Today is Mission Circle Sunday - Solana Beach


Today is Mission Circle Sunday - Solana Beach
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ August 28, 2016
Today is Mission Circle Sunday This is the one time of the year that our parish charity asks for donations to help the poor. Because all of us at Mission Circle are volunteers, we have no overhead. 100% of your contributions go to help the needy. Please give generously so we can continue our work. Thank you for your support. MASS SCHEDULE
St. James (In English) Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM 11:30 AM & 6:00 PM St. Leo Mission (In Spanish) Sunday: 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM 1st Saturday (English): 8:00 AM Daily Mass at St. James 8:00 AM | Monday ‐ Friday Liturgy of the Hours 7:30 AM | Monday ‐ Friday Eucharistic Adoration 8:30 AM –8:00PM| Thursday Communion Service 6:45 AM | Monday ‐ Friday 8:00 AM | Saturday Reconciliation 3:30 PM | Saturday or upon request Baptism Call (858) 755‐2545 ext. *112 Marriage Preparation Call Parish Office (858) 755‐2545 ext. *112 9 months prior to wedding St. James Church 625 S Nardo Avenue Solana Beach, CA 92075 (858) 755‐2545 | Fax: (858) 755‐3845 St. Leo Mission 936 Genevieve Street Solana Beach, CA 92075 (858) 481‐6788 | Fax: (858) 481‐5832 St. James - St. Leo
August 28, 2016
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August 21, 2016— $14,234.75 Monday, August 29 ~ Angelyn Arballo † Tuesday, August 30 ~ Mickey Wednesday, August 31 ~ Ray Green † Thursday, September 1 ~ Dayton Martinez Friday, September 2 ~ Andrew Beckers † Doris Bower Stanley Cveykus Galili Family Jean Gallagher Dcn. Al Graff Mary Humel Katherine Martinez Betty Mettee Roseanne Schwall Ron Scholz Pat Smith Mary Wheelock Bona Wong Olivia Wong We are happy to list the names of persons who need special prayers. Names will be listed for one month. Call (858) 755‐2545 ext. *100 to add a name to the list. Please make sure you have permission from the person prior to calling. TODAY’S READINGS
First Reading — Conduct your affairs with humility and God will favor you (Sirach 3:17‐18, 20, 28‐29). Psalm — God, in your goodness, you have made a home for the poor (Psalm 68). Second Reading — You have approached Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant (Hebrews 12:18‐19, 22‐24a). Gospel — When invited to dine, take the lowest place. Those who humble themselves will be exalted (Luke 14:1, 7‐14). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, Interna‐
tional Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Cor 2:1‐5; Ps 119:97‐102; Mk 6:17‐29 Tuesday: 1 Cor 2:10b‐16; Ps 145:8‐14; Lk 4:31‐37 Wednesday: 1 Cor 3:1‐9; Ps 33:12‐15, 20‐21; Lk 4:38‐44 Thursday: 1 Cor 3:18‐23; Ps 24:1bc‐4ab, 5‐6; Lk 5:1‐11 Friday: 1 Cor 4:1‐5; Ps 37:3‐6, 27‐28, 39‐40; Lk 5:33‐39 Saturday: 1 Cor 4:6b‐15; Ps 145:17‐21; Lk 6:1‐5 Sunday: Wis 9:13‐18b; Ps 90:3‐6, 12‐17; Phlm 9‐10, 12‐17; Lk 14:25‐33 Budgeted $22,125.00
What return shall I make to the Lord for all the Lord has given me — Psalm 116 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES
Sunday: Monday: Friday: Saturday: Twenty‐second Sunday in Ordinary Time The Passion of St. John the Baptist First Friday St. Gregory the Great; First Saturday STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION
The First Reading in today’s Holy Scripture is from the Old Testament Book of Sirach. At times this Bible book has also been called the Wisdom of Sirach. Similar to Proverbs, Sirach is a series of teachings recorded between 200 and 175 BC. The first verse of this reading captures one of the key elements of stewardship. It says, “My child, conduct your affairs with humility, and you will be loved more than a giver of gifts.” The word “humility” literally means “of the earth” or in a phrase which might mean more to us “down to earth.” The good steward realizes that he or she receives everything from a loving and generous God. That can be a humbling