Parish Directory - Christ the King Roman Catholic Church, Hollywood


Parish Directory - Christ the King Roman Catholic Church, Hollywood
Christ the King
624 North Rossmore Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90004
Website:; Email: [email protected]; Twitter
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Rev. Msgr. Paul Montoya, Pastor
May 13, 2012
Rev. Msgr. Charles Chaffman, Res.
chose me, but I who chose you and
you to go and bear fruit.
Deacon Ricardo and Elba Villacorta
No son ustedes los que me han elegido, soy yo quien los ha elegido y los ha
Deacon Felix and Alicia Rac
destinado para que vayan y den fruto.
Deacon Marco and Martina Garcia
Ruth Anderson., School Principal
- John 15:16 / Juan 3:18
Eva Clarke, Business Manager
Lilia Pedroli, Director of Rel. Education BEARING FRUIT
Few of us, even when we meditate on the image of the vine and
Lourdes Ciau, Parish Secretary
branches, stop to really think about how God “prunes” us. For some
Marcos Cortes, Maintenance
there is the danger of thinking that we are already producing fruit for
the kingdom, in deed and truth as John says, perhaps raising a family, being active in
616 North Rossmore Avenue
our parish, and so on. But even those branches which are bearing fruit, the Gospel
Los Angeles, CA 90004
tells us, can be pruned to produce still more. Today Saul, freshly “pruned” by his
323.465.7605 Fax: 323.463.4895
Hours: Mon - Fri : 9:00am to 5:00pm conversion, arrives in Jerusalem and meets resistance. Since he had been persecuting
Christians, this was only natural. But even after he is accepted and begins to bear
fruit, he meets further adversity, and his letters are filled with many accounts of how
(Grades: K through 8th)
his trials “pruned” him to produce greater fruit for the kingdom. Like him, as long as
617 N. Arden Blvd.
we remain in Christ we will continue to bear fruit and, when the will of the Father
Los Angeles, California 90004
323.462.4753 Fax: 323.462.8475
determines it is time to prune us, the strength of the true vine must enable us to enWebsite: dure it. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Email: [email protected]
Durante la Última Cena, Jesús dijo a sus apóstoles: “Yo soy la vid,
ustedes son los sarmientos” (Juan 15:5). Jesús añade que los sarmienMass Schedule /Horario de Misas:
tos (ramas) que permanecen en Él, dan mucho fruto. Según la agriSaturday Vigil: 5:30pm
cultura, la vid es una parra, es decir, una planta perenne de ramas
Sun. (Eng): 8:30am, 10:30am, 5:30pm
Domingo (Español): 12:30pm
Una parte importante de la vid son las hojas. Es obvio que una vid tiene hojas,
pero Jesús no las menciona, prefiere enfocarse en los sarmientos. Las partes de la vid
son las raíces, tronco, sarmientos, hojas, flores y fruto. Según esta división Jesús sería
Monday - Friday: 7:30am (English)
1st Fri. / 1er Viernes: 6:30pm (English) el tronco, pero él dice ser la vid completa. Esta es una imagen de la unidad que Jesús
quiere entre sus seguidores. Recordemos que Jesús celebra la Última Cena con sus
Holy Days of Obligation
discípulos. La comunidad de discípulos unidos a Jesús formamos la vid. Los sarmienDías Santos de Obligación:
tos o ramas conducen agua y minerales a las hojas, flores y frutos, y son útiles en tan7:30am, 8:15am, 12:15pm, 6:00pm (Eng.) to estén unidos a la vid. Lo mismo vale de los cristianos, discípulos de Jesús. Son
7:15 pm (Español)
ellos y ellas los que hacen presente y le dan vida a Jesús en el mundo de hoy.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Sacramento de Reconciliación:
Saturday/Sábado: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
(Also by Appt. / También por cita)
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Exposición del Santísimo:
Tuesday / Martes: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
1st Fri. / 1er Viernes: 7:30am - 9:00pm
1st Fri. Divine Mercy Devotion: 7:00pm
Happy Mother’s Day!
