This is what John the Baptist proclaimed: "One mightier than I is


This is what John the Baptist proclaimed: "One mightier than I is
1229 Vermont Street
Lawrence, Kansas 66044
(785) 843-0109
This weekend kicks off the annual
Archbishop’s Call to Share appeal in
the archdiocese. !
You will receive a leer from the
Archbishop this week, asking for
your support of the Archbishop’s
Call to Share, which funds over 40
ministries in the Church of
Northeast Kansas. Please read your
leer and pray about what you can
do this year, and return your
completed pledge card in the
collecon next weekend.!
Our parish goal is $83,979. Please
consider a generous gi- for the
support of the ministries of the
Church in Northeast Kansas!!
This is what John the Baptist proclaimed:
"One mightier than I is coming after me.
I am not worthy to stoop and loosen
the thongs of his sandals.
I have baptized you with water;
he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit."
{ Mk 1:7-8 }
January 11, 2015 • The Baptism of the Lord
Weekend Mass Schedule: Saturday 4:30pm; Sunday 7:00am, 8:30am, 10:30am, 1:00pm (Spanish Mass), 5:00pm. Website: www.saint!!
Weekday Mass Schedule: Monday!Friday 7:30am; Saturday 8:00am. Reconciliaon: Wednesday 11:00am!1:00pm, 7:00!8:00pm; Saturday 3:00!4:00pm.
Revelation: A Class with Fr. Barnabas
Fr. Barnabas will be teaching a course on Revela2on on Tuesdays during the winter/spring (with
encore sessions on Fridays) beginning this Tuesday, January 13, in the church basement. !
This class is open to anybody interested in learning more about the Book of Revela2on and its
role in our Catholic Faith. Please register for the class by contac2ng Veronica Hamer in the parish
office at (785) 8430109.!
The class will use the book Coming Soon by Michael Barber. It is currently available on for $13. You are asked to purchase
your own book for the course; however, if you cannot afford the book let Veronica know and she will get one for you.!
Reservoir: Adoration
Come experience an hour of reflec on and worship
through prayer, music, and Eucharis c Adora on during
Reservoir Adora9on from 7:30!8:30 p.m. in the church.!
Wednesday, January 14
Feel free to bring any addi onal prayer resources you
might use, and come prepared to give an hour to God!!
Attention Business Owners,
Professionals and Self Employed
This central gathering of Catholic social ministry leaders in the U.S.
brings together hundreds of par cipants whose faith inspires them to
respond to pressing current domes c and global challenges rela ng to
poverty, war, injus ce and the promo on of human life and dignity.
CSMG 2015 promises to be another rich and rewarding experience of
our Catholic commitment to the common good. Visit our Highlights
page (on to get a sense of all the ac on.!
Liturgical Publica ons Inc (LPi), our Bulle n publisher, will have
Lindsay Meyer, our Bulle n representa ve, visi ng our Church
January 1215 to service our Bulle n. We would like to thank our
present adver sers for renewing their ad and thereby con nuing
their support of our Church. For those interested in placing a new ad,
this is your opportunity. !
Our Bulle n is the primary way we use to communicate with you.
Through our arrangement with the Liturgical Publica ons Inc, the
Church does not pay for the Bulle n prin ng, which saves us
thousands of dollars every year. Our Bulle n is supported through
the generosity of the adver sersmany of whom are our own
Church parishioners or members of our local community. During
these difficult economic mes, please support our adver sers with
your patronage. Tell the business owners that you appreciate their
support of our Church through their adver sing in the Bulle n. This
is one small way we can work within our own community to weather
these challenging mes. A strong and vibrant Bullen is good for our
community and a strong business community is good for our
To obtain informa on about adver sing for the new publica on
year, please contact the Church office or contact Lindsay Meyer
directly by phone at (913) 5681570, or via email at:
[email protected]. Keep in mind; our adver sing sponsors make
the Bulle n possible.!
Further details will be available on our pages in coming weeks. Online
registra on is available now. Visit and search "CSMG" for
more informa on and to register today! !
