Boletin para el fin de semana de Septiembre 6


Boletin para el fin de semana de Septiembre 6
05 Saturday/Sábado
05 Saturday/Sábado
5:00 p.m. English
7:00 p.m. Spanish
† Henrietta Feddema (Gerry & Betty Deitrich)
† Roberto Courtade (Vivan Courtade)
† Amparo Mejía (Carlos Roldan)
† Bernardo Montoya (Familia Montoya)
06 Sunday/Domingo
06 Sunday/Domingo:
9:30 a.m. English
11:30 a.m. Spanish
Mass offered for the Parish Community
Misa ofrecida por la Comunidad Parroquial
07 Monday/Lunes:
08 Tuesday/Martes:
8:30 a.m. English
08 Tuesday/Martes:
09 Wednesday/Miércoles:
10 Thursday/Jueves:
7:00 p.m. Spanish
8:30 a.m. English
8:30 a.m. English
11 Friday/Viernes:
11 Friday/Viernes:
8:30 a.m. English
7:00 p.m. Spanish
12 Saturday/Sábado
12 Saturday/Sábado
5:00 p.m. English
7:00 p.m. Spanish
Trust me in your times of troubles,
and I will rescue you,
and you will give me glory.
Psalm 50:15
Readings for next Week:
For the Intentions of The Wanzie Family
(Len and Marie Solomon)
† Pauline Barber
For the Intentions of Angela Wanzie
(Len and Marie Solomon)
† Pauline Barber
† Henrietta Feddema (Water & Alvera Kowalski)
Invócame en el día de la angustia,
te libraré y tú me darás gloria.
Salmo 50:15
Lecturas Bíblicas para la Semana
Monday: Colossians 1.24-2.3;
Lunes: Colosenses 1.24-2.3;
Tuesday: Romans 8.28-30;
Martes: Romanos 8.28-30;
Wednesday: Colossians 3.1-11;
Miércoles: Colosenses 3.1-11;
Thursday: Colossians 3.12-17;
Jueves: Colosenses 3.12-17;
Friday: 1 Timothy 1.1-2,12-14;
Viernes: I Timoteo 1.1-2,12-14;
Saturday: 1 Timothy 1.15-17;
Sábado: I Timoteo 1.15-17
Sunday: Isaiah 50.5-9;
Domingo: Isaías 50.5-9;
Ps. 62.5-6,7b-8; Luke 6.6-11.
Ps. 13.5,6; Matthew 1.1-6,18-23.
Ps. 145.2-3,10-11,12-13ab; Luke 6.20-26.
Ps. 150.1-2,3-4,5-6; Luke 6.27-38.
Ps. 16.1-2a+5,7,8,11; Luke 6.39-42.
Ps. 113.1-2,3-4,5a+6-7; Luke 6.43-49.
Ps. 116.1-2,3-4,5-6,8-9; James 2.14-18;
Mark 8.27-35.
September 6 2015 / 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sal. 62.5-6,7b-8; Lucas 6.6-11.
Sal. 13.5,6; Mateo 1.1-16,18-23.
Sal. 145.2-3,10-11,12-13ab; Lucas 6.20-26.
Sal. 150.1-2,3-4,5-6; Lucas 6.27-38.
Sal. 16.1-2a+5,7-8,11; Lucas 6.39-42.
Sal. 113.1-2,3-4,5a+6-7; Lucas 6.43-49.
Sal. 116.1-2,3-4,5-6,8-9; Santiago 2.14-18;
Marcos 8.27-35.
6 de Septiembre de 2015 / 23 º Domingo Ordinario
The blind can see, the deaf can hear
and the mute can speak
Every liturgical assembly is a space for the
presence of God. Gathered for the Blessed
Eucharist, disciples of the Lord proclaim that
he is risen, that he is alive and is the Giver of
life; and let us witness that his presence is
grace, it is fulfilment, it is joy. Let us open our
hearts to his word and welcome the gift of his
presence! In this Sunday's First Reading, the
Prophet Isaiah encourages those "who are of
a fearful heart" and proclaims this marvellous
newness which experience has confirmed:
when the Lord is present the eyes of the
blind are reopened, the ears of the deaf
unstopped and the lame man leaps like a
hart. All things are reborn and all things are
revived, for beneficial waters irrigate the
desert. The "desert", in Isaiah's symbolic
language, can call to mind the tragic events,
difficult situations and loneliness that often
mark life; the deepest desert is the human
heart when it loses the capacity for listening,
speaking and communicating with God and
with others. Eyes then become blind because
they are incapable of seeing reality; ears are
closed so as not to hear the cry of those who
implore help; hearts are hardened in
indifference and selfishness. But now, the
Prophet proclaims, all is destined to change;
the "dry land" of a closed heart will be
watered by a new, divine sap. And when the
Lord comes, to those who are fearful of heart
in every epoch he says authoritatively: "Be
strong, fear not!".
