St. Bernard Catholic Faith Community


St. Bernard Catholic Faith Community
St. Bernard Catholic Faith Community
2516 WEST AVENUE 33 – (323) 255-6142 – LOS ANGELES, CA 90065
[email protected]
Rev. Perry Leiker, Parish Administrator
Rev. Msgr. Patrick McNulty, Pastor Emeritus
Rev. Msgr. Gerald McSorley, Pastor Emeritus
Rev. Paul Henson, O. Carm.
2500 West Avenue 33 – (323) 255-6142
3254 Verdugo Road – (323) 256-4989
Fax – (323) 255-2351
PRINCIPAL: Mrs. Margaret Samaniego
SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN COMMITTEE: Jun Ballada (213)236-4829, Remy Baluyut (323)478-0001
Web Sites:
2515 West Avenue 33 – (323) 256-6242
Sunday in English
Vigil Mass: Saturday 5:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am and 9:30 am
Domingo en Español
11:00 am y 12:30 pm
Weekdays – 8:00 am
Saturdays: 3:30 pm — 4:30 pm
Thursdays: 6:30 pm — 7:00 pm
Please call the church office at least six months in advance.
Favor de llamar la oficina de la iglesia a lo menos seis meses en
Saturday & Sundays
Call church office for information
Sábados y Domingos
Llame a la oficina de la iglesia para más información.
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 15th, 2012
Perhaps the most profound line in all of today’s
readings is Jesus’ question of the two disciples who begin
to follow him. “What are you looking for?” he asks plainly
and directly.
Finding the Messiah was partly a matter of what
one was looking for. If one lived with the expectation of
the Messiah’s coming, there would be a certain alertness, a
certain watchfulness to life, and a certain openness to
God’s movements. The two disciples had followed John
the Baptizer, but as soon as John pointed to Jesus, they
were ready to follow him.
It has been said that what we find in life is pretty
much what we have sought. “What are you looking for?”
is a challenging question for each of us to ask of ourselves.
Our honest answer to this question can reveal much about
Today’s Readings: 1 Samuel 3:3b–10, 19; Psalm 40:2, 4, 7–10; 1 our faith and our values. Those who, like Andrew and the
other disciple, are looking for the Messiah will find the
Corinthians 6:13c–15a, 17–20; John 1:35–42
Messiah, dwelling now, as then, among the people. “Come
and see!”
Copyright © 2005, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
In today’s first reading, Samuel hears the Lord’s
voice, but mistakes it for Eli’s. Fortunately, Eli is familiar
enough with the ways of the Lord to help Samuel make his
As we seek the Lord, it is good to have someone
like Eli who is familiar with the Lord’s voice. There are
many voices that bid us “Follow this way,” and the Lord’s
call is not always easy to discern. There are people, too,
who would pretend to know the Lord and draw others to
themselves rather than to God.
Eli could have taken advantage of Samuel’s
naïveté and claimed it was he who had summoned Samuel.
But Eli claims neither to be God nor to speak for God.
Instead, he encourages Samuel to listen for himself.
Page Two
St. Bernard Church
January 15th, 2012
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 15, 2012
Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you.
— 1 Corinthians 6:19a
Today the ‘call’ is prominent in all of the
readings. Samuel hears the call, but
cannot really understand what is
happening. It is only with the help of Eli
that he eventually is able to distinguish
the Lord’s voice and responds: “Speak, for your servant
is listening.” Paul calls the Christians to a holiness of life.
Jesus calls two disciples of John asking them: What are
you looking for?” (What do you want?) And he tells them:
“Come and you will see.” So compelling is this call,
Andrew invites his brother and the call to follow reaches
the ears of Simon, Peter. A call comes directly from God,
to the early community, to the disciples from the lips of
Jesus, and even through a brother. Today brings to a
close Vocations Awareness Week. Each week a family in
this parish prays together in their home for vocations. We
pray at every Mass for vocations to the priesthood,
deaconate, religious life, and for more vibrant lay
ministers. There is a certain mystery to the call from God.
Some hear it deep inside; it often comes through another
person; often it seems contrary to our way of living or our
personal desires. But God is calling each one of us. The
call even to marriage comes from God. Our part, always,
is the generous faith filled answer. It is spoken so clearly
in the responsorial psalm today: “Here am I Lord,; I come
to do your will.” Do we hear the voice of God in our own
lives? Do we listen? Do we seek out that voice? What is
our response? Are we willing instruments, like Andrew,
who give voice to God’s call by seeing qualities in others,
and calling them to see and to hear?
Fr. Perry Leiker
Remembering the children who have died by abortion and
celebrating the gift of life.
When: Saturday January 21st at 6:00pm
Where: Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels
555 W. Temple St., L.A. — (213)680-5200
4 Stages of Marriage — The four stages of marriage are (1)
Romance, (2) Disillusionment (3) Misery, . . If your marriage
suffers, and then to (4) Awakening.
