FEBRUARY 2014 newsletter
FEBRUARY 2014 newsletter
UNION GAP SCHOOL NEWS 3201 SOUTH FOURTH STREET VOLUME XXVIII, NO. 4 FEBRUARY 2014 Phone: (509) 248-‐3966 The Union Gap School Newsletter can be found at http://www.uniongapschool.org/ Come check out the site! Fax: (509) 575-‐1876 (Tentative) Feb. 13th Feb. 14th Feb. 17th Feb. 19th Mar 3rd -7th Mar. 14th Valentine Family Night Student Early Release at 12:50 p.m. NO SCHOOL-President’s Day Class/Group/Personality/Club Photos BOOK FAIR NO SCHOOL-District Professional Day (tentative) th Mar. 20 Family Night Mar. 24th-28th Parent Conferences: Student Early Release at 12:50 p.m. Mar. 31st-Apr. 4th SPRING BREAKNO SCHOOL Apr. 24th Family Night May 22nd Family Night May 26th MEMORIAL DAY-NO SCHOOL You should have received a copy of the 2012-‐2013 (2013) Annual School Performance Report in January which also included our regular school newsletter. I hope you found the report and newsletter informative as well as interesting. Please contact m e if you did not receive the report and would like a copy. The law states that “Each district and school shall publish annually a school performance report and deliver that report to each parent with children enrolled in the district and make the report available to the community served by the school” as determined in the 1993 Education Reform Legislation Act. The report is also on the district’s web site. sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss School begins: (Monday through Friday) 8:30 a.m. K-6th 8:25 a.m. Middle School sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss School is dismissed: Monday at 2:00 p.m. K-6 at 1:55 p.m. Middle School School board members spend countless hours, with no pay, working to improve educational opportunities for their constituent’s children. The month of January was recognized as Washington School B oard Recognition Month so please take a moment to thank a school b oard member for all their efforts. The school board recently elected officers for 2014. Carrie Greenough was reelected to serve as the President and Louise Sisk was elected to serve as the Vice-‐President. The current Union Gap school b oard members are listed below: Carrie Greenough (President) Louise Sisk (Vice-‐President) Ron Jennings (WIAA Representative & Legislative Representative) Diana Grunlose Margarita Soto Tuesday-Friday at 3:10 p.m. K-6th p.m. for Middle School 3:05 sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 2013 School of Distinction (We did it again!) Superintendent’s Message: Dates to Remember: UNION GAP, WA 98903 We are still selling bricks and 3” blocks of gym flooring from the old elementary school. The proceeds will be used to help purchase future new playground equipment. Please contact me if you would like to purchase a brick or a section of flooring. Superintendent, Principal, Assistant Principal, Kurt H. Hilyard Si Stuber Lisa Gredvig The school greenhouse is slowly coming Del Superintendente: together. We had hoped to have it up and running this winter but weekend weather conditions have slowed the process. W e have a framing team working only on the weekends and the weekends have not always been kind this winter. Please check out the progress of the greenhouse behind the school. Usted debería haber recibido una copia del Informe del Desempeño Anual Escolar 2012-2013 (2013) en enero el cual también incluía nuestro boletín de noticias regular. Espero que el reporte y el boletín de noticias le haya sido informativo al igual que interesante. Por favor póngase en contacto con migo si usted no recibió el reporte y le gustaría una copia. La ley dice que “cada distrito y escuela debe publicar anualmente un informe anual de desempeño académico y entregar ese reporte a cada padre con niños inscritos en el distrito y tener el informe disponible para la comunidad servida por la escuela” como se determina en el 1993 Education Reform Legislation Act. El informe también está en el sitio web del distrito. Signs have been posted around the play areas at school banning dog owners from exercising their dogs on the grassed areas. We had hoped dog owners would take the responsibility of picking up after their canines b ut that has not been the case the majority of the time. Over the Christmas break, Larry Moran of Los miembros de la junta directiva pasaron muchas horas, sin pago, trabajando para mejorar las oportunidades educacionales de sus niños residentes. El mes de enero fue reconocido como el Mes de Reconocimiento de la Junta Directiva Escolar de Washington así que tome un momento para agradecerle a un miembro de la junta directiva por todos sus esfuerzos. La junta directiva recientemente eligió oficiales para el 2014. Carrie Greenough fue reelegida para servir como Presidenta y Louise Sisk fue elegida para servir como la Vise-Presidenta. Enseguida esta una lista de los miembros actuales de la junta directiva de la escuela Union Gap: Group Health gave a generous gift of $200 to be used for students in need of clothing in addition to providing fifty canned hams. K-‐Kids (4th, 5th and 6th graders) are a community service group sponsored by the local Kamiakin Kiwanis organization. We meet the 4th Thursday of each month in the school art room. Please contact Superintendent Hilyard if you would like more information. OUTSIDE RECESS Carrie Greenough (Presidenta) Louise Sisk (Vice-Presidenta) Ron Jennings (Representante del WIAA y Representante Legislativo) Diana Grunlose Margarita Soto Please dress your students appropriately for outside recess. Our general rule of thumb, for outside recess as it relates to temperature, is outlined below: • Aún estamos vendiendo ladrillos y bloques de 3” del del gimnasio de la vieja escuela primaria. Los fondos piso recaudados serán usados para comprar nuevo equipo para el de recreo. Por favor póngase en contacto conmigo si a patio usted le gustaría comprar un ladrillo o una sección del piso. El invernadero escolar esta lentamente acercándose. Teníamos la esperanza de tenerlo funcionando este invierno pero las condiciones climáticas del fin de semana han hecho que el proceso sea más lento. Tenemos un equipo trabajando los fines de semana y estos no han sido siempre buenos solo este invierno. Por favor revise el progreso del invernadero de la escuela. detrás 2 • We do not go outside, for 20 minute recesses, if the wind chill temperature is below 20 degrees We do not go outside, for 15 minute recesses, if the wind chill temperature is below 15 degrees LEVY ELECTION Hemos puesto señales alrededor de las áreas de juego de la escuela prohibiéndole a los dueños de perros que caminen a sus perros en las áreas de pasto. Teníamos la esperanza de que los dueños de perros tomaran la responsabilidad de recoger los desechos de sus perros pero ese no ha sido el caso en la mayoría del tiempo. Every two years we ask the local voters Durante las vacaciones de Navidad, Larry Moran de Group Health dio un regalo generoso de $200 para que se usara en estudiantes con necesidad de ropa además de proveer cincuenta jamones enlatados. K-Kids (4to, 5to and 6to grado) son un grupo de servicio comunitario patrocinado por la organización local de Kamiakin Kiwanis. Nos reunimos el 4to jueves de cada mes en el salón de arte de la escuela. Por favor póngase en contacto con el