Pray for... - Church of Saint Martha


Pray for... - Church of Saint Martha
9301 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami Shores, FL 33138 •
Parish Administrator
Father Wilfredo Contreras
In Residence
Father Mathew Thundathil
Guest Priests/Padres Visitantes
Msgr. Roberto Garza
Father Marcelino Garcia
Father Carlos Miyares
Parish Business Manager
Leon Solis, Jr.
Parish Secretary/Secretaria
Mary Wohlmuth
Coordinator Of Religious Education
Coordinadora De Educación Religiosa
Aracelly Cortedano
Music Ministry
Sister Mary Tindel-Director
Dr. Dan Sandlin
Spanish Music Director
Moises Herrera
Pedro Guerrero, Assistant
Mass Schedule/Horario De Misas
Saturday Vigil Mass/Vigilia de Sábado
5:00 p.m. English
Sunday Masses/Misas de Domingo
8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. English
12:30 p.m. y 6:00 p.m.en Español
Daily Mass
Monday-Saturday 8:30 a.m.
Holy Day Masses/Días De Precepto
Vigil Mass: 7:00 p.m. in English
8:00 a.m. y 11:45 a.m. in English
7:00 p.m. en Español
New parishioners are invited to Register
at the Office or Online at our website.
A los nuevos feligreses se les invita a
Inscribirse en la Oficina o por internet.
Mon.-Fri/ Lun.-Vier: 9 am - 5 pm
Sat. /Sáb.: 10:30 am - 1:30 pm
Saturday/Sabado 4:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.
and 30 minutes before Sunday masses until 5 minutes before mass starts.
y media hora antes de las misas los domingos
Please call the parish office to make an appointment for baptism
Por favor, llamen a la oficina parroquial para hacer una cita para
recibir la preparación pre-bautismal.
Archdiocesan regulations are followed. Please call parish office.
At least six months preparation time is required.
Las reglas arquidiocesanas se siguen. Se necesitan seis meses de
preparación antes de la boda.
Por favor, llamen a la oficina para más información.
Please call office for information.
Llamen a la oficina para alquilar el salón parroquial
Please see our website and click the Sacraments tab for more information.
Por favor visite nuestro sitio web y haga clic en
Sacramentos para más información.
If you are homebound, ill, recovering from surgery, and would like
a visit by our team of Ministers to bring Holy Communion,
please call Sonia Hanopol (305) 989-9810
Si estas enfermo, recuperándote de cirugía, y te gustaría una visita
de nuestro equipo de Ministros para llevar la Santa Comunión,
por favor llame a Wilfredo Soto al (305) 804-5004
PARISH OFFICE: 9221 Biscayne Blvd. (Entrance on N.E. 8th Ave.)
Phone: (305) 751-0005 | Fax: (305) 754-6930
Email: [email protected]
Church of St. Martha
Miami Shores, FL
Sixteenth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
July 20, 2014
Dear Parishioners,
Patiently, Awaiting Judgment
Matthew, more than any other evangelist, talks about Jesus leaving and
returning home. Often Jesus leaves the house because crowds have assembled
outside and want to be taught. Today, after having taught and dismissed the
crowds, his disciples follow him home, seeking further explanation of what
seem to be, at least to us today, pretty straightforward parables.
For both Matthew and Mark, when Jesus is in the house with his disciples it signals a special teaching moment, and it should cause us today to perk
up our ears. Usually it is Jesus giving commonsense advice about what it will
mean to follow him. Today is no different. To follow Jesus means to be ready to
encounter the followers of evil, to have to live and work and preach among
them. It means patiently awaiting the judgment that can only come from God,
the judgment of justly deciding who will be thrown into the flame and who
will live to be a brightly shining saint. Let us heed this house-teaching, for it
will be the same for us who follow Jesus Christ today.
Fr. Wilfredo Contreras
Monday: Mi 6:1-4, 6-8; Ps 50:5-6, 8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23;
Mt 12:38-42
Tuesday: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 85:2-8; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18
Wednesday: Jer 1:1, 4-10; Ps 71:1-4a, 5-6ab, 15, 17;
Mt 13:1-9
Thursday: Jer 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13; Ps 26:6-7ab, 8-11;
Mt 13:10-17
2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 126:1bc-6; Mt 20:20-28
Saturday: Jer 7:1-11; Ps 84:3-6a, 8a, 11; Mt 13:24-30
Sunday: 1 Kgs 3:5, 7-12; Ps 119:57, 72, 76-77, 127-130;
Rom 8:28-30; Mt 13:44-52 [44-46]
the last
our Own
distributed 35,561 lbs. of food.
