Using the CSLA Test Administrator Manual


Using the CSLA Test Administrator Manual
Developed and published under contract with the Colorado Department of Education by Pearson, 2510 North Dodge Street,
Iowa City, IA 52245. Copyright © 2015 by Colorado Department of Education. All rights reserved. This publication may be
reproduced by school administrators and educators, in the quantities necessary for their school’s use, but not for sale, provided
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Table of Contents
Administration Overview .............................................................................................................................. 5
Background of the 2016 Administration of the Colorado Spanish Language Arts Assessment ............... 5
Using the CSLA Test Administrator Manual .............................................................................................. 5
Assistance.................................................................................................................................................. 5
Standard Conditions for a Standardized Test ........................................................................................... 6
Test Materials ............................................................................................................................................... 7
Student Test Materials .............................................................................................................................. 7
Required Test Materials ........................................................................................................................ 7
Accommodations .................................................................................................................................. 7
Prohibited Materials ............................................................................................................................. 8
Test Security .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Security Requirements .......................................................................................................................... 9
Chain of Custody ................................................................................................................................... 9
Ethical Practices .................................................................................................................................. 10
Receiving, Distributing, and Returning Test Materials ........................................................................... 12
Overview of Test Materials ................................................................................................................. 12
Receive and Distribute Test Materials - DAC ...................................................................................... 13
Instructions for the DAC...................................................................................................................... 13
Receive and Distribute Test Materials - SAC ....................................................................................... 13
Instructions for the SAC ...................................................................................................................... 13
Collect Test Materials - SAC ................................................................................................................ 14
Instructions for the SAC ...................................................................................................................... 14
Prepare Test Materials for Packaging – SAC ....................................................................................... 14
Instructions for the SAC ...................................................................................................................... 14
Prepare Test Materials for Shipping – DAC......................................................................................... 16
Instructions for the DAC...................................................................................................................... 16
Test Administration..................................................................................................................................... 20
Responsibilities of the Test Administrator.............................................................................................. 20
Preparing the Testing Environment .................................................................................................... 20
Time Limits, Policies and Procedures .................................................................................................. 21
Late-Arriving Students ........................................................................................................................ 21
Spring 2016
Stops in Testing ................................................................................................................................... 22
Administrator “SAY” Directions .......................................................................................................... 23
Completing the Demographic Page ............................................................................................................ 23
Apply Pre-ID Labels ................................................................................................................................. 23
Testing Day Instructions for Grade 3 .......................................................................................................... 25
Testing Day Instructions for Grade 4 .......................................................................................................... 34
Appendix A Sample Forms .......................................................................................................................... 43
Spring 2016
Administration Overview
Background of the 2016 Administration of the Colorado
Spanish Language Arts Assessment
The 2015–2016 School Year is the first administration of the Colorado Spanish Language Arts (CSLA)
assessment. CSLA was field tested in Colorado schools in the Spring and Fall of 2015. The previous
assessments, Lectura and Escritura, were aligned to the Colorado Model Content Standards. The new
CSLA assessments are aligned to the skills and concepts in the Colorado Academic Standards and mirror
the PARCC English Language Arts assessment. CSLA was developed because Colorado School Law C.R.S.
§22-7-1006.3 (4) (a) and (b), requires a Spanish Language Arts assessment.
Using the CSLA Test Administrator Manual
This manual describes the procedures for Test Administrators to follow when administering the CSLA
assessments. Test Administrators must carefully read this manual prior to administering any CSLA
assessment. Test administration policies and procedures must be followed as written so that all testing
conditions are uniform statewide. The guidelines and test administration scripts provided in this manual
ensure that every student in Colorado receives the same standard directions during the administration
of the test.
Telephone: 1-888-687-4759 (Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. MT)
Email: [email protected]
Spring 2016
Standard Conditions for a Standardized Test
The CSLA assessment must be administered in a standardized manner. The Test Administrator must
prepare and maintain a secure testing environment that provides equitable testing conditions for all
students taking the assessment.
All students in the testing room must be read the Administrator “SAY” instructions at the same time.
Depending on the district, exceptions may be made for late-arriving students. Refer to section “LateArriving Students” on page 21 of this manual.
If test security has been violated, the test may be invalidated. Test incidents that violate test security
must be reported to the School Assessment Coordinator (SAC) and the District Assessment Coordinator
(DAC). Reasons for reporting test incidents include, but are not limited to, the following:
if a student cheats,
if test security is violated,
if improper test administration occurs, or
if students are tested outside the testing window.
Spring 2016
Test Materials
Student Test Materials
Required Test Materials
Students may have only the following materials on their desks during testing:
Pencil, only No. 2 pencils
Paper test materials
Test Administrators must supply at least one sheet of unused scratch paper (blank, lined, or
graph) for each student. Students can request more scratch paper during the unit, if needed.
Used scratch paper must be treated as secure material and must be returned with “not to be
scored” materials.
Approved alternative paper (i.e., specialized writing paper) as indicated in the student’s
Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Paper must be free of any writing prior to use by the
You may have students in your test environment who will receive testing accommodations that are
documented in their Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan. Accommodations are changes to
instructional materials, procedures, or techniques that allow students with a disability to participate
meaningfully in classroom instruction and testing activities. Available accommodations for the CSLA
assessment include a large print version and an oral script version. Other allowable accommodations
align with PARCC’s allowable accommodations for students with an IEP or 504 participating in the
English Language Arts/Literacy paper-based assessment. PARCC’s linguistic accommodations do not
apply, because the CSLA form is the linguistic accommodation.
Under certain circumstances, a student with a disability may be allowed to use certain tools and
materials as test accommodations that are otherwise prohibited. However, under no circumstances may
any student be allowed access to the Internet or a cell phone. Test accommodations must be listed in or
recommended by the student’s IEP or 504 Plan. It is the SAC’s responsibility to provide Test
Administrators with information and training about the accommodations that a student is to receive on
the testing day.
Spring 2016
Prohibited Materials
Prohibited materials can compromise test security and can violate the construct being measured by the
assessment, thus producing invalid results. Prohibited materials include materials that must be covered
or removed from the testing room.
Examples of materials that must be covered or removed include, but are not limited to, posters, maps,
charts, models, and displays that define, explain, or illustrate terms or concepts in the content area
being assessed.
The table below lists materials that may not be used at any time during testing, including after a student
has completed testing. Ensure that these, and any related materials, are not in the possession of
students, Test Administrators, or any other authorized persons or places in the test area, including
inside students’ desks.
Materials Prohibited During All Sessions
All cell phones, including camera phones and smartphones
Note: Test Administrators are exempted if no landline is available, should it be needed for
assessment administration support or in case of emergency.
Other non-test-related electronic equipment (e.g., document scanners, eBooks, electronic pens)
Any electronic equipment capable of providing assistance in the content area being assessed
Instructional aids related to the content being assessed
Reference books
Prior to testing, Test Administrators should instruct students to place prohibited materials in their
lockers or book bags. If a student is found to have any prohibited material in his or her possession upon
arrival for testing, students should be instructed to hand it to the Test Administrator or store it in a
backpack. If the prohibited material is an electronic device, instruct the student to turn off the device.
