Resurrection Catholic Church Your Church and the Church of the


Resurrection Catholic Church Your Church and the Church of the
Resurrection Catholic Church
Your Church and the Church of the family
Mass Schedule
Resurrection Catholic
Vigil 4:30pm Sun 8 & 10:30am
6819 Krycul Ave Riverview 33578
Misa en Español 12:30pm
Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 8am
Jueves 7pm
Confessions Saturday 3pm
(813) 677-2175 FAX: 671-7844
Lunes: Ap 21:9b-14; Sal 145 (144):10-13, 17-18; Jn 1:45-51
Martes: 1 Tes 2:1-8; Sal 139 (138):1-6; Mt 23:23-26
Miércoles: 1 Tes 2:9-13; Sal 139 (138):7-12ab; Mt 23:27-32
Jueves: 1 Tes 3:7-13; Sal 90 (89):3-5a, 12-14, 17;Mt 24:42-51
Viernes: 1 Tes 4:1-8; Sal 97 (96):1, 2b, 5-6, 10-12; Mt 25:1-13
Sábado: 1 Tes 4:9-11; Sal 98 (97):1, 7-9; Mc 6:17-29
Domingo: Dt 4:1-2, 6-8; Sal 15 (14):2-5; Stgo 1; Mc 7:1-23
Domingo: Vigésimo primer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Lunes: San Bartolomé
Martes: San Luis de Francia; San José de Calasanz
Jueves: Santa Mónica
Viernes: San Agusơn
Sábado: El marƟrio de san Juan BauƟsta
If you, or anyone you know, is interested in
entering the RCIA process to become a fullyini ated Catholic, contact the office: 677-2175
or Resurrec [email protected].
Si tú, o alguien que conoces está interesado en
ser parte del proceso de RICA, contactarse con
la oficina al 677-2175 o por via email:
ResurrecƟ[email protected]
Grupo de Oración
"El grupo de oración es una asamblea, un
conjunto de miembros de la iglesia que
sirven al Señor ejerciendo juntos el
ministerio de la oración. Cada semana
tenemos distintas actividades. Todos
invitados. Cada último jueves de mes se
celebra la misa de sanación.
Si tienes visión estás bendecido. Si tienes intuición estás bendecido
mil veces más.
gather for Gospel reflection by Deacon Ben Hooks at 7:30pm on the last
Friday followed by a social at Mary Martha House (Christ the King), 2nd
Floor, 821 South Dale Mabry Highway. Bring hors d’oeuvres to share.
Darlene at [email protected] or Lisa 481 0130
Cuestionario Católico
1. ¿Quién fue la madre de San Augustin? A) Santa Benedicta B) Santa Monica C) Santa Dinfa D) San Hildagard
2. ¿Quien es el único aparte de Nuestro Señor y la Virgen María, del que se celebra su nacimiento y muerte? A)
San Juan el Evangelista B) San Juan Bautista C) San Pedro D) San Esteban
3. ¿Qué dijo el centurión, en Mateo 8 y Lucas 7, y que se usa en la Misa? A) Señor ten piedad B) Señor, yo no soy
digno que entres en mi casa C) Santo, santo, santo
Our warmest welcome to all who celebrate with us, whether long me residents, visitors, snow-birds or newly-arrived in
the parish. We thank God for you. Once a year we like to check our records for any changes. Please fill out this info
sheet and drop in into the collec on basket or to the office. Thank you.
Nuestra cálida bienvenida a los que parƟcipan de la misa. Una vez al año revisamos nuestros archivos para realizar cambios. Por
favor complete esta información y deposítela en la canasta de las ofrendas o déjela en la oficina. Muchas Gracias.
Name ______________________________________________________________ Phone ______________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________ City/Zip _____________________________________
___New parishioner Nuevo parroquiano ____New address Nueva dirección
Ciudad/Código Postal
____New Phone Number Nuevo Número de Tel
____Moving/Remove from Register Mudado/Remover del registro
During 8am, 10:30am & 12:30 pm Mass
(Park & Pray-adults will valet)
Confirmation class & 1st Communion
parents 2016—Service hours available
A fundraiser for operaƟonal expenses of Youth Retreat.
