PDF - Microbiology Society
PDF - Microbiology Society
r-nierobiologytcd0y v*lSS i nCIvffi6 qu*cxrt*r{y $T:##{::xinm *'f .' the***c;imt5r , {'*i'6*rlmr'*i nnic;rr;h:i*l*6y IF vcl33(4) i t " ; i r , .ii i i r i , i i 142 News il 178 Schoolzone 1 7 5 A d dr e s s e s1 8 0 Cr a dl i n e 1 8 6 C o i n gP u b l i c 1 88 Reviews 1 7 6 M e e t i n g s 1 8 4 Hot off the press ,. _' .l, i1 1 i \' \r : " - ) 1ti ij"1i. , _ , ,, i i: l r , ! i,..; 1 82 Vacation studentsh ips 190 obituary '.i'i,'- l, "-,.r''' '"-,1' r.ii I i\-,!'.,-:,:,-i Protozoa: the most a b u n d a np t r e d a t o ros n earth 148'species' W. FordDoolittle C e n o m e s e q u e n c e d a t a a r e r a i s i n gq u e s t i o n s o v e r t h e 'sneries' definition of hacterial ThomasCavalier-Smith After decades of radical reform, protozoan Taxono m ic parameters revisited . larnishedgold standards ErkoStackebrandt& JonasEbers M o l e c u l a r s t a n d a r d su s e d t o c h a r a c t e r i z es o e c r e s are outdated and may require re-definipg. 1 56 Virus systematics:taxonomy for the tiny s y s t e m a t i c sr e a c h e sa c o n s e n s u s . 170 Disentangling the trailsof evolution CemmaC.Atkinson& SandraL. Baldauf P h y l o g e n e ttirce e sa r e m a k i n ga n a l y s iosf t h e a b u n d a n c e o f n e w s e q u e n cd e a t ap o s s i b l e . Anne-Lise Haenni& Mike Mayo A host of factors complicate the classificationof viruses. 160 How manyyeasts? C o mm e n tMicrobiologyBytes MeredithBlackwell AlanJ. Cann Whereto startwhen classifying novel v e a s ts o e c i e s . Are 'new media' the future for microbiology education? {-+vr,:r inrr6,*Lightningstrikinga tree.Mike Agliolo/ Science PhotoLibrary ,hj!t+r Dr Matt Hutchings fhe views expressed by contributorsarenot []r:-';i1r r: & $]*lilur.ti$f1 necessarilythoseof the SpencersWood,ReadingRCT1AC TeI.01189881809 Fax01189885656 emailmtodaypsgm.ac.uk webwww.sgm.ac.ukAds*:rliuirieDavidLancaster,McMillan-ScottPLC, Society;nor canthe Londonoffce,10SavoyStreet,LondonWc2E7HRre|.o2o78782316Fax02o7379711Bemaildavid6lmcmslondon.co.ukt.{*1;;lri,-,'lielli: 175 DigitalVision;177lmperialCollege London/SPL;179 MauroFermariello/SPL;181,185 Stockbyte,187 SimonLewis/SPL;189 Tektnage,rSPL claimsof advertisers ii,i;l{l{r'{iTheSocietyfor CeneralMicrobiology t\\}i,l 1464-0570 irri:ri*d hr1LatimerTrend& CompanyLtd,Plymouth,Ul( uc 6udrduLccu. New Editor f or MicrobiologyToday- Matt Hutchings I am delightedto be taking over from CavinThomas as Editor of MicrobiologyToday.I have a long-standing i n t e r e s ti n m i c r o b i o l o g yw h i c h b e g a na s a P h D s t u d e n ti n t h e B i o c h e m i s t rD y e p a r t m e nat t S o u t h a m p t o nU n i v e r s i t y . set up my own laboratoryas an RCUI(fellow in Molecular Microbiology. My researchis focusedon learningmore about the speciessenseand respond waysin which Streptomyces belongto a to their environment.The streptomycetes ln 19981 moved to StephenSpiro'slaboratoryat the much largergroup of bacteriacalledthe actinomycetes Universityof EastAngliato investigatenitric oxideand one of my aims as Editorof MicrobiologyTodayis Paracoccus coli and in Escheilchia gene regulation dependent i n t r o d u c et h i s d i v e r s eg r o u p o f b a c t e r i at o a w i d e r t o another I was offered years UEA, at after 3 denitrifcansand, audience.I am also interestedin the effectsthat microbes postdoctoralpositionin Mark Buttner'slaboratoryat the h a v eo n o u r l i v e s .T h i si n c l u d e sn o t j u s t b a c t e r i ab u t a l l J o h n l n n e sC e n t r e .l t w a s h e r et h a t I s t a r t e dw o r k i n gw i t h Strepto myces coeIi coIor, t h e m o d e l o r g a n i s mf o r the genus Streptomyces. The streptomyceteshave a c o m p l e xl i f e c y c l ew h i c h i s u n u s u aal m o n gb a c t e r i a a n d w h i c h i n c l u d e sh y p h a l growthand sporulation. More importantly,they p r o d u c em o s t o f t h e l se a n t i b i o t i c si n c l i n i c a u today.Earlierthis year I m a d et h e s h o r tt r i p backacrossthe Norwich ResearchParkto UEA to m i c r o - o r g a n i s mTs h . o s et h a t l i v e o n o r i n s i d eu s , e i t h e ra s p a t h o g e no s r c o m m e n s aol r g a n i s m st ,h o s et h a t p r o d u c e primaryor secondarymetabolitesthat are used by the pharmaceutical, food and agriculturalindustriesand t h e f r e e - l i v i n gm i c r o b e sw h i c h h a v eb o t h p o s i t i v ea n d negativeeffectson the ecosystem.Traditionally,we have s t u d i e do n l y t h o s e m i c r o b e sw h i c h a r e c u l t u r a b l ei n t h e laboratory,a tiny fractionof the total microbiallife on this planet.However,recent projectsto sequenceDNA from t h e s o i l ,t h e o c e a n sa n d t h e a t m o s p h e r eh a v er e v e a l e d j u s t h o w l i t t l ew e u n d e r s t a n d a b o u t t h i s d i v e r s em i c r o b i a l w o r l d . I h o p e t o c o v e rs o m e o f t h e s et o p i c sd u r i n g m y time as Editor. I also hope we can useMicrobiologyToday t h e s ei d e a st o a w i d e r a u d i e n c ea n d m a k e to communicate p e o p l ea p p r e c i a t e w h y m i c r o b i o l o g yi s s o i m p o r t a n t . Newsof members ProfessorHilary Lappin-Scott,SCM Sci0ntificMeetingsOfficer,has become Presidentof the lnternationalSocietyfor Microbial Ecology,with effectfrom August2006. to EducationOfficerDr Sue Assinderon her appointmentas Director Congratulations t n i t i n t h e S c h o o lo f E d u c a t i o na t t h e U n i v e r s i t yo f W a l e s , o f t h e A c a d e m i cD e v e l o p m e nU Bangor. AgencyhasappointedProfessorHarry Flint, Head of the Cut The Food Standards Microbiologyand lmmunologyDivisionat the Rowett ResearchInstitute,to its Advisory Committeeon Novel Foodsand Processes. BioSciences Federation As a resultof recent e l e c t i o n st ,h e f o l l o w i n gh a v e been welcomedas new m e m b e r so f t h e C o u n c i lo f t h e B i o S c i e n c eFse d e r a t i o n : ProfessorJohn Coggins, l n s t i t u t eo f B i o m e d i c aal n d LifeSciences,Universityof The Societynoteswith regretthe death of Dr Andrew Robinson,HealthProtectionAgency, PortonDown (member since1973). Clasgow N e w C o r p o r a tM e ember Dr Pat Coodwin (SCM member),Head of Pathogens, Im m u n o l o g ya n d P o p u l a t i o n Studies,The WellcomeTrust PCRreagentsupplier, of syntheticolignucleotides, Welcometo VH Bio, a manufacturer s ,l e c t r o p h o r e sei sq u i p m e n ts, e q u e n c i n ag n d P C R U l ( d i s t r i b u t ofro r s e p s i sP C Rd i a g n o s t i c e ffi ProfessorFrankOdds (SCM member), Professor ti::;ffi::::,:Ji'.:.;#ff[:ffTtlil]ilr;,, lvxrrtlilsrLeEoll-insservice stationApproach, cateshead TeamValleyTradingEstate, ono suooofi En w 'w w; w w w . v h b i o . c o m ) . N E 1 1O z F( e a h e w i t t @ v h b i o . c o m of MedicalMycology, U n i v e r s i t yo f A b e r d e e n . ftS; microbiologytoday n'{}r,' SCM Council Ynr rno J u n eM e e t i n gH i g h l i g h t s Microbiologist of the Year S C Mj o u r n a l so p e na c c e sps o l i c y I t i s n o w a c o n d i t i o no f W e l l c o m eT r u s tg r a n t st h a t p u b l i c a t i o nasr i s i n gf r o m w o r k f u n d e d b y t h e T r u s tm u s t b e m a d ef r e e l ya v a i l a b l w e i t h i n 5 m o n t h so f p u b l i c a t i o no, r i m m e d i a t e l y if an open accesschargehas been paid.The Medical ResearchCouncilhas recentlyagreed t o f o l l o w a s i m i l a rp o l i c y ,w h i l e o t h e r U l ( R e s e a r c C h o u n c i l sh a v es e t r a t h e rm o r e r e l a x e d r e q u i r e m e n t sT. h e p u b l i s h i n gp o l i c i e so f a l l S C M j o u r n a l sh a v eb e e n m o d i f i e dt o i n c l u d e an open acessoption in exchangefor an author-sidepayment(for detailssee Ron Fraser and Robin Dunford'sarticlein the August issueof MicrobiologyToday, p. 1aC4.Further d e v e l o p m e n to s n t h i s f r o n t w i l l b e c l o s e l ym o n i t o r e db y S C M a s o p e n a c c e s sp u b l i s h i n gi s t h e s u b j e c to f i n t e n s ed e b a t ea n d r a p i dc h a n g e . B u d g e 2t O O 7 T h em a i n b u s i n e s o s f t h e s u m m e rm e e t i n go f t h e S C M C o u n c i lw a st h e a p p r o v aol f t h e budget 2007. Thiswas set with either no changesor inflationaryincreases to membership s u b s c r i p t i o nasn dj o u r n a l p r i c e s .I n s t i t u t i o n asl u b s c r i p t i o ntso j o u r n a l sw e r e i n c r e a s e d in l i n e w i t h i n f l a t i o nt,h e i n c r e a s ei n t h e s i z eo f t h e j o u r n a l sa n d t h e s m a l la n n u a ld e c l i n ei n the market. In the caseof the Journalof 1eneral Virology,an allowancewas made for the i n c o m es t r e a md u e t o t h e n e w a r r a n g e m e n tws i t h o p e n a c c e s sc o n d i t i o n sS . C Mj o u r n a l s r e p r e s e net x c e l l e nvt a l u ef o r m o n e y ,g e n e r a l l yb e i n go n e - t h i r dt o o n e - q u a r t eor f t h e p r i c e p e r p a g eo f j o u r n a l sp u b l i s h e db y c o m m e r c i apl u b l i s h e r s . I \-/ (J I lb The York meetingsaw the f i n a l so f t h e S C M ' ss c i e n c e c o m m u n i c a t i o cn o n t e s tT. h i s y e a ra b u m p e rf i e l d o f 1 1 keen postgradsor postdocs, who had been selected as finalistsby the Special I n t e r e sC t r o u p sa n d l r i s h B r a n c ho n t h e b a s i so f t h e i r (either offeredpresentations oral or poster)at recentSCM m e e t i n g sg, a v e1 0 m i n u t e talkson their research. The standardwas amazingly h i g ha n d t h e j u d g e s , p r o v i d e df r o m t h e C r o u p C o m m i t t e e sa n d c h a i r e d b y J o V e r r a n ,E d u c a t i o n& The funds availablefor SCM grantshave been increasedfrom approximatelyf.332kto T r a i n i n gC r o u p C o n v e n e r , had a very difficultjob. The f 3 8 5 k a s a r e s u l to f s i g n i f i c a ni tn c r e a s eisn t h e j o i n t m e e t i n g sa n d t r a v e lf u n d s( s e eb e l o w ) . w i n n e r sw e r e a n n o u n c e d C o u n c im l embers at the SocietyDinner later that evening.The first T h i sw a s t h e l a s tC o u n c i lm e e t i n gf o r H u g h P e n n i n g t o na s S C M P r e s i d e nat n d c h a i r . C o u n c i lm e m b e r st h a n k e dh i m f o r a l l h i s e f f o r t s ,i n p a r t i c u l afro r h i s i n t e r a c t i o nw i t h t h e m e d i aw h i c h h a sh e l p e dt o r a i s et h e p r o f i l eo f m i c r o b i o l o g yi n g e n e r a a l ndthat of the SCM i n t h e p u b l i ce y e .C o u n c i la l s ow i s h e dh i m w e l l i n h i s r o l e a s C h a i r m a no f a W e l s hA s s e m b l y l n q u i r yi n t o a r e c e n tE . c o l i 0 1 5 7 o u t b r e a k T . h e i n c o m i n gP r e s i d e n tR, o b i nW e i s s ,a t t e n d e d t h e C o u n c i lm e e t i n ga s a n o b s e r v e a r n d w i l l t a k e o v e r f r o m H u g h i n S e p t e m b e r2 0 0 6 .) e f f Cole,Jeff Errington,PeterAndrew and Cavin Thomas havealso completedtheir term on C o u n c i l ,a n d t h e P r e s i d e ntth a n k e dt h e m f o r t h e i r e x p e r ti n p u t a n d e n g a g e m e n t . S C M C r a n t sa n d F u n d s T h eS C M C r a n t sa n d F u n d ss c h e m e sh a v eb e e n r e v i s e da, n d t h e o v e r a l fl u n d i n gh a s been increased(seep. 146 for further information).Detailsof the schemesand extended e l i g i b i l i t yc r i t e r i aw i l l b e a v a i l a b l e o n t h e S C M w e b s i t e( w w w . s g m . a c . u ki n) d u e c o u r s e . U n t i l t h e e n d o f 2 0 0 5 ,t h e p r e s e n tc o n d i t i o n sa p p l y . UIrich Desselberger,CeneralSecretary StaffNews Congratulations to StaffEditorAshreenaOsman and her husbandJasonon the birth of a s o nA j a yi n i u n e . Althoughthe baby appearedon the sceneratherearlierthan expectedand had to stayin h o s p i t aflo r w h i l e , h e i s n o w a t h o m e w i t h h i s m u m a n d d o i n gw e l l . mi c r ob i ol o g y o r i z eo f f 5 0 0 w e n t t o J . D . Neufeld (Warwick)for his presentation Methy Iotrop hs in the spotlight.The second prizeof f200 was won by P.A.Rowley (Aberdeen)and the third prizeof f.100 by P.C.Fineran(Cambridge). All finalistswill get free 5CM m e m b e r s h i pi n 2 0 0 7 . F u r t h e rd e t a i l so f t h e competitionand an entry form are availableon the meetingspageof the SCM website.Why not enter by submittingan offered posteror oral presentation for the springmeetingat Manchesternext year?The closingdate for abstractsis 27 November2006, so get crackingl New Council Officers With effectfrom 12 September2006, ProfessorRobin y o l l e g eL o n d o n )c o m m e n c e sh i s 3 - y e a r W e i s s( U n i v e r s i tC term as President.A profileof ProfessorWeissappeared Today.Dr Matt in the Augustissueof Microbiology (U ni versi ty his E ast A ngl i a) al socommen ces of H utchi ngs (see p. 142). Today Microbiology 3-yearterm as Editorof New electedmembersof Council The followingwill serveon Councilfor 4 yearsfrom 12 September2005. ProfessorMichael ) , r R i c h a r dM . H a l l ( C l a x o S m i t h l ( l i n ae n) d D r C a t h e r i n e R . B a r e r( U n i v e r s i t oy f L e i c e s t e r D O'Reilly (WaterfordInstituteof Technology). Mil<eBarer C a t h e r i nO e'Reilly I a m P r o f e s s oor f C l i n i c a l Microbiologyat Leicester U n i v e r s i t yI .t r a i n e di n M e d i c i n ea n d l m m u n o l o g y T r i n i t yC o l l e g eD u b l i n i n 1 9 7 8 a n d c o n t i n u e di n t h e samedepartmentto do my at UniversityCollege L o n d o na n d i n C l i n i c a l Microbiologyat 5t C e o r g e ' sL, o n d o na n d i n Newcastle.My principal researchinterestslie on the interfacebetween bacterial physiologyand infectionand most of my current research i s c o n c e r n e dw i t h t u b e r c u l o s iasn d t h e s t u d yo f b a c t e r i a l c e l l st h a t a r e d i f f i c u l t o c u l t u r e .| f i r m l yb e l i e v ec l i n i c a l and practice m i c r o b i o l o g i s st sh o u l db a s et h e i r r e s e a r c h g i c r o - o r g a n i s masn d s e e kt o p r o m o t e o n u n d e r s t a n d i nm e e t w e e nb a s i cs c i e n c ea n d c l i n i c a l b e t t e ri n t e r c h a n g b practicein this area. I graduatedin Ceneticsat P h D o n p r o l i n eb i o s y n t h e s i s typhimuilum.I then and insertionsequencesin Salmonella moved to the Max PlanckInstitutein Colognefor 2 years as an EMBO postdoctoralfellow where I worked on t r a n s p o s a b leel e m e n t si n m a i z e .F o l l o w i n gt h a t I w o r k e d as an EU postdoctoralfellow in the Departmentof Botany, D u r h a m ,w o r k i n go n o p l n e b i o s y n t h e s iisn A g r o b a c t e r i u m The next 10 yearswere spent at the University tumefaciens. o f S u n d e r l a n dT. h e r eI d e v e l o p e da n i n t e r e s ti n m i c r o b i a l cyanideand nitrile metabolism.I moved to Waterfordin 1 9 9 6 a n d h a v ec o n t i n u e dt o w o r k o n n i t r i l ea n d c y a n i d e m e t a b o l i s mC. u r r e n tr e s e a r c hi s m a i n l yf o c u s s e do n t h e and the use geneticsof nitrile metabolismin Rhodococcus of nitrile-hydrolysing enzymesi n biotransformation. Hall Richard industryfor over I haveworked in the pharmaceutical CultureSciences Microbial head the presently years and 20 g r o u p l o c a t e dw i t h i n C e n e E x p r e s s i oann d P r o t e i n B i o c h e m i s t rayt C l a x o S m i t h l ( l i ni en H a r l o w .M y m a i n interestsare in the expressionand scale-upof recombinant proteins.Followinggraduation(BScBiologicalSciences) I remainedin Manchesterand was appointedas a Research i n c l u d i n gt h e u s eo f m i c r o b i a sl y s t e m st o m i m i c m a m m a l i a n m e t a b o l i s mC. l a x o S m i t h l ( l i nwea s f o r m e d i n 2 0 0 0 a n d I m o v e dt o m y p r e s e n tl o c a t i o ni n 2 0 0 1 . I am marriedwith two daughtersboth at university. H o b b i e si n c l u d ef i s h i n g f, o o t b a l l( l ' m a l o n g - t i m es u p p o r t e r of ManchesterCity) and w a l k i n g( l c o m e f r o m t h e s e p a r t m e not f C h i l d H e a l t h , A s s i s t a ni n t t h e U n i v e r s i t y 'D on brain development. malnutrition of the effects studying I h a d t h e g o o d f o r t u n et o t h e n j o i n C o l i n R a t l e d g e ' s g r o u p ( U n i v e r s i toy f H u l l )w o r k i n go n a s p e c t so f i r o n and was awardedmy PhD metabolismin mycobacteria L a k eD i s t r i c ts o i t i s i n t h e g e n e s l )l.j o i n e d t h e S C M i n 1 9 8 4( l t h i n k C o l i n on i n 1 9 8 3 . I r e m a i n e da t H u l l f o r a p o s t d o c f, o c u s s i n g Mycobacteriumleprae(causalorganismof leprosy). with the Fermentatio& n B i o p r o c e s s i nCgr o u p .I h a v e l n 1 9 8 5 , l j o i n e d C l a x o ,w o r k i n gi n a n a t u r a lp r o d u c t s group basedat Creenford.Followingthe mergerwith where I was Wellcomein 1995,1 moved to Stevenage, recentlyoffered my services t o t h e E d u c a t i o n& T r a i n i n g g r o u p a n d a m d e l i g h t e dt o b e j o i n i n gt h e C o u n c i l . particularlyinvolved in aspectsof biotransformation, 144 talked me into it) and have previouslyworked tlrj microbiologytoday l"r**:r MicrobiologyResea rchMatters S C M h a sj u s t p u b l i s h e ad c o l o u r f u lb o o k l e tt o h e l p c o m m u n i c a t teh e i m p o r t a n c e o f m i c r o b i o l o g i c ar el s e a r c h . b o o l < l eits t o a l e r tt h e p u b l i c to some of the amazing d i s c o v e r i ebse i n gm a d e b y m i c r o b i o l o g i s itns t h e U l ( . M i l l i o n sa r e s p e n te a c hy e a r T h e b o o k l e ti s t h e o n r e s e a r c hi n v o l v i n gm i c r o o r g a n i s m sH. o w e v e r t, h e public can perceiveresearch o u t p u tf r o m a w o r l c s h o p on Communicating M i crobi oIogy or ganized a s b e i n ge s o t e r i ca n d u n l i l < e l y b y t h e S C M . T e ny o u n g to havea significantimpact m i c r o b i o l o g i sjtosi n e d M y c on their livesA . tlention Riggulsford,a professional t e n d st o b e c o n f i n e dt o facilitatorwith extensive c o n t r o v e r s i ai sl s u e s u c h experienco ef writing as avian'flu and MMR s c i e n c ef o r t h e g e n e r a l vaccination,representi p u b l i c ,t o l e a r na b o u t ng t h e m i c r o b i o l o g i c ai nl t e r e s t s s f effective the principleo of only a f ractionof U l( s c i e n t i s t sT.h e i d e ao f t h e s c i e n c ec o m m u ni c a t i o n . T h ec h a l l e n g e for the Croups N e w c o m m i t t e em e m b e r s e , l e c t e db y p o s t a lb a l l o tf o r t h e P h y s i o l o g yB,i o c h e m i s t rayn d M o l e c u l a rC e n e t i c sC r o u p o r e l e c t e du n o p p o s e d( a l l o t h e r C r o u p s )t o s e r v ef o r 3 y e a r s f r o m 1 2 S e p t e m be r 2 0 0 6 a r e a s f o l l o w s : C e l l sa n d C e l lS u r f a c e s A. Cunningham Universityof Birmingham J.R. Fitzgerald Universityof Edinburgh R. Massey Universityof Oxford C l i n i c aMl i c r o b i o l o g y 5. Lang ClasgowCaledonianUniversity D. Mack Universityof WalesSwansea S. Patrick Queen'sIJniversitvBelfast D. Ready EastmanDental Hospital,London C l i n i c aVl i r o l o g y P.Cane Health ProtectionAgency,Porton Down E. MacMahon St Thomas'Hospital,London D. Pillay UniversityCollegeLondon J. Breuer Barts& TheLondon hastaken over as Crouo Convener Edu cat iona n dT r a i n i n g W. Ashraf University of Bradford S.Bur t on Universityof Exeter R .Dix on Universityof Lincoln E n v i r o n m e n tM a il c r o b i o l o g y participants was to then a p p l yt h e l e s s o n sl e a r n t o produce a 1 -pagearticle d e m o n s t r a t teh e n e e d t o p r o v i d ec o n t i n u e d that communicatedthe l<ey p o i n t so f t h e i r r e s e a r c h . s u p p o r tf o r t h e w o r k o f the next generationof Ul( microbiologists. The diversityof the work T h e b o o k l e tw i l l b e d e s c r i b e di n t h e b o o k l e t i s s t r i k i n gP . r o j e c t si n c l u d e distributedfree of chargeto schoolsand t h e p u b l i c .l t w i l l a l s ob e the identificationof novel drug targetsby the m o l e c u l au r n r a v el il n g o f p a t h o g e ng e n o m e st,h e sent to attendeesat SCM MicrobiologyAwareness effect of surfacechemistry on microbial'sticl<iness' Campaigneventsat the H o u s eo f L o r d s t, h e W e l s h A s s e m b l yC o v e r n m e n a t nd a n d t h e u s eo f c h o c o h o l i c bacteriaas a sourceof the ScottishParliament, and w i l l b e d i s t r i b u t e da t a l l alternativeenergy.All of forthcomingMAC events. the projectsillustratethe M e m b e r sw i s h i n gt o o b t a i n r e l e v a n c oe f m i c r o b i o l o g i c a l a c o p y c a n e m a i lp a @ s g m . researchto societyand ac.uk EukaryoticMicrobiology S.l(. Whitehill Universityof Newcastle A. Coldman lJniversityof Sheffeld has taken over as C r o u pC o n v e n e r F e r m e n t a t i oann d B i o p r o c e s s i n g D. Charalampopoulos lJniversityof Reading Food and Beverages K. Jones Universityof Lancaster W. Morrisey C'reenlsleFoods l r i s hB r a n c h J. Morrissey UniversityCollegeCork C. O'Byrne National lJniversityof lreland Calway E.M. Doyle UniversityCollegeDublin has taken over as C r o u pC o n v e n e r M i c r o b i a lI n f e c t i o n B. l(enny Universityof Newcastle P h y s i o l o gB y ,i o c h e m i s tar yn dM o l e c u l aC r enetics C.W Blakely Universityof Edinburgh F. Sargent Universityof EastAnglia Systematics and Evolution R. Goodacre Universityof Manchester L. Hall Bartsand the LondonSchoolof Medicine Virus D.W. Hopkins Universityof Stirling R. Pickup Centrefor Ecologyand Hydrology,Lancaster M. Cranage St Ceorge's,lJniversityof London L. Roberts Universityof Surrey A.J. Sinclair Universityof Sussex C. Whitby Universityof Essex J.A. Walsh Warwick HRI m i c r o b i o l o gtyo d a yn q : v* { ; Crantschemesreviewed 7rl'l The Treasurerhas recentlycarriedout an extensivereview of SCM grant schemes,to reffect A rangeof schemescurrentlyprovidefunding both demand and changingcircumstances. Most of these for membersto attend non-SCMscientificmeetingsin the Ul( and overseas. scientists,such as the President'sFund, but othershave havebeen directed atearly-career offeredfundingto establishedscientistsprovidedthey meet certaincriteriae.g. IUMS difficult Congressgrants.Thesegrantshave proliferatedover the years,becomeincreasingly