St. John the Baptist Catholic Parish


St. John the Baptist Catholic Parish
St. John the Baptist
Catholic Parish
Longmont, Colorado
Fr. Ron celebrates a recent Mass with our St. John the Baptist Catholic School students.
At the heart of our school is Catholic identity. Our school exists to provide a structured
context where students can experience what it means to say that each of us has a relationship
with Christ and therefore, because of that, we share a bond with one another. In reality
Catholic schools are a gift to the whole community and are recognized as centers of learning
that foster personal development and growth enriched with a sense of self-fulfillment and
worth and guided by basic and essential moral values.
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time - November 6, 2016
Please visit us at
Welcome! We’re so glad you’re here.
Parish Office Hours
Mass Times
8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Monday - Thursday: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sunday :
Reception Desk:
Weekdays: 6:30 a.m. and 8:15 a.m.
Misa en Español: Jueves 6:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m.,
and 4:00 p.m.
Misa en Español: 12:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.
First Saturday of the Month
7:30 a.m. Reconciliation
8:30 a.m. Mass in chapel
Baptism Preparation Classes
Parents and godparents must attend baptism preparation
class prior to a child’s baptism. We offer classes in both
English and Spanish. Adults only—no children, please.
Thursday: 4:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
11:45 a.m.
Also by appointment.
Spanish: Saturday, November 12th in Benedict Hall
9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
English: Saturday, February 4th in Benedict Hall
12:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
St. John the Baptist Catholic School
Office Hours
Please call 303-776-0737 for an appointment.
Eucharistic Adoration
Our school office hours are Monday through Friday,
7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. when school is in session.
9:00 a.m. - 8:45 p.m.
9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. - 8:45 p.m.
To inquire about or sign up for Adoration, please contact
Dorothy Sanchez at 303-485-6326, or Benita Valencia (en
espanol) at 720-224-6290.
If you need to get in touch with our school office personnel,
please e-mail [email protected], or call
Children’s Adoration
Gift Shop Hours
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
All children and their parents are welcome. Please
call Dorothy Sanchez at 303-485-6326 for more
3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Wedding and Baptism Information
Please contact our parish office at least eight months in
advance of your planned wedding date. For baptisms
and weddings, please contact the parish office at 303776-0737.
Please contact Nancy Olivari at 303-776-0737.
Please see our ad on page 5.
All profits go to our St. John’s Food Bank.
St. John’s Food Bank
Hours of Operation
804 S. Lincoln Street
Longmont, CO 80501
Phone: 303-678-1469
E-mail: [email protected]
10:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
NOVEMBER 6, 2016
A Word from Our Pastor, Fr. Ron Weissbeck
My dear family in Christ,
I would like to take advantage through my weekly column to address an important dynamic that has been
introduced into our archdiocese. On Friday, November 4th, Father Jorge Rodriguez was ordained a bishop for
the Archdiocese of Denver. There has been much information to fill us in on who he is, his family background, his teaching
at St. John Vianney Seminary, and his position as pastor of Holy Cross Parish in Thornton. He has been appointed as an
auxiliary bishop to assist in the ministry of our Archbishop Samuel Aquila. Now, we have a bishop who in his own right
functions through the fullness of the priesthood.
Since the Second Vatican Council, we once again have the
three grades of the ordained ministry. The deacons, in most cases, are
married men who have been called to also function as servants of the
word, charity, and prayer. They still have the responsibilities of the
family, but now they have the additional commitment, sacramentally,
of ordination, to serve the local church with direct relationship to the
bishop. They are now addressed as “Reverend Mister” since they have
received both the sacrament of marriage and ordination. A priest is
ordained to be the bishop’s local extension in the parish. Priests are
assigned as pastors and parochial vicars. Whereas deacons often serve
in the parish from which they come, the priest is assigned for a
designated period by the bishop. Since 1974, most dioceses in the
United States follow the policy of a specific period of service, which is
6 years. In the Archdiocese of Denver there is usually the extension of
a second term. The parochial vicar is assigned for 3 years so that he
may have more than one experience before he is considered as a
candidate to be a pastor. Now, how do you address a priest? In
common language we call him “Father.” In the official address he is
“Reverend,” and he may also have the title of “Very Reverend” should
he be asked to be the dean of a specific geographic area. In our case,
St. John’s belongs to the Boulder Deanery. Sometimes a priest may
receive the title of “Monsignor.” This is an honorary title and there is
no sacramental authority that goes with it.