If your child has fulfilled the founda onal year
requirement, will be at least 14 years old by May 2016 and you
did not a end our Confirma on mee ng, please contact the
Si su hijo ha completado el primer año básico, tendrá al menos
14 años para Mayo del 2016 y no ha parƟcipado de la reunión
de Confirmación, por favor contactarse con la oficina
Monday: Rv 21:9b-14; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Jn 1:45-51
Tuesday: 1 Thes 2:1-8; Ps 139:1-6; Mt 23:23-26
Wednesday: 1 Thes 2:9-13; Ps 139:7-12ab; Mt 23:27-32
Thursday: 1 Thes 3:7-13; Ps 90:3-5a, 12-14, 17;Mt 24:42-51
Friday: 1 Thes 4:1-8; Ps 97:1, 2b, 5-6, 10-12; Mt 25:1-13
Saturday: 1 Thes 4:9-11; Ps 98:1, 7-9; Mk 6:17-29
Sunday: Dt 4:1-2, 6-8; Ps 15:2-5; Jas 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27; Mk 7:1-23
Sunday: Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
Monday: St. Bartholomew
Tuesday: St. Louis; St. Joseph Calasanz
Thursday: St. Monica
Friday: St. Augus ne
Saturday: The Passion of St. John the Bap st
’ M
16, 2015
2015 Men’s Resurrection Experience
A Catholic Retreat for Men!
Friday, October 23-Sunday, October 25
Guest Speaker Jesse Romero
Catholic Lay Evangelist
Founder of "On Fire Evangelization" a Catholic apostolate
@ The Historic St. Leo Benedictine Abbey
ONLY $165 3-Day / 2-Nights (Credit Cards accepted)
ATTN: New teachers and aides
For all who work with children or want to chaperone for retreat
Safe Environment
Sidewalk Advocates for Life Training
Learn to help women in unplanned, crisis pregnancies
choose life at abor on centers offering peaceful,
prayerful, law-abiding sidewalk advocacy—Aug 29
9:30am to 2:30pm St Paul (12708 N. Dale Mabry)
Register with Katherine 294-2390. Complementary lunch
Saturday, August 29 9am - 12pm
at Nativity to register Carin 741-9203, x1204
[email protected]
St Anthony Food Pantry
A donation basket will be brought up during the
offertory at the Teen Mass monthly-everyone is
encouraged to participate. To participate you may
bring a non-perishable food on the 3rd Sunday Thank you
so much for your tremendous generosity.
’ V
Abor on is a rela onal wound affec ng marriage & family Hur ng from abor on? There is HOPE & Healing! RachelsVineyardorg
Project Rachel (888) 456-HOPE 924-4173 Emma Español 500-9785 Rosa or projectrachel@ccdosporg
Catholic IQ
1. Who was St Augustine’s mother? A) St Benedicta B) St Monica C) St Dymphna D) St Hildegarde
2. Who is the only one, besides Our Lord and Our Lady, the church celebrates his birth and death? A) St John
the Evangelist B) St John the Baptist C) St Peter D) St Stephen
3. What did the centurion say, quoted in Matthew 8 and Luke 7, that we use in the Mass? A) ...Lord have
mercy B) O Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof… C) Holy, holy, holy,...