Many marriages
experience the first 3 stages. Marriages that end in divorce
never make it to the 4th state of Awakening. Don’t give up
without learning about the 4th stage of Awakening. Please
contact Retrouvaille. For confidential information or to register
for, the next program beginning with a weekend on February
[email protected] or visit the web site at
(Introduction to the 3rd Edition of the Roman Missal, section
2, The Different Elements of the Mass) #46 The
Introductory Rites - The rites that precede the Liturgy of
the Word, namely, the Entrance, the Greeting, the Penitential
Act, the Kyrie, the Gloria in excelsis (Glory to God in the
highest) and Collect, have the character of a beginning, an
introduction, and a preparation. Their purpose is to ensure
that the faithful, who come together as one, establish
communion and dispose themselves properly to listen to the
Word of God and to celebrate the Eucharist worthily. In
certain celebrations that are combined with Mass according
to the norms of the liturgical books, the Introductory Rites
are omitted or take place in a particular way. (United States
Conference of Bishop site:
Go to ’sample texts’ then to ’General Instruction of the
Roman Missal GIRM)
The church office and all facilities will be closed
tomorrow, Monday, January 16 in observance
of Martin Luther King. Jr.
The St. Vincent e Paul Society will have their truck here
on Saturday and Sunday, February 4th and 5th to
receive donations of any useable items including clothing,
household goods, small appliances or furniture pieces,
books, toys, tools, kitchenware anything and everything
in working, useable condition. Please help us to help
people who are in need.
February 3—5, 2012: A “Beginning Experience”
This workshop will be held at the Holy Spirit Retreat Center
in Encino for those who've experienced the loss of a spouse
through death or divorce/separation. This 3-day program
helps a person move from the darkness of grief into the
light of a new beginning with renewed hope. Beginning
Experience is recognized by the Office of Family Life for the
Archdiocese of Los Angeles. The main (international)
ministry’s website is
For info/registration, contact Brenda Mikhail at (818) 352
-5265 ([email protected]) or Maria Rojas
(bilingual/Spanish) at (310) 365-0186.
THANK YOU for your generous donations to the
Building Fund collection that took place last weekend.
Thank you for the continued care of all or our parish
facilities! The total collection was: $1,346.
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Bernard Church
Be a member of the caring hospice team in your community!
Assist the team by providing comfort, compassion and caring in
a non-judgmental and supportive way. Affirm life and treat
dying as a special and unique part of the life process.
Saturdays February 4th—25th from 9:00am to 1:00pm
320 No. Halstead St. Ste. 100, Pasadena
More info. 626-247-2270 or [email protected]
The Holy Name Society invites you to Fantasy Springs Casino in
Palm Springs on Saturday Jan. 28. The cost is $40.00 with $45
for slot free play. The bus leaves 8:00am and return 4:00pm.
For reservation call Anita Fueconcillo at (323)255-5786, or Jun
Apin (323)254-9494.
“250 CLUB”
The tickets for the “250 Club” are now being sold at the
church office. An investment of $20 for the year will give you
the opportunity to win $250. There will be a monthly drawing
starting in January through December of 2012. For more
information you may call Anita Fueconcillo at (323)255-5786.
Tuesday/Martes — St. Anthony/San Antonio
Friday/Viernes — Saints/Santos Fabian & St. Sebastian
Saturday/Sábado — St. Agnes/Santa Inés
First Reading — The people of Nineveh believed God and
turned from their evil ways (Jonah 3:1-5, 10).
Psalm — Teach me your ways, O Lord (Psalm 25).
Second Reading — The world in its present form is passing
away (1 Corinthians 7:29-31).
Gospel — This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is
at hand (Mark 1:14-20).
Liturgical Color: Green
1/16 8:00am — Paciencia Rabena — RIP
1/17 8:00am — Conrad Velasco — RIP
1/18 8:00am — Carmen Perez — RIP
7:00pm — St. Bernard Parishioners
1/19 8:00am — Lucio Quintanilla — In Thanksgiving
1/20 8:00am — Gregoria Villanueva — RIP
7:30pm — Jesus Parra — RIP
1/21 8:00am — Anali Ibañez — RIP
5:00pm — Norie Villafuerte — In Thanksgiving
1/22 8:00am — St. Bernard Parishioners
9:30am — Armando Bencomo — RIP
11:00am — Jose Cruz y Domingo Rodriguez — RIP
12:30pm — Consuelo Solis — RIP
Consuelo y Primitivo Madrigal — RIP
Please join us each day in praying for the priest of the day.
Favor de orar por nuestros sacerdotes.
Monday: Rev. Anthony Scannell, O.F.M. Cap.
