the week in our parish the week in our parish pastor`s corner


the week in our parish the week in our parish pastor`s corner
SATURDAY September 10
1pm Avalos- Garay Wedding
3-4pm Reconciliation - Church
4:30 Mass [Shirley Stricker]
SUNDAY, September 11
8:30 Mass [Mafalda “Mary “ Mitchell]
9:30 RCIA - Dayton House
9:45 PREP BEGINS-Fenmont
11:00 Mass [The Parish Family]
1:00 Misa en Español
MONDAY, September 12
12:00 Mass [ Charles Groh ]
7:00 St. Vincent de Paul - Office
TUESDAY, September 13
8:00 Mass [Laverne Preston]
7:00 Family Promise Meeting—Dayton House
WEDNESDAY, September 14
8:00 Holy Communion Service
6:30 VIRTUS Class-Fenmont
7:00 BINGO- Fenmont
7:00 Spanish Choir Practice-Church
THURSDAY, September 15
8:00 Mass [Mafalda “Mary “ Mitchell]
7:00 RCIA Inquiry Class-Dayton House
7:00 Choir Practice - Church
September 11, 2016
I want to remind you of
the beautiful blessing for
the child in the womb.
We regularly schedule
this blessing at the 1:00
Mass. At other Masses
anyone can request the
blessing if you give me a
call a week or so beforehand. Usually it is done
at Sunday Mass after the
Prayer after Communion.
We invite any pregnant couple or mother to come forward.
It is a way to assure young parents that the entire Parish is
keeping them in prayer. If you know someone who is pregnant, please tell them of this special blessing. Even if the
mother is not Catholic, we would be happy to extend the
blessing to her.
I shared my thoughts on today’s anniversary in last week’s
bulletin. Suffice it to say that prayer for peace is always appropriate.
FRIDAY, September 16
8:00 Mass [ Rita Bradley]
7:00 ESL Class - Fenmont
SATURDAY September 17
Hike for Hospice
9:00 Spanish Baptism Class - Fenmont
9:00 English Baptism Class - Church Office
3-4pm Reconciliation - Church
4:30 Mass [Josephine Osso+]
SUNDAY, September 18 Catechetical Sunday
8:30 Mass [The Parish Family]
9:30 RCIA - Dayton House
9:45 PREP - Fenmont
11:00 Mass [Rita Lowell Hoelle]
1:00 Misa en Español
We are called to proclaim God’s abundant love
for all people. Become an instrument of that
love. Our world needs you! (Luke 15:1-32)
Readings for the Week of September 11, 2016
Sunday Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Ex 32:7-11, 13-14;
Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 17, 19; 1 Tm 1:12-17; Lk 15:1-32 or 15:1-10
Monday The Most Holy Name of Mary: 1 Cor 11:17-26, 33; Ps 40:7-8a,
8b-9, 10, 17; Lk 7:1-10
Tuesday St John Chrysostom, Bishop & Doctor of the Church: 1 Cor 12:1214, 27-31a; Ps 100:1b-2, 3, 4, 5; Lk 7:11-17
Wednesday The Exalta.on of the Holy Cross: Nm 21:4b-9; Ps 78:1bc-2,
34-35, 36-37, 38; Phil 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17
Thursday Our Lady of Sorrows 1 Cor 15:1-11; Ps 118:1b-2, 16ab-17, 28;
Jn 19:25-27 or Lk 2:33-35
Friday Saints Cornelius, Pope, and Cyprian, Bishop, Martyrs
1 Cor 15:12-20; Ps 17:1bcd, 6-7, 8b, and 15; Lk 8:1-3
Saturday St Robert Bellarmine, Bishop & Doctor of the Church
1 Cor 15:35-37, 42-49; Ps 56:10c-12, 13-14; Lk 8:4-15
Sunday Twenty-Fi1h Sunday in Ordinary Time: Am 8:4-7;
Ps 113:1-2, 4-6, 7-8; 1 Tm 2:1-8; Lk 16:1-13 or 16:10-13
July 2016-June 2017 Weekly Collection Review
Collection September 4, 2016
Adult Envelopes Received
Regular Collection Goal:
Regular Collection Received
Over/Under Goal:
YTD Regular Collection Goal:
YTD Regular Collection Received
YTD Over/Under Goal:
Lost sheep. Lost coin. Lost child.