If a student is observed with any of the items listed above during the scheduled testing time, collect the
student’s test materials. The student will then be dismissed from the testing environment and the test
will be invalidated.
Spring 2016
Test Security
Security Requirements
Test security must be maintained before, during, and after test administration. Security requirements
include making sure that:
all individuals involved in the administration have been trained and have signed security
• a documented chain of custody is maintained, and
• all students take the assessments in a standardized manner following state requirements and
instructions in this manual.
Test Administrators are expected to ensure that paper-based test materials are not left in open or
unattended areas. No test materials are to leave the school building or be removed from locked storage
for any purpose other than administering the test.
Tests are not to be viewed by anyone before or after tests have been administered. This includes
handling the test material for a purpose other than test administration. Test Administrators must not
actively read test content or test items before, during, or after students take the test. Only students
being tested are allowed to access the test at the time of testing. Students must not have access to
secure test content before the scheduled test session begins. Students are not to disclose test contents
to teachers, Test Administrators, or any school personnel. Test Administrators are not allowed to answer
questions about the test items at any time (during or after testing). Test Administrators may, however,
answer questions about test directions or procedures.
Using secure test items as instructional tools or for student practice, either verbatim as written or in
reworded form, is prohibited.
Chain of Custody
A documented chain of custody must be maintained for all test materials before, during, and after each
test administration. The following chain of custody requirements apply to assessment administration:
All secure Spanish Language Arts test materials must be accounted for and stored in a secure
and locked location each day before and after testing.
The SAC is responsible for the distribution and collection of Spanish Language Arts test materials
to and from Test Administrators on the day of administration, within 15 minutes of the start and
end of test administration. Test Administrators are not to have extended access to materials
before or after administration.
o Test Administrators providing an oral script accommodation may have supervised access to
oral scripts two days prior to administration.
All test books and other state materials must be secured while in the Test Administrator’s
possession and test materials must not be stored in classrooms in advance of, or following, the
Test Administrators may have access to test books only on the day the content area is assessed.
Spring 2016
Test materials must be documented on the School Security Checklist and secured while in the
Test Administrator’s possession.
Test Administrators must document the return of all secure test materials (used and unused) on
the School Security Checklist, and must return all materials to the SAC.
o If any secure materials are unaccounted for, additional documentation will be required.
Ethical Practices
All licensed Colorado educators and Test Administrators must conform to ethical practice when
administering the CSLA assessment.
Quality instruction will produce quality student performance on state tests. While familiarizing students
with the testing environment and providing some regular instruction using formats similar to those
found on standardized tests is appropriate, instruction that is explicitly designed as practice for the
assessment (i.e., “teaching to the test”) provides students with negative messages about what is
important to their education and performance. This is not considered an ethical practice. Further
clarification regarding appropriate test preparation is provided in the table below.
CSLA Test Preparation and Administration
Is This an Ethical
Developing instructional objectives based on the Colorado Academic Standards.
Making changes in instruction that enhance student skills, learning, and achievement.
Using released test items for professional development purposes and as examples in
the classroom.
Using released test items to familiarize students with the different item formats and
how to indicate responses.
Motivating students to perform well on the assessment by talking to students and their
parents about the purposes (from the individual to the community as a whole) of
Developing curriculum based on specific test items.
Preparing instructional objectives based on specific test items and teaching accordingly,
rather than developing instructional objectives based on the Colorado Academic
Spring 2016
CSLA Test Preparation and Administration
Is This an Ethical
Using CSLA-released test items as the sole basis for curriculum and instruction.
Sharing an actual secure CSLA test in a public forum (which is a violation of test security
and could invalidate student results).
Copying test passages, test items, writing prompts, and/or student responses from an
actual CSLA assessment for use in instructional planning, classroom instruction, or
Making a copy of the CSLA assessment and/or preparing a student study guide based on
the items on a particular assessment.
Presenting items verbatim or paraphrased from the assessment to be given.
Deviating from the prescribed administration procedures in the CSLA Test Administrator
Manual in order to assist student performance.
Leaving visible aids that could artificially inflate student scores or aids that are expressly
forbidden in CSLA Test Administrator Manuals.
Telling students the correct responses or allowing them to discuss answers among
Hinting to a student to reconsider an answer he or she has marked for any item.
Allowing the use of notes or other materials that may give students an unfair advantage.
Excluding eligible, but lower-performing, students from CSLA assessments.
Spring 2016
Receiving, Distributing, and Returning Test Materials
Overview of Test Materials
For the Spring 2016 assessments, test materials from Pearson are packaged by school and shipped to
each district. The following table indicates what is included in each shipment.
Summary of the test materials in the shipment from
Summary view of secure materials shipped to the DAC.
DACs use this form to track secure receipt of materials
by SACs.
List of all secure materials sent to a school. SACs use this
form to check the security barcode number sequences
of the test materials, and to record any discrepancies.
Description of the shipment, including contact
information and helpful resources.
Yellow labels used for returning CSLA documents to
White UPS label for returning materials to Pearson.
Materials included in Each Shipment
Test Materials
Description of the shipment, including contact
information and helpful resources.
Piece of paper used for securing scorable test books that
will be returned to Pearson for scoring.
Paper accommodations for CSLA assessments. Includes
large print test kits and oral scripts.
Manuals on testing procedures and policies for Test
Spring 2016
Receive and Distribute Test Materials - DAC
Instructions for the DAC
DACs will receive and sign for test materials from UPS. See “Overview of Test Materials” for a table
listing the materials with brief descriptions.
All materials shipped to districts will be addressed to the attention of the DAC, and will list the district
and school.
The DAC box will contain the District Coordinator Kit and two copies of the Test Administrator Manual.
Refer to “Overview of Test Materials” for a list of what will be included in the DAC Coordinator Kit.
The DAC should distribute the rest of the boxes that contain SAC Coordinator Kits and test materials to
schools as identified on the box labels. Refer to “Overview of Test Materials” for a list of what will be
included in the SAC Coordinator Kit. Material quantities were provided to CDE by the district.
Receive and Distribute Test Materials - SAC
Instructions for the SAC
As soon as materials are received from the DAC, use the School Packing List to review the materials that
should be included in the shipment for your school. Next, use the School Security Checklist to plan and
eventually track the distribution of the appropriate number of test materials to each Test Administrator
or Test Examiner. See “Sample Forms” in Appendix A of this manual for examples of these documents.
Count the materials received to verify that there is an adequate number of Test Administrator Manuals
and test books for students in the school. If additional materials are needed, notify your DAC
One CSLA Test Administrator Manual will be provided for every 10 students registered in
Test books will be provided in singles.
Test Administrators receiving materials from the SAC must sign them out according to the security
numbers on the materials. Test books must be secured when not in use for testing purposes.
Test Administrators should use the released items available on the CDE website to familiarize
themselves with the format of the test. Please instruct all Test Administrators to review the CSLA Test
Administrator Manual prior to administering the test.
Spring 2016
Collect Test Materials - SAC
Instructions for the SAC
Collect Materials
The SAC is responsible for the distribution and collection of CSLA materials to and from Test
Administrators on each day of administration, preferably within 15 minutes of the start and end of each
testing session. See chain of custody requirements on page 9 of this manual.