t o a d m i n i s t e ar n d r e s u l t e di n u n e v e nd i s t r i b u t i o no f m o n e y . Some schemeshavebeen mergedand othersamended,The new ruleswill take effectfrom lanuary2OO7and detailsand applicationforms will be publishedshortlyon the website. Pleasenote: Postgraduate ConferenceCrantsfor SCM meetingsremainunchanged. I I F o r m e e t i n g si n 2 0 0 6 ,y o u s h o u l da p p l yt o t h e c u r r e n ts c h e m e s . S c i e n t i f iM c eetings TravelCrants T h i ss c h e m ew i l l b e o p e n to an extended rangeof early-car eer m icrob io Iogists r e s i d e nw t i t h i nt h e E U , rangingfrom postgraduate studentsto first postdocsand newlyappointedlecturers, F u n d i n gw i l l b e t i e r e d accordingto the locationof t h e m e e t i n g l.h e m a x i m u m grantswill be asfollows:UK (or country of residence)within Europe- f.350: f"2OO; Rest of World - f.5OO.These grantsmay also be usedto supportattendanceon short courses. P r e s i d e n tF' su n d for Research Visits Thisschemeresultsfrom a mergerof the President's Fund- Research Visitand lnternationalResearch Crant s c h e m ew i t h f u n d i n gn o w directedat early-career scientists. in Microbiologists developingcountriesseeking fundingto supporta short researchvisit should apply 146 Crantscovertraveland accommodationexpenses for attendanceat one SCM meetingeachyear. A p p l i c a n t sm u s t b e S t u d e n t M e m b e r sr e s i d e n a t nd registeredfor PhD in an EU country.Closingdate for the ManchesterMeeting: for an UNESCO-IUMS-SCM 23 March 2007. F e l l o w s h i (pw w w . i u m s . Elective Crants Ilowships. o rglTravelgrants/fe Fund i ng for medical/dental/ htm). veterinarystudentsto work S t u d e nS t c h e m e s on m icrobiologicalprojects ? CRADSchoo Clr a n t s Postgraduate student membersregisteredfor a PhD in a Ul( universitycan applyfor fundingto support Crantsare availableto the full cost of coursefees supportshort researchvisits f o r a n a t i o n aC l RADschool. (1-3 months) by early-career Studentsfunded by resident m icrobiologists WellcomeTrust,BBSRC, within the EU, ranging NERCM , RC or EPSRC are from postgraduatestudents entitledto a free placeon through to first postdocs a CRADSchoolcourseand and newly appointed should not applyto this lecturers.Fundingis limited s c h e m eA . p p l i c a t i o n so,n to a maximumof f3,000. the appropriateform, are Retrospective applications consideredth roughoutthe will not be accepted. year but must be made Closingdates:30 March beforebookinga placeon and 12 October 2OO7. Postgraduate Student MeetingsCrants a course. i n t h e i r e l e c t i v ep e r i o d s . The closingdatesfor a p p l i c a t i o nisn 2 0 0 7 a r e 2 7 April and 25 October. c o n s i d e ra c a r e e ri n t h i s a r e a .T h e s t u d e n t s h i p s providesupport at a rate of f.180 per week for a period of up to 8 weeks. A n a d d i t i o n a sl u m o f u p t o {.400 f or specificresearch costsmay also be awarded. Applicationsmust be from S C M m e m b e r so n b e h a l f of named students.The closingdate for applications is 16 February2007. StudentSociety S p o n s o r eLde c t u r e s Thesecoverthe travel and other expensesof up to two speakero sn microbiological topics per Societyeachyear at studentsocietymeetings. Vacation Studentships O t h e rs c h e m e s The 2OO7schemeis now openfor applications. As describedon p. 182 P u b l i cU n d e r s t a n d vi n s of S ci enceA w ards the schemeoffersa greatopportunityfor undergraduates to work on m icrobiologicalresearch projectsduring the summer vacationbefore their final year. The awards,which are made by competition, aim to give students experienceof research and to encouragethem to A reyou pl anni ng any projectsto promotethe publicunderstanding of microbiology? Haveyou got a National Science Week eventi n mi nd?C ra nt sof up to f 1,000areavailable to fundappropriate activities. Applications areconsidered on a firstcome,firstserved basisthroughoutthe year. calendar microbiology today*r*v:#ti Life rTeo n Mars? tv\arsI D i s t i n g u i s h eU d S m i c r o b i o l o g i sHt o w a r dC e s t ,w h o w r o t e a C o m m e n ti n t h e A u g u s t 2005 issueof MicrobiologyTodayon his views on astrobiology,has publisheda short a r t i c l ee x p a n d i n go n t h e c o n t e n to f t h e C o m m e n t ,w h i c h a d d r e s s etsh e u s e f u l n e sosf t h i s new'field'of researchand reviewsnew claimsof organicmatter reportedto havebeen discoveredin Martian meteorites.The articleentitled The2006 AstrobiologyFollies:Return of the PhantomMartian Microbescan be accessedthrough ProfessorCest'swebsite at www. bio.i nd iana.edu/ -gesU ) Thesurface of Marsasphotographed by theViking1 lander.NASA / Science PhotoLibrary SCM membership subscriptions 2AA7 The following rateswere agreedat the ACM of the Societyon 12 September2006. For airmaildespatchof MicrobiologyToday,add f17/us$30 to subscription. Membersare remindedthat their 2OO7subscriptions are due for paymentby 1 December2005. As in previousyears,no journal or meetingsinformationwill be despatchedto memberswho are in arrears,and there will be no guaranteeof provisionof back numbersof journalsfor memberswho paytheir subscriptionlate. Payment AgainstInvoice " Invoiceswere despatchedrecentlyto all memberswho pay b y t h i s m e t h o d . l f y o u d i d n o t r e c e i v eo n e , p l e a s ei n f o r m Please note the MembershipOffice. Continuouscredit card paymentsare no longer available. Alternativemethods areby direct debit (for Ul( bank accountholders)or one-off credit/debitpaymentonline. N e w s e c u r eo n l i n ec r e d i tc a r dr e n e w apl a y m e n t S u b s c r i p t i oW n sa i v e df o r U n e m p l o y eM d embers lf you pay againstinvoice,from now on you will be able t o r e n e wy o u r s u b s c r i p t i o o n n l i n ev i a t h e S C M w e b s i t e ( w w w . s g m . a c . u k l m e m b ew r si )t h e i t h e ra c r e d i to r d e b i t card.Pleaseseeyour invoicefor details. As in previousyears,subscriptionsmay be waived at the d i s c r e t i o no f t h e S o c i e t yf o r u n e m p l o y e dm e m b e r su n d e r t h e a g eo f 3 5 w h o a r e r e s i d e n ti n t h e U l < .l f y o u a r e e l i g i b l e and wish to benefitin this way in 2007 you should send a signedstatementthat you are currentlyunemployedto the MembershipOffice before30 November2005 (pleasenote t h a t n o i n c r e a s ei n j o u r n a l r e q u i r e m e n tw s ill be permitted). Payment by DirectDebit Subscriptionnoticeswere despatchedrecentlyto all memberspayingby direct debit.To continueyour present statusand journal requirements,no further action is necessary. To changeyour membershipstatusor journal requirements for 2007,you should haveamendedyour s u b s c r i p t i onno t i c ea n d r e t u r n e di t t o t h e m e m b e r s h i p officeby 17 November2O06. However,if you have missed t h i sd e a d l i n ey, o u r a m e n d e dn o t i c ew i l l b e a c c e p t e di f i t is submittedimmediatelv. microbiologytoday il*.ioqifi I n c o m eT a xR e l i eof n M e m b e r s h i S p ubscriptions M e m b e r sw h o a r e l i a b l ef o r U l ( i n c o m et a x a r e r e m i n d e d that their annualsubscriptions to the Societyhave been a p p r o v e db y t h e I n l a n dR e v e n u ea s q u a l i f y i n gf o r i n c o m e tax relief.Any member who would like further information or hasdifficultyin obtainingthis reliefshould contactthe ExecutiveSecretary. i o l o g i s t sh a v e l o n g s t r u g p l e d w i t h r h e n r o h l e mo f b'-* h u Le! er n r d e f i n i n o. . ) r_n.d. . . .r.e- ._. .-l g n l z r n g needs for ldentifica[ion and naming " s n e c i e s F re n a n i m a l a n d plant speciesaresometrmes difficult to delimlt. and philosophers disagreeabout the ontothe word. But ^l "o b 'p - * i' c a l r e [ e r e n l so l nrir-roheq - esneci:llr nrok:r\/r)tpS - seem to pose special problems. Their smal1 srze and general uncultivability (only a ver;'small percentagecan grow in the 1ab)confound efforts to describe qnrl r r r - h i v c. r, v, /nfe- qncr-impnq M/nrqe nrokarv,rlesrenrodlrcease\uallv and a r e t h l r s ,i 'n' n r ' r 'i-n' -c' irn' l e u n a b [ et o e o n [ o r m 1t) Frnst V ''a ' ^v]r' s- r "nr o . .n. r. r' l"r.r" . \BJi .o5l o. -p*i c a l S p e c i e sC o n c e p t - ' g r o u p s o J a t t u u l l y o r mioht " "b"' rt ,' l, r, i' l, l, i, n6 o hest 1L v6 he c h , r v' c' . . i.nt ] -o .e.n. e^ r. e. l 2 L6l 1l l-l il tI d mpl hv tt hl l nC tl L nrrntier I P l a r L L l L A l cnmc uridelv "'"'"/ a g r e e d - u p t r nb u t p r o r i s i o n a l ( a n d a i least in some sensearbitrary) speciet d e f i n i t i o nw. h i l e t h e m o r et h e o r e t i c a l l ; driven searchfor a unrlyng species conceptthat would explain patterns o i m i c r o b i a ld i v e r s i t yi n e c o l o g i c aal n d population genetic terms could wait for the accumulation of more data, e c n e c i , r l l v' - l o e n e 5-' and oennme b-''-' qenrrr.nar' d a t a . O p e r a l i o n a l l ym . o l e c u l a rd e f i n i tions havewon the da;. and species a r e l l q l r a l l ve x n e c t e dt o s h a r ea t l e a s t 7 0 o / ob" - -i-n* - -d' b i n s -i-n- s" r a n d a r d i z e D d NAf \ \ ' 1 L . . L - : - : :l - ^ , : . ^ rJr\11 rry rjrlLlrzdLrurl oZo and/Of Of ef 97 ."......-/ potentially interbreeding naturctl popu- o p n p - q e n r r e n r ^ ei d e n t i t i r f n r lations whtch are reproductittely isolated somal RNA (rRNA) (see the article by €>Eberson p. 152). Stach"ebrandt Jromothersuchgroups'. 148 Thrrc. rni{-rnhinlnois.t microbiology I 6S rihn- t o d a y i ] l r ! , i, , i l a Lawrence Lawry / Science Photo Library WhatI S a bacterial species? \tV.Ford Doolittle d iscusses how genomed alaare giving microbiologists causeto th ink carefully abouthow to define the 'species'. within diversity Diversity As a bonus, molecuiar methods allow us to identify and enumerate species in the environment without isolating and cultivating any organisms - for instance,using specific PCR primers to amplify and sequence 165 genes from unfractionated environmental DNA preparations. What we often find is an astonishing number and diversity of apparent species, with few 165 sequencesassignableat the 97 o/olevel to any cultivated isolates - including isolates from the same sampling site. Moreover, many species, as defined by the 97 ok 163 identity cut-off, wili themselvesbe representedby multiple different but similar indivldual sequencesin any sample (Flg. 1). Such gene sequence'microdiversity' is the rule rather than the exception microbiology todayn'*'rii{", I with environmental sampling of many genes(in addition to 165), and may be matched by another kind of variation at the level of genome composition (gene content). Martin Polz and coliaborators have used pulsed-field geL eiectrophoresis to show that Vibno splendidusisolates (with >99ok 165 sequence identity) from a sample site on the Massachusettscoast can differ by as much as a megabase in size, 'at comprising least a thousand distinct geno$pes, each occurnng at extremely Iow enyironmental concentrations bn averagelessthan oneper millilitre)'. Gene content diversity has also emerged as a principal message of more'traditional' complete genome sequence studies, based on cultivated isolates.When such activities began, a decade ago, the thought was that one sequence (that of strain K12) would surely be enough to define Eschenchia coli, one would do for Bacillus subtilis, and so forth. Completion of the second E. coli (O157:H7) gaveus a shock. This sometimes lethal food contaminant proved to have I,387 genesnot presenl in KI2, scatteredin hundreds of small or large clusters around its genome. (Reciprocally,Kt2 had 528 genes nol in Ol57:H7.) The two genomeswere otherwise (aside from one inversion) collnear,exhibiting 98o/oaveraqenucleotide identity (ANI) between shared genes. Now that there are more than three dozen species with more than one strain sequenced,results like this seem to be almost the norm. Strains which are very close on the basis of the sequencesof the genes they do share -....,r.rAuxiliary ;..:.' genes subjectto lateralgene transfer, within and between species Coregenes subjectto homologous recombination, mostlywithin species Species definition may neverthelessdiffer by ,p to 30 % in gene content, the differencesbeing attributable to scoresor hundreds of events of gene gain (mostly by lateral gene transfer) and gene loss after divergence from a common speciesancestor.Although many variable sequences are phages or transposable elements, others are genesvitally important in defining a strain's specificniche. Sometimessuch genesare t{ansferredtogether: 'pathogenicity islands' exemplify this, but the phenomenon is not limited to pathogens. Endosl'rnbiotic nitrogen-fixing strains of Mesorhizobium,for instance, possessan approxi'qrmbiosis island' which encodes not only mately 500 kb the dozen and more genesneeded to form root nodules, but most or all genesneeded for nitrogen fixation and the island's own strain-to-strain transfer. 'species It has recently become popular to think in terms of 'pangenomes' (Fig. l), consisting of a core or genomes' or backbone of genes shared by all strains and an auxiliary or flexible gene pool found only in one or some strains. For some groups, the number of such auxiliary genes abeady exceedsthe number of genes in the core, and just keeps on climbing with each new genome sequenced. Core genes in contrasl get fewer with each new genome. But still there will be hundreds to thousands of core genes for any group we might want to call a species, and they will usually comprise a colinear backbone, within which Iaterally transferred genes and islands can be seen to be embedded. We might use concatenated (strung-together) core gene sequences to define species with greater precision and nuance than either 150 { Fig. 1. Diversityand microdiversity. T r e e sb a s e d o n 1 6 5 r R N A o r o t h e r phylogeneticmarker genes sequences o f t e n s h o w ' m i c r o d i v e r s i t y ' ,e x h i b i t i n g c l u s t e r so f s e q u e n c e sm o r e c l o s e l y r e l a t e d than the value accepted as defining s p e c i e s( v e r t i c a l h a t c h e d r e d l i n e ) . E v e n i n s p e c i e ss o d e f i n e d , g e n o m e s c a n s h o w s u b s t a n t i a l( u p t o 3 0 7 o ) v a r i a t i o n i n s i z e 'species and gene content. A genome' or 'pangenome' can be imagined to comprise c o r e g e n e s s h a r e d b y a l l i t s s t r a i n s ,a n d a s e t o f a u x i l i a r yg e n e s f o u n d o n l y i n s o m e strains. These two classesof genes may have different evolutionarv modes and temoi. W.F. Doolittle DNA-DNA hybridization or 165 allow. Konstantinidis & Tiedje noted that an ANI value of greater than 94 o/ofor core genes characLeizesmost species defined by other means. We might also use phylogenetic trees of concatenated core gene sequences to establish lineage relationships of strains within a species, although for this, homologous recombination poses a complication. Increasingly, many bacteria (and some archaea) turn out to avidly indulge in between-strain homologous recombination. Recombination means that different genes will have different evolutionary histories, and there will be no unique phylogeny relating the genomes of different s[rains of a species. The rate of recombination in bacteria will of course never approach that of animals, who must recombine every time they reproduce, but still it can exceedmutation as a generator of evolutionary novelty This raises the possibility that the Biological Species Concept might appropriately be applied to some bacreria after all, at least in so far as it entails sharing of core genesby recombination in a common gene pool. Cettingthe concept Homologous recombination is one process that confers genomic coherence (within-species similarity and betweenspeciesdivergence)in prokaryotes,just as it does in animals. Members of speciesA will more closely resemble each other than they do members of a sister speciesB, becauseat most core gene loci they share alleies that have arisen within the A genepool. Periodic selectionis another coherence-generating microbiologytoday rre.rv i.'jl"i We will be morelikellrto realizeafult understanding of microbialdiversification if we acceptthat the word 'species', fo, all its utility, may haveno precisereferent. process, which will also homogenize gene content. In this mode, favourable mutations sweep to fixation within a physically or ecologically bounded finite asexual population, carrying the rest of the genome in which they first occurred (and whatever auxiliary genes it might bear) along for the ride. Mutations at other loci than that under selection may of course occur along the wa\, and if homologous recombination is frequent, in the end only the favoured mutation - not the genome in which it first appeared wiil achieve fixation. In different groups and at different times these two forces will vary in strength to promote coherence in gene sequence and/or genecontent, but there is no guarantee that either will maintain or createsharo species boundaries. Divergence i" sequence suppresses recombination, but recombination with divergent sequences might often offer more significant selective advantage. Agents of genetic exchange (phages and conjugation systems) have recognition specificity, but as selfish elements are under pressureto broaden, not restrict, hostrange.Sometimesgeneticprocesses and ecological selective forces may creategroups as genomically coherent as animal species, but there is no compelling theoretical argument that they must always or usually do so, and so far there are insufficient data to say that they generaily have. Lateral gene transfer is no respecter of species boundaries and disrupts genomic coherence, however defined or achieved.More to the point, transfer is often the source of those geneswhose microbiologytodayn*v ir{:i expressionin phenotype most strongly differentiares closely related taxa, and concerns us most as practising microbiologists. So molecular definitions of species based on whole genomes may be only poorly coupled to the ecologicaldrivers of the processes of diversification and adapration we would like to think of as speciation. For this reason Konstantinidis & Tiedje suggesr that microbiologists might better bring their ideas about speciesin line with those of zoologists 'including by only strains that show a >99 % ANI or are less identical at tlte nucleotidelevel,but sharean overlapping ecologcal niche...' (emphasis mine). They are willing ro be flexible about using overall genomic coherence in recognizing species,when phenotypic differences.(which will often be due to laterally transferred genes) seem to warrant it. Our current species definitions and the more genomically based criteria likely ro be adopted soon serve thelr practical purposes as well as we can expect, but there can be no very precise mapping to arry unitary model of diversificarion and adaptation. Thar is, it seemsunlikely that we will soon, if ever, have a uniform speciesconcept that will allow us ro give unqualified (definition-independent) answers to such questionsashow many prokaryotic speciesare there at some particular site, or in the whole world. It's not that there is no hope for a full understanding of microbial diversificarion, adaptation and dispersal - it's just that we will be more likely to realize rhat hope if we accept that the word'species', for all its utility, may have no precise referent. W. FordDoolittle CanadaResearch Chair,Dept of Biochemistry andMolecular Biology, DalhousieUniversity, Halifax,NovaScotia,Canada 83H 1X5(. ford6dal.ca) Fuftherreading Hanage, WP, Fraser, C. 6c Spratt, B.G. (2005).Fuzzy speciesamong recombinogenic bacrena. BMC Biol3, 6. Konstanrinidis, T.K. 6l Tiedje, J.M. (2005). Genomic insights that advance the speciesdefinition for prokaryotes. proc N atl Acadsci U 5 A L02, 2567 -2572. Perna, N.T., Plunkett, G., Burland, V & others (200f). Genome sequenceof enterohaemorrhagrcEschenchiacoli O I 5T : H7 . Nature 4I0, 529-533. Sogin, M.L., Morrison, H.G., Huber J.A., Welch, D.M., Huse, S.M., Neal, pR., Arrieta,J.M. & Herndl, GJ. (2006). Microbial diversity in the deep sea and the underexplored 'rare biosphere'. proc NatlAcadsci USA 103,12I L5-I}IZO. Thompson, J.R., Pacocha,S., pharino, C., Klepac-Ceraj, V, Hunt, D.E., Benoit, J., Sarma-Rupavtarm,R., Distel, D.L. & Polz, M.E (2005). Genotypic diversity within a natural coastal bactenoplankton population.Science 307, 131l-1313. 151 areincludedin Molecularproperties 's ng . Exciti the definition of a pecies' ith the inclusion of defined genomic properties in 'minimal standtaxon ards' of descriptions, molecular data arenow fully acknowledgec in systematic studies of prokaryotes. Depending on the rank of a taxon, these approaches are either mandatory or optional. At the taxonomic level of 'species', molecular properties serve two requirements: first, to verify the and biochemical morphological, chemotaxonomic coherence of strains 'species' by their similarities of a (preferably identity) at the genomic level and, second, to delineate this taxon from phylogenetically neighbouring species of the genus (Wayne hereby ffin*<m new findingsannounced Wbr'u:m show that and Swmas %Kmw&q-*Wrmm&W range similarity a 155rRNAgenesequence above98.7-99o/oshouldbe mandatoryfor of a novel testingthe genomicuniqueness the old valueof ThisoverLurns isolate. 97 o/oand will greatlyfacilitatethe work et al., l9B7 Rossell6-Mora & Amann, 2001). As the taxon'species'represents populations that themselves are the of taxonomists. le Toxonor-r-r poror'neters revlslted: tmrrlirunffi* ffi# *ffir#s stffiru microbiologytoday rl*v fr{i result of different mechanisms and tempi of evolution (Stackebrandtet al., 2002; Geverset a\.,2005), the degree of deviation from nearly absolute phenotypic and genomlc identity (as expected to occur in clones) requires from taxonomists a balanced judgement of evolutionary processesthat they may possibly not be aware of. In order to facilitate and harmonrze taxonomic decisions in a field in which the Biological SpeciesConcept does not apply, an arbitrary and artificial definition has evolved over a century of bacterial taxonomy (Staley& Krieg, L9B4; Stackebrandt,2000); today, 'species' is more stringently the description of [he construct controlled by recommendations than that of any other taxon. While in the pre-Approved Lists era, taxonomists were allowed to follow their own subjectivejudgements, the past 75 yearshave witnessed a more objective and internationally 'species' controlled verification processof descriptions. 