage. Mr Allard is a French national, and fluent in English,
German and Italian.
+ info:
Nouveaux biens inscrits à l'inventaire des monuments historiques en 2011 (France)
Le Journal Officiel a publié, le 6 avril, la liste des bien immobiliers français inscrits ou classés au titre de « Monuments
historiques » en 2011.
Le titre de « Monument historique » confère au bien immobilier (ou une partie de ce bien) une valeur patrimoniale et une
protection juridique « du fait de son intérêt historique, artistique, architectural mais aussi technique ou scientifique ». Le
monument historique peut faire l’objet d’un classement par arrêté ministériel ou d’une inscription par arrêté régional ou
+ info:
Página web: SAFE (Saving Antiquities For Everyone)
Página web SAFE. Guardando antigüedades para todo el mundo.
+ info:
Congreso: Patrimonio Cultural. Criterios de calidad en intervenciones
18 abril - 20 abril 2012 Madrid. España
Organizadores: Grupo Español del International Institute for Conservation (GEIIC). Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 may 2012
+ info:
Revue In Situ - Les patrimoines de l'enseignement supérieur (France) Janvier 2012
L’idée d’un numéro de In situ, revue en ligne des patrimoines, consacré au patrimoine de l’enseignement supérieur a pour
la première fois été évoquée lors du comité de rédaction de la revue tenu le 8 décembre 2008. Après accord des
participants, un appel à projets a été diffusé. Il n’a reçu qu’un faible écho, avec environ une quinzaine de réponses, pas
toutes pertinentes de surcroît. Le 29 septembre 2009, les membres du comité, ayant pris acte de ces insuffisances,
décidèrent d’effectuer une relance plus ciblée de l’appel à contributions, avec pour but d’obtenir des propositions de textes
portant sur des questions jugées tout à la fois importantes et méconnues….
+ info:
Coalición para la Diversidad Cultural: El marco de la UNESCO de 2009 para las estadísticas
culturales: Entrevista con Lydia Deloumeaux, Unidad de Cultura del Instituto de Estadística
de la UNESCO
La Sra. Lydia Deloumeaux de la unidad de cultura del Instituto de estadística de la UNESCO es uno de
los coautores del marco de la UNESCO de 2009 para las estadísticas culturales. Entre 2006 y 2009,
conoció a muchos miembros de los ministerios de Cultura procedente de muchos países con meta de
crear un marco más global para las estadísticas culturales que incluyera todos los países del mundo.
Aceptó amablemente compartir su pasión con nosotros y responder a nuestras preguntas sobre las
implicaciones del marco de 2009 y el impacto que tiene.
+ info:
English Heritage Commentary on the National Planning Policy Framework - England (United Kingdom)
English Heritage is very pleased to have worked closely with the Government on the National Planning Policy Framework
(NPPF) to secure a positive result for heritage and sustainable development. We believe that the level of protection that
PPS5 gave to heritage has been maintained in the NPPF.
This will allow heritage to continue to play a central role in long-term sustainable growth in England. As there have been a
number of changes to the wording we will of course want to monitor the outcome of planning decisions to ensure that the
NPPF works in the way Government intends.
+ info:
Lettre d'information de la Fondation du Patrimoine n° 28 | Le 16/04/2012
La Fondation du Patrimoine a pour but essentiel de sauvegarder et de valoriser le patrimoine rural non protégé. Maisons,
églises, ponts, lavoirs, moulins, patrimoine industriel, mobilier, naturel… tous les types de patrimoine de proximité sont (3 de 5) [02/05/2012 13:39:05]
Patrimonio Cultural
éligibles à l'action de la Fondation. Aux côtés de l'Etat et des principaux acteurs du secteur, elle aide les propriétaires
publics et associatifs à financer leurs projets, permet aux propriétaires privés de défiscaliser tout ou partie de leurs
travaux, et mobilise le mécénat d’entreprise.
+ info:
Maisons Paysannes de France - Revue du printemps 2012 - Le Maire et le patrimoine de sa
Association nationale reconnue d'utilité publique de préservation du patrimoine bâti en milieu rural.
Avec l'aide de délégations départementales, aide et conseils de restauration. Visites-découverte de
architecture régionale, démonstration de savoir faire de techniques de construction traditionnelles et
locales, stages pratiques de rénovation (enduits chaux chanvre, torchis, murs en pierres sèches etc.)
Mission : Conseils et accompagnement de particuliers ou de communes lors de chantier de rénovation,
réhabilitation ou restauration d'un bâtiment
+ info:
Primera reunión de los centros regionales de excelencia del sudeste de Europa sobre la salvaguarda del
patrimonio cultural
23 marzo 2012 Zadar. Croacia
Organizadores: Oficina de la UNESCO en Venecia
Contacto: Anthony Krause at [email protected]
+ info:[showUid]
Journées Romanes - La cathédrale romane: Architecture, espaces, circulations
09 julio - 13 julio 2012 Cuxa. Francia
Organizadores: L’association culturelle de Cuxa
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
6th Young Cultural Policy Researchers' Forum: Call for applications now open!
11 septiembre - 12 septiembre 2012 London. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: European Cultural Foundation, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond and ENCATC
Contacto: Elizabeth Darley ([email protected])
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 may 2012
+ info:
Llamada de ponencias - III Sesión de investigación anual de ENCATC (Red Europea de Centros de Formación
en Gestión Cultural)
12 septiembre - 14 septiembre 2012 Londres. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: Red Europea de Centros de Formación en Gestión Cultural (ENCATC)
Contacto: Elizabeth Darley ([email protected])
FECHA LÍMITE: 8 jun 2012
+ info:
Conference - Culture Matters 2012 - Capturing the social and economic value of cultural heritage: Perspectives
and projects from across Europe
14 noviembre - 16 noviembre 2012 Norwich. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: SHAPING 24 - Strategies for Heritage Access Pathways in Norwich and Ghent
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 abr 2012
+ info:
Llamada de ponencias: Concepciones del patrimonio
19 noviembre - 20 noviembre 2012 Saint Etienne. Francia
Organizadores: Centre Max Weber, Université Jean-Monnet Saint-Étienne; Canada Research Chair on Urban Heritage,
Université du Québec à Montréal in conjunction with the Groupe PARVI, the Canadian Forum for Public Research on
Heritage, the Université Jean Monnet Saint- Étienne, and the Centre Jacques Cartier.
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 abr 2012
+ info:
Programme of Denkmal 2012 - Denkmal European Trade Fair for Restoration and Old Building Renovation
22 noviembre - 24 noviembre 2012 Leipzig. Alemania
Organizadores: DENKMAL
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info: (4 de 5) [02/05/2012 13:39:05]
Patrimonio Cultural
66º Encuentro anual de la sociedad de historiadores de arquitectura
10 abril - 14 abril 2013 Buffalo, Nueva York. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Sociedad de Historiadores Arquitectónicos (SAH)
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 1 jun 2012
+ info:
Routledge Handbook of Heritage in Asia
Edited by Patrick Daly and Tim Winter
Published December 13th 2011 by Routledge
ISBN: 978-0-415-60045-3
This Handbook is the first major volume to examine the conservation of Asia’s culture and nature in
relation to the wider social, political and economic forces shaping the region today.
Throughout Asia rapid economic and social change means the region’s heritage is at once under threat and
undergoing a revival as never before. As societies look forward, competing forces ensure they re-visit the
past and the inherited, with the conservation of nature and culture now driven by the broader agendas of identity politics,
tradition, revival, rapid development, environmentalism and sustainability…
+ info:
Jeux et Enjeux de la planétisation - Patrimoine - Culture - Monde
ISBN: 978-2-296-13706-6
Collection : Interfaces et transdisciplinarités
Dans la continuité de son premier ouvrage sur la mondialisation (Science et conscience de la mondialisation,
L’Harmattan, 2006), Isabelle Hannequart, maître de conférences en droit public et membre du GERCIE/
Groupe d’Etude et de Recherche sur la coopération internationale et européenne de l’Université FrançoisRabelais de Tours, se focalise sur l’enjeu culturel de la mondialisation. Il ne s’agit pas d’un enjeu parmi
d’autres, mais de l’enjeu crucial d’une planétisation à la croisée de la mondialisation plurielle et de la globalisation
L’auteure décrit les jeux que forment les trois composants de l’enjeu, le patrimoine, la culture et le Monde, dans les
variations de leurs multiples combinaisons. L’Union européenne, dotée d’une compétence culturelle, fait l’objet d’une
attention spéciale,
comme un laboratoire pour les notions d’exception culturelle, de diversité culturelle et de cohésion culturelle. L’originalité
de l’approche est confortée par l’application de la trialectique, nouvel outil de la transdisciplinarité, qui vient appuyer la
proposition d’une nouvelle capacité à mettre en oeuvre dans l’éducation pour l’ère planétaire.
+ info:
Histoire Antique & Médiévale hors-série n° 30 Cluny 1120, au seuil de la Major Ecclesia
Editions Faton
ISSN : 1632-0859
Chef-d'œuvre de l'art roman, l'abbatiale de Cluny III marquait l'apogée de l'ordre clunisien. Des études
récentes ont permis de lever le voile sur son grand portail, détruit en 1810 et documenté par une poignée
de représentations graphiques seulement. Le travail sur la composition, l'iconographie et la polychromie
originelle ont donné lieu à une évocation monumentale et à une reconstitution virtuelle, permettant
d'appréhender la monumentalité de l'ensemble.
+ info:
Intervención num. 3 (Enero - Junio 2011) Escuela Nacional de Conservación, Restauración y
Museografía de México
Editor: Instituto Nacional de Arqueología e Historia
Año: 2011
El consejo editorial de ‘Intervención’ cuenta hoy con nuevos miembros y una política de trabajo
plenamente integrada a la estructura de publicaciones del INAH. Agradecemos a todos los que colaboran
en este empeño, en espera de que los resultados manifiesten la optimización a la que estamos
cabalmente comprometidos. Creemos que este sentido de renovación seguirá haciendo que la revista sea
transcendente y necesaria en la actualidad. Si bien la aproximación al patrimonio cultural ha cambiado mucho desde
aquella narración de ‘Nabonidus’, en el siglo V, esa profundidad histórica en continua reformulación yace aún en la lógica
de trabajo colectivo que busca, en el presente, la permanencia. Ésa es la esencia y razón de ser de esta publicación.
+ info:
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Paisajes Culturales
Paisajes Culturales
L'aménagement des abords du Palais de la Porte Dorée - Paris, France
Le réaménagement des abords du Palais de la Porte Dorée constitue le dernier acte des
travaux menés depuis 2006. Il comprend notamment la réalisation d'un jardin et la création
de deux nouvelles entrées.
Le réaménagement comprend la réfection des carroyages en pavés du parvis, la rénovation
des espaces plantés, l’ouverture de deux nouvelles entrées pour le public dont une adaptée
aux personnes à mobilité réduite et la réalisation d'un nouvel éclairage. Les travaux
commencés en janvier seront effectués par tranches jusqu’en juin 2012. La plantation des
diverses espèces de végétaux s'étendra sur toute l'année 2012 et jusqu'au premier trimestre 2013 en fonction des
essences plantées.
+ info:
Centro de Visitantes del Jardín Botánico VanDusen / Perkins+Will - 2011 Vancouver – Columbia Británica – Canadá
El Centro de Visitantes del Jardín Botánico VanDusen, en Vancouver, de Perkins+Will, está
diseñado para cumplir con el desafío de la Construcción Habitable, el conjunto de requisitos
más exigentes de la sostenibilidad. Formal y funcional, abarca las metas del diseño
medioambiental y de consciencia social. El edificio es un conjunto ondulado donde los
espacios interiores y exteriores se alzan desde el suelo hasta el techo, proporcionando una
vasta área donde puede crecer la vegetación, reocupando el terreno donde el edificio se
asienta con el paisaje. El edificio también cuenta con sistemas activos y pasivos de reutilización de los recursos renovables
del lugar y de sus propios residuos.
+ info:
Los Jardins du Précambrien necesitan voluntarios - Val David. Québec (Canadá)
El 11o Simposio Internacional de Arte In Situ de los Jardins du Précambrien en Val-David se llevará a cabo desde el 14 de
julio hasta el 14 de octubre de 2012 bajo el tema LEGADOS. Diez artistas procedentes de las tres Américas han sido
invitados para realizar un proyecto artístico en tres kilómetros de los senderos en el bosque. En el proyecto participarán
también una poetiza y una compositora residente, y conferencistas de renombre que nos hablarán acerca del sentido de
Varias ágoras que se habrán acondicionado en los caminos nos invitarán a encontrar a los artistas y a descubrir sus obras.
Este año, una vez más, el público realizará una obra colectiva. Les invitamos a todos a venir y que se unan a nosotros para
celebrar el aniversario 17 de los simposios.
+ info:
Villa Médicis - Visites guidées des jardins en français, italien et anglais - Rome
Les visites guidées des jardins durent une heure environ et permet de découvrir les trésors de
la Villa Médicis, son histoire, son architecture et sa collection d'oeuvres d'art. Le parcours de la
visite commence par une description de la façade orientée vers les jardins avec ses basreliefs
romains, les copies raffinées des anciennes statues et du Mercure de Giambologna, les
sculptures contemporaines et les symboles liés à l'histoire des Médicis. La visite se poursuit par
la Loggia, emblème de la Villa, puis par l'atelier du Bosco, représenté dans un célèbre tableau (1 de 2) [02/05/2012 13:39:07]
Paisajes Culturales
de Vélasquez. Elle continue avec la gypsothèque, nouvellement ouverte au public, et le carré des Niobides, fontaine créée
par Balthus à partir de moulages d'antiques. La promenade s'achève avec la découverte de l'extraordinaire panorama sur
la Ville Éternelle depuis le Belvedère.
A partir du 14 mars 2012, tous les mercredis la visite guidée des jardins inclut aussi la visite de l'appartement du Cardinal
+ info:
Exhibition - Exposition de bonsaï - Jardins Albert Kahn
31 marzo - 24 junio 2012 Boulogne Billancourt. Francia
Organizadores: Albert-Kahn, musée et jardins
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition - Paesaggi agrari. L'irrinunciabile eredità scientifica di Emilio Sereni
13 abril 2012 Gattatico, Reggio Emilia. Italia
Organizadores: Istituto Alcide Cervi in collaborazione con la Società Geografica Italiana
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Corso SEGNARE IL PAESAGGIO - Accademia Nazionale di San Luca
21 mayo - 01 junio 2012 Rome. Italia
Organizadores: Accademia Nazionale di San Luca
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
LandWorks Sardinia 2012 workshop
21 mayo - 31 mayo 2012 Cagliari, Sardinia. Italia
Organizadores: Master of Mediterranean Landscape Urbanism of the University of Alghero
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 7 may 2012
+ info:
Atelier - Démarches participatives et projet de paysage
4, 5 et 19 juin 2012
04 junio 2012 Angers. Francia
Organizadores: Institut Supérieur des Sciences Agronomiques, Agroalimentaires, Horticoles et du Paysage
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Ir a arriba (2 de 2) [02/05/2012 13:39:07]
Rutas e itinerarios culturales (rutas, canales, vías férreas, ríos, etc.)
Rutas e itinerarios culturales (rutas, canales, vías férreas, ríos, etc.)
Las antiguas luces de neón brillan otra vez en el histórico Parque Highland en Los
Ángeles – Los Ángeles – California - EEUU
Estas antiguas señales vuelven a estar de moda. Al menos e uno de los 10 bloques de la
Calle Figueroa (parte de la histórica Ruta 66), un barrio del histórico Parque Highlands en
Los Ángeles, donde dos grandes señales históricas (una de neón y otra de bombillas) han
sido restauradas y reencendidas el año pasado.
+ info:
Expert Meeting on the Silk Roads World Heritage Serial and Transnational
Nomination. Tashkent - Uzbekistan (22-23 March 2012)
The UNESCO World Heritage Centre, in close cooperation with the UNESCO Offices in
Almaty and Tashkent, and in active partnership with the Uzbekistan authorities, and the
International Institute for Central Asian Studies (IICAS), a UNESCO category II Centre
based in Samarkand, Uzbekistan will organize a two-day expert meeting of the
Coordination of the Silk Roads World Heritage Serial and Transnational Nomination. This
meeting is supported by two donor countries with their generous financial contributions
made to the UNESCO World Heritage Centre through the Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO), and with the broader
UNESCO Japanese Funds-in-Trust specially funded project on 'Support for documentation standards and procedures of the
Silk Roads World Heritage Serial and Transnational Nomination in Central Asia’…
+ info:
Célébration du 40e anniversaire de la Convention du patrimoine mondial - Conférence, exposition, marche,
concert sur le voyage et l'hospitalité- Pons - Charente-Maritime - 2012
La Ville de Pons (Charente-Maritime), halte sur l’itinéraire de Tours vers Saint Jacques de Compostelle (GR®655) célèbre
le quarantième anniversaire du patrimoine mondial.
le thème « Voyage et hospitalité » est le fil conducteur de sa programmation : un événement par mois depuis janvier
jusqu’en juin où se tiendra la cérémonie de dévoilement de la plaque commémorative d’inscription sur la Liste du
patrimoine mondial.
+ info:
Agenda (1 de 2) [02/05/2012 13:39:08]
Rutas e itinerarios culturales (rutas, canales, vías férreas, ríos, etc.)
Call for contributions - Historic Environment issue: Connections across cultures and continents. The heritage
of Australian routes and journeys
Organizadores: International Scientific Committee on Cultural Routes and Itineraries
Contacto: Sandy Blair - [email protected]
+ info:
Programme des manifestations de la Région Midi Pyrénées dans le cadre du 40e anniversaire de la Convention
du patrimoine mondial (1972)
avril - juin 2012
Organizadores: Maison Midi-Pyrénées
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Ir a arriba (2 de 2) [02/05/2012 13:39:08]
Reducción y Gestión de desastres y riesgos
Reducción y Gestión de desastres y riesgos
Catástrofe de lodos rojos: la comisión de investigación acusa a la refinería y a las autoridades (Hungría)
El responsable de la comisión de investigación parlamentaria, Lajos Kepli, indicó el martes, 28 de febrero de 2012, que el
vertido de lodo rojo que afectó a tres ciudades del oeste húngaro en octubre de 2010 podía ser atribuido en primer lugar a
la negligencia de la fábrica de alúmina Mal cuyo depósito estalló, pero igualmente a las autoridades. Explica que la
catástrofe fue causada por una serie de errores así como por el enfoque negligente e irresponsable del propietario de los
lugares …
+ info:
AIA (Instituto Americano de Arquitectos) y Arquitectos por la Humanidad lanzan el
Programa de becas Plan para Desastres
Con la constatación de que los desastres son una realidad inevitable, Arquitectos por la
Humanidad y el Instituto Americano de Arquitectos (AIA) han lanzado en
un esfuerzo por eliminar “el primer período, torpe y descoordinado, donde la gente con ganas
de aportar su talento a la respuesta y la recuperación no puede encontrar los medios”. El
objetivo del Programa de becas Plan para Desastres es apoyar el desarrollo y la
implementación de un Plan para Desastres dirigido por un arquitecto en las ciudades a lo largo
de EEUU.
+ info:
Proceedings of the 2011 Forum on 'Disasters: prevention and management ' - Churchcare (United Kingdom)
In November 2011 the CCB hosted a forum entitled ''Disasters: prevention and management' at Southwark Cathedral.
Delegates considered disaster planning and recovery, focusing on the challenges posed by wide ranging issues, from fire
and flooding to climate change.
The following notes reflect the discussions and presentations from that day, and provide a good overview of how to protect
your church from disasters, or react to them if they occur.
+ info:
Research projects - The BE-AWARE Project by John Mouat - Greater North Sea
The BE-AWARE project is a two-year initiative (2012–2014), co-financed by the European Union with a total budget of
€540,800, which will undertake a risk assessment of marine pollution in the Greater North Sea and its approaches. The
overall aim is to clearly understand the regional risk of marine pollution and to compare the effectiveness of different
strategies with the goal of optimising marine pollution prevention.
+ info:
Greenpeace pide a la fiscalía que investigue las causas del incendio de las Fragas
do Eume y que depure responsabilidades - Galicia (Spain)
La organización ecologista pide a la Xunta que ponga en marcha un plan para recuperar la
zona y que no escatime en medios en la extinción de incendios.
Ante la dimensión del incendio que afecta al bosque atlántico de las Fragas do Eume, una
masa forestal única en Europa. Greenpeace demanda a la Fiscalía General del Estado y a la
Xunta de Galicia que se comprometan a investigar urgentemente las causas de este incendio
que ya ha arrasado una extensión que oscila, según las fuentes, entre 750 y 2.000 (1 de 3) [02/05/2012 13:39:10]
Reducción y Gestión de desastres y riesgos
+ info:
Managing the risks of extreme events and disasters to advance climate change adaptation Intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC)
Extreme weather and climate events, interacting with exposed and vulnerable human and natural
systems, can lead to disasters. This Special Report explores the social as well as physical dimensions of
weather- and climate-related disasters, considering opportunities for managing risks at local to
international scales. SREX was approved and accepted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) on 18 November 2011 in Kampala, Uganda.
+ info:
La Directora general de la UNESCO apela a una acción concertada para evitar la pérdida de los tesoros
documentales de Tombuctú (Mali)
La Directora general de la UNESCO, Irina Bokova, se alarmó hoy por la suerte del patrimonio cultural inestimable de
Tombuctú, en respuesta a las informaciones que indicaban que los rebeldes habrían saqueado y robado lugares que
protegerían millares de libros y documentos antiguos. Irina Bokova pidió a todas las autoridades competentes que
estuvieran atentos a cualquier tentativa de tráfico de estos tesoros.
+ info:
07 mayo - 11 mayo 2012 Barcelona. España
Organizadores: Centro de Recursos Internacional por la Paz de Barcelona
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
IV Congreso Chileno de Conservación y Restauración
23 mayo - 25 mayo 2012 Santiago de Chile. Chile
Organizadores: La Asociación Gremial de Conservadores – Restauradores de Chile, la Escuela de Arte y el Centro del
Patrimonio Cultural de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, en conjunto con el Centro Nacional de Conservación y
Restauración de la Dirección de Bibliotecas, Archivos y Museos y el Instituto Profesional DUOC UC de Valparaíso.
Contacto: Julieta Elizaga - [email protected] & Francisca Gili - [email protected]
+ info:
2012 ICOMOS Advisory Committee & Scientific Council on "Tangible Risks, Intangible Opportunities: LongTerm Risk Preparedness & Responses for Threats to Cultural Heritage-Natural and Human-Caused Disasters"
27 octubre - 01 noviembre 2012 Beijing. China
Organizadores: The President of the Advisory Committee, the Scientific Council Coordinators, and the host Committee
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Surviving Sudden Environmental Change - Answers from Archaeology
By Jago Cooper and Payson Sheets
ISBN: 978-1-60732-167-5
Published: Feb. 2012
Archaeologists have long encountered evidence of natural disasters through excavation and stratigraphy.
In Surviving Sudden Environmental Change, case studies examine how eight different past human
communities-ranging from Arctic to equatorial regions, from tropical rainforests to desert interiors, and
from deep prehistory to living memory-faced and coped with such dangers.
Many disasters originate from a force of nature, such as an earthquake, cyclone, tsunami, volcanic eruption, drought, or
flood. But that is only half of the story; decisions of people and their particular cultural lifeways are the rest. Sociocultural
factors are essential in understanding risk, impact, resilience, reactions, and recoveries from massive sudden
environmental changes. By using deep-time perspectives provided by interdisciplinary approaches, this book provides a
rich temporal background to the human experience of environmental hazards and disasters. In addition, each chapter is
followed by an abstract summarizing the important implications for today's management practices and providing
recommendations for policy makers.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (2 de 3) [02/05/2012 13:39:10]
Reducción y Gestión de desastres y riesgos (3 de 3) [02/05/2012 13:39:10]
Patrimonio Documental, Audiovisual y Digital. Archivos
Patrimonio Documental, Audiovisual y Digital. Archivos
Pierrefitte-sur-Seine : un nouveau site pour les Archives nationales - France
Le 2 décembre 2011, Frédéric Mitterrand s’est rendu sur le chantier du futur Bâtiment des Archives nationales à Pierrefitesur-Seine, dont l’inauguration est prévue en avril 2012 et l’ouverture au public au début de l’année 2013. Ce nouveau site
abritera les archives de l’Etat postérieures à 1790. Retour sur une construction imaginée par l'architecte italien,
Massimiliano Fuksas.
+ info:
La Commission européenne autorise l’aide sélective du CNC (Centre national du Cinéma) à la numérisation du
patrimoine cinématographique - France
Le Président du CNC salue l’autorisation que vient de délivrer la Commission européenne à l’ambitieux plan de
numérisation du patrimoine cinématographique français que porte le CNC.
Il s’agit de la première initiative de cette envergure en Europe qui permette d’inscrire notre patrimoine cinématographique
dans les usages du public et les technologies d’aujourd’hui.
Ce plan repose sur l’utilisation de technologies de numérisation et de restauration de très haut niveau (qualité minimale
2K), autorisant tout type d’exploitation.
+ info:
e-codices Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland - Newsletter Issue N° 5
The e-codices newsletter provides information about the latest updates, highlights, and activities of our project and
appears about 4-5 times per year.
We are delighted to count you among our readers!
+ info:
La Memoria del Mundo de la UNESCO cumple veinte años
Este año, el Programa Memoria del Mundo (MoW) celebra su 20.° aniversario. La UNESCO
organizará actividades a lo largo del año para crear conciencia sobre este importante hito, que
comenzarán con el lanzamiento formal de la campaña de celebración el 2 de abril de 2012.
En su mensaje difundido en ocasión del aniversario del Programa, Roslyn Russell, presidenta
del Comité Consultivo Internacional del Programa Memoria del Mundo, destaca la trascendencia
del patrimonio documental mundial así como de su preservación.
+ info:
Unpublished Letters Written by Ernest Hemingway Made Available for the First Time by JFK Library. Boston,
Massachusetts (USA)
The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum today announced that fifteen letters written by Nobel Prize-winning
author Ernest Hemingway to his close friend Gianfranco Ivancich have been made available to scholars. Hemingway met
Ivancich and his sister, Adriana, who became the author’s muse, while visiting Venice in 1949. The letters provide a
glimpse into Hemingway’s life in Cuba and his travels around the world.
The Ernest Hemingway Collection at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library spans Hemingway’s entire career and
represents ninety percent of existing Hemingway manuscript materials, making the Kennedy Library the world’s principal
center for research on the life and work of Ernest Hemingway. (1 de 4) [02/05/2012 13:39:15]
Patrimonio Documental, Audiovisual y Digital. Archivos
+ info:
FELLOWSHIPS - Call for applications - Grants for historic furnishings and artworks in churches, The Church of
England (United Kingdom) Deadlines: 23 March, 27 April, 24 May, 8 June and 31 August 2012
Grants are available to PCCs and Friends groups for the repair and conservation of objects of artistic/historical significance
in Anglican churches in England and in need of urgent repair.
All applications need to be supported by a detailed conservation report, which must be prepared following our guidance on
the preparation of conservation reports. We are also able to provide grants for reports and if you would like to be
considered for an initial grant for this work, please email us a copy of an estimate for the report and photographs of the
object(s) - [email protected]
Once you have obtained this report you can apply for an additional grant to support your conservation project.
We cannot support full costs and parishes are expected to contribute financially towards projects (please see the Major
Grant Givers and Grants for Object Conservation for information on other sources of funding).
+ info:
National Archives Announces Discovery of Hitler Albums Documenting Looted Art - Monuments Men
Foundation for the Preservation of Art (USA)
Today at a ceremony in Dallas, David S. Ferriero, Archivist of the United States, Dr. Greg Bradsher, Senior Archivist and
Robert M. Edsel, President of the Monuments Men Foundation for the Preservation of Art and author of The Monuments
Men, announced the discovery of two original leather bound albums containing photographs of paintings and furniture
looted by the Nazis. The Monuments Men Foundation will donate these albums, both of which have been in private hands
since the end of World War II, to the National Archives.
+ info:
L'INA (Institut national de l'audiovisuel) et YouTube font la paix - France
L’Institut national de l’audiovisuel (INA) est probablement l'une des banques d’archives audiovisuelles les plus importantes du monde. Des millions d’heures d’émissions télévisées et de
publicités témoignant de l’évolution de la société française. Un répertoire incroyable qui attire des
millions de visiteurs chaque mois sur le site. Un chiffre toutefois modeste comparé au roi de la
plateforme vidéo sur Internet : YouTube.
À la fin de 2006, l’Institut poursuivit les propriétaires de You Tube parce qu’ils n’avaient pas mis
en place de système de traçage des vidéos de l’INA. Ainsi, certaines vidéos furent téléversées sans
l’accord de l’institution. Trois ans plus tard, le tribunal de grande instance de Créteil oblige YouTube à verser 150 000
euros de dommages et intérêts à l’INA. Pourtant, 2 ans après le règlement du litige, l’INA s’associe avec le géant de la
vidéo en ligne et va y déposer près de 57 000 vidéos qui seront "watermarkées" (tatouées numériquement), évitant donc
la mise en ligne de vidéos violant ses droits. Ces contenus seront organisés en chaînes thématiques et montreront des
événements marquants, tels que le Tour de France ou le Festival de Cannes.
+ info:
FELLOWSHIPS - Community Heritage Grants - National Library of Australia (Australia) Deadline: 4 May 2012
The Community Heritage Grants (CHG) program provides grants of up to $15,000 to community organisations such as
libraries, archives, museums, genealogical and historical societies, multicultural and Indigenous groups. The grants are
provided to assist with the preservation of locally owned, but nationally significant collections of materials that are publicly
accessible including artifacts, letters, diaries, maps, photographs, and audio visual material.
Since 1994 over $4 million has been awarded to community organisations throughout Australia.
The types of projects supported include Significance Assessments of collections; Preservation Needs Assessments of
collections; conservation activities and collection management; and training workshops.
+ info:
Conferencia internacional IFLA sobre la prensa - digitalización y conservación de la prensa: nuevas
perspectivas. Actores, prácticas documentales, usos y modelos económicos
11 abril - 13 abril 2012 París. Francia
Organizadores: La Biblioteca Nacional de Francia y la IFLA (Federación Internacional de las Associaciones e Instituciones
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Mort de la version papier de l'Encyclopaedia Britannica : le coupable court toujours
Le 13 mars 2012, un drame eut lieu chez l'éditeur de l'Encyclopaedia Britannica. La plus
vieille et prestigieuse institution encyclopédique venait de mourir. Dans le hall, gisait le
cadavre encore chaud de l’édition papier 2012. Le coroner confirma le décès à son arrivée.
Une tradition de 244 ans s’éteignait soudainement. Certes, son pouvoir dans la compagnie
n’était plus aussi grand que quelques années auparavant. Les responsables de Britannica
admettaient qu’elle ne représentait plus que 1% des ventes, la majorité des revenus
provenant désormais des services éducatifs offerts aux écoles et de l’édition numérique de
ladite encyclopédie (15% des revenus).
Dès que la nouvelle fut connue, l'opinion publique commença à s'interroger : qui avait osé commettre un meurtre aussi
horrible ? Ne voulait-on pas faire taire les 4000 experts chargés de l'édition de la vieille Anglaise ? Qu'allaient devenir les
écoles et bibliothèques sans accès à Internet ? Et pouvait-on redouter un sort semblable pour tous les livres imprimés dans
un futur proche ? Une enquête, menée sur la toile par les plus fins connaisseurs de l'édition, fut engagée. (2 de 4) [02/05/2012 13:39:15]
Patrimonio Documental, Audiovisual y Digital. Archivos
+ info:
Middle East Photograph Preservation Initiative (MEPPI) - Getty Conservation Institute. Los
Angeles, California (USA)
Photograph collections in the Middle East represent the broad spectrum of photography, including
nineteenth-century albumen prints and glass plate negatives, and twentieth-century black-and-white
and color prints, as well as plastic-based negatives and positive transparencies in both black-and-white
and color. Some collections also encompass important moving image works on film-base and magnetic
+ info:
Survey - Museums in South Africa and Africa - Albany Museum - South Africa
In this survey, you will be asked to complete a survey that asks questions about your museum. It will take approximately
ten minutes to complete the questionnaire.I am sure you will agree with me that this is a worthwhile exercise.
+ info:
Website - Book Damage Atlas. University of Tartu (Estonia)
The database of Early Estonian Prints and The Atlas of Book Damage have
been compiled in the framework of the ETF grant 8205 “Watermarks and the
history of paper in Estonia in the Early Modern period".
+ info:
Documents discovered by museum curator reveal Catalina Island`s earliest history
- California - USA
He was a colorful character whose research into many of North America’s earliest human
settlements was both groundbreaking and highly controversial. Which made all the more
remarkable the announcement this past week that a large cache of original papers and
photographs had been discovered documenting the earliest excavations of Catalina Island by
the amateur archaeologist Ralph Glidden. Details of the discovery were first reported in a
front-page article published in the Los Angeles Times.
+ info:
The Future of the Past: Memory, History and Cultural Heritage in the 21st Century
27 abril 2012 Oxford. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies
Contacto: Dr Christina Kuhn ([email protected] ) or
Dr Annika Kuhn ([email protected] ).
+ info:
Workshop - TechFocus II: Caring for Film and Slide Art - Hirshhorn Museum & Sculpture Garden
27 abril - 28 abril 2012 Hirshhorn Museum & Sculpture Garden, Washington D.C.. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The American Institute for Conservation (AAC), the Smithsonian Institution Archives and EMG
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
La Directora general de la UNESCO apela a una acción concertada para evitar la pérdida de los tesoros
documentales de Tombuctú (Mali)
La Directora general de la UNESCO, Irina Bokova, se alarmó hoy por la suerte del patrimonio cultural inestimable de
Tombuctú, en respuesta a las informaciones que indicaban que los rebeldes habrían saqueado y robado lugares que
protegerían millares de libros y documentos antiguos. Irina Bokova pidió a todas las autoridades competentes que
estuvieran atentos a cualquier tentativa de tráfico de estos tesoros.
+ info:
Archives of American Art Contributes to Syracuse University Library's Marcel Breuer Digital
Archive - Syracuse. New York State (USA)
The Archives of American Art has contributed more than 1,350 digital images, representing nearly 1,000
documents, to the Marcel Breuer Digital Archive available online at Launched March 23 by
Syracuse University Library, this resource represents a collaborative effort to digitize more than 30,000
drawings, photographs, letters and other materials related to the early career of Marcel Breuer, one of the
most influential architects and furniture designers of the 20th century.
+ info:
The New York Public Library Digitizes Early American History - New York State - USA
Thousands of historical documents at The New York Public Library – including material handwritten by George Washington
and Thomas Jefferson and papers from authors such as Mark Twain – will soon be accessible to the public online, thanks in
large part due to a generous gift of $500,000 from The Polonsky Foundation. (3 de 4) [02/05/2012 13:39:15]
Patrimonio Documental, Audiovisual y Digital. Archivos
The project, which began in January and will continue through 2014, will digitize documents from the Thomas Addis Emmet
Collection, located within the Manuscripts and Archives Division, and almost all the papers of several major American
authors in the Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature at The New York Public Library.
+ info:
Exhibition - Metamorphosis of Japan after the War - Photography 1945 - 1964 - Photography Museum
09 marzo - 17 junio 2012 Berlin. Alemania
Organizadores: National Museums in Berlin, kindly supported by the Japanese-German Center Berlin
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition - Traversing Antarctica - The Australian experience - National Archives of Australia
29 marzo - 09 septiembre 2012 Canberra, ACT. Australia
Organizadores: National Archives of Australia, the Australian Antarctic Division and the Western Australian Museum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Agenda - Exhibition - What is a Photograph? - New Orleans Museum of Art (NOMA)
20 abril - 19 agosto 2012 New Orleans, Louisiana. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: New Orleans Museum of Art (NOMA)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Veterans Heritage Workshops on conservation and cataloguing
30 mayo 2012 Melbourne, Victoria. Australia
Organizadores: State Government of Victoria
Contacto: Marina Larsson - [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 21 may 2012
+ info:
Conferencia internacional - La Memoria del Mundo en la era digital: digitalización y preservación
26 septiembre - 28 septiembre 2012 Vancouver, Columbia Británica. Canadá
Organizadores: UNESCO
Contacto: Joie Springer - [email protected]
+ info:
Conferencia internacional superior sobre gestión archivística
12 noviembre - 16 noviembre 2012 París. Francia
Organizadores: Maison des Cultures du Monde & Ministerio de Cultura y Comunicación de Francia
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Ir a arriba (4 de 4) [02/05/2012 13:39:15]
Arquitectura de tierra
Arquitectura de tierra
New Bus Shelter in Cornwall Uses Traditional Skills and Materials
We were approached by Cornwall County Council to construct and design a bus shelter that
would represent building with vernacular Cornish building materials. The head of
conservation, Andrew Richards, met up with us to discuss the possibility and he was very
supportive of us building with simple natural materials. We decided to utilise only local
building materials, local stone for base, local clays, sands and straw for the cob, cornish oak
for frame and recycled Delabole slate for the scantle slate.
+ info:
La Directora general de la UNESCO preocupada por la situación en Mali
En respuesta a los recientes acontecimientos al norte de Mali, la Directora general expresa su
profunda preocupación en cuanto a las posibles consecuencias del conflicto armado,
actualmente en curso, sobre los inestimables bienes culturales del Patrimonio mundial situados
en Tombuctú y en Gao. La toma reciente de estas dos ciudades por la rebelión Tuareg podría
tener efectos dañinos para la gestión y la conservación de las 3 mezquitas y de los 16
mausoleos de Tombuctú, así como de la Tumba de Askia en Gao.
La Directora general pide a todos los beligerantes garantizar la protección de estas dos joyas
del patrimonio, a las cuales la comunidad internacional y la UNESCO conceden una importancia muy grande, como lo
atestigua su inscripción sobre la Lista del patrimonio mundial.
Tombuctú y sus 3 grandes mezquitas testimonian la edad de oro de la capital intelectual y espiritual en el siglo XV. Estas
mezquitas desempeñaron un papel esencial en la difusión del Islam en África. Son portadoras de la identidad y de la
dignidad de todo un pueblo.
+ info:
Le DSA (Diplôme de Spécialisation et d'approfondissement) "Architecture de terre"
Session 2012-2014
Craterre. Francia
Organizadores: Université de Genoble
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 abr 2012
+ info:
Seminario - Cyclo de Conferencias - Arquitectura de Tierra en Marruecos: Patrimonio y Cooperación - 26 de
Marzo - 29 de Noviembre de 2012
26 marzo - 29 noviembre 2012 Valencia. España
Organizadores: Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), España
Contacto: Pablo Rodríguez - [email protected]
+ info: (1 de 2) [02/05/2012 13:39:18]
Arquitectura de tierra
Ir a arriba (2 de 2) [02/05/2012 13:39:18]
Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
Club Vieux Manoir – Boletín informativo - Calendario 2012
El Club Vieux Manoir es una asociación de Reconocida Utilidad Pública por decreto del 08/07/1970. Desde su creación, en
1952, por Sr. Maurice Duton, hasta la fecha han participado más de 100.000 jóvenes en el rescate y la restauración de
más de 240 monumentos en más de 40 departamentos.
Al optar por trabajar en monumentos públicos, la obra de los jóvenes crea situaciones excepcionales, donde la dificultad
obliga a inventar soluciones nuevas. Es una verdadera aventura devolver la vida a monumentos abandonados por la
sociedad actual …
+ info:
Survey of Course Offerings in Cultural Heritage Law
The following list of course offerings in cultural heritage law is intended to provide a primary resource for law students,
those who are thinking of attending law school, and others who are interested in determining the extent and nature of the
teaching of cultural heritage law in law schools today. The list is based on a survey conducted by Ryan Rowberry during the
summer of 2006, “Law School Update: LCCHP Law School Survey Report,” published in the Yearbook of Cultural Property
Law 2007 (Sherry Hutt, ed. and David Tarler, assist. ed.). The methodology and questions used in the survey are
explained in more detail in this article.
+ info:
EUROMED HERITAGE 4 Programme Project: eLAICH Educational Toolkit in cultural heritage
It is a pleasure to share with you the results of three years of creative and devoted work of this Euromed Heritage 4
Programme project: eLAICH Educational Toolkit for educators and heritage authorities to introduce the values of cultural
heritage and principles and challenges of its preservation to youth. eLAICH Educational Toolkit is accessible without charge
or registration.
+ info:
Mejorar la calidad en la enseñanza superior en Senegal
El Ministerio de educación superior de Senegal y la oficina regional de la UNESCO para la educación en África (BREDA)
lanzan un proyecto para mejorar la calidad de la enseñanza superior en Senegal.
El proyecto está financiado por la UNESCO y tiene por objetivo ayudar técnicamente al Ministro de educación superior para
poner en práctica mecanismos de garantía de calidad para la educación superior.
+ info:
Virtual tours and games to boost heritage awareness among youth - Euromed
Over 2.500 young people have already visited the multimedia learning towers of Beirut National
Three months ago, the Multimedia Learning Towers have been installed in the Beirut National
Museum. They comprise of a variety of tools, from a software allowing an interactive tour of the
Museum, to multimedia platforms.
+ info:
menuID=9&submenuID=7&idnews=676&zzz=1 (1 de 8) [02/05/2012 13:39:23]
Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
Mapa de la investigación universitaria en Alemania
Por primera vez, un mapa de la investigación universitaria en Alemania está disponible en internet. El mapa de la
Conferencia Rectores de Universidad (HRK) presenta desde el 16 de marzo de 2012 las temáticas principales de
investigación de las universidades alemanas.
"Las actividades de investigación de las universidades son impresionantes por su tamaño y su diversidad ", declaró la
Presidenta de la HRK, Margret Wintermantel. El mapa del HRK da hoy informaciones, en alemán y en inglés, sobre 329
temáticas de investigación, que da forma al perfil científico de 74 universidades. El HRK deseaba particularmente poder
presentar el potencial en materia de investigación del panorama universitario alemán a los socios nacionales y extranjeros
de manera comprensible, y de dar a las universidades un mayor acceso al espacio público. El mapa de la investigación
permite informarse sobre una universidad o una ciudad en particular, o bien efectuar una búsqueda por tema o área de la
+ info:
Category 2 Centres under the auspices of UNESCO related to World Heritage
In recent years, the framework for training and research in the field of World Heritage has changed significantly. Among
the factors that have contributed to these rapid changes, is the emerging of many new institutions now offering capacity
building within the World Heritage context. In this regard, a major development was the establishment, in various regions
of the world, of capacity building institutions that have been granted the status of "category 2 centres under the auspices
of UNESCO"1, dealing specifically with World Heritage…
+ info:
Sustainable Tourism Specialist Certificate and Professional Certification Program
The travel and tourism industry earns $6 trillion, or 9.5% of the global GDP, and employs nearly 260
million people around the globe. Endorsed by George Washington University, Sustainable Travel
International's Sustainable Tourism Specialist and Sustainable Tourism Professional programs are designed
to give you the skills and knowledge necessary to facilitate professional growth and maximize your career
opportunities in this diverse, exciting and expanding industry.
