Classic Newsletter 2 - Jenks Public Schools


Classic Newsletter 2 - Jenks Public Schools
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January 2015
Dear Families,
Be on the look-out for our first annual Penguin Plunge. West Intermediate will be participating
in our version of the jog-a-thon this year. This event will be held at West Intermediate on
February 5th for our 5th graders and February 6th for 6th graders. With the cold weather,
students will have a walking/jogging trail that will be partially indoors and partially outdoors
(hence the PLUNGE). All students will collect individual sponsorship/donations to directly support our PTAG with
the costs of the 5th grade Zoo trips and 6th grade Jenks Wild. In addition to the Penguin
Plunge, students will be allowed to purchase an opportunity to compete in the Westley Waddle
with a partner. WHAT IS THE WESTLEY WADDLE YOU ASK? Well in teams of two, students will try to
complete an obstacle course as they try to "waddle" in a t-shirt together. There will be a
drawing for prizes for those who complete in the obstacle course. HOW CAN YOU HELP? Each homeroom has a goal of raising $600.00, that is roughly
$25.00 per student. Please help your child gather sponsorships to equal or exceed the $25.00
Student envelopes for sponsorship/donations will be sent home on January 15th, 2015 and are
due back to homeroom teachers January 30th, 2015.
Mollie Mills
Assistant Principal
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January 2015
Counselor's Corner: Tips for Parents on Cyberbullying
Ms. Morris' guidance
lesson for the month of
January is on
Cyberbullying and
Intrrnet Safety. The
following tips are from
Boys & Girls Clubs of
1. Talk with your child
about cyberbullying. Use
a story in the news as a
conversation starter. Ask
him whether he knows
someone who’s been
2. Tell your child to talk to
an adult she trusts if something she sees online makes her uncomfortable, scared or
angry. Prepare ahead of time what you’ll say and do if your child comes to you with an
online problem. Kids are afraid that if they mention a problem, their Internet privileges will
be taken away. But you want your child to talk to you about these issues. By preparing
ahead of time, you won’t overreact.
3. Talk with your child about being respectful online. Not only do you want to help your
child if he is being bullied, you also want to make sure he isn’t bullying others. Model
good online behaviors for your child and remind him not to say anything online that he
wouldn’t say to someone in person.
4. Watch for signs your child might be being cyberbullied. Has her attitude toward
technology changed? Did she once enjoy being online and now doesn’t? Has her attitude
toward school changed? Have her grades dropped? Has her behavior toward her friends
5. Talk with other parents about cyberbullying. Work with your school to develop a safe,
positive environment for all young people in the school and neighborhood.
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January 2015
News from the Nurse's Office...
Flu Symptom Reminder:
I know most of you have been inundated with more information than you ever thought you could process about the flu.
We all know it is imperative to wash our hands and cover our nose and mouth when we cough or sneeze. The only
confusion still apparent is about the symptoms of flu.
This is just a quick check list of TRUE flu symptoms in the order of most common occurrence:
1. Headache
2. Cough
3. High fever (100 to 104 usual)
4. Extreme body aches
5. Lethargy
6. Watery eyes
7. Uncommonly , Nausea and vomiting ( This has been seen most often in children)
These symptoms normally come is rapid succession.
If you or any member of your family has these symptoms, STAY HOME!!! Students should not return to school until
they are fever free for 24 hours. Call your Dr. for care instructions.
Remember, the best defense against flu is to get a Flu Shot. Even though there is a chance you might contract a flu
virus strain not covered by the shot, , the symptoms are usually diminished, and the viral duration is shorter.
If your child has been diagnosed by a doctor, it is helpful for us to have that information phoned into our site so that we
can also keep accurate records of officially diagnosed flu cases.