'species The predictability of the uniqueness of a noyLLm' has been largely strengthened by the universal applicability of molecular data. Methods applied, to name a few, embrace approximate characterization of the chromosome by determination of the base composition (mol% G+C content) and degree of reassociationof single-strandedDNA (DNA-DNA hybridization) as well as comparison of one- dimensional restriction and PCR patterns (Pukall, 2005); other methods focus on genesand operons, encodlng rRNA and proteins, including typing and sequencing. Each of the methods appiied has its strength in elucidating a defined range of the 4-billion-year evolution of prokaryotes. Though several molecular methods have their merits in taxonomy, 'gold two approaches,the standards', play a dominant role: DNA-DNA hybridization for'species' delimitation, and 165 rRNA gene sequencesimilarities for unravelling more distant relationships among strains. DNA-DNA hybridization can be expressed as percentage reassociationsimilarity or ATof reassociatedDNA strands (Wayne et aL, 1987), but only the first parame[er is in general use. This judgement appears objective when browsing through the past 15 or so volumes of the International Journal oJ Systematicand Evolutionary Microbiology (USEM) (formerly International Journal of SystematicBactenologt), the official publication of the International Union of Microbiological Societies(IUMS). Almost every species description contains a phylogenetic analysisof the tlpe strain based on 165 rRNA gene sequence similarity comparison and many novel speciesare delineated from their phylogenetic neighbours by DNA-DNA reassociation valuesbelow 70o/o. 4 Cold standards. Digital Vision microbiology today $$ri iJi;i; s i m i l a r i t i easn d D N A - D N A r e a s s o c i a t l o n W F i g . ' i .C o m p a r i s oonf 1 6 5 r R N A g e n es e q u e n c e s p e c i e sd e s c r i p t i o nfsr o m v a l u e sD . a t ah a v eb e e nc o m p i l e df r o m p u b l i c a t i o ncso n t a i n i n g of reassociation methods: IJSEM55 (2005).Thedifferentcoloursreferto broad categories r e d , m i c r o t i t r ep l a t et e c h n i q u ee, . g .E z a kei t a l . ( 1 9 8 9 ) ;d a r kb l u e ,s p e c t r o p h o t o m e t r i c , e m b r a n ef i l t e rm e t h o d ,e . g .T o u r o v a& t e c h n i q u ee, . g .D e L e ye t a l . ( 1 9 7 0 ) ;l i g h t - b l u em a t a | . 2 0 0 5 ) ,o r , . g .d o t h y b r i d i z a t i o(nA m a k a t e A n t o n o v( 1 9 8 7 ) ;b l a c k ,o t h e rm e t h o d s e n o t d e f i n e d .H o r i z o n t arlu l e sb e t w e e ns q u a r e si n d i c a t ed a t ao b t a i n e db y t w o d i f f e r e n t t ei nda r y1 6 5 . r r o w sp o i n t t o t h e p o s i t i o no f i n s i l i c o - r e c a l c u l a b r e a s s o c i a t i omne t h o d sA r R N Ag e n es e q u e n c se i m i l a r i t vy a l u e so f s e q u e n c edse p o s i t e db y A m a k a t ae t a l . ( 2 O O 5 ) . f h e h o r i z o n t abl l u e b a r i n d i c a t etsh e t h r e s h o l dr a n g ea b o v ew h i c h i t i s n o w r e c o m m e n d etdo p e r f o r mD N A - D N A r e a s s o c i a t i oenx p e r i m e n t st h; e h o r i z o n t arle d b a r i n d i c a t etsh e t h r e s h o l d d tC o e b e l , 1 9 9 4 )E d tJ . E b e r s . . S t a c k e b r a n& v a l u e sp u b l i s h e dp r e v i o u s l(yS t a c k e b r a n& Despite the imporlance of the DNA-DNA reassociation approach, most microbial taxonomisls are not in a position to pedorm these studies and need collaboration with specialized laboratories. Experience is needed in isolation and purification of DNA and, although one can choose from -Mora, a v ariety of differen t hybrrdization metho ds (Rosse1l6 2005), none of these is straightforward to appiy without thorough training. But these are not the only reasons for the aversion to this technique: the method of reassociation of denatured DNA strands of two different slrains unfolds the homologous genome stretches that are involved in the reassociation process. in these times of complete genome sequences and the teaching of sequence techniques to undergraduates, this failure to examine the mechanisms behind the process makes DNA-DNA reassociation seem like a method salvaged from the past. Also, a significant number of physico-chemical parameters, genome size, the presence of large plasmids, DNA purity and other factors, influence the hybridization results; reciprocal values may differ by rp to 15 o/o.Unlike sequences,which must be deposited in public databasesfor inspection of quality, no reviewer of a new speciesdescription is in a position to judge DNA reassocialion values. Last, but nol least, as the data are not cumulative, studies on a large number of closely Pseudomonas, related species(i.e. in the genera Streptomyces, Aeromonasor certain groups of Bacillus)may become a search for the end of the rainbow. However, il must be conceded that the requirement to provide evidence for overall genomic and phenetic similarity among members of a species on the one hand, while proving dissimilarity of characler traits between members of different species on the other, works well, and has set the stage for stability in prokaryotic taxonomy, keeping in mind the artificial definition with which'species' are described. At the beginning of the 1990s, with the release of the avalanche of 165 rRNA gene sequences,il became obvious that sequence similarities and DNA reassociation values obtained for the same strain pairs do not show a linear 6sAmann, 2001; Foxet aL,1992', relationship(Rosse116-Mora could be demonstratedon GoebeI,1994).It & Stackebrandt the basis of a limited dataset that, below a threshold value 154 of 98.5 o/ogene sequence similarity, the corresponding DNA reassociationvalues were always lower than 70 o/o.In order to reduce the workload involved in DNA-DNA reassociation experiments, it was suggestedthat reassociationexperiments need onlybe performed for strainsthat shared 165 rRNA gene sequencesimilarities higher than about 97 .0 o/o(Stackebrandt & Goebei, 1994). This value was lower than that determined from the literature, but was suggested from a taxonomically conservative point of view Having been cited more than 1,350 dmes since 1994, this demarcation value indeed turned ou[ [o be a guide for researchersand reviewers. In order to update the correlation between these two taxonomic parameters,we screenedall articles published in volume 55 of ISEM and are now able to revise the results published in L994 (Fig. 1). Rather than 97.0 o/o,we now recommend a 165 rRNA gene sequence similarity threshold range of 98.7-99o/o as the point at which DNA-DNA reassociation experiments should be mandatory for testing the genomic uniqueness of a novel isolate(s). The graph compiles 380 data points obtained by al1 major hybridization techniques performed on representatives of most phyla of prokaryotes (only values above 96 % similarity areshown in Fig. 1). Only two studies on three strain pairs revealed that, at 165 rRNA gene sequencesimilarity lower than 99 o/o,thecorresponding DNA reassociationvalues were higher than 70o/o. Our criticism is also directed towards a somewhat careless handling of 165 rRNA gene sequences. Many sequences deposited in public databasesappear to be direct downloads from computer printouts, lacking rigorous inspection of quality and secondary-structure feasibility. As sequenceerrors decreaserather than increasesimilarity values, the relatedness between organisms with erroneous sequences is lowered. Indeed, there are some sequences of highly related strains which show deviations from highly conserved secondary structure features.We have critically analysed the quality and similarity values of 165 rRNA gene sequences for one data set that show higher than 70 o/oDNA reassociation values at 165 rRNA gene sequence similarities below 99 % (marked in black in Fig. 1). Though we had access to neither the strains nor the original data, in silico corrections of nucleotide idiosyncrasies meant that the similarity values increased by microbiologytoday r"i*ritlt$ @ aa + .t@ s a o\ a at s a+ + es a<}('} . ?oa o so o o@ oo @ h .I E .O c) t Q c q) f, ry c) o c )c tt qJ z t t /') + fo0 +a @ at a a@a+t oo o oo oao aoo tt*' + o oo a ot +e at \o e ?{ta ooo+a o+oo oo ao a o r$i9 I o a++ o a a (%) DNA-DNA reassociation up to 0.Bo/o,pushing them over the 99 o/oline'. these values are indicated by arrows in Fig. l. It appears to be critically important to check the quality of sequences according to secondary features prior to deposition in public databases. This recommended increaseof about 2.0o/oin 165 rRNA genesequencesimilarity mll significanrly facilirate the work of taxonomistswithout sacrificing the quality and precision of a 'species' description. As indicated above, DNADNA hybridrzanon constiruresthe bottleneck of taxonomic studies among closelyrelated'species', and taxonomists should acknowledgethe updated correlation curve and welcome the expected reduction in workload. As the artificial cut-off value of around 70o/o reassociationmay not have phylogenetic significance, tare examples may exist and will arise in the future in which reassociationvalues around and above 70o/o emerge aL corresponding 165 rRNA genesequencesimilarities around 99.0o/o.in these cases, taxonomists are reminded of the article of Wayne et aL (1987), summafiztng an overall concern of these authors 'that any phylogenetically based taxonomicschemes that result must also show pLtenotypic consistency' . ErkoStackebrandt andJonasEbers DS M Z- Deut s c he S a mml u n g vo nM ik r oor ganisme u nnd ZelIkulturen, Mascheroder Weg 1b,38124Braunschweig Cermany (E.Stackebrandt: t"+49 53 1261 6 3 52;* er k o@ds m z .d e ) m i c r o b i o l o g yt o d a y r ' i ; r , {|r:a;*rr:rzr*g Prokaryot"es,pp. 23-50.Editedby i E. Stackebrandr. Heidelberg: Springer. n l Amakata, D., Matsuo, Y., Shimono, K., t P a r k , J . K . ,Y u n , C . S . ,M a t s u d a ,H . , i Rossello-Mora, R. & Amann,R. (2001). Yokota, A. & Kawamukai, M. (2005). i Mitsuana chitosanitabidagen.nov, sp. nov., an aerobic, chitosanase-producing member ol the'Betaproteobactena' . Int J SystEvolMicrobiol55, 1927*1932. i The speciesconcept for prokaryotes. i FEMS Microbiol Rev25, 39-67. i j Stackebrandr, E. (2000). Defining taxonomic ranks. In The Prolzaryotes. i An EyolvingElectronicResource the for i MicrobiologlcalCommunity,release3.1. i Edited by M. Dworkin and orhers. New De Ley,J., Cattoir, H. & Reynaerts,A. ( 1 9 7 0 ) .T h e q u a n t i t a r i v em e a s u r e m e n t of DNA hybridization from renaruration raLes.Eur J Biochem12" 133-142. i York: Springer. http://link.springer; nycom4inUsenrce/books/IOI25/ Ezaki, T., Hashimoto, Y. & Yabuuchi, E. ( i9B9). Fluorometric deoxyribonucleic r Stackebrandt,E. & Goebel, B.M. (1994). ; A place for DNA-DNA reassociation acid-deoxyribonucleic acid hybridi zation in microdilution wells as an alternative to and 165 rRNA sequenceanalysisin the present speciesdefinition in bacteriolog;r i t Int I SystBactenol44" 846-849. : membrane filter hybridizaLion in which radioisotopesare used to determine geneticrelatednessamong bacLerial i Stackebrandt, E., Frederiksen, W, strains.Int J SystBacteriol39,224-229. i Fox, G.E., Wisotzkey,J.D. 6l Jurtshuk, P.,Jr (1992). How closeis close:165 IRNA sequenceidentity may not be ; i Garrity,G.M. & I0 other authors (2002). Report oi rhe ad hoc commitree sufficientto guaranleespeciesidentity. Int J SystBactenol42, 166-170. Gevers,D., Cohan, FM., Lawrence,J.G. & B other authors (2005). Re-evaluating prokaryotic species.Nat RevMicrobiol3, 733-739 for the re-evaluation of the species r definition in bacteriolo gy. Int J SystEvol i Microbiol 52, IO43-I052. i Staley,J.T.6r Krieg, N.R. (1984). r BacterialclassificationI. Classificationo{ i pro.uryotic organisms:an oveMew In : Bergeys Manual of SystematicBactenologt, r vo1. 1, pp. 1-4. Edired by N.R. Krieg & i J G Ho1t. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins. Pukall, R. (2005). DNA fingerprinrrng techniques applied to the identification, r Tourova, T.P & Anronov, A.S. (1987). [axonomy and community analysls of prokaryotes. In Molecularldentification, Systematics, and PopulationStructureof I Identification of microorganlsms by 1 rapid DNA-DNA hybridization. Methods i Microbiol 19, 333-355. Proleary otes,pp. 52-82. Edired by E. Stackebrandt.Heidelberg:Springer. r Wayne, L., Brenner, DJ., Colwell, R.R. & 9 other authors (1987). Inrernatlonal ' ; Committee on SystematicBacteriologz ' R"port of the ad hoc committee on Rossello-Mora, R. (2005). OXeDNA reassociationmethods applied to microbial taxonomy and therr critical evaluation. In Molecularldentif.cation, Systematics, and PopulationStructureof i i reconciliation of approachesto bacterial ; systematics.Int J SystBacteiol3T , | 463-464. rUS otios: syster'rr toxonor-nyfor the tlnY posesdifferentproblems of viruses Theclassification moreelaborate lifeformsas fromthoseof classifying HaenniandMike Mayo describe. Anne-Lise lt question frequently asked of virologists by non-viroiogists is - are viruses living? Perhaps one answer to this chestnut is in the nature of virus systematics. Although molecular in scale (circoviruses have -20 nm diameter virions and -2 kb ssDNA genomes; viroid genomes consist of ssRNA of only -0.3 kb), viruses and viroids are replicated by error-prone mechanisms that result in variations from which natural selection yreids distinctive forms fitted to particular niches. Thus one can study and describe virus variation, investigate the causesand consequences of this variation and manipulate the data to produce a system of classification. This constitutes a classic definition of systematics and can be said to describe much of current virological research activity. any number of organisms, that allows easier reference to its components, nomenclature - the construction of a system of names ard. a formal guide to their use in ta*onomy, and taxonomy- the process of naming organisms and classifying them hierarchically to express their mutual relationship in a simplified way and according to internationally agreed codes of practice. In virology, these activities are undertaken by the International Committee on the Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV). ICTV consists of a network of some 500 virologists organued into Study Groups for particular groups of viruses (e.9. a family) that report to a subcommittee for each of the major groups of hosts (vertebrates, invertebrates, plants, prokaryotes, or fungi, protozoa and algae). The Chairs of these subcommittees form the backbone of the Executive Committee of ICTV It is feasible to administer virus taxonomy (including Background nomenclature) through such an organization because of the relatively small number of virus species currently recognized.In contrast to the approximately 17,000 new species Intrinsic to any biological research are classification - the production of a logical system of categories, each containing 156 m i c r o b i o l o g yt o d a yn o v 0 6 Genome Family Genera Myovindae Siphottiidae Podoviridae Tectivindae Corncoyiridoe Plasmavindae Lipothrixwndae ktdiviidae Fuselloviidae Hosts Cenome size (kb) Pro Pro Pro Pro Fro Pro Pro Fro Pro t69 43, -ssRNA AA 15 13 10 33 '1 5 +ssRNA RT Viroids dsRNA T a b l e1 . V i r u sf a m i l i e sa n d s o m er e p r e s e n t a t i vper o p e r t i e s Abbreviations: Pro, prokaryotes; V, vertebrates;l, invertebrates; P l , p l a n t s ;F ,f u n g i .C o l o u r si n d i c a t em a i n h o s t s g , r a d i e n t s i g n i f ym o r e t h a n o n e t y p e o f h o s t .C e n o m es i z e sa r ef o r a r e p r e s e n t a t i vsep e c i e s . of animals that are described every year,the virus world consists of a mere 1,950 species. As parasite diversity surely parallels host diversity, this number is cleariy a massive underrepresentation,but is probably held in check because to establish a new virus speciesis a laborious researchexercise and only'important'hosts such as man are studied intensively Viruses are diverse in genome type and size and infect hosts in all major types of organisms. The table shows the currently recognized virus families clustered according to genome type. Taxonomy above the level of families is at presenl limited to the recognition of three orders, most families are not clustered into orders and some genera microbiologytodayi'r*v {:# are as yet unassigned to taxa above the level of genus. This reflects some of the uncertainties in current vinis taxonomy The nomenclature of virus taxa. in particular species,differs fundamentally from that of the rest of biologr It is regulated by the International Code of Virus Classificationand Nomenclature, which is published on the ICTV website (www. danforthcenter. or$kab/ ICTVnet/asp/_MainPage.asp) and in reports such as the current 8th ICTV Report. This article is concerned only with the classificationaspectsof ICWs work, in particular the factors that complicate virus classification: the intrinsicpropefiies ofviruses and the probable evolutionary origins of viruses. Complicating factorsproperties of viruses As for many microbes, morphological charactersare of limited use (although the advent of electron microscopy did lead to significant taxonomic advances) and small genetic changes can resuh in substantial changes in pathological impact. Virus genomes are small (see Table l) and can often vary rapidly However, it is now possible to obtain nucleotide sequences very quickly, sometimes without isolating the virus from its host. By using appropriate software, evolutionary distances between sequencescan be deduced and phylogenetic trees obtained. This assumesthat the sequencesare derived from a single ancestral sequence and 157 bination between gene blocks has happenedduring the evolutionof these viruses (Fig. 1). Expecting sequence comparisonsand the resulting trees to produce a durable classification is thus, at least in some instances,a naive approachto virus classification. Whereasit works for somevirus taxa, for othersa more arbitraryand broadly based approach that uses multiple criteriais clearlynecessary that differences have arisen by mutation of single bases. Such a model seems most reasonable when sequences are clearly similar, such aswhen viruses in a genus are compared. When other sorts of sequence variation have happened, such as recombination, these simple comparison techniques are likely to lead to erroneous conclusions. This is vrvrdly illustrated by the genomes of viruses that are classifi.edin the family Luteoviidae. There is no dispute that viruses in this famrly are related both in sequence details and in their biology (all are transmitted by aphids in a circulative fashion that involves virions crossing several barriers inside aphid bodies). The RNA genomes of luteovirids consi.stlargely of two geneblocks, one of structural genes and the other of replication-related (pol) genes (Fig. been formed by recombination ( oining of parts of separategenomes to produce a new genome) anilor reassortment (making new combinations among separate pafts of the genomes of viruses with genomes, such as multipartite influenza viruses), resulting in chimeric viruses with polyphyletic (i.e. hybrid) genomes whose origins cannot be represented in a monophyletic scheme. 2. Genomes of some viruses seem to contain genes acquired from their hosts. 3 . Viruses are unlikely to be descended from one original'protovirus'; they probably arose more than once, but when and how many times is unclear. 4 . Genomes of some viruses (..g. retroviruses) integrate into the genomes of the hosts, where they are subject to selection pressures factorsComplicating evolutionaryhistory Biological taxonomy is well suited to classifying organisms that are related to one another via simple branched and diverging descent, with reiatively long evolutionary distances between successive branch points. However, virus evolution differs from this simple paradigm in several ways. 1. Genomes of some viruses, such as luteovirids (see above; Fig. l), have 1). The phylogenetic trees obtained by comparing luteovirid structural genes confirm the family cluster and show a separation of species into the constituent genera. But when pol genes are compared with those of other viruses, the genera Luteovirus and Polerovirus differ greatly and each seems more closely related to one or the other nonluteovirid genus. It seems that recom- t e n e r ai n t h e f a m i l y o r i g i n so f t h e g e n o m e so f v i r u s e si n d i f f e r e n g V F i g .1 . D i a g r a mo f p o s s i b l e The upper boxescontainhypotheticalgenomesand assumethatthe ancestorsof Luteoviridae. t o m b u s v i r u s easn d s o b e m o v i r u s ehsa dg e n o m e sl i k et h o s eo f t h e i r c u r r e n t - d acyo u n t e r p a r t s . genes. Redboxesrepresentblocksofstructuralproteingenes.pol signifiesreplication-related ? signifiesa gene block of unknowntype. Furtherdetailscan be found in the 8th ICTVReport. Ancestorof Ancestorof Ancestorof genusSobemovirus familyLuteoviridae genusTombusvirus l,lE I I V CenusLuteovirus CenusPolerovirus ridae fami ly Luteovi Present-day 158 microbiologytoday n*v il6 different from those applying to independently replicating genomes. 5. Some viruses infect more than one type of host (one often serving as vector for transmission between other hosts) and therefore will have evolved in response to complex selection pressures. Any or all of these factors greatly complicate, if not vitiate, attempts to deduce phylogeny from studies of current genome sequences and thus, whatever the taxonomic arrangement, some viruses and/or taxa will always seem to be misfits. Conclusion Notwithstanding the complications, some sort of classifi.cation is fundamentai to most virological research, whether it be deducing the nature of a new disease agent by working out which of the known taxa it most resembles or developing a better understanding of the nature of a virus by predicting properties based on its assumed classification. To develop and maintain such a classification, ICTV communicates with virologists in several ways. Via its website, ICTV provides marry of the details of its organizatron as well as current issues in virus taxonomy ICTV also publishes regular formal repofts (such as the recent 8th ICTV Report) and occasional notes in the Virolog;r Division News section of.Archives of Virolog,. AIso, workshops, such as the recent meeting on virus evolution and taxonomy which has been summarized by U. Desselberger,^re held and, as work progresses,ICTV expects to org nuzefurther such workshops. New viruses are being discovered all the time. Some can be fitted into existing taxonomic structures (e.g. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus; SARS-CoV), making it possible to predict their properties, and others are unlike anything seen previously (e.g. Acanthamoeba polyphaga mimivirus). Thus, virus taxonomy must have both an internal logical justification and a capability of expansion to accommodate novelty Whatever the virological endeavour, virus taxonomy should provide a provocative framework to whlch all virologrsts can contribute. Current ICTV practice aims to achieve this. Anne-LiseHaenni CurrentICTVSecretary Monod,CNRSand Universities Vl InstitutJacques - Tour43,75251Paris Jussieu andVll, 2 Place Cedex05, France (e haenni@ rjmjussieu.fr) Mike Mayo ICTVSecretary,1999-2005 Institute,Invergowrie, ScottishCrop Research D undeeD D 2 5D A ,U l < (e [email protected]) Furtherreading Fauquet,C.M.,Mayo,M.A., Malinoff,J.,Desselberger, U. & Ball, L.A. (editors) (2005). Virustaxonomy,VlllthReport Press. oJtheICTV.London:Elsevier/Academic Desselberger, U. (2005). Reporton an lCTV-sponsored q'rnposiumon virus evolution.ArchVirol L50,629-635. must have bothan internal Virustaxonomy o f expansion logicalj ustification anda capability novelty.Whateverthe to accommodate should virustaxonomy endeavour, virological providea provocative frameworkto whichall virologistscancontribute. microbiologytoday nsv fi6 Flowr-nonyyeosts? morethan 300 Facedwith classifying from insectguts, isolated novelyeasts hashadto consider MeredithBlacl<well issues. manysystematics ne, two, three ... 300? At a time when systematists are interested in biodiversity, it is important to be abie to enumerate numbers of organisms. For example mycologists believe that many fungi remain to be discovered to reach the totai estimated 1.5 million species.Numbers of speciesare dependent to some extent on a choice of a speciesconcept, a topic that has been the subject of heated discussions among systematists of all organisms. My colleagues and I study yeasts that inhabit the gut of insects feeding on fungi. After 6 years of periodic collecting in Panama and the southern USA, a limited geographical range, we believe we have approximately 300 novel ascomycete yeast species in a group (Saccharomycetales) currently estimated to contain about 800 species.Yeastsare essenlial to decomposition in many environments and some are imporlant economically We hope to discover that our yeastsare both ecologicaily and economically significant, but for the moment we are preoccupied with determining and describing unique species from the poorly investigated beetle gut habitat. A dramatic shift in my research occurred when I put aside the study of life cycles and phylogenies of insectdispersed fungi with complex life histories, some involving m i c r o b i o l o g yt o d a y n * r i * S [wo unrelated hosts and as many as three distinct morphological states in the same life cycle. I was diverted from such remarkable fungi by Dr Sung-Oui Suh, a postdoctoral researcher in the laboratory to the study of yeasts from the gut of mushroom-feeding beetles. Our researchemphasis changed, therefore, not only to fungi with an extremely simple morphology, but also to resolving different questionsset at lower taxonomic leveis.Becauseof the presenceof relatively few morphological characters in yeasts,physiological traits have been used as phenotypic characters,but such traits often are too plastic to serve as stable markers for species. What is a species? Our need for a speciesconcept became urgent when, in our first year of studying insect gut yeasts, we discovered almost 100 potentially undescribed taxa. Then there were 200, and today, aimost 300 undescribed yeasts. We 'species' spoke glibly about numbers of without considering exactly how we defined them. There is no shortage of species concepts from which to choose, and, perhaps much of the confusion surrounding the topic rests with {-i{"'; m i crobi o logy today il i,:riJ' separating theory from practice. An excellent discussionof speciesconcepts applied specifically to fungi byJohn W Taylor and colleagues, distinguishes theoreticalandoperationalaspectsof the question. In their evaluation of species concepls, outlined by R.L. Mayden, they acceptedthe Evolutionary Species Concept (ESC) of G.G. Simpson as a primary theoretical species concept. Briefly, the ESC defines a species as a group of organisms with a history 'maintains of common descent that its identig from other such lineages...' . Mayden considered other concepts: Morphological SpeciesConcept (MSC), Biological Species Concept (BSC) and Phylogenetic SpeciesConcept (PSC) to be secondary to, but compatible with, the ESC. Taylor and colleagues discussed speciesconceptsin terms of recognition criteria and pointed out that these are not specifiedby the ESC, although they are inherent in secondary operational concepts such as the MSC, BSC and PSC. Moreover, theoretical and operational concepts can be separated 4 F a rl e f t :W . o o d - b o r i n gp a s s a l ibde e t l e sa t t e m p ta n e s c a p ei n t o t h e i r t u n n e l s T . h eb e e t l e s i n h a b i tw o o d p r e v i o u s liyn f e c t e db y w h i t e r o t b a s i d i o m y c e t e t hsa t h a v er e m o v e dc e l l u l o s e a n d l i g n i n ,m a k i n gt h e w o o d s u i t a b l ef o r b e e t l ei n v a s i o nT. h e s eb e e t l e sh a r b o u rv e r yd i f f e r e n t y e a s t sw h e n c o m p a r e dt o t h o s eo f f u n g u s - f e e d i nbge e t l e sa, n d t h e i r h i n d g u t m i c r o b i o t a yeasts.MeredithBlackwell includesxylose-fermenting { Farright.Where are all the yeasts?Novelgut yeastsare known from the beetleEllipticus sp.(Erotylidae) shown feedingon sporulatingpatchesof Tinctoporellus epimiltinus (BasidiomycotT a )h.eb a s i d i o m y c e ti se o n e o f t h e s p e c i e tsh a t i s w i d e s p r e a d i n L o u i s i a naas w e l l a s o t h e r p a r t so f t h e C a r i b b e a nb,u t t h u s f a r a s s o c i a t eidn s e c t sa n d y e a s t sh a v em u c h more restricteddistributions. )osephV. McHugh V L e f t .Y e a s t - h a r b o u r ienngd o m y c h i db e e t l e sa r ef o u n d f e e d i n go n a v a r i e t yo f f u n g i ,i n c l u d i n g someascomycetes, the dark patchesseenhere.JosephV.McHugh V Right.The largererotylidbeetle(Megischysus sp.)and three scaphidiine(Staphylinidae) beetles f e e d i n go n a r e s u p i n a tpeo l y p o r eT. h ep r e s e n c o e f d i f f e r e n tb e e t l e so n t h e s a m ef r u i t i n gb o d y h a sb e e np o s t u l a t e a d s p r o v i d i n go p p o r t u n i t yf o r h o s ts w i t c h i n gb y t h e i r g u t y e a s t sJ. o s e p hV . McHugh 'species concept' and on the basis of 'species recognition'. The criteria for recognition of species are inherent in the name of the concepts: basically (t) morphology, (2) reproductive competence and (3) position in a phylogenetic tree. For most fungi morphology is very simple - in fact that is why yeasts (and bacteria) were distinguished by physiological trails early in the history of their systematics. Physiological traits, while no longer considered to be the best charactersfor recognizing species, do provide clues to ecological function and help in the recognition of yeast guilds that share similar nutritional resources. Tests of the BSC relying on reproductive compatibility do not work well for most fungi, because many are asexuaL and many more are self-compatible and do not outcross. 20 o/o of alL fungi are estimated to be asexual; for ascomycete yeasts the proportion is even greater with 215 asexual to 265 ascospore-producersrecorded in I 998. That many of the ascospore-formers are non-outcrossing yeasts increases the count even more. The use of two of the criteria, morphology and sexual compatibility, to distinguish specieshas been played down on the grounds that these recognition criteria cannot be applied with an expectation of precise success. The criteria, however, should not be completely disregarded, because they have been the basis of so many currently recognized fungi. Recent comparisons of fungal speciesbased on morphological or reproductive compatibiiity criteria, however, indicate that species numbers usually, although not always,are underestimatedby comparison with species recognized on the basis of DNA analysis, because changes in morphology and reproductive capacfiy often Iug behind genetic change. Phylogenetic species recognition is also favoured because it can be applied readily to all fungi. Fungi share characters from DNA sequences that, regardless of morphology or reproductive capability, can be collected and analysed to produce gene genealogiesof potential species. Linesof demarcation At this point an operational problem arises:where to draw the speciesline? Is it appropriate simply to draw a line based on a clusterinq of terminal taxa in a tree?Taylor and colleaguesappiied a non-arbitrary method, genealogical concordance, that relies on agreemenl of several different gene genealogies to indicate placement of the line of species limits. Varyrng degrees of discordance among genealogies indicates that lineage sorting and fixation of genes is not compiete and isolation of the population has not happened. Phylogenetic Species Recognition by genealogical concordance has been applied successfully to a wide variety of basidiomycetes and ascomycetesas well asnon-fungal organisms, including prokaryotes. Delimiting300 new species? How do we delimit and describe 300 new yeasts within the 6-year period of granl funding? This is a huge problem becauseof the constraintsof community expectations and nomenclature code resfrictions. We characterrze the yeasts using DNA sequences, a feat rapidly accomplished by a team of hardworking undergraduates. By I99B Cletus Kurtzman and colleagues had sequenced the Dl/D2 region of the large subunit nuclear ribosomal RNA gene (LSU rDNA) of all available yeast m i c r o b i o l o g yt o d a yn e l v# * ; Our fieedfor a spefies ffifl{epf&eca me ursenr ynhen , in ourf rsf year o! studyrnsinsecfSfffyeasfs, rn/sdlscoyersd a/rnosf100 psf#ntiat{yund*scribed faxn, f&snf&erewsrr ;00, iSO... A Trip.Many insectshaveintimateassociations with yeasts,but so do o t h e ra n i m a l sT. h en e s to f a p a n a m a n i abni r d c o n t a i n s p e c k l e de g g s a n d i s c o m p o s e di n l a r g ep a r to f r h i z o m o r p h st h, e d a r k , n a r r o w _ d i a m e t e fri l a m e n t st h a t a r e m a d eu p o f r o p e so f m i c r o s c o p itch r e a o l i k es o m a t i cs t r u c t u r eos f f u n g i . N h uH . N g u y e n A S o t t n m ,C a r m e nR o d r i g u e(zU n i v e r s i toyf C e o r g i aa) n d N h u N g u y e n ( L o u i s i a nSat a t eU n i v e r s i t y p ) ,a r t i c i p a n ti sn t h e N a t i o n aS l cience F o u n d a t i oR n e s e a r cE h x p e r i e n c ef os r U n d e r g r a d u a t e p sr o g r a m , c o l l e c tb e e t l e sa t t h e s m i t h s o n i a T n r o p i c aR l e s e a r cIhn s t i t u t eB , arro C o l o r a d ol s l a n ds i t e ,P a n a m aS. t u d e n t sa c q u i r em a n ys k i l l sf r o m c o l l e c t i n gi s, o l a t i n g a n d p u r i f y i n gy e a s t si n c u l t u r et o p e r f o r m i n ga n u m b e ro f m o l e c u l atre c h n i q u e sJ.o s e p hV .M c H u g h { L e f t .B u d sm a k et h e y e a s tT . h i sp h o t o m i c r o g r a pohf t h e t y p e o f a n e w s p e c i e cs o l l e c t e da t t h e s m i t h s o n i a T n r o p i c aR l e s e a r cIhn s t i t u t e , B a r r oC o l o r a d ol s l a n d ,P a n a m ai ,l l u s t r a t eyse a s tb u d s .T h en a m eo f t h e s p e c i e si s, o l a t e df r o m g u t o f a f u n g u s - e a t i nbge e t l e ,C a n d i d a sinolaborantium, commemorates the Chi neselabourerswhose l i v e sw e r el o s tt o b u i l dt h e t r a n s i s t h m i arna i l r o a dt h a t p r e c e d e d construction of the PanamaCanal.CennetErbil { Righf.Polyporus tenuiculus, a delicatewood-decayingbasidiomycete i sa f a v o u r i t e f o o d o f m a n yb e e t l e st h a t h a r b o u ry e a s t si n t h e i rg u t . Nhu H. Nguyen m i c r o b i o l o g y t o d a y n { : i ' i[r} { " { species. Their original database, to which we and others have added hundreds of additional sequences, makes it possible to find close relatives of new yeasts using not only nusr searchesbut also phylogenetic anarysesfor clade recognition and to provide a basis for delimiting species.It is common for gut yeasts to vary by as many as 30_20 bp in the DI/DZ region. Other yeasrs may vary by only a few base pairs from a known srrain, and these are more difficult, becausethe question of where to draw the speciesline arises. Kurtzman suggestedthat a substitution rare greater than I % in about 600 bp in rhe DI/DZ region be used ro separare species- approximately 4 or more base pairs difference for ascomyceteyeasts.The difference correlates well with oata from mating tesrs in a study of biological species in yeasts that could be crossed. The I o/osolution, however, failed to distinguish s accharomycescerevisiae and S. bayanus, and other close relatives, and almost certainly provides a conservarive estimate of speciesnumbers as suggestedfor other fungi. In practice, in our rush to characterize yeasts, we do not obtain sequencesof several independent DNA regions for the novel yeasts.We do, however, use additional markers, e.g. microsatellites and the plastic physiological trairs that are useful at low taxonomic level. These markers are more variable than sequences, and we almost certainly underestimate speciesnumbers in order to handre the large numbers of novel isolates. Needsfnr yeastsysterTtatics We are fortunate to have a dense LSU rDNA database,and many literature resourcesare widely available for the study of yeasts. In addition to the required classic, The yeasts,a TaxonomicStudy (Kurtzman & Fell), wirh a fifrh edition rn preparation, an essential online resource, the BioloMICS database of the centraalbureau voor schimmelcultures (CBS) (wwwcbs.knaw.nV) based on the book, has characrers of all species,an online identification system and up-to-date references.Theseresourcesavailableforyeastsare exceptional among fungi, and yeast systematists are fi.nding many new species that can be identified to near species level rapidly using DNA sequences- or can be recognizedasundescribed. In fact rapid deposition of DNA sequencesto GenBank has promoted collaboration among yeast workers with similar sequencesin distant localities, including, in our experience, P artama,Br az7l,Portu gal and Belgium. Although rDNA is well sampled for many species and about 20 complete genome sequences are avarlable, more sequences,especially for protein-coding genes, are needed for basal yeasts to provide a well-supported predictive phylogenetic framework for or ganizing yeast taxa. Genomes will help to access additional appropriate DNA regions for use in sys[ematics. Continued collecting from natural habitats will lead to the discovery of many more predicted novel yeasts. Additional sampling will also help to establish biogeographical limits of many speciescurrentlyknown from only few localities. What more could we wish for to help characterize 300 yeastspecies?Our most immediate need is for rapid methods to determine yeasl physiological profiles. We culture 1-3 isolates of every yeast we describe in about 100 different ways to determine physioiogical and morphological traits. This tedious characterrzatron procedure is a part of the 'standard' description recognized by the community of yeast systematists, one that aiso gives value added data on potentiaily valuable biological organisms - especially aL a time when discussions of petroleum alternatives are intense. The elimination of the Latin diagnosis required for valid publication by the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, would dramatically hasten the publication of our 200 novel yeast backlog. Time spent on lranslating a diagnosis to Latin or discussing wheflrer a description shouid be in the nominative or the ablative case, could be used for more rapid publication of essential organisms in our environment! How manyfungi? Search for and discovery of novel fungi were common themes of papers and entire symposia at the Bth International Mycological Congress held in Cairns, Australia, in late August. In our owrl presentation we suggested that known ascomycele yeast numbers had increased by almost 30o/o, and we predicted that sampling of previously collected insecl gut habitats in just Panama and the southern USA could easily yield another 100 species, something Dr Suh and I are close to achieving. Yeastshave been, and will continue to 164 be, useful models in population studies that will lead to an understanding of mechanisms of speciation. Some degree of host and geographical specialization of nearly 300 insect gut yeastsand the vast regions left to sample for insect gut yeasts, indicates that these organisms will contribute signifi.cantly to increasing the numbers of ascomycete yeasts and indeed the total number of all funei. Meredith Blackwell Departmentof Biological Sciences, BoydProfessor, Louisiana BatonRouge, Louisiana StateUniversity, 70803,USA(e [email protected]) Furtherreading Blackwell,M. (1994).Minutemycologicalmystenes:the influenceof arthropodson the livesof h:ng;. trtlycologa86, T-17. Boekhout,T. (2005).Gut feelingfor yeasts.Nature434, 449-45r. Hawksworth, D.L. (2001). The magnitudeof fungaldiversity: the 1.5 million speciesestimaterevisited.MycolResL05, 1422-1432. majorfungal Moncalvo,J.-M. (2005).Molecularsystematics: phylogenicgroupsand fungaispeciesconcepts.lnEvolutronary oJFung1,pp. 1-33. EditedbyJ.n Xu. Norwich: Genetrcs Honzon ScientificPress. Rokas,A., Williams,8.L., King, N. & Carroll,S.B.(2003). Genome-scale approachesto resolvingincongruencein molecular phylogenies . Nature425, 798-804. Suh,S.-O.,McHugh,J.V,Pollock,D. & Blackwell,M. (2005). The beetlegut: a hyperdiversesourceof novelyeasts.Iv$colRes L09,26t-265. Suh,S.-O.,Nguyen,N.H. & Blackwell,M. (2005).Nine isolatedfrom new CandidaspeciesnearCandidamembranifaciens insects.MycolRes109, 1045-1056. DJ., Kroken,S.,Kasuga,T., Geiser, Taylor,J.\M,Jacobson, D.M., Hibbett,D.S.& Fisher,M.C. (2000).Phylogenetic speciesrecognitionand conceptsin fungi. FungalGenetBiol31, 2r-32. White, TJ., Bruns,T., Lee,S. & Taylor,J.(1990).Amplification and direct sequencingof fungalribosomalRNA genesfor - a Guideto Methodsand phylogenetics.ln PCRProtocols Editedby M.A. Innis,D.H. Gelfand, Applications,pp.315-322. JJ. Sninsky& TJ. White. SanDiego,CA:AcademicPress. microbiology today nustil1fi e most abundant predators on earlh are not animals like lions or ants, but the microscopic, unicellular protozoa. When I was a ptolozoa were student, treated as one phylum in the animal kingdom, with just four classes: amoebae, flagellates, ciliates and the purely parasitic Sporozoa. Now they are recognrzed as a separatekingdom comprising l l phy1a. Ciliates remain as one phylum, Ciliophora, which also includes the highly specialized Suctoria that lack cilia in their sedentary adult stages,having evolved eiaborate tentacles with explosive organelles for trapping prey. But amoebaeand flagellatesare abandoned as formal taxa, while Sporozoa have been drastically refined, by removal of microsporidia to Fungi and Myxozoa to Animalia, in a radical overhaul of protozoan systematics that lasted for three decadesbut is now settling down, after extensive lively controversies, into a period of broad consensus. As a student in the 1960s I realizecthat electron microscopy showed protozoan cells as architecturally far more diverse than animal or plant celis. Classically, the boundary between protozoa and algae was fuzzy, with several goups claimed both by zoologists and botanists, in pailicular dinoflagellates, euglenoids, cryptomonads and chrysomonads, some of which are photosynthetic algae while others are predatory heterotrophs; a few, notably some dinoflagellates,that feed both ways were an especial probiem for eafly classifications based just on nutrition and motility The first major break from the simple 19th cen[ury fourfoid division occurred 25 years ago when I established the kingdom Chromista for a mixture of algae and former proLozoa and treated the remaining Protozoa as a separate kingdom, in which flagellates were split into several phyla (Fig. 1). By then it was widely accepted that chloroplasts originated by the enslavement of a cyanobacterium and that all eukaryote algae evolved ultimately from heterotrophic ancestors. We now know that the primary diversification of eukaryote cells took place among zooflagellates: non-photosynthetic predatory cells having one or more flagella for swimming, and often also generatingwater currents for pulling in prey t I Evolutionof earlyeukaryotes Cilia of ciliates and oviducs, and flagella of flagellates and sperm, are homologous structures that grow from centrioles with a beautiful g-triplet microtubule structure; i here adopt the increasing tendency to refer to both as cilia. The traditional distinction that cilia are short and many, whereas flagella are long and few, is trivial and often fails, asdoesthe idea of a distinctbeat pattem. Cilia share no evolutionary relationship with the rotary extracellular flagella of bacteria, but are specializations of the eukaryote cytoskeleton that probably evolved at the same time as the nucleus and the enslavement of an alphaproteobacterium as the first Protozoo: the nnost dont obur^.r predofors or-toorth ,l I 156 i.)S microbiologytoday ru*.rrr Thel<ingdom Protozoa embraces an immensediversity of singlecelledpredators and numerous parasites causingd iseases like malaria,sleeping sicl<ness, and amoeboiddysentery. As Thomas Cavalier-Smith explains, they werethe firsteul<aryote cells, givingriseto all higherkingdoms, andtherehasrecently beena revolution in theirhigh-level systematics. mitochondrion. Thus