recognition. “True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less,” is how the eminent author and theologian C.S. Lewis put it. We are important in the eyes of God. Jesus emptied Himself in our behalf. He was humility incarnate. Washing the feet of His Apostles, He comes to us at every Mass in common bread and wine. If we practice and pursue stewardship as a way of life, we choose to let others be more important; we are not controlling; we support others in silent ways. Are you willing to let God take charge of your life? Being a steward means that. That is the message from Sirach, and it is a message given us by Jesus over and over. SIR 3: 17‐18, 20, 28‐29; PS 68: 4‐7, 10‐11; HEB 12: 18‐19, 22‐24A; LK 14: 1, 7‐14 St. James - St. Leo
28 de agosto de 2016
Primera lectura — Maneja tus asuntos con humildad. Humíllate y tendrás el favor de Dios (Sirácide 3:17‐18, 20, 28‐29). Salmo — Dios da libertad y riqueza a los cautivos (Salmo 68 [67]). Segunda lectura — Te has acercado a Jesús, el mediador de una nueva alianza (Hebreos 12:18‐19, 22‐24a). Evangelio — Cuando te inviten a comer, siéntate en el lugar menos importante. Los que se humillan serán ensalzados (Lucas 14:1, 7‐14). LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA
Lunes: 1 Cor 2:1‐5; Sal 119 (118):97‐102; Mc 6:17‐29 Martes: 1 Cor 2:10b‐16; Sal 145 (144):8‐14; Lc 4:31‐37 Miércoles: 1 Cor 3:1‐9; Sal 33 (32):12‐15, 20‐21; Lc 4:38‐44 Jueves: 1 Cor 3:18‐23; Sal 24 (23):1bc‐4ab, 5‐6; Lc 5:1‐11 Viernes: 1 Cor 4:1‐5; Sal 37 (36):3‐6, 27‐28, 39‐40; Lc 5:33‐39 Sábado: 1 Cor 4:6b‐15; Sal 145 (144):17‐21; Lc 6:1‐5 Domingo: Sab 9:13‐18b; Sal 90 (89):3‐6, 12‐17; Flm 9‐10, 12‐17; Lc 14:25‐33 ADORACIÓN AL SANTISIMO Cristo Eucaristía te espera todos los Lunes de 9:00am a 5:00pm en la Misión de San León Magno. Oremos por el Inicio de clases del catecismo. Pagina 3
La primera lectura de hoy en la Santa Escritura es del Antiguo Testamento libro del Eclesiástico. A veces, este libro de la Biblia también se ha llamado la sabiduría del Eclesiástico. Al igual que en Proverbios, Eclesiástico es una serie de enseñanzas registrados entre 200 y 175 antes de Cristo. El primer verso de esta lectura capta uno de los elementos clave de la administración. Dice: "Mi hijo, conducir sus asuntos con humildad, y se le quería más que a un dador de dones." La palabra "humildad" significa literalmente "de la tierra" o en una frase que podría significar más para nosotros "abajo a la tierra. "El buen administrador se da cuenta de que él o ella recibe todo de un Dios amoroso y generoso. Eso puede ser un reconocimiento humilde. Una invitación especial a participar en el grupo de oración de nuestra comunidad todos los jueves a las 7:00pm en la Misión de San León Magno. "La verdadera humildad no es pensar menos en sí mismo; se está pensando en sí mismo menos ", es cómo el eminente autor y teólogo CS Lewis lo explica. Somos importantes a los ojos de Dios. Jesús se despojó a sí mismo en nuestro nombre. Se encarnó humildad. Lavar los pies de sus apóstoles, Él viene a nosotros en cada misa en el pan y el vino común. PADRES DE FAMILIA DEL CATECISMO Si ponemos en práctica y buscamos la corresponsabilidad como una forma de vida, elegimos para que los demás sean más importantes; nosotros no estamos controlando; apoyamos a otros de maneras silenciosas. ¿Está dispuesto a dejar que Dios tome control de su vida? Ser un mayordomo significa eso. Ese es el mensaje del Eclesiástico, y es un mensaje que nos dio Jesús una y otra vez. GRUPO DE ORACIÓN Un recordatorio a los padres de familia y padrinos del catecismo y del RICA que tendremos nuestro retiro de inicio el 2, 3 y 4 de Septiembre. Los esperamos el viernes a las 5:45pm en el hall de San James. CURSO DE CRISTOLOGIA (30 hras) En nuestra parroquia de San James–St. Leo todos los miércoles, del 7 de Septiembre al 30 de Noviembre 2016 de 6:30 a 9:00pm. Costo por crédito $55 + el libro $10. Regístrate con Dianna Anderson al (858) 490‐