Superintendente Hilyard si gusta obtener más información. RECREO AFUERA Por favor vistan a sus estudiantes apropiadamente el recreo afuera. Nuestra regla general para el recreo para afuera en relación a temperatura, esta descrito a continuación: • • Kurt H. Hilyard District Superintendent ELECCIÓN DE IMPUESTOS PARENT CONFERENCES Cada dos años les pedimos a los votantes locales el apoyo para poder compensar los impuestos necesarios para el funcionamiento de una educación básica. Tendremos una elección el 11 de febrero del 2014 con el fin de llevar a cabo esa necesidad. Nos damos cuenta de que la comunidad está en mala situación económica como lo están los distritos escolares del estado. Considerando que todos tienen que apretar sus cinturones, la Junta Directiva Escolar de Union Gap aprobó un impuesto FIJO del dólar para la elección de febrero. Estamos pidiendo la misma cantidad del dólar qué fue pedida hace dos años. Solo un recordatorio, esta petición de impuestos del 11 de febrero sustituiría el que está por expirar a finales de diciembre del 2014. Nuestra petición de la recaudación no es una recaudación adicional o un impuesto local adicional de lo que hemos estado recibiendo ya. La petición de la recaudación es un remplazo para la recaudación que expirara en la misma cantidad FIJA del dólar. Por favor entre en Just a reminder, the February 11th levy request, if approved, would replace the one expiring at the end of December 2014. Our levy request is not an add-‐on levy or an additional local tax from what we already have been receiving. The levy request is a replacement for the expiring levy at the same FROZEN dollar amount. Please contact Superintendent Hilyard if you have any questions or concerns with the levy request. Thank you (A levy brochure was placed in the December/January newsletter. Please contact Superintendent Hilyard if you would like an additional brochure) No salimos afuera, para recreos de 20 minutos si la sensación térmica esta debajo de 20 grados. No salimos afuera, para recreos de 15 minutos si la sensación térmica esta debajo de 15 grados. for levy support in order to make up the dollars needed to operate a b asic education. We are having an election on February 11, 2014 in order to carry on that need. We realize that the local taxpayers are hurting financially as are many of the state’s school districts. In light of everyone having to tighten their belts, the Union Gap School Board approved a FROZEN dollar levy for the February levy election. We are asking for the same dollar amount as what was requested, and approved by the voters, two years ago. 3 MARCH 24TH-‐28TH EARLY STUDENT RELEASE AT 12:50 P.M. NO SCHOOL: FEB. 17TH PRESIDENT’S DAY MAR. 31ST-‐APR. 4TH –SPRING BREAK MAY 26TH MEMORIAL DAY FEBRUARY 14TH EARLY STUDENT RELEASE at 12.:50 p.m. contacto con el Superintendente Hilyard si usted tiene alguna pregunta o preocupación con la petición de la recaudación. Gracias (Un folleto de impuestos fue incluido el boletín de noticias de diciembre/enero. Por favor póngase en contacto con el Superintendente Hilyard si desea un folleto adicional) Kurt H. Hilyard Superintendente del Distrito Acerca de los Estándares Estatales de Base Común Los Estándares Estatales de Base Común son un conjunto de estándares altos de aprendizaje en matemáticas y lengua y literatura que están designados para preparar a estudiantes de K-12 a tener éxito en la universidad y carreras. Los estándares, los cuales han sido voluntariamente adoptados por 46 estados, establecen puntos de referencia para enseñanza y aprendizaje en cada nivel de grado y son consistentes a través de los estados y coinciden con los estándares usados por naciones de alto rendimiento. ¿Porque Base Común? El Estado de Washington desde hace mucho tiempo ha estado a la vanguardia de la tecnología y las industrias la desarrollan. Pero una brecha de habilidades está que creciendo, y no tenemos suficientes candidatos calificados para llenar los empleos que están disponibles, especialmente en ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas. La Base Común preparara mejor a nuestros estudiantes para que tengan éxito en la universidad y trabajo. estado de Washington está en la 12 brecha de • El logros más grande en los Estados Unidos y sigue creciendo. • Menos de la mitad de nuestros estudiantes se gradúan listos para la universidad (según medido por los exámenes de admisión del colegio). • Para el 2018, se proyecta que dos de cada tres trabajos en Washington requerirán un título universitario o un certificado. ¿Cómo es la Base Común diferente? E xpec tativas c onsistentes— Antes de la Base Común, todos los 50 estados tenían diferentes expectativas para estudiantes en cada nivel de grado. Los estados usando Base Común ahora comparten un conjunto de About the Common Core State Standards The Common Core State Standards are a set of high learning standards in math and language arts that are designed to prepare K–12 students for success in careers and college. The standards, which have been voluntarily adopted by 46 states, set benchmarks for teaching and learning at every grade level and are consistent across states and match the standards used by top-performing nations. Why Common Core? Washington State has long been at the forefront of technology and the industries that develop it. But a skills gap is growing, and we don’t have enough qualified candidates to fill the jobs that are available, especially in science, technology, engineering and math. The Common Core will better prepare our students to succeed in college and the workplace. • Washington has the 12th largest achievement gap in the United States, and it continues to grow. • Less than half of our students graduate ready for college (as measured by college entrance exams). • By 2018, two out of every three jobs in Washington are projected to require a college degree or certificate. How is Common Core different? C onsistent expec tations—Before Common Core, all 50 states had different expectations for students at each grade level. States using Common Core now share a set of learning standards and expectations for all students, no matter where they live. D eeper understanding—Common Core focuses on fewer standards and goes deeper into each one. The standards build on one another, allowing students to apply the skills and knowledge they learned in the previous grade to real-world situations. Preparing students for the job market—By 2019, Washington employers will have 20,000 jobs annually in science, technology, engineering, math and healthcare that need to be filled. Common Core focuses on building the skills 4 estándares de aprendizaje y expectativas para todos los estudiantes, sin importar donde vivan. E ntendimiento más profundo—Base Común se enfoca en menos estándares y va más profundo dentro de cada uno. estándares se basan uno en el otro, permitiéndoles a Los los estudiantes aplicar habilidades y conocimiento que aprendieron en el grado previo a situaciones del mundo real. Preparar a los estudiantes para el merc ado laboral— el 2019 los empleadores de Washington tendrá Para 20,000 empleos anualmente en ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería, matemáticas, y cuidado de salud que necesitaran ser llenados. La Base Común se enfoca en construir las habilidades