the first eukaryore cell was a fIagelIate, very likely one wirh amoeboid tendencies, no[ a rigid pellicle - and probably oniy one cilium. Amoeboid prorozoa arose several times from flagellate ancestors by evolving highly varied pseudopodia for creeping and ciawling; some, notably the secondarlly anaerobic mastigamoebae and Multicilia (both Amoebozoa) retained a cilium or cilia, but others lost them altogether or kept them only for wider dispersal,suppressing them during crawling/feeding. than sequencetrees.Genesequencetreesexcelin estabrishing close clusters of strongly related organisms, but sequence evolution is more complex and variabie than sometlmes thought, so is sometimes extremely misleading, yielding partially wrong topologies. The resr of a good phylogeny and classification is that different independent lines of er,rdence yreld congruenr conclusions. We arc approaching this happy state of affairs for protozoan large-scalesystematics,though problems and controversiesremain. The roleof nnolecular systematics Diversifi cationand diversity Some thoughtful lgth century proLozoologists suspected that flagellatespreceded amoebae,asjust asserted.But until DNA sequencing and molecuiar systematics burgeoned in the 1980sand 1990s the often more popular idea of Haeckel that amoebae came first and flagellateswere more advanced could not be disproved. Sequences enabled calculation of phylogenetic trees based on differing degrees of gene sequence divergence. Equally importantly, they reveal much rarer and more substantial discrete molecular changes, e.g. gene fusions, splitting of genes,insertion and loss of introns, gene duplications and indels (insertions or deletions). Such characters, treatable by the cladistic reasoning that morphologlsts used for centudes,aresometimesmore decisive The emerging picture (Fig. I) shows rhe primary diversification of eukaryotesas involving changesin the development microbiologytoday vl*rv{.rfl- A T r a n s m i s s i oenl e c t r o nm i c r o g r a p hosf c h o a n o f f a g e l l apt er o t o z o a . c h o a n o f l a g e l l a tfeese d o n b a c t e r i ab y t r a p p i n gt h e m w i t h a c o l l a ro f m i c r o v i la l i r o u n dt h e b a s eo f t h e c i l i u m ,m u c ha sd o t h e r e m a r k a b l y s i m i l a irn t e r n afle e d i n gc e l l so f s p o n g e st h, e m o s tp r i m i t i v ea n i m a l s . I t i s p r o b a b l et h a t a n i m a l se v o l v e df r o m a c h o a n o z o apnr o t o z o a n similarto a choanoffagellate. rop Cosmoeca sp.;lower leftAcanthoeca spectabilis,Iower right Parvicorbicula sp.Dr per R. Flood/ Natural HistoryMuseumPictureLibrary { D a r kf i e l dl i g h t m i c r o g r a p h o f a l i v es p e c i m e no f t h e p r e d a t o r y dinoflagellate Protoperidinium depressum. Dr perR. Flood/ Natural HistoryMuseumPictureLibrary unikonts l yi c i l i a t e ) b i k o n t s( a n c e s t r a l b r i;iliri|i;iiiili , Excavataiii :, , Metamonadi i;r*u"*u llc! Iten! Malawimonade; ! Loukozoa corticates r cabozoa I chromal veol ates K i ngdomC hromi sta Cryptista Heterokonta .: ,,.N\/E!:*x :r rioles I l l a k o b e ai P l a s t i di n s i d eR E R ) { t u b u l a rc i l i a r vh a i r s \ /i E F 1 - ai n s e r t i o n #liiiiffi lii Apusozoa nonaoea latea{lJ P o s t e r i ocr i l i u m; f i l o p o d i a ; ffat mitochondrialcristae ;i fiiiif:'' Rhiz ar ia 525AAi Le[c()z(Ja A moebozoa Broad c o m o t o r yp s e u d o p o d s ; a n t e r i or 760 My Ventralfeedinggroove nase Phosphofructoki i n t e r n adl u p l i c a t i o n t!ffi P o l y u b i q u i t i inn s e r t i o n \ I \1"-t* fusionge DHFR-TS ;:[ Bikonty:ciliarytransforma r roots\ m i c r o t u b u l abr a n d sa s c i l i a n ' "*",, / / Thr r e em y o s i nd o m a i nf u s i o n s+ o n e ins e r t i o n( g l y c i n ei n m y o s i nl l h e a d ) / iu bular mitochondrial cristae; heterotrophicuniciliateand unicentriolar ancestral eukaryote as nets (reticulopodia) in Foraminifera (predominantly benthic Retaria, the most abundant seafloor predators) and Radiozoa (major micropredators of oligotrophic oceans: acantharia and polycystine radiolaria). Cercozoa include flagellates, the peculiar chlorarachnean algae formed by the enslavement of a green alga (G in Fig. 1), amoebae with filopodia (many with shells that evolved independently of sheilsof someAmoebozoa)and amoeboflagellates; they are the most abundant in soils, ye[ were only recogpredators the small Rhizaria, Excavata), and phylum in 1998, they also as a nized whose Apusozoa, phylum zooflagellate closest relatives are unclear. Ancestraily . include parasites of commercia\ important shellfish (e.g. oysters) and bikonts had two diverging cilia: the crops (e.g. sugarbeetand cabbages). anterior undulates for swimming or Parasitism developed more strongly prey attaction; the posterior serves in phylum Myzozoa, named after their for gliding on surfaces in many groups widespread feeding by myzocytosis (likely its ancestral condition), but (sucking out the interior of cells secondarily adapted for swimming (or rather than engulfing them whole by lost to was quite often in others phagocytosis). Sporozoa sensu stncto, make secondary uniciliates, not to be e.g. malaria parasites, are aII parasites confused with genuine unikonts, which and are grouped with some freeJiving confusingiy are sometimes secondarily sucking predatory zooflagellatesas subbiciliate). A11major eukaryote groups phylum Apicomplexa, within Myzozoa except Ciliophora include severely modified organisms that lost cilia; some became highly amoeboid. Among bikonts emphasis on pseudopodia is greatest in Rhizaria, comprising two phyla (Cercozoa, Retaria) in which pseudopods are typicaliy very 'thread feet') and often thin (filopodia: branch or fusetogether in elaboratefeeding networks: especially well developed of cilia and structure of microtubular roots that attach them to the rest of the cell. Unikonts comprise animals, fungi and the protozoan phyla closestto them: Choanozoa (e.g. choanoflagellates) and Amoebozoa (typical amoebae with broad pseudopods, slime moulds like Dictyostelium and mastigamoebae), which all share the same myosin II as our muscles, which is absent from all bikonts. Bikonts comprise the plant and chromist kingdoms, three protozoan infrakingdoms (Alveolata, together with Dinozoa (dinoflagellates and relatives), also often parasites. Myzozoa and Ciliophora comprise Alveolata, typically with well-developed cortical alveoli: smooth vesicles with skeletal and calcium segregating functions. Alveolates are sisters of kingdom Chromista, being jointly called chromalveolates.The ancestralchromalveolate flagellate had phagotrophic nutrition and chloroplasts surrounded by extra membranes arising from their origin by intracellular enslavement of a red alga (Rhodophyta; Fig. 1). Chromaiveolates comprise chromophyte aIgae, whose c2, chloroplasts bear chlorophyll and many derived lineages that lost photosynthesis and sometimes plastids altogether,e.g. ciliates,oomycetechromists. Chromists differ from alveolates in that the phagocytic vacuole membrane around the enslaved red alga fused with the nuclear envelope, placing their plastids inside the rough endoplasmic reticulum. This contrasts markedly wrth kingdom Plantae, where chloroplasts lie in the cytosol and were never lost, even in chlorophyll-free plants. Thefesfofa goodphylogeny tion ls that different andclassifica yield independentlinesof evidence congruent conclusions, 168 m i c r o b i o l o g y t o d a y r l E : l li l t t i { F i g .1 , T h ee u k a r y o t e v o l u t i o n a rtyr e e .T a x ai n b l a c kc o m p r i s et h e b a s a kl i n g d o mP r o t o z o a . T h et h u m b n a isl k e t c h e s h o wt h e c o n t r a s t i n m g i c r o t u b u l es k e l e t o nos f u n i k o n t sa n d b i k o n t s i n r e d .T h ed a t e sh i g h l i g h t e di n y e l l o w a r ef o r t h e m o s ta n c i e n tf o s s i l sk n o w nf o r e a c hm a j o r g r o u pM . a j o r i n n o v a t i o ntsh a t h e l pg r o u p h i g h e rt a x aa r e s h o w nb y b a r s .F o u rm a j o rc e l l e n s l a v e m e nttos f o r m c e l l u l a cr h i m a e r aasr es h o w nb y h e a v ya r r o w s( e n s l a v ebda c t e r i ao) r dashedarrows(enslavedeukaryotealgae).Fourfeaturesof the tree need more research.(1) A r e c e n t r o h e l i dH e l i o z o a( n o n - p h o t o s y n t h e tai cn d n o n - f l a g e l l a p t er e d a t o rtsh a t c a t c hp r e y b y s l e n d er a d i a t i n g a x o p o d i as u p p o r t e db y m i c r o t u b u l e sr )e a l l ys i s t e r so f H a p t o p h y t ad;o t h e y e v e nb e l o n gi n C h r o m i s t a(?2 ) A r eA p u s o z o ap e r h a p ss i s t e r so f a l l o t h e r b i k o n t sa n d n o t r e a l l y (3) Was a greenalga(C) reallyenslavedby the ancestralcabozoan earlydivergingexcavates? (4) Are Rhizariaand Excavata ratherthanseparately by Cercozoaand euglenoids(asterisks)? reallvsisters?T. Cavalier-Smith Within excavates, the strictly non-amoeboid Loukozoa ('groovy animals') have a well developed ventral feeding 'excavaLed', groove with a scooped out, look that gives the infrakingdom its name; their mitochondrial genome retains more bacterial genes than in other eukaryoles. Percolozoa are predominantly amoeboflagellates (Heterolobosea, e.g. the human pathogen Naeglena fowlen), sometimes pure amoebae (having lost cilia and groove), rarcly pure flagellates. Other excavates are largely nonamoeboid flagellates.Mehmonada are secondary anaerobes, having converted mitochondria into hydrogenosomes or mitosomes, with a marked tendency to multipiy clha and/ or nuclei, e.g. Giardia, h"chomonas.Euglenozoa include the sedouslypathogenic trypanosomatids (e.g. sleeping sickness agents),the ubiquitous bodonid zooflagellates(the weeds of eukaryotic microbiology), and the euglenoids (with Qomplex pellicular strips: phototrophs like Euglena,phagotrophs like Peranemaor saprotrophs like Rhabdomonas). Bikonts share a compiex pattern of ciliary development with the anterior cilium being younger and transforming in the next cell cycle into a posterior cilium, often structuraily and behaviourally different. This anterior-to-posterior ciliary transformation is unique to bikonts; it probably evolved in their common ancestor as an adaptation to gliding on surfaces,using the posterior cilium as a skid. Bikonts have two distinct posterior bands of microtubules as ciliary roots and ancestrally a structuraily different anterior band. This cytoskeletal aqtmmetry was similarly adaptive, becoming secondarily more syrnmetrical in many algal lineages after they became planktonic and abandoned eating prey Thus past nutritional history is reflected in cell structure of protozoa and their modern descendants. But the picture was confusing, because of repeated evolutionary losses of organelles,until molecular evidence helped sort it out. In marked contrast to bikonts, unikonts ancestrally had only one centriole and no microtubular bands, instead a simple cone of microtubules anchored the centriole to rJ{:, microbiology today ruarv the nucleus and the rest of the cell. I consider this simpler slructure the ancestral state for eukaryotes that evolved together with the cell nucleus. In only slightly modified form this ancestralunikont patlern is still seen in zoospores of lower fungi, choanoflagellates,the best model for animal ancestors,and our own sperm - such is the force of stasis in cellular evolution, much of which we can reconstruct by studyrng those most fascinating of all organisms, the protozoa, our relativesand ances[ors. Thomas Cavalier-SmithFRS President, British Societyfor Protist Biology (www.protist.org.uk) Department of Zoology, Universityof Oxford, South ParksRoad, Oxford OX1 3P5, Ul( (e [email protected]) Furtherreading Bass,D. & Cavalier-Smith,T. (2004). Phylum-specific environmentalDNA analysisrevealsremarkablyhigh global biodiversityof Cercozoa(Protozoa).lntJ SystEvolMicrobiol54, 2393-2404. Cavalier-Smith,T. (2003). Protisrphylogenyand the high-level classificationof Protozoa.EurJ Protistol39,338-348. Cavalier-Smith,T. (2004). Chromalveolate diversityand cell megaevolution: interplayof membranes,genomesand cytoskeleton . In Organelles, GenlmesandEuharyotePhylogeny Systematics Association SpecialVolume 68.,pp. 75-108.Edited by R.PHirt & D.S.Horner.London:CRCPress. Cavalier-Smith,T. (2006). Cell evolutionand earthhistory: stasisand revolution.PhiITransR SocLondB 361, 969-1006. Cavalier-Smith,T. (2006). The tiny enslavedgenomeof a rhizaian alga.ProcNatlAcadSciU 5 A 103,9739-9780. Richards,T. & Cavalier-Smith,T. (2005). Myosindomain evolutionand the primary divergenceof eukaryotes.Nature436, 1113-1118. 169 t, 'l^, he exponential growth in publicly available molecular sequencedata has created a gold mine of encoded information covering billions of years of evolution. One of the most immediate ways to make senseof these data is by the comparison of the sequencesin phylogenetic analyses.Getting a simple tree is relatively easyand potentially very informative (if not exactly publishable). A deeper understanding of the methods can help you grow trees thal are more reiiable and ',rr, ,s @,: reveal complex evolutionary histories. Il it is relationshipsamong organismsthat you are inierested in, it is becoming clear that a tree of organisms based on a single gene or its corresponding protein sequence may not necessarily represent lhe true history of the organisms in the tree. Rather, it tells the story of the evolutionary history of that particular gene while another gene a few bases away in Lhe genome may have experienced quite a different evolutionary history This is partlcularly true ln 'illegitimate' trading of genes ts bacterial genomes, where rampanl (seebelow). Used with care, and perhaps a heaithy dose of scepticism, phylogenetics offers powerful tools for tracing the often entangled evolutionary trails of genes. For bacteria, it is especiallyuseful for revealing phenomena such as lateral gene transfer (LGT), and in all domarns of life, gene duplications and, sometimes, true organismal relationships. This article is intended as a brief tutorial on how to interpret phylogenelic lree diagrams and an introduction to the methods of preparing raw data and building a LTee. g the gllr-r Dlsentor-r SandraL. Baldaufprcvide Throughout, we wish to emphasize that phylogenetics, like any other branch of science, requires informed judgement in the selection and application of methods to maximize the accuracy of the results. the a guideto interpreting trees Reading GemmaC. Atkinsonand l v 'r' of phylogenetic complexities I trees a l-..1 - Leaves,branches and nodes. Phylogenetictrees,or phylogenies, display deduced evolutionary reiationships in the form of multiple branching lineages (Fig. l). The sources 'operalionai taxonomic units' (OTUs), of the sequences,or are the tips or leaves of the tree. Nodes (junctions where two or more branches join), represent a divergence event (gene duplication or speciation) and also the hypothetical last common ancestor of all the branches arising from them. The further a node is from the tips, the further back in time the divergencehappened, with the root of the tree being the mosl ancientnode. 170 m i c ro b i o lo gy todaY ti i.ri',ri-i:i (a) Node Fungi Branch (b) Node Fungi Animal Branch Animal Plant Root .',,.- Plant Bacteria (c) Bacteria Fungi Animal ) F i g .1 . E q u i v a l e npth y l o g e n e t itcr e e s . All thesehypotheticaltreeshaveexactly t h e s a m et o p o l o g ya n d d i f f e ro n l y in presentationstyle.(a, b) Rooted c l a d o g r a m sw, h i c h s h o w b r a n c h i n go r d e r b u t n o i n f o r m a t i o no n t h e a m o u n to f e v o l u t i o no n e a c hb r a n c h ;( c , d ) r o o t e d p h y l o g r a m sw, h i c h s h o w b r a n c hl e n g t h s p r o p o r t i o n atlo e v o l u t i o n a rdyi s t a n c ea; n d (e) unrootedand (0 rooted radialtrees. N o t e :t h e n o d e h e i g h ti n t r e e s( a ) ,( c ) a n d ( d ) i s p u r e l ya d e v i c ef o r e v e ns p a c i n go f b r a n c h e s6. . C .A t k in s o n { E n t w i n e dt r a i l so f c a ra n d r o a d l i g h t s , r e p r e s e n t i ntgh e t a n g l e dt r a i l so f e v o l u t i o n . BrandX Pictures,/ Punchstock (0 (e) :F; trollsof evolutlorl Orthologues and paralogues. All sequencesthat sharea common ancestor are homologues. Homologues come in several different flavours (Fig. 2). Orthologues are the direct descendents from a single ancestral sequence and are duplicated along with the rest of the genome in each generation. Paralogues arise by gene duplication, thus giving rise to multigene families. Xenologues. Phylogenetic trees are one of the best means of detecting LGT, which is rampant in bacteria and archaea, and also occurs at a lower, if largely unknown, frequency in eukaryotes. Xenologues are homologues that m i c r o b i o l o gtyo d a yi " l * v# 6 have undergone LGT and can be identified in phylogenetic trees by their tendency [o nest with sequences fuom the donoqs lineage (Fig. 2b). Crowingyour own tree Digging in the databases.A huge, exponentially growing amount of nucleotide and protein sequences is stored in public sequence databases (Table I), the main ones of which are updated againsteach other daily These are usually the first port of call when assembling or augmenting a dataset.As annotations are unreliable, the best way to find homologous sequences is by doing BIASror FASrA sequence similarity searches.These look for matches to a user-provided query sequence in one or many sequencedatabases(Table 1). The alignment: the foundation from which a tree grows. Once you have found your sequences, the next step is to align them (Table 1). A phylogenetic tree is only as good as the alignmenr ir is buik on. Muhiple sequence alignment programs have continuously improved over the years, but they still tend to perform badly in regions of poor sequenceconseruation. Here, the human eye is often better at recognizing homologous patterns. Therefore, all alignments should be 171 inspected by eye before building trees (Fig. 3). Only homologous positions should be used to build trees; gaps and ambiguously aligned regions should, as a general rule, be excluded. Minimizing distances and hiking through tree landscapes. There are two main classes of methods for building trees:distance and discr ete data methods. Distance methods (UPGMA, amountof With the increasing ral andfu rctionalinformation structu possible it is becoming now available, in proteinfrrction to mapchanges ontoevolutionary andstructure trees summarize all neighbour joining) the information between pairs of sequencesinto a single statistic. This is the distance, essentiaily the percentage difference, between two sequences. OTUs are clustered into groups in the multiple methods. Greater confidence in results can be gained if different methods produce congruent trees. tree based on these pair-wise distances. Parsimony, maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference methods are discrete data methods as they treat each column in the aiignment as a discrete data point. These methods search'treespace', a probabilistic landscape of hills and valleys made up of all possible trees and their'fitness', in a quest to find the tree or set of trees that best fit the data. All tree building methods have their strengths and limitations. Therefore, it is a good idea to repeat analyses with Mod e | | i ng evo Iuti o n . All phylogenetic programs assume some evolutionary model to explain amino acid or nucleotide substitution patterns. These are used by the various phylogeny programs to attach weights to different classes of substitutions, rather than assuming all mutations are equally likely This is important for accurate trees. For example, a mutation that results in an amino acid substituting for another with similar chemica^ (a) Ancestraleukaryoticorganism properties tends to have a minimal effect on the function of the protein. Such substitutions are frequent and indicate less evolutionary time than changes at slowly evolving sites; this is taken into account by the gamma rate correction. Where is the root? Almost all phylogenetic programs produce unrooted trees from molecuiar data. However, a root is essential for establishing the order of divergences in a tree. Often, the first diverging sequence in a dataset is unknown. In this case, an outgroup of one or more OTUs can be included (b) I--r"-*T-' O r t h o l o g u eI s - :. I .1 r'' ,irl r ,:: Animal Animals 172 ii Fungi r;r Plant Animal Fungi ffi-.ffilfiltrd.,f'-mF,#--Tffi.tril T ;I Plant Fungi Bacteria ffi-*Tl tEffiifl m i c r o b i o l o g yt o d a y r u * v# S T a b l e1 . P h y l o g e n e t irce s o u r c e s Major databanks Majorgenomecentres Cenomeprojectportals l(eywordsearches Homologysearches DDBJ EMBL NCBI Uni-Prot TICR Sanger www.ddbj.nig.ac.jp/ www.ebi.ac.uk/embl/ www.ncbi.nih.gov/ www.ebi.uniprot.orglindex.shtmI www.tigr.orgl www.sange r.ac.uk/ J\JI www.jgi.do e.gov/ U\J LL-,, www.genomeson Iine.orgl EukaryoteCenomePortal www-users.york.ac.uk/-ct505/Ph D_Projed5/ Eukaryote_H omepage. htm SRS http://srs.ebi.ac.uk/ Entrez www.ncbi.nIm.nih.govlEntrez/ BLAST http :/ / n cbi.ni h.govlBLAST/ FASTA www.ebi.ac.uk/fasta33 / index.htmI ClustalX Muscle T-Coffee Bioedit ft.p:/ /ftp.ebi.ac.uk/ pub/software/ www. d rive5.com/ muscle / www. ch.embnet.o rglsoftware/T Coffee.htmI www.mbio.ncsu.edu/Bio Editlbioedit.html PAUPX http :/ / paup.csit.fsu.edu/ http://evolutio n.genetics.wash ington.edu/phylip.htmI http:/ / atgc.lirmm .fr/ phyml/ http://mrbayes.csit.fsu. edu/ www. bio.utexas. edu/grad/ zwi ckl/ web/garli.htmI www. megasoftware. netl http:/ /taxonomy.zoology.gla.ac.uk/rodltreevi ew.htmI www. ics.forth.grl-stamatak/i ndex-Dateien/Pag e443.htm http://evolutio n.genetics.wash i ngton.edu/phylip/software. htmI P H Y LP I PHYML Hlil.' MECA TreeView RAxML Comprehensive list { Fig.2. Orthologues, paralogues and (a) tQagnetospirillu m Rickettsia Streptomyces Desulfuromonas Anaeromyxobacter Fusobacterium Chlorobium Bordetella Burkholderia Escherichia Xylella Thermobifda Deinococcus Aquifex (b) Magnetospirillum Rickettsia Streptomyces Desulfuromonas Anaeromyxobacter Fusobacterium Chlorobium Bordetella Burkholderia Escherichia Xylella Thermobifida Deinococcus Aquifex x e n o l o g u e sH . o m o l o g o u sg e n e s c a n a r i s eb y v e r t i c a ld e s c e n to r s p e c i a t i o n ( o r t h o l o g u e s )d, u p l i c a t i o n ( p a r a l o g u e s )a, n d LCT (xenologues).The latter two can result i n n o n - c a n n o n i c apl h y l o g e n e t i ct r e e s . ( a ) C e n e sX a n d Y a r e a n c i e n t h o m o l o g u e s , w i t h X b e i n g t h e e u k a r y o t i cv e r s i o n a n d Y t h e b a c t e r i a ol n e . A h y p o t h e t i c a lg e n e d u p l i c a t i o ne v e n t p r i o r t o t h e o r i g i n o f p l a n t s ,a n i m a l sa n d f u n g i l e a d st o t h e X ' p a r a l o g u ew , h i c h i s i n h e r i t e db y d e s c e n d e n t s p e c i e s .I n o n e l i n e a g e ,X ' i s r e p l a c e d b y Y ' , a x e n o l o g o u sv e r s i o no f t h e g e n e b r o u g h t about by LCTofgene Y. (b) The resulting phylogeny.Since the fungal X' gene is lost i n t h i s e x a m p l e ,t h i s g e n e w o u l d n o t a p p e a r in the phylogeny (dotted line). 