the vision - Terry Parker Baptist Church


the vision - Terry Parker Baptist Church
Love God, Love People, Share the Good News
Volume 27
January 19,2014
Issue 1
5:00 PM, Sunday, January 19th
in the OASIS Room
I C H”
There's a popular bumper sticker that reads "God Bless
America," but hasn't America been blessed enough already?
We may regularly see people who have more than we do, but
compared to the rest of the world… How much is enough?
Maybe God has blessed America for a purpose. The floor is
open for conversation; I hope you can join us.
Quarterly Business Meeting
Sunday, January 26, 11:30 AM
The agenda will include regular membership and financial reports, nominations of Church
Clerk and Church Treasurer, and nominations for all committee members for 2014.
From the Pastors
Pastor Howard
Pastor Lorenzo
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not
rely on your own understanding; think about Him
in all your ways, and He will guide you on the
right paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6
The writer of Proverbs wisely included these
words that have been an encouragement to so
many through the centuries. And these words
continue to be important for believers and
seekers in our world. The writer instructs us to
trust in the LORD! This trust could be described
as full faith and confidence in the power and love
of the Creator God of the universe. It is the solid
foundation for all that we believe as Christians.
Here’s my translation of these verses: Trust in
the LORD with your whole being, and don’t be
limited by your own understanding; maintain a
vital relationship with Him, and He will guide you
day by day.
On Sunday, January 12, I will begin a series of
messages based on familiar verses of scripture
that offer encouragement for living as believers
who trust in the Lord in our world of change and
uncertainty. Invite family members, neighbors,
friends and strangers to share our worship and
seek encouragement from His word.
This issue of The VISION features a new format
and includes a column in Spanish written by
Pastor Lorenzo Rosas. This will be a regular
addition to our newsletter. We have limited the
attendance reports to Sunday Bible study
activities and worship celebrations. (Attendance
numbers for other activities will be printed in the
announcement sheets.)
2014 is unfolding before us as another good year
for Terry Parker Baptist Church. We do not know
all that will happen this year; but we do know that
our gracious God will help us each step of the
way. So, let us trust the Lord and seek His ways
and continue to be His people, sharing His love
and building His Church as one congregation in
two languages!
In His service,
Howard Goodwin
Efesios: 2: 13-22.
Un año más un año menos, más porque increíblemente,
hemos con la ayuda del Señor terminado otro año de
trabajos en su obra, cada cual en su puesto trabajo, lo
cual ha sido agotador pero a la vez gratificante, juntos
hemos enfrentado, y sobre- pasado retos, y obstáculos, a
veces triunfando, a veces no, pero de cualquier manera lo
hicimos siempre de la mano del Señor.
Un año menos porque cada año que pasa, se acerca más
la venida de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, para la cual les
animo a mantener la visión, y todo vuestro esfuerzo bien
enfocados en él, y en su pronto regreso.
Este Nuevo año que comienza, trae nuevos retos, y
nuevos obstáculos, pero el mismo que nos ayudó en el
pasado nos ayudará en el futuro, así que “Firmes y
adelante que Jesús nos ve”.
Quiero como vuestro Pastor por la gracia de Dios, y por
vuestra voluntad, lo cual agradezco grandemente, que con
ánimo diligente y resuelto, como congregación sigamos
trabajando unidos en amor y servicio a Dios y a los demás.
En este 2014 seguiremos trabajando en el hermoso y
ejemplar proyecto de una sola congregación en dos
lenguas. Lo cual, personalmente creo, habla muy alto del
verdadero cristianismo en cuanto a poner a un lado, y
pasar por alto, culturas, lenguas, naciones, pueblos,
edades, o cualquier otro tipo de barrera entre los
hombres. Porque como enseña la palabra de Dios, que en
Cristo hemos venido a ser un solo pueblo. No hay dudas
que será difícil, pero en el Señor no imposible, así que
demos lo mejor de nosotros, para que el nombre de Dios
sea glorificado en este nuevo año.
Estaremos dando pasos más concretos, pues a partir de
enero compartiremos un mismo presupuesto. Seguiremos
disfrutando celebrando cultos unidos en los dos idiomas,
aprendiendo los unos de los otros, apoyándonos los unos a
los otros, siendo bendecidos, y también bendiciendo.