Reserving Space
Catholic Social Ministry Gathering
To Go Forth: Encountering Christ in the Heart of the World
February 7!10, 2015, Washington D.C. The annual Catholic Social Ministry Gathering is organized by the
Department of Jus ce, Peace and Human Development in collabora on
with 4 other USCCB departments and 16 na onal Catholic
organiza ons. We are happy to announce new dates for the upcoming
Gathering which will take place from Saturday, February 7 to Tuesday,
February 10, 2015 in Washington, D.C. !
For informa on about St. John Catholic School,
contact Mrs. Pat Newton, Principal, (785) 8439511
or newton@saint! !
St. John School serves students in preschool
through eighth grade. Contact Mrs. Newton for
enrollment informa on. !
St. John is excited to offer a new opportunity for students that are
homeschooled. We invite students in homeschools to join our
school for a poron of the day or week. Paral enrollment is
available for a maximum of two hours per day. Parents and students
may enroll for one or several classes offered at St. John. One way to
get acquainted with our school is to check out our website at:!
If you would like to learn more, please contact Mrs. Newton, 843
9511 or newton@saint! We will schedule a me for you
to visit the school and discuss opons and opportunies.!
Page 2 •
Parishioners, if you would like to reserve a loca on on the St. John
campus for an event or mee ng, you must first contact Ellen Sickinger: !
(785) 843!0109, esickinger@saint!!
World Meeting of Families
St. John Parish will provide par al scholarships of $1750 for 2 families in
the parish to a/end World Mee ng of Families in Philadelphia
September 2227, 2015. !
If you are interested in applying for this par al scholarship please email
Samantha Romero at sromero@saint! or call (785) 8430109
and provide her your name, phone and email address. !
The deadline for submi4ng an applica on is Friday, January 16 by the
end of the business day. The names of the 2 families will be drawn the
morning of Monday, January 19 by Fr. Jeff. If selected you will be
contacted by the end of the business day on January 19.!
To learn more about the World Mee ng of Families, follow the link on
our homepage at: !
St. John the Evangelist • Lawrence, Kansas
Back to Busy!
By Fr. Jeff Ernst, OFM, Cap.!
We o-en hear and speak about the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. The cultural aspects of
Christmas such as gi-s, par2es, and family visits consume the en2re month of December. December is
a busy month liturgically as well with penance services and then the various Christmas feasts: Christmas
Eve, Christmas Day, the Feast of the Holy Family, the holy day of Mary, the Holy Mother of God, and the
Epiphany. All of this, both the secular and the sacred is beau2ful and inspiring, but it all becomes a very
intense experience with the prepara2on and actual doing of all of these ac2vi2es and events.!
For us here in the parish office, the intense busyness con2nues with several different happenings in the month of January. The first
of these is the Archbishop’s Call to Share. This fundraiser for the Archdiocese begins this weekend with the showing of the DVD and
an appeal for pledges for the support of the ministries of the Archdiocese. One of the posi2ve aspects of Call to Share is that it
helps parishes to come to an apprecia2on of how we are all connected and that we all share in the mission and ministry of the local
church. Our Archdiocese really has some wonderful services to people in various kinds of need. St. John Parishioners can be proud
to be part of a diocese that makes valiant efforts at showing charity and providing material, emo2onal, spiritual relief to so many in
need. Please consider how you might be able to con2nue to help the larger local church in its efforts to evangelize and serve those
most in need.!
Another happening this month is Catholic Schools Week, which begins on January 25th. This par2cular week, usually the last full
week in January, is chosen because the feast of St. Thomas Aquinas, patron saint of Catholic educa2on, occurs on January 28th. The
purpose of the week is simply to aempt to bring a heightened awareness to Catholic educa2on. Our parish is proud to have a
compe22ve and faithbased preschool through 8th grade school. Our teachers and school administra2ve staff would be able to do
quite well at an educa2onal ins2tu2on that is able to pay beer than we. Yet, they choose to be at St. John school. Several of them
have told me they would not want to teach anywhere else. We are blessed to have people who desire to teach at our school and
who enjoy working with our students. Whenever you see a teacher or school staff member, be sure to express gra2tude to them
for their dedica2on and hard work.!