6.C. Atkinson ) F i g .3 . E d i t i n ga n a l i g n m e n t b y e y e . ( a ) A section of a cLusrnlx (Table 1) alignment of bacterialprotein sequencesbefore editing. F i v ec o l u m n sc o n t a i n i n s e r t i o n s( s h a d e d c o l u m n s ) .( b ) T h e r e f i n e d a l i g n m e n t . O n l y t w o c o l u m n sc o n t a i n i n s e r t i o n s ,a m o r e p a r s i m o n i o u sa r r a n g e m e n ta s f e w e r i n s e r t i o no r d e l e t i o n e v e n t s a r e a s s u m e d . C.C.Atkinson microbiology today i|{-i( i.liri 173 in the dataset.This is essentially an external point of reference to identify the oldest node in the tree, which is the outgroup's closest relative. For example, for a tree of mammalian genes, one could use the orthologus gene from a marsupial as the outgroup. - how strongisthat branch? testsfor supporL Statistical 'strong' a tree is, There are various ways to determine how that is, how much better it is than other possible trees. The most commonly used method is bootslrapping. This involves phylogenetic analysesof multiple random subsamples of your dataset. The bootstrap support for each branch corresponds to the percentage of analyseswhere that branch appears. Bayesian inference is becoming increasingly popular in moiecular phylogeny Instead of bootstrapping, this discrete data method uses all the trees it encounters in the tree space to calculate the posterior probability for each branch in a consensus tree of all encountered trees. This is fundamentally very different from bootstrapping and posterior probability and bootstrap support values are nol directly comparable. o/ocan be Generally, a bootstrap percentage greater than 70 taken as good support, but only probabilities greater than 95 o/oare reasonable support for Bayesianinference trees. Fatal attraction: the curse of long branches. The rate of molecular evolution is not uniform across a tree; some OTUs may have acquired more mutations than others over time and therefore grow longer branches in the tree of their evolutionary history Tree-building programs have problems with such branches, and tend to group long-branched OTUs together due to spurious sequence similarities. This is the notorious'long-branch attraction' or LBA. Likelihood methods are on the whole less likely to be duped by variations in evolution ry rate, and the use of more accurate evolutionary models can give any algorithm a helping hand. However, likelihood methods are not beyond failure and there is no perfect model of evolution. Therefore, the easiest remedy for LBA is often to include intermediate sequencesto break up long branches. Alternatively, if the long branches are not essential for the questions you are asking of the tree, it is often best just to leave them out. Conclusions Phylogenetics allows us to piece together clues left by chance to retrace evolutionary history but the clues are patchy as most taxa and many genes are extinct. Because of this, phylogenetic methods rely on the experience and judgement of the researcher for the quality of the results they deliver, and knowledge of how to interpret trees is essential for making sense of the patterns within them. The rewards are great, however, as retracing the evolution of a gene with phylogenetic analysis can reveal complex and often surprising stories of molecular history With the increasing amount of structural and functional information now available, it is becoming possible to map changes in protein function and structure onto evolutionary trees. This will allow us to begin to ask not just how organisms work, but why they do the sometimes seemingly very strange things that they do. GemmaC. Atkinsonand SandraL. Baldauf of York, Box373,University of Biology, DeparLment YorkYO105YW,Ul( (t 01904328635; Heslington, uk) uk, [email protected]. e [email protected]. 174 m i c r o b i o l o g yt o d a y * * v $ 6 - ;" S c h o o lM s e m b e r s h i cpo s t so n l yf . 1 0a y e a r .B e n e f i tisn c l u d e Today,advancecopiesof new teachingresources Microbiology a n dd i s c o u n t efde e so n S C M I N S E Tc o u r s e sT.oj o i n s e e r gk o t o w w w . s g m . a c . uEk n . q u i r i e se:d u c a t i o n @ s g m . a co. u for full detailsof resources www.microbiologyonline.org.uk and activities. ltcecnt edLreiltinnill r#soLJre#sfib*LJt hrsilltnilnd dismils# Eleanor (aged 10) thought the books were attractive and full of useful information, but felt that the style was a bit too childish for her age grouP and suggested that they would be most suitable for children in years 3 and 4.Isobel (age 6Vz)was not able to read the books for herself, but enjoyed listening to me read and looking at and discussing the illustrations. I think the books would make a useful addition to any primary school library and would suppoft the science and PSHE teaching at KSI and KS2. Both books cover information relevant to the micro-organisms unit in the KS2 Specifications, but the style might be off-putting to a more advanced reader. I Jane Westwell Office Relations I sCnnExternal FcrKeyStcAe3+ Forthe younger reocer,, Why Must I Wash MY Hands? W h y M u s t I B r u s hM Y ? e e t h ? are Theseverybasicquestions comprehensively answered in two books published by the CommunitY Practitioners and Health Visitors' Association. The books are Packed fuli of information and cover far more material than the titles would suggest, including the structure of teeth, healthy eating, history of soaP and toothpaste, food safety and personal hygiene. The text is simPle and the illustrations include lots of photos of children which help engage the 178 younger reader. Each spread has a main theme and ends with points to remember. They also include some fascinating facts related to the theme. I had a slight problem navigating the pages until I became used to the styie and use of font to distinguish the narrative from the factoids. As a microbiologist, I was keen to see how microbes were represented and on the whole was impressed with the books, apart from the description of bacteria as'types of germ' tnWlry must Ibrushmy teeth?,although the author did point out that many bacteria are harmless or useful to humans. Since the books are in a style aimed at primary school children, I asked my daughters for their point of view in AAsdernScience AAilestones of DNA The Discovery Thescopeof thissmallbookis much wider than indicated by its title, perhaps chosen for consistency with others in the series. It is attractively presented, clearly written by an experienced science writer, not overburdened with text, and generously illustrated with attractive photographs and diagrams and information boxes. This provides an inviting balance for the intended readership, KS3 upwards. There is a brief introduction to DNA and genetics, followed by five other chapters dealing with a history of genetics, the discovery of DNA and its structure, protein slmthesis and mutations, applications to genetics, and future prospects. There is also a m i c r o b i o l o g yt o d a yn * v S S timeline, glossary sourcesof further information (websites and books) and an index. and'Facts' to break up the text. I was particularly impressed by the picture research,which has produced some unusual and highly relevant illustrations alongside the diagrams. I suspect that this may be a factor in the cost of the books. Good quality science photographs do not come cheap! The book is appropriate for a school library but where resources are scarce it is an expensive purchase when a similar coverage and more pages can be obtained elsewhere for little more than half the price. In my former life as a school librarian, I would have snapped up these books; they meet all the selection criteria. Their content is excellent, presentsa balanced view and does not shy away from the controversy, uncertainty and personality clashes that make up real science. i John Grainger i Chairman, MISAC f'fta*est*nes im {tfz***rn %*E*nr,* * TheWirstW*tri* Var.rsn* * !&tl*st"*n*% am{th*d*rn%rsenrc T ? t *f f i t s r * ' s * r*yf # * n t * t f t l u n Somewhatsurprisingly these titles are written by Guy de la Bedoyere, who is more commonly associated with archaeologicaldigs on TY but neverthelessare very well researched and highly readable.Each book coversfar more than its title suggests, ranging over different aspects of the history of medical microbiology whilst bringing the subject bang up-to-date. Eachintroduction summarizes the book in two pagesand probably gives enough facts for the averagestudent to understand the topic and even do their homework. However, another 34 pagespacked with interesting information follows, complimented by a timeline, giossaryand index. The further reading includes some recent, quite challenging books, as well as useful websites. The chapters in the polio volume are headed: early experiments with vaccines,the polio virus, Salks investigations,the vaccine works field tests and mass trials, new vaccines,polio today Chapters in penicillin book are: bacteria and disease,the path to peniciilin, making penicillin work, penicillin for all, and penicillin today. I really liked the layout, which is easily navrgated and bucks the current trend in educational books for a lurid scattergun design, whilst still using colour-codedboxes about'Key People' Tke ffiaxe#\derv#f mflllA Camillade Ia B6doydre, EvansBrothersLtd (2005) t 1 4 . 0 0 ,p p . 4 8 , I S B N0 - 2 3 7 5 2 - 7 4 0 - 5 Th* FsrstW*€io Va*r.in* Cuy de la B6doydre, EvansBrothersLtd (2005) fI4.OO,pp.48, ISBN0-23752-738-3 Tfu*ffiiseov*ry *{ WsnErilE|n Cuy de la B6doydre, EvansBrothersLtd (2005) f 1 4 . O Op, p .4 8 , I S B N0 - 2 3 7 5 2 - 7 3 9 - 1 F4eattkand*ns*as* KathyElgrin,CherrytreeBooks(2005) f.11.99,pp.32, lSBN1 -84234-190-1 microbiology today **v {"}{i JanetH urst SCM ExternalRelations Office ffi w a\tkamrj * i seax* Here is a book with a strange concept. It is one of a series,ShahespearesWorld. The book covers a rarrgeof topics and on each page there is a quotation from the great bard with an explanation of what this teachesus about life in Tudor times. Of course there is no microbiology, becauseno-one knew that unseen life forms were the cause of infections, but the doctors of rhe day were beginning to understand the scientific reasonsfor illness. The book explains this quite clearly. Two-pagespreadscover health and hygiene, theories about health, common complaints, surviving birth and childhood, plague, doctors, healers,cures and remedies,herbs and herbals, madness,hospitals, wounds and operations. I was quite surprised to seehow often Shakesoearerefers to doctors and medicine in his olavs. The book is attractively laid out and beautifullyillustrated.It is cleariy written and appearsto have been well researched.I really enloyed reading it. However, I am not sure who it is for, or how it would be used in school as it crossesover history Englishliterature and science. JanetH urst SCM ExternalRelations Office n e m b e risn t h e e a r l y C r a d l i naei m st o i n f o r ma n de n t e r t a im lf you haveanynews of theircareerin microbiology. stages contact to seeanytopicsfeatured, or wouldlil<e or stories, ul<). JaneWestwell([email protected]. l?eseorof]ond irrthe developr-nent oI biophorr-nooeutie irrdustry The biotech industry has been slow to mature, but is finally coming of age. The number of biopharmaceuticalsbeing approved for human therapy is increasing year on year andmany traditional pharmaceutical companies are turning their attention to this area. Biopharmaceuticalsare typically complex molecules that are expensive to manufacture. Their increaseduse in human therapy is placing alarge fi.nancial burden on healthcare providers. A high profile example is Herceptin (trastuzumab; Genentech./Roche), a monoclonal antibody indicated for the treatment of breast cancer,which has beEn the subject of a public campaign to make the drug widely available on the NHS and a debate over its affordability It will be up to bioprocessscienlists to develop low-cost manufacturing technologiesto ensure biopharmaceuticalscan be made widely available whilst maintaining the highest quality standards. Sustaining the biologics growth, particularly as product pipelines malure, will require expansion of bioprocessing capabilities.A recent reporl to government by the Bioscience and Inovation Growth Team (BIGT) on mainlaining rhe UK's competitive position in bioscience identified the need to build a strong bioprocessingsub-sector as one of six major recommendations (www.bioindustry. orglbigtreport/). David Glover, UCB Celltech A D a v i dC l o v e r Biopharmaceutical A therapeuticagentnroduced Dyorgarusmsuslng recombinant DNA technoiogr Theseinclude monoclonalurr.rOgA.r,recombinant proteins,therapeuticvaccines and genetherapyproducts. area subset t:?ln:**euticals of biologics. Biologics Medicinalproductsmanufactured, using living orgpnisms,rissuesand cells.Biologrcsinclude prophylaCtiC vaccines,blood products,Loxkrsand stemcell therapiesin addition to biophaifnac.uti.ulr. H'fi"#::*Ti-ffi :"rac'lunng iTl?ttr*ffi:ti:*n:r.liii1/lr and deliveryThesetechniques include molecularbiology,microbial fermentation,mammaliancell purification, culture,transgenics, and analysis.Personalized medicines. such as certain stem cell . therapies, also require bioprocessing. 180 m i c r o b i o l o g y t o d a y i l { , } t i{ " l t i Profile N a m eD a v i dC l o v e r Age 39 P r e s e not c c u p a t i o nD i r e c t o r , B i o P r o c e sRs& D , U C BC e l l t e c h P r e v i o uesm p l o y m e n t 2005-present, UCBCelltech;2OO305, ClaxoSmith l(line;1997-2003, Celltech;1991-95, Universityof Birmingham ; 199V91, BioExcellence; 1988-89,HoechstAnimal Health E d u c a t i oU n niversito y f Birmingham, (1997)', PhD Biochemistry S u n d e r l a nP d olytechniB c ,S cA p p l i e d Biology(1990) influencedyour decisionto )What S&o a PhD? The early part of my careerwas very much influenced by the Spinks reporr and the euphoria of the 1980s that surrounded the predicted impact biotechnologywould have on our lives.I was fascinatedby the concept of making a new generation of 'drugs', or'biopharmaceuticals',in geneticallyengineeredorganisms. The applied and multi-disciplinary nature of biotechnology appealed,bur I particulariy wanted to contribute to further understanding of this emerging science.Thus it seemedobvious I shouid study for a PhD, out of fundamentalinterest and to equip me for a careerin the biotech industry did you chooseyour )How d-project? I alwaysintended doing a PhD, but worked in industry for ayear before returning to academia.I selecteda project that was multi-disciplinary in nature, being run jointly between the Schoolsof Biochemistry and Biochemical Engineering at the University of Birmingham. I was using fermentation and physiological profiling tools to study the regulation of geneexpressionby environmental factorsin a yeast system. The interest to the field of biochemistry was further understanding of control of geneexpressionperse,whereas the biochemicalengineerswere looking microbiology today n*,.rl..r{::r for real systemsto study the impact of poor mixing on cell physiology in large fermenters. easywas the transitionto )Uow Slresearch in the commerctalsector after your PhD? Tiansition to the commercial sector was not as difficult as might be expected.Explaining what my PhD was about to lay persons (my parents, for instancel) and why it was relevant to the real world was always difficult. Suddenly I was able to relate what I did to something tangible and of benefit to mankind - I could refer to familiar diseasesand how the drugs I worked on could make a difference. Of course, the need to deliver to strict timelines and remain focused on the goals was a bit of a culture shock. In industry it's not always possible to further explore that interesting result, particularly if this means departing from the main project. However, the buzz from working on something that may ultimately help parienrsis great. Awhat S/,,obZ is rewardingaboutyour The UK has long been associatedwith innovative researchin bioscienceand medicine."However, it is bioprocessing that takes ideas for medicines from the lab to patients via commercially viable expression and manufacturing technoiogies.Being responsible for making sure a new drug gets to all the patients, at the right time, and to the highest quality standardsto ensure their safety is highly rewarding. you describea typical )Can b/-dav? The work varies considerably from day to day One day I might be reviewing a technology initiative for a novel drug design or a new protein expressionsystem, the next I could be involved with a regulatory filing to gain approval for our most advanced drug. in between these activities, I could be involved in the selection of antibody-based drugs; development of fermentation and purification processesfor their production; analysisfor quality attributes; scale-up and manufacture for clinical trials and interaction with the regulatory agenciesto ensure patient safety and approval of plans. (-\Do you have any adviceto anyone V-planning a researchcareerin the biop harmaceuti cal industry? Implementation of rhe BIGT recommendations will see increased opportunities for rraining in the biosciences.For example, the research councils and industryhave formed the BioprocessingResearchIndustry Club (BRIC) to steer and fund industrially relevant academic research in bioprocessing (www.bbsrc.ac.uk/ science/initiatives/bric).I would advise those interested in a careerin the biopharmaceurical industry to embark on training of a muhi-disciplinary nature, such as that provided under the BRIC programme. Whilsr expefiise in a particular areais required, we like our scientiststo have an appreciation of where and how their expertise interfaceswith other areasneeded to discover and develop new drugs. do you seeyour (-\Uow S{fufure? We face the challenge of developing the infrastructure to attract and train new bioprocessscientiststo support the growth of both my own company and the wider UK bioscience sector. I seemy future plapng a role in both. Furtherinformation: - rheDTIwww.bioprocessuk.org fundedknowledgetransfernerwork dedicatedto the advancement of the 1 . bioprocessingsector in the UK. The website contains information on training, careersand jobs in the UK. www. b ioi nd ustry.org - The Biolndustry Association is the trade association for the UK's bioscience sector, representing the industry to stakeholders - from patient groups and politicians to rhe media and financial sector. 181 t r R e c i p i e n t so f S C M V a c a t i o n S t u d e n t s h i p si n 2 O O 5 . L e f t t o r i g h t : A l i s o n T h o r n t o n ,C a l u m D a v i s ,H a n n a h T r e w b y , H e l e n E w l e s ,J a n e t S m i t h , J o s h u a W i l l o u g h b y ,L e e W i e r s m a . n award allows a studenl lo conduct a research project in some aspect of microbiology during the summer vacation prior to their final year of study.Around 50 awards are made annually At the end of the project, the student submits a brief report of the research. A selection of the 2005 reports are summarized below. They illustrate the diverse nature of the projects and alsohow the studentsviewed theirbrief encounterwilhmicrobiological research.Seep. 146 for details of the 2007 scheme. Alis#n Thornton worked with Dr Evelpr Doyle, Department of Industrial Microbiology, University College Dublin. Her project was concerned with the bioremediation of sheep dips containing slmthetic pyrethroids. These compounds are highly toxic to aquatic creatures and potentially serious contaminants of water courses.Alison examined the capacity of a naturally occurring soil Pseudomonasto degrade the s)'ntheticpyrethroid most commoniy used in sheepdip, cypermethrin. The level of cypermethrin degradation observedby the bacterium in this study is the highest reported to-date for properly, although high concentrations are usually toxic. However, some plants tolerate and even actively accumulate high concentrations of hear,y metals. The metal-hyperaccumulating plant Thlaspi caetulescenswas grown on a ralrge of Zn concentrations and then inoculated with the plant pathogen Pseudomonassynngae pv. maculicola. Bacterial growth was inhibited in plants treated with higher Zn concen[rations. The resuits suggest that the increased diseaseresistanceof metal hyper-accumulating plants could be due to a direct toxic effect of metals on pathogens and explain the benefit of the energy-costly process of metal hvoer-accumulation. 