St. Mary/St. Patrick - Franklin Hardin Catholic


St. Mary/St. Patrick - Franklin Hardin Catholic
October 15-16, 2016
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Mary/St. Patrick
Mass Schedule
A Note from Fr. Tony
Monday October 17
No Mass
Tuesday October 18
St. Mark, Iowa Falls, 5:30pm
Mary Agnus Oppold
Wednesday October 19
St. Patrick, Hampton, 8:30am
David Rowen
Thursday October 20
We are in that time of year where there are a ton of activities happening in our local
communities. It seems to me that about every church in the area will have some
kind of dinner in an effort to gathering in the local community and to raise some
needed funds. As you are making your weekend plans, please keep in mind the
following activities that will be occurring within our linkage parishes. Next Sunday,
October 23rd, St. Mary, Ackley will be having its annual Turkey Dinner. The dinner is
from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm. On Sunday, October 30th St. Patrick, Hampton will be
having a Pork Loin Dinner from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm. On Sunday, November 6 th, St.
Mary, Eldora will be serving brunch in the parish center from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. I
am a firm believer in creating opportunities outside of Mass to gather parishioners
together. Especially in creating opportunities for all four parishes to gather together.
Please give it a chance and don’t be afraid to support one another! We are one Body
in Christ!
St. Mary, Eldora, 8:30am
Jerald & Gail Lawler
Friday October 21
St. Mary, Ackley, 8:30am
Saturday October 22
St. Mark, Iowa Falls, 4:00pm
Scott Koppes
St. Patrick, Hampton 6:30pm
Craig Luther
Sunday October 23
St. Mary, Eldora, 8:00am
Dean Walker
St. Mary, Ackley, 10:30am
For the Parishes
St. Patrick, 5:30pm
Spanish Mass
Also, I wish to inform you of the upcoming holy day schedules for All Saints Day
(November 1st), All Souls Day (November 2nd), Thanksgiving (November 24th), and
Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (December 8th). The schedule for
All Saints Day is October 31st at 5:30 pm at St. Mary, Ackley and 7:30 pm at St. Mary,
Eldora. November 1st at 5:30 pm at St. Patrick, Hampton and 7:30 pm at St. Mark,
Iowa Falls. Even though All Souls Day is not a Holy Day of Obligation it is still an
important Day. The schedule for All Souls Day is November 2nd at 8:30 am at St.
Patrick, Hampton and 7:00 pm at St. Mark, Iowa Falls. The Thanksgiving holiday is
not a Holy Day of Obligation but we are still offering two opportunities for Mass. The
schedule for Thanksgiving is November 23rd at 7:30 pm at St. Patrick, Hampton and
November 24th at 9:00 am at St. Mary, Eldora. Finally, the schedule for the
Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary is December 7th at 5:30 pm at St.
Mark, Iowa Falls and 7:30 pm at St. Patrick, Hampton. December 8th at 5:30 pm at
St. Mary, Eldora and 7:30 pm at St. Mary, Ackley. The Christmas and New Year’s Day
schedules will be announced soon.
Finally, I will be out of the office from the evening of
October 23rd until October 29th. Have a great week!
~Fr. Tony
Please note, parish offices will be closed
Tuesday, October 18 to allow staff to
attend a pastoral leadership study day.
Our Sacrificial Gift of Thanks & Praise
October 8-9
St. Mary
Adult Envelopes - $1,465.00
Offertory - $368.00
St. Patrick
Bud. Env/Current Exp : $2,225.50
Avg needed weekly: $3,184.67
Avg received weekly: $2,071.83
Number of envelopes received:30
Number of envelope holders: 320
Bud. Env./Maint. & Improv: $65.00
Offertory: $168.00
65% Iowa Tax Credit As an Iowa Catholic tax
payer, you can help families with demonstrated
financial need attend any Catholic School in the
Archdiocese of Dubuque through a contribution to
the Our Faith School Tuition Organization (STO).
