Medios de comunicación, información e Internet en la


Medios de comunicación, información e Internet en la, información alternativa sobre China Lista elaborada por Daniel Méndez
Medios de comunicación, información e Internet en la China actual
- Annual Report On Development of New Media
in China (2011). Government Blue Book. 中国新
媒体蓝书皮. 中国社会科学院新闻与传播研究
- Barmé, Geremié. In the Red. On Contemporary
Chinese Culture. Columbia University Press
(1999). Especialmente capítulos 1 y 2 (“The
Chinese Velvet Prison” y “An Iron Fist in a Velvet
Glove”). [Link Amazon]
- Brady, Anne-Marie. Marketing Dictatorship.
Propaganda and Thought Work in Contemporary
China. Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group
(2008). [Link Amazon]
- CNN Internet Study (01/01/2012). 中国互联网
络发展状况统计报告. [Link]
- Shirk, Susan L. Changing Media, Changing
China. Oxford University Press (2011). [Link
- Southern Weekend. “¿Cómo cambiar el telediario
de la CCTV?”(15/06/2006) 南方周末. 央视《
新闻联播》在变吗? [Link]
- Southern Weekend. “Explorando los vastidores de
los editoriales del Diario del Pueblo. Los casos de
Renzhongping y Zheng Qingyuan”. (11/11/2010). 南方周末.“任仲平”为改革而生,“郑青原”
因何而生 探秘人民日报评论台前幕后.[Link]
- Southern Weekend. “Guangzhou te invita a
criticar”. (11/11/2010) 南方周末. 广州欢迎你批
评. [Link]
- Follows, James. “The Connection Has Been
Reset”. The Atlantic (March 2008). [Link]
- Tang, L., & Yang, P. (2011). “Symbolic power and
the internet: The power of a ‘horse’.” Media, Culture
& Society, 33(5), 675-691. [Link]
- Hassid, Jonathan. Controlling the Chinese
Media: An Uncertain Business. Asian Survey, Vol.
48, No. 3 (May/June 2008), pp. 414-430 University
of California Press. [Link]
- Tsui, Lokman. “The Panopticon as the
Antithesis of a Space of Freedom : Control
and Regulation of the Internet in China”. China
Information 2003. [Link]
- Kurt Herold, David; Marolt, Peter. Online
Society in China. Creating, celebrating, and
instrumentalising the online carnival. RMIT
University, Melbourne. Routledge (2011) [Link
- Xiang, Xi (向熹). “El idealismo continúa
volando en las páginas de la historia” (不死的
理想随书页飞扬).Prólogo a la colección de
libros editados para conmemorar los 25 años del
nacimiento del semanal Southern Weekend. [Link]
- Lin, Fen. Research Report A Survey Report
on Chinese Journalists in China. The China
Quarterly, 2010. [Link]
- Yang Wang, Wilfred. “Who’s blocking the
Chinese Internet? The rise of cybercultures and
the generational conflicts in China”. Life at the
Interface. Inter-Disciplinary Press 2011. [Link]
- Link, Perry. “The Anaconda in the Chandelier:
Chinese Censorship Today”. The New York
Review of Books (11/04/2002). [Link]
- Osnos, Evan. “The Forbidden Zone”. The New
Yorker. (20/07/2009). [Link]
-Pan, Philip. Out of Mao´s Shadow. Capítulo
9: “The Newspaper Man” (235-267). Simon &
Schuster (2009). [Link Amazon]
- Polumbaum, Judy; Lei, Xiong. China Ink. The
Changing Face of Chinese Journalism. Rowman
& Littlefield Publishing Group (2008). [Link
- Reporteros sin fronteras. Viaje al corazón de la
censura de Internet (2007). [Link]
- Yang, Guobin. The Power of the Internet in
China. Citizen Activism Online. Columbia
University Press (2009). [Link Amazon]
- Zhao, Yuezhi. Communication in China.
Political economy, power, and conflict. Rowman
& Littlefield Publishing Group (2008). [Link
- Zhao, Yuezhi. Media, Market, and Democracy
in China: Between the Party Line and the Bottom
Line. University of Illinois Press (1998) [Link
- Zhao, Yuezhi. “Watchdogs on Party Leashes?
Contexts and implications of investigative
journalism in post-Deng China”. Journalism
Studies Volume 1, Number 2, pp. 577–597.
University of California. [Link]

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