Finally, Week of Prayer for Chris2an Unity begins Sunday, January 18th. This observance helps us to remember that, although each
Chris2an tradi2on has its unique interpreta2on of Chris2an history and theology, we all make up the Body of Christ and we all have
been instrumental in invi2ng and ini2a2ng many people into the Body of Christ. We all share the same goal of salva2on and of
living the Chris2an commitment in faith and charity. Unity of all Chris2ans may or may never arrive at a pure doctrinal agreement,
but it can be realized in the unity of faith and charity among all believers as we are together on this journey of faith. Let us pray
sincerely for a genuine unity of Chris2ans. !
Fr. Jeff!
Focus on the Word
The Bap(sm of the Lord!
"I am not worthy to stoop and loosen the thongs of his sandals." That was a lowly job. Removing
someone's sandals back in the days when everyone walked everywhere on dusty, sandy desert ground
was a dirty task. So when John the Bap#st said he wasn't even worthy for that humble duty, he was
emphasizing an important point. !
John understood Jesus' real iden#ty. He knew that this was not just another good man, not just a wise
teacher or a gi&ed leader. John realized that Jesus was truly Godmademan. And because of this, the
prophet also comprehended how perfect Jesus was. In rela#on to this perfec#on, John honestly
acknowledged his own sinfulness with this analogy about the sandals. But look what happened: even
though John proclaimed that "one migh#er than I is coming a&er me," Jesus showed up at the Jordan
River and asked John to bap#ze him! Jesus humbled himself by going through this ritual of cleansing and
purifica#on, even though he didn't need to. John may have thought himself unworthy, but that didn't stop
Jesus from coming to him. !
Jesus wants to come to us too. Not because we have "earned" his love or because we are "worthy" of
some great honor, but simply because he loves us. God sent his Son to us to be one of us, to walk among
us, to care for us and guide us. When we were bap#zed, he counted us among his beloved children in a
special way, but that joyful bond is not a thing of the past. By our bap#sm we are always his children, even
when we may be disobedient or belligerent ones. His love is not calculated or quan#fied; it is a free gi&.
May we appreciate this gi& enough to show our gra#tude by a life well lived.!
ST. JOHN LINK on Thursday, January 29, 2015
Lawrence Interdenomina2onal Nutri2on Kitchen (LINK) is located at First Chris2an Church, 1000 Kentucky, and
provides nutri2ous meals to 150 people in need. Our parish helps LINK by rota2ng with other Lawrence churches to
furnish food and volunteers. !
Name ________________________________________________ Day2me Phone ______________________!
Email ________________________________________________ Evening Phone ______________________!
Check mark what you can do to help
Chili 11 batches of Chili. Each batch needs to feed 15 people. No need to bring it in a disposable pan. Simply go to LINK with your meal and
volunteers will remove it immediately, you can take your pan/pot, and you are done.!
□ I can make one batch!!
□ I can make two batches!
Mac & Cheese One batch of macaroni and cheese. Batch needs to feed 15 people. No need to bring it in a disposable pan. !
□ I can bring 1 batch ! !
Salad Be crea ve. Bring enough to serve 13 people.!
□ I can bring one salad
! □ I can bring two salads !
Salad Dressing We need 4 bo/les: 2 French and 2 Ranch!
□ I can bring 2 bo/les of French! !
□ I can bring 2 bo/les of Ranch!
Milk We need 10 gallons of 2% milk. !
□ I can bring 1 gallon
! □ I can bring 2 gallons
□ I can bring 3 gallons!
Crackers Boxes of crackers are needed.!
□ I can bring two boxes ! !
□ I can bring three boxes!
Bananas 125 bananas needed. When you sign up to bring bananas, we ask that you bring 15 bananas. !
□ I can bring 15 bananas
! □ I can bring 30 bananas!
Bread 5 loaves of wheat bread, 5 loaves of white bread are needed. !
□ I can bring 2 loaves of wheat
□ I can bring 5 loaves of wheat !
□ I can bring 2 loaves of white!
□ I can bring 5 loaves of white!
Margarine We need 45oz of margarine. !
□ I will bring 45oz of margarine!