Feliz Día de Las Madres!
Parish Director y
Safeguard the Children:
Lelis Cruzata—323.393.4144
Meets Twice a Year
Liturgical Ministry:
Altar Servers: Scholastica Lee
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy
Mila Agpaoa 323.313.7262
Parish Financial Update
April 28 & 29, 2012
Envelopes / Sobres:
Plate / Colecta suelta:
Repair / Mantenimiento:
Expenses / Gastos:
Difference / Diferencia:
Marie Moore 323.463.0652
Ushers: Joe Silva 323.572.0996
Music / Choir Director: Brad
Fuller 310.979.8377 or
[email protected]
Corinthians XIII:
Dn.Ricardo Villacorta 323.225.1009
Estudio Bíblico, Viernes, 7:30 pm,
salón parroquial
Couples for Christ:
Del/Mariem Rigonan 323.464.8371
Singles for Christ:
Ann Sharon Lim 562.304.8372
Difference Goal vs. Paid: /
Diferencia: objetivo vs. pagado
Did you Know?
¿Sabia Usted?
What’s your plan in the Event
of an Emergency?
Que es su plan de Emergencia?
Did you know that every Catholic school
in the Los Angeles Archdiocese is
required to have a written plan for
emergency procedures? The plan
must include provisions for fire,
earthquake, disaster and evacuation
drills and lockdown procedures that
conform to local, state and county
requirements. Each school’s plan must
be updated annually, and made available
Vocation Committee: Ian Hagan to parents. Does your own family have a
similar plan for what to do and where to
gather in the event of an emergency?
City and County disaster preparedness
Divine Mercy:
agencies are a good resource to use for
Lelis Cruzata, 323.393.4144
making your own emergency plan.
One Heart One Mind:
Rosalind Diego, 323.463.3306
Meet 2nd & 4th Sun., 3pm-7pm, Hall
Gracias a todos nuestros feligreses que nos
apoyan semanalmente. Que Dios los bendiga.
Amount Paid / Cantidad Pagada:
Ministerio de Liturgia:
Martha Pazmino 213.241.1272
-Divine Mercy Formation
“Faustinum” 3pm-5pm, 2nd Sat.
-Core members meet 2nd Sat., Lib.
We would like to thank all of our parishioners
who are supporting us on a weekly basis. May
God bless you.
Together in Mission / Unidos en Mision 2012
May 7, 2012
CTK Parish Goal /
Objetivo de CTK:
Amount Pledged /
Cantidad Prometida:
Lectors: (Open)
Coordinador: Diacono Ricardo
Villacorta 323.225.1009
Ministros de Eucaristía:
Rene Burgos 213.382.3633
Amanda Brisuela 323.234.7194
Director de Música / Coro:
Diacono Marco Antonio Garcia
Lunes a las 7:30 pm, en la Iglesia.
Sacristán: Martha Pazmino
Ujieres: Abel Morales
Director de Obra de la Pasión:
Rolando Burgos 626.457.6138
Sunday Collection / Colecta del Domingo
For particular help, you may call
Assistance Ministry at (213) 637-7650
Sabia usted que cada escuela Católica en la
Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles es requerido tener un plan de procedimientos en caso de emergencia escrito? El
plan debe de incluir provisiones para
fuego, terremoto, un catástrofe natural, simulacros de evacuación, y procedimientos de cierre que conforman
con las leyes locales, del estado, y del
condado. El plan de cada escuela debe de
ser actualizado anualmente, y ser disponibles a los padres de familia. Tiene su familia un plan de que hacer y donde verse en
caso de una emergencia? La ciudad y el
condado tiene agencias que son buenos recursos en hacienda su propio plan de emergencia.
Para obtener ayuda, llame a la Oficina del
Ministerio de Asistencia al (213) 637-7650.
Religious Education / Educación Religiosa
Next weekend, May 19 & 20 we will be having a second collection to
help all of our religious programs out: First Communion,
Confirmation, CTK School, & Adult Formation. Please be generous
in our donations.