Recordatorio de los Síntomas de la Influenza:
Sabemos que la mayoría de ustedes han recibido mucho más información de lo que ustedes pensaron que podrían
procesar en relación a la influenza. Todos sabemos que es imperativo lavarse las manos y cubrirse la nariz y la boca
cuando se tose o se estornuda. La única confusión aparente es acerca de los síntomas de la influenza. Esta es sólo una
lista de chequeo de los verdaderos síntomas de la influenza en el orden de aparición más común:
Dolor de Cabeza
Fiebre alta (desde 100 hasta 104 usualmente)
Dolor fuertes en el cuerpo
Ojos llorosos
Náuseas y vómito, inusualmente (Esto se ha visto con mayor frecuencia en niños)
Estos síntomas normalmente se desarrollan rápidamente.
Si usted o alguno de los miembros de su familia tiene estos síntomas, ¡!!QUEDESE EN CASA!!! Los estudiantes no
deben regresar a la escuela hasta que estén sin de fiebre por lo menos en un período de 24 horas.Comuníquese con el
doctor para recibir instrucciones de cuidado.
Recuerde, la mejor defensa en contra de la Influenza es a través de la vacuna de la Influenza. A pesar de que hay una
posibilidad de que usted contraiga el virus de la Influenza porque no hubo protección completamente de la vacuna, los
síntomas son usualmente menores, y la duración del virus es más corta.
Si su hijo ha sido diagnosticado por un doctor, es útil para nosotros tener esa información a través de una llamada
telefónica a nuestra escuela, para poder tener registros precisos de los casos diagnosticados de la Influenza de manera
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January 2015
Save the Date! March 3
Are you smarter than a fifth grader?
Come learn how to help your child be successful on the state
Parent Survey Coming in January!
This year, Jenks Public Schools will conduct an online parent survey through the
National Center for School Leadership. The goal of the survey to give parents
the opportunity to provide feedback on a variety of topics including school
quality, opportunities for involvement, effectiveness of communication and
other key topics.
What do we hope to learn from this survey? The National Center for School
Leadership Parent Engagement Survey provides information about our district’s
performance and how our performance compares to that of other districts. The
data collected will help schools and the district identify areas of strength as well
as opportunities for improvement.
Look for a link to the online survey from your student’s school in late January,
and thanks in advance for helping us better serve you and your student.
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January 2015
Canned Food Drive
Remember, the canned food drive is still in progress. It will continue through January.
For those of you who have sent food items, thank you for your generosity. For those
who have not, please consider a donation of food items.
Dates to Remember
January 19 - No school
January 29 - Collaboration Day, school begins at 9:40
January 30 - Freckles Friday - Bring $2!
February 4 - PTAG Meeting @ noon
February 5 - Polar Plunge for 5th Grade
February 6 - Polar Plunge for 6th Grade
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January 2015
Jenks West Intermediate invites you to become
Partners in Wellness
This year we are hosting a Penguin Plunge and Westley Waddle for our wellness event. Our hope is that you
will want to partner with us in promoting health and wellness for intermediate age students. All students will be participating in the Penguin Plunge, much like a jog-a-thin, students will start indoors
and then PLUNGE outside for a portion of the course. We will also be hosting a Westley Waddle, in which teams of TWO will complete an obstacle course while
sharing one T-shirt. All efforts are designed to promote healthy and fit living. HOW CAN YOU HELP?
We will greatly appreciate any dollar amount of sponsorship you are willing to donate. For a donation of
$200 Your name/logo will be placed on a banner outside of JWI announcing you as a Partner in Wellness with JWI. The banner will remain in place from February 2015 to
February 2016. Logo and donation must be received by February 1, 2015. $300 Your name/logo will be placed on the back of our T-shirts. Your name/logo will be placed on a banner outside of JWI announcing you as a Partner in Wellness with JWI. Because of the T-shirt deadline, the logo and donation
must be received by January 20, 2015. Business/Companny Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Contact Name: __________________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: _________________________________________________________________________________
E-mail: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Donation Amounr: ______________________________________________________________________________
Return form and payment to:
Mollie Mills, Assistant Principal JWI Jenks West Intermediate
Email: [email protected]
Attention: Mollie Mills
Phone: 918-299-4415 ext. 2910 205 E. "B" St
Jenks, OK 74037

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