3 de Abril del 2016 - Church of St. Joseph of The Holy Family


3 de Abril del 2016 - Church of St. Joseph of The Holy Family
Church of Saint Joseph of the Holy Family
We are a spiritual family made up of diverse
cultures. A community of believers who
identify ourselves as church and are
empowered and committed to be church.
Somos una familia espiritual formada de
diversas culturas, una comunidad de
creyentes quienes nos identificamos como
iglesia, y somos facultados y nos comprometemos a ser iglesia.
405 West 125 Street
New York, New York 10027
email: [email protected]
“A Tithing Community”
Phone: (212)662-9125
Fax: (212)531-4196
Website: www.stjosephoftheholyfamily.org
Sacrament of Reconciliation/Penitencia:
Pastoral Staff / Organización Parroquial
April 3, 2016
Weekly Donations / Donaciones Semanal
March 26-27, 2016
2nd Collection
Thank you for your support of our church, St. Joseph of the Holy Family .
Gracias por su apoyo a nuestra Iglesia, San Jose de la Santa Familia.
Sacrament of Baptism/Bautismos: Anyone interested in arranging a Baptism should contact the rectory and
speak with one of the priests. / Por favor vea unos de los Sacerdotes para hacer arreglos para el bautizo.
Marriage/Matrimonio: to arrange a marriage please
contact the rectory and speak with a priest at least 6 months
Debe hacer arreglos en la Rectoría por los menos seis meses
de anticipación.
Sunday Masses /Misas Dominicales
Vigil /Vigilia –Saturday/Sábado: 5:30pm (English)
Sunday/ Domingos: 8:30am, 10:00am (English)
12:00pm (Español)
Holy day schedule as announced.
El horario los día de precepto será anunciado
Anointing of the Sick/Unción de los Enfermos:
Please inform a priest about parishioners who are seriously ill
or are hospitalized / Favor de notificar el sacerdote cuando
una persona está gravemente enfermo o hospitalizado.
Daily Masses/Misas Diarias
Monday-Saturday / Lunes a Sábado: 9:00am (English)
Tuesday/Martes & Friday/Viernes : 7:00pm (Español)
Eucharistic Adoration / Adoración Eucarística
Fridays / Viernes: 9:30am– 6:45pm
Parish Office Hours:
Monday - Saturday: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Parish Registration:
We welcome new parishioners.
Please introduce yourselves to one of the priests after Mass or at
your convenience. Please register at the Rectory office. We welcome
you and invite you to become an active member of our parish family.
favor preséntense a uno de los sacerdotes después de la Misa y a su
conveniencia, por favor inscríbase en la Rectoría. Les damos la Bienvenida y les invitamos a ser miembros activos de nuestra familia parroquial.
Mass intentions /Las Intenciones de Misa
Masses can be celebrated any day for living or deceased loved
ones. The Diocesan stipend is $15.00. What a beautiful way to
remember and honor those we love. We have beautiful Mass
cards for both the living and the deceased. If you would like a
Mass intention please contact the parish office. If you want the
name to appear in the Sunday bulletin, requests should be submitted before Monday.
Las misas pueden ser celebradas para los vivos o difuntos querido cualquier día. La remuneración Diocesana es $15.00 por
misa. Es una hermosa manera de recordar y honorar ésos que
adoramos. Tenemos hermosas tarjetas de misa para ambos el
vivo y el difunto. Si quiere una intención de misa contacte por
favor la oficina de la parroquia. Se desea que su intención
aparezca en el boletín, por favor de pedirla antes del lunes.
2016 Envelopes
Second Sunday of Easter
Monday /Lunes
Wednesday / Miercoles
Thursday / Jueves
Friday / Viernes
Saturday/ Sabado
Sunday / Domingo
Is 7:10-14, 8:10; Heb 10:4-10; Lk 1:26-38
Acts 4:32-37; Jn 3:7b-15
Acts 5:17-26; Jn 3:16-21
Acts 5:27-33; Jn 3:31-36
Acts 5:34-42; Jn 6:1-15
Acts 6:1-7; Jn 6:16-21
Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41; Rv 5:11-14;
Jn 21:1-19
Joining The Company of Believers
Second Collection / Segunda Colecta
April 3: Food Pantry
April 10: Archdiocese for Military Services
Lectors /
April 3, 2016
April 10, 2016
Reyna Hernandez
Angela Young
Germania Benzo
Javier Perez
Easter Donations
Thank you to all for your contributions over the Easter weekend. Everything you give helps our parish to thrive. We are
blessed by your generosity.