que los estudiantes necesitan para estar listos para la Universidad y empleo—y para ser más competitivos en la economía global de hoy. Who developed Common Core? D evelopment of C ommon C ore began in 2009 with partic ipating state governors and state sc hool superintendents. S inc e then, hundreds of teac hers, educ ation researc hers, mathematic ians and other experts from around the world have provided input and guidanc e. How will Common Core affect school districts? ¿Quién desarrolló la Base Común? El desarrollo de Base Común comenzó en el 2009 con gobernadores de estados participantes y superintendentes del estado escolar. Desde entonces, cientos de maestros, investigadores de la educación, matemáticos y otros expertos de alrededor del mundo han proveído información y orientación. ¿Cómo afectará la Base Común a los distritos escolares? D epende de c ada uno de los distritos y esc uelas de W ashington dec idir c ómo es que los estándares de aprendizaje de Base C omún serán enseñados. C ada distrito o esc uela aun tendrá la flexibilidad de selec c ionar materiales de enseñanza y rec ursos que mejor se adapten a las nec esidades de sus estudiantes para c umplir c on los estándares de Base C omún. students need to be ready for college and work—and to be more competitive in today’s global economy. It’s up to eac h of W ashington’s sc hool distric ts and sc hools to dec ide how the C ommon C ore learning standards are taught. E ac h distric t or sc hool will still have the flexibility to selec t the teac hing materials and resourc es that best suit the needs of students in meeting the C ommon C ore standards. W ant more information? Visit www.k12.wa.us/c orestandards and www.readywa.org ¿Q uiere más informac ión? V isite www.k12.wa.us/c orestandards y www.readywa.org Este año escolar, la escuela de Union Gap estará piloteando la prueba para los Estándares Estatales de Base Común. No habrá calificaciones de la prueba disponibles pero queríamos asegurarnos de que los estudiantes y maestros tuvieran un avance de la nueva prueba la cual también es llamada Smarter Balance (Equilibrio Inteligente). Aun estaremos tomando el MSP (Evaluación del Progreso Estudiantil) como lo hemos hecho en los últimos años y el cual nos dará datos de las pruebas de los estudiantes para así aun poder enviar calificaciones a los padres y estudiantes en el otoño. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta con respecto a la prueba en que su estudiante estará participando para este año, por favor llame a la Directora Gredvig al 248-3966 o a su correo electrónico [email protected]. 5 This school year, Union Gap School will be piloting the test for the Common Core State Standards. There will be no test scores available for the test but we wanted to make sure that students and teachers got a preview of the new test which is called Smarter Balance. We will still be taking the MSP (Measurement of Student Progress) as we have for the past several years which will give us testing data on the students so we will still be able to send out scores to parents and students in the Fall. If you have any questions in regards to the testing your student will participate in this year, please call Principal Gredvig at 248-3966 or email her at [email protected] KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION INSCRIPCIÓN PARA EL KINDER Union Gap School will begin registering students for kindergarten for the 2014-2015 school year starting April 7th, from 9 a.m. to 3p.m. Registration will be ongoing for the remainder of this school year. La Escuela de Union Gap comenzará a inscribir a los estudiantes para el kinder para el año escolar 20142015 el 7 de abril, a partir de las 9 a.m. a 3 p.m. La inscripción estará en curso para el resto de este año escolar. According to state law, a child must be 5 years of age on or before August 31, to be eligible for kindergarten. A birth certificate, proof of address and a completed certificate of immunization are required. You need to bring the following documents with you when you enroll your child: • Birth Certificate, verifying child's age • Immunization Record – please be sure your child is current with their immunizations. • 2 pieces of Proof of Residence (mortgage/rental agreement and current light bill, cable bill or land line telephone bill) Según la ley estatal, un niño/a debe tener 5 años de edad en o antes del 31 de agosto, para ser elegible para el kinder. Se requiere un acta de nacimiento, comprobante de dirección y un certificado de inmunización completado. If you have any questions about registration, call Union Gap School's main office at 248 3966. • Expediente de las Inmunizaciones - por favor esté seguro que su hijo/a este al corriente con sus inmunizaciones • 2 Comprobantes de la Dirección (hipoteca/contrato de alquiler y cuenta actual de la luz, cable o teléfono en el hogar) Si usted tiene cualesquiera preguntas sobre la inscripción, llame a la oficina principal de la Escuela de Union Gap al 248-3966. NO VALENTINE DELIVERIES Reminder – Union Gap School District has a NO DELIVERY POLICY in regards to Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2014. The no delivery items will include: • • • • Acta de Nacimiento, verificando la edad de su hijo/a Usted necesita traer los documentos siguientes cuando usted registre a su hijo/a: • • Balloons Candy Stuffed animals Flowers Cards This decision has been made due to the drastic increase of deliveries and lack of space. These deliveries not only disrupt the function of the office, but disrupt the academic day of our students and can cause potential safety hazards on our school buses. If you have any questions,please call the office and ask to speak with Mrs. Gredvig or Mr. Stuber. Thank you for your understanding. We appreciate your cooperation in keeping our schools a safe learning environment for your student. 6 Union Gap School Board Honorees: These students were honored for their academic Excellence for the month of January 2014: Sukhleen Kaur Alex Torres Juana Madrigal (absent) Martin Diaz Jamill Suarez Ezekiel Frisas Back row: Kathy Loveless, Lisa Carnohan, Louise Sisk, Margarita Soto, Cheryl LaFlamme, Danielle Taylor, Joel Mendoza, Ron Jennings, Kate Bainter Front row: Martin Diaz, Carrie Greenough, Alex Torres, Ezekiel Frias, Jamill Suarez and Sukhleen Kaur. School delays or closures due to weather conditions Our school district notifies Flash Alert for school delays and closures. The web site is located at: http://www.flashalert.net/. Flash Alert emails out school information to all the media organizations in the valley. However, there can be a delay from the time Flash Alert notifies the media to the time the media posts the information through their normal procedures. Patrons can go to http://www.flashalert.net/ immediately for their source of information. Please check out the web site prior to an actual event occurring. Click on the map for Yakima and then click on the tab listed as Yakima Area School Districts. Classes will begin at 10:30 am when we have a two-hour delay. Also, the morning Pre School will not be in session, we will have the afternoon Pre School and breakfast will NOT be served. Parents: The final decision on whether your child attends is always your call as a parent. Please call us to let