Immediately after final testing ensure that the CSLA Test Administrator Manual and test books have
been collected and secured. Use the School Security Checklist to ensure that all CSLA test books have
been collected. All test materials, including accommodated materials and the original Pearson shipping
boxes, must be returned to the DAC for secure shipment back to Pearson.
Prepare Test Materials for Packaging – SAC
Instructions for the SAC
Before returning CSLA test materials to the DAC, the SAC should sort and package the materials
following the directions below.
1. Check and deliver CSLA test materials to the DAC
Before grouping other test materials, first sort all CSLA scorable test books that will be returned
to Pearson for scoring.
Ensure that the test books are verified for accuracy and completeness of student
identification information, especially if pre-ID labels were not used and information was
completed by the Test Administrator.
Ensure that used test books have been received from ALL Test Administrators.
Organize CSLA scorable test books
o Organize the test books by grade so that the demographic page is facing down and the
margin that contains the black horizontal bars is on the right.
o The test books do not need to be alphabetized or sorted in any way other than by grade
unless directed to do so by your DAC.
o Secure the test book stacks with a paper band that was provided with the shipment of
test materials. You may tape the paper band to ensure that it fits around the stack. If
the stack is too large for a single band, you may break it down into stacks of 25 and use
multiple bands. It is important that you mark each band appropriately—for instance, “1
of 2” and “2 of 2”.
Spring 2016
2. Sort remaining CSLA materials
The remaining CSLA test materials are secure nonscorable items. They may include any of the
following items and may be grouped together:
CSLA unused test books
CSLA Large Print test books
CSLA Oral Scripts
Note: The CSLA Test Administrator Manual is not a secure item, but it should be grouped and
returned with the secure nonscorable items.
3. Place all material in the original Pearson boxes
Place the material into the boxes as follows:
All nonscorable secure items go in first (on the bottom).
The lowest grade level goes in next.
The highest grade level goes in last (on the top).
Spring 2016
Refer to the following diagram.
4. Return CSLA materials with original boxes
• The original Pearson shipping boxes in which test materials were delivered must be used for
return shipping. Ensure that the original shipping labels and other markings have been
removed or covered. If more boxes are needed, contact your DAC.
Prior to placing test materials in a box, securely tape the bottom of each box to prevent
breakage. Reinforce all seams (top, bottom, and sides), following an “H” pattern.
Do NOT seal boxes. Return unsealed boxes to the DAC in time for UPS pickup. The DAC will
check the contents before returning them to Pearson.
Prepare Test Materials for Shipping – DAC
Instructions for the DAC
1. Sort materials for return to Pearson
Verify that used and unused test materials have been grouped as described in Step 3 of the
Prepare Test Material for Packing Instructions for the SAC.
If multiple boxes are received from a school and are not filled to capacity, the boxes can be
consolidated so that fewer boxes are shipped back to Pearson. Proper consolidation requires
grouping scorable test books together, and grouping secure nonscorable materials together.
Spring 2016
Prepare boxes for shipping
Reuse the original Pearson shipping boxes to return test materials to Pearson. Ensure that the
original shipping labels and other markings have been removed or covered. If you do not have
enough boxes, please contact Pearson:
o Telephone: 1-888-687-4759 (available Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
o Email: [email protected]
o Website:
Prior to sealing the boxes, ensure that the bottom of each box has been securely taped (all
seams [top, bottom, and sides] have been reinforced following an “H” pattern) to prevent
If any box is not completely filled, add only crumpled paper to avoid damage caused by shifting
during shipment. Add enough crumpled paper to hold the documents securely in place during
transit. Do not use foam “popcorn” or “peanuts”.
Identify boxes containing CSLA test material with the yellow return label. The address on
the label is 9200 Earhart Lane SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404-9078.
A white UPS label must be used on ALL boxes being shipped to Pearson.
Note: DO NOT pack or ship with CMAS: PARCC ELA/L, Math, or CMAS: Sci/SS materials.
Spring 2016
Affix the return label and UPS shipping label to each box. The labels should be clearly visible.
Refer to the following diagrams for suggested label placement.
Note: To ensure the safe return of materials, it is absolutely essential that all boxes be packed,
labeled, and secured as described in the previous section. Check to make sure that all boxes are
tightly packed and securely sealed.
Spring 2016
3. Schedule pickup with UPS
Schedule UPS pick up of test materials immediately after testing ends. Pickups must be
scheduled with UPS by May 2, 2016. Schedule pickup arrangements 24–48 hours in advance of
the pickup.
Scorable materials must be picked up by UPS no later than May 4, 2016, or materials may not be
scored in time for reporting.
Call UPS at 1-800-823-7459 to schedule pickups for Ground shipping. Tell the UPS representative
you are calling in a pickup request for Pearson and will be using their “Return Service”.
You must provide UPS with the following information:
The physical location of where packages are to be picked up.
The estimated number of packages to pick up.
There may be time constraints for specific pickups based on their location. The UPS
representative will let you know if the pickup cannot be made as requested.
Once the pickup is confirmed, the district will receive a confirmation number from UPS. The
number can be referenced in the future if questions or changes arise.
4. Mark the boxes
The district’s shipping labels should be numbered in sequence to show both the number of the
box and the number of total boxes for the district shipment. Mark each box with a unique
number such as “1 of 3”, “2 of 3”, and “3 of 3” on the return labels affixed to the boxes.
5. Store and ship test materials
Hold the boxes for pickup by UPS on the date you previously scheduled. Materials must be
picked up by UPS no later than May 4, 2016.
Materials must be kept secure at all times.
Spring 2016
Test Administration
Responsibilities of the Test Administrator
The primary responsibility of the Test Administrator is to provide a standardized administration of the
assessment. This will ensure that every student has an equal opportunity to demonstrate his or her
knowledge and skills within the standard conditions provided to all students in Colorado.
Preparing the Testing Environment
Testing rooms should be well lit, well ventilated, quiet, and comfortable.
Each student must have enough space in which to work, and no characteristic of the room’s
environment should hinder any student’s test performance.
Appropriate actions should be taken to reduce noise, such as turning off alarms or bells.
Music (of any kind) is not to be played during testing.
Each student should be sufficiently separated from other students in order to work without
A “Testing—Do Not Disturb/Only Authorized Personnel Allowed” sign should be posted outside
the testing room.
Bulletin boards and instructional displays that might be a source of direct answers must be
covered or removed during testing. Examples of content-related materials that must be covered
or removed include, but are not limited to: posters, maps, charts, and graphic organizers. It is
not necessary to cover or remove calendars. If students are not taking the test in their regular
classroom, any rooms to which they may be relocated during active testing time must also be
Ensure that nothing is taped or placed on the students’ desks that could be a source of direct
A clock or stop watch must be available to monitor the test period.
Students must not be able to see each other’s work from a normal testing position. If students cannot
be placed far enough away from each other to prevent this, dividing screens may be used.
Spring 2016
Time Limits, Policies and Procedures
Each CSLA test unit includes a maximum testing time limit ranging from 75 to 90 minutes. Refer to the
table below for each unit’s time limit. This maximum time meets the timing requirements for students
needing the time-and-a-half accommodation; however, the full amount of time is available to all
students as an accessibility feature.
The scheduled test administration time for each section should include an additional 10 minutes
(estimated) for set up and transition. Time for set up and transition includes distributing materials and
reading directions. The section testing time begins when the Test Administrator tells students to begin
working on their tests.
