Boca Juniors Chants


Boca Juniors Chants
Boca Juniors Chants
in Castellano and in English
Dale Bo’ Lets Go Bo’ (short for Boca)
Dale dale dale Bo’
a todas partes voy con vos
te sigo de la cuna hasta el cajón
y te llevo adentro de mi corazón
y dale Bo’
y dale dale Boca
y dale Bo’ y dale dale Bo’
y dale Bo’
y dale dale Boca
y dale Boca
y dale dale Bo’. Bostero soy.....
Go go go Bo '
wherever you go I go
I’ll follow you from the cradle to the coffin
I carry you inside my heart
and go Bo’
and go go Boca
and go Bo’ and go go Bo’
and go Bo’
and go go Boca
and go Boca
and go go Bo’. *Bostero, I am....
*Bostero is a name commonly used for Boca fans. It means manure handler.
Hinchada Hay Una Sola
*Hinchada There’s Only One
Hinchada, hinchada, hinchada hay una sola.
Hinchada es la de boca, las demas son pura joda.
Hinchada, hinchada,
hinchada there’s only one.
Hinchada is the one of Boca,
the others are just a joke.
*Hinchada is a group of fans. No sense translating it.
Vamos Los Xeneizes Vamos A Ganar
Come On Xeneizes, We’re Gonna
Vamo, vamo los xeneize vamo xeneize vamo a ganar somo la mita mas uno somo el pueblo y el carnaval. ¡Boca te llevo en el alma y cada día te quiero mas!
Let’s go, let’s go xeneizes
Let’s go xeneizes, we’re gonna win.
**We’re half plus one.
We’re the people and carnival.
Boca you’re in my soul,
and every day I love you more.
*Boca fans are also called los xeneizes meaning Genovese because the founders of the team were from Genova.
**They say Boca fans make up half plus one of the population because so many Argentines are Boca fans.
River, Compadre
River, *Man
River, River compadre, la conchadetumadre River, river compadre, la conchadetumadre River, River, man,
**you bunch of mother fuckers.
River, River, man,
you bunch of mother fuckers.
Siempre andás chamullando, siempre andas prometiendo cuando ven a la 12 salen todos corriendo, salen todos corriendo!!! ***You’re always talking shit,
you’re always making promises.
When you come to the 12,
you all take off running,
you all take off running.
*Here I mean man in the sense of dude, buddy, hey man.
**The literal translation is “the pussy of your mother” but they use this saying the way we use mother fucker.
***Chamullar means to smooth talk. Seems the best translation is to talk shit in this case.
Todas Las Gallinas Son Asi
That’s How Chickens Are
Las gallinas son asi
Son las amargas de la Argentina
Cuando no salen campeón
esas tribunas estan vacias
yo soy de Boca señor
cantemos todos con alegria
aunque no salgas campeón
mi sentimiento no se termina
That’s how chickens are,
the bitter one of Argentina.
When they aren’t the champs,
their stands are empty.
I’m from Boca, sir.
We all sing with joy.
Even if we aren’t the champs,
my feelings do not end.

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