school us know you kept your child home due to your local road conditions. Thank you. Kurt H. Hilyard District Superintendent Tardanzas o cierres escolares debidos a condiciones climáticas Nuestro distrito escolar notifica a Flash Alert si las clases comienzan más tarde o si son canceladas. El sitio web está localizado en: http://www.flashalert.net/ . Flash Alert envía un correo electrónico con información de la escuela a todos los medios de comunicación del valle. Sin embargo, puede haber un retraso del tiempo en que Flash Alert le notifica a los medios de comunicación al tiempo que los medios de comunicación envían la información a través de sus procedimientos normales. Los patrocinadores pueden ir a http://www.flashalert.net/ inmediatamente para su fuente de información. Favor de verificar el sitio web antes de que ocurra un evento. Haga clic en el mapa de Yakima y después haga clic en la etiqueta listada como Yakima Area School Districts. Las clases comenzaran a las 10:30 am cuando tengamos un retraso de dos horas. También, las clases de preescolar por la mañana no estarán en sección, si tendremos las clases de preescolar por la tarde y NO se servirá desayuno. Padres: La decisión final sobre si su hijo/a asiste a la escuela es de usted como padre. Favor de llamarnos para dejarnos saber si usted dejara a su hijo/a en casa debido a las condiciones locales de su calle. Gracias. Kurt H. Hilyard District Superintendent 7 Approved Student Drop Off/Pick Up Area(s) Área(s) Aprobadas para Dejar / levantar a los Estudiantes One-way Drive Through (front of school) • • • • • Área unidireccional (frente de la escuela) The one-way area, in front of the new school, is for picking up/dropping off students only: o It is important that you not leave your car unattended in this area or leave your vehicle during drop off times (7:00 a.m.-8:30 a.m. AND 1:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m.) o Students need to enter your car from the right side of your vehicle. Other vehicles are leaving the one-way area and it is dangerous to have your child(ren) enter the car from the left of your vehicle. o As vehicles leave in front of you, please move forward to the next available stall so we can allow more parents to enter the one-way area. o Vehicles cannot double park in the one-way lane. o LEFT HAND TURNS, into the one-way area, is not permitted; we have had potential incidents that could have been tragic due to drivers ignoring the NO left turn request. Again, please do not make a left turn off 4th South Street into the one-way drive through. Please park at the football field or gym parking areas if you need to park and leave your vehicle. NO PARKING IS PERMITTED IN THE BACK OF THE NEW SCHOOL. The back of the school is for bus parking only. We need to keep vehicles and buses apart from each other for obvious safety reasons. Please do not park at the church parking lot on South 4th Street. Pedestrians walking across South 4th Street, without a crossing guard, are in danger of being struck by a vehicle. Again, please do not park at the 3 Angeles Iglesia Adventista Del Septimo DiaIntersection Church’s parking lot. Please do not drop your children off in any of the streets around the school facility. • • • • • Gym Parking Lot (41 spaces) PLEASE follow the arrows and please park in parking spaces versus dropping off/picking up your child in the middle of the traffic lane. The gym parking lot was not designed as a drive through pick up/drop off area like what was installed in the front of the school. Again, please physically park your vehicle in a parking space when picking up/dropping off your child and please also follow the arrows around the lot. You cooperation will provide a safer parking area for yourself and the children. Thank you for your understanding. Note: The front/first row of the parking lot, closest to the school building, is designated for handicapped and visitor parking as marked. • El área unidireccional, delante de la nueva escuela, es para dejar / levantar a los estudiantes solamente: o Es importante que usted no deje su automóvil desatendido en esta área o deje su vehículo durante el tiempo de dejar a los niños(7:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Y 1:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m.) o Los estudiantes necesitan entrar a su automóvil de lado derecho de su vehículo. Otros vehículos están saliendo del área unidireccional y es peligroso tener a su niño(s) entrar al automóvil del lado izquierdo de su vehículo. o Como se vayan moviendo los vehículos delante de usted, muévase por favor adelante a la parada siguiente que esté disponible así podemos permitir que más padres entren a la área unidireccional. o Los vehículos no se pueden parquear de lado a lado en el carril unidireccional. VUELTAS a la MANO IZQUIERDA, a la área unidireccional, no son permitidas; hemos o tenido incidentes potenciales que pudieron ser trágicos debido que los conductores ignoraron el aviso de NO voltear a la mano izquierda. De nuevo, por favor no voltean a la mano izquierda al área unidireccional si vienen de la Ahtanum por la calle 4. Por favor de estacionarse en el parqueadero en el campo de fútbol si usted necesita dejar su vehículo. NO SE PERMITE NINGÚN ESTACIONAMIENTO EN LA PARTE POSTERIOR DE LA NUEVA ESCUELA. La parte posterior de la escuela es para el estacionamiento de los autobuses solamente. Por razones obvias de seguridad, necesitamos guardar los vehículos y los autobuses aparte de uno a otro. Por favor no se parquee en el estacionamiento de la iglesia en la calle 4 al sur. Los peatones que caminan a través de la calle 4 al sur, sin un protector de travesía, están en peligro por un vehículo. Una vez más por favor de no parquearse en el estacionamiento de 3 Ángeles Iglesia de Adventista Del Séptimo Día-Intersección. Por favor no deje a sus hijo(s) en ningunas de las calles cercanas al edificio de la escuela. Estacionamiento del Gimnasio (41 espacios) POR FAVOR siga las flechas y parquéese por favor en espacios de estacionamiento en ves de dejar/levantar a su niño/a en medio del carril de tráfico. El estacionamiento del gimnasio no fue diseñado como el área unidireccional enfrente de la escuela para dejar/levantar. Una vez más, por favor de parquear su vehículo físicamente en un espacio de estacionamiento al dejar/levantar su niño/a a y por favor 8 Football/Soccer Field Parking Lot (39 spaces) siga las fleshas arededor del lote. Su cooperación proporcionará aparcamiento más seguro para usted y los niños. Gracias por su comprensión. Nota: Enfrente/primera la fila del estacionamiento, más cercana a la construcción de escuela, se señala para el estacionamiento para personas discapacitadas y visitantes según lo marcado. PLEASE park in parking spaces versus dropping off/picking up your child in the middle of the traffic lane. The Football/Soccer Field parking lot was not designed as a drive through pick up/drop off area like what was installed in the front of the school. Again, please physically park your vehicle in a parking space when picking up/dropping off your child. Your cooperation will provide a safer parking area for yourself and the children. Thank you for your understanding. Estacionamiento del lote de Fútbol Americano/Fútbol (39 espacios) POR FAVOR parquéese en espacios de estacionamiento en ves de dejar / levantar a su niño/a en medio del carril de tráfico. El estacionamiento del lote de fútbol americano /fútbol no fue diseñado como el área unidireccional enfrente de la escuela para dejar / levantar. Una vez más, por favor de parquear su vehículo físicamente en un espacio de estacionamiento al dejar / levantar su niño/a. Su cooperación proporcionará estacionamiento más seguro para usted y los niños. Gracias por su comprensión. Staff Parking Lot (37 spaces) The staff parking lot is reserved for staff use, from 7:30 am – 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Also, please do not use this parking lot to pick up or drop off students. 