Spanish Language Arts Test Time Limits by Grade and Unit
Grade 3
Grade 4
Unit 1
90 minutes
90 minutes
Unit 2
75 minutes
90 minutes
Unit 3
90 minutes
90 minutes
Unit 4
90 minutes
90 minutes
Students are to respond to test questions directly into the test books.
Once they begin a unit, students must complete that unit within the same school day. Districts establish
starting days and times for testing within the administration’s state testing window.
For each section, students must remain in the test environment according to the district’s policy.
Students who have completed the test section must turn in their test materials and then sit quietly or
read (as determined by the district) for the remainder of the testing time. Districts may also determine if
students are to be released from the testing environment once they have completed the section being
assessed. Once the maximum section testing time has been reached, Test Administrators must instruct
any students who are still testing to put their pencils down and close their test books.
Each student must be allowed to work at his or her individual speed. Students must not be directed to
speed up or slow down. A student may be allowed extended time beyond the section testing time as an
accommodation only if it is recorded in his or her IEP or 504 Plan. Students requiring additional
extended time beyond time-and-a-half (e.g., double time) must be placed in a separate test session.
Late-Arriving Students
A student who arrives after testing has begun may be tested if sufficient time remains. Each student
must be allowed time in which to take the test. Students who begin testing after others have started will
have a later stop time.
Spring 2016
Stops in Testing
There are two types of breaks. Each requires a different procedure to follow.
Bathroom breaks for an individual student. During testing, only one student is allowed to leave
the room at a time for bathroom breaks. Talking among students is not allowed at any time.
Students should not have access to cell phones or other prohibited electronic devices during
breaks. If a student leaves the testing room for an extended period of time, the Test
Administrator must decide whether confidentiality has been breached and if it is appropriate for
the student to continue testing.
Short breaks for students. At the discretion of the Test Administrator, one stretch break of up
to three minutes is allowed for all students in the testing group (at the same time) during each
section of the assessment. Students are not allowed to talk and must close their test books. The
end of section stop time must be adjusted by three minutes at the end of the stretch break.
Interruptions to the test section are not considered breaks. Follow the procedures outlined below for
interruptions in testing.
Emergency situations that significantly interrupt testing. In the event of a school-wide
emergency that causes a disruption in testing, ensuring the safety of students and staff is top
priority. If time permits, have students close their test books. Collect the test books only if time
permits. Note the time of the disruption so that the remaining time for the test section can be
calculated. When possible and feasible, record this information in writing. Leave test books in
the assessment room. Follow the school’s procedures for the emergency.
Upon resuming the section, prepare students for the continuation of testing.
o Ask students, “Are there any questions about the instructions for this section?”
o Test Administrators must inform students of how many minutes remain in the test
section and write the start and stop times of the resumed section on a space that is
visible to the students.
After the resumed testing has ended, meet with the SAC to determine next steps.
Medical situations and ill students. If a student becomes ill or experiences a medical situation
during a test, the Test Administrator must note the exact place in the test where the student
stopped and the amount of time remaining in the test section. The Test Administrator must
collect the student’s test materials and return them to the SAC. The student must finish their
test during make-up testing. The student may not return to previously answered questions
during make-up testing.
Spring 2016
Administrator “SAY” Directions
Test Administrators are allowed to read only the Administrator “SAY” directions. The “SAY” directions
may be repeated or clarified as long as the substance of the directions is not changed.
The Administrator “SAY” directions are a script Test Administrators must follow on each day of testing.
The Test Administrator must read aloud WORD FOR WORD the material following the word “SAY:” and
printed in boldface. You will use a “SAY” script for each test unit. You may repeat the directions as
many times as needed. The italicized material is information meant for Test Administrators and should
not be read aloud to students.
Completing the Demographic Page
Apply Pre-ID Labels
Pre-ID labels were sent for any students that were registered in PearsonAccessnext, within the PARCC
admin, using the “CSLA” tag in the appropriate state-use field. Information verified/provided by DACs
during student registration was used to print pre-ID labels. These labels are linked to students’
demographic information, even though not all of that information appears on the printed label. Pre-ID
labels arrive pre-printed with student names, and are included in the Coordinator Kit.
Before applying pre-ID labels, verify in PearsonAccessnext that the demographic information matches the
data on the pre-coded label.
If the information matches, apply the pre-coded label in the space specified on the back of the
test book.
If the information does not match, do not apply the pre-coded label to the test book. The fields
on the test book must then be bubbled to match the information in PearsonAccessnext.
If the pre-coded label is applied and the information on the label is later identified as being
incorrect, cover the pre-coded label with a blank label and bubble the fields on the test book to
match the information in PearsonAccessnext.
If no pre-coded label is available for a student taking a paper-based test, the fields on the test book must
be bubbled to match the information in PearsonAccessnext. All fields are required to be bubbled.
The sample demographic page shows where to affix the label.
Note the following protocols:
Only the SAC or designee may affix labels.
All secure materials must be returned to locked storage until they are needed for testing.
Spring 2016
Note: If a demographic page includes both a pre-ID label and bubbled-in fields, the label will override
any of the gridded information. If there is no label, all fields must be bubbled.
Spring 2016
Testing Day Instructions for Grade 3
Grade 3 – Unit 1
This will introduce the student to the test they are about to begin. Instruct the student to follow along
with you as you read the instructions.
Hoy van a tomar la unidad 1 del examen de Artes del lenguaje en español de Colorado.
Su examen incluye preguntas de selección múltiple y preguntas en las que deben escribir la
Van a escribir todas sus respuestas en su cuadernillo del examen. En las preguntas de
selección múltiple, van a rellenar el círculo para marcar la respuesta que escojan. En las
preguntas en las que deben escribir la respuesta, deben escribir su respuesta en las páginas
con renglones del cuadernillo. No escriban nada fuera del recuadro.
¿Hay alguna pregunta?
[Pause to answer any questions and then continue.]
Le voy a dar a cada uno de ustedes un cuadernillo. Cuando reciban su cuadernillo del examen,
no lo abran, ni escriban en él, ni rompan el sello en el borde de su cuadernillo hasta que yo les
diga. No escriban ninguna información a menos que yo les diga. Si tienen alguna pregunta
mientras reparto los cuadernillos del examen, por favor díganme. Dejen sus lápices en su
escritorio hasta que les diga que pueden usarlo.
[Give a test book to each student. Note any students who are absent and pass this information
to the SAC to arrange for make-up testing. Answer any questions before continuing.]
En la contraportada, observen el recuadro en la parte superior izquierda de su cuadernillo del
examen. Escriban su nombre y apellido enseguida de Student Name.
Escriban _____ (nombre de la escuela) enseguida de School Name.
Escriban _____ (nombre del distrito) enseguida de District Name.
Observen su cuadernillo del examen. Tiene un sello en el lado derecho.
Van a romper el sello que está en el borde de su cuadernillo del examen. Primero miren cómo
lo hago yo. Para romper el sello, tomen el cuadernillo del examen con una mano. Luego usen
su otra mano para jalar la pestaña roja en el borde del cuadernillo. Levanten la mano si
necesitan ayuda.