+ info:
Universidades americanas: una clasificación prácticamente sin cambios pero con inquietudes en cuanto a la
economía del sistema universitario - USA
Harvard tiene la mejor facultad de comercio de los Estados Unidos, y la mejor facultad de ingeniería, el MIT. Son los
resultados de un estudio de U.S. News y de World Report [1] publicado a mediados de marzo, que clasifica las
universidades americanas según sus facultades. Como la inmensa mayoría de otras clasificaciones, ésta está establecida de
una parte según la opinión de expertos sobre la calidad de la enseñanza, y por otra parte sobre los indicios estadísticos en
cuanto a la investigación, la tasa de empleo de los estudiantes a su salida, el salario medio, etc... Pero el interés de este
estudio reside en el hecho que no aborda las instituciones universitarias en su conjunto, todas las disciplinas (ciencias,
ingeniería, SHS, etc.) y las actividades combinadas (enseñanza, investigación y valorización industrial). El estudio
considera en efecto las universidades americanas según sus facultades (" school "). Como es sabido, de una institución a
otra, todas las facultades no son iguales. Además, la inmensa mayoría de ellas funcionan de modo muy autónomo en
cuanto a su contratación (profesores, estudiantes), a su investigación o a sus relaciones con la industria …
+ info:
Rapport d'activités 2011-2012 - Master Muséo - Expographie. Université d'Artois (France)
Le Master MME, Master Muséo-Expographie, de l'Université d'Artois, est une nouvelle proposition qui vient combler un
manque en matière de formation dans le domaine des musées dans la région Nord Pas de Calais.
Région culturellement dynamique, le Nord Pas de Calais accueille plusieurs grands projets d'aménagement dans le domaine
des musées.
+ info:
Club du Vieux Manoir - CVMnews
Le Club du Vieux Manoir est créé en 1952 sous l’impulsion de Maurice DUTON et de quelques jeunes adultes tous
originaires de Picardie et du Nord. Le but de l’association est alors d’offrir des loisirs de plein air aux jeunes. Il cherche un
nouveau moyen d’expression libre, un terrain d’aventure sans autres frontières que les leurs. L’abandon du château fort de
Guise, transformé en carrière de pierres et en décharge publique, conduit Maurice DUTON à consacrer son énergie aux
ruines du vieux château, l’association œuvre alors pour un loisir ENGAGE.
+ info:
Languages and humanities courses axed as cuts force universities to prioritise - The Netherlands
The Netherlands is to lose 30 small courses in the humanities in their current form, including the only Portuguese
programme in the country, because of budget cuts and government requests for universities to focus on specific
geographic areas or sets of languages.
All universities have been hit by cuts in government funding and as a result several have cancelled small and expensive
courses in the humanities. Some will become part of a broader bachelor programme; many will be dropped altogether.
+ info:
Misterre - Les sciences de la terre et de l'univers en questions
Il y a exactement 20 ans, la seule étoile connue accompagnée de planètes était… le soleil. Depuis, ce sont plus de 760
mondes tournant autour d’autres étoiles qui ont été détectés. Blottis à proximité de leur étoile, ils ne peuvent être vus (2 de 8) [02/05/2012 13:39:23]
Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
directement. Et pourtant, ils tournent…
+ info:
World Heritage Volunteers 2012 - Beyond Territories and Boundaries - World Heritage
Convention 40th Anniversary
In celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Convention, the World Heritage Volunteers 2012 'Beyond
territories and boundaries' will be holding 50 'Patrimonito work camps' in 40 world heritage sites and 25
countries, on all continents. The work camp projects will involve 33 youth organisations.
+ info:
Reputation of United Kingdom universities slips as East catches up
The United Kingdom’s reputation as a centre of excellence for university education second only to the United States is
beginning to slip and could be falling victim to the impact of government policies, the results of Times Higher Education’s
2012 World Reputation Rankings suggest. Meanwhile Asian universities are on the rise.
Published on 15 March, the magazine’s annual reputation rankings, which complement its World University Rankings, are
based on the world’s largest survey of academic opinion.
While the UK has 10 universities in the top 100 (second only to the US, with 44) it has two fewer than in 2011. Both
Cambridge (3rd) and Oxford (6th) are still in the top six international super-group, but some of the country's historically
strongest universities have slipped in esteem…
+ info:
Los Jardins du Précambrien necesitan voluntarios - Val David. Québec (Canadá)
El 11o Simposio Internacional de Arte In Situ de los Jardins du Précambrien en Val-David se llevará a cabo desde el 14 de
julio hasta el 14 de octubre de 2012 bajo el tema LEGADOS. Diez artistas procedentes de las tres Américas han sido
invitados para realizar un proyecto artístico en tres kilómetros de los senderos en el bosque. En el proyecto participarán
también una poetiza y una compositora residente, y conferencistas de renombre que nos hablarán acerca del sentido de
Varias ágoras que se habrán acondicionado en los caminos nos invitarán a encontrar a los artistas y a descubrir sus obras.
Este año, una vez más, el público realizará una obra colectiva. Les invitamos a todos a venir y que se unan a nosotros para
celebrar el aniversario 17 de los simposios.
+ info:
Conservation Volunteers e-News
Conservation Volunteers has partnered with individuals, businesses and governments in the
conservation of our unique environment since 1982. In that time we have welcomed
hundreds of thousands of volunteers from around Australia and across the world and
supported their participation in a diversity of important projects to protect and enhance our
+ info:
Volunteer management in European Parks - Europarc
Protected areas need their local communities and stakeholders to get more involved in their management. Volunteering is
a great way to do this. This project provides an invaluable opportunity to advance existing approaches to Lifelong Learning
through conservation volunteering at a European level and to find means of consolidating these as integrative parts of
protected areas' volunteer management.
The level of volunteer management in European park, varies depending on countries and parks. Therefore, the project
partners intend to disseminate innovation and good practice in the field of vm and collectively develop innovative measures
that upgrade learning opportunities in the context of volunteering.
+ info:
Rio+20 and the role of youth in mountainous areas
We are ready to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the United Nations Conference on
Sustainable Development (UNCSD) Rio+20 starting from June 20-22, 2012 in Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, the same city that hosted the largest ever environmental conference
- the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), June 314, 1992. This conference is expected to review progresses made in the
environmental sector in the last two decades, identify development gaps, note new
challenges that have emerged over the past two decades, and develop a way
forward for the next few decades.
+ info:
La Meilleure Ecole du Monde, à l'Institut Finlandais de Paris - France
La Meilleure Ecole du Monde. Voilà qui fait autant rêver que rend jaloux. Les enseignants
français le savent bien, la Finlande est à l'éducation ce que Las Vegas est aux joueurs de
roulette. Cette école exemplaire s'est distinguée dans le monde en obtenant en 2003 de
remarquables résultats à l'enquête PISA de l'OCDE et fait désormais rêver les enseignants du
monde entier. Aujourd'hui, l'Institut Finlandais à Paris propose une exposition expliquant la
réussite finlandaise du point de vue de l'architecture des écoles. Depuis les années 2000, des
architectes finlandais dessinent une école en adéquation avec la philosophie éducative du pays.
A savoir, un espace modulable, ouvert sur l'extérieur, confortable, lumineux, sans stress et surtout adapté aux différentes
tranches d'âges regroupées en un lieu. L'école finlandaise peut accueillir les enfants de 7 à 19 ans ! (3 de 8) [02/05/2012 13:39:23]
Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
+ info:
Signature d'un accord de siège entre la République de Guinée et l'AUF (Agence
universitaire de la Francophonie)
Cet accord inaugure une étape nouvelle et décisive dans la consolidation des relations entre
l’Agence et les institutions guinéennes en charge de l’enseignement supérieur et de recherche.
Les documents d'Accord de Siège, abrogeant la convention-cadre du 23 mars 1996 ont été
officiellement paraphés par le Ministre de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche
scientifique, M. Morikè Damaro Camara et le Recteur de l’AUF, M. Bernard Cerquiglini.
+ info:
COMPETITIONS - Volvo Adventure Competition - Young People bringing
Environment to Life - Opening 1 July 2012. Deadline 31 January 2013
The Volvo Adventure - in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme is an educational programme that rewards environmental activities and the decisionmakers of the future. To enter, you form a team of 2 to 5 members aged 13 to 16 (at
competition opening - July 1st 2012). Perform an environmental project in your local
community & submit the project via our online submission tool before the competition
deadline, January 31st 2013.
Projects are judged and the best projects are selected for an all expenses paid trip to Göteborg, Sweden where they can
win: 1st place = 10,000 USD, 2nd = 6,000 USD and 3rd = 4,000 USD.
+ info:
L'Union Européenne et la Corée du Sud souhaitent développer leur coopération scientifique
L'Union Européenne (UE) et la Corée du Sud ont récemment convenu d'une série d'initiatives visant à renforcer la
coopération entre les deux acteurs dans le secteur de la recherche. Les sud-coréens ont également été invités à accroître
leur participation au septième programme- cadre de l'UE pour la recherche.
+ info:
Marine Spatial Planning Challenge 2011: an Engaging Learning Event - Lisbon - Portugal
In November 2011, around seventy planners, scientists and take holders from four countries worked hard to set up a
Marine Spatial Plan for the Sea of Colours. Not real but very serious! The serious game ‘MSP Challenge 2011’ was played
during the joint HELCOM-VASAB, OSPAR, and ICES workshop in Lisbon Portugal with participants from 16 countries.
+ info:
Revue In Situ - Les patrimoines de l'enseignement supérieur (France) Janvier 2012
L’idée d’un numéro de In situ, revue en ligne des patrimoines, consacré au patrimoine de l’enseignement supérieur a pour
la première fois été évoquée lors du comité de rédaction de la revue tenu le 8 décembre 2008. Après accord des
participants, un appel à projets a été diffusé. Il n’a reçu qu’un faible écho, avec environ une quinzaine de réponses, pas
toutes pertinentes de surcroît. Le 29 septembre 2009, les membres du comité, ayant pris acte de ces insuffisances,
décidèrent d’effectuer une relance plus ciblée de l’appel à contributions, avec pour but d’obtenir des propositions de textes
portant sur des questions jugées tout à la fois importantes et méconnues….
+ info:
Formation à distance - Microprogramme de 2e cycle en aménagement des forêts privées - Université Laval.
Québec (Canada)
Ce programme s'adresse aux ingénieurs forestiers et autres professionnels qui désirent se spécialiser en aménagement des
forêts privées. L'étudiant est amené à développer des compétences qui lui permet d'oeuvrer efficacement et de manière
durable dans ce domaine. Pour ce faire, le microprogramme permet d'abord de mieux saisir les divers éléments de
problématique liés à l'aménagement des forêts privées ainsi que les divers types d'intervention et de gestion. Il propose
ensuite, dans une perspective multiressources, une approche novatrice de planification et de mise en oeuvre de
l'aménagement forestier en milieu privé. L'enseignement est orienté sur l'acquisition des compétences permettant d'agir
tant au contact du propriétaire qu'à celui des collectivités. La diversité de provenance des étudiants fournira des occasions
pédagogiques pour enrichir les connaissances de chacun en travaillant en interaction avec les autres professionnels
impliqués dans l'aménagement de la forêt privée.
+ info:
Banco Mundial anuncia nueva Política de Libre Acceso a investigación y trabajos intelectuales, Lanza
Repositorio Abierto de Conocimiento
El Banco Mundial anunció hoy que pondrá en vigencia una nueva Política de Libre Acceso a la investigación y trabajos
intelectuales de la institución a partir del 1 de julio de 2012, medida que forma parte de una serie de recientes iniciativas
destinadas a dar un mayor acceso a la información del Banco. En el marco de la primera fase de esta política, se dio a
conocer hoy también la creación de un nuevo Repositorio Abierto de Conocimiento (OKR, por sus siglas en inglés) y la
adopción de un conjunto de licencias Creative Commons.
La nueva Política de Libre Acceso, que se implementará de manera gradual en el transcurso del próximo año, formaliza los
esfuerzos del Banco de permitir libre acceso por Internet a los resultados de sus investigaciones y trabajos intelectuales.
Ahora cualquier persona podrá usar, reutilizar y redistribuir la mayor parte de este contenido con fines comerciales o no
+ info: (4 de 8) [02/05/2012 13:39:23]
Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
Droit de l’environnement et information en matière environnementale - Université virtuelle Environnement et
Développement Durable (UVED) - Université de Montpellier 1 - France
Le module de formation « Droit de l’environnement et information en matière environnementale », porté par l’Université
Montpellier 1 et financé par l’Université Virtuelle Environnement & Développement durable vise à faire connaître les
grandes lignes du droit de l’environnement. Il vise aussi à encourager les acteurs publics et privés à prendre en compte et
éventuellement mettre en œuvre les diverses modalités d’exercice des droits à l’information environnementale aussi bien
sur le fondement de la législation française que sur celui des règles européennes et internationales.
+ info:
L'USP (Universidade de Sao Paulo) adopte la certification éléctronique de ses diplômes - Brésil
L'université de São Paulo (USP) s'apprête à adopter un dispositif inédit de diplômes à certification éléctronique. Ce système
va permettre de faciliter l'accès aux certificats, tout en réduisant à un risque quasi zéro la possibilité de falsification des
+ info:
Un museo, una piazza. L'Aquila rinasce con la cultura - L'Aquila - Italy
A tre anni dal terremoto che ha colpito l’Aquila abbiamo deciso di fare due chiacchiere con una
giovane curatrice aquilana, Martina Sconci, per cercare di capire quale è in questo momento lo
stato della cultura in una città che è stata terribilmente colpita e lacerata nella sua totalità, ma
che tuttavia cerca di reagire anche attraverso la ricostruzione di nuovi spazi di aggregazione
come può essere un museo.
+ info:
VIDEO - Cardiff University Conservation Tour - Cardiff (United Kingdom)
The course aims to provide research skills, transferable skills and specialist knowledge.
The course is modular and has a common study structure with the MSc in Care of
Collections and MA in Archaeology - all students unertake a taught element followed by
a dissertation.
The Course offers knowledge and expertise for a career in professional conservation
practice, conservation science or research.
+ info:
Fellowships - Lancement du site Science Sans Frontières - Ciência sem Fronteiras - Brésil - France
L'agence Campus France en charge de la gestion, du placement et du suivi des boursiers du programme Science sans
Frontière a mis en place un outil informatique de gestion et d'information. Le site Ciência sem Fronteiras a été lancé en
Mars 2012.
Les deux organismes brésiliens : la CAPES (Coordination pour le Perfectionnement de Personnel de niveau Supérieur) et le
CNPq (Conseil National de Développement Scientifique et Technologique), proposent 10.000 bourses d'études vers la
France de 2012 à 2015. Ces bourses couvriront surtout les études de premier cycle scientifique et technique général ou
professionnel, de cycle ingénieur, les études doctorales et post-doctorales.
+ info:
Children of Tunis in search of their lost roots - Euromed Heritage
They will walk and stop at the tangible and intangible traces of history, from Carthage of old
times to the Tunis of today. For two days, on April 8th and 9th, 30 students aged between 13
and 14 years are going to rediscover their own heritage and roots. The workshop is organized
in Tunis by the Mare Nostrum project under the Euromed Heritage 4 programme - supported by
DELARPA TUNISIA, an NGO for heritage and tourism development…
+ info:
Agenda (5 de 8) [02/05/2012 13:39:23]
Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
Le DSA (Diplôme de Spécialisation et d'approfondissement) "Architecture de terre"
Session 2012-2014
Craterre. Francia
Organizadores: Université de Genoble
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 abr 2012
+ info:
Notiziario corso di Laurea Valmont
Aprile - giugno 2012
Edolo. Italia
Organizadores: Università della Montagna
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Postgrado de Alta Dirección en Turismo Rural - Argentina
Inicio Abril del 2012 - 13º Promoción
Buenos Aires. Argentina
Organizadores: El Área de Turismo Rural de la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Master's in Tourism Management at Colorado State University - Deadline for Applications: 15 May 2012
Colorado. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Colorado State University Tourism Faculty
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Tuscany Civil Service Project : "Museum Angels"
Deadline for Applications: 27 April 2012
Organizadores: La Fondazione Musei Senesi
Contacto: [email protected], [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 27 abr 2012
+ info:
INVITACIÓN - Clase Inaugural de Magíster en Arte y Patrimonio a las 18,30
10 abril 2012 Concepción. Chile
Organizadores: Patricio Oyaneder Jara, Decano de la Facultad de Humanidades Arte y Javier Ramírez Hinrichsen, Director
del Programa de Magíster Arte y Patrimonio de la Universidad de Concepción
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
07 mayo - 11 mayo 2012 Barcelona. España
Organizadores: Centro de Recursos Internacional por la Paz de Barcelona
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Course - LA3 - Longford Academy program 'Quality and Sustainability'
14 mayo - 18 mayo 2012 Longford, Tasmania. Australia
Organizadores: APT AUSTRALASIA
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Curso "El Ser y el Territorio: Cuestiones Ciudadanas"
16 mayo - 19 mayo 2012 Resistencia, Chaco. Argentina
Organizadores: Facultad de Artes, Diseño y Ciencias de la Cultura. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Corso SEGNARE IL PAESAGGIO - Accademia Nazionale di San Luca
21 mayo - 01 junio 2012 Rome. Italia
Organizadores: Accademia Nazionale di San Luca
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Taller sobre la gestión y conservación de los sitios de patrimonio mundial
04 junio - 08 junio 2012 Hiroshima. Japón (6 de 8) [02/05/2012 13:39:23]
Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
Organizadores: UNITAR - Instituto de las Naciones Unidas para Formación Profesional e Investigaciones
Contacto: Mr. Berin McKenzie - [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 7 may 2012
+ info:
Atelier - Démarches participatives et projet de paysage
4, 5 et 19 juin 2012
04 junio 2012 Angers. Francia
Organizadores: Institut Supérieur des Sciences Agronomiques, Agroalimentaires, Horticoles et du Paysage
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Course - "Diagnosing Existing Buildings" Association for Preservation Technology International
14 junio - 16 junio 2012 Taliesin, Wisconsin. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The Association for Preservation Technology International (APT)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
16 junio - 17 junio 2012 Prato. Italia
Organizadores: L’associazione culturale “Archeologia Sperimentale”
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
TASK 2012: Traditional Architecture Summer Camp
Schedule: Term 1, 3-16 August / Term 2, 16-29 August 2012
03 agosto - 29 agosto 2012 Taliándörögd. Hungría
Organizadores: INTBA - International Network for Traditional Building. Architecture & Urbanism
Contacto: Denes Nagy, [email protected]
+ info:
Appel à candidatures pour les doctorants - Journées Hubert Curien
02 septiembre - 07 septiembre 2012 Nancy. Francia
Organizadores: L'Université de Lorraine (Nancy, France)
Contacto: Nicolas Beck: [email protected]
+ info:
STEP (Sustainable Tourism Education Program) Assessor & Consultant Training
29 septiembre - 04 octubre 2012 Beaver Creek, Colorado. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Sustainable Travel International (STI)
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 abr 2012
+ info:
Call for Volunteers - Australia International Council on Monuments and Sites 2013 Centenary of Canberra Museum of Australian Democracy
30 octubre - 03 noviembre 2013 Canberra, Australian Capital Territory. Australia
Organizadores: Australia ICOMOS
Contacto: Tracy Ireland - [email protected]
+ info:
Le Manuel enseignant sur Les Fortifications de Vauban (France) - Lectures du passé, regards
pour demain,récompensé par Europa Nostra et l'Union européenne
À destination des enseignants du primaire et du collège, le manuel Les fortifications de Vauban. Lectures du
passé, regards pour demain allie contenus scientifiques, fiches pédagogiques et supports didactiques. Il
participe ainsi à l’objectif de transmettre les valeurs des fortifications de Vauban aux générations futures,
patrimoine dont la valeur universelle exceptionnelle a été reconnue par L’UNESCO. Le Réseau des sites
majeurs de Vauban a réalisé ce projet en réunissant de nombreuses compétences : experts scientifiques,
professeurs à l’IUFM et médiateurs, garantissant ainsi la rédaction d’un discours complet et utilisable en
classe ou en atelier sur site.
Cette approche pluridisciplinaire s’inscrit en lien avec les programmes scolaires, et les thématiques abordées offrent aux
enseignants des clés de lecture pour sensibiliser leurs élèves à la valorisation des fortifications et à leur nécessaire
protection. Chaque école et collège du Réseau Vauban a reçu un exemplaire de ce manuel, dont la réalisation a été
soutenue par la Fondation EDF Diversiterre.
+ info:
Atlas mondial de l'égalité des genres dans l'éducation (7 de 8) [02/05/2012 13:39:23]
Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
Cartes © Collins Bartholomew Ltd 2012
ISBN 978-92-3-204232-3
Pour marquer la Journée internationale des femmes, l’UNESCO a publiél'Atlas mondial de l’égalité des
genres dans l’éducation, qui comprend plus de 120 cartes, graphiques et tableaux présentant un large
éventail d’indicateurs ventilés par sexe produits par l’ISU.
L’attrayante présentation des informations et leur analyse attirent l’attention sur la persistance de
disparités entre les sexes et sur la nécessité de prêter une plus grande attention à l’éducation des filles,
qui est un droit humain et un catalyseur du développement.
L’atlas illustre les parcours éducatifs des filles et des garçons ainsi que l’évolution, au fil du temps, des disparités entre les
sexes. Il scrute l’impact sur la question des genres de facteurs fondamentaux tels que les richesses nationales, la situation
géographique, l’investissement dans l’éducation et les domaines d’étude.
+ info:
Asian Development Bank Report: Counting the Cost: Financing Asian Higher Education for
Inclusive Growth
ISBN: 978-92-9092-579-8
Published in 2012
A new report by the Asian Development Bank has raised serious questions about the “massification” and
privatisation of higher education in the Asia-Pacific, asserting that rising costs and higher fees will further
favour the rich and exacerbate the region’s rich-poor income gap. That, in turn could lead to other
downstream problems such as worsening social and political tensions, and in a worst case scenario,
armed conflict.
The report will have a major food-for-thought impact on one of the most important current trends in international travel –
the intense competition amongst many countries to attract well-heeled students to their shores. Its approach and
conclusions also need to be studied by the medical tourism fraternity, which is also facing identical issues in its pursuit of
rich patients with scant attention being made to the downstream, long-term impact on medical costs for the poor.
+ info:
The UNESCO Youth Forum: celebrating a decade of youth participation
© UNESCO 2011
ISBN 978-92-3-001015-7
This publication takes stock of the 6th UNESCO Youth Forum, which marked the tenth year of this
unique youth participation process, and the follow-up action towards the 7th UNESCO Youth Forum in
2011. It provides an overview of the UNESCO Youth Forum process and a history of the development
of the Youth Forum since its creation in 1999. It then details the preparations and the proceedings of
the 6th Youth Forum. Finally it looks to the follow-up of the Forum and to the opportunities for future
The publication is also intended to present the ways in which the Youth Forum has evolved through targeted innovations
and a stronger follow-up process. It also seeks to recognize the cross-sectoral work which is key in the Youth Forum
process, by giving credit to all those, both within the Organization and externally, who supported and participated in the
Forum. It also builds the case for improved follow-up action and for a joint follow-up process linking the Youth Forum to
other global and regional youth events.
+ info:
Compendio mundial de la educación 2009: comparación de las estadísticas de educación en el
ISBN: 978-92-9189-072-9
Publicado en 2009 por el Instituto de Estadística de la UNESCO
Recientemente se conocieron dos informes que presentan datos sobre la educación superior mundial y
nacional. El primero de ellos es el informe de UNESCO titulado “Compendio mundial de la educación
2009. Comparación de las estadísticas en el mundo”, el cual establece que en el periodo 1970-2007 los
estudiantes que optaron por la educación terciaria se quintuplicaron pasando de 28.6 a 152.5 millones de
estudiantes. Esto implica que la tasa promedio anual de matrícula aumentó a razón de 4.6% o, en otras palabras, que la
población en educación terciaria se duplica cada 15 años en el mundo. Para este mismo periodo, América Latina y el Caribe
aumentó 10 veces el número de estudiantes elevándose a 17.8 millones en 2007. En esta región a partir del año 2000,
tasa anual promedio de crecimiento de estudiantes fue de 6.8%.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (8 de 8) [02/05/2012 13:39:23]
Gli studenti dell'Università della Montagna ospiti presso il Centro di formazione del Corpo Forestale dello Stato
a Ceva (CN) - Italy
L’esperienza permetterà di approfondire conoscenze e fare esperienze riguardanti selvicoltura, incendi boschivi,
sistemazioni idraulico-forestali, tutela dal dissesto idrogeologico, sicurezza ambientale e agroalimentare e tutela delle aree
protette e della biodiversità.
Dal 19 al 23 marzo 2012 gli studenti del Corso di laurea in Valorizzazione e Tutela dell’Ambiente e del Territorio Montano
saranno ospitati presso il Centro di Formazione Forestale di Ceva (CN) del Corpo Forestale dello Stato.
Gli studenti seguiranno delle lezioni tenute dagli ispettori del Corpo Forestale dello Stato riguardanti: procedura penale,
gestione dei rifiuti in campo agricolo, normativa sullo smaltimento dei liquami, benessere animale, legislazione in campo
forestale-ambientale, aree protette, incendi boschivi, sicurezza alimentare, etichettatura dei prodotti, normativa nazionale
in materia di incendi boschivi, nozioni di climatologia, sicurezza in montagna e altri ambiti operativi del CFS. L’esperienza
sarà arricchita da visite in aziende del territorio.
Tale iniziativa fa parte delle attività previste dalla convenzione siglata lo scorso febbraio 2012 tra Corpo forestale dello
Stato e la Facoltà di Agraria dell’Università degli Studi di Milano.
+ info:
Google Maps Amazonia
+ info:
La théorie de la viabilité au service de la modélisation mathématique du développement durable. Application
au cas de la forêt humide de Madagascar
By Claire Bernard
Le développement durable, défini à l'origine comme un mode de développement qui répond aux besoins du présent sans
compromettre la capacité des générations futures à répondre aux leurs, souffre aujourd'hui des limites de cette définition.
On dénombre en effet des centaines de définitions rendant le concept flou au point que mesures politiques et économiques
les plus diverses se revendiquent durables.L'objectif de cette thèse est de modéliser le développement durable à l'aide des
outils mathématiques de la théorie de la viabilité et de rendre sa définition opérationnelle. La théorie de la viabilité permet
en effet d'intégrer les principales caractéristiques d'un développement durable : l'approche multi-objectifs, la prise en
compte d'un horizon temporel infini, la possibilité de déterminer plusieurs politiques d'actions viables et le respect de
l'équité intergénérationnelle…
+ info:
Centro de Descubrimiento de la Selva de Panamá / ENSITU
Las investigaciones más exhaustivas sobre la fauna aviar del istmo de Panamá fueron
realizadas por el prestigioso ornitólogo panameño Eugene Eisenmann durante los años 50 y
60, influyendo notablemente en las siguientes generaciones de ornitólogos, incluyendo a
Robert Ridgely y John Gwynn, autor e ilustrador respectivamente de la clásica guía de
campo “Aves de Panamá”. En 2005 Ridgely y Gwynn fueron decisivos para la creación de la
Fundación Avifauna Eugene Eisenmann, en homenaje a su mentor, y en la misión de esta:
proteger y preservar el hábitat de las aves nativas en todo Panamá.
+ info:
Herakles Farm - Eleven Scientists's open letter against massive palm oil plantation in (1 de 4) [02/05/2012 13:39:27]
Cameroon's rainforest
Eleven top scientists have slammed a proposed palm oil plantation in a Cameroonian rainforest
surrounded by five protected areas. In an open letter, the researchers allege that Herakles
Farm, which proposes the 70,000 hectare plantation in southwest Cameroon, has misled the
government about the state of the forest to be cleared and has violated rules set by the
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), of which it's a member. The scientists, many of
whom are considered leaders in their field, argue that the plantation will destroy rich forests,
imperil endangered species, and sow conflict with local people...
+ info:
Ecotourism secures the Russian Federation's forests
Bezhanitsky district in North-Western Russia is just a three-hour drive from the EU border. It
hosts the largest peat bog in Europe and many unique forest and wetland landscapes.
Following the introduction of new regional forest legislation in 2006, legal timber harvesting
became unprofitable here and the incomes of local people dropped. IUCN was then approached
by the local authorities to help identify alternative income sources that would safeguard the
rights of local people to access forest resources.
+ info:
Don't cut trees, keep bees! - Georgia
In Georgia, where IUCN is helping rural people find alternative livelihoods to illegal logging, it’s
finding that there is great enthusiasm for bee keeping and honey production as a new business
The villagers of Tadzrisi and Sakire in Borjomi district were heavily dependent on forest
resources and suffered from a government crackdown on illegal logging. The area was logged
heavily in the 1990s and the signs of deforestation are clearly visible.
Last year, five farmers from the two villages were each given a bee colony and a hive to help
start their own honey production business. They were the top candidates in a special training workshop that was given.
+ info:
La forêt exploitable gérée par le Grand Site Bibracte Mont-Beuvray reçoit le label FSC
(Forest Stewardship Council) - France
Le Grand Site de Bibracte Mont-Beuvray, le Parc Naturel Régional du Morvan, la Ville d'Autun,
le Groupement pour la Sauvegarde des Feuillus du Morvan, le Conservatoire des Sites Naturels
Bourguignons et le Conseil général de la Nièvre se sont regroupés en association pour l'écocertification de leurs forêts à grande valeur écologique et patrimoniale. C'est ainsi qu'est née
l'association Groupement pour une Gestion Responsable de Forêts Bourguignonnes (GGRFB) qui
a reçu le 21 octobre 2011 la certification forestière FSC de 1400 hectares dont les surfaces les
plus importantes concernent le massif du Mont-Beuvray, géré par le Grand Site et la forêt de Montmain. Le label est
octroyé pour une durée de cinq ans.
+ info:
World Bank GEF (Global Environment Facility) Grant to Help Brazil Protect an additional 13.5 Million Hectares
in the Amazon
The World Bank Board of Executive Directors approved today a US$ 15.9 million Global Environment Facility (GEF) grant
for the Second Phase of the Amazon Region Protected Area Program (ARPA), to be implemented by the Government of
Brazil and the World Bank. Thirteen and a half million hectares of additional new protected areas (an area larger than
Greece) will be created in the next four years. The grant will also help consolidate 32 million hectares of existing areas.
+ info:
Nueva sitio web en 5 idiomas: UPM - Forest Life (La vida en el bosque)
Forest Life es simplemente un sitio impresionante. El sitio está disponible en cinco idiomas y
nos ofrece ni más ni menos que una larga caminata en medio de un bosque en el que los
descubrimientos son numerosos.
Los asteriscos presentes en el capricho de las imágenes sirven como guía para la caminata,
usted puede explorar los datos sobre la fauna, la flora y el desarrollo sostenible, todo ello
presentado en forma de pequeñas imágenes o videos.
+ info:
Se puede seguir la pista del “dinero sucio” procedente de la explotación maderera ilegal y confiscarlo, señala
el Banco Mundial
Cada dos segundos, los responsables de la explotación maderera ilegal talan en el mundo una extensión de bosque del
tamaño de un campo de fútbol. Un nuevo informe del Banco Mundial publicado hoy muestra cómo los países pueden
combatir eficazmente la explotación maderera ilegal mediante el sistema de justicia penal, el castigo del crimen organizado
y el seguimiento y la confiscación de los beneficios de esta actividad ilegal.
El informe, Justicia para los bosques: Mejora de las iniciativas de justicia penal para combatir la explotación maderera
ilegal, afirma que, para ser eficaz, la aplicación de la ley debe mirar más allá de los delincuentes de poca monta y observar
a dónde van los beneficios de esta actividad ilegal. Mediante el seguimiento de la pista del dinero y el uso de los
instrumentos desarrollados en más de 170 países para ir a la caza del “dinero sucio”, la justicia penal puede perseguir a
organizaciones criminales involucradas en la explotación maderera ilegal a gran escala y confiscar los beneficios obtenidos (2 de 4) [02/05/2012 13:39:27]
+ info:
Formation à distance - Microprogramme de 2e cycle en aménagement des forêts privées - Université Laval.
Québec (Canada)
Ce programme s'adresse aux ingénieurs forestiers et autres professionnels qui désirent se spécialiser en aménagement des
forêts privées. L'étudiant est amené à développer des compétences qui lui permet d'oeuvrer efficacement et de manière
durable dans ce domaine. Pour ce faire, le microprogramme permet d'abord de mieux saisir les divers éléments de
problématique liés à l'aménagement des forêts privées ainsi que les divers types d'intervention et de gestion. Il propose
ensuite, dans une perspective multiressources, une approche novatrice de planification et de mise en oeuvre de
l'aménagement forestier en milieu privé. L'enseignement est orienté sur l'acquisition des compétences permettant d'agir
tant au contact du propriétaire qu'à celui des collectivités. La diversité de provenance des étudiants fournira des occasions
pédagogiques pour enrichir les connaissances de chacun en travaillant en interaction avec les autres professionnels
impliqués dans l'aménagement de la forêt privée.
+ info:
Aventure boréale - l'exploitation forestière - Un site pédagogique de qualité
Le RÉCIT (Réseau pour le développement des Compétences par l’Intégration des
technologies) de l’univers social propose une situation d’apprentissage sur l’exploitation
forestière sous la forme d’un site internet avec une trame narrative : Aventure boréale l’exploitation forestière.
L’étudiant se mêle d’exploitation forestière au travers des aventures de Robin Dubois. Robin
est un étudiant qui a trouvé un travail d’été comme planteur d’arbres en Abitibi. À son
retour à l’automne, il sera un citoyen transformé...
... tout comme l’étudiant ou la classe à qui il viendrait à l’idée de suivre ses traces.
La présentation est soignée, les ressources nombreuses et variées, le parcours peut se faire de plusieurs façons et surtout
le traitement de la question ne tombe pas dans le parti-pris ni la facilité.
Évidemment l’exploitation des ressources à ce rythme et pour ces finalités ne peut continuer comme ça encore très
longtemps, mais on a plus qu’une responsabilité mineure dans le pillage et la transformation des ressources en produits de
consommation plus ou moins éphémères. À utiliser sans restriction, le site, pas le papier, pour son contenu et comme
modèle didactique :
+ info:
Greenpeace pide a la fiscalía que investigue las causas del incendio de las Fragas
do Eume y que depure responsabilidades - Galicia (Spain)
La organización ecologista pide a la Xunta que ponga en marcha un plan para recuperar la
zona y que no escatime en medios en la extinción de incendios.
Ante la dimensión del incendio que afecta al bosque atlántico de las Fragas do Eume, una
masa forestal única en Europa. Greenpeace demanda a la Fiscalía General del Estado y a la
Xunta de Galicia que se comprometan a investigar urgentemente las causas de este incendio
que ya ha arrasado una extensión que oscila, según las fuentes, entre 750 y 2.000
+ info:
La Google Trike filme l'Amazonie pour Google Earth - Brésil
A l'aide de deux Google Trikes équipées de caméras à 360°, l'un sur l'eau l'autre sur terre, Google a entrepris de filmer
l'Amazonie afin de montrer dans Google Earth la biodiversité de la forêt tropicale. Les images devraient être accessibles
d'ici à trois mois sur Google Earth.
Google a donc fait fabriquer un bateau équipé d'un mat sur lequel est accroché une caméra. L'autre caméra est véhiculée
sur un vélo. Le périple des deux engins a commencé à Tumbira, au nord du Brésil.
+ info:
Publicaciones (3 de 4) [02/05/2012 13:39:27]
Justice for Forests: Improving Criminal Justice Efforts to Combat Illegal Logging World Bank
By Marilyne Pereira Goncalves, Melissa Panjer, Theodore S. Greenberg, and William B. Magrath. World
Bank, March 2012.
Large-scale illegal logging operations are often linked to transnational organized criminal networks that
rely on high-level corruption, intimidation, and violence. In some countries, as much as 90 percent of
logging is illegal, threatening biodiversity, livelihoods, and economic development. States can better use
existing information on business transactions collected by financial institutions to increase understanding
of these logging networks and strengthen criminal investigations of offenders.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (4 de 4) [02/05/2012 13:39:27]
Patrimonio Geológico
Patrimonio Geológico
Acuario de Olms (peces humanos) en la Cueva de Postojna / Studio Stratum - 2010
- Postojna - Eslovenia
El propósito de este proyecto fue diseñar un nuevo acuario con las condiciones adecuadas
para mantener a los peces humanos (Proteus anguinus) disponibles para mostrar al público.
Cuando se desarrolló el diseño fue necesario tener en consideración su construcción manual
y ajustar en consecuencia el tamaño de las piezas individuales para poder ser transportadas
a la cueva con el tren que hay en ella. El proyecto fue un precedente para otras
intervenciones similares dentro de cuevas.
+ info:
Misterre - Les sciences de la terre et de l'univers en questions
Il y a exactement 20 ans, la seule étoile connue accompagnée de planètes était… le soleil. Depuis, ce sont plus de 760
mondes tournant autour d’autres étoiles qui ont été détectés. Blottis à proximité de leur étoile, ils ne peuvent être vus
directement. Et pourtant, ils tournent…
+ info:
Ouverture d'un centre consacré à l'étude du manteau terrestre - Université de Copenhague - Danemark
Un centre dédié au géosciences vient d'ouvrir au sein de l'Université de Copenhague. Appelé DanSeis, ce centre a reçu une
bourse de 3.35 millions d'euros de la part du ministère danois des sciences, l'innovation et de l'enseignement supérieur et
débutera ses activités au printemps 2012.
+ info:
Call for hosts of the 6th International Conference on Geoparks in 2014
During the 5th International Conference on Geoparks in Unzen Geopark, Japan, 12-15 May 2012 a decision will be made in
consultation with UNESCO on the organization and venue of the 6th International Conference on Geoparks, due to be held
in 2014. If your organization or country is interested in hosting the 2014 Conference, you are kindly invited to submit a
well-developed technical proposal specifying the offer. This bid is addressed to countries and regions which already have
GGN member Geoparks, whose active contribution will be part of the success of the event.
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
5th International UNESCO Conference on Geoparks
12 mayo - 15 mayo 2012 Unzen Volcanic Area Global Geopark. Japón
Organizadores: Global Geoparks Network
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Publicaciones (1 de 2) [02/05/2012 13:39:28]
Patrimonio Geológico
Ir a arriba (2 de 2) [02/05/2012 13:39:28]
Conservación del patrimonio en situaciones de conflicto y post-conflicto
Conservación del patrimonio en situaciones de conflicto y postconflicto
La Directora general de la UNESCO apela a una acción concertada para evitar la pérdida de los tesoros
documentales de Tombuctú (Mali)
La Directora general de la UNESCO, Irina Bokova, se alarmó hoy por la suerte del patrimonio cultural inestimable de
Tombuctú, en respuesta a las informaciones que indicaban que los rebeldes habrían saqueado y robado lugares que
protegerían millares de libros y documentos antiguos. Irina Bokova pidió a todas las autoridades competentes que
estuvieran atentos a cualquier tentativa de tráfico de estos tesoros.
+ info:
Boundaries Review n°3 - Architecture of Peace
Boundaries. Rivista Internazionale di Architettura Contemporanea e l'Ordine degli Architetti P.P.C. di Roma e Provincia sono
lieti di invitarvi alla presentazione della rivista che si terrà presso la Casa dell'Architettura,piazza Manfredo Fanti 47, Roma.
mercoledì 21 marzo 2012, alle ore 17.30.
Sarà presentato in anteprima il terzo numero della rivista (gennaio-marzo 2012) dedicato al tema delle «Architetture di
pace». «La pace è un po’ come una città, la si costruisce pezzo per pezzo», commenta Renzo Piano in un’intervista
concessa in esclusiva a Boundaries nel febbraio 2012 e pubblicata in questo numero. Il corso intricato della storia ci ricorda
come la pace sia un’invenzione dell’uomo, una paziente, continua costruzione. Ed è, appunto, il valore della costruzione
come momento di condivisione che i progetti presentati promuovono.
+ info:
Cultural Heritage, Ethics, and the Military
Edited by Peter G. Stone
ISSN: 1756-4832
The world reacted with horror to the images of the looting of the National Museum in Iraq in 2003 - closely
followed by other museums and then, largely unchecked, or archaeological sites across the country. This
outcome had been predicted by many archaeologists, with some offering to work directly with the military
to identify museums and sites to be avoided and protected. However, this work has since been heavily
criticised by others working in the field, who claim that such collaboration lended a legitimacy to the
invasion. It has therefore served to focus on the broader issue of whether archaeologists and other cultural heritage
experts should ever work with the military, and, if so, under what guidelines and strictures…
+ info: (1 de 2) [02/05/2012 13:39:29]
Conservación del patrimonio en situaciones de conflicto y post-conflicto
Ir a arriba (2 de 2) [02/05/2012 13:39:29]
Economía del patrimonio
Economía del patrimonio
Dove finisce il 5X1000 per i beni culturali? - Italy
Da quest’anno è possibile destinare la propria quota del 5 per mille agli enti no profit del settore culturale. Dato che non
stata ancora stata fatta chiarezza su quali saranno gli enti a cui il Ministero assegnerà i fondi, Tafter ha indagato sulla
+ info:
Dopo l'asta, il ritorno agli antichi fasti per la Reggia di Carditello (Italy)
Una delle meravigliose regge che il meridione può vantare, nelle cui sale riecheggiano
ancora i fasti e la storia di epoche passate, è stata abbandonata all’incuria del tempo e alla
razzia dei vandali: è la Real tenuta di Carditello, elegante dimora neoclassica progettata
dall’architetto Francesco Collecini, della scuola vanvitelliana, per volere di Carlo di Borbone.
Lo splendido palazzo, con i suoi ettari di tenuta, si erge nella pianura tra Napoli e Caserta,
in luoghi un tempo ameni per la natura rigogliosa e genuina, dove trovava fertile terreno
la pianta del cardo, da cui il nome della reggia.
Di acqua nel vicino fiume Volturno ne è però passata da quando la Reggia di Carditello ospitava Ferdinando IV, che vi avviò
un’organizzata azienda agricola, per poi divenire nell’Italia unita proprietà della famiglia reale dei Savoia…
+ info:
Lecture "World Heritage and Economic Development" - Edinburgh, Scotland
(United Kingdom) 17 April 2012
The lecture “World Heritage and Economic Development”, organized by Edinburgh World
Heritage together with the City of Edinburgh Council and RSA Fellows MCICH Network, will
take place on Tuesday 17 April, 6.00pm at the Royal College of Physicians in order to mark
World Heritage Day and the 40th anniversary of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention.
The lecture will look at how World Heritage can be used to promote and support economic
regeneration, with contributions from two expert speakers and panel discussion with
Professor Charles McKean, chairman of Edinburgh World Heritage, and Greg Ward, Head of Economic Development at the
City of Edinburgh Council.
