St. Joseph Catholic Church


St. Joseph Catholic Church
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 832
Commerce, TX 75429
Parish Hall
2211 Monroe Street
Commerce, TX 75428
Parish Office 903-886-7135
Fax 903-886-8034
Office Hours
Monday-Friday By Appointment
Call Rev. Marcus Chidozie (ext. 4)
Parish Staff/Ministry
Rev. Marcus Chidozie, Ph.D.
[email protected]
Campus Ministry
Deacon Joe Webber, Ed.D.
[email protected]
Acting Administrative Assistant
Cary Roberts
St. Joseph Catholic Church
Serving Commerce Since 1895
2207 Monroe Street, Commerce, Texas 75428
October 25, 2015
News, Reminders, and Events______________
The Confirmation classes will be hosting a Halloween festival on next Saturday, October 31, immediately following the 5:30 p.m. Mass. Various games
and party stations will be set up for kids. All are invited. See Natalie Salisbury
after Mass if you are interested in helping with this event.
Las clases de Confirmación será el anfitrión de una fiesta de Halloween el
sábado 31 de octubre, inmediatamente después de la 5:30 pm Misa. Varios juegos y estaciones partido se establecerán para los niños. Todos están invitados.
Ver Natalie Salisbury después de la misa, si usted está interesado en ayudar con
este evento.
[email protected]
Bulletin Submissions
Cary Roberts
[email protected]
Joan Lawrence
[email protected]
Safe Environment Coordinator
Music Ministry Director
Natalie Salisbury [email protected]
Director of K-12 Religious Education
Natalie Salisbury [email protected]
Confirmation Coordinator (8th)
Tom Selvaggi
HS Youth Ministry Coordinator
Bob Lucero
[email protected]
Marriage & Family Ministry
Dick&Mary Flesher
[email protected]
Telephone Prayer Chain
Sue Mitchell (903)456-3661
Barb Stevko (903) 217-7809
Altar Society
Ruth Gorman
[email protected]
Altar Servers
Elva A. Resendez (903) 366-1318
Knights of Columbus
Bill Mulcahy (214) 535-6095
[email protected]
Women’s Guild
Noel Bares
[email protected]
Catholic Daughters of Americas
Brittany Zebendon
[email protected]
Hispanic Community Rep.
Sandra Medrano
The second collection next Sunday will be for Catholic Charities. Catholic
Charities helps those in poverty by providing food, shelter, financial stability,
and education. Last year, the Catholic Charities second collection allowed them
to serve 8,000 families in the Dallas diocese. Please be generous.
La segunda colecta del próximo domingo será para Caridades Católicas. Caridades Católicas ayuda a las personas en situación de pobreza , proporcionando
alimento, refugio , la estabilidad financiera y la educación. El año pasado , las
Caridades Católicas segunda colección les permitió servir a 8.000 familias en la
diócesis de Dallas. Por favor, sean generosos.
There will be no CCD classes next Sunday, November 1, due to the Halloween festival and Daylight Savings.
No habrá clases de catecismo el domingo , 1 de noviembre debido a la fiesta de
Halloween y el horario de verano.
Pro-Life Lions will also be hosting a Holy Hour next Sunday, November 1,
from 4:00-5:00 p.m. All are invited.
Pro-Vida de Leones también será el anfitrión de una Hora Santa el domingo 1
de noviembre, de 4:00-5:00 pm. Todos están invitados.
There will be a memorial Mass in honor of All Soul’s Day on November 2
at 6:30 p.m. If you would like for your loved one to be remembered, pick up an
envelope in the Narthex, fill it out, and drop it in the collection basket next Sunday.
Habrá una misa conmemorativa en honor del Día de los Fieles Difuntos el 2 de
noviembre a las 6:30 pm Si usted quisiera para su ser querido para ser recordado , recoger un sobre en el Narthex , llenarlo , y colóquelo en la colección
cesta próximo domingo.
October 24
October 25
October 26
October 27
October 28
October 29
October 30
October 31
5:30 p.m. Mass
9:30 a.m. Mass
No Mass
6:30 p.m. Mass
6:30 p.m. Mass
8:00 a.m. Mass
8:00 a.m. Mass
5:30 p.m. Mass
Jane Gillespie
by Lettie Gillespie
For the People
John Gillespie
by Lettie Gillespie
Paul Henkel
by Lettie Gillespie
Wendy S.
by Tom Selvaggi
Rossi Lucian
by Tom Selvaggi
Pat Davis
by Ted and Angie
CSO Meets
The usual stipend for a Mass is $5.00.
A Family Fight: Persistence in Prayer
You've had a very long day. You're going home to shuttle your children to and
from sports/band/gymnastics/tutoring and you are EXHAUSTED. THEY are exhausted after spending all day at school then their extracurricular activities...the way that you work together with - or against - one another at this
time of day will tell how the entire evening will go. It's not your fault, it's not
their fault, the blame lies on the shoulders of "life" which gets in the way of our
It's 5:30am and you are trying to get your kids out of bed to start their day for
school. You just started the coffee brewing, so haven't yet fully woken up yourself, and may even be a bit grumpy. The kids are no help - they are still tired
from all the homework that they had to do last night after their other activities. You are being yelled at simply for the phrase "Good Morning". You're
thinking, 'If this is how I have to start my day, I may as well go back to bed!'.
Have you ever experienced either of the two above circumstances? What did
you do? Did you think about saying a quick prayer?
To be continued next week...
Dr. Richard Flesher
Coaching Group
[email protected]
Management Coaching & Business Consulting
Our Parish Weekly Need: $ 2,771.60*
Las necesidades semanales de nuestra
parroquia: $2,771.60*
Last Sunday, October 18, 2015: $ 3,091.56
Colección desde el domingo pasado: $ 3,091.56
Monthly Mortgage Payment: $ 3,402.50
Pago mensual de ipoteca: $ 3,402.50
Last Sunday’s Building Fund: $ 115.00
Fondos recaudados el domingo pasado: $ 115.00
Building Fund October Total: $ 2,945.00
Total de fondos octubre: $ 2,945.00
Mass Attendance: 313
Cantidad de asistentes: 313
*What it takes to function not including the
Mortgage Payment.
*Lo que se requiere para el funcionamiento de la parroquia, sin el pago mensual de la ipoteca.
RCIA is a journey of conversion to God and what He
intends for us. The Catholic Church warmly welcomes
new members and tries to provide appropriate spiritual
formation according to each person’s needs. If you are
interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, please
contact Fr. Marcus.
Si usted está interesado en aprender más sobre la fe
católica, póngase en contacto con el p. Marcus.