Shredded Cheddar Cheese We need 5lb of cheese.!
□ I can bring 1lb of cheese ! !
□ I can bring 2lb of cheese !
Fritos We need 3 large bags.!
□ I can bring 1 bag ! !
□ I can bring 2 bags!
Return this form in collecon plate or Parish Office by Monday, January 26, or contact: !
Bring ALL items to the LINK kitchen located at !
First Chrisan Church, 1000 Kentucky St. on December 30, between 12:0012:30 p.m.!
Check mark what you can do to help
Servers 9 volunteers needed. There are two shiNs available. !
11:30am2:00pm prep work and serving!
12:45pm2:30pm serving and clean up!
Help in the Kitchen 5 volunteers needed. There are two types of jobs available. !
12:30pm3:00pm dish washing!
12:30pm3:00pm gopher/mul tasker!
Quesons? Contact Vicki McMurray,!
Cannot help with this LINK?
That’s okay because there is
another opportunity coming
on Tuesday, March 31st .!
Prayer List
The “Prayer List” includes the most recent
informaon that the Simon Parish Center has
about a parishioner and/or their family member.
Contact the Simon Parish Center to request
someone for the “Prayer List” and be sure to
update the Parish Center monthly regarding
their condion or the name will be removed. Frank Acinger
Sarah Burrichter
Kelly Cash, friend of Sue Fincham
Emery Corrigan, father of Connie Finnegan
Sr. Maureen Fagan, sister of Paula Peterson!
Sco? Fox
Jim Freund
Maxine Haller, mother of Susan Tabor!
Debbie Heath
Gene Hieman
Edna Holmes, mother of Lois Mersmann!
Mary James, mother of Connie Garcia!
Dan Koehler, grandfather of Megan Barr !
Mariel Lister Diana Ma?hews Mildred Mi?leton
Ma?hew Perry, friend of Fred and Lois !
Ernie Po?s
Josephine M. Ramirez Sawyer Winson
Ministers: Jan. 17-18
7:30am!!Maurice Wustefeld†!
4:30pm !!L1: J Snyder; L2: B Augusto!
7:30am!!Chris na Lee!
7am !L1: J Finch, L2: C Zebas!
8:30am !!L1: T Dowd, L2: J Wyatt!
10:30am !!L1: L Leroux Smith, L2: W Smith!
5pm!!L1: A Hill, L2: C Dominguez!
7:30am!!Charles and Anna Laskowski†!
Collec on for the weekend of Jan. 34!
(this includes year!end gis)
Fiscal year total (7/1/141/4/15):!
If you would like an easier way to manage
your giving to St. John, consider Online Giving.!
Contact Cris at (785) 843!0109 for details.!
Men’s Retreat
There are seven places le for the weekend
retreat at Benedicne Abbey in Atchison the
weekend of January 23!25. If you’ve been
thinking about the need or desire to deepen
your relaonship with God, this is a perfect
opportunity for you. !
Short presentaons will be followed by me
for personal reflecon and small group
We will parcipate in the
Benedicne daily roune of the Liturgy of the
Hours and meals with the monks. !
The retreat will begin at 6:00 pm on Friday and
conclude at 1:00 pm Sunday. Contact Mike
Maude at (785) 554!8393 or by email at
informaon or to register.!
Page 5 •
7:30am!!Anna Cienciala† !
7:30am!!Yoshi (Mori) Jahn†!
4:30pm !!K Beisner!
7am !M Steichen!
8:30am !!A Koster!
Eucharis9c Ministers
Contact: Charlo/e Burke!
(785) 3129025!
[email protected]!
8am!!Jim O’Toole†!
4:30pm!!Mildred Brill†!
7:00am!!Fr. Vincent Chu†!
8:30am!!Ernie Po/s!
10:30am!!Benedict Lee !
1:00pm (Spanish) !For the Parish!
5:00pm!!Chris na Yoon!
Sophia Center
Living With The Grief Of Suicide
Altar Servers
Weekly Giving
Masses: January 12-18
4:30pm!!B Thomas, E GrobFrench!
8:30am!!T Kempf, T Kempf!
10:30am!!E Bial, C & E Gabrielson!