+ info:
United Kingdom National Statistics - Experience of Museums in Northern Ireland Findings from the Continuous
Household Survey 2008/09 DCAL Research Findings
There are two main types of tourism that impact the UK economy: international and domestic tourism.
International tourism looks at trends in overseas residents travelling to the UK, and UK residents travelling abroad. This is
analysed by region/destination and visitor spend using the International Passenger Survey (IPS). Carried out by the Office
for National Statistics (ONS), data are used to compile travel accounts of the balance of payments, estimate the numbers
and characteristics of migrants into and out of the UK, and to provide information on international tourism.
+ info:
Overseas Travel and Tourism - Monthly Release - United Kingdom National Statistics
There are two main types of tourism that impact the UK economy: international and domestic tourism.
International tourism looks at trends in overseas residents travelling to the UK, and UK residents travelling abroad. This is (1 de 4) [02/05/2012 13:39:32]
Economía del patrimonio
analysed by region/destination and visitor spend using the International Passenger Survey (IPS). Carried out by the Office
for National Statistics (ONS), data are used to compile travel accounts of the balance of payments, estimate the numbers
and characteristics of migrants into and out of the UK, and to provide information on international tourism…
+ info:
Imu (Imposta municipale unica) per molti ma non per tutti
Tempi duri per i contribuenti italiani. Al fine di risanare debito pubblico e casse vuote degli enti
locali il governo tecnico ha ripristinato la tassazione sulla fonte di investimento preferita dagli
italiani: il mattone. L’IMU, imposta municipale unica, perno fondamentale dell’ultima manovra
finanziaria, sostituirà sia la vecchia Ici che l’Irpef sui redditi fondiari e graverà su tutti i beni
immobili, sia prime che seconde abitazioni. E così in attesa della stangata annunciata per
l’estate, hanno iniziato a fare i conti anche i proprietari delle ville e dei castelli patrizi
disseminati per tutta la penisola. E il risultato dei conteggi non è stato molto gradito: qualora
l’imposta venisse calcolata e applicata con le disposizioni attuali, l’aumento delle tariffe per i proprietari di questi fabbricati
sarebbe del 600%. Le polemiche da parte dell’Associazione Dimore Storiche Italiane, che riunisce tutti i possessori di ville e
palazzi nobiliari, non si sono fatte attendere e per bocca del presidente dell’associazione, Moroello Diaz della Vittoria
Pallavicini, hanno espresso la loro posizione molto chiaramente: richiedere una revisione delle misure da applicare e il
rinnovo dei trattamenti differenziati di cui i possessori dei palazzi patrizi hanno beneficiato sino ad oggi.
+ info:
Over 150,000 Tickets Booked For Van Gogh Up Close at the Philadelphia Museum of Art - Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania (United States of America)
Midway through its run, the exhibition is drawing visitors to Philadelphia from the U.S. and around the world.
Seven weeks into its nearly 14-week run, the major exhibition Van Gogh Up Close has booked over 150,000 tickets and is
welcoming visitors from 44 countries and 48 states plus Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. Philadelphia is the only U.
S. venue for the exhibition.
+ info:
National Portrait Gallery clocks up 2,000,000 visitors...Its highest ever annual figure - London - United
The National Portrait Gallery today welcomed its two millionth visitors – a milestone which sets up the highest annual
figures in the Gallery’s history when they are published at the end of the month. The group of visitors through the door
when the figure of two million was reached was given a surprise welcome by the Gallery’s director Mr Sandy Nairne.
+ info:
Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago receives $10 million gift to name the theater
Stefan Edlis and Gael Neeson - Chicago - Illinois - USA
Madeleine Grynsztejn, Pritzker Director of the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, today
announced the extraordinary gift of $10 million from Stefan Edlis and Gael Neeson to name
the MCA Theater. The theater will be named the Edlis Neeson Theater in their honor.
+ info:
All-time record visitor figures at Wales's national museums- The seven national museums in Wales received
1.69 million visits in 2011-12, the highest total ever recorded - Wales - United Kingdom
The Welsh Government and Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales introduced the policy eight months earlier than in
England – a pioneering move that nearly doubled visitor figures to national museums in Wales. This political commitment
to promoting access for all to Wales’ culture and history remains as strong today, with the policy enshrined in the Welsh
Government’s plan of action for 2011-16, Programme for Government.
+ info:
Un gène de sapin pour remplacer l'ambre gris de cachalots dans les parfums ?
Selon des travaux menés par des chercheurs canadiens, un gène extrait du génome de sapin baumier
et introduit dans des levures pourrait permettre de remplacer l'ambre gris, tiré des cachalots et utilisé
en parfumerie.
Cela fait des siècles aujourd'hui que l'ambre gris est commercialisé en Europe et utilisé dans la
fabrication des parfums. Mais sous cette appellation quelque peu "poétique" se cache en fait une
substance qui l'est moins. En effet, l'ambre gris est une concrétion intestinale de cachalot. Autrement
dit, elle provient d'une réaction entre les sécrétions biliaires du cétacés et les aliments qu'il a ingéré.
Autrefois, on la récoltait sur les plages ou flottant sur les vagues. Dans le classique "Moby Dick", Herman Melville décrit
ainsi déjà la récolte de ce produit légendaire sur les côtes des océans.
+ info:
Treizièmes Rencontres du Réseau des Grands Sites de France (RGSF) - Place et organisation des activités
commerciales sur les Grands Sites (Iles Sanguinaires, Pointe de la Parata, Ajaccio, Corse, France, Octobre
Les activités commerciales présentes sur les Grands Sites sont nombreuses et de nature très diverse. Du fait de la forte
attractivité des sites, ces activités sont pour l'essentiel à caractère touristique : services aux visiteurs, hébergement,
restauration, vente de souvenirs, activités de découverte, visites guidées, manifestations culturelles ou de nature, etc.
Ces activités répondent à des besoins, participent de la vie des Grands Sites, et génèrent une économie locale pour les (2 de 4) [02/05/2012 13:39:32]
Economía del patrimonio
territoires. Mais elles peuvent aussi entrer en contradiction avec les valeurs portées par les Grands Sites : conflits avec les
exigences de la préservation paysagère et patrimoniale, avec le niveau de qualité d'accueil, avec les valeurs du
développement durable.
+ info:
How to make high-end perfumes without whale barf - University of British Columbia - Vancouver - British
Columbia - Canada
University of British Columbia researchers have identified a gene in balsam fir trees that could facilitate cheaper and more
sustainable production of plant-based fixatives and scents used in the fragrance industry and reduce the need for
ambergris, a substance harvested from whale barf.
+ info:
World Bank GEF (Global Environment Facility) Grant to Help Brazil Protect an additional 13.5 Million Hectares
in the Amazon
The World Bank Board of Executive Directors approved today a US$ 15.9 million Global Environment Facility (GEF) grant
for the Second Phase of the Amazon Region Protected Area Program (ARPA), to be implemented by the Government of
Brazil and the World Bank. Thirteen and a half million hectares of additional new protected areas (an area larger than
Greece) will be created in the next four years. The grant will also help consolidate 32 million hectares of existing areas.
+ info:
Ted Turner dona un millón de dólares para salvar a gorilas en peligro
Ted Turner donó un millón de dólares para ayudar a los gorilas en peligro de extinción al este del
Congo, anunció la Fundación Dian Fossey Gorilla.
“Podemos vivir al otro lado del planeta de África, pero lo que pasa ahí puede y afectará lo que pase
aquí y en todo nuestro frágil planeta”, dijo.
Y también animó a otros para que donaran dinero a la causa, declaró el Fossey Fund. “Se resume
en esto: cada gorila cuenta, cada una de las personas cuentan para proteger a los gorilas, y cada
dólar cuenta para apoyar a proteger a los gorilas”, dijo Turner.
+ info:
Cost to pack California state park artifacts will cut savings - California - USA
Shuttering dozens of California state parks to trim millions from the state budget will take more than simply hanging a
"Closed" sign on trailheads and beach parking lots. Many on the closure list house thousands of historical treasures that
must be packed up, catalogued and stored if deals are not reached to save them. The tens of thousands of items on public
display paint a rich portrait of California's past. Among them are rare crystalline gold nuggets at the California Mining and
Minerals Museum in Mariposa, painting masterworks showing early 20th century San Francisco street scenes and coastal
landscapes at Shasta State Historical Park, and the writer Jack London's home and writing memorabilia in Sonoma County.
+ info:
The New York Public Library Digitizes Early American History - New York State - USA
Thousands of historical documents at The New York Public Library – including material handwritten by George Washington
and Thomas Jefferson and papers from authors such as Mark Twain – will soon be accessible to the public online, thanks in
large part due to a generous gift of $500,000 from The Polonsky Foundation.
The project, which began in January and will continue through 2014, will digitize documents from the Thomas Addis Emmet
Collection, located within the Manuscripts and Archives Division, and almost all the papers of several major American
authors in the Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature at The New York Public Library.
+ info:
Conference - Ports as new magnets for urban sustainable development
24 mayo - 25 mayo 2012 Valletta. Malta
Organizadores: International Council on Monuments and Sites & International Scientific Committee on Economics of
Conservation (ISCEC)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
2nd Conference on Sustainable oceans: Reconciling Economic Use and Protection
11 julio - 13 julio 2012 New York City, New York State. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Dräger Foundation
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Llamada de ponencias - VIII Congreso "El futuro de los proyectos patrimoniales y museísticos: innovaciones
en tiempos de crisis"
18 octubre - 19 octubre 2012 Donostia-San Sebastián. España
Organizadores: Universidad del País Vasco, Museo Romano OIASSO, Laboratoire d'histoire et de patrimoine de Montréal
UQAM et l'Université Lumière Lyon 2 (3 de 4) [02/05/2012 13:39:32]
Economía del patrimonio
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 may 2012
+ info:
Conference - Culture Matters 2012 - Capturing the social and economic value of cultural heritage: Perspectives
and projects from across Europe
14 noviembre - 16 noviembre 2012 Norwich. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: SHAPING 24 - Strategies for Heritage Access Pathways in Norwich and Ghent
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 abr 2012
+ info:
Ir a arriba (4 de 4) [02/05/2012 13:39:32]
Legislación, Convenciones, Cartas y Declaraciones
Legislación (nacional e internacional), Convenciones, Cartas y
Fortunes de Mer, le site du droit maritime
Tous les textes de référence sur le droit et l'assurance maritime, en France et dans le monde
Fortunes de Mer est un site entièrement dédié au Droit et à l'Assurance maritimes. Il est animé par
l'association homonyme, située près de Calais, important port du nord de la France.
On trouve sur Fortunes de Mer tous les textes réglementant le commerce maritime, la circulation en
mer, la navigation fluviale, la gestion des épaves, la gestion des ports... en France, dans certains
pays étrangers (Chine, Australie, Allemagne, Canada...), ainsi que les principaux textes européens
et de la législation internationale.
+ info:
2.000 Sitios Ramsar en todo el mundo
Las 160 Partes Contratantes en la Convención han identificado 2.000 humedales
excepcionales y los han inscrito en la Lista de Humedales de Importancia Internacional.
Actualmente, esos 2.000 Sitios Ramsar, que abarcan casi 200.000.000 hectáreas,
constituyen la mayor red de zonas protegidas del mundo.
+ info:
El Reino Unido designa su 169º Sitio Ramsar
El Gobierno del Reino Unido ha designado a Upper Nene Valley Gravel Pits (Graveras de la
parte superior del valle del río Nene) (1.358 hectáreas, 52°20'04''N 000°34'56''W), un sitio de
especial interés científico y una zona especialmente protegida Natura 2000 en
Northamptonshire (Inglaterra), como su 169º Humedal de Importancia Internacional. Según la
descripción de Kati Wenzel de Ramsar basada en la información de la FIR, el sitio comprende
una cadena de canteras de arena y grava en activo y abandonadas así como aguas de
superficie, pantanos de carrizo, marismas, prados y pastizales. La gama de hábitats y la
variada topografía de las lagunas ofrecen regularmente valiosas condiciones de descanso y alimentación para más de
20.000 aves acuáticas que pasan el invierno en el sitio, especialmente patos y aves zancudas. El sitio es importante para el
control de las crecidas, y entre las actividades humanas que se realizan se incluye la recreación (observación de las aves,
excursiones a pie, pesca, vela, piragüismo, esquí acuático, ciclismo), la investigación y la educación ambiental. Entre las
amenazas potenciales que afronta el sitio cabe destacar el desarrollo urbano, la sucesión de la vegetación y las plantas
invasoras como la yana Elodea nuttallii. Hay un centro de visitantes y facilidades en los lagos de Stanwick.
+ info:
Nuevo Sitio Ramsar de Estonia
La Secretaría se complace en anunciar que Estonia ha designado su 17º Humedal de
Importancia Internacional, Haapsalu-Noarootsi (27.450 hectáreas, 59°08’04’’N 23°27’29’’E),
un complejo de humedales situado en la costa noroccidental del país que comprende vastas
zonas de aguas someras del mar Báltico, ensenadas y bahías, lagunas costeras, praderas
costeras y cañizales, así como llanos fangosos y arenosos.
+ info:
ramsar/1-26-45-520%5E25646_4000_2__ (1 de 4) [02/05/2012 13:39:35]
Legislación, Convenciones, Cartas y Declaraciones
Australia consolidates and expands Kakadu Ramsar Site
In 1980, the government of Australia first designated a significant part of the famous Kakadu
National Park and World Heritage natural and cultural site in the Northern Territory, and it
added another large part in 1989. Now the two Kakadu Ramsar Sites have been consolidated
into one and extended by an additional 600,000 hectares to conform fully to the boundaries of
the National Park, now covering 1,979,766 hectares. A summary description of the site can be
found on the Annotated Ramsar List.
+ info:
PUESTO DE TRABAJO - Anuncio de la PNUMA/CMS (Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente/
Convención sobre la Conservación de las Especies Migratorias)- Secretario Ejecutivo. Fecha límite: 23 abril
El Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA) es la entidad designada en el sistema de las
Naciones Unidas para abordar las cuestiones ambientales a nivel mundial y regional. Su mandato consiste en coordinar el
desarrollo de un consenso en la política ambiental, manteniendo el medio ambiente mundial bajo evaluación y poniendo
nuevas cuestiones bajo la atención de los gobiernos y la comunidad internacional para la toma de medidas.
La Convención sobre la Conservación de las Especies Migratorias de Animales Silvestres (CMS) es un tratado
intergubernamental de alcance mundial destinado a la conservación coordinada y concertada y a la gestión de las especies
migratorias y de los ecosistemas de los que dependen. La Convención se inscribe en el sistema de tratados internacionales
relativos a la conservación y uso sostenible de la diversidad biológica. Este puesto está destinado en la oficina UNEP/CMS
en Bonn. El Secretario Ejecutivo de la CMS informa al Director Ejecutivo del PNUMA a través del Director Ejecutivo Adjunto.
+ info:
Sitio Ramsar Koviljsko-Petrovaradinski Rit de Serbia
La Secretaría se complace sobremanera en anunciar que el Departamento para la Protección
de la Naturaleza y la Biodiversidad del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación Territorial
de Serbia, con la ayuda del Instituto para la Conservación de la Naturaleza de Serbia, ha
designado Koviljsko-Petrovaradinski Rit (8.292 hectáreas, 45°10'40"N 020°04'10" E), una
Reserva Natural Especial y zona importante para las aves según los criterios de BirdLife,
situado en la provincia de Voivodina, como décimo Humedal de Importancia Internacional del
país. Tal como ha descrito la Asesora Adjunta de Ramsar para Europa, Kati Wenzel, el sitio es
un mosaico bien conservado de brazos de río, cordilleras, meandros, canales, estanques, carrizales, prados húmedos,
pantanos, pastos y bosques a lo largo de ambos lados del Danubio. Esta zona aluvial está conformada por inundaciones
periódicas y por la sucesión de la vegetación, así como por actividades humanas, y alberga un gran número de especies
vegetales amenazadas, tales como la violeta de agua (Hottonia palustris) y el trébol de cuatro hojas (Marsilea quadrifolia).
+ info:
Los Estados Unidos designan el complejo de turberas del Lago Superior
La Secretaría se complace en anunciar que los Estados Unidos han designado como su 31º
Sitio Ramsar las Ciénagas de Kakagon y Bad (4.355 hectáreas, 46°39’N 090°41’W), situadas
a orillas del Lago Superior en el estado de Wisconsin. Se trata de un complejo de humedales
en gran medida virgen compuesto de ciénagas, turberas y lagunas costeras donde se
encuentra el mayor arrozal silvestre de los Grandes Lagos. La zona está sujeta a
administración tribal, goza de protección como Zona de Conservación por un Plan de Manejo Integrado de los Recursos y
está bajo la jurisdicción de la Tribu Chippewa de la Banda Bad River del Lago Superior.
+ info:
Viet Nam designa importante sitio del delta del Mekong
La Dirección de Medio Ambiente del Ministerio de Recursos Naturales y Medio Ambiente de
Viet Nam ha designado el cuarto Humedal de Importancia Internacional del país con efecto a
contar del Día Mundial de los Humedales de 2012, lo que eleva el número total de Sitios
Ramsar en todo el mundo a 2.000. Según el resumen de Saber Masoomi de Ramsar basado
en los datos complementarios de la FIR, Tram Chim National Park (7.313 hectáreas, 10°
42'49"N 105°30'12"E) es uno de los últimos vestigios del ecosistema de humedales de la
llanura de carrizo, que en épocas pasadas llegó a tener una superficie de unas 700.000 ha
del delta del Mekong en el suroeste de Viet Nam. El sitio es uno de los pocos lugares de la región donde perviven
comunidades de arroz rojo (Oryza rufipogon).
+ info:
Reflexión para una inscripción de los humedales de Val de Loire en la Lista Ramsar - Francia
El Parque natural regional Loira Anjou Touraine inició a fines de año 2011 una reflexión para el
reconocimiento del patrimonio natural de Val de Loire como humedal de importancia internacional bajo
la Convención de Ramsar. Con este fin, es miembro asociado de la joven asociación "Ramsar France"
que tiene como objetivo dar a conocer y promover la etiqueta Ramsar en Francia, mejorar la gestión
de los sitios Ramsar inscritos, y fomentar la creación de nuevos sitios.
En 1997, el Parque ya había iniciado la reflexión que dio lugar a la inscripción de Val de Loire en la
Lista del patrimonio mundial en 2000, como paisajes culturales. (2 de 4) [02/05/2012 13:39:35]
Legislación, Convenciones, Cartas y Declaraciones
+ info:
Droit de l’environnement et information en matière environnementale - Université virtuelle Environnement et
Développement Durable (UVED) - Université de Montpellier 1 - France
Le module de formation « Droit de l’environnement et information en matière environnementale », porté par l’Université
Montpellier 1 et financé par l’Université Virtuelle Environnement & Développement durable vise à faire connaître les
grandes lignes du droit de l’environnement. Il vise aussi à encourager les acteurs publics et privés à prendre en compte et
éventuellement mettre en œuvre les diverses modalités d’exercice des droits à l’information environnementale aussi bien
sur le fondement de la législation française que sur celui des règles européennes et internationales.
+ info:
Monitoring of illegal trade in ivory
The Secretariat reminds Parties of the considerable time, money and effort that have been devoted to the Elephant Trade
Information System (ETIS) and encourages them to submit reports on all seizures of ivory and other elephant products.
An electronic version of the ETIS Ivory and elephant product seizure data collection form and Explanatory notes to report
seizures of ivory and other elephant products are attached.
Reports may be submitted for inclusion in ETIS in printed or electronic form to the CITES Secretariat, or directly to
TRAFFIC. To ensure that data from such reports can be included in the analysis of ETIS data for the 62nd meeting of the
CITES Standing Committee (23-27 July 2012) and the 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (3-15 March 2013),
Parties should ensure that their submissions reach TRAFFIC by 18 April 2012.
+ info:
English Heritage Commentary on the National Planning Policy Framework - England (United Kingdom)
English Heritage is very pleased to have worked closely with the Government on the National Planning Policy Framework
(NPPF) to secure a positive result for heritage and sustainable development. We believe that the level of protection that
PPS5 gave to heritage has been maintained in the NPPF.
This will allow heritage to continue to play a central role in long-term sustainable growth in England. As there have been a
number of changes to the wording we will of course want to monitor the outcome of planning decisions to ensure that the
NPPF works in the way Government intends.
+ info:
Ramsar Convention - Call for Paper Submissions in the international journal Wetlands - Deadline for
submission: 1 May 2012
Organizadores: The peer-reviewed international journal Wetlands
Contacto: Phil Turnipseed - [email protected]
+ info:
Tercera reunión del Consejo Consultivo Científico y Técnico - Convención sobre la Protección del Patrimonio
Cultural Subacuático
19 abril - 20 abril 2012 París. Francia
Organizadores: Sede de la UNESCO
Contacto: Guerin, Ulrike - [email protected]
+ info:
Workshop on the Implementation of the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in
Papua New Guinea
14 mayo - 18 mayo 2012 Port Moresby. Papua Nueva Guinea
Organizadores: National Cultural Commission of Papua New Guinea
Contacto: Takahashi, Akatsuki - [email protected]
+ info:[showUid]
Undécima reunión de la Conferencia de las partes en el Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica (CBD)
08 octubre - 19 octubre 2012 Hyderabad. India
Organizadores: CBD
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Publicaciones (3 de 4) [02/05/2012 13:39:35]
Legislación, Convenciones, Cartas y Declaraciones
Conclusiones del Coloquio Internacional sobre la preservación del patrimonio y el
nuevo marco legal en Túnez - Instituto Nacional del Patrimonio. Programa
Montada - Túnez (Tunicia) 26-27 enero 2012
Ya podéis consultar las conclusiones y recomendaciones del Coloquio Internacional sobre la
preservación del patrimonio y el nuevo marco legal en Túnez y ver el vídeo, que incluye
declaraciones de Mahdi Mabrouk, ministro de Cultura, Túnez; Nejiba Zaier, magistrada de
Túnez y Ridha Fraoua, experto jurista internacional.
+ info:
Textos fundamentales de la Convención de 2005 sobre la Protección y la Promoción de la
Diversidad de las Expresiones Culturales
© UNESCO 2011
Esta primera edición de los textos fundamentales de la Convención sobre la Protección y la Promoción de
la Diversidad de las Expresiones Culturales de 2005 está concebida como una herramienta práctica para
comprender el funcionamiento de la Convención de 2005. Las Orientaciones prácticas constituyen un
trabajo en curso y proponen una hoja de ruta y no un modo de empleo. En ellas se establecen principios
para que los países establezcan políticas, medidas y actividades que respondan a las necesidades de las
partes interesadas, sentando al mismo tiempo cimientos comunes para iniciativas que faciliten la cooperación internacional.
De este modo, las Orientaciones prácticas serán revisadas a la luz de las enseñanzas extraídas sobre el terreno.
+ info:
Jeux et Enjeux de la planétisation - Patrimoine - Culture - Monde
ISBN: 978-2-296-13706-6
Collection : Interfaces et transdisciplinarités
Dans la continuité de son premier ouvrage sur la mondialisation (Science et conscience de la mondialisation,
L’Harmattan, 2006), Isabelle Hannequart, maître de conférences en droit public et membre du GERCIE/
Groupe d’Etude et de Recherche sur la coopération internationale et européenne de l’Université FrançoisRabelais de Tours, se focalise sur l’enjeu culturel de la mondialisation. Il ne s’agit pas d’un enjeu parmi
d’autres, mais de l’enjeu crucial d’une planétisation à la croisée de la mondialisation plurielle et de la globalisation
L’auteure décrit les jeux que forment les trois composants de l’enjeu, le patrimoine, la culture et le Monde, dans les
variations de leurs multiples combinaisons. L’Union européenne, dotée d’une compétence culturelle, fait l’objet d’une
attention spéciale,
comme un laboratoire pour les notions d’exception culturelle, de diversité culturelle et de cohésion culturelle. L’originalité
de l’approche est confortée par l’application de la trialectique, nouvel outil de la transdisciplinarité, qui vient appuyer la
proposition d’une nouvelle capacité à mettre en oeuvre dans l’éducation pour l’ère planétaire.
+ info:
Papers from the special event "Impact of corruption on the environment and the United Nations Convention
against Corruption as a tool to address it" 4th Conference of States Parties - Marrakesh (Morocco) 26 October
This publication is destined for use not only by policy-makers, prosecution and law enforcement authorities and
practitioners, but also other stakeholders (civil society, non-governmental organizations, private sector and local
populations) that have an important role to play in the protection of the environment. It is hoped that readers will find
elements to deepen their interest in this area. It is intended that this publication will be followed by further research,
leading to concrete actions to be taken at the international, regional, national and local levels.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (4 de 4) [02/05/2012 13:39:35]
Ciudades y centros históricos. Paisajes urbanos históricos
Ciudades y centros históricos. Paisajes urbanos históricos
Gelukstraat / Dierendonck Blancke Architecten - Ghent - Belgium
A very small plot in the centre of ghent. The client wants an extension of his house that borders the
building plot, and an apartment to rent. On the ground floor we provide an atelier connected through a
small courtyard with the owner’s house and entrance to the parent apartment.
+ info:
Exhibition - American City: St. Louis Architecture: Three Centuries of Classic
Design" - Willis Towers - Chicago - Illinois - USA - 20 March - 11 May 2012
From March 20 – May 11, the “American City: St. Louis Architecture: Three Centuries of
Classic Design” exhibition will be up at the Willis Tower (formerly the Sears Tower) in
downtown Chicago. The show consists of 83 large prints of over 40 historic buildings in St.
Louis, including acclaimed landmarks such as Louis Sullivan’s Wainwright Building, James
Eads’ Eads Bridge, Eero Saarinen’s Gateway Arch and Tadao Ando’s Pulitzer Foundation for
the Arts Building. The timeline stretches from 1839 to 2010.
+ info:
Museum Nasional Indonesia / Aboday - Jakarta - Indonesia
The first prize winning proposal for the Museum Nasional Indonesia by Aboday aims to bring
back this massive institution to its original role as a public facility. Their design addresses
the question of urban context by inserting a new corridor between the existing museum
building and building that will maintain an openness to the pedestrian and city park on the
Eastern part of the complex.
+ info:
Liverpool's World Heritage Status Threatened by New Development - United
A delegation of inspectors from UNESCO visited Liverpool this November, and indicated that
unless the current £5.5 billion Liverpool Waters project is radically changed, UNESCO will
recommend the city be stripped of its world heritage status.
+ info:
The RAINS Project / Sabrina Faber - Sana'a - Yemen
Sana’a, Yemen is at risk of being the first capital city in the World to run out of renewable,
reliable and clean water supplies. With seasonal rain, expensive bottled water and polluted
reservoirs, the residents of Sana’a are constantly faced with waterborne diseases and severe
drought hazards.
+ info: (1 de 6) [02/05/2012 13:39:43]
Ciudades y centros históricos. Paisajes urbanos históricos
Vers la modélisation grand échelle d'environnements urbains à partir d'images
By Oussama Moslah
L'objectif principal de cette thèse est de développer des outils pour la reconstruction de l'environnement urbain à partir
d'images. Les entrées typiques de notre travail est un ensemble d'images de façades, des empreintes au sol de bâtiments,
et des modèles 3D reconstruits à partir d'images aériennes. Les principales étapes comprennent le calibrage des images,le
recalage avec le modèle 3D, la récupération des informations de profondeur ainsi que la sémantique des façades.Pour
atteindre cet objectif, nous utilisons des techniques du domaine de vision par ordinateur, reconnaissance de formes et de
l'informatique graphique. Les contributions de notre approche sont présentés en deux parties…
+ info:
Seminario "Il governo dei territori di bonifica tra naturalità ed antropizzazione" - Mantova - Italy (12 April
I territori che sono stati sottoposti a Politecnico di Milano bonifica idraulica sono un cospicuo patrimonio dell’Italia che va,
ad ogni costo, conservato e difeso dalle minacce che incombono.
Lo sviluppo delle attività extragricole e il rapido aumento dell’urbanizzazione si manifestano con particolare virulenza in
prossimità di
quasi tutti i comprensori di bonifica, sottraendo alle destinazioni, per le quali le bonifiche sono state realizzate, aree di
notevole estensione.
La complessità del paesaggio della bonifica, spesso sottovalutata, implica numerose difficoltà nella gestione e nella
progettazione, nel momento in cui si intende apportare a questo tipo di territorio trasformazioni d’uso.
A questo scopo, il seminario si propone di mettere in luce le problematiche e le opportunità di questi territori e mediante
l’ausilio di casi studio, di sperimentare strumenti di analisi, metodologie interpretative e di progetto, utili a definire delle
“linee guida” per la progettazione e lo sviluppo dei paesaggi di bonifica.
L’incontro è promosso dal Laboratorio di Pianificazione Ambientale, nell’ambito delle attività seminariali del Politecnico di
Milano Polo Territoriale di Mantova.
+ info:
Mercado de Arriaga en peligro de demolición - México
Estimados amigos.
El mercado Belisario Dominguez en Arriaga Chiapas, fue construido en 1970, su capacidad es de 130 locatarios. La
característica mas sobresaliente son 24 estructuras de concreto de los denominados "paraguas" de borde recto y área
rectangular, colocados a diferentes alturas, alternados como en juego de damero, permitiendo ventilación e iluminación
por los costados de los mismos. Y es que el perimetro del mercado esta rodeado por un muro de piedra en talud que solo
permite cuatro accesos, dicho muro esta construido con piedra local extraída de un río cercano.
En los archivos del municipio de Arriaga, no hemos podido encontrar mayor documentación sigue pendiente el nombre del
arquitecto proyectista, lo que si es un hecho es que la DEMOLICIÓN DEL MERCADO, está siendo programada, para
construir otro, en el mismo lugar, pero con una capacidad mayor.
Actualmente, los locatarios siguen ahí y no hay fecha para el desalojo, sin embargo, el gobierno del estado ya tiene un
"dictamen estructural" que avala la demolición.
Así las cosas pido de la manera mas atenta el apoyo de DOCOMOMO, para conminar a las autoridades para hacer notar el
valor del inmueble, que justifique la revisión del actual proyecto, para así poder rescatar este, a mi juicio muy valioso
Cualquier carta o petición deberá ir dirigida directamente al C. GOBERNADOR LIC. JUAN SABINES GUERRERO. con copia al
Saludos cordiales.
Hans Kabsch Vela, Arquitecto
+ info:
AWARDS - Award for Urban Wetland Planning in France
Many wetlands in urban and peri-urban environments are or are becoming degraded due to
surrounding populations, pollution and poorly managed waste, among other factors. As a
consequence, the ecosystem services that urban wetlands can provide have diminished and
it is therefore essential for both decision-makers and urban communities to recognize their
value and importance…
+ info:
Symposium - Taking ownership of the city: "Becoming together" from urban heritage to cultural
landscape - Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal & Complexe des sciences Pierre-Dansereau.
Montréal (Canada) 16 - 18 April 2012
Les 16 et 17 avril au Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal, Pavillon Claire et Marc Bourgie (1339 rue
Sherbrooke Ouest) et le 18 avril 2012, au Complexe des sciences Pierre-Dansereau de l’Université du
Québec à Montréal (SH-2800, 200 rue Sherbrooke Ouest), se tiendra le colloque « [S']Approprier la ville. Le
devenir-ensemble, du patrimoine urbain aux paysages culturels ».
Ce colloque international invite le public, les chercheurs sur la ville, ses identités et ses sociétés, les
professionnels de l'urbanisme et des milieux culturels à discuter des effets de la métropolisation sur la capacité de sens du
paysage construit et à penser comment peut s'aménager l'appartenance et le vivre-ensemble dans un milieu intégrateur et
représentatif des citoyens d'aujourd'hui et de demain. Une ville peut-elle encore être plus scandinave, plus française, plus
espagnole ? Ou plus montréalaise, plus londonienne, plus parisienne ? Il s’agit, en d’autres mots, de réfléchir de concert au
devenir-ensemble et à l'avenir du génie du lieu. (2 de 6) [02/05/2012 13:39:43]
Ciudades y centros históricos. Paisajes urbanos históricos
+ info:
NEW TOPIC IN THE REVIEW EDA : Utopic cities: theory and planning
by Claudia Lamberti, University of Pise
Designing a city has always been a program of the social and political relationships among men that will dwell it. The laws
of the several rulers were turned into ideal cities, "carved in stone words", as Piero Pierotti said. Since ancient times, when
cities were meant to be the living place of both gods and men, the architect's imagination and the commitment's purpose
worked together to build new settlements. The word "utopia" was born in Greece, but it reached its climax within urban
planning during Humanism and Renaissance: since Filarete's and Francesco di Giorgio Martini's projects, until Thomas
More's emblematic book and the writings of such philosophers as Tommaso Campanella, that was "the Age of ideal cities".
+ info:
Domkyrkoforum / Carmen Izquierdo - 2010 - 2011- Lund - Sweden
The site of the new cathedral forum is central Lund, in direct connectionto the cathedral
itself. On the site is situated the existing “Arken” house, which is a building of historical
value. The new building aim stoint egrate itself in the urbanfabric in a natural way, by
adaptingto the scale and lines of the surrounding cityscape. At the same time our vision has
been to create a contemporary building that adds a new layer to the many historic layers
that characterize the urban environment of central Lund.
+ info:
Casa Potxonea / OS3 arkitektura - Usurbil - Gipuzkoa - España
La casa está situada en Usurbil, C\ Irazu nº 4, y es la última de un conjunto de edificios que
componen el centro histórico de la población, por ello es un edificio con un gran trasfondo.
Estos edificios alineados separan dos grandes espacios públicos: la plaza Dema (plaza principal
de Usurbil) y la plaza Askatasuna (de reciente construcción). La jerarquía de ambas plazas se
refleja en el conjunto de los edificios que las rodean, mostrándose dos frentes opuestos.
+ info:
Demolishing Freeways and Reviving American Cities - USA John Norquist, former Mayor of Milwaukee (1988-2004), current CEO of the Congress for New Urbanism
and author of The Wealth of Cities, was recently interviewed by Next American City to discuss highway
removal and “our congestion obsession”. Norquist’s best known achievement as Mayor of Milwaukee was
demolishing the Park East Freeway – 1960s-era expressway that restricted access to the city’s downtown.
+ info:
Titanic Belfast / Todd Architects- 2012 - Belfast - Northern Ireland - United
Delivering the World’s Largest Titanic Visitor Experience Titanic Belfast will open its doors to
the world on 31st March, 2012. The world’s largest ever Titanic-themed visitor attraction
and Northern Ireland’s largest tourism project, Titanic Belfast is the result of a successful
collaboration between the Concept Design Architects CivicArts/Eric R Kuhne & Associates
and the Lead Consultant/Architect Todd Architects.
+ info:
Webdocumentaire - Dans les murs de la Casbah (Alger-Algérie)
Collaboration de l'Université Rennes 2 (France)
La Casbah d’Alger porte dans ses murs autant l’Histoire du pays que
les problématiques urbaines de l’Algérie moderne. Symbolique de
l’identité algérienne, elle cherche son avenir... Laissez-vous entraîner
dans son dédale d'escaliers avec "Dans les murs de la Casbah" , un
webdocumentaire original réalisé par Céline Dréan en collaboration
avec le sociolinguiste alégérien Réda Sébih (sous la direction des
Universités de Rennes 2 et d'Alger 2).
À chaque carrefour, au détour d’une ruelle, l’internaute peut entrer dans un café pour écouter les anciens, pousser la porte
de la maison des femmes ou encore s’installer avec des étudiants parlant de leurs rêves d’avenir. Il peut emprunter trois
parcours virtuels pour s’immerger dans ce morceau d'Algérie et y écouter la parole des Casbadjis. En écho à ces
témoignages, des chercheurs algériens nous aident à comprendre la Casbah… Cette exploration inédite interactive et
inédite du quartier mythique algérois est le premier webdocumentaire aidé par la Région Bretagne.
+ info:
Scotland's survey and preservation initiatives for Post-War Sites and Monuments, 19852012
Throughout the twentieth century in Scotland there has been a recurring tension between the
aspirations to widen the scope of heritage to embrace more and more of the built environment
and cultural landscape, and the practical reality of extending preservation that far. This first came
into focus with Industrial Archaeology in the mid-to-late 1980s, when Scotland’s vanishing
traditional nineteenth and twentieth century heavy industries became a heritage concern. (3 de 6) [02/05/2012 13:39:43]
Ciudades y centros históricos. Paisajes urbanos históricos
+ info:
Finalist designers and architects emerge in competition to redesign National Mall
sites - Washington D.C. - USA
Lakeside gardens, dining rooms hovering over water, grassy new amphitheaters and
underground pavilions at the foot of the Washington Monument have emerged as finalists in
a design competition to overhaul neglected sites on the National Mall. Designers and
architects are dreaming big for a chance to improve what's sometimes called America's front
yard. One vision calls for a garden "museum without walls" in part of the mall called
Constitution Gardens.
+ info:
Albi Major Theatre / Dominique Perrault Architecture - 2011-2013 - France
The winning proposal for the Albi Major Theatre, designed by Dominique Perrault
Architecture, aims at transforming the texture of the city as well as its cultural
influence. Appearing as an outstanding architectural symbol, on the outskirts of the
historic center, the architects gave priority to the presence of the Major Theatre
instead of the cinemas, in order to organize around it a network of public spaces and
of cultural facilities. Therefore, the Major Theatre will be its center.
+ info:
Children of Tunis in search of their lost roots - Euromed Heritage
They will walk and stop at the tangible and intangible traces of history, from Carthage of old
times to the Tunis of today. For two days, on April 8th and 9th, 30 students aged between 13
and 14 years are going to rediscover their own heritage and roots. The workshop is organized
in Tunis by the Mare Nostrum project under the Euromed Heritage 4 programme - supported by
DELARPA TUNISIA, an NGO for heritage and tourism development…
+ info:
The Public Theater to unveil revitalized downtown home this fall - New York City New York State - USA
This fall The Public Theater will unveil its revitalized downtown home as the Company
celebrates a milestone year that includes the 50th anniversary of its Shakespeare in the Park
performances at the Delacorte Theater.
+ info:
Exhibition - American City: St. Louis Architecture: Three Centuries of Classic Design" - Willis Towers
20 marzo - 11 mayo 2012 Chicago, Illinois. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Willis Tower (formerly the Sears Tower)
+ info:
X Encuentro sobre Manejo y Gestión de Centros Históricos: "La sostenibilidad económica del centro histórico,
una responsabilidad compartida"
15 mayo - 18 mayo 2012 La Habana. Cuba
Organizadores: La Oficina del Historiador de La Habana, la Oficina Regional de Cultura para América Latina y el Caribe de
la UNESCO y la Unidad de América Latina y el Caribe del Centro de Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO
Contacto: Nuria Sanz (UNESCO) [email protected]
+ info:
Corso SEGNARE IL PAESAGGIO - Accademia Nazionale di San Luca
21 mayo - 01 junio 2012 Rome. Italia
Organizadores: Accademia Nazionale di San Luca
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Conference - Ports as new magnets for urban sustainable development
24 mayo - 25 mayo 2012 Valletta. Malta
Organizadores: International Council on Monuments and Sites & International Scientific Committee on Economics of
Conservation (ISCEC)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Coloquio internacional sobre conservación y gestión de ciudades patrimonio de la humanidad
31 mayo - 01 junio 2012 Brujas. Bélgica (4 de 6) [02/05/2012 13:39:43]
Ciudades y centros históricos. Paisajes urbanos históricos
Organizadores: Programa de Ciudades Patrimonio Mundial (WHC)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
1er Seminario Internacional: Investigación en Arquitectura y Patrimonio - Casos Italia y Cuba
08 agosto - 10 agosto 2012 Ibague. Colombia
Organizadores: Universidad de Ibague
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
International Congress "Urban Energies"
11 octubre - 12 octubre 2012 Berlin. Alemania
Organizadores: The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development in conjunction with the Standing
Conference of Federal State Ministers and Senators responsible for Urban Development, Building and Housing, the German
Association of Cities and the German Association of Towns and Municipalities
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Colloque ANABF (Association nationale des architectes des bâtiments de France) "Ambitions urbaines" Université Lyon 2
18 octubre - 20 octubre 2012 Lyon. Francia
Organizadores: L'Association Nationale des Architectes des Bâtiments de France (ANABF)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Conference - Culture Matters 2012 - Capturing the social and economic value of cultural heritage: Perspectives
and projects from across Europe
14 noviembre - 16 noviembre 2012 Norwich. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: SHAPING 24 - Strategies for Heritage Access Pathways in Norwich and Ghent
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 20 abr 2012
+ info:
Call for Volunteers - Australia International Council on Monuments and Sites 2013 Centenary of Canberra Museum of Australian Democracy
30 octubre - 03 noviembre 2013 Canberra, Australian Capital Territory. Australia
Organizadores: Australia ICOMOS
Contacto: Tracy Ireland - [email protected]
+ info:
Brasil Urbano - Universidade Federal do Rio do Norte (Brazil)
Editores: Edesio Fernandes e Márcio Moraes Valença
Editora MAUAD X
Brasil Urbano é uma coletânea de artigos sobre arquitetura e urbanismo publicados originalmente na
revista inglesa Geoforum no final de 2001 e atualizado para sua publicação no Brasil. Esse fascinante livro
da Mauad Editora, organizado por Edesio Fernandes e Márcio Moraes Valença, traça um panorama do
urbanismo brasileiro desde o período joanino no século XIX até a realidade tumultuada das favelas cariocas
no século XXI, passando pela exclusão social no grande ABC e pelos assentamentos informais no Recife.
+ info:
Les villes africaines et leurs patrimoines (Séminaire du 11 octobre 2011)
Editeur : Riveneuve éditions (15 mars 2012)
ISBN-13: 978-2360130887
Après le séminaire de 2010 sur les « Patrimoines oubliés de l’Afrique » (publié par Riveneuve
éditions), le séminaire de 2011 qui a eu lieu en octobre au musée du quai Branly, s’intéressait au «
Patrimoine des villes africaines ».
Le thème des villes africaines et de leurs patrimoines débouche sur de multiples questions : Pourquoi
protéger le patrimoine des villes africaines ? Quel patrimoine faut-il protéger ? Que gagne-t-on en les
protégeant ?
Ville traditionnelle ou ville coloniale, les villes ont une valeur patrimoniale spécifiquement africaine qui doit être valorisée
en raison de leur valeur économique. La destruction des centres historiques constitue une double perte pour la collectivité,
au niveau de sa mémoire mais également en raison de perte de ressources économiques.
On ne peut également ignorer l’impact du patrimoine culturel dans le développement local. Le tourisme patrimonial en est
une illustration tout comme un artisanat ancré au plus prés des traditions.
Cet ouvrage aborde tour à tour les villes et leurs centres historiques, les villes et les savoirs faire patrimoniaux, les villes et
les patrimoines immatériels.