Los ciegos verán, los sordos oirán
y el mudo hablará
Cada asamblea litúrgica es espacio de la
presencia de Dios. Los discípulos del Señor,
reunidos para la santa Eucaristía, proclaman
que él ha resucitado, está vivo y es dador de
vida, y testimonian que su presencia es gracia,
es tarea, es alegría. Abramos el corazón a su
palabra y acojamos el don de su presencia. En
la primera lectura de este domingo, el profeta
Isaías anima a los "cobardes de corazón" y
anuncia esta estupenda novedad, que la
experiencia confirma: cuando el Señor está
presente se despegan los ojos del ciego, se
abren los oídos del sordo, el cojo "salta" como
un ciervo. Todo renace y todo revive porque
aguas benéficas riegan el desierto. El "desierto",
en su lenguaje simbólico, puede evocar los
acontecimientos dramáticos, las situaciones
difíciles y la soledad que no raramente marca la
vida; el desierto más profundo es el corazón
humano cuando pierde la capacidad de oír, de
hablar, de comunicarse con Dios y con los
demás. Se vuelve entonces ciego porque es
incapaz de ver la realidad; se cierran los oídos
para no escuchar el grito de quien implora
ayuda; se endurece el corazón en la indiferencia
y en el egoísmo. Pero ahora —anuncia el
profeta— todo está destinado a cambiar; esta
"tierra árida" de un corazón cerrado será regada
por una nueva linfa divina. Y cuando el Señor
viene, dice con autoridad a los cobardes de
corazón de toda época: "¡Ánimo, no temáis!".
Aquí se enlaza perfectamente el episodio
evangélico, narrado por san Marcos: Jesús cura
en tierra pagana a un sordomudo. Primero lo
acoge y se ocupa de él con el lenguaje de los
Here the Gospel episode recounted by St Mark
fits in perfectly. Jesus heals a deaf-mute in the
pagan land. First he welcomes him and takes
care of him with the language of gestures which
is more direct than words; and then, using an
Aramaic term, he says "Eph'phatha", that is, "be
opened", restoring the man's hearing and
speech. Full of wonder, the crowd exclaims: "he
has done all things well". We can see in this
"sign" Jesus' ardent desire to overcome man's
loneliness and incommunicability created by
selfishness, in order to bring about a "new
humanity", the humanity of listening and
speech, of dialogue, of communication, of
communion with God. A "good" humanity, just
as all of God's Creation is good; a humanity
without discrimination, without exclusion as the
Apostle James recommends in his Letter so that
the world is truly and for all a "scene of true
brotherhood", in an opening to love of our
common Father, who created us and made us
his sons and daughters.
May Christ, whom we see in the Gospel
opening ears and releasing the tongue of the
deaf-mute, open your hearts and always give
you the joy of listening to his word, the courage
to proclaim his Gospel, the ability to speak of
God and to speak in this way with your brothers
and sisters and, finally, the courage to discover
God's Face and his Beauty! However, for this to
happen, as St Bonaventure of Bagnoregio
where I shall go this afternoon recalls, the mind
must, "in beholding these things, transcend and
pass over, not only this visible world, but even
itself". This is the itinerary of salvation, illumined
by the light of God's word and nourished by the
sacraments that bring together all Christians.
gestos, más inmediatos que las palabras; y
después, con una expresión en lengua
aramea, le dice: "Effatà", o sea, "ábrete",
devolviendo a aquel hombre oído y lengua.
Llena de estupor, la multitud exclama: "Todo lo
ha hecho bien". En este "signo" podemos ver
el ardiente deseo de Jesús de vencer en el
hombre la soledad y la incomunicabilidad
creadas por el egoísmo, a fin de dar rostro a
una "nueva humanidad", la humanidad de la
escucha y de la palabra, del diálogo, de la
comunicación, de la comunión con Dios. Una
humanidad "buena", como es buena toda la
creación de Dios; una humanidad sin
discriminaciones, sin exclusiones —como
advierte el apóstol Santiago en su carta — de
forma que el mundo sea realmente y para
todos "espacio de verdadera fraternidad", en la
apertura al amor al Padre común, que nos ha
creado y nos ha hecho sus hijos y sus hijas.