8212 o [email protected]. Mas informes con Hermana Zita. GRAN FIESTA MEXICANA 2016 Te invitamos a celebrar las fiestas patrias el 11 de Septiembre de 1:00pm a 8:00pm en el salón de San James, tendremos ricos antojitos mexicanos, baile y mucha diversión. Venta de boletos después de misa o en la oficina de San Leo’s. SIR 3: 17‐18, 20, 28‐29; PS 68: 4‐7, 10‐11; HEB 12: 18‐19, 22‐24a;LK 14: 1, 7‐14 St. James - St. Leo
August 28, 2016
Prayer Ministry What’s Prayer Ministry ? “Be still and know that I Am God.” (Psalm 46:10) Probably one of the most common experiences you’ll discover after being “prayed over’ is PEACE. Sometimes people feel a strong sense of warmth or even heat. Other times you may have no physical sensations at all, but in a few hours or days, you might realize that you’re not as worried, anxious or stressed‐out as you had previously been. Our Lord is a God of Surprises. Therefore, we place our trust in Him to answer our needs in the best way possible. What we think we need or want is not necessarily the best thing for our life. Just remember we are here to pray for what GOD WANTS in your life. Let us surrender the outcome to Jesus so the eyes of our hearts will be OPEN to His answers for us. “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you: not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled; neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27) Peace! Every Sunday after the 9:00am Mass in the CHAPEL First Monday (except holidays) 9‐10am in the CHAPEL Second Tuesday: 7‐8pm in the CHURCH Third Saturday after 5pm Mass in the CHAPEL Faith Formation for Children PreK through 8th Grade
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Contact Nancy Wesseln [email protected] (858) 847‐0724 Young Adults (20’s and 30’s) Are you looking to meet young Catholic adults from St. James and from around the Diocese? Details in your weekly email or on our Facebook page! Contact: [email protected] Adult Community (35+) Contact: [email protected] ACTIVE 60’s (60’s+)
Tuesday, August 30th 3pm‐6pm HAPPY HOUR! North County Coastal Il Fornaio Del Mar Plaza, 1555 Camino Del Mar [email protected] Friday mornings, 10:30 a.m. Meditation and Movement – Chair Exercise St. James Conference Room 45‐minute class for all ages and ability levels Strengthen your mind, body and spirit without standing up! Registration Open for 2016‐17 Join us for a joyful and fun‐filled year of learning about our faith, both in the classroom and at our wonderful seasonal events! Registration is open for Sunday religious education classes starting in the fall for PreK through 8th grade. Registration packets are at the church entrance, or contact Pamela Smith at ffc@stjames‐ Confirmation Prep We have started our Confirmation prep for the year. Our Confirmation prep begins with a family meeting (both parents are required to attend with the teen). To schedule your first family meeting, please contact our parish secretary, Gail Jilka, at 858.755.2545 x*100 or gail@stjames‐ The first family meeting must be completed any time between Aug. 22 and Oct. 13, 2016 in order to be in this year’s program. Per the Diocese of San Diego, your teen must be 15 years old by May 1, 2017 in order to receive Confirmation in this preparation cycle. FREE Mental Health Conference! September 17, 2016 8:30am‐12:30pm The San Diego Diocesan Mental Health Ministry Network and its 20 member parishes are pleased to announce the “Faith in Healing” conference scheduled for Saturday, September 17, 2016, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Saint Michael’s Parish, 15546 Pomerado Road, Poway, CA 92108. Dr. Aaron Kheriati, professor of psychiatry at UC Irvine and author of The Catholic Guide to Depression, will be the keynote speaker. Simultaneous Spanish translation will be available. There is no fee for the conference but pre‐registration is required. Faith in Healing Conference registration online at DI For more information on the conference, contact Maria Valencia at: [email protected] or 858‐490‐8323. St. James - St. Leo
August 28, 2016