'The studentshtpproved an invaluableexpenence,not only in allowing me to carry out researchover the summer,but also in glvingme a tasteof what researchis like. I now'hnowthat I w ould lihe to continue in biologicaI research.' -frewby $-larinah worked with Dr Eirwen Morgan, Institute for Animal H eaI th on the id enti fi cati on of Salm oneIIa c olonizatron factors in chi.cks. Salmonellaentenca serovar Tlphimurium produces enteritis in a wide range of animals, including a pure culture of a bacterium. man. The introduction of Salmonellarnto the food chain via 'The project allowed me to worh. with some highly skilled infected chicken carcassesand eggsis a major causeof human food poisoning. The mechanisms Salmonellduses to colonize scientistswLtoguided and advised me throughout. The worlt oJthefeldl choose poultry are thereforeof key public health importance and also taughtmeshillsthatwillbeusefulregardless impact on poultry welfare and the economics of the industry. in the future.' Hannah used signature-taggedmutagenesis(STM) to screen {aiurn AaztiEworked with Dr Gail Preston, Department a bank of random Salmonella Typhimurium transposon insertion mutants for thelr abiiity to infect 1-day-old chicks. of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford, on the effects of Her results confirmed previous findings that genes in the metal hyper-accumulation on plant disease resistance.All SalmonelloPathogenicity Islands SPI-l and SPI-2 are needed plants require healy metals, such as Zn and Ni, lo function Wootlon work #ffif,*r SueAssinderreviewssfirne HCuratlmn *f 5fiAA mfth* r#p#rtswrlttmr:hy thc r#{:ipi*nts ips!n 2#*5. Vecatr*n StuCentsh m i c r o b i o l o g y t o d a y i r i " , "{, " i { i for r,rrulence. She identified ma:ny mutants that cannot cause disease in l-day-oid chicks but which are known to colonize calves and l4-day-oId chicks. These mutants must therefore have transposon insertions in genes which could influence host soecificitv 'As a yet student it was particularly interestingto seewhat goes0n to achieve the sciencethat vets tend to accept without question. Also interestingwas the mental U-turn neededto go from thinhingintermsoJthe wholeanimal to considenngdiseasefrom the microbial perspective .' Helen Frrulesworked wirh Dr Adam Roberts,EastmanDental Institute, UCL. to charactertze a novel tetracycline resistancegene, tet(32), isolated from human mouth bacteria. Antibiotic resistanceis an ever-increasingproblem. Oral microflora harbouring novel tetracyclineresistancegenescould play an impoftant role in spreading resistance to pathogens. A fully characterized gene would provide information on resistancemobility, and the method oftetracyclineresistance.Helen'sinvestigationsshowedthat tet(32)is not mobile and that it is inducible by rerracycline. She also amplified parr of the tet(32) gene,generatingnew sequence data. Further studies of tet(32) may aid the developmentof new drugs and possible methodsto overcomeresistance. 'I thoroughly enjoyed my slrmmer studentshtp. It helpedme enormously with prepanngfor my third jear project, asweIIasconfirmingnry desire topursue a careerin research.' ianet Smith worked with Dr Brian Gibson in the Brewing Yeast Research I-ab at Oxford Brookes University on l II ii_ microbiology today il,ri,i-l{;; the role of glutaredoxins in protecting brewing yeast against peroxide stress. Oxygen is essentialto maintain a viable yeast culture during fermentation, but the accumulation of harmful oxygen derivatives, known as reactive oxygen species,can damage yeast cells. Glutaredoxins are small proteins found in Saccharomycescerevisiae, which are known to protect cells from these damaging effects.They are encoded by genes GRXL and GRX2. Janet showed that mutant S. cerevisiaestrarrlslacking one or other of these genes were less tolerant to exposure to hydrogen peroxide than the wild-t1pe srrain and rhat GRX2accountsfor the majority of gluraredoxin activity in yeast. The relative sensitivitiesto peroxide stressof a wildt;,pe strain and four brewing strains were also investigated. Of the brewing strains, one ale strain was particularly sensitiveto hydrogen peroxide, whereas the sensitilrty of the lager strains was comparable to the wild-type strain. Thesereslrltswerepresentedat a malting and brewing seminar in Belgium and have recently been published (Gibson, B.R. & others, 2006; Cerevisia- BeIgJ BrewBiotechnol3L. 25). 'Doing this projectgave me the chance to spend more time in the lab tLtan would normally be possible in an undergraduatedegree.BecauseI enjoyed it so much, I'd lihe to worh in clinical scienceor researchin the future.' Joshua Wiil*ughby worked with Professor Geoff Turner, University of Sheffield, on whether actin cables or microtubules direct the movement of peroxisomes in a filamentous fungus. Peroxisomes oxidize specific organic substrates in a reaction that produces hydrogen peroxide. They are important, organellesfor fatty acid metabolism and some of the steps of antibiotic sfithesis in fungi. In humans, peroxisomes make lipids which insulate nerve cells, so peroxisomal defecb can result rn severe neurological diseases.A related organelleis essentialfor pathogenesisin the economically significant rice blasr pathogen Magnaporthe gnsea. Joshua used a strain of the fungal model organ, rsm Asperglllusnidulansin which green fluorescent proiein was fused to the peroxisomally located enzqeisocitrate lyase. Peroxisomeswere easily seen in live hlphae using W lighr microscopy The drugs benomyl and cytochalasin were used to disrupt microtubules and actin, respectively Both affected fungal growth, but neither dru g alone appeared to prevent migration of peroxisomes into hyphae. 'The studentshiphad a strongpositive | 1 inJluencein the decisionto do a P\"LD.' Ls* Wiersma worked with Professor Stuart Siddell, University of Bristol. Her project was on feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), a condition caused by FIP! a coronavirus. Up to 40o/o of UK cats are thought ro be infected with it and 5-10 % of rhem develon FIB which is invariably fata|. Lee aimed to express rhe nucleocapsid (N) prorein of FIP! which is one of the structural proteins. She cloned the N gene into a bacterial plasmid designed for expressionin bacteria. The bacteria with the expressedprotein were lysed and the protein was purified by affinity chromatography The resultant N protein was of sufficient purity and quantity to be used in the production of monoclonal antibodies (mAb). These mAbs will be useful rools for further study of the molecular cellular biology of the virus wrth the aim of developing an effectivevaccine against FIP a lookat somerecent writerMeriel Jonestal<es Science p a p e r isn S C Mj o u r n a l sw h i c hh i g h l i g hnt e w a n de x c i t i n g research. in microbiological developments to TB controlusinggranulysin New appraach L i u ,8 . , L i u ,S . ,Q u , X . & L i u ,J . (2006).Construction of a eukaryotic and systemfor granulysin expression its orotectiveeffectin mice infected with Mycobacterium tubercuIosis. J Med Microbiol55,1389-1393. Tuberculosis,causedby the bacterium trrlycobactenumtuberculosis,kills around 3 million people eachyear.Even more worryingly, resistanceto existing anti-TB drugs is increasing,so new therapies at the School are needed.Researchers of Medicine in Wuhan University in China have been exploring whether a peptide antibiotic made by somehuman cells can be developed as an effective treatment. Granulysin is produced by human cytotoxic T l;.nnphocytes and natural killer cells, and acts in combination with a second pore-forming protein called perforin and proteinases called granzqes to destroy cancerous and virus-infected cells within the body However, in laboratory lests, granulysin can kill or inhibit many bacteria, fungi and including M. tuberculo.sis, parasiteson its own. The researchershave demonstratedthat human granulysin provides protection to mice infected with M. tuberculosis when it is made by their own cells. To do this the researchersisolated the sequencefor the granulysin geneand insertedit into an expressionplasmid, a circular piece of DNA containing all the instructions to allow any animal cell to sprthesize granulysin. They checked that this worked using a cell culture, and then injected mice with the granulysin expressionplasmid. Some of the mice were then infected After a month with M. tuberculosis. the mice had the sort of inflammation and lesionsthat occur in tuberculosis. 184 However, theses1'rnptomswere much milder in the mice immunizedwith the granulysin expressionplasmid. There were significantly fewer bacteria in thesemice as well, with many bacteria showrng signs of damage.This is the first evidencethat a granulysin expression vector can protect againstM. tuberculosis infection and suggestsa new approach to TB control. to fossilfuelsare a ) Left.Alternatives c h a l l e n g feo r t h e 2 ' 1s t c e n t u r ya s d e m a n d steadilyincreases, but reservesbecome Photo depleted.JeremyWalker/ Science Library ) Right.Hibiscusflower from Rarotonga, with nitidulid beetles(Aethinasp.).Andre Lachance { C o l o u r e dX - r a yo f a p a t i e n t ' sc h e s ts h o w i n g u b e r c u l o s i(sT B )i n t h e l u n g s d i s s e m i n a t et d T h el u n g sc o n t a i nl e s i o n s( t u b e r c l e sp,i n k ) . u Cane c o n s i s t i nogf i n f e c t e dd e a dt i s s u e D Medical lmagingLtd / SciencePhoto Library SARSin horseshoebats genomesequences of two Ren,W., Li, W., Yu,M. & others(2005).Full-length J GenVirol in horseshoe batsand geneticvariationanalysis. coronaviruses SARS-Iike 87. 3355-3359. Severeacute respiratory syndrome (SARS)took the medical world by surprise when it was first reported as a new diseasein Asia in February 2003. There was concern becauseof its rapid worldwide spreadand high mortality rate,with an estimatedTT4 deathsamong the 8,098 peoplewho contractedSARSin the 2003 outbreak.Rapid work identified the causalagent as a coronavirus.Although no new caseshave been recorded since late 2004 among the public, researchersstill want to know more about where the virus came from. Researchersfrom China have already detectedvirus from the SARScluster coronavirusesin at least five horseshoebat speciesfrom the genus Rhinolophus, suggestingthat bats might be the natural home of the virus. The sequenceof all of the genesof some of thesegroup 2b coronaviruses(G2b-CoV) is now known, and is similar to that of viruses isolated from humans and civets in 2003. The researchers have now characterrzedtwo additional G2b-CoV genome sequencesfrom bats and have compared all of the genome sequencesto seewhether this gives clues about why the virus was so virulent or how it was transmitted between different animal hosts. The bat Gb2-CoV isolateshave an identical genome organization and share an overall identity of 88-92 o/oamongthemselves,and between them and isolatesfrom civets or humans. However, there is considerablediversity in their detailed DNA sequences, even though researchersthink that they all evolved from a common ancestorof the SARSvirus. The researcherscame up with different relationships among the strains depending on which genesequencesthey used. This often indicates that there has been recombination between viruses in the past, although more sequenceswould be neededto prove this. One isolatefrom bats,Rfl, had a unique featurethat might make it an evolutionary intermediate between the virus that infects bats and srrainsfound in people. Further testssuggestedthat the viruses in bats had evolved independently for a long time, whereasthe ones from humans and civets had recently undergone strong positive selection,reinforcing the idea that something has recently allowed the virus to crossbetween species. m i c r o b i o l o g yt o d a yn * v S 6 Novelyeastdistribution in insects L a c h a n c eM, . - A . ,B o w l e sJ, . M . , W i e n s ,F . ,D o b s o n J, . & E w i n g ,C . p . (2006).Metschnikowia orientalis sp.nov.,an Australasian yeastfrom nitidulidbeetles.lnt.l SystEvol M icrobio| 56, 2489-2493. Microdieselfrom E. coli- an afternativeto fossilfuels? Kalscheuer, R.,Stolting,T. & Steinbrichel, A. (2006).Microdiesel'. Escherichia coli I I engineered for fuel production.Microbiology 152,2529-2536. Practicalahernativesto fossilfuels are a challengefor the 2lsr cenrury.Not only arethe number of exploltableoi1reservesaround the world decreasingas demand increases. but using this non-renewableresourcealso contributesto global warming. Amongthe solutionsis biodiesel,an alternativeto petroleum-baseddieselmade fromplant oi1s.Its major drawbackis that the acreageof orl crops hke oilseedrape, soybeans and oil palm neededto meet the world's current demandswould leave littlespacefor food crops.However,most of the carbonrn plants is within structural materialslike celluloseand starchrather than the seedoils. Biodieselwould be much morepracticalif it could be made from thesechemicals.A secondproblem is that biodieselis currently produced by convertingthe plant oils to fatry acid methyl esters(FAMEs)using methanol,which is both toxic and derived from non-renewable natural gas.Fattyacidethylesters(FAEEs), synthesize{usingerhanolrhatcanbe producedbiologically,have similar fuel propertiesto FAMEs,but are more expensive to makeby chemicalsyrrthesis. Researchers at the wesrfalischewilhelms-University in Germanyhave [aken a lateralapproachto theseproblemsto seewhether bacteriacan help. Their solution hasdemonstratedthat bacteriacanbe designedto make'Microdiesel',resembling biodiesel. The researchers brought togethergenesfrom three differentbacteria.They hadbeenworking with the speciesAcinetobacter baylyithat makesfats to storewirhin its cells.The key enzyme(WS/DGAT) in this biosyrrthesisturns our ro work well with a remarkablybroad rangeof substrates,including many never encounteredin nature.Thrsenzymethereforemight make Microdiesellf it was supplied with suitable materials. Unfortunately,A. baylyi cannot syethesizesuitableamountsof ethanol.The solutionwas to add two genesfrom anotherbacterium,Zymomonas mobilis,to the microbiological workhorse Escherichia coli,giving it the capacityto synthesizeenough ethanol.Addlng the genefor WS/DGAT from A. baylyi aswell createdgenerically modifiedbacteriathat could churn out up to 26 o/oof their dry weight as FAEEs, oncesuppliedwith sugarsand fatty acids. Higherefficiencyand yields would be neededin a practicalindustrial process,as we1lasthe ability to use crude plant materialsas substrates.However,the versatility withinbacterialmetabohsmmeansthat this may well be possibleusing the righr combination of genesand bacteria.The Germanresearchers have shown that the conceptworks and have openedup the way for further developments. m i c r o b i o l o gt o\ d a y, Nitidulid beetles live on fruir.flowers, leavesand otherdiscarded parrso[ plants,and can be a pestin dried fruit. However,three of thesesmall beetles have posedan interestingquestionabout specres distribution,not of beetles,but of yeasts.The beetleswere collected from roadsidesseparated by 11,000 km of land and oceanin cool regionsof Rarotongain the Cook Islandsand the CameronHighlandsin Malaysia.A novel speciesof yeast,Metschnilzowia oientalis, wasdiscoveredin rheir droppings. Remarkably,M. orientalishas not been detectedbeforein extensivecollections from habitatsin Australia,New Caledoniaand Fiji. Researchers from Canadahave been surveying the insectborne yeastflora of theseareas.The only tenuousclue linking M. oientalis to thesetwo locationsis the low maximum temperatureat which the yeastwill grow.This must not exceed30-31 'C, which could limit the number of suitable habitatsin thesetropical regions. The researcherssuspectedthat they had a novel specieswhen they recoveredseveralstrains of a yeast that would apparenriyonly reproduce asexuallyfrom two nitidulid beerles in Rarotonga in \999.In 2005 they found a single isolate from an insect on roadsideflowers in Malaysiathat had similar growth and DNA charac[erisrrcs to the Rarotongayeasrs.The only way to distinguish this novei speciesfrom other yeastsis to either examine DNA sequencesor test for the production of sexualsporesonce possibleisolatesare mixed with authentic strains of each m - " -: -r ^t i' n . bo frrne r'' "/ The question of why the strainswere found so far apart,and where others Iilay Lurn up, ts snlr open. ' a ^ r 7 t r r v h i ^ ^ * : l l " ^ 185 Seienee Teoehin9 irr Sehools quiry Er-r SueAssinder(SCM Education Officer)gaveoral evidenceon Federation behalfof the Biosciences (BSF)to the recentHouseof Lords SelectCommitteeenquiryon Science T e a c h i n ign S c h o o l sa, l o n g s i d e from the RoyalSociety, representatives the Instituteof Physicsand the Royal Thisenquirywas Societyof Chemistry. particularly concernedwith the decline i n t h e n u m b e ro f A - l e v e le n t r i e si n t h e sciencesand focusedon the role that teachersand teachingmethodscan play in reversingthat decline. S u et o l d t h e e n q u i r yt h a t t h e B S F was keento seean improvement at Ain the take-upof all sciences level.Insightsfrom chemistryand importantfor physicsare increasingly bioscienceresearchand the declinein their popularitythreatenedto hinder d e v e l o p m e n tisn t h e b i o s c i e n c e lsf .t h e recent Covernmenttargetsto increase t h e n u m b e ro f p u p i l st a k i n gs c i e n c eA levelswere to be met, it was important to focuson pupils'engagementwith t h e s c i e n c e sn,o t j u s t t h e i r l e v e l s Pupilswould be of achievement. persuadedto continueto A-levelonly if they were excitedabout science to them. and appreciatedits relevance Membersof learnedsocietieslike the ' SCM potentiallyhad an important part >- Lo C b.0 m ho O(.J oc 5q) -cd I n a w i d e - r a n g i n dg i s c u s s i o no,t h e r issuesraisedincludedthe perception that CCSEand A-levelsin the sciences are more difficultthan in other subjects,the problemof gender imbalancein the physicalsciences, the poor qualityof careersadvice offeredby some schoolsand the currentshortageof specialistphysics and chemistryteachers.The issueof Healthand Safetyin practicalswas also d i s c u s s e dg,i v i n gS u et h e o p p o r t u n i t y to highlightthe importantrole that the SCM playsin givingadviceand training to teachersabout safemicrobiology practicalwork. It is alwaysdifficultto judge the impactof these sorts of activities. However,the Lordshad clearlydone t h e i r h o m e w o r k ,i n c l u d i n gv i s i t st o schools,and appearedinterestedin the evidenceoresentedto them. The Committeeis expectedto publishits report by the end ofthe year. SueAssinder(e s.assinder@bangor. ac.uk) feature Measlesand Clostridiumdiffcile, adding to MRSA, Malariaand TB. Plansare also in hand for future eventsat W e s t m i n s t ear n d i n l r e l a n d . cd o_ 9; E 3= t o p l a yi n e n t h u s i n gs c h o o lc h i l d r e n about scienceand many of them alreadydid so. However,a major problemwas that schooloutreachwork carriedout by universityacademics was often not highlyvaluedby their institutions. cd UI AC The Society'scampaignto raisethe profileof microbiology t o C o v e r n m e nat n d o t h e r o p i n i o nf o r m e r sc o n t i n u e sI.n Novemberwe will once againhavea standat the Royal Societyof Chemistry'sScottishParliamentDay,where we will be trying to persuadeMSPsand their advisersof the importanceof hand hygiene.We will also be distributing literaturesuchas the popularone-pagebriefingson issues.The latesttwo briefings topicalmicrobiological 186 5@ iffi4qtrh6.'0rd l{i@d*e6!i4E,t@ tuk,@,@d,d 6,!l.t6d,fBd.hd4 **dq.dbrsb64.tutrd ofr4kde sr'ktud.d6,3c drufrI@cdkddk #dMe3tu'a.dd& &fu;r.iqder.d@ s*g"ry :ls*F.{.Hifrffim* tri. '*E{frF'e |l|Md6Bdt!(futu, dkraH.dtul'td'ndd, @4a@b@F4# 6!!EE!qk.eet4d4 hrtudddddd*4 m l@beedorfuddrd !bFM. tu;" b6b!6turydhbcd/ftk cidtudrur!6:bdm.dhe ! lidra6l!.EdMbm! ! :l i^Y.H,H xn6'lld;tutukqme bsMdtuka,ffi. M@bcdhtudh ddNri*.n6eiffDr "*.tu(dilNkrM {6 : ;ffi,mf;ff.:ffi#ffi il ti rl a1 !t iq ll l! ii ffiTffiii rdrdn. @ecry#hr|b6! [E:r!@br -ffiil"sfg*'*'* r@tu'.tuh,DlIft @.krml.ftb!l#@ ;*;d;:;&hm htu:ilh&.,Ltu.* ;*;;;tu; Lild*artft d. A*EN n*a-dt--*-,*d # Jillniililotuook Jir,|;ii"itJ.Joliiifiiu Fli.;oi"iii;6ii;;;;;: &e h --- htutu*Hdbdbd hE,adid*db dd, aeft'5r&d&6+c d (. d/&'. @@dd6d id} *$.td!4ni.q*b dddldlFsfr dd.d minw*suw-ffi ffiiffi;ffi microbiology today ri*v rJ6 Ferl\ /-'\nrnnr reseerehers e re tcld sfond up for selenc#l y I I t c a no f t e n s e e mt h a t t h e p u b l i c ' s p e r c e p t i oo n f s c i e n c ei s o f m e n i n w h i t e coatsworking awaybehindcloseddoors d e t e r m i n e tdo a l t e rl i v e si n u n w e l c o m e ways.Thisdetachmentof scientistshas ledto recentdebatesover scientific i s s u ebs e i n ga l a r m i n g l m y isinformed. Sense a b o u tS c i e n c ew, h i c h w o r k sw i t h scientists to promoteevidenceand good s c i e n c ien p u b l i cd i s c u s s i oonf t o p i c a l andcontroversial issues,hasbeen runningVoiceof YoungScience(VoYS) mediaworkshopssince2004. These workshopsenableearly-career scientists to voiceconcernsabout talkingto the mediaand providean opportunityto form viewson how scienceis portrayed a n dc o m m u n i c a t e da,n d t o q u e s t i o n peopleon the 'frontline'directly. Whatwasapparentin the workshops wasthe enthusiasmof early-career scientists to get involvedin promoting goodscience,but uncertaintyas to how to go about it. With that in mind, our VoYSwriting team, made up of early-career scientists determinedto r e s o l vteh i s p r o b l e m ,h a sc o m p i l e da short-guideto the media;Standingup Thiscolourfulguide contains for Science. interviews with scientists and journalists to givean insightinto how the media repoftsscienceand givespracticaltips on how they can get more involvedin p u b l i cd e b a t e sa b o u ts c i e n c e . microbiology L-, \-/ I \--, \-, I 5CM is one of our partners.Janet Hurst,Deputy ExecutiveSecretary, highlightswhy they wantedto be involved:'With so many scientifc issues in the headlinesaffectingnot only our own well-beingbut that of the planet, it has neverbeenmore importantfor scientiststo interactpro-activelywith the media ... SCM is thereforedelighted to support this guide, which seeksto encourage early-career scienti sts to communicateenthusiasticallyand clearly to the mediaabout their work.' Television, radio,newspapers and the internetreachinto the home and the workplacethroughoutthe country.lt is a fact of 21st centurylife that the m e d i ai s i n e s c a p a b al en d , l i k e i t o r n o t , most scientists will find that they are approachedby journalistsat some p o i n t i n t h e i r c a r e e tr o t a l ka b o u t t h e i r o w n o r s o m e o n ee l s e ' sr e s e a r c h . Whilstthis may be a dauntingprospect, i t n e e d n ' tb e a n e g a t i v e x p e r i e n c e ; speaking t o t h e m e d i aa l l o w st h e m t o s h a r et h e i r e n t h u s i a s m f o r t h e i rs u b j e c t , and givesthe opportunityto influence p u b l i co p i n i o na n d p u b l i cp o l i c y . The concernsdealtwith in the guide go from why not all sciencejournalists havesciencebackgrounds, to the fear o f m i s r e p r e s e n t a t iionnt h e m e d i aa n d the fearthat when simplifyingthe languagefor the interestedlay person y o u w i l l e n d u p s a y i n gs o m e t h i n gt h a t s o u n d si n a c c u r a t es ,t u p i do r b o t h . Everyoneinterviewedagreedthat these problemswere easilyavoidableand all the interviewees, jou rnalists scientists, and pressofficersalike,expressed their optimismat the part which early-career scientists can playin the c o m m u n i c a t i oonf s c i e n c ef,o r m i n gt h e perfectbridgebetweenthe publicand the professor. Standingup for Sclenceis the culmination o f m o n t h so f h a r dw o r k f u e l l e db y a b e l i e ft h a t w i t h a h e l p i n g hand, early-career scientistsreallycan standup and makea difference.lt is by no meansa definitiveguideto all d e a l i n gw s i t h t h e m e d i a ,b u t i t g i v e s i n d i v i d u a ltsh e k n o w l e d g et,o o l sa n d inspirationto go out and standup for s c i e n c et h e m s e l v e s . A copy of Standingup for Science is enclosedwith everySCM Postgraduate StudentMember'scopy of MicrobiologyToday.lt is availableon ou r website,www.senseaboutscience. orglVoYS,where hard copiescan also be freelyordered.Hereyou can find other waysto get involvedin the VoYS network. ContactFrancesDowney at fdowney@senseaboutsci ence.org or O2O7478 4380 for further information. SarahAnderson and FrancesDowney l f y o u w o u l d l i l < ey o u r n a m et o b e a d d e dt o o u r d a t a b a soef pleasecompletethe book reviewerinterests bool<reviewers, . c l a s s i f i ecdo m p e n d i u mo f r e v i e w s f o r m o n t h e S C M w e b s i t eA f r o m 1 9 9 6 t o t h e p r e s e n its a l s oa v a i l a b loen t h e w e b s i t e . M a n u a lo f M o l e c u l a r and ClinicalLaboratory l m m u n o l o g yT,t h e d n , .c.Hamilton E d i t e db y B . D e t r i c kR & J . D .F o l d s S o c i e t fyo r P u b l i s h ebdy A m e r i c a n Microbiology(2006) U S $ 1 7 9 . 