Returning now to the ordination of Father Jorge Rodriguez,
who is now Bishop Jorge Rodriguez, he has received the fullness of
the priesthood. It is not just a title. A bishop is addressed as Most
Reverend. Unlike the ordination of a deacon or a priest, three bishops
must be present at an ordination of a bishop to assure that he is
ordained validly and is in line with the tradition of the Church that can
be traced back to the Apostles. He now becomes a member of the
hierarchy, which in English means the rule of the priestly class.
Bishop Rodriguez has been called by Pope Francis to assist the Archbishop in the pastoral ministry of this Archdiocese.
When a bishop is named as the head of a diocese he is the “ordinary.” There is a process by which this takes place.
Those who know the person who is recommended for this office are asked to respond to a confidential inventory to help in
the whole process of being presented to the Holy Father for his final approval and acceptance in naming a priest to be a
In the end, it is in faith that the Church relies on the Holy Spirit to continue to guide her in calling forth a leadership
for the service of the gospel and the ministry of the Sacraments. Let us pray for Bishop Jorge Rodriguez as he has been
called to serve the people of the Archdiocese of Denver.
Bishop Jorge Rodriguez
Fr. Ron
St. John’s Food Bank News
By John Williams
It’s getting very busy at the food bank as we
prepare for the holiday season that will kick off
with a W arm Coat and Glove Drive for the homeless. All
proceeds will go to the H.O.P.E. organization which has
indicated that although they are stocked up on women’s
accoutrements for this particular drive, they are in need of
men’s coats and gloves, but would especially appreciate
men’s shoes and boots. There will be a large bin inside the
south lobby of the church for you to make your donation.
We will then be putting up the Jesse Tree on
November 18th and will provide you with baskets of scrolls
from which to select the name of a person and general gift
idea. Our categories will include children, those who are
disabled, senior citizens, and adults. These will be available
beginning November 19th because of the advantageous
Black Friday sales.
Please look for posters to be out that will indicate
particular needs for the H.O.P.E. organization such as
thermal underwear, lip balm, and hats and gloves which
will be given to our homeless population who will be fed
and sheltered on Christmas Eve and Christmas Days.
On November 28th we will begin receiving
presents and sorting them by family in our gift center. By
then we will have moved in all shelving, tables, and
wrapping paper in preparation for gift sorting and wrapping.
Meanwhile we will be collecting food items for our
holiday food boxes. On December 3rd and 4th we will
distribute bags with attached flyers for our W inter Food
Drive. If you would like to donate, please bring your items
back on the following weekend, December 10th and 11th.
These items will also be distributed for our client families’
Christmas meals.
On a closing note, if you have a working upright
vacuum (that isn’t too noisy), our food bank could use your
donation with many thanks!
Life Everlasting
The second book of Maccabees tells a powerful
story, and a rather gruesome one at that. But central to
it, beyond the horrible deaths inflicted upon the brothers
and their mother, is their belief in the promise of
resurrection and life everlasting in God.
Paul asks the Thessalonians to pray for him as he
spreads Christ’s message of love, so that he might be
delivered from other nonbelievers anxious to do him
harm. The apostle is confident in such prayer, just as he
is confident in the everlasting support of Jesus and God
the Father.
And there’s that “everlasting” word again. The
Sadducees, not buying the idea, ask Jesus an
interesting—albeit meaningless—question about the
status of married life at the Resurrection. He tells the
non-believers that marriage isn’t an issue for the risen
children of God. More importantly, he assures them
that their ancestors do live on in God, even as evidenced
by the Father’s words to Moses.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
St. Anne’s Mission Rosary Guild
St. Anne’s Mission Rosary Guild will
be having their annual luncheon at
Le Peep on Thursday November 10th
at 11:30 a.m. For more information,
please call Theresa at 303-776-8525.
Serra Club of Boulder County
Next weekend, November 12th and 13th, is the weekend of the month when we learn about one of
the active ministries at St. John’s. The Serra (not Sierra) Club, an international organization, is
dedicated to promoting vocations to the Priesthood and Consecrated Life. Named for our
newest American saint, St. Junipero Serra, its basic unit is the local club. Our local club, the Serra Club of
Boulder county, was organized 25 years ago. We welcome you to stop by our table in the foyer after 5:00 p.m.