The distribu on is valued at $60,098.00, which
included dona ons of food, cash, and me by the
parishioners of our Parish, and the Parish of St Rose
of Lima. In the next twelve months our goal, with your
help, is to distribute 47,300 lbs. This program is
carried out in the spirit of Pope Francis: that we are
the Church for the poor.
Your support is appreciated!!
Archdiocese of Miami Development
Corporation Planned Giving
Bulletin Announcements
Charitable Gift Annuities to benefit our
parish offer better rates than many CDs, give you
a tax deduction, and are an excellent way to pass
on your Catholic heritage. To learn more,
contact the Office of Planned Giving at
(305) 762-1110.
Readings For Next Sunday July 27
First Reading — Solomon prays for an understanding
heart (1 Kings 3:5, 7-12).
Psalm — Lord, I love your commands (Psalm 119).
Second Reading — All things work for good for those
who love God (Romans 8:28-30).
Gospel — The one who knows of the kingdom of heaven
brings new and old from the storeroom (Matthew 13:44-52
The latest news on the Archdiocese of Miami
is at your fingertips —Get the most
up-to date information on the latest at the
Archdiocese of Miami
by visiting our website
and by
following us in our
social media channels:
Twitter @CatholicMiami,
Instagram @CatholicMiami
and YouTube/CatholicMiami
Church of St. Martha
Miami Shores, FL
Sixteenth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
July 20, 2014
Christian Prayer:
Talk About God
• •Society and the pressures of today
offer little opportunity for us to stop
and reflect on our spiritual life. Small
Christian Communities give us
the time, the space, and the direction to reflect on
our relationship with God and others and become
more aware of the times when God touched our
lives, challenged us or spoke to us. Watch for more
announcements about Why Catholic? and when
asked to join, say "Yes!"
Sister Rena Condron of the Franciscan Missionary
Sisters for Africa is visiting us the weekend of, July
The Franciscan Missionary Sisters for Africa
work in six countries in Africa--Kenya, South Africa,
South Sudan, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Their
work focuses on the needs of the most marginalized
in cities and remote areas, where they provide health
care, food and medicines for the poor as well as
programs and projects addressing all aspects of
poverty. During this Annual Mission Appeal, Sr.
Rena will speak about the Congregation's current
ministries and her mission experience. Since we are
all missionaries of the Church, this is an opportunity
to actively share in mission work in other lands with
financial and personal assistance and our prayers.
to all who gave valuable time and
effort to our recent Vacation Bible School !!!
Ring Leader Leon Solis
Master of Ceremonies Aracelly Cortedano, CRE
Our Next Generation Leaders
Maria Acosta, Jennifer Kerouac, Michelle Glans
Nicholas Gulliksen, Ricko Lamy, Jennifer Lamy
Vanessa Montes,
Our Current Generation Leaders
Sonia Hanopol, Marie-Josée Veuillermin
Special Thanks to Deanna Evans-Cook for
her Inspiration and Support and to
Padre for his Love and Support!
Prayer For Protection From Storms
God our Father, Creator of the Universe and Lord
over all creation, we humbly stand
before you as your children in thanksgiving for
your loving care and protection. We ask that you
keep us safe from all hurricanes which may
threaten us in the coming seasons.
Protect us from all fear and anxiety of storms and
give us an ardent trust and hope in your love and
mercy. You alone have the power to command the
sea, the wind and the rain. You alone bring peace,
calm, and safety. Father, we thank you in advance
for you are our only refuge. We ask this through
Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with
you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever
and ever.
Join us for a
good time with
food, fun
& Song
Summer schedule - Every other Friday
at 7:00pm in the Parish Hall.
Next meetings will be July25, Aug.8 ,22
All High School teens are invited!
Come with all your teen friends
Check out our web page to see how much
fun we have at
Church of St. Martha
Miami Shores, FL
Sixteenth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
July 20, 2014
Mass Intentions For the Week
Intenciones de Misa Para Esta Semana
St. Martha Parish Pilgrimage
Fa ma, Lourdes and Barcelona
October 9-18, 2015 10 days
Packages start at $2879 per person Meals and
Transporta on from Miami
We will Visit
Fa ma,
Burgos Cathedral,
Monasterio de Sta. Maria
Real de las Huelgas,
La Gruta de Lourdes,
La Sagrada Familia
For more informa on please call Leon Solis Jr.