Deben usar un lápiz No. 2 en todas las secciones del examen, tanto para escribir su respuesta
como para rellenar los círculos.
Abran su cuadernillo del examen en la página 7 y observen las instrucciones. Léanlas en
silencio mientras yo las leo en voz alta.
Spring 2016
Hoy van a tomar la unidad 1 del examen de Artes del lenguaje en español de Colorado
de 3er grado.
Van a leer tres pasajes. Lean cuidadosamente cada pasaje y todas las preguntas. En cada
pregunta deben elegir la respuesta correcta. Pueden volver a leer los pasajes tantas veces
como sea necesario.
Marquen sus respuestas rellenando los círculos en el cuadernillo del examen. No hagan
ninguna otra marca en el cuadernillo del examen. Si necesitan cambiar una respuesta,
asegúrense de borrar completamente su primera respuesta.
En la última pregunta del segundo pasaje se les pedirá que escriban una respuesta basándose
en los pasajes que han leído. Pueden planear su respuesta usando una hoja de papel en
blanco. Asegúrense de escribir su respuesta final en el recuadro provisto en el cuadernillo del
examen. Las palabras tachadas, las palabras que estén fuera del recuadro o en la hoja en
blanco, no se calificarán.
Si no saben la respuesta a una pregunta, pueden saltársela y continuar. Si terminan el examen
de la unidad 1 antes de tiempo, pueden revisar sus respuestas y cualquier pregunta que no
hayan contestado SOLO en esta unidad. No pueden continuar a las siguientes unidades del
Este es el final de las instrucciones para la unidad 1. No vayan a la siguiente página hasta que
se les diga.
¿Hay alguna pregunta?
[Pause to answer any questions and then continue.]
Si alguien necesita salir del salón en cualquier momento, debe levantar la mano. Solo un
estudiante puede salir del salón a la vez, y debe entregar su cuadernillo del examen antes de
salir del salón.
Durante el examen nadie debe hablar ni interrumpir. Deben ver solo su propio cuadernillo del
examen, no el cuadernillo de su vecino. Cada vez que vean una flecha con la palabra
Continuar, den vuelta a la página y sigan trabajando. Sigan trabajando hasta que lleguen al
símbolo de ALTO. Deben detenerse cuando vean el símbolo de ALTO.
Cuando terminen de revisar su trabajo en la unidad 1, cierren su cuadernillo del examen y
levanten la mano para entregarlo. Permanezcan sentados en silencio hasta que todos hayan
[If your district/school allow reading after testing students may read silently when finished.]
Hoy van a tomar solamente la unidad 1 del examen. Vayan a la unidad 1, que comienza en la
página 8.
Spring 2016
Once you direct students to turn the page, the testing session begins.
Other Instructions
Write the test start and stop times in a visible location on the board.
Information about breaks can be found on page 22 of this manual.
Information about procedures if students finish early can be found on page 21 of this manual.
Upon completion of testing each day, Test Administrators must return all secure test materials to
the SAC.
Spring 2016
Grade 3 – Unit 2
This will introduce the student to the test they are about to begin. Instruct the student to follow along
with you as you read the instructions.
Hoy van a tomar la unidad 2 del examen de Artes del lenguaje en español de Colorado. Le voy
a dar a cada uno de ustedes un cuadernillo del examen.
[Distribute the test materials to students. Make sure each student receives his or her own test
book from Unit 1. Also make sure that each student has a standard, wooden, graphite-based No.
2 pencil with an eraser.]
Revisen que el cuadernillo del examen que les di tenga su nombre. No abran el cuadernillo del
examen hasta que les diga.
Si alguien necesita salir del salón en cualquier momento, debe levantar la mano. Solo un
estudiante puede salir del salón a la vez, y debe entregar su cuadernillo del examen antes de
salir del salón. Durante el examen nadie debe hablar ni interrumpir. Deben ver solo su propio
cuadernillo del examen, no el cuadernillo de su vecino. Cada vez que vean una flecha con la
palabra Continuar, den vuelta a la página y sigan trabajando.
Sigan trabajando hasta que lleguen al símbolo de ALTO. Deben detenerse cuando vean el
símbolo de ALTO.
[Check to make sure students have not opened the test books or started to work.]
Abran su cuadernillo del examen en la página 31 y observen las instrucciones. Léanlas en
silencio mientras yo las leo en voz alta.
Hoy van a tomar la unidad 2 del examen de Artes del lenguaje en español de Colorado de 3er
Van a leer dos pasajes. Lean cuidadosamente cada pasaje y todas las preguntas. En cada
pregunta deben elegir la respuesta correcta. Pueden volver a leer los pasajes tantas veces
como sea necesario.
Marquen sus respuestas rellenando los círculos en el cuadernillo del examen. No hagan
ninguna otra marca en el cuadernillo del examen. Si necesitan cambiar una respuesta,
asegúrense de borrar completamente su primera respuesta.
En la última pregunta se les pedirá que escriban una respuesta basándose en los pasajes que
han leído. Pueden planear su respuesta usando una hoja de papel en blanco. Asegúrense de
escribir su respuesta final en el recuadro provisto en el cuadernillo del examen. Las palabras
tachadas, las palabras que estén fuera del recuadro o en la hoja en blanco, no se calificarán.
Si no saben la respuesta a una pregunta, pueden saltársela y continuar. Si terminan el examen
de la unidad 2 antes de tiempo, pueden revisar sus respuestas y cualquier pregunta que no
Spring 2016
hayan contestado SOLO en esta unidad. No pueden regresar a las preguntas de la unidad
anterior ni continuar a las siguientes unidades del examen.
Este es el final de las instrucciones para la unidad 2. No vayan a la siguiente página hasta que
se les diga.
¿Hay alguna pregunta?
[Pause to answer any questions and then continue.]
Cuando terminen de revisar su trabajo en la unidad 2, cierren su cuadernillo del examen y
levanten la mano para entregarlo. Permanezcan sentados en silencio hasta que todos hayan
[If your district/school allow reading after testing students may read silently when finished.]
Hoy van a tomar solamente la unidad 2 del examen. Vayan a la unidad 2, que comienza en la
página 32.
Once you direct students to turn the page, the testing session begins.
Other Instructions
Write the test start and stop times in a visible location on the board.
Information about breaks can be found on page 22 of this manual.
Information about procedures if students finish early can be found on page 21 of this manual.
Upon completion of testing each day, Test Administrators must return all secure test materials to
the SAC.
Spring 2016
Grade 3 – Unit 3
This will introduce the student to the test they are about to begin. Instruct the student to follow along
with you as you read the instructions.
Hoy van a tomar la unidad 3 del examen de Artes del lenguaje en español de Colorado. Le voy
a dar a cada uno de ustedes un cuadernillo del examen.
[Distribute the test materials to students. Make sure each student receives his or her own test
book from Unit 2. Also make sure that each student has a standard, wooden, graphite-based No.
2 pencil with an eraser.]
Revisen que el cuadernillo del examen que les di tenga su nombre. No abran el cuadernillo del
examen hasta que les diga.