Que Cristo, a quien vemos en el Evangelio
abrir los oídos y desatar el nudo de la lengua
al sordomudo, abra tu corazón y te dé siempre
la alegría de la escucha de su Palabra, la
valentía del anuncio de su Evangelio, la
capacidad de hablar de Dios y de hablar así
con los hermanos y, por último, el valor del
descubrimiento del rostro de Dios y de su
belleza. Pero para que esto pueda suceder —
recuerda san Buenaventura de Bagnoregio,
adonde iré esta tarde—, la mente debe "ir más
allá de todo con la contemplación e ir más allá
no sólo del mundo sensible, sino también más
allá de sí misma". Este es el itinerario de
salvación, iluminado por la luz de la Palabra
de Dios y alimentado por los sacramentos,
para todos los cristianos.
¡Joven, Jesús Te Invita! Comparte con otros jóvenes una tarde de alegría y fe.
Si tienes entre 17 y 32 años, escucha con nostros la invitación del Papa Francisco a reconstruir
una iglesia joven. Es GRATIS. Te esperamos el 11 de septiembre de 6:30 p.m. a 9:30 p.m. en el
salon parroquial.
“40 Days For Life” campaign runs
from Wednesday, September 23rd through to
Sunday, November 1st, in front of Freeport
Hospital. Monthly prayer vigils resume
Thursday, November 5th.
"La Campaña 40 Días por la
VIDA" se llevará a cabo desde el miércoles
23 de septiembre hasta el domingo, 1 de
noviembre frente a Freeport hospital. Vigilias
de oración mensuales se reanudarán el
Jueves, 5 de noviembre.
The Red Mass: The annual Red Mass will be celebrated at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the
King in Hamilton on Wednesday, September 9th at 9:30 a.m. The St. Thomas More Lawyers’ Guild
sponsors this annual Mass that originated in the 13th century. The faithful come together to invoke
the wisdom of the Holy Spirit upon all those who work in the court system, law enforcement and
protective services: we pray for Divine guidance and strength upon them and all that they do for
society. The celebrant of the Mass is the Most Reverend Douglas Crosby, Bishop of Hamilton.
Father Ian Duffy, pastor of St. Ann’s Parish in Ancaster, is the homilist. All are welcome to this
great annual tradition of worship and prayer.
That Man is You! A dynamic Catholic program for all men ages 18 and up is beginning again at
St. Aloysius Church Saturday, September 12 at 6:30 a.m. See the flyer at the back of church for
more information and how to register on-line or just show up. All men are welcome!
Ninth Annual Cemetery Mass will be held
on Saturday, September 19th at Williamsburg
Cemtery at 11:00 a.m. in the Williamsburg
Cemetery Chapel with Father Lawrence
Parent officiating.
Novena Misa Anual en la capilla del
cementerio Williamsburg el Sábado 19 de
septiembre a las 11:00 am con el padre
Lawrence como celebrante.
Grandparents Matter…Fostering Faith: Grandparents play a very special role in the life of their
grandchildren. They offer unconditional love, but they are also memory keepers & memory
makers, spiritual guides & mentors and role models & nurturers. When grandparents understand
how they can influence their grandchildren in a positive way their time together becomes both
productive and fun. Come and share an enlightening and thought provoking time on the
importance of grandparents! The event will take place at St. Thomas the Apostle Parish (715
Centre Road, Waterdown) on Saturday, Sept. 12th from 9 am- 12:30 pm. There is no charge for
this event as it is being hosted and presented by Directors of the Pastoral Offices from the
Diocese of Hamilton. Please note that we will have resources for sale at the event. Register by
contacting Monica at 905-528-7988 ext. 2238, or at [email protected]; walk-ins the
day of are most welcome.
Rosary Leaders are needed for both weekend Masses: Please consider
becoming a Leader of the Holy Rosary as individuals, couples or
families. Leaders begin the Rosary 20 minutes before Mass. If you
require training or are a bit nervous, we will assist you and remain with
you until you are confident. To all Holy Rosary Leaders, we thank you
for serving God and honoring His Blessed Mother in this way. Please call
Len or Marie Solomon at 519-744-5198.
Weekly expenses / gastos semanales:
Last week’s collection / donación de samana pasada:
Suggested Offering: For those who are working, 1 hour of your income each week to
support our parish. For those who are not working, at your discretion.
Recuerde que la ofrenda de 1 hora de su ingreso cada semana apoya nuestra parroquia.

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