Trabajaremos también, en servicios, más eficientes, y
dinámicos, aprovechando todos los recursos que Dios ha
puesto y seguirá poniendo en nuestras manos. Poco a poco
iremos creciendo juntos, siendo más y más excelentes.
En fin un Nuevo año por delante, con nuevos retos,
obstáculos, victorias, derrotas, alegrías, y tristezas, pero
otra vez, el Señor mismo, lo hará posible. ! A él sea la
Gloria! Desde ahora y para siempre AMEN.
Pastor Dale
As disciples of Jesus, we are learners,
followers and imitators of Jesus; ultimately
we are called to be Christ-like. The New
Testament is filled with teachings and
examples urging us to live in ways that please
Foundational to our understanding of what it
means to be responsible disciples of Jesus, is
our call to be united as one in Christ (John
17:21-23); to serve God’s kingdom as
instruments of peace and reconciliation
(Matthew 5:9 & 2nd Corinthians 5:18).
As we have chosen to build our future as a
multi-ethnic congregation, we have chosen a
path of unification that is already several
years in the making and will likely continue
challenging us for years to come. In the next
few months we will expand our committees
and leadership structure to reflect the
broader ethnic representation of our
Fortunately, breaking down ethnic, social,
and cultural barriers is a recognizable theme
in Jesus’ teachings and ministry. And we have
the privilege, as well as the responsibility, of
reflecting both the character and passion of
Christ for all peoples in our community as well
as our Southern Baptists affiliates by joining
together in worship, Bible study, and ministry
as we seek to fulfill our mission to “Love God,
Love People” and especially as we “Share the
Good News” wherever we go.
Pastors and Staff
Howard Goodwin, Senior Pastor
Roger Smythers, Pastor of Administration
Dale Nixon, Pastor of Discipleship
Lorenzo Rosas, Hispanic Pastor
Victor Rosas, Student Ministry Assistant
Lenore DuClos, Receptionist/Secretary
Weekly Activities
Sunday Bible Study
December 15 61
December 22 58
December 29 45
January 5
Worship Celebration
December 15 77
December 22 85
December 29 45
January 5
Hispanic Worship
December 15 26
December 22 70
December 29 39
Stewardship Report
Received the week of
December 15 $3,068.00
December 22 $ 5,216.25
December 29 $ 6,963.25
January 5
$ 13,505.35
Weekly Budget Requirement $7,538.23
Lottie Moon Offering to date $ 9,886.50
Goal $10,000.00
Dear Church Family,
Thank you for your kind expressions of
sympathy in the passing of Dwight and Dorena
Feldman. Your love was shown to us through
your cards, meals, gifts, and hugs. Even though
they were members for only a short time, they
loved this church and were faithful to it. We are
so blessed to be a part of this wonderful
In His Service
Nancy & Roger Smythers and family
The Vision
Is a periodic publication of the
7024 Merrill Road, Jacksonville FL
Office: 904-744-6577
FAX: 904-744-0307
Email: [email protected]
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Weekly Activities
9:15 AM
Bible Study Groups
10:30 AM
Worship Celebration
5:00 PM
Hispanic Worship Celebration
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
Keenager Choir
7:30 PM
Hispanic Prayer Meeting
8:00 AM
6:00 PM
6:00 PM
Student Flyte
6:00 PM
Prayer Meeting
6:30 PM
Adult Bible Study
7:30 PM
Adult Choir Rehearsal
12:00 PM
Craft Class
8:00 AM
Other Upcoming Events
Church Council Meeting – Sunday, January 19, 4:00 PM
Kingdom Conversation – Sunday, January 19, 5:00 PM
Women on Mission Meeting – Monday, January 20, 10:30 AM
MAPP Committee Meeting – Monday, January 20, 7:00 PM
Stewardship Committee Meeting – Tuesday, January 21, 7PM
Bilingual Worship – Sunday, January 26, 10:30 AM
Quarterly Business Meeting – Sunday, January 26, 11:30 AM
Keenager Council Meeting – Monday, January 27, 10:00 AM
JU BCM Lunch – Tuesday, January 28, Noon

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