We understand our Personal and Social Education


We understand our Personal and Social Education
We understand our Personal and Social Education
Programme not as a water-tight compartment, but as
a philosophy that informs all our school practices.
Throughout 2010 the PSE Programme´s objective was
to “explore ways of being with others”.
We hope that by reading these pages you will
appreciate how this Programme is not only present
in the tutorial periods, assemblies and special
activities but in all our daily work.
PSE Coordinators: Fernando Lasala Quintana (Head of PSE Programme), Angie Ayerza (Kindergarten Nordelta), Vanesa Henson (Kindergarten Olivos),
Coky Kierulf (Primary Olivos), Ana Pascual (Secondary Olivos) and Anne Smith (Secondary Nordelta)
El comedor “Las Voluntarias de María”
El comedor “Las Voluntarias de María” está situado en el
barrio de Trujui (Partido de San Miguel) surgió de la buena
voluntad de una mujer que prometió hacer todo lo posible para que otras personas no sufrieran una infancia tan
dura como la que ella había vivido. Su nombre es Susana
Melgarejo, da de comer a 190 niños y a 60 adultos con
sus escasos ingresos. La única ayuda que recibe es la de
nuestro Colegio y la de personas que se sensibilizan al
conocer su trabajo. Convirtió su humilde casa en un
espacio abierto a la comunidad, a donde la gente encuentra no sólo un plato de comida sino también contención
y mucho amor.
Los alumnos y padres del Jardín de la sede Nordelta ayudan al comedor desde el año 2009 con aportes de alimentos y con lo recaudado en eventos como la kermesse. Con los
fondos recadudados en las colectas que se hicieron durante
las dos funciones del Concert de Jardín, los alumnos de sala
de 5 organizaron un regalo para las madres que asisten al
comedor de San Miguel; regalaron un champú, crema de
enjuague, desodorante, jabón y un chocolate con una tarjeta escrita por los chicos deseándoles un muy feliz “Día de
la Madre”.
Todos nos sentimos muy involucrados en este proyecto y
nos enorgullece verlo crecer y mantenerse en el tiempo.
Con un pequeño gesto de cada miembro de una comunidad tan grande como la nuestra, podemos lograr casi sin
percibirlo una ayuda que para ellos significa la comida de
cada día.
la diversidad!
En el mes de octubre organizamos el Evento Multicultural
que tiene como objetivo celebrar el carácter internacional
de NORTHLANDS a través de la exhibición, organizada por
las familias internacionales, de las principales características de sus países de origen. Año tras año nuevas familias
se suman con entusiasmo a este encuentro que convoca a
todos los alumnos de la institución en un marco de hermandad y respeto por las diferentes culturas y costumbres.
Multicultural sede Olivos
Dibujo de Manuel Madanes, Kindergarten Olivos
Art and Feelings
Being with others is part of the challenge we undertake
and choose in our daily existence. Each and all the spaces
of the School offer a variety of opportunities to be able
to build these social skills.
Diversity of opinions, different ways of solving
situations, different points of view, different feelings and
expectations make us seek ways, moments and means
to share them, respect them and grow as we enlarge
our universe of experiences.
This is how in Kindergarten Olivos we developed
our unit on “art and feelings” by which Kinder 4 was
able to share and appreciate own and others’ artistic
productions, be careful in comments about them,
and accept different perspectives when choosing, for
example, something to portray.
Dibujo de Ethan Williams, Kidergarten Olivos
Dibujo de Julia García Navarro, Kindergarten Olivos
Work on Values
Olivos students work on awareness of oneself
and awareness of others through games and
Robertina Chaimowicz Year 2 Olivos
Fortalezas y debilidades - Melanie Studer Año 4 Olivos
Year 6 Reflections
How do you think that you applied the school values
during your work as House Captain?
We think that we applied the school values by
working all together as a team, helping other
kids... We felt very happy while we helped kids
with special needs. We organized very well as a
group, we were very close to each other, we respected
and listened to others’ opinions. We were very
committed towards our work and responsible when
we organized the games for Child’s Day.
Why are humans aggressive verbally and physically?
Humans are aggressive because there is no one to
stop us. If we all had a friend to tell us when to stop,
there would be less aggression.
Humans: intelligent or not?
Humans are very intelligent while choosing who
to bully but we don’t understand bullying is not
intelligent for lots of reasons. Whoever bullies will
get the bullying back and everybody will call him
a “bully”.
Which message do you want to leave to the future
House Captains?
We hope you feel the same thing that we felt when
we were House Captains. We learned more things
about friendship and service, which are values
that we develop every day at school. We’ll put all
these values into practice in our lives. Being House
Captains allowed us to become better leaders and
develop the necessary values to organise a group.
Are all humans like this?
Not all humans are like this but if no one took any
action we would probably all end up like this.