Mass on Saturday, November 12th or visit Benedict Hall on Sunday November 13th for coffee and donuts and
to talk to a local Serran to learn more about this special ministry. For more information, please call Jerome/
Pauline Higgins 303 651-0109.
NOVEMBER 6, 2016
Holiday Scrip Order Form
Our SCRIP program provides an ongoing stream of revenue for our St. John’s
community, but has virtually no impact on your budget! Everyone wins when our
SCRIP program is supported. It is a simple, straightforward way of benefiting our
church and school. If you have any questions regarding our SCRIP program, please
contact Janet Sage at 303-776-0737, ext. 107.
Choose from over 100 vendors this year!
Local vendors include the Flower Bin, Longmont Florist, and Crackpots. Order forms for Holiday Scrip may be found at
the parish reception desk, or online at Order your scrip today!
505 Main St, Longmont, CO 80501
Last day to place special orders: Friday, December 9, 2016
This Week in Our Gift Shop…
Advent wreaths, candles, calendars, and prayer books have arrived! We have the best selection and you can see it
before you buy it!
You are invited!
St. John's Gift Shop 13th Annual Christmas Open House
Wednesday, November 16th
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Refreshments, free drawing and beautiful Catholic
Christmas gifts!
Beautiful Catholic Christmas cards are now in
stock. Shop early for the best selection!
Let us help you navigate your faith journey!
Please visit and click on
Catholic Enrichment.
Catholicism: The Pivotal Players
Sharing the Faith with Our Parish
Be Part of Our Maintenance Team!
St. John the Baptist Catholic Parish is looking for a
reliable and motivated individual to become part of our
facilities and maintenance team. If you are experienced
as a handyman with a broad set of skills in painting, light
electrical and plumbing, drywall, and general repair, we
would love to speak with you. Please submit your resume
and cover letter to Mick Shivley, our Business Manager,
at the parish office. You may e-mail Mick at
[email protected].
Our Men of Faith Ministry is studying a
fantastic new series from Bishop Robert
Barron entitled: “Catholicism: The Pivotal
Players.” They have now made this
remarkable series available to the entire
parish two Sundays a month in St.
Michael room at 9:30 a.m. Join us next
Sunday, November 13th for Part 2 of
St. Francis of Assisi.
After a few schedule changes, the lineup is as follows:
November 27:
St. Thomas Aquinas, Part 1
January 8th:
St. Thomas Aquinas, Part 2
January 22nd:
Blessed John Henry Newman, Part 1
February 12th:
Blessed John Henry Newman, Part 2
February 26th:
St. Catherine of Sienna, Part 1
March 12th:
St. Catherine of Sienna, Part 2
March 26th:
G. K. Chesterton, Part 1
April 9th:
G. K. Chesterton, Part 2
April 23rd:
Michelangelo, Part 1
May 7th:
Michelangelo, Part 2.
Flag Retirement Ceremony
St. John the Baptist’s Boy Scout
Troop 65 and Knights of
Columbus Assembly #0094 will
host a flag retirement ceremony on
Veteran’s Day, November 11th in
the school parking lot. We will
accept flags any time after 5:00 p.m. The ceremony will
start at 6:00 p.m. and will continue until all flags are
retired. We invite you to stay for this very moving and
reverent ceremony that honors our Nation’s flag and
remembers those who served under it. If you have
questions or need someone to pick up your flag, please
contact Rich Chopyak at 303-746-4375, Steve Walsh at
720-340-6463, or Shawn McPeak at 720-839-1689.
Grab your coffee and donut(s) from Benedict Hall
following 8:30 a.m. Mass or come early for 10:30 a.m.
Mass, and join us in the St. Michael room!
Get FORMED and Get Informed
Do you know what FORMED is? is a
revolutionary online platform featuring the best Catholic
videos, audio talks, eBooks, and movies from trusted
partners like the Augustine Institute, St. Paul Center, Marian
Fathers, Lighthouse Catholic Media, Ignatius Press, and
Word on Fire. Catechism and personal faith formation are
at the fingertips of ever parishioner. Try it and you may
discover that it has the best Catholic content all in one place.
Log in today. The parish code for FORMED is THGJPP.
For Our Veterans
For our men and women in uniform, and those working in
civilian jobs for the federal government beyond U.S.
borders, give them health and stability, protect them from
harm, and allow them to return to loved ones whole and
unshaken, we pray to the Lord.