+ info: (5 de 6) [02/05/2012 13:39:43]
Ciudades y centros históricos. Paisajes urbanos históricos
Città portuali del mediterraneo - Luoghi di scambio e di commercio nelle città storiche
Teresa Colletta
ISBN 978-88-568-4419-1
Gli studi sulle presenze “straniere” e sui luoghi di scambio e di commercio nelle città storiche interessano
oggi non solamente gli storici istituzionali e dell’economia, ma anche gli storici dell’urbanistica, attenti ai
fenomeni di trasformazione urbana nelle città dell’Europa mediterranea. Il volume si concentra sulle città
portuali, da sempre di grande attenzione per i loro continui scambi di merci e di attività mercantili e per la
stabile presenza di colonie commerciali “straniere” ed indaga con i contributi di studiosi e ricercatori di
differenti università italiane e francesi, sulla storia urbana delle città costiere del Mediterraneo, della Francia e dell’Italia
meridionale attive nei traffici del commercio tra Oriente ed Occidente.
+ info:
Writing About Architecture
By Alexandra Lange
Editor: Princeton Architectural Press - 2012
ISBN: 978-1616890537
We recently received a book we wished we had earlier, Writing About Architecture. Lange’s book pulls
from “lessons learned from her courses at New York University and the School of Visual Arts.” ”The
book offers works by some of the best architecture critics of the twentieth century including Ada
Louise Huxtable, Lewis Mumford, Herbert Muschamp, Michael Sorkin, Charles Moore, Frederick Law
Olmsted, and Jane Jacobs to explains some of the most successful methods with which to approach architectural criticism.”
The book “could serve as the primary text for a course on criticism for undergraduates or architecture and design majors.”
We here at ArchDaily are now using it as a resource.
+ info:
I Luoghi del Lavoro - Analisi e scenari per una riqualificazione urbanistica nella città di
a cura di Michele Zazzi
MUP - Monte Università Parma Editore
Il volume presenta gli esiti di una attività di ricerca sui temi della riqualificazione urbanistica dei
quartieri artigianali svolta dal Centro Studi Parma Urban Center su incarico dell'Assessorato alle
Politiche urbanistiche ed edilizie del Comune di Parma e delle associazioni Confartigianato APLA, CNA
Associazione Provinciale e Gruppo Imprese Artigiane di Parma.
+ info:
Parma 2020 - Un confronto a più voci verso il nuovo PSC (Piano Strutturale del Comune)
a cura di Dario Costi
MUP - Monte Università Parma Editore
Con la presentazione delle linee guida del nuovo Piano Strutturale del Comune (PSC), l'associazione
Parma Urban Center avvia una nuova stagione di confronto e di partecipazione, proponendo in questa
prima occasione alcuni temi rivelatori di intenzioni e di prospettive di lavoro.
Innanzitutto i contenuti analitici e gli indirizzi programmatici del nuovo strumento urbanistico in corso
di elaborazione da parte di Richard Burdett, CAIRE-Urbanistica e Ambiter con l'aggiornamento sulla pianificazione comunale
di Tiziano Di Bernardo e Emanuela Montanini a nome dell'Assessorato all'Urbanistica.
+ info:
Casa pubblica e città - Esperienze europee, ricerche e sperimentazioni progettuali
a cura di Dario Costi
MUP - Monte Università Parma Editore
Il volume raccoglie i contributi del convegno internazionale di Parma dell'ottobre 2008 e gli esiti di un
programma di ricerca svolto all'interno di una convenzione tra il Comune di Parma e il Dipartimento di
Ingegneria dell'Ambiente, del Territorio e Architettura dell'Università degli Studi di Parma sul rapporto
tra casa pubblica e città.
La pubblicazione é articolata in tre momenti collegati: l'analisi e la messa a confronto delle esperienze europee in Italia,
Francia, Spagna e Portogallo, la presentazione delle ricerche in essere in Italia e la sperimentazione progettuale applicativa
svolta a Parma.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (6 de 6) [02/05/2012 13:39:43]
Tráfico Ilícito de Bienes Culturales
Tráfico Ilícito de Bienes Culturales
Démantèlement d'un important réseau de trafiquants d'antiquités en Grèce
Les 4 et 5 mars 2012, la police nationale grecque a mené avec succès une vaste opération
couvrant 13 préfectures, qui a permis de démonter une importante filière de trafic d’antiquités.
La police a indiqué dans un communiqué que « plus de huit mille pièces de monnaie de toutes
formes, principalement en bronze, allant du sixième siècle avant Jésus Christ à l'époque
byzantine, ont été trouvées ». Parmi les objets de valeur considérable qui ont été récupérés lors
des perquisitions dans le Nord du pays figurent une pièce à l’effigie du roi Philippe de
Macédoine, mais aussi des icônes ainsi que des bijoux.
+ info:
Museo Getty devuelve antigüedades a Grecia
Tres antiguos fragmentos de mármol de la colección del Museo J. Paul Getty en Los Angeles han sido
repatriados a Grecia en honor a un acuerdo alcanzado el año pasado.
Dos de las piezas de 2.400 años de antigüedad pertenecen a la misma lápida rota decorada con esculturas
de alivio, y se unirán a una tercera sección en un museo griego, dijo el ministerio de Cultura en un
El Getty también devolvió una losa inscrita relacionada con un festival religioso.
Los fragmentos del siglo V a.C. arribaron a Atenas el viernes. Grecia está considerando la posibilidad de
concederle en préstamo una antigua inscripción griega al Getty en retorno.
En años recientes, el Getty ha repatriado a Atenas otros cuatro importantes trabajos antiguos, incluyendo una corona de
oro que presuntamente fue excavada de manera ilegal en el norte de Grecia.
La mayoría de las antigüedades griegas exhibidas en museos alrededor del mundo son de procedencia incierta.
+ info:
Des toiles de maître volées il y a 40 ans retrouvées par les carabiniers à Rome - Italie
Quarante ans après avoir été dérobées à Rome, 37 toiles d’une valeur globale de 7,5 millions
d’euros ont été découvertes entre les mains d’une femme qui les avait confiées à une maison
de ventes aux enchères.
La gendarmerie italienne recherche encore les cinq toiles manquantes du lot soustrait à un
homme d’affaires romain en 1971, mais le lieutenant-colonel Raffaele Mancino, qui a dirigé
l’opération, estime qu’il s’agit de « l’une des plus importantes découvertes de tableaux volés
des deux ou trois dernières années ». Parmi les œuvres retrouvées, datant du XIIIe au XIXe
siècle, figurent des toiles de Rubens, Poussin, Guido Reni ou encore El Greco et Van Dyck.
+ info:
Chance Blog Post Ends in Gratz Family Reunion - Rosenbach Museum and Library - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
A 30-year art history mystery is solved as Philadelphia’s Rosenbach Museum & Library locates and acquires a fifth Thomas
Sully portrait.
Concluding a 30-year mystery, the Rosenbach Museum & Library has located and acquired a portrait of an early member of
the Gratz Family, prominent Jewish early Americans who made their home in Philadelphia. (1 de 4) [02/05/2012 13:39:47]
Tráfico Ilícito de Bienes Culturales
+ info:
Greek policemen recover ancient illegally excavated marble statue from goat pen
Greek police recovered an ancient statue that was illegally excavated and hidden in a goat
pen near Athens, and arrested the goat herder and another man who were allegedly trying
to sell the work for €500,000 ($667,000). The marble statue of a young woman dates to
about 520 B.C. and belongs to the kore type, a police statement said Wednesday. Police
photos showed the 1.2-meter (4-foot) work to be largely intact, lacking the left forearm and
plinth. Although dozens of examples of the kore statue and its male equivalent, the kouros,
are displayed in Greek and foreign museums, the type is considered very important in the
development and understanding of Greek art. New discoveries in good condition are uncommon.
+ info:
Turquía reclama 18 antigüedades al Metropolitan Museum de Nueva York (USA)
A principios de marzo, el gobierno turco había emprendido medidas ofensivas para hacer valer sus
reivindicaciones sobre antigüedades presuntamente robadas. Negó así numerosos préstamos para
exposiciones inglesas y americanas. Turquía reclama a partir de ahora al Metropolitan Museum la
restitución de 18 obras cuya legalidad de la procedencia es puesta en duda. Turquía afirma que 18
obras que se encuentran en las colecciones de Oriente Próximo del Metropolitan Museum of Art se han
excavado y exportado ilegalmente hacia los Estados Unidos. Las 18 piezas reclamadas por el gobierno
turco forman parte de la colección Norbert Schimmel. Miembro del consejo de administración del
museo de Nueva York, había regalado 102 objetos en 1989 …
+ info:
Ocultos por los nazis, los lienzos todavía esperarían en una mina de plata - en
Deutschkatharinenberg - Alemania
Se organizó una expedición para encontrar un conjunto de lienzos y de objetos de arte
supuestamente escondidos por los nazis. La colección Hatvany podría ser encontrada de esta
El periodista austríaco Burkhart List habría identificado el lugar donde los nazis habrían
podido haber escondido una parte de la colección Hatvany a la llegada del Ejército rojo.
Según el Daily Mail, fue investigando en los archivos inéditos de Wehrmacht como el
periodista pudo detectarlo. ”Los archivos revelaron que un convoy misterioso había llegado desde Budapest durante el
invierno de 1944" ha confesado. "Las fotografías también mostraron una escuadrilla de SS cerca de las minas, cuando
jamás hubo operación militar en esta zona. "
+ info:
Desmantelamiento de una red de ladrones falsificadores en Venecia - Italia
La policía italiana desmanteló una red de robo organizado que había conseguido robar 29 lienzos en diferentes palacios
venecianos. Los atracadores reemplazaban los cuadros robados por copias. Pacientemente, los carabineros italianos
reconstruyeron el organigrama de una asociación de malhechores acusada de haber robado ya 29 lienzos en diferentes
palacios de la Ciudad de los Duxes. Según la AFP, cuatro individuos han sido detenidos. El cerebro de la organización,
Cristiano Barozzi, huyó a América latina…
+ info:
The government of Turkey has asked the J. Paul Getty Museum to return artifacts
that it believes were looted
The government of Turkey has asked the J. Paul Getty Museum and several other American
museums to return artifacts that it believes were looted. The Turkish government has
contacted the Getty, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, the Cleveland
Museum of Art and Harvard University's Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection to
present evidence that objects in their collections may have been illegally excavated from the
country's archaeological sites, the Los Angeles Times reported Saturday.
+ info:
Connecticut man knows something about stolen art from Isabella Stewart Gardner
Museum - Boston - Massachusetts - USA
It remains the largest art heist in history, a brazen robbery in which two thieves disguised as
police officers walked into Boston's Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, disabled two guards
and stole masterworks worth more than half a billion dollars. The 1990 robbery and the
recovery of the paintings have puzzled investigators for more than two decades. Now federal
authorities appear to be pinning some hope of solving the mystery on a 75-year-old reputed
mobster from Connecticut, Robert Gentile, who is jailed in a drug case.
+ info:
Sicily aims to make more of the Morgantine Venus - Local authorities and tourism
industry seek Euro funds to promote statue returned by US museum (Italy) (2 de 4) [02/05/2012 13:39:47]
Tráfico Ilícito de Bienes Culturales
In an effort to capitalise on the return of Morgantina Venus to Italian authorities by the Getty
Museum, Los Angeles, local business associations and town councils near Enna in Sicily have
formed a non-profit, public-private organisation called the “Distretto turistico Dea di
Morgantina” (tourist district of the goddess of Morgantina), to coordinate local culture and
tourism initiatives.
They presented their formal request for recognition to the regional authorities in December
2011, and are expecting approval at the end of March, which will pave the way to obtain an EU grant.
+ info:
AIA - Archaeological Institute of America - Newsletter 1 April 2012
In This Issue...
* AIA Speaks Out on Unethical Digging of Archaeological Sites
* 2012 AIA Gala and the Site Preservation Program
* AIA Society Events
* AIA Site Preservation Grant Awarded to Civil War Sites
* CPAC Calls for Letters of Support
+ info:
Theft of Metal - ChurchCare (United Kingdom)
The number of incidences of metal theft from churches in 2011 rose nearly a third over the 2010 totals, with over 2,500
claims totalling £4.5m. In the past five years Ecclesiastical Insurance have received more than 9,500 claims for metal
theft, at an estimated total cost of almost £27.5m, with over a third of Church of England churches suffering from this
crime (figures supplied by Ecclesiastical Insurance)…
+ info:
Hands Off Our Church Roofs! - United Kingdom
Churches across the country are being blighted by the theft of lead and copper from their roofs. For criminals keen to cash
in on the high price of scrap metals, places of worship often make an obvious target.
It’s a rapidly growing problem that’s causing untold distress to our parish communities and it’s reaching epidemic
proportions - 2011 was the worst year on record for the number of metal theft claims from churches.
In fact, over the past four years, metal theft claims from churches we insure have now exceeded £25m, with over 9,000
It’s not just the cost of replacing the materials that is the problem, it’s also the resultant damage - thieves have torn holes
in roofs causing leaks and ripped stonework away from pinnacles and towers…
+ info:
National Archives Announces Discovery of Hitler Albums Documenting Looted Art - Monuments Men
Foundation for the Preservation of Art (USA)
Today at a ceremony in Dallas, David S. Ferriero, Archivist of the United States, Dr. Greg Bradsher, Senior Archivist and
Robert M. Edsel, President of the Monuments Men Foundation for the Preservation of Art and author of The Monuments
Men, announced the discovery of two original leather bound albums containing photographs of paintings and furniture
looted by the Nazis. The Monuments Men Foundation will donate these albums, both of which have been in private hands
since the end of World War II, to the National Archives.
+ info:
Respect Our History: End Production of the TV series entitled 'American Digger' and 'Diggers' - Lawyers'
Committee for Cultural Heritage Preservation (USA)
The undersigned institutions join the growing tide of concern about the National Geographic Channel’s new series “Diggers”
and Spike TV’s forthcoming series “American Digger,” both of which are designed to amuse and entertain audiences while
glorifying the indiscriminate destruction of American history by artifact hunters. The teaser advertisement for “American
Digger” gives a good indication of how little the producers of these shows value the historical record; the show aims to
“scour target-rich areas such as battlefields and historic sites, in hopes of striking it rich by unearthing and selling rare
pieces of American history.”…
+ info:
Confederate flag back at Georgia's Fort McAllister State Historic Park after 148
years - Georgia - USA
The Union officer's great-grandson, Robert Clayton, donated the flag to be displayed at Fort
McAllister State Historic Park in coastal Georgia, where a dedication is planned next month
just before Confederate Memorial Day.
+ info:
Judge rules that 3,200-year-old mummy mask can stay at the Saint Louis Art
Museum - Saint Louis - Missouri - USA
A St. Louis museum can keep hold of a 3,200-year-old mummy's mask, a federal judge has
ruled, saying the U.S. government failed to prove that the Egyptian relic was ever stolen.
Prosecutors said the funeral mask of Lady Ka-Nefer-Nefer went missing from the Egyptian
Museum in Cairo about 40 years ago and that it should be returned to its country of origin. (3 de 4) [02/05/2012 13:39:47]
Tráfico Ilícito de Bienes Culturales
+ info:
INTERPOL celebra una reunión internacional de expertos en delitos contra los bienes culturales (Lion - Francia
- 28-29 febrero 2012)
Veinte delegados procedentes de seis países miembros y de varias organizaciones internacionales (UNESCO, ICOM,
UNIDROIT, OMA) asistieron en la Secretaría General de INTERPOL a la reunión anual del grupo de especialistas en bienes
culturales robados.
Los debates mantenidos a lo largo de la reunión, que tuvo lugar los días 28 y 29 de febrero, se centraron en el refuerzo de
la cooperación entre las autoridades e instituciones nacionales e internacionales, la concienciación sobre los problemas
relacionados con los bienes culturales robados, la impartición de cursos especializados y el aumento del intercambio de
información con INTERPOL para el registro y análisis de datos. Asimismo, se destacó como un importante paso adelante el
hecho de que la base de datos de INTERPOL sobre obras de arte robadas se utilice cada vez más para efectuar
verificaciones, así como el fomento creciente de esta herramienta esencial…
+ info:
Robo a mano armada en el museo de la antigua Olimpia en Grecia
La policía solicita ayuda para localizar más de 70 artículos robados a mano armada el viernes 17 de febrero en el Museo de
la Historia de los Juegos Olímpicos situado en la antigua Olimpia, en Grecia. Dos hombres encapuchados amenazaron a la
guarda de seguridad y, a continuación, la ataron y escaparon con las antigüedades.
Entre las piezas robadas, que datan de los periodos clásico, helenístico y bizantino, se encuentran un anillo sello, varias
estatuas que representan escenas olímpicas, un lecito (vaso griego para aceites), así como varias lámparas de aceite…
+ info:
Página web: SAFE (Saving Antiquities For Everyone)
Página web SAFE. Guardando antigüedades para todo el mundo.
+ info:
Federal prosecutors seek to confiscate ancient statue pulled from auction at
Sotheby's - New York City - New York State - USA
Federal prosecutors sought Wednesday to confiscate an ancient statue from Cambodia that
was pulled from auction at Sotheby's in New York, arguing that the 1,000-year-old relic was
stolen from a temple in the South Asian country and illegally imported into the U.S. The U.S.
attorney's office in Manhattan filed court papers seeking to compel Sotheby's to forfeit the
sandstone statue so that it could be returned to Cambodia.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (4 de 4) [02/05/2012 13:39:47]
Patrimonio Científico, Astronómico, Tecnológico e Industrial
Patrimonio Científico, Astronómico, Tecnológico e Industrial
Toledo Museum Celebrates Glass Anniversary - What's old is new again: Original
glass furnace reconstructed - Toledo - Ohio - USA
Fifty years to the day after the first glass furnace fired up at the Toledo Museum of Art,
three artists-in-residence recreated it—brick by brick—to reflect the spirit of early pioneers
of the American Studio glass Movement. “Today, we take the glass furnace and studio for
granted,” said Jeff Mack, TMA’s glass studio manager. “You can walk into a studio with only
a bag of your favorite tools and start making glass.
+ info:
Rehabilitation Of The Antigua Alcoholera Extremeña / GAP
Arquitectos 2009 - Badajoz - Spain
The project of the Museum of the Wine in Almendralejo (Badajoz) poses and
assumes the duality that exists in the process of elaboration of the wine.
Science and art, system and chance, technical and inspiration are the
opposites that build, in a mysterious, magic, almost miraculous way, a fine
+ info:
Séminaire de recherche - « L'industrie, patrimoine et culture » (France, 2012)
Région Île-de-France / Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne
2e semestre, le vendredi, 14h30-16h30
Pour la deuxième année consécutive, la Région Île-de-France et l'Université Paris PanthéonSorbonne (Centre de recherche en histoire des sciences et en histoire des techniques) organisent un séminaire de
recherche consacré au patrimoine industriel (convention de 3 ans signée en 2010). Il s’agit de confronter les principes, les
méthodes, les compétences et les expériences autour des questions contemporaines posées par l’étude et la mise en
valeur du patrimoine industriel, et plus largement, par la valorisation de l’industrie dans le champ culturel.
+ info:
Two Flown-in-Space IMAX Cameras Donated - Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum - Washington D.C.
Two IMAX cameras that flew aboard the space shuttle became part of the Smithsonian collection today. From 1984 to
1998, two-dimensional IMAX cameras accompanied astronauts on 17 space shuttle missions. These 70-mm large-format
cameras, operated by astronauts, captured visually stunning views of Earth from space and offered an up-close look at
what it is like to live and work in a weightless environment.
+ info:
Radio-Canada a lancé jeudi matin sa nouvelle chaîne spécialisée sur l'environnement, la santé, la faune et les
plus récentes nouvelles scientifiques, Explora (Canada)
Plongez dans les mondes fascinants de la santé, l’environnement, la nature et la science. Avec ses images spectaculaires
en haute définition, ses séries captivantes et ses documentaires étonnants, Explora prouve que l’on n’est jamais trop
curieux. (1 de 2) [02/05/2012 13:39:49]
Patrimonio Científico, Astronómico, Tecnológico e Industrial
+ info:
Exhibition - Area 51: Myth or Reality - National Atomic Testing Museum
01 marzo 2012 - 01 septiembre 2013 Las Vegas, Nevada. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: National Atomic Testing Museum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Seminario - Consejo de Monumentos Nacionales en la Región del Bio-Bio (Chile)
08 mayo 2012 Concepción. Chile
Organizadores: Alexis Muñoz, coordinador regional del Consejo de Monumentos Nacionales de Chile
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
16 junio - 17 junio 2012 Prato. Italia
Organizadores: L’associazione culturale “Archeologia Sperimentale”
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition - Now Boarding - Fentress Airports and The Architecture of Flight - Denver Art Museum
15 julio - 07 octubre 2012 Denver, Colorado. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Denver Art Museum
+ info:
XIV Jornadas Internacionales INCUNA sobre Patrimonio Industrial
26 septiembre - 29 septiembre 2012 Gijon, Asturias. España
Organizadores: INCUNA, “Asociación Arqueología Industrial, Patrimonio Cultural y Natural. Máximo Fuertes Acevedo”
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 1 jul 2012
+ info:
66º Encuentro anual de la sociedad de historiadores de arquitectura
10 abril - 14 abril 2013 Buffalo, Nueva York. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Sociedad de Historiadores Arquitectónicos (SAH)
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 1 jun 2012
+ info:
Imperial Outpost in the Gulf: The Airfield at Sharjah (United Arab Emirates) 1932-1952
by Nicholas Stanley-Price
ISBN: 978-1846246845
Publisher: Book Guild Limited (29 April 2012)
In 1932 the Sharjah airfield was created out of nothing in the open desert, an overnight stop on Imperial
Airways' route carrying mail and passengers to India and eventually to Australia. The British government
drew upon the RAF's experience in the Middle East to build a fortified rest house there, for fear of possible
attacks from the Beduin. Air travel then was a luxury beyond most people's means. But passengers in
transit praised the comfort of the Rest House in the desert. Imperial Airways switched during the 1930s to using flyingboats that landed on the creek at Dubai, a move that favoured Dubai's emergence as a commercial hub. Then, during
WWII, the airfield became a transit point for troops going to India and the Far East. For RAF and American air force
personnel, a posting to Sharjah made the heart sink as it was notorious for its extreme heat, isolation and poor rations.
The history of Sharjah airfield is central to the story of the modern Emirates. In this meticulous account, Nicholas StanleyPrice brings the past vividly to life, using an impressive array of unpublished contemporary photographs and records, and
fascinating stills from documentary footage shot at Sharjah in the 1930s.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (2 de 2) [02/05/2012 13:39:49]
Patrimonio Intangible
Patrimonio Intangible
Colloque 'Le patrimoine oui, mais quel patrimoine ? '- Siège de l'UNESCO - Paris - France - 3 - 4 avril 2012
Organisé par la Commission nationale française pour l´UNESCO avec la collaboration du Centre français du patrimoine
culturel immatériel - Maison des Cultures du Monde.
L’objectif de ce colloque est de faire le point sur les implications de cette nouvelle donne. Quelques uns des thèmes qui
seraient abordés (la liste est non limitative) pourraient être : Jusqu’où étendre le champ du patrimoine ? Quel patrimoine
faut-il protéger, sauvegarder ? Peut-on, doit-on, tout protéger, tout sauvegarder ? Nous avons délibérément choisi pour ce
colloque d’y inviter des personnalités de la société civile qui ont, dans leurs écrits, déjà abordé ces thèmes de réflexion
sous des angles différents. La diversité de leurs approches mériterait d’être réunie en un ouvrage qui serait ainsi le
témoignage de l’état de cette réflexion en France aujourd’hui.
+ info:
Buranovskiye Babushki (abuelas) representarán a Rusia en Eurovisión 2012
cantando en lengua udmurta
Quien la sigue la consigue y las entrañables abuelitas de Buranovo, que juntas suman algo
más de 500 años de vida y experiencias, bien lo saben. Y es que después de dos décadas
intentando triunfar en la música con sus cánticos tradicionales, finalmente las Buranovskiye
Babushki han conseguido el sueño que llevaban años persiguiendo: representar a Rusia en
el Festival de Eurovisión. Lo harán con la canción "Party for everybody", un tema ethno-pop
escrito por ellas mismas y cantado en lengua udmurta. Las abuelas de Buranovo se ganaron
al público y al jurado y resultaron las más votadas de entre 25 aspirantes en una gala de selección que tuvo lugar anoche
en Moscú.
+ info:
New Bus Shelter in Cornwall Uses Traditional Skills and Materials
We were approached by Cornwall County Council to construct and design a bus shelter that
would represent building with vernacular Cornish building materials. The head of
conservation, Andrew Richards, met up with us to discuss the possibility and he was very
supportive of us building with simple natural materials. We decided to utilise only local
building materials, local stone for base, local clays, sands and straw for the cob, cornish oak
for frame and recycled Delabole slate for the scantle slate.
+ info:
Programa LA VOZ DE LOS SIN VOZ - Historias del Perú Negro
El Programa “La Voz de los sin Voz” de la Cancillería Argentina (Subsecretaría de Relaciones Institucionales) y La Huerta de
Saavedra (Espacio CUCOCO) presentaron el pasado 28 de marzo: AFROPERUANOS - Presentación del documental
“Historias del Perú Negro”.
Este trabajo de documentación cultural titulado AFROPERUANOS aborda las expresiones de música y danza con raíz
afrodescendiente de la costa del Perú.
Se trabajó conjuntamente con el Museo Nacional Afroperuano de Lima, el Museo Afroperuano de Zaña, el centro poblado
Capote y El Carmen registrando historias de la comunidad afroperuana y expresiones de música y danza como el Son de
los diablos, Festejo, Toques de cajón y de checo, Décimas y Danza de Negritos.
+ info: (1 de 3) [02/05/2012 13:39:51]
Patrimonio Intangible
Boletin Nº 18 del Centro Regional para la
Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de
America Latina - CRESPIAL
El CRESPIAL fue creado en febrero de 2006, a partir de la
suscripción en París del Acuerdo de Constitución del
CRESPIAL, firmado entre la UNESCO y el Gobierno del Perú
con el objetivo de promover y apoyar acciones de
salvaguardia y protección del vasto patrimonio cultural
inmaterial de los pueblos de América Latina. Al ser un Centro de Categoría 2, cuenta con los auspicios de la UNESCO.
El CRESPIAL se plantea como propósito contribuir a la formulación de políticas públicas en los países de la Región, a partir
de la identificación, valoración y difusión de su cultura viva, acciones que redundarán en el enriquecimiento de la
diversidad cultural de Latinoamérica, y que están conformes con el espíritu de la Convención para la Salvaguardia del
Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial (2003).
+ info:
Mermaids face extinction - Haenyeo - Jeju Island - The Republic of Korea
By Célia Zwahlen.
People recognize them by the long whistling sound they make when they surface from the sea to
breathe. They are exclusively female. On firm ground, they become like the rest of us, blending in
while they work the land. But every 15 days the sea calls them back.
Where they are from, they are known as haenyeo. A breed of women who, for centuries, have
gone free-diving year round to provide for their families. Their origin? Jeju Island in South Korea,
home of the next IUCN World Conservation Congress…
+ info:
Revue In Situ - Les patrimoines de l'enseignement supérieur (France) Janvier 2012
L’idée d’un numéro de In situ, revue en ligne des patrimoines, consacré au patrimoine de l’enseignement supérieur a pour
la première fois été évoquée lors du comité de rédaction de la revue tenu le 8 décembre 2008. Après accord des
participants, un appel à projets a été diffusé. Il n’a reçu qu’un faible écho, avec environ une quinzaine de réponses, pas
toutes pertinentes de surcroît. Le 29 septembre 2009, les membres du comité, ayant pris acte de ces insuffisances,
décidèrent d’effectuer une relance plus ciblée de l’appel à contributions, avec pour but d’obtenir des propositions de textes
portant sur des questions jugées tout à la fois importantes et méconnues….
+ info:
ICHCAP (The Intangible Cultural Heritage Courier of Asia and the Pacific) : ICH Courier Vol.11
ICHCAP a UNESCO Category 2 Centre in the cultural field, works toward the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in
Asia and the Pacific.
The ICH Courier is a quarterly newsletter published by ICHCAP that covers mayor issues and trends in the field of
intangible cultural heritage plus safeguarding activities, field work and inventory-marking efforts from around the region,
as well as expert remarks, news brief and a more indepth look at the activities of ICHCAP.
We strive to enhance understanding and communication within the region through the ICH Courier, and we look foward to
your continued interest, input and participation.
+ info:
Modern Sacrifice Rituals in the Levant Reveal Diversity of Beliefs
Harvard University educated anthropologist and president of the Paleontological Research Corporation, Dr. Joel Klenck,
conducted a study of Bedouin sacrificial rituals that reveal a diversity of beliefs in Arab populations in the Levant.
Sponsored by a grant from the Joe Alon Museum, Klenck conducted a study of Bedouin sacrificial rituals completed in 2012
and featured in a forthcoming publication.
+ info:
Children of Tunis in search of their lost roots - Euromed Heritage
They will walk and stop at the tangible and intangible traces of history, from Carthage of old
times to the Tunis of today. For two days, on April 8th and 9th, 30 students aged between 13
and 14 years are going to rediscover their own heritage and roots. The workshop is organized
in Tunis by the Mare Nostrum project under the Euromed Heritage 4 programme - supported by
DELARPA TUNISIA, an NGO for heritage and tourism development…
+ info:
Agenda (2 de 3) [02/05/2012 13:39:51]
Patrimonio Intangible
Workshop on the Implementation of the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in
Papua New Guinea
14 mayo - 18 mayo 2012 Port Moresby. Papua Nueva Guinea
Organizadores: National Cultural Commission of Papua New Guinea
Contacto: Takahashi, Akatsuki - [email protected]
+ info:[showUid]
Ir a arriba (3 de 3) [02/05/2012 13:39:51]
Lenguas y Toponimia
Lenguas y Toponimia
Buranovskiye Babushki (abuelas) representarán a Rusia en Eurovisión 2012
cantando en lengua udmurta
Quien la sigue la consigue y las entrañables abuelitas de Buranovo, que juntas suman algo
más de 500 años de vida y experiencias, bien lo saben. Y es que después de dos décadas
intentando triunfar en la música con sus cánticos tradicionales, finalmente las Buranovskiye
Babushki han conseguido el sueño que llevaban años persiguiendo: representar a Rusia en
el Festival de Eurovisión. Lo harán con la canción "Party for everybody", un tema ethno-pop
escrito por ellas mismas y cantado en lengua udmurta. Las abuelas de Buranovo se ganaron
al público y al jurado y resultaron las más votadas de entre 25 aspirantes en una gala de selección que tuvo lugar anoche
en Moscú.
+ info:
Languages and humanities courses axed as cuts force universities to prioritise - The Netherlands
The Netherlands is to lose 30 small courses in the humanities in their current form, including the only Portuguese
programme in the country, because of budget cuts and government requests for universities to focus on specific
geographic areas or sets of languages.
All universities have been hit by cuts in government funding and as a result several have cancelled small and expensive
courses in the humanities. Some will become part of a broader bachelor programme; many will be dropped altogether.
+ info:
La politique des langues régionales et minoritaires en France - Université Laval, Québec (Canada)
Rappelons que la question des recensements linguistiques et les données démolinguistiques ont été présentées dans la
section «Situation géopolitique et démolinguistique». En guise de rappel, l'internaute est prié de consulter le TABLEAU des
langues régionales de France. Il s'agit des 24 langues régionales parlée sur le territoire français (Hexagone) et répertoriées
en 1999 par Bernard Cerquiglini, directeur de l'Institut national de la langue française (CNRS), dans un rapport remis au
ministre de l'Éducation nationale, de la Recherche et de la Technologie, ainsi qu’à la ministre de la Culture et de la
Communication. On peut consulter également la carte des langues importantes en usage sur le territoire de la Métropole
(«Les langues de France»). En 1999, seulement un Français sur quatre avait reçu de ses parents une langue autre que le
français — généralement une langue immigrante — et un Français sur huit, une langue régionale. Parmi cette petite
minorité, un Français sur trois avait à son tour transmis cette langue à ses enfants…
+ info:
Publicaciones (1 de 2) [02/05/2012 13:39:52]
Lenguas y Toponimia
Ir a arriba (2 de 2) [02/05/2012 13:39:52]
Biodiversidad Marina y de Costas
Biodiversidad Marina y de Costas
Continent-wide risk assessment for the establishment of nonindigenous species in Antarctica - Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS)
By Steven L. Chown, Ad H. L. Huiskes, Niek J. M. Gremmen, Jennifer E. Lee, Aleks Terauds, Kim Crosbie, Yves Frenot,
Kevin A. Hughes, Satoshi Imura, Kate Kiefer, Marc Lebouvier, Ben Raymond, Megumu Tsujimoto, Chris Ware, Bart Van de
Vijver and Dana Michelle Bergstrom
Invasive alien species are among the primary causes of biodiversity change globally, with the risks thereof broadly
understood for most regions of the world. They are similarly thought to be among the most significant conservation threats
to Antarctica, especially as climate change proceeds in the region. However, no comprehensive, continent-wide evaluation
of the risks to Antarctica posed by such species has been undertaken. Here we do so by sampling, identifying, and
mapping the vascular plant propagules carried by all categories of visitors to Antarctica during the International Polar
Year's first season (2007–2008) and assessing propagule establishment likelihood based on their identity and origins and
on spatial variation in Antarctica's climate. For an evaluation of the situation in 2100, we use modeled climates based on
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Special Report on Emissions Scenarios Scenario A1B…
+ info:
La flota oceanográfica española crece
Dos nuevos buques de investigación se han presentado en las últimas semanas en España.
Con una inversión de alrededor de 20 millones de euros cofinanciados por el Instituto Español
de Oceanografía (IEO) y la Unión Europea a través del FEDER, el "Ángeles Alvariño" culmina
junto con el "Ramón Margalef" un operación de renovación de la flota del Instituto Español de
Oceanografía (IEO), que ahora cuenta con ocho barcos.
En paralelo, la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) ha anunciado el diseño de un AUV
(vehículo autónomo de inspección submarina) llamado ORCA 300, cuya construcción fue
encargada a la empresa XUQUER SL, y sus primeras pruebas de mar serán realizadas en la primavera.
+ info:
Update: Thematic Pavilion / soma - Yeosu - The Republic of Korea
With less than 70 days until soma’s grand opening of their “One Ocean” Thematic Pavilion, we are anxiously anticipating
the final result of the firm’s biomorphic creation. Unlike most pavilions, this building will become a permanent part of the
grounds after serving as the central point of the EXPO 2012 in Yeosu, South Korea. As we reported earlier, soma’s pavilion
focuses on creating an experiential journey as visitors enjoy introductory exhibitions on the Expo’s theme, “The Living
Ocean and Coast”.
+ info:
Especies acuáticas predominan en la reunión científica respaldada por la ONU: Los
expertos recomiendan medidas para reducir el comercio no sostenible de corales,
delfines, tiburones y caballitos de mar, entre otras especies
La 26ª reunión del Comité de Fauna de la Convención sobre el Comercio Internacional de
Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestres (CITES) se traslada hoy de Ginebra a
Dublín, Irlanda, en donde se reunirá junto con el Comité de Flora de la CITES. Las sesiones
en Ginebra dieron lugar a la formulación de importantes recomendaciones con las que se
busca garantizar que el comercio de las especies incluidas en los Apéndices de la CITES sea
sostenible y se base en un manejo científico sólido. Los cinco días de reuniones en Ginebra se centraron, sobre todo, en las
especies acuáticas… (1 de 6) [02/05/2012 13:39:56]
Biodiversidad Marina y de Costas
+ info:
COMPETITIONS - Recherche en environnement : appels à projets internationaux inédits - 15 avril - 30 août
Enfin un mécanisme d'appel à projets réellement international ! En évoquant la publication prochaine d'appels communs
sous la bannière du "Belmont Forum", les experts de la commission consultative sur la recherche et l'enseignement en
environnement de la NSF (National Science Foundation) ne boudaient pas leur plaisir lors de la réunion du 15 mars. Ce
forum, fruit de discussions entre les agences de recherche de 13 pays (dont la France, l'Allemagne, le Royaume-Uni, la
Chine, l'Inde et les Etats-Unis), l'Union Européenne et deux organisations scientifiques internationales (ICSU et ISSC), se
conçoit comme un lieu d'échange et d'émergence de travaux collaboratifs…
+ info:
Research on the effect of ecotourism on tiger shark behavior - University of Miami, Florida (USA)
A team of University of Miami researchers, including shark researcher Neil Hammerschlag, have conducted a study using
satellite telemetry on tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) in an attempt to learn what kind of impact ecotourism (in this case,
baited shark dives) has on the shark’s long-range migration and habitat utilization.
Sample groups were taken from Florida (where baited shark dives are illegal) and the Bahamas (where baited shark dives
are abundant). Analysis of the data from each sample group did not produce a significant difference in the measures of
movement and behavior evaluated by the study. Additionally, the data revealed information about long-range migration
behavior among both sample groups that was previously unknown.
+ info:
TARA OCEANS : La expedición regresa a Lorient, Francia
Hoy sábado 31 de marzo 2012, Tara está de regreso a su puerto de origen después de
115000 kilómetros y dos años y medio de expedición. Una emoción colectiva compartida con
los habitantes de Lorient que nos brindan una maravillosa bienvenida, llena de respeto y
fervor. Como las gaitas que nos han acompañado la mayor parte de la tarde bajo un sol
generoso, de la isla de Groix al muelle de Belem donde estamos ahora amarrados.
Atlántico Norte, Mediterráneo, Canal de Suez, Mar Rojo, Océano Índico, Atlántico Sur,
Océano del Sur, Pacífico Sur y Norte, Canal de Panamá, Atlántico Norte: hemos tenido que
cruzar esos espacios líquidos para llevar a cabo nuestra misión. Una búsqueda global jamás antes emprendida para tratar
de entender mejor cómo funcionan nuestros océanos y el micromundo que les puebla.
+ info:
Día Mundial del Agua, 22 de marzo de 2012 – Mensaje del Secretario General Anada Tiéga
Imagínense el choque que sería para aquellos de nosotros que viven en el mundo desarrollado descubrir al levantarse una
mañana que no sale agua de los grifos. Pues bien, la realidad es que el acceso a fuentes mejoradas de agua potable ya es
un problema cotidiano para miles de millones de personas en todo el mundo; hoy día, la escasez de agua afecta a más del
40% de los habitantes de nuestro planeta.
+ info:
2.000 Sitios Ramsar en todo el mundo
Las 160 Partes Contratantes en la Convención han identificado 2.000 humedales
excepcionales y los han inscrito en la Lista de Humedales de Importancia Internacional.
Actualmente, esos 2.000 Sitios Ramsar, que abarcan casi 200.000.000 hectáreas,
constituyen la mayor red de zonas protegidas del mundo.
+ info:
Nuevo Sitio Ramsar de Estonia
La Secretaría se complace en anunciar que Estonia ha designado su 17º Humedal de
Importancia Internacional, Haapsalu-Noarootsi (27.450 hectáreas, 59°08’04’’N 23°27’29’’E),
un complejo de humedales situado en la costa noroccidental del país que comprende vastas
zonas de aguas someras del mar Báltico, ensenadas y bahías, lagunas costeras, praderas
costeras y cañizales, así como llanos fangosos y arenosos.
+ info:
El Reino Unido designa su 169º Sitio Ramsar
El Gobierno del Reino Unido ha designado a Upper Nene Valley Gravel Pits (Graveras de la
parte superior del valle del río Nene) (1.358 hectáreas, 52°20'04''N 000°34'56''W), un sitio de
especial interés científico y una zona especialmente protegida Natura 2000 en
Northamptonshire (Inglaterra), como su 169º Humedal de Importancia Internacional. Según la
descripción de Kati Wenzel de Ramsar basada en la información de la FIR, el sitio comprende
una cadena de canteras de arena y grava en activo y abandonadas así como aguas de
superficie, pantanos de carrizo, marismas, prados y pastizales. La gama de hábitats y la
variada topografía de las lagunas ofrecen regularmente valiosas condiciones de descanso y alimentación para más de
20.000 aves acuáticas que pasan el invierno en el sitio, especialmente patos y aves zancudas. El sitio es importante para el
control de las crecidas, y entre las actividades humanas que se realizan se incluye la recreación (observación de las aves,
excursiones a pie, pesca, vela, piragüismo, esquí acuático, ciclismo), la investigación y la educación ambiental. Entre las (2 de 6) [02/05/2012 13:39:56]
Biodiversidad Marina y de Costas
amenazas potenciales que afronta el sitio cabe destacar el desarrollo urbano, la sucesión de la vegetación y las plantas
invasoras como la yana Elodea nuttallii. Hay un centro de visitantes y facilidades en los lagos de Stanwick.
+ info:
Australia consolidates and expands Kakadu Ramsar Site
In 1980, the government of Australia first designated a significant part of the famous
Kakadu National Park and World Heritage natural and cultural site in the Northern Territory,
and it added another large part in 1989. Now the two Kakadu Ramsar Sites have been
consolidated into one and extended by an additional 600,000 hectares to conform fully to
the boundaries of the National Park, now covering 1,979,766 hectares. A summary
description of the site can be found on the Annotated Ramsar List.
+ info:
Campagne océanographique - ICE-CTD (Iceland coral ecosystems - climate and thermocline depth ocean
circulation) - 11 juin - 6 juillet 2012
Reconstituer la dynamique de la circulation océanique en Atlantique Nord, une composante essentielle du système
climatique, reste un défi majeur pour les sciences du climat. Cependant, dans les zones de forts courants de l’Atlantique
Nord croissent depuis des milliers voir des millions d'années des récifs coralliens profonds qui sont d’excellents
enregistreurs de certains paramètres climatiques. Leur étude, à l’aide de traceurs géochimiques, devrait permettre de
reconstruire l’évolution passée de paramètres océaniques, telles la température, la ventilation et la provenance des eaux,
et ainsi de reconstituer les variations passées de la circulation océanique et des conditions environnementales dans cette
+ info:
How to make high-end perfumes without whale barf - University of British Columbia - Vancouver - British
Columbia - Canada
University of British Columbia researchers have identified a gene in balsam fir trees that could facilitate cheaper and more
sustainable production of plant-based fixatives and scents used in the fragrance industry and reduce the need for
ambergris, a substance harvested from whale barf.
+ info:
App Store : Whale Alert - Ship Strike Reduction for Right Whales
Whale Alert depicts active management areas, required reporting areas, and near real-time warnings
of the presence of North Atlantic right whales in Massachusetts Bay shipping lanes, allowing vessel
operators to avoid collision by slowing down and heightening their visual awareness.
+ info:
Tara de retour à Lorient après 117.000 km sur les océans
C'était le 5 septembre 2009 à Lorient : Tara larguait les amarres pour 3 ans
d'expédition autour du monde. Une mission scientifique destinée à mieux connaître la
faune et la flore planctoniques. On savait que les micro-organismes occupaient une
place incontournable dans la chaîne alimentaire. En revanche, on ne sait que depuis
peu que ces espèces fournissent une part importante de l'oxygène de l'atmosphère,
jouant ainsi un rôle de premier plan dans la régulation du climat.
