Flows Online - Natural Resource Management and Development


Flows Online - Natural Resource Management and Development
Flows Online
The FLOWS bulletin provides a monthly review of selected topics that pertain to assessment of the effectiveness of payment
arrangements for watershed services and lessons being learned, highlighting:
Gaps between theory and practice,
The science and policy interface,
Relevant information from diverse areas of knowledge,
Multiple perspectives, and
Rules-of-Thumb, as revealed by current practices.
Each issue features:
A review of selected special topics that pertain to assessment of the effectiveness of payment initiatives,
A guide to resources pertinent to featured topics,
A space for reader commentary and responses to previous issues, and
Announcements of pertinent new reports and papers, and upcoming events.
Flows is produced by Sylvia S. Tognetti, an independent consultant, in collaboration with the International Institute for Environment and
Development, and the The World Bank,through the Bank-Netherlands Watershed Partnership Program (BNWPP).
The Flows Bulletin is a forum for multiple perspectives, and does not necessarily represent the views of the sponsoring organizations.
It is available in English and in Spanish.
To subscribe in English, please send an e-mail to: [email protected]
to receive it is Spanish, please send an e-mail to [email protected]
Bulletins 7-12 are also available in Indonesian. To be notified when more issues are available in Indonesian, please send an e-mail to
[email protected].
The Knowledge and Assessment Guide to Support the Development of Payment Arrangements for Watershed Ecosystem Services,
released in conjunction with Flows #6, can be found here.
Flows #17 (pdf): Payments for watershed services and the costs of change (2-14-2006)
Flows #16 (pdf): Markets for watershed services - in context (1-20-2006)
Flows #16 Español (pdf): Mercados para los servicios de las cuencas hidrográficas - En contexto
Flows #15 (pdf): Addressing impacts of land use change with payments for watershed services (11-3-2005)
Flows #15 Español (pdf): Atendiendo los impactos del cambio de uso de la tierra con los pagos por servicios de las cuencas hidrológicas
Flows #14 (pdf): Payments for watershed services in coastal areas: not whether but when, and the cost of delay (9-23-2005)
Flows #14 Español (pdf): Pago por Servicios de las cuencas hidrológicas en regiones costeras: no si es que sucederá, sino cuándo
sucederá - y el costo de los retrasos
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Flows Online
Flows #13 (pdf): Payments for watershed services and the myth of simple solutions (8-22-2005)
Flows #13 Español (pdf): Pago por Servicios de Cuencas Hidrológicas como un elemento en al Manejo Integral de las Cuencas Ribereñas
Flows #12 (pdf): Payments for watershed services as an element of Integrated River Basin Management (7-7-2005)
Flows #12 Español (pdf): Pago por servicios de cuencas hidrológicas como un elemento en el manejo integral de las cuencas ribereñas
Flows #12 Indonesian (pdf): Pembayaran Jasa Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Sebagai Elemen Pengolaan DAS Secara Integratif
Flows #11 (pdf): Extreme events as drivers of change in watershed processes and in land use practices (4-27-2005)
Flows #11 Español (pdf): Eventos climáticos extremos como diretores de los cambios en los procesos de las cuencas hidrológicas y en las
prácticas del uso de la tierra
Flows #11 Indonesian (pdf): Peristiwa cuaca ekstrim sebagai pemicu terjadinya perubahan dalam proses pengelolaan DAS dan praktekpraktek penggunaan lahan
Flows #10 (pdf): Payments for watershed services and water as a human right - is there a conflict? (4-6-2005)
Flows #10 Español (pdf): Los pagos por los servicios de las cuencas hidrológicas y el agua como un derecho umano - ¿existe un conflicto?
Flows #10 Indonesian (pdf): Pembayaran jasa DAS dan air sebagai hak asasi manusia - adakah yang bertentangan?
Flows #9 (pdf): The answer if forty-two but, what was the question? (3-8-2005)
Flows #9 Español (pdf): Quarenta y dos es la respuesta pero, ¿cuál es la pregunta?
Flows #9 Indonesian (pdf): Jawabannya adalah empat puluh dua, tetapi apa pertanyaannya ?
Flows #8 (pdf): Science in the Mist and the Mysteries of Cloud Forests (2-15-2005)
Flows #8 Español (pdf): La Ciencia en la Niebla y los Misterios de los Bosques Nubosos
Flows #8 Indonesian (pdf): Ilmu pengetahuan dalam kabut - dan Misteri Hutan Awan
Flows #7 (pdf): Identifying Watershed Services: "Pay your money, take your chances" (1-19-2005)
Flows #7 Español (pdf): Identificando Servicios de Cuencas Hidrológicas: "Pague su dinero, Arriésguese"
Flows #7 Indonesian (pdf): Mengenali Jasa-jasa Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) : "Berikan uang anda, dapatkan kesempatan anda"
Flows #6 (pdf): Payments for Watershed Services - in Theory and in Practice (12-6-2004)
Flows #6 Español (pdf): Pagos por Servicios de las Cuencas Hidrológicas - en teoría y práctica.
Issues released from 11-1-2001 to 5-26-2002:
Flows #5: Do markets for watershed services help the poor? / Ayudan los mercados para servicios de cuencas hidrográficas a los pobres?
Flows #4: A foggy issue? / Un assunto nebuloso? (3-29-2002)
Flows #3: Are Myths Useful? / Son los mitos útiles? (1-7-2002)
Flows #2: New E-Journal on Land Use and Water Resources Research, (12-13-01)
Flows #1: Developing Markets for Water Services from Forests, (11-1-2001)
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Flows Online
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