3 Angeles Iglesia Adventista Del Septimo DiaIntersection Church’s Parking Lot Please do not park at the church parking lot on South 4th Street. Pedestrians walking across South 4th Street, without a crossing guard, are in danger of being struck by a vehicle. Lote de Estacionamiento para el Personal (37 espacios) El lote de estacionamiento del personal es reservado para el uso del personal, de 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., lunes a viernes. También, por favor no utilice este estacionamiento para dejar / levantar a estudiantes. 3 Ángeles Iglesia Adventista Del Séptimo DíaIntersección Lote de Estacionamiento de la Iglesia Por favor no se parquee en el estacionamiento de la iglesia en la calle 4 al sur. Los peatones que caminan a través de la calle 4 al sur, sin un protector de travesía, están en peligro por un vehículo. Superintendent Hilyard, Carrie Greenough, Margarita Soto, Louise Sisk, Ron Jennings and Dianna Grunlose. The month of January was recognized as Washington School Board Recognition Month so please take a moment to thank a school board member for all their efforts. Each board member received an art “print” from student Joel Mendoza and art teacher, Ms. Cheryl LaFlamme, at January’s board meeting. Margarita Soto, Carrie Greenough, Louise Sisk and Ron Jennings. 9 Dear Parent or Guardian: Estimado Padre o Tutor Legal: Union Gap School District is using “Family Access” for parents/guardians/students to view grades, attendance, schedule, etc online. This service is available for parents th at the 3rd through 8 grade levels La Escuela Union Gap estará usando “Family Access” para que padres/tutores legales/estudiantes puedan ver las calificaciones, la asistencia, los horarios, etc, en el Internet. Actualmente este servicio está disponible para los padres de estudiantes en el nivel de 4 – 8 grado. Family Access is currently available in Yakima School District so if your students attend a high school in Yakima School District, you will have already be familiar with the service. Once a Family Access username and password has been obtained, it will eventually work for all children in a household regardless of grade level and school attendance. The username and password should work without any problems. If you encounter problems accessing the information, you may contact the following at the school: person • Lisa Gredvig, Principal or [email protected] Family Access will be available through Union Gap’s website at www.uniongapschool.org. You will click on the Family Access link to use the system: To use the system you will need to: wHave access to the internet wAllow or accept cookies wHave username and password Note: Union Gap School District does not provide support for off-site technology or software applications. To allow or accept cookies, please consult your computer dealer or software vendor. Family Access está disponible actualmente en el Distrito Escolar de Yakima así que si sus estudiantes asisten a una de las High Schools en el Distrito Escolar de Yakima, usted ya está familiarizado con el servicio. Una vez que hayan obtenido un nombre de usuario y una contraseña para Family Access, este eventualmente funcionará bien para todos los niños de un hogar sin importar el grado ni la escuela a la que asisten. El nombre de usuario y la contraseña trabajará sin ningún problema. Si ustedes tienen algún problema para tener acceso a la información, pueden ponerse en contacto con la siguiente persona en la escuela: • Lisa Gredvig, Directora o [email protected] Family Access estará disponible en el sitio de Internet de la Escuela Union Gap www.uniongapschool.org. Usted hará clic en Family Access: Para usar el sistema usted necesitará: wTener acceso al Internet wPermitir o aceptar cookies wTener nombre de usuario y contraseña Nota: El Distrito Escolar de Union Gap no provee apoyo técnico a computadoras ni programas para computadoras fuera de la escuela. Para permitir o aceptar “cookies”, por favor consulte con su vendedor de computadoras o de programas. It is Union Gap School District’s policy that usernames and passwords for Family Access must be obtained “in person” at Union Gap so nothing can be sent through US Mail or through email. To obtain a username and password, parents need to complete the enclosed request form, “Family Access Login Form”. Parents will need to the form along with a legal, photo ID to the Union present Gap School Office. Each application will be processed to information is accurate and appropriate access to ensure the appropriate household is secure. Parents must pick up the information “In Person Only” in the school office. Once parents receive their username and password, they will have the ability to change the password to keep their access secure. Usernames that are provided are permanent and cannot be changed. It is important to keep the “Access Card” given to you as it will contain your username and temporary password and directions to access the website. Es norma del Distrito Escolar de Union Gap que los nombres de usuario y las contraseñas para Family Access deben obtenerse “en persona” en la escuela Union Gap, de manera que, nada puede hacerse por correo o por correo electrónico. Para obtener un nombre de usuario y una contraseña, los padres necesitan completar el formulario de solicitud adjunto, “Formulario Family Access”. Los padres necesitan presentar el formulario junto con una identificación legal con fotografía en la oficina de la Escuela Union Gap. Cada solicitud será procesada para asegurar que la información esté correcta, apropiada y segura para cada familia. Los padres necesitan recoger la información “sólo en persona” en la oficina de la escuela. Una vez que los padres reciban su nombre de usuario y su contraseña, podrán cambiar la contraseña para que puedan tener acceso con seguridad. Los nombres de usuario que proveemos son permanentes y no pueden cambiarse. Es muy importante que la “Tarjeta de Acceso” que le damos la guarde en un lugar seguro ya que contiene su nombre de usuario y su contraseña temporal y las instrucciones para tener acceso al Internet. You may return your Family Access Login Form anytime to the school office between 7:30 am and 4:00 pm Monday through Friday. Puede regresar el Formulario de Family Access en cualquier momento a la oficina de la escuela entre las 7:30 am y 4:00 pm de lunes a viernes. Sincerely, Lisa G. Gredvig Principal Sinceramente, Lisa Gredvig Directora 10 Request for Family Access Login and Password -‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ Guardian First Name:______________________________ Guardian Middle Initial:________ Guardian Last Name:______________________________ Guardian Date of Birth:________ Guardian should be the primary guardian in the household. There may be 2 households with access to the same student. Each primary guardian must request a username and password. Student First Name:________________________________ Current Grade: ____________ Student Middle Name: _____________________________ Student Last Name:________________________________ Other Students in the District: Grade: Student Full Name:_______________________________________ ____________ Student Full Name:_______________________________________ ____________ Student Full Name:_______________________________________ ____________ Student Full Name:_______________________________________ ____________ Student Full Name:_______________________________________ ____________ Guardian Phone Number:______________________ Example: 509-‐924-‐1830 Guardian Email Address: ________________________________________________________ Example: [email protected]. Not necessary to be able to use Family Access. Address: ______________________________________________________________ Mailing Please Note: Your username and password must be picked up by the guardian at the school. It will not be emailed or sent in US mail. I certify that the above information is true and accurate. I also agree to keep my username and password confidential. Signature________________________________________ Date: ______________________ Return to Lisa Gredvig, Principal For Office Use Only: Photo identification check by: ________________________________ Username and password picked up: ____________________________ 11 Solicitud para obtener nombre de usuario y contraseña para tener acceso a “Family Access” -‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ Nombre del padre/ tutor legal: ___________________ Inicial de 2º nombre del padre/tutor legal:_________________ Apellido del padre/ tutor legal:___________________ Fecha de nacimiento del padre/ tutor legal:___________ El padre/ tutor legal debe ser el encargado legal principal de la familia. Es posible que haya 2 familias con acceso al mismo estudiante. Cada padre/ tutor legal debe solicitar una contraseña y un nombre de usuario. Nombre del estudiante: ___________________________ Grado Actual del Estudiante _____ Segundo Nombre del Estudiante: _____________________________ Apellido del Estudiante:____________________________________ Otros estudiantes que tiene en el distrito: Grado: Nombre Completo del Estudiante: _______________________________________ _____________ Nombre Completo del Estudiante: _______________________________________ _____________ Nombre Completo del Estudiante: _______________________________________ _____________ Nombre Completo del Estudiante: _______________________________________ _____________ Nombre Completo del Estudiante: _______________________________________ _____________ # de Teléfono del Padre/ Tutor legal:______________________ Ejemplo: 509-‐924-‐1830 Correo Electronico del Padre/ Tutor legal: _________________________________ Ejemplo: [email protected]. Esto no es necesario para usar “Family Access”. Dirección donde recibe su correo: ______________________________________________ Por favor note: Su nombre de usuario y su contraseña debe recogerla el padre/ tutor legal en la escuela. No la enviaremos por correo electrónico ni por correo. Declaro que la información arriba mencionada es verdadera. También declaro que mantendré mi nombre de usuario y mi contraseña confidencial. Firma________________________________________ Fecha: ______________________ Por favor regrese este formulario a Lisa Gredvig, Directora. For Office User Only: Photo identification check by: ________________________________ Username and password picked up: ____________________________ 12 Rosetta Stone Language Program Rosetta Stone Language program will be available to families that would like to learn English through their home computer. There are a limited number of licenses available for parents. Sign up will be on a first come basis. If you are interested, please contact Desi at 248-‐3966 x400. Ms. Loveless’ fourth grade class has been studying electric circuits, and the students constructed their own flashlights. They really let their lights shine! Valentine Family Night Join us for our Annual Valentine Family Night on th Thursday, February 13 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.! All supplies are furnished to make that special Valentine for your special someone. We will also be making Valentine’s for the residents at Parkside Nursing Care Center. Come join the fun! February 13th Thursday 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Programa de Lenguaje Rosetta Stone El programa de Lenguaje Rosetta Stone estará disponible para familias que les gustaría aprender inglés a través de sus computadoras de casa. Hay un número limitado de licencias disponibles para padres. Las inscripciones estarán en orden de llegada. Si usted está interesado/a, por favor póngase en contacto con Desi al 248-‐3966 x400. Pest Control Within the Schools The Union Gap School District contracts with an outside agency to keep pests such as ants, mice and termites, out of the buildings. A minimum of 48-hour notification is made to inform the public by posting the time of the pest control application on the doors of the main entrances of the school. For further information, please contact Desi Reinmuth at 248-‐ 3966, ext. 400. 13 Union Gap Patrol Student of the Quarter Aspen Reames was awarded Union Gap Patrol Student of the Quarter at our December Patrol Party. Aspen is an exceptional patrol student. This is her second year as a patrol student and she has been Captain numerous because of her dedication. As Captain, she is in charge times of making sure other students are being safe and responsible. reports to me any unsafe incidents or problems that may She occur during her shift. She has trained several new recruits and has done an outstanding job. Aspen never complains, especially when it is very cold out in the morning. She is always on time and ready to make our students safe. She is also very active in our school. She is involved in the marching band, plays, and has been in Union Gap Talent shows. I am very proud to have her as an example for other students. Thank you Aspen for making Union Gap Students safe and for making my job easier. Debbie Saunders & Aspen Reames Debbie Saunders Patrol Supervisor FEB. 19th March Family Night Class Picture Day SAVE THE DATE! Also: Group/Personality/Clubs Picture Day March Family Night will FREE DRESS DAY! be held on Thursday, March 13th, more The office would like to remind you to bring exact change because it does NOT have change. information to follow. Union Gap School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employee(s) has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Lisa Gredvig, Principal at 3201 4th Street, Union Gap, WA. (509) 248-3966. 