St. Mary`s Church April 10, 2016 Page 1 First Reading: Acts 5:27


St. Mary`s Church April 10, 2016 Page 1 First Reading: Acts 5:27
St. Mary’s Church
April 10, 2016
Page 1
Saturday, April 9th Easter Weekday
Saturday, April 16th Easter Weekday
8:00Am †William Rooney, Sr.
5:30PM †Jack Kelleher
6:45PM †Lilia Vazquez, †Fanny Arboleda
†Cesa Gomez, †Hilda Lozada
†Alfonso Acosta
8:00Am All Parishioners
5:30PM †Jose Nunez
6:45PM En honor a la Virgen Dolorosa del Colegio
†Hugo Mauricio Castillo Cuestas,
†Mario Javier Ovalle Palencia
†Miguel Angel Villegas Garcia
†Gilberto Vicente Lucas
†Nicolas Vicente
Sunday, April 10th Third Sunday of Easter
7:45AM †Carlos Aguilar
†Maria Abril
9:00AM En honor la Virgen de Guadalupe
En honor a la Virgen Agua Santa
†Mario Bernal, †Jenifer Ibarra,
†Mercedes Palacios,†Vicente Guaman
†Jose A Chango Valin
10:30AM †Celine Rachel Angon
12:00PM En honor a la Virgen de Guadalupe
†Antonio Nieves Herrera
†Jose Adan Arias,
1:30PM †Santiago Santos
7:00PM †Rosa Olivero Lopez,†Luis Ortiz
†Edgar Ramirez Guerrero
Salud de Herminia Guerrero
Monday, April 11th St. Stanislaus, Bishop
8:00AM All Parishioners
7:00PM Todos los Parroquianos
Tuesday, April 12th Easter Weekday
8:00AM All Parishioners
7:00PM Todos los Parroquianos
Wednesday, April 13th St. Martin I, Pope
& Martyr
Sunday, April 17th Fourth Sunday of
7:45AM †Olga Chavez
9:00AM Por las almas del Purgatorio
†Marta Yolanda Viteri Luna,
†Pedro Chavez, †Luis Jairo Malagon
†Enriquetta Ciccia,
†Maria de los Angeles Cifuentes
10:30AM †Celine Rachel Angon
12:00PM †Francisco Calles Jr.,
1:30PM Todos los Parroquianos
7:00PM †Imelda Chavez, †Rafael Rosa
First Reading: Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41
The high priest chastised Peter and the other apostles for continuing to preach when they had been
ordered to stop. Peter replied he would rather obey
God than men, considering God's power even over
death. They are again warned to stop speaking of
Jesus, and then freed.
Second Reading: Revelation 5:11-14
8:00AM All Parishioners
7:00PM †Antonio Valerio
†Artenio Juarez
†Olivia Mayta
John had a vision of many angels and all the living
creatures of the world gathered around a throne.
The angels cried out that the slain Lamb was worthy
of receiving power, glory and praise. Then every
creature on earth called out praise to God and the
Lamb, and the elders fell down and worshipped.
Thursday, April 14th Eastern Weekday
Gospel: John 21:1-19
8:00AM All Parishioners
7:00PM †Saul Rodriguez, †Isaias Rodriguez
Friday, April 15th Easter Weekday
8:00AM All Parishioners
7:00PM Todos los Parroquianos
Jesus appeared to the disciples for the third time
since his resurrection while they were fishing. They
hadn't caught anything, and then Jesus advised them
to cast their net from the other side of the
boat. When they did this, they caught a great number of fish. Jesus then asked Peter three times, "Do
you love me?" When Peter said he did, Jesus asked
him to tend and feed his sheep.
St. Mary’s Church
April 10, 2016
“I have come so that
they may have life and
have it to the full!”
(John 10,10)
You believe in God, yet
you ask yourself …
Why did God create me?
What is the meaning of my life?
Why sickness and death?
Why evil and war?
Can my life change for the better?