Everybody knows what is wrong. So if you are doing something wrong stop! And if you see someone doing something wrong tell them to stop. We
should all ask ourselves: why do we do it? Why
don’t we sop the ones who do these things?
The big question is WHY?
Patricio Perdoncin, Sofía Aversa (Cavell); Valentina Bambozzi,
Tomas Sarmiento (Keller); Juana Figueroa, Andrés Tawil (Fry)
and Valentina Catella, Luciano Ortiz (Nightingale),
Year 6 Nordelta
Abril Elverdin, Year 6 Olivos
inquiry, we talked about “con
This year, in our first unit of
e videos about this the
resolution”. After watching som
mediators to help us solve our
teachers proposed having kid
. All the Year 6 Olivos classes
problems instead of teachers
mediators from the other clas
suggested different possible
problem were us, Sara and
The first mediators to solve a
erience, we quickly realized how
After having this incredible exp
es is when you need to solve a
important a mediator sometim
nt and needed.
problem. It made us feel importa
r 6A be friends again, and we
We helped two girls from Yea
ity is divided in groups, it is usu
so happy. (…)When a commun
or maybe just because the
because they have differences,
r the reason, their problem has
a misunderstanding. Whateve
iator (which can’t be frie
be solved somehow, and a med
utiful option.
any of the two parts) is a bea
6 Olivos
Sara Sahores and Salvador Piuma, Year
and Shoots
This year we had the fortune of finally forming an Eco-group,
and joining Roots and Shoots, at School. We are the first R&S
group in Buenos Aires. We have done several projects like:
− Tetrabrick reusing: we did creative objects from material we
collected, sold eco-bags to reduce the use of plastic bags, created
costumes using recyclable waste material. We are collecting
batteries and sending them to place where they will be disposed,
as well as a recycling campaign in our school.
− We are creating a brochure to raise awareness about the
responsible care of house animals.
− We participated in activities related to the Biodiversity year,
Earth Day, Trees and water campaigns related to the care of the
environment as well as Peace Day.
− We still have many other projects at a longer scale that we
are trying to achieve like composting.
Working in our Eco –team/Roots and Shoots this year has
been an experience that we will never forget. We finally felt
like really doing something good to make the place where
we live, a better one. We also had lots of fun preparing and
working together in these projects. We hope to continue and
that more people join us.
Rocío Beguiristain, Year 10 - Nordelta Ecoteam.
Green Patrol
at Nordelta
Green Patrol is a “green project”, in which we
make sure to keep the environment clean. It was
founded in 2008 by a Year 4 student called
Eugenio Fonterosa. As he didn’t receive enough
help to continue, the organization started to fall.
In the middle of 2009 a group of girls from Year
4 inspired themselves in this idea and agreed to
start this project again. Victoria Ramos, Camila
Borinsky, Barbara Calvente and Mercedes
Batalla made sure to follow up this organization.
In 2010 this group continued working and attracted
even more members. Now Year 5C and the Student
Council work together to develop this idea. They
are doing many activities to reduce the rubbish.
As they want to help the environment, they
started to plan some future actions like a charts
with causes and consequences of pollution.
Ways of being
with others
The area of Las Tunas lies just across the railway line from
School, and yet life there is very different. The educational
possibilities for the inhabitants are very limited, and the
Fundación Nordelta runs a series of activities to help
them.One of these is support classes for the children
who live there, and during the year, on a weekly basis,
students from Year 9 have gone to help the volunteers who
operate them.
“It felt really good, because we helped them do work
that maybe they can’t do alone. While they learned
their subject, we also learned how to interact with
other people. I felt really happy because I was doing
something really valuable to help others.”
Pilar Irigoyen, Year 9 Nordelta.
Mercedes Batalla and Abril Bacigalupo, Year 5 Nordelta.
Building Leadership
“…the Prefects 2011 travelled a trip to
Chile. The course that we did is called
CEAL IB Andes. (…) We all took an
important learning from this trip which we
would carry for the rest of our lives and
I believe that as a group we all joined and
we managed to learn more about ourselves;
and by this I mean that we could stay with
our own souls. We went through different
activities and experiences and although
we stayed 18 hours in the tent during a
snow storm, we had the attitude of acting
as a group and “survive” these 6 days at
the mountain…” Joaquin Duhalde, Year 11 Olivos
With the aim of enhancing the personal development
of our students in their last years, as a different and
creative opportunity to acquire leadership skills, our
newly elected Prefects for 2011 were invited to two
different international experiences with participants
from all over Latin America.
“Although the meetings and con
were incredibly interesting I
must say that
what I liked the most from the
conference were not the con
themselves, but getting to kno
w the people
that went there and visiting the
favela of
Babilonia. I made tons of new
friends, which
thanks to Facebook, we are still
in touch
with and talk every week; some
are Argentines,
so we actually go out on week-en
ds and see
each other. The trip to the fav
ela was
an incredible experience, it is
I will forever remember, and
I believe it is
impossible to comprehend it,
until you
experience it yourself.”