305-751-0005 or email [email protected]
Anointing of the Sick
The Ministry to the Sick and Homebound is here for you. If you are ill,
homebound, are recovering from
surgery, and/or would like a visit by our team of
Ministers to bring Holy Communion, please contact in
English Sonia Hanopol (305) 989-9810 or in Spanish,
Wilfredo Soto at(305)804-5004. You may also contact
them if you wish a priest to visit for the Sacrament of
Anointing of the Sick and/or Confession.
Are you looking to put Christ
in your marriage?
A end the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend and learn how to refocus your marriage on what is
most important.
The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are
September 26 - 28; and November 7 - 9.
Go online to register at: or
For more info, call Frank and Fran Kulzer at (954)961-5078
or (954)804-0661 or via email at [email protected]
Our Church - Our Community It’s up to us.
Let's be generous.
Offerings for Sunday July 13: $ 6,235.00
5:00pm †
Charles & Eurydice Broyard by Mike Broyard
Sunday (July 20)
Dr. Paul Schmitz by Herbert & Janice Spahn
Ta ana Arcila (Birthday Int.) by ArcilaWohlmuth Family
12:30pm †
Jaime Tomas Tavarez by D’Oleo Rodriguez
Luis & Ulda Zaragoza by their Children
Monday (July 21)
Edna Or z by Theresa Maugeri
Tuesday (July 22)
Agus n Contreras by Fr. Wilfredo Contreras
Evaristo Aybar by Fr. Wilfredo Contreras
Wednesday (July 23)
Parishioners of St. Martha Church
Thursday (July 24)
Clarissa Souza by Helena Souza
Friday (July 25)
Vivian Decker
Fr. Carl Morrison
Aida Marina Solano by Aida León
Saturday (July 26)
8:30am Barbara Mannas (Health Int.) by Office Staff
San ago & Rosa Ramirez by Haydee Ramirez
Robert Lloyd Jumpp by Beverly Sealy
Pray for... Recen Por...
Marta Bri o
Dorrine Conrad
Peter Holskin
Rodrigo López
Fernando Lozano
Sonia Ocampo
Valen na Pannesso
Isabel Por llo
Fiorda Pozo
Abe Salstein
German Sarmiento
Vanessa Xavier Souza
Lily Stern
Luis F. Villa
Virtus Monthly Training Bulletins
Summer time is a great time to catch up with your
Virtus monthly bulletins:
Where the Virtus live training is an awareness and
prevention program on Child Sex Abuse, the
monthly bulletins allow the education of child
protection to continue in a timely and topical
manner, it is a valuable and necessary tool.
Education is the best resource in changing the
culture with regard to this crime. Everyone with a
Virtus account is expected to read the bulletins.
This way, the Catholic Church continues to be a
leader in protecting those most vulnerable.
Iglesia St. Martha
Miami Shores, FL
Decimosexto Domingo
del Tiempo Ordinario
Julio 20, 2014
Estimados Feligreses
Esperemos Pacientemente El Juicio
Mateo, más que los otros evangelistas, habla sobre Jesús que sale de su
hogar y regresa. Muchas veces sale de su casa porque las multitudes se reúnen
afuera y quieren que les enseñe. Hoy, después de haber enseñado y despachado
a las multitudes, sus discípulos lo siguen hasta su casa buscando más explicación
a lo que parece ser, al menos a nosotros hoy, parábolas muy directas.
Tanto para Mateo como para Marcos, cuando Jesús está en la casa con
sus discípulos siempre significa un momento especial para enseñar y nos debe
hacer prestar atención. Usualmente es Jesús quien nos da consejos sensatos sobre
lo que significa ser sus seguidores. Hoy no es diferente: seguir a Cristo significa
estar listo a encontrarse con los seguidores del mal, tener que vivir y trabajar y
predicar entre ellos, esperando pacientemente ese juicio que sólo puede venir de
Dios, el juicio de decidir justamente quién será arrojado a las llamas y quién vivirá para ser un santo ejemplar. Escuchemos esta enseñanza casera para que
significa lo mismo para nosotros que seguimos a Cristo hoy.