+ info:
Une application pour smartphones pour protéger les baleines
Les baleines franches de l'Atlantique nord sont en voie d’extinction. Elles sont notamment menacées par les navires avec
lesquelles elles entrent en collision. Pour connaître en temps réel, les zones protégées et même la position approximative
des cétacés, l’application pour smartphones Whale Alert a vu le jour.
+ info:
Un gène de sapin pour remplacer l'ambre gris de cachalots dans les parfums ?
Selon des travaux menés par des chercheurs canadiens, un gène extrait du génome de sapin baumier
et introduit dans des levures pourrait permettre de remplacer l'ambre gris, tiré des cachalots et utilisé
en parfumerie.
Cela fait des siècles aujourd'hui que l'ambre gris est commercialisé en Europe et utilisé dans la
fabrication des parfums. Mais sous cette appellation quelque peu "poétique" se cache en fait une
substance qui l'est moins. En effet, l'ambre gris est une concrétion intestinale de cachalot. Autrement
dit, elle provient d'une réaction entre les sécrétions biliaires du cétacés et les aliments qu'il a ingéré.
Autrefois, on la récoltait sur les plages ou flottant sur les vagues. Dans le classique "Moby Dick", Herman Melville décrit
ainsi déjà la récolte de ce produit légendaire sur les côtes des océans.
+ info: (3 de 6) [02/05/2012 13:39:56]
Biodiversidad Marina y de Costas
Ressources d'apprentissage sur la Biodiversité - Répertoire
Cursus vous présente des ressources d'apprentissage liées à la biodiversité, dans un seul répertoire.
Les Nations Unies ont décrété 2010 "Année internationale de la Diversité Biologique".
A cette occasion, retrouvez les ressources d'apprentissage liées à cette thématique. Tous les produits repris ici sont
accessibles gratuitement en ligne.
Vous trouverez des références, des simulateurs-jeux, et aussi des cours sur la biodiversité. Plein de découvertes en
perspective sur les plantes, les insectes, les animaux mais aussi les relations qui existent entre l'ensemble des formes de
vie sur terre ...
+ info:
Action Urged on Oceans - World Bank
The World Bank issued an SOS Friday on the state of the world's oceans and announced the formation of a powerful
coalition to confront the ocean's growing number of overexploited fisheries, more than 400 "dead zones" where most
marine life cannot survive, and the loss of important ecosystems to coastal development.
+ info:
Video - Darwin, el viaje de un naturalista alrededor del mundo - CNRS (Centro Nacional de
Investigación Científica)
Suba a bordo del Beagle y reviva el viaje de Charles Darwin. "Darwin, el viaje de un naturalista
alrededor del mundo" nuevo multimedia del CNRS. Descubre, a través de 14 pasos, el camino que
condujo al célebre naturalista a sentar las bases de su teoría de la evolución por selección natural.
Este sitio de animación forma parte del "año Darwin", la celebración del bicentenario del nacimiento
de Charles Darwin (1809-1882) y el 150 aniversario de la publicación de su obra fundamental "El
origen de las las especies mediante la selección natural".
+ info:
Research projects - The BE-AWARE Project by John Mouat - Greater North Sea
The BE-AWARE project is a two-year initiative (2012–2014), co-financed by the European Union with a total budget of
€540,800, which will undertake a risk assessment of marine pollution in the Greater North Sea and its approaches. The
overall aim is to clearly understand the regional risk of marine pollution and to compare the effectiveness of different
strategies with the goal of optimising marine pollution prevention.
+ info:
Marine Spatial Planning Challenge 2011: an Engaging Learning Event - Lisbon - Portugal
In November 2011, around seventy planners, scientists and take holders from four countries worked hard to set up a
Marine Spatial Plan for the Sea of Colours. Not real but very serious! The serious game ‘MSP Challenge 2011’ was played
during the joint HELCOM-VASAB, OSPAR, and ICES workshop in Lisbon Portugal with participants from 16 countries.
+ info:
Enforcement chiefs at INTERPOL-UNEP inaugural meeting design blueprint for
environmental security - Lyon (France)
National leaders of environmental, biodiversity and natural resources agencies, and
departments with law enforcement responsibility, have gathered for the first time to design
a global compliance and enforcement strategy to address environmental security.
Hosted by INTERPOL and co-organized with the United Nations Environment Programme
(UNEP), the three-day (27-29 March) International Chiefs of Environmental Compliance and
Enforcement summit focused on key environmental crime issues such as fisheries, forestry,
pollution and wildlife crime, as well as violence, money laundering and tax evasion, all of which exact untold costs on the
environment and citizens.
+ info:
Beaty Biodiversity Center and Aquatic Ecosystems Research Laboratory /
Patkau Architects - 2002 - 2009 - University of British Columbia - Vancouver British Columbia - Canada
The Beaty Biodiversity Center comprises a natural history museum, a large natural
history collection, research laboratories and offices with related meeting and support
spaces. This 11,500 square meter facility is organized around three sides of the
courtyard space, with the Beaty Biodiversity Museum occupying the west side along
Main Mall.
+ info:
Sitio web: Tara Expeditions - Francia
Desde hace 7 años, Tara, con Etienne Bourgois a la cabeza y agnès b como principal
mecena, realiza expediciones a favor del medioambiente.
En mayo de 2009, Tara cambió de estatus y se convirtió en un Fondo de dotación,
estructura sin fines lucrativos.
El objetivo del Fondo de dotación Tara es financiar las investigaciones científicas francesas (4 de 6) [02/05/2012 13:39:56]
Biodiversidad Marina y de Costas
en relación con el impacto del cambio climático sobre los ecosistemas, sensibilizar al público
en general sobre las cuestiones medioambientales y difundir los conocimientos científicos del público y en especial de los
+ info:
Cordylancistrus santarosensis (Siluriformes: Loricariidae), nueva especie de pez gato.
Río Santa Rosa, Ecuador
Nueva especie de pez gato con la boca de bombeo, santarosensis Cordylancistrus fue
descubierto en el Ecuador, desde el río Santa Rosa en la provincia de El Oro, en el Golfo de
Guayaquil, cerca del Océano Pacífico, cerca de la costa sur de Ecuador .
+ info:
Stephen Cox: A Plea for Safeguarding the Antarctic
However much you have travelled the world, nothing can prepare you for the grandeur and
spectacle of the Antarctic with its diverse abundant wildlife, the often tragic history of its
exploration, the remnants of man’s abuse of the natural environment and something that one
takes for granted when looking from afar: the ice. The ice, particularly where it collides with the
sea, is simply “awesome”.
+ info:
La Poste va éditer des timbres à l'effigie des poissons tropicaux pour sensibiliser le public à la
fragilité des fonds marins - France
Après avoir émis « Les chiens de race » dans la série Nature 2011, La Poste met en vente le 20 avril 2012
un bloc consacré aux poissons tropicaux.
Cette série, très appréciée des collectionneurs, propose cette année un bloc de 4 timbres gommés
représentant l’ange de mer impérial, le poisson clown, le poisson cocher et l’hippocampe feuille.
Ce bloc souhaite sensibiliser les français sur la fragilité des fonds marins, avec la présence d’un micro
texte sur le dos du requin
+ info:
Grupo de Trabajo especial oficioso de composición abierta encargado de estudiar las cuestiones relativas a la
conservación y el uso sostenible de la diversidad biológica marina fuera de las zonas de jurisdicción nacional
07 mayo - 11 mayo 2012 Nueva York, Estado de Nueva York. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Naciones Unidas
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
3rd International Conference on Progress in Marine Conservation in Europe 2012
18 junio - 22 junio 2012 Stralsund. Alemania
Organizadores: Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) in cooperation with the German Oceanographic Museum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Campagne océanographique - Pandora
21 junio - 01 agosto 2012 -Organizadores: PANDORA: CNRS-INSU, IRD, Universités (Toulouse, Grenoble, Brest, Marseille), Scripps institution of
oceanography (CA, USA), Pacific marine environmental laboratory (NOAA, WA, USA).
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
2nd Conference on Sustainable oceans: Reconciling Economic Use and Protection
11 julio - 13 julio 2012 New York City, New York State. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Dräger Foundation
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Campagne océanographique côtière - MOOSE-ligne (Mediterranean ocean observing system on environmentligne)
18 julio - 05 agosto 2012 -Organizadores: MOOSE-ligne
Contacto: [email protected] (5 de 6) [02/05/2012 13:39:56]
Biodiversidad Marina y de Costas
+ info:
Campagne océanographique - STRASSE (Subtropical Atlantic surface salinity experiment)
15 agosto - 14 septiembre 2012 -Organizadores: STRASSE
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
64th Session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee
01 octubre - 05 octubre 2012 London. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: International Maritime Organization (IMO)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Undécima reunión de la Conferencia de las partes en el Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica (CBD)
08 octubre - 19 octubre 2012 Hyderabad. India
Organizadores: CBD
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
IUCN Report on Selective fishing and balanced harvest in relation to fisheries and ecosystem
Selective fishing and balanced harvest in relation to fisheries and ecosystem sustainability
This document reports on the results of a workshop on selective fishing and balanced harvest which took
place in Nagoya in October 2010. The workshop examined the extent to which selective fishing as currently
and traditionally practiced is able to contribute effectively to both ecosystem and fisheries sustainability.
The workshop also discussed what a shift from the conventional paradigm of gear/fishery selectivity to that
of a more “balanced harvest” would imply for the ecological and management dimensions of sustainability.
+ info:
Report by the Stockholm Environment Institute: Valuing the Ocean
Author(s): Noone, K., R. Sumaila and R.J. Diaz (eds)
Year: 2012
This study, the work of an international, multi-disciplinary team of experts coordinated by SEI, will be
published as a peer-reviewed book later this year; this summary is being released to inform preparations
for the Rio+20 Earth Summit.
The ocean faces a multitude of interconnected threats that is unprecedented in modern history. This book
intends to help crystallise our understanding of the value of ocean services to humankind, allowing them to
be accounted for as we plan for a future fraught with risk and uncertainty.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (6 de 6) [02/05/2012 13:39:56]
Patrimonio Cultural marítimo y militar/defensivo
Patrimonio Cultural marítimo y militar/defensivo
Titanic Belfast: Launching in March 2012 - Belfast, United Kingdom
In the heart of the former shipyard, you will see a stunning piece of architecture come to life.
Titanic Belfast is Belfast's new £97 million visitor attraction and will be a 'must see' visit in any tour of
Belfast and Northern Ireland.
The building will open on Saturday 31 March 2012, to, mark the centenary of Titanic's maiden voyage
and placing Belfast firmly at the heart of global celebrations. You can now book tickets online from
the Titanic Belfast website.
We are contributing £10m towards this unique venue, which is situated on the site of the former
shipyards at Queen's Island. Our investment in this project shows our commitment to enhancing Belfast's tourism offering.
The new building will also provide a high profile cultural and educational facility for the people of Northern Ireland as well
as acting as a catalyst for other redevelopment.
+ info:
Imperial War Museums submits plans to transform its flagship branch, IWM
London - United Kingdom
Imperial War Museums has submitted a listed building and planning application to the
London Borough of Southwark to transform its flagship branch, IWM London. The planning
application focuses on Phase One of a longer term Masterplan for the building, developed
with architects Foster + Partners.
+ info:
National Park Service's website on the Civil War (1861 - 1865)
From 1861 to 1865, the American union was broken as brother fought brother in a Civil War that remains a
defining moment in our nation's history. Its causes and consequences, including the continuing struggle for
civil rights for all Americans, reverberate to this day. From the battlefields to the homefront, the cost of the
war was steep…its lessons eternal.
+ info:
Confederate flag back at Georgia's Fort McAllister State Historic Park after 148
years - Georgia - USA
The Union officer's great-grandson, Robert Clayton, donated the flag to be displayed at Fort
McAllister State Historic Park in coastal Georgia, where a dedication is planned next month
just before Confederate Memorial Day.
+ info:
Titanic Belfast / Todd Architects- 2012 - Belfast - Northern Ireland - United
Delivering the World’s Largest Titanic Visitor Experience Titanic Belfast will open its doors to
the world on 31st March, 2012. The world’s largest ever Titanic-themed visitor attraction (1 de 3) [02/05/2012 13:40:00]
Patrimonio Cultural marítimo y militar/defensivo
and Northern Ireland’s largest tourism project, Titanic Belfast is the result of a successful
collaboration between the Concept Design Architects CivicArts/Eric R Kuhne & Associates
and the Lead Consultant/Architect Todd Architects.
+ info:
General Lee's sword featured at new Appomattox museum that examines the postCivil War struggle - Richmond - Virginia - USA
The sword Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee had at his side when he surrendered to Union
Gen. Ulysses S. Grant is returning to Appomattox as the centerpiece of a new museum
examining the post-Civil War struggle to heal the nation.
+ info:
'Unlock the Stories': New exhibition opened at Carlisle Castle, bringing to life the
stories of the castle's most famous inhabitants - Carlisle - United Kingdom
The new exhibition is now open at Carlisle Castle, bringing to life the stories of the castle's most
famous inhabitants, from Mary Queen of Scots to Bonnie Prince Charlie.
+ info:
A survey conducted by English Heritage has thrown up some very interesting results
about the Legend of King Arthur - Tintagel Castle - United Kingdom
A survey conducted by English Heritage at the breath-taking location of Tintagel Castle has
thrown up some very interesting results about the Legend of King Arthur, who was supposedly
born at the coastal fortress.
+ info:
Lettre d'information de la Fondation du Patrimoine n° 28 | Le 16/04/2012
La Fondation du Patrimoine a pour but essentiel de sauvegarder et de valoriser le patrimoine rural non protégé. Maisons,
églises, ponts, lavoirs, moulins, patrimoine industriel, mobilier, naturel… tous les types de patrimoine de proximité sont
éligibles à l'action de la Fondation. Aux côtés de l'Etat et des principaux acteurs du secteur, elle aide les propriétaires
publics et associatifs à financer leurs projets, permet aux propriétaires privés de défiscaliser tout ou partie de leurs
travaux, et mobilise le mécénat d’entreprise.
+ info:
Exhibition - The Falklands War - Imperial War Museums
28 marzo 2012 - 31 julio 2014 Londres. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: Imperial War Museums
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Peacetime loan of former war booty: Maritime masterpiece temporarily returned to England after 350 years by
the Rijksmuseum (The Netherlands)
27 abril 2012 London. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: National Maritime Museum
+ info:
Seminario - Consejo de Monumentos Nacionales en la Región del Bio-Bio (Chile)
08 mayo 2012 Concepción. Chile
Organizadores: Alexis Muñoz, coordinador regional del Consejo de Monumentos Nacionales de Chile
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Conference - Ports as new magnets for urban sustainable development
24 mayo - 25 mayo 2012 Valletta. Malta
Organizadores: International Council on Monuments and Sites & International Scientific Committee on Economics of
Conservation (ISCEC)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exploring Australia's indigenous watercraft conference
30 mayo - 01 junio 2012 Sydney, New South Wales. Australia (2 de 3) [02/05/2012 13:40:00]
Patrimonio Cultural marítimo y militar/defensivo
Organizadores: Australian National Maritime Museum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Le Manuel enseignant sur Les Fortifications de Vauban (France) - Lectures du passé, regards
pour demain,récompensé par Europa Nostra et l'Union européenne
À destination des enseignants du primaire et du collège, le manuel Les fortifications de Vauban. Lectures du
passé, regards pour demain allie contenus scientifiques, fiches pédagogiques et supports didactiques. Il
participe ainsi à l’objectif de transmettre les valeurs des fortifications de Vauban aux générations futures,
patrimoine dont la valeur universelle exceptionnelle a été reconnue par L’UNESCO. Le Réseau des sites
majeurs de Vauban a réalisé ce projet en réunissant de nombreuses compétences : experts scientifiques,
professeurs à l’IUFM et médiateurs, garantissant ainsi la rédaction d’un discours complet et utilisable en
classe ou en atelier sur site.
Cette approche pluridisciplinaire s’inscrit en lien avec les programmes scolaires, et les thématiques abordées offrent aux
enseignants des clés de lecture pour sensibiliser leurs élèves à la valorisation des fortifications et à leur nécessaire
protection. Chaque école et collège du Réseau Vauban a reçu un exemplaire de ce manuel, dont la réalisation a été
soutenue par la Fondation EDF Diversiterre.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (3 de 3) [02/05/2012 13:40:00]
Patrimonio Moderno y Contemporáneo
Patrimonio Moderno y Contemporáneo
Update: Thematic Pavilion / soma - Yeosu - The Republic of Korea
With less than 70 days until soma’s grand opening of their “One Ocean” Thematic Pavilion, we are anxiously anticipating
the final result of the firm’s biomorphic creation. Unlike most pavilions, this building will become a permanent part of the
grounds after serving as the central point of the EXPO 2012 in Yeosu, South Korea. As we reported earlier, soma’s pavilion
focuses on creating an experiential journey as visitors enjoy introductory exhibitions on the Expo’s theme, “The Living
Ocean and Coast”.
+ info:
Museum Nasional Indonesia / Aboday - Jakarta - Indonesia
The first prize winning proposal for the Museum Nasional Indonesia by Aboday aims to bring
back this massive institution to its original role as a public facility. Their design addresses
the question of urban context by inserting a new corridor between the existing museum
building and building that will maintain an openness to the pedestrian and city park on the
Eastern part of the complex.
+ info:
Happy 126th birthday Mies van der Rohe!
Today we celebrate the 126th birthday anniversary of Mies van der Rohe! The German-born American
architect and educator convinced us all with his glass-and-steel buildings that “less is more“. Mies helped
defined modern architecture and is known as one of the 20th century’s greatest architects.
+ info:
Robin Hood Gardens (1972) to be Demolished - London (United Kingdom)
After many years spent fighting to preserve the famous Robin Hood Gardens social housing
complex in East London, the architecture community mourns another loss. Tower Hamlets
Council and the London Thames Gateway Development Corporations have approved the
demolition of the 1960s Brutalist complex in an effort to make way for a new £500 million
sustainable development comprised of energy efficient, mixed-tenure homes and an
enlarged central park. The historic building was built by modernist architects Alison and
Peter Smithson and remains an important piece to Great Britain’s architectural history.
+ info:
AD Round Up: Classics by Mies van der Rohe on the occasion of the celebration of
his 126th birthday
In case you haven’t noticed, we are celebrating Mies van der Rohe’s 126th Birthday. You
can’t miss our infographic on one of the most famous architects that ever lived. And of
course, you can’t miss some of our AD Classics on Mies projects. Like the Farnsworth House,
built between 1945 and 1951. Or the Neue National Gallery in Berlin. One of the most
popular project he designed was the Barcelona Pavilion, designed for the World’s Expo of
1929. We couldn’t leave out two skyscrapers that redefined modern high-rise construction: (1 de 3) [02/05/2012 13:40:15]
Patrimonio Moderno y Contemporáneo
860-880 Lake Shore Drive and Seagram Building.
+ info:
New Bauhaus Museum / MenoMenoPiu Architects - Weimar - Germany
MenoMenoPiu Architects shared with us their winning proposal in the Classic
Siftung Weimar international competition for the New Bauhaus Museum. The
building is conceived as an open square at the crossing point of the three main
city forces, old and new city and the park, a flexible “object” that allows different
activities inside and around it.
+ info:
Conserving Modern Architecture Initiative (CMAI) / The Getty Conservation
Institute (GCI)
Despite our appreciation for the buildings that came out of Modern Movement, conservation
methods are meeting new challenges in conserving these buildings that have not aged well
as they have reached their 50-year heritage protection eligibility. This is where the
Conserving Modern Architecture Initiative (CMAI) comes in. A “comprehensive, long-term,
and international program” that is part of the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI).
+ info:
Perspectives on Public Housing in France - Docomomo International
The recent award L’équerre d’argent, given to architects Anne Lacaton, JeanPhilippe Vassal and Frédéric Druot for the transformation of the tower “Bois-leprêtre”, built in 1962 by Raymond Lopez in Paris, marks a change in the way we
perceive the cultural heritage of public housing from “1945-1975”, called in French
“Les Trente Glorieuses”. This award shows, among other things, that alternatives
to demolition can be found.
+ info:
Scotland's survey and preservation initiatives for Post-War Sites and Monuments, 19852012
Throughout the twentieth century in Scotland there has been a recurring tension between the
aspirations to widen the scope of heritage to embrace more and more of the built environment
and cultural landscape, and the practical reality of extending preservation that far. This first came
into focus with Industrial Archaeology in the mid-to-late 1980s, when Scotland’s vanishing
traditional nineteenth and twentieth century heavy industries became a heritage concern.
+ info:
Building the Revolution: Soviet Art and Architecture 1915-1935 opens at MartinGropius-Bau - Berlin - Germany
The Exhibition “Architects of Revolution” sheds light on an area of the Soviet avant-garde
that has remained relatively unknown in Europe and beyond: architecture. Even in Russia
and the other successor states of the former Soviet Union the names of most of the
architects have been largely forgotten. Their structures have not become part of the
collective cultural memory to the extent that the “New Building” movement in the West has.
+ info:
Archives of American Art Contributes to Syracuse University Library's Marcel Breuer Digital
Archive - Syracuse. New York State (USA)
The Archives of American Art has contributed more than 1,350 digital images, representing nearly 1,000
documents, to the Marcel Breuer Digital Archive available online at Launched March 23 by
Syracuse University Library, this resource represents a collaborative effort to digitize more than 30,000
drawings, photographs, letters and other materials related to the early career of Marcel Breuer, one of the
most influential architects and furniture designers of the 20th century.
+ info:
Agenda (2 de 3) [02/05/2012 13:40:15]
Patrimonio Moderno y Contemporáneo
Input requested for the Madrid Document from ISC20C (ICOMOS International Scientific Committee for
Twentieth Century Heritage
The ICOMOS International Scientific Committee for Twentieth Century Heritage (ISC20C) would like to invite input on the
“Madrid Document – Approaches for the Conservation of Twentieth-Century Architectural Heritage”, which was launched
last June and presented at the General Assembly of ICOMOS in December 2011 as part of the ISC20C’s ambitious plan to
promote the profile and conservation of twentieth century heritage.
-Organizadores: Australia ICOMOS
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 13 abr 2012
+ info:
Seminario - Consejo de Monumentos Nacionales en la Región del Bio-Bio (Chile)
08 mayo 2012 Concepción. Chile
Organizadores: Alexis Muñoz, coordinador regional del Consejo de Monumentos Nacionales de Chile
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - PHILOSOPHY OF THE MAESTRO - Angelo Mangiarotti's works and his relationship with Japanese
13 junio - 30 junio 2012 Tokyo. Japón
Organizadores: Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Studio Mangiarotti (Trust Fondazione Angelo Mangiarotti) & Mangiarotti
Associati Giapponesi
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info: _JAPAN.pdf
66º Encuentro anual de la sociedad de historiadores de arquitectura
10 abril - 14 abril 2013 Buffalo, Nueva York. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Sociedad de Historiadores Arquitectónicos (SAH)
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 1 jun 2012
+ info:
Ir a arriba (3 de 3) [02/05/2012 13:40:15]
Montañas y glaciares
Gli studenti dell'Università della Montagna ospiti presso il Centro di formazione del Corpo Forestale dello Stato
a Ceva (CN) - Italy
L’esperienza permetterà di approfondire conoscenze e fare esperienze riguardanti selvicoltura, incendi boschivi,
sistemazioni idraulico-forestali, tutela dal dissesto idrogeologico, sicurezza ambientale e agroalimentare e tutela delle aree
protette e della biodiversità.
Dal 19 al 23 marzo 2012 gli studenti del Corso di laurea in Valorizzazione e Tutela dell’Ambiente e del Territorio Montano
saranno ospitati presso il Centro di Formazione Forestale di Ceva (CN) del Corpo Forestale dello Stato.
Gli studenti seguiranno delle lezioni tenute dagli ispettori del Corpo Forestale dello Stato riguardanti: procedura penale,
gestione dei rifiuti in campo agricolo, normativa sullo smaltimento dei liquami, benessere animale, legislazione in campo
forestale-ambientale, aree protette, incendi boschivi, sicurezza alimentare, etichettatura dei prodotti, normativa nazionale
in materia di incendi boschivi, nozioni di climatologia, sicurezza in montagna e altri ambiti operativi del CFS. L’esperienza
sarà arricchita da visite in aziende del territorio.
Tale iniziativa fa parte delle attività previste dalla convenzione siglata lo scorso febbraio 2012 tra Corpo forestale dello
Stato e la Facoltà di Agraria dell’Università degli Studi di Milano.
+ info:
Glaciers erode Land Faster Than Thought - University of Edinburgh. Scotland
(United Kingdom)
Ice sheets may be eroding the bedrock sitting beneath them up to 100 times faster than
has been thought, rapidly altering landscapes, a team of scientists finds.
The scientists made their finding by measuring the volume of rocky debris washed out
from beneath a 200-square- mile (600 square kilometers) region of Greenland's ice
sheet over a two-year period – scary work that saw them lose several sensors to the
strong current of the meltwater…
+ info:
Découverte du premier glacier japonais
Les scientifiques du Tateyama Caldera Sabo Museum ont récemment fait la découverte du premier glacier japonais. Aucun
glacier n'avait en effet été répertorié officiellement dans la région la plus à l'est de l'Asie jusqu'à aujourd'hui.
Les glaciers sont des masses importantes de glace formées par l'entassement de neige très compacte. En raison du poids
et de la grande plasticité de la glace, de telles structures s'écoulent très lentement le long d'une pente montagneuse. Les
glaciers sont composés habituellement de trois parties correspondant à la formation, à l'accumulation et à la fonte de la
glace : zone d'accumulation, zone de transport et zone d'ablation.
+ info:
forward for the next few decades.
Rio+20 and the role of youth in mountainous areas
We are ready to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the United Nations Conference on
Sustainable Development (UNCSD) Rio+20 starting from June 20-22, 2012 in Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, the same city that hosted the largest ever environmental conference
- the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), June 314, 1992. This conference is expected to review progresses made in the
environmental sector in the last two decades, identify development gaps, note new
challenges that have emerged over the past two decades, and develop a way (1 de 2) [02/05/2012 13:40:20]
+ info:
Research projects - European Regional Mountain Initiatives: From Pyrenees to Caucasus - University of
Geneva & Institut Universitaire Kurt Boesch (Switzerland)
Europe is home to numerous transboundary regional initiatives and many of these have focused on mountain regions
(massifs). From the Pyrenees to the Caucasus, mountain regions have been the focus of institution building for more than
two decades, ranging from established, legally binding international treaties such as the Alpine Convention to emergent
processes focused on fostering regional partnerships of researchers and practitioners.
+ info:
Università della Montagna Seminario - LO ZAFFERANO NELLE ALPI: UN'OPPORTUNITA'? - Edolo - Italy - 16
aprile 2012
Nell’ambito del Progetto “@zione Rurale” il Centro Interdipartimentale Ge.S.Di.Mont organizza un seminario denominato
“LO ZAFFERANO NELLE ALPI: UN OPPORTUNITA’?” che si svolgerà lunedì 16 aprile 2012 alle ore 18.00 presso l'Aula Magna
dell'Università della Montagna Via Morino 8 - Edolo (BS).
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati. La partecipazione è gratuita.
Si allega la locandina con preghiera di pubblicazione e diffusione.
E’ possibile seguire a distanza il seminario tramite collegamento da remoto via WEB.
La partecipazione via WEB è riservata agli utenti prenotati; invitiamo quindi gli interessati a contattare la Segreteria
Didattica di Edolo (0364/71324 per conoscere le modalità di fruizione del servizio.
+ info:
Stephen Cox: A Plea for Safeguarding the Antarctic
However much you have travelled the world, nothing can prepare you for the grandeur and
spectacle of the Antarctic with its diverse abundant wildlife, the often tragic history of its
exploration, the remnants of man’s abuse of the natural environment and something that one
takes for granted when looking from afar: the ice. The ice, particularly where it collides with the
sea, is simply “awesome”.
+ info:
Notiziario corso di Laurea Valmont
Aprile - giugno 2012
Edolo. Italia
Organizadores: Università della Montagna
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition - Traversing Antarctica - The Australian experience - National Archives of Australia
29 marzo - 09 septiembre 2012 Canberra, ACT. Australia
Organizadores: National Archives of Australia, the Australian Antarctic Division and the Western Australian Museum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Ir a arriba (2 de 2) [02/05/2012 13:40:20]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
Museos, Museología, Interpretación y Patrimonio mueble
Cataluña plantea un nuevo plan de organización de sus museos (España)
El conseller de Cultura, Ferran Mascarell, ha presentado hoy las bases del nuevo Plan de
Museos de Cataluña, que plantea a partir de "cuatro constelaciones" en torno al actual
MNAC, el MACBA, el Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales y del futuro Museo Nacional de
Historia de Cataluña (nMNHC).
La intención del departamento es provocar una "sacudida" y una "renovación" en este
ámbito para "racionalizarlo" y conseguir que sean los llamados Museos Nacionales los que
"vertebren" la realidad museística, "fomentando la cooperación entre instituciones y agentes
públicos y privados, creando nuevos recursos" que primen la eficiencia y permitan "un mejor rendimiento" en todo el
+ info:
75 % des habitants d'Helsinki opposés au projet de Musée Guggenheim - Finlande
Trois habitants sur quatre de la capitale finlandaise sont contre la construction du Musée
Guggenheim, dont le projet est en cours depuis un an. En cause : la dégradation de la situation
économique d’Helsinki.
Selon un sondage paru le 8 mars 2012 dans le journal local Helsingin Sanomat, le soutien de la
population à la création d’un musée estampillé « Guggenheim » a chuté par rapport aux études
réalisées il y a un an. En 2011, le maire d’Helsinki, à l’origine de l’initiative, avait reçu le
soutien de 47 % des habitants de la capitale. Aujourd’hui, seuls 19 % continuent d’être
partisans du projet. En revanche, le nombre d’opposants a doublé, passant à 75 % (6 % ne se prononcent pas).
+ info:
Conférence "Bonnes à tout faire" Allemandes du XIXe siècle et Espagnoles des Trente Glorieuses
en France - Musée national de l'histoire et des cultures de l'immigration. Paris, France (22 mars
Conférence de Mareike Koenig, chargée de recherche XIXe siècle, Institut historique allemand et Bruno Tur,
Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, animée par Marianne Amar, responsable du département
Recherche, Cité nationale de l'histoire de l'immigration
L’UniverCité continue de explorer la question des femmes en migration, à travers la catégorie des
domestiques étrangères. Si la figure de la "bonne à tout faire" traverse toute l’histoire de l’immigration, si
ces femmes partagent, quelles que soient leurs origines, des traits communs, le portrait se nuance selon les époques.
+ info:
Titanic Belfast: Launching in March 2012 - Belfast, United Kingdom
In the heart of the former shipyard, you will see a stunning piece of architecture come to life.
Titanic Belfast is Belfast's new £97 million visitor attraction and will be a 'must see' visit in any tour of
Belfast and Northern Ireland.
The building will open on Saturday 31 March 2012, to, mark the centenary of Titanic's maiden voyage
and placing Belfast firmly at the heart of global celebrations. You can now book tickets online from
the Titanic Belfast website.
We are contributing £10m towards this unique venue, which is situated on the site of the former (1 de 14) [02/05/2012 13:40:32]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
shipyards at Queen's Island. Our investment in this project shows our commitment to enhancing Belfast's tourism offering.
The new building will also provide a high profile cultural and educational facility for the people of Northern Ireland as well
as acting as a catalyst for other redevelopment.
+ info:
Chance Blog Post Ends in Gratz Family Reunion - Rosenbach Museum and Library - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
A 30-year art history mystery is solved as Philadelphia’s Rosenbach Museum & Library locates and acquires a fifth Thomas
Sully portrait.
Concluding a 30-year mystery, the Rosenbach Museum & Library has located and acquired a portrait of an early member of
the Gratz Family, prominent Jewish early Americans who made their home in Philadelphia.
+ info:
Museum Nasional Indonesia / Aboday - Jakarta - Indonesia
The first prize winning proposal for the Museum Nasional Indonesia by Aboday aims to bring
back this massive institution to its original role as a public facility. Their design addresses
the question of urban context by inserting a new corridor between the existing museum
building and building that will maintain an openness to the pedestrian and city park on the
Eastern part of the complex.
+ info:
Yungang Grottoes Museum in Datong / Do Union Architecture - 2011 - China
Yungang Grottoes Museum in Datong(approved construction by State Administration of Cultural
Heritage and Shanxi provincial government in 2010). Established on the west edge of Yungang
Grottoes in Datong, within the scenic spot of Conservation Zone, is one of subprojects at the whole
renovation area of Yugang Grottoes. Situated in southwest of the scenic spot, enclosed by Northern
Wei Grottoed in north .The project covers a total construction area of 9939.46 square meters,
containing an exhibition hall and a multi-functional performing arts center(recovered at the site of the
ancient city).
+ info:
Últimas adquisiciones del Palacio de Versalles - Francia
Descubre cuales son las últimas adquisiciones del Palacio de Versalles
+ info:
Imperial War Museums submits plans to transform its flagship branch, IWM
London - United Kingdom
Imperial War Museums has submitted a listed building and planning application to the
London Borough of Southwark to transform its flagship branch, IWM London. The planning
application focuses on Phase One of a longer term Masterplan for the building, developed
with architects Foster + Partners.
+ info:
Arte portatile da toccare: ecco l’app dedicata a Vermeer
“E’ severamente vietato NON toccare le opere esposte”… In barba ai più comuni regolamenti
museali, potrebbe essere questo lo slogan di “Vermeer – La mostra impossibile”, un’app per
dispositivi iOS (in particolare iPad) destinata ad aprire una nuova era della fruizione culturale.
Da diversi anni, l’universo della Rete Internet si è arricchito di musei e mostre virtuali di
estremo interesse e spesso definite, appunto, “impossibili”, in quanto capaci di riunire in un
unico ambiente opere che altrimenti sarebbe impossibile visionare in un solo colpo d’occhio, o
perché sono sparse in diversi continenti o perché, nella peggiore delle ipotesi, sono andate
perdute o sono state rovinate dall’incuria del tempo (e dell’uomo)…
+ info:
Japanese-funded UNESCO project improves inventories and documentation in Sub-Saharan
African Museums
UNESCO partnered with the African Heritage School (EPA) in Benin to train 33 professionals from 30
museums from 17 countries in how to improve inventories and documentation in Sub-Saharan African
museums during a two-year capacity-building programme funded by the Japan Funds-in-Trust to
+ info:
Last privately held object from Captain Cook's collection donated to UBC
(University of British Columbia) Museum of Anthropology - Vancouver - British
Columbia (Canada)
An object of global historical and cultural significance, received by explorer Captain James
Cook from a Canadian First Nation during his final voyage (1776-1779), is being donated to
the University of British Columbia’s Museum of Anthropology by a leading arts philanthropist.
Recently purchased through a private dealer in New York, and valued at $1.2 million, the
rare ceremonial club was the last remaining object from Captain Cook’s personal collection (2 de 14) [02/05/2012 13:40:32]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
not housed in a public museum. Thanks to the Audain Foundation for the Visual Arts, the club returns to British Columbia,
where the famous explorer received it from the Nuu-chah-nulth people of Vancouver Island’s west coast in 1778, or 234
years ago.
+ info:
Xinjin Zhi Museum / Kengo Kuma & Associates - 2011 - Cheng Du (China)
This pavilion is located at the foot of Laojunshan mountain in Xinjin, to usher in the people to
the holy place of Taoism, while the building itself shows the essence of Taoism through its space
and exhibitions.
The tile used for façade is made of local material and worked on in a traditional method of this
region, to pay tribute to Taoism that emphasizes on nature and balance. Tile is hung and floated
in the air by wire to be released from its weight (and gain lightness). Clad in breathing façade of
particles, the architecture is merged into its surrounding nature.
+ info:
Rapport d'activités 2011-2012 - Master Muséo - Expographie. Université d'Artois (France)
Le Master MME, Master Muséo-Expographie, de l'Université d'Artois, est une nouvelle proposition qui vient combler un
manque en matière de formation dans le domaine des musées dans la région Nord Pas de Calais.
Région culturellement dynamique, le Nord Pas de Calais accueille plusieurs grands projets d'aménagement dans le domaine
des musées.
+ info:
Maritime and Beachcombers Museum / Mecanoo - 2010-2011 - Texel - The
The island of Texel is situated in the Waddenzee and is the largest of the Dutch Wadden
Islands. Every year a million or so tourists visit the island, which is only accessible by plane,
boat or ferry. Few however will be familiar with the glorious history of Texel and its links
with the Dutch East India Company.
+ info:
Reapertura del Museo Toulouse-Lautrec. Albi (Francia)
El Museo Toulouse-Lautrec es hoy el embajador de la ciudad de Albi y acoge cada año a
cerca de 160 000 visitantes, lo que lo sitúa entre los primeros museos de la región. Desde
2001 está inmerso en un ambicioso programa de reestructuración al término del cual
reafirmará su lugar entre los grandes museos contemporáneos.
Comenzados en 2001, los trabajos de renovación han permitido rediseñar el acceso al
museo que se realiza desde entonces a través del Patio de Honor. Se han creado nuevos
espacios bajo el palacio.
La colocación de las obras establecida a principios del año 2008 propone una nueva lectura de la obra de Toulouse-Lautrec.
+ info:
Nuns from Kathmandu help restore 400-year-old Tibetan paintings - Museum of Fine
Arts. Boston, Massachussetts (USA) 6 March - 21 October 2012
Conservators from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston called upon the services of nuns from
Kathmandu, as well as Tibetan and Taiwanese specialists in silk brocades and Japanese fabricators
of gilt-bronze decorative ornaments for an ambitious, two-year project to restore a series of 400year-old thangkas or Tibetan paintings. The works, which depict the kings of the utopian realm of
Shambhala, also known as Shangri-la, form part of the exhibition “Seeking Shambhala” on view at
the museum until 21 October…
+ info:
Museum Announces Expansion, Renovation Chrysler Museum of Art. Norfolk, Virginia (USA)
The Board of Trustees of the Chrysler Museum of Art voted
March 29 to proceed with plans to expand and renovate
the Museum.
If the bidding process goes as expected, construction will
begin in early July. The end result will be more gallery
space, better amenities and freshly redesigned exhibits.
A key component of the renovation is the replacement of outdated heating and cooling systems—which are absolutely
crucial in protecting and preserving our collection—with more modern, efficient systems. Such green initiatives will help the
Museum reduce its energy bill, which currently tops $60,000 per month.
+ info:
The Art of the Enlightenment: Finissage in Beijing, more than 450,000 visitors saw
the show - National Museum of China - Beijing - China
With a joint ceremony on March 25th 2012, Cornelia Pieper, Minister of State in the Foreign
Office, and Zhao Shaohua, Deputy Minister of Culture for the People's Republic of China,
officially concluded the exhibition "The Art of the Enlightenment" at the National Museum of
China. For the past year the exhibition has been on view in Beijing. So far, more than
450,000 visitors have attended. (3 de 14) [02/05/2012 13:40:32]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
+ info:
British Museum celebrates success of Hajj exhibition receiving over 80,000 visitors
- British Museum - London - United Kingdom
Hajj: journey to the heart of Islam has reached the target visitor figure for the exhibition
receiving over 80,000 visitors in just over seven weeks. The exhibition opened on 26
January and runs until 15 April. With only two weeks left the British Museum has extended
the opening hours of the exhibition on Saturday and Sunday evenings to release more
tickets and meet demand as time slots are frequently sold out.
+ info:
David Chipperfield Architects selected to renovate the New National Gallery - Berlin - Germany
The Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation recently announced that the offices of the British architect David Chipperfield
have won the contract to plan the renovation of the New National Gallery at the Kulturforum. This famous building
designed by Mies van der Rohe will undergo comprehensive restoration, from the façade to the building services. The
building will be closed to the public during the construction work, which is planned to begin in early 2015 and will take just
under three years to complete…
+ info:
Heilbrunn Timeline of History - Metropolitan Museum of Art - Athletics in Ancient Greece - New York City. New
York State (USA)
According to tradition, the most important athletic competitions were inaugurated in 776 B.C. at Olympia in the
Peloponnesos. By the sixth century B.C., other Panhellenic (pan=all, hellenikos=Greek) games involving Greek-speaking
city-states were being held at Delphi, Nemea, and Isthmia. Many local games, such as the Panathenaic games at Athens,
were modeled on these four periodoi, or circuit games. The Pythian games at Delphi honored Apollo and included singing
and drama contests; at Nemea, games were held in honor of Zeus; at Isthmia, they were celebrated for Poseidon; and at
Olympia, they were dedicated to Zeus, although separate games in which young, unmarried women competed were
celebrated for Hera. The victors at all these games brought honor to themselves, their families, and their hometowns.
Public honors were bestowed on them, statues were dedicated to them, and victory poems were written to commemorate
their feats. Numerous vases are decorated with scenes of competitions and the odes of Pindar celebrate a number of
athletic victories.
+ info:
Connecticut man knows something about stolen art from Isabella Stewart Gardner
Museum - Boston - Massachusetts - USA
It remains the largest art heist in history, a brazen robbery in which two thieves disguised as
police officers walked into Boston's Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, disabled two guards
and stole masterworks worth more than half a billion dollars. The 1990 robbery and the
recovery of the paintings have puzzled investigators for more than two decades. Now federal
authorities appear to be pinning some hope of solving the mystery on a 75-year-old reputed
mobster from Connecticut, Robert Gentile, who is jailed in a drug case.
+ info:
The government of Turkey has asked the J. Paul Getty Museum to return artifacts
that it believes were looted
The government of Turkey has asked the J. Paul Getty Museum and several other American
museums to return artifacts that it believes were looted. The Turkish government has
contacted the Getty, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, the Cleveland
Museum of Art and Harvard University's Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection to
present evidence that objects in their collections may have been illegally excavated from the
country's archaeological sites, the Los Angeles Times reported Saturday.
+ info:
Attendance survey 2011: Brazil's exhibition boom puts Rio on top
When we be-gan our annual sur-vey of the best at-tended exhibitions in 1996, to make the
top ten a show needed to attract around 3,000 visitors a day. In our survey of 2011 shows,
to make the top ten required almost 7,000 visitors a day. Among them was “Alexander
McQueen: Savage Beauty”, a posthumous tribute by the Costume Institute of the
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. On average, more than 8,000 people a day went (in
total around 660,000). The must-see show helped the Met to a record year in our survey,
taking its annual total figure to more than six million, up from 5.2 million in 2010…
+ info:
United Kingdom National Statistics - Experience of Museums in Northern Ireland Findings from the Continuous
Household Survey 2008/09 DCAL Research Findings
There are two main types of tourism that impact the UK economy: international and domestic tourism.
International tourism looks at trends in overseas residents travelling to the UK, and UK residents travelling abroad. This is
analysed by region/destination and visitor spend using the International Passenger Survey (IPS). Carried out by the Office
for National Statistics (ONS), data are used to compile travel accounts of the balance of payments, estimate the numbers (4 de 14) [02/05/2012 13:40:32]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
and characteristics of migrants into and out of the UK, and to provide information on international tourism.