Tuesday: Rev. Hugh Crowe
Wednesday: Rev. John Evans, O.P.
Thursday: Rev. Msgr. Peter Nugent
Friday: Rev. Melvin Rybarczyk, C.R.
Saturday: Rev. Sean Cronin
Sunday: Rev. Christopher Fagan
Page Three
Hoy el ‘llamado’ es prominente en todas las
lecturas. Samuel escucha el llamado, pero
realmente no entiende lo que está pasando.
Es únicamente con la ayuda de Elí que
eventualmente logra distinguir la voz del Señor y responde:
“Habla, Señor; tu siervo te escucha”. Pablo llama a los
Cristianos a una vida santa. Jesús llama a dos discípulos de
Juan preguntándoles: “Que buscan? (Que quieren) y el les
dice: “vengan y verán.” Cuan obligado es este llamado, Andrés
invita a su hermano y este llamado de seguir llega a oídos de
Simon, Pedro. Un llamado llega dirigido directamente de Dios,
hacia la comunidad temprana, a los discípulos, de labios de
Jesús y aún a través de un hermano. Hoy termina la Semana
para Promover las Vocaciones. Cada semana, una familia de
esta parroquia reza unida en sus hogares por las vocaciones al
sacerdocio, diaconado, vida religiosa, y por más vibrantes
ministros laicos. Hay un cierto misterio a la llamada de Dios.
Algunos la escuchan muy en lo profundo; a menudo llega por
medio de otra persona; con frecuencia parece contraria a
nuestra manera de vivir o nuestros deseos personales. Pero
Dios nos llama a cada uno de nosotros. Aún el llamado al
matrimonio viene de Dios. Lo que nos toca, es siempre nuestra
respuesta generosa llena de fe. Es mencionada tan claramente
en el salmo responsorial de hoy: “Aquí esto, Señor; para hacer
tu voluntad” Oimos la voz de Dios en nuestras vidas? La
escuchamos? Buscamos esa voz? Cual es nuestra respuesta?
Somos instrumentos dispuestos como lo fue Andrés, que le da
voz al llamado de Dios cuando mira las cualidades en los
demás pidiéndoles que vean y escuchen?
Padre Perry Leiker
Sábado 21 de Enero a las 6:00pm
Catedral de Nuestra Señora de Los Ángeles
555 W. Temple St., L.A. — (213)680-5200
La oficina de la iglesia y sus cuartos de
reuniones permanecerán cerradas mañana lunes
16 de Enero en observancia de Martin Luther
King, Jr.
The Legion of Mary Group together with El Grupo
Guadalupano is inviting couples who are not married in the
Church yet and/or those who are married civilly to participate in
the “GROUP WEDDING 2012” on Saturday August 4, 2012 at
1:00pm here at St. Bernard’s Church.
El Grupo de La Legión de María en unión con el Grupo
Guadalupano invita a todas las parejas casadas al civil que
deseen casarse por la Iglesia a que participen en “Bodas en
Grupo 2012” el sábado 4 de Agosto, 2012 a la 1:00p.m. en la
Iglesia de San Bernardo.
Additional information/Más información:
Dagoberto Ramos al 323-640-3874, Salvador Solís al 323-2583611 o Maybelle Santos al 323-830-3331.
Les invitamos a la Misa de Sanación que
será este viernes 20 de Enero a las 7:30p.m.
Será oficiada por el Padre Perry Leiker.
Muchas gracias por su generosidad para la colecta del Fondo
de Construcción. El total de la colecta fue: $1,346. Gracias
por su continuo cuidado de nuestras instalaciones.
La Escuela de San Bernardo dará principio la Semana de
Escuelas Católicas con su desayuno el domingo 29 de lEnero a
las 8:30am—l:00pm. Les invitamos a que asistan a Misa a las
9:30am seguido del Open House inmediatamente después.
Invitamos a fieles y exalumnos al desayuno y a visitar nuestra
escuela. Esperamos verlos a todos ese día.
Se les informa que nuestra escuela está aceptando
registraciones de nuevos estudiantes. Les recordamos
que existe ayuda financiera para las familias que califiquen.
Más información al 323-256-4989, correo electrónico
[email protected] o visite nuestra página en la red
Sea miembro voluntario del cuidado de enfermos
en su comunidad promoviendo la calidad de vida!
Sábados: 4 al 25 de Febrero de las 9:00am a la 1:00pm
320 N. Halstead St. Ste. 100, Pasadena, CA
Información 626-247-2270 o [email protected]
Los talleres serán conducidos en Inglés
“CLUB 250”
Los boletos para el “Club 250” están a la venta en la oficina
de la iglesia. Una inversión de únicamente $20 le dará la
oportunidad de ganar $250 durante todo el año. La rifa
comienza en enero y termina en diciembre, 2012. Más
información llamando a Anita Fueconcillo al (323)255-5786.