For our veterans, grant them strength and peace of mind.
Support them in infirmity and in the fragility of old age.
Teach us to remember their sacrifices and to express our
gratitude for their service.
RCIA, with Anna Campbell
For students studying in U.S. military academies, manifest
your tender care as they prepare for future service and
leadership, we pray to the Lord.
For those who have died, especially those who made the
ultimate sacrifice in service to our country. May their
families be embraced by Christ‘s love and find peace in His
promise of eternal life, we pray to the Lord. Amen.
Enlarge Your Faith By Sharing It
Has God been calling you to do something
different? Something more? Perhaps you feel
to share your faith with someone, to join
on their faith journey… I am looking
for sponsors for our catechumen and
candidates in RCIA. If you feel called, please let me know
as soon as possible by e-mailing [email protected].
NOVEMBER 6, 2016
La Página Español
Los católicos debemos participar en la política como ciudadanos responsables, por el bien
de todos. La solución a la corrupción no es abandonar la política sino participar en ella con principios
cristianos. Jesús nos dijo que somos sal y luz del mundo. Esto debe aplicar primero a nuestra vida pero, si
esta es auténtica, se manifiesta también en la política. La sal preserva de la corrupción, la luz permite que
se vea la verdad.
Fr. Gerardo
Es necesario formarse en la fe y la doctrina social de la Iglesia para discernir sin dejarse seducir
por las pasiones y las mentiras que se presentan en las campañas electorales. (Cf. Gaudium es Spes,
43). Es sorprendente como la propaganda de los medios engaña a la gente, es increíble cómo creemos las cosas solamente
porque nos las repiten. Debemos examinar objetivamente cómo los candidatos han actuado en el pasado.
Hay una jerarquía de valores. El valor principal es el respeto a la vida humana. Si un candidato favorece el aborto
o la eutanasia, no respeta al ser humano que aún no ha nacido, menos va a respetarnos a nosotros. Definitivamente no se
debe votar por él aunque en otros aspectos parezca bueno. Los derechos humanos forman parte de la ley natural, la cual es
accesible a la razón cuando se busca con sincero corazón. Toda autoridad legítima procede de Dios y debe someterse
totalmente a Dios. Cuidado que no sea solo de palabra sino que en efecto demuestre coherencia con la moral.
Ningún gobierno, partido o político se puede confundir con el Reino de Dios. Cuidado con los mesianismos
políticos, que se presentan como salvadores de la humanidad. "Ningún partido representa a la Iglesia, además los católicos pueden militar o dar su voto libremente al partido o al candidato que mejor responda a sus convicciones personales,
con tal de que sean compatibles con la ley moral natural y que sirvan sinceramente al bien común de la sociedad.”
Al votar considere primero el valor de la vida sobre el derecho a la migración. Algunos dicen que van a votar por
quien les ayude con la migración de sus seres queridos, que al cabo ellos nunca harán un aborto ni favorecerán la eutanasia. Es un engaño. Al votar por quien favorece el aborto abrirás la puerta para que tus hijos y nietos sí lo hagan. Y si
eso llegase a suceder tú serás igualmente responsable de ese mal.
Si tú puedes votar en este país, haz válido tu derecho. Busca el bien común, que es el bien de todos y compromete
a ser de verdad la luz y la sal de la tierra.
Día de Acción de Gracias (Thanksgiving Day)
La oficina cerrara el miércoles 23 de noviembre a las 12:00 p.m. y el jueves estará cerrada la oficina y la capilla de
Las misas de Acción de Gracias serán el miércoles 23 de noviembre a las 6:30 p.m. y el jueves 24 a las 8:15 a.m.
en Ingles.
Educación Religiosa
La semana del Día de Acción de Gracias (Thanksgiving Day) NO hay clases de Catecismo, lunes 21, miércoles
23, y jueves 24 de noviembre 2016.
Las vacaciones de Navidad comienzan la Segunda semana de diciembre, lunes 12, miércoles 14 y jueves 15 de
diciembre 2016. Las clases se reanudan el lunes 9, miércoles 11 y jueves 12 de enero 2017.
Clases de Bautismo
La próxima clase de bautismo es el sábado 12 de noviembre de 9:00 a 11:30 a.m. en el salón Benedicto.