Attention Bridge Players!! Upon This Rock The Saint James Bridge Club meets on the first Friday of the month at the Lomas Santa Fe Country Club. We play 24 hands of bridge and typically have between 36 and 40 players. Lunch is always a treat and who knows, you might be lucky enough to place in the Winner’s Circle! We welcome both women and men to join us for a friendly game of party bridge. When: 1st Friday’s September ‐ June Place: Lomas Santa Fe Country Club Time: 10:15A.M. ‐ 2:15P.M. Buffet Lunch: $25.00 Membership: $25.00 per year Page 5
Energizing Christian Male Spirituality Saturday, October 1, 2016 9AM‐2PM Parish Hall Join men from all over North County for a half day summit to recharge our faith in God and in one another. Led by author and retreat master Deacon Peter Hodsdon. Inspirational music, conversation and lunch provided. $10.00 donation registration. Questions: [email protected] Please call: Pat Smart (858) 259‐7794 Audrey Sullivan (858) 755‐5049 Save the Date Sunday, October 9
St. James Academy St. James‐St. Leo 6th Food Packaging Event * 3rd Annual Bocce Tournament September 24th Registration begins in September! For more information: Watch for updates in the bulletin and parish website or contact Shirley & Bob Giese at [email protected] Please join St. James Academy at their 3rd Annual Bocce Tournament on Saturday, September 24th in Rancho Santa Fe. Tickets are $65.00 per person and it includes dinner, Bocce tournament entry fee and hand crafted beer by a local brewery. Tickets are available by contacting Tatiana Walton at [email protected] or Mary McGuinness at [email protected]. Events like this allow St. James Academy to continue its pursuit of academic excellence as we develop, educate and prepare our students for their future. Thank you for your support! *This event made possible by your generous donations to St. James Mission Circle. Father Joe's Village Ladies Guild MEMBERSHIP LUNCHEON Monday, September 12, 2016, 11:00 AM All Hallows Catholic Church 6602 La Jolla Scenic Drive, La Jolla, CA. Parking Is Provided. Serve Coffee that Serves Others CRS Fair Trade Coffee and Chocolates will be on sale a er all morning Masses on Sunday September 11th. When you purchase Fair Trade Coffee, you are not just buying great coffee; you are helping to build a be er trading system and a more just world, one cup at a me! Join us at our Membership Luncheon and find out more information about volunteering with our Ladies Guild to assist the children at Father Joe's Village. Special Guest Speaker will be President and CEO of Father Joe's Village, Deacon Jim Vargas. Free gift baskets to win. Our Ladies Guild is a group of terrific women who really care about bringing some happiness to children that find themselves in living conditions not of their own making. As Father Joe says, "It is for the children." Hope you will join us. For more information, contact Janet Salus at 858‐483‐7911 or [email protected] no later than September 5, 2016. Building For The Next Century CAPITAL CAMPAIGN NEWSLETTER Saint James Catholic Church Volume #2 August 27th & 28th 2016 PLEASE RSVP FOR ONE OF OUR RECEPTIONS THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS! Approximately 100 Volunteers have signed up to help. Over the next several weeks, all parishioners will receive Last weekend was our Volunteer Recruitment Weekend their invitation to attend one of a series of campaign for the Building For The Next Century capital campaign. receptions. These receptions are social and informative At each Mass, Father Howard asked everyone to events that will allow Fr. Howard and members of the consider giving some of their time and talent over the Campaign Committee to present our plan of action for next three months to assist us as we reach out to every the Building For The Next Century Campaign. Please single one of our parishioners. remember, you will not be asked to turn in a pledge at The St. James Campaign Committee is grateful to the these