Losing a possession is one thing.
Losing one’s way is something else.
Today’s examples: (1) The people of
Exodus so lost their way to God, they
turned to a molten calf of their own
design. Worshiping something that is
not God is idolatry, is deep down
infidelity, is mistrust of God. Moses pleads for these s6ffnecked people. And God relents; God does not punish. (2)
The prodigal son thought owning things and going far off
was the way to live. He comes to his senses and returns
home and finds his father – filled with compassion –
running to embrace him. The point: it is God’s very nature
to relent, to exude compassion, to run to us, to love.
• How can I be like God today?
• For whom will I plead today?
• Whom will I run to embrace?
September 11, 2016
PREP Registration
Please turn in your registration forms
for our PREP. Classes begin
THISWEEKEND on Sept. 11! We
ask you to fill out the forms NOW and
get them to the Parish Office or the
orange box in the Church Entrance.
Tell your family, neighbors and friends! There is so much
GOOD NEWS to SHARE! Classes are from 9:45 am to
10:45 am so families can attend Mass before or after class.
Call Mary Pat Austing or Pilar Hernandez with any
questions: 863-1040.
PREP SUBSTITUTE Catechists Needed Our Sunday
morning catechists need a sub every once in a while. Could
you help with this? Contact Mary Pat Austing to offer your
help. [email protected]. You will receive training and
VIRTUS – Child Protection Training
Remember to read your monthly article. Thank you for your
service to our youth!
DATE: Sunday, Sept. 25 –
Noted Author and Humorist
Jeanne Hunt will be speaking
about: “Raising a Moral Child”.
Common Sense goes a long way!
9:45 am-10:45 am at St. Julie
Billiart. All Grandparents,
Godparents, parents, aunts,
uncles, coaches, scout leaders,
etc. are encouraged to come! We
promise you’ll be glad you came!
PREP Begins THIS Weekend! Watch for
CHILDREN in the parking lot as families
bring their children to the Fenmont!
St. Julie Billiart Parish
Saturday, Sept. 17 at Hospice of Hamilton
Infant Baptism Preparation
Saturday, September 17, 2016
9 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Anyone can join our team to hike with us or join as
a virtual hiker and donate. Post hike activities include
lunch, raffle, music & entertainment. Event will take
place rain or shine; donning rain slickers or sunglasses! Registration Fee $30 Join Team St. Julie Billiart!!
Go to to register & join the
Parking will be available at:
Hospice of Hamilton,
1010 Eaton Avenue, Hamilton, OH 45013
Are you expecting a baby this year? Do you have a child
younger than 7 years old who hasn’t been baptized yet? If
so, you and your child’s godparents will need to attend our
parish baptism preparation class. Baptism preparation classes are scheduled for the 3rd Saturday of the month. To
register for the class, please contact Mary Richter at 8631040, ext. 17
Family Promise of Butler County is now open to serve
homeless families of Butler County. Families stay
overnight at a different house of worship each week and
during the daytime they stay at the Day Center located in
Hamilton. Family Promise is staffed with one Director and
so volunteers are needed throughout the week and on the
weekends at the Day Center to help support the program.
Day Center coverage is from 9-1 or 1-5 each day. A
background check and training will be provided to all
If you are looking for a way to serve others, please consider
this opportunity to support those in need in our community.
To find out more, please contact Sharon at 513-404-1560 to
Day Center Donations:
You can sign up for these items by going to
The following are items that the Day Center will continually need:
Laundry detergent and dryer sheets; toilet paper, paper towels,
Kleenex, trash bags, bleach, clip clothespins, office supplies
(pens, pencils, paper clips, tape, etc), copy paper, diapers and
baby wipes, cleaning supplies (toilet bowl cleaner, furniture
polish, window cleaner, tub and tile cleaners, all purpose cleaner),
dishwashing liquid, light bulbs, batteries, feminine hygeine
products. thank you.