14 HEAD START HEAD START TEACH A CHILD, REACH A FAMIlY, CREATE A FUTURE ENSEÑE A UN NIÑO, APOYE A UNA FAMILIA, FORME UN FUTURO What is Head Start? are programs that serve low-income children and These families throughout Central Washington. This compre hensive program prepares children and families for success in school. General Information • Children must be age and income eligible • • • • ¿Qué es Head Start? Son programas que sirven a niños y familias en el Centro de Washington. Este programa prepara a los niños y a sus familias para que tengan éxito en la escuela. Información General • Los niños deben ser elegibles de acuerdo al Programs run from September to May Programs are half day with AM and PM sessions, 3 to 4 days per week Transportation is available to and from most centers for families that live along routes Children receive USDA approved meals and snacks • • • • Services Provided • Child Development • Family Support / Parent Involvement • Health and Nutrition / Mental Health • Children with special needs services • Developmental and social-emotional screenings • Physical screenings including hearing, vision, • ingreso y a la edad. Los programas funcionan de septiembre a mayo. Los programas son de medio día con sesiones en la mañana y en la tarde, 3 a 4 días por semana. Hay transporte disponible para ir y regresar de los centros para las familias que viven cerca de la ruta a casi todas nuestros centros. Los niños reciben alimentos y bocadillos aprobados por USDA. Servicios Proveìdos • • • • • • • growth, nutrition and dental exams Referrals for services to community agencies • Desarrollo Infantil Apoyo a las Familias/Participación de los Padres Programa para papas (hombres) Salud y Nutrición / Salud Mental Servicios para niños con necesidades especiales Evaluaciones Socioemocionales y de Desarrollo Evaluaciones físicas incluyendo oído, visión, crecimiento, nutrición y dental. Referimiento a agencias de la comunidad para servicios. If your child lives within the boundaries of Garfield, Robertson, Roosevelt, Gilbert in Yakima and also including West Valley and Tieton school districts please call Castlevale 452-0212. Si su hijo/a vive dentro de los limites escolares de Garfield, Robertson, Roosevelt, Gilbert incluyendo los distritos de West Valley y Tieton favor de llamar a centro de Castlevale 452-0212. If your child lives within the boundaries of Nob Hill, Whitney, Ridgeview, McClure, Martin Luther King, McKinley, and Hoover School including East Valley and Union Gap School Districts, please call the Jefferson Center 457-‐9193. Centro de Jefferson- Si su hijo/a vive dentro de los limites de las escuelas de Nob Hill, Whitney, Ridgeview, McClure, Martin Luther King, McKinley y Hoover incluyendo los distritos de Moxee y Union Gap favor de llamar al centro de Jefferson 457-9193. 15 BOOK FAIR! Monday, March 3rd - Friday, March 7th Union Gap School library is holding it’s annual book fair. Come see what we have! The library will be open during student’s scheduled library class time and during these times to students: 7:45 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Monday 7:45 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 7:45 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Friday Tuesday (March 4th) & Wednesday (March 5th) 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The entire family is invited to attend on Tuesday (March 4th) & Wednesday (March 5 th) evenings, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the school library. Come and look at all the new books for sale! School Improvement Plan – K-5 Reading Union Gap School – 2013-2014 #1: By 2014, at least 70% of Union Gap students will meet or exceed reading standards as measured on the state assessment. Goal Strategy: Ensure teachers are using most effective learning/teaching strategies (core instruction aligned with standards). Framework Building Focus Timeline Resources Who is Monitoring Responsible? Effectiveness Identify and use appropriate Present – Staff Building Directed • Analyze MSP & assessment data. 6/11/14 Admin Optional Hours DIBELS NEXT &Team Meetings data. Use common formative and • Analyze Reading summative assessments assessments by grade level. Identify and use the most Present to *Adopted Staff Assessment and • Leveled reading effective learning/teaching 6/11/14 curriculum Progress classes strategies. including Monitoring Data • Pacing Guides leveled readers • Direct instruction • Curricular *Assessments PLCs/Teams • Explicit instruction for alignment & Progress academic and content • MSP Practice/ Monitoring released items vocabulary *Templates • Partner work; small • PLCs – grade *Libraries level teaming groups; teamwork *Sentence • Adjust instruction based on • Grade level school - kinder results of formative common *Reading assessment (differentiate) assessments Horizons • Student self-assessment • Fluency (DIP) • Student articulates learning • Common Core *Computer Standards target, progression of programs learning, and resources • Oral language *Language for • High Level available Learning • Explicit instruction on Questioning *Language for comprehension strategies • Instructional Thinking • Provide access to a variety outcomes *Scholastic of reading materials and • Varying of News genres instructional *Info Text • LETRS strategies modes materials • Template usage *CIA 16 • Differentiated instruction School Improvement Plan – K-5 Writing Union Gap School – 2014 Goal #1: By 2014, at least 75% of Union Gap students will meet or exceed writing standards as measured on the state assessment and/or district writing benchmark assessment. Strategy: Ensure teachers are using most effective learning/teaching strategies (core instruction aligned with standards). Framework Building Focus Timeline Resources Who is Monitoring Effectiveness Responsible? Identify Analyze MSP Present – Staff Building Directed and use appropriate assessment assessment data. 6/11/14 Administration Optional Hours data. Analyze writing Team Meetings Use common formative and assessments by grade summative level (prompts). assessments Identify and use the Present – • PLC/Team Staff • Align standards/ • Collaborative scoring most Administration curriculum at all grade 6/11/14 Time of grade level effective learning/teaching Students levels prompts at least 2 • OSPI strategies. times a year • Focus on conventions Modules • Direct instruction • PLC/Team Meetings • Learning targets • Curriculum • Explicit instruction for – discussion • Prompt practice • Online academic vocabulary regarding grade level - expository / explanaResources and content vocabulary prompts, writing, and tory/ informative • 6-Traits rubrics • Adjust instruction based - narrative • 4-square on results of formative • Assessment data -‐ Persuasive/opinion/ • Training as assessment (differentargument necessary iate) • Reading pacing guide • Handwriting • Student self-assessment that incorporates without • Student articulates writing Tears learning target, • Writing in content • David progression of learning, areas Matteson resources available and materials and • Use of rubrics website • Partner work; small • Smarter groups; teamwork Balanced • Read-alouds with Rubrics background knowledge, vocabulary and modeling of good writing 17 School Improvement Plan – Math – K - 5 Union Gap School – 2013-2014 Goal #1: By 2014, at least 65% of Union Gap students will meet or exceed mathematics standards as measured on the state assessment. Strategy: Ensure teachers are using most effective learning/teaching strategies (core instruction