receptions. Leave your wallets at home, but bring approximately 100 parishioners who volunteered last your questions! weekend! This is a wonderful show of support from our Receptions are your opportunity to learn firsthand about parish family. The work done by volunteers is a vital part the campaign, ask questions, pick up your campaign of our success and we need as many as possible. materials and meet with fellow parishioners. Remember: Many hands make light work! The gift of This campaign is absolutely vital for the life and growth your time and talents for this important endeavor is of our parish. One of the most important things you can appreciated and very much needed. do during this campaign is to join us at a reception. If you did not get a chance to sign up last weekend and When you receive your invitation, please be sure to RSVP would still like to help, please fill out a volunteer card as soon as possible! and return it in the collection or to the parish office. We look forward to seeing you there! Take this opportunity not only to help but to have fun and fellowship with your parish family. PASTORAL STAFF
Rev. John H. Howard, CJM, Pastor .................................... 858‐755‐2545 ….. .................. jhhcjm@stjames‐ Rev. Ricardo Juarez Frausto, CJM ...................................... 858‐755‐2545 x *101 .............. frricardocjm@stjames‐ Deacon Al Graff ................................................................... 858‐452‐3684 Deacon Peter Hodsdon ....................................................... 619‐991‐5311 ........................... [email protected] Sr. Zita Toto, RGS, Coordinator St. Leo Mission ................. 858‐481‐6788 ........................ sisterzita@stjames‐ Abel & Gloria Castellanos, Youth Ministry Coordinators ... 760‐207‐4645 ........................ [email protected] Amy Martinez, Finance Manager ........................................ 858‐755‐2545 x *103 .............. amartinez@stjames‐ Antonio Mendoza, Maintenance ....................................... 858‐755‐2545 x *109 ............. mendztony@stjames‐ Bulletin ................................................................................. ............................................... bulletin@stjames‐ Debbie Derderian, Office Manager ..................................... 858‐755‐2545 x *112............... debbie@stjames‐ Gail Jilka, Secretary ............................................................. 858‐755‐2545 x *100 ............. gail@stjames‐ Jannet Diaz, Spanish Religious Education Coordinator ..... 858‐755‐2545 x *102 .............. jdiaz@stjames‐ Pablo Maldonado, Director of Catechetical Ministries ..... 858‐755‐2545 x *107 .............. pmaldonado@stjames‐ Kathy Dunn, Principal, St. James Academy……………….858‐755‐1777…………………[email protected] Pamela Smith, Faith Formation for Children ...................... 858‐755‐2545 x *106 ............. ffc@stjames‐ Patrick Villa, Youth Ministry Coordinator ........................... 858‐755‐2545 x *111 ............... pvilla@stjames‐ Pauline Wright, Director of Music ...................................... 858‐755‐2545 x *300 ............. [email protected] Timothy O’Shea, Saints Thrift Store Manager ................... 858‐755‐0654 ........................ [email protected] Medical Program………………………………………… 858‐259‐9464 Dental Program…858‐523‐‐0710 Mission Circle………………………………………………858‐792‐0516 St. James—St. Leo Catholic Community is under the pastoral care of the Eudist Fathers, or Congregation of Jesus and Mary. We owe our name to Saint John Eudes who founded the Congregation in France in 1643. The Eudists currently operate in 15 countries, most of which are in the developing world. Evangelization, mainly with the poor and the youth, is our primary purpose, as well as formation to ministry in the training of diocesan priests and lay ministers. Our motto is “To Serve Christ and His Church.” For more information visit: 

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