Embodying the Sacred in Birth –
Day of Reflec.on for Women
October 4, 2016 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Arrupe Building
This program invites you to connect with your body in a spiritual
way as you prepare to give birth or reflect on your past experience of giving birth. While our culture focuses on birth as a medical event, you will discover it as a sacred body process.
Peg Conway interweaves her combined background as a childbirth educator, doula, writer, mother of three, and woman of
faith to create this innova6ve program based on her
book Embodying the Sacred: A Spiritual Prepara on for Birth,
published in 2012. The cost is $50 Refreshments will be served. To
register, call (513) 248-3500 ext. 10, or e-mail reserva6ons For more
informa6on about programs at the Center, visit
September 11, 2016
Luke 15:1-32
We are blessed with a God of love and mercy, a God
of second chances. We have an opportunity to start
over each time we seek forgiveness and wish to reconcile our relationship with Jesus and others.
This is also the day we remember, September 11,
2001. The sights and sounds of that day may or may
not be etched into your memory, but the stories are
with all of us if we tune into media on this day. Let
those memories lead to actions of advocating for peace
and reconciliation.
Lord Jesus, giver mercy and reconciliation, help me to
experience the change that comes with forgiveness;
the hope and peace of the resurrection. Remember in
prayer today all those who mourn the losses of
September 11, 2001, that they may experience relief
through the love and mercy of God and the people
who love them.
If you have not celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation recently, please prayerfully consider celebrating
it this week. If you regularly celebrate the sacrament,
consider reflecting on one repetitive sin in your life.
What leads to that sinful behavior? What steps can be
taken to help you turn away from that behavior.
Parent Education
Parenting is a highly rewarding but very demanding
In our Butler County offices, Catholic Charities
offers a variety of courses to help parents increase
their knowledge of child development, develop appropriate discipline skills, and otherwise improve the relationship with their children. One such course runs for
six weeks and is designed for parents of children 12
years of age and younger. Classes are taught by
experienced instructors who are parents themselves
and the cost is $80. There is another class for older
children and teens called the Parent Project. For more
information about the next classes call Anna Weber at
September 11, 2016
All parishioners, individuals and families are
encouraged to watch the inspiring movie of her
life FREE with our parish subscription to
Formed. Just visit Join us as our parish family learns about this great saint whose work
among the poorest of the poor in Calcutta won her
the Nobel Peace
Prize. The many
small miracles,
great charity and
humble triumphs of
Mother Teresa will
inspire us all.
Our Parish
Code is
Check it out!
Using FORMED with the Liturgical Calendar
Healing Retreat
September 23 - 25, 2016
Project Rachel is a Post-Abortive Healing
Ministry in the Catholic Church.
For many, it takes weeks, months or even years to
come to terms with the feelings you are experiencing. By acknowledging the connection between a
role played in an abortion experience, and your present emotions, you have taken the first step in
Take the next step and call our confidential
helpline: (513) 784-0531 Since 1994 Project Rachel has ministered to women and men who have
lost a child through abortion. The Family and Respect Life Office is offering a Retreat from Friday
September 23 through Sunday afternoon, September 25th. We invite you to: "Look into your heart,
listen to the voice of God. Help yourself by accepting His love and forgiveness." For more information
or registration, please call the Family and Respect
Life Office at 513.421.3131x2620 or 937-222-0227.
There is no charge; a free will offering will be accepted.
