Youth Sunday: Journeys of the Spirit


Youth Sunday: Journeys of the Spirit
Youth Sunday:
Journeys of the Spirit
Sunday, June 7, 2015
11:00 a.m.
*Singing into Worship
Welcome and Announcements
Return Again
Rev. Nancy Palmer Jones
John Ector, Choir Director
Rev. Geoff Rimositis
Blessing our Pilgrims
Rev. Nancy Palmer Jones & Rev. Geoff Rimositis
Lighting the Chalice
Ana & Ritchie & Gustavo
Gandhi Peace Greeting
I offer you peace.
I offer you friendship
I offer you love.
I see your beauty.
(Hands up, palms facing away from you)
(Both hands clasped in front of you)
(Hands crossed over heart)
(First cover both eyes with hands and slowly uncover
them so to see)
I hear your needs.
(Cup each hand behind each ear)
I feel your feelings.
(Cross both arms over chest and rest hands on
the high chest)
My wisdom comes from a Higher Source. (Both hands, palms up reaching up)
I honor that Source in you. (Both palms together as in Namasté and head slightly
Let us work together.
(Both hands clasped in front of you)
Call To Worship
Angeles Arrien
Love is the doctrine of this church,
The quest of truth is its sacrament,
And service is its prayer.
To dwell together in peace
To seek the truth in freedom
To serve humankind in fellowship
To the end that all souls may grow
Into harmony with the divine,
This do we covenant with one another.
El amor es la doctrina de esta iglesia,
La búsqueda de la verdad es su sacramento,
Y el servicio es su oración.
Habitar juntos en paz
Buscar la verdad con libertad
Y servir a la humanidad juntos
Con el fín de que todas las almas
Puedan crecer en armonía con lo divino;
Esto es lo que pactamos unos con otros.
Story for all Ages
Stone of Zamuro
Marching On
Olga Loya
Federico Zapiola-Madden
Diane Saichek, piano
Reflections from our Senior High Graduates
Ruby Delgros, Sean Martin Ferry, Alex Johnson-Pell, Jessie Henrick
Reflections from our Senior High Graduates
Jacob Mason Morison, Sias Payne-Alex, Evan Stapleton-Hart
*Closing Song
*Benediction #698
*Please rise in body or spirit.
**If you’d like headphones sound amplification, please ask an usher.
Maddie Delgros
I’m On My Way
Jasmine Stapleton-Hart
*Please rise in body or spirit.
**If you’d like headphones sound amplification, please ask an usher.

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