Si alguien necesita salir del salón en cualquier momento, debe levantar la mano. Solo un
estudiante puede salir del salón a la vez, y debe entregar su cuadernillo del examen antes de
salir del salón. Durante el examen nadie debe hablar ni interrumpir. Deben ver solo su propio
cuadernillo del examen, no el cuadernillo de su vecino. Cada vez que vean una flecha con la
palabra Continuar, den vuelta a la página y sigan trabajando.
Sigan trabajando hasta que lleguen al símbolo de ALTO. Deben detenerse cuando vean el
símbolo de ALTO.
[Check to make sure students have not opened the test books or started to work.]
Abran su cuadernillo del examen en la página 49 y observen las instrucciones. Léanlas en
silencio mientras yo las leo en voz alta.
Hoy van a tomar la unidad 3 del examen de Artes del lenguaje en español de Colorado de 3er
Van a leer dos pasajes. Lean cuidadosamente cada pasaje y todas las preguntas. En cada
pregunta deben elegir la respuesta correcta. Pueden volver a leer los pasajes tantas veces
como sea necesario.
Marquen sus respuestas rellenando los círculos en el cuadernillo del examen. No hagan
ninguna otra marca en el cuadernillo del examen. Si necesitan cambiar una respuesta,
asegúrense de borrar completamente su primera respuesta.
En la última pregunta del primer pasaje se les pedirá que escriban una respuesta basándose
en el pasaje que han leído. Pueden planear su respuesta usando una hoja de papel en blanco.
Asegúrense de escribir su respuesta final en el recuadro provisto en el cuadernillo del examen.
Las palabras tachadas, las palabras que estén fuera del recuadro o en la hoja en blanco, no se
Spring 2016
Si no saben la respuesta a una pregunta, pueden saltársela y continuar. Si terminan el examen
de la unidad 3 antes de tiempo, pueden revisar sus respuestas y cualquier pregunta que no
hayan contestado SOLO en esta unidad. No pueden regresar a las preguntas de ninguna
unidad anterior ni continuar a la siguiente unidad del examen.
Este es el final de las instrucciones para la unidad 3. No vayan a la siguiente página hasta que
se les diga.
¿Hay alguna pregunta?
[Pause to answer any questions and then continue.]
Cuando terminen de revisar su trabajo en la unidad 3, cierren su cuadernillo del examen y
levanten la mano para entregarlo. Permanezcan sentados en silencio hasta que todos hayan
[If your district/school allow reading after testing students may read silently when finished.]
Hoy van a tomar solamente la unidad 3 del examen. Vayan a la unidad 3, que comienza en la
página 50.
Once you direct students to turn the page, the testing session begins.
Other Instructions
Write the test start and stop times in a visible location on the board.
Information about breaks can be found on page 22 of this manual.
Information about procedures if students finish early can be found on page 21 of this manual.
Upon completion of testing each day, Test Administrators must return all secure test materials to
the SAC.
Spring 2016
Grade 3 – Unit 4
This will introduce the student to the test they are about to begin. Instruct the student to follow along
with you as you read the instructions.
Hoy van a tomar la unidad 4 del examen de Artes del lenguaje en español de Colorado. Le voy
a dar a cada uno de ustedes un cuadernillo del examen.
[Distribute the test materials to students. Make sure each student receives his or her own test
book from Unit 3. Also make sure that each student has a standard, wooden, graphite-based No.
2 pencil with an eraser.]
Revisen que el cuadernillo del examen que les di tenga su nombre. No abran el cuadernillo del
examen hasta que les diga.
Si alguien necesita salir del salón en cualquier momento, debe levantar la mano. Solo un
estudiante puede salir del salón a la vez, y debe entregar su cuadernillo del examen antes de
salir del salón. Durante el examen nadie debe hablar ni interrumpir. Deben ver solo su propio
cuadernillo del examen, no el cuadernillo de su vecino. Cada vez que vean una flecha con la
palabra Continuar, den vuelta a la página y sigan trabajando.
Sigan trabajando hasta que lleguen al símbolo de ALTO. Deben detenerse cuando vean el
símbolo de ALTO.
[Check to make sure students have not opened the test books or started to work.]
Abran su cuadernillo del examen en la página 73 y observen las instrucciones. Léanlas en
silencio mientras yo las leo en voz alta.
Hoy van a tomar la unidad 4 del examen de Artes del lenguaje en español de Colorado de 3er
Van a leer dos pasajes. Lean cuidadosamente cada pasaje y todas las preguntas. En cada
pregunta deben elegir la respuesta correcta. Pueden volver a leer los pasajes tantas veces
como sea necesario.
Marquen sus respuestas rellenando los círculos en el cuadernillo del examen. No hagan
ninguna otra marca en el cuadernillo del examen. Si necesitan cambiar una respuesta,
asegúrense de borrar completamente su primera respuesta.
En la última pregunta del primer pasaje se les pedirá que escriban una respuesta basándose
en el pasaje que han leído. Pueden planear su respuesta usando una hoja de papel en blanco.
Asegúrense de escribir su respuesta final en el recuadro provisto en el cuadernillo del examen.
Las palabras tachadas, las palabras que estén fuera del recuadro o en la hoja en blanco, no se
Spring 2016
Si no saben la respuesta a una pregunta, pueden saltársela y continuar. Si terminan el examen
de la unidad 4 antes de tiempo, pueden revisar sus respuestas y cualquier pregunta que no
hayan contestado SOLO en esta unidad. No pueden regresar a las preguntas de ninguna
unidad anterior.
Este es el final de las instrucciones para la unidad 4. No vayan a la siguiente página hasta que
se les diga.
¿Hay alguna pregunta?
[Pause to answer any questions and then continue.]
Cuando terminen de revisar su trabajo en la unidad 4, cierren su cuadernillo del examen y
levanten la mano para entregarlo. Permanezcan sentados en silencio hasta que todos hayan
[If your district/school allow reading after testing students may read silently when finished.]
Hoy van a tomar solamente la unidad 4 del examen. Vayan a la unidad 4, que comienza en la
página 74.
Once you direct students to turn the page, the testing session begins.
Other Instructions
Write the test start and stop times in a visible location on the board.
Information about breaks can be found on page 22 of this manual.
Information about procedures if students finish early can be found on page 21 of this manual.
Upon completion of testing each day, Test Administrators must return all secure test materials to
the SAC.
Spring 2016
Testing Day Instructions for Grade 4
Grade 4 – Unit 1
This will introduce the student to the test they are about to begin. Instruct the student to follow along
with you as you read the instructions.
Hoy van a tomar la unidad 1 del examen de Artes del lenguaje en español de Colorado.
Su examen incluye preguntas de selección múltiple y preguntas en las que deben escribir la
Van a escribir todas sus respuestas en su cuadernillo del examen. En las preguntas de
selección múltiple, van a rellenar el círculo para marcar la respuesta que escojan. En las
preguntas en las que deben escribir la respuesta, deben escribir su respuesta en las páginas
con renglones del cuadernillo. No escriban nada fuera del recuadro.
¿Hay alguna pregunta?
[Pause to answer any questions and then continue.]
Le voy a dar a cada uno de ustedes un cuadernillo. Cuando reciban su cuadernillo del examen,
no lo abran, ni escriban en él, ni rompan el sello en el borde de su cuadernillo hasta que yo les
diga. No escriban ninguna información a menos que yo les diga. Si tienen alguna pregunta
mientras reparto los cuadernillos del examen, por favor díganme. Dejen sus lápices en su
escritorio hasta que les diga que pueden usarlo.
