Resource: lyrics Gracias A La Vida


Resource: lyrics Gracias A La Vida
Resource: lyrics
Gracias A La Vida
Gra-ci-as a la vi-da, que me ha da-do tan-to
Me dio dos lu-cer-os, que cuan-do los a-bro
Per-fec-to dis-tin-go, lo ne-gro del blan-co
Y’en el al-to cie-lo, su fon-do es-trel-la-do,
Y’en las mul-ti-tu-des, el hom-bre que yo’a-mo
Music & lyrics by Violeta Parra
Arranged by Stephen Deazley
Thanks to life, which has given me so much
It has given me two stars (eyes) .. when I open them
I can perfectly distinguish black from white
And in the wide sky its starred background
And in the crowds the man I love
Gra-ci-as a la vi-da, que me ha da-do tan-to
Me ha da-do el son-i-do, y’el a-be-ce-da-rio
Con él las pa-la-bras, que pien-so y’de-cla-ro
Ma-dre a-mi-go her-man-o, y luz a-lum-bran-do
La ru-ta del al-ma, del qu’es-toy a-man-do
Thanks to life, which has given me so much
It has given me the sound and the alphabet
With it the words with which I think and call out
Mother, friend, brother, and illuminating light
The path of the soul whom I love
Gra-ci-as a la vi-da, que me ha da-do tan-to
Me ha da-do la mar-cha, de mis pies can-sa-dos
Con e-llos an-du-ve, ciu-da-des y char-cos
Pla-yas y des-ier-tos, mon-ta-ñas y lla-nos
Y la ca-sa tu-ya, tu ca-lle y tu pa-tio
Thanks to life, which has given me so much
It has given me the pace of my tired feet
With them I walked cities and puddles
Beaches and deserts, mountains and planes
And your home, your street and your patio
Gra-ci-as a la vi-da, que me ha da-do tan-to
Me ha da-do la ri-sa, y me ha da-do el llan-to
A-sí yo dis-tin-go, di-cha de que bran-to
Los dos ma-te-ria-les, que for-man mi can-to
Y’el can-to de’us-te-des, qu’es el mis-mo can-to
Y’el can-to de to-dos, que es mi pro-pio can-to
Thanks to life, which has given me so much
It has given me laughter and given me tears
Thus I distinguish fortune from sorrow
The two elements that make up my singing
And the singing from you, which is the same
And the singing from all, which is the same as mine
Gra-cias la vi-da
Thanks to life
Words & Music by Violeta Parra
Arranged by Stephen Deazley
© 1970 Warner/Chappell De Argentina S.A. (SADAIC)
All Rights Administered by Rightsong Music, Inc.
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