Las clases se ofrecen cada segundo sábado del mes. Los bautizos son los domingos después de la misa de 12:30 p.m. Por
favor llegue a tiempo. No hay cuidado de niños.
Día y Hora de las Reuniones de los Diferentes Grupos
El grupo de jóvenes se reúne todos los jueves a las 7:00 p.m. en el salón San Martin.
El grupo de mujeres se reúne todos los martes a las 7:00 p.m. en la capilla
El grupo de hombres se reúne todos los miércoles a las 7:00 p.m. en el salón de los niños.
El grupo de la renovación carismática PDV se reúne todos los sábados a las 7:00 p.m. en el salón Benedicto.
Scenes from Halloween 2016--from emojis to patriotism, costumes
were creative, parties were fun, and a good time was had by all.
Have a safe and happy Halloween!
Elementary winners:
1st Place: Mrs. Martinek
2nd Place: Mrs. Comeaux
Middle School:
1st Place: Mr. Rosa
2nd Place: Ms. Anita Rittenburg
Congratulations to our winners. We would like to thank all the
students and our wonderful room moms and dads for making the
hallways look so festive and frightful!
St. John the Baptist Catholic School, under the jurisdiction of Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila, S.T.L., and at the direction of the Superintendent of
Catholic Schools and the Pastor of St. John the Baptist Catholic Parish, states that we admit students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin to all
the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. Furthermore, we admit handicapped
students in accord with the policy on Admissions, 4.2.1. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, age, handicap, color, and national or ethic origin
in the administration of our educational policies, employment practices, scholarship and loan programs, or athletic or other school-administered
Mass Intentions:
6, 2014
Readings for the Week of November 6th
Saturday, November 5, 2016
8:30 a.m.
SJB Carmelite Order
5:00 p.m. †J er ome Br adley
Sunday, November 6, 2016 - Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:00 a.m. †J ohn J or dan
8:30 a.m. ♥†Parishioners of St. John the Baptist
10:30 a.m. †Anthony and †Kather ine Doder o
12:30 p.m. †Dor is J une Br adshaw
4:00 p.m. †Michael E. Rober tson
6:00 p.m. ♥Joseph and Lori Black and Family
Monday, November 7, 2016
6:30 a.m. †Richard Demianew
8:15 a.m. †Bill Kruse
Next Sunday:
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
6:30 a.m. †J ames Whisman
8:15 a.m. †Gene Sandoval
2 Mc 7:1-2, 9-14/Ps 17:1, 5-6, 8, 15/2
Thes 2:16—3:5/Lk 20:27-38 or 20:27, 34-38
Ti 1:1-9/Ps 24:1-6/Lk 17:1-6
Ti 2:1-8, 11-14/Ps 37:3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29/
Lk 17:7-10
Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/Ps 46:3-6, 8, 11/
1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17/Jn 2:13-22
Phlm 7-20/Ps 146:7-10/Lk 17:20-25
2 Jn 4-9/Ps 119:1-2, 10-11, 17-18/
Lk 17:26-37
3 Jn 5-8/Ps 112:1-6/Lk 18:1-8
Mal 3:19-20a/Ps 98:5-9/2 Thes 3:7-12/
Lk 21:5-19
Pulpit Announcements
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
6:30 a.m. †Darlene Weibel
8:15 a.m. †Della Abeyta
Your announcement is important to us, but we do have a
deadline for all Masses which is 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday
for the upcoming weekend. There can be no exceptions.
Please send your announcements to Maggie by e-mailing
[email protected].
Thursday, November 10, 2016
6:30 a.m. †Michael Craig Weibel
8:15 a.m. ♥Christoper Dang
6:00 p.m. ♥Krische Family and Godchildren
Select Events at St. John’s
Friday, November 11, 2016
6:30 a.m. †James and †Evelyn Whisman
8:15 a.m. †Gerald John Sturbaum
Sunday, November 6:
• Coffee and donuts, after all Masses, Benedict Hall
• RCIA, 8:30 a.m., Middle School
• CREED, 9:30 a.m., Campus
• Children’s Liturgy of the Word, 10:30 a.m., Chapel
Monday, November 7:
• Breaking Open the Word, 8:30 a.m., Nursery
• Boy Scout Troop 65, 7:00 p.m., St. Michael
Tuesday, November 8:
• Tuesday Morning Bible Study, 9:00 a.m., St. Catherine
Wednesday, November 9:
• Fr. Ron’s Scripture Class, 9:00 a.m., St. Catherine
• Spanish Religious Education, 6:00 p.m., Campus
• Blue Army, 7:00 p.m., Chapel
Thursday, November 10:
• Men of Faith, 6:00 a.m., Benedict Hall
• Stephen Ministry, 6:15 p.m., Benedict Hall
Saturday, November 12, 2016
5:00 p.m. †Ver a Mar tinez
Sunday, November 13, 2016 - Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:00 a.m. †Michael War hola
8:30 a.m. †Angela Shages
10:30 a.m. ♥†Parishioners of St. John the Baptist
12:30 p.m. ♥Sindoro Hindrotanojo
4:00 p.m. †Lynette Fellows
6:00 p.m. Imilda Sutanto
Intentions indicated by † deceased and ♥ living. Unmarked if unknown.
