Tiziano Telleschi_CV - Universitat Jaume I


Tiziano Telleschi_CV - Universitat Jaume I
Tiziano Telleschi
Curriculum Vitae
Researcher on Sociology, University of Pisa, Italy, and Professor on Sociology of Conflicts at
Degree Course on Peace Sciences at University of Pisa (since 2003), Professor on Psycholinguistics
at ‘S. Chiara’ Hospital, Pisa (1989-1992) and Professor on Anthropology of Communication at
European School of Economics, Lucca (1998-1999). Fulbright Scholar and Visiting Researcher at
Vanderbilt University - TN, Usa (1989); C.N.R. Scholar at Universidad de Sevilla - Spain (1997).
He is also Post-graduated on “Applied Sociolinguistics”, Limburg University, Diepenbeek,
Belgium, and Visiting Lecturer on the International Master on Peace, Conflicts and Development,
Universitat Jaume I, Castellón de la Plana, Spain (2003). He is also currently professor at the
Master on Managing Interreligious and Intercultural Studies, University of Pisa, in which is also a
member of Scientific Committee.
Telleschi is a member of research group on 'Compared Cultural Systems and Active Citizenship' at
Dept. of Social and Political Sciences, Pisa. He is a member of the editorial board of the Journal
"Antropologia - Psicologia", Pisa (Anthropology – Psychology), and of the Journal “Papeles de
Poblacion”, UAEM-Univ. Aut. Estado de México.
He took part to several researches (here on translation): “Youth, identity and emargination. 197879; "Youth condition in an industrialized area of Northern Italy: Pordenone. 1987; “Segregation
and racial prejudice in adults and aged people”. 1991); “No communitarian people’s role in social
and economic development of ‘Leather District’. 1994-95”; “Knowledge Society and new
creativity”. 2000-2001.
He participated with original lectures to founding Conferences on Peace Studies (Trieste:Italia,
Granada: España, Vila Real do Algarve: Portugal), and to founding Conferences on International
Migration Studies (Toluca: México).
Telleschi held the following further academic teachings and offices:
- Sociology of Education at Post-Degree Specialization Course for Secondary School Teachers,
Pisa-Florence (1999-2003).
- Coordinator of the Research Commission on “Peace and Security” at CISP – Interdisciplinary
Center of Peace Sciences, University of Pisa (1998-2000).
- Coordinator of the Project “ School communities involvment into Peace”, years 2002 and 2003,
at CISP /Dept of Social Sciences of Pisa.
- Coordinator of the “Plan on Local Governance and Peace Education”, a special area of the
Bilateral Italy-Serbia Research on “Studies on Peace” (Universities of Pisa, Naples, Florence,
and University of Belgrade), 2003.
His study concerns four complementary directions, as it is showed by the publications listed below.
Main publications
I: Comparative Studies on discursive and non discursive languages
II: Studies on Processes of inclusion/exclusion:
a) linguistic communities
b) young people
III: Policy:
a) Local Wealth and Services
IV: Peace: prevention of social diseases and social conflicts
c) inmigrant communities
b) Aged persons
Research pathway I :
- Imagery through Television: Neuropsychological and Cultural Effects, Vanderbilt Inst. for Public Policy
Studies (Policy paper Series 1990), 1-10
- The Image and its own Logic, Semiotica. J. of the Int. Ass. for Semiotic Studies, 1999, vol.125, nn.1-3 (special
issue), 115-133.
- La "vecchia" Tv e i nuovi "media telematici. In C. Belloni e M. Rampazi, eds, Luoghi e reti. Tempo, spazio,
lavoro nell'era della comunicazione telematica, Rubbettino Ed., Catanzaro, 1996: 155-174.
- Natura e funzioni dell'immagine (tele)visiva. Gli effetti potenziali ed operativi della TV. In P.Faccioli e D.
Harper, eds, Mondi da vedere. Verso una sociologia più visuale, Milano,Angeli Ed., 1999: 373-394.
- La cultura (tele)visiva, Working paper, Dip. Scienze sociali, Università di Pisa, 1998. 67.