Page 2
Today our parish will start a Paschal Mission
on Sundays in the streets of the neighborhood. All are invited to come and to invite
anyone (even non-Catholic) to have an hour
of festival of faith with music, witness and
preaching. Come hear the good news of salvation, a word that can change your life.
Seize the great gift that Jesus gives us by His
The mission will begin at 3:00PM at the front
of the YMCA on Front St. & Church St.
So, come listen and walk with Jesus.
MONDAYS & THURSDAYS Evenings at 8:00
Beginning April 4, 2016
In Spanish
St. Mary’s school auditorium
Plainfield, NJ
For more information, call
(908) 756-0085
(Free Babysitting will be provided)
We have started our Capital Campaign.
Today we are having a presentation of the
campaign. We will have the privilege, as many others
did before us, to be part of this great campaign which
will ensure the presence of the Church in our
archdiocese for the future generations.
We invite you to be generous.
St. Mary’s Church
April 10, 2016
“Yo he venido para que
tengan vida y la tengan
en abundancia!”
(Juan 10,10)
Tú crees en Dios;
sin embargo
todavia te preguntas…
¿Para qué me ha creado Dios?
¿Cual es el sentido de mi vida?
¿El Porqué, de la enfermedad y la
¿Por qué, el mal y la guerra?
¿ Podría mejorar mi vida?
Page 3
Hoy nuestra iglesia tendrá las misiones populares
de Pascua en las calles del barrio. Pueden invitar
a cualquier persona (incluso a no católicos) a este
festival de la fe con música, testimonios y cantos,
llevando la alegría de la resurrección a los demás.
Ven y escucha la buena nueva de la salvación,
una palabra que puede cambiar tu vida. Aprovechemos el gran regalo que nos da Jesucristo con
Su Resurrección.
La misiones empezarán a las 3:00 PM de la tarde
en la esquina de Front Street con Park Ave. y
también en el espacio vacio enfrente de la
YMCA en el 219-233 E. Front Street.
¡Cristo Ha
Ven escucha y camina con Jesús.
LUNES Y JUEVES a las 8:00 PM
Empezando el 4 de april, 2016
En Español
Plainfield, NJ
Más información llamar: 908-756-0085
(Habrá niñera gratis)
Hemos iniciado nuestra campaña Capital.
Hoy tenemos una presentación de la campaña.
Tendremos el privilegio, al igual que muchos
otros antes que nosotros, de ser parte de esta
gran campaña que garantizará la presencia de
la Iglesia en nuestra archidiócesis para las
generaciones futuras.
Te invitamos a ser generosos.
St. Mary’s Church
April 10, 2016
Page 4
“Peter ran to the tomb” (Lk 24:12). What thoughts crossed Peter’s mind and stirred his heart as he ran to the tomb?
The Gospel tells us that the eleven, including Peter, had not believed the testimony of the women, their Easter
proclamation. Quite the contrary, “these words seemed to them an idle tale” (v. 11). Thus there was doubt in Peter’s
heart, together with many other worries: sadness at the death of the beloved Master and disillusionment for having
denied him three times during his Passion.
There is, however, something which signals a change in him: after listening to the women and refusing to believe
them, “Peter rose” (v. 12). He did not remain sedentary, in thought; he did not stay at home as the others did. He did
not succumb to the sombre atmosphere of those days, nor was he overwhelmed by his doubts. He was not consumed
by remorse, fear or the continuous gossip that leads nowhere. He was looking for Jesus, not himself. He preferred
the path of encounter and trust. And so, he got up, just as he was, and ran towards the tomb from where he would
return “amazed” (v. 12). This marked the beginning of Peter’s resurrection, the resurrection of his heart. Without
giving in to sadness or darkness, he made room for hope: he allowed the light of God to enter into his heart, without
smothering it.
The women too, who had gone out early in the morning to perform a work of mercy, taking the perfumed ointments
to the tomb, had the same experience. They were “frightened and bowed their faces”, and yet they were deeply
affected by the words of the angel: “Why do you seek the living among the dead?” (v. 5).