El camión de la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul estará en el
estacionamiento de la iglesia los días sábado 4 y 5 de Febrero
para recibir sus donaciones de cualquier artículo en buen
estado. Para artículos grandes favor de llamar al 323-224-6280.
(Introducción a la Tercera Edición del Misal Romano Sección 2,
Los diferentes elementos de la Misa) {#46 Los Ritos de
Introducción — Los ritos que preceden la Liturgia de la
Palabra, es decir, La Entrada, El Saludo, El Acto Penitencial, el
Kyrie, el Gloria in excelsis (Gloria a Dios en los Cielos) y Colecta
(todas las oraciones juntas) tienen el carácter de un comienzo,
de una introducción y de una preparación. Su propósito es
asegurarse que los fieles, reunidos como uno solo, se unan en
comunión y se dispongan a escuchar la Palabra de Dios
apropiadamente y a celebrar la Eucaristía dignamente. Durante
algunas celebraciones que son combinadas con la Misa de
acuerdo con las normas de los libros litúrgicos, los Ritos de
Introducción son omitidos o toman el lugar de una manera
particular. (United States Conference of Bishop site: http://
Buscar ‘sample texts’ luego,
‘General Instruction of the Roman Missal GIRM’
Primera lectura — Con los avisos de Jonás los ninivitas se
arrepienten de su maldad (Jonás 3:1-5, 10).
Salmo — Descúbrenos, Señor tus caminos
(Salmo 25 [24]).
Segunda lectura .— El mundo que conocemos está pasando
(1 Corintios 7:29-31).
Evangelio — Jesús empezó a proclamar: “El reino de Dios ha
llegado. Tomen otro camino y crean en la Buena
Nueva” (Marcos 1:14-20).
Color Litúrgico: Verde
St. Bernard Catholic School will kick off Catholic Schools Week
on Sunday, January 29 with a breakfast from 8:30am—1:00pm.
The all school Mass will be celebrated 9:30am followed by
Open House the same day. We invite all parishioners to come
to Mass, Breakfast and visit the classrooms. We also invite any
and all alumni to come and have a look at what is happening at
St. Bernard. For more information please call the school office
at 323-256-4989 or visit our website at We hope to see you on Sunday, January 29!
REGISTRATION for grades 1—8 is ongoing, and tuition
assistance is available for qualified families. To visit our school,
please call 323-256-4989 or e-mail [email protected].
You may also visit our website at
Another GRAND THANKS to our Altar Society who gave so
much of their time and energy and creativity to provide a
beautiful worship space during the Advent and Christmas
seasons. Such care and love filled their deep faith expressed so
beautifully in the decorations and preparation of the church for
this profound time. They, like all of the other ministries,
welcome anyone who desires to participate with them to share
their talents and their energies to care for all of the sacred
things and sacred space in our church. Yes – this is a call to
become more involved in the life and activity of our faith
MUCHAS GRACIAS nuevamente a la Sociedad del Altar
quienes dieron tanto tiempo, energía y creatividad
proveernos un hermoso espacio de veneración durante las
temporadas de Adviento y Navidad. Tal cuidado y amor lleno de
fe fue hermosamente expresada en las decoraciones y
preparación de la iglesia para este tiempo tan intenso. Ellos,
como todos los demás ministros, nos hacen una invitación a
participar y a compartir sus talentos y energía para cuidar de
todas las cosas y el espacio sagrado en nuestra iglesia. Si, esto
es un llamado a estar más envueltos en la vida y actividad de
nuestra comunidad de fe.
We wish
to thank all the
business people who choose to
advertise in our bulletin. Your
support is much appreciated.
Those interested in advertising may call J.S.
Paluch at 1-800-231-0805. Our bulletin number is 513403.
Deseamos expresar nuestro agradecimiento a los negociantes
que han preferido anunciarse en nuestro boletín.
Agradecemos mucho todo su apoyo. Las personas interesadas
en anunciarse lo pueden hacer llamando al 1-800-231-0805.
Nuestro número de boletín es 513403.
CRS—Catholic Relief Services
California Single Catholics
Daniel F. Jimenez, Attorney at Law
Derks Plumbing
El Ranchito
Life Matters —
Mendoza Income Tax
Dr. Nick A. Agpalo, D.M.D., Inc.
Valley Legal Services
Verdugo Hardware Co.
World Library Publications
Yadir Najera, Realtor Associate — Arroyo Seco

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St. Bernard Catholic Faith Community

St. Bernard Catholic Faith Community St. Bernard Catholic Faith Community 2516 WEST AVENUE 33 – (323) 255-6142 – LOS ANGELES, CA 90065 E-mail: [email protected] Rev. Perry Leiker, Parish Administrator Rev. Msgr. Patrick McNulty, Pastor Em...

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