+ info:
Vacances de printemps : le musée numérique - Musée du Quai Branly. Paris (France)
Au printemps, un vent de nouveauté numérique souffle sur le musée du quai Branly !
Le temps des vacances, le musée se transforme en laboratoire d’expérimentations pour vous faire
découvrir gratuitement des dispositifs innovants et recueillir vos impressions !
S’aventurer dans le musée autrement, expérimenter de nouvelles approches muséales, changer de points
de vue et contribuer à l’émergence du musée de demain, tel est l’événement exclusif que le musée du quai
Branly vous propose de vivre.
+ info:
Petit Lexique de la médiation 2.0 pour les novices - Musée du Quai Branly. Paris (France)
Web 2.0 : terme désignant l’ensemble des fonctionnalités du web permettant une information dynamique via la
participation et les interactions de l’internaute (partage, échange, etc.). Ce dernier devient, grâce aux outils mis à sa
disposition, une personne active sur la toile.
+ info:
Toledo Museum Celebrates Glass Anniversary - What's old is new again: Original
glass furnace reconstructed - Toledo - Ohio - USA
Fifty years to the day after the first glass furnace fired up at the Toledo Museum of Art,
three artists-in-residence recreated it—brick by brick—to reflect the spirit of early pioneers
of the American Studio glass Movement. “Today, we take the glass furnace and studio for
granted,” said Jeff Mack, TMA’s glass studio manager. “You can walk into a studio with only
a bag of your favorite tools and start making glass.
+ info:
Over 150,000 Tickets Booked For Van Gogh Up Close at the Philadelphia Museum of Art - Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania (United States of America)
Midway through its run, the exhibition is drawing visitors to Philadelphia from the U.S. and around the world.
Seven weeks into its nearly 14-week run, the major exhibition Van Gogh Up Close has booked over 150,000 tickets and is
welcoming visitors from 44 countries and 48 states plus Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. Philadelphia is the only U.
S. venue for the exhibition.
+ info:
The Walters Art Museum Receives $265,000 NEH (National Endowment for the Humanities) Grant to Digitize
Over 100 Flemish Manuscripts - Baltimore -Maryland - USA
The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) has granted the Walters Art Museum $265,000 for a three-year project
to digitize, catalog and distribute 113 illuminated medieval manuscripts from Flanders, present-day northeastern France
and Belgium. This project, Imaging the Hours: Creating a Digital Resource of Flemish Manuscripts, will digitize 45,000
pages of text with over 3,000 pages of illumination from the 13th through 16th centuries.
+ info:
Update: Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and CultureWashington D.C. - USA
We have been covering the progress of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American
History and Culture over the last several months, our most recent being President Obama’s
speech at the ceremony for the official ground breaking. Adjaye Associates recently shared
with us some insight into the inspiration for the design and its grounding principles.
+ info:
National Portrait Gallery clocks up 2,000,000 visitors...Its highest ever annual figure - London - United
The National Portrait Gallery today welcomed its two millionth visitors – a milestone which sets up the highest annual
figures in the Gallery’s history when they are published at the end of the month. The group of visitors through the door
when the figure of two million was reached was given a surprise welcome by the Gallery’s director Mr Sandy Nairne.
+ info:
Israel Museum Joins Google Art Project, Launching Virtual Galleries with More Than 500 Collection Highlights Israel
The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, has today joined the Google Art Project, making its galleries and hundreds of highlights
from its permanent collection accessible online to audiences around the world. The partnership is part of a major global
expansion of the project which now counts 151 partners in 40 countries, an increase from 17 museums in nine countries
when the project first launched in February 2011. More than 30,000 high resolution objects held in museums around the
world are now available for viewing, up from the original 1,000 when the project was first launched.
The Google Art Project features 520 of the most important objects in the Israel Museum’s expansive collections, with high
resolution images that allow viewers to examine works in exceptional detail, together with background information on
objects and artists. Visitors may also explore the Museum’s campus and permanent galleries virtually, using Google’s (5 de 14) [02/05/2012 13:40:32]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
Street View technology.
+ info:
All-time record visitor figures at Wales's national museums- The seven national museums in Wales received
1.69 million visits in 2011-12, the highest total ever recorded - Wales - United Kingdom
The Welsh Government and Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales introduced the policy eight months earlier than in
England – a pioneering move that nearly doubled visitor figures to national museums in Wales. This political commitment
to promoting access for all to Wales’ culture and history remains as strong today, with the policy enshrined in the Welsh
Government’s plan of action for 2011-16, Programme for Government.
+ info:
Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago receives $10 million gift to name the theater
Stefan Edlis and Gael Neeson - Chicago - Illinois - USA
Madeleine Grynsztejn, Pritzker Director of the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, today
announced the extraordinary gift of $10 million from Stefan Edlis and Gael Neeson to name
the MCA Theater. The theater will be named the Edlis Neeson Theater in their honor.
+ info:
Titanic Belfast / Todd Architects- 2012 - Belfast - Northern Ireland - United
Delivering the World’s Largest Titanic Visitor Experience Titanic Belfast will open its doors to
the world on 31st March, 2012. The world’s largest ever Titanic-themed visitor attraction
and Northern Ireland’s largest tourism project, Titanic Belfast is the result of a successful
collaboration between the Concept Design Architects CivicArts/Eric R Kuhne & Associates
and the Lead Consultant/Architect Todd Architects.
+ info:
General Lee's sword featured at new Appomattox museum that examines the postCivil War struggle - Richmond - Virginia - USA
The sword Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee had at his side when he surrendered to Union
Gen. Ulysses S. Grant is returning to Appomattox as the centerpiece of a new museum
examining the post-Civil War struggle to heal the nation.
+ info:
Tests by Polish museum reveal aging of Leonardo da Vinci masterpiece "Lady with
an Ermine" - National Museum in Krakow - Poland
Bark beetles and old age have damaged Leonardo da Vinci's 15th-century painting "Lady
with an Ermine," but the masterpiece is still holding up well, a conservationist at the Polish
museum where it is displayed said Monday.
+ info:
FELLOWSHIPS - Community Heritage Grants - National Library of Australia (Australia) Deadline: 4 May 2012
The Community Heritage Grants (CHG) program provides grants of up to $15,000 to community organisations such as
libraries, archives, museums, genealogical and historical societies, multicultural and Indigenous groups. The grants are
provided to assist with the preservation of locally owned, but nationally significant collections of materials that are publicly
accessible including artifacts, letters, diaries, maps, photographs, and audio visual material.
Since 1994 over $4 million has been awarded to community organisations throughout Australia.
The types of projects supported include Significance Assessments of collections; Preservation Needs Assessments of
collections; conservation activities and collection management; and training workshops.
+ info:
Future tense, VII: What's a museum? - On the changing nature of our cultural institutions
What’s a museum? Lately, it seems, the answer is whatever we want. Today’s museums can be tourist attractions,
department stores, civic centers, town squares, catalysts of urban renewal, food courts, licensing brands, showcases for
contemporary architecture, social clubs, LEED-certified environmentally conscious facilities, and franchise opportunities. A
“well-run museum is eerily like an upscale suburban shopping mall,” says an article in The New York Times. A cafe with
“art on the side,”?advertises London’s Victoria and Albert Museum. “We are in the entertainment business, and competing
against other forms of entertainment out there,” says a one-time spokesman for the Guggenheim museum. “Inclusive
places that welcome diverse audiences” and “reflect our society’s pluralism in every aspect of their operations and
programs,” suggests the American Association of Museums. “We live in a more global, multicultural society that cares
about diversity and inclusivity,”?so “service to the community” is now among the museum’s à la carte options, says Kaywin
Feldman, the latest head of the Association of Art Museum Directors. As reported in The Wall Street Journal, museums are
even about “bringing art to those with Alzheimer’s or post-traumatic stress disorder, and farming crops for donation to
local food banks,” initiatives that have been promoted through grants from the National Endowment for the Arts.
+ info:
Robo a mano armada en el museo de la antigua Olimpia en Grecia (6 de 14) [02/05/2012 13:40:32]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
La policía solicita ayuda para localizar más de 70 artículos robados a mano armada el viernes 17 de febrero en el Museo de
la Historia de los Juegos Olímpicos situado en la antigua Olimpia, en Grecia. Dos hombres encapuchados amenazaron a la
guarda de seguridad y, a continuación, la ataron y escaparon con las antigüedades.
Entre las piezas robadas, que datan de los periodos clásico, helenístico y bizantino, se encuentran un anillo sello, varias
estatuas que representan escenas olímpicas, un lecito (vaso griego para aceites), así como varias lámparas de aceite…
+ info:
Secret of Vermeer's blue uncovered: 'Woman in Blue Reading a Letter' fully restored by the
Rijksmuseum - Amsterdam - The Netherlands
During the meticulous restoration of Woman in Blue Reading a Letter (1663-64), one of the
Rijksmuseum’s four Vermeer masterpieces, a number of surprising details were uncovered. Vermeer’s
characteristically intense use of blue, for example, can now be viewed in all of its magnificent nuances
for the first time in centuries. In addition, several pearls that were added in 1928 were removed, and
other details that had disappeared were restored.
+ info:
The Walters Art Museum Announces Gift from Robert Meyerhoff of 21 Floral Still Lifes - Baltimore - Maryland USA
The Walters Art Museum announces today the planned gift by Robert E. Meyerhoff of 21 works of art depicting flowers
assembled by his late wife, Jane B. Meyerhoff. This collection includes a selection of watercolors, pastels and drawings by
artists such as Delacroix, Cézanne, Schiele, Mondrian, Matisse, Klee, Stella, Dalí and Magritte.
+ info:
Judge rules that 3,200-year-old mummy mask can stay at the Saint Louis Art
Museum - Saint Louis - Missouri - USA
A St. Louis museum can keep hold of a 3,200-year-old mummy's mask, a federal judge has
ruled, saying the U.S. government failed to prove that the Egyptian relic was ever stolen.
Prosecutors said the funeral mask of Lady Ka-Nefer-Nefer went missing from the Egyptian
Museum in Cairo about 40 years ago and that it should be returned to its country of origin.
+ info:
Two Flown-in-Space IMAX Cameras Donated - Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum - Washington D.C.
Two IMAX cameras that flew aboard the space shuttle became part of the Smithsonian collection today. From 1984 to
1998, two-dimensional IMAX cameras accompanied astronauts on 17 space shuttle missions. These 70-mm large-format
cameras, operated by astronauts, captured visually stunning views of Earth from space and offered an up-close look at
what it is like to live and work in a weightless environment.
+ info:
Un museo, una piazza. L'Aquila rinasce con la cultura - L'Aquila - Italy
A tre anni dal terremoto che ha colpito l’Aquila abbiamo deciso di fare due chiacchiere con una
giovane curatrice aquilana, Martina Sconci, per cercare di capire quale è in questo momento lo
stato della cultura in una città che è stata terribilmente colpita e lacerata nella sua totalità, ma
che tuttavia cerca di reagire anche attraverso la ricostruzione di nuovi spazi di aggregazione
come può essere un museo.
+ info:
Beaty Biodiversity Center and Aquatic Ecosystems Research Laboratory /
Patkau Architects - 2002 - 2009 - University of British Columbia - Vancouver British Columbia - Canada
The Beaty Biodiversity Center comprises a natural history museum, a large natural
history collection, research laboratories and offices with related meeting and support
spaces. This 11,500 square meter facility is organized around three sides of the
courtyard space, with the Beaty Biodiversity Museum occupying the west side along
Main Mall.
+ info:
Common approaches to the regional travelling exhibit: Imagining the Balkans
The report presenting the results of the meeting “Imagining the Balkans - History, Memory and
Dialogue in South East Europe” (March 2012, Ljubljana) is now released. The event gathered
museum directors and experts from the region, senior representatives from European
museums, professional organizations and academic networks of research to discuss concrete
plans and ideas for the structuring and organization of a travelling exhibit, tentatively entitled
“Imagining the Balkans”.
This regional exhibit is to be considered as a flagship regional project of the UNESCO “Culture:
a bridge to development” initiative launched by the Director-General of UNESCO.
+ info:
common_approaches_to_the_regional_travelling_exhibit_imagining_the_balkans/ (7 de 14) [02/05/2012 13:40:32]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
VIDEO - Cardiff University Conservation Tour - Cardiff (United Kingdom)
The course aims to provide research skills, transferable skills and specialist knowledge.
The course is modular and has a common study structure with the MSc in Care of
Collections and MA in Archaeology - all students unertake a taught element followed by
a dissertation.
The Course offers knowledge and expertise for a career in professional conservation
practice, conservation science or research.
+ info:
Google Art Project alcanza ya a 151 museos y colecciones de 40 países
Más de 30.000 obras de arte de 151 museos de 40 países, entre ellos España, México,
Argentina, Colombia y Perú, serán accesibles a partir de ahora por internet dentro del
programa "Art Project", que hoy presentó Google en el Museo de Orsay de París.
La gran novedad de esta segunda versión de Art Project es que optimiza la consulta, la
riqueza y diversidad de las obras presentadas respecto a su primera versión, creada con
un millar de obras de 17 museos, de nueve países, resaltó el director de la iniciativa,
Amit Sood.
+ info:
Hadrian's Wall - The museum at Housesteads Roman Fort has been transformed - Hexham - United Kingdom
The museum at Housesteads Roman Fort has been transformed. Visit the new exhibition which explores life on the edge of
the Roman Empire. See what it was really like to live on this hilltop fortress of Vercovicium, the Roman name for
Housesteads which means 'place of the effective fighters'.
+ info:
Philadelphia's Franklin Institute breaks ground on Nicholas and Athena Karabots Pavilion - Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania (USA)
The Franklin Institute today will officially break ground on an ambitious new state-of-the-art building addition, the first
major expansion project for the museum in more than two decades. The 53,000 square foot Nicholas and Athena Karabots
Pavilion will host a uttingedge new core exhibit entitled Your Brain, an expanded education center with integrated learning
technologies, a modern conference center, and a climate-controlled traveling exhibition gallery. The addition is named in
grateful recognition of the leadership and generosity of Nicholas and Athena Karabots, whose $10 million transformative
gift marks the largest individual contribution ever to the science museum.
+ info:
Building the Revolution: Soviet Art and Architecture 1915-1935 opens at MartinGropius-Bau - Berlin - Germany
The Exhibition “Architects of Revolution” sheds light on an area of the Soviet avant-garde
that has remained relatively unknown in Europe and beyond: architecture. Even in Russia
and the other successor states of the former Soviet Union the names of most of the
architects have been largely forgotten. Their structures have not become part of the
collective cultural memory to the extent that the “New Building” movement in the West has.
+ info:
Conference - Museums and the Web 2012 (MW2012)
11 abril - 14 abril 2012 San Diego, California. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Museums and the Web LLC
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Conference: House Museums. The Owners and their art collections. Comparing experiences
18 abril - 20 abril 2012 Perugia. Italia
Organizadores: The Uguccione Ranieri di Sorbello Foundation
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Jean Cocteau Museum / Rudy Ricciotti - 2006 - Menton - France
Selected in 2008 as the winning design from an international field of entries in a competition
launched by the town Menton in 2007, the architectural project of Rudy Ricciotti, the 2006
winner of France’s Gran Prix National d’Architecture, covers a total area of 2,700 sqm able
to house all of the works donated by Severin Wunderman.
+ info:
'Unlock the Stories': New exhibition opened at Carlisle Castle, bringing to life the
stories of the castle's most famous inhabitants - Carlisle - United Kingdom
The new exhibition is now open at Carlisle Castle, bringing to life the stories of the castle's most (8 de 14) [02/05/2012 13:40:32]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
famous inhabitants, from Mary Queen of Scots to Bonnie Prince Charlie.
+ info:
Princeton University Art Museum Debuts First Mobile App - Princeton - New Jersey - USA
The Princeton University Art Museum announces the debut of its first mobile web application, Princeton and
the Gothic Revival, a multimedia exploration of Princeton’s Gothic Revival architecture—the campus’s defining
visual language—through text, audio, and images. The mobile app is accessible from any iPhone, iPod touch,
or Android device.
+ info:
Lanyang Museum / Artech Architects - 2010 - Yilan County - Taiwan - China
Taking forms from the cuesta rock formation in and around the site, the museum spaces
shift in and out of the “rock”. This museum is adjacent to the Wushih Port, a once
prosperous harbor that is now a wetland. The museum is designed to reflect the unique
history, the culture, and the landscape in Lanyang. In addition to reconstructing the
harbor’s history, the museum also introduces Yilan’s rich wetland ecology as a part of an
outdoor exhibition.
+ info:
Survey - Museums in South Africa and Africa - Albany Museum - South Africa
In this survey, you will be asked to complete a survey that asks questions about your museum. It will take approximately
ten minutes to complete the questionnaire.I am sure you will agree with me that this is a worthwhile exercise.
+ info:
Georgia's Culture Ministry announces Josef Stalin museum being remodeled to
focus on his atrocities - Georgia
A museum that has honored Josef Stalin in Georgia since 1937 is being remodeled to exhibit
the atrocities that were committed during the Soviet dictator's rule. Stalin was born Josef
Dzhugashvili in the central Georgian town of Gori in 1879, and the museum opened here in
1937, at the height of purges that were later dubbed the Great Terror. The gigantic museum
includes the house where Stalin was born and some 47,000 exhibits, including his personal
belongings and death masks.
+ info:
The Future of the Past: Memory, History and Cultural Heritage in the 21st Century
27 abril 2012 Oxford. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies
Contacto: Dr Christina Kuhn ([email protected] ) or
Dr Annika Kuhn ([email protected] ).
+ info:
Documents discovered by museum curator reveal Catalina Island`s earliest history
- California - USA
He was a colorful character whose research into many of North America’s earliest human
settlements was both groundbreaking and highly controversial. Which made all the more
remarkable the announcement this past week that a large cache of original papers and
photographs had been discovered documenting the earliest excavations of Catalina Island by
the amateur archaeologist Ralph Glidden. Details of the discovery were first reported in a
front-page article published in the Los Angeles Times.
+ info:
Park & Agricultural Heritage Museum / Vamvakidis Simos, Tzortzis
Antonis, Zapantiotis Fotis - 2012. Limassol (Cyprus)
Vamvakidis Simos, Tzortzis Antonis, and Zapantiotis Fotis shared with us their
proposal for the Park & Agricultural Heritage Museum in the Eptagonia community
of Limassol, Cyprus. The individual volumes of the museum follow the gentle slope
of the existing terrain, creating an “organic” connection to the landscape while
creating individual passes and plateaus that are interconnected, in a composition
close to the human scale and built context of the village.
The lot #686 that hosts the existing cultural center of Eptagonia is today characterized by a sharp elevation of about five
meters with the new lot, #677. The stone wall that surrounds it, retains only a portion of the slope at the base of the hill,
and stresses the strict demarcation between the two properties. As a symbolic gesture, the perimeter wall was broken
down into smaller fragments or “debris” which slide within the surrounding space. The fragments now become stone walls
and yards – a reference to traditional stone walls – while holding the soil and organizing the whole park area… (9 de 14) [02/05/2012 13:40:32]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
+ info:
Tuscany Civil Service Project : "Museum Angels"
Deadline for Applications: 27 April 2012. Italia
Organizadores: La Fondazione Musei Senesi
Contacto: [email protected], [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 27 abr 2012
+ info:
Exhibition - Impressionism from Monet to Matisse - Columbia Museum of Art
25 enero - 21 abril 2012 Columbia, South Carolina. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Columbia Museum of Art
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition - Lizards and Snakes - Denver Museum of Nature & Science
03 febrero - 08 julio 2012 Denver, Colorado. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Denver Museum of Nature & Science
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition - Area 51: Myth or Reality - National Atomic Testing Museum
01 marzo 2012 - 01 septiembre 2013 Las Vegas, Nevada. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: National Atomic Testing Museum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition - Metamorphosis of Japan after the War - Photography 1945 - 1964 - Photography Museum
09 marzo - 17 junio 2012 Berlin. Alemania
Organizadores: National Museums in Berlin, kindly supported by the Japanese-German Center Berlin
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition - Byzantium and Islam Age of Transition - The Metropolitan Museum of Art
14 marzo - 08 julio 2012 New York City, New York State. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition - Posada to Alÿs - Mexican Art from 1900 to the present - Kunsthaus Zürich
16 marzo - 20 mayo 2012 Zürich. Suiza
Organizadores: Kunsthaus Zürich, ArtEDU Foundation and the Honorary Consulate of Mexico
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition - About The Record: Contemporary Art and Vinyl - Miami Art Museum
18 marzo - 10 junio 2012 Miami, Florida. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition - Our Louisiana - Celebrating 200 years of Statehood - Louisiana Styate Museum
20 marzo 2012 - 01 marzo 2013 Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Louisiana Styate Museum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exposición - Dutch Flowers - The Rijksmuseum at Schiphol Airport
21 marzo - 25 junio 2012 Amsterdan. Países Bajos
Organizadores: The Rijksmuseum at Schiphol Airport
+ info:
Exhibition - Beauté animale - Grand Palais
21 marzo - 16 julio 2012 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Grand Palais (10 de 14) [02/05/2012 13:40:32]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
+ info:
Exhibition - 39 Trails: Research in the Peruvian Amazon - Spencer Museum of Art & University of Kansas
Biodiversity Institute
24 marzo - 22 julio 2012 Lawrence, Kansas. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Spencer Museum of Art & University of Kansas Biodiversity Institute
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition - The Academy at 200: The Nature of Discovery - The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel
24 marzo 2012 - 01 marzo 2013 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exposición - Del Greco a Goya: obras maestras del Museo del Prado - Museo de Arte de Ponce
25 marzo - 09 julio 2012 Ponce, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Museo de Arte de Ponce
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition - Renaissance Drawings from Germany and Switzerland, 1470-1600 - The J. Paul Getty Museum
27 marzo - 17 junio 2012 Los Angeles, California. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The J. Paul Getty Museum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition - The Falklands War - Imperial War Museums
28 marzo 2012 - 31 julio 2014 Londres. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: Imperial War Museums
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition - Brains: The mind as matter -- Wellcome Collection
29 marzo - 17 junio 2012 Londres. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: Wellcome Collection
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition - Saint Anne, Leonardo da Vinci’s ultimate masterpiece - Musée du Louvre
29 marzo - 25 junio 2012 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Musée du Louvre
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exposición - Paraísos y paisajes en la Colección Carmen Thyssen. De Brueghel a Gauguin - Museo Carmen
31 marzo - 07 octubre 2012 Málaga, Andalucia. España
Organizadores: Museo Carmen Thyssen
+ info:
Exhibition - Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition - Henry Ford Museum
31 marzo - 30 septiembre 2012 Dearborn, Michigan. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Henry Ford Museum
+ info:
Exhibition - Dürer and Beyond: Central European Drawings in The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1400-1700 The Metropolitan Museum of Art
03 abril - 03 septiembre 2012 New York City, New York State. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition - Titian's First Masterpiece: The Flight into Egypt - The National Gallery of London
04 abril - 19 agosto 2012 Londres. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: The National Gallery of London
Contacto: [email protected] (11 de 14) [02/05/2012 13:40:32]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
+ info:
Exhibition - Un exceptionnel ensemble d'orfèvrerie Renaissance découvert en Lorraine - Musée de la
04 abril - 02 julio 2012 Château d'Ecouen. Francia
Organizadores: Musée National de la Renaissance
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition - In the Still Epiphany - The Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts
05 abril - 27 octubre 2012 St. Louis, Missouri. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition - Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano (1459-1517), Maître de la Renaissance vénitienne
05 abril - 15 julio 2012 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Palais du Luxembourg
+ info:
Exposition - The Belles Heures of Jean de France, Duc de Berry - Le Louvre
05 abril - 25 junio 2012 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Le Louvre
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Agenda - Exhibition - What is a Photograph? - New Orleans Museum of Art (NOMA)
20 abril - 19 agosto 2012 New Orleans, Louisiana. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: New Orleans Museum of Art (NOMA)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
I Congreso REMAI (Red Europea de Museos de Arte Islamico)
25 abril - 27 abril 2012 Granada. España
Organizadores: El Patronato de la Alhambra y Generalife, en colaboración con el Museo del Louvre y el Victoria and Albert
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Peacetime loan of former war booty: Maritime masterpiece temporarily returned to England after 350 years by
the Rijksmuseum (The Netherlands)
27 abril 2012 London. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: National Maritime Museum
+ info:
Conference - Copying, Replicating & Emulating Paintings in the 15th-18th Century
21 mayo - 22 mayo 2012 Copenhagen. Dinamarca
Organizadores: Statens Museum for Kunst. National Gallery of Denmark
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 1 may 2012
+ info:
Colloque international sur " L'invention de la « RACE » Université de Lausanne, Suisse
24 mayo - 25 mayo 2012 Lausanne. Suiza
Organizadores: Institut des sciences du sport, Faculté des Sciences Sociales et Politiques de l'Université de Lausanne
Contacto: Nicolas Bancel - [email protected]
+ info:
Exploring Australia's indigenous watercraft conference
30 mayo - 01 junio 2012 Sydney, New South Wales. Australia
Organizadores: Australian National Maritime Museum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Veterans Heritage Workshops on conservation and cataloguing
30 mayo 2012 Melbourne, Victoria. Australia
Organizadores: State Government of Victoria (12 de 14) [02/05/2012 13:40:32]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
Contacto: Marina Larsson - [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 21 may 2012
+ info:
Exhibition - Fit Bodies: Athletes and Power - Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology - University College
London (UCL)
01 junio - 15 septiembre 2012 Londres. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology and University College London (UCL)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Communicating The Museum 2012
27 junio - 29 junio 2012 New York City, New York State. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Communicating the Museum Platform
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition - Now Boarding - Fentress Airports and The Architecture of Flight - Denver Art Museum
15 julio - 07 octubre 2012 Denver, Colorado. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Denver Art Museum
+ info:
The Inclusive Museum 2012 Conference
02 agosto - 05 agosto 2012 Cave Hill. Barbados
Organizadores: University of the West Indies
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Appel à contribution - Journées d'études de l'Association des Conservateurs des Antiquités et Objets d'Art de
France-Regards sur les tableaux religieux XVIIème au XIXème siècle
27 septiembre - 29 septiembre 2012 Caen, calvados. Francia
Organizadores: l’Association des Conservateurs des Antiquités et Objets d’Art de France
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 27 abr 2012
+ info:
Exhibition - Inventing the Modern World: Decorative Arts at the World's Fairs, 1851-1939 - Carnegie Museum
of Art
13 octubre 2012 - 24 febrero 2013 Pittsbugh, Pennsylvania. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Jason T. Busch, curatorial chair for collections and Alan G. and Jane A. Lehman Curator of Decorative Arts
and Design, Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, and Catherine L. Futter, Helen Jane and R. Hugh “Pat” Uhlmann Curator
of Decorative Arts, The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City
+ info:
Llamada de ponencias - VIII Congreso "El futuro de los proyectos patrimoniales y museísticos: innovaciones
en tiempos de crisis"
18 octubre - 19 octubre 2012 Donostia-San Sebastián. España
Organizadores: Universidad del País Vasco, Museo Romano OIASSO, Laboratoire d'histoire et de patrimoine de Montréal
UQAM et l'Université Lumière Lyon 2
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 may 2012
+ info:
Conferencia anual del ICOM (Consejo Internacional de Museos) y el Comité de Educación y Acciones Culturales
20 octubre - 25 octubre 2012 Ereván. Armenia
Organizadores: ICOM por el Comité Nacional de Armenia
Contacto: [email protected], [email protected]
+ info:
Publicaciones (13 de 14) [02/05/2012 13:40:32]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
Journal of the Inclusive Museum
ISSN: 1835-2014
Editors: Amareswar Galla, International Institute for the Inclusive Museum & Bill Cope, University of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign, USA.
The International Journal of the Inclusive Museum addresses the key question: In this time of fundamental social change,
what is the role of the museum, both as a creature of that change, and perhaps also as an agent of change? The journal
brings together academics, curators, museum and public administrators, cultural policy makers and research students to
engage in discussions about the historic character and future shape of the museum. The key question of the Journal is:
How can the institution of the museum become more inclusive?
The International Journal of the Inclusive Museum is peer-reviewed, supported by rigorous processes of criterionreferenced article ranking and qualitative commentary, ensuring that only intellectual work of the greatest substance and
highest significance is published.
+ info:
Vietnam Museum of Ethnology: The Making of a National Museum for Communities
Author: Nguyen Van Huy
ISBN: 978-1863357272
Publisher: Common Ground Publishing (December 2010)
For more than a decade (1995-2006), the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology has undertaken many
journeys: journeys to bring relevant ethnographic objects to the museum; journeys to reach the
opening of the museum's permanent exhibition in its new structure-itself shaped like a traditional
bronze drum-journeys to prepare temporary exhibitions; journeys to seek out and erect houses of
different ethnic groups in the museum's outdoor exhibition; journeys to learn about and present craft demonstrations and
performances; journeys to implement educational programs for children; and journeys to introduce multimedia into
museum activities. Each journey-creative and educational-has provided opportunities for us to learn about how the people
in our country have adapted to changing conditions…
+ info:
Intervención num. 3 (Enero - Junio 2011) Escuela Nacional de Conservación, Restauración y
Museografía de México
Editor: Instituto Nacional de Arqueología e Historia
Año: 2011
El consejo editorial de ‘Intervención’ cuenta hoy con nuevos miembros y una política de trabajo
plenamente integrada a la estructura de publicaciones del INAH. Agradecemos a todos los que colaboran
en este empeño, en espera de que los resultados manifiesten la optimización a la que estamos
cabalmente comprometidos. Creemos que este sentido de renovación seguirá haciendo que la revista sea
transcendente y necesaria en la actualidad. Si bien la aproximación al patrimonio cultural ha cambiado mucho desde
aquella narración de ‘Nabonidus’, en el siglo V, esa profundidad histórica en continua reformulación yace aún en la lógica
de trabajo colectivo que busca, en el presente, la permanencia. Ésa es la esencia y razón de ser de esta publicación.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (14 de 14) [02/05/2012 13:40:32]
Patrimonio Natural y Medio ambiente
Patrimonio Natural y Medio ambiente
Un Mundo de Ciencia - Boletín del Sector de Ciencias de la UNESCO Vol 10 n°1 (enero-marzo
La onda de choque provocada por la incapacidad para frenar la disminución de la biodiversidad antes de
2010 muy bien podría revelarse saludable. El fracaso de alcanzar este objetivo ha suscitado en la
comunidad internacional un sentimiento de urgencia que ha favorecido la adopción en octubre de 2010
del Tratado de Nagoya sobre la Biodiversidad. Nuestros lectores recordarán seguramente que el tratado
fija objetivos ambiciosos para 2020, como el de reducir a la mitad la pérdida de hábitat e incrementar las
reservas naturales del 12 al 17% del área terrestre del mundo y de 1 a 10% las áreas costeras y marinas
+ info:
Google Maps Amazonia
+ info:
PRIZES - Kenyan and Nepalese environmental organizations win UNESCO-IPDC Prize for Rural Communication
Two organizations that help rural communities improve their lives and take part in public debate - one in East Africa, the
other in Nepal - will be awarded the Prize for Rural Communication of the International Programme for the Development of
Communication (IPDC) at UNESCO Headquarters on 24 March (5 p.m.).
The Nairobi-based Arid Lands Information Network (ALIN) brings practical information and civic education to communities
living in the arid parts of East Africa through 12 community-based Maarifa (i.e. knowledge) centres in Kenya, Tanzania and
+ info:
Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area - The largest natural reserve
in Africa - Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe
The Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA TFCA) was officially
launched yesterday, 15th March 2012 in the Namibian town of Katima Mulilo. During the
event, attended by various stakeholders, the KAZA TFCA partner states reaffirmed their
commitment to regional economic integration through sustainable management of
transboundary natural resources and tourism development.
+ info:
Deux conventions signées entre les Parcs nationaux de France (PNF), la
Fédération des Parcs naturels régionaux de France (FPNR) et l'Association
nationale pour la protection du ciel et de l'environnement nocturne (ANPCEN)
- France
A l'occasion du séminaire du 17 février 2012 organisé par Parcs nationaux de France à
l'IEP d'Aix en Provence, Anne-Marie Ducroux, présidente de l'ANCPEN, et Jean-Pierre
Giran, président de Parcs nationaux de France, ont signé une convention de partenariat.
Son objectif est de définir des perspectives d’échanges et d’actions communes pour
l’information, la sensibilisation et la prise en compte des différents effets de la lumière artificielle sur l’environnement
nocturne au sein des parcs nationaux. (1 de 6) [02/05/2012 13:40:36]
Patrimonio Natural y Medio ambiente
+ info:
KML File of World Heritage Sites compiled by IUCN and WCMC - World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA)
IUCN and UNEP-WCMC have compiled a KML layer with key information on the natural and mixed World Heritage sites that
were inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List as of 1 January 2012. The information comes from the latest version of
the World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA). The WDPA is a joint project of the United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP) and IUCN, maintained at the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre working with the IUCN World
Commission on Protected Areas, governments and collaborating non-governmental organisations…
+ info:
Dos Sitios Ramsar para el Día Mundial de los Humedales en la región francesa de Aquitania
El Día Mundial de los Humedales se conmemoró en la región francesa de Aquitania, una de las más activas en la
celebración de este día, con el impresionante número de 81 eventos distintos (entre exposiciones, seminarios, visitas sobre
el terreno, excursiones de descubrimiento, conferencias, proyecciones de vídeo, etc., véase
jmzh2012aquitaine.html), durante la semana del 28 de enero al 5 de febrero de 2012. Se trata de un logro significativo
para una región que hasta hace poco no tenía designado ningún humedal en la Lista de Ramsar. Pero el DMH de 2012
brindó a esta región la oportunidad de resarcirse con la designación de dos nuevos Sitios Ramsar: Marais d'Orx en el País
Vasco francés y la zona del delta del río Leyre en Bassin d'Arcachon, una bahía con intensa actividad de mareas situada en
la costa atlántica cerca de Burdeos.
+ info:
Dynamic Dinaric project kicks off - Europarc Consulting
Could the Western Balkans become the Costa Rica of Europe? After all, Costa Rica is considered by many to be one of the
most successful examples of sustainable tourism. Could the protected areas in this region do the same in Europe for
visitors to enjoy the rich biodiversity without the need for long flights? Some participants at the Belgrade kick-off meeting
of an exciting new project for EUROPARC Consulting certainly thought so.
The string of natural jewels known as the Dinaric Arc Parks stretches through Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia,
Kosovo under UNSCR 1244, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia.
+ info:
Décret de création du Parc naturel régional des Préalpes Côte d'Azur - France
+ info:
Volunteer management in European Parks - Europarc
Protected areas need their local communities and stakeholders to get more involved in their management. Volunteering is
a great way to do this. This project provides an invaluable opportunity to advance existing approaches to Lifelong Learning
through conservation volunteering at a European level and to find means of consolidating these as integrative parts of
protected areas' volunteer management.
The level of volunteer management in European park, varies depending on countries and parks. Therefore, the project
partners intend to disseminate innovation and good practice in the field of vm and collectively develop innovative measures
that upgrade learning opportunities in the context of volunteering.
+ info:
Wilderness on Europe agenda with PAN Parks - Conference 'Protecting Wilderness in Europe' Brussels (Belgium)
There are many opportunities for national governments, the European Commission and businesses to
enhance the protection of Europe’s wilderness. Participants of the recent policy conference organised by PAN
Parks Foundation and Wild Europe Initiative in Brussels assessed what had been achieved so far and
provided suggestions for policy development actions to ensure preservation of untouched natural areas for
future generations.
+ info:
Summary about a seminar - Protected areas as part of green infrastructure - EUROPARC Nordic-Baltic Section
- Lääne County - Estonia (6-8 March 2012)
Welcoming words of the seminar were made by the Nordic-Baltic section president Kaja Lotman, who thanked the previous
section president Thomas Hansson with an Estonian honeypot. Leelo Kukk, deputy director general of Keskkonnaamet /
Estonian Environmental Board confirmed that the presidency status is very important for Estonia and assured that we will
do our best to achieve the objectives of the section…
+ info:
Time to re-boot: Towards a new environmentalism
In the build-up to the IUCN Congress, a landmark event for conservation, Dr Joe Zammit-Lucia argues
that the environmental community needs to re-think its approach.
"Faith in ‘business as usual’ to deliver the changes needed owes more to the hopes of those favoured
by the current status quo (and fearful of the costs of any change of direction) than to a coherent
This quote from a 2008 IUCN Report was directed at those responsible for making policy decisions. It
is time we also directed these words to ourselves - how we define environmentalism, what we are (2 de 6) [02/05/2012 13:40:36]
Patrimonio Natural y Medio ambiente
about and how we hope to achieve positive change.
+ info:
Nature for all : The common denominator between us
Natural resources contribute 25-30% of many rural and coastal peoples’ household income in low
and middle income countries. But governments tend to keep authority over natural resources and
often exclude or heavily regulate local control. The direct result is that nature’s benefits are not
fairly shared and natural resources are often poorly managed. In some cases, notably the high seas,
there is the opposite challenge, with little, if any control over the management of these resources.
+ info:
COMPETITIONS - Volvo Adventure Competition - Young People bringing
Environment to Life - Opening 1 July 2012. Deadline 31 January 2013
The Volvo Adventure - in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme is an educational programme that rewards environmental activities and the decisionmakers of the future. To enter, you form a team of 2 to 5 members aged 13 to 16 (at
competition opening - July 1st 2012). Perform an environmental project in your local
community & submit the project via our online submission tool before the competition
deadline, January 31st 2013.
Projects are judged and the best projects are selected for an all expenses paid trip to Göteborg, Sweden where they can
win: 1st place = 10,000 USD, 2nd = 6,000 USD and 3rd = 4,000 USD.
+ info:
Droit de l’environnement et information en matière environnementale - Université virtuelle Environnement et
Développement Durable (UVED) - Université de Montpellier 1 - France
Le module de formation « Droit de l’environnement et information en matière environnementale », porté par l’Université
Montpellier 1 et financé par l’Université Virtuelle Environnement & Développement durable vise à faire connaître les
grandes lignes du droit de l’environnement. Il vise aussi à encourager les acteurs publics et privés à prendre en compte et
éventuellement mettre en œuvre les diverses modalités d’exercice des droits à l’information environnementale aussi bien
sur le fondement de la législation française que sur celui des règles européennes et internationales.
+ info:
Enforcement chiefs at INTERPOL-UNEP inaugural meeting design blueprint for
environmental security - Lyon (France)
National leaders of environmental, biodiversity and natural resources agencies, and
departments with law enforcement responsibility, have gathered for the first time to design
a global compliance and enforcement strategy to address environmental security.
Hosted by INTERPOL and co-organized with the United Nations Environment Programme
(UNEP), the three-day (27-29 March) International Chiefs of Environmental Compliance and
Enforcement summit focused on key environmental crime issues such as fisheries, forestry,
pollution and wildlife crime, as well as violence, money laundering and tax evasion, all of which exact untold costs on the
environment and citizens.
+ info:
Kyiv Urban Wildlife Park / Katya Larina, Yevgeniya Pozigun, Irina Klixbull,
Roman Pomazan - Ukraine
The proposal for the Kyiv Urban Wildlife Park by Katya Larina, Yevgeniya Pozigun,
Irina Klixbull, and Roman Pomazan responds to what the place means for the
thousands of people who cross the area which is nestled between two fast
developing banks. Therefore, the design becomes a development of a decisionmaking instrument which is intended to guide the future development of Kyiv
+ info:
Radio-Canada a lancé jeudi matin sa nouvelle chaîne spécialisée sur l'environnement, la santé, la faune et les
plus récentes nouvelles scientifiques, Explora (Canada)
Plongez dans les mondes fascinants de la santé, l’environnement, la nature et la science. Avec ses images spectaculaires
en haute définition, ses séries captivantes et ses documentaires étonnants, Explora prouve que l’on n’est jamais trop
+ info:
Cost to pack California state park artifacts will cut savings - California - USA
Shuttering dozens of California state parks to trim millions from the state budget will take more than simply hanging a
"Closed" sign on trailheads and beach parking lots. Many on the closure list house thousands of historical treasures that
must be packed up, catalogued and stored if deals are not reached to save them. The tens of thousands of items on public
display paint a rich portrait of California's past. Among them are rare crystalline gold nuggets at the California Mining and
Minerals Museum in Mariposa, painting masterworks showing early 20th century San Francisco street scenes and coastal
landscapes at Shasta State Historical Park, and the writer Jack London's home and writing memorabilia in Sonoma County. (3 de 6) [02/05/2012 13:40:36]
Patrimonio Natural y Medio ambiente
+ info:
Identifying Cinderella species: uncovering mammals with conservation flagship appeal
By Robert J. Smith, Diogo Veríssimo, Nicholas J.B. Isaac, Kate E. Jones
International conservation NGOs rely on flagship species campaigns for fundraising but this approach has been criticized
for benefiting a limited number of species. However, this criticism assumes these campaigns do not fundraise for broader
issues and that alternative species with similar appeal to the target audience exist. We investigated this by: recording the
use of threatened mammal species in international NGO flagship campaigns, and; using these data to identify “Cinderella
species,” which we define as aesthetically appealing but currently overlooked species. We found these NGOs only used 80
flagship species and that 61% of their campaigns only raised funds for the species itself. We also found these existing
flagships are generally large and have forward-facing eyes and that there are 183 other threatened species with similar
traits. Thus, the current approach is overly limited but NGOs could overcome this by adopting some of these Cinderella
species as new flagships.
+ info:
Tercer seminario anual de Europarc en Siggen
20 mayo - 23 mayo 2012 Siggen. Alemania
Organizadores: Federación EUROPARC
Contacto: Julia Schönhärl - [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 abr 2012
+ info:
Participa en el Día Europeo de los Parques
24 mayo 2012 -Organizadores: Federación EUROPARC
Contacto: Julia Schönhärl - [email protected]
+ info:
TransParcNet Meeting 2012 - Tri-Lateral Transboundary Area
11 junio - 14 junio 2012 Inari-Vätsäri Wilderness Area (Finland) Øvre-Pasvik National Park (Norway) Pasvik Zapovednik
(Russian Federation). -Organizadores: Metsähallitus, Natural Heritage Services with input from Russian and Norwegian colleagues.
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Junior Ranger Camp - EUROPARC
Triglav National Park (Slovenia) and Prealpi Giulie Natural Park (Italy)
21 julio - 28 julio 2012 -Organizadores: Europarc federation
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Training program for integrated Lake Ecosystem Conservation and sustainable use of Xochimilco's "chinampa"
agricultural production system
01 septiembre - 02 septiembre 2012 Xichimilco. México
Organizadores: WHC in cooperation with the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Congreso Mundial de la Naturaleza de la UICN 2012
06 septiembre - 15 septiembre 2012 Jeju. República de Corea
Organizadores: Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EUROPARC Conference - Kempen and Maasland Regional Landscape
22 octubre - 25 octubre 2012 Genk. Bélgica
Organizadores: EUROPARC Federation
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Appel à communications - 50 ans après la publication par René Dumont de « L'Afrique noire est mal partie !