We, like Peter and the women, cannot discover life by being sad, bereft of hope. Let us not stay imprisoned within
ourselves, but let us break open our sealed tombs to the Lord – each of us knows what they are – so that he may
enter and grant us life. Let us give him the stones of our rancour and the boulders of our past, those heavy burdens
of our weaknesses and falls. Christ wants to come and take us by the hand to bring us out of our anguish. This is the
first stone to be moved aside this night: the lack of hope which imprisons us within ourselves. May the Lord free us
from this trap, from being Christians without hope, who live as if the Lord were not risen, as if our problems were
the centre of our lives.
We see and will continue to see problems both within and without. They will always be there. But tonight it is
important to shed the light of the Risen Lord upon our problems, and in a certain sense, to “evangelize” them. To
evangelize our problems. Let us not allow darkness and fear to distract us and control us; we must cry out to them: the
Lord “is not here, but has risen!” (v. 6). He is our greatest joy; he is always at our side and will never let us down.
«Pedro fue corriendo al sepulcro» (Lc 24,12). ¿Qué pensamientos bullían en la mente y en el corazón de Pedro mientras
corría? El Evangelio nos dice que los Once, y Pedro entre ellos, no creyeron el testimonio de las mujeres, su anuncio
pascual. Es más, «lo tomaron por un delirio» (v.11). En el corazón de Pedro había por tanto duda, junto a muchos
sentimientos negativos: la tristeza por la muerte del Maestro amado y la desilusión por haberlo negado tres veces
durante la Pasión.Hay en cambio un detalle que marca un cambio: Pedro, después de haber escuchado a las mujeres y
de no haberlas creído, «sin embargo, se levantó» (v.12). No se quedó sentado a pensar, no se encerró en casa como los
demás. No se dejó atrapar por la densa atmósfera de aquellos días, ni dominar por sus dudas; no se dejó hundir por los
remordimientos, el miedo y las continuas habladurías que no llevan a nada. Buscó a Jesús, no a sí mismo. Prefirió la vía
del encuentro y de la confianza y, tal como estaba, se levantó y corrió hacia el sepulcro, de dónde regresó «admirándose
de lo sucedido» (v.12). Este fue el comienzo de la «resurrección» de Pedro, la resurrección de su corazón. Sin ceder a la
tristeza o a la oscuridad, se abrió a la voz de la esperanza: dejó que la luz de Dios entrara en su corazón sin
apagarla.También las mujeres, que habían salido muy temprano por la mañana para realizar una obra de misericordia,
para llevar los aromas a la tumba, tuvieron la misma experiencia. Estaban «despavoridas y mirando al suelo», pero se
impresionaron cuando oyeron las palabras del ángel: «¿Por qué buscáis entre los muertos al que vive?» (v.5).Al igual
que Pedro y las mujeres, tampoco nosotros encontraremos la vida si permanecemos tristes y sin esperanza y encerrados
en nosotros mismos. Abramos en cambio al Señor nuestros sepulcros sellados ―cada de nosotros los conoce― , para
que Jesús entre y lo llene de vida; llevémosle las piedras del rencor y las losas del pasado, las rocas pesadas de las
debilidades y de las caídas. Él desea venir y tomarnos de la mano, para sacarnos de la angustia. Pero la primera piedra
que debemos remover esta noche es ésta: la falta de esperanza que nos encierra en nosotros mismos. Que el Señor nos
libre de esta terrible trampa de ser cristianos sin esperanza, que viven como si el Señor no hubiera resucitado y nuestros
problemas fueran el centro de la vida.
Continuamente vemos, y veremos, problemas cerca de nosotros y dentro de nosotros. Siempre los habrá, pero en esta
noche hay que iluminar esos problemas con la luz del Resucitado, en cierto modo hay que «evangelizarlos».
Evangelizar los problemas. No permitamos que la oscuridad y los miedos atraigan la mirada del alma y se apoderen del
corazón, sino escuchemos las palabras del Ángel: el Señor «no está aquí. Ha resucitado» (v.6); Él es nuestra mayor
alegría, siempre está a nuestro lado y nunca nos defraudará.

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