Saturday/Sábados: 5:00pm-5:30pm
Rev. David Nolan, Pastor
Rev. Nelson Pichardo, Associate Pastor
Rev. Neil O’Connell, OFM, In-Residence
Sr. Maryanne Biachan, Director Religious Education
Martin Boyle, Office Manager
Aaron Diehl, Music Minister
Brian Dickerson, Music Minister
Liselli Lugo, Spanish Music Minister
Damos la bienvenida a nuevos feligreses:
Page Two
2016 Cardinal’s Appeal
To date our parish has received $6,780.00 in pledges/gifts
toward the 2016 Cardinal’s Appeal, from 29 families. For this
Appeal to be truly successful, we must have support from all of
our families. The Appeal is a vital source of funding for the
programs and ministries that sustain the parishes across our
Archdiocese. It is not too late to make your gift. Please be as
generous as you can. Thank you for your kind support.
The Sacrament of Confirmation for our students will be at the
10:00am Mass on April 10, 2016. Bishop Gerald Walsh will
once again be joining us to bestow the Sacrament on our
youth. All are welcome to attend.
New York Catholic Youth Day
Witness Mercy (Matthew 5:7)
Saturday, April 30, 2016 from 9am to 5pm at
St. Joseph’s Seminary
201 Seminary Avenue
Yonkers, NY 10704
Come join and meet over a thousand Catholic youth from all
over the Archdiocese for a day of faith, fun, great music and
speakers, and mass with His Eminence Cardinal Dolan. Register online at OYMNY.org/NY-Catholic-Youth-Day. Entrance
fee is $20 before April 9, and $25 after. It includes: T-Shirt,
backpack, and lunch. For more information, call Cynthia
Psencik at the Office of Youth Ministry at 914-367-8329 or
email [email protected].
What will help you to
believe? Today’s scripture
readings tell of faith and
doubt. They offer stories
“recorded to help you
believe,” as the passage
from John’s Gospel (20:31)
remarks today. There is an
urgency about this. On this
Second Sunday of Easter
we are challenged to join
the company of believers—
countless men and women
who witnessed the power
of the apostles’ faith. There
is no doubt that this power
comes from Jesus Christ.
The second reading, from
the book of Revelation, reports John’s mystical vision of the
Son of Man, who proclaims, “Once I was dead, but now I
live” (Revelation 1:18). The Gospel gathers everyone but
Thomas to see the Risen Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit
from him. Like Thomas, we who have come along later must
have faith so that we can have life.
Treasures From Our Tradition
We return to our reflections on the rites of marriage with a
brief consideration of reforms from the Council of Trent.
When the Protestant Reformation took hold, the fairly recent
achievements of the Church in regard to the sacrament of
marriage were reviewed with a critical, reforming eye. In
general, Protestants returned to an earlier view that marriage
was a civil matter, although some said that the civil society had
to be in harmony with Christian teaching. In the Catholic
Church, the Council of Trent took the question up in 1563,
and decided to shore up its teaching on the sacramentality of
marriage. They identified many threats to this, including secret
marriages and easy divorce. So they enacted laws that still
govern our practice today: to be valid, marriage consent must
be exchanged in the presence of a priest and two witnesses.
Ever since Trent, marriages must also be announced three
weeks in advance to the community, and recorded in a
register. In some places in the world, the “banns” are still
posted in the public square. In the United States, parishes
sometimes publish the “banns” in the bulletin. Anyone who
has ever watched a soap opera has seen the standard scene of
a minister announcing gravely, “If there is anyone here present
who sees any reason why these two should not be married . .
.” This bit of drama has no place in the Catholic liturgy, but
survives among Protestants who broke with us before Trent
edited this cliff-hanger out of our public prayer.
Page Three
3 de abril de 2016
Calendar / Calendario - April 3 - 9, 2016
Fellowship / Fraternidad
(Komora hall)
8:30am Religious Education /
Educación Religiosa
10:30am Grupo Sagrado Corazón
(solo cada primer Domingo del mes)
9:30am Lectio Divino (church/ iglesia)
11:30am Craft Circle (Koenig)
2:00pm Legion de Maria (Komora)
12p-6:00p Project Momentum (Komora)
7:30pm Grupo de Oracion (Komora)
Segundo Domingo de Pascua
Unirse A La Comunidad De Creyentes
¿Qué te ayudará a tener fe? Las lecturas bíblicas de hoy hablan
de la fe y de la duda. Se “escribieron… para que ustedes
crean”, como nos dice hoy el pasaje del Evangelio de san Juan
(20:31). Tiene esto una cierta urgencia. En este Segundo Domingo de Pascua se nos lanza un desafío a unirnos a la comunidad de creyentes –un sinnúmero de hombres y mujeres que
dan testimonio del poder de la fe de los Apóstoles. No hay
duda que este poder viene de Jesucristo. La segunda lectura,
del libro del Apocalipsis, relata la visión mística de Juan sobre
el Hijo del Hombre, el cual proclama: “Estuve muerto y de
nuevo soy el que vive” (Apocalipsis 1:18). El Evangelio reúne a
todos excepto a Tomás para ver a Jesús resucitado y recibir de
él el Espíritu Santo. Al igual que Tomás, los que hemos llegado
más tarde debemos tener fe para poder tener vida.