5pm!!B Diers, K Oneslager!
Dining for Women
The Lawrence Dining for Women chapter will
meet for dinner on Tuesday, January 20th at
6pm in the Villas clubhouse. The Villas
clubhouse address is 5630 Villa Drive.!
Dining for Women is a dinner giving circle.
We “dine in” together once a month or so,
each bringing a dish to share and our “dining
out” dollars are sent to interna onal
programs empowering women and girls. It is
a wonderful way to meet other women in the
community while suppor ng a cri cal cause.
Our second fall dinner will be February 17th.!
Join us for this month’s program: Equipping
and Empowering Female Leaders in Jordan.!
Bring a friend and join us for incredible food
and fellowship as we change the world one
dinner at a me!!
To learn more about this month’s program or
our organiza on go to
or contact Ann Chapman at (785) 8656876 or
[email protected]. !
Thursday, January 22; 9:00 am 4:00 pm
Sophia Spirituality Center (Atchison, KS)
Suicide grips hearts and minds with a vice that
will not let go, and with feelings of
overwhelming sadness, grief and loss. Come
join cer fied grief counselor, Sister Lore/a
McGuire, OSB, for a day of sharing. !
For more informa on or to register, call 913
3606151 or visit Sophia Spirituality Center’s
website at www.sophiaspiritualitycenter!
Knights of Columbus
The next Knights of
Columbus Meeng will
be Thursday, Feb. 12.
Social and dinner,
Knights, beginning at
6:30 p.m.
begins at 7:30 p.m.
Locaon is St. Bosco
Room within the St.
John School. !
Council meengs are held the 2nd Thursday of
each month. !
Anybody interested in becoming a Knight
should contact Grand Knight Duane Boor: (785) 856!7157.
On the first Friday of each month, the Knights
of Columbus host a rosary in St. John Church
at 6:30 p.m. All are invited to a7end! !
St. John the Evangelist • Lawrence, Kansas
Avisos en Español!
Maria J. Mota | Animadora | (785) 2181511!
11 de Enero de 2015!
Cada Lunes: 8:00 p.m. !
Por nuestras necesidades y por las de quien amamos. !
Ven, te espero, cada lunes en la iglesia.!
Platicas Pre-Bautismales
Pla cas para bau zar son cada 1er Sábado del mes.!
Hora: 6:00pm a 9:00pm, En la escuela parroquial. No traer niños.!
Trae tus latas de aluminio y ayuda a tu parróquia, por un mundo más
limpio, déjalas por favor por atrás de la oficina. Para María Mota.!
¿Te gusta cantar? ¿Tocas algún instrumento musical, o te gustaría
aprender? Ven a prac car con nosotros, comunícate al (785) 2181511.!
Levántate Católico
Escuche 24 horas cada día la Radio Católica por medio de Internet.
Entre en el portal de “Levántate Católico” y pulse donde dice “en vivo”.
Este programa es un proyecto de la Parroquia de Our Lady of Unity del
barrio Argen ne en KCK. Recientemente el Sr. Arzobispo bendijo las
instalaciones de la radio y dio su apoyo y felicitaciones invitando a los
hispanos de la Arquidiócesis a conectarse.!
La Fe Se Puede Alimentar
Hermano, a veces te sientes triste o con necesidad de Dios, ven yo te
puedo acompañar a orar, nos podemos ver en la Iglesia o en la oficina.
Estoy para ayudarte. Oro por todos, bendiciones María Mota.!
El Bausmo del Señor!
! Peregrinos de todas partes del mundo llegan al Rio Jordán
para vivir la experiencia de sumergirse en las santas aguas con la
esperanza de sanar. A la misma vez buscan hacer memoria del
lugar sagrado donde fue bau2zado el Señor Jesús. También
Marcos nos indica que mediante su bau2smo Jesús inicia su
misión. Su vida silenciosa de Nazaret termina, y da comienzo su
ac2vidad mesiánica. La voz del Padre lo asegura dándole la
gracia de cumplir su voluntad a lo largo de su ministerio.