La próxima semana tendremos una segunda colecta para apoyar nuestros programas
de educación religiosa: Primera Comunión, Confirmación, la Escuela, y formación
para adultos. Favor de ser generosos en sus donaciones.
Parish Director y
Pre-Baptismal class is required for parents
and Godparents. Call the Parish Office to
register and for class & baptismal dates.
Las clases pre-bautismales es un requisito
para los papás y padrinos. Llame a la
oficina para registrarse y para las fechas
de bautismo.
Lilia Pedroli, D.R.E. Minimum of six
months advance notice required.
Lilia Pedroli, D.R.E
If you know of a parishioner who is in the
hospital or housebound and is in need of a
priest, please contact Parish Office.
Lilia Pedroli, DRE
323.217.3661 (cell)
Grades K-8:
Saturdays from Sept. to May
9:00 am to 11:00 am
Sacramental Preparation
11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Saturdays from January to April
Lilia Pedroli
Classes: Mondays (Sept.-May)
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Catequesis Familiar:
Sábados, 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Rite of Christian Initiation of
Adults (RCIA):
RCIA in English:
Rosalind Diego, Coordinator
Meet Wed 7:30 pm, Library
RCIA in Spanish:
Dn. Felix Rac, Coordinator
Meet Fri 7:30 pm, Library
Parish Councils:
‹ Finance Council Chair
Richard Rossi 818.781.3027
We would like to congratulate the following catechism students for receiving
the Sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time on Saturday, May 12. A
special thank you to their catechists: Rosa Sepulveda, Tess Calina, Marisa
Lasao, Mrs. Pedroli, & Msgr. Paul Montoya. Please keep them in your prayers.
Queremos felicitar a los siguientes estudiantes de catecismo por haber recibido
el Sacramento de la Eucaristía por primera vez el sábado 12 de mayo. Le damos
gracias a sus catequistas: Rosa Sepulveda, Tess Calina, Marisa Lasao, la Sra.
Pedroli, y el padre Paul Montoya. Favor de tenerlos en sus oraciones.
Juan Antonio Aguilera
Teresa Ayala
Erick Bernardino
Emmanuel Ceniceros
Eli Diaz
Bruno Gasparetti
Angela Granados
Nancy Yessenia Hernandez
Byron Estuardo Lopez
Kailyn Maranan
Betzabeth Edith Noriega
Becky Ortiz
Nayomie Pazmino
Daisy Patricio-Sanchez
Andrea Quintero-Alberto
Keyla Romero
Kevin Sanchez
Priscilla Lizette Sanchez
Emely Janet Sorto
Arlette Tomas-Matias
Andrew Velasquez
Miguel Angel Avalos
Benisio Barrios
Jose Guadalupe Bernardino
Carlos Cruz
Lorelie Clarice Garcez
Clara Gasparetti
Christian Charlie Hernandez
Raul Ledezma
Ashley Machado
Francisco Javier Martinez
Kevin Jonathan Noriega
Erick Palencia
Daniela Luz Prado
David Patricio-Sanchez
Brandon Rodas
Gerardo Rogelio Sanchez
Nicole Sanchez
Vanessa Yvette Sanchez
Frida Carolina Tirado
James Tomas-Matias
Special thanks to:
Knights of Columbus & Hospitality Ministry
for sponsoring & for hosting this Sunday’s hospitality.
Sponsor a Sunday! The cost is $120.00. Or
donate supplies like coffee, creamer, sugar, stirrers, napkins,
or be generous in your cash donations to be able to support
our hospitality ministry.
Please contact Mariem Rigonan at 213.793.1028.
Parish Director y
Homebound Ministers:
Susan Van Allen, 323.462.0752
Bring the Blessed Sacrament to
CTK shut-in parishioners
Respect Life:
Maria Elena Burgos
3rd Thurs. each month, 7:30 PM
Frank Rey de Perea
323.465.3284. Medical care for
the underserved.