6:00pm Cursillistas (Koenig)
† Mass Intentions – April 2 - 9, 2016
† Intenciones de Misa 2 - 9 de abril 2016
10:00am Marcolina Zambrana †
Justino Zambrana †
Bodio Cecile †
12:00pm Sagrado Corazon de Jesus
Nemecia Fermin †
Mercey Andrade †
Margarita Bajana †
Jose Cabrera Clase †
Guarionel Fermin †
Monday /Lunes
9:00am Anacleta Ramirez †
Juana Rijo †
9:00am Mai Keane †
7:00pm Ana Mercedes Nunez †
9:00am Genieve King †
9:00am Anacleta Ramirez †
9:00am Hannah O’Connor †
7:00pm Gladys Severino †
Pablo Enriquez †
Elena Capellan †
9:00am Providencia Chaluissant †
El Sacramento de la Confirmación para nuestros estudiantes
será a las 10:00 am Misa el 10 de abril de 2016. Obispo Gerald
Walsh será una vez más nos une a otorgar el Sacramento de
nuestra juventud. Todos son bienvenidos a asistir.
Las donaciones de Pascua
¡Gracias a todos por sus contribuciones a lo largo del fin de
semana de Pascua. Todo lo que da ayuda a nuestra parroquia
para prosperar. Hemos sido bendecidos por su generosidad.
The Gloria
Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace to people of good will.
We praise you, we bless you,
we adore you, we glorify you,
we give you thanks for your great glory,
Lord God, heavenly King,
O God, almighty Father.
Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son,
Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father,
you take away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us;
you take away the sins of the world,
receive our prayer;
you are seated at the right hand of the Father,
have mercy on us.
For you alone are the Holy One,
you alone are the Lord,
you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ,
with the Holy Spirit,
in the glory of God the Father. Amen.
2016 Campana de
Corresponsabilidad del Cardenal
Hasta la fecha nuestra parroquia ha recibido $6,780.00 en
promesas / regalos Apelación hacia el 2016 el cardenal, de 29
familias. Por esta apelación sea verdaderamente exitosa, debemos tener el apoyo de todas nuestras familias. La apelación es
una fuente vital de financiación para los programas y ministerios que sustentan las parroquias de nuestra Arquidiócesis. No
es demasiado tarde para hacer su regalo. Por favor sea tan
generoso como pueda. Gracias por su amable ayuda.
Día de la juventud católica de Nueva York
Testigo Misericordia (Mateo 5: 7)
Sábado, 30 de abril 2016 09 a.m.-5 p.m. en
el Seminario San José
201 Seminario Ave
Yonkers, NY 10704
Vienen a unirse y conocer a lo largo de un millar de jóvenes
católicos de todo el Arquidiócesis para un día de la fe, diversión, buena música y altavoces, y la masa con su eminencia el
cardenal Dolan. Regístrese en línea en OYMNY.org/NYCatholic-Youth-Day. Precio de la entrada es de $ 20 antes del
9 de abril, y $ 25 después. Incluye: la camiseta, mochila, y el
almuerzo. Para obtener más información, llame a Cynthia Psencik en la Oficina de Ministerio Juvenil en 914-367-8329 o por
correo electrónico [email protected].
The Penitential Act
I confess to almighty God
and to you, my brothers and sisters,
that I have greatly sinned,
in my thoughts and in my words,
in what I have done and in what I have failed to do,
through my fault, through my fault,
through my most grievous fault;
therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin,
all the Angels and Saints,
and you, my brothers and sisters,
to pray for me to the Lord our God.
The Nicene Creed
I believe in one God,
the Father almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all things visible and invisible.
I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the Only Begotten Son of God,
born of the Father before all ages.
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made,
consubstantial with the Father;
through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation
he came down from heaven,
(all bow during the next two lines)
and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate
of the Virgin Mary, and became man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,
he suffered death and was buried,
and rose again on the third day
in accordance with the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory
to judge the living and the dead
and his kingdom will have no end.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
who with the Father and the Son
is adored and glorified,
who has spoken through the prophets.
I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.
I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins
and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead
and the life of the world to come. Amen.

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