aligned with standards). Framework Building Focus Timeline Resources Who is Monitoring Responsible? Effectiveness Identify and use appropriate Present – Adopted Staff PLC Meetings • Analyze MSP assessment data. 6/11/14 curriculum assessment data. AdministraStudent work • Analyze Math Use common formative and First Steps tion Connects summative assessments. diagnostics Assessment assessments by Students data • Daily independent work grade level. STAR Math • First Steps diagnostics • Analyze STAR Progress • Math Connects assessment Math monthly ORIGO monitoring or supplemental (except benchmark • Math facts (timings) Daily mental months) • Accommodations for math assessments Special Education students • First Steps IXL activities/ORIGO Identify and use the most effective learning/teaching strategies. • Direct instruction • Explicit instruction for academic vocabulary and content vocabulary • Adjust instruction based on results of formative assessment (differentiate) • Student self-assessment • Student articulates learning target, progression of learning, and resources available • Use of rubrics • Partner work; small groups; teamwork • Individualized work • • • • • • • Basic math facts mastery Build positive attitude towards math RTI Authentic learning opportunities First Steps/ORIGO activities Differentiation (small group work and accommodations for SpEd students) Standards based instruction Present – 6/11/14 IXL/other websites STAR Math Grade-level pacing guides Games/manipulatives Standards (WA/CCSS) OSPI Adopted curriculum Measurement lab First Steps/ORIGO activities 18 Staff PLC Meetings Administration Student work Students Assessment Data Progress monitoring School Improvement Plan – 6th -8th Reading Union Gap School – 2013-2014 Goal #1: By 2014, at least 70% of Union Gap students will meet or exceed reading standards as measured on the state assessment. Strategy: Ensure teachers are using most effective learning/teaching strategies (core instruction aligned with standards). Framework Building Focus Timeline Resources Identify and use appropriate assessment data. • Use common formative and summative assessments • Identify and use the most effective learning/teaching strategies. • Direct instruction • Explicit instruction for academic vocabulary and content vocabulary • Individual and partner work; small groups; teamwork • Adjust instruction based on results of formative assessment (differentiate) • Student self-assessment • Student articulates learning target, progression of learning, and resources available • Explicit instruction on comprehension strategies • Provide access to a variety of reading materials and genres • I do, we do, you do… • Differentiated Instruction • • • • • • • • Analyze MSP, EasyCBM & Holt assessment data. Analyze Reading assessments by grade level. Pacing Guides MSP Practice/ released items PLCs – grade level teaming Fluency High Level Questioning Instructional outcomes Varying of instructional modes Alignment of current curriculum to CCSS Present 6/11/14 Present 6/11/14 19 • HOLT Adopted curriculum • Jamestown Series • Assessments / Progress Monitoring • OSPI Resources • Classroom/ school libraries • Graphic organizers • GLAD • CIA • Scholastic News • Primary source documents Who is Responsible ? Staff Admin Monitoring Effectiveness Staff and students Assessment Data Building Directed Optional Hours Team Meetings PLCs/Teams Benchmark testing Progress monitoring at ability levels Data meetings School Improvement Plan – 6-8 Writing Union Gap School – 2014 Goal #1: By 2014, at least 80% of Union Gap students will meet or exceed writing standards as measured on the state assessment and/or district writing benchmark assessment. Strategy: Ensure teachers are using most effective learning/teaching strategies (core instruction aligned with standards). Building Focus Timeline Resources Who is Monitoring Effectiveness Responsible? Identify and use Analyze MSP Present – Staff Building Directed appropriate assessment assessment data. 6/11/14 Administration Optional Hours data. Analyze writing Team Meetings Use common formative assessments by and summative grade level assessments (prompts). Identify and use the most • Align Present – PLC/Team Staff • Collaborative scoring of effective learning/ 6/11/14 Time Administration standards/ grade level prompts teaching strategies. Students curriculum at at least 2 times a year OSPI Parents • Direct instruction all grade • PLC/Team Meetings – Modules levels • Explicit instruction for discussion regarding academic vocabulary • Focus on grade level prompts, Curriculum and content conventions writing, and rubrics vocabulary • Learning targets • Assessment data Online • Adjust instruction based • Prompt practice (Diagnostic, Resources on results of formative Benchmark, - expository assessment formative and -‐ persuasive 6(differentiate) summative) • Reading pacing Traits/Peha • Student self-assessment • Content level teams guide that • Student articulates incorporates David learning target, writing Matteson progression of • Writing in materials/ learning, and content areas website/PD resources available • Align standards • Use of rubrics (Smarter with Writer’s Balanced) Common Workshop • Partner work; small Core groups; teamwork • Quarterly Mary • Read-alouds with Writing Ledbetter background Benchmarks knowledge, NWWP vocabulary and materials modeling of good writing Smarter • Journals to monitor Balanced student thinking website • Survey for assessing students motivation, confidence, and goals for writing Framework 20 School Improvement Plan – 6-8 Math Union Gap School – 2013-2014 Goal #1: By 2014, at least 65% of Union Gap students will meet or exceed mathematics standards as measured on the state assessment. Strategy: Ensure teachers are using most effective learning/teaching strategies (core instruction aligned with standards). Framework Building Focus Identify and use appropriate • assessment data. Use common formative and summative assessments. • Daily independent work • First Steps diagnostics • Math Connects assessment as appropriate • • • Identify and use the most effective learning/teaching strategies. • Classroom instruction • Explicit instruction for academic vocabulary and content vocabulary • Adjust instruction based on results of formative assessment (differentiate) • Student self-assessment • Student understands learning target, progression of learning, and resources available • Partner work; small groups • Individualized work • • • • • Analyze MSP assessment data. Analyze Math Connects assessments by grade level as appropriate. Analyze STAR Math twice a year assessments First Steps activities Build positive attitude towards math Authentic learning opportunities First Steps activity implementation Differentiation Standards based instruction Timeline Resources Present – 6/11/14 Adopted curriculum First Steps diagnostics Monitoring Effectiveness PLC Meetings Administration Student work Students Assessment data STAR Math Progress monitoring OSPI Present – 6/11/14 Adopted curriculum First Steps activities Staff PLC Meetings Administration Student work Students Assessment Data STAR Math Grade-level pacing guides Games/ Manipulatives State/Core Standards Quarter Benchmark Assessments Who is Responsible? Staff 21 Progress monitoring