Each contribution will receive an Iowa tax credit
equal to 65 percent of the donation. The amount
you contribute also qualifies as a charitable
donation on your federal tax return. Visit or call the Archdiocese of
Dubuque at 800-876-3546 ext. 219 or 307 to learn
St. Mary & St. Patrick Parishioners:
We are needing to rebuild our Stewardship
Committees. We will be having a meeting
along with Iowa Falls/Eldora parishes on
November 8 at St. Mark, Iowa Falls. The
meeting will begin at 6:30 pm & will be lead
by Sr. Lynn Fangman, head of Stewardship
at the Archdiocese.We are in need of at
least 3 members from each church to attend
& bring the information back to our
parishes. If you are willing to serve your
church in this ministry, please contact the
parish office.
The Family Life Office reflection question
for couples: Today's Gospel reading (Luke
18:1-8) reminds us of the power of
persistence. Do you and your spouse need to
persist in something: praying as a family,
saving for the home, looking for work?
Encourage each other.
Upcoming Calendar Dates:
October 18 – RCIA 7:00pm
October 23 – St. Mary Fall Dinner
October 24-St. Patrick, Liturgy 6:30pm(please
note date change)
October 25 - RCIA 7:00pm
October 25-26- No Daily Mass
October 30- St. Patrick Fall Dinner
October is National Respect life MonthSt. Patrick:Join us on Tuesday evenings
during October for Holy Hour 7pm-8pm in the
October is also the month Catholics dedicate
to the Holy Rosary. Beginning October 1st, at
6pm before Saturday evening Mass, a rosary
will be said for Respect Life. All are
encouraged and welcomed.
St. Mary- The Rosary will also be said prior to
Sunday, 10:30am Mass
St. Patrick, Saturday October 22, 6:30pm
Lector-Mary Ann Patton
Sacristan- Judy Nelson
Servers- Ariana Bunston/Katie Peterson
Communion Ministers-Dwight Peterson/
Sherry Peterson/Teresa Peterson/
Rich Showalter(W)/Shari Showalter(W)
Ushers-Madonna Weiland/Joel Esslinger
Greeters-Wayne & Jane Eckhoff/
Harold & Peg Gallagher
Money Counters- JoAnn Birdsell/
John & Janice Ripperger
DIRECTORY - It is time for a new Parish Directory, we are in need
of a few people from St. Mary and St. Patrick to help with the
planning and assisting with making appointments. If you can give
some of your time to help call the parish office or talk to Jolene
St. Patrick Food Pantry needs your help! Muffin mixes, pasta side
dishes, skillet dinners, cereal, canned pasta meals, graham crackers,
jam, apple juice, chili beans, soups & flour are just a sample of the
items used! The need is great, Please help us stock up!!!
St. Patrick parishioners, we have a member, Elizabeth Flores, who is very
ill with cancer. Elizabeth is very active in the parish and has been a PreSchool Religious Ed teacher for many years. We would like to arrange
meals to be prepared & delivered for her family of 4, this will likely be
needed through January.
If you are able to offer a meal or two for this family, please contact Ruth
Tapp 641-425-2211
Organist - Leon Kuehner
Communion Ministers to the Homebound –
Ruth Ann Kelch
St. Mary, Sunday October 23, 10:30am
St. Patrick’s Fall Dinner will be October 30 from 11:302:30pm. The menu this year will include Pork Loin,
mashed potatoes & gravy, coleslaw, green beans, dinner
roll & dessert. Assignment sheets have been placed on the
tables in the social hall, please pick up yours and any
you may be able to deliver.
Lector: Jessica Schipper,
Manda Thomas
Communion: Jim Wessels,
Jenny Kuper, Manda Thomas
Ushers:Duane Sudtelgte,
John Schafer, Bob Burkle,
Mike Bonewitz
Greeters: John and Judy Schafer
Communion to the Homebound:
Julie Wojcik
Altar Servers: Katelyn Pfaltzgraff,
Eli Kuper
Sacristan: Jo DeVries
October 23 is the day that we serve from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m.You
should have received your letter this morning before Mass. If not,
please pick it up on the way out. Tickets are on sale at Mass the
next four Sundays. Jeff and Joan Frazier at Ibeling Insurance and
Jim Wessels at the ARC will also be selling them.
Tickets are $8.00 if purchased early and then $9:00 at the door.