Fr. Wilfredo Contreras
Las Hermanas de Emaús
Invitan a la Charla:
Entre lo Divino
y lo Humano
Cómo manejar la religiosidad
y el crecimiento como persona
de St. Martha
Dictada por el doctor
Fabio Trujillo
Fa ma, Lourdes and Barcelona
Octubre 9-18, 2015 10 dias
Paquetes comienzan desde $2879 per persona Comidas y
Transporte desde Miami
El jueves 31 de Julio
en el Salón Parroquial
de la Iglesia Santa Martha
a las 7:30 pm
Visitaremos Fa ma, Aljustrel, Valinhos, Santarem, Burgos Cathedral,
Monasterio de Sta. Maria Real de las Huelgas, La Gruta de Lourdes,
Carcassone, Barcelona, La Sagrada Familia
Para mas información llamen a Leon Solis Jr.
305-751-0005 o email [email protected]
¡¡Toda la comunidad
es bienvenida!!
Iglesia St. Martha
Miami Shores, FL
Julio 20, 2014
Decimosexto Domingo
del Tiempo Ordinario
Archdiocese of Miami Development
Corporation Planned Giving
Bulletin Announcements
Las Anualidades de Donaciones Caritativas en
beneficio de nuestra parroquia ofrecen mejores tarifas
que muchos CD (certificados de depósito), ofreciéndole
una deducción de impuestos, y son una manera excelente de transmitir su herencia católica. Para más información, póngase en contacto con la Oficina de Donaciones
Planificadas llamando al (305) 762-1110.
Miq 6:1-4, 6-8; Sal 50 (49):5-6, 8-9, 16bc17, 21, 23; Mt 12:38-42
Martes: Miq 7:14-15, 18-20; Sal 85 (84):2-8;
Jn 20:1-2, 11-18
Miércoles: Jer 1:1, 4-10; Sal 71 (70):1-4a, 5-6ab, 15,
17; Mt 13:1-9
Jer 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13; Sal 26 (25):6-7ab,
8-11; Mt 13:10-17
Viernes: 2 Cor 4:7-15; Sal 126 (125):1bc-6;
Mt 20:20-28
Sábado: Jer 7:1-11; Sal 84 (83):3-6a, 8a, 11;
Mt 13:24-30
Domingo: 1 Re 3:5, 7-12; Sal 119 (118):57, 72, 7677, 127-130; Rom 8:28-30; Mt 13:44-52
Lecturas del próximo Domingo
Primera lectura — Dame a mí, tu servidor, la capacidad de juzgar bien (1 Reyes 3:5, 7-12).
Salmo — Amo, Señor, tus mandamientos
(Salmo 119 [118]).
Segunda lectura — Estamos predestinados a ser
conformados a la imagen del Hijo de Dios
(Romanos 8:28-30).
Evangelio — Cuando encontramos la perla de gran
valor, tenemos que ofrecer por ella todo lo que poseemos (Mateo 13:44-52 [44-46]).
Nuestra Iglesia Depende de Nosotros
Seamos Generosos
Oferta Del 6 de Julio: $ 6,235.00
Oración para protección de las Tormentas
Dios Padre, Creador del Universo y
La hermana Rena Condron de las Hermanas Franciscanas Misioneras de África nos visitara el fin de semana de julio 26-27.
Las Hermanas Franciscanas Misioneras de África
trabajan en seis países de África - Kenia, Sudáfrica,
Sudán del Sur, Uganda, Zambia y Zimbabwe. Su trabajo se centra en las necesidades de los más marginados en las ciudades y zonas remotas, en las que proporcionan servicios de salud, alimentos y medicinas
para los pobres, así como los programas y proyectos
que tratan todos los aspectos de la pobreza. Durante
este Llamado Misionero anual, Sr. Rena hablará de
los ministerios actuales de la Congregación y de su
experiencia misionera. Dado que todos somos misioneros de la Iglesia, esta es una oportunidad para compartir de forma activa en el trabajo de misión en otras
tierras con asistencia financiera y personal y nuestras
Señor de la creación, humildemente delante de ti
como hijos tuyos que somos y en agradecimiento
por tu amor y protección
te pedimos que nos cuides
y nos guardes de todo huracán que pueda
amenazarnos en las temporadas que vienen.
Protégenos de todo miedo y de la ansiedad que
viene con estas tormentas
Danos plena confianza y la esperanza
de tu amor y misericordia.
Solo tu tienes el poder y el mando sobre
el mar, el viento y la lluvia.
Solo Tu traes paz, calma y seguridad.
Padre, te agradecemos por adelantado
Porque tu eres nuestro único refugio.
Te pedimos esto en nombre de
Tu hijo Jesucristo
Que vive y reina contigo
y el Espíritu Santo,
Un Dios,
por siempre

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