Treasures from Our Tradition
In the seventeenth century, English Catholics, many of them wealthy and well educated, looked to the American
colonies as a place to regain a measure of religious freedom. In Ireland, the so-called penal laws were even harsher than in
England, as a minority Parliament tried to force the conversion of the population by denying the majority political and
economic power. Beginning in 1691, laws were passed that punished dissenters, principally Catholics, but also causing
hardship for Jews, Quakers, and others. There were acts forbidding “mixed marriage” or sending children “beyond the
seas” for schooling. Catholics were taxed at double the common rate, barred from the legal professions and from
university, and not allowed to build churches or own a decent horse.
In 1793 the situation began to change, as it became clear that the economic persecution would not drive the majority
away from Catholicism. Gradually, laws were repealed until by 1829 freedom was won, although Catholics at university
were ineligible for honors, and until the 1920s and the Republic, the Church of Ireland was the state church, funded by the
taxes of all citizens.
—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
For the weekend of October 29-30
Address: 323 Collyer Street, Longmont, Colorado 80501
Phone: 303-776-0737
Parish Fax: 303-772-5636
Treasure Sharing
Father Ron Weissbeck, Pastor
[email protected]
Father Gerardo Garcia, Par ochial Vicar
[email protected]
Deacon Mike Berens
[email protected]
Deacon Modesto Garcia
Faith Direct
Children’s sharing
Renew and Reserve
Food Bank
$ 435.00
For St. John’s School
Devotional Collections
100.00 $ 271.00 $ -
Faith Direct is our online portal—
collected and paid twice a month.
Parish Staff
Peggy Belknap, Business Office
[email protected], or ext. 148
Anna Campbell, RCIA
[email protected], or ext. 140
Mary Ruth Chopyak,
Pastoral Assistant and Facility Scheduler
[email protected], or ext. 139
Teresa Cuevas, Receptionist
[email protected], or ext. 100
Socorro Garcia, Director of Hispanic Ministries
[email protected], or ext. 113
Lyle Herrera, Maintenance Manager
[email protected], or ext. 135
Maggie Howard, Music and Liturgy
[email protected], or ext. 112
Nancy Olivari, Gift Shop
[email protected], or ext. 108
Karen Sabo, Sacramental Records
[email protected], or ext. 109
Janet Sage, Scrip
[email protected], or ext. 107
Mick Shivley, Accounting Manager
[email protected], or ext. 111
Liz Smith, Faith Formation Coordinator
[email protected], or ext. 106
Joan Willden, Marketing and Media
[email protected]
John Williams, Outreach Coordinator
[email protected], or 303-678-1469
Scrip Program
For the weekend of October 29-30
Gross Sales
$ 3,505.00
St. John’s Food Bank
For October 22-23:
Food bank purchases
Pounds of food distributed
St. John’s Special Collections and Charity
AoD Seminaries Appeal - November 13th
Catholic Campaign for Human Development - November 20th
Chris Stefanick at Sacred Heart of Mary
Sacred Heart of Mary proudly announces Chris Stefanick
will be at their parish Thursday, January 26th from 6:30 to
8:30 p.m. If you are not aware of Chris Stefanick and Real
Life Catholic, visit This is an
incredible opportunity to see Chris in a small setting.
St. John the Baptist School
Investing in Our Children’s Future Since 1922
350 Emery Street, Longmont, CO 80501
303-776-8760 or [email protected]
A Catholic learning environment for grades P-8
Kemmery Hill, Principal
Beth Ann Rosa, Assistant Principal
Tami Moskal, Preschool Director

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