» : Quel Bilan, quelles leçons, quels espoirs
15 noviembre - 16 noviembre 2012 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: La Fondation René Dumon (4 de 6) [02/05/2012 13:40:36]
Patrimonio Natural y Medio ambiente
Contacto: Marc Dufumier - [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 1 jul 2012
+ info:
Llamada de ponencias: Concepciones del patrimonio
19 noviembre - 20 noviembre 2012 Saint Etienne. Francia
Organizadores: Centre Max Weber, Université Jean-Monnet Saint-Étienne; Canada Research Chair on Urban Heritage,
Université du Québec à Montréal in conjunction with the Groupe PARVI, the Canadian Forum for Public Research on
Heritage, the Université Jean Monnet Saint- Étienne, and the Centre Jacques Cartier.
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 abr 2012
+ info:
d'INTERET COMMUNAUTAIRE : Méthode d'évaluation à l'échelle du site Natura 2000 - France
Rapport d'étude. Version 1 – Février 2012. Rapport SPN 2012-21
Ce premier document résume la démarche scientifique qui a conduit à l'élaboration de la méthode pour
évaluer l'état de conservation des habitats agropastoraux, illustrés ici par les pelouses calcicoles et prairies
de fauche. Cette étude se base sur un ensemble de données récoltées sur le terrain. Grâce à des analyses
statistiques, le choix des indicateurs est éclairé à partir de l'étude de leur pertinence et de leur
redondance, Cette étude a abouti à une première version de la méthode, qui vise à être améliorée et à
évoluer grâce aux retours d'expérience des professionnels, à l'augmentation des données disponibles, mais également à
partir des avancées de la recherche en écologie de la conservation.
+ info:
Museum national d'histoire naturelle : Etat de conservation des habitats d'intérêt
communautaire des dunes non boisées du littoral atlantique - Méthode d'évaluation à l'échelle
du site Natural 2000 - France
Une méthode d’évaluation de l’état de conservation des habitats d’intérêt communautaire des dunes non
boisées du littoral atlantique a été mise en place en partenariat avec le MNHN, l’ONF et le CBN de Brest.
L’étude a porté sur trois habitats d’intérêt communautaire, les dunes embryonnaires atlantiques (UE2110),
les dunes mobiles à Ammophila arenaria subsp. arenaria des côtes atlantiques (UE 2120) ou dunes
blanches et les dunes côtières fixées à végétation herbacée des côtes atlantiques (UE 2130) ou dunes
grises. Une sélection d’une liste de critères et d’indicateurs a été retenue suite à l'analyse bibliographique et aux
discussions lors du comité de suivi. Ce rapport présente une première méthode validée est téléchargeable sur le site de
l’INPN, mais il reste des ajustements et recalibrage de certains indicateurs pour finaliser la méthode.
+ info:
Report Bio International!? - Marketing Potentials of Organic Products from UNESCO Biosphere
The production and marketing of organically produced food is an important contribution to environmental
conservation and sustainable development. An international workshop has been held on the ‘Potentials of
a joint marketing of organic products from UNESCO Biosphere Reserves’ from 4 to 7 October 2011 in the
biosphere reserve Niedersächsische Elbtalaue near Hamburg (Germany).
+ info:
January - December 2011
EUROPARC’s Annual Report 2011: As Europe´s largest protected area networking organisation, EUROPARC
Federation is proud to present its Annual Report 2011. The success of 2011 is guiding us into a new year
encouraged to work closely with our current and prospective members to further the protection of our
shared natural heritage.
+ info:
Papers from the special event "Impact of corruption on the environment and the United Nations Convention
against Corruption as a tool to address it" 4th Conference of States Parties - Marrakesh (Morocco) 26 October
This publication is destined for use not only by policy-makers, prosecution and law enforcement authorities and
practitioners, but also other stakeholders (civil society, non-governmental organizations, private sector and local
populations) that have an important role to play in the protection of the environment. It is hoped that readers will find
elements to deepen their interest in this area. It is intended that this publication will be followed by further research,
leading to concrete actions to be taken at the international, regional, national and local levels.
+ info:
Conservation Letters - Volume 5 - Issue 2 - April 2012
Edited By: Editor in Chief Richard M. Cowling, Editor in Chief Michael B. Mascia, Editor in Chief Hugh (5 de 6) [02/05/2012 13:40:36]
Patrimonio Natural y Medio ambiente
Possingham, Editor in Chief William J. Sutherland, Senior Editor Phillip Levin, Senior Editor Ashwini
Online ISSN: 1755-263X
The Society for Conservation Biology (SCB) is an international professional organization dedicated to
promoting the scientific study of the phenomena that affect the maintenance, loss, and restoration of
biological diversity. The Society's membership comprises a wide range of people interested in the
conservation and study of biological diversity: resource managers, educators, government and private conservation
workers, and students.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (6 de 6) [02/05/2012 13:40:36]
Investigación sobre física y química de materiales
Investigación sobre física y química de materiales
Des analyses montrent que la Vénus de Médicis était polychrome - Florence - Italie
De récentes analyses chimiques effectuées sur l’une des statues les plus célèbres au monde
démontrent que celle-ci présente des traces de polychromie.
Aujourd’hui d’un blanc immaculé, La Vénus de Médicis était autrefois peinte. Cheveux colorés à la
feuille d’or, lèvres rouge rubis, la statue devait représenter la déesse de l’Amour de façon très
réaliste, estime Fabrizio Paolucci, chef du département des antiquités classiques du Musée des
Dans le cadre d’une restauration de la sculpture, les chercheurs du Musée des Offices de Florence
(où est conservée l’œuvre) et des universités de Modène et de Reggio ont mis à jour des traces infimes de peinture et de
feuille d’or. Ils ont également découvert des trous dans les lobes des oreilles, indiquant que la statue portait des boucles
+ info:
Kroeller-Mueller Museum confirms through new X-Ray technique that still life is by
Vincent van Gogh - The Hague - The Netherlands
A new X-ray technique helped experts re-examine what they already knew about "Still life
with meadow flowers and roses" and draw on a growing pool of scholarly Van Gogh
research. A detailed X-ray of an underlying painting of two wrestlers and knowledge of the
painter's period at a Belgian art academy led a team of researchers to conclude that the
painting really is by Van Gogh.
+ info:
Symposium - Rembrandt or Not? Scientific Research on Art - Sakıp Sabancı Müzesi
12 abril - 13 abril 2012 Istanbul. Turquía
Organizadores: Sakıp Sabanci Museum, Conservation Department
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Conference: The Conservation of Material Culture in Tropical Climates - Silpakorn University
23 abril - 25 abril 2012 Nakornpathom. Tailandia
Organizadores: Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation (University of Melbourne, Australia) and Silpakorn University in
Thailand under the APTCCARN (Asia Pacific Twentieth Century Conservation Art Network)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Tests by Polish museum reveal aging of Leonardo da Vinci masterpiece "Lady with
an Ermine" - National Museum in Krakow - Poland
Bark beetles and old age have damaged Leonardo da Vinci's 15th-century painting "Lady
with an Ermine," but the masterpiece is still holding up well, a conservationist at the Polish
museum where it is displayed said Monday.
+ info: (1 de 3) [02/05/2012 13:40:39]
Investigación sobre física y química de materiales
Website - Book Damage Atlas. University of Tartu (Estonia)
The database of Early Estonian Prints and The Atlas of Book Damage have been compiled
in the framework of the ETF grant 8205 “Watermarks and the history of paper in Estonia
in the Early Modern period".
+ info:
Journées techniques ICOMOS: "les ciments naturels"
26 abril - 27 abril 2012 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: ICOMOS France
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Workshop - TechFocus II: Caring for Film and Slide Art - Hirshhorn Museum & Sculpture Garden
27 abril - 28 abril 2012 Hirshhorn Museum & Sculpture Garden, Washington D.C.. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The American Institute for Conservation (AAC), the Smithsonian Institution Archives and EMG
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Website - Closer to Van Eyck - Rediscovering the Ghent Altarpiece
The website Closer to Van Eyck: Rediscovering the Ghent Altarpiece presents the results from Lasting Support, An
Interdisciplinary Research Project to Assess the Structural Condition of the Ghent Altarpiece. This project ran from April
2010 through June 2011 and consisted of three main segments: an urgent conservation treatment, an assessment of the
current condition of the altarpiece, and a campaign of technical documentation. Its goal was to establish whether a full
restoration treatment of Van Eyck’s famous polyptych was necessary in the near future, which indeed turned out to be the
+ info:
Conference - The Third Dimension: 3rd European Student Conference on Objects Conservation 04 mayo - 05 mayo 2012 Vienna. Austria
Organizadores: Studio Building of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
07 mayo - 11 mayo 2012 Barcelona. España
Organizadores: Centro de Recursos Internacional por la Paz de Barcelona
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Conference - Copying, Replicating & Emulating Paintings in the 15th-18th Century
21 mayo - 22 mayo 2012 Copenhagen. Dinamarca
Organizadores: Statens Museum for Kunst. National Gallery of Denmark
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 1 may 2012
+ info:
ICCROM Course - Eighteenth International Course on Stone Conservation
10 abril - 28 junio 2013 Rome. Italia
Organizadores: ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property) and
Getty Conservation Institute (GCI), United States
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 24 ago 2012
+ info:
07 octubre - 10 octubre 2013 Amsterdam. Países Bajos
Organizadores: ICOM-CC Glass and Ceramics Working Group and Corpus Vitrearum-ICOMOS
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 12 jun 2012
+ info:
Publicaciones (2 de 3) [02/05/2012 13:40:39]
Investigación sobre física y química de materiales
E-conservation magazine Issue No. 23 - March 2012
Issue 23, March 2011
ISSN: 1646-9283
The objective of the magazine is to offer a wide range of relevant subjects to its readers. The magazine
will appear once every two months and will offer news, events, reviews, conference announcements,
scientific articles on the latest technology and research, dissemination of current projects, case studies,
international projects and many other subjects yet to come.
We accept for publication original articles (academic and non-academic), brief news, reviews and many
other texts.
For further details please consult our Publication Guidelines.
For any questions that you may have please contact us by sending an e-mail to: [email protected]
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Ir a arriba (3 de 3) [02/05/2012 13:40:39]
Restauración y técnicas de conservación
Restauración y técnicas de conservación
Hallado un fresco perdido de Leonardo da Vinci en Florencia
Según el profesor que ha dirigido la investigación, emergen nuevos indicios sobre el hallazgo
del fresco perdido de Leonardo da Vinci que podría estar en el muro oriental del Salón del
Cinquecento del Palazzo Vecchio, sede del Ayuntamiento de Florencia. El alcalde de la ciudad,
Matteo Renzi, ha mantenido un encuentro con el ministro de Cultura, Lorenzo Ornaghi, para
hablar de la búsqueda de la “Batalla de Anghiari”, en la que se ve a caballeros y caballos
luchando incansablemente por obtener el gonfalone o estandarte, símbolo de la ciudad de
Florencia. La batalla tuvo lugar en 1440 y en ella se enfrentaron el ejército del gobierno de
Milán y el del Estado de Florencia, que había firmado una alianza con el Papa Eugenio IV. Venció el estado de Florencia,
dirigido por Giampaolo Orsini y Micheletto Attendolo, y eso le valió controlar el centro de Italia. Se cree que una pintura de
Rubens en el Museo del Louvre, París, conocida como "La batalla del estandarte", es una copia de la pintura perdida de
+ info:
La restauration de « La Cène » de Léonard de Vinci réalisée en 1999
comporterait une erreur
Les restaurations de « La Cène » de Léonard de Vinci s’étaient achevées en 1999
après 20 ans de travaux. Le 13 mars 2012, le directeur d’ArtWatch, Michael Daley, a
annoncé avoir constaté que le restaurateur avait fait une erreur dans les repeints de la
figure du Christ.
Le différend peut sembler anecdotique. La maladresse de restauration relevée par
ArtWatch (« chien de garde » des restaurations d’art) tient à un détail : après les
repeints, la manche de la main droite du Christ repose sur la table, alors que les nombreuses copies de l’œuvre de Léonard
de Vinci montrent que la draperie de la manche retombe derrière la table.
+ info:
Sustainability Round-Up: Cool Projects Around the Globe Edition
There are so many great stories of how individuals, organizations, and cities in the U.S. have
been preserving, reusing, and retrofitting older buildings to better the economy, the
community, and the environment. From Seattle to Buffalo, the examples are endless. This
week, we want to go international and share how cities as diverse as Toronto, Sydney,
Buenos Aires, and London are transforming older and historic buildings into sustainable
community assets, and how individuals are envisioning the historic buildings of the future.
+ info:
Ambitious Vatican restoration of the statue-topped colonnade that cradles St.
Peter's Square moves ahead - Holy See
An ambitious project to clean the statue-topped colonnade that cradles St. Peter's Square is
likely to last at least three more years, the director of the Vatican restoration says. The work
on Gian Lorenzo Bernini's columns began in 2009, after some two years of preliminary
studies, and it is proceeding in sections so the square can still be used for Vatican events,
including papal appearances. (1 de 7) [02/05/2012 13:40:44]
Restauración y técnicas de conservación
+ info:
Renovation and Heightening in Margaretenstrase 9 / Josef Weichenberger Architects 2010 - 2012 - Vienna - Austria
Plans of the four new spacious apartments – one of them a maisonette – were developed from a
complex set of geometric reference grids, which were derived from the shape of the irregular 5street intersection of Operngasse and Margeretenstraße.
+ info:
David Chipperfield Architects selected to renovate the New National Gallery - Berlin - Germany
The Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation recently announced that the offices of the British architect David Chipperfield
have won the contract to plan the renovation of the New National Gallery at the Kulturforum. This famous building
designed by Mies van der Rohe will undergo comprehensive restoration, from the façade to the building services. The
building will be closed to the public during the construction work, which is planned to begin in early 2015 and will take just
under three years to complete…
+ info:
Fontevraud en obras: conjugar patrimonio y desarrollo sostenible - Val de Loire
Una campo de trabajo se abrió en la Abadía de Fontevraud durante estos últimos meses: la
creación de espacios de trabajo, el proyecto de renovación del hotel San - Lázaro, la
construcción de un polo energético… El objetivo del proyecto cultural es introducir usos y
formas contemporáneas en un lugar patrimonial multisecular. Un dispositivo de información
y de mediación permitirá a todos los visitantes comprender las diferentes fases de este
+ info:
Nuns from Kathmandu help restore 400-year-old Tibetan paintings - Museum of Fine
Arts. Boston, Massachussetts (USA) 6 March - 21 October 2012
Conservators from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston called upon the services of nuns from
Kathmandu, as well as Tibetan and Taiwanese specialists in silk brocades and Japanese fabricators
of gilt-bronze decorative ornaments for an ambitious, two-year project to restore a series of 400year-old thangkas or Tibetan paintings. The works, which depict the kings of the utopian realm of
Shambhala, also known as Shangri-la, form part of the exhibition “Seeking Shambhala” on view at
the museum until 21 October…
+ info:
FELLOWSHIPS - Call for applications - Grants for historic furnishings and artworks in churches, The Church of
England (United Kingdom) Deadlines: 23 March, 27 April, 24 May, 8 June and 31 August 2012
Grants are available to PCCs and Friends groups for the repair and conservation of objects of artistic/historical significance
in Anglican churches in England and in need of urgent repair.
All applications need to be supported by a detailed conservation report, which must be prepared following our guidance on
the preparation of conservation reports. We are also able to provide grants for reports and if you would like to be
considered for an initial grant for this work, please email us a copy of an estimate for the report and photographs of the
object(s) - [email protected]
Once you have obtained this report you can apply for an additional grant to support your conservation project.
We cannot support full costs and parishes are expected to contribute financially towards projects (please see the Major
Grant Givers and Grants for Object Conservation for information on other sources of funding).
+ info:
Rehabilitation Of The Antigua Alcoholera Extremeña / GAP
Arquitectos 2009 - Badajoz - Spain
The project of the Museum of the Wine in Almendralejo (Badajoz) poses and
assumes the duality that exists in the process of elaboration of the wine.
Science and art, system and chance, technical and inspiration are the
opposites that build, in a mysterious, magic, almost miraculous way, a fine
+ info:
City Hall Harelbeke / Dehullu Architects - 2010-2011 - Harelbeke - Belgium
Redevelopping the new site, a new entrance building was designed, centrally located
between two existing historically valuable buildings. The new entrance building links it’s
adjacent buildings. None of the floors of these neighbouring buildings were corresponding.
The challenge was to make all of the floors accessible for wheelchair users.
+ info: (2 de 7) [02/05/2012 13:40:44]
Restauración y técnicas de conservación
Rehabilitación de un edificio en Calçada do Lavra / Jorge Mealha - 2011 - Calçada do Lavra Lisboa - Portugal
El proyecto trata sobre la rehabilitación de un edificio antiguo, seguramente de finales del s. XIX pero
registrado en el año1906. Es una intervención con el coste controlado, propuesta por el propietario, la
Santa Casa de la Misericordia de Lisboa, para intentar recuperar este edificio que está en riesgo de
+ info:
Rehabilitation of Former Prison of Palencia as Cultural Civic Center / Exit Architects2011 - Palencia - Spain
The former Palencia Provincial Prison complex was created at the end of the XIX century, built
with brick bearing walls following the “neomudéjar” style, and composed mainly of four twostorey wings and some other with one storey. On this building was planned a comprehensive
refurbishment to transform the former use and convert it into a center that promotes the social
and cultural activity in this part of the town.
+ info:
Congreso: Patrimonio Cultural. Criterios de calidad en intervenciones
18 abril - 20 abril 2012 Madrid. España
Organizadores: Grupo Español del International Institute for Conservation (GEIIC). Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 may 2012
+ info:
Conserving Modern Architecture Initiative (CMAI) / The Getty Conservation
Institute (GCI)
Despite our appreciation for the buildings that came out of Modern Movement, conservation
methods are meeting new challenges in conserving these buildings that have not aged well
as they have reached their 50-year heritage protection eligibility. This is where the
Conserving Modern Architecture Initiative (CMAI) comes in. A “comprehensive, long-term,
and international program” that is part of the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI).
+ info:
Clara House / Inês Cortesão- 2008 - Vilar - Castro Daire - Portugal
Embraced by the village, a stone house with two floors is found at the end of an alley. The
intervention starts by removing all contents of the former inhabitants life experience there.
The base for this project is a stone box of gold granite, connected to a contiguous volume of
plastered brick, where the kitchen and the bathroom were built.
+ info:
Renovation for a Two Storey House / Studio GGA - 2012 - Jardim América District - Sao Paulo Brazil
Studio GGA was hired in July 2011 to develop a refurbishment project for a 140sqm house located in a
charming row house neighbor- hood of the Jardins district, in Sao Paulo. The house, built in the 1930s, was
disfigured by reforms made during the 1980s and 90s. The proposal was to recover the proportions of the
facade, to expand the ground floor, unifying dining area, kitchen and living room and to create a larger,
more contemplative, outside area with a small outhouse in the back divided between a playing room, for
the client’s daughters, a laundry and a restroom.
+ info:
20 abril 2012 Argentina
Organizadores: Centro Internacional para la Conservación del Patrimonio, Argentina
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Conference: The Conservation of Material Culture in Tropical Climates - Silpakorn University
23 abril - 25 abril 2012 Nakornpathom. Tailandia
Organizadores: Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation (University of Melbourne, Australia) and Silpakorn University in
Thailand under the APTCCARN (Asia Pacific Twentieth Century Conservation Art Network)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Hotel de Crillon Historical Monument Restoration works - Paris (France)
Hôtel de Crillon, one of the leading five-star hotels in Paris, is a world-renowned bastion of French hospitality. A landmark (3 de 7) [02/05/2012 13:40:44]
Restauración y técnicas de conservación
address on the historic Place de la Concorde in the beating heart of Paris, this architectural emblem showcases work by
important artists and major feats of engineering. The hotel is currently getting ready for a well-deserved facelift as the
façade is meticulously restored by a specially assembled team of experts and master craftsmen.
This high tech facelift promises to preserve the majestic legacy of the hotel for future generations.
+ info:
Secret of Vermeer's blue uncovered: 'Woman in Blue Reading a Letter' fully restored by the
Rijksmuseum - Amsterdam - The Netherlands
During the meticulous restoration of Woman in Blue Reading a Letter (1663-64), one of the
Rijksmuseum’s four Vermeer masterpieces, a number of surprising details were uncovered. Vermeer’s
characteristically intense use of blue, for example, can now be viewed in all of its magnificent nuances
for the first time in centuries. In addition, several pearls that were added in 1928 were removed, and
other details that had disappeared were restored.
+ info:
Website - Closer to Van Eyck - Rediscovering the Ghent Altarpiece
The website Closer to Van Eyck: Rediscovering the Ghent Altarpiece presents the results from Lasting Support, An
Interdisciplinary Research Project to Assess the Structural Condition of the Ghent Altarpiece. This project ran from April
2010 through June 2011 and consisted of three main segments: an urgent conservation treatment, an assessment of the
current condition of the altarpiece, and a campaign of technical documentation. Its goal was to establish whether a full
restoration treatment of Van Eyck’s famous polyptych was necessary in the near future, which indeed turned out to be the
+ info:
Exhibition - Saint Anne, Leonardo da Vinci’s ultimate masterpiece - Musée du Louvre
29 marzo - 25 junio 2012 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Musée du Louvre
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Atelier de la Fédération Patrimoine Environnement (FPE) sur la Sauvegarde et la Mise en Valeur des Orgues
04 mayo 2012 Saint Brieuc. Francia
Organizadores: Fédération Patrimoine Environnement (FPE)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Conference - The Third Dimension: 3rd European Student Conference on Objects Conservation 04 mayo - 05 mayo 2012 Vienna. Austria
Organizadores: Studio Building of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Conference - Connecting to Conservation: Outreach and Advocacy
08 mayo - 11 mayo 2012 Albuquerque, New Mexico. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: American Institute for Conservation (AIC)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Course - LA3 - Longford Academy program 'Quality and Sustainability'
14 mayo - 18 mayo 2012 Longford, Tasmania. Australia
Organizadores: APT AUSTRALASIA
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
IV Congreso Chileno de Conservación y Restauración
23 mayo - 25 mayo 2012 Santiago de Chile. Chile
Organizadores: La Asociación Gremial de Conservadores – Restauradores de Chile, la Escuela de Arte y el Centro del
Patrimonio Cultural de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, en conjunto con el Centro Nacional de Conservación y
Restauración de la Dirección de Bibliotecas, Archivos y Museos y el Instituto Profesional DUOC UC de Valparaíso.
Contacto: Julieta Elizaga - [email protected] & Francisca Gili - [email protected]
+ info:
Seminario Internacional "América Latina y las buenas prácticas de conservación de Patrimonio de la
28 mayo - 31 mayo 2012 Morelia, Michoacan. México
Organizadores: Centro del patrimonio mundial en colaboración con el Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH) (4 de 7) [02/05/2012 13:40:44]
Restauración y técnicas de conservación
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exploring Australia's indigenous watercraft conference
30 mayo - 01 junio 2012 Sydney, New South Wales. Australia
Organizadores: Australian National Maritime Museum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Veterans Heritage Workshops on conservation and cataloguing
30 mayo 2012 Melbourne, Victoria. Australia
Organizadores: State Government of Victoria
Contacto: Marina Larsson - [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 21 may 2012
+ info:
Course - "Diagnosing Existing Buildings" Association for Preservation Technology International
14 junio - 16 junio 2012 Taliesin, Wisconsin. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The Association for Preservation Technology International (APT)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
XI Congreso Internacional de Rehabilitación del Patrimonio Arquitectónico y Edificado
12 julio - 14 julio 2012 Cascais. Portugal
Organizadores: Fundación Internacional CICOP
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 5 may 2012
+ info:
Conference - The Protection of Historic Load-bearing Structures and the Society
20 septiembre - 22 septiembre 2012 Cluj. Rumania
Organizadores: Transsylvania Nostra Foundation
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 ago 2012
+ info:
Appel à contribution - Journées d'études de l'Association des Conservateurs des Antiquités et Objets d'Art de
France-Regards sur les tableaux religieux XVIIème au XIXème siècle
27 septiembre - 29 septiembre 2012 Caen, calvados. Francia
Organizadores: l’Association des Conservateurs des Antiquités et Objets d’Art de France
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 27 abr 2012
+ info:
Programme of Denkmal 2012 - Denkmal European Trade Fair for Restoration and Old Building Renovation
22 noviembre - 24 noviembre 2012 Leipzig. Alemania
Organizadores: DENKMAL
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
ICCROM Course - Eighteenth International Course on Stone Conservation
10 abril - 28 junio 2013 Rome. Italia
Organizadores: ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property) and
Getty Conservation Institute (GCI), United States
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 24 ago 2012
+ info:
Publicaciones (5 de 7) [02/05/2012 13:40:44]
Restauración y técnicas de conservación
Old Buildings New Designs
By Charles Bloszies
ISBN: 978-1616890353
Increasingly, architects are hired to design new work for existing structures. Whether for reasons of
preservation, sustainability, or cost-effectiveness, the movement to reuse buildings presents a
variety of design challenges and opportunities. Old Buildings, New Designs is an Architecture Brief
devoted to working within a given architectural fabric from the technical issues that arise from aging
construction to the controversy generated by the various project stakeholders to the unique aesthetic
possibilities created through the juxtaposition of old and new.
+ info:
E-conservation magazine Issue No. 23 - March 2012
Issue 23, March 2011
ISSN: 1646-9283
The objective of the magazine is to offer a wide range of relevant subjects to its readers. The magazine
will appear once every two months and will offer news, events, reviews, conference announcements,
scientific articles on the latest technology and research, dissemination of current projects, case studies,
international projects and many other subjects yet to come.
We accept for publication original articles (academic and non-academic), brief news, reviews and many
other texts.
For further details please consult our Publication Guidelines.
For any questions that you may have please contact us by sending an e-mail to: [email protected]
+ info:
Intervención num. 3 (Enero - Junio 2011) Escuela Nacional de Conservación, Restauración y
Museografía de México
Editor: Instituto Nacional de Arqueología e Historia
Año: 2011
El consejo editorial de ‘Intervención’ cuenta hoy con nuevos miembros y una política de trabajo
plenamente integrada a la estructura de publicaciones del INAH. Agradecemos a todos los que colaboran
en este empeño, en espera de que los resultados manifiesten la optimización a la que estamos
cabalmente comprometidos. Creemos que este sentido de renovación seguirá haciendo que la revista sea
transcendente y necesaria en la actualidad. Si bien la aproximación al patrimonio cultural ha cambiado mucho desde
aquella narración de ‘Nabonidus’, en el siglo V, esa profundidad histórica en continua reformulación yace aún en la lógica
de trabajo colectivo que busca, en el presente, la permanencia. Ésa es la esencia y razón de ser de esta publicación.
+ info:
3D Laser Scanning for Heritage (second edition) 2011
Advice and guidance to users on laser scanning in archaeology and architecture
This document has been generated as part of the Heritage3D project. Heritage3D is sponsored by English
Heritage’s National Heritage Protection Commissions programme (projects 3789 MAIN and 5496 MAIN)
and undertaken by the School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences at Newcastle University.
+ info:
Waterlogged Organic Artefacts - Guidelines on their Recovery, Analysis and Conservation
Guidelines on their Recovery, Analysis and Conservation
The preservation of waterlogged organic materials has transformed our understanding of the historic
environment. This study involves the collaboration of many different disciplines from within the heritage
sector These guidelines are aimed at anyone planning for or working with waterlogged organic artefacts,
including archaeological curators, archaeologists and specialists (finds, environmental archaeologists and
+ info:
New work in historic places of worship 2012
2nd edition
English Heritage believes that this country’s historic places of worship should retain their role as living
buildings at the heart of their communities. We want to help congregations accommodate changes that are
needed to achieve this, in ways which will sustain and enhance the special qualities of their buildings. Our
formal role is to act as a consultee in the statutory processes for controlling works to listed places of
worship, but we can also offer pre-application advice to congregations to help them develop proposals,
based on our experience and expertise in working with the historic environment.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (6 de 7) [02/05/2012 13:40:44]
Restauración y técnicas de conservación (7 de 7) [02/05/2012 13:40:44]
Pintura Rupestre
Arte rupestre y patrimonio prehistórico
Genetistas confirman la explosión biológica del Cámbrico
Un equipo de expertos que asocia a Davide Pisani, de la universidad de Maynouth, a Simón Wong, del centro de cálculo
ICHEC (Irish Centre for High End Computing), y a investigadores de la NASA y de las universidades de Harvard y Yale en
EE.UU, recientemente ha publicado un artículo en la revista "Science" que pone de manifiesto una hipótesis más moderna
del árbol de evolución de la vida.
Los resultados de análisis genéticos que requerían cálculos estadísticos intensivos, posibilitados por la utilización de una
máquina constituida por 3.840 procesadores, parecen confirmar que la explosión de las formas diversas de vida dataría de
la era cámbrica, alrededor de 500 millones de años, como siempre lo sostuvieron los paleontólogos teniendo como base el
estudio de los fósiles actualizados. Por ejemplo la clase del braquiópodos (moluscos), que presenta la particularidad de una
simetría lateral, como los peces y los crustáceos, habría surgido hace 538 millones de años, en pleno período cámbrico
+ info:
Mystery human fossils put spotlight on China
Fossils from two caves in south-west China have revealed a previously unknown Stone Age people
and give a rare glimpse of a recent stage of human evolution with startling implications for the
early peopling of Asia.
The fossils are of a people with a highly unusual mix of archaic and modern anatomical features
and are the youngest of their kind ever found in mainland East Asia.
Dated to just 14,500 to 11,500 years old, these people would have shared the landscape with
modern-looking people at a time when China's earliest farming cultures were beginning, says an
international team of scientists led by Associate Professor Darren Curnoe, of the University of New South Wales, and
Professor Ji Xueping of the Yunnan Institute of Cultural Relics and Archeology.
Details of the discovery are published in the journal PLoS One. The team has been cautious about classifying the fossils
because of their unusual mosaic of features.
+ info:
Presentation of the Management Plan of Choirokitia, Cyprus
In the framework of the celebrations of the 40th anniversary, the management plan for the
conservation and development of the Neolithic settlement of Choirokitia, Cyprus, will be presented.
The preparation of this Plan was funded by the UNESCO Participation Programme (2010-2011) and
will be presented to the public in situ by the Cyprus Department of Antiquities, the Cyprus Institute
and the French Archaeological mission which undertakes excavations in Choirokitia. The event will be
organized in cooperation with the Community Council of Choirokitia and the Youth Centre of the
community. During the presentation an exhibition will also be organized and a short film will be
+ info:
Newly Discovered Close Relative of T. Rex Is Largest Known Feathered Dinosaur - Institute of Vertebrate
Paleontology and Paleoanthropology - Liaoning Province (China)
Palaeontologists have known for more than a decade that some small dinosaurs had bird-like feathers, mainly thanks to
beautifully preserved fossils from northeastern China. Now three specimens of a new tyrannosauroid from the same region
show that at least one much larger dinosaur had a feathery coat as well.
The name of the new species, Yutyrannus huali, means “beautiful feathered tyrant” in a combination of Latin and
Mandarin. The three specimens were collected from a single quarry in Cretaceous beds in Liaoning Province, and are (1 de 2) [02/05/2012 13:40:46]
Pintura Rupestre
described by Chinese and Canadian scientists in this week’s issue of the journal Nature.
+ info:
Des mammouths laineux en passe d'être "ramenés à la vie" par un laboratoire coréen ?
Un laboratoire de recherche coréen, dirigé par le très controversé pionnier du clonage Hwang Woo-suk, a affirmé vouloir
tenter d'implanter de l'ADN de mammouth, espèce éteinte depuis plusieurs milliers d'années, dans un ovule d'éléphant afin
de créer un nouvel embryon. Sooam Biotech Research Foundation espère ainsi donner naissance à un bébé mammouth,
pour la première fois depuis la disparition de ces géants préhistoriques.
+ info:
Découverte des plus anciens embryons fossiles de reptiles - Brésil
Publiés dans la revue Historical Biology, des résultats ont révélé la découverte des plus anciens embryons fossiles de
reptiles. Datant de 280 millions d'années, c'est donc en Uruguay et au Brésil que les plus anciens embryons fossiles de
reptiles ont été mis à jour. Ils appartiennent au groupe des mésosaures, reptiles aquatiques anciens. L'étude de ces
fossiles particulièrement bien conservés, suppose que les mésosaures étaient vivipares.
+ info:
Incisive research links teeth with diet - University of Leicester (United Kingdom)
Cutting edge study shows teeth can be used to determine what has been eaten.
Issued by University of Leicester Press Office on 4 April 2012.
You are what you eat is truism that has been given new impetus by ‘cutting edge’ research led by the
University of Leicester that reveals your teeth are literally shaped by your food.
Indeed, evidence from teeth can be used to determine what has been eaten by an animal providing a
new way of working out the diets of wild animals that doesn’t involve the unpleasant task of looking
at the contents of their guts…
+ info:
Conferencia sobre arquitectura troglodita
26 abril - 29 abril 2012 Maymand, Kerman Province. Irán (República Islámica del)
Organizadores: Comisión nacional iraní de la UNESCO y la Organización del Patrimonio Cultural, la Artesanía y el Turismo
de Irán
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
16 junio - 17 junio 2012 Prato. Italia
Organizadores: L’associazione culturale “Archeologia Sperimentale”
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Ir a arriba (2 de 2) [02/05/2012 13:40:46]
Turismo: Turismo Cultural y Ecoturismo
Turismo: Turismo Cultural y Ecoturismo
Support The Rainforest Communities To Recover Their Traditions - Peru
As in other parts of the Amazon forests of South America, the native communities of Peru have
increased in population and are constantly more attracted to the “modern” style of life. The
promise of a utopian modern life of pleasure and ease creates a situation where poor decisions
are often made, forfeiting land, their customs and traditions and even their native language as
they try to accommodate to modern life. Often these people find themselves living in inner cities
without connection to their past, their communities, native environment or a sense of their
cultural identity leaving them susceptible to crime and substance abuse.
+ info:
Cozumel Among The First Cruise Destinations To Take Stock of Destination-Level
Sustainability (Mexico)
In collaboration with Sustainable Travel International (STI), the Mesoamerican Reef Tourism Initiative
(MARTI) and the Grupo Intersectorial Isla Cozumel this week initiated a Rapid Sustainable Cruise
Destination Diagnostic for Cozumel.
The Sustainable Cruise Destination Diagnostic process will provide Cozumel with a snapshot of its current
status on the pathway to sustainability, beginning with a rapid assessment of Cozumel’s performance on
key destination management indicators. It will also engage destination stakeholders to identify possible
interventions to address priority issues.
+ info:
Next Generation Tool for Sustainable Destination Management
Sustainable Travel International (STI) is globally recognized for promoting
sustainable development through travel and tourism.
STI’s mission is to help destinations, organizations, businesses, and travelers
develop innovative solutions to protect the environment, adapt to climate
change, preserve cultural heritage, and generate economic benefits across the
tourism value chain.
+ info:
Morocco's Roman ruins Volubilis, Lixus and Sala Colonia: Stunning, with few
Visitors to Morocco usually head straight for the beaches or plunge into the winding alleys of
exotic medieval markets, but this rich North African country also has a wealth of ruins from
its days as a Roman colony. Few visit Morocco's handful of 2,000-year-old sites, but they are
well worth the side trip, not least because the ancient city planners had a knack for picking
the most stunning locations for their towns.
+ info:
Research on the effect of ecotourism on tiger shark behavior - University of Miami, Florida (USA)
A team of University of Miami researchers, including shark researcher Neil Hammerschlag, have conducted a study using (1 de 4) [02/05/2012 13:40:48]
Turismo: Turismo Cultural y Ecoturismo
satellite telemetry on tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) in an attempt to learn what kind of impact ecotourism (in this case,
baited shark dives) has on the shark’s long-range migration and habitat utilization.
Sample groups were taken from Florida (where baited shark dives are illegal) and the Bahamas (where baited shark dives
are abundant). Analysis of the data from each sample group did not produce a significant difference in the measures of
movement and behavior evaluated by the study. Additionally, the data revealed information about long-range migration
behavior among both sample groups that was previously unknown.
+ info:
Nueva revista interdisciplinar sobre turismo - primer número de Via@ disponible en línea
Los imaginarios turísticos
* Maria Gravari-Barbas & Nelson Graburn - Imaginarios turísticos.
* Bernard Debarbieux - Turismo, Imaginarios e Identidades : invertir el punto de vista.
* Linda Boukhris - El imaginario turístico a prueba de Costa Rica: entre « ver » y « hacer » el territorio.
* Hécate Vergopoulos - Anecdotes et imaginaires touristiques.
* Marie-Laure Guilland - « Colombia, el único riesgo es que te quieras quedar allí »
De la promoción turística nacional al viaje a Sierra Nevada: usos y disuasión del riesgo.
* Patrick Naef - Voyage à travers un baril de poudre : guerre et imaginaire touristique à Sarajevo.
* Anne Hertzog - Tourisme de mémoire et imaginaire touristique des champs de bataille.
* Thibault Danteur - L’authenticité par la mise en scène. Analyse dialogique des activités touristiques et culturelles de la
place Jemaa el Fna et de leurs représentations.
+ info:
Sustainable Tourism Specialist Certificate and Professional Certification Program
The travel and tourism industry earns $6 trillion, or 9.5% of the global GDP, and employs nearly 260
million people around the globe. Endorsed by George Washington University, Sustainable Travel
International's Sustainable Tourism Specialist and Sustainable Tourism Professional programs are designed
to give you the skills and knowledge necessary to facilitate professional growth and maximize your career
opportunities in this diverse, exciting and expanding industry.
+ info:
La UNESCO a favor de lazos más fuertes entre patrimonio mundial y turismo
La Directora general de la UNESCO, Irina Bokova, subrayó que era importante tomar en consideración la preservación del
patrimonio cultural y el turismo sostenible en una Mesa redonda sobre el patrimonio mundial y el turismo sostenible
organizada en Miami, el pasado 19 de marzo. Particularmente hizo valer que el patrimonio cultural es un factor poderoso
de desarrollo socioeconómico para las comunidades locales.
Entre los participantes a esta Mesa redonda figuraban también a William Talbert, Presidente y Director general de Greater
Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau; Mario Goderich, Director adjunto del Departamento para la sostenibilidad, la
planificación y el desarrollo económico del Condado de Miami-Dade; Nathaniel Reed, antiguo Viceministro del interior; y
Dan Kimball, Director del Parque nacional de Everglades …
+ info:
VI Conferencia internacional sobre "El futuro del turismo del Mediterráneo"
16 abril - 17 abril 2012 Djerba. Túnez
Organizadores: UNWTO y el Ministerio de Turismo de Túnez
Contacto: Assia MERAZI - [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 6 abr 2012
International Seminar - Cultural and Heritage Tourism in Egypt - Prospects pf Development
29 abril 2012 Cairo. Egipto
Organizadores: ’IREST – Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne et l’Université Française d’Egypte
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Dynamic Dinaric project kicks off - Europarc Consulting
Could the Western Balkans become the Costa Rica of Europe? After all, Costa Rica is considered by many to be one of the
most successful examples of sustainable tourism. Could the protected areas in this region do the same in Europe for
visitors to enjoy the rich biodiversity without the need for long flights? Some participants at the Belgrade kick-off meeting
of an exciting new project for EUROPARC Consulting certainly thought so.
The string of natural jewels known as the Dinaric Arc Parks stretches through Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia,
Kosovo under UNSCR 1244, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia.
+ info:
Green Growth 2050 website (GE.T) is a network for companies
and individuals committed to advancing travelism
(travel & tourism) as a key engine of low carbon,
green growth & human understanding/happiness. It
is Brussels based global enterprise with a strong
focus on China and Africa.
It is lean, virtual and progressively expanding by building relationships with likeminded companies and individuals who (2 de 4) [02/05/2012 13:40:48]
Turismo: Turismo Cultural y Ecoturismo
collaborate for specific programs and projects. This growing global network includes people who have held senior positions
in the industry, academia and government with a common interest in creativity, professionalism & commitment to green
+ info:
Overseas Travel and Tourism - Monthly Release - United Kingdom National Statistics
There are two main types of tourism that impact the UK economy: international and domestic tourism.
International tourism looks at trends in overseas residents travelling to the UK, and UK residents travelling abroad. This is
analysed by region/destination and visitor spend using the International Passenger Survey (IPS). Carried out by the Office
for National Statistics (ONS), data are used to compile travel accounts of the balance of payments, estimate the numbers
and characteristics of migrants into and out of the UK, and to provide information on international tourism…
+ info:
Des actions pour un tourisme durable - Europarc - Parc national des Écrins Hautes-Alpes et Isère (France)
La candidature du Parc national des Écrins à la Charte européenne du tourisme durable
(CETD) reprend les actions du projet de charte en matière de tourisme. Les partenaires de
la démarche valident un programme qui sera soumis au Conseil d'administration du Parc
puis à Europarc.
Quelles sont les actions dans lequelles le Parc national des Écrins doit s'engager pour
accompagner l'activité touristique de son territoire ? Des collectivités locales, des acteurs du
tourisme et des associations de protection de l'environnement travaillent avec le Parc national pour définir une stratégie et
un plan d'actions en la matière.
+ info:
Ecotourism Society Pakistan
The International Council of Tourism Partners (ICTP) and the Ecotourism Society Pakistan have joined hands to tailor a
better future of responsible tourism in Asia. The Chairman of ICTP, Juergen Thomas Steinmetz and President of ESP, Raza
Nadir maintain in a press note that the objectives of ICTP and ESP are closer and both are engage for the rights of
communities in sustainable tourism and green travel activities.
+ info:
Eco Flores - the network coordinating sustainability efforts on Flores island Indonesia
Governmental and non-governmental organizations and concerned individuals are working for
the sustainability of Flores. Through this network they are connected. On this website you find
information about initiatives in various fields. We promote networking and sharing of expertise.
+ info:
Hotel Aliah / Hiperstudio + Arkiz - Sao Paulo - Brazil
The Aliah Project, a hotel for a green World Cup, designed by Hiperstudio + Arkiz has
been awarded as the winner of a competition organized by Aliah, a company which
promotes sustainable development through practices and businesses that are profitable
with a positive socio- environmental impact. A sustainable luxury hotel complex for the
2014 World Cup, their design serves as a model of sustainable architecture by
disseminating innovative concepts that promote a green lifestyle.
+ info:
Hotel de Crillon Historical Monument Restoration works - Paris (France)
Hôtel de Crillon, one of the leading five-star hotels in Paris, is a world-renowned bastion of French hospitality. A landmark
address on the historic Place de la Concorde in the beating heart of Paris, this architectural emblem showcases work by
important artists and major feats of engineering. The hotel is currently getting ready for a well-deserved facelift as the
façade is meticulously restored by a specially assembled team of experts and master craftsmen.