Children 5-12 are $5.00.
St. Patrick, Altar Server training: Father Tony is offering a server
formation evening on Wednesday, November 16th from 7-8pm
during RE. Interested Adults, current servers, and new students
4th grade and above as asked to attend. New students servers
will need to fill out a parent permission slip. Please watch for
these notes coming home, extra copies will be in the parish hall.
The training will be for the Spanish and English Masses.
Please Pray for
Lupita Montalvo, Leroy Nilles, Jerry Buss, Cindy Balvanz,
Aracely Lobato, Wilma Uthe, Jacob and Dena Sudtelgte, Jim & Lisette Boylan,
Marge Montgomery, Jeff Kurth, Lyle Dockwell, Patrick Mejia.
¡La Despensa de Alimentos de San Patricio necesita su ayuda!
Hay muchos ítems en venta en Fareway esta semana que necesitamos: mezclas para muffins, comidas de pasta, cenas de
sartén, cereales, comidas de pasta enlatadas, galletas, mermelada, jugo de manzana, frijoles, sopas y harina sólo para
nombrar unos pocos. La necesidad es grande, ¡Por favor, ayúdenos abastecer la despensa!!!!
Parroquianos de San Patricio, tenemos una miembro, Elizabeth Flores, quien está muy enferma con cáncer. Elizabeth es
muy activa en la parroquia y ha sido maestra de Ed. Religiosa pre-escolar por muchos años. Quisiéramos arreglar que
comidas sean preparadas y entregadas para su familia de 4, parece ser necesario hasta los fines de enero. Si usted puede
ofrecer una comida o dos por esta familia, por favor contactar Ruth Tapp 641-425-2211.
La Cena de Otoño en San Patricio será el 30 de octubre de 11:30 a 2:30 pm. El menú este año incluirá lomo de cerdo,
puré de papa, salsa de carne, ensalada de col, judías verdes, rollos y el postre. Si quiere ayudar, llame Hna. Carmen 641812-1090.
¡Viva LA Salud!
La Luz Hispana comenzará otra vez un desafío de mejorar la salud de nosotras y de nuestras familias. VIVA LA SALUD es
un programa para lograr la aptitud física máxima. Vamos a compartir unas nuevas ideas para mejorar la salud.
Aprenderemos acerca de lo que realmente ponemos en nuestros cuerpos. Vamos a hacer pruebas de glucosa, colesterol,
presión de sangre, hemoglobina a1c y otras. ¡Viva La Salud! Las fechas de los clases son: 11, 18, 25 de octubre y 2 y 8 de
noviembre. Horas: 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Vengan y aprendan sobre el sistema escolar del Hampton-Dumont. Habrá una oportunidad de aprender más sobre los
programas y las actividades escolares en Hampton-Dumont. Por favor, pregunten sobre los programas y las actividades
escolares para recibir respuestas de los directores. El lunes, 10 de octubre de 6:15-7:30 de la tarde en el sótano de First
Security Bank.
Octubre es mes nacional de Respeto para la Vida.
Únase a nosotros el martes a las 7 pm en la iglesia durante el mes de octubre para la Hora Santa. Todos están invitados y
Hermana Rita Menart, consejera de salud mental con Caridades Católicas, viene cada dos semanas a Hampton
para ofrecer consejería en español. Para una cita, llame 319-272-2138.
Pastor: Rev. Anthony Kruse
[email protected]
Director of Faith Formation:
Jolene Harms
[email protected]
Pastoral Minister/RCIA
Judy Nelson
[email protected]
In case of an
are in need of a priest,
please call
St. Patrick:
[email protected]
St. Mary:
[email protected]
Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry
Sr. Carmen Hernandez
[email protected]
Baptism Preparation: Contact
Marriage Preparation:
Contact pastor six months in
Reconciliation: 30 minutes prior
to Mass (Travel time permitting)
St. Mary:
611 Sherman
Ackley, IA 50601
Bookkeeping & Maint:
Brent & Sue Harrenstein
St. Patrick:
1405 N. Federal
Hampton, IA 50441
Office hours 9:00 – 3:30
Tues - Fri
Angi Wright
Visit us at:

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