[Give a test book to each student. Note any students who are absent and pass this information
to the SAC to arrange for make-up testing. Answer any questions before continuing.]
En la contraportada, observen el recuadro en la parte superior izquierda de su cuadernillo del
examen. Escriban su nombre y apellido enseguida de Student Name.
Escriban _____ (nombre de la escuela) enseguida de School Name.
Escriban _____ (nombre del distrito) enseguida de District Name.
Observen su cuadernillo del examen. Tiene un sello en el lado derecho.
Van a romper el sello que está en el borde de su cuadernillo del examen. Primero miren cómo
lo hago yo. Para romper el sello, tomen el cuadernillo del examen con una mano. Luego usen
su otra mano para jalar la pestaña roja en el borde del cuadernillo. Levanten la mano si
necesitan ayuda.
Deben usar un lápiz No. 2 en todas las secciones del examen, tanto para escribir su respuesta
como para rellenar los círculos.
Abran su cuadernillo del examen en la página 7 y observen las instrucciones. Léanlas en
silencio mientras yo las leo en voz alta.
Spring 2016
Hoy van a tomar la unidad 1 del examen de Artes del lenguaje en español de Colorado de 4to
Van a leer tres pasajes. Lean cuidadosamente cada pasaje y todas las preguntas. En cada
pregunta deben elegir la respuesta correcta. Pueden volver a leer los pasajes tantas veces
como sea necesario.
Marquen sus respuestas rellenando los círculos en el cuadernillo del examen. No hagan
ninguna otra marca en el cuadernillo del examen. Si necesitan cambiar una respuesta,
asegúrense de borrar completamente su primera respuesta.
En la última pregunta del segundo pasaje se les pedirá que escriban una respuesta basándose
en los pasajes que han leído. Pueden planear su respuesta usando una hoja de papel en
blanco. Asegúrense de escribir su respuesta final en el recuadro provisto en el cuadernillo del
examen. Las palabras tachadas, las palabras que estén fuera del recuadro o en la hoja en
blanco, no se calificarán.
Si no saben la respuesta a una pregunta, pueden saltársela y continuar. Si terminan el examen
de la unidad 1 antes de tiempo, pueden revisar sus respuestas y cualquier pregunta que no
hayan contestado SOLO en esta unidad. No pueden continuar a las siguientes unidades del
Este es el final de las instrucciones para la unidad 1. No vayan a la siguiente página hasta que
se les diga.
¿Hay alguna pregunta?
[Pause to answer any questions and then continue.]
Si alguien necesita salir del salón en cualquier momento, debe levantar la mano. Solo un
estudiante puede salir del salón a la vez, y debe entregar su cuadernillo del examen antes de
salir del salón.
Durante el examen nadie debe hablar ni interrumpir. Deben ver solo su propio cuadernillo del
examen, no el cuadernillo de su vecino. Cada vez que vean una flecha con la palabra
Continuar, den vuelta a la página y sigan trabajando. Sigan trabajando hasta que lleguen al
símbolo de ALTO. Deben detenerse cuando vean el símbolo de ALTO.
[If your district/school allow reading after testing students may read silently when finished.]
Cuando terminen de revisar su trabajo en la unidad 1, cierren su cuadernillo del examen y
levanten la mano para entregarlo. Permanezcan sentados en silencio hasta que todos hayan
Hoy van a tomar solamente la unidad 1 del examen. Vayan a la unidad 1, que comienza en la
página 8.
Spring 2016
Once you direct students to turn the page, the testing session begins.
Other Instructions
Write the test start and stop times in a visible location on the board.
Information about breaks can be found on page 22 of this manual.
Information about procedures if students finish early can be found on page 21 of this manual.
Upon completion of testing each day, Test Administrators must return all secure test materials to
the SAC.
Spring 2016
Grade 4 – Unit 2
This will introduce the student to the test they are about to begin. Instruct the student to follow along
with you as you read the instructions.
Hoy van a tomar la unidad 2 del examen de Artes del lenguaje en español de Colorado. Le voy
a dar a cada uno de ustedes un cuadernillo del examen.
[Distribute the test materials to students. Make sure each student receives his or her own test
book from Unit 1. Also make sure that each student has a standard, wooden, graphite-based No.
2 pencil with an eraser.]
Revisen que el cuadernillo del examen que les di tenga su nombre. No abran el cuadernillo del
examen hasta que les diga.
Si alguien necesita salir del salón en cualquier momento, debe levantar la mano. Solo un
estudiante puede salir del salón a la vez, y debe entregar su cuadernillo del examen antes de
salir del salón. Durante el examen nadie debe hablar ni interrumpir. Deben ver solo su propio
cuadernillo del examen, no el cuadernillo de su vecino. Cada vez que vean una flecha con la
palabra Continuar, den vuelta a la página y sigan trabajando.
Sigan trabajando hasta que lleguen al símbolo de ALTO. Deben detenerse cuando vean el
símbolo de ALTO.
[Check to make sure students have not opened the test books or started to work.]
Abran su cuadernillo del examen en la página 31 y observen las instrucciones. Léanlas en
silencio mientras yo las leo en voz alta.
Hoy van a tomar la unidad 2 del examen de Artes del lenguaje en español de Colorado de 4to
Van a leer tres pasajes. Lean cuidadosamente cada pasaje y todas las preguntas. En cada
pregunta deben elegir la respuesta correcta. Pueden volver a leer los pasajes tantas veces
como sea necesario.
Marquen sus respuestas rellenando los círculos en el cuadernillo del examen. No hagan
ninguna otra marca en el cuadernillo del examen. Si necesitan cambiar una respuesta,
asegúrense de borrar completamente su primera respuesta.
En la última pregunta se les pedirá que escriban una respuesta basándose en el pasaje que
han leído. Pueden planear su respuesta usando una hoja de papel en blanco. Asegúrense de
escribir su respuesta final en el recuadro provisto en el cuadernillo del examen. Las palabras
tachadas, las palabras que estén fuera del recuadro o en la hoja en blanco, no se calificarán.
Spring 2016
Si no saben la respuesta a una pregunta, pueden saltársela y continuar. Si terminan el examen
de la unidad 2 antes de tiempo, pueden revisar sus respuestas y cualquier pregunta que no
hayan contestado SOLO en esta unidad. No pueden regresar a las preguntas de la unidad
anterior ni continuar a las siguientes unidades del examen.
Este es el final de las instrucciones para la unidad 2. No vayan a la siguiente página hasta que
se les diga.
¿Hay alguna pregunta?
[Pause to answer any questions and then continue.]
Cuando terminen de revisar su trabajo en la unidad 2, cierren su cuadernillo del examen y
levanten la mano para entregarlo. Permanezcan sentados en silencio hasta que todos hayan
[If your district/school allow reading after testing students may read silently when finished.]
Hoy van a tomar solamente la unidad 2 del examen. Vayan a la unidad 2, que comienza en la
página 32.
Once you direct students to turn the page, the testing session begins.
Other Instructions
Write the test start and stop times in a visible location on the board.
Information about breaks can be found on page 22 of this manual.
Information about procedures if students finish early can be found on page 21 of this manual.