This high tech facelift promises to preserve the majestic legacy of the hotel for future generations.
+ info:
Ecotourism secures the Russian Federation's forests
Bezhanitsky district in North-Western Russia is just a three-hour drive from the EU border. It
hosts the largest peat bog in Europe and many unique forest and wetland landscapes.
Following the introduction of new regional forest legislation in 2006, legal timber harvesting
became unprofitable here and the incomes of local people dropped. IUCN was then approached
by the local authorities to help identify alternative income sources that would safeguard the
rights of local people to access forest resources.
+ info:
Agenda (3 de 4) [02/05/2012 13:40:48]
Turismo: Turismo Cultural y Ecoturismo
Postgrado de Alta Dirección en Turismo Rural - Argentina
Inicio Abril del 2012 - 13º Promoción
Buenos Aires. Argentina
Organizadores: El Área de Turismo Rural de la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Master's in Tourism Management at Colorado State University - Deadline for Applications: 15 May 2012
Colorado. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Colorado State University Tourism Faculty
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Turismo y discapacidad: calendario de visitas adaptadas
febrero - septiembre 2012
Val de Loire. Francia
Organizadores: El Consejo general Indre-et-Loire de monumentos y museos y el Museo de la Marina del Loira en
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
13th Conference on Sustainable Tourism (STC-13)
15 abril - 18 abril 2012 Georgetown. Guyana
Organizadores: Caribbean Tourism Organization
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas
21 agosto - 24 agosto 2012 Djurhamn, Stockholm. Suecia
Organizadores: The research program Outdoor Recreation in Change, a network of scientists from Mid-Sweden University,
University of Gothenburg, Karlstad University, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå University, Blekinge
Institute of Technology and Örebro University.
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
1st Eco Flores Conference
27 septiembre - 29 septiembre 2012 Labuan Bajo, Flores Island. Indonesia
Organizadores: Eco Flores network
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
STEP (Sustainable Tourism Education Program) Assessor & Consultant Training
29 septiembre - 04 octubre 2012 Beaver Creek, Colorado. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Sustainable Travel International (STI)
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 abr 2012
+ info:
Vin, vignoble & tourisme (Cahier Espaces n°111)
Editions Espaces tourisme & loisirs - Collection Cahiers ESPACES n°111
Décembre 2011
L'enjeu touristique aujourd’hui consiste à favoriser la découverte des destinations à travers l’ensemble du
patrimoine lié au vin, qu’il soit matériel (caves, châteaux, paysages…) ou immatériel (culture,
gastronomie, savoir-faire, art de vivre…). Le vin, partie intégrante de la culture et du patrimoine de la
France, devient ainsi un atout touristique.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (4 de 4) [02/05/2012 13:40:48]
Patrimonio Subacuático. Arqueología subacuática
Patrimonio Subacuático. Arqueología subacuática
Marine heritage's troubled waters - The popular assumption is that anything
recovered from the sea is 'finders keepers'
Two recent news stories have reignited public interest in how historic sites are managed in the
deep ocean. On the one hand there is the US court ruling that the 594,000 gold and silver coins
originally recovered by Odyssey Marine Exploration from the Black Swan/Mercedes site should
be handed over to Spain. On the other hand, there is the news that the wreck of HMS Victory
(a predecessor of Nelson’s famous flagship) will be investigated by Odyssey after an agreement
was struck with the British government.
+ info:
Fortunes de Mer, le site du droit maritime
Tous les textes de référence sur le droit et l'assurance maritime, en France et dans le monde
Fortunes de Mer est un site entièrement dédié au Droit et à l'Assurance maritimes. Il est animé par
l'association homonyme, située près de Calais, important port du nord de la France.
On trouve sur Fortunes de Mer tous les textes réglementant le commerce maritime, la circulation en
mer, la navigation fluviale, la gestion des épaves, la gestion des ports... en France, dans certains
pays étrangers (Chine, Australie, Allemagne, Canada...), ainsi que les principaux textes européens
et de la législation internationale.
+ info:
Australian Historic Shipwreck Protection Project (AHSPP) website
The Australian Historic Shipwreck Protection Project (AHSPP) website is now available at this link below.
+ info:
Indonesia's shipwrecks mean riches and headaches; for historians, the wrecks are
time capsules - Cileungsi - Indonesia
Mamat Evendi straps on his primitive breathing device. Pulling down his goggles, he splashes
flippers-first into the crystal blue water A few minutes later he's flashing a "thumbs up,"
pointing first to a massive, coral-encrusted anchor, then a bronze cannon and finally,
peeking up from the sand, the buried deck of a 17th century European ship. Nearby are
pieces of blue-and-white ceramics. A tiny perfume bottle. A sword handle. Broken wine
flasks, one still sealed with a wooden cork.
+ info:
El pecio del Titanic, ahora protegido por la UNESCO
La Directora General de la UNESCO recuerda la necesidad de proteger el patrimonio
El Titanic naufragó en la noche del 14 de abril de 1912 en el Atlántico Norte al chocar contra un
iceberg. Al haber transcurrido cien años de esa fecha, el pecio está ahora protegido por la
Convención de la UNESCO para la protección del patrimonio cultural subacuático. El aniversario
de esta tragedia motiva a la Directora General de la UNESCO, Irina Bokova, a expresar su
preocupación por la destrucción y el pillaje de miles de pecios antiguos y sitios arqueológicos
sumergidos en todo el mundo. (1 de 2) [02/05/2012 13:40:51]
Patrimonio Subacuático. Arqueología subacuática
+ info:
Australian Historic Shipwreck Preservation Project - The In-Situ Preservation and
Reburial of the Colonial Trader Clarence (1850)
The Australian Research Council (ARC) has recently awarded a large Linkage grant to
investigate the excavation, reburial and in-situ preservation of shipwrecks and their associated
artefacts, which are at risk. The project will focus on the early Australian-built wooden coastal
trader Clarence, wrecked near St Leonards in Port Phillip Bay in 1850. The project will run for
three years and involve fieldwork with investigators from the University of Western Australia
(UWA), the Australian National University (ANU), Monash University and the Western Australian
Museum (WAM), supported by research associates and practitioners from the ten partner organisations, students and
volunteers. Heritage Victoria (Victorian Department of Planning and Community Development) has provided the use of
their boat (Trim) during both lead-up work and the fieldwork (see image below).
+ info:
Exhibition - Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition - Henry Ford Museum
31 marzo - 30 septiembre 2012 Dearborn, Michigan. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Henry Ford Museum
+ info:
Tercera reunión del Consejo Consultivo Científico y Técnico - Convención sobre la Protección del Patrimonio
Cultural Subacuático
19 abril - 20 abril 2012 París. Francia
Organizadores: Sede de la UNESCO
Contacto: Guerin, Ulrike - [email protected]
+ info:
Waterlogged Organic Artefacts - Guidelines on their Recovery, Analysis and Conservation
Guidelines on their Recovery, Analysis and Conservation
The preservation of waterlogged organic materials has transformed our understanding of the historic
environment. This study involves the collaboration of many different disciplines from within the heritage
sector These guidelines are aimed at anyone planning for or working with waterlogged organic artefacts,
including archaeological curators, archaeologists and specialists (finds, environmental archaeologists and
+ info:
El Correo de la UNESCO sobre el Patrimonio Cultural Subacuático
En esta ocasión, el Correo de la UNESCO, con motivo del 100 aniversario de la tragedia del Titanic, se centra en el
patrimonio cultural subacuático.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (2 de 2) [02/05/2012 13:40:51]
Actividades de la Directora General de UNESCO sobre Patrimonio
Actividades de la Directora General de UNESCO sobre Patrimonio
El tema del patrimonio mundial y el turismo sostenible en la etapa de
Miami de la misión de la Directora General en los Estados Unidos
Tras una deslumbradora visita a los Everglades la víspera, que sirvió de útil
recordatorio, la Directora General, Irina Bokova, asistió el lunes en Miami a una
mesa redonda de los sectores público y privado en torno al tema del patrimonio
mundial y el turismo sostenible. Sumándose a un grupo de dirigentes locales de la
industria turística y la conservación, la Directora General destacó la importancia
de una mejor integración de la preservación del patrimonio cultural, el turismo
sostenible y las comunidades locales, señalando que el patrimonio cultural era un poderoso impulsor del desarrollo
socioeconómico en las comunidades.
+ info:
From World Heritage to Literacy, Philadelphia Embraces UNESCO - Pennsylvania USA
World Heritage and literacy were bookends to a day where Philadelphia opened its arms to
UNESCO, during the second day of Director-General Irina Bokova’s visit to the United States on
Thursday.Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar joined the Director-General to celebrate the
40th Anniversary of the World Heritage Convention at morning ceremonies held at
Independence Hall, where in 1776 the Declaration of Independence was signed. Two centuries
later, the Hall was the first U.S. site on the list of World Heritage in 1979. “World Heritage sites
are not only about places, but also ideas,” said Salazar. “Independence Hall was added to the list for its universal principals
of freedom and democracy.”…
+ info:
La UNESCO a favor de lazos más fuertes entre patrimonio mundial y turismo
La Directora general de la UNESCO, Irina Bokova, subrayó que era importante tomar en consideración la preservación del
patrimonio cultural y el turismo sostenible en una Mesa redonda sobre el patrimonio mundial y el turismo sostenible
organizada en Miami, el pasado 19 de marzo. Particularmente hizo valer que el patrimonio cultural es un factor poderoso
de desarrollo socioeconómico para las comunidades locales.
Entre los participantes a esta Mesa redonda figuraban también a William Talbert, Presidente y Director general de Greater
Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau; Mario Goderich, Director adjunto del Departamento para la sostenibilidad, la
planificación y el desarrollo económico del Condado de Miami-Dade; Nathaniel Reed, antiguo Viceministro del interior; y
Dan Kimball, Director del Parque nacional de Everglades …
+ info:
Ir a arriba [02/05/2012 13:40:52]
Patrimonio Vernáculo
Patrimonio Vernáculo
Lettre d'information de la Fondation du Patrimoine n° 26 | Le 15/03/2012
La Fondation du Patrimoine a pour but essentiel de sauvegarder et de valoriser le patrimoine rural non protégé. Maisons,
églises, ponts, lavoirs, moulins, patrimoine industriel, mobilier, naturel… tous les types de patrimoine de proximité sont
éligibles à l'action de la Fondation. Aux côtés de l'Etat et des principaux acteurs du secteur, elle aide les propriétaires
publics et associatifs à financer leurs projets, permet aux propriétaires privés de défiscaliser tout ou partie de leurs
travaux, et mobilise le mécénat d’entreprise.
+ info:
INTBAU (International Network for Traditional Buiilding, Architecture and Urbanism)
Traditional Building Skills Programmes Rated 'Excellent'
The project was completed at the end of last year and the EU has rated it as “excellent”.
INTBAU's programme has been selected as an exemplar project and it is now disseminated via
the Leonardo/EU website.
+ info:
Towards a Heritage Inventory in Rwanda
The article below on heritage preservation in Rwanda was written by INTBAU member and
conservation architect Robin Kent.
+ info:
Lettre d'information de la Fondation du Patrimoine n° 27 | Le 02/04/2012
La Fondation du Patrimoine a pour but essentiel de sauvegarder et de valoriser le patrimoine
rural non protégé. Maisons, églises, ponts, lavoirs, moulins, patrimoine industriel, mobilier, naturel… tous les types de
patrimoine de proximité sont éligibles à l'action de la Fondation. Aux côtés de l'Etat et des principaux acteurs du secteur,
elle aide les propriétaires publics et associatifs à financer leurs projets, permet aux propriétaires privés de défiscaliser tout
ou partie de leurs travaux, et mobilise le mécénat d’entreprise.
+ info:
Exhibition - The Loire - Anjou's mirror and memory. Saint Florent le Vieil (France) 10 March 8 April 2012
This exhibition of Jean-Paul Gislard's photos is on display from 10 March to 8 April 2012 at St Florent le
Vieil Abbey. It has been put together by the Saint-Florent-le-Vieil town hall in liaison with Mission Val de
The original approach of the film-maker and photographer Jean-Paul Gislard captures the "vernacular
heritage" of the Loire Valley in Anjou: high water marks, votive chapels, vinegrowers' houses on the
hillside, the bargees' path below, slipways and quays, etc.
The Mission Val de Loire intends to turn this into a touring exhibition through the municipalities in the World Heritage site.
Open on Saturdays and Sundays from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Free admission
+ info: (1 de 2) [02/05/2012 13:40:57]
Patrimonio Vernáculo
Clara House / Inês Cortesão- 2008 - Vilar - Castro
Daire - Portugal
Embraced by the village, a stone house with two floors is
found at the end of an alley. The intervention starts by
removing all contents of the former inhabitants life
experience there. The base for this project is a stone box of
gold granite, connected to a contiguous volume of plastered
brick, where the kitchen and the bathroom were built.
+ info:
Maisons Paysannes de France - Revue du printemps 2012 - Le Maire et le patrimoine de sa
Association nationale reconnue d'utilité publique de préservation du patrimoine bâti en milieu rural.
Avec l'aide de délégations départementales, aide et conseils de restauration. Visites-découverte de
architecture régionale, démonstration de savoir faire de techniques de construction traditionnelles et
locales, stages pratiques de rénovation (enduits chaux chanvre, torchis, murs en pierres sèches etc.)
Mission : Conseils et accompagnement de particuliers ou de communes lors de chantier de rénovation,
réhabilitation ou restauration d'un bâtiment
+ info:
Lettre d'information de la Fondation du Patrimoine n° 28 | Le 16/04/2012
La Fondation du Patrimoine a pour but essentiel de sauvegarder et de valoriser le patrimoine rural non protégé. Maisons,
églises, ponts, lavoirs, moulins, patrimoine industriel, mobilier, naturel… tous les types de patrimoine de proximité sont
éligibles à l'action de la Fondation. Aux côtés de l'Etat et des principaux acteurs du secteur, elle aide les propriétaires
publics et associatifs à financer leurs projets, permet aux propriétaires privés de défiscaliser tout ou partie de leurs
travaux, et mobilise le mécénat d’entreprise.
+ info:
Exhibition - Paesaggi agrari. L'irrinunciabile eredità scientifica di Emilio Sereni
13 abril 2012 Gattatico, Reggio Emilia. Italia
Organizadores: Istituto Alcide Cervi in collaborazione con la Società Geografica Italiana
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
International Conference on Folk Architecture - Vernacular Architecture with an outlook to folk music and folk
08 junio - 10 junio 2012 Budapest - Veszprém - Szentendre. Hungría
Organizadores: Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Budapest
Contacto: Prof. Denes Nagy: [email protected]
+ info:
TASK 2012: Traditional Architecture Summer Camp
Schedule: Term 1, 3-16 August / Term 2, 16-29 August 2012
03 agosto - 29 agosto 2012 Taliándörögd. Hungría
Organizadores: INTBA - International Network for Traditional Building. Architecture & Urbanism
Contacto: Denes Nagy, [email protected]
+ info:
Ir a arriba (2 de 2) [02/05/2012 13:40:57]
Patrimonio mundial
Patrimonio mundial
In Memoriam: profesor Herb Stovel, conservador (Canadá)
El Profesor Herb Stovel, uno de los expertos más célebres en el mundo en materia de conservación del
patrimonio falleció esta semana en Ottawa.
Durante su larga carrera, Pr Stovel contribuyó notoriamente a la conservación del patrimonio y a la
Convención del patrimonio mundial en particular. Como especialista y profesor de un rigor y de una
curiosidad intelectual excepcional, influyó ampliamente sobre el avance en este campo y formó las
capacidades de centenares de profesionales del patrimonio en el mundo entero. Autor de numerosos libros
y publicaciones sobre diversos temas vinculados al patrimonio, posiblemente fue más conocido por su papel
en la redacción del Documento de Nara sobre autenticidad, en 1994, con Raymond Lemaire. Miembro de la delegación del
ICCROM, la organización consultiva del Comité del patrimonio mundial, entre 1998 y 2004, Pr Stovel aportó una
contribución especial al fortalecimiento de las políticas y de las prácticas de la Convención, particularmente mediante el
desarrollo de su Estrategia global de formación, la creación de dos célebres publicaciones del ICCROM sobre la preparación
frente a los riesgos incurridos por el patrimonio mundial y la conservación del patrimonio vivo religioso así como su papel
activo sobre la formación permanente y las actividades de gestión.
+ info:
Ambitious Vatican restoration of the statue-topped colonnade that cradles St.
Peter's Square moves ahead - Holy See
An ambitious project to clean the statue-topped colonnade that cradles St. Peter's Square is
likely to last at least three more years, the director of the Vatican restoration says. The work
on Gian Lorenzo Bernini's columns began in 2009, after some two years of preliminary
studies, and it is proceeding in sections so the square can still be used for Vatican events,
including papal appearances.
+ info:
Gelukstraat / Dierendonck Blancke Architecten - Ghent - Belgium
A very small plot in the centre of ghent. The client wants an extension of his house that borders the
building plot, and an apartment to rent. On the ground floor we provide an atelier connected through a
small courtyard with the owner’s house and entrance to the parent apartment.
+ info:
Presentation of the Management Plan of Choirokitia, Cyprus
In the framework of the celebrations of the 40th anniversary, the management plan for the
conservation and development of the Neolithic settlement of Choirokitia, Cyprus, will be presented.
The preparation of this Plan was funded by the UNESCO Participation Programme (2010-2011) and
will be presented to the public in situ by the Cyprus Department of Antiquities, the Cyprus Institute
and the French Archaeological mission which undertakes excavations in Choirokitia. The event will be
organized in cooperation with the Community Council of Choirokitia and the Youth Centre of the
community. During the presentation an exhibition will also be organized and a short film will be
+ info: (1 de 8) [02/05/2012 13:41:01]
Patrimonio mundial
Morocco's Roman ruins Volubilis, Lixus and Sala Colonia: Stunning, with few
Visitors to Morocco usually head straight for the beaches or plunge into the winding alleys of
exotic medieval markets, but this rich North African country also has a wealth of ruins from
its days as a Roman colony. Few visit Morocco's handful of 2,000-year-old sites, but they are
well worth the side trip, not least because the ancient city planners had a knack for picking
the most stunning locations for their towns.
+ info:
Jaeger-LeCoultre auction benefits Puerto-Princesa Subterranean River National
Park, Philippines
From 12-15 March 2012, the Swiss luxury watch manufacturer Jaeger-LeCoultre, partner of
UNESCO’s World Heritage Centre since 2008, organized its fourth online auction for the
benefit of World Heritage marine sites. This year, the Manufacture auctioned a new waterresistant watch inspired by the Memovox Deep Sea: Prototype N° 1 of the Jaeger-LeCoultre
Deep Sea Vintage Chronograph.
+ info:
L'archéologie à Versailles - Un vaste terrain de fouilles
Le château, musée et domaine national de Versailles constituant un site classé au titre des monuments historiques, tous
les projets d’aménagement touchant le sous-sol sont précédés d’une recherche historique et archéologique. Cette dernière
prend la forme de sondages ponctuels, destinés à détecter la présence d’éventuels vestiges, sondages qui sont, le cas
échéant, suivis d’une fouille plus approfondie.
+ info:
Serengeti Legal Case Going to Trial - United Republic of Tanzania
A legal case was filed in December, 2010, in the East African Court of Justice (EACJ) by the
Africa Network for Animal Welfare (ANAW), a Kenyan nonprofit organization. It challenged
the Tanzanian government's right to build a highway across the Serengeti National Park.
+ info:
Últimas adquisiciones del Palacio de Versalles - Francia
Descubre cuales son las últimas adquisiciones del Palacio de Versalles
+ info:
Message for World Heritage Convention by the Secretary of State of the USA
140 years ago, the United States established Yellowstone as our very first national park. A century later, as a charter
member of UNESCO, we proposed the World Heritage Convention, initiating a global movement to protect the earth's
resources and treasures.
+ info:
Natural and mixed World Heritage sites GIS Boundaries
IUCN and UNEP-WCMC have compiled a KML layer with key information on the natural and mixed World Heritage sites
inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List as of 1 January 2012. The information comes from the latest version of the
World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA).
+ info:
Yungang Grottoes Museum in Datong / Do Union Architecture - 2011 - China
Yungang Grottoes Museum in Datong(approved construction by State Administration of Cultural
Heritage and Shanxi provincial government in 2010). Established on the west edge of Yungang
Grottoes in Datong, within the scenic spot of Conservation Zone, is one of subprojects at the whole
renovation area of Yugang Grottoes. Situated in southwest of the scenic spot, enclosed by Northern
Wei Grottoed in north .The project covers a total construction area of 9939.46 square meters,
containing an exhibition hall and a multi-functional performing arts center(recovered at the site of the
ancient city).
+ info:
KML File of World Heritage Sites compiled by IUCN and WCMC - World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA)
IUCN and UNEP-WCMC have compiled a KML layer with key information on the natural and mixed World Heritage sites that
were inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List as of 1 January 2012. The information comes from the latest version of
the World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA). The WDPA is a joint project of the United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP) and IUCN, maintained at the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre working with the IUCN World
Commission on Protected Areas, governments and collaborating non-governmental organisations…
+ info:
Liverpool's World Heritage Status Threatened by New Development - United
Kingdom (2 de 8) [02/05/2012 13:41:01]
Patrimonio mundial
A delegation of inspectors from UNESCO visited Liverpool this November, and indicated that
unless the current £5.5 billion Liverpool Waters project is radically changed, UNESCO will
recommend the city be stripped of its world heritage status.
+ info:
The RAINS Project / Sabrina Faber - Sana'a - Yemen
Sana’a, Yemen is at risk of being the first capital city in the World to run out of renewable,
reliable and clean water supplies. With seasonal rain, expensive bottled water and polluted
reservoirs, the residents of Sana’a are constantly faced with waterborne diseases and severe
drought hazards.
+ info:
Category 2 Centres under the auspices of UNESCO related to World Heritage
In recent years, the framework for training and research in the field of World Heritage has changed significantly. Among
the factors that have contributed to these rapid changes, is the emerging of many new institutions now offering capacity
building within the World Heritage context. In this regard, a major development was the establishment, in various regions
of the world, of capacity building institutions that have been granted the status of "category 2 centres under the auspices
of UNESCO"1, dealing specifically with World Heritage…
+ info:
New Bauhaus Museum / MenoMenoPiu Architects - Weimar - Germany
MenoMenoPiu Architects shared with us their winning proposal in the Classic
Siftung Weimar international competition for the New Bauhaus Museum. The
building is conceived as an open square at the crossing point of the three main
city forces, old and new city and the park, a flexible “object” that allows different
activities inside and around it.
+ info:
La UNESCO a favor de lazos más fuertes entre patrimonio mundial y turismo
La Directora general de la UNESCO, Irina Bokova, subrayó que era importante tomar en consideración la preservación del
patrimonio cultural y el turismo sostenible en una Mesa redonda sobre el patrimonio mundial y el turismo sostenible
organizada en Miami, el pasado 19 de marzo. Particularmente hizo valer que el patrimonio cultural es un factor poderoso
de desarrollo socioeconómico para las comunidades locales.
Entre los participantes a esta Mesa redonda figuraban también a William Talbert, Presidente y Director general de Greater
Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau; Mario Goderich, Director adjunto del Departamento para la sostenibilidad, la
planificación y el desarrollo económico del Condado de Miami-Dade; Nathaniel Reed, antiguo Viceministro del interior; y
Dan Kimball, Director del Parque nacional de Everglades …
+ info:
Lecture "World Heritage and Economic Development" - Edinburgh, Scotland
(United Kingdom) 17 April 2012
The lecture “World Heritage and Economic Development”, organized by Edinburgh World
Heritage together with the City of Edinburgh Council and RSA Fellows MCICH Network, will
take place on Tuesday 17 April, 6.00pm at the Royal College of Physicians in order to mark
World Heritage Day and the 40th anniversary of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention.
The lecture will look at how World Heritage can be used to promote and support economic
regeneration, with contributions from two expert speakers and panel discussion with
Professor Charles McKean, chairman of Edinburgh World Heritage, and Greg Ward, Head of Economic Development at the
City of Edinburgh Council.
+ info:
Patrimonio Mundial se suma a la "Hora del Planeta"
La "Hora del Planeta", una de las campañas medioambientales más seguidas y conocidas del
La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO)
anunció que se suma a World Wildlife Fund (WWF) para celebrar la "Hora del Planeta", una de
las campañas medioambientales más seguidas y conocidas del mundo.
Por esta razón, la UNESCO ha invitado a los sitios del Patrimonio Mundial a participar en esta
acción y a apagar su iluminación el sábado 31 de marzo de 2012, de las 20:30 hrs. a las 21:30
+ info:
Descubrimientos arqueológicos - Tenochtitlan - México
En recinto sagrado de Tenochtitlan, arqueólogos del INAH-Conaculta hallaron 23 lápidas de
más de 550 años de antigüedad, con representaciones grabadas de serpientes, cautivos,
ornamentos y guerreros que, en su conjunto, parecen constituir un relato que alude al
nacimiento de Huitzilopochtli y al origen de la Guerra Sagrada entre los mexicas. Las lápidas (3 de 8) [02/05/2012 13:41:01]
Patrimonio mundial
se encuentran ubicadas frente a los vestigios del Templo Mayor de Tenochtitlan, en el
Centro Histórico de la Ciudad de México, junto a la plataforma circular decorada con cabezas
de serpientes descubierta en septiembre de 2011. Las lápidas se disponen deliberadamente
a lo largo de una vía constituida por lajas de andesita rosa y de basalto (de 16.7 m de largo y 3.3 de ancho) y su nivel
corresponde a la IVa etapa constructiva del Templo Mayor, que se edificó entre 1440 y 1469, durante el gobierno del
tlatoani Moctezuma I. La disposición y el emplazamiento parecen corresponder a referencias encontradas en la Historia
general de las cosas de la Nueva España, de Bernardino de Sahagún, en la Historia de las Indias de Nueva España e Islas
de Tierra Firme, escrito por Diego Durán, así como en los códices Boturini y Chimalpopoca…
+ info:
Australia consolidates and expands Kakadu Ramsar Site
In 1980, the government of Australia first designated a significant part of the famous
Kakadu National Park and World Heritage natural and cultural site in the Northern Territory,
and it added another large part in 1989. Now the two Kakadu Ramsar Sites have been
consolidated into one and extended by an additional 600,000 hectares to conform fully to
the boundaries of the National Park, now covering 1,979,766 hectares. A summary
description of the site can be found on the Annotated Ramsar List.
+ info:
Maritime and Beachcombers Museum / Mecanoo - 2010-2011 - Texel - The
The island of Texel is situated in the Waddenzee and is the largest of the Dutch Wadden
Islands. Every year a million or so tourists visit the island, which is only accessible by plane,
boat or ferry. Few however will be familiar with the glorious history of Texel and its links
with the Dutch East India Company.
+ info:
La Directora general de la UNESCO preocupada por la situación en Mali
En respuesta a los recientes acontecimientos al norte de Mali, la Directora general expresa su
profunda preocupación en cuanto a las posibles consecuencias del conflicto armado,
actualmente en curso, sobre los inestimables bienes culturales del Patrimonio mundial situados
en Tombuctú y en Gao. La toma reciente de estas dos ciudades por la rebelión Tuareg podría
tener efectos dañinos para la gestión y la conservación de las 3 mezquitas y de los 16
mausoleos de Tombuctú, así como de la Tumba de Askia en Gao.
La Directora general pide a todos los beligerantes garantizar la protección de estas dos joyas
del patrimonio, a las cuales la comunidad internacional y la UNESCO conceden una importancia muy grande, como lo
atestigua su inscripción sobre la Lista del patrimonio mundial.
Tombuctú y sus 3 grandes mezquitas testimonian la edad de oro de la capital intelectual y espiritual en el siglo XV. Estas
mezquitas desempeñaron un papel esencial en la difusión del Islam en África. Son portadoras de la identidad y de la
dignidad de todo un pueblo.
+ info:
Reflexión para una inscripción de los humedales de Val de Loire en la Lista Ramsar - Francia
El Parque natural regional Loira Anjou Touraine inició a fines de año 2011 una reflexión para el
reconocimiento del patrimonio natural de Val de Loire como humedal de importancia internacional bajo
la Convención de Ramsar. Con este fin, es miembro asociado de la joven asociación "Ramsar France"
que tiene como objetivo dar a conocer y promover la etiqueta Ramsar en Francia, mejorar la gestión
de los sitios Ramsar inscritos, y fomentar la creación de nuevos sitios.
En 1997, el Parque ya había iniciado la reflexión que dio lugar a la inscripción de Val de Loire en la
Lista del patrimonio mundial en 2000, como paisajes culturales.
+ info:
Reapertura del Museo Toulouse-Lautrec. Albi (Francia)
El Museo Toulouse-Lautrec es hoy el embajador de la ciudad de Albi y acoge cada año a
cerca de 160 000 visitantes, lo que lo sitúa entre los primeros museos de la región. Desde
2001 está inmerso en un ambicioso programa de reestructuración al término del cual
reafirmará su lugar entre los grandes museos contemporáneos.
Comenzados en 2001, los trabajos de renovación han permitido rediseñar el acceso al
museo que se realiza desde entonces a través del Patio de Honor. Se han creado nuevos
espacios bajo el palacio.
La colocación de las obras establecida a principios del año 2008 propone una nueva lectura de la obra de Toulouse-Lautrec.
+ info:
Exhibition - The Loire - Anjou's mirror and memory. Saint Florent le Vieil (France) 10 March 8 April 2012
This exhibition of Jean-Paul Gislard's photos is on display from 10 March to 8 April 2012 at St Florent le
Vieil Abbey. It has been put together by the Saint-Florent-le-Vieil town hall in liaison with Mission Val de
The original approach of the film-maker and photographer Jean-Paul Gislard captures the "vernacular
heritage" of the Loire Valley in Anjou: high water marks, votive chapels, vinegrowers' houses on the (4 de 8) [02/05/2012 13:41:01]
Patrimonio mundial
hillside, the bargees' path below, slipways and quays, etc.
The Mission Val de Loire intends to turn this into a touring exhibition through the municipalities in the World Heritage site.
Open on Saturdays and Sundays from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Free admission
+ info:
Fontevraud en obras: conjugar patrimonio y desarrollo sostenible - Val de Loire
Una campo de trabajo se abrió en la Abadía de Fontevraud durante estos últimos meses: la
creación de espacios de trabajo, el proyecto de renovación del hotel San - Lázaro, la
construcción de un polo energético… El objetivo del proyecto cultural es introducir usos y
formas contemporáneas en un lugar patrimonial multisecular. Un dispositivo de información
y de mediación permitirá a todos los visitantes comprender las diferentes fases de este
+ info:
18 Abril 2012: Día Internacional de los Monumentos y los Sitios
Tema 2012: Patrimonio Mundial. El 40º aniversario de la Convención del Patrimonio Mundial:
Reconocer los desafíos para el futuro
18 abril 2012 -Organizadores: ICOMOS y el Centro del patrimonio mundial
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
African World Heritage Fund : A dialogue on Heritage and Sustainable development / Dialogue sur le thème du
patrimoine et du développement durable
2012 is the year that we are celebrating the 40th anniversary of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention. UNESCO has
chosen “World Heritage and Sustainable Development – the role of local communities” as the topic for the celebrations.
This is a very pertinent topic particularly for World Heritage in Africa.
The Departments of Environmental Affairs and that of Arts and Culture of South Africa, the African World Heritage Fund
(AWHF) and the UNESCO-World Heritage Centre plan a three phase programme on World Heritage and Sustainable
Development to be implemented in 2012.
+ info:
World Heritage Volunteers 2012 - Beyond Territories and Boundaries - World Heritage
Convention 40th Anniversary
In celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Convention, the World Heritage Volunteers 2012 'Beyond
territories and boundaries' will be holding 50 'Patrimonito work camps' in 40 world heritage sites and 25
countries, on all continents. The work camp projects will involve 33 youth organisations.
+ info:
Célébration du 40e anniversaire de la Convention du patrimoine mondial - Conférence, exposition, marche,
concert sur le voyage et l'hospitalité- Pons - Charente-Maritime - 2012
La Ville de Pons (Charente-Maritime), halte sur l’itinéraire de Tours vers Saint Jacques de Compostelle (GR®655) célèbre
le quarantième anniversaire du patrimoine mondial.
le thème « Voyage et hospitalité » est le fil conducteur de sa programmation : un événement par mois depuis janvier
jusqu’en juin où se tiendra la cérémonie de dévoilement de la plaque commémorative d’inscription sur la Liste du
patrimoine mondial.
+ info:
Webdocumentaire - Dans les murs de la Casbah (Alger-Algérie)
Collaboration de l'Université Rennes 2 (France)
La Casbah d’Alger porte dans ses murs autant l’Histoire du pays que
les problématiques urbaines de l’Algérie moderne. Symbolique de
l’identité algérienne, elle cherche son avenir... Laissez-vous entraîner
dans son dédale d'escaliers avec "Dans les murs de la Casbah" , un
webdocumentaire original réalisé par Céline Dréan en collaboration
avec le sociolinguiste alégérien Réda Sébih (sous la direction des
Universités de Rennes 2 et d'Alger 2).
À chaque carrefour, au détour d’une ruelle, l’internaute peut entrer dans un café pour écouter les anciens, pousser la porte
de la maison des femmes ou encore s’installer avec des étudiants parlant de leurs rêves d’avenir. Il peut emprunter trois
parcours virtuels pour s’immerger dans ce morceau d'Algérie et y écouter la parole des Casbadjis. En écho à ces
témoignages, des chercheurs algériens nous aident à comprendre la Casbah… Cette exploration inédite interactive et
inédite du quartier mythique algérois est le premier webdocumentaire aidé par la Région Bretagne.
+ info:
Hadrian's Wall - The museum at Housesteads Roman Fort has been transformed - Hexham - United Kingdom
The museum at Housesteads Roman Fort has been transformed. Visit the new exhibition which explores life on the edge of
the Roman Empire. See what it was really like to live on this hilltop fortress of Vercovicium, the Roman name for
Housesteads which means 'place of the effective fighters'.
+ info: (5 de 8) [02/05/2012 13:41:01]
Patrimonio mundial
Albi Major Theatre / Dominique Perrault Architecture - 2011-2013 - France
The winning proposal for the Albi Major Theatre, designed by Dominique Perrault
Architecture, aims at transforming the texture of the city as well as its cultural
influence. Appearing as an outstanding architectural symbol, on the outskirts of the
historic center, the architects gave priority to the presence of the Major Theatre
instead of the cinemas, in order to organize around it a network of public spaces and
of cultural facilities. Therefore, the Major Theatre will be its center.
+ info:
Paestumanità, un’azione per il patrimonio dell’Umanità di Valentina Del Pizzo
- Paestum - Italy
Paestumanità è un’operazione di azionariato popolare finalizzata ad acquisire i terreni
privati (80% circa su un totale di 120 ha) compresi entro le mura del sito archeologico
di Poseidonia/ Paestum, patrimonio dell’Umanità. Ed è proprio alla Umanità tutta che il
progetto, promosso da Legambiente, rivolge il proprio appello: intendiamo comprare
per salvaguardare un pezzo della nostraa storia per favorire così la ricerca e la
valorizzazione dei suoi risultati. Il punto fondamentale è pertanto il contributo di
ciascuno attraverso le c.d. Buone Azioni, del valore di 50 € cadauna.
+ info:
La Directora general de la UNESCO apela a una acción concertada para evitar la pérdida de los tesoros
documentales de Tombuctú (Mali)
La Directora general de la UNESCO, Irina Bokova, se alarmó hoy por la suerte del patrimonio cultural inestimable de
Tombuctú, en respuesta a las informaciones que indicaban que los rebeldes habrían saqueado y robado lugares que
protegerían millares de libros y documentos antiguos. Irina Bokova pidió a todas las autoridades competentes que
estuvieran atentos a cualquier tentativa de tráfico de estos tesoros.
+ info:
Programme des manifestations de la Région Midi Pyrénées dans le cadre du 40e anniversaire de la Convention
du patrimoine mondial (1972)
avril - juin 2012
Organizadores: Maison Midi-Pyrénées
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
"Vivir con el Patrimonio de la Humanidad", conferencia interregional
14 mayo - 16 mayo 2012 Roros. Noruega
Organizadores: Ministerio Noruego de Medio Ambiente, el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, el Ministerio de Educación e
Investigación, la Dirección de Patrimonio Cultural, la Dirección de Gestión de Recursos Naturales y la Comisión Nacional de
Contacto: Giovanni Boccardi (UNESCO) [email protected]
+ info:
Patrimonio de la Humanidad y el impacto de la evolución en África
23 mayo - 25 mayo 2012 Gauteng. Sudáfrica
Organizadores: African World Heritage Fund
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Seminario Internacional "América Latina y las buenas prácticas de conservación de Patrimonio de la
28 mayo - 31 mayo 2012 Morelia, Michoacan. México
Organizadores: Centro del patrimonio mundial en colaboración con el Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Coloquio internacional sobre conservación y gestión de ciudades patrimonio de la humanidad
31 mayo - 01 junio 2012 Brujas. Bélgica
Organizadores: Programa de Ciudades Patrimonio Mundial (WHC)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Día del Patrimonio Mundial 2012 en Potsdam (Alemania) (6 de 8) [02/05/2012 13:41:01]
Patrimonio mundial
03 junio 2012 Potsdam. Alemania
Organizadores: el sitio "Palacios y parques de Potsdam y Berlín"
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Taller sobre la gestión y conservación de los sitios de patrimonio mundial
04 junio - 08 junio 2012 Hiroshima. Japón
Organizadores: UNITAR - Instituto de las Naciones Unidas para Formación Profesional e Investigaciones
Contacto: Mr. Berin McKenzie - [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 7 may 2012
+ info:
Ceremonia de celebración del 40 aniversario en Stralsund
21 junio 2012 Stralsund. Alemania
Organizadores: la Comisión alemana de la UNESCO
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
International Workshop "Involving Communities on World Heritage Conservation"
10 septiembre - 12 septiembre 2012 Chungcheongnam-do. República Popular Democrática de Corea
Organizadores: WHC in the framework of the 40th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Conferencia anual de los sitios de patrimonio mundial alemanes
24 octubre - 26 octubre 2012 Wurzburgo. Alemania
Organizadores: la Asociación alemana de sitios de patrimonio mundial en colaboración con la Comisión alemana de UNESCO
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Expert Meeting "Conservation and Sustainability - from principle to practice"
06 noviembre - 08 noviembre 2012 Kyoto. Japón
Organizadores: Agency for Cultural Affairs (Government of Japan)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Expert Meeting "Heritage and Society"
06 noviembre - 08 noviembre 2012 Kyoto. Japón
Organizadores: Agency for Cultural Affairs (Government of Japan)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Llamada de ponencias: Concepciones del patrimonio
19 noviembre - 20 noviembre 2012 Saint Etienne. Francia
Organizadores: Centre Max Weber, Université Jean-Monnet Saint-Étienne; Canada Research Chair on Urban Heritage,
Université du Québec à Montréal in conjunction with the Groupe PARVI, the Canadian Forum for Public Research on
Heritage, the Université Jean Monnet Saint- Étienne, and the Centre Jacques Cartier.
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 abr 2012
+ info:
Le Manuel enseignant sur Les Fortifications de Vauban (France) - Lectures du passé, regards
pour demain,récompensé par Europa Nostra et l'Union européenne
À destination des enseignants du primaire et du collège, le manuel Les fortifications de Vauban. Lectures du
passé, regards pour demain allie contenus scientifiques, fiches pédagogiques et supports didactiques. Il
participe ainsi à l’objectif de transmettre les valeurs des fortifications de Vauban aux générations futures,
patrimoine dont la valeur universelle exceptionnelle a été reconnue par L’UNESCO. Le Réseau des sites
majeurs de Vauban a réalisé ce projet en réunissant de nombreuses compétences : experts scientifiques,
professeurs à l’IUFM et médiateurs, garantissant ainsi la rédaction d’un discours complet et utilisable en
classe ou en atelier sur site.
Cette approche pluridisciplinaire s’inscrit en lien avec les programmes scolaires, et les thématiques abordées offrent aux
enseignants des clés de lecture pour sensibiliser leurs élèves à la valorisation des fortifications et à leur nécessaire
protection. Chaque école et collège du Réseau Vauban a reçu un exemplaire de ce manuel, dont la réalisation a été
soutenue par la Fondation EDF Diversiterre.
+ info: (7 de 8) [02/05/2012 13:41:01]
Patrimonio mundial
Jeux et Enjeux de la planétisation - Patrimoine - Culture - Monde
ISBN: 978-2-296-13706-6
Collection : Interfaces et transdisciplinarités
Dans la continuité de son premier ouvrage sur la mondialisation (Science et conscience de la
mondialisation, L’Harmattan, 2006), Isabelle Hannequart, maître de conférences en droit
public et membre du GERCIE/Groupe d’Etude et de Recherche sur la coopération
internationale et européenne de l’Université François-Rabelais de Tours, se focalise sur l’enjeu
culturel de la mondialisation. Il ne s’agit pas d’un enjeu parmi d’autres, mais de l’enjeu crucial d’une planétisation à la
croisée de la mondialisation plurielle et de la globalisation uniformisante.
L’auteure décrit les jeux que forment les trois composants de l’enjeu, le patrimoine, la culture et le Monde, dans les
variations de leurs multiples combinaisons. L’Union européenne, dotée d’une compétence culturelle, fait l’objet d’une
attention spéciale,
comme un laboratoire pour les notions d’exception culturelle, de diversité culturelle et de cohésion culturelle. L’originalité
de l’approche est confortée par l’application de la trialectique, nouvel outil de la transdisciplinarité, qui vient appuyer la
proposition d’une nouvelle capacité à mettre en oeuvre dans l’éducation pour l’ère planétaire.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (8 de 8) [02/05/2012 13:41:01]
Documento sin título
Forum UNESCO - Universidad y Patrimonio (FUUP) es un proyecto de la UNESCO para la realización de actividades para la protección y salvaguarda del
patrimonio cultural, a través de una red informal de instituciones de educación superior. FUUP está bajo la responsabilidad común del Centro de
Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO y la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) España. Este sitio web no es un sitio oficial de UNESCO, sino un sitio
web creado y gestionado por la UPV en el marco del proyecto FUUP.
Inicio - Enlaces - Contacto
UNESCO – Centro de Patrimonio Mundial (WHC)
7, place de Fontenoy
75352 Paris 07 SP (FRANCIA)
Tel: +33 1 45 68 10 25
Fax: +33 1 45 68 55 70
E-mail: [email protected]
Programa Universidades:
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV)
Camino de Vera, s/n 46022
Valencia (ESPAÑA)
Tel: +34 96 387 77 80
Fax: +34 96 387 77 89
E-mail: [email protected]
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Noticias [02/05/2012 13:41:02]
Reuniones Internationales

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