Our Prayer Request
Jacey Feiler, Lee Yeager, Bonnie Murphy, Dolores
& Bill
Montgomery, Carmen Baco, Patricia Gordon, Bob Raitt, Helen Cotter,
Diane Wilson Allen, Karen Ritter, Jeff King, Daniel Pagan, Sylvia
Aquino, Oscar Johnson, Graciela Paredes, Viñas, Hannah Marie Lewis,
Peyton Elizabeth Hughes, Debbie Rivera, Liz Gawel, David Maysonet,
Maggie Hutt, Bob Nicholas, Marcelino Rosado, Dick Soens, Felicita
Mejia, Jose Daniel Rocha, Ernie & Nellie Primo, Ruth and Sandra
Klein, Fr Lorden, Mary Shepard & Tina Kilburne, Bridget Garczynski,
Ashley Simon, Scott Schneider, Luis Morales, Margaret Midulla, Sean
Sebastan, Nicole Woolsey, Debbie Kauffman, Juanita & Michael San
Juan, Jessica Beavers, Alicia Flores, Carol & Alex Bahl, Bobby &
Christine Mancini, M/M Browne, Mary & Tony R, Jeri Bang, Mindy
Reeves, Elizabeth Bañuelos, Toni Bonaly, Oscar & Dinorah, Peggy
McCourtney, Carmen Felicia, Miguel Gomez, Bobby Wolf, Randy
Fuqua, Elena Garriga, Paula Gonzalez, Margo Santana, Victor Torres,
Josefina Lizama, Lydia Maysonet, Pency Owen, Jaxon Morales, Kate
Engman, Brianna McAnally, Richard Pitt, Bart Temple, Nancy A,
Dorothy Devito, Joe Briggs, Humberto Felisola, Luis Ibarra, Joan
Keller, William Rudy, Brook Locke, Nick Dawson, Donna Anloague,
Aydeo D, Mason Barker, Barbara Schnurman, Marie Ilderton, Ana
Lugo, Mr Hyzy, Paula e Ines Galache de Toro, Nellie Ingram, Jack
Sanchez, LuAnn Colman, Tom Tobin, Luis Safe, Ethan Hillenbrand,
Steve Vergara, Maria Simon, Wendy Trombetti, Judith Halley, Olga
Ramirez, Rafael Alexis De Gracia, Sharon Michael, Gutierrez Family,
Zeneda Lidarralde, Larry Sopcik, Joanie Ostrowski, Alba Colon, Mike
Stanco, Charlotte Bowen, Ani Alvarez, Alvin Mulford, FelicianoHerrera Family, Isabel Mary Giddings, Valentina Bisono, Sheryl
Geletka, Terry Garrett, Michael Nicholson, Suzanne Lowe, Phillis
Shimberg, Julio Lopez Martinez, Stefan Ramirez, Trevor Rodriguez,
Stephanie & Kiara Carrico, Mary Meza, Rey Seijo, Elizabeth
McGucken, Mildred Hiott, Ingrid Karina Rojas, Larry Daly, Jerry
Parker, Fran Teitelbaum, infirmed & hospitalized, homebound &
imprisoned, Soldiers, helpless victims, those who have lost hope
Praise Report: J immy Olszevicki, consuegr o of Monica, was called
home to be with the Lord. May the souls of the faithful departed
through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen
Resurrec on Early Childhood Center
Resurrec [email protected]
It's hard to train a child in a way the parents don't go themselves.
$ 1,782.00
$ 1,254.81
$ 2,203.00
$ 2,485.80
$ 7,725.61
Forward in Faith
$ 337,873.00
$ 151,691.00
$ 42,783.40
Annual Pastoral Appeal
$ 57,73200
$ 64,521.00
$ 55,784.50
As always, we thank you for
your generosity!
Parish Staff
Monica Fernandez-Stearns
Heather Paskert, Tina Ver Pault
Al Larson
Music Director Helen McLeary
Resurrection Early Childhood Center
Religious Educa on
˘˙ˎ˗˜ T˘ˍˊˢ
1˜˝ ˌ˕ˊ˜˜-Sˎ˙˝ 20
4:30 pm
8:00 am
10:30 am
12:30 pm
Envelopes AƩendance
Deacon Pedro Leon
A Catholic Preschool (3 - 4 year old)
(813) 672-0077
Sunday August 16 CollecƟons
Pastor Fr Eugeniusz Gancarz
VPK ˛ˎː˒˜˝˛ˊ˝˒˘˗ ˘˙ˎ˗
Your Tithe and Offerings
(813) 672-0077
Ivonne Roldan-Cortes, Director
Gloria Figueroa, Magda Valencia
Saturnina Serra Medina
Mary Help of Chris ans 6400 E Chelsea St, Tampa, FL 33610
Invita a todos los matrimonios o parejas en
una relación estable a nuestro próximo
dialogo matrimonial a realizarse el fin de
semana del 23 al 25 de
Octubre de 2015.