9 5p p 1 3 7 4 lsBN 1-55581-364-X Most clinical immunology laboratories will have at leastone previousedition of the Manual of ClinicalLaboratory Immunologtfrom ASM Presssomewhere on their shelves(we have three - Given the changein title and new direction this textbook seriesis taking, the temptationmay havebeento veer too far awayfrom non-molecular However,the authors techniques. and editors seemto incorporatethe expandingapplication of molecular techniqueswithout ignoring traditionai non-moleculartechniquesthat remain standardin many laboratoriesand wilcontinue to be used for some time. Aside from the new molecular emphasis, additional chaptershave been included concerningtopics that have come to prominencesince the publication of the lastedition in 2002. examplesbeing chapters on Bacillusanthracisfrom its potential use as an agentof bioterrorism and coronaviruses,the causativeagent of SARS. a2nd, a 3rd and a 6th). As with similar tomes from the ASM, such as thrs t}reManual of ClinicalMicrobiology, book aims to be a definitive reference text for its targetlaboratories.Certainly, a descriptionof every immunological As with many collaborativeworks test we perform can be found within there is wide variety in the language its pagestogetherwith a number of and proseused in differeni chapters, alternativetechniques. n some are definitely more reader-friendly For textbooks of this kind to remain than others.This is to some extent due relevantand fulfil their remit,it is to the subjectmatter of eachsection essentialthat they evolvewith current and chapterand an expert eye would trends in laboratory practice.To achieve probably appreciatethe specificsof this, the manual has been updated to a their chosenfield. new edrtion approximatelyevery 5 years as it The indexing is as comprehensive since the first edition was pubiished needsto be, making navigationthrough in 1976.Furthermore.the quantity the 1,340 pagesstraightforwardand and complexity of molecular biology allowing quick accessto specifictopics. containedwithin this 7th edition is This featurecannot be overlooked previous considerablein comparisonto given the competition from online- and editions, a fact that the editors obviously DVD/CD-ROM-basedreferencematerial, wishedto emphasizeby the inclusion 'Molecular'in the titie. Rather wheresearchlacilitiesareol sreal of benefit. solely than appendinga few chapters concernedwith molecular techniques, As one would expectwith welleachsectionand chapterhas been establishedreferencematerial of expanded,rewritten and reorganrzedto this type,the scientificaccuracy include the relevantmateriai. cannotbe disputedaseachchapter is extensivelyreferencedto include up-to-date original researchand review 1BB articles.Each topic is introduced and discussedin depth and then followed by detaileddescriptionsof the techniques, discussion of specificapplications and guidelineson test selectionfor individual clinical situationsand interpretation of findings. Only the keenes[of studentsand other individualswill considerpurchasing a personalcopy.In any casethe most benefit from referencevolumes of this type is probably obtained when used in the actual laboratory setting, whether clinical or academic,so that the informationcanbe put direcLlyin the context of patient care or research.The brief final sectionconcernslaboratory management,indicating that the book is targetedat institutions and laboratory heads. Immunologylaboratories currently reiying on a previous edition as a primary referencemanuai would definitely benefit from purchasingthis extensivelyrevisededition, which will more than satisfytheir current needs. Furthermore,the increasedemphasison molecular biology in this edition should guaranteeits relevancefor severalyears to come, at leastuntil advancementof the field necessitates an 8th edition. Martin Stearn,RoyalBromptonHospital Emerging Foodborne Pathogens Editedby Y.Motaryemi & M, Adams Publishing P u b l i s h ebdy W o o d h e a d Limited(2005) f I 5 0 . o o / U s $ 2 7 0 . 0 0p p .6 3 4 lsBN 1-85573-963-1 Despitemajor advancesin food safety and public health microbiology,foodborne diseaseremainsa leading cause of illnessworldwide and, becauseof multifactorial influences,new foodborne pathogenswill continue to emergeand old ones re-emerge.This well-writtenbook bringstogether currentknowledgeand concepts providing a good introduction and overviewol emergingfood-borne pathogens,covering evolution of rl{i microbiologytoday *r":':r T pathogens,suryeillance,industrial microbiology and risk assessment. The secondpart of the book, with a more conventionallayout, consists of chapterson individual emerging pathogensand is comprehensivein its coverage. Overall,I found the book highly informative,up-to-dateand easy to read,providing essentialinformation for all food microbiologistsas well as food scientistswith an interestin food safety All scientistsworking with food pathogensor involved with food safety would benefit from having accessto a copy Kathie Grant,HealthProtectionAgency TheEnterobact er|a, 2 n de d n ByJ.M. Janda& S.L.Abbott Published by AmericanSocietyfor (2OO5) Microbiology U S $ 1 1 9 . 9 5p p . 4 2 6 lsBN1-55581-342-9 The Enterobactenaceae are a hugeiy significant and increasingly diverse family of pathogenicbacteria.The book is an outstandinglyauthoritative and detailedreferencesourceon the phenotypic, and to some extent genotypic, characterizationand identificationof theseorganisms.As such it is excellent value for the clinical laboratoryor medical microbiologist. Yet,it neglectstotally the paradigmshifting insights that arc now flowing fast and freely from whole-genome sequencingof organismswithin the family,for which there are now about 40 completeor near-completegenome sequences. These dataaretotally changingour concept of the species, amongboth the Enterobactenaceae and bacteriain general.In a nutshell, the book is a fantasticresourcefor the sciencethat representsthe culmination of the era of classicalmicrobiology, but contributeslittle to the increasing needsfor post-genomicre-evaluationof enterobacterialdiversity and phylogeny, wherethe inteliectual challengesfor the future lie. CharlesPenn,Universityof Birmingham m i c r o b i o l o gtyo d a y n * v * 1 6 O I E/FAOInternational Scientific Conferenceon Avian Influenza E d i t e db y A . S c h u d e&l M . L o m b a r d Published by S. l(argerAC (2006) U S $ 2 3 6 . 5 op p . 2 7 B lsBN3-80558-031-2 Avian influenza has had an enormous economicand socialimpact on affected countries,and the risk of this animal diseaseevolving into a human pandemic is of globalconcern. In order to effectivelycombat the disease,veterinaryand human health organizationsneed to work rogerher.This book highlighrs and discussesimportant areasof research and collaboration,for example,the implementation of more surveillance and epidemiologicalstudiesin migratory birds to understand disseminationof highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), aswell as increasingawarenessof pathogenesis, symptoms and diseasesignsof HPAI. There are comprehensivediscussions of ecology,epidemiology,pathogenesis, human health implications, diagnostics and the control of avian influenza, including vaccination. This book has extensivebackground informatioh about all areasof avian influenza and would be ideal for anyone looking for a summary and overview of the current situation for avian influenza, and how organizationssuch as OIE/ FAO and WHO are implemenring ways to control and combat outbreaksand spreadofthe disease. Ruth Harvey, Universityof Oxford Reviews on the web Reviewsof the following books are availableon the websiteat wwwsgm. ac.uVpubs/micro_to daylreviews.cfm SalmonellaInfectionsClinical, ImmunoIogical and Mo lecuIar Aspects TheBacteriophages, 2nd edn AppliedMultilevelAnalysis VaccineCellSubstrates 2004 lnfluenzaVirologyCurrentTopics Principles of 6eneManipulationand Genomics, Tth edn MicrobialSubversion of lmmunity: CurrentTopics Theldentificationof Fungi Compendium of BeanDiseases Compendium of Turfgrass Diseases, 3rd edn 6ene Cloning& DNAAnalysis An lntroduction Virusesvs.Superbugs A Solutionto the AntibioticsCrisisT Biodiversityand Ecophysiology of Yeasts ClinicalApplicationsof PCR,2nd edn ExperimentalDesignfor the Life Sciences, 2nd edn Cram-Positive Pathogens, 2nd edn BacterialWilt Disease and the Ralstonia solanacearu m Species CompIex PCRTroubleshooting: TheEssential6uide Fungiin Biogeochemical Cycles Bacte rial Cel|-to-CelI Communication Rolein Virulenceand PathogenesB DiseaseEcologyCommunity Structure and PathogenDynamics lntroductionto Glycobiology, 2nd edn Immunology and Immunotechnology FoodSpoiIageMicro-organisms New and Emergi ng ProteomicTechniques Evolutionof MicrobialPathogens Essenti al Bioinformatics ReverseTranscilptase lnhibitorsin HIV/ AIDS Therapy Emerginglssueson HPV lnfectionsfrom Scienceto Practice BasicBiotechnology, 3rd edn RiskyTrade:lnfectiousDisease in the Era of ClobalTrade BacterialFlorain DigestiveDiseaseFocus on Rifaximin TheBiologyof Vibrios BrewingYeastand Fermentation Outbreak:Cases in Real-world Microbiology MolecuIar Diagnostics:Current Tech noIogy and Appl ications AgrobacteriumProtocols, 2nd edn, Volume'1 189 T Sidney [?euben Elsder-r ffi-"?trXffiffiffiffi) fll 3 il/i ffiWru \ "/' who hasdiedat the ageof 91, wasHeadof the SidneyElsden, from 1949 of Sheffield at the University Department Microbiology Food Council's Research to 1965and Directorof the Agricultural Institutefrom 1965to 1977.Inadditionto hisexperimental Research for he wasresponsible microbiology, to biochemical contributions of boththese and earlydevelopment leadingthe establishment Elsdenwasan originalmemberandthen an Honorary laboratories. g n C o u n c iflr o m 1 9 6 3t o 1 9 6 7a n da s M e m b e ro f t h e S C M ,s e r v i n o from 1969to 1972.In 1967 he wasawardedthe Marjory President MemorialLecture. Stephenson Sidney Elsden spent his early years in Cambridge and, after attending the Cambridge & County High School for Boys, entered Fitzwilliam House, where he held a Goldsmiths' Company Exhibition, and graduated in 1936 with a double first in the Natural Sciences Tiipos. Following a year of research in the Cambridge Biochemistry Department under Dr Maqory Stephenson, who kindled his lifelong interest in micro-organisms, he was appointed to a lectureship in the Physiology Department of Edinburgh University In I94I he gained his PhD from Cambridge University for biochemical work on bacteria and on muscle d55ns.'His long association with the Agricultural ResearchCouncil (ARC) began in1942 when he joined their Unit of Animal Physiology in Cambridge. Here he devised an innovative method for the separation of short-chain fatty acids on silica gel columns and used it to investigate their microbial production in ruminants. In 1948 Elsden was appointed Senior Lecturer in the University of Sheffield, heading a biochemistry-based subdepartment within the Bacteriology Department, and a l-year postgraduatecoursein microbiology was introduced in 1950. At that time, the commercial production of biochemical app^ratus was in its infancy, but Elsden'sforesight.and the skills of the Medical Faculty's workshop placed the department in a strong position to exploit new techniques, such as the Hughes press and other methods for the production of bacterial cellfree extracts, radioactive tracers, continuous culture methods and gasJiquid chromatography Elsdens research was many-faceted. He was adept at connecting a fistula to a sheep's rumen and he could thus easily obtain rumen conlenls with their plethora of microorganisms. Many of these are fastidious anaerobes and, having been exposedto the methods of C.B. van Niel, Elsden 190 was well equipped to isolate and manipulate such bacteria. One of his isolates was an hitherto unknown, Iarge, Gramnegative, non-sporing, anaerobic coccus which produced C1-C6 fatty acids. This organism was eventually adopted as the tlpe species of a new genus and appropriately named Megasphaeraelsdenii. In 1952, Sheffield University created a separate Department of Microbiology with Elsden as its head and the ARC then appointed him Honorary Director of a Unit for Microbiology which they established within the new Department. The research programme expanded steadily and embraced photosynthedc bacteria, growth pelds in relation to AfP generation, bacteriophage and bacteriocins as well as numerous aspects of anaerobes. In 1959, the West Riding of Yorkshire endowed a Chair of Microbiologr with Elsden as the first incumbent. The Departmenl's increasing reputation attracted a steady flow of postgraduate studenb and visiting workers, many of them from overseas countries, including Australia, Norway, Sri Lanka and the USA. In 1965, Elsden startedthe second phaseof his professional career by accepting the Directorship of the new ARC Food Research Institute to be built in Norwich. His careful planning and excellent rapport with the architects resulted in a spacious and elegant building with a good balance of standardized laboratories and specialized areas for services and large equipment. The layout subsequently proved easyto adapt-[o meet changes in the research programme and safety regulations. The new institute was intended to bring together several of the ARC's staff from research groups in Sheffield, Cambridge, Aberdeen and Ditton in Kent. To facilitate the integration of these diverse groups, a nucleus of staff from each was built up at a temporary laboratory in Norwich in microbiolg o y t o d a yn o r ' # * , the years immediately before the new building was occupied in 1968. The Institute was sited close to the newly founded University of East Anglia (UEA) which had a strong biological ethosand a closeassociationdeveloped betweenthe two. Following the Rothschild Report of I97I-72, the researchprogramme was increasinglysubjected to more centralized control, with a Iarge part of the Institute's budget coming from work contractedby MAFF InI97 5 a Director's Advisory Board was set up to improve contact with the food processingindustry Major changes followed, including the introduction of work on nutrition and the [ransferof work onpoultrymeat to the Meat ResearchInstitute at Bristol. Thesechangeswere well under wayby the time Elsden retired in 1977. saam society4fiD/or opplied f@ Inevitably,Elsdenbecameincreasingly involved in a wide ra:nge of committee and advisory work relating to food researchand biology, both locally and nationally Despite these pressures he occasionallymanagedto spend time working with his assistanton properties of clostridia relating to their classifi.cation. After retirement, he continued wrth his scientific interests for a few years at UEA before reverting to his Iong-standing hobbies of gardening, fishing and cooking. tn 1985, rhe University of Sheffield recognized his distinction as a microbiologist and as Director of the Food ResearchInstitute by awarding him the degree of Doctor of Science,honoriscausa. Sidney Elsdenhadalasting interestin new techniquesand was keen to ensure that his staff were well equipped in that -W ffiw societyry respect. His attitude to his colleagues was forthright, but encouraging and q,rynpathetic, particularly with regard to personal problems. Early in his career his own domestic life had been clouded by the sudden death of his first wife, Frances. His second wife, Erica, whom he married in 1948, survives him, together with their twin sons. Despite increasing frailty in his final years Sidney retained a iively and good-humoured outlook until his death shortly after his glst birthday. He leaves behind a wealth of happy and grateful memories among those who were prir,rleged to work \Mith him. JohnL. Peel Norwich BernardA. Fry Sheffield @forggeneral ffiwwreffiwffiffieffiwffiffiw ## 11-12 January 2007 University of York Includina g s e s s i o snp o n s o r e bd y t h e C e n e t i c S s ociety Emailjpjcl @york.ac.uk f or a registration form m i c r o b i o l o gtyo d a yn * : v New and excitingwaysof i n a t i n gi n f o r m a t i o n di s s e m t o t h e p u b l i ca n ds t u d e n t s to aretal<ing off.Thanl<s t h e i n c r e a s i npgo p ul a r i t y o f d e v i c es u c ha sm p 3 players, t h a t p o d c a s t i nagn do t h e r W e b 2 . 0t e c hn o l o g i eos f fe r a greatopporlunityto r-'n icrobiologybyteswordpressoonn promote microbiology. Podcastingis the distribution of multimedia files over the internet. The fi.lescan be downloaded and viewed or listened to on a computer or a mobile device such as an mp3 player or mobiie this group wrth current and engaging info rm ation about m icrobiology. After experimentingwrth podcasts for Universityof Leicesterstudents for the pasLyear,1 beganproducinga to havean phone. lt is not necessary iPod to listento podcasts- any computer or mp3 player wiildo. Unlike other file downioads, a key leaiureof podcastingis the ability to subscribethrough RSS(ReallySimple regular public microbi,ology podcast in Apnl 2006 - microbiologybytes. wordpress.com.More than 3,500 Syrrdication) feeds.There is a wide range of software avaiiable to manage and listento podcasts,most of which is lree.Once the softwareis installed, listeners subscribe to the podcast feed which te1lsthem when new podcasts are availableand automatically it is possible downloads.Alternatively, to manually download the fi.lesto a computer by clicking on the episode links on the podcasthomepage. Podcastinghas grown enormously in the last few years,but is set to move into the mainstreamas a malor source of information dunng the next year by the with the currenl investmenL BBC and other broadcaslersand the featuresincluded in Microsofi Windows Vista, due to be releasedinJanuary 2007 (e.g. RSSsuppon in InLernel Explorer).Podcastingcurrentlyhas a young demographic,predominantly used by the age IB-24 age group. Many students and potential students now turn lo the internet as their first source of information. Podcastsare optimally placed as the medium of choice to reach r,, iPod nano. Ausfu / SciencePhoto Library 192 ! New technologysuch as Web2.0 - the read-write internet - aliows us to c h i r e t h i q , h v h l n o o i.n' , ob :* n ..d * nodcnst ino rs to The aim of MicrobLolog'rBytes bnng people the latest news from the forefront of biomedical researchin a form thll everv,rne - ' - ' - / - . 'can . undcrstand. Obviously, the hope is rhat this wrll people from over 50 countnes d ownloaded a MicrobtologtBytes podcast in September.and the number of Lstenersis doubling eachmonth. After being featuredrecentlyin 'NetWatch'column, the the Science Apple iTunesStore'New and Notable also attract more studentsto undertake microbiology degrees,but it rs not of Podcasts' and Wordpress.comb'Blog the Day'.this excitingnew projecthas just received sponsorship from the SGM should have wrth the public. in the form of a Public Understanding of Sciencegrant. Unlike other universily podcasts, ts not simply recyciing IthcrobiologtBytes of lecture contenl in audio format. Its content is tailor-made to engagethe largestpossibleaudienceby presenting current topics in microbiologt in a form that everyonecan understand. Over a period of time, the contentof the podcastscovers the whole field of microbiologz Recenttopics include: ls there a roleJor SV40in human cancer! Quorumsensingin bactena Escherichiacoli in spinach How HIV causesAIDS ', Plague: from the 14th to the 21stcentury and still goingsLrong Fxtremedrug-resistanttuberculosis (xDR-TB) of Thereis a tremendoussLorehouse knowied.gelocked up in universities. reasonablelo expect Lhatsomeone in. say. who listcnsto Microbiol,;g',Bytcs l\,4r-vir-nurill rrrrn " r* rHn n n "' r)rrr dnorcten wantingto stud; for a degree.ILsall about the conversationwe as academics , A l a nJ . C a n n S e n i o rL e c t u r e rD, e p a r t m e not f B i o l o g yU , n i v e r s i toy f L e i c e s t e r , U n i v e r s i tR y o a d ,L e i c e s t eLr E 17 R H , , U l <( 0 1 15 2 5 2 2 9 5 4 ,i ' O 1 1 62 5 2 3330; alan.cannpleicester.co.uk) l r Wikipedia: Podcast.en.wikipedia.or{ , wiki/podcast (last accessed:3.10.06). C a n n . A . ) . R e a l l yS i m p l cS ; n d r c a t i o n . Teaching Bi oscience Enhan cingLear ning Serjes- \ffective LIseof TechnoLogtin , the Teachmg o.fBloscience- UK Higher EdttcatronAcadenty Centre.for Bioscience. , www.bioscience.heacademy.ac.uk/ , publications (last accessed:3.10.06). , i Podcastinggains an important foothold ' www. nielsen-netratings. com/prlpr_ 060712.pdf (last accessed:3.10.06). *, m . . n' "n' o. b rI I" Sr * r, d. .r 'r "l t. .n. n l i n e n n n r r l r i i n n Pleasenofe that view< exaressed in Comment do not n e c e s s a r i l yr e f e t L o l f c i a l p o l t c y o f t h e S C M C o u n t t l . m i c r o b i o l o gtyo d a y