Saturday October 1 & November 5 10-11am
Celeste Swanson, Public Services Librarian,
The Lane Libraries ~
300 North 3rd Street, Hamilton, Ohio 45011
[email protected]
September 4 - Blessed Mother Teresa
Audio: Mary: Handmaid of the Lord, Face of God
September 8 - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Audio: Praying the Rosary Like Never Before
September 12 - Holy Name of Mary
Symbolon Knowing the Faith- Session 9, Mary and the
September 14 - Exaltation of the Holy Cross
St. Ann Catholic Church
3064 Pleasant Ave, Hamilton OH
Book: The Kiss of Jesus
September 15 - Our Lady of Sorrows
Audio: Drawing Strength from Our Lady of Sorrows
September 21 - St. Matthew, Apostle & Evangelist
Lectio: Evangelization
September 23 - St. Pio of Petrelcina
Movie: Padre Pio, Miracle Man
September 26 - Blessed Paul VI
Movie: Paul VI, The Pope and the Tempest
September 29 - Sts. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael,
Book: Angels and Saints, What Do We Know About Them?
Did you know that there are still many counties in
the United States that don't have a Catholic parish? Join us for the "Come and See Mission Trip"
and learn about the exciting ministry of Glenmary
Home Missioners in these mission areas. "Come
and See Mission Trip" is on October 21-23. It's for
men ages 15-19 and is free to attend. Please call
our vocations office at 513-881-7494 for more info.
11 de Septiembre, 2016
Acompañenos todos los
Jueves, tenemos un gr upo
de Oración en el Fenmont
de 7:30-8:30pm.
El 29 de Septiembre celebraremos a San Miguel!
Misa a las 7pm.
Convivio en el Fenmont
después de misa.
Necesitamos voluntarios y
donaciones de comida para el convivio, si está interesado en ayudar o participar por favor comuniquese
con Elvia Dolores (513) 372-5562.
Acompañenos a Hora Santa de Adoración del
Santísimo Sacramento!
Hora Santa Bilingüe el 20 de Septiembre, 18 de Octubre, 15 de Noviembre, 20 de Diciembre,17 de Enero, 21
de Febrero. Los esperamos de 7-8pm en la Iglesia.
Gracias, Padre en los cielos, por este
mundo que has creado y por la vida
que me has dado. Gracias por enviar
a tu Único Hijo para ser nuestro Salvador. Gracias por la gracia de tu
Espíritu Santo quien me ayuda a superar mis pecados y faltas
y a vivir más plenamente como tu hijo o hija.
Juntos con mis hermanos y hermanas en Cristo en la parroquia de Santa Julia Billiart, te pido que nos fortalezas en la fe,
la esperanza, y la caridad, y que nos guíes mientras atraemos
a otros más cerca de ti. Úsanos a llevarle al pueblo de Hamilton la presencia curativa y la misericordia de Jesús y la alegría de vida en el Espíritu. Ayúdanos a amarles como tú les
amas. Nunca nos retengas tu gracia y ayuda. Amen
El Santo Rosario
Los invitamos a rezar con nosotros el Santo Rosario todos
los Domingos a las 12:30pm
antes de la Misa de la 1:00pm.
Acompañenos a rezar por las Vocaciones.
Recordemos con esperanza las palabras del
Señor Jesús:
“Les aseguro que si dos de ustedes se ponen
de acuerdo en la tierra para pedir algo, se lo
dará mi Padre que está en los
cielos. Porque donde dos o tres
están reunidos en mi nombre,
allí estoy yo en medio de
ellos” (Mateo 18, 19-20).
Para más información por favor
comuniquese con Rosita Urcia ó
Mary Richter.
El 2 de Octubre tendremos una celebración para
recibir a nuestros hermanos en Cristo de Oaxaca.
El Padre Domingo celebrará la misa en Español a la
El convivivio será en el Fenmont después de misa y
necesitamos donaciones de comida, bebidas, etc.
Si están interesados en ayudar o donar comida, por
favor comuniquese con Paulina Reyes (513) 773-1945
o Araceli Garcia (513) 816-8393.
Todos los Domingos durante PREP
de 9:45-10:45am, hay catequesis
para adultos por la Señora Marta
Todos los adultos están invitados,
no hay necesidad de tener niños en
el programa de PREP.
Para más información comuniquese con Mary Pat Austing o Pilar Hernandez.