Comienza el día viernes a
las 6:30 PM y termina el
domingo a las 6:00 PM. El
costo es $165.00 y esto
incluye la estadía de dos
noches en el hotel Holiday Inn Express,
comidas, refrigerios y el material que se le
entrega en el fin de semana. Es un fin de
semana que brinda a las parejas la
oportunidad de celebrar su vida conyugal
dándoles tiempo para compartir sus
sentimientos, esperanzas, alegrías,
frustraciones, tristezas y sueños en una
atmósfera completamente privada y fuera
del alcance de las tensiones y
distracciones de la vida diaria.
Para más información llamar a Ramon o
Ines (813) 234-2598.
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is a world-wide
fraternal organiza on of men 18 and older.
Resurrec on Knights of Columbus Council 15675
meets at 7:00 P.M. on the 2nd Monday
For addi onal informa on contact
Grand Knight, Mark Armstrong 205-0161
Membership, Fran Nason 641-9109
Congratula ons to the newly-installed officers!!
5th Sunday Rosary Program
The Knights and their families
would like to invite
all parishioners to par cipate
in our 5th Sunday Rosary service.
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Sunday, January 31, 2016
Sunday May 29, 2016
Special Weekly Memorials & Inten ons
Sanctuary candle $20/wk Wine and hosts for $25/wk
Wine & host: For the eternal rest of Norman Laumeyer by Dianne McDonald
Sanctuary Candle: For the eternal rest of Gregorio & Felix Santana by Maria Santana
Intenciones semanales
Patrocina en memoria de un ser querido o una intención personal
Vela del santuario: $20 por semana Vino y hosƟas $25 por semana
Vela del santuario: Por el eterno descanso de Gregorio y Felix Santana por Maria Santana
Vino y hosƟas: Por el eterno descanso de Norman Laumeyer por Dianne McDonald
Welcome! To those here for the 1st time and new parishioners
The Porras & Hernandez families
¡Bienvenidos! a los nuevos feligreses registrados y a todos aquellos que
nos visitan por primera vez
Tree of Life Memorial
Memorial leaves on Tree of Life in social hall
(gold) $750 (silver) $500 & (bronze) $250
Memorial leaves can be obtained thru office
Blessings of the Week Bendiciones de la Semana
1st week: anniversaries 1ra semana: Aniversarios de Boda
2nd week: Birthdays
2da semana: Cumpleaños
3rd week: Youth
3ra semana: Todos los niños
4th week: 3 and under 4ta semana: niños menores de 3 años
Last Sunday 2 pm @Sacred Heart, Tampa (Dismas Ministry) For more info 229-1595
Thu, Sept 3 7pm @ St. Timothy, Lutz For mor e info- Angela 968-1077 x261 or Prison Ministry 727-3441611 x5414 or [email protected] NO RSVP required.
Confidentiality assured Faith-based Interdenominational Christ-centered Privacy respected.
Catholic IQ Answers Cuestionario Católico Respuestas 1: B 2: B 3: B
(Va Pope Francis declares 2016 to be a Jubilee for #Mercy
“When we experience the merciful love of the Father, we are more able to share this joy with
our neighbour.“—August 18, 2015 (Twi er @Pon fex)
Saturday 4:30 pm For the special inten ons of Meaghan King by her parents, Jeff and Lisa
Sunday 8:00 am For the eternal rest of +Patrick Abraham by his sister, Circee Abraham Julien
10:30 am For the eternal rest of +José Eugenio Gonzalez by Elvia and Victor Or z
12:30 pm En acción de gracias por el cumpleaños de José Mar nez y familia por María Mar nez
Monday 8:00 am For the eternal rest of +Raquel Fajardo by the Wood-Sanchez family
Tuesday 8:00 am In honor of St Anthony by Mathai Pallipurath
Wednesday 8:00 am Resurrec on
Thursday 7:00 pm Por las almas del purgatorio de parte de la familia Rivera
Friday 8:00 am In honor of St Anthony by Thresia Pallipurath

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