- The Origins of Communication and the Nature of Culture, LOS FORUM, 1996, n.23, 61-97.
- Riflessione sulla natura della comunicazione e sviluppo della capacità di cultura, Antropologia
contemporanea, 1997, 1-2.
- Origins of Language and of Society-Culture relationships, In B.H. Bichakjian et alii, eds., Becoming Loquens,
Frankfurt am Main, Peter Verlag, 2000, 75-100.
- Espacio y tiempo en la era de la Globalizacion. Una vision de la transparencia en la informacion (coed. with.
E.Sandoval Forero). Pisa Univ./Ceiapes México, 2007: 226
Research pathway IIa:
- Tradizionalismo ideologico e revival delle culture 'particolari': il caso del vernacolo pisano, Etnologia,
Antropologia Culturale, 1980, 8, 3-48.
- Vernacolo come recupero di identificazioni simboliche. In Social Sciences Dept/Linguistic Dept, Il Vernacolo
nell'attuale dibattito su tradizioni popolari, cultura del territorio e identità collettiva, Pisa, Tacchi
Research pathway II b:
- Giovani: professionalità come differenziazione, Note di Sociologia, 1980,II, 191-228.
- I “Nuovi giovani”: professionalità, identità, meritocrazia, Sicurezza sociale, 1981, n.3,.1-42.
- Le condizioni giovanili tra società e cultura. In S. Burgalassi, I giovani nella società secolarizzata, Angeli Ed.,
Milano, 1991, 346-389.
Professionalità, Working paper, Centro Orientamento Professionale Ed, Livorno, 1981: 63.
Research pathway II c:
- Gli immigrati extra-comunitari in un Distretto Industriale. Studio di comunità. In AISEA, Migrazioni e
dinamiche dei contatti interculturali, Lecce, Argo, 2000: 295-316 (Lecture to the IVth National Conference of
AISEA-Italian Ass. of EtnoAntropological Studies).
- El modelo de Integración cosmopolita: una propuesta para la convivencia intercultural. Lecture at 1er
Congreso Latinoamericano ‘Migracion Internacional. Voces del Sur’. Toluca, México, 13,14,15 november 2008
Research pathway III:
- Salute, Cultura e Territorio (editor with S. Burgalassi), Proceedings of AIS-Italian Association of Sociology,
Pisa, Offset grafica, 1984: 222
- Soggettività e bisogni collettivi. Il ruolo della Sicurezza sociale, La Rivista di Servizio Sociale, 1978, 4, 3-16.
- I servizi sociali per anziani tra custodialismo e territorialismo. In Cultura e condizione anziana, Proceedings
of International Conference, Mantova, Centro Problemi dell’Anziano Ed., 1979: 154-163.
Research pathway IV:
Il Cisp di Pisa: progetti per una cultura della Pace. In A. Licata, ed., “L’Università per la Pace”, Gorizia, IsigUniversità di Trieste, 2001, 43-78.
- Devianza e Società, (co-editor with E. Taliani), Lucca, Pacini Fazzi Ed., 1992: 243..
- Apegarse a lo social. Notas por una educacción para la Paz en una sociedad globalizada. Lecture to the “I
Congresso Ibero-Americano y Africano: Educaçao de Adultos e Desenvolvimento Comunitario”, Vila Real de S.
Antonio, Algarve, Portugal, 17-19 de Mayo 2002.
- La Paz como educacción permanente para el bien común. Comunication to the “I Congreso HispanoAmericano de Educación e Cultura de la Paz”, Granada, 13-15 de Septiembre 2002.
- Peace education and local governance [Theorethical frame and Operative Outlooks. The object is formation of
educators.The rationale concerns how to realize constant relations between civil society, asociacionism, and
institutions by focalizing the individual subject as a moral actor]. This is my special area inside the mentioned
Bilateral Italy-Serbia Research on “Studies on Peace”.
- Per una cultura del conflitto e della convivenza (ed.) Pisa. Pisa PLUS Ac. Press, 2004:253.
- Educazione Permanente alla Pace, Democrazia e Local Governance, Pisa, Pisa PLUS Univ. Press, 2004: 32

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