LEER: Exodo 32:7-11, 13-14; Salmo 50;
I Timoteo 1:12-17; Lucas 15:1-32 o Lucas 15:1-10
11 de Septiembre, 2016
PREP: Programa de Educación Religiosa de la
parroquia. Se ofrece todos los Domingos desde Septiembre
hasta Abril en el Fenmont de 9:45-10:45am. Tenemos
clases desde Kinder hasta el 12 grado. Para preparación
Sacramental necesitan asistir un año completo de religión
antes del año del sacramento. Confirmación se ofrece a
cada otro año.
Llame a Mary Pat Austin o Pilar Hernandez con preguntas.
Reserven esta fecha: Domingo 25 de Septiembre: La
autora y humorista Jeanne Hunt estará con nosotros y
hablará acerca de “Criar un niño Moral” de 9:45am10:45am. Toda la familia está invitada a atender!
¿Conoce a alguien a quien el alcohol y las drogas
representan problemas en su vida?
Grupo Oxford tiene sesiones: Lunes a Sábado 7 a 9 PM
Grupos de Familia Al-Anon, Jueves y Viernes de 7-9:00pm.
Para más información por favor llame a:
(513) 614-8784
(513) 390-3825
Viernes 23 de Septiembre de 7am a 4pm
Advance Dentistry
5328 Wooster Pike Cincinnati, Ohio 45227
Atenderan según vayan llegando, por favor tengan
paciencia. Adultos solamente.
El Retiro de Fin de Semana del Encuentro
Matrimonial Mundial será el 18, 19 y 20 de
Noviembre, en la casa de retiro de Our Lady
of the Holy Spirit Center 5440 Moeller Ave.
Norwood, Ohio 45212.
Los invitamos a mejorar su relación de
pareja, mediante técnicas de comunicación que les ayuden a
conocerse más profundamente y a revitalizar su vida conyugal.
Para más información o registrarse por favor contacte a:
Alfredo y Guadalupe Barajas al (513) 227-0536
Primer Domingo del mes: Presentaciones de 3 años.
Segundo Domingo del mes: Cumpleaños.
Tercer Domingo del mes: Quinceañeras, Aniversarios.
Cuarto Domingo del mes: Bautizos.
para Padres y Padrinos serán el 17 de Septiembre de 9am12pm en el Fenmont. Registro necesario, adultos solamente.
¿Quiere Bautizar? St. Julie Billiart los recibe con los
brazos abiertos! Si está interesado en más información o
quiere saber que requisitos necesita por favor contacte a
Janet del Pilar Hernandez al (513) 863-1040 ext. 52 ó
[email protected]
SU CASA se ha mudado. La nueva
dirección es:
Mid Pointe Tower, 7162 Reading Rd,
Cincinnati, Ohio 45237.
Tel 513-761-1588.
Para Servicios Legales de Inmigración : (513) 672-3746
Lecturas de la Semana–12 al 17 de Septiembre
Lunes: I Corintios 11:17-26; Salmo 39; Lucas 7:1-10
Martes: I Corintios 12:12-14, 27-31; Salmo 99; Lucas 7:11-17
Miércoles: Nm 21:4-9; Salmo 77; Filipenses 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17
Jueves: I Corintios 15:1-11; Salmo 117; Juan 19:25-27
Viernes: I Corintios 15:12-20; Salmo 16; Lucas 8:1-3
Sábado: I Cor intios 15:35-37, 42-49; Salmo 55; Lucas 8:4-15
La Oficina de ABLE da clases de Ingles en diferentes localidades en Hamilton. Los que quieran registrarse pueden
comunicarse con la oficina de ABLE de Butler Tech al
(513) 894-0301 para más información de lugares y horas
donde recibir las clases.
Hamilton Lane Library los invita a:
Sábado 1ro de Octubre y el 5 de Noviembre de 1011am. Unos estudiantes de Ross High School presentarán cuentitos bilingües y canciones en Inglés y en
Español. También harán manualidades!!
Si tiene alguna pregunta ó necesita más información por
favor comuniquese con: Karla Eysoldt al (513) 448-8994
[email protected]

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