One was the IB Andes trip designed by International
Baccalaureate educators which consists of trekking in
Lagunillas Chile. The other was the Annual LAHC Student
Conference held at The British School, Rio de Janeiro.
The theme this year was “Sustainable Cities, Sustainable
Futures” and followed the structure of a Model United
Nations, or MUN, forum with the aim of debating in an
attempt to find solutions to current political problems
facing world leaders.
Gastón Dondero, Year 11 Nordelta.
t LAHC Conference
“…there were also moments at which, at the top of some hill with a wonderful view,
we were asked to sit in silence and reflect on the reason why we came to this trip.
Many times, when going uphill with a heavy backpack or having to sleep in a tent
while it was snowing outside, I asked myself that question. But then, seeing how we
were all into this, outside of our comfort zone, the question was answered to me.
The comradeship experienced as we went on expedition to the mountain or camped
in the snow was very nice and soon everybody got to know everybody else. In the
end, I really enjoyed the experience; it was a great opportunity to get to know a lot
of people and make new friends. “
Tomás Batalla , Year 11 Nordelta. About CEAL IB Andes
esta experiencia
“A nosotros nos gustó mucho
an y los ayudamos.”
porque aprendimos como viví
Working together
we can help others
Tomas Iglesias y Bryan Herrera, Año
7 Nordelta
“Con las demás chicas de Año 7 tejimos cuadrados y armamos mantas. Nos parecía un proyecto
In Year 7 the girls were interested in learning to knit, so
their tutor suggested that they should learn by knitting
simple squares, which could be then sewn together to
form blankets which could be donated to families in Las
Tunas. While the girls knitted, the boys worked on making
simple games like dominos or memory tests.
Year 8 collected old toys and repaired them to be able to
give them away to children who could take advantage of
them. Later, students for Year 7 and Year 8 went to Las
Tunas to show the students of the Refuerzos Escolares
how to play and to improve their games, and therefore
their thinking capacity.
divertido y al mismo tiempo no tan complicado...
Lo que nos pareció muy importante fue que haciendo una cosa tan chiquita pudimos darle una
sorpresa tan grade a mucha gente. Nos encantó
participar en esto y lo volveríamos a hacer.”
Valentina Greco y Lucia Baronzini, Año 7 Nordelta.
o de verguenza. Después
“Al principio teníamos un poc
ron rebuenos y amigables
conocimos a los chicos que fue
inamos pasando muy bien.”
con nosotros, y al final la term
ita Bronfman, Año 7 Nordelta
Marina Bibolini, Catalina Chan, Juan
On October 16 we made the most of the opportunity to
enjoy a perfect spring day with family and friends in a
relaxed context that encouraged everyone’s involvement
and made it possible to raise funds for NORTHLANDS
solidarity projects:
Northlands Fête brought together families from both the
Nordelta and the Olivos sites, whose enthusiasm made
a success of the event. Some of our former pupils joined
us in a hockey tournament and helped strengthen our
traditional school spirit. Thanks to your cooperation and
commitment, the proceeds of this year’s NORTHALNDS
Fête amounted to $ 40.663. We are very grateful to
you for your generous help, which encourages us to
renew our effort to support our solidarity projects.
Rural schools in Chaco
Soup kitchen “Voluntarias de María”
Con Beca Barrio Las Tunas
CERT Nro 2 San Andrés de Giles
Audela Activities
As in previous years, the activities of the Audela Week
open up a whole world of feelings and emotions for
those who take part.
Year 8 Lucero del Alba
“Nos contaron una historia y vendaron nuestros ojos.
Tuvimos que pintar así un resumen de la historia. Nos
“Lo pasé muy bien, todos los chicos eran muy bue-
mostraron sus cuadros y nos hablaron sobre ellos.”
nos, no tenían vergüenza y decían lo que pensaban.”
Martin Kaucher, Año 8 Nordelta
Camila Galfione, Año 9 Nordelta
“Me gustó mucho, me divertí un montón, y también
“...Cuando estaba pintando con los ojos vendados
aprendí que no todos tenemos la suerte de estar bien.
sentí que era muy difícil y que Tucho y Julio podían
Sin embargo me hice nuevos amigos y me gustó que
hacerlo perfectamente. En estos encuentros aprendí
fueran sinceros y espontáneos.”
que los ciegos leen con Braille, que usan un bastón
Facundo Prendone Pitá, Año 8 Nordelta
para caminar y que van tocando todo. Lo que más me
llamó la atención fue que los pintores Julio y Tucho
pueden pintar sin ver.”
Vicente Le Gentil, Año 4 Olivos

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