Upon completion of testing each day, Test Administrators must return all secure test materials to
the SAC.
Spring 2016
Grade 4 – Unit 3
This will introduce the student to the test they are about to begin. Instruct the student to follow along
with you as you read the instructions.
Hoy van a tomar la unidad 3 del examen de Artes del lenguaje en español de Colorado. Le voy
a dar a cada uno de ustedes un cuadernillo del examen.
[Distribute the test materials to students. Make sure each student receives his or her own test
book from Unit 2. Also make sure that each student has a standard, wooden, graphite-based No.
2 pencil with an eraser.]
Revisen que el cuadernillo del examen que les di tenga su nombre. No abran el cuadernillo del
examen hasta que les diga.
Si alguien necesita salir del salón en cualquier momento, debe levantar la mano. Solo un
estudiante puede salir del salón a la vez, y debe entregar su cuadernillo del examen antes de
salir del salón. Durante el examen nadie debe hablar ni interrumpir. Deben ver solo su propio
cuadernillo del examen, no el cuadernillo de su vecino. Cada vez que vean una flecha con la
palabra Continuar, den vuelta a la página y sigan trabajando.
Sigan trabajando hasta que lleguen al símbolo de ALTO. Deben detenerse cuando vean el
símbolo de ALTO.
[Check to make sure students have not opened the test books or started to work.]
Abran su cuadernillo del examen en la página 55 y observen las instrucciones. Léanlas en
silencio mientras yo las leo en voz alta.
Hoy van a tomar la unidad 3 del examen de Artes del lenguaje en español de Colorado de 4to
Van a leer dos pasajes. Lean cuidadosamente cada pasaje y todas las preguntas. En cada
pregunta deben elegir la respuesta correcta. Pueden volver a leer los pasajes tantas veces
como sea necesario.
Marquen sus respuestas rellenando los círculos en el cuadernillo del examen. No hagan
ninguna otra marca en el cuadernillo del examen. Si necesitan cambiar una respuesta,
asegúrense de borrar completamente su primera respuesta.
En la última pregunta del primer pasaje se les pedirá que escriban una respuesta basándose
en el pasaje que han leído. Pueden planear su respuesta usando una hoja de papel en blanco.
Asegúrense de escribir su respuesta final en el recuadro provisto en el cuadernillo del examen.
Las palabras tachadas, las palabras que estén fuera del recuadro o en la hoja en blanco, no se
Spring 2016
Si no saben la respuesta a una pregunta, pueden saltársela y continuar. Si terminan el examen
de la unidad 3 antes de tiempo, pueden revisar sus respuestas y cualquier pregunta que no
hayan contestado SOLO en esta unidad. No pueden regresar a las preguntas de ninguna
unidad anterior ni continuar a la siguiente unidad del examen hasta que se les diga.
Este es el final de las instrucciones para la unidad 3. No vayan a la siguiente página hasta que
se les diga.
¿Hay alguna pregunta?
[Pause to answer any questions and then continue.]
Cuando terminen de revisar su trabajo en la unidad 3, cierren su cuadernillo del examen y
levanten la mano para entregarlo. Permanezcan sentados en silencio hasta que todos hayan
[If your district/school allow reading after testing students may read silently when finished.]
Hoy van a tomar solamente la unidad 3 del examen. Vayan a la unidad 3, que comienza en la
página 56.
Once you direct students to turn the page, the testing session begins.
Other Instructions
Write the test start and stop times in a visible location on the board.
Information about breaks can be found on page 22 of this manual.
Information about procedures if students finish early can be found on page 21 of this manual.
Upon completion of testing each day, Test Administrators must return all secure test materials to
the SAC.
Spring 2016
Grade 4 – Unit 4
This will introduce the student to the test they are about to begin. Instruct the student to follow along
with you as you read the instructions.
Hoy van a tomar la unidad 4 del examen de Artes del lenguaje en español de Colorado. Le voy
a dar a cada uno de ustedes un cuadernillo del examen.
[Distribute the test materials to students. Make sure each student receives his or her own test
book from Unit 3. Also make sure that each student has a standard, wooden, graphite-based No.
2 pencil with an eraser.]
Revisen que el cuadernillo del examen que les di tenga su nombre. No abran el cuadernillo del
examen hasta que les diga.
Si alguien necesita salir del salón en cualquier momento, debe levantar la mano. Solo un
estudiante puede salir del salón a la vez, y debe entregar su cuadernillo del examen antes de
salir del salón. Durante el examen nadie debe hablar ni interrumpir. Deben ver solo su propio
cuadernillo del examen, no el cuadernillo de su vecino. Cada vez que vean una flecha con la
palabra Continuar, den vuelta a la página y sigan trabajando.
Sigan trabajando hasta que lleguen al símbolo de ALTO. Deben detenerse cuando vean el
símbolo de ALTO.
[Check to make sure students have not opened the test books or started to work.]
Abran su cuadernillo del examen en la página 81 y observen las instrucciones. Léanlas en
silencio mientras yo las leo en voz alta.
Hoy van a tomar la unidad 4 del examen de Artes del lenguaje en español de Colorado de 4to
Van a leer dos pasajes. Lean cuidadosamente cada pasaje y todas las preguntas. En cada
pregunta deben elegir la respuesta correcta. Pueden volver a leer los pasajes tantas veces
como sea necesario.
Marquen sus respuestas rellenando los círculos en el cuadernillo del examen. No hagan
ninguna otra marca en el cuadernillo del examen. Si necesitan cambiar una respuesta,
asegúrense de borrar completamente su primera respuesta.
En la última pregunta del primer pasaje se les pedirá que escriban una respuesta basándose
en el pasaje que han leído. Pueden planear su respuesta usando una hoja de papel en blanco.
Asegúrense de escribir su respuesta final en el recuadro provisto en el cuadernillo del examen.
Las palabras tachadas, las palabras que estén fuera del recuadro o en la hoja en blanco, no se
Spring 2016
Si no saben la respuesta a una pregunta, pueden saltársela y continuar. Si terminan el examen
de la unidad 4 antes de tiempo, pueden revisar sus respuestas y cualquier pregunta que no
hayan contestado SOLO en esta unidad. No pueden regresar a las preguntas de ninguna
unidad anterior.
Este es el final de las instrucciones para la unidad 4. No vayan a la siguiente página hasta que
se les diga.
¿Hay alguna pregunta?
[Pause to answer any questions and then continue.]
Cuando terminen de revisar su trabajo en la unidad 4, cierren su cuadernillo del examen y
levanten la mano para entregarlo. Permanezcan sentados en silencio hasta que todos hayan
[If your district/school allow reading after testing students may read silently when finished.]
Hoy van a tomar solamente la unidad 4 del examen. Vayan a la unidad 4, que comienza en la
página 82.
Once you direct students to turn the page, the testing session begins.
Other Instructions
Write the test start and stop times in a visible location on the board.
Information about breaks can be found on page 22 of this manual.
Information about procedures if students finish early can be found on page 21 of this manual.
Upon completion of testing each day, Test Administrators must return all secure test materials to
the SAC.
Spring 2016
Appendix A
Sample Forms
Spring 2016
Spring 2016
Spring 2016
Spring 2016
Spring 2016

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