Mass Intentions
SAT., May 12, 2012
5:30 PM Elmer Alonzo Zelaya (Thanksgiving)
SUN., May 13, 2012
8:30 AM Alfredo Salazar Franco †
10:30 AM Mother’s Day Novena
12:30 PM Victoria Ciau (Thanksgiving)
Dolores Esperon (Thanksgiving)
5:30 PM Ruth Janes (Healing)
Aillen Lonsdale (Healing)
MON., May 14, 2012
7:30 AM Mother’s Day Novena
Winner not be present.
TUES, May 15, 2012
7:30 AM Mother’s Day Novena
Hospitality Ministry:
Mariem Rigonan 323.464.8371
Filipino Community:
Gani Romana 323.578.3258
* Annual Simbang Gabi
* Casino Turn-Around Fundraising
Knights of Columbus:
Grand Knight: Dan Streeter
Meets 1st & 3rd Tues of the
month, 7 PM, Hall
Sons of Italy Hollywood:
Linda Desiante 818.378.4201
Every 2 Tues. 6:30 PM, Hall.
The Serra Club:
Leo Verdick 323.461.7265
We help our Clergy.
Check out our websites:
Blog Site:
OLAPR Council Minutes:
Calif. Catholic Legislative
WED., May 16, 2012
7:30 AM Mother’s Day Novena
Saturday Night Dinner:
6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
THUR., May 17, 2012
7:30 AM Mother’s Day Novena
FRI., May 18, 2012
7:30 AM Mother’s Day Novena
If you would like to offer a weekday Mass, please
call the parish office at least 1 - 2 months before
Si gustaria ofrecer una Misa entre semana, favor
de llamar a la oficina 1 - 2 meses antes.
Donation for a weekday Mass:
Donación por Misa entre semana:
Raffle Tickets are Available Now!
International Fair is just around the corner, & so is our raffle! Please buy a ticket or a book to help the church &
school out. You may purchase tickets
after Mass, or in the office.
Each ticket: $5.00
Drawing on Sunday, May 20 at 6pm
4th Place: $100.00
3rd Place: $250.00
2nd Place: $500.00
Grand Prize: $1,000.00
Donation for a Sat. & Sun. Mass:
Donación por Misa en fin de semana:
Pray for the Sick
Oración por los Enfermos
Dinner tickets are:
$20.00 & include:
Appetizer: Mini Flautas with Border
Grill recipe, Guacamole & Pineapple
Salsa, & Caesar Salad
Entrée: Chicken & Cheese
Enchilada Casserole w/ Homemade
Tomatillo Salsa & Calabasitas
Dessert: Ice Cream Sundae Bar
In Loving Memory
En Memoria de...
Heavenly Father, hear us on behalf of
Your sick servants: Gloria Staudt, Ruth
Janes, Rowena Ramos, Aeo Rendon,
Francia Malabanan, Sara Maria Paredes,
Ermalinda Gomez, Margaret Rey de Perea,
Isabel Altamirano, Lourdes Ciau, Barbara
Verdick, & Parishioners of CTK who are in
need of your healing hands, we implore the aid
of Your pitying mercy so that, with bodily
strength restored, they may give thanks to
You in Your church. Amen.
Fernando Donlucas, Margaret Whalen,
Carlotta Saravia, Bill Armbruster,
Gabriela Garber, Pech Hagan, Mary
Hagan, Gretta Doyle McBirmey, Daniel
Pineda, Ceasar Pineda, Masatochi Sasaki,
Rosa Calderon, Salvador Cigarroa,
Msgr. Joe George, Gordon Friedli, Ismael
Meraz, Alfonso Bolivar, Micaela Hernandez,
Francisco Charron, Elvia Lara, & all of the Parishioners of CTK who are now in God’s Grace.
Eternal Rest grant unto them, O Lord.…Amen.
(Names will remain on this list for 3 weeks, please call the
office to add your loved ones name /Nombres estarán en esta
lista por 3 semanas. Favor de llamar a la oficina para
(Names will remain on this list for 3 weeks, please call the
office to add your loved ones name /Nombres estarán en
esta lista por 3 semanas. Favor de llamar a la oficina para

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Parish Directory - Christ the King Roman Catholic Church, Hollywood

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