Comparado con los otros Evangelios, el de Marcos presenta a un
Jesús que sana y predica en Galilea, además de tratar de explicar
a los cris2anos de la primera generación quién fue y sigue siendo
Jesús. ¿De qué forma nosotros, los bau2zados, mostramos a
Jesús a las nuevas generaciones? Y cabe que nos hagamos
además esta otra pregunta: ¿Me siento hijo(a) de Dios? ¿Cómo
se complace él en mí?!
! "Tú eres mi Hijo amado" (Mc 1, 11). Ahora nos toca a
nosotros caminar por el mundo haciendo el bien, tal como lo
hizo Cristo. Ahora es el 2empo de iniciar una relación ín2ma con
el Padre, igual como Jesús lo hizo. Ya es 2empo que seamos
responsables de hacer presente el Reino de Dios en la 2erra.
¡Basta ya de guerra y de injus2cia! ¡Basta ya de flojera y de
aprovecharnos de los más débiles! Ahora es un nuevo comienzo
y el 2empo ordinario es el camino propicio para ello. Al celebrar
hoy tu bau2smo, Señor, ayúdanos a responder a los impulsos del
Espíritu Santo para aportar a los demás lo bueno que tenemos
en nosotros.!
Comunion Para Enfermos
Enfermos en el hospital o en casa que necesiten recibir la comunión y
no puedan asis r a la iglesia comunicarse con Lilly Romero al (785) 393
3224 o con Carlos Otero al (785) 3315947!
Gratis Clase de Yoga en Español
Yoga es un po de ejercicio que puede beneficiar el cuerpo y reducir el
estrés. Los lunes 5:306:30 p.m. Departamento de salud Piso 2, Sala C !
Mujeres la nas de 18 años o más. Hable a MariaAna !
(7858565335) si enes alguna pregunta.!
Proyecto Raquel & Jose
Este programa es de apoyo y sanación para toda persona que sufre
trastornos emocionales y de fe a causa del aborto, la muerte de un ser
querido, violencia domés ca, enfermedad, etc... Para mayor
información llame a las personas de contacto arriba mencionadas o a la
Hna. María Orozco, asesora del programa, al (913) 2816644.!
Para las parroquias de Johnson County: los lunes de 7:009:00 pm en la
Iglesia de Holy Cross (Overland Park, KS, contacto: Ludys (913) 748
1836). !
Para las parroquias de Wyando/e County: los martes de 7:009:00pm
en las oficinas del Ministerio Hispano (2215 Parallel Ave., KCK, contacto
Ismelda Marroquín (913) 2447145). !
Page 6 •
Lecturas para la semana del 11 de enero de 2015!
Domingo:! Is 55, 111 o Is 42, 14. 67/1 Jn 5, 19 !
! !
o Hch 10, 3438/Mc 1, 711!
Lunes:! !
Heb 1, 16/Mc 1, 1420!
Heb 2, 512/Mc 1, 2128!
Heb 2, 1418/Mc 1, 2939!
Heb 3, 714/Mc 1, 4045!
Heb 4, 15. 11/Mc 2, 112!
Heb 4, 1216/Mc 2, 1317!
Domingo siguiente:! 1 Sm 3, 310. 19/1 Cor 6, 1315. 1720/!
! !
Jn 1, 3542!
St. John the Evangelist • Lawrence, Kansas
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Contact Lindsay Meyer to place
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[email protected]
FOR AD INFO CALL Lindsay Meyer at 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM
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12-29-2014 08:43:50
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Brian C. Wilkerson, D.D.S.
Michelle Saunders, D.D.S.
Justin R. Anderson, D.D.S.
Lesley R. Nellor, D.D.S.
Family Practice & Walk-In Medical Care
3131 A Niedor Rd
Next to Super Target
Ronald Burt, MD • David Dunlap, MD
831 Vermont Street
2323 Ridge Court, Lawrence
(off 23rd, next to USBank near Iowa)
Dr. Jake Letourneau, O.D.
Adult & Pediatric Eye Care
Evening & Saturday Hours
1107 N. 1712 Rd.
Lawrence KS 66049
831 Vermont Street
Residential • Commercial
Patrick and Susie Brooks, Parishioners
Steve Scaletty
Financial Advisor
[email protected]
Securities and Advisory Services offered through
Client One Securities, LLC. Member FINRA & SIPC
and an Investment Advisor. Secure Financial Services, Inc.
and Client One Securities, LLC are not affiliated.
Insurance and discounts subject to terms, conditions and availability. Allstate Vehicle and Property Insurance Company, Allstate Fire and Casualty
Insurance Company. Life insurance and annuities issued by Lincoln Benefit Life Company, Lincoln, NE, Allstate Life Insurance Company, Northbrook,
IL, and American Heritage Life Insurance Company, Jacksonville, FL. In New York, Allstate Life Insurance Company of New York, Hauppauge, NY.
Northbrook, IL. © 2010 Allstate Insurance Company.
Ted & Colleen Walker, Independent Distributors
(785) 691.7478 Ted • (785) 691.5556 Colleen
Enhance your personal, professional
and business relationships with Send Out Cards.
Thank • Acknowledge • Motivate • Inspire
Never underestimate the power of an unexpected card!
Email: [email protected] •
Brent T. Crandon, O.D.
Elizabeth J. Crandon, O.D.
Knights of Columbus Hall
& Columbus Club
Committed to Quality Eye Care
for Children & Adults
Full Range of Fine Eyewear
“Our Family Serving Your Family”
midwestern pub fare / fresh, local ingredients
30 beers on tap
Open daily for lunch and dinner
by parishioners TK & Emily Peterson
Teresa Mulinazzi Kempf, CFP®
(785) 843-3844
1019 Massachusetts
Our hall is available for rent.
Call (785) 842-2699
for details.
Financial Advisor
Tel: 785-841-4561
Fax: 785-841-4581
[email protected]
Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc.
Home care for Seniors
• Transportation
• Meals at home or
eat-out companion
• Housekeeping and shopping
• Companionship and socializing
• Personal advocacy with doctors and hospice
• Expertise with Alzheimer’s and Dementia care
• Coordination of care, medicine and home safety
A Network of successful solutions for agingat-home and nursing home advocacy since 1997.
Lawrence Helpers provides nonmedical services
and is locally well known and not a franchise.
PO Box 1797 • Lawrence, KS 66044
Over 80 Years of Combined Plumbing Experience
900 Massachusetts St.
Ste. 403
Lawrence, KS. 66044
Residential, Commercial, Service, Parts
Call 785-842-5203
Richard Valbuena,
Kelly Joice,
Ph: 785-856-8600
Many Helpers are altruistic students of nursing,
experienced CNA’s, life long care providers and
committed to personal care excellence.
Kasey Cory, Owner & Parishioner
(785) 331-5850 •
24-Hour Emergency Service
Anything Electric | Service and Repair
Residential or Commercial
General &
Design/Build Contractor,
Serving Lawrence For 20 Years
Visit our website at:
323 • Fax: 78
[email protected]
901 New Hampshire St., Ste 201
Lawrence, KS 66044
4840 Bob Billings Pkwy., Ste. 1010
Lawrence, KS 66049
Get Lynn On The Line.
• Pre & Post Operative Treatment• Back & Neck Pain • Joint Pain
• Dizziness • Motor Vehicle Accidents• Chronic Pain • Wellness Activities
535 Gateway Dr. • Lawrence, KS 66049 PARISHIONER
(785) 331-0106
Offering new and used, heavy and medium duty truck sales.
Parts, service and on-site fleet maintenance and repairs.
We sell and service all makes & models.
Serving the Topeka and Lawrence areas with delivery available.
MHC Kenworth - Topeka
209 NW MacVicar Avenue
Topeka, KS 66606
McDonald’s of Lawrence Proudly
Supports St. John Catholic Church
Jake Weeks
Branch Manager
[email protected]
for all
Complimentary Initial
Orthodontic Evaluation
Auto • Home • Business • Life
Justin Cordova
[email protected]
Established 1931
Social Media | Web & Mobile App Development | [email protected]
4910 Corporate Centre Dr., Ste. 100
Lawrence, KS 66047
A 4C 02-0543
12-29-2014 08:43:50

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