paella recipe - PolishSpanish


paella recipe - PolishSpanish
Always curious about what does it taste like a paella? Here we bring you a piece of Spanish
cuisine! Although it is a Spanish dish, it is originated in ​Valencia, Eastern Spain. Every other
region has adopted it and modified the recipe, so nowadays it is typical to hear complaints
from Valencian people about what the real recipe looks like.
So, at least, one of the recipes follows below, inspired in the one from the fantastic place of
RecetaPaellaValenciana​. The recipe is for 6 people, as you usually use a big “pan” to cook it;
the smallest I’ve ever cooked was for 4 people (and actually, more people could have eaten
from it). On Internet you can find endless variations for paella, though I recommend you
Spanish websites, as I’m afraid in non-Spanish websites, the recipe is too different.
Norma general (Rule of thumb)
Por cada persona, medio vaso de arroz (Per person, half a glass of rice).
Por cada persona, un vaso de agua (Per person, a glass of water).
Cuando hayas puesto el caldo y solo quede esperar, normalmente yo espero 10 minutos con la
paella a fuego medio tapada, y 10 minutos con la paella a fuego lento destapada (When you
have put the soup and you only have to wait, I usually wait 10 minutes with the paella covered
at medium power, and 10 minutes with the paella uncovered at low power).
Ingredientes para seis personas (​Ingredients
for 6 people)
600 gramos de arroz (600 gr of “Bomba” rice, a type of rice that is rounded).
300 gramos de carne de pollo, troceada o en muslos (300 gr. of chicken meat, chopped or
200 gramos de carne de conejo (200 gr. of rabbit meat).
250 gramos de judías verdes planas y alubia (200 gr. of haricot beans and beans).
Tomate triturado, una lata o 5 tomates, grandes. Normalmente trituro los suficientes para
cubrir un poco toda la paellera (Crushed tomato, a can or 5 tomatoes, big ones. Normally I
crush an amount enough to
​ cover the entire ​paellera).
Un sobre de azafrán o 3 cucharadas pequeñas (A sachet of saffron or 3 normal size spoons).
1-2 litros de caldo de pollo. Yo uso caldo de gambas (1-2 litres of chicken soup. I use shrimp
1 diente de ajo (1 garlic clove).
Sal. Aunque yo no la uso (Salt. I do not use it though).
3 pimientos que no están en la receta de la web pero yo los uso (3 green peppers that are not in
the web’s recipe but I do use them).
Aceite de olive (olive oil).
Agua (water).
20 caracoles. Yo no los uso y la mayoría de gente tampoco (20 snails; I do not use them and
nowadays most of the people neither).
​ se cocina (​How it is cooked)​ - ​Your space to learning Spanish
Limpia la verdura y pícala. Lo mismo con la carne. Si vas a usar pimientos, pícalos en
tiras grandes (Clean the vegetables and chop it. Do so with the meat. If you are going to
use peppers, chop them in long strips).
Fríe los pimientos hasta que estén blandos (Fry the peppers until they are soft).
Apártalos y echa la carne (Put them away and now cook the meat).
Una vez la carne tenga un color dorado, echa el ajo y las verduras (Once the meat is
browned, put the garlic and all the vegetables).
Cuando el ajo este dorado también, echa todo el tomate triturado (When the garlic is
browned as well, put in all the crushed tomato).
Cuando el tomate se ha casi evaporado o ha sido absorbido, pon el caldo (When the
tomato liquid is almost gone or absorbed, put the chicken soup).
Finalmente, cuando el caldo esté hirviendo, pon el arroz y espárcelo uniformemente
sobre la paellera (Finally, when the soup is boiling, put the rice and uniformly spread it
Put the saffron and the peppers if you used them. As well, the snails if you used them.
Una vez que el agua se haya evaporado, puedes parar el fuego después de 2-3 minutos,
dejando el arroz del fondo un poco crujiente, típico de la paella (Once the water is gone,
you can stop it after 2-3 minutes, so the rice at the bottom will be a bit crunchy, typical
of the paella).
Have a delicious learning ;-)​ - ​Your space to learning Spanish

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