Instrucciones: Write in the meanings of the Spanish words in English


Instrucciones: Write in the meanings of the Spanish words in English
Nombre: ___________________________
Pronombres con el verbo SER
Instrucciones: Write in the meanings of the Spanish words in English, and explain in
English any additional details about the meaning of what you see in Spanish.
ser = __________
Yo soy = ____________
nosotros(as) somos = _____________
​ tú ​(fam.) eres = ____________
vosotros(as) sois
​(for.) es = _______
él es = __________
ella es = ________
ustedes son = ____________
ellos son = _______________
ellas son = _______________
Essential Detail : ___________________________________________________________________
Essential Detail : ___________________________________________________________________
Essential Detail : ___________________________________________________________________
Essential Detail : ___________________________________________________________________
Essential Detail :___________________________________________________________________
Contd. on back -->
Extra Detail(s) :___________________________________________________________________
Unidad 1: Un rato con amigos - ​¿Qué? ¡¿Qué estructura?! (Pronombres con SER) (​ L A Phase 1)
Criterion B: Comprehending written and visual text​ (Maximum: 8)
At the end of Phase 1, students should be able to:
i. identify basic facts, messages, main ideas and supporting details.
ii. recognize basic aspects of format and style, and author’s purpose for writing.
iii. engage with the written and visual text by identifying ideas, opinions and attitudes and by making a personal response to the text.
Achievement level descriptors
The student ​does​ ​not​ reach a standard
described by any of the descriptors below.
The student:
i. Identifies ​minimal​ basic facts, messages,
main ideas and supporting details.
The student:
i. Identifies ​some​ basic facts, messages,
main ideas and supporting details.
The student:
i. Identifies ​most​ basic facts, messages,
main ideas and supporting details.
The student:
i. ​Clearly​ identifies basic facts, messages,
main ideas and supporting details.
Task Specific Clarifications
The student:
➔ __i. Showed ​minimal​ understanding of what the
Spanish words and details meant in the chart.
◆ Very few correct translations
◆ Few to no details
The student:
➔ __i. Showed ​some​ understanding of what the Spanish
words and details meant in the chart.
◆ Some correct translations, but more were
◆ Some essential details explained
The student:
➔ __i. Showed understanding of​ most ​Spanish words
and details in the chart.
◆ More correct translations than incorrect
◆ Most essential details explained
The student:
➔ __i. ​Clearly​ showed understanding of what the
Spanish words and details meant in the chart.
◆ 7 - completely correct translations and all
essential details explained
◆ 8 - completely correct translations with all
essential details and extra details
Pronombres con el verbo SER
Basic Messages/Main ideas​: Do you know what the Spanish words​ literally
mean in English?
ser = to be
yo soy = I am
tú eres = you are
usted es = you are
él es = he is
ella es = she is
nosotros(as) somos = we are
ustedes son = you are
ellos son = they are
ellas son = they are
Supporting details​: Can you explain details about what the Spanish words
mean? Y
​ ou decide how to explain these details but the main idea needs to be clear.
Essential Details
Essential Detail:​ You can take out the subject and
the verb alone will still have the same meaning:
soy = I am
eres = you are
es = you are
es = he is
es = she is
somos = we are
son = you are
son = they are
son = they are
Essential Detail:​ ​(fam.) means familiar/informal (use
when talking to friends and younger people)
(for.) means formal (use when talking to an adult)
Essential Detail:​ Ustedes is a way of saying “you ​all”
- talking to more than one person. Vosotros(as) is an
informal way to say “you all” that is mostly used in
Spain, so with beginner Spanish we leave a space
for it to be aware it exists.
Essential Detail​: Accents are important in Spanish
because the meaning could change without them.
For example, “el” without an accent means “the.”
“Tu” without an accent means “your.”
Essential Detail:​ There are two versions of some
pronouns because Spanish clarifies gender. ​Nosotros
and ellos are masculine forms and we would use them
when the pronoun replaces masculine noun(s) or a mixed
gender group of nouns. Nosotras and ellas are feminine
forms and are used to replace a feminine noun or a group
of ​all feminine nouns. ​For example:
​Luis = masculine noun = Él (He)
Amanda = feminine noun = Ella (She)
Gregorio y yo(m) = masculine nouns = Nosotros (We)
Tamara y yo(m) = mixed group = Nosotros (We)
María y yo(f) =feminine nouns = Nosotras (We)
Los chicos = group masculine nouns = Ellos (They)
María, Julia, y Tomás = mixed group = Ellos (They)
Wanda y su mamá = group feminine nouns = Ellas (They)
*Note on extra details: A
​ ll criteria must be
fully met before details raise your score to 8.
Extra Details
Extra Detail:​ Él and ella could technically mean the
word “it” in English because all Spanish nouns are
either masculine or feminine. The subject pronoun
“it” doesn’t exist in Spanish.
Extra Detail:​ An ​(m) or (​ f) included means masculine
or feminine. For example, if in practice sentences
you see: ​ Jaclyn y yo(f) somos de Perú.
It means whoever is saying “Jaclyn and I” is a
Or in- T
​ ú(m) eres de Colombia - the “tú” being
spoken to is a male.
Extra Detail:​